香港禁毒及反洗黑錢報告書 Hong Kong Narcotics and Anti-money Laundering Report

香港禁毒及反洗黑錢報告書 Hong Kong Narcotics and Anti-money Laundering Report 2007-2010 1 目錄 | Contents

保安局局長獻辭 1 Message from the Secretary for Security

禁毒常務委員會主席序言 4 Foreword by the Chairman of the Action Committee Against Narcotics

第一章:禁毒專員報告 7 Chapter 1: Commissioner’s Report

第二章:政策制定和統籌 15 Chapter 2: Policy-making and Co-ordination

第三章:吸毒情況 24 Chapter 3: Drug Abuse Situation

第四章:禁毒教育及宣傳 32 Chapter 4: Preventive Education and Publicity

第五章:戒毒治療及康復服務 51 Chapter 5: Treatment and Rehabilitation

第六章:驗毒 92 Chapter 6: Drug Testing

第七章:遏止販毒及製毒活動 98 Chapter 7: Suppression of Illicit Trafficking and Manufacturing

第八章:研究工作 117 Chapter 8: Research

第九章:社區參與 121 Chapter 9: Involving the Community

第十章:打擊清洗黑錢及恐怖分子融資活動 127 Chapter 10: Combating Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing

附錄 136 Appendices 保安局局長獻辭 Message from the Secretary for Security

保安局局長獻辭 Message from the Secretary for Security

過去數年,打擊毒禍可說是一項極具挑戰 The battle against drugs in the past several 的工作。 years has been a most challenging one.

被呈報的21歲以下青少年吸毒者人數, The number of reported young drug 由二○○四年的2,186人,大幅上升55% abusers below the age of 21 saw a 至二○○九年的3,387人。青少年吸毒者 significant rise of 55%, from 2,186 in 2004 佔整體吸毒人口比例,由二○○三年的 to 3,387 in 2009, and the percentage of 14%,上升至二○○八及二○○九年的 young drug abusers in the entire drug 24%。二○○八/○九年學生服用藥物 abuse population increased from 14% 情況調查的結果,印證青少年吸毒情況 in 2003 to 24% in both 2008 and 2009. 越趨普遍,吸毒者年輕化,以及吸食危害 The findings of the 2008/09 Survey of 精神毒品有上升趨勢。 Drug Use Among Students corroborated the increasing prevalence of young drug 政府十分關注青少年吸毒問題。當局以 abusers, the lowering age of drug abuse, 二○○八年十一月發表的《青少年毒品 and the rising trend in the abuse of 問題專責小組報告》的建議為基礎, psychotropic substances. 加大力度和加強五管齊下的禁毒工作, 即預防教育及宣傳、執法、治療及康復、 The Administration was deeply concerned 研究及對外合作。此外,又推出「友出路」 about the youth drug abuse problem. 計劃,推動社會關懷文化,扶持年青一代 Building on the recommendations of the 成長。 Task Force on Youth Drug Abuse Report in November 2008, the Administration reinvigorated and strengthened anti-drug efforts under the five-pronged anti-drug strategy of preventive education and publicity, law enforcement, treatment and rehabilitation, research, and external co-operation. The “Path Builders” initiative was also launched to promote a caring culture in the community to support the growth of our younger generation.

香港禁毒及反洗黑錢報告書 1 Hong Kong Narcotics and Anti-money Laundering Report 2007-2010 保安局局長獻辭 Message from the Secretary for Security

Under the personal steer of the Chief Executive, anti-drug efforts were further escalated in July 2009 along five strategic directions, namely community mobilisation, community support, drug testing, treatment and rehabilitation, and law enforcement.

To raise community awareness and galvanise support for the anti-drug cause, the Narcotics Division (ND) 二○○九年七月,在行政長官親自督導下,當局循 and the Action Committee Against Narcotics (ACAN) 五個策略方向,即社會動員、社區支援、測檢、康復 launched a territory-wide publicity campaign entitled 及執法,加強抗毒工作。 “No Drugs, No Regrets. Not Now, Not Ever” in 2008 and another “Stand Firm! Knock Drugs Out” in 為提高社會的抗毒意識,爭取市民支持禁毒工作, 2010. Various sectors and all 18 districts responded 禁毒處和禁毒常務委員會分別於二○○八年及 positively and organised a wide range of programmes 二○一○年展開題為「不可一、不可再。向毒品說不、 to help young people fight against drugs. Preventive 向 遺 憾 說 不」及「企 硬!唔take嘢」的 全 港 宣 傳 education for students, training for teachers and 運動。社會各界和全港18區均積極響應,舉辦各式 support for parents were all strengthened. 各樣的活動,協助青少年抗禦毒害。政府亦加強學生 禁毒教育、教師培訓和給予家長的支援等。 In his Policy Address in October 2010, the Chief Executive announced that the manpower resources 行政長官在二○一○年十月的《施政報告》中宣布, of school social workers would be increased by 20% 從二○一一/一二學年起,增加學校社工資源兩成 (about 100 school social workers) from the 2011/12 (約 100 名學校社工)。 school year.

在戒毒治療及康復方面,當局投放大量新資源,增加 On treatment and rehabilitation, substantial new 物質誤用診所及濫用精神藥物者輔導中心的服務, resources were provided to increase the services 以及住院式戒毒治療及康復中心的宿位。一項為期兩年 of Substance Abuse Clinics, Counselling Centres 的加強感化服務先導計劃於二○○九年十月推出,為 for Psychotropic Substance Abusers, and places in 被定罪的21歲以下青少年毒犯提供更聚焦、有系統和 residential drug treatment and rehabilitation centres. 深入的戒毒治療計劃。當局亦已制訂香港戒毒治療和 A two-year pilot project on enhanced probation 康復服務第五個三年計劃(二○○九至二○一一年), service was introduced in October 2009 to provide 有關各方正全力落實計劃。 more focused, structured and intensive treatment programmes for convicted young drug offenders aged 執法機關亦加強行動,例如警方增加突擊巡查娛樂 below 21. The Fifth Three-year Plan on Treatment and 場所的次數;與內地及海外當局更緊密合作;及警方 Rehabilitation Services in Hong Kong (2009-2011) 和海關加強邊境管制站的工作等。 was formulated and being implemented with vigour by all parties concerned.

Law enforcement agencies stepped up their enforcement actions, including frequent raids by the Police on entertainment venues, closer co-operation with Mainland and overseas authorities, and intensified efforts by the Police and Customs at boundary control points.

香港禁毒及反洗黑錢報告書 2 Hong Kong Narcotics and Anti-money Laundering Report 2007-2010 保安局局長獻辭 Message from the Secretary for Security

The Trial Scheme on School Drug Testing in Tai Po District was launched in the 2009/10 school year as a key preventive/deterrent part of a comprehensive programme to implement the Healthy School Policy. The evaluation research on the Scheme revealed the positive impact of the Scheme in strengthening students’ resolve to stay away from drugs, and 當局於二○○九/一○學年在大埔區推行校園驗毒 providing support for students troubled by drugs. The 試行計劃,作為健康校園政策的全面計劃中,其中 Scheme was extended to the 2010/11 school year. 具預防和阻嚇作用的關鍵部分。有關的評估研究 The Administration is promoting wider application of 顯示,計劃在鞏固學生遠離毒品的決心,以及為受 school drug testing in other schools and districts as a 毒品問題困擾學生提供支援方面,發揮正面作用。 key component in implementing the Healthy School 計劃在二○一○/一一學年繼續推行。當局根據 Policy following the evaluation recommendations. 評估研究的建議,把校園驗毒推展至其他學校及 地區,作為健康校園政策的重要一環。 To underline the Administration’s commitment to fight drugs and to provide greater support to the 為表明當局矢志打擊毒禍,及決意給予社區推動的 community’s initiatives, the Administration injected 禁毒計劃更大支援,當局向禁毒基金注資30億元, a capital sum of $3 billion into the Beat Drugs Fund 讓基金長期有更豐厚的收入,資助社區主導的禁毒 to generate more income on a long term basis for 計劃。 community driven anti-drug projects.

我們很高興看到,在政府加強禁毒措施及禁毒常務 With the much enhanced efforts and the support of 委員會和社會各界同心和鼎力支持下,二○一○年 ACAN and different quarters of the community, we are 被呈報的吸毒者整體人數及21歲以下青少年吸毒者 pleased to see a drop in the total number of reported 人數,均較二○○九年有所減少(分別下跌11%及 drug abusers (11%) and young drug abusers under 21 19%)。 (19%) in 2010, compared to the figures in 2009.

多年來,禁毒常務委員會、禁毒界別及各方堅定不移, I would like to express my sincere thanks to ACAN, 努力不懈推行禁毒工作,本人謹此衷心致謝。我們會 and the anti-drug sector and all parties who have 再接再厲,與社區伙伴攜手合作,齊抗毒禍。 contributed to the anti-drug cause through their unwavering commitment and tireless efforts during the past years. We will continue to work closely with our community partners in the battle to “Knock Drugs Out”!

保安局局長 李少光

Mr Ambrose S K Lee Secretary for Security

香港禁毒及反洗黑錢報告書 3 Hong Kong Narcotics and Anti-money Laundering Report 2007-2010 禁毒常務委員會主席序言 Foreword by the Chairman of the Action Committee Against Narcotics

禁毒常務委員會主席序言 Foreword by the Chairman of the Action Committee Against Narcotics

The year 2007 marked enhanced efforts made on all fronts to combat the youth drug abuse problem. We are glad to join hands with the Task Force on Youth Drug Abuse 二○○七年,我們加大各方面工作 led by the Secretary for Justice to review 力度,打擊青少年毒品問題。我們很 the drug scene and work out long-term, 高興與由律政司司長領導的青少年 holistic and sustainable anti-drug strategies 毒品問題專責小組攜手,檢討本港 to combat the rising trend of psychotropic 的吸毒情況,並制訂長遠、全面且 substance abuse. The Task Force’s report, 可持續的禁毒策略,遏止吸食危害 published in November 2008, contained over 精神毒品的上升趨勢。專責小組報告 70 recommendations that reinvigorated the 於二○○八年十一月發表,當中載有 five-pronged anti-drug strategy and launched 逾70項加強五管齊下禁毒策略的 the “Path Builders” initiative to promote 建議,並提出推行「友出路」,推動 a caring culture for the youth. Anti-drug 關懷青少年文化。二○○九年, measures were further escalated in 2009 在行政長官督導下,當局循五個策略 along five strategic directions under the steer 方向,進一步加強各項禁毒措施。 of the Chief Executive.

在抗毒戰中,禁毒常務委員會作為 As a key partner in the war against drugs, the 主要伙伴,與政府及不同界別並肩 Action Committee Against Narcotics works 作戰,我們所面對的挑戰相當嚴峻。 closely with the Government and different 年青人及社會大眾往往輕易低估危害 sectors. The challenges are significant. 精神毒品可造成的損害,而吸食危害 Young people and the general public might 精神毒品的隱蔽性質,亦令人難以 easily underestimate the damage caused by 及早辨識吸毒者。要解決這個影響 psychotropic substances. The hidden nature 深遠的問題,社會各界的參與及支持, of psychotropic substance abuse also renders 十分重要。當局須讓市民知悉危害 early identification of drug abusers difficult. 精神毒品的嚴重禍害,並動員社會 To tackle the problem with its wide 大眾,同心協力,持之以恆地打擊 implications, participation and support 有關問題。 of different quarters of the community are important. The community should be made aware of the serious harm of psychotropic substances and mobilised to combat the problem in a concerted and sustained manner.

香港禁毒及反洗黑錢報告書 4 Hong Kong Narcotics and Anti-money Laundering Report 2007-2010 禁毒常務委員會主席序言 Foreword by the Chairman of the Action Committee Against Narcotics

On preventive education and publicity, we worked together with the Narcotics Division to launch a two-year territory-wide publicity campaign “No Drugs, No Regret. Not Now, Not Ever” in 2008, followed by a package of publicity initiatives. A series of new Announcements in the Public Interest, a TV drama series and large scale anti-drug projects were launched to bring home the 在 預 防 教 育 及 宣 傳 方 面, 我 們 與 禁 毒 處 合 作, 於 harmful effects of psychotropic substance abuse and raise 二○○八年展開為期兩年、題為「不可一、不可再。 the awareness of different target groups such as parents 向毒品說不、向遺憾說不」的全港宣傳運動,並緊接着 on the significant roles they can play in the fight against 推出連串宣傳活動。一系列全新的政府宣傳短片、 drugs. Other major preventive education initiatives 一套電視連續劇及多項大型禁毒計劃相繼推出, included promotion of the school-based Healthy School 宣傳吸食危害精神毒品的禍害,並讓不同對象(例如 Policy incorporating anti-drug elements, development of 家長)更了解他們在抗毒工作上擔當的重要角色。 resource kits for the school sector and parents, as well as 其他主要預防教育措施包括:推廣包含禁毒元素的 organisation of structured training and seminars aiming 校 本 健 康 校 園 政 策, 為 學 校 和 家 長 製 作 資 源 套, to enhance the anti-drug knowledge and skills of teachers 以及舉辦有系統的培訓和研討會,增進教師和家長 and parents. 的禁毒知識及技巧。 On treatment and rehabilitation, the Fifth Three-year Plan 在戒毒治療及康復服務方面,我們公布了香港戒毒 on Drug Treatment and Rehabilitation Services in Hong 治療和康復服務第五個三年計劃(二○○九至 Kong (2009-2011) was released. The plan sets out the 二○一一年)。計劃為禁毒界別提供策略方向, strategic directions for the anti-drug sector to pursue 以制定針對最新吸毒趨勢,並且更切合吸食危害 programmes that address the latest drug trend and better 精神毒品人士需要的服務計劃。隨着新的濫用精神 cater for the needs of psychotropic substance abusers. 藥物者輔導中心及物質誤用診所啟用,以及住院 The services for psychotropic substance abusers were also 戒毒治療及康復中心的宿位數目增加,為吸食危害 strengthened with the opening of new Counselling Centres 精神毒品人士提供的服務亦進一步加強。當局又 for Psychotropic Substance Abusers and Substance Abuse 制訂了為吸毒者而設的治療及康復服務分級多模式 Clinics, as well as an increase in the number of places 架構,闡述辨識、戒毒治療、康復以至重返社會 of residential drug treatment and rehabilitation centres. 階段所提供服務的整體情況,以及協助找出服務 A framework on a tiered, multi-modality approach of 不足之處。 treatment and rehabilitation services for drug abusers in Hong Kong was worked out. It aims at providing an 研究工作有助制訂以實證為本打擊毒品問題的 overall picture of the services available from identification, 措施。多項重要的研究正在進行中,包括香港吸毒 treatment, rehabilitation to reintegration and facilitating 人口普遍率估算方法檢討、濫用危害精神毒品對 identification of possible service gaps. 香港社會經濟狀況及健康的影響縱貫性研究、 以及待業待學青少年吸毒情況及服務需要研究。 Research studies supported an evidence-based approach to tackle the drug abuse problem. Several important studies including a review of estimation methods on prevalence of the drug abuse population in Hong Kong, a longitudinal study of the socioeconomic and health impacts of psychotropic substance abuse and a study on the drug abuse situation and service needs of non-engaged youths are underway.

香港禁毒及反洗黑錢報告書 5 Hong Kong Narcotics and Anti-money Laundering Report 2007-2010 禁毒常務委員會主席序言 Foreword by the Chairman of the Action Committee Against Narcotics

The Trial Scheme on School Drug Testing in Tai Po District was another new initiative implemented in the escalated war on drugs. An evaluation study found that the Scheme had a positive impact on enhancing students’ resolve to stay away from drugs, building an anti-drug culture in schools and triggering the motivation of those in need to seek help. We have extended the Scheme in Tai Po to the 2010/11 school year, and will further roll out the Scheme 大埔區校園驗毒試行計劃,是加強打擊毒禍另 to other parts of Hong Kong. 一項新猷。評估研究顯示,計劃對鞏固學生遠離 毒品的決心、建立無毒校園文化,觸發有需要的 Tackling the drug abuse problem requires concerted 學生尋求協助等,有正面影響。在二○一○/一一 efforts of the Government, the school sector, relevant 學年,計劃繼續在大埔區推行,並會進一步推展至 service providers and the whole community. We are 全港其他地方。 pleased that the Administration has committed additional resources to support the community’s anti-drug work 對付毒品問題,政府、學校、相關服務提供者與 through an injection of $3 billion into the Beat Drugs Fund 全體市民必須同心協力。我們很高興,當局於 in 2010. Since the launch of the “Path Builders” initiative 二○一○年投放額外資源,向禁毒基金注資 in September 2009, approximately 300 organisations and 30億元,資助社區禁毒工作。自「友出路」於 individuals have joined hands to promote a caring culture 二○○九年九月推出後,近300個組織及人士攜手, for the youth in different forms. We hope that these 以不同形式推動關懷青少年文化。我們希望藉着 measures and the joint efforts of different partners will 這些措施,以及在各方伙伴共同努力下,提供 provide a solid breeding ground for healthy development 穩妥的園地,培育年青一代,讓他們健康成長。 of our younger generation.

禁毒常務委員會、轄下兩個小組委員會和研究 I would like to thank the hard work and invaluable 諮詢小組的成員一直辛勤工作,貢獻良多,本人 contributions of our members of the Action Committee 謹此向他們致謝。本人亦想藉此機會,向多個政府 Against Narcotics and its two sub-committees and 部門及機構一表謝意,感謝他們全心全意,支持 the Research Advisory Group. I also wish to take this 推行各項禁毒措施。我們期望與一眾伙伴繼續合作, opportunity to express my appreciation to various 為年青一代締造無毒環境。 government departments and organisations for their whole-hearted support in implementing the various anti-drug initiatives. We look forward to continuing to work with our partners to create a drug-free environment for our younger generation.

禁毒常務委員會主席 石丹理教授

Professor Daniel Shek Tan-lei Chairman Action Committee Against Narcotics

香港禁毒及反洗黑錢報告書 6 Hong Kong Narcotics and Anti-money Laundering Report 2007-2010 禁毒專員報告 Commissioner’s1 Report 第一章 Chapter 1 禁毒專員報告 Commissioner’s Report

The last five years since I took up the post of Commissioner for Narcotics were momentous ones on both the anti-drug front and the anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing front.

There had been a worrying upward trend in the number of young people taking psychotropic substances since 2004. It had increased so much that the reported number of people abusing the substances 青少年毒品問題專責小組舉行記者會,發表有關報告。 The Task Force on Youth Drug Abuse releases its report at a press had exceeded the reported number of heroin abusers conference. for the first time in Hong Kong history. A high-level inter-departmental task force, led by the Secretary for Justice, was set up in October 2007 to spearhead government efforts to tackle youth drug abuse. 本人履任禁毒專員一職已有五載。過去這五年,無論是 The Task Force released a report in November 2008, 禁毒方面,或是打擊清洗黑錢及恐怖分子融資活動方面 putting forward 70-plus recommendations spanning 的發展,皆有十分重要的變化。 all five prongs of our anti-drug strategy, viz preventive education and publicity, treatment and rehabilitation, 自二○○四年起,吸食危害精神毒品青少年人數持續 legislation and law enforcement, research, and external 上升,情況令人憂慮。其升幅之巨,以致被呈報吸食 co-operation, to tackle the problem in a holistic and 危害精神毒品人數超越被呈報吸食海洛英人數,這是 sustained manner. Furthermore, a new dimension of 香港有史以來首見。二○○七年十月,由律政司司長 fostering a caring culture for the youth was added to 領導的高層次跨部門專責小組成立,帶領政府部門 our anti-drug efforts. An inter-departmental working 推動打擊青少年毒品問題的工作。專責小組於 group has been set up to facilitate the implementation 二○○八年十一月發表報告,提出70多項建議,涵蓋 of the recommendations. 五管齊下禁毒策略的各個範疇,即預防教育及宣傳、 戒毒治療及康復服務、立法及執法、研究和對外 In 2009, in view of the serious situation, the Chief 合作,全面及持之以恆處理吸毒問題。此外,我們的 Executive escalated the anti-drug campaign by 禁毒工作更增添一個全新領域,就是培育關懷青少年 personally leading a Task Force of Principal Officials 文化。當局已成立跨部門工作小組,促進落實有關 and setting out five strategic directions, namely 建議。 community mobilisation, community support, drug testing, treatment, and law enforcement. 二○○九年,鑑於情況嚴重,行政長官遂提升抗毒 運動的層次,親自率領由主要官員組成的專責小組, With the all-out efforts of the Government and the 定出五個策略方向,分別為社會動員、社區支援、 positive response of various sectors of the community, 測檢、康復及執法。 we are pleased to report an improvement in the local drug situation in 2010. However, we will not 在政府竭盡全力打擊毒禍及社會各界積極回應下, slacken our efforts. The fight against drug abuse is a 我們很高興見到本港的吸毒情況在二○一○年得以 long-term battle. The Government will continue to 改善。不過,我們不會因此而鬆懈。抗毒是一場 forge ahead in partnership with the community to 持久戰,政府會繼續與市民攜手,堅定不移地並肩 combat the youth drug problem on a sustained basis. 作戰,持續打擊青少年毒品問題。

香港禁毒及反洗黑錢報告書 8 Hong Kong Narcotics and Anti-money Laundering Report 2007-2010 第一章 Chapter 1 禁毒專員報告 Commissioner’s Report

本處的工作 Our work

預防教育及宣傳,是禁毒工作不可或缺的一環。我們 Preventive education and publicity is an indispensable 深信,增強未沾上毒品人士拒絕毒品的能力,甚為 part of our anti-drug work. We believe it is far more 重要。為遏止吸食危害精神毒品的上升趨勢,我們 important to immunise those who have not abused 於二○○八年展開一項為期兩年,以「不可一、 drugs. To tackle the rising trend of psychotropic 不可再。向毒品說不、向遺憾說不 」為主題的全港 substance abuse, we launched a two-year territory-wide 青少年禁毒運動。該項運動成功提高公眾對青少年 campaign against youth drug abuse with the theme 吸毒問題的警覺,並在社會上建立共識,認同有關 “No Drugs, No Regrets. Not Now, Not Ever” in 2008. 問題十分嚴重而且迫切。 The campaign successfully heightened the public’s awareness and built consensus on the seriousness and 為推展禁毒運動,我們於二○一○年以新主題「企硬! urgency of the youth drug abuse problem in society. 唔take嘢」推出一系列活動,鞏固年青人抗毒決心, 並具體闡明對抗青少年吸毒問題,家人的支持至為 Taking the campaign a stage further, a series of initiatives 重要。 under a new theme, “Stand Firm! Knock Drugs Out”, was launched in 2010 to strengthen the resolve of 除了以廣大市民為對象的宣傳工作,為學生、家長及 youths against drugs and to highlight the importance 學校提供的禁毒教育,也是我們主要宣傳活動之一。 of family support in the fight against youth drug abuse. 教育局在禁毒處的支援下,繼續推展訂立包含禁毒 元素的校本健康校園政策。我們為家長及學校製作了 In addition to publicity efforts targeting the public 資源套,增進他們的禁毒知識,並提供便利的參考 at large, anti-drug education for students, parents 資料,以便制訂禁毒活動。自二○○八/○九學年 and schools was also one of our major publicity 起,又加強了為學校教職員所辦的有系統專業培訓。 initiatives. The Education Bureau, with the Narcotics 在二○一○/一一學年,當局更將學生禁毒教育課程 Division (ND)’s support, continued to promote the 進一步推展至小學三年級。二○○八及二○一○年, institutionalisation of the school-based Healthy School 一共加設了36名警察學校聯絡主任,藉以增強警察 Policy with anti-drug elements. Resource kits for 學校聯絡計劃。 parents and schools were produced to enhance their anti-drug knowledge and provide them with a handy reference for developing anti-drug programmes. Structured professional training for school personnel was also enhanced from the 2008/09 school year onwards and drug education programmes for students were further extended to Primary Three in the 2010/11 school year. The Police School Liaison Programme was enhanced with the addition of a total of 36 police school liaison officers in 2008 and 2010.

(左起)禁毒常務委員會學校禁毒資源套工作小組主席梁魏懋賢、禁毒專員 黃碧兒、香港青年協會總幹事王鳴博士、教育局副局長陳維安和禁毒 常務委員會主席石丹理教授出席學校禁毒資源套簡介會時合照。 (From left) The Chairman of Action Committee Against Narcotics (ACAN) Working Group on Resource Kit for the School Sector, Mrs Justina Leung; Commissioner for Narcotics, Ms Sally Wong; Executive Director of the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, Dr Rosanna Wong; Under Secretary for Education, Mr Kenneth Chen; Chairman of ACAN, Professor Daniel Shek, at a briefing session on the anti-drug resource kit for schools.

香港禁毒及反洗黑錢報告書 9 Hong Kong Narcotics and Anti-money Laundering Report 2007-2010 第一章 Chapter 1 禁毒專員報告 Commissioner’s Report

為響應「友出路」,鴻星集團和禁毒義工團舉辦「鴻圖之星 巧製 點心友出路」培訓班,為正接受戒毒治療的青少年提供技能訓練。 禁毒專員黃碧兒(右二)、鴻星集團營運發展總監何麗詩(左一)和 Drug abuse is often a manifestation of underlying 藝人鍾嘉欣(右一)出席培訓班開幕禮,示範製作點心。 personal, family and social problems. To foster a caring In support of the “Path Builders”, the Super Star Group and the Anti-drug Volunteer Group co-organised a dim sum cookery course culture for the youth and mobilise the community providing vocational training to rehabilitating young drug abusers. The Commissioner for Narcotics, Ms Sally Wong (second from right); in supporting young people, a youth-care initiative the Business Developments and Operations Director of Super Star “Path Builders” was launched in September 2008. Group, Ms Jacqueline Ho (first from left) and artiste Miss Linda (first from right) attend the opening ceremony of the programme and It provides a platform where community resources demonstrate dim sum making. can be channeled to programmes for young people’s healthy development and to help them say “No” to drugs. So far, approximately 300 organisations and 吸毒往往是個人、家庭及社會等深層問題的一個 individuals have participated in the scheme. 表徵。為促進關懷青少年文化及動員社會大眾力量 支援青少年,禁毒處於二○○八年九月推出一項關懷 In 2010, to show the Government’s commitment to 青少年的計劃 —「友出路」,提供平台,把社區資源 fight drugs, a capital sum of $3 billion was injected 引 導 到 有 助 青 少 年 健 康 成 長 的 活 動, 協 助 他 們 into the Beat Drugs Fund to generate more income 向 毒 品 說「不」。迄 今, 約 有300個 組 織 及 個 人 參 與 for supporting worthwhile anti-drug programmes 計劃。 initiated by the community.

二○一○年,為顯示政府矢志打擊毒禍,當局向禁毒 As regards treatment and rehabilitation services, 基金注資30億元,令基金有更豐厚的收益,資助由 Hong Kong adopts a multi-modality approach to cater 社區推動而又值得推行的禁毒計劃。 for the different needs of drug dependent persons from varying backgrounds. We keep our treatment 在戒毒治療及康復服務方面,本港提供多種模式的 and rehabilitation programmes under regular review 服務,以切合背景各異的藥物倚賴者的種種需要。 through the formulation of successive three-year 我們連續制訂三年計劃,定期檢討戒毒治療及康復 plans. The fifth one covering 2009 to 2011 sets out 服務計劃。第五個涵蓋二○○九至二○一一年的 a roadmap to strengthen various services to meet 三年計劃因應最新的吸毒趨勢,定出路向,加強各項 different needs in light of the latest drug trends. 服務,以應付不同需要。 To conceptualise and articulate the services in a 香港為吸毒者而設的治療及康復服務分級多模式架構 more structured manner, the first edition of a tiered (第一版)已於二○一○年十二月發表。架構以更有 multi-modality framework of treatment and rehabilitation 系統的方式,將各種服務有概念地勾劃出來。 services for drug abusers in Hong Kong was published in December 2010.

香港禁毒及反洗黑錢報告書 10 Hong Kong Narcotics and Anti-money Laundering Report 2007-2010 第一章 Chapter 1 禁毒專員報告 Commissioner’s Report

當局已增撥資源,擴展及改善為本港吸毒者提供的 Additional resources have been introduced to expand 戒毒治療及康復服務。我們提高了資助金額,以增加 and improve treatment and rehabilitation services 戒毒治療及康復中心的宿位,並加強外展社會福利 for drug abusers in Hong Kong. We increased the 服務的人手。兩間新的濫用精神藥物者輔導中心 subvention to provide additional places in drug (濫藥者輔導中心)於二○○八年啟用,另有四間 treatment and rehabilitation centres and to strengthen 於二○一○年投入服務,使本港的濫藥者輔導中心 the manpower of outreaching social welfare services. 總數增至11間。此外,亦開設了新的物質誤用診所, Two new Counselling Centres for Psychotropic 令現時醫院管理局轄下七個醫院聯網均設有這項 Substance Abusers (CCPSAs) were opened in 2008 設施。我們又於二○○九年在兩個裁判法院推行 and another four came into operation in 2010, 一項為期兩年的加強感化服務先導計劃,為被定罪的 making a total of 11 CCPSAs in Hong Kong. New 21歲以下青少年毒犯提供更聚焦、更有系統的戒毒 Substance Abuse Clinics were also opened, which 治療計劃。 now cover all seven hospital clusters of the Hospital Authority. We also launched a two-year pilot project 專責小組建議實行毒品測試,作為整體禁毒策略的 on enhanced probation service in two magistracies in 一項創新工具,我們根據有關建議,以及行政長官 2009 to provide a more focused, structured treatment 督導的加強抗毒運動的其中一個方向,於二○○九/ programme for convicted young drug offenders aged 一○學年聯同大埔區23所中學,推行校園驗毒試行 below 21. 計劃。有關的評估研究報告指出,計劃大體上達到 兩大目標,即鞏固學生遠離毒品的決心,以及向受 Following the Task Force’s recommendation to use 毒品困擾的學生提供支援。計劃於二○一○/一一 drug testing as an innovative tool in our overall 學年繼續推行。 anti-drug strategy and as one of the directions of the Chief Executive’s escalated anti-drug campaign, a trial scheme on school drug testing was launched in Tai Po district in collaboration with the 23 secondary schools there during the 2009/10 school year. An evaluation research report on the scheme found that it had generally achieved the dual objectives of strengthening students’ resolve to stay away from 九龍東物質誤用診所的職業治療師向禁毒專員黃碧兒(右二)示範 drugs and providing support for students troubled 如何使用認知評估儀器,測試吸食毒品破壞身體機能的程度。 The Commissioner for Narcotics, Ms Sally Wong (second from right), by drugs. The scheme was extended to the 2010/11 watches a demonstration by occupational therapists of the Kowloon school year. East Substance Abuse Clinic on how to use cognitive and assessment tools to test the degree of impaired bodily function of drug abusers.

香港禁毒及反洗黑錢報告書 11 Hong Kong Narcotics and Anti-money Laundering Report 2007-2010 第一章 Chapter 1 禁毒專員報告 Commissioner’s Report

禁毒專員黃碧兒(右)參觀政府化驗所,了解頭髮驗毒先導計劃的 進展和新購置的頭髮驗毒儀器運作情況。 The Commissioner for Narcotics, Ms Sally Wong (right), visits the The Administration is encouraging other districts and Government Laboratory to learn more about the progress of the hair drug testing pilot scheme and the operation of new hair drug testing schools to pursue voluntary school drug testing as part instruments. of a comprehensive healthy school programme and to apply for the Beat Drugs Fund for implementation from the 2011/12 school year onwards.

As an alternative and complementary technology to 當局正鼓勵其他地區及學校實行自願校園測檢,作為 urine testing, the Government Laboratory successfully 全面健康校園計劃的其中一環,並向禁毒基金申請 developed hair drug testing technology with accreditation 撥款,以便由二○一一/一二學年起,推行計劃。 in 2009. A hair drug testing pilot scheme was launched in June 2010 to provide free hair drug testing services 政府化驗所於二○○九年成功研發頭髮驗毒技術, to drug treatment centres and youth service units to 並獲得認可,作為尿液測試以外,另一種可供選擇及 help them develop suitable programmes for drug 互相補足的驗毒技術。頭髮驗毒先導計劃於二○一○年 abusers. The Government is exploring expansion of the 六月推出,為戒毒中心及青少年服務單位提供免費 service. Schools pursuing drug testing as part of their 頭髮驗毒服務,協助中心為吸毒者制訂合適的計劃。 healthy school programme can also choose to use the 政府現正探討擴展有關服務。學校如實行測檢,作為 hair testing method. 健康校園計劃的一部分,亦可選用頭髮驗毒方法。 Between 2007 and 2010, five drug-related research 二○○七至二○一○年間,五項與毒品有關的研究 studies including the “2008/09 Survey of Drug Use 包括「二○○八/○九年學生服用藥物情況調查」相繼 among Students” were completed. The survey results, 完成。該項調查的結果於二○一○年二月公布,讓我們 which were released in February 2010, gave us a clear 清楚知悉本港學生吸毒的最新趨勢,並提供客觀 picture of the latest trends of student drug abuse in 資料,協助我們制訂禁毒政策及措施。 Hong Kong and provided objective information to help us formulate anti-drug policies and measures. 為確保禁毒工作與現行國際標準及規定一致,禁毒處 繼續以中國代表團成員身分,出席聯合國麻醉品委員會 To ensure our anti-drug work is in line with current 的周年會議,並與各地對口單位保持緊密聯繫。 international standards and requirements, the ND has continued to participate in the United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs annual meetings as part of the Chinese delegation and maintain close links with our international counterparts.

香港禁毒及反洗黑錢報告書 12 Hong Kong Narcotics and Anti-money Laundering Report 2007-2010 第一章 Chapter 1 禁毒專員報告 Commissioner’s Report

On law enforcement, the Government continues to adopt a zero-tolerance attitude towards illicit drugs and drug pushers. Law enforcement agencies are committed to reducing both supply of and demand 在執法方面,政府繼續對毒品及毒販採取零容忍 for illicit drugs through a wide range of anti-drug 態度。執法機關致力通過多項禁毒計劃,減少非法毒品 initiatives, and have taken forward various measures 的供應及需求,並已採取種種措施及行動,包括蒐集 and operations to combat drug-related crimes, including 情報,以及加強與內地和海外執法機關合作,共同 collecting intelligence and strengthening co-operation 打擊毒品相關罪行。為對付青少年跨境吸毒問題,當局 with Mainland and overseas law enforcement agencies. 已加強邊境管制站的緝毒犬服務,以及對年輕旅客 To combat cross-boundary youth drug abuse, drug 進行抽查。此外,又加強以跨境旅客為對象的禁毒 detector dog services and random checks on young 宣傳活動。 passengers were enhanced at boundary control points. Anti-drug publicity activities targeting cross-boundary 執法機構繼續與律政司緊密合作,務求法庭就適當的 passengers were also strengthened. 案件,例如利用未成年人販毒案件及某些跨境案件, 施加更重的刑罰。鑑於新興毒品的出現,我們會於 Law enforcement agencies and the Department of 二○一一年尋求修訂法例,把三種危害精神毒品納入 Justice continued to work closely to seek enhanced 《危險藥物條例》的管制範圍。修訂將於二○一一年 sentencing from the court in appropriate cases such 四月生效。 as adults using minors for drug trafficking and certain cross-boundary cases. In view of the emergence of 在打擊清洗黑錢/反恐融資方面,打擊清洗黑錢財務 new drugs, we will seek amendments to bring three 行動特別組織(特別組織)與亞洲 / 太平洋反清洗黑錢 types of psychotropic substances under the control of 組織於二○○七年就本港的打擊清洗黑錢/反恐融資 the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance in 2011, which will 制度,進行相互評核。相互評核報告確認了本港制度 come into effect in April 2011. 的優點,但同時指出一些香港應着眼的地方,務求 改善制度。 On the anti-money laundering/counter financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) front, the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (FATF) and Asia/Pacific Group on Money Laundering conducted a joint Mutual Evaluation of Hong Kong’s AML/CFT regime in 2007. The Mutual Evaluation report recognised the strengths of Hong Kong’s regime but also pointed out areas in which Hong Kong should focus to enhance its regime.

禁毒專員黃碧兒在「海關合作打擊販運毒品區域交流會」 開幕典禮上致辭。 The Commissioner for Narcotics, Ms Sally Wong, speaks at the opening ceremony of “Regional Seminar on Customs Co-operation Against Drug Trafficking”.

香港禁毒及反洗黑錢報告書 13 Hong Kong Narcotics and Anti-money Laundering Report 2007-2010 第一章 Chapter 1 禁毒專員報告 Commissioner’s Report

In 2008, the Government set up a high-level Central Co-ordinating Committee under the chairmanship of the Financial Secretary to better steer the strategic development of Hong Kong’s AML/CFT regime. In response to the changing landscape of international money laundering and financing of terrorism, and following the committee’s decision, the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau took over the overall co-ordinating role for AML/CFT policies on October 1, 2008. The ND continues to assist in overseeing the implementation

禁毒專員黃碧兒(右二)聯同禁毒常務委員會委員在羅湖邊境管制站 of recommendations of the FATF in respect of the 離境大堂派發禁毒宣傳單張和紀念品。 non-financial sectors, including lawyers, accountants, The Commissioner for Narcotics, Ms Sally Wong (second from right), together with members of the Action Committee Against Narcotics, trust and company service providers, estate agents, and distribute anti-drug leaflets and souvenirs at the departure hall of Lo precious metal and precious stones dealers. Wu Border Control Point.

To raise awareness of the latest trends and methods 二○○八年,政府成立高層次的中央統籌委員會, employed by money launderers and criminals, the ND, 由財政司司長擔任主席,更有效地督導本港打擊 together with regulators and professional bodies, 清洗黑錢/反恐融資制度的策略發展。因應國際間 regularly conducted training and educational 清洗黑錢及恐怖分子融資活動的情況不斷改變, programmes for the practitioners in the relevant 經委員會決定後,財經事務及庫務局於二○○八年 sectors. An interactive training kit with a practical 十月一日接手負責打擊清洗黑錢/反恐融資政策的 guide booklet and a CD-ROM were produced in 2007 整體統籌工作。禁毒處則繼續就非金融界別(包括 and 2009 to provide useful reference for the sectors. 律師、會計師、信託及公司服務供應商、地產代理、 Media briefings and interviews were also conducted 貴重金屬及寶石交易商等),協助監督特別組織所提 to enhance public understanding of the issues 建議的推行情況。 and to rally their support. The plan is to establish a regulatory regime through legislation for the 為了讓有關界別的從業員更清楚掌握清洗黑錢的最新 non-financial sectors in respect of customer due 趨勢,和清洗黑錢者和罪犯所採用的手法,禁毒處 diligence and record-keeping requirements in due 聯同監管機構及專業團體定期舉辦培訓及教育課程。 course. 當局分別於二○○七及二○○九年,製作了一套互動 教材連實務指引及唯讀光碟,為業界提供實用的參考 A Vote of Thanks 資 料。 此 外, 又 舉 行 傳 媒 簡 報 會 和 接 受 訪 問, 加 深 I would like to take this opportunity to express my 市民大眾對有關問題的了解,以及爭取他們的支持。 sincere thanks to all those who have contributed 當局計劃稍後會透過立法,就客戶盡職審查及備存 to the anti-drug cause. The arresting of the rising 記錄規定,為非金融界別訂立規管制度。 trend of drug abuse would not have been possible without the staunch support of the Action Committee 鳴謝 Against Narcotics, non-governmental organisations, 本人謹藉此機會,向所有曾參與禁毒工作的人士衷心 the community, and my colleagues in the ND and 致謝。全賴禁毒常務委員會、非政府機構、社會各界 other departments who have all worked extremely 鼎力支持,禁毒處及其他部門同事在過去數年努力 hard over the past few years. But there is no time for 耕耘,辛勤工作,吸毒人數的升勢才得以遏止。然而, complacency in the long term battle against drugs. 抗毒工作是一場持久戰,我們決不可自滿。只要大家 With firm commitment to our cause and care for our 對禁毒工作有堅決承擔,關懷愛護我們的下一代, younger generation, I trust that all parties will sustain 本人深信,我們定能繼續專心致志,群策群力,建立 their dedicated and collaborative efforts in building 一 個 健 康 無 毒 的 社 會 。 a healthy, drug-free society for all.

香港禁毒及反洗黑錢報告書 14 Hong Kong Narcotics and Anti-money Laundering Report 2007-2010 政策制定和統籌 Policy-making and 2 Co-ordination 第二章 Chapter 2 政策制定和統籌 Policy-making and Co-ordination

行政長官曾蔭權會見禁毒常務委員會委員及十八區區議會正副主席,就打擊青少年毒品問題的建議交換意見。 The Chief Executive, Mr Donald Tsang, meets with members of the Action Committee Against Narcotics and the chairmen and vice-chairmen of 18 District Councils to exchange views with them on proposals for tackling the problem of youth drug abuse.

香港在約50年前便開始致力打擊吸毒和販毒問題。 Hong Kong’s fight against drug abuse and trafficking began in earnest some 50 years ago. 政府的禁毒策略由保安局轄下禁毒處統籌,並從五 方面入手: Led by the Narcotics Division (ND) of the Security Bureau, a five-pronged anti-drug strategy was put • 預防教育和宣傳(由禁毒處與其他部門及機構合力 in place through: 推行 ); • preventive education and publicity programmes • 戒毒治療和康復服務; organised by the ND in co-operation with other • 禁毒處推動立法,警務處、海關及衞生署負責 departments and organisations; 執法; • treatment and rehabilitation services; • 對外合作(與內地及海外機關 );以及 • enactment of legislation promoted by the ND • 研究工作(有助制定策略及計劃)。 and law enforcement by the Police, the Customs and Excise Department and the Department of Health;

• external co-operation with Mainland and overseas authorities; and

• research work facilitating the formulation of strategies and programmes.

