Complex Dynamics of Real Quantum, Classical and Hybrid Micro-Machines
Complex Dynamics of Real Quantum, Classical and Hybrid Micro-Machines A.P. KIRILYUK* Institute of Metal Physics, Kiev, Ukraine ABSTRACT. Any real interaction process produces many equally possi- ble, but mutually incompatible system versions, or realisations, giving rise to the omnipresent, purely dynamic randomness (chaoticity) and universal- ly defined complexity (sections 3-4). Since quantum behaviour dynamical- ly emerges as the lowest level of unreduced world complexity (sections 4.6-7, 5.3), quantum interaction randomness can only be relatively strong (explicit), which reveals the causal origin of quantum indeterminacy (sec- tions 4.6.1, 5.3(A)) and true quantum chaos (sections 4.6.2, 5.2.1, 6), but rigorously excludes the possibility of unitary quantum computation, even in an ‘ideal’, noiseless system (sections 5-7). Any real computation is an in- ternally chaotic (multivalued) process of system complexity development occurring in different regimes at various complexity levels (sections 7.1-2). Unitary quantum machines, including their postulated ‘magic’, cannot be realised as such because their dynamically single-valued scheme is incom- patible with the irreducibly high dynamic randomness at quantum complex- ity levels (sections 4.5-7, 5.1, 5.2.2, 7.1-2) and should be replaced by the explicitly chaotic, intrinsically creative machines already realised in living organisms and providing their quite different, realistic kind of magic. The related concepts of reality-based, complex-dynamical nanotechnology, bio- technology and intelligence are outlined, together with the ensuing change in research strategy and content (sections 7.3, 8). The unreduced, dynami- cally multivalued solution of the quantum (and classical) many-body prob- lem reveals the true, complex-dynamical basis of solid-state dynamics, in- cluding the origin and internal dynamics of macroscopic quantum states (section 5.3(C)).
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