Eu-Japan News June 2013 I 2 Vol 11

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Eu-Japan News June 2013 I 2 Vol 11 EU-JAPAN NEWS JUNE 2013 I 2 VOL 11 EU-Japan Business Round Table - 15th Annual Meeting “Opening a New Chapter in EU-Japan Relations” Mr Osamu Nagayama, and Dr Jean-Yves Le Gall ©2013 Xavier Granet The EU-Japan Business Round Table (BRT), a forum of some The meeting also addressed the following subjects: the nego- 50 European and Japanese business leaders, held its Annu- tiations on a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) / Economic Partner- al Meeting in Paris on 29 & 30 April 2013 under the theme of ship Agreement (EPA) and an agreement covering political, “Opening a New Chapter in EU-Japan Relations”. sectoral and global cooperation between the EU and Japan; The meeting was co-chaired by Messrs. Jean-Yves Le Gall, EU-Japan cooperation including business with / in emerging President of CNES (Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales) and economies; and resources issues. former Chairman & CEO of Arianespace, and Osamu Nagay- During the meeting, the BRT agreed on a set of recommenda- ama, Chairman and CEO of Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. tions to be submitted to European Council President Herman Van Rompuy, European Commission President José Manuel The BRT had the pleasure of welcoming high-level represent- Barroso and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan. atives of the Japanese and EU Authorities. More information: COMING SOON… A NEW DESIGN FOR WWW.EU-JAPAN.EU and A NEW INFORMATION WEBSITE ON JAPAN FOR EU COMPANIES The EU-Japan Centre is happy to inform you The EU-Japan Centre is developing a NEW website ( ) that in few days, its main website dedicated to business information on Japan for EU companies. The website will be will be put online with a brand new members only, feel free to already register (for free) at with the layout. We hope that you will often visit it. mention “register to “ IN THIS ISSUE • Call for Interest for a New Centre’s Mission in is a joint venture co-financed by the European the EU: Competitiveness for Internationalisation Commission and the Japanese Ministry of • Call for Applications: Opportunity for EU-based companies to Economy, Trade and Industry (METI). Its aim host a Japanese trainee - Vulcanus in Europe programme is to foster the development of industrial cooperation between companies from • Start of Bilateral EU-Japan Negotiations both regions through training programmes • Call for Applications: EU Gateway Mission to Japan - Environment and Energy for businesspeople, for EU and Japanese students and researchers, and through • Greater Nagoya Initiative Aerospace Europe Mission 2013 information services and an industrial • Aichi Region, the Special Zone to Create Asia’s No.1 Aerospace Industrial Cluster dialogue. • Zem2all Spanish-Japanese Project This quaterly newsletter is produced by the EU-based office of the EU-Japan Centre, and • Welcome Croatia is primarily intended to provide EU/Japan- • 50th Anniversary of the Japan Machinery Center related news. • Partnering Opportunities and News in Brief FROM CENTRE EU-JAPAN NEWS JUNE 2013 I 2 VOL 11 I PAGE 2 Driving Competitiveness CALL FOR INTEREST Delivering Growth and Sustainable Jobs A NEW CENTRE’S MISSION: “COMPETITIVENESS FOR INTERNA- TIONALISATION” The challenge is on for companies to in- ternationalise, to sell their products fur- ther afield, to export beyond their local markets. To do this they need to be com- petitive, and to be competitive they need to use good manufacturing practices. The EU-Japan Centre helps European busi- nesses understand what these practices L to R: Richard Keegan, Enterprise Ireland; Simon Craig Gray, EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation; Carl Klemm, Toyota Motor Manufacturing (Poland); Barbara Nolan, European Commission Representation in Ireland; Tom Hardiman, are and how they can be used. EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation (Supervisory Board) and Frank Ryan, Enterprise Ireland. In addition to organising twice yearly More than 400 people attended the “Driv- Klemm, President of the Board, Toyota Mo- World Class Manufacturing missions in ing Competitiveness” event in Dublin on tor Manufacturing Poland Ltd. Japan, the Centre will be launching a new 29/05/2013 organised by Enterprise Ire- scheme, “Competitiveness for Interna- land, supported by the Department of During the case study sessions, 40 leading tionalisation” to enable SMEs to visit lead- Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, the Irish European, Japanese and Irish firms of all ing European factories to see world-class Presidency of the Council of the European sizes and from all sectors, gave their prac- principles in action and to encourage Union and the EU-Japan Centre. tical experience of what does and doesn’t them to adopt best practice techniques. work and how they achieve