香港禁毒及反洗黑錢報告書 16 Hong Kong Narcotics and Anti-money Laundering Report 2007-2010 第二章 Chapter 2 政策制定和統籌 Policy-making and Co-ordination

The upward trend of psychotropic substance abuse by young people in recent years has aroused concern of the society at large. To combat the problem, the Chief Executive, in his 2007/08 Policy Address, appointed the Secretary for Justice to lead a high-level inter-departmental task force to examine 近年,青少年吸食危害精神毒品呈上升趨勢,引起 the problem in detail and review the anti-drug 社會大眾關注。為對付這個問題,行政長官在 strategies for formulation of long-term, holistic and 二○○七/○八年施政報告中宣布,委任律政司司長 sustainable recommendations. In November 2008, 領導高層次跨部門專責小組,詳細研究有關問題, the Task Force on Youth Drug Abuse published 並檢討禁毒策略,以制訂長遠、全面並可持續推行 a report which inaugurated an intensified and 的建議。二○○八年十一月,青少年毒品問題專責 strategically considered battle on youth drug abuse 小組發表報告,當局和整個社會開展新一輪工作, by the Administration and the community. The report 進一步有策略地打擊青少年毒禍。報告提出了 put forward 70-plus recommendations comprising 70多項建議,包括在一向沿用的五管齊下禁毒 reinvigorated efforts along the long standing 策略中,加強各種措施,以及推動關懷青少年文化, five-pronged anti-drug strategies and promotion of 從更根本的層面打擊青少年吸毒問題。 a caring culture for the youth to tackle the more fundamental issue of youth drug abuse. 二○○九年七月,當局循行政長官公布的五個策略性 方向,即社會動員、社區支援、測檢、康復和執法, In July 2009, anti-drug efforts were escalated 加強禁毒工作。已落實的主要措施包括在全港18區 along five strategic directions promulgated by the 推行反青少年吸毒社區計劃,在二○○九/一○學年 Chief Executive, namely community mobilisation, 實施大埔區校園驗毒試行計劃,以及向禁毒基金注資 community support, drug testing, rehabilitation 30億元,使基金有更豐厚資金,資助社會各界持續 and law enforcement. Major measures implemented 進行禁毒工作。 included the launch of a Community Programme Against Youth Drug Abuse in all 18 districts, the implementation of the Trial Scheme on School Drug Testing in Tai Po District in the 2009/10 school year, as well as an injection of $3 billion into the Beat Drugs Fund to provide an enhanced level of 律政司司長黃仁龍資深大律師(右二)出席禁毒常務委員會特別 funding to support sustained anti-drug efforts in 會議,就青少年毒品問題專責小組報告與委員交換意見。 The Secretary for Justice, Mr Wong Yan Lung, SC (second from right), the community. attends a special meeting of the Action Committee Against Narcotics to exchange views with members on the Report of the Task Force on Youth Drug Abuse.

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禁毒常務委員會(二○○九至二○一○年) Action Committee Against Narcotics (2009 - 2010)

Action Committee Against Narcotics

The Action Committee Against Narcotics (ACAN) was 禁毒常務委員會(二○○七至二○○八年) Action Committee Against Narcotics (2007 - 2008) formed in 1965 as a non-statutory body to provide advice on the Government’s anti-drug policies and work. Chaired by Dr Choi Yuen-wan (2003-2008) 禁毒常務委員會 and Professor Daniel Shek (2009 to present), it comprises 17 unofficial members who have been 禁毒常務委員會於一九六五年成立,是一個非法定 chosen for their experience and expertise in various 組織,專責就政府的禁毒政策及工作提供意見。 fields including the Legislative Council, social and 委員會由蔡元雲醫生(二○○三至二○○八年)及 community services. Government officials including 石丹理教授(二○○九年起至今)擔任主席,成員 the Commissioner for Narcotics and representatives 包括17名非官方委員,他們都是在立法會、社會 of the Secretary for Education, the Commissioner of 及社區服務等不同範疇具有豐富經驗及專業知識而 Police, the Director of Social Welfare and the Director 獲委任。官方委員有禁毒專員、教育局局長、 of Health are also members of ACAN. The Director 警務處處長、社會福利署署長及衞生署署長的代表。 of the Central Narcotics Bureau of Singapore sits 此外,根據新加坡與香港兩地政府一項相互委任 on ACAN under a scheme of reciprocal appointment 安排,新加坡中央肅毒局局長亦以委員身分,參與 between the Singapore and Hong Kong governments. 委員會的工作。委員會定期檢討政府所推行各項 The tasks of ACAN are to keep the programmes 禁毒活動及計劃,確保政府部門和志願機構在落實 and projects undertaken by the Government in the 禁毒政策時,互相協調合作,以及爭取社會人士 anti-drug cause under constant review, to ensure 支持,對抗毒禍。 co-ordination and co-operation among government departments and voluntary agencies in implementing anti-drug policies, and to enlist public support in the fight against drugs.

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ACAN Sub-committees

Two sub-committees on “Preventive Education and Publicity” and on “Treatment and Rehabilitation” advise ACAN on the relevant areas of work. The sub-committees have 40 members in total, drawn 禁毒常務委員會小組委員會 from various fields such as medical and health, social 禁毒常務委員會下設兩個小組委員會,分別是禁毒 work, parent education, treatment and rehabilitation, 教育及宣傳小組委員會和戒毒治療及康復小組 youth, education, law and the commercial sector. 委員會,負責就相關範疇工作向禁毒常務委員會 提供意見。兩個小組委員會成員共40人,來自不同 On the research front, the Research Advisory 界別,如醫療衞生、社會工作、家長教育、戒毒治療 Group oversees the research studies commissioned 及康復服務、青少年、教育、法律和商界等。 in response to changing drug abuse trends. The membership composition is reviewed and 研究方面,研究諮詢小組專責監督因應不斷轉變的 changed flexibly to meet the research needs. 吸毒趨勢而委託機構進行的研究。當局會不時檢視 諮詢小組成員的組合,靈活作出改變,以配合研究 需要。

禁毒處及禁毒常務委員會代表團參觀上海市禁毒教育館。 Delegates from the ND and the ACAN visit an anti-drug education centre in Shanghai.

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Areas of Work ACAN Sub-committee on Preventive Education and Publicity

The ACAN Sub-committee on Preventive Education and Publicity advises ACAN on major anti-drug publicity campaigns and preventive education strategies. It also advises on the development of 禁毒常務委員會禁毒教育及宣傳小組委員會(二○○七至二○○八年) school preventive education programmes and other ACAN Sub-committee on Preventive Education and Publicity (2007 - 2008) educational programmes targeting different sectors in the community. Some major work undertaken by the Sub-committee from 2007 to 2010 included the 工作範圍 launch of a territory-wide campaign against youth drug abuse and various anti-drug projects jointly 禁毒教育及宣傳小組委員會 produced by the ND and the Commercial Radio Hong 禁毒教育及宣傳小組委員會就各項大型禁毒宣傳運動 Kong, Yahoo! Hong Kong and Radio Television Hong 和預防教育策略,向禁毒常務委員會提供意見。 Kong, as well as the provision of support services 此外,委員會又會就制訂學校禁毒教育計劃,以及 to parents and teachers on enhancing their roles in 針對社會不同界別人士而舉辦其他教育活動,提出 preventive education and early intervention against 建議。小組委員會在二○○七至二○一○年間進行 youth drug abuse problem. 的主要工作,包括開展全港青少年禁毒運動,以及 多個由禁毒處與不同機構,包括商業電台、雅虎香港 和香港電台,聯合製作的禁毒計劃。委員會亦為家長 及教師提供支援服務,加強他們在預防教育和及早 介入方面所起的作用,以打擊青少年毒品問題。

禁毒常務委員會禁毒教育及宣傳小組委員會(二○○九至二○一○年) ACAN Sub-committee on Preventive Education and Publicity (2009 - 2010)

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ACAN Sub-committee on Treatment and Rehabilitation

戒毒治療及康復小組委員會 The ACAN Sub-committee on Treatment and 戒毒治療及康復小組委員會就多項有關戒毒治療及 Rehabilitation advises on a wide range of issues 康復服務的事宜,提供意見,以回應最新吸毒趨勢。 relating to drug treatment and rehabilitation 這些事宜包括就擬訂香港戒毒治療和康復服務 services to address the latest drug trends, including 第五個三年計劃(二○○九至二○一一年)提供 the provision of advice on the formulation of the 意見,在濫用精神藥物者輔導中心提供實地醫療 Fifth Three-year Plan (2009-2011), the provision of 支援服務,以及推行為本地吸毒者而設的戒毒治療 on-site medical support services in the Counselling 及康復服務分級多模式架構。 Centres for Psychotropic Substance Abusers and a tiered multi-modality approach of treatment and rehabilitation services for drug abusers in Hong Kong.

禁毒常務委員會戒毒治療及康復小組委員會(二○○七至二○○八年) ACAN Sub-committee on Treatment and Rehabilitation (2007 - 2008)

禁毒常務委員會戒毒治療及康復小組委員會(二○○九至二○一○年) ACAN Sub-committee on Treatment and Rehabilitation (2009 - 2010)

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研究諮詢小組(二○○七至二○○九年) Research Advisory Group (2007 – 2009)

研究諮詢小組(二○○九至二○一一年) Research Advisory Group (2009 – 2011)

Research Advisory Group

研究諮詢小組 The Research Advisory Group vets and monitors 研究諮詢小組負責審核和監察研究計劃。近年, research projects. Several new research studies were 禁毒處委託或禁毒基金資助進行了多項新研究, commissioned by the ND or supported by the Beat 包括氯胺酮對泌尿系統損害的研究、香港吸毒人口 Drugs Fund in recent years. They included a research 普遍率估算方法檢討,以及香港「待業待學青少年」 on urological sequelae of ketamine abuse, a review 吸毒情況及服務需求研究。 of estimation methods of prevalence of drug abuse population in Hong Kong and a study on drug abuse situation and service needs of non-engaged youths in Hong Kong.

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Drug Liaison Committee

Formed in 1993, the Drug Liaison Committee facilitates 毒品問題聯絡委員會 the co-ordination and communication between the 毒品問題聯絡委員會於一九九三年成立,旨在促進 Commissioner for Narcotics and voluntary agencies 禁毒專員與提供戒毒治療及康復服務的志願機構互相 from the treatment and rehabilitation field. 協調和溝通。 The Committee comprises representatives of 委員會成員包括非政府機構代表、禁毒教育專家和 non-governmental organisations (NGOs), drug 政府代表。委員會提供有效平台,讓政府與非政府 education experts and government representatives. 機構就種種與毒品有關的一般問題,特別是戒毒治療 It serves as a useful platform for the exchange of 及康復事宜,交流意見。 views between the Government and NGOs on a wide range of drug-related matters in general, and drug treatment and rehabilitation issues in particular.

毒品問題聯絡委員會 Drug Liaison Committee

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Knowing the Reasons

Information on drug abuse cases is collated by the Central Registry of Drug Abuse (CRDA) from standard record sheets received from law 剖析情況 探索根由 enforcement departments, youth outreaching teams, 藥物濫用資料中央檔案室(檔案室)負責整理吸毒 treatment and rehabilitation agencies, hospitals 個案資料。有關資料由執法部門、青少年外展 and clinics and others. Information collected on 服務隊、戒毒治療及康復機構、醫院及診所等利用 abusers covers: (1) socioeconomic characteristics 標準記錄表呈報。蒐集的資料包括吸毒者的: such as age, sex and activity status; (2) drug abuse (一)社會經濟特徵,如年齡、性別和活動狀況; characteristics including the type of drugs abused, (二)吸毒情況,包括吸食毒品種類、首次吸毒年齡 the age at which the drug abuse first started and 和現時吸毒原因;以及(三)接觸呈報機構日期。 the reason for current drug use; and (3) the date of contact with the reporting agency. 有關個別人士吸毒的資料,由當事人自願提供,呈報 機構協助收集。檔案室的統計數字,並不等同本港 The information on drug abuse by individuals 吸毒人口的確實數字,但可反映本港的吸毒趨勢。 is provided on a voluntary basis and with the 所有資料絕對保密,只有負責檔案室工作的人員, co-operation of the reporting agencies. CRDA figures 才可取閱。所有經檔案室整理的資料,只會作統計 do not measure the exact size of the abuser population 分析及研究用途。《危險藥物條例》(第 134 章)保障 but reflect the trends of drug abuse in Hong Kong. 檔案室及呈報機構備存的記錄一律保密,這有助 Information is handled in strict confidence and is 消除吸毒者的恐懼,不需害怕因接受治療而泄露 accessible only to people who are responsible for the 身分,同時鼓勵呈報機構與檔案室合作。 operation of CRDA. All information is collated and used only for statistical analysis and research purposes. The confidentiality of all records held by CRDA and its reporting agencies is safeguarded by the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance (DDO) (Chapter 134). This helps allay drug abusers’ fears of being exposed when they go for treatment, and encourage the co-operation of reporting agencies.

藥物濫用資料中央檔案室報告書 Central Registry of Drug Abuse Reports

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統計結果摘要 Some Findings

二○○九及二○一○年,被呈報的吸毒者分別有 In 2009 and 2010, 13,988 and 12,420 drug abusers 13,988人和12,420人,與二○○八年的14,241人 were reported respectively, a drop of 1.8% and 12.8% 比較,分別減少1.8%和12.8%,扭轉了自二○○六年 respectively when compared to 14,241 in 2008. This (13,252 人)以來的升勢。 reversed the rising trend since 2006 (13,252).

被呈報的21歲以下青少年吸毒人數,由二○○四年的 The number of reported young abusers aged under 21 2,186人,增至二○○八年的3,474人,然後下降至 increased from 2,186 in 2004 to 3,474 in 2008, 二○○九年的3,387人(減少2.5%)及二○一○年的 then dropped to 3,387 (by 2.5%) in 2009 and 2,753 2,753 人(減少 20.8%)。 (by 20.8%) in 2010.

被呈報的21歲以下青少年吸毒者所佔比例,由二○○四年 The proportion of reported young abusers aged 的14.7%,升至二○○八年的24.4%,然後在二○○九年 under 21 increased from 14.7% in 2004 to 24.4% 降至24.2%,二○一○年再降至22.2%。 in 2008, and then decreased to 24.2% in 2009 and 22.2% in 2010. 二○一○年,首次被呈報的吸毒者有3,719人 (29.9%),較二○○九年的4,458人低16.6%。 In 2010, 3,719 (29.9%) were newly reported drug abusers, which was 16.6% lower than that in 2009 二○一○年,所有被呈報吸毒者首次吸毒的平均年齡 (4,458). 是17.7歲,而21歲以下青少年首次吸毒的平均年齡 則是14.9歲,均較二○○七年的相應年齡18.1歲和 In 2010, the average age of first abuse of all reported 15.4 歲為低。 drug abusers was 17.7 and that for youngsters aged under 21 was 14.9, both lower than the corresponding 二○一○年,在所有被呈報的吸毒者當中,79.9%為 age of 18.1 and 15.4 in 2007. 男性,20.1%為女性。而21歲以下的青少年吸毒者 中,66.2%為 男 性,33.8%為 女 性。 男 性 吸 毒 者 Of all the reported drug abusers in 2010, 79.9% were 普遍較女性吸毒者年長得多,平均年齡分別為 male and 20.1% were female. Among those young 35.4歲和27.3歲,與二○○七至二○○九年這段期間 abusers aged under 21, 66.2% were male and 33.8% 的情況相若。 were female. Male drug abusers were in general much older than their female counterparts with their 在二○○七至二○一○年間,海洛英是吸毒者最常 average age being 35.4 and 27.3 respectively. The 吸食的毒品,在二○一○年被呈報的吸毒者當中, situation was similar during the 2007 to 2009 period. 有50.0%吸食海洛英。氯胺酮是吸毒者最常吸食的 危害精神毒品,在二○一○年被呈報的所有吸毒者及 During the 2007 to 2010 period, heroin was the most 青少年吸毒者當中,分別有36.2%及79.9%吸食 commonly abused drug. 50.0% of the reported drug 這種毒品。98.3%被呈報的青少年吸毒者均吸食 abusers in 2010 took heroin. Ketamine was the most 危害精神毒品。 commonly abused type of psychotropic substance, with 36.2% of all the reported drug abusers and 79.9% of reported young drug abusers in 2010 taking it. 98.3% of reported young drug abusers took psychotropic substances.

海洛英 Heroin

香港禁毒及反洗黑錢報告書 26 Hong Kong Narcotics and Anti-money Laundering Report 2007-2010 第三章 Chapter 3 吸毒情況 Drug Abuse Situation

在二○○七至二○一○年間,其他常被吸食的危害 Other psychotropic drugs commonly abused were 精神毒品有甲基安非他明(「冰 」)、三唑侖 / 咪達唑侖 / methamphetamine (“ice”), triazolam / midazolam / 佐匹克隆、可卡因、咳藥水、大麻及「搖頭丸」等。 zopiclone, cocaine, cough medicine, cannabis and ecstasy between 2007 and 2010. 在二○○七及二○○八年,海洛英吸食者最常用的 吸食方法是注射,其次是以吸入煙霧方式(俗稱 Injection was the most usual method of drug taking 「追龍」)及放入香煙/煙管中吸食。自二○○九年 among heroin abusers in 2007 and 2008, followed 起,吸入煙霧方式已取代注射方式,成為最常用吸食 by inhalation, known as “chasing the dragon” and 海洛英的方法。 smoking. Starting from 2009, inhalation overtook injection and ranked first. 至於吸食危害精神毒品人士所用的吸食方式, 二○○七至二○一○年的趨勢並無改變。鼻吸是 As for psychotropic substance abusers, the trend 最常用的吸食方法(主要見於氯胺酮吸食者),其次 remained the same between 2007 and 2010. Sniffing 是口服(咳藥水、硝甲西泮及「搖頭丸」吸食者)、 was the most usual method (mostly among ketamine 吸入煙霧方式(「冰」吸食者)和放入香煙 / 煙管中吸食 abusers), followed by oral ingestion (cough medicine, (大麻吸食者 )。 nimetazepam and ecstasy abusers), inhalation (“ice” abusers) and smoking (cannabis abusers). 二 ○ ○ 七 年, 被 呈 報 吸 食 危 害 精 神 毒 品 的 人 數 (7,909人),首 次 超 越 被 呈 報 吸 食 海 洛 英 的 人 數 The number of reported psychotropic substance (7,420人)。到二○○八年,這趨勢依然,並一直持續 abusers (7,909) overtook for the first time the number 至二○一○年。二○一○年,共有7,561人(佔吸毒者 of reported heroin abusers (7,420) in 2007. The trend 的61.1%)吸食 危 害 精 神 毒 品, 較 被 呈 報 的6,191名 continued from 2008 to 2010. In 2010, 7,561 persons 海 洛 英 吸 食 者(佔 吸 毒 者 的50.0%)為 多。 在 這 些 (or 61.1% of the drug abusers) took psychotropic 吸 毒 者 中, 2,801人(或22.6%)報 稱 吸 食 多 過 一 種 substances, which was more than the 6,191 reported 毒品。而年青吸毒者的相關比例更高,98.3%吸毒者 heroin abusers (or 50.0% of the drug abusers). Among 吸食危害精神毒品,吸食多種毒品的則有29.7%。 them, 2,801 (or 22.6%) claimed to be taking more than one drug. The corresponding proportions of 二○一○年,共有1,052人(佔被呈報吸毒者總人數的 psychotropic substance abusers and poly-drug abusers 8.6%)在中國內地(主要在深圳)吸毒,較二○○七年 among youngsters were much higher, at 98.3% and 的 11.2% 為低。 29.7% respectively.

In 2010, 1,052 persons (or 8.6% of the total reported drug abusers) took drugs in Mainland China (mostly in Shenzhen). This represented a drop from 11.2% in 2007.

甲基安非他明(「冰」) 可卡因 Methamphetamine (“ice”) Cocaine

香港禁毒及反洗黑錢報告書 27 Hong Kong Narcotics and Anti-money Laundering Report 2007-2010 第三章 Chapter 3 吸毒情況 Drug Abuse Situation

大麻 「搖頭丸」 Cannabis Ecstasy

大部分吸毒者都是在家中或朋友家中吸食毒品。 Most of the drug abusers took drugs at home or their 二○一○年,45.4%的吸毒者據報只曾在家中/朋友 friends’ home. In 2010, 45.4% of drug abusers were 家中吸食毒品,另有34.2%曾在家中/朋友家中及 reported to have taken drugs at home/friends’ home 其他地方(例如休憩地方/公園/公廁及的士高/ only, another 34.2% at home/friends’ home and other 卡拉OK)吸食毒品,餘下的20.4%則只曾在其他 localities (such as recreation area/public garden/public 地方吸食毒品。 toilet and disco/karaoke) and the remaining 20.4% at other localities only. 在二○○七至二○一○年間,危害精神毒品吸食者 指出現時吸食毒品的三個最普遍原因,依次為朋輩 The three most common reasons for current use 影響、解悶/情緒低落/焦慮和出於好奇。至於海洛英 of drugs given by psychotropic substance abusers 吸食者,最普遍的原因則是為避免因中斷吸食而感到 included peer influence, relief of boredom/ depression/ 不適,其次為朋輩影響。 anxiety and curiosity during 2007 to 2010. For heroin abusers, feeling of discomfort in abstaining from it 二○○七至二○一○年,在被呈報的吸毒者中, was the most common reason reported, followed by 逾40%為受僱人士,少於8%為學生。二○一○年, peer influence. 46.0%吸毒者為受僱人士,5.6% 為學生。二○一○年, 75.7%曾 接 受 小 學 或 初 中 教 育,1.4%達 大 專 水 平, Between 2007 and 2010, more than 40% of the reported 而二○○七年相應的百分比,分別為79.2%及1.0%。 drug abusers were employed and less than 8% were students. In 2010, 46.0% of the abusers were employed and 5.6% were students. 75.7% received primary or lower secondary education and 1.4% attained tertiary education in 2010, and the corresponding percentages in 2007 were 79.2% and 1.0% respectively.

咳藥水 氯胺酮 Cough medicine Ketamine

香港禁毒及反洗黑錢報告書 28 Hong Kong Narcotics and Anti-money Laundering Report 2007-2010 第三章 Chapter 3 吸毒情況 Drug Abuse Situation

學生調查 Student Survey

為了掌握現今學生吸食毒品的普遍程度,並蒐集其他 In order to keep abreast of the latest trend in the 最新及有用資料,當局於二○○八/○九學年進行了 prevalence of drug taking among students and collect 一項大型學生調查。與以往進行的調查相比, other useful and up-to-date information, a large scale 二○○八/○九年的調查範圍更大,由中學生擴展至 student survey was conducted in the 2008/09 school 包括高小及專上學生,總共有158,089學生參與。 year. When compared with previous rounds of survey, the scope of the 2008/09 survey had been expanded from 調 查 結 果 顯 示,4.3%的 中 學 生 表 示 曾 吸 毒, 與 secondary to upper-primary and post-secondary levels. 二○○四/○五學年的調查結果比較,上升了一個 A total of 158,089 students took part in the survey. 百分點。調查結果又確認了吸毒有年輕化的趨勢, 4.6%的中學生(12歲以下)表示曾經吸毒,而四年前 The survey revealed that 4.3% of secondary school 則只有2.3%。 students indicated that they had ever abused drugs, representing an increase of one percentage point from 調查結果同時顯示,1.6%的高小學生表示曾吸毒,而 the survey conducted in the 2004/05 school year. The 學士學位課程及其他專上課程學生的相應比率,分別 result also confirmed the lowering of the age of drug 為2.9%及5.4%。 abusers. 4.6% of secondary students (aged under 12) indicated they had abused drugs before, whereas only 報稱曾吸毒的小學生當中,37.5%吸食咳藥水, 2.3% indicated they had done so four years ago. 30.7%吸天拿水。至於中學生方面,接近一半報稱 曾吸毒的學生表示曾吸食氯胺酮(49.4%),其次是 The survey also revealed that 1.6% of the upper 大麻(35.6%)。 primary students indicated that they had ever abused drugs, while the corresponding rates for students of 調查亦確定青少年吸毒的隱蔽性質:報稱曾吸毒的 undergraduate programmes and other post-secondary 中學生當中,36.2%表示是在朋友家中吸毒,另有 programmes were 2.9% and 5.4% respectively. 25%在自己家中吸毒,只有約四分之一在娛樂場所 吸毒。 Among primary school students who claimed to have abused drugs, 37.5% abused cough medicine and 30.7% abused thinner. As regards secondary school students, nearly half of the students who claimed to have abused drugs indicated that they abused ketamine (49.4%), followed by cannabis (35.6%).

The survey also confirmed the hidden nature of youth drug abuse: 36.2% of the secondary school students who claimed to have abused drugs indicated they took drugs in friends’ home, while another 25% took drugs in their own home. Only about a quarter of them abused drugs in entertainment venues.

二○○八/○九年學生服用藥物情況調查報告 The 2008/09 Survey of Drug Use among Students report

香港禁毒及反洗黑錢報告書 29 Hong Kong Narcotics and Anti-money Laundering Report 2007-2010 第三章 Chapter 3 吸毒情況 Drug Abuse Situation

加強檔案室系統 Enhancing CRDA System

基於種種原因,與呈報機構有接觸的吸毒者中,部分 To supplement CRDA statistics on reported drug 並沒有向檔案室呈報。為補充檔案室有關被呈報 abusers, information on non-identifying personal and 吸毒者的統計資料,當局首度蒐集這些未被呈報 drug abuse information of drug abusers who had 人士的不能確認身分的個人及吸毒資料。沒有被呈報 been engaged by reporting agencies but had not 吸毒者佔被呈報吸毒者的比率,二○○八及二○○九年 been reported to CRDA for one reason or another 分 別 為9.7%和7.8%。 這 些 資 料 為 監 察 吸 毒 情 況, had been collected for the first time. For the years 提供新角度,並可作為額外參考。此外,當局亦已將 2008 and 2009, the ratios of non-reported abusers to 新的呈報機構納入《危險藥物條例》附表4,務求 reported abusers were 9.7% and 7.8% respectively. 進一步擴闊檔案室的呈報網絡。當局將展開修訂 Such information provides a new perspective and could 法例工作,以期在二○一一年六月落實上述措施。 serve as additional reference for monitoring the drug abuse situation. New reporting agencies were added to the Fourth Schedule to the DDO to further widen the reporting network of CRDA. Legislative amendment will be made to give effect to this in June 2011.

二○○七至二○一○年呈報機構向檔案室呈報的吸毒者人數 Number of Drug Abusers Reported to the CRDA 2007-2010




9,000 No. of persons

人數 6,000


0 2007 2008 2009 2010 年份 Year

資料來源:藥物濫用資料中央檔案室 Source: Central Registry of Drug Abuse

香港禁毒及反洗黑錢報告書 30 Hong Kong Narcotics and Anti-money Laundering Report 2007-2010 第三章 Chapter 3 吸毒情況 Drug Abuse Situation

二○○七至二○一○年被呈報的吸食危害精神毒品者人數 Number of Reported Psychotropic Substance Abusers 2007-2010

14,000 70

12,000 60

10,000 50 百分比 百分比

8,000 40 Percentage

No. of persons 6,000 30 人數 4,000 20

2,000 10

0 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 年份 Year 吸食危害精神毒品者人數 Number of psychotropic substance abusers

吸食危害精神毒品者佔同年被呈報並備有吸食毒品種類資料的人數百分比 Percentage of psychotropic substance abusers among all individuals with 資料來源:藥物濫用資料中央檔案室 type of drugs reported in the year Source: Central Registry of Drug Abuse

二○○七至二○一○年被呈報吸毒者的現時吸食毒品的原因 Reasons for Current Drug Use of Reported Drug Abusers 2007-2010

60 受到同輩朋友影響/想和同輩朋友打成一片 Peer influence / to identify with peers 50 解悶/情緒低落/焦慮 Relief of boredom / depression / anxiety 40 避免因沒有 吸食毒品而感到不適 出於好奇 To avoid discomfort 30 Percentage Curiosity of its absence

尋求快感或官能上的滿足 百分比 20 To seek euphoria or sensory satisfaction

受到伴侶影響 10 Under influence of the partner 自行治理疾病 For self-medication

0 2007 2008 2008 2010 資料來源:藥物濫用資料中央檔案室 年份 Year Source: Central Registry of Drug Abuse

香港禁毒及反洗黑錢報告書 31 Hong Kong Narcotics and Anti-money Laundering Report 2007-2010 禁毒教育及宣傳 Preventive Education 4 and Publicity 第四章 Chapter 4 禁毒教育及宣傳 Preventive Education and Publicity

禁毒常務委員會主席石丹理教授(右三)和保安局副局長黎棟國(右一) 在羅湖邊境管制站離境大堂派發禁毒宣傳品。 The Chairman of the Action Committee Against Narcotics, Professor Preventive education and publicity is one of the Daniel Shek (third from right), and the Under Secretary for Security, Mr Lai Tung-kwok (first from right), distribute anti-drug publicity principal measures to combat youth drug abuse materials at the departure hall of Lo Wu Border Control Point. problem. To tackle the rising psychotropic substance abuse problem, our foci in recent years are to arouse community awareness of the problem; educate the public about the harmful effects of drug abuse, in particular to correct the misconception among 禁毒教育及宣傳是打擊青少年毒品問題的主要措施 the youths that psychotropic substances are less 之一。為對付日益嚴重的吸食危害精神毒品問題, harmful; strengthen young people’s resolve to stay 我們近年的工作重點,是喚起社會對這問題的關注; away from drugs; and enrich parents’ and teachers’ 教育市民吸毒的禍害,尤其要糾正青少年以為危害 anti-drug knowledge and enhance their skills in 精神毒品害處較少的錯誤觀念;鞏固年青人遠離 early identification of drug abuse, thus rendering 毒品的決心;以及增進家長和教師的禁毒知識,加強 early assistance to their children and students. 他們及早辨識子女和學生吸毒的能力,從而及早 Details are set out in the ensuing paragraphs. 提供協助。詳情載述於下文各段。 General Preventive 一般禁毒教育及宣傳 Education and Publicity

我們推行一般禁毒教育及宣傳措施,目的在於: The objectives of our general preventive drug • 加深公眾對導致青少年吸毒風險因素的認識及 education and publicity measures are to: 警覺; • deepen the public’s understanding and awareness • 增強年青人抗拒毒品誘惑及朋輩影響的能力, of the risk factors leading to youth drug abuse; 並改變他們對吸毒視之等閒的態度; • strengthen young people’s resistance to the lure • 鼓勵家長、教師及社會各持份者通力合作,一起 of drugs and peer influence and change their 對付青少年吸毒問題;以及 casual attitude to drug abuse; • 動員社會各界,協助高危青少年,並在社會上 • encourage parents, teachers and different 培養無毒青少年文化。 stakeholders of the community to work together to tackle youth drug abuse through a collaborative approach; and • mobilise the community to assist youth at risk and foster a drug-free youth culture in the community.

香港禁毒及反洗黑錢報告書 33 Hong Kong Narcotics and Anti-money Laundering Report 2007-2010 第四章 Chapter 4 禁毒教育及宣傳 Preventive Education and Publicity

Major publicity campaign

In June 2008, a two-year territory-wide campaign against youth drug abuse with the theme “No Drugs, No Regrets. Not Now, Not Ever” was launched 大型宣傳運動 to change attitudes and misconceptions about 二○○八年六月,一項為期兩年的全港青少年禁毒 psychotropic substance abuse among youths and 運動展開,主題為「不可一、不可再。向毒品說不、 members of the public, foster a drug-free culture 向遺憾說不」,旨在改變青少年及市民對吸食危害 and mobilise community efforts to fight against 精神毒品的態度及誤解,建立無毒文化,並動員 drug abuse. A series of publicity initiatives were 社會合力抗禦毒禍。連串宣傳措施隨着運動展開而 introduced following the launch of the campaign. 推出,包括製作電視劇集、海報、單張及禁毒 They included the production of a TV drama series, 主題曲。二○○八及二○○九年,禁毒處一共製作了 posters, leaflets and an anti-drug theme song. 16套參考戒毒康復者真人真事製作的電視宣傳短片 A total of 16 sets of TV and radio Announcements 及電台宣傳聲帶。 in the Public Interest (APIs) depicting real-life experiences of ex-drug abusers were produced in 為糾正危害精神毒品對健康無害及不會成癮的 2008 and 2009. 錯誤觀念,在禁毒教育及宣傳的文件中,「濫藥」 一詞已由「吸毒 」取代,並採用「危害精神毒品 」作為 To correct the misconception that psychotropic 「psychotropic substance」的中文對應詞。 substances are not harmful nor addictive, the Chinese term “吸毒” has replaced “濫藥” in the context of preventive education and publicity. The Chinese term of psychotropic substance “危害精神 毒品” is also used.

二○○八年全港青少年禁毒運動開幕典禮主禮嘉賓合照。 Officiating guests at the Launching Ceremony of the Territory-wide Campaign Against Youth Drug Abuse in 2008.

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In 2009, the anti-drug campaign continued with a new theme, “Be Smart Be Free”. A “No Drugs No Regrets” pledge ceremony and a “Fight Drugs Together” ceremony were held in 2009 and 2010 respectively to gather together anti-drug parties to reaffirm their pledge to fight drugs. Building upon the campaign, the Narcotics Division (ND) and

二○○九年舉行的「不可一、不可再」誓師大會。 the Action Committee Against Narcotics (ACAN) “No Drugs No Regrets” pledge ceremony in 2009. launched in July 2010 a new round of anti-drug campaign, entitled “Stand Firm! Knock Drugs Out” to further strengthen the resolve of young people to 二○○九年,禁毒運動以新主題「天造之材 不進迷陣」 stay away from drugs. Three sets of TV and radio APIs 繼續推行。「不可一、不可再」誓師大會及「同行抗毒 and new posters, using languages of the younger 大會」分別於二○○九及二○一○年舉行,讓致力 generation, were produced under this campaign. 禁毒工作各方聚首一堂,重申對打擊毒禍的承諾。 Addressing the rising trend of lower age students 禁毒處及禁毒常務委員會以是項運動為基礎, abusing cough medicine and inhalant, another set 於二○一○年七月推出新一輪禁毒運動,題為 of TV and radio APIs and posters targeting children 「企硬!唔take嘢」,進一步鞏固年青人遠離毒品 on the harmful effects of these drugs were produced 的決心。為配合這項運動,當局使用了年輕一代的 in 2010. 語言,製作了三套電視宣傳短片及電台宣傳聲帶和 新海報。針對年紀較小的學童吸食咳藥水和吸入劑 有上升之勢,當局於二○一○年製作了另一套針對 兒童為對象,以這些毒品的禍害為題的電視宣傳短片 及電台宣傳聲帶和海報。

保安局局長李少光(中)聯同 出席「同行抗毒大會」的嘉賓, 與現場觀眾進行誓師儀式,以示 共同抗毒的決心。 The Secretary for Security, Mr Ambrose S K Lee (centre), together with other guests attending the “Fight Drugs Together” ceremony, lead the participants to make a pledge to demonstrate their determination in the fight against drugs.

香港禁毒及反洗黑錢報告書 35 Hong Kong Narcotics and Anti-money Laundering Report 2007-2010 第四章 Chapter 4 禁毒教育及宣傳 Preventive Education and Publicity

二○○八年「無毒真高手 Hip Hop Band Rap跳」音樂和舞蹈比賽的嘉賓和得獎者於閉幕大匯演合照。 Group photo of guests and winners attending the finale of “No Drugs Hip Hop Dance and Music Competition” held in 2008.

伙伴協作計劃 Partnership projects

禁毒常務委員會和禁毒處廣泛利用傳媒,特別是 ACAN and the ND made extensive use of the mass 電視、電台及互聯網,宣揚禁毒信息。此外,又與 media, particularly TV, radio and the Internet, to 不同傳媒機構合辦多項以不同組別為對象的計劃, drive home the anti-drug messages. In addition, 推廣「無毒 」文化。 various projects with different media organisations targeting different groups were organised to 二○○七年,禁毒常務委員會、禁毒處和香港電台 promote the “No Drugs” culture. 聯合舉辦一項以街頭舞蹈及流行音樂為主題的比賽, 提倡無毒健康生活方式。 In 2007, a hip hop dance and music competition was jointly organised by ACAN, ND and Radio Television 二○○八年,兩項大型計劃先後推出,包括與商業 Hong Kong (RTHK) to promote a drug-free healthy 電台和一個專業劇團合辦的戲劇訓練和製作計劃, lifestyle. 以及與政府青少年一站式網站和香港電台合辦的禁毒 短片比賽,以加深青少年對吸毒遺害的了解。 In 2008, two major projects, including a drama training and production programme co-organised by Commercial Radio Hong Kong and a professional drama group, and an anti-drug short film competition held in collaboration with the Government’s Youth Portal and RTHK were launched to help youngsters acquire a better understanding of the dire consequences of drug abuse.

「903大戲劇團」於中學巡迴演出禁毒戲劇。 Drama performance by the “903 Drama Tour” conducted in secondary schools to disseminate anti-drug messages.

香港禁毒及反洗黑錢報告書 36 Hong Kong Narcotics and Anti-money Laundering Report 2007-2010 第四章 Chapter 4 禁毒教育及宣傳 Preventive Education and Publicity

禁毒電視連續劇《美麗高解像》首播儀式。 Premiere of anti-drug TV drama series “The Beauty of the Game”.

禁毒處、禁毒常務委員會、叱咤903和天比高創作伙伴於二○○九年 暑假期間聯合舉辦開篷巴士禁毒巡遊表演。 Anti-drug open-top bus parade jointly organised by the ND, ACAN, Commercial Radio 2 and Skyhigh Creative Partners during the summer holiday in 2009. In 2009, ACAN and the ND partnered with Yahoo! Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups to organise an anti-drug cyber heroes design 二○○九年,禁毒常務委員會與禁毒處聯同雅虎 competition. To heighten anti-drug publicity during 香港和香港青年協會,合辦了一項「破毒壁行者」 the summer holidays, activities such as anti-drug 禁毒英雄設計比賽。為了在暑假期間加強禁毒宣傳, dance squad bus parades and a lyric writing contest 當局舉辦了多項活動,例如禁毒舞蹈團巴士巡遊, under the theme “Be Smart Be Free” were held. 以及以「天造之材 不進迷陣」為主題的填詞比賽。 Taking advantage of the far-reaching influence of TV 為善用電視劇集所發揮的深遠影響力,當局製作了 drama series, a 20-episode series entitled “The Beauty 一輯共20集名為《美麗高解像》的電視連續劇,並由 of the Game” was produced and broadcast from 二○○九年十二月起至二○一○年一月在無綫電視 December 2009 to January 2010 on TVB Jade Channel, 翡翠台播放,強調吸毒的禍害。 highlighting the harmful effects of drug abuse.

當局又與香港電台合作,於二○一○年推出一系列以 In collaboration with RTHK, a series of anti-drug 一般及高危青少年和家長為對象的禁毒活動。有關 programmes targeting general and high-risk youths 活動包括禁毒廣播劇、禁毒講座、訓練營、禁毒流行曲 as well as parents were launched in 2010. They 創作比賽、電台廣播節目及禁毒家庭日營。 included an anti-drug radio drama series, anti-drug talks, a training camp, an anti-drug pop-song writing competition, anti-drug radio segments and an anti-drug family day camp.

約80個 家 庭 參 與「同 行 抗 毒2010」大型 禁 毒 宣 傳 活 動 壓 軸 項 目 「無毒家庭好友營」。 About 80 families joined the anti-drug family day camp which marked the finale of the large-scale anti-drug campaign “Fight Drugs Together 2010”.

「天比高無處不在朋咤咤」禁毒舞蹈團團員表演街頭舞。 Members of the Skyhigh anti-drug dance squad performing street dance.

香港禁毒及反洗黑錢報告書 37 Hong Kong Narcotics and Anti-money Laundering Report 2007-2010 第四章 Chapter 4 禁毒教育及宣傳 Preventive Education and Publicity

Mobile phone and other publicity initiatives

To further reach out to young people, the ND launched an anti-drug mobile phone game which could be downloaded free in 2007. Anti-drug SMS messages were sent to young mobile phone users aged between 18 and 25 during the summer and Christmas holidays.

二人樂隊組合農夫在二○○九年全港青少年禁毒運動主題曲發布會上 與「天比高無處不在朋咤咤」禁毒舞蹈團團員合照。 Two anti-drug theme songs were composed and Popular music duo FAMA and the Skyhigh anti-drug dance squad at sung by pop group FAMA in 2008 and 2009. Their an event to release the theme song of the Territory-wide Campaign Against Youth Drug Abuse 2009. music videos were broadcast on the Internet, local TV stations, karaoke venues and shopping malls, and DVDs capturing the music videos were distributed at 手提電話及其他宣傳途徑 various anti-drug events. 為進一步向青少年宣傳禁毒信息,禁毒處於二○○七年 推出可供免費下載的禁毒手機遊戲。此外,又在暑假及 Anti-drug roving exhibition panels were lent to primary 聖誕假期,向年齡介乎18至25歲的年輕手提電話用戶 and secondary schools as well as non-governmental 發放禁毒短訊。 organisations (NGOs) for display at anti-drug activities. More than 230 anti-drug roving exhibitions were 二○○八及二○○九年,當局分別推出了兩首由流行 staged between 2007 and 2010. 樂隊農夫作曲和主唱的禁毒主題曲。歌曲的音樂錄像 在互聯網、本地電視台、卡拉OK場所及商場播放, Promotional materials targeting parents were sent 而載有有關音樂錄像的數碼影像光碟更在不同的禁毒 to over two million households together with the 活動上派發。 bills of the Ratings and Valuation Department and Water Supplies Department in 2008 and 2009 to 當局又向中小學及非政府機構借出禁毒巡迴展覽 drive home anti-drug messages. 展板,在禁毒活動中展示。在二○○七至二○一○年 間,共舉辦了超過230個禁毒巡迴展覽。 To engage young people, souvenirs with an appeal to them such as a notebook containing the creative 二○○八及二○○九年,當局把以家長為對象的 work of 27 well-known cartoonists, DJs and artistes 宣傳品,連同差餉物業估價署和水務署發出的帳單, telling young people about the harmful effects of 一併寄給逾200萬個住戶,務使禁毒信息更深入 drug abuse and a gamebook conveying anti-drug 民心。 information were produced in 2008.

為接觸青少年,當局於二○○八年製作了多項年輕人 感吸引的紀念品,例如載有27名著名漫畫家、唱片 騎師及藝人的創意作品的記事簿,旨在告訴年輕人 吸毒的禍害。此外,還製作了一本傳達禁毒資訊的 遊戲小冊子。

保安局首席助理秘書長(禁毒)李家俊(左二)及禁毒常務委員會成員 蘇麗珍(左三)於聖誕節期間在一間卡拉OK派發禁毒宣傳單張,呼籲年青人 在歡度佳節之餘,要過一個無毒假期。 Principal Assistant Secretary for Security (Narcotics) Mr Eric Lee (second from left) and ACAN member, Ms Ann So (third from left), distribute anti-drug leaflets to young people in a karaoke during Christmas holiday to remind them to stay away from drugs when celebrating the festive holidays.

