The Report of the 4Th Kobe University Brusseles European Centre
The 4th Kobe University Brussels European Centre Symposium Globalisation of Higher Education from the Perspective of EU-Japan Collaboration Date: Monday 10 March 2014 13:00-19:30 Venue: European Economic and Social Committee Rue Belliard 99 Belliardstraat, Bruxelles 1040 Brussel, Belgium Edited and issued by Institute of Promoting International Exchange Programs Kobe University 1-1, Rokkodai-cho, Nada-ku, Kobe, 657-8501 Japan E-mail : The 4th Kobe University Brussels European Centre Symposium Globalisation of Higher Education from the Perspective of EU-Japan Collaboration Date:Monday 10 March 2014 Venue:European Economic and Social Committee Rue Belliard 99 Belliardstraat, Bruxelles 1040 Brussel, Belgium Organiser ■ Kobe University Centre for EU Studies Kobe University Centre for EU-Japan Collaborative Education Co-organisers ■ The European Economic and Social Committee The EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation The EU Institute in Japan, Kansai Supported by ■ The Mission of Japan to the European Union, JETRO Brussels Contents Opening P. 2 Moderator: Prof. Taiji HAGIWARA, Director, Centre for EU-Japan Collaborative Education, Kobe University Opening address: H.E. Kojiro SHIOJIRI, Ambassador of Japan to the EU Introduction: Prof. Kazunori UCHIDA, Executive Vice President, Kobe University Part I P. 4 “Policy on the Globalisation of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Japan and the EU” Part II P. 18 “Collaborative Programmes and Industry Perspective” Part III P. 38 “Best practices from EU-Japan
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