Planning Applications
Planning Applications PLANNING APPLICATIONS Full details of the following planning applications including plans, maps and drawings are available to view on the Planning Portal, at the Council Planning Office (Lagan Valley Island, Lisburn, BT27 4RL), by contacting 0300 200 7830 or by emailing planning@ Written comments should be submitted within the next 14 days. Please quote the application number in any correspondence and note that all representations made, including objections, will be posted on the Planning Portal. APPLICATION NO LOCATION PROPOSAL LA05/2016/0920/F Lands bounded by no.12 and 25 no. dwellings consisting of 6 no. 3 bedroom 2 25 Alveston Drive Nos. 1 to storey semi-detached houses, 12 no. 2 bedroom 15 (odds) Killynure Road and 2 storey semi-detached houses, 1 no. 2 bedroom nos. 1 to 27 (odds) and 54 to 2 storey detached house, 4 no. 2 bedroom 60 (evens) Killynure Green, apartments, 1 no. 3 bedroom wheelchair Carryduff bungalow and 1 no. 2 bedroom wheelchair bungalow with associated communal and integral parking and public open space LA05/2016/0921/F 20A Church Road, Carryduff Removal of existing play-care building. Erection of new pre-fabricated play-care building with covered veranda LA05/2016/0923/ Adjacent to 35 Edenticullo Dwelling, garage and associated site works RM Road, Hillsborough LA05/2016/0924/ Approx. 30m north of 28 Bresagh 1 no. storey and a half dwelling with RM Road, Boardmills, Lisburn, detached double garage LA05/2016/0925/F
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