香港禁毒及反洗黑錢報告書 38 Hong Kong Narcotics and Anti-money Laundering Report 2007-2010 第四章 Chapter 4 禁毒教育及宣傳 Preventive Education and Publicity

Preventive Education in Schools

School is an important platform for preventing youth drug abuse. The ND supported the Education Bureau (EDB) to promote the institutionalisation of a school-based Healthy School Policy (HSP) with 律政司司長黃仁龍資深大律師出席禁毒教育校長研討會,與五百 多名中、小學校長及教育界人士一起為打擊青少年毒品問題共謀 an anti-drug element. Schools are encouraged to 對策。 formulate school-based HSP to address the various The Secretary for Justice, Mr Wong Yan Lung, SC, speaks at an anti-drug seminar for school heads to map out strategies to fight developmental needs of students and prepare a against youth drug abuse. More than 500 school principals and framework for anti-drug measures in the school educators from primary and secondary schools attended the seminar. setting.

校園禁毒教育 To help promote an anti-drug culture in schools, 學校是預防青少年吸毒的重要平台。禁毒處支持 the EDB and the ND jointly organised four large 教育局推動訂立包含禁毒元素的校本健康校園政策。 scale seminars for all secondary school teachers in 當局鼓勵學校制訂校本健康校園政策,配合學生的 Hong Kong in August 2009. The seminars aimed at 各種成長需要,以及擬備在校內推行禁毒措施的 enhancing drug knowledge of teachers and helping 框架。 them master the identification and handling skills of students with drug abuse problem. A series of 為協助推廣校園禁毒文化,教育局與禁毒處於 support measures were also implemented. Structured 二○○九年八月合辦了四場大型研討會供全港中學 professional anti-drug training for school personnel 教師參與。目的在於增進教師的毒品知識,幫助 including on-site training programmes for class and 他們掌握辨識和處理有吸毒問題學生的技巧。連串 subject teachers and two-day advanced training 支援措施同時推行。當局自二○○八/○九學年起, for school management such as guidance and 為教職員提供有系統的專業禁毒培訓,包括為班主任 discipline teachers have been provided since the 及專科教師安排到校培訓課程,以及為學校管理層 2008/09 school year. An anti-drug resource kit for (例如訓輔教師)安排為期兩天的進階培訓。此外, schools was developed and launched in March 2010. 又制作了學校禁毒資源套,並於二○一○年三月 The kit provides practical reference and identification 推出,提供實用的參考資料及識別工具、禁毒課程 tools, information on anti-drug curriculum as well 資料、個案處理示例及社區現有的資源。香港教育城 as examples on handling drug abuse cases and 與禁毒處攜手設立專門的禁毒網站,提供禁毒教學 resources in the community. A dedicated anti-drug 資源及教材。網站包含為教師和前線社工而設的 website was set up by the Hong Kong Education 網誌,讓他們分享禁毒資源及經驗。 City in collaboration with the ND for providing anti-drug teaching resources and materials. The website contains a blog for teachers, frontline social workers to share anti-drug resources and experiences.

「健康校園新一代」學校禁毒資源套提供實用的參考資料,包括識別工具、 禁毒課程資源及教材、個案處理示例及現有社區的支緩網絡。 Anti-drug resources kit for schools provides practical references, including identification tools, information on anti-drug curriculum, examples on handling drug abuse cases and resources in the community.

香港禁毒及反洗黑錢報告書 39 Hong Kong Narcotics and Anti-money Laundering Report 2007-2010 第四章 Chapter 4 禁毒教育及宣傳 Preventive Education and Publicity

保安局首席助理秘書長(禁毒)黃福來(中)和禁毒常務委員會戒毒治療及康復小組委員會主席張建良醫生(左四)出席 禁毒教育教師研討會,與其他嘉賓講者就推廣學校禁毒教育交換意見。 The Principal Assistant Secretary for Security (Narcotics), Mr David Wong (centre), and the Chairman of the ACAN Sub-committee on Treatment and Rehabilitation, Dr Ben Cheung (fourth from left), attend an anti-drug seminar for teachers to exchange views with other guests on promoting anti-drug education in schools.

Preventive education programmes for students continued to be stepped up. On anti-drug school curriculum, a cross-curricular approach was promoted to encourage students to participate 當局繼續加強學生禁毒教育活動。在學校禁毒課程 in life learning activities that cultivate positive 方面,提倡以跨課程方法,鼓勵學生參與生活體驗 values and enhance students’ knowledge on drugs 活動,培養正面的價值觀,並提高學生對毒品的認識 and refusal skills. The ND commissioned NGOs to 和拒絕毒品的技巧。禁毒處已委託非政府機構, provide drug education programmes to students of 為本地學校小四至小六學生、國際學校(包括英基 local schools from Primary Four to Six, as well as 學校協會屬下學校)學生及收錄非華語學生的本地 students of international schools [including English 學校小四至中學學生,舉辦禁毒教育活動。鑑於 School Foundation (ESF) schools] and local schools 吸毒者平均年齡日見下降,由二○一○/一一學年 serving non-Chinese speaking students of Primary 開始,上述活動的涵蓋範圍,已擴展至小學三年級 Four to secondary level. In view of the lowering of 學生。此外,當局亦透過社會福利署(社署)資助的 average age of drug abusers, the coverage has been 濫用精神藥物者輔導中心,為中學生舉辦禁毒講座。 extended to Primary Three students starting from the 2010/11 school year. Anti-drug talks were provided 預防吸毒已成為衞生署舉辦的健康小先鋒工作坊 to secondary school students through Counselling (以小三學生為對象)及青少年健康服務計劃(以中學生 Centres for Psychotropic Substance Abusers 為對象)不可或缺的一環。當局並已加強警察學校聯絡 subvented by the Social Welfare Department (SWD). 計劃為學生舉辦介紹有關吸毒的害處,以及毒品相關 罪行的法律後果的活動。 Drug prevention has also formed an integral part of the Junior Health Pioneer Workshop (for Primary Three students) and the Adolescent Health Programme (for secondary school students) provided by the Department of Health. The Police School Liaison Programme, which offers programmes to students on the harmful effects of drug abuse and the legal consequences of drug-related offences, was also strengthened.

香港禁毒及反洗黑錢報告書 40 Hong Kong Narcotics and Anti-money Laundering Report 2007-2010 第四章 Chapter 4 禁毒教育及宣傳 Preventive Education and Publicity

Preventive Education for Parents

Parents’ support is significant in the fight against youth drug abuse problem. Various measures were implemented to enhance the preventive education for parents.

行政長官曾蔭權(中)出席「做個潮爸媽」禁毒家長教育講座,與一名 A large scale parent seminar promoting parents’ 曾經吸毒的青年及其母親真情對話。 The Chief Executive, Mr Donald Tsang (centre), attends an anti-drug awareness of the issue was organised by ACAN and workshop for parents and chats with an ex-drug abuser and his the ND on August 8, 2009. Over 300 parents attended mother during a sharing session. the seminar. The Chief Executive, Mr Donald Tsang, attended the seminar and shared with parents the 家長禁毒教育 important role that they could play in enhancing 在打擊青少年品毒問題上,家長的支持,十分重要。 the protective factors to prevent their children from 當局推行了多項措施,加強為家長提供禁毒教育。 abusing drugs.

二○○九年八月八日,禁毒常務委員會與禁毒處舉辦 A resource kit for parents was released in June 2009 了一場大型家長研討會,促進家長對有關問題的認識, to help schools, parent teacher associations and 逾300名家長出席。行政長官曾蔭權亦有參與研討會, NGOs plan and implement anti-drug programmes 與家長分享交流,指出他們在增強保護因素,防止子女 for parents. The kit provided useful information on 吸毒一事上扮演的角色,可謂舉足輕重。 parenting, attitudes and skills useful in preventing children from abusing drugs. A leaflet was also 當局於二○○九年六月推出家長資源套,協助學校、 published to provide handy anti-drug information to 家長教師會及非政府機構策劃和推行家長禁毒活動。 parents. To promote the use of the kit, a series of 資源套提供有關為人父母之道、對子女的態度和預防 seminars for parents and parent teacher associations 子女吸毒實用技巧等有用資料。資源套同時附有一份 were organised throughout the 18 districts. 單張,為家長提供方便合用的禁毒資訊。為推廣使用 Train-the-trainers workshops for social workers, 資源套,當局在全港18區為家長和家長教師會舉辦 teachers and peer counsellors were also held. 一系列研討會。此外,又為社工、教師和朋輩輔導員 Parent teacher associations, schools and NGOs were 舉辦導師培訓工作坊,並鼓勵家長教師會、學校及 encouraged to make use of the kit to organise more 非政府機構善用資源套,為家長安排更多禁毒培訓 anti-drug training and activities for parents. 及活動。

In 2010, the ND commissioned an NGO to provide 二○一○年,禁毒處委託一非政府機構為家長提供 continued support services to parents, including 持續支援服務,包括提供由社工接聽的電話支援 provision of telephone support services manned by 服務,出版禁毒教材,以及舉辦地區為本的禁毒 social workers, publication of anti-drug educational 研討會。 materials and organisation of district-based anti-drug seminars.

禁毒處製作「無毒家教有妙法」家長禁毒教育資源套為學校、家長教師會和非政府 機構提供參考資料,推行為家長而設的禁毒活動。 Anti-drug resources kit for parents produced by the ND provides useful references for schools, parent teacher associations and NGOs to implement anti-drug programmes for parents.

香港禁毒及反洗黑錢報告書 41 Hong Kong Narcotics and Anti-money Laundering Report 2007-2010 第四章 Chapter 4 禁毒教育及宣傳 Preventive Education and Publicity

Hong Kong Jockey Club Drug InfoCentre

香港賽馬會藥物資訊天地 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Drug InfoCentre (DIC) 香港賽馬會藥物資訊天地(資訊天地)繼續作為向 has continued to serve as an effective platform for 青少年、家長、在職人士及市民大眾提供禁毒教育 providing anti-drug education to youths, parents, 的有效平台。在二○○七至二○一○年間,共有 working adults and the public. From 2007 to 2010, 129,569名訪客曾使用資訊天地的設施。 a total of 129,569 visitors made use of the facilities of DIC. 除了為參觀團體提供的禁毒教育外,當局自二○○九 年起,每年都舉辦「無毒有Fun」活動日。二○一○年, Apart from anti-drug education provided for visiting 更安排放映一系列「無毒影畫戲」,具體說明吸毒的 groups, a “DIC Fun Day” has been held annually since 嚴重後果。此外,又為不同服務對象,例如家長及 2009. An “Anti-drug Film Series” was organised in 教師等,舉辦切合其需要的教育活動,藉以傳遞禁毒 2010 to highlight the dire consequences of drug 信息。 abuse. Tailor-made educational programmes were also provided to disseminate anti-drug messages to 當局還舉辦了多個禁毒專題展覽,與市民大眾分享 different target groups such as parents and teachers. 有關的禁毒信息和戒毒康復者的經歷。 A number of anti-drug thematic exhibitions were held to share with public anti-drug messages and stories of rehabilitated drug abusers.

基督教香港信義會北區青少年外展社會工作隊的青少年在香港賽馬會藥物資訊天地「無毒有Fun 2010」活動表演街頭舞蹈。 Hip-hop dance performance by youths from the North District Youth Outreaching Team of Evangelical Lutheran Church Hong Kong at the DIC Fun Day 2010.

香港禁毒及反洗黑錢報告書 42 Hong Kong Narcotics and Anti-money Laundering Report 2007-2010 第四章 Chapter 4 禁毒教育及宣傳 Preventive Education and Publicity

提供禁毒教育服務的 NGOs Providing Preventive 非政府機構 Education Services

多個非政府機構在提供禁毒預防教育服務方面,擔當 Various NGOs have played an important role in the 重要角色。 provision of anti-drug preventive education services.

社區藥物教育輔導會 Community Drug Advisory Council

社區藥物教育輔導會是一個專門從事預防吸毒工作 The Community Drug Advisory Council (CDAC) is a 的慈善團體。該會自二○○七年以來,舉辦了超過 charitable organisation specialising in drug prevention. 3,000項禁毒教育活動,參加者逾25萬人。 Since 2007, CDAC has organised over 3,000 drug education activities which served more than 250,000 在香港公益金、健康護理及促進基金和禁毒基金資助 participants. 下,該會推行了多項計劃,包括:

• 學校及社區禁毒教育服務(獲香港公益金資助) Under the support of the Community Chest of Hong Kong, the Health Care and Promotion Fund, and the Beat • 「我至型」健康生活推廣計劃 — 為低年級小學生 Drugs Fund (BDF), CDAC carried out a number of projects 而設的健康教育計劃(獲健康護理及促進基金資助) including: • 「無毒出新Teen」 — 預防高危青少年吸食危害 • School and Community Drug Education Services 精神毒品教育計劃(獲禁毒基金資助) (supported by the Community Chest of Hong Kong) • 「抗毒頻道 」 — 青少年禁毒教育計劃(獲禁毒基金 • Healthy Living Starts from Me — Health Education 資助 ) Programme for lower primary school students • 父母子女齊參與,共創健康無毒社區計劃(獲禁毒 (supported by the Health Care and Promotion Fund) 基金資助 ) • D.R.O.P. — Drug Resistance, One-stop Programme (supported by the BDF)

• Anti-drug Channel: Drugs and Health (supported by the BDF)

• Parents and Children: United Stand Against Drugs 社區藥物教育輔導會為中、小學老師提供禁毒教育培訓。 Abuse (supported by the BDF) The CDAC provides anti-drug trainings to secondary and primary school teachers.

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From 2009, CDAC was commissioned by the EDB and the ND to conduct drug education programmes for primary schools in Kowloon. In addition, it conducted on-site teacher training for primary and secondary schools teachers in Kowloon and New Territories West. A two-day advanced anti-drug training seminar for key 由二○○九年起,該會獲教育局及禁毒處委託,在 school personnel was held in the 2008/09 school year 九龍區的小學推行禁毒教育活動。此外,又為在九龍及 to equip key school personnel with in-depth anti-drug 新界西的小學及中學任教老師舉辦到校培訓課程。 knowledge and early identification and handling skills 在二○○八/○九學年,該會舉辦了一個為期兩天的 of at risk students; enhance the understanding of the 核心學校人員禁毒進階培訓研討會,向核心教職員灌輸 HSP with anti-drug element and encourage teachers to 深入的禁毒知識,和及早辨識和處理高危學生的技巧; conduct drug education at school. 加深對包含禁毒元素的健康校園政策的了解;並鼓勵 教師在校內推行禁毒教育。 Besides, CDAC published various booklets such as “Drug Education — Parent’s Booklet”, “Drug Education — 此外,社區藥物教育輔導會出版了多份小冊子, Teacher’s Booklet” and a youth booklet “YOUTH Express” 如《禁毒教育家長手冊》、《禁毒教育教師手冊》及 to disseminate anti-drug messages. 青少年小冊子《YOUTH Express》,以傳播禁毒信息。 The Barnabas Charitable Service 基督教巴拿巴愛心服務團 Association

基督教巴拿巴愛心服務團於二○○八/○九學年獲 The Barnabas Charitable Service Association (Barnabas) 禁毒處委託,為新界區的本地小學四至六年級學生 was commissioned by the ND in the 2008/09 school 舉辦禁毒教育計劃。該機構設計了禁毒天使 — year to provide school drug education programmes to 「停停」及「想想」作為吉祥物,以宣揚「停一停, students of Primary Four to Six levels of local schools 想一想,毒品咪亂試」的信息,並藉着計劃,鼓勵 in the New Territories. Mascots of anti-drug angels — 學生思考,作出明智決定。在二○○九/一○學年, “STOP” and “THINK” were designed to advocate the 該機構獲委託為新界東、新界西及九龍西的學生 message of “Stop and Think. No attempt of drugs”. 提供服務。吉祥物「停停」及「想想」進一步化身為 Through the scheme, students were encouraged to 動畫人物,利用動畫加強傳遞禁毒信息。在接着的 think and make wise decision. In the 2009/10 school 兩個學年,該機構更新了禁毒動畫的內容,並在 year, Barnabas was commissioned to provide services to 講座中加入更多專題。有關計劃有助提升學生的禁毒 students in the New Territories East, New Territories West 知識,改善態度和技巧。此外,又借助種種活動, and Kowloon West. Mascots of “STOP” and “THINK” 包括魔術表演、童話劇、歷奇活動及性格測驗等, were further developed as an animation. The animation 傳揚禁毒信息。基督教巴拿巴愛心服務團還為教師、 reinforced the dissemination of anti-drug messages. The 社工及家長提供支援服務(例如禁毒培訓 )。 contents of the anti-drug animation were updated, and more topics were added in the talks in the ensuing two school years. The programmes have helped enhance students’ anti-drug knowledge, attitudes and skills. Various activities including magic show, pantomime, adventure-based activities and personality test are also used to disseminate anti-drug messages. Barnabas also provides supportive service (e.g. anti-drug training) to teachers, social workers and parents.

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School of Professional and Continuing Education, University of Hong Kong

The School of Professional and Continuing Education, University of Hong Kong (HKU SPACE) has a long history in providing anti-drug training 香港大學專業進修學院 programmes. Since early 1990s, HKU SPACE has 香港大學專業進修學院開辦禁毒培訓課程,由來已久。 been organising these programmes. From 2007 to 該學院自90年代初已開辦有關課程。二○○七年 now, there are three main programmes:

至今,所辦課程主要有以下三個: • Since the 2008/09 school year, HKU SPACE has • 自二○○八/○九學年起,香港大學專業進修 been commissioned by the ND, in co-operation 學院獲禁毒處委託,與香港戒毒會合作,為港島 with the Society for the Aid and Rehabilitation 及離島各中小學的班主任/專科教師,開辦 of Drug Abusers, to organise “Half-day On-site 「構建校園禁毒文化 — 半天到校教師培訓課程」。 School-based Training Programmes for Class / 截至二○一○年十二月,有77所學校參與, Subject Teachers” for primary and secondary 受訓教師共達3,345人。此外,亦舉行了三場 schools in Hong Kong Island and outlying 分別題為「校園禁毒教育活動新攻略」、 islands. Up to December 2010, 77 schools had 「校園吸毒:我思我見」和「培育90後學生健康 participated in the programmes and a total of 成 長 — 遠離毒品」的研討會及論壇。上述社區 3,345 teachers were trained. Besides, three 活動有超過460人出席。 seminars and fora entitled “New Strategies for Preventing Substance Abuse in Schools”, • 在二○○九年九月至二○一○年四月間,為教師、 “Combating Substance Abuse in Schools” and 社工、輔導員及護士開辦「輔導濫用藥物人士基礎 “Cultivate the Post 90s a Healthy Growth and 證書課程 」。 Development — No Drugs, No Harm” were held. • 在二○○七年三月至四月間,為來自40所中學的 More than 460 participants took part in these 教師舉辦多個學生有關禁毒的輔導及訓育工作坊。 community events.

• A training programme “Foundation Certificate in Counselling Drug Abusers” for teachers, social workers, counsellors and nurses was held between September 2009 and April 2010.

• Workshops for teachers from 40 secondary schools on student guidance and discipline on drug abuse were held between March and April 2007.

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啟勵扶青會 KELY Support Group

啟勵扶青會於一九九一年成立,屬一個有吸毒及酗酒 The KELY Support Group (KELY) was established 問題青少年的自助小組,旨在為年輕人注入力量, in 1991 as a self-help group for young people 讓他們活得充實愉快,盡展潛能。該會的活動及服務 with drug and alcohol addictive problems. It aims 包括籌辦藝術及多媒體計劃,提供朋輩支援、馬戲 at empowering young people to live a happy and 技巧及緩減毒害訓練,以及舉辦青少年論壇及其他 fulfilling life, as well as to realise their full potential. 特別活動。 KELY’s programmes and services include organising arts and multi-media projects, providing peer 二○○七至二○一○年,啟勵扶青會在禁毒處資助 support, circus skills and harm reduction training, 下,舉辦了共451項禁毒教育活動,計有參觀資訊 as well as organising youth fora and other special 天地、禁毒講座、一般禁毒教育工作坊、朋輩支援 initiatives. 訓練計劃及校園禁毒運動。共有22,691名來自英基 學校基金會屬下學校、非英基學校基金會屬下國際 Through the sponsorship of the ND, from 2007 to 學校,以及其他非華語學校的中小學生參與活動。 2010, KELY provided a total of 451 drug education programmes comprising visits to DIC, anti-drug talks, 二○○八至二○一○年,共有1,332名學生參觀 general drug education workshops, peer support 資訊天地。從這些學生收集所得的評估資料顯示, training programmes and anti-drug campaigns 逾90%學生同意他們吸毒的可能性會比較低, for school. These activities reached out to a total 並且能夠更坦然自在地運用剛學到的拒絕技巧, of 22,691 students from ESF schools, non-ESF 抗拒朋輩提供的毒品。參與啟勵扶青會各個禁毒 international schools as well as other non-Chinese 工作坊的2,558名學生中,逾91%表示他們得以 speaking schools at both primary and secondary 更了解毒品如何影響身體,因此更容易拒絕毒品。 levels.

啟勵扶青會舉辦的各項朋輩支援訓練計劃,有效 Evaluation data from 1,332 students who visited 增進學生對毒品禍害的認識,以及預防學生吸毒。 DIC from 2008 to 2010 revealed that over 90% of the students agreed that they were less likely to use drugs and felt more comfortable in applying their newly acquired refusal skills to reject drugs from their peers. Out of the 2,558 students who participated in KELY’s various anti-drug workshops, over 91% felt that they had a better understanding of how drugs affected their bodies and therefore, were more likely to refuse drugs.

KELY’s various Peer Support Training Programmes was considered effective to increase students’ awareness on the harmful effects of drugs as well as prevent them from trying drugs.

啟勵扶青會安排非華語的小學生參觀資訊天地。 KELY arranges for non-Chinese speaking primary students a visit to the DIC.

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生活教育活動計劃利用流動課室為小學生提供禁毒教育課程。 行政長官曾蔭權(後排右六)在參觀流動課室後與一群小學生 合照。 Life Education Activity Programme utilises a mobile classroom to provide anti-drug preventive education programme to primary school students. The Chief Executive, Mr Donald Tsang (sixth from right, back row), pictured with a group of primary student during his visit to the mobile classroom.

Life Education Activity Programme

Established in 1994, Life Education Activity Programme (LEAP) is a registered charity aims to prevent substance abuse by the provision of health awareness and drug 生活教育活動計劃 prevention programmes. In the 2009/10 school year, 生活教育活動計劃(LEAP)於一九九四年成立, LEAP’s programmes were delivered to some 88,800 是一個註冊慈善團體,旨在通過提供健康教育及預防 students throughout Hong Kong. 吸毒課程,防禦吸毒問題。在二○○九/一○學年, 全港約有88,800名學生參加LEAP所舉辦的課程。 LEAP provides Chinese and English anti-drug programmes for primary and junior secondary LEAP為就讀本地學校、國際學校及英基學校基金會 students studying in local, international and ESF 屬下學校的小學生和初中生,以及有特殊學習需要的 schools, and those with special learning needs. 學生,舉辦中文及英語禁毒課程。小學生課程是在 The primary programme takes place in specially 經過特別設計的流動課室舉行,而中學生課程則在 designed mobile classrooms, while the secondary 就讀學校的課室舉行。這些課程的內容均會定期檢討 programme is delivered in the schools’ own 並加以改良,從而提供關於毒品的最新資料,以及 classrooms. Both programmes are constantly 建立學生應用拒絕技巧的能力,使他們能夠更堅決地 reviewed and upgraded to provide up-to-date 向毒品說「不 」。 information on drugs, and to develop students’ ability to practise refusal skills and strengthen their LEAP所辦的一項家長教育課程「新一代健康成長錦囊」 resolve to say “no” to drugs. 獲禁毒基金資助,5,000多名家長在二○○九/一○ 學年參加了這項課程。課程共有六節,於二○○六年 A LEAP programme for parents, entitled “Safe and 推出,二○一○年加入兩個新單元,以增強家長的 Successful”, sponsored by the BDF, was delivered to 知識及技巧,建立健康的無毒家庭。 more than 5,000 parents in the 2009/10 school year. The six-session programme was launched in 2006. Two 除學校課程外,LEAP亦定期在社區舉辦和參與禁毒 new units were introduced in 2010 to empower parents 預防教育活動,協助推廣健康生活的重要性,並宣傳 with the knowledge and skills to establish a healthy and 有關吸毒禍害的信息。 drug-free family.

In addition to its school programmes, LEAP regularly organises and participates in drug prevention activities in the community to help promote the importance of healthy living and the harmful effects of drug abuse.

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Hong Kong Lutheran Social Service — Cheer Lutheran Centre

The Cheer Lutheran Centre, established in 1998, is a 香港路德會社會服務處路德會青欣中心 Counselling Centre for Psychotropic Substance Abusers 路德會青欣中心於一九九八年成立,是新界東的濫用 in New Territories East. The Centre provides treatment 精神藥物者輔導中心,為受助人提供戒毒治療及康復 and rehabilitation programmes for their clients 計劃,包括個別輔導、治療小組及教育工作坊。中心自 including individual counselling, therapeutic groups and 二○○七年起,一直服務大埔及北區。 educational workshops. The Centre has been serving Tai Po and the North District since 2007. 中心在教育局支持及禁毒處資助下,於二○○八/ ○九年度為班主任/專科教師舉辦到校禁毒教師 Through the support of the EDB and with sponsorship 培訓課程。有關計劃共有1,979名來自新界東41所 of the ND, the project “2008/09 Provision of On-site 學校(包括30所中學和11所小學)的教師參加。 Anti-drug Training Programmes for Class/Subject 二○○九年八月,中心又獲邀舉辦三個教師禁毒培訓 Teacher” was launched. The project served 1,979 暨研討會。 teachers in 41 schools (including 30 secondary schools and 11 primary schools) in New Territories East. 路德會青欣中心在二○○九/一○學年為前線教師 In August 2009, the Centre was also invited to provide 開辦進階課程,讓他們掌握禁毒知識、預防吸毒策略 three anti-drug training cum seminars for teachers. 及處理毒品相關事宜的能力。 The Cheer Lutheran Centre organised an advanced project for frontline teachers in the 2009/10 school year to equip them with anti-drug knowledge, preventive strategies and capacity to handle the drug-related issues.

路德會青欣中心舉辦到校禁毒教師培訓課程。 Cheer Lutheran Centre organises on-site anti-drug training programmes for teachers.

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香港善導會「青衛谷預防犯罪教育中心」透過模擬監倉向學生介紹毒品罪行的刑罰。 The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong’s “Teenguard Valley Crime Prevention Centre” introduces to students the penalty of drug-related offence through a simulated cell.

香港善導會 The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime 社區教育服務 Prevention, Hong Kong (SRACP) 香港善導會在二○○七至二○一○年間,將禁毒列為 Community Education Service 社區教育服務的優先服務目標。該會推行的禁毒教育 SRACP has put anti-drug as the priority service goal for 手法新穎,別具特色。透過由戒毒康復者現身說法、 its Community Education Service for the period 2007 多媒體及創意藝術活動、生命教育、角色扮演劇場 to 2010. The innovative initiatives in drug prevention 表演、「3D教室」互動學習平台,以及以體驗教學 education characterised with the effective use and (包括由青衛谷預防犯罪教育中心設計的迷宮及 synergy in education through sharing by rehabilitated 「模擬監倉」)形式進行的有系統的主題式日營, drug abusers, multi-media and creative arts activities, life 有效發揮教育上的協同效果。上述活動由社署、禁毒 education, Cosplay Drama, interactive learning platform 基金及優質教育基金等資助。鑑於有需要及早作出 “3D Classroom”, structured thematic day camp with 介入,有關服務已由初中及高小(小四至小六) experiential learning including Maze and “Simulated 學生,擴展至初小(小一至小三)學生,以至家長、 Cell” designed by its TeenGuard Valley Crime Education 教師、警務人員和專業人士。在二○○七至二○一○年 Centre. The programmes were funded by SWD, BDF 這段期間,受惠者人數已累積至126,368人。 and the Quality Education Fund, etc. In response to the need for earlier intervention, the service was extended from junior secondary and senior primary (Primary Four to Primary Six) to junior primary (Primary One to Primary Three) students, parents, teachers, police officers and professionals. The number of beneficiaries had been accumulated to 126,368 during the period 2007 to 2010.

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香港南亞社群禁毒教育服務 Drug Preventive Education for South Asian 自二○○六年七月起,香港善導會在禁毒基金的資助, Community in Hong Kong 以及該機構位於油麻地自負盈虧的社區健康服務發展 Since July 2006, SRACP has taken initiatives to render 中心的支持下,主動向本港的南亞社群提供照顧到其 cultural sensitive drug preventive education for South 文化差異的禁毒教育。該會為學生、家長、教師、 Asian community in Hong Kong, with the support of 宗教及社區領袖舉辦各式各樣的活動,包括研討會、 the BDF as well as the agency‘s self-supporting 工作坊、嘉年華會及義工訓練等,提升他們的抗毒 community-based Health Services Development Centre 能力。香港善導會以朋輩教育及社區外展手法,深入 in Yau Ma Tei. A variety of activities including seminars, 接觸南亞裔吸毒者,鼓勵他們尋求戒毒治療,並提供 workshops, carnivals and volunteer training had been 輔導及轉介服務,使他們早日康復。在二○○七年一月 provided to students, parents, teachers, religious and 至二○一○年十二月間,上述計劃有超過22,000名 community leaders to enhance their capacity against 南亞裔人士參加。 drug abuse. With a Peer Education and community outreaching approach, SRACP had engaged South Asian drug abusers intensively to develop their motivation in seeking drug treatment, and provided counselling and referral services to facilitate the rehabilitation. From January 2007 to December 2010, the above programme had served over 22,000 community members.

香港善導會為南亞裔學生舉辦日營,推廣健康生活模式。 SRACP organises day camps for South Asian students to promote healthy lifestyle.

香港禁毒及反洗黑錢報告書 50 Hong Kong Narcotics and Anti-money Laundering Report 2007-2010 戒毒治療及康復服務 5Treatment and Rehabilitation 第五章 Chapter 5 戒毒治療及康復服務 Treatment and Rehabilitation


Treatment and rehabilitation is an indispensable part of our drug demand reduction efforts to help unfortunate individuals who have fallen victim to drug abuse.

Hong Kong has long adopted a multi-modality approach to drug treatment and rehabilitation to 政務司司長唐英年(右)到訪位於馬鞍山的濫用精神藥物者輔導中心 — 香港聖公會福利協會新念坊,與社工會面,了解青少年吸毒問題及 cater for the divergent needs of drug dependent 輔導工作。 persons from varying backgrounds. The services can The Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Henry Tang (right), meets with the frontline social workers during his visit to the Hong Kong be broadly grouped into the following categories: Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council Neo-Horizon, a Counselling Centre for Psychotropic Substance Abusers at Ma On Shan, to learn more about (a) Counselling Centres for Psychotropic Substance the youth drug abuse problem and the centre’s counselling work. Abusers subvented by the Social Welfare Department (SWD) provide counselling services and other assistance to psychotropic substance 概覽 abusers and youth at risk; and non-governmental 戒毒治療及康復服務能協助不幸染上毒癮的人士, organisations (NGOs) provide other services 是減低毒品需求工作不可或缺的一環。 to drug abusers of all ages and others in the combat against drug abuse; 香港一直採用多種模式的戒毒治療及康復服務, (b) 40 residential drug treatment and rehabilitation 以切合不同背景的吸毒者的種種需要。有關服務大致 centres (DTRCs) and half-way houses run by 可分為以下種類: 17 NGOs. 20 of them are subvented by the (a) 社會福利署(社署)資助的濫用精神藥物者輔導 Department of Health (DH) or SWD whereas 20 中心(濫藥者輔導中心),向吸食危害精神毒品 are non-subvented; 人士及邊緣青少年提供輔導服務及其他協助; (c) Substance Abuse Clinics run by the Hospital 而非政府機構亦在打擊毒禍的工作中,為所有 Authority (HA) provide treatment to drug 年齡的吸毒者及其他人士提供其他的服務; abusers with psychiatric problems; (b) 由17間非政府機構營辦的40間住院戒毒治療 (d) Methadone Treatment Programme (MTP) 及康復中心和中途宿舍,當中20間獲衞生署或 provided by the DH offers both maintenance 社署資助,另外20間並非由政府資助; and detoxification options for opiate drug (c) 醫院管理局(醫管局)轄下的物質誤用診所, dependent persons of all ages through a network 為有精神問題的吸毒者提供治療; of 20 methadone clinics. The MTP, which is run on a voluntary, out-patient mode, allows drug (d) 衞生署推行的美沙酮治療計劃,透過轄下20間 abusers to work, stay with their families and 美沙酮診所組成的網絡,為所有年齡的吸食 continue to perform other daily activities; and 鴉片類毒品人士提供代用和戒毒兩種治療。 美沙酮治療計劃採用自願門診模式,讓求診吸毒者 (e) Compulsory drug treatment programme at drug 可以照常工作,與家人同住,並繼續從事各種日常 addiction treatment centres (DATCs) operated by 活動;以及 the Correctional Services Department (CSD) for persons of 14 years old or above who are found (e) 懲教署轄下戒毒所實施的強迫戒毒計劃,服務 guilty of offences punishable by imprisonment 14歲或以上被裁定干犯可處監禁罪行並有毒癮 and addicted to drugs. 的人士。

香港禁毒及反洗黑錢報告書 52 Hong Kong Narcotics and Anti-money Laundering Report 2007-2010 第五章 Chapter 5 戒毒治療及康復服務 Treatment and Rehabilitation

Efforts to identify and engage those who are at risk, particularly the youth, include services such as the school social work service, District Youth Outreaching Social Work Teams, and designated Integrated Children and Youth Services Centres which provide overnight outreaching service for young night drifters. Regarding young people who have broken the law, 辨識和協助邊緣人士(特別是青少年)的服務包括 professional intervention may be made through the 學校社會工作服務、地區青少年外展社會工作隊 Community Support Service Scheme for those subject 提供的服務,以及由指定綜合青少年服務中心為夜遊 to the Police Superintendent’s Discretion Scheme, and 青少年提供的深宵外展服務。至於觸犯法例的 through the probation service and DATC programme, 青少年,當局會透過社區支援服務計劃,以及各項 among other sentencing options, for those convicted. 判刑之中的感化服務和戒毒所計劃,分別向警司 警誡計劃下的青少年和已定罪青少年,提供專業 As part of the overall review of the anti-drug strategy, 介入服務。 the Task Force on Youth Drug Abuse recommended a host of short to long-term strategies and measures 作為全面檢討禁毒策略工作的一部分,青少年毒品 on treatment and rehabilitation service to cater for 問題專責小組建議了多項有關戒毒治療及康復服務 the changing needs of drug abusers. In pursuit of 的短期以至長期推行的策略及措施,以配合吸毒者 the Task Force’s recommendations, the Government 不斷轉變的需要。為落實專責小組的建議,政府自 has since 2008/09 substantially enhanced treatment 二○○八/○九年度起,大大加強戒毒治療及康復 and rehabilitation services. The additional recurrent 服務。二○○八至二○一○年,每年額外經常撥款 provision from 2008 to 2010 amounted to around 高達9,000萬元左右。 $90 million per annum.

隨着戒毒治療和康復服務第五個三年計劃(二○○九 A host of medium-term recommendations in the Task 至二○一一年)(三年計劃)於二○○九年四月二日 Force report were further developed and taken forward 公布,專責小組報告提出的多項中期建議得以 in the context of the Fifth Three-Year Plan on Drug 進一步訂定和落實。制訂有關計劃,是一個與相關 Treatment and Rehabilitation Services (2009-2011) 各方建立共識的過程。 (Three-Year Plan), which was released on April 2, 2009. The formulation of the plan was a consensus-building 禁毒處與相關各方經過連串諮詢後,發表香港為 process among relevant stakeholders. 吸毒者而設的治療及康復服務分級多模式架構 (第一版),供有關服務界別、服務使用者和公眾 Following a series of consultations with the stakeholders, 參考。有關架構是當局首次嘗試以更有系統的方式, the Narcotics Division (ND) released the first edition 把本港為吸毒者提供的戒毒治療及康復服務的種種 of a tiered, multi-modality approach of treatment and 概念,加以整合。架構體現了由辨識、戒毒治療、 rehabilitation services for drug abusers in Hong Kong 康復以至重返社會階段各項服務的連貫性,同時 as a reference for the service sectors, service users and 突顯社會福利、醫護、教育和續顧服務所發揮的 the public. This was the first attempt to conceptualise 相輔相成作用。架構簡圖載於附錄十。 the broad array of services in the landscape in a more systematic manner. The tiered framework embodies a continuum of service from identification, treatment, rehabilitation to reintegration, and highlights the complementary roles of social welfare, healthcare, education and aftercare services. A schematic representation of the framework is at Appendix 10.

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自二○○九年七月起,戒毒治療及康復服務已成為 Treatment and rehabilitation has been one of the key 行政長官領導的全城抗毒運動的主要方向之一。 directions of the Chief Executive’s community-wide 為向青少年吸毒者提供更多康復設施,我們會邀請 campaign since July 2009. To provide more rehabilitation 非政府機構就制訂嶄新而有效的服務模式及療程, facilities for young drug abusers, we will invite proposals 提出建議。 from NGOs to formulate new and effective modes of service and treatment programmes. 社區輔導服務 COUNSELLING SERVICES 濫用精神藥物者輔導中心(濫藥者輔導中心) IN THE COMMUNITY 濫藥者輔導中心專責為吸食危害精神毒品人士提供 Counselling Centres for Psychotropic 預防教育服務和以社區為本的戒毒治療及康復支援。 Substance Abusers (CCPSAs) 為加強濫藥者輔導中心在社區內向青少年吸毒者 提供第一線戒毒治療專門服務的角色,中心在過去 CCPSAs are designated units providing preventive 數年獲大幅增加資源,以改善服務。二○○七年 education services and community-based treatment 四月,五間濫藥者輔導中心均獲增撥人手及資源, and rehabilitation support to psychotropic substance 在吸毒黑點提供外展服務,以及加強與其他相關人士 abusers. To strengthen the role of CCPSAs as the 合作。二○○八年十二月,兩間新的濫藥者輔導中心 first line of drug specific services in the community 設立,二○一○年十月,再有四間中心啟用,令全港 for young drug abusers, there has been a substantial 濫藥者輔導中心數目增至11間(見下表)。這些中心 increase in resources to enhance their services in 分別隸屬社署11個行政分區,有助促進相關各方在 the past few years. In April 2007, five CCPSAs 地區層面的協作,並增強服務的協同效益。 were given additional manpower and resources to render outreaching services to the blackspots of drug abuse, and enhance collaboration with other stakeholders concerned. Two new CCPSAs were set up in December 2008 and four additional ones were opened in October 2010, making a total of 11 CCPSAs in the territory (see Table below). The CCPSAs, which fall under the 11 administrative districts of the SWD, help facilitate district-based collaboration amongst various stakeholders and enhance service synergy.

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本港的濫藥者輔導中心 CCPSAs in Hong Kong 機構名稱 中心名稱 服務地區 Name of Agency Name of Centre Serving District(s)

明愛 容圃中心 屯門 Caritas HUGS Centre Tuen Mun

基督教香港信義會 天朗中心 元朗 Evangelical Lutheran Church Hong Kong Enlighten Centre Yuen Long

香港青少年服務處 心弦成長中心 荃灣及葵青 Hong Kong Children and Youth Services Sane Centre Tsuen Wan and Kwai Tsing

PS33 — 深水埗中心 深水埗 PS33 — Sham Shui Po Centre Sham Shui Po 香港基督教服務處 Hong Kong Christian Service PS33 — 尖沙咀中心 九龍城及油尖旺 PS33 — Tsim Sha Tsui Centre Kowloon City and Yau Tsim Mong

路德會青怡中心 觀塘 Evergreen Lutheran Centre Kwun Tong

香港路德會社會服務處 路德會青欣中心 大埔及北區 Hong Kong Lutheran Social Service Cheer Lutheran Centre Tai Po and North

路德會青彩中心 黃大仙及西貢 Rainbow Lutheran Centre Wong Tai Sin and Sai Kung

香港聖公會福利協會 新念坊 沙田 Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Neo-Horizon Sha Tin Welfare Council

越峰成長中心: 東區及灣仔 東區及灣仔服務處 Eastern and Wan Chai CROSS Centre: Eastern and Wan Chai Office 東華三院 Tung Wah Group of Hospitals 越峰成長中心: 中西區、南區及離島 中西南及離島服務處 Central Western, Southern CROSS Centre: and Islands Central Western, Southern and Islands Office

上述11間濫藥者輔導中心的服務詳情,可瀏覽。 Service details of the 11 CCPSAs are available at

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為了讓需要基本治療的吸毒者盡早獲得醫療服務, To enable timely and early medical intervention 當局於二○○九年十月一日向濫藥者輔導中心注入 to drug abusers who require elementary medical 新資源,以開展實地醫療支援服務。有關服務包括 treatment, new resources were injected to CCPSAs 從社區採購醫療支援服務,以及為每間中心增設一名 in October 1, 2009 to launch on-site medical support 精神科註冊護士。 services. The services comprised the procurement of medical consultation service and the additional staff 由濫藥者輔導中心各自匯報的工作及服務,載述於 provision of a Registered Nurse (Psychiatry). 下文各段。 The work and services of each CCPSA as reported by 明愛容圃中心 the agencies are provided in the ensuing paragraphs. 明愛容圃中心於一九九六年成立。在二○○七至 Caritas HUGS Centre 二○一○年間,中心共處理了460宗青少年吸毒 個案,以及為吸毒者和高危人士舉辦了1,521次 The Caritas HUGS Centre was established in 1996. 小組輔導,約61%的受助人在個案結束時成功 From 2007 to 2010, the Centre handled 460 cases 戒除毒癮。中心並推行預防教育計劃,例如每年為 of youth drug abuse cases and conducted 1,521 中學生舉辦的小組活動、工作坊及學校講座等。 group sessions for drug abusers and those with high 自二○○九年十月起,中心開始為吸毒者及高危 risk factors. About 61% of its clients were drug-free 青少年提供實地醫療支援服務。 when their cases were closed. The Centre also provides preventive programmes such as small group activities, workshops and school talks for secondary school students every year. It started to provide on-site medical support service to drug abusers and high risk youths from October 2009.

