Glastar Gary Wolf
July - August 2007 Recreational Aircraft Association Canada The Voice of Canadian Amateur Aircraft Builders $6.95 Jim Dadson's Glastar Gary Wolf RAA AGM and Chapter 85 FLY-IN because someone leaked confiden- no wiggle room here. Three Eastern and two BC RAA tial information to the press. RAA directors made their way to Chapter Canada lobbied for access to this Light Sport - Success 85’s fly-in, where the chapter hosted vital information, and asked that it A lot of Canadians came back the 2007 RAA AGM. The members be made available to all pilots. The from Oshkosh impressed with the were friendly, the events were well CADORS are once again available number and quality of Light Sport organized and well attended, and online, and this time even to the aircraft on offer. Cessna’s new we all enjoyed the weekend. The general public. Privately owned plane was released, and sold nearly business meeting took place in the aircraft have their idents removed 600 during the week. This number Chapter 85 clubhouse at Delta Air- from the reports, and there is a dis- is now 700 and climbing. The sales park, and the Western members claimer that all reports are prelimi- success will mean a revolution in had direct input into the operations nary and unconfirmed. You may flight training in the US. Further, of RAA Canada. We sent out a call choose the national report, or if you LAMA (Light Aircraft Manufac- for a webmaster, and it looks as if wish to collect stats, you may do a turers’ Association) is doing what someone from BC might be taking search using a keyword for various I have been requesting of our over this position.
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