An Unusual Cause of Diplopia
Central JSM Ophthalmology Research Article *Corresponding author Carla Fernandes, Department of Ophthalmology, Egas Moniz Hospital, Rua Da Junqueira 126, 1349- 019 Lisbon, Portugal, Tel: 00351910230955; E-mail: Sixteen-and-a-Half Syndrome: Submitted: 30 October 2020 Accepted: 17 November 2020 An Unusual Cause of Diplopia Published: 19 November 2020 Carla Fernandes1*, José Marona2,3, Pedro Arede1, Carolina ISSN: 2333-6447 Copyright 1 1 1 1 Bruxelas , Maria Sara Patrício , Marta Guedes , and João Costa © 2020 Fernandes C, et al. 1Department of Ophthalmology, Egas Moniz Hospital, Portugal OPEN ACCESS 2Department of Reumathology, Egas Moniz Hospital, Portugal 3 CEDOC - NOVA Medical School, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal Keywords • Behçet disease Abstract • Pontine neuro-ophthalmological syndromes • Diplopia Eight-and-a-half syndrome is a neuro-ophthalmological disorder of eye movements. It consists of an association between paralysis of the horizontal conjugated gaze in one direction (1), internuclear ophthalmoplegia in the opposite direction (1/2) and facial paralysis (7). It results from the lesion of the Paramedian Pontine Reticular Formation, Medial Longitudinal Fasciculus and facial colliculus/facial nerve fascicle. Sixteen-and-a-half syndrome is a combination of the eight-and- a-half syndrome with additional VIII cranial nerve palsy. The authors present a clinical case of a “sixteen-and-a-half syndrome” as an unusual cause of horizontal binocular diplopia that led to the diagnosis of Neuro-Behçet disease.
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