明愛容圃中心舉辦的特別計劃: Special projects of Caritas HUGS Centre:

日期 計劃名稱 對象及參與人數 Period Name of Project Target and no. of participants

二○○七年 「青 」新天地計劃 100名吸毒者及邊緣青少年 2007 Free to Feel — Training Programme 100 drug abusers and youth at risk 二○○七至 家家不藥創明「天 」計劃 6,503 名參加者 ○八年 Harmony Family with Drug Free Life in 6,503 participants 2007 - 2008 Tin Shui Wai 二○○八年 新界西區青少年吸毒者主觀經驗問卷調查 92 名參加者 2008 Action Research on Young Substance 92 participants Abusers’ Subjective Experience 二○○八至 「跨界藥戒」.建立三重防線遏止青少年 在邊境接觸了13,200人。向20名跨境吸毒青少年 一○年 跨境吸毒 提供輔導服務,其中14人再無沾上毒品。 2008 - 2010 Cross-sectoral Collaboration to Curb Reached out to 13,200 persons at the border. Cross-boundary Substance Abuse Counselling services were provided to 20 young cross-boundary abusers and 14 of them maintained drug-free. 二○○九年 「擁抱親朋,遠離毒品」 — 家庭支援 325名家長參加。熱線自設立以來,共收到1,809個 至今 計劃(家長小組、家庭介入、熱線等) 查詢。 2009 - Hugs Not Drugs — Family Support 325 parents were engaged. The hotline received present Scheme (parents groups, family a total of 1,809 enquiries since its launch. intervention, hotline, etc.)

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Hong Kong Evangelical Lutheran Church Enlighten Centre

Hong Kong Evangelical Lutheran Church Enlighten Centre has been providing services for young psychotropic substance abusers in Yuen Long since December 15, 2008. With the support from the public, it has launched various collaborative projects in different service areas and synergy from the 基督教香港信義會天朗中心 community has been gained. 基督教香港信義會天朗中心自二○○八年十二月 十五日起,便一直為元朗區吸食危害精神毒品的 The Centre is committed to serving the local 青少年提供服務。中心得到公眾支持,在不同服務 community by carrying out the following six tasks: 範疇推出多項合作計劃,充分發揮協同效應。 (a) Strengthening drug prevention through school-based health programmes; 中心致力推行下列六項工作,服務區內居民: (b) Providing early intervention through mobile (a) 透過校本健康計劃,加強禁毒教育; health check stations; (b) 設置流動健康檢查站,提供及早介入服務; (c) Pain soothing with traditional Chinese medicine (c) 利用傳統中醫藥及針灸療法緩減痛楚; and acupuncture;

(d) 在醫生協助下,為有嚴重問題的受助人提供治療 (d) Providing treatment services for clients with 服務; serious problems with the assistance of medical doctors; (e) 幫助受助人在家人的支持下,持續作出逐步 改變; (e) Building sustainability for gradual change with family support; (f) 讓受助人憑藉信念和團契支援,作出永久改變。 (f) Seeking permanent change with faith and 因應嚴重個案數目日增,中心訂出一個「社區戒毒 fellowship. 治療」模式,推行上述六項工作。有關模式幫助 吸毒者按部就班,經歷「想變、起變、漸變、持變、 Amidst the growing number of serious cases, a 恆變」這個轉變的過程。根據過去兩年的運作經驗, “community drug treatment” model has been 中心的未來路向,是探討推行社區治療的可行性, developed in carrying out the six tasks above. 並在社區內建立服務鏈,結合從預防吸毒到戒毒 The model helps abusers to go through “change 治療及康復等不同層面的服務。 from idea, initiative, improvement, insistence, to interminable change” in phases. Based on the operational experience in the past two years, the upcoming direction of the Centre is to explore the feasibility of implementing community treatment, and to create a service chain combining different levels of services from drug prevention to treatment and rehabilitation within the community.

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Hong Kong Children and Youth Services Sane Centre

Hong Kong Children and Youth Services Sane Centre is the first CCPSA operated by Hong Kong Children and Youth Services. The Centre started its operation on October 1, 2010. Its service area covers Tsuen Wan, Kwai Chung and Tsing Yi districts. The Centre 香港青少年服務處心弦成長中心 provides case and group work services; educational 香港青少年服務處心弦成長中心,是香港青少年 and training programmes to secondary schools, 服務處營辦的首間濫藥者輔導中心,二○一○年 outreaching services to the youth at risk; and on-site 十月一日開始運作,服務範圍涵蓋荃灣、葵涌及 medical support services to psychotropic substance 青衣等區。中心提供個案輔導及小組服務,在中學 abusers. Equipped with a team of social worker and 舉辦教育及培訓計劃,推行針對邊緣青少年的 psychiatric nurse, the Centre has started to intake 外展服務,以及向吸食危害精神毒品人士提供實地 cases from a couple of referral sources. Up to 醫療支援。中心設有一支由社工及精神科護士 December 2010, the Centre provided services for 組成的工作隊,已開始從多處接收轉介個案。截至 59 cases and the caseload and service needs 二○一○年十二月,中心已就59宗個案提供服務, are expected to grow further. To support the 預料個案量及服務需要會進一步增加。為應付 accumulating caseload and service development, 與日俱增的個案及支援服務發展,中心會採取 the Centre will adopt a multi-disciplinary community 跨專業社區合作模式提供服務,使吸毒者在康復 collaboration model of service delivery with a view to 過程中得到更大的社會支援。 enhancing social support for the substance abusers in their rehabilitation process. 香港基督教服務處PS33 Hong Kong Christian Service PS33 (深水埗及尖沙咀中心) (Sham Shui Po and Tsim Sha Tsui Centres) 香港基督教服務處PS33於一九八八年成立,旨在 The Hong Kong Christian Service PS33 was set up in 為九龍西區的危害精神毒品吸食者及其家人提供 1988, aiming at providing counselling and rehabilitation 輔導及康復服務。在二○○七至二○一○年間, service for psychotropic substance abusers and their 機構處理了609宗個案,又舉辦了1,417次小組 family members in Kowloon West. During the period 治療活動,並為10,276名專業人員提供專業培訓。 between 2007 and 2010, the agency handled 609 cases, organised 1,417 therapeutic group sessions and 該機構致力提供創意服務,回應社會的需要。 provided professional training for 10,276 professionals. 在禁毒基金資助下,機構推出多項新服務。一項 名為「RAM.速遞」的計劃已於二○○八年圓滿 The agency strives to provide creative services and 結束,123名青少年吸毒者接受了身體檢查、 respond to the needs of the society. New services 心理測驗及面談,提高了他們戒掉吸毒惡習的 have been provided under the sponsorship of the 動機。二○一○年,機構又製作「HRS破解攻略」 Beat Drugs Fund (BDF). A project “RAM • Express” 光碟連用戶手冊,向青少年吸毒者提供技巧訓練, was completed in 2008. 123 young substance 協助他們應付高危情況。共有99名專業人員包括 abusers had received body check-ups, psychological 社工、護士及教師接受了訓練。 tests and interviews which enhanced their motivation of kicking the habit. In 2010, the agency produced a DVD “HRS Breaking Strategies” and a user manual. The DVD attempts to provide young substance abusers with skill training to help them cope with high risk situations. A total of 99 professionals including social workers, nurses and teachers received the training.

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A book “Companions on the Drug Free Journey”, which is about struggles faced by substance abusers, was published in 2010.

PS33 service was expanded in October 2010. A new centre named “PS33-Sham Shui Po Centre” was set up while the original one was renamed “PS33-Tsim 《戒藥途中的同行者》一書於二○一○年出版,內容 Sha Tsui Centre”. Both centres serve the Kowloon 關於吸毒者面對的掙扎。 West area.

PS33於二○一○年十月擴展服務,成立新中心, Hong Kong Lutheran Social Service 名為「PS33 -深水埗中心」,原來的中心則改稱 Evergreen Lutheran Centre 「PS33 -尖沙咀中心」。兩間中心都是為西九龍服務。 Hong Kong Lutheran Social Service Evergreen Lutheran Centre was established in 2002. It 香港路德會社會服務處路德會青怡中心 provides individual, family and group counselling for 香港路德會社會服務處路德會青怡中心於二○○二年 psychotropic substance abusers and their families to 成立,為危害精神毒品吸食者及其家人提供個人、 tackle the drug abuse problem. On treatment and 家庭及小組輔導,對付吸毒問題。在戒毒治療及 rehabilitation, it also provides supporting services 康復服務方面,中心亦為吸毒者家人提供支援服務。 for families of the abusers. In 2007, a total of 255 二○○七年,中心一共處理了255宗個案,其中 cases were handled in which 202 were new cases. 202宗為新個案。此外,中心又為九龍東66所中學 Besides, the Centre conducted drug prevention 舉辦禁毒教育活動,增進學生對毒品的了解和認識。 programmes in 66 secondary schools in Kowloon East to enhance students’ drug awareness and 二○○八年,中心處理了共290宗個案,其中261宗 knowledge. 為新個案,並為66所中學舉辦禁毒教育活動。 中心亦為校內高危及間歇吸毒的學生舉辦小組活動 In 2008, the Centre handled 290 cases in total, 及培訓班。 in which 261 were new cases. Drug prevention programmes were provided to 66 secondary 由於吸食危害精神毒品的青少年人數不斷上升,加強 schools. The Centre also organised group activities 社工、教師及青少年服務工作者等前線專業人員的 and training sessions for high risk students and 毒品知識及處理技巧,至關重要。因此,中心致力為 occasional drug abusers in schools. 他們開辦培訓課程。自二○○七年四月起,又提供 外展服務。中心社工會前往青少年經常流連的場所, With the increasing number of young psychotropic 主動接觸青少年吸毒者。二○○八年,共辨識了 substance abusers, it is crucial to enhance the 93名21歲以下青少年吸毒者。 drug knowledge and handling skills of front-line professionals such as social workers, teachers and youth service workers. The Centre has thus been putting more efforts on providing training programmes for them. Moreover, the Centre has provided outreaching service since April 2007. Its social workers visit venues frequented by youths to reach out to young substance abusers. A total of 93 young substance abusers aged under 21 were identified in 2008.

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The Centre handled 305 cases in 2009. It also organised different anti-drug programmes including a year-long programme “Love, Life and Family” which was supported by the BDF to promote anti-drug messages and positive relationship in 二○○九年,中心處理了305宗個案。此外,又舉辦 families; “Project Metamorphosis” supported by 多項不同的禁毒活動,包括由禁毒基金資助,為期 the Wong Tai Sin Social Welfare District Office to 一年名為「愛家.愛生命」計劃,旨在宣揚禁毒 help at-risk youths develop their strengths; and 信息及正面家庭關係;由黃大仙區福利辦事處 “Beauty Angel” supported by the Kwun Tong District 資助,旨在協助邊緣青少年發揮所長的「蛻變」計劃 ; Office to raise youth awareness of the harmful effect 以及由觀塘民政事務處資助,旨在使青少年更深入 of drugs on the appearance. 認識毒品如何有損容貌的「Beauty Angel」活動。 Hong Kong Lutheran Social Service Cheer 香港路德會社會服務處路德會青欣中心 Lutheran Centre

香港路德會社會服務處路德會青欣中心於一九九八年 Hong Kong Lutheran Social Service Cheer Lutheran 成立,是一所為新界東青少年服務的濫藥者 Centre, established in 1998, is a CCPSA serving 輔導中心。中心為受助人提供治療及康復計劃, young people in the New Territories East. The Centre 包括個案輔導、治療小組及工作坊等。二○○七年 provides treatment and rehabilitation schemes 四月,中心採用外展方式,向服務地區內的青少年 including casework, therapeutic group work and 推廣禁毒信息,並協助他們對付吸毒問題。為應付 workshops for their clients. In April 2007, the 女性吸毒者不斷增加的需要,中心在二○○八至 Centre used the outreaching approach to promote 二○一○年間,推行一項為期兩年專為女性而設的 anti-drug messages among young people in its 禁毒計劃「I-META 愛.明白藝術治療計劃 」。 service districts and helped them tackle drug problems. Addressing the rising needs of female 在預防教育方面,中心於二○○七年為62所 drug abusers, the Centre introduced a two-year 中學舉辦禁毒講座、工作坊、研討會和健康計劃。 anti-drug project “I- META for Female” from 2008 此 外, 又 舉 辦「Healthy Life Schools Scheme」, to 2010. 幫助青少年建立健康的生活方式。中心通過不同 活動,包括「No Drugs」繪畫比賽、馬戲戲法工作坊、 On preventive education, the Centre conducted 街頭舞蹈班及巡迴展覽等,向學生傳達禁毒信息。 anti-drug talks, workshops, seminars and health programmes in 62 secondary schools in 2007. It also organised the “Healthy Life Schools Scheme” which helped young people establish healthy lifestyle. Anti-drug messages were conveyed to students through various activities including “No Drugs” painting competition, circus trick workshop, hip-hop dancing course and roving exhibition.

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The Centre also provided over 70 professional training sessions for outreaching workers, teachers and allied professionals in 2007 and 2008. Besides, the Centre partnered with private doctors in the 在二○○七及二○○八年,中心又為外展社工、 North and Tai Po districts and the Alice Ho Mui Ling 教師及專職人員舉辦超過70節專業培訓。中心又 Nethersole Hospital to launch the “Project Love in 與大埔和北區的私家醫生及雅麗氏何妙齡那打素 District” in early 2009, a project to raise people’s 醫院合作,於二○○九年年初推出「Project Love concern on the needs of drug abusers. in District」,目的在於引起大眾對吸毒者需要的 關注。 The Centre handled 327 cases in 2009 and participated in the Trial Scheme on School Drug 二○○九年,中心處理了327宗個案,並參與大埔區 Testing in Tai Po District. The Centre provided 校園驗毒試行計劃。在二○○九/一○學年,中心為 52 briefing sessions to the 23 schools participating 23間參與計劃的學校舉辦了52場簡介會,並進行了 in the Scheme and conducted 1,975 drug tests 1,975次毒品測試。中心其後跟進82宗計劃衍生的 during the 2009/10 school year. The Centre followed 自行轉介個案。有關計劃在二○一○/一一學年 up 82 self-referral cases arising from the Scheme, 繼續推行。 which was extended to the 2010/11 school year.

香港聖公會福利協會新念坊 Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare 香港聖公會福利協會新念坊自二○○八年十二月起 Council Neo-Horizon 開始運作,為沙田、大圍及馬鞍山的青少年提供 Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council Neo-Horizon 服務,其專業團隊由社工及精神科護士組成。新念坊 has operated since December 2008. It provides service 提供的服務包括個人、小組及家庭輔導、就業指導、 for young people in Sha Tin, Tai Wai and Ma On Shan. 師友計劃、臨床心理服務,以及由醫療及專職醫護 Its professional team includes social worker and 人員提供的跨專業介入服務,旨在幫助吸毒者控制 psychiatric nurse. Services provided by Neo-Horizon 或戒掉吸毒惡習,重建健康生活。 include individual, group and family counselling; occupational advice; mentoring programme; clinical psychological service; as well as multi-disciplinary intervention with medical and allied-health professionals, with an aim to help substance abusers control or kick the habit and rebuild a healthy life.

香港聖公會福利協會新念坊舉辦「迴響『女』程. 一人一故事劇場計劃」,為女性吸毒者提供輔導 服務。 The Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council Neo-Horizon organises “Love Traveller” programme to provide counselling services to female drug abusers.

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Up to December 2010, Neo-Horizon handled 308 cases of psychotropic substance abusers. A total of 421 counselling group sessions were held for drug abusers and their family members. 78 professional training sessions were organised for various stakeholders including social workers, teachers, 截至二○一○年十二月,新念坊處理了308宗吸食 medical and allied-health professionals. Starting 危害精神毒品人士的個案,為吸毒者及其家人舉辦 from October 2009, the Centre provided on-site 了共421次小組輔導,並為相關各方,包括社工、 medical support programme with new resources. 教師、醫療及專職醫護人員等,舉辦了78個專業 A full-time psychiatric nurse was recruited to carry 培訓課程。自二○○九年十月起,中心獲得新資源, out nursing care and educational programmes. 推行實地醫療支援計劃。為此,一名全職精神科 These programmes aim at strengthening the local 護士獲聘,負責護理工作,以及推行教育計劃。有關 network with medical service providers, maintaining 計劃旨在加強醫療服務提供者的地區網絡,與醫管局 efficient referrals with clinics of Substance Abuse 轄下物質誤用診所(精神科)及泌尿科診所維持 (Psychiatric) and Urology under the HA, and 有效的轉介機制,並探討利用中醫藥作紓緩和 exploring the use of Chinese medicine in relieving 實行全方位健康管理。 and holistic-health management.

新念坊在投入服務的首兩年,為吸毒者推行若干 Neo-Horizon implemented some special programmes 特別計劃。由禁毒基金資助、針對高危青少年的 for substance abusers during its first two years of 「跨界同行」計劃(二○○九至二○一一年),為 operation. A preventive programme for high risk 吸毒者安排小組輔導及技巧訓練,推廣健康生活 youths “Together We Walk” (2009-2011) with BDF 方式。計劃得到醫護專業人員、職業治療師及律師 sponsorship provided group counselling services and 支持,合力提供服務。鑑於女性吸毒者人數日增, skill training for substance abusers and promoted 新念坊在崇德社和民政事務總署沙田民政事務處 healthy lifestyle. The programmes were supported 資助下,分別舉辦了兩項計劃:「摯愛至愛」計劃 by services provided by medical professionals, (二○○九至二○一一年)及「迴 響『女 』程. 一 人 occupational therapists and lawyers. To address the 一 故 事 劇 場 計 劃 」(二○一○至二○一二年)。 increasing number of female abusers, two projects 有關計劃旨在促進女性吸毒者的健康、加強她們 namely “Project LOVE Evolution” (2009-2011) and 的信心及人際關係。透過導師、本地僱主、藝術 “Love Travel” (2010-2012) sponsored by Zonta Club 治療師、戲劇治療師和醫生的指導,鼓勵參加者確立 and the Sha Tin District Office of the Home 正面的身心健康價值觀、自我價值及人生意義。 Affairs Department respectively were launched. The projects aimed at strengthening the physical health, confidence, inter-personal relationship of female substance abusers. Through the guidance of mentors, local employers, art therapists, drama therapists and medical practitioners, the participants were encouraged to develop positive physical and mental health values, self-value as well as meaning of life.

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Tung Wah Group of Hospitals CROSS Centre: Eastern and Wan Chai Office

The CROSS Centre was established in 2002. It was 東華三院越峰成長中心:東區及灣仔服務處 renamed as CROSS Centre: Eastern and Wan Chai 越峰成長中心於二○○二年成立,二○一○年十月 Office in October 2010. Its office, located in Shau 易名越峰成長中心:東區及灣仔服務處,辦事處設於 Kei Wan, provides multi-level, anti-drug intervention 筲箕灣,為東區及灣仔區的青少年提供跨層面 to young people in Eastern and Wan Chai districts. 禁毒介入服務。 From 2007 to 2010, the Centre handled 561 cases 在二○○七至二○一○年間,中心處理了561宗 and conducted 1,270 group counselling sessions, 個案,進行了1,270次小組輔導,並為70間中學 918 drug prevention sessions serving 74,537 共74,537名學生舉辦了918個禁毒活動。 students in 70 secondary schools.

中心於二○○八年推出一項為期兩年的全港性 The Centre launched a two-year territory-wide 先導計劃「驗出新動力」,根據計劃,醫生會為 pilot project “Project MAC” in 2008 in which 正接受戒毒治療的青少年吸毒者提供身體檢查 medical practitioners provided body check-up 服務,共有399名24歲以下的吸毒者參與計劃。 service to young substance abusers under drug 跨專業合作計劃的成果令人非常鼓舞。 treatment. A total of 399 substance abusers aged under 24 participated in the project. The results of multi-disciplinary collaboration project were very encouraging.

「驗出新動力」啟動儀式。 Kick-off ceremony of “Project MAC”.

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Commissioned by the ND in 2009, a resource kit for parents was developed. It was based on the research findings on the “Study on Engagement of Parents in Anti-drug Work” conducted by the Centre and the University of Hong Kong in 2008. An evidence-based parenting group practice manual was also published. The resource kit was 二○○九年,中心受禁毒處委託,製作家長教育 widely distributed to social service units, schools and 資源套。資源套以中心與香港大學於二○○八年 parents’ organisations. 751 practitioners in the social 進行的「動員家長參與禁毒工作研究計劃」所得 welfare and education sectors joined the briefings 結果為依據。中心同時印製了以實證為本的家長 and train-the-trainers sessions to learn about the 小組實務手冊。有關資源套廣發給各社會服務 kit application while 2,294 parents attended the 單位、學校及家長組織。社福界及教育界751名 district-based drug seminars for parents. 從業員出席了簡介會及導師培訓班,學習如何應用 資源套,而2,294位家長則出席了地區為本的家長 In 2010, its support service to parents was 禁毒研討會。 enhanced. The service include a parent hotline, care and support service to parent-in-need by a team of 二○一○年,中心加強家長支援服務。有關服務 parents’ ambassadors, district-based seminars to 包括設立家長熱線,由一隊家長大使向有需要的家長 equip parents with skills on helping their children 提供照顧及支援,以及舉辦地區為本研討會,讓家長 steer away from drugs. Four issues of the Centre’s 掌握有關技巧,幫助子女遠離毒品。中心又以家長 quarterly newsletter targeting parents were also 為對象,編印了四期季度通訊,並廣泛發給家長 published and widely distributed to parent teacher 教師會、學校及社會服務單位。 associations, schools and social service units.

東華三院越峰成長中心:中西南及離島服務處 Tung Wah Group of Hospitals CROSS 越峰成長中心中西南及離島服務處獲社署資助, Centre: Central Western, Southern and 於二○一○年十月成立,新辦事處設於上環。 Islands Office Subvented by the SWD, the CROSS Centre Central 中心在二○一○年處理了50宗個案,以及舉行了 Western, Southern and Islands Office was established 105次小組輔導。此外,又為1,409名中學生舉辦了 in October 2010 with a new office in Sheung Wan. 63 項禁毒活動。 The Centre handled 50 cases and conducted 一項名為「再見.再建」的藝術展覽於二○一○年 105 group counselling sessions in 2010. It also 十一月在太古城中心舉行,旨在增強公眾對吸毒者的 conducted 63 drug prevention programmes for 了解和接納。 1,409 secondary school students.

二○一○年,中心受禁毒處委託,為港島及離島區的 An art exhibition “Farewell • Build Well” was held 小學生舉辦預防教育活動。 in November 2010 at Cityplaza, Taikoo Shing to enhance the public’s understanding and acceptance of substance abusers.

In 2010, the Centre was commissioned by the ND to provide preventive education programmes to primary students in Hong Kong and Outlying Islands.

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Centre for Drug Counselling Caritas Lok Heep Club

The Caritas Lok Heep Club has started operation since 1968. Subvented by the SWD, it operates two centres in Wan Chai and Wong Tai Sin. The Club provides preventive education programmes and professional counselling services to drug abusers, ex-drug abusers and their family members to help them tackle drug problems. 明愛樂協會與香港中文大學合辦「戒酒戒毒證書課程」。 The Caritas Lok Heep Club and the Chinese University of Hong Kong jointly organise the “Certificate Course in Treatment of Alcohol and Counselling is the core service of the Club. Drug Abuse”. The average number of cases it handled during the period between 2007 and 2010 was over 900 per year. The Club celebrated its 40th Anniversary in 戒毒輔導服務中心 2008 and organised a series of activities including a Certificate Course in Treatment of Alcohol and Drug 明愛樂協會 Abuse jointly organised with the Chinese University 明愛樂協會自一九六八年開始運作,在社署資助下, of Hong Kong (CUHK), an overseas exchange tour, 開設了兩個中心,分別位於灣仔及黃大仙。該會為 an exhibition, visits to the Government Laboratory 吸毒者、戒毒康復者及其家人舉辦禁毒教育活動, and drug treatment and rehabilitation centres, 並提供專業輔導服務,協助他們對付毒品問題。 seminars and workshops. In 2009, the Club started a project “New Life New Liver” jointly organised 輔導是該會提供的核心服務。在二○○七至 with the Liver Health Centre and CUHK to help 二○一○年間,樂協會處理的個案數目,每年平均 ex-drug abusers who were infected with Hepatitis C. 逾900宗。二○○八年,該會慶祝成立40周年, The Club was keen in conducting surveys on 舉辦了連串活動,包括與香港中文大學合辦的戒酒 commonly concerned drug abuse issues. A survey 戒毒工作證書課程、海外考察交流團、展覽會、參觀 on parents’ views on youth drug abuse and drug 政府化驗所和戒毒治療及康復中心、研討會及 test, and a survey on the views of drug/ex-drug 工作坊等。二○○九年,該會與中文大學肝臟護理 abusers towards drug driving were conducted in 中心合作,展開「明肝行動」,幫助感染丙型肝炎 2009 and 2010 respectively. Results of the surveys 的戒毒康復者。另外,該會又積極就一些公眾 were useful for understanding the problems and the 普遍關注的吸毒問題進行研究調查。二○○九及 ways to tackle them. 二○一○年,該會分別就家長對青少年毒品問題及 毒品測檢的看法,以及吸毒者及戒毒康復者對 The Caritas Lok Heep Club also provides services 毒後駕駛的看法,進行了調查。調查的結果有助 including counselling, education, group sessions, 了解有關問題及找出對策。 and recreational activities to family members of drug abusers who are not motivated to seek help. 明愛樂協會亦為無求助動機的吸毒者家人提供 Members of its family visiting team reach out to 服務,包括輔導、教育、小組分享會及康樂 people in need and share with them their own 活動等。該會的家訪隊成員會主動接觸有需要 experience in dealing with their drug abusing family 人士,分享自己處理吸毒家庭成員的經驗。該會 members. The Club organised an exchange tour to 又先後於二○○七及二○○九年為家訪隊的義工 Yunnan in 2007 and another tour to Singapore in 安排考察交流團,分別到訪雲南及新加坡,藉此 2009 for volunteers of the visiting team to enhance 增進隊員的戒毒治療知識。 their drug treatment knowledge.

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樂協會還為所有年齡的吸毒者,不論其性別及居住 The Club offers a great variety of services for drug 地區,提供各式各樣的服務,並廣泛採用各種驗毒 abusers of all age, regardless of their sex or district 方法,包括尿液、唾液及頭髮驗毒。在二○○七至 of residence. Drug testing methods including urine, 二○一○年間,每月進行的測試超過200次。 oral fluid and hair testing are widely used and more 二○一○年,該會開始為一家私營公司推行僱員驗毒 than 200 tests were performed every month during 計劃,作為一項工作間的禁毒計劃。 the period between 2007 and 2010. In 2010, the Club started running an employee drug testing 自願住院戒毒治療及康復計劃 scheme for a private company as a workplace preventive programme. 目前,自願住院戒毒治療及康復計劃由17個非政府 機構所營辦的40間戒毒中心提供。提供自願住院 VOLUNTARY RESIDENTIAL 戒毒治療及康復計劃的非政府機構一覽表,可瀏覽 TREATMENT AND。 REHABILITATION PROGRAMMES

基督教巴拿巴愛心服務團 Currently, voluntary residential treatment and 基督教巴拿巴愛心服務團為女性吸毒者提供以 rehabilitation programmes are provided by 17 NGOs in 基督教信仰為基礎的住院戒毒治療及康復服務。 40 treatment centres. A list of NGOs providing voluntary 長期及短期計劃的名額已相應增加以應付社會 residential treatment and rehabilitation programmes is 的需求。 available at

服務團更將服務範圍擴展至預防教育,分別為 Barnabas Charitable Service Association 中學生及小學生舉辦「禁毒達人」計劃及「停停與 Barnabas Charitable Service Association provides 想想」禁毒教育計劃。兩項計劃旨在向學生灌輸 Christianity-based residential treatment and 所需的禁毒知識,及增強他們的人際技巧。 rehabilitation services for female drug abusers. Both the capacities of long-term and short-term 為了喚起公眾對正接受戒毒治療人士需要的關注, programmes have been increased to meet with the 該團致力鼓勵社會大眾參與提供康復服務。該團 demand of the society. 邀請義工參與一項「一對一」的師友計劃及各項籌款 活動。該團又為義工舉辦一系列講座及工作坊。 The Association extended its service to drug prevention by launching a “Beat Drugs Master Programme” for secondary school students and “Stop and Think Anti-drug Preventive Education Programmes” for primary school students. Both programmes aimed to equip students with the necessary drug knowledge and strengthen their personal skills.

To raise the public awareness of the needs of rehabilitating drug abusers, the Association strives to engage the public in the provision of rehabilitation service. Volunteers are invited to participate in a one-to-one mentorship programme and fund-raising 政務司司長唐英年探訪基督教巴拿巴愛心服務團的中途宿舍,與數名 activities. A series of talks and workshops were 正在接受戒毒康復服務的青年女性傾談。 The Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Henry Tang, visits the organised for the volunteers. halfway house operated by the Barnabas Charitable Service Association and chats with young female residents who are receiving drug rehabilitation.

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Caritas Wong Yiu Nam Centre

The Caritas Wong Yiu Nam Centre has started operation since 1999 at Hang Hau, Sai Kung. The Centre provides treatment and rehabilitation services for young male drug abusers. From 2007 to 2010, a total of 368 youngsters enrolled in the Centre and 330 youngsters had completed the rehabilitation programme.

明愛黃耀南中心舉辦音樂課程,讓學員藉學習音樂建立自信。 The Centre serves both opiate abusers and other Caritas Wong Yiu Nam Centre organises music training classes for its residents to help them build self-confidence. substance abusers. Buprenorphine is used at the Centre to help opiate dependent persons to detoxify. The visiting psychiatrist also prescribes other types 明愛黃耀南中心 of medication for dependent persons of other 位於西貢坑口的明愛黃耀南中心自一九九九年開始 substances to help relieve their withdrawal pains. 運作,為年輕男性吸毒者提供戒毒治療及康復 From 2007 to 2010, the major types of substances 服務。在二○○七至二○一○年間,共有368名 being abused by the clients were ketamine, cough 青少年入住中心,330名青少年完成康復計劃。 medicine and poly-drugs.

中心同時為吸食鴉片類毒品及其他毒品人士服務。 Services offered by the Centre include individual 中心會使用丁丙諾啡,去幫助鴉片類毒品倚賴者 counselling, group sessions, basic life skills training, 戒毒。到診精神科醫生亦會為其他藥物倚賴者處方 education programmes on sex, drugs and health, 其他類別藥物,以助紓減斷癮時出現的不適。 relapse prevention theory and skills, counselling 在二○○七至二○一○年間,入住者吸食的毒品, programmes for family members of the abusers, 以氯胺酮、咳藥水及多種毒品為主。 outdoor activities such as football, hiking and water games, and volunteer service to help 中心提供的服務包括個人輔導、小組學習、基本 underprivileged groups. A music group was also 生活技能訓練、性教育、禁毒及健康教育、預防 formed by ex-abusers to perform in anti-drug 復吸理論及技巧、為吸毒者家人提供的輔導計劃、 programmes. 戶外活動(例如足球、遠足和水上遊戲),以及協助 弱勢社群的義工服務等。戒毒康復者更組織了一支 The Centre receives subvention from the DH to meet 樂隊,在禁毒活動中演出。 its recurrent operational costs and abusers have to pay for treatment fees. A 12-month aftercare service 中心的經常營運開支由衞生署資助,而戒毒者須付 is provided to ex-abusers who have completed the 治療費用。療程持續一至六個月,完成療程的戒毒者 programme which lasts from one to six months. 會獲提供為期12個月的續顧服務。 The Centre carries out a digital video making 中心開辦數碼影像製作課程及歷奇輔導計劃,以提高 project and its Adventure Counselling Programme 學員的生活技能。此外,又為入住者提供職業導向 to enrich the life skills of the trainees. Besides, 及訓練和音樂課程。 the Centre provides employment orientation and trainings and music courses to clients. 由於獲衞生署增撥資源,中心的床位數目已於 二○一○年十一月,增至28張。 With additional resources from the DH, the capacity of the Centre was increased to 28 beds in November 2010.

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基督教得生團契 Christian New Being Fellowship

基督教得生團契獲社署資助,於一九八九年成立。 The Christian New Being Fellowship, subvented by 團契在西貢北潭涌設有住院戒毒中心,最多可為 the SWD, was established in 1989. It operates a 88名青少年吸毒者提供康復服務。至於設於西貢的 residential treatment centre in Pak Tam Chung, Sai 中途宿舍,則最多可為12名青少年提供服務。 Kung, providing rehabilitation services to a maximum of 88 young substance abusers. Its half-way house 基督教新生協會 in Sai Kung provides services to a maximum of 12 基督教新生協會自二○○一年開始投入全面戒毒康復 youngsters. 工作。通過法庭和醫院轉介及自願入住,該會每年 平均為大約200名吸毒者提供有系統的住院戒毒康復 Christian New Life Association 治療服務。 Christian New Life Association has been engaged in holistic drug rehabilitation work since 2001. It 在過去數年,新生協會在戒毒治療服務、家長服務 provides systematic in-patient drug rehabilitation 及社區宣傳方面,累積了不少實際經驗。該會於 treatment services to an average of about 200 drug 二○一○年舉辦了一項籌款暨推廣活動,社會各方 abusers a year through referrals from the court and 反應良好。 hospital as well as voluntary admission.

吸食危害精神毒品青少年的斷癮徵狀,與傳統海洛英 In addition, it accumulated practical experience in drug 吸食者的斷癮徵狀,不盡相同。有鑑於此,以及考慮 treatment services, parents’ services, and community 到危害精神毒品吸食者的生理和心理需要,該會聯同 promotion over the past years. The Association 吸毒者的父母及社會人士,特別為吸食危害精神毒品 organised a fund-raising and promotional event in 的青少年制訂專業戒毒治療計劃模式,幫助他們遠離 2010 which was well received by the community. 毒品,重建新生。 The withdrawal symptoms of young psychotropic substance abusers differ from the traditional heroin abusers. In view of the differences and the physical and mental needs of psychotropic substance abusers, the Association, in collaboration with parents of drug abusers and the community, has developed a model of professional treatment programme particularly for young psychotropic substance abusers to help them stay away from drugs and rebuild a new life.

基督教新生協會學員參與建立團隊精神的活動。 Residents of the Christian New Life Association participate in a team building training programme.

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Christian Zheng Sheng Association

The Christian Zheng Sheng College (CZSC) is a school run by the Christian Zheng Sheng Association. It helps young drug abusers reintegrate into society with professional and practical training. In 2007, 基督教正生會 a total of 12 students participated in the Hong 基督教正生書院(正生書院)是一所由基督教正生會 Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE). 開辦的學校,通過專業及實際訓練,幫助青少年 Among these students, the best one got 15 points. 吸毒者重新融入社會。二○○七年,共有12名學生 In 2008, 11 students were in Form Four to prepare 參加香港中學會考,其中成績最好的一位考獲15分。 for the HKCEE. 二○○八年,有11名學生就讀中四,為應考香港 中學會考作準備。 In 2007, an experienced film director offered a director training programme to students of CZSC. 二○○七年,一位資深電影導演為正生書院學生 Students of the programmes obtained a gold award 開辦導演訓練課程。該課程的學員在全港學界 for the best production and silver award for the 錄像製作比賽中,榮獲最佳製作金獎及最佳影片 best picture in the Hong Kong inter-school video 銀獎。二○○八年,正生書院學生在《基本法》短片 production competition. In 2008, students of CZSC 製作比賽(中學組)中,奪得亞軍及最佳男演員獎。 won the first runner-up prize, the best actor for the 另外又在一項校際錄像比賽中,摘取記錄片製作 Basic Law video competition (inter-school group) 金牌。 and a gold medal for the documentary production of an inter-school video competition. 在二○○七及二○○八年,正生書院學生在運動方面 亦有卓越表現。在渣打馬拉松比賽中,男子隊締造了 Students of CZSC also had good performances 半程馬拉松(青年組)的最佳時間。此外,又在多項 in sports during 2007 and 2008. The boys’ team 比賽中取得佳績,包括香港學界體育聯會荃灣及 achieved the best time half-marathon record in the 離島區中學分會舉辦的中學校際越野賽及中學 Standard Chartered Marathon Race. They obtained 校際田徑錦標賽、香港畢拿山15公里越野賽青年組 impressive results in the Inter-school Cross Country 賽事、在美國洛杉磯舉行的禁毒籃球賽,以及油尖旺 Competition, Inter-school Athletics Championships 青少年組籃球賽等。 organised by the Hong Kong Schools Sports Federation Tsuen Wan & Islands Secondary Schools 該會新設立的成人訓練中心位於大澳,提供18個 Area Committee, Youth section in Mt. Butler 15km 名額,於二○○九年年底啟用。 Cross-country Race, Anti-drug Basketball Match in Los Angeles of the United States and Yau Tsim Mong Youth Section Basketball Match, etc.

Its new adult training centre in Tai O which provided 18 places was opened in end 2009.

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德基輔康會的學員參與聚會,分享他們在戒毒康復過程中遇到的挑戰。 Residents of the Drug Addict Counselling and Rehabilitation Services participate in a sharing session on the challenges they encounter during the drug treatment and rehabilitation process.

Drug Addict Counselling and Rehabilitation Services (DACARS)

DACARS aims at providing counselling and rehabilitation services to drug abusers and alcoholics. 得基輔康會 It has provided services on an out-patient basis 得基輔康會的宗旨,是為吸毒者及酗酒者提供輔導 in Hong Kong since 1988. Residential treatment 及康復服務。該會自一九八八年以門診形式在香港 facilities became available in early 1989. DACARS 提供服務,一九八九年年初開始提供住院戒毒設施。 is Christian based and emphasises on individual’s 該會以基督教信仰為本,強調個人與上帝的關係, relationship with God as the key to personal and 是達致自身和社會健康幸福的關鍵。 social well-being.

得基輔康會恩慈之家康復宿舍照顧戒毒康復者和 The Enchi Lodge rehabilitation centre of DACARS 戒酒康復者,提供的服務包括院護照顧、斷癮治療、 takes care of ex-drug abusers and ex-alcoholics. 心理社會治療、個人輔導、治療小組、工作治療、 Services provided include residential care, 聖經教授、個人靈性栽培、基礎教育及興趣班。 detoxification, psycho-social therapy, individual 在二○○七至二○一○年間,恩慈之家131名舍友 counselling, therapeutic groups, work therapy, Bible 參加了2,674次宗教聚會、13次外出康樂活動、 teaching, personal spiritual guides, foundation and 365節小組學習、1,450節教育課堂和400節興趣班。 interest classes. During the period 2007 to 2010, 在此期間,共有4,225名嘉賓和義工參與活動。 131 residents of Enchi Lodge participated in 2,674 religious gatherings, 13 out-going recreational activities, 365 group sessions, 1,450 educational and 400 interest class sessions. A total of 4,225 guests and volunteers were received during the period.

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Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Mission — Ling Oi Centre

The Ling Oi Centre was established in 1970 to provide integrated Christian drug therapeutic rehabilitation 基督教信義會芬蘭差會靈愛中心 programme. The Centre has been subvented by the 靈愛中心於一九七○年成立,提供綜合福音戒毒治療 SWD since March 1988. 康復服務。自一九八八年三月起,中心獲社署資助。 The Centre operates a drug treatment centre and a 中心下設一間戒毒治療中心和一間中途宿舍,分別 half-way house with a capacity of 40 and 34 persons 提供40及34個名額。 respectively.

該戒毒治療中心於二○○八年四月重置,遷到位於 The treatment centre was re-provisioned to the 舊中心後山的新址,是本港首間通過重置取得營運 new premises at the back hill of the old centre 牌照的戒毒治療中心。 in April 2008. It was the first treatment centre in Hong Kong which successfully obtained an operation 在二○○八及二○○九年,青少年吸毒者人數大幅 licence through re-provisioning. 上升。在教育局資助下,中心着手為18歲以下的 青少年開辦教育課程,並訂立「學分」制,評估學員 In 2008 and 2009, the number of young drug 是否符合畢業資格。 abusers increased tremendously. With the funding support from the Education Bureau, the Centre 中心轄下的中途宿舍於二○○九年三月遷往新址。 started educational programmes for those aged under 18. It has devised a “credit point” system to 由於政府和多個撥款機構提供資助,該中心獲得更多 assess the eligibility for graduation. 資源,用以增聘專業人員和改善服務。 Its half-way house was moved to the new premises in March 2009.

With the support from the Government and various funding bodies, the Centre received more funding resources to hire additional professional staff and 基督教信義會芬蘭差會靈愛旦家灣中心新落成的戒毒治療康復中心。 improve the services. The new drug treatment and rehabilitation centre of the Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Mission Ling Oi Tan Ka Wan Centre.

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Glorious Praise Fellowship

Glorious Praise Fellowship was founded by Rev Charles McKnelly in 1990 in an abandoned church to help drug abusers in Tsuen Wan. A site in Siu Lam Village was given to the Fellowship in 1999 to 榮頌團契 build a drug rehabilitation centre with a capacity 榮頌團契於一九九○年由Charles McKnelly牧師在 of 30 persons. The Fellowship became a registered 一所棄置教堂創立,幫助荃灣的吸毒者。一九九九年, company with charitable status in 2002. 團契獲得一幅坐落小欖村的土地,興建能容納30人 的戒毒康復中心。二○○二年,榮頌團契成為具有慈善 Based on the “Alcoholics Anonymous 12-step course” 團體身分的註冊公司。 in the United States, a 12-step drug rehabilitation course focusing on Christian teaching was developed 榮頌團契根據美國「戒酒無名會12步驟 」, in 2007. The course “Daily Choice”, consisted of 於二○○七年制訂「戒毒康復12步」,重點放在 90 lessons to be taught over a 90-day period, was 基 督 教 教 義 上。「Daily Choice」課程共有90課, developed in the United States for drug rehabilitation 分90天教授。這個課程源於美國,戒毒者透過深入 with intense self-examination. The Fellowship was 自省戒除毒癮。團契作出充分的配合,以有系統的 well-geared with a systematic approach in their drug 方式指導戒毒過程。 rehabilitation instruction.

在戒毒治療方面,團契採取有系統的基督教訓練 On drug treatment, the Fellowship uses systematic 及輔導,幫助吸毒者戒掉吸毒惡習。戒毒者須接受 Christian training and counselling to help drug 一年基礎訓練及一年進階訓練。二○○八年,團契 abusers kick the habit. Abusers have to undergo one 聘請了一名受過訓練的輔導員,以協助戒毒者。 year of basic training and another year of advanced training. A trained counsellor was employed in 2008 二○○七年,團契符合大部分發牌規定,並申請 to help the abusers. 資助,以興建新設施。二○○八年,團契獲何東爵士 慈善基金撥款,用以建立新設施。 In 2007, the Fellowship met most of the requirements for licensing and it applied for funding for building 團契在小欖村設有一間新職員訓練中心,聘有五名 new facilities. Besides, a grant from the Sir Robert 導師。10名事工完成了戒毒康復療程,另有10人則 Ho Tung Charitable Fund was secured in 2008 for 正接受訓練,以擔任朋輩輔導員。團契內其中一名 setting up new facilities. 年輕宿友現正在神召會神學院修業。 The Fellowship has established a training centre for new staff in Siu Lam village with five instructors. 10 workers completed the drug rehabilitation programme and 10 others are under training to work as peer counsellors. One of the young residents of the Fellowship is attending the Assembly of God Bible College.

