Injuries from Foul Balls, Broken Bats, and Railing Fall-Overs: Who Is Liable?

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Injuries from Foul Balls, Broken Bats, and Railing Fall-Overs: Who Is Liable? $%&'()*+#,(-.#/-'0#1200+3#1(-4*%#125+3#2%6# 72)0)%8#/2009:;*(+<#=>-#)+#?)2@0*A# BCDD$/C7#1CC1CE# !"#$%&'()*$&+#(,-#&.(/#0(11&/#(/*2&#23/&4567&8-16591#&52)-$5#/:&5;&2*6& <(/-(165#/:& $#/-1652,& ;$*8& ;1%52,& 0(/#0(11& 0(6/& (23& 0(/#0(11/& #26#$52,& 67#& /6(23/&(6&-258(,52(01#&/9##3/:&*$&#(,#$&/9#<6(6*$/&;(1152,&*"#$&67#&$(5152,/& 6$%52,&6*&<(6<7&(&/*-"#25$=&>7#&?1152*5/&.(/#0(11&@(<5156%&+5(05156%&A<6&(3B 3$#//#/&47*&5/&15(01#&47#2&67#/#&-2;*$6-2(6#&/56-(65*2/&*<<-$=&C*4#"#$:&67#& A<6&;(51/&6*&,5"#&<*2<$#6#&/(;#,-($3/&67(6&<*-13&0#&5891#8#26#3&52&9$*;#/B /5*2(1&0(/#0(11&/6(35-8/&6*&7#19&(11#"5(6#&/*8#&*;&67#&52)-$5#/&67(6&<*2652-#& 6*&*<<-$=&A33565*2(11%:&67#&A<6&;(51/&6*&,5"#&67*/#&-2;*$6-2(6#&"5<658/&*;&67#/#& 52)-$5#/&*$&<(/-(165#/&(&<1#($&53#(&(/&6*&47#2&67#%&4*-13&0#&/-<<#//;-1&52&(& 1#,(1&(<65*2&(,(52/6&67#&0(119($D=&E#B4$5652,&67#&?1152*5/&.(/#0(11&@(<5156%& +5(05156%&A<6&<*-13&8(D#&56&<1#($&6*&0*67&67#&"5<658/:&(/&4#11&(/&67#&0(119($D& 9#$/*22#1:&(/&6*&47(6&/(;#,-($3/&($#&$#F-5$#3&(6&67#&9$*;#//5*2(1&0(119($D/:& (/&4#11&(/&47*&5/&15(01#&47#2&52)-$5#/&3*&*<<-$=& & $F#########$DG7:HIJG$:D#FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF#!!! $$F########?$K$GCH#?$L1$?$GM#FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF#!N! $$$F######O$PG:7M#LDH#JOLDQCP#G:#GOC#QLKC#FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF#RS! $TF######PGLG$PG$JP#FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF#RU! 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