Master Index
THE HAZEN ROAD DISPATCH Journal of the Greensboro, (Vt.) Historical Society INDEX 1975-2016 by Patricia L. Haslam Titles of articles with authors’ names are listed alphabetically. Subject and place names are interwoven alphabetically within the name listing. Book titles and maiden names (when applicable) have been presented in italics. Search by volume number and page — If multiple volumes are present, note the semicolon (;) to separate volumes. “2015” refers to the 40th Anniversary Anthology. (Future edits will correct redundant entries.) Abbreviations: Ch= church Co= county or company comm= committee conv= convention Crafts= Craftsbury Ctr= Center F= Fall issue Gr= Greensboro Hdwk= Hardwick Mtn= mountain Soc= Society Sp= Spring issue Su= Summer issue For Example: VOL. 01 (1975) TO VOL. 40 (2016) Articles: (by volume and page) # 4-H Club - 12:17 4-H Club - 22:27; 23:24; 26:21 A a Becket, Thomas - 23:46 A Better Chance Program - 33:3 A Midsummer Night’s Dream - 23:6 A., Mr. res. nr Shadow Lake 1937 - 27:2 A.B.C. Students Journal - 2015:51 A.D.S. Dyspepsia Tablets - 30:36 Abate, Frank R. - 21:18 Abbey, G. - 37:19; 2015:12 Abbie Winslow, 26:7 Abbot, Joseph - 37:25; 2015:34 Abel, Curtis - 13:14 Abel, Curtis A., 22:29-31 Abel, Marian - 2:12; 3:18 Abel, Marian (Felch), 22:29- 31 Abel, Marian F. - 30:53 Abenaki Indians, 24:45 Abenakis - 28:46 abolitionist - 2015:103 abolitionist, 24:2; 26:16 Achenbach, Rev. S.T.- 21:5 Adams Family - 8:25 Adams, Amanda - 37:17 Adams, Ansel - 33:42 Adams, Judith M.
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