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香港基督教服務處賽馬會日出山莊的家人聯絡小組,安排舍員和家人 一起參觀香港濕地公園,藉此改善彼此的關係。 The family network group of the Hong Kong Christian Service Jockey Hong Kong Christian Service Jockey Club Club Lodge of Rising Sun arranges for its clients and their family members to visit the Hong Kong Wetland Park to help them improve Lodge of Rising Sun their relationship. The Hong Kong Christian Service Jockey Club Lodge of Rising Sun, located in Tuen Mun, has commenced operation since 2003. It is a drug treatment 香港基督教服務處賽馬會日出山莊 and rehabilitation centre subvented by the DH. 香港基督教服務處賽馬會日出山莊位於屯門, The centre aims at providing one-stop and humanistic 二○○三年開始投入服務,是一間獲衞生署資助 drug treatment and rehabilitation service for opiate 的戒毒治療及康復中心。中心旨在為30歲以下 and poly-drug abusers aged under 30 through the 吸食鴉片類毒品和吸食多種毒品人士,提供一站式的 out-patient service, three to six month in-patient 人性化戒毒治療及康復服務,有關服務包括門診 treatment service and 24-month aftercare service. 服務、為期三至六個月的住院治療服務和24個月的 續顧服務。 The treatment method adopted by the Centre not only helps abusers solve their drug addiction 中心採用的治療方法不單協助吸毒者戒除毒癮, problems, but also helps them cope with problems 而且還幫助他們應付成長過程中的問題。中心希望 in the growth process. The Centre aims at building 營造一個充滿關愛的環境,並締造機會,讓受助人 a loving environment and creating opportunity for 成長。 abusers’ growth.

二○○八年,中心重組其治療小組,採取更着重實證 In 2008, the Centre reorganised its therapeutic 為本的方式,以滿足受助人的需要。中心根據認知 groups in order to adopt a more evidence-based 行為綜合治療模式,推行新的防止復吸小組計劃。 approach to satisfy clients’ needs. A new relapse 此外,又推行另外兩個小組活動計劃:「情緒管理」 prevention group programme based on the cognitive 及「溝通技巧訓練 」。這些小組的成效令人滿意。 behavioral integrated treatment approach was implemented. Two other group programmes “Mood Management” and “Communication Skill Training” were also implemented. The effectiveness of these groups was satisfactory.

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由於得到余兆麒醫療基金撥款資助,日出山莊推出 With funding granted by the S K Yee Medical 一項為期三年的「牙腔新生」計劃,目的在於幫助 Foundation, a three-year project “Teeth Reborn” 正接受住院戒毒治療的吸毒者,促進牙齒健康, was launched. The project aims at helping the 從而改善外貌和增強自信。自計劃推出後,有關 abusers who are undergoing residential treatment 方面發現吸毒者極需牙科治療,而計劃的成果亦非常 to improve their dental health so as to improve their 理想。 physical appearance and self-confidence. Since the launch of the project, it was found that abusers’ 在衞生署增撥資源下,中心的服務名額有所增加。 need for dental treatment was enormous and the 二○一○年八月,床位數目由20張增至30張,輪候 results of the project were very promising. 入住時間可望縮短。 With additional resources granted by the DH, the 在二○○六至二○○八年間,中心進行了一項評估 service capacity of the Centre increased from 20 to 研究,旨在以定量及定性方式,評估日出山莊所提供 30 beds in August 2010 and hopefully the waiting 服務的成效。有關研究於二○一○年在香港社會工作 time for admission will be shortened. 學報發表。研究結果顯示,服務使用者在接受中心 提供的人性化服務後,其吸毒問題、成長及發展均有 An evaluative research was conducted during the 顯著改善。 period between 2006 and 2008. The research, aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of the service 在二○○八、二○○九及二○一○年,受助人的 provided by the Rising Sun in a quantitative and 斷 癮 率 分 別 達98%、100%及98%, 而 相 應 的 qualitative approach, was published in the Hong 康復率為90%、91%及86%。 Kong Journal of Social Work in 2010. The research result revealed that the service users had a significant improvement in their drug problems, growth and development after receiving the humanistic service provided by the Centre.

The clients’ detoxification rate in the years of 2008, 2009 and 2010 was 98%, 100% and 98% respectively, while their corresponding rehabilitation rate was 90%, 91% and 86%.

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Mission Ark

Mission Ark has been an associated institution of Christian New Life Association since August 2003. It operates a training camp in Yuen Long with a 方舟行動 capacity of 20 persons. It provides gospel-based 方舟行動自二○○三年八月起,成為基督教新生 rehabilitation treatment to young male substance 協會的相聯機構,在元朗設有訓練營,可容納20人, abusers for a period of not less than six months. 為年輕男性吸毒者提供為期不少於六個月的福音 In view of the growing problem of drug abuse 為本康復治療。鑑於青少年吸毒問題日趨嚴重, among teenagers, Mission Ark also develops new 方舟行動亦為青少年吸毒者制訂新服務。 services for teenage drug abusers.

在禁毒基金資助下,方舟行動推出一項創新的先導 With the funding support of the BDF, an innovative 計劃「青少年『做得到』短期住院戒毒計劃」,目的 pilot scheme "Young People Can Do It” was 是幫助年輕人尋找人生方向,使他們活得更有意義, launched. The scheme is a short-term residential 並協助他們在完成計劃後重返校園或重投社會。 treatment programme, with an objective to help young people find a direction in life, to make their 方舟行動在家長服務方面,亦投放了不少人力物力。 life more meaningful and to help them return to 該機構推出「全方位家庭支援計劃」,協助吸毒者與 school or reintegrate into society after completing 家人重建和諧關係。 the programme.

Mission Ark also puts lots of efforts into parental services. It has introduced a project "Comprehensive Family Support System" to help drug abusers rebuild a harmonious relationship with their family

方舟行動舉辦戶外活動,促進學員與家人的關係。 members. The Mission Ark organises activities to strengthen the relationship between clients and their family members.

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香港晨曦會 Operation Dawn

香港晨曦會提供福音戒毒服務超過40年。中心把 Operation Dawn has over 40 years’ experience in 舍友分為成人、青少年及少數族裔三組,以照顧不同 the gospel addiction treatment. Residents of the 組別的具體需要。該會轄下的姊妹之家,已由元朗 Centre are divided into three groups: adults, youths 遷往青衣,以確保在學姊妹能逐步重新融入社會。 and ethnic minorities, to cater for their specific 除聖經研讀和培訓外,中心還聘請註冊教師,教授 needs. Its girls centre was moved from Yuen Long to 中文、英文、電腦和歷奇訓練等不同科目。實際職業 Tsing Yi to assure a gradual reintegration of students 訓練方面,該會開辦拯溺班、急救證書班、插花和 into society. In addition to biblical studying and 化妝培訓班,以及高級麵包西餅烘製班等。憑藉註冊 training, registered teachers were employed to teach 社工及教師的專業知識,中心能培養學生的正確價值 various subjects like Chinese, English, computing 觀念、更佳的溝通技巧和學習新技能的能力,以便 studies and adventure training. On practical job 作好準備,隨時重投社會。 training, the agency organises life saving courses, first aid certificate courses, floristry and make-up training courses and gourmet bakery training courses, etc. With the expertise of its registered social workers and teachers, the Centre could foster its students with a proper value system, better communication skills and the ability to learn new skills to make themselves ready for reintegrating into society.

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全備團契 Perfect Fellowship

過去三年,全備團契進行新嘗試,盡量在服務中心 Perfect Fellowship experimented on a new trial in 所在地區招募專業人士、教師和藝術工作者為義工, the past three years by maximising the geographical 奉獻自己,幫助年輕人。由於義工反應良好,全備 use of its service centre to recruit volunteers from 團契推出了新策略及「一對一」的信徒訓練,協助 professionals, teachers and artists to contribute 青少年吸毒者。 themselves and help the youngsters. With good responses from the volunteers, the organisation has 吸食危害精神毒品與吸食麻醉鎮痛劑所產生的 launched a new strategy and one-to-one disciple 生理和心理狀況,分別很大,所以對吸食危害精神 training to help the young drug abusers. 毒品的人採用同一介入的方法,可能未必奏效。 因此,全備團契特別針對吸食危害精神毒品人士 There are significant differences in the physio- 推出門徒訓練法。事實上,危害精神毒品吸食者有 psychological conditions between psychotropic 不同的臨床徵狀,「一對一」的門徒訓練可為他們 drug abuse and narcotic analgesics abuse and thus 度身訂造精心設計的介入方法。 it may not be effective to adopt the same intervention for psychotropic substance abusers. 因應政府所訂的戒毒治療及康復新政策,全備團契 Accordingly, disciple training was specially developed 已修訂院舍共同生活的政策,以助戒毒康復者重新 and targeted at psychotropic substance abusers. 融入社會。團契在過去三年所使用的門徒訓練方法, In fact, the one-to-one disciple training could 已證明卓有成效,深受不少新招募的義工歡迎。 tailor make well-designed interventions for psychotropic substance abusers who have different clinical syndromes.

In response to the Government’s new policy on drug treatment and rehabilitation, the organisation has revised its policy on institutional communal living for the rehabilitated abusers to reintegrate into society. The disciple training approach used by the organisation in the past three years has been proven to be effective and well-received by many of its newly recruited volunteers.

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Remar Association Hong Kong Remar Association Hong Kong

Remar Association Hong Kong 是 一 個 基 督 教 The Remar Association Hong Kong is a Christian 慈善團體,為吸毒、酗酒、潦倒落泊、無家可歸和 charity that provides rehabilitation and reintegration 有需要人士提供康復及重投社會服務。該團體 service for drug abusers, alcoholics, down and 於一九九八年成立,旨在向弱勢社群施援。 outs, the homeless and the needy in general. Remar Association Hong Kong致力幫助吸毒者, Founded in 1998, it was established to help the 提供靈性上、生理上、心理上及專業協助。中心 underprivileged. The Association helps drug abusers 有20個宿位,每天24小時開放,可供即時入住, by providing them spiritual, physical, psychical and 並免費提供食宿和衣服。除吸毒者外,該團體 professional assistance. With a bed capacity of 20, 亦為酗酒和無家可歸人士提供服務。在一年的 the Association opens 24 hours a day and offers 住宿期內,留宿者可獲提供個人和小組輔導, free immediate admission where food, clothing 以及資訊、熔焊、園藝等職業訓練。求助人大多 and accommodation are provided. Apart from drug 都能完成計劃,重返社會,亦有部分人留下,全心 abusers, the Association also provides service for 全意協助有需要的人。 alcoholic and homeless persons. Individual and group counselling and vocational training programmes including informatics, welding, gardening are offered during their one-year stay period. Many of the clients of the Association have completed the programme and reintegrated into society, whilst others stayed in the Association to dedicate their lives to help people in need.

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香港戒毒會與香港大學專業進修學院合辦半天到校教師禁毒培訓課程。 In co-operation with the School of Professional and Continuing Education of the University of Hong Kong, the Society for the Aid and Rehabilitation of Drug Abusers organises a half-day on-site anti-drug training programme for teachers.

香港戒毒會 The Society for the Aid and Rehabilitation 香港戒毒會的經常開支主要獲衞生署資助。該會 of Drug Abusers (SARDA) 設有四間住院式戒毒治療及康復中心、五間中途 SARDA receives subvention mainly from the DH to 宿舍、四間社會服務中心及一間門診診療所。該會 cover its recurrent expenditure. It operates four 也為衞生署轄下20間美沙酮診所的求診者提供輔導 residential drug treatment and rehabilitation centres, 服務。 five half-way houses, four social service centres, and an out-patient clinic. SARDA also provides 二○一○年,共有1,482名男性及112名女性吸毒者 counselling services to users of 20 methadone 入住香港戒毒會的戒毒中心,接受藥物戒毒和心理 clinics operated by the DH. 社會康復輔導。戒毒康復者出院後,會獲提供為期 12個月的續顧服務。截至二○一○年年底,共有 In 2010, 1,482 male and 112 female drug abusers 1,926名接受美沙酮治療者接受該會的輔導服務。 were admitted for residential care where medical 此外,該會又為接受美沙酮治療者及其家人提供 detoxification and psycho-social rehabilitation 小組輔導服務。並舉行了560次小組聚會,共有 service were provided. A 12-month aftercare service 8,988 人出席。 was provided after the rehabilitated drug abusers were discharged. By the end of 2010, 1,926 methadone users received SARDA’s counselling service. Besides, group counselling services were provided for methadone users and their family members. 560 group meetings were held with a total attendance of 8,988.

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The Jockey Club Anti-drug Preventive Education Centre in Shek Kwu Chau was opened on March 24, 2007. The Centre comprises Hong Kong Drug History Museum and a HIV/AIDS Education Hall which is open for students and related parties. By the end of 2010, a total of 8,669 visitors visited the Centre. SARDA also delivered 位於石鼓洲的賽馬會禁毒預防教育中心於二○○七年 on-site school-based preventive education to 三月二十四日啟用。中心設有香港禁毒歷史博物館 2,934 students and parents in 2010. 及愛滋病教育展覽館,開放給學生及相關各方人士 參觀。截至二○一○年年底,參觀者達8,669人次。 To address the increasing number of young 該會於二○一○年又派員到學校,進行校本禁毒 psychotropic substance abusers, the “Project SARDA”, 預防教育,共有2,934名學生及家長參加。 targeting abusers aged between 21 and 35, was launched at the Shek Kwu Chau Treatment and 為應付吸食危害精神毒品青少年人數與日俱增的 Rehabilitation Centre in August 2010. The programme 問題,該會於二○一○年八月在石鼓洲康復院推行 provides residential treatment and rehabilitation 「新德計劃」。該計劃以年齡介乎21至35歲的吸毒者 services to abusers who seek help voluntarily. 為對象,為自願求助的吸毒者提供住院式戒毒治療 Operated on a “Medical-psychosocial Model”, 及康復服務。計劃以「醫療及心理社會輔導模式」 job skill training is provided to the abusers for their 進行,為吸毒者提供工作技能訓練,以助他們重投 reintegration into society. 社會。 To help create a drug-free Hong Kong, SARDA has 為建立無毒香港盡一分力,該會一直積極推行禁毒 been active in preventive education. In the first 預防教育。在二○一○年首季,該會與香港城北 quarter of 2010, SARDA and the Rotary Club of 扶輪社合辦一項以禁毒為題的校際中文作文比賽, Hong Kong City North co-organised an inter-school 收到來自超過150間學校1,500份參賽作品。 anti-drug Chinese essay writing competition. 1,500 entries were received from over 150 schools. 在二○○九年十二月至二○一○年四月期間,該會與 國際扶輪3450地區(第八分組)、九龍西區扶輪社及 Between December 2009 and April 2010, SARDA 星島日報合辦一項以禁毒為題的校際中文辯論比賽。 joined hands with Rotary International District 3450 (Area Eight), Rotary Club of Kowloon West and 此外,在二○一○/一一學年,該會與香港大學專業 Sing Tao Daily to organise a Chinese Inter-school 進修學院合辦禁毒培訓課程,供港島及離島區教師 Beat-drug Debate Competition. 報讀。 Besides, SARDA and the School of Professional and Continuing Education of the University of Hong Kong co-organised an anti-drug training programme for teachers in Hong Kong and the outlying islands in the 2010/11 school year.

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The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong (SRACP)

SRACP provides short-term hospitalised detoxification treatment and community-based rehabilitation services to both opiate and psychotropic substance 香港善導會 abusers through the project “OASIS”. The project 香港善導會通過「綠洲計劃」,向鴉片類毒品及危害 has been supported by the Hong Kong Jockey Club 精神毒品吸食者提供短期住院戒毒治療及以社區為本 Charities and is a collaborative project with the 的康復服務。自二○○五年起,該計劃獲香港賽馬會 Substance Abuse Assessment Unit of Kwai Chung 慈善信託基金撥款資助,是一項與葵涌醫院藥物誤用 Hospital since 2005. The project provides one-year 評估中心合作推行的計劃。計劃通過兩間持牌宿舍, aftercare service through two licensed hostels and 輔以朋輩輔導員及全面康復計劃,提供為期一年的 is supported by peer counsellor and comprehensive 續顧服務。計劃為男性及女性吸毒者提供合共26個 rehabilitation programmes. There are 26 placements 宿位,為期6至12個月。在二○○七至一○年間, for both sexes which last for six to 12 months. It 共服務了211名舍友,當中近七成完成戒毒治療。 served 211 clients during the period 2007 to 2010. Nearly 70% had completed the detoxification 該會轄下五間社會服務中心獲社署資助,為有吸毒 treatment. 問題的釋囚提供戒毒輔導服務,平均每年服務 2,500人。自二○○六年起,該會通過懲教署資助 SRACP provides drug abuse counselling service 推行的計劃,向過去曾吸毒的囚犯提供輔導,防止 to ex-offenders with drug abuse problem by five 他們復吸。逾1,700人曾接受輔導。 social services centres funded by the SWD which serves 2,500 individuals a year on average. Relapse prevention counselling has been rendered to prisoners with drug history through projects funded by the CSD since 2006. Over 1,700 persons received the counselling.

香港善導會「綠洲計劃」為參加者舉辦藝術創作班。 SRACP organises art classes for participants of “Project Oasis”.

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St Stephen's Society

St Stephen’s Society provides multi-services to the poor, addicted, distressed and displaced people. The Society has been in operation for over 40 years. The philosophy of the Society is to help the 聖士提反會 “one we see” who is in need and it accepts referrals 聖士提反會向貧困、染有毒癮、無依無靠和流離 from the SWD and the court. 失所的人提供多種服務。該會成立至今已逾40載, 以幫助「我們見到」的有需要人士為宗旨,並且接受 The residential homes of the Society for male 由社署及法院轉介的個案。 and female drug abusers are operated on a “re-parenting” model. It provides annual training 該會為男性及女性吸毒者而設的院舍,以「再教養」 for clients, their families and staff. 的模式營辦,每年都會為舍友、舍友家人及職員提供 訓練。 Its project “Gogetters”, which provides schooling for boys and girls aged 17 and under, continues to 為17歲或以下的少男少女提供學校教育的 flourish. The Society has developed a “Gogetters” 「Gogetters」計劃,推行情況一如以往,反應良好。 family training group for family members of the 該會為吸毒者家人成立了「Gogetters」家人訓練 abusers to help them prepare for the homecoming of 小組,協助他們為吸毒者回家作好準備。該會又與 the abusers. The Society has partnered with several 數間學校合作,為準備好重返校園的戒毒康復者 schools to offer school places for rehabilitated 提供學位。Gogetters亦參與多項學校活動,作為 abusers who are ready to return to school. 禁毒運動的一環。 The “Gogetters” also participate in various school activities as part of the anti-drug campaign. 「High Flyers」計劃為年齡介乎18至25歲的男性 及女性吸毒者提供生活及職能訓練,進展良好。計劃 The project “High Flyers” which provides life and 旨在訓練青年人,使他們成為有責任感、身心健康的 work training to male and female drug abusers aged 公民,並通過幫助貧困人士,為社會作出貢獻。 between 18 and 25 is gaining momentum. The project 該會在「城門之源」的院舍,為吸毒者舉辦一系列的 aims to train young adults to become responsible 課程,包括運動、餐飲、電腦、藝術、設計及裝修 and healthy citizens and to contribute to society by 等課程。 helping the poor. The abusers are provided with a wide range of courses including sports, catering, 鑑於需要康復服務的吸食危害精神毒品青少年人數 computer, arts, design and decoration in Shing Mun 有所增加,該會已加強並發展相關的技能及工作 Springs houses. 訓練。 With an increase in the number of young psychotropic 該會更加強外展服務,增至每周數次,並擴展至 substance abusers who require rehabilitation 港島、九龍及新界數個地區,主動接觸貧困人士。 services, the Society has enhanced and developed its skill and work training accordingly.

The outreaching services to the poor were enhanced to several times a week and extended to several areas in Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and the New Territories.

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Wu Oi Christian Centre

The Wu Oi Christian Centre is a non-profit-making organisation established in 1973. Over the years, it has actively helped drug abusers, ex-prisoners, high-risk youths, triad members and prostitutes 基督教互愛中心 to become productive and responsible citizens in 基督教互愛中心為一非牟利機構,於一九七三年 society. It provides a one-year treatment course and a 成立。中心多年來積極幫助吸毒者、釋囚、高危 six-month caring service, which emphasises on a simple 青少年、三合會會員和妓女,使他們成為對社會有 but disciplinary lifestyle in a Christian therapeutic 貢獻和負責任的公民。中心為吸毒者提供為期一年的 community. The Centre operates four drug treatment 治療和六個月的照顧服務,着重在福音治療的群體 and rehabilitation centres: male drug training centre 生活環境下,過簡單而有紀律的生活。中心設有四間 at Long Ke, the half-way house at Shun Tin Estate, 戒毒治療及康復中心,分別是浪茄男性訓練中心、 the female training centre at Tai Mei Tuk and the 順天邨中途宿舍、大尾篤女性訓練中心,以及專為 Green Island Youth training centre, which offer 21歲以下吸毒者而設的青洲青少年訓練中心。 programmes for drug abusers aged under 21.

中心亦為吸毒者的家人提供支援服務,於二○○七年 The Centre also provides family support services to 十一月成立了親職小組。中心又與家庭事工保持 family members of abusers. A parenting group was set 緊密聯繫,以期接觸有需要協助的人士,讓他們互相 up in November 2007. The Centre keeps working closely 支持、分憂和鼓勵,並向易受毒品危害的青少年、 with the family ministries, aiming to get connected with 戒毒康復者及受毒品影響的子女/家人施以援手。 those in need of help. They render mutual support, problem sharing and encouragement, and offer a 自二○一○年年初,中心增強了為戒毒康復者而設 helping hand to vulnerable youths, rehabilitated persons 的職業及技能訓練課程,提高他們在社會上的就業 and children/family members suffering from drug abuse. 機會。有關訓練包括電腦、音樂、髮型、設計及 語言等。二○一○年六月,中心與以諾團契和藝人 Since early 2010, the Centre has enriched its job and 之家合作,在香港體育館舉行了三場「紅黑皇佈道 skill training programmes for rehabilitated drug 會」,並藉佈道會宣揚禁毒信息,作為預防教育。 abusers with a view to increasing their employment 佈道會吸引了近30,000人出席。 opportunities in society. The training includes computer, music, hair-styling, design and language programmes, 為加強預防復吸的服務,中心擴展續顧服務,涵蓋 etc. In June 2010, the Centre collaborated with the 自二○一○年完成療程的戒毒人士。有關服務包括 Enoch Christian Fellowship and Home of Artists to hold 每周小組聚會及定期戶外活動,提升戒毒康復者在 three evangelical gatherings “AWE Mission” in the 重投社會時處理感情和情緒的能力。續顧服務的成效 Hong Kong Coliseum and it took the opportunity 理想。 to promote anti-drug messages as a preventive education during the evangelical gatherings. The gatherings had attracted nearly 30,000 people.

To enhance relapse prevention services, the Centre has expanded the aftercare service to those who have completed the treatment programme since 2010. The service includes weekly group meetings and regular outdoor activities to enhance the ability of rehabilitated persons to handle their own feeling and emotion when re-integrating into society. The effectiveness of the aftercare service is satisfactory.

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《藥物倚賴者治療康復中心(發牌)條例》已於 DRUG TREATMENT AND 二○○二年四月一日實施。該條例旨在確保藥物 REHABILITATION CENTRES

倚賴者能在管理妥善及安全的環境中,接受自願住院 The Drug Dependent Persons Treatment and 戒毒及康復服務。 Rehabilitation Centres (Licensing) Ordinance came into operation on April 1, 2002. The Ordinance 條例訂明,所有在二○○二年四月一日或之後開始 aims to ensure that drug dependent persons 營辦的治療中心,必須領取牌照。在條例生效前 receive voluntary residential drug detoxification and 已在經營,但未能完全符合發牌規定的治療中心, rehabilitation services in a properly managed and 可獲發豁免證明書。二○○七至二○一○年間, physically secure environment. 八間按豁免證明書營運的中心成功取得牌照。

目前,持牌營運的治療中心有19間,按豁免證明書 The Ordinance stipulates that all treatment centres 營運的有 21 間。 which commence operation on or after April 1, 2002 must obtain a licence. Certificates of Exemption (CoE) may be granted to treatment centres already in operation before the commencement of the Ordinance, but were unable to comply fully with the licensing requirements. From 2007 to 2010, eight centres operating with a CoE had successfully obtained a licence. Currently, the number of treatment centres operating with a licence is 19 while operating with a CoE is 21.

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醫院管理局(醫管局)七個服務聯網,分別為港島東 (SAC) 聯網(東區尤德夫人那打素醫院)、港島西聯網 SACs have been established in all seven service (瑪麗醫院)、九龍中聯網(九龍醫院)、九龍東 clusters of the HA namely the Hong Kong East 聯網(基督教聯合醫院 )、九龍西聯網(葵涌醫院 )、 Cluster (Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital), 新界東聯網(雅麗氏何妙齡那打素醫院、北區醫院 Hong Kong West Cluster (Queen Mary Hospital), 及威爾斯親王醫院)及新界西聯網(青山醫院), Kowloon Central Cluster (Kowloon Hospital), 均設有物質誤用診所。 Kowloon East Cluster (United Christian Hospital), Kowloon West Cluster (Kwai Chung Hospital), 這些診所接受由濫藥者輔導中心、非政府機構、 New Territories East Cluster (Alice Ho Miu Ling 醫生及其他健康護理機構轉介的求診者,他們大多以 Nethersole Hospital, North District Hospital and 門診方式接受治療。診所提供的服務包括戒毒治療、 Prince of Wales Hospital) and New Territories West 輔導、心理治療及家庭治療。求診者如患有藥物 Cluster (Castle Peak Hospital). 引致的精神病或精神病併發症,會獲提供特別 住院戒毒治療。上述診所於二○○七、二○○八及 These clinics accept referrals from CCPSAs, 二○○九年,分別處理了568宗、554宗及808宗 NGOs, medical practitioners, and other health 新個案。由於物質誤用診所在二○○九/一○財政 care providers. Clients are treated largely on an 年度獲增撥資源,提供的診症名額,由二○○八/ out-patient basis. Services include drug treatment, ○九財政年度約12,600個,增至二○○九/一○財政 counselling, psychotherapy and family therapy. 年度約18,300個。 Specific in-patient detoxification and treatment is provided to those with identified drug-induced 有關物質誤用診所的服務詳情,可瀏覽http://www. psychiatric complications or co-morbid psychiatric。 illnesses. The clinics treated a total of 568, 554 and 808 new cases in 2007, 2008 and 2009 respectively. With an injection of additional resources in financial year 2009/10, the total clinic attendances provided by the SACs increased from around 12,600 attendances in financial year 2008/09 to around 18,300 attendances in financial year 2009/10.

A summary of the service details of the SACs is available at

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自一九七二年起,香港便以自願門診方式,為鴉片類 PROGRAMME (MTP) 藥物(主要是海洛英)倚賴者提供美沙酮代用治療和 Methadone has been used for the maintenance and 戒毒治療。雖然被呈報吸食海洛英的人數日見減少, treatment of opioid (mainly heroin) dependent persons 但海洛英一直是本港所見的主要毒品。 on a voluntary out-patient basis since 1972. Though the number of reported heroin abusers is declining, heroin 美沙酮治療計劃由衞生署推行,提供代用和戒毒兩類 has long been the dominant illicit drug in Hong Kong. 療法,供求診者選擇。代用治療是計劃的主要服務 範疇。根據代用治療計劃,求診者每天可獲供應 MTP is operated by the DH and it includes both 一劑美沙酮,以抑制海洛英毒癮。戒毒治療則以 maintenance and detoxification options for out-patients. 戒毒為目標,求診者每天服用的美沙酮劑量會逐漸 Under the maintenance scheme which is the main service 減少,直至完全戒除毒癮為止。鑑於「鴉片癮」 area of the programme, patients are provided with a 被視為一種容易復發的長期疾病,美沙酮治療計劃 dose of methadone each day to block their craving for 為每一藥物倚賴者提供容易得到、合法、醫療上 heroin. Detoxification aims to wean patients off drugs by 安全而有效的藥物,作為吸食違禁毒品以外的 gradually reducing their daily dosage of methadone until 另一種選擇。 they are completely drug-free. Given that opiate addiction is considered as a chronic relapsing disease, MTP provides 美沙酮的派發受到非常嚴格管制,所有求診者必須在 every single drug dependent person with a readily 配藥人員面前服用。 accessible, legal, medically safe and effective alternative to illicit drug use. 美沙酮是一種合成麻醉鎮痛劑,不會令人產生快感, 也沒有明顯的副作用。接受治療者可如常生活和 Methadone is administered under very strict control, 工作,對社會作出貢獻。推行美沙酮治療計劃, and all patients are required to take their dose under 可減少吸毒者以靜脈注射方式吸食毒品和共用針筒 observation by the dispensing staff. 的機會,從而減低感染愛滋病、乙型肝炎和丙型肝炎 等血液傳播疾病的危險。 As a synthetic narcotic analgesic, methadone does not produce euphoria or any significant side effects. 現時全港有20間美沙酮診所:港島四間,九龍 With methadone treatment, drug abusers can lead a 九間,新界七間,每日由早上七時至晚上十時提供 normal life and be gainfully employed as productive 服務。 citizens. By reducing intravenous drug use, and hence sharing of syringes, methadone treatment reduces the risk 在二○○七至二○一○年間,美沙酮診所每年的 of transmission of blood-borne diseases like HIV infection, 求診者超過200萬人次。在此期間,有效登記參加 Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C. 美沙酮治療計劃的平均人數,由8,100人至8,400人 不等,每天平均有超過6,200人次求診。 There are currently 20 methadone clinics - four on Hong Kong Island, nine in Kowloon and seven in the New 有關美沙酮診所的服務詳情及美沙酮治療計劃的官 Territories, providing service from 7am to 10pm daily. 方網站超連結,可瀏覽 htm。 From 2007 to 2010, the methadone clinics catered for more than two million patient-attendances each year. Over the period, the average number of patients effectively registered with the MTP ranges from 8,100 to 8,400 with average daily attendance of more than 6,200.

A table showing the service details of methadone clinics and a hyperlink to MTP’s official website is available at

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強迫戒毒計劃 To combat the increasing drug abuse problem, 為打擊日益嚴重的吸毒問題,懲教署聯同一非政府 the CSD collaborated with an NGO to conduct an 機構,於二○○七年在其院所推行一項禁毒計劃, anti-drug project “Let Me Fly” in its institutions 名 為「飛 躍 計 劃 」( Let Me Fly)。在二○○八至 in 2007. Between 2008 and 2010, the same 二○一○年間,同一計劃再在院所推行,名稱改為 project with another name “Fly Up High” was also 「翱 飛 計 劃 」(Fly Up High)。上述計劃提高囚犯對 conducted in the institutions. The projects enhanced 吸毒問題的警覺,並協助他們在獲釋後重新融入 the prisoners’ awareness of the substance abuse 社會。 problem and helped them reintegrate into society upon discharge. 此外,為善用資源,以配合在囚人口的轉變、運作 需要和對優化服務的需求,懲教署把勵新懲教所 In addition, in order to optimise the use of resources 從一所成年男囚犯釋前職業訓練中心,改為一所 to meet the change of penal population, operational 青少年男囚犯戒毒所。喜靈洲戒毒所(附屬中心) needs and demand on enhanced services, the CSD 亦於二○一○年二月易名勵顧懲教所,並增加女性 converted Lai Sun Correctional Institution (LSCI) 吸毒者的宿位。 from a pre-release vocational training centre for male adult prisoners into a drug addiction treatment 更改勵新懲教所的用途,不僅有助紓緩喜靈洲 centre for male young inmates. Hei Ling Chau 戒毒所過度擠迫的情況,而且通過善用院所現有 Addiction Treatment Centre (Annex) was renamed 設施,加強為男性青少年吸毒者提供的康復服務 to Nei Kwu Correctional Institution with extension 及職業訓練。該院所為吸毒者開辦不同類型的職業 of accommodation places for female drug abusers 訓練課程,例如機械工藝、商業實務、髮型設計及 in February 2010. 侍應培訓等,讓院所學員取得認可資歷,有一技 傍身,以助他們在獲釋後求職,自力更生。 The conversion of LSCI not only helps alleviate the overcrowding of Hei Ling Chau Addiction Treatment 有關強迫戒毒計劃的服務詳情,可瀏覽 Centre, but also enhances rehabilitative services。 and vocational training for male young drug abusers through utilisation of existing facilities in the institution. The institution provides a variety of vocational training programmes, such as mechanical craft, office and commercial practice, hairstyling and café assistant training for drug abusers. It allows its inmates to attain recognised qualifications and equip themselves with employment skills for self-reliance upon release.

A table showing the service details of the compulsory drug treatment scheme is available at

懲教署印製多種小冊子,向院所學員灌輸禁毒知識。 The CSD produces various leaflets to disseminate anti-drug messages to inmates.

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Outreaching social work service seeks to reach out to young people who do not normally participate in conventional social or youth activities and are vulnerable to negative influence, with a view to providing them with counselling and guidance. The target group is young people aged between six 外展社會工作服務 and 24. Currently, there are 11 NGOs operating 16 外展社會工作服務旨在接觸通常不大參與傳統社交 District Youth Outreaching Social Work Teams (YOTs) 或青少年活動,而又易受不良影響的青少年, and 13 NGOs operating 18 Overnight Outreaching 為他們提供輔導及指引。服務對象是6歲至24歲 Teams Serving Young Night Drifters (YNDs), under 的年輕人。目前,在社署資助下,共有11個非政府 the subvention of the SWD. 機構營辦16支地區青少年外展社會工作隊(青少年 外展社工隊),以及13個非政府機構營辦18支 Outreaching service is effective in early identification 深宵外展隊,為夜遊青少年提供服務。 of potential or occasional young drug abusers who are non-engaged in study or employment. Through 外展服務在及早辨識有可能或間歇吸毒的輟學或 on-the-spot contacts and immediate intervention, 失業青少年方面,卓有成效。通過當場接觸和即時 social workers can establish trustful relationship 介入,社工可與青少年建立關係和互信,這對培養並 with youngsters through rapport building, which is 維持青少年遠離毒品的動力,至為重要。 in turn crucial in cultivating and maintaining their motivation to abstain from drugs. 為應付青少年吸毒個案激增,16支青少年外展社工隊 和18支深宵外展隊分別加強了人手,每支隊伍於 To tackle the upsurge in youth drug abuse, the 二○○八年十月各獲增加一名社工。二○一○年 manpower of each of the 16 YOTs and 18 YNDs was 十二月,青少年外展社工隊再獲增強人手,16支 strengthened with the provision of one additional 隊伍各獲增加一名助理社會工作主任。 social worker in October 2008. The manpower of YOTs was further enhanced in December 2010 by 為有效預防吸毒、及早辨識和及時作出介入,外展隊 providing one additional Assistant Social Work 會繼續與其他福利服務單位緊密合作和協調,動員 Officer for each of the 16 YOTs. 有關的社會資源,以及作出適當轉介,讓邊緣青少年 及青少年吸毒者得到康復治療及戒毒服務。 To provide effective prevention, early identification and timely intervention, outreaching teams will continue to work closely and collaborate with other welfare service units, mobilise relevant community resources and make appropriate referrals for the treatment and rehabilitation of at-risk youths and young drug abusers.

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ENHANCED PROBATION SERVICE 因應青少年毒品問題專責小組二○○八年十一月 Upon recommendation of the Task Force on Youth 發表的報告提出的建議,由二○○九年十月開始, Abuse in its report promulgated in November 2008, 服務九龍城裁判法院及觀塘裁判法院的兩個感化 a two-year pilot project on enhanced probation 辦事處,分別推行一項為期兩年的加強感化服務 service was implemented at the two probation 先導計劃,依據《罪犯感化條例 》(第 298 章 )的規定, offices serving the Kowloon City Magistracy and the 為21歲以下被裁定觸犯毒品相關罪行的青少年 Kwun Tong Magistracy starting from October 2009 罪犯,提供更聚焦、有系統和深入的戒毒治療計劃。 to provide more focused, structured and intensive 先導計劃旨在協助青少年毒犯戒除吸毒惡習,改過 treatment programmes for young offenders aged 自新。 below 21 and convicted of drug-related offences pursuant to the Probation of Offenders Ordinance 計劃受參與的裁判法院和感化主任歡迎,因可為 (Cap. 298). The aim of the project is to help young 受感化者提供更深入和全面的輔導及治療,亦有助 drug offenders kick the drug habit and turn over a 與受感化者的父母建立更好的合作關係。截至 new leaf. 二○一○年十二月,共有281宗法庭要求提供 社會背景調查報告的轉介個案,150名青少年罪犯 The project is welcomed by the participated 根據計劃接受感化督導。 magistracies and probation officers as it can provide more in-depth and intensive counselling and treatment to probationers and it can also help them build up a better working relationship with their parents. As at December 2010, there were 281 court referrals for Social Enquiry Reports with 150 young offenders put on probation supervision under the project.

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其他非政府機構及服務 OTHER NGOs AND SERVICES 香港社會服務聯會 The Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS) 香港社會服務聯會(社聯)促使各社會服務組織提供 優質服務,分享良好做法,以及制訂預防吸毒、戒毒 HKCSS facilitates social service organisations in 治療及康復服務的政策和策略。社聯的「藥物濫用 providing quality services, sharing good practices, 防治服務網絡」現有33個機構代表,來自戒毒治療 developing policy and strategies on prevention, 及康復服務和青少年外展服務界。該網絡就有關 treatment and rehabilitation services on substance 政策和服務發展,向禁毒處及相關政府部門提出 abuse. Its “Network on Substance Abuse Service” 意見,交流經驗。 (NSAS) consists of 33 agency representatives from drug treatment and rehabilitation services and youth 在二○○七至二○一○年間,社聯舉辦了多項海外 outreaching services. NSAS contributes their views 活動及一系列專業訓練和機構探訪,以增進禁毒 and experiences to the ND and related government 界別的知識及加強協作。考慮到社工、醫護專業 departments over concerned policy and service 人員及律師等跨界別合作至為重要,社聯與香港 development. 醫學會和香港律師會合辦了多場研討會。此外, 社聯又舉辦諮詢會,蒐集有關禁毒政策(例如專責 During the period between 2007 and 2010, HKCSS 小組的建議、香港戒毒治療和康復服務第五個三年 organised overseas events, a series of professional 計劃、校園驗毒、香港為吸毒者而設的戒毒治療 trainings and agency visits to strengthen the 及康復服務分級多模式架構和長遠禁毒政策等) knowledge and collaboration among the anti-drug 的意見。 sector. Considering that the cross-sectoral collaboration between social workers, medical 培康聯會 professionals and lawyers was essential, HKCSS co-organised seminars with the Hong Kong Medical 培康聯會是由一群戒毒康復者於一九六七年成立的 Association and the Law Society of Hong Kong. 非政府機構,旨在提倡會員自助互助精神,從而 HKCSS also rendered consultation sessions and 遠離毒品,過着對社會有貢獻的生活。培康聯會 collected views on anti-drug policy, such as the 轄下四個地區中心與香港戒毒會四個分區服務中心 recommendations of the Task Force, the Fifth Three 互相聯繫,為會員籌辦各類活動,包括社交聚會、 Year Plan on Drug Treatment and Rehabilitation 康樂活動、禁毒計劃、愛滋病預防教育、外展活動 Services in Hong Kong, school drug testing, the 及就業貸款服務等。該會在石鼓洲設有合作社, tiered, multi-modality approach of treatment and 為正接受戒毒治療人士提供服務。截至二○一○年 rehabilitation services for drug abusers in Hong Kong 年底,該會共有3,898名會員。 and long-term anti-drug policy.

Pui Hong Self-Help Association (PHSHA)

PHSHA is an NGO formed by a group of rehabilitated drug abusers in 1967. It aims to promote the spirit of self-help and mutual support among its members to enable them to lead a drug-free and productive life. Linked with SARDA’s four regional service centres, its four district centres organise various activities including social gathering and recreational activities, anti-drug programmes, AIDS prevention education, outreach activities and employment loan service, etc, for their members. The Association also operates a co-opt shop on Shek Kwu Chau to serve the abusers under treatment.

培康聯會會員在石鼓洲康復院提供義工服務。 By the end of 2010, the Association had 3,898 members. Members of the PHSHA provide volunteer service at the Shek Kwu Chau Treatment and Rehabilitation Centre.

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THE FIFTH THREE-YEAR PLAN ON DRUG TREATMENT AND REHABILITATION SERVICES IN HONG KONG (2009-2011) 香港戒毒治療和康復服務 The Three-year Plan on Drug Treatment and 第五個三年計劃 Rehabilitation Services in Hong Kong (Three-year Plan) aims at setting the policies, priorities and (二○○九至二○一一年) strategies of such services. They provide anchor points 香港戒毒治療和康復服務三年計劃(三年計劃) for service providers to reflect on their services and 旨在釐定有關服務的政策、優次和策略,並為提供 develop complementing strategies and programmes 服務的機構訂定指標,以便檢討服務,以及因應 in view of the latest drug trends. 最新的吸毒趨勢,制訂相輔相成的策略和計劃。 A working group was formed in May 2008 to oversee 當局於二○○八年五月成立工作小組,督導第五個 preparation of the Fifth Three-year Plan covering the 三年計劃(二○○九至二○一一年)的擬備工作。 years 2009 to 2011. It is headed by the Chairman of the 工作小組由禁毒常務委員會轄下戒毒治療及康復 Action Committee Against Narcotics Sub-committee 小組委員會主席張建良醫生領導,成員包括政府 on Treatment and Rehabilitation, Dr Ben Cheung, and 部門和戒毒治療及康復機構的代表。 comprises representatives of government departments and drug treatment and rehabilitation agencies. 迄今,禁毒處已先後於一九九七年、二○○○年、 二○○三年、二○○六年及二○○九年發表五個 The ND has promulgated five Three-year Plans 三年計劃。二○○九至二○一一年的三年計劃於 so far, in 1997, 2000, 2003, 2006 and 2009. 二○○九年三月公布,就如何因應最新的吸毒趨勢, The Three-year Plan 2009-2011, released in 調整和加強本身的服務計劃,向業界提出建議。 March 2009, gives recommendations for the service 主要建議包括加強調查及研究,以進一步掌握吸毒 sector to adjust and strengthen their programmes 情況;及早辨識高危青少年,並作出介入;增加 in the light of the latest drug abuse trend. 下游計劃的名額及服務的深度;由不同界別/以不同 Major recommendations include strengthening 模式提供連貫的服務;培訓禁毒工作者;協助吸毒者 surveys and studies for a better understanding of 重新融入社會;持續改善服務;協調各方面的資源; the drug abuse situation, early identification of youth 以及與其他範疇的工作連貫互補。 at risk and intervention, enhancement of downstream programmes in terms of capacity and sophistication, 禁毒處將於二○一一年五月着手擬備香港戒毒治療和 continuum of service by different sectors/modalities, 康復服務第六個三年計劃(二○一二至二○一四年 )。 training for anti-drug workers, reintegration of abusers into society, sustained service improvements, resource alignment and continuum and complementarity with efforts in other prongs.

