Gampell & Gaillard: Video Games: Tools for DRR International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters August 2016, Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 283-316. Stop Disasters 2.0: Video Games as Tools for Disaster Risk Reduction Anthony Viennaminovich Gampell and JC Gaillard School of Environment The University of Auckland Email:
[email protected] Increasingly, international organisations (e.g. UNESCO, UNISDR), governments (e.g. Canada), and non-government organisations (NGOs) (e.g. Save the Children, Christian Aid) and researchers use video games to raise disaster and disaster risk reduction (DRR) awareness. Yet, there is a paucity of studies on these games in the disaster literature. This article presents a typology specifically designed to deconstruct both disaster awareness building and mainstream disaster orientated video games, identifying how games like Stop Disasters, Disaster Watch, Inside Haiti, Earthquake Response, Fallout and SimCity instil disaster awareness, portray hazards, vulnerabilities, capacities, disasters and DRR. The article also touches upon ideas of game content, player motivation, skill building and social interaction in the context of disaster themed video games. The findings suggest video games have the potential to be positive tools to reinforce messages surrounding DRR, though further research is necessary. This article sets an agenda for future research. Keywords: Disaster risk reduction (DRR), video games, the popular culture of disasters Introduction Since time immemorial, disasters have been a subject of interest for human society (Quarantelli and Davis 2011). The depiction of disasters in movies, novels, music videos, the media and video games, to name a few, has seen the evolution of disasters to capture important cultural dimensions and perceptions (Quarantelli and Davis 2011; Wachtendorf 1999; Webb 1998; Webb 2007).