competitive- By becoming more efficient, they will be The opening session included a speech ness in a busy marketplace. better placed to develop their interna- by Simon Coveney TD, Irish Minister for tional activities. Agriculture, Food and the Marine and a keynote address on “The Toyota Way, Re- events/wcm_workshop_may2013. html?year=2013 The one-day visits will take place in dif- lentless Drive for Competitiveness” by Karl ferent locations around the EU and will include lectures, shop-floor visits, coach- WELCOME CROATIA requirements arising from the accession ne- ing and detailed explanations. Seeing is gotiations in all chapters. (…….). The Coun- believing: through the plant tour and dis- cussions, SMEs will be inspired to contin- On 22 April 2013 the Council of cil looks forward to welcoming Croatia as a ue along or begin improvement activities. the European Union adopted the follow- member of the European Union on 1 July ing conclusion: “The Council welcomes 2013.” ( The Centre is now finalising details of the the Commission’s monitoring report of 26 uedocs/cms_data/docs/pressdata/EN/ge- visits, to get details of the visits once they March 2013 on Croatia’s accession prepara- naff/136898.pdf) are available, please contact c.godart@ tions and the accompanying monitoring In turn, the EU-Japan Centre looks forward, Tel: +32 2 282 3716 tables, and its conclusion that Croatia is to welcoming the first Croatian partici- generally meeting the commitments and pants on its training programmes in Japan. SEMINAR REPORT Doha Climate Gateway: Assessment and Opportunities from the EU and Japanese Perspectives On 19 March, the EU-Japan Centre and the From Japan, Mr. Soichiro Seki, Director-Gen- Bureau of the Ministry of Economy, Trade EU Delegation to Japan co-organised a sem- eral for Global Environment Bureau of the & Industry (METI), who discussed how to inar in Tokyo on “Doha Climate Gateway: Ministry of Environment (MoE), presented enhance low carbon growth at home and Assessment and Opportunities from the EU Japan’s strategic actions on climate change. globally and underlined the efforts and and Japanese Perspectives”. measures being undertaken in industry. On the domestic side, the Japanese gov- Regarding the United Nations Framework The COP18/CMP8 (Doha, 2012 http://www. ernment is currently preparing to adopt a Convention on Climate Change (http://unf- addressed a series of important new plan for global warming countermeas-, Japan essentially considers that the and controversial issues concerning how to ures to succeed its Kyoto Protocol Target future framework needs to be applicable to pave the way from the old climate regime Achievement Plan, which expired at the end all Parties and be considered in a pragmatic to a new global climate agreement with all of March. For international actions, Prime way to allow diverse substantive measures countries, to be adopted in 2015. Minister Abe set a new direction at the first to be taken by each Party. Industrial Competitiveness Council meeting Mr. Artur Runge-Metzger, who is both Di- in January 2013 to review Japan’s existing Over 100 participants joined the seminar, rector for International & Climate Strat- 25% emission reduction target by COP19 with a high representation from industry, egy of DG Climate Action in the European (, and to develop dip- EU Member States’ representatives in Japan Commission and the EU’s chief negotiator lomatic strategies to tackle climate change and NGOs. The Q&A session also touched for international climate negotiations, first with the aim of contributing to the world by upon the EU and Japanese views on the ac- outlined the state-of-play of the pre-2020 fully utilising Japanese advanced technolo- tions and new developments in China, the international climate policy framework af- gies. The current domestic discussion for U.S., etc. The full presentations and a report ter the climate summits in Copenhagen, building a new energy policy in Japan would on the main issues discussed are available on: Cancun, Durban and Doha and where the play a role in the emission target review world stands in terms of the climate change today. He then discussed the key issues and The seminar was also joined by Mr. Hideo the EU’s perspectives on the road to a 2015 Suzuki, Director-General for Industrial Sci- events/doha_seminar_19032013. html?year=2013 agreement on climate change. ence & Technology Policy and Environment FROM CENTRE EU-JAPAN NEWS JUNE 2013 I 2 VOL 11 I PAGE 3 CALL FOR APPLICATIONS Vulcanus in Europe Host company’s advantag- Opportunity for EU-based companies es: a valuable addition to Feedback from a Vulcanus to host a Japanese trainee. the R&D workforce and an Host Company since 2012 insight into the Japanese The Centre is inviting applications from EU culture, extremely useful companies and research centres to host Jap- for successful business with Hubert Golle, Product Manager, Japan.
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