The ND will start preparing the Sixth Three-year Plan on Drug Treatment and Rehabilitation Services in Hong Kong (2012-2014) in May 2011.

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保安局局長李少光(右)到訪新加坡中央肅毒局,觀看工作人員 進行尿液毒品測試示範。 The Secretary for Security, Mr Ambrose S K Lee (right), watches a demonstration of urine drug testing during a visit to Singapore’s Central Narcotics Bureau.

Given the hidden nature of psychotropic substance abuse, the Task Force on Youth Drug Abuse led by the Secretary for Justice, in its report released in November 2008, recommended making use of drug testing as part of our comprehensive five-pronged 鑑於吸食危害精神毒品的隱蔽性質,律政司司長領導 anti-drug strategy, in a bid to enhance prevention 的青少年毒品問題專責小組(專責小組)在二○○八年 and facilitate early identification and intervention 十一月發表的報告中建議,五管齊下的全面禁毒策略 of drug abusers. It proposed drug testing at three 應包括驗毒一環,務求加強預防工作,及早辨識 levels, namely drug testing service as part of the 吸毒者,並作出介入。專責小組建議在三個層面 enhanced medical support in Counselling Centres 進行驗毒,即在濫用精神藥物者輔導中心(濫藥者輔導 for Psychotropic Substance Abusers (CCPSAs), 中心)提供驗毒服務,作為加強醫療支援的一部分; voluntary drug testing in schools and compulsory 在學校推行自願測檢;以及在社區進行強制驗毒。 drug testing in the community.

在濫藥者輔導中心進行驗毒 Drug testing in CCPSAs

濫藥者輔導中心是高危青少年和吸毒者就毒品問題在 CCPSAs are the first stop in the community for youth 社區尋求專門協助的第一站。專責小組建議,濫藥者 at risk and drug abusers to seek dedicated assistance 輔導中心應引進醫療支援服務,讓尚未需要接受專科 in drug matters. The Task Force recommended that 治療的吸毒者可盡早獲得適切的醫療服務。這些服務 medical support services should be introduced 除身體檢查和與毒品有關的診治外,還應包括自願 in CCPSAs to enable timely and early medical 驗毒。 intervention to drug abusers who have not yet required specialist treatment. Such services should 二○○九年十月,全部七間營運中的濫藥者輔導中心 encompass voluntary drug testing, apart from body 獲撥額外資源,開展實地醫療支援服務。有關服務 checks, drug-related consultation, etc. 更擴展至於二○一○年十月新設立的四間濫藥者 輔導中心。截至二○一○年十二月底,各中心為吸食 In October 2009, all of the seven CCPSAs in operation, 危害精神毒品人士共安排了350次驗毒。 with additional resources given, launched on-site medical support services. The services were extended to four new CCPSAs set up in October 2010. As at end December 2010, a total of 350 drug tests were arranged for psychotropic substance abusers.

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校園測檢 School drug testing

專責小組建議委託機構進行研究,以制訂可行的校本 The Task Force recommended a research project be 驗毒計劃,讓全港學校自願採納推行。二○○九年, commissioned to devise possible school-based drug 青少年毒品問題轉趨嚴重,情況日益惡化。為解決 testing schemes for voluntary adoption by schools 這問題,政府在保安局禁毒處及教育局的牽頭下, in Hong Kong. To address the serious and worsening 加快了工作,邀請大埔區全數23間公營中學攜手,合力 youth drug abuse situation as witnessed in 2009, 制訂大埔區校園驗毒試行計劃(計劃),於二○○九/ the Government, led by the Narcotics Division (ND) 一○學年在區內推行。 of the Security Bureau and the Education Bureau, expedited efforts by inviting all 23 public sector 當局自二○○九年年中起,與不同持分者(包括教師、 secondary schools in Tai Po to join hands in 學生及家長)進行多次諮詢、會議、交流及簡介會, formulating and implementing the Trial Scheme on 然後制訂計劃的詳細內容,並向大埔區23間中學的 School Drug Testing in Tai Po District (the Scheme) 學生及家長推廣。計劃按四項指導原則制訂 — in the 2009/10 school year. (a)幫助學生,以學生的最大利益為依歸;(b)自願 參與;(c)個人資料絕對保密;以及(d)為學生提供 Following an intensive series of consultation, 專業測試及支援服務。 meetings, exchange and briefing sessions with different stakeholders including teachers, students 計劃有雙重目的:(a)預防 — 鞏固沒有吸食毒品的 and parents in mid 2009, details of the Scheme 學生繼續遠離毒品的決心;以及(b)幫助學生 — 觸發 were worked out and promoted to parents and 吸食毒品的學生戒毒和求助的動機,並提供適切的 students of the 23 secondary schools in Tai Po. 支援服務。 The Scheme was designed in accordance with four guiding principles - (a) helping students in 計劃於二○○九年十二月推出,至二○一○年六月 their best interest; (b) voluntary participation; 順利完成。超過12,400名學生參與計劃,共有1,975名 (c) keeping personal information strictly confidential; 學生接受了測試。雖然並無發現確定陽性個案,但約 and (d) professional testing and support services for 有80名受毒品問題困擾的學生自行到大埔區的濫藥者 students. 輔導中心,並受惠於計劃下設的支援計劃。 The Scheme has a dual purpose: (a) prevention — to enhance the resolve of those students who have not taken any drugs to continue to stay away from drugs; and (b) rendering assistance to students - to trigger the motivation of those students abusing drugs to quit drugs and seek help, and to provide them with appropriate support services.

The Scheme was launched in December 2009 and completed smoothly in June 2010. More than 12,400 students joined the Scheme and a total of 1,975 students undertook a test. While no confirmed positive case was found, some 80 students troubled (左起)禁毒專員黃碧兒、教育局局長孫明揚和教育局副秘書長 by drugs have referred themselves to the CCPSA in 葉曾翠卿向大埔區校長及老師介紹大埔區校園驗毒試行計劃 (二○○九/一○)的初步方案。 Tai Po and benefited from the support programme (From left) The Commissioner for Narcotics, Ms Sally Wong; the of the Scheme. Secretary for Education, Mr Michael Suen; and the Deputy Secretary for Education, Mrs Betty Ip, brief school heads and teachers of secondary schools in Tai Po on the initial proposals of the Trial Scheme on School Drug Testing in Tai Po District (2009/10).

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The ND commissioned an evaluation research in parallel to undertake a comprehensive assessment of the Scheme, review other local and overseas experience of school drug testing and suggest appropriate refinements and revisions to the Scheme. The final research report was released in November 2010 and accepted by the Administration. The study 禁毒處委託機構,在計劃進行的同時,進行評估 recommended the further development of school 研究,全面評估計劃的成效,檢討本地及海外其他 drug testing as a pioneering and innovative part of the 校園驗毒經驗,並就如何優化和修訂計劃,提出 Government’s overall anti-drug efforts. It found that 建議。研究報告於二○一○年十一月發表,並獲當局 the Scheme had generally achieved the dual objectives 接納。研究建議進一步發展校園測檢,作為政府整體 set out. Earlier concerns such as the possible labelling 禁毒工作的拓展和創新的一環。報告確定,計劃 effect and adverse impact on the parent-child 大體上達到了最初定出的兩大目的。早前擔心出現 relationship, student-teacher relationship and parents’ 的情況,例如可能會產生標籤效應,影響父母子女 and students’ trust in schools were unfounded. 關係、師生關係、家長及學生對學校的信任等, 均不成立。 Given the positive reading and indications of the Scheme including the absence of possible adverse implications, 由於計劃反應正面,包括潛在的負面影響未有出現、 the improving drug scene and the expectations of 毒品問題有所改善、相關各方(例如大埔區中學 relevant stakeholders such as the Tai Po Secondary School 校長會、大埔區家長教師會和有關的非政府機構) Heads Association, Tai Po parent teacher association 均抱有期望、禁毒常務委員會亦表示支持等,當局 and concerned non-governmental organisations (NGOs) 因而決定,大埔區校園驗毒計劃在二○一○/一一 and the support given by the Action Committee Against 學年繼續推行,以鞏固已取得的成效,並進一步 Narcotics, the Administration decided that the Scheme 培育正植根的禁毒文化。研究工作亦會同步繼續, in Tai Po should continue in the 2010/11 school year to 為計劃進行評估。 reinforce grounds gained and to further cultivate the anti-drug culture now taking root. The research was also 研究結果及建議,為在本港進一步發展校園測檢使 extended to evaluate the Scheme in tandem. 其成為健康校園政策重要的一環,奠下良好基礎, 政府會支持以學校為本、學生最佳利益為依歸和 The research outcome and recommendations set out 社區參與的方式,推展這項工作。正如行政長官在 a healthy basis for further developing school drug 二○一○/一一年度的施政報告宣布,政府計劃加強 testing in Hong Kong as a key element of the Healthy 全港中學的學校社會工作服務,增加兩成的人手 School Policy. The Government will support the (即增加約100名社工),專注禁毒工作,以及支援 cause for a school-based, student-oriented approach 日後可能推行的測檢計劃。 with community participation. As announced by the Chief Executive in his 2010/11 Policy Address, the Government planned to step up school social work services in all secondary schools by a 20% increase in manpower (i.e. an increase of about 100 social workers), with a focus on anti-drug work and in support of possible drug testing schemes that might be put in place.

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自研究報告發表後,政府即邀請辦學團體和學校 Since the release of the research report, the Government 管理層、家長組織及非政府機構等持分者參與磋商, has been engaging stakeholders including school 加深他們對研究結果及建議的了解,處理所提出的 sponsoring bodies and managements, parent bodies 任何事宜,以及爭取他們支持進一步發展校園測檢, and NGOs to enhance their understanding of the 作為全面的健康校園計劃中關鍵預防的一環。當局更 research findings and recommendations; to address 邀請有興趣的學校與非政府機構夥拍,申請禁毒基金 any issues raised and to enlist their support for 撥款推行測檢計劃。新一階段的校園測檢預計於 further developing school drug testing as a key 二○一一/一二學年展開。 preventive part of a comprehensive healthy programme. Interested schools and NGOs are invited 頭髮驗毒 to work in collaboration and apply for the Beat Drugs Fund. A new tranche of school drug testing 行政長官在二○○九/一○年的施政報告宣布, is expected to come on stream in the 2011/12 為增加有效驗毒工具,政府化驗所會先行引入 school year. 頭髮驗毒,然後把技術轉移予業界。 Hair drug testing 在行政長官督導下,政府化驗所已成功研發頭髮驗毒 方法,該方法獲香港認可處認可,符合國際ISO 17025 The Chief Executive announced in the 2009/10 Policy 標準。 Address that to make available another effective drug testing tool, the Government Laboratory would 二○一○年六月,政府化驗所推出先導計劃,為戒毒 take the lead in bringing in hair drug testing, with a 機構及青少年服務單位提供免費頭髮驗毒服務 1。 view to transferring the technology to industry. 截至十二月中,提交並經檢測的樣本約有160個。 Following the Chief Executive’s steer, the Laboratory has successfully developed the hair drug testing method which was accredited by the Hong Kong Accreditation Service for complying with the international standard of ISO 17025.

The Government Laboratory launched a pilot scheme in June 2010, providing free hair testing services to interested parties providing drug treatment and rehabilitation and youth services1. By mid December, about 160 samples were submitted and tested.

政府化驗所人員示範採集頭髮樣本。 An officer of the Government Laboratory demonstrates hair sampling.

1 先導計劃開放予全部40間戒毒治療及康復中心、11間濫用精神藥物者輔導 1 The pilot scheme is open to all the 40 Drug Treatment and Rehabilitation 中心、樂協會和34支青少年外展服務隊(由不同非政府機構營辦),以及 Centres, 11 CCPSAs, Lok Heep Club and 34 youth outreaching teams 七間物質誤用診所(由醫院管理局管理 )參加。 (operated by various NGOs), and seven Substance Abuse Clinics (operated by the Hospital Authority).

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參加計劃各方對頭髮驗毒發揮的互補作用,評價 Parties joining the scheme are positive about the 正面。由於頭髮驗毒可檢驗較長的時段,大多認為 complementary usage of hair drug testing. Given 對評估尋求協助的吸毒者的吸毒歷史,十分有用, its longer window of detection, most regard it as 從而有助社工制訂和施行合適的戒毒治療計劃。 helpful in assessing the drug intake history of drug abusers seeking help, thus assisting social workers 隨着新儀器於二○一○年年底啟用,估計每年可處理 to formulate and implement appropriate treatment 的頭髮樣本達5,000個。現有計劃進一步開放頭髮 programmes for them. 驗毒服務,使更多有需要的人受惠。學校方面,日後 學校如推行驗毒計劃,亦可按本身的情況,使用頭髮 With the commissioning of new instruments in 驗毒。 late 2010, it is estimated that 5,000 hair samples can be handled a year. Plans are in hand to open 長遠而言,我們希望把技術轉移予業界。為引起私營 up the hair drug testing service further to benefit 和其他化驗所的興趣,當局計劃在二○一一年年初 more people in need. In the school context, schools 舉辦研討會,分享有關市場和技術方面的資訊。 implementing future drug testing schemes may also make use of hair testing according to their own 強制驗毒 circumstances.

目前,香港並無進行強制驗毒的法律依據。專責小組 In the long run, we hope to transfer the technology 建議,原則上應引入新法例,賦權執法人員要求被 to the industry. To arouse the interest of laboratories 合理懷疑的吸毒者接受毒品測試,目的不是為了方便 in the private sector and others, the Administration 檢控,而是為了辨識吸毒者,並及早提供協助,以及 plans to organise seminars in early 2011 to share 預防和制止吸毒。 market and technological information.

政府正進一步研究各項事宜,並擬訂強制驗毒的詳細 Compulsory drug testing 建議。我們會與各持分者討論關乎法律、人權、實施、 支援服務等複雜問題及其他相關事宜,並在適當時候 At present, there is no legal basis for conducting 展開公眾諮詢工作。 compulsory drug testing in Hong Kong. The Task Force recommended that, as a matter of principle, new legislation should be introduced to empower law enforcement officers to require a person reasonably suspected of having consumed dangerous drugs to be subjected to a drug test. The purpose is not to facilitate prosecution, but to help identify drug abusers for rendering assistance early and to prevent and deter drug abuse.

The Government is further studying various issues and working out a detailed proposal for compulsory drug testing. We will discuss with stakeholders on complicated issues relating to law, human rights, implementation, support service and other related matters, and will take forward a public consultation 禁毒專員黃碧兒(中)出席有關毒品測試的論壇。 exercise at a suitable juncture. The Commissioner for Narcotics, Ms Sally Wong (centre), attends a forum on drug testing.

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Anti-drug Laws

The supply of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances is strictly controlled in Hong Kong by legislation and administrative procedures that reflect relevant international drug control conventions.

The Dangerous Drugs Ordinance (DDO) (Chapter 134) is the principal legislation dealing with dangerous 禁毒法例 drugs. The penalties for drug-related offences are 本港參照各條與藥物管制有關的國際公約,制定 severe. Trafficking in or manufacture of dangerous 法例和行政程序,嚴格管制麻醉品及危害精神毒品 drugs is subject to a maximum penalty of a $5 million 的供應。 fine and life imprisonment, whereas possessing or consuming a dangerous drug is subject to a 《危險藥物條例》(第134章)是針對危險藥物的主要 maximum penalty of a $1 million fine and seven 法例。觸犯與毒品相關罪行的刑罰極重。販運或製造 years’ imprisonment. Section 56A of the DDO is a 危險藥物最高刑罰為罰款500萬元及終身監禁, special provision empowering the court, where it is 而管有或服用危險藥物最高刑罰則為罰款100萬元 satisfied with evidence that an adult has involved a 及監禁七年。《危險藥物條例》的一項特別條文 — minor in the commission of a drug-related offence 第56A條 — 賦予法庭權力,如有足夠證據指某 and if it thinks fit, to pass a more severe sentence 成年人在干犯毒品罪行時,把未成年人士牽涉其中, on the convicted adult offender. 法庭可考慮對該名被定罪成年人判處較重刑罰。 The import and export of dangerous drugs are 《危險藥物條例》亦嚴格管制危險藥物的進、出口。 subject to stringent control under the DDO. Hong 香港一直恪守國際公約有關藥物管制所訂的原則, Kong strictly adheres to the principles laid down in 其中的主要規定是各締約方必須把危險藥物跨境 international drug control conventions, under which 付運的資料,通知相關國家的禁毒機關。 the essential requirements are to keep national drug enforcement agencies informed of the movement of 政府因應不斷轉變的吸毒和販毒趨勢,定期檢討 all cross-border consignments of dangerous drugs. 《危險藥物條例》。當確定某種物質在其他國家被 廣泛吸服,或經當局評估後,吸食某種物質會對 The Government regularly reviews the ordinance 本港公眾衞生或社會構成威脅,當局會採取適當 taking into account the ever-changing drug abuse 應對措施,包括把有關物質列為危險藥物,從而對 and illicit trafficking trends. Where there is evidence 該物質的經營、製造、管有、進口、出口、供應和 of widespread abuse of a substance in other 服用,根據《危險藥物條例 》實施管制。 countries or when the abuse of a substance in Hong Kong is assessed to constitute a public health or social threat, appropriate measures would be taken to tackle the situation, including the scheduling of the substance as a dangerous drug. The full sanctions and controls provided in the DDO can then be applied with regard to dealing, manufacturing, possessing, importing, exporting, supplying and consuming the substance.

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The DDO is enforced by the Police, the Customs and Excise Department (C&ED) and the Department of Health (DH). The Police and the C&ED are responsible for enforcing the DDO in respect of trafficking, manufacture, and other non-medical use of dangerous drugs, while the DH is responsible for licensing of import, export, manufacture, sale and supply of dangerous drugs for medical purposes.

《危險藥物條例》由警務處、海關和衞生署共同執行。 The Dangerous Drugs Regulations (Chapter 134A) 警方和海關負責對危險藥物的販運、製造及作非醫療 provide, amongst others, legal requirements to 用途採取執法;衞生署則負責就醫療用途的危險藥物 medical practitioners and dispensaries on records 的進口、出口、製造、銷售和供應,簽發許可證。 to be kept regarding the storage and supply of dangerous drugs. Contravening the record keeping 《危險藥物規例》(第134A章)規定,醫生及藥房 requirements can lead to a fine of up to $450,000 須就危險藥物的貯存和供應備存記錄。違反規定 and three years’ imprisonment. 最高可處罰款45萬元及監禁三年。 The Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance (Chapter 138) 《藥劑業及毒藥條例》(第138章)管制藥物的醫療 controls the medical use of drugs by providing for 用途,包括就發牌予藥物製造商、批發商、零售商、 the licensing of manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers 進口商和出口商,藥劑製品的註冊,以及備存最新的 and import and export dealers, the registration 毒藥表等事宜,訂定規管條文。這些措施有助妥善 of pharmaceutical products and the keeping of 管制危害精神毒品及其他烈性藥物,確保這類藥物 an up-to-date Poisons List. The regime facilitates 必須憑醫生處方才可合法取得。觸犯條例的最高刑罰 proper control over psychotropic substances and 為罰款10萬元及監禁兩年。 other potent medicines, making them lawfully obtainable only when prescribed by a medical 藥劑業及毒藥管理局負責執行《藥劑業及毒藥條例》 doctor. The maximum penalty for an offence under 的條文。該局通過衞生署和各個根據該條例成立的 this ordinance is a fine of $100,000 and two years’ 執行委員會,落實有關工作。絕大部分危險藥物均已 imprisonment. 列入毒藥表,受《藥劑業及毒藥條例》進一步管制, 精神藥物及其他烈性醫療藥物也不例外。任何人如 The Pharmacy and Poisons Board is responsible 進口或出口含有毒藥表所列藥物的藥劑製品,均須 for the enforcement of the provisions of the 領有由藥劑業及毒藥管理局發出的毒藥批發牌照。 ordinance. In practice, the board acts through the DH and executive committees established under the ordinance. Almost all dangerous drugs are subject to the additional controls provided under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance by being included in the Poisons List. Psychotropic and other potent medicinal substances are also included. All importers and exporters of pharmaceutical products containing substances included in the Poisons List are required to hold a Wholesale Poisons Licence issued by the board.

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《進出口條例》(第 60 章)訂明,每批藥劑製品的進口 The Import and Export Ordinance (Chapter 60) provides 及出口,均須領有由衞生署發出的許可證。海關是 that the import and export of every consignment 執行該條例的主要部門,負責遏止非法的進出口 of a pharmaceutical product is subject to licensing 活動。 requirements. The licensing authority is delegated to the DH. The C&ED is the major enforcement agency 《化學品管制條例》(第145章)管制可用作製造毒品 under this ordinance, and is charged with the task of 或違禁藥物的化學品原料。條例對多種化學品原料, suppressing illicit imports and exports. 包括國際公約列明的所有化學品原料,實施發牌規定 及其他管制措施。無牌輸入、輸出、製造、供應或 Precursor chemicals that can be used for the 管有指明化學物質,最高刑罰為罰款100萬元及 manufacture of narcotics or illicit drugs are 監禁15年。根據該條例,海關負責發牌,亦是主要 controlled under the Control of Chemicals Ordinance 的執法部門。 (Chapter 145). Licensing requirements and other controls are imposed on a list of precursor chemicals, 《販毒(追討得益 )條例 》(第 405 章 )就追查、凍結和 including all those set out in international 沒收販毒得益,以及打擊清洗販毒黑錢活動,訂定 conventions. The maximum penalty for importing, 條文。任何人干犯條例所訂的清洗黑錢罪行,最高 exporting, manufacturing, supplying or possessing 刑罰為罰款500萬元及監禁14年。法例同時規定, specified chemical substances without a licence is 對知悉為或懷疑與販毒有關的財產,必須舉報。違反 a $1 million fine and imprisonment for 15 years. 規定最高刑罰為罰款50,000元及監禁三個月。 The C&ED is the licensing and major enforcement authority under this ordinance. 打擊販毒,防止學生和青少年吸毒是警方首要行動 項目之一。警方從三個層面打擊毒品罪行。警察 The Drug Trafficking (Recovery of Proceeds) 總部、總區及分區均設有專責單位,打擊不同層次 Ordinance (Chapter 405) provides for the tracing, 的非法毒品活動,包括集團式販毒、偷運毒品入境、 freezing and confiscation of the proceeds of drug 製毒以至街頭毒品分銷等。 trafficking and for action against drug money laundering. The maximum penalty for money laundering offences in the ordinance is a $5 million fine and 14 years’ imprisonment. The law also requires the reporting of any property known or suspected to be related to drug trafficking. The maximum penalty for failure to comply with this requirement is a $50,000 fine and three months’ imprisonment.

Countering drug trafficking and drug abuse by students and juveniles is one of the operational priorities of the Police. The Police adopt a three-tier approach to tackle drug-related crimes. Dedicated units in the Police headquarters, regions and districts are responsible for combating different levels of illegal drug activities, from syndicated trafficking, 香港警方毒品調查科在一項涉及四個司法管轄區的跨國調查 importation, manufacturing to drug distribution at 相 關 行 動 中, 在 香 港 國 際 機 場 截 獲 收 藏 於 投 影 機 內 的4.2公 斤 甲基安非他明(「冰毒」),並拘捕兩名男子。 street level. The Narcotics Bureau of the Hong Kong Police Force intercepted 4.2 kilogrammes of methamphetamine (“ice”) concealed inside a projector at the Hong Kong International Airport with two male arrested during an operation related to a transnational investigation involving four jurisdictions.

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香港海關搜查犬組在一個禁毒教育宣傳活動上示範搜查毒品。 The Hong Kong Customs Detector Dog Division demonstrates a drug search at an anti-drug preventive education and publicity activity.

Special emphasis is made on targeting the flow of illicit drugs through co-operation with Mainland, Macao and overseas counterparts; mounting intelligence-led operations, especially against those 警方特別針對毒品的流通,實施多項打擊措施,包括 making use of minors in the trafficking process; 與內地、澳門及海外執法機構合作,執行以情報為 making maximum use of available legislation to 主導的行動,尤其針對利用未成年人士販毒的不法 target drug traffickers and confiscate drug proceeds; 分子。此外,亦會有效運用現有法例打擊毒販,沒收 and adopting a multi-agency and community-based 他們的販毒得益,又會與其他機構合作,在各社區 approach to prevent youth drug abuse. 推展防止青少年吸毒的措施。 The C&ED combats illegal drug activities at all 海關亦藉鍥而不捨的追查及追討販毒得益,致力打擊 levels through diligent efforts in drug investigation, 非法毒品活動;並透過發牌制度,管制化學品原料。 recovery of drug proceeds and control of precursor 除在各出入境管制站實施嚴格管制,防止偷運毒品, chemicals through a licensing system. Apart from 海關還針對集團式販毒活動,主動進行調查及展開 exercising stringent control at control points to 行動;又會靈活調配緝毒犬,配合先進科技儀器, prevent the smuggling of drugs, the department 例如流動X光車輛檢查系統及車輛X光檢查系統等, launches proactive investigations and operations 提高緝毒成效。 against syndicated drug trafficking activities. The department also deploys drug detector dogs and makes use of advanced technology, such as Mobile X-ray Vehicle Scanning Systems and Vehicle X-ray Inspection Systems, to enhance enforcement effectiveness.

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International Conventions

The following international drug-related conventions apply to Hong Kong: 國際公約 • The Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs 1961, 適用於香港的國際禁毒公約如下: as amended by the Protocol 1972, makes • 經《1972年議定書》修訂的《1961年麻醉品單一公約》 provision for the control of narcotic drugs for 訂有條文,管制麻醉品作非法用途,以及防止 illicit purposes and for the prevention of their 麻醉品被轉作非法用途。是項公約和議定書分別由 diversion to illicit channels. The convention was 一九六五年一月和一九七八年七月起適用於香港。 applied to Hong Kong in January 1965 and the • 《1971年精神藥物公約》把國際藥物管制計劃 protocol in July 1978. 擴展至其他精神藥物,例如中樞神經系統興奮劑、 • The Convention on Psychotropic Substances 鎮靜安眠藥和迷幻劑。是項公約由一九九一年一月 1971 extends the international control system 起適用於香港。 to other psychoactive substances such as central • 《1988年聯合國禁止非法販運麻醉品和精神藥物公約》 nervous system stimulants, sedatives/hypnotics, 旨在加強國際合作,遏止非法販運毒品和清洗販毒 and hallucinogens. The convention was applied 黑錢活動,內容全面。是項公約由一九九七年五月起 to Hong Kong in January 1991. 適用於香港。 • The United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic 上述三條公約為國際社會合作打擊毒品建立了 Substances 1988 is a comprehensive convention 條約基礎。香港會不時檢討本地的規管麻醉品及危害 directed at improving international co-operation 精神毒品制度,確保符合有關公約的要求。 in the suppression of illicit drug trafficking and drug money laundering. The convention was applied to Hong Kong in May 1997.

The three conventions provide a treaty-based framework for co-operation to address the drug problem on an international level. Hong Kong constantly reviews its control regime on narcotic 禁毒專員黃碧兒(左一)向澳門禁毒代表團成員介紹香港賽馬會藥物 資訊天地的運作。 drugs and psychotropic substances to ensure The Commissioner for Narcotics, Ms Sally Wong (first from left), briefs compliance with the provisions of the conventions. members of a delegation from Macao during their visit to the Hong Kong Jockey Club Drug InfoCentre.

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External Co-operation

The drug problem knows no boundaries. Its transnational nature requires close co-operation and concerted efforts of different jurisdictions. Hong Kong has all along been a committed partner in combating drug trafficking and abuse. It actively participates in regional and international meetings 保安局局長李少光(右一)與深圳市官員在深圳會面,就跨境青少年 吸毒問題交換意見。 and seminars concerned with anti-drug policies, The Secretary for Security, Mr Ambrose S K Lee (first from right), law enforcement, treatment and rehabilitation, meets with Shenzhen officials in Shenzhen to exchange views on the cross-boundary youth drug abuse problem. and preventive education to share experience and exchange views with counterparts around the world, and takes part in the annual meeting of the United 對外合作 Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs as part of 毒品問題並無分疆界。基於販毒活動的跨國性質, the Chinese delegation. 各司法管轄區必須同心協力,緊密合作。香港一向 重視與國際社會合作打擊販毒和吸毒罪行,並積極 At the regional level, we attach great importance 參與區域性及國際性的禁毒會議和研討會;就禁毒 to the communication and co-ordination among 政策、執法、戒毒治療及康復服務,以及禁毒教育等 Guangdong, Macao and Hong Kong in respect of 範疇,與世界各地的相關機構分享經驗,交流意見; combating drug abuse and trafficking. A tripartite 又以中國代表團成員身分,出席聯合國麻醉品委員會 co-operation framework has been developed 的周年會議。 with our Guangdong and Macao counterparts. Co-operation with the Shenzhen authorities has 在區域層面,我們非常重視廣東、澳門和香港三地在 also been stepped up to tackle the problem of 打擊吸毒和販毒的溝通和協調。我們已經與廣東和 cross-boundary drug abuse, particularly on 澳門相關部門設定三地合作框架,亦與深圳加強合作 young people from Hong Kong who take drugs 對付跨境吸毒,尤其是本港青少年在內地吸毒的 on the Mainland. Close liaison and timely 問題。我們一直就跨境和跨國販毒活動,與各方保持 intelligence exchange are maintained in respect of 密切聯繫,適時互換情報;又與相關部門定期舉行 cross-boundary and transnational drug trafficking 會議,互相通報區內吸毒和販毒最新形勢。 activities. Regular meetings are also held with the counterparts to update each other on the latest drug 警方和海關執法工作成效卓著,兩部門與內地及海外 abuse and drug trafficking situation in the region. 執法單位多次採取聯合行動,成功堵截大量毒品, 成果令人鼓舞。二○一○年,在內地和海外檢獲合共 Law enforcement efforts made by the Police and 1,390公斤違禁藥物及1,960公斤化學品原料。 the C&ED have yielded encouraging outcomes as witnessed in numerous successful joint operations and interception of drugs consignments with our Mainland and overseas counterparts. A total of 1,390 kilogrammes of illicit drugs and 1,960 kilogrammes of precursor chemicals were seized in the Mainland or overseas in 2010.

「粵港澳禁毒交流體驗計劃」經驗分享會開幕典禮主禮嘉賓合照。 Officiating guests at the opening ceremony of a sharing session of the “Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Tripartite Anti-drug Activity”.

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香港海關於二○○八年十一月在香港國際機場檢查 一批由新加坡抵港、報稱為揚聲器的空運貨物內,檢獲 298公斤氯胺酮及10公斤「冰毒」,總值4,130萬元。 Hong Kong Customs seized 298 kilogrammes of ketamine and 10 kilogrammes of methamphetamine with a total value of $41.3 million in November 2008 during an examination of an air cargo shipment imported from Singapore and declared as loudspeakers at the Hong Kong International Airport.

Seizures and Arrests

Preventing and interdicting serious drug offences such as drug trafficking, importation and manufacturing has all along been a priority of the law enforcement agencies. In recent years, in view 檢獲毒品數量及被捕人數 of the serious problem of abusing psychotropic 防止和堵截販運、入口及製毒等嚴重毒品罪行,一直 substances, ketamine in particular, among the 是執法機關首要任務。鑑於近年青少年吸食危害精神 youth, countering youth drug-related offences was 毒品(特別是氯胺酮)問題嚴重,打擊涉及青少年 also made a major focus and enforcement priority. 毒品罪行亦成為當局優先執法的重點項目。當局已 More resources have been dedicated to tackle the 增撥資源,打擊青少年毒品問題,包括為警察學校 problem of youth drug abuse. Additional posts were 聯絡計劃及保護青少年組增設職位,在警務處毒品 created for the Police School Liaison Programme 調查科成立網上巡邏隊,以及大幅增加海關和警方的 and Juvenile Protection Section, a cyber patrol team 緝毒犬數目。 was formed in the Police Narcotics Bureau, and the number of drug detector dogs for both the C&ED 警方和海關打擊青少年毒品罪行不遺餘力,並在暑假 and Police were substantially increased. 及聖誕假期這些青少年容易墮入吸毒陷阱的日子, 特別加強了全港的掃毒行動。海關會在各邊境管制站 The Police and the C&ED made sustained efforts 採取針對跨境毒品帶家的特別行動,增派海關人員及 in combating youth drug offences. Territory-wide 緝毒犬,加強檢查旅客及車輛。警方則會特別留意 anti-drug operations were conducted and stepped up 吸毒黑點。上述兩部門通力合作,成功堵截了大量 during summer and Christmas holidays when young 企圖分銷給青少年的毒品。 people might fall prey to drug traps easily. Special operations targeting cross-boundary drug couriers were mounted at boundary control points where additional customs officers and detector dogs were deployed to enhance checks of passengers and vehicles. The Police had paid special attention to drug abuse black spots. The combined efforts were successful in interdicting substantial quantity of drugs intended to be distributed to young drug abusers.

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Over the past decade, the number of persons arrested for drug offences involving heroin dropped persistently. On the other hand, the number of persons arrested 過去十年,涉及海洛英的毒品罪行而被捕的人數 for drug offences involving psychotropic substances 持續下跌。另一方面,涉及危害精神毒品罪行而 was generally on the rise. Since 2006, the total 被捕人數則普遍上升。自二○○六年起,因毒品 number of persons arrested for drug offences and 罪行而被捕者,無論是整體人數或是21歲以下 the number of young people aged under 21 arrested 青少年,均大幅上升。這與執法部門鍥而不捨, increased substantially. This could be attributed to 致力採取執法行動有關,尤其是打擊在娛樂場所 the sustained law enforcement actions, especially in 吸食危害精神毒品的行動。經過四年持續上升後, respect of psychotropic substances being abused in 情況於二○○九年開始逆轉。二○○九年,因毒品 entertainment premises. After a continuous rise for 罪 行 而 被 捕 整 體 人 數 為8,181人(下 跌13%), four years, the situation started to reverse in 2009. 而21歲 以 下 青 少 年 則 有1,896人(下 跌22%)。 The total number of persons arrested for drug offences 下跌趨勢延續至二○一○年。年內因毒品罪行而 in 2009 was 8,181 (decreased by 13%) whilst that 被捕整體人數為6,399人(下跌22%),21歲以下 for persons aged under 21 was 1,896 (decreased 被捕人數則為 1,329 人(下跌 30%)。 by 22%). The decreasing trend continued in 2010 where overall arrests for drug offences was 6,399 (decreased by 22%) whilst arrests of persons aged under 21 was 1,329 (decreased by 30%).

香港警方毒品調查科在二○○九年的一項行動中,檢獲12公斤收藏在可可粉包裝袋內、經空運抵港的可卡因, 並拘捕六名人士。 The Narcotics Bureau of the Hong Kong Police Force arrested six persons during an operation in 2009 with a seizure of 12 kilogrammes of cocaine. The cocaine had been concealed in packets of cocoa that had arrived by airfreight.

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因毒品罪行而被捕人數(二○○一至二○一○年) Number of persons arrested for drug offences ( 2001 - 2010)

毒品罪行 Drug offences 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

所有毒品罪行 10,077 9,413 8,652 8,295 6,008 6,971 8,509 9,400 8,181 6,399 All drug offences (-0.6%) (-6.6%) (-8.1%) (-4.1%) (-27.6%) (+16.0%) (+22.1%) (+10.5%) (-13.0%) (-21.8%)

21歲以下 2,160 1,577 1,213 1,384 656 1,048 1,809 2,427 1,896 1,329 Aged under 21 (+15.3%) (-27.0%) (-23.1%) (+14.1%) (-52.6%) (+59.8%) (+72.6%) (+34.2%) (-21.9%) (-29.9%)

嚴重毒品罪行 3,161 3,010 2,827 2,807 2,339 2,719 3,655 3,877 3,862 3,132 Serious drug (+7.0%) (-4.8%) (-6.1%) (-0.7%) (-16.7%) (+16.2%) (+34.4%) (+6.1%) (-0.4%) (-18.9%) offences

21歲以下 718 552 474 505 292 457 937 1,175 1,130 805 Aged under 21 (+59.2%) (-23.1%) (-14.1%) (+6.5%) (-42.2%) (+56.5%) (+105.0%) (+25.4%) (-3.8%) (-28.8%)

輕微毒品罪行 6,916 6,403 5,825 5,488 3,669 4,252 4,854 5,523 4,319 3,267 Minor drug (-3.8%) (-7.4%) (-9.0%) (-5.8%) (-33.1%) (+15.9%) (+14.2%) (+13.8%) (-21.8%) (-24.4%) offences

21歲以下 1,442 1,025 739 879 364 591 872 1,252 766 524 Aged under 21 (+1.4%) (-28.9%) (-27.9%) (+18.9%) (-58.6%) (+62.4%) (+47.5%) (+43.6%) (-38.8%) (-31.6%)

註:( )內數字表示與去年同期比較的變動百分比。 資料來源:警方及海關 Note: ( ) denote percentage change over the same period of previous year. Source: Police and C&ED

毒品罪行包括《危險藥物條例 》(第 134 章 )、《抗生素條例 》(第 137 章 )、《藥劑業及毒藥條例 》(第 138 章 )及《化學品管制 條例》(第145章)所載的罪行。嚴重毒品罪行的例子有製造、販運及管有相當大量的危險藥物。輕微罪行的例子有管有 小量危險藥物、管有製毒器具和吸食毒品。 Drug Offences include those offences under the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance (Cap.134), Antibiotics Ordinance (Chapter 137), Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance (Chapter 138), and the Control of Chemicals Ordinance (Chapter 145). Examples of major drug offences include manufacturing, trafficking and possession of a relatively large quantity of dangerous drugs. Examples of minor offences include possession of small quantity of dangerous drugs, possession of equipment and consumption of drugs.

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The pattern of drug abuse and trafficking is dynamic and ever-changing, and can be attributed to a host of intricate factors such as supply, demand and various social factors. The following is a concise account on most commonly abused drugs: 吸毒和販毒的形式不斷轉變,受千絲萬縷的供求關係 及各種社會因素影響。下文概述最常被吸食的毒品的 Heroin 情況: Heroin consumed in Hong Kong mainly originates from the Golden Triangle. The heroin is smuggled 海洛英 overland through the Mainland to Hong Kong. Drug 供本地吸食的海洛英主要產自金三角,經陸路從內地 traffickers make use of the heavy cross-boundary 偷運到香港。香港與內地的往來極為頻繁,毒販會 vehicular and passenger traffic between the Mainland 利用跨境車輛及旅客,把海洛英分成小批多次偷運 and Hong Kong and arrange small but frequent 入境。 amounts of heroin to be smuggled.

儘管鴉片類毒品(主要是海洛英)一向佔香港毒品 Whilst opiates (mainly heroin) have long been the 市場的主要位置,是被呈報吸毒者最常吸食的種類, dominant illicit drugs in Hong Kong and remains 但這類毒品的流行程度,在過去十年持續下降。 the most commonly abused drug among reported abusers, there is a continuous drop in popularity of 近年,非洲及亞洲的毒品帶家以體內藏毒方式, the drug over the past decade. 把海洛英從金新月(即阿富汗、伊朗及巴基斯坦交界 地帶)經機場偷運入境的個案有增加趨勢。相信大部分 In recent years, there was an emerging trend of 最終都是轉運到內地市場出售。 smuggling of heroin from the Golden Crescent (the area overlapping Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan) by means of internal concealment by African or Asian couriers of various nationalities via the airport. Most of these consignments were believed to be ultimately destined for the Mainland market.

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Ketamine Ketamine has become the most popular type of psychotropic substance abused, particularly amongst young abusers in Hong Kong. Its ease in consumption, ready availability and relatively low price have contributed to its prevalence. Ketamine 氯胺酮 is mainly smuggled into Hong Kong from the 氯胺酮(「K仔」)已成為本港最常被吸食危害精神 Mainland through land boundary control points 毒品,尤以青少年吸毒者為甚。由於吸食容易,供應 in small quantities. Large consignments originate 充足,加上售價偏低,令氯胺酮趨於普遍。氯胺酮 from South Asia via South-East Asia have also been 主要經陸路邊境管制站,分小批從內地偷運來港。 intercepted. Ketamine abuse used to be found often 執法人員亦曾截獲大批產自南亞並經東南亞走私入境 in entertainment premises. However, during the 的氯胺酮。吸毒者過往多在娛樂場所吸食氯胺酮, review period, the place of ketamine abuse shifted 但近年主要吸食地點已轉移至其他地方,包括吸毒者 to abusers’ home, their friends’ home and other 或其朋友家中。 places.

二○○八年六月,上訴法庭大幅提高販運氯胺酮及 In June 2008, the Court of Appeal substantially 「搖頭丸」的量刑指引。法庭接納了有力的醫學 raised the sentencing guidelines for trafficking 論據,引證這兩種青少年最常吸食的危害精神毒品 ketamine and ecstasy. The Court accepted the 會損害身心和導致成癮。根據新判刑準則,毒販 compelling medical evidence regarding the harmful 販運一克至十克毒品可被判處監禁兩年至四年, and addictive effect of these two most commonly 而販運1,000克以上者,則可被判處監禁14年或 abused psychotropic substances by youngsters. 以上。 The new tariffs for sentencing traffickers in these drugs ranged from two to four years’ imprisonment 二○一○年,政府展開法例修訂工作,把可用於 for one gram to 10 grams, to 14 years and upwards 製造氯胺酮的化學品原料,即1-羥基環戊基-2- for over 1,000 grams. 氯苯基-N-甲基亞胺基酮及其鹽類,列入《化學品 管 制 條 例》(第145章)附 表2。 有 關 修 訂 將 於 In 2010, the Government embarked on a legislative 二○一一年四月一日生效。 amendment exercise to subject the immediate precursor chemical for ketamine, namely 1-[(2-Chlorophenyl)- N-(methylimino)methyl]cyclopentanol and its salts to Schedule 2 to the Control of Chemicals Ordinance (Cap 145). The amendment will come into effect on April 1, 2011.

香港警方在二○一○年的一次行動中,拘捕一名經落馬洲管制站交收毒品 的男子,並從他攜帶的旅行袋中檢獲四公斤的氯胺酮,本地零售價達40多 萬元。 The Hong Kong Police arrested a man who had collected drugs smuggled through the Lok Ma Chau Border Control Point in an operation in 2010. A total of four kilogrammes of ketamine with local retail value of some $400,000, which was found in the man’s traveling bag, was seized.

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香港海關於二○一○年七月展開代號「雪狐」的緝毒行動,透過情報交流成功搗破一個極具規模的製「冰毒」工場 及一個毒品儲存中心。行動中共檢獲70公斤「冰毒」、70公升液體「冰毒」及200公升半製成液體「冰毒」, 總值約1.75億元,並拘捕五名人士。這是海關首次緝獲製「冰毒」工場,並且是歷來最大宗的同類案件。 Hong Kong Customs launched an anti-drug operation codenamed “Snow Fox” in July 2010 and successfully smashed a sophisticated methamphetamine manufacturing centre and a storage centre through intelligence exchange. About 70 kilogrammes of methamphetamine, 70 litres of liquidised methamphetamine and 200 litres of semi-processed liquidised methamphetamine with a total value of about $175 million were seized in the operation with five persons arrested. This was the first time Hong Kong Customs detected a methamphetamine manufacturing case and was the largest case of its kind ever effected.

Methamphetamine Methamphetamine hydrochloride, in crystalline form, more commonly known as "ice", is usually smuggled 甲基安非他明 into Hong Kong via the land boundary with the 晶狀甲基安非他明,俗稱「冰」,多數從內地經陸路 Mainland. Whilst the majority is for local consumption, 邊境偷運到香港。儘管大部分都是供應本地市場, in some cases individuals were apprehended when 但當局也曾逮捕企圖把「冰毒」經機場偷運到日本、 attempting to smuggle the drug via the airport to 菲律賓、澳洲及新西蘭等需求大的國家的毒販。 countries such as Japan, the Philippines, Australia 製造「冰毒」的個案一向不多,並且僅限於住宅樓宇 and New Zealand where the demand was great. 內的小規模粗陋生產。然而,在二○一○年七月, Manufacture of methamphetamine used to be sparse 海關偵破一個位於工業大廈內,極具規模的「冰毒」 and limited to small-scale and amateurish production 製造中心,檢獲70公升液體「冰毒」及200公升 in residential premises. However, in July 2010, the 半製成品,是首次偵破此等規模的製毒中心。 C&ED detected a sophisticated methamphetamine 在同一次調查中,海關又從兩個毒品貯存間檢獲 manufacturing centre in an industrial premises 70 公斤晶狀「冰毒 」。 where 70 litres of liquidised methamphetamine and 200 litres of semi-processed products were seized, 當局亦曾緝獲甲基安非他明片劑(俗稱「Yaba」或 being the first detection of its kind. A further 「麻古 」),但這類毒品在本港吸毒者當中並不流行。 70 kilogrammes of methamphetamine in crystalline form were seized from two drug storages in the same investigation.

Methamphetamine in tablet form (so called “Yaba” or “Maku”) have also been found but they are not popular among local abusers.

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可卡因 Cocaine 可卡因過往供應有限,售價偏高,故一向限於少數 Traditionally, cocaine abuse was confined to the 富裕人士吸食。不過,本港近年檢獲的可卡因有所 affluent minority due to its limited supply and 增 加, 吸 毒 者 亦 來 自 社 會 不 同 階 層, 包 括 青 少 年。 high price. However, in recent years, more seizures 二○一○年四月,警方檢獲歷來最大的一批可卡因, were found in Hong Kong and it was abused by a 共重372公斤。二○一○年十二月,海關亦檢獲一批 wider cross-section of the community, including 290 公斤的可卡因。 the youth. In April 2010, the Police made a record seizure of 372 kilogrammes of cocaine. In December 可卡因產自南美,多由帶家綑於身上,藏於行李或 2010, the C&ED also seized a consignment of 290 體 內, 經 迂 迴 路 線 偷 運 入 境。 另 一 種 走 私 手 法, kilogrammes of cocaine. 是透過郵件或速遞,藉虛報物品種類把可卡因偷運 來港。有些毒販或吸毒者會透過簡單的化學步驟, Cocaine originates from South America and is 把可卡因鹽轉化為可卡因鹼,俗稱「霹靂」,以增強 smuggled into Hong Kong mostly by couriers using 其藥效。這些化學步驟已構成製毒罪行。 body-pack method, concealment in luggage or internal concealment via circuitous routes. Another method is by post or courier service falsely declared as some innocuous items. Some traffickers or abusers would convert cocaine from its salt form to a base form, so-called “crack”, through a simple chemical process to increase its potency. Such process amounts to “manufacturing” of drugs.

二○○七年七月,香港海關在一項代號「河馬」的緝毒行動中,在葵涌貨櫃碼頭兩個由巴拿馬抵港的貨櫃緝獲160公斤高純度可卡因,總值1.1億元, 是歷來最大宗的跨國偷運可卡因案件。圖示海關關長袁銘輝(中)親臨葵涌海關大廈了解案件情況。 In July 2007, the Hong Kong Customs made a record seizure of 160 kilogrammes of high-grade cocaine with street value of $110 million during an anti-drug operation codenamed “Hippo” at Kwai Chung Container Terminal. The drugs were found from two containers arriving from Panama. Picture shows Commissioner of Customs and Excise, Mr Richard Yuen (centre), being briefed on the details of the case at Kwai Chung Customhouse.

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Ecstasy The abuse of ecstasy soared since the year 2000 along with the burgeoning rave party scene in 「搖頭丸」 Hong Kong. However, its popularity had gradually 隨 着 狂 野 派 對 在 二 ○ ○ ○ 年 左 右 在 本 港 盛 行, decreased as a result of the sustained enforcement 吸食「搖頭丸」的人數亦隨之激增。然而,由於當局 efforts and the licensing control of dance parties in 堅持不懈,致力執法,更於二○○三年對跳舞派對 2003. 實施發牌管制,「搖頭丸 」的流行程度已逐漸減退。 The Court of Appeal substantially raised the 上訴法庭在二○○八年六月大幅提高販運「搖頭丸」 sentencing guidelines for trafficking ecstasy (and (及氯胺酮)的量刑指引。自此,吸食「搖頭丸」人數 ketamine) in June 2008. Since then, the abuse of 大減,主要在小型狂野派對中出現。 ecstasy dropped and was found mainly in small-scale rave parties. 「搖頭丸」藥片通常由毒品帶家從歐洲偷運來港。他們 會把毒品綑在身上或藏於行李內。有時,一些當作 Ecstasy tablets are brought into Hong Kong from 「搖頭丸」售予吸毒者的藥片,經化驗後,發現並非是 Europe by couriers. The drugs may be “body-packed” 「搖頭丸」,實際是其他危險藥物的混合物。 or concealed in luggage. In some cases, tablets in circulation being sold to consumers as ecstasy were 大麻 found after examination to contain a mixture of dangerous drugs instead of ecstasy. 一向以來,在本港吸食的大麻以大麻草為主。近年, 當局檢獲的大麻精和大麻花有所增加。本港發現的 大麻草通常源自亞洲,而大麻精則源自南亞國家, Cannabis Traditionally, cannabis abused in Hong Kong was 例如尼泊爾和巴基斯坦。大麻主要由帶家藏於行李 mostly in herbal form. In recent years, more cannabis 或包裹偷運來港。此外,也有由非裔人士把大麻草 resin and cannabis buds have been seized. The herbal 從南非走私入境的個案。雖然警方與海關曾搗破 cannabis found in Hong Kong usually originates from 一 些 大 麻 種 植 場, 但 栽 種 大 麻 在 本 港 並 不 常 見。 Asia and cannabis resin from South Asian countries 本港吸食大麻精的情況一般來說亦不甚普遍。 such as Nepal and Pakistan. Cannabis is mainly brought into Hong Kong by couriers, concealment in luggage or parcels. In some cases, herbal cannabis was smuggled by Africans from South Africa. Whilst the Police and the C&ED have smashed several cannabis- growing centres, cannabis cultivation remained an uncommon venture. The abuse of cannabis resin is generally less common in Hong Kong.

香港海關於二○○七年一月期間,偵破三個位於天水圍、八鄉及火炭的 大麻種植場,搜獲合共650株大麻植物、14公斤大麻草和三公斤氯胺酮, 市值約630萬元。 Hong Kong Customs smashed three local cannabis greenhouses at Tin Shui Wai, Pat Heung and Fo Tan in January 2007 and seized 650 pots of cannabis plants, 14 kilogrammes of herbal cannabis and three kilogrammes of ketamine with a total value of $6.3 million.

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Other Psychotropic Substances Other psychotropic substances abused belong mainly to the benzodiazepines group, such as 其他危害精神毒品 nimetazepam (Erimin 5) and midazolam. Some heroin 其他危害精神毒品以苯并二氮䓬類[如硝甲西泮 abusers consume midazolam tablets, believing that (俗稱「五仔」)及咪達唑侖]較為常見。部分海洛英 it could prolong the effect of heroin and to ease 吸食者會同時服用片劑咪達唑侖,以圖延長海洛英的 its withdrawal symptoms. Some drug abusers use 藥 效, 並 減 輕 斷 癮 症 狀。 部 分 吸 毒 者 亦 會 嘗 試 藉 nimetazepam in a bid to boost the effect of other 硝甲西泮提升其他毒品的效力。硝甲西泮多從年輕人 drugs. Nimetazepam tablets were usually seized 檢獲,涉案者通常會同時管有其他常於舞會服用的 from youngsters who also possessed “club drugs” 毒品(如氯胺酮或可卡因)。 such as ketamine or cocaine.

二○○九年,含三氟甲基苯基哌嗪(屬合成危害精神 In 2009, tablets containing trifluoromethylphenylpiperazine 物質「哌嗪的衍生物」類別)的藥片開始出現。在某些 (TFMPP), which belongs to the class of synthetic 個案中,這些藥片被當作「搖頭丸」出售。雖然吸食 psychotropic substances “derivatives of piperazines”, 三氟甲基苯基哌嗪的情況,未致令人憂慮的地步, emerged. There were cases in which such tablets were 但考慮到其禍害,以及海外吸食這毒品的趨勢,當局 sold as ecstasy. Although the abuse of TFMPP has not yet 已修訂法例,把「哌嗪的衍生物」及另外兩種危害 reached an alarming scale, taking into consideration its 精神毒品 —「合成大麻素」及「卡西酮的衍生物」 — harm and the overseas abuse trend, as a precautionary 納 入《危 險 藥 物 條 例》(第134章)的 規 管, 以 防 患 measure, legislative amendments have been made to 未然。有關修訂將於二○一一年四月一日生效。 subject “derivatives of piperazines” and two other types of psychotropic substances, namely “synthetic cannabinoids” and “derivatives of cathinone”, under the control of the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance (Cap.134). The amendments will come into effect on April 1, 2011.

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常見毒品的檢獲數字(二○○七至二○一○年) Seizure figures of common abused drugs (2007 - 2010)

毒品種類 2007 2008 2009 2010 Type of drugs

海洛英 37.4 公斤(kg) 46.35 公斤(kg) 37.18 公斤(kg) 48.79 公斤(kg) Heroin 大麻 Cannabis 大麻草 435.5 公斤(kg) 243.04 公斤(kg) 67.87 公斤(kg) 6.48 公斤(kg) Herbal 大麻植物 101.7 公斤(kg) 1.07 公斤(kg) 16.7 公斤(kg) 58 株(pots) Fresh Plants 大麻花/種子 0.3 公斤(kg) 0.29 克(g) 929.39 克(g) 2.97 公斤(kg) Buds / Seed 大麻精 31.8 公斤(kg) 16.49 公斤(kg) 22.51 公斤(kg) 4.57 公斤(kg) Resin 可卡因 197.1公斤(kg) 63.71 公斤(kg) 102.91 公斤(kg) 854.18 (kg) Cocaine

甲基安非他明(「冰」) 99.87 公斤(kg) 40.8 公斤(kg) 23.9 公斤(kg) 40.08 公斤(kg) Methamphetamine (“Ice”) + 66.01 升(L) 安非他明類興奮劑(「搖頭丸」) 65,539 粒(tab) 11,984 粒(tab) 7,146 粒(tab) 5,796 粒(tab) Amphetamine–type Stimulants (Ecstasy) 氯胺酮 96.4 公斤(kg) 423.3 公斤(kg) 472.33 公斤(kg) 179.58 公斤(kg) Ketamine + 11,117 粒(tab) + 4,740 粒(tab)

其他危害精神毒品(苯并二氮䓬類) Other Psychotropic Substances (Benzodiazepines)

咪達唑侖 41,446 粒(tab) 11,904 粒(tab) 7,317 粒(tab) 5,183 粒(tab) Midazolam + 0.1 公斤(kg) + 0.02 公斤(kg) + 0.03 公斤(kg) + 0.76 公斤(kg)

硝甲西泮/硝西泮 15,257 粒(tab) 17,089 粒(tab) 42,109 粒(tab) 35,863 粒(tab) Nimetazepam / Nitrazepam + 2 膠囊(cap) 三唑侖 102 粒(tab) 220 粒(tab) 40 粒(tab) 585 粒(tab) Triazolam 安定 10,771 粒(tab) 13,559 粒(tab) 2,827 粒(tab) 96,522 粒(tab) Diazepam + 2,516 膠囊(cap) + 100 公斤(kg) + 0.02 公斤(kg) + 20 管裝(tubes) + 21 小安瓿(amp) + 1.2 升(L)

資料來源: 二○○七至二○○九年 — 政府化驗所 二○一○年 — 警方及海關 Sources : 2007 - 2009 – Government Laboratory 2010 – Police and C&ED

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政府化驗所 The Government

政府化驗所為警務處、海關和衞生署提供全面的分析 Laboratory 服務,化驗懷疑受《危險藥物條例 》、《藥劑業及毒藥 The Government Laboratory provides comprehensive 條例 》、《抗生素條例 》或《化學品管制條例 》管制的 analytical services to the Police, the C&ED and the 物質。 DH in the examination of substances suspected to be controlled by the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance, the 在二○○七至二○一○年間,政府化驗所共處理28,274宗 Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance, the Antibiotics 毒品個案,平均每年約7,070宗。二○一○年,氯胺酮 Ordinance or the Control of Chemicals Ordinance. 是最常被發現的毒品,佔所有毒品化驗個案41%以上。 儘管海洛英個案所佔比例由二○○七年約16%,逐步 From 2007 to 2010, a total of 28,274 drug cases were 下降至二○一○年的14%,海洛英仍是第二種最常被 examined by the Laboratory, with an annual average of 發 現 的 毒 品。 同 期 發 現 的 苯 并 二 氮  類 個 案 大 幅 about 7,070 each year. In 2010, ketamine remained the 減少(由15%下降至8%)。涉及大麻的個案稍為減少 most common type of drugs being found, contributing (由7%下 降 至6%)。可 卡 因 和 甲 基 安 非 他 明(「冰」) over 41% of all the drug cases examined. Heroin cases, 的化驗個案相若,各佔二○一○年所有毒品個案約9%。 though dropping steadily from about 16% in 2007 to 14% in 2010, was the second most common type 被檢測出含可卡因的混合物數量大幅增加, of drugs being found. During the period, there was 1 由二○○九年約98公斤,增至二○一○年543公斤 , a big decline in benzodiazepines cases being found 主要由於當局在二○一○年兩度檢獲歷來最大批 (a drop from 15% to 8%). Cannabis also exhibited a 2 可卡因,共重438公斤 。此外,在二○○九年, slight decline in the cases encountered (a drop from 亦有兩宗檢獲大量含氯胺酮的混合物的個案,共重 7% to about 6%). Cocaine and methamphetamine 約500公斤。撇除這兩宗個案,每年檢測的氯胺酮 hydrochloride (“ice”) were comparable in the number 介乎二○○七年的約130公斤至二○一○年的 of cases examined, each accounting for about 9% of 170公斤之間。在二○○○年代中期一度甚為流行 drug cases examined in 2010. 的「搖頭丸」及含甲基安非他明的藥片檢獲數量 則大幅下降,由二○○七年化驗的39,172粒和 Examined mixtures containing cocaine manifested a 23,648粒,分別跌至二○一○年的145粒和72粒。 huge increase from about 98 kilogrammes in 2009 另一方面,含三氟甲基苯基哌嗪(一種「哌嗪衍生物 」) to 543 kilogrammes in 20101, mainly due to two 的藥片的個案則有所上升。此類藥片於二○○九年 record seizures involving a total of 438 kilogrammes2 五月首次出現。在二○○九年及二○一○年,分別 in 2010. There were also two significant cases 化驗了 14 宗(2,810 粒)和34 宗(6,281 粒)個案。 with a total of about 500 kilogrammes of mixtures containing ketamine in 2009. Excluding the two above-mentioned cases, the annual amount of ketamine examined ranged from about 130 kilogrammes in 2007 to 170 kilogrammes in 2010. Ecstasy and methamphetamine-containing tablets, once prevalent in the mid 2000s, exhibited a drastic decline from 39,172 and 23,648 tablets examined 1 因化驗需時,在某一年份內驗測的毒品數量與當年檢獲毒品的數量未必 相同。 in 2007 to 145 and 72 tablets examined in 2010, Owing to the time taken to complete the examination, the quantity of respectively. On the other hand, tablets containing drugs examined in a given year may be different from the quantity seized in that year. TFMPP, a “derivative of piperazine”, which was encountered for the first time in May 2009, was on 2 不包括海關於二○一○年十二月二十九日破獲的一宗涉及290公斤可卡因 的案件。案中檢獲毒品是於二○一一年交化驗所化驗。 the increase with a total of 14 cases (2,810 tablets) Does not include the C&ED case detected on December 29, 2010 where and 34 cases (6,281 tablets) examined in 2009 and 290 kilogrammes of cocaine was seized. The drugs seized were submitted for examination in 2011. 2010 respectively.

香港禁毒及反洗黑錢報告書 115 Hong Kong Narcotics and Anti-money Laundering Report 2007-2010 第七章 Chapter 7 遏止販毒及製毒活動 Suppression of Illicit Trafficking and Manufacturing

The Government Laboratory also provides a 24-hour service in the investigation of suspected dangerous drug manufacturing/cultivation scenes. Upon requests by law enforcement departments, professionals of 政府化驗所亦提供全日24小時服務,協助調查懷疑 the Laboratory attend drug scenes and provide expert 製造或種植毒品的工場。化驗所會應執法部門的 opinions in collecting relevant exhibits for evidence 要求,派專業人員前往發現毒品的現場,提供專家 of manufacturing/cultivation. From 2007 to 2010, a 意見,以便在現場蒐集相關證物,作為製造或種植 total of 75 drug-related crime scenes were attended 毒品的證據。二○○七至二○一○年期間,化驗所的 by the professional staff of the Laboratory, of which 專業人員共前往75個與毒品有關的罪案現場,其中 49 were related to suspected cocaine manufacturing 49個懷疑製造可卡因,13個則涉及種植大麻。 and 13 were related to cannabis cultivation.

政府化驗所又提供尿液分析服務,分析由懲教署、社會 The Government Laboratory provides urinalysis 福利署和美沙酮診所為推行吸食毒品監察計劃而送交 service for the analysis of urine samples submitted 檢測的尿液樣本。化驗所每月會向禁毒專員呈交尿液 by the Correctional Services Department, Social 化驗統計資料報告。在二○○七至二○一○年間, Welfare Department and Methadone Clinics in 尿液分析服務需求持續增加,個案大幅上升。處理的 their drug-use surveillance programmes. Reports 樣本數目和進行的尿液化驗次數,分別由二○○七年 on the latest urinalysis statistics are submitted to 的31,496個及95,364次,增至二○一○年的47,001個 the Commissioner for Narcotics on a monthly basis. 及200,174次,增幅分別為49%及110%。在多種常被 From 2007 to 2010, there was a continual and 吸食的毒品中,以檢測氯胺酮的要求為最多。 phenomenal growth in the demand for urinalysis service. The number of samples processed and 自二○○九年十月起,政府化驗所為參加為期 the total number of urinalysis tests performed 兩年的加強感化服務先導計劃的青少年毒犯提供更 increased from 31,496 and 95,364 respectively 頻密的毒品檢測服務。化驗所亦研發出獲認可的 in 2007 to 47,001 and 200,174 respectively in 頭髮驗毒技術,有關技術可於日後轉移予業界。 2010, a corresponding increase of 49% and 110% 二○一○年六月,政府化驗所推出頭髮驗毒先導 in the samples and tests performed. Requests for 計劃,讓非政府機構試用新的檢測工具,以監察 ketamine analysis remained the highest amongst 戒毒者的康復情況。 the commonly abused drugs.

Starting from October 2009, the service also supported more frequent drug testing for young drug offenders under a two-year enhanced probation pilot scheme. Hair testing technology has been developed and accredited for future transfer to the testing industry. A pilot scheme on hair drug testing was launched in June 2010 for non-governmental organisations to try out the new tool for monitoring of the abusers in their rehabilitation.

政府化驗所人員向禁毒專員黃碧兒(右)展示頭髮分析驗毒的各款先進精密 儀器。 Commissioner for Narcotics Ms Sally Wong (right) is shown apparatus for hair drug testing by a Government Laboratory officer.

香港禁毒及反洗黑錢報告書 116 Hong Kong Narcotics and Anti-money Laundering Report 2007-2010 研究工作 8Research 第八章 Chapter 8 研究工作 Research

Research Advisory Group

研究諮詢小組 The Research Advisory Group (RAG) is responsible for identifying, conducting and monitoring research 研究諮詢小組專責選定、進行和監察各項與毒品問題 projects in various drug-related areas which can 有關的研究項目,使政府、禁毒常務委員會及禁毒 provide insight for the Government, the Action 界別對問題有更深入的了解,從而制訂適當的策略及 Committee Against Narcotics and the anti-drug 計劃。研究諮詢小組又就禁毒處管理的呈報系統的 sector to formulate appropriate strategies and 運作,提供意見。 programmes. The RAG also provides views on the operation of reporting systems maintained by the 研究諮詢小組職權範圍及成員名單,載於附錄四。 Narcotics Division.

研究項目 The terms of reference and membership of the RAG is at Appendix 4. 除二○○八/○九年學生服用藥物情況調查 (見第三章)外,有四項研究在二○○七至二○一○年 Research Studies 間完成。 Besides the 2008/09 Survey of Drug Use among Students (see Chapter 3), four research studies were completed during the period 2007 to 2010.

保安局局長李少光(中)主持記者會,公布「二○○八/○九年學生服用藥物情況調查」的結果,以及政府打擊青少年毒品問題的最新措施。 The Secretary for Security, Mr Ambrose S K Lee (centre), chairs a press conference to release the findings of the “2008/09 Survey of Drug Use among Students” and the latest measures to combat the youth drug abuse problem.

香港禁毒及反洗黑錢報告書 118 Hong Kong Narcotics and Anti-money Laundering Report 2007-2010 第八章 Chapter 8 研究工作 Research

A study on meta-analysis of acupuncture therapy in treatment of heroin dependence was completed in 2007. The study suggested that acupuncture therapy was clinically safe and statistically more favourable than medication therapy in relieving heroin withdrawal syndrome, and combining acupuncture therapy with medication therapy might be more effective in clinical application.

針刺療法治療海洛英依賴整合性分析研究,已於 Completed in 2008, a study on the engagement of 二○○七年完成。該研究顯示,針刺療法在臨床上 parents in anti-drug work assessed the extent of 安全,從數據上亦得出針刺療法在紓緩海洛英斷癮 parents’ involvement in existing drug prevention 症狀方面,較藥物療法更勝一籌,而在臨床應用上, activities in Hong Kong and examined factors that 針刺療法結合藥物治療,會更為有效。 motivate/discourage parents from being involved. It also developed preventive and education 動員父母參與禁毒工作的研究於二○○八年完成。 programmes that would better equip parents 研究評估父母參與本港現時推行的禁毒活動的程度, (in particular parents of vulnerable youth) with 並探討推動/阻礙父母參與的因素。研究同時制訂 the necessary knowledge and skills to advise and 多項預防教育計劃,讓父母(特別是易受毒品危害 help their children in case they encountered drug 青少年的父母)掌握所需知識及技巧,以便在子女 problems. A resource kit for parents was produced 遇到毒品問題時,能夠提供意見和協助。當局還製作 and widely distributed through schools and parent 了家長資源套,並通過學校及家長會,廣為派發。 associations.

另一項於二○○八年完成的研究,是關於香港吸食 Another study completed in 2008 was on 可卡因情況。研究探討可卡因吸食者的人口及心理 cocaine abuse in Hong Kong which examined the 特徵,並檢視染上可卡因毒癮的社會效應、禍害及 demographic and psychological characteristics of 治療方法。研究參考了海外國家的經驗,有助制訂 cocaine users, and reviewed the sociological and 特定的禁毒教育計劃和戒毒治療及康復模式。 harmful effects as well as the treatment strategies of cocaine addiction. It would help in the development 中藥近期及遠期脫毒療效的整合性分析研究於 of dedicated preventive education programmes and 二○○九年完成。研究人員審閱有關文獻,以評估 treatment and rehabilitation models, taking into 採用中藥治療斷癮症狀的功效及安全性。研究發現, account overseas experience. 中藥對治療海洛英斷癮綜合症,以及危害精神毒品 引起的某些不良反應,安全有效。 A study on meta-analysis of short-term and long-term effects of Chinese herbal medicine in drug detoxification was completed in 2009. It reviewed the relevant literature to assess the efficacy and safety of using Chinese herbal medicine in the treatment of drug withdrawal symptoms. The study found that Chinese herbal medicine might be effective and safe in the treatment of heroin withdrawal syndrome and certain adverse effects caused by psychotropic drugs.

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In addition, 13 other research projects, launched between 2007 and 2010, are in progress. They are: • Socioeconomic and health impacts of psychoactive drug abuse in Hong Kong — a longitudinal study; • Study of patterns of drugs of abuse in New Territories East and West Cluster Drug of Abuse 此外,另有13項於二○○七至二○一○年間展開的 Clinic using conventional and new technologies; 研究正在進行中,分別是: • Long-term ketamine abuse and apoptosis in • 濫用危害精神毒品對香港社會經濟狀況及健康的 cynomologus monkeys and mice; 影響 — 一個縱貫性研究; • Effective ways to dispel misunderstandings about • 利用現有及最新的化驗技術研究新界東及新界 psychotropic substances in youth at risk for drug 西區濫用藥物之模式; abuse problems; • 長期吸食氯胺酮與神經細胞凋亡在食蟹猴與 • Research on urological sequelae of ketamine 小鼠中的研究; abuse; • 消除高危青少年對危害精神毒品誤解的有效方法; • The dietary intake and body weight status of adolescent psychotropic substance abusers in • 氯胺酮對泌尿系統損害的研究; Hong Kong — an explorative study for improving • 香港青少年吸毒者的攝食及體重狀況 — 改善戒毒 drugs rehabilitation programme; 服務的探索性研究; • Transnationalism and drug abuse — a study on • 跨國主義與吸毒:香港尼泊爾吸毒人士的研究; the Nepalese drug abusers in Hong Kong; • 氯胺酮使用者之精神病及認知障礙研究; • Psychiatric comorbidity and cognitive dysfunction • 香港吸毒人口普遍率估算方法檢討; in primarily ketamine users — a closer look; • 香港「待業待學青少年」吸毒情況和服務需求 • A review of estimation method on prevalence of 研究; drug abuse population in Hong Kong; • 濫藥對青少年膀胱功能及精神情緒之影響; • Study of the drug abuse situation and service • 氯胺酮及酒精對小鼠的影響(研究與教育 );以及 needs of non-engaged youth in Hong Kong; • Prospective observational study of urinary • 青年人使用氯胺酮後對下尿路症狀及尿液中 symptoms, sexual behaviors and psychiatric 生化標記的變化和影響。 symptoms in ketamine misusers;

在二○○七至二○一○年間,當局多次進行電話 • The detrimental effects of long-term ketamine 調查,以評估公眾對禁毒信息及電視宣傳短片/ with alcohol abuses in mice and its use in an 電台宣傳聲帶的認知程度及觀感。調查同時評估不同 educational program; and 宣傳品的傳達層面。調查結果顯示,在二○○七及 • Clinical profile of lower urinary tract changes and 二○○八年,公眾對禁毒信息的認知度,維持在 urinary marker measurements in young adults 70%以上,在二○○九年,更高達94%。電視是 using ketamine. 最普遍的接收渠道,過去數年,滲透率均超過70%。 Telephone surveys were conducted between 2007 and 2010 to gauge public awareness and perception of the anti-drug messages and the Announcements in the Public Interest (APIs). It also assessed the reach of different publicity materials. The survey results showed that public awareness of anti-drug messages maintained above 70% during 2007 and 2008 and reached 94% in 2009. Television was the most popular receiving channel with over 70% penetration rates over the years.

香港禁毒及反洗黑錢報告書 120 Hong Kong Narcotics and Anti-money Laundering Report 2007-2010 社區參與 Involving the Community9 第九章 Chapter 9 社區參與 Involving the Community

Beat Drugs Fund

Community mobilisation and community support are 禁毒基金 key strategic directions promulgated by the Chief 社會動員和社區支援是行政長官為打擊青少年毒品 Executive to combat the youth drug abuse problem. 問題而訂出的重要策略方向。要打擊毒禍,整個社會 The fight against drug abuse requires concerted 必須同心協力。政府致力加強並持續支持不同社區 efforts of the whole community. The Government is 組織及非政府機構的禁毒工作。一九九六年,政府 committed to strengthening and sustaining efforts 以3.5億元作為資本,成立禁毒基金,提供穩定的 to support anti-drug work of different community 經費來源,資助由社區主導並值得推行的禁毒計劃。 bodies and non-governmental organisations (NGOs). 禁毒計劃涵蓋預防教育及宣傳、戒毒治療及康復 The Beat Drugs Fund (BDF), established in 1996 with a 服務和研究等範疇。 capital base of $350 million, provides a steady funding source to finance worthwhile community-driven 禁毒基金由禁毒基金會負責管理,該會是根據 anti-drug projects. Scopes of anti-drug programmes 《公司條例》(第32章)成立的非牟利有限公司, cover areas such as preventive education and 由禁毒處提供秘書處支援服務。禁毒基金會參照 publicity, treatment and rehabilitation and research. 禁毒常務委員會的意見批出撥款。 The BDF is administered by the Beat Drugs Fund 為鼓勵社會大眾攜手對抗毒禍,政府於二○一○年 Association (the Association), a non-profit-making 向禁毒基金注資30億元,讓基金有更豐厚的收益, limited company incorporated under the Companies 支持社會推行持續的禁毒工作。由於社會各界積極 Ordinance (Chapter 32). The Narcotics Division (ND) 參與,當局收到的撥款申請,由二○○七年周年 provides secretariat support to the Association. 撥款計劃的75份,增至二○一○年兩輪撥款計劃 Funding allocations are made by the Association 共收到的349份。核准的計劃數目及撥款總額, on the advice of the Action Committee Against 由二○○七年的25項及1,533萬元,增至二○一○年 Narcotics (ACAN). 的86項及8,619萬元。 In 2010, to encourage the community to join hands in combating drug abuse, the Government injected a capital of $3 billion into the BDF to generate an enhanced level of funding to support sustained anti-drug efforts in the community. With keen participation of different quarters of the community, the number of funding applications received increased from 75 in the annual funding exercise in 2007 to 349 in the two rounds of funding exercise in 2010. The number of projects approved and total grant amount increased from 25 and $15.33 million in 2007 to 86 and $86.19 million in 2010.

協青社獲禁毒基金資助,推行「暴走禁毒基地」計劃,並改裝貨車為 流動舞台,到全港不同地點向青少年提供禁毒資訊及就業諮詢服務。 圖為協青社於鬧市進行街頭舞蹈表演。 Supported by the BDF, the Youth Outreach modifies a truck to set up a mobile stage and provides anti-drug information and job referral services in different districts through their project “Anti-drugs Rover”. Photo shows a street dance performance in a busy district.

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禁毒基金資助香港扶幼會許仲繩紀念學校舉辦聯校禁毒時裝設計比賽,鼓勵學生建立自我形象,增強自信,遠離毒品。 Sponsored by the BDF, the Society of Boys’ Centres Hui Chung Sing Memorial School organises an inter-school fashion design competition to help students build up self-esteem, enhance their self-confidence and stay away from drugs.

To augment anti-drug efforts in the community, the maximum level of grant for each application was increased to $6 million and the funding period 為加強社區的禁毒工作,在二○一○年第二輪撥款 extended to a maximum of three years in the second 計劃中,每項申請的最高撥款額已提高至600萬元, round of 2010 funding exercise. For programmes 資助期最長可達三年。至於別具創意的計劃,最高 that are exceptionally innovative, the maximum 撥款額增至1,000萬元,資助期最長可達五年。禁毒 grant could be increased up to $10 million and the 基金在二○一○年獲注資後,當局於同年推出多一輪 maximum duration extended to five years. Following 撥款計劃,鼓勵社區伙伴把值得推行的禁毒計劃 the injection in 2010, an additional round of funding 付諸實行。 exercise was held in 2010 to encourage community partners to implement worthwhile anti-drug projects. 二○○七年年底,禁毒基金會通過設立一項特別撥款 計劃,以推展青少年毒品問題專責小組提出的建議。 In late 2007, the Association approved the 在這項計劃下獲資助的項目,包括製作家長教育及 establishment of a special funding scheme to take 學校禁毒資源套、為醫務人員提供禁毒培訓,以及 forward the recommendations of the Task Force on 在二○○九/一○和二○一○/一一學年推行的大埔區 Youth Drug Abuse. Some projects funded under 校園驗毒試行計劃。 this scheme included production of resource kits for parents and school sector, anti-drug training 禁毒基金自成立至二○一○年,已合共批出撥款 for medical practitioners, and the Trial Scheme on 約3.37億港元,資助推行的計劃達581項。 School Drug Testing in Tai Po District in the 2009/10 and 2010/11 school years.

Since the BDF’s establishment until 2010, a total of about $337 million has been granted to 581 projects.

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(左起)律政司司長黃仁龍資深大律師、禁毒專員黃碧兒和 禁毒常務委員會主席蔡元雲醫生為「友出路」主持啟動儀式。 (From left) The Secretary for Justice, Mr Wong Yan Lung, SC; the Commissioner for Narcotics, Ms Sally Wong; and the ACAN Chairman, Dr Choi Yuen-wan, officiate at the launch ceremony of “Path Builders” initiative.

「友出路 」 The “Path Builders” 為落實青少年毒品問題專責小組的建議,禁毒常務 Initiative 委員會和禁毒處於二○○八年九月推出「友出路」, 旨在透過在社區建立關懷青少年文化,從根源着手 The “Path Builders” initiative was launched by ACAN 解決毒品及其他青少年問題。社會人士對青少年的 and the ND in pursuance of the recommendations of 關懷和關注透過這個平台轉化成活動和計劃,讓有 the Task Force on Youth Drug Abuse in September 2008. 需要的青少年得以健康成長。 The initiative aims at tackling drug and other youth problems at root by fostering a caring culture for our 「友出路」自推出以來,已獲多個來自不同界別的 young people in the community. It provides a platform 知名機構響應支持,包括主要商會、專業團體及 where community care and concern can be transformed 大型機構等,同為青少年開闢坦途。與此同時, into programmes and initiatives for the healthy 禁毒處與相關政府決策局/部門和諮詢組織群策 development of young people in need. 群力,互相配合,以取得更大協同效應。在推廣 「友出路」過程中,禁毒處會提供支援,按照參與 Since its launch, “Path Builders” has attracted a 組織/個別人士與現正為高危青少年提供服務而又 number of reputable organisations from different 有興趣的非政府機構兩方的意願,進行配對。這包括 sectors including major chambers of commerce, 拜訪有意參加計劃的組織,爭取他們的支持,以及 professional bodies and large corporations to 協助他們在「友出路」平台上,推行禁毒或關懷 contribute and help build better paths for the youth. 青少年計劃。簡而言之,禁毒處成為了一個匯聚點, In parallel, the ND works with relevant government 把貢獻者與受惠者連繫起來。 bureaux, departments and advisory bodies to achieve greater synergy. In the course of promoting the “Path Builders” initiative, the ND provides support to facilitate matching of contributing organisations/individuals with interested NGOs serving youths at risk in accordance with preferences of both parties. This includes making courtesy visits to potential contributing organisations to enlist their support and assisting them to implement anti-drug or youth-caring programmes under the umbrella of “Path Builders”. In short, the ND acts as a focal point to bring 行政長官曾蔭權出席「同心結力抗毒大行動」啟動禮,並在巨型 宣言咭上簽名。 together the contributors and beneficiaries. The Chief Executive, Mr Donald Tsang, signs on the giant pledge card at the launch ceremony of anti-drug activity “Knotting Hearts Actions”.

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在二○○九年六月二十一日舉行的「不可一、不可再」 In recognition of their contributions, awards were 誓師大會上,有九個機構和七位人士獲頒獎項, presented to nine organisations and seven individuals 以表揚他們卓越的貢獻。這包括︰ for their exemplary contributions to the “Path Builders” initiative at the “No Drugs No Regrets” Pledge Ceremony on June 21, 2009. They include:

組織 Organisations 香港中華廠商聯合會 The Chinese Manufacturers’ Association of Hong Kong 中信泰富 CITIC Pacific 香港潮州商會 Hong Kong Chiu Chow Chamber of Commerce Ltd. 香港醫學會 The Hong Kong Medical Association 九龍巴士(1933)有限公司 The Kowloon Motor Bus Co. (1933) Ltd. 香港律師會 The Law Society of Hong Kong 國際獅子總會中國港澳303區 Lions Clubs International District 303 H.K. & Macau, China 鴻星集團 Super Star Group 荃心抗毒展關懷 Tsuen Wan District Anti-drug Project 個別人士 Individuals

何君堯律師 Mr HO Kwan Yiu, Junius 林震醫生 Dr LAM Chun 馬清楠律師 Mr MA Ching Nam 吳國雄先生 Mr NG Kwok Hung, Richard 潘子坤先生 Mr POON Gee Kwun, David 黃華燊先生 Mr WONG Wa Sun, Thomas 余其倬醫生 Dr YEE Kay Cheuk, Kenneth

截至二○一○年年底,約300個組織/人士已響應 By the end of 2010, approximately 300 organisations/ 支持「友出路」。禁毒處會繼續主動接觸更多組織, individuals pledged support to the “Path Builders” 爭取他們的支持。 initiative. The ND will continue to reach out to more organisations and rally their support to this worthy cause.

香 港 中 華 廠 商 聯 合 會 會 長 尹 德 勝(中)移交100萬 元 支 票 予 民 政 事務局副局長許曉暉(左)及禁毒專員黃碧兒(右),以資助青少年 抗毒師友計劃。 President of the Chinese Manufacturers’ Association of Hong Kong Mr Paul T S Yin (centre) presents a $1 million cheque to the 位於西區海底隧道九龍入口的大型「友出路」戶外廣告。 Under Secretary for Home Affairs, Ms Florence Hui (left), and the A giant outdoor advertisement on “Path Builders” at the entrance of Commissioner for Narcotics, Ms Sally Wong (right), to sponsor a Western Harbour Tunnel in Kowloon. mentorship scheme to combat the problem of youth drug abuse.

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Volunteer Scheme

The Anti-drug Volunteer Group (VG) was established in September 1981 to assist the ACAN and the ND in 義工計劃 the implementation of anti-drug preventive education 禁毒義工團(「義工團」)於一九八一年九月成立, and publicity activities. Its Co-ordinating Committee, 協助禁毒常務委員會及禁毒處推行禁毒教育及宣傳 whose members are elected among volunteers, 活動。義工團轄下工作統籌委員會負責監察該團的 oversees the operation and the work of the Group. 運作及工作,成員都是從義工當中選出。 By the end of 2010, there were about 280 individual 截至二○一○年年底,義工團約有280名個人義工 volunteers and 105 corporate volunteers in the VG. 及105個機構義工。為傳遞禁毒信息並提倡健康生活 To disseminate anti-drug messages and promote healthy 模式,義工團聯同戒毒治療及康復中心、紀律部隊、 lifestyle, the VG organised annual football competitions 青年中心、專業團體及教育機構等,在聖誕假期 during Christmas holidays in collaboration with treatment 舉辦周年足球比賽。其他曾舉辦的大型活動,包括 and rehabilitation centres, disciplinary forces, youth 二○○八年與一酒樓集團(該集團份屬機構義工) centres, professional bodies and educational institutions. 合辦點心烹飪班,為戒毒治療及康復服務中心的 Other major activities held included a dim-sum cooking 學員提供點心製作技巧的訓練,以及在邊境管制站 class in 2008 co-organised with a restaurant group, 派發禁毒宣傳單張,提醒年輕人在節日期間遠離 which was a corporate volunteer, to train inmates of 毒品。 drug treatment and rehabilitation centres on techniques in making dim-sum, and anti-drug leaflet distribution at 個人義工參與各種禁毒活動,以助提高公眾對毒品問題 boundary control points to remind young people to stay 的認識,並讓他們參與推展禁毒工作。在二○○七至 away from drugs during festive seasons. 二○一○年間,禁毒義工曾參與70多項社區禁毒 活動,包括分區禁毒及滅罪嘉年華會、戒毒治療及康復 Individual volunteers participated in different anti-drug 中心探訪活動、展覽及研討會等。 activities to help raise public awareness of the drug abuse problem and enlist their participation in taking forward the anti-drug cause. During the period between 2007 and 2010, anti-drug volunteers participated in some 70 anti-drug community activities, including district anti-drug and fight crime carnivals, visits to treatment 第四屆無毒聖誕盃七人足球賽頒獎典禮。 and rehabilitation centres, exhibitions and seminars. Prize presentation ceremony of the Fourth Anti-drug Soccer Competition.

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香港一直致力打擊清洗黑錢及恐怖分子融資活動。 80年代末國際通過首條公約,規定把清洗黑錢在 本地法律中定為刑事罪行。當時,保安局轄下的 禁毒處負起整體政策統籌之責,聯同相關政府決策局 Hong Kong is committed to fighting against 和部門及金融監管機構,在香港落實打擊清洗黑錢 money laundering and terrorist financing. The first 政策及推行有關措施,其後更把範圍擴展至反恐 international convention requiring criminalisation 融資。 of money laundering in national legislation was adopted in late 1980s. The Narcotics Division (ND) 基於國際間清洗黑錢及恐怖分子融資活動的形勢 of the Security Bureau took up the responsibility for 不斷改變,而金融機構採取的相關預防措施亦成為 the overall co-ordination for the policies and the 打擊清洗黑錢及恐怖分子融資活動不可或缺的一環, implementation of anti-money laundering (AML) 當局於二○○八年十月一日起把打擊清洗黑錢/反恐 back then and, at a later stage, counter financing 融資事宜的整體政策統籌工作,轉交財經事務及 of terrorism (CFT) measures in Hong Kong, in 庫務局負責。禁毒處則繼續確保指定非金融企業及 collaboration with relevant government bureaux 行業(即會計師、賭場、地產代理、律師、貴重金屬 and departments and financial regulators. 及寶石交易商、信託及公司服務供應商)採取各項 打擊清洗黑錢及反恐融資的措施符合既定國際標準。 In response to the changing landscape of international money laundering and financing 經多年努力,香港已建立穩健和完備的打擊清洗黑錢 of terrorism, under which preventive measures 及反恐融資制度,達至打擊清洗黑錢及反恐融資國際 adopted by financial institutions have become 標準的跨政府組織 ─ 打擊清洗黑錢財務行動特別 essential components, the overall policy co-ordinating 組織(特別組織) — 所公布的國際標準。當局還不斷 role for AML/CFT matters was transferred to the 在立法、執法及教育方面採取多項措施,鞏固有關 Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau (FSTB) 制度。 on October 1, 2008. The ND continues to promote compliance with AML and CFT standards among Designated Non-Financial Businesses and Professions (DNFBPs) namely: accountants, casinos, estate agents, lawyers, precious metals and precious stones dealers, and trust and company service providers.

Over the years, Hong Kong has built up a robust and comprehensive AML and CFT regime consistent with the international standards as promulgated by the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (FATF), an inter-governmental body which sets international AML and CFT standards. The regime has continuously been strengthened by various measures and initiatives implemented on the legislative, enforcement and education fronts.

禁毒處製作兩款海報,以指定非金融企業及行業的從業員為對象, 宣傳打擊清洗黑錢及恐怖分子融資活動的重要性。 The ND produces two posters targeting practitioners of DNFBPs on the importance of AML/CFT.

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Effective Legal Framework

The Drug Trafficking (Recovery of Proceeds) Ordinance (DTROPO) (Chapter 405) and the Organized and Serious Crimes Ordinance (OSCO) (Chapter 455) are the main tools to trace, restrain 有效的法律架構 and confiscate proceeds of drug trafficking as well 《販 毒(追 討 得 益)條例》(第405章)及《有 組 織 及 as other serious offences and to stop criminals from 嚴重罪行條例》(第 455 章)是追查、限制和沒收販毒 retaining their illicit profits. Both ordinances are 及其他嚴重罪行得益,以及阻止罪犯保留犯罪得益 regularly reviewed and amended to keep pace with 的重要工具。當局定期檢討和修訂兩條條例,以配合 developments. 最新發展。 Since June 2000, a registration scheme was 自二○○○年六月起,當局根據《有組織及嚴重 introduced under OSCO whereby remittance agents 罪行條例》,規定匯款代理人及貨幣兌換商必須就其 and money changers were required to register 經營的業務向警方登記,並遵行打擊清洗黑錢措施, their businesses with the Police and to follow 例如識別客戶身分,以及就20,000元或以上的交易 AML measures such as customer identification 備存記錄。有關的金額下限於二○○七年一月下調至 and transaction record keeping for transactions of 8,000 元。 $20,000 or above. The threshold was lowered to $8,000 in January 2007. 為更有效地督導和統籌本港打擊清洗黑錢/反恐融資 制度的策略性發展,使該制度與不繼提升的國際 To better steer and co-ordinate the strategic 標準達成一致,政府於二○○八年四月成立高層次 development of Hong Kong’s AML/CFT regime in line 的打擊清洗黑錢及反恐融資中央統籌委員會(中央 with rising international standards, the Government 統籌委員會),由財政司司長擔任主席,成員包括 set up a high-level Central Co-ordinating Committee 相關政府決策局、部門及金融監管機構的高層人員。 on Anti-money Laundering and Counter Financing of Terrorism (CCC) in April 2008 under the 二○一○年十一月,財經事務及庫務局向立法會 chairmanship of the Financial Secretary. The CCC 提交《打擊洗錢及恐怖分子資金籌集(金融機構) comprises senior officials of relevant government 條例草案》。條例草案旨在改善本港金融業的打擊 bureaux, departments and financial regulators. 清洗黑錢制度,使制度與現行的國際標準更趨一致。 主要建議包括:要求指明金融機構向客戶進行盡職 In November 2010, the FSTB introduced the 審查及備存記錄等法定規定;指定並賦權有關當局 Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist 監督指明金融機構遵從法定規定;以及就金錢服務 Financing (Financial Institutions) Bill into the 經營者設立發牌制度。 Legislative Council. The Bill seeks to improve Hong Kong's AML regime of the financial sectors to better align with the prevailing international standards. Major proposals include: imposing statutory customer due diligence and record-keeping requirements on specified financial institutions; designating and empowering relevant authorities to supervise compliance with the statutory requirements by the specified financial institutions; and putting in place a licensing regime for money service operators.

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To bring the regulatory framework for DNFBPs in line with the FATF requirements, the ND will seek to establish a regulatory regime through legislation for the DNFBPs in respect of customer due diligence 為使規管指定非金融企業及行業的規管架構更好符合 and record-keeping requirements. 與特別組織的規定,禁毒處擬透過立法,為指定 非金融企業及行業訂立客戶盡職審查及備存記錄 Vigorous Law Enforcement 等規定。 In view of the ever-changing money laundering and terrorist financing trends, law enforcement 嚴厲執法 agencies in Hong Kong adopt a dynamic strategy 鑑於清洗黑錢及恐怖分子融資活動的手法不斷改變, which allows them to adjust swiftly to deal with 本港執法機關採取靈活策略,令執法人員即使面對 changing circumstances. Proactive intelligence-led 情況轉變,亦能迅速作出調整。當局又採取情報主導 and vigorous investigations have been carried out 的方式主動調查,竭力打擊有關問題。 to combat the problems.

在二○○七至二○一○年,成功檢控涉及清洗黑錢的 From 2007 to 2010, there were a total of 869 個案,共有 869 宗。 successful prosecutions of money laundering.

自《販毒(追討得益)條例》及《有組織及嚴重罪行 Since the introduction of DTROPO in 1989 and 條例》於一九八九年及一九九四年實施以來,被沒收 OSCO in 1994, assets valued at $711 million have 並已交付政府的資產總值 7.11億元。截至二○一○年 been confiscated and paid to the Government. 十二月,遭限制的資產達60.2億元,正有待向法庭 By December 2010, assets amounting to $6.02 billion 申請沒收。 were restrained pending confiscation proceedings.

根據《販毒(追討得益 )條例 》、《有組織及嚴重罪行 Reporting suspicious transactions has been made 條例 》及《聯合國(反恐怖主義措施 )條例 》,任何人 a legal obligation for everyone under DTROPO, 均有法律責任作出可疑交易報告。可疑交易報告亦 OSCO and the United Nations (Anti-Terrorism 成為打擊清洗黑錢和恐怖分子融資活動的主要情報 Measures) Ordinance (UNATMO). It also forms one 來源之一。警方及海關於一九八九年成立聯合財富 of the primary sources of intelligence for AML/CFT 情報組,接收並分析可疑交易報告。聯合財富情報組 purposes. The Police and the Customs and Excise 向警方及海關發放情報,讓它們對清洗黑錢及恐怖 Department (C&ED) jointly operate the Joint 分子融資活動等罪行展開跟進調查,並提出檢控。 Financial Intelligence Unit (JFIU), which was set up in 1989, to receive and analyse suspicious transaction reports (STRs). JFIU would then disseminate financial intelligence to the Police and the C&ED for follow-up investigations and prosecution of money laundering and terrorist financing offences.

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The analytical and case management capability of JFIU has increased significantly since the implementation of the Suspicious Transaction Report and Management System (STREAMS) in 聯合財富情報組於二○○六年十一月引入可疑交易 November 2006, which consists of an e-reporting 報告管理系統(包括電子舉報,以及自動化可疑交易 and an automated STRs processing and analysis 報告處理分析兩部分),系統運作大大提升了該組 system. From 2007 to 2010, 66,047 STRs (including 的分析和個案管理能力。在二○○七至二○一○年, 338 from DNFBPs) were received by JFIU. 該組共收到66,047宗可疑交易舉報(包括338宗來自 指定非金融企業及行業 )。 JFIU attaches great importance to the quality and quantity of STRs and forges a strategic partnership 聯合財富情報組十分重視可疑交易報告的質量, with the financial sector and DNFBPs. It also 亦致力與金融業和指定非金融企業及行業建立策略 participates in extensive outreach programmes to 伙伴關係。該組又參與多項推廣工作,致力提高業界 raise the awareness amongst the sectors. JFIU also 對有關問題的意識。此外,又領導可疑交易報告工作 chairs the STR Working Groups, which provide 小組,提供平台讓來自私營機構的代表,討論與可疑 platforms for representatives from private sectors to 交易報告有關的事宜。 discuss issues relating to STRs.

國際合作 International Co-operation

清洗黑錢大多涉及跨國活動,因此國際合作對打擊 Given the transnational nature of money laundering 清洗黑錢活動,至關重要。香港自一九九○年起 activities, international co-operation is essential and 加入特別組織,一直是組織的活躍成員。香港亦是 crucial in the fight against money laundering. Hong 一九九七年成立的亞洲/太平洋反清洗黑錢組織 Kong has been an active member of the FATF since (亞太組織)的創始成員。多年以來,香港通過立法 1990 and is a founding member of the Asia/Pacific 或由各行業監管機構發出指引,已實行特別組織制訂 Group on Money Laundering (APG) established in 的《40項建議》及《9項特別建議》內大部分建議。 1997. Over the years, Hong Kong has implemented 有關建議是衡量全球各司法管轄區,其打擊清洗黑錢 most of the FATF's Forty Recommendations and 和恐怖分子融資活動措施是否足夠的國際基準。 Nine Special Recommendations - the international benchmark against which jurisdictions worldwide are assessed in respect of their efforts in AML/CFT - either by legislation or through guidelines issued by the regulators of the respective industries.

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In November 2007, the FATF and APG conducted a joint Mutual Evaluation on Hong Kong to assess the effectiveness of our AML/CFT systems and compliance of the FATF standards. The Mutual 二○○七年十一月,特別組織及亞太組織就香港進行 Evaluation report published in July 2008 recognised 相互評核,評估本港打擊清洗黑錢/反恐融資制度的 the strengths of Hong Kong’s AML/CFT regime, in 成效,以及是否與特別組織所訂標準相符。評核報告 particular our good legal structure with a satisfactory 於二○○八年七月發表,肯定了香港打擊清洗黑錢/ conviction rate for money laundering offences, 反恐融資制度的優點,特別是本港擁有健全的法律 strong law enforcement efforts, robust and effective 架構,清洗黑錢罪行入罪率令人滿意;執法工作 supervisory regime over the banking, securities and 強而有力;銀行、證券及保險業的監管制度穩健 insurance sectors, prompt provision of a wide range 有效;能迅速地與國際社會在多方面合作;積極 of international co-operation, and proactive and 有效地向私營機構進行宣傳推廣,提升他們對打擊 effective outreach to the private sector in raising 清洗黑錢及反恐融資的意識。報告並稱許本港的 their awareness. The report also commended the 財富情報組,肯定該組辦事積極,成效卓著。 JFIU, Hong Kong’s financial intelligence unit, as proactive and effective. 報告同時建議我們為改善本港打擊清洗黑錢/反恐 融資制度而應着眼地方,包括有需要推行規管匯款 The report also recommended areas where we should 代理人及貨幣兌換商和指定非金融企業及行業的 focus on to enhance our AML/CFT regime, including 制度;將客戶盡職審查及備存記錄規定的主要元素, the need to implement a regulatory regime for 納入就金融業制訂的法例及規則中;以及填補本港 remittance agents and money changers as well as for 法律條文中不足之處,使香港能完全履行《聯合國 DNFBPs, to incorporate key elements of the customer 制止向恐怖分子提供資助的國際公約》。 due diligence and record keeping requirements into law or regulations for the financial sector, and to close certain gaps in our legal provisions to fully implement the United Nations Terrorist Financing Convention in Hong Kong.

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Since the Mutual Evaluation in 2007/08, the Administration has been working on various fronts to further enhance our AML/CFT regime in the light of FATF’s comments above. The uncommenced provisions of the UNATMO, including section 6 of the Ordinance, will come into operation on January 1, 2011, after the making of the 自二○○七/○八年度進行相互評核以來,當局一直 necessary court rules and code of practice. The 因應上述特別組織的意見,在多方面繼續努力, full commencement of the Ordinance enhanced 進一步完善本港打擊清洗黑錢/反恐融資制度。 Hong Kong’s measures in counter terrorist 《聯合國(反恐怖主義措施)條例》尚未實施的條文 financing. The ND has intensified focused (包括條例第6條),在制定所需法院規則及實務 outreaching and capacity building to raise the 守則後,於二○一一年一月一日施行。條例全面 awareness of the non-financial sectors on AML/CFT 實施,增強了本港打擊恐怖分子融資活動的能力。 requirements. In collaboration with professional/ 禁毒處已針對不同的非金融行業加強推廣與培訓, regulatory bodies, sector-specific advisory guidelines 提高他們對打擊清洗黑錢/反恐融資規定的認識。 were issued to assist DNFBPs practitioners in 當局又與專業團體/規管機構合作,向指定非金融 AML/CFT compliance. On prosecution and 企業及行業從業員發出適用於個別行業的指引, enforcement, additional resources were allocated 協助他們遵從打擊清洗黑錢/反恐融資的規定。 to the Financial Investigation Division of the Hong 在檢控和執法方面,警務處的財富調查組及聯合 Kong Police Force and the JFIU to enhance the 財富情報組均獲分配額外資源,以加強在財富調查 enforcement capability in financial investigation 和分析財富情報方面的執法能力。 and analysis of financial intelligence.

在打擊清洗黑錢活動方面,香港與海外司法管轄區 Hong Kong co-operates closely with foreign 合作無間,一直有就雙邊相互法律協助協定進行 jurisdictions in combating money laundering and 商討,有關協定訂有追查和沒收資產的條文。香港 maintains a programme of negotiations for bilateral 可以就清洗黑錢及恐怖分子融資活動等罪行,根據 mutual legal assistance agreements which include 《刑事事宜相互法律協助條例》(第525章)向其他 provisions for asset tracing and seizure. Hong Kong 司法管轄區提供相互法律協助,並根據《逃犯條例》 has the ability to provide mutual legal assistance to (第503章)移交逃犯。目前,香港已與27個國家 other jurisdictions under the Mutual Legal Assistance 簽訂刑事事宜相互法律協助協定,以及與18個國家 in Criminal Matters Ordinance (Cap 525) (MLAO), 簽訂移交逃犯協定。另一方面,根據《販毒(追討 and to surrender fugitive offenders under the 得益)條例》及《刑事事宜相互法律協助條例》, Fugitive Offenders Ordinance (Cap 503) in respect of 香港可執行由海外指定司法管轄區法庭所發出的 money laundering and terrorist financing offences. 外地沒收令,以阻止罪犯保留販毒得益。 At present, Hong Kong has signed Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Agreements with 27 countries and Surrender of Fugitive Offenders Agreements with 18 countries. On the other hand, the DTROPO and the MLAO enable Hong Kong to enforce external confiscation orders issued by overseas courts of designated jurisdictions preventing the drug proceeds from benefiting the criminals.

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The JFIU has also been a member of the Egmont Group which is made up of Financial Intelligence Units (FIUs) from around the world since 1999. The 聯合財富情報組亦是埃格蒙聯盟(Egmont Group)的 group provides a forum for FIUs to improve support 成員之一。埃格蒙聯盟於一九九九年創立,成員來自 for their respective national anti-money laundering 世界各地的財富情報組織。該聯盟提供渠道,使各 programmes, especially in the areas of information 財富情報組織加強對所屬國家打擊清洗黑錢措施的 exchange, training and the sharing of expertise. 支援,尤以在交換資料、培訓和分享專業知識為主。 Public Education and 公眾教育與能力提升 Capacity Building

要打擊清洗黑錢,市民大眾必須同心協力,與政府及 To combat money laundering, we need the 執法部門攜手合作。政府、監管機構及專業團體定期 assistance and co-operation of the community at 為各個在打擊清洗黑錢/反恐融資方面有重要位置的 large. The Government, regulators and professional 行業,舉辦培訓及教育課程,以增強他們對清洗黑錢 bodies regularly conduct training and educational 的最新趨勢,以及清洗黑錢和犯罪手法的認識。 programmes for the respective sectors, which play an active role in AML/CFT, to raise their awareness 禁毒處透過培訓和教育等方式,推動指定非金融企業 on the latest trends and methods employed by 及行業參與打擊清洗黑錢/反恐融資活動。禁毒處與 money launderers and criminals. 聯合財富情報組及各有關行業的專業團體,舉辦度身 訂造課程。二○一○年,有超過2,500名業內人士 The ND has adopted a capacity building and 出席了為指定非金融企業及行業舉辦的一系列講座, educational approach in engaging DNFBPs on AML/ 部分行業的出席者可藉此取得持續專業進修學分。 CFT. In collaboration with JFIU and professional 此外,禁毒處又在二○○九年年中推出一套互動 bodies amongst the sectors, the ND has organised 教材,包括實務指引及唯讀光碟,分發給指定非金融 tailor-made programmes for the relevant sectors. 企業及行業的從業員。 The series of seminars organised for DNFBPs in 2010, which attracted continuous professional development credits for some sectors, were attended by over 2,500 practitioners. An interactive training kit consisting of a practical guide and a CD-ROM for 禁毒處舉辦一系列打擊清洗黑錢講座,為指定非金融企業及行業的 DNFBPs was released in mid 2009 for distribution to 從業員提供培訓。 The ND organises a series of anti-money laundering seminars to practitioners of these sectors. provide training to practitioners of DNFBPs.

香港禁毒及反洗黑錢報告書 134 Hong Kong Narcotics and Anti-money Laundering Report 2007-2010 第十章 Chapter 10 打擊清洗黑錢及恐怖分子融資活動 Combating Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing

Professional bodies in DNFBPs have also taken positive steps in equipping practitioners in their respective fields with practical information and guidance on AML/CFT requirements and measures. Specifically, the Law Society of Hong Kong has issued a set of mandatory practice directions; the Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries has issued advisory

禁毒處製作「打擊清洗黑錢及恐怖分子融資活動」實用指南及光碟, guidelines to its members; the Hong Kong Institute 分發給指定非金融企業及行業的從業員作訓練教材。 of Certified Public Accountants has published a Legal The ND produces a set of booklet and DVD-rom on AML/CFT for distribution to practitioners of DNFBPs as training materials. Bulletin and covered the subject regularly in their Continuing Professional Development programmes; the Estate Agents Authority has issued mandatory practice circulars and also included AML/CFT as one of the core components in its training courses for 指定非金融企業及行業的專業團體亦採取了積極 both new entrants and licensees. In collaboration 措施,為所屬行業的從業員提供有關打擊清洗黑錢/ with trade associations, the ND has promulgated 反恐融資的規定及措施的實用資料和指引。香港 sector-specific guidelines for dealers in precious 律師會已發出一套強制執行的實務指引;香港特許 metals and precious stones. 秘書公會亦向其會員發出了指引;香港會計師公會 則 出 版 了《法 律 概 覽》(Legal Bulletin),並 定 期 把 The establishment and operation of a comprehensive 有關課題納入其持續專業培訓計劃中;至於地產代理 and effective regime to tackle money laundering 監管局,亦發出了強制執業通告,並把打擊清洗黑錢 and terrorist financing requires concerted effort of 及恐怖分子融資活動,列作為新入行人士和持牌人 the Government, financial regulatory bodies and 舉辦的培訓課程核心項目。禁毒處又聯同多個商會, the private sector. In keeping with its international 特別為貴重金屬及寶石交易商發出指引。 obligations, Hong Kong is fully committed to combating the twin problems, and will ensure 清洗黑錢和恐怖分子融資兩個問題互相牽連,要建立 that its regime meets international standards. 和維持周全有效的制度及履行國際責任,政府、金融 The Government is also committed to co-operating 監管機構及私營機構必須群策群力,竭力打擊該等 closely with international organisations and other 非法活動,確保有關制度達致國際標準。政府亦致力 governments, both on a multilateral and a bilateral 與國際組織及其他政府保持緊密的多邊和雙邊合作, basis, to play an active part in the global cause 積極參與全球打擊該等非法活動。為籌備立法, of anti-money laundering and counter financing 禁毒處會繼續與指定非金融企業及行業磋商, of terrorism. To prepare for the introduction of 以制訂最適合香港而又符合國際標準的打擊清洗 legislation, the ND will also continue the discussions 黑錢/反恐融資規管架構。 with the DNFBPs to formulate a regulatory framework on AML/CFT that works best for Hong Kong and complies with the international standards.

香港禁毒及反洗黑錢報告書 135 Hong Kong Narcotics and Anti-money Laundering Report 2007-2010 附錄一 : 禁毒常務委員會職權範圍及成員名單 Appendix 1 : Terms of Reference and Membership of the 附錄 Action Committee Against Narcotics (ACAN)

附錄二 : 禁毒常務委員會禁毒教育及宣傳小組委員會職權範圍及成員名單 Appendices Appendix 2 : Terms of Reference and Membership of the ACAN Sub-committee on Preventive Education and Publicity

附錄三 : 禁毒常務委員會戒毒治療及康復小組委員會職權範圍及成員名單 Appendix 3 : Terms of Reference and Membership of the ACAN Sub-committee on Treatment and Rehabilitation

附錄四 : 研究諮詢小組職權範圍及成員名單 Appendix 4 : Terms of Reference and Membership of the Research Advisory Group

附錄五 : 毒品問題聯絡委員會職權範圍及成員名單 Appendix 5 : Terms of Reference and Membership of the Drug Liaison Committee

附錄六 : 禁毒基金會管理委員會職權範圍及成員名單 Appendix 6 : Terms of Reference and Membership of the Governing Committee of the Beat Drugs Fund Association

附錄七 : 禁毒基金會投資小組委員會職權範圍及成員名單 Appendix 7 : Terms of Reference and Membership of the Investment Sub-committee of the Beat Drugs Fund Association

附錄八 : 向藥物濫用資料中央檔案室呈報資料的機構名單 Appendix 8 : List of Central Registry of Drug Abuse (CRDA) Reporting Agencies

附錄九 : 二○○七至二○一○年間委託機構進行與毒品有關的研究 Appendix 9 : Drug-related Researches Commissioned in 2007-2010

附錄十 : 香港戒毒治療及康復服務分級多模式架構 Appendix 10 : A Tiered, Multi-modality Approach of Drug Treatment and Rehabilitation Services in Hong Kong

附錄十一 : 常被吸食的毒品 Appendix 11 : List of Commonly Abused Drugs 附錄一 Appendix 1

禁毒常務委員會職權範圍及成員名單 Terms of Reference and Membership of the Action Committee Against Narcotics (ACAN)

職權範圍 Terms of Reference

向政府建議訂定政策禁止危險藥物 To advise the Government on the policies to be adopted to 非法運入或運經香港,並經常檢討 interdict the illicit traffic in dangerous drugs into and through 1 此等政策。 Hong Kong and to keep these policies under regular review.

向政府建議採取措施根除本港社會的 To advise the Government on the measures necessary to 2 吸毒行為。 eradicate drug abuse from the community.

為達到上述目的,就人力物力的適當 To these ends, to be the channel for advice to the Government 分配問題,向政府提供意見,以確保 on the appropriate allocation of resources to ensure the 3 政府政策得以實施。 implementation of Government’s policies.

確保本港各政府部門和志願機構, To ensure co-ordination and co-operation between 在政策的推行上取得協調和通力 government departments and voluntary agencies in Hong 4 合作,並獲得社會人士的支持。 Kong working towards the implementation of these policies and to enlist public support for them.

經常檢討各政府部門和志願機構 To keep under review programmes and projects being 為推行政府政策而進行的各項計劃 undertaken by government departments and voluntary 5 和工作,並確保此等計劃和工作能 agencies directed at implementing Government’s policies to 有效地進行。 ensure that they are effective.

為使政府政策得以更有效地推行, To draw the attention of the Government to those policies, 凡本委員會認為應予修改的政策、 programmes, projects, laws and procedures which in the 6 計劃、工作、法例和程序,均促請 opinion of the committee should be changed in order to 政府注意。 implement Government’s policies more effectively.

就政府或其他有關方面向本委員會 To advise on any matter referred to it by the Government, or 所提出,直接或間接與推行政府政策 from any other appropriate source, which may be concerned 7 有關的事項,提供意見。 either directly or indirectly with the implementation of Government’s policies.

香港禁毒及反洗黑錢報告書 137 Hong Kong Narcotics and Anti-money Laundering Report 2007-2010 附錄一 Appendix 1

禁毒常務委員會職權範圍及成員名單 Terms of Reference and Membership of the Action Committee Against Narcotics (ACAN)

成員名單(由二○○七年一月一日至二○○八年十二月三十一日) Membership (January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2008)

主席 蔡元雲醫生, SBS, JP Dr Choi Yuen-wan, SBS, JP Chairman

委員會成員 李華明議員, SBS, JP The Hon Fred Li Wah-ming, SBS, JP Committee Members 陳藜生先生 , BH Mr Jacob Chan Lai-sang, BH 陳耀莊先生, BBS, JP Mr Christopher Chan Yiu-chong, BBS, JP

梁魏懋賢女士 , JP Mrs Justina Leung Ngai Mou-yin, JP

龐愛蘭女士 , JP Ms Scarlett Pong Oi-lan, JP

徐明心教授 Professor Tsui Ming-sum

黃成榮博士 Dr Wong Sing-wing

張建良醫生 , MH Dr Ben Cheung Kin-leung, MH

許伯鈞醫生 Dr Hui Pak-kwan

羅乃萱女士, MH, JP Ms Shirley Marie Therese Loo, MH, JP

吳飛洋博士 Dr Miro Ng Fei-yeung

鄧藹霖女士 Ms Amy Blanche Tang Oi-lam

楊耀忠先生, BBS, JP Mr Yeung Yiu-chung, BBS, JP

衞生署署長或其代表 Director of Health or his representative

新加坡中央肅毒局局長 Director, Central Narcotics Bureau of Singapore

禁毒專員 Commissioner for Narcotics

香港禁毒及反洗黑錢報告書 138 Hong Kong Narcotics and Anti-money Laundering Report 2007-2010 附錄一 Appendix 1

禁毒常務委員會職權範圍及成員名單 Terms of Reference and Membership of the Action Committee Against Narcotics (ACAN)

成員名單(由二○○九年一月一日至二○一○年十二月三十一日) Membership (January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2010)

主席 石丹理教授, BBS, JP Professor Daniel Shek Tan-lei, BBS, JP Chairman

委員會成員 李華明議員, SBS, JP The Hon Fred Li Wah-ming, SBS, JP Committee 陳藜生先生 , BH Mr Jacob Chan Lai-sang, BH Members 陳耀莊先生, BBS, JP Mr Christopher Chan Yiu-chong, BBS, JP

鄭志文醫生 Dr Cheng Chi-man

張建良醫生 , MH Dr Ben Cheung Kin-leung, MH

范瑩孫醫生 Dr Susan Fan Yun-sun

許伯鈞醫生 Dr Hui Pak-kwan

梁魏懋賢女士 , JP Mrs Justina Leung Ngai Mou-yin, JP

羅乃萱女士, MH, JP Ms Shirley Marie Therese Loo, MH, JP

吳飛洋博士 Dr Miro Ng Fei-yeung

蕭詠儀女士 , JP Ms Sylvia Siu Wing-yee, JP

蘇麗珍女士 Ms Ann So Lai-chun

鄧藹霖女士 Ms Amy Blanche Tang Oi-lam

徐明心教授 Professor Tsui Ming-sum

邱小菲女士 , JP Ms Sylvia Yau Siu-fee, JP

楊耀忠先生, BBS, JP Mr Yeung Yiu-chung, BBS, JP

新加坡中央肅毒局局長 Director, Central Narcotics Bureau of Singapore

教育局局長或其代表 Secretary for Education or his representative

衞生署署長或其代表 Director of Health or his representative

香港警務處處長或其代表 Commissioner of Police or his representative

社會福利署署長或其代表 Director of Social Welfare or his representative

禁毒專員 Commissioner for Narcotics

香港禁毒及反洗黑錢報告書 139 Hong Kong Narcotics and Anti-money Laundering Report 2007-2010 附錄二 Appendix 2

禁毒常務委員會禁毒教育及宣傳小組委員會職權範圍及成員名單 Terms of Reference and Membership of the ACAN Sub-committee on Preventive Education and Publicity

職權範圍 Terms of Reference

禁毒常務委員會通過全面的禁毒教育和宣傳策略,要旨如下: ACAN has endorsed an overall preventive education and publicity strategy with the following aims:

使社會人士經常關注毒品問題, To keep the drug abuse issue constantly before the public, 1 並改變他們對該問題的態度。 and to change their attitudes to it.

勸喻青年人,特別是最容易受吸毒 To dissuade and prevent young people, particularly those who 風氣影響的青少年,切勿嘗試服用 are most exposed to the risk of drug abuse, from experimenting 2 毒品。 with illicit drugs.

向吸毒人士介紹現有的戒毒設施, To make known the available treatment facilities to existing 並鼓勵他們接受戒毒治療。 drug addicts and to encourage them to come forward for 3 treatment.

使各國知悉本港的禁毒行動、成績和 To keep the international audience aware of our actions, 4 工作目標。 achievements and intentions.

為貫徹上述目標,以及肯定禁毒教育和宣傳活動對本港禁毒工作的重要性,小組委員會的任務如下: Having regard to the above and the importance of preventive education and publicity as an integral part of Hong Kong’s battle against drug abuse:

向禁毒常務委員會提出建議,因應 To make proposals to ACAN in respect of any policy changes 情況的變化修訂政策,以達到上述 required, in the light of changing circumstances, to achieve 1 四項目標。 the four aims.

與禁毒處和政府新聞處合作,策劃 To plan and implement, through the Narcotics Division and the 和推行禁毒常務委員會批准的計劃 Information Services Department, programmes and policies 2 和政策,並監察其進度和成績。 approved by ACAN and to monitor progress and results.

統籌各政府部門和志願機構在禁毒 To co-ordinate programmes and actions undertaken by 教育和宣傳方面的計劃和措施。 government departments and voluntary agencies in the 3 field of preventive education and publicity.

經常檢討個別計劃和禁毒常務委員會 To keep under review the impact and cost-effectiveness of both 在禁毒教育和宣傳方面的整體工作, individual projects and ACAN’s overall preventive education 4 以評定其影響和成本效益。 and publicity efforts.

香港禁毒及反洗黑錢報告書 140 Hong Kong Narcotics and Anti-money Laundering Report 2007-2010 附錄二 Appendix 2

禁毒常務委員會禁毒教育及宣傳小組委員會職權範圍及成員名單 Terms of Reference and Membership of the ACAN Sub-committee on Preventive Education and Publicity

成員名單(由二○○七年一月一日至二○○八年十二月三十一日) Membership (January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2008)

主席 龐愛蘭女士 , JP Ms Scarlett Pong Oi-lan, JP Chairman

委員會成員 李華明議員, SBS, JP The Hon Fred Li Wah-ming, SBS, JP Committee 陳藜生先生 , BH Mr Jacob Chan Lai-sang, BH Members 陳耀莊先生, BBS, JP Mr Christopher Chan Yiu-chong, BBS, JP

許伯鈞醫生 Dr Hui Pak-kwan

羅乃萱女士, MH, JP Ms Shirley Marie Therese Loo, MH, JP

吳飛洋博士 Dr Miro Ng Fei-yeung

何安妮女士, BBS, MH, JP Ms Ho On-nei, BBS, MH, JP

陳家欣小姐 Miss Chan Ka-yan

程慧玲女士 Ms Constance Ching Wai-ling

盧懿行小姐 Miss Loretta Lo Yee-hang

麥黃小珍女士 Mrs Sandra Mak Wong Siu-chun

鍾燕婷女士 Ms Brenda Chung Yin-ting

譚秉源先生 Mr Tam Ping-yuen

曾繁光醫生 Dr David Tsang Fan-kwong

黃偉賢先生 Mr Zachary Wong Wai-yin

殷國榮先生 Mr Edwin Yun Kwok-wing

教育局代表 Representative of Education Bureau

衞生署代表 Representative of Department of Health

香港警務處代表 Representative of Hong Kong Police Force

政府新聞處代表 Representative of Information Services Department

社會福利署代表 Representative of Social Welfare Department

禁毒專員 Commissioner for Narcotics

香港禁毒及反洗黑錢報告書 141 Hong Kong Narcotics and Anti-money Laundering Report 2007-2010 附錄二 Appendix 2

禁毒常務委員會禁毒教育及宣傳小組委員會職權範圍及成員名單 Terms of Reference and Membership of the ACAN Sub-committee on Preventive Education and Publicity

成員名單(由二○○九年一月一日至二○一○年十二月三十一日) Membership (January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2010)

主席 龐愛蘭女士 , JP Ms Scarlett Pong Oi-lan, JP Chairman

委員會成員 李華明議員, SBS, JP The Hon Fred Li Wah-ming, SBS, JP Committee 陳藜生先生 , BH Mr Jacob Chan Lai-sang, BH Members 陳耀莊先生, BBS, JP Mr Christopher Chan Yiu-chong, BBS, JP

鄭銘鳳女士 Ms Jacqueline Cheng Ming-fung

程慧玲女士 Ms Constance Ching Wai-ling

鍾燕婷女士 Ms Brenda Chung Yin-ting

許伯鈞醫生 Dr Hui Pak-kwan

李蝶女士 Ms Grace Li Tip

羅乃萱女士, MH, JP Ms Shirley Marie Therese Loo, MH, JP

吳飛洋博士 Dr Miro Ng Fei-yeung

蘇麗珍女士 Ms Ann So Lai-chun

譚秉源先生 Mr Tam Ping-yuen

鄧振強先生 , MH Mr Teddy Tang Chun-keung, MH

曾繁光醫生 Dr David Tsang Fan-kwong

黃偉賢先生 Mr Zachary Wong Wai-yin

邱小菲女士 , JP Ms Sylvia Yau Siu-fee, JP

殷國榮先生 Mr Edwin Yun Kwok-wing

教育局代表 Representative of Education Bureau

衞生署代表 Representative of Department of Health

香港警務處代表 Representative of Hong Kong Police Force

政府新聞處代表 Representative of Information Services Department

社會福利署代表 Representative of Social Welfare Department

禁毒專員 Commissioner for Narcotics

香港禁毒及反洗黑錢報告書 142 Hong Kong Narcotics and Anti-money Laundering Report 2007-2010 附錄三 Appendix 3

禁毒常務委員會戒毒治療及康復小組委員會職權範圍及成員名單 Terms of Reference and Membership of the ACAN Sub-committee on Treatment and Rehabilitation

職權範圍 Terms of Reference

就下列事項向禁毒常務委員會提出建議: To make recommendations to ACAN on: 1 吸毒人士的戒毒治療和康復服務。 The treatment and rehabilitation of drug abusers.

政府部門和志願機構建議就戒毒治療 Proposals for the development, expansion, and/or 和康復服務方面的法例和計劃所進行 modification and co-ordination of treatment and rehabilitation 2 的發展、擴展、修訂和統籌工作。 legislation and programmes, whether undertaken by the government departments or voluntary agencies.

有關戒毒治療和康復服務的研究 Research activities relating to treatment and rehabilitation. 3 工作。

香港禁毒及反洗黑錢報告書 143 Hong Kong Narcotics and Anti-money Laundering Report 2007-2010 附錄三 Appendix 3

禁毒常務委員會戒毒治療及康復小組委員會職權範圍及成員名單 Terms of Reference and Membership of the ACAN Sub-committee on Treatment and Rehabilitation

成員名單(由二○○七年一月一日至二○○八年十二月三十一日) Membership (January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2008)

主席 張建良醫生 , MH Dr Ben Cheung Kin-leung, MH Chairman

委員會成員 鄭振華牧師 Rev Sam Cheng Chun-wah Committee Members 張大衛先生 Mr David Cheung

馮國培教授 Professor Fung Kwok-pui

梁子超醫生 Dr Leung Chi-chiu

崔碧珊女士 Ms Jane Tsuei Pik-shan

黃永輝先生 Mr Wong Wing-fai

陳玉麟醫生 Dr Ronald Chen Yuk-lun

鄭志文醫生 Dr Cheng Chi-man

范瑩孫醫生 Dr Susan Fan Yun-sun

郭乃揚先生 Mr Kwok Nai-yeung

李惠儀女士 Ms Cherry Lee Wai-yee

盧寶星先生 Mr Paul Lo Po-sing

曾開恒先生 Mr Paul Tsang Hoi-hang

徐明心教授 Professor Tsui Ming-sum

梁魏懋賢女士 , JP Mrs Justina Leung Ngai Mou-yin, JP

楊耀忠先生, BBS, JP Mr Yeung Yiu-chung, BBS, JP

衞生署代表 Representative of Department of Health

醫院管理局代表 Representative of Hospital Authority

社會福利署代表 Representative of Social Welfare Department

懲教署代表 Representative of Correctional Services Department

禁毒專員 Commissioner for Narcotics

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禁毒常務委員會戒毒治療及康復小組委員會職權範圍及成員名單 Terms of Reference and Membership of the ACAN Sub-committee on Treatment and Rehabilitation

成員名單(由二○○九年一月一日至二○一○年十二月三十一日) Membership (January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2010)

主席 張建良醫生 , MH Dr Ben Cheung Kin-leung, MH Chairman

委員會成員 陳藜生先生 , BH Mr Jacob Chan Lai-sang, BH Committee 陳榮亮博士 Dr Chan Wing-leung Members 陳玉麟醫生 Dr Ronald Chen Yuk-lun

鄭志文醫生 Dr Cheng Chi-man

鄭振華牧師 Rev Sam Cheng Chun-wah

鄭惠卿女士 Ms Elisa Cheng Wai-hing

鄭慧婷教授 Professor Nicole Cheung Wai-ting

趙錫河醫生 Dr Chiu Sik-ho

何麗詩女士 Ms Jacqueline Ho

郭乃揚先生 Mr Kwok Nai-yeung

林國強先生 Mr Lam Kwok-keung

梁魏懋賢女士 , JP Mrs Justina Leung Ngai Mou-yin, JP

盧寶星先生 Mr Paul Lo Po-sing

麥偉強先生 Mr Alfred Mak Wai-keung

曾開恆先生 Mr Paul Tsang Hoi-hang

徐明心教授 Professor Tsui Ming-sum

黃永輝先生 Mr Samuel Wong Wing-fai

楊耀忠先生, BBS, JP Mr Yeung Yiu-chung, BBS, JP

衞生署代表 Representative of Department of Health

醫院管理局代表 Representative of Hospital Authority

社會福利署代表 Representative of Social Welfare Department

懲教署代表 Representative of Correctional Services Department

禁毒專員 Commissioner for Narcotics

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研究諮詢小組職權範圍及成員名單 Terms of Reference and Membership of the Research Advisory Group

職權範圍 Terms of Reference

選定和進行各項與藥物問題有關的 To identify and conduct research projects in various 研究項目,使政府及禁毒常務委員會 drug-related areas which could provide insights for the 1 對問題有更深入的了解,從而制訂 Government and ACAN to formulate the appropriate 適當的策略。 strategies.

就禁毒處管理的各個相關呈報系統, To provide expert views on data collection mechanism, 提供相關的數據收集機制、資訊分析 information analysis and interpretative angles for related 2 及詮釋角度等方面的專業意見。 reporting systems operated by Narcotics Division.

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研究諮詢小組職權範圍及成員名單 Terms of Reference and Membership of the Research Advisory Group

成員名單(由二○○五年七月一日至二○○七年六月三十日) Membership (July 1, 2005 to June 30, 2007)

召集人 石丹理教授, BBS, JP Professor Daniel Shek Tan-lei, BBS, JP Convener

核心成員 陳麗雲教授 , JP Professor Cecilia Chan, JP Core Members 張越華教授 Professor Cheung Yuet-wah

李德誠教授 Professor Dominic Lee

李烱前教授 , JP Professor Kenneth Lee Kwing-chin, JP

郭乃揚先生 Mr Kwok Nai-yeung

政府化驗所代表 Representative of Government Laboratory

禁毒專員 Commissioner for Narcotics

非核心成員 徐曉露女士(禁毒處) Miss Winnie Chui (Narcotics Division) Non-core Members 陳美冰女士(保安局) Ms Cecilia Chan (Security Bureau)

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研究諮詢小組職權範圍及成員名單 Terms of Reference and Membership of the Research Advisory Group

成員名單(由二○○七年七月一日至二○○九年六月三十日) Membership (July 1, 2007 to June 30, 2009)

召集人 石丹理教授, BBS, JP Professor Daniel Shek Tan-lei, BBS, JP Convener

核心成員 張越華教授 , MH Professor Cheung Yuet-wah, MH Core Members 李德誠教授 Professor Dominic Lee

李烱前教授 , JP Professor Kenneth Lee Kwing-chin, JP

郭乃揚先生 Mr Kwok Nai-yeung

范瑩孫醫生 Dr Susan Fan Yun-sun

徐明心教授 Professor Tsui Ming-sum

政府化驗所代表 Representative of Government Laboratory

禁毒專員 Commissioner for Narcotics

非核心成員 劉理茵女士(禁毒處) Ms Candy Lau (Narcotics Division) Non-core Members 葉敏球先生(保安局) Mr Peter Ip (Security Bureau)

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研究諮詢小組職權範圍及成員名單 Terms of Reference and Membership of the Research Advisory Group

成員名單(由二○○九年七月一日至二○一一年六月三十日) Membership (July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2011)

召集人 張越華教授 , MH Professor Cheung Yuet-wah, MH Convener

核心成員 郭乃揚先生 Mr Kwok Nai-yeung Core Members 李烱前教授 , JP Professor Kenneth Lee Kwing-chin, JP (至二○一○年七月三十一日止) (up to July 31, 2010)

侯傑泰教授, JP, MH Professor Hau Kit-tai, JP, MH

范瑩孫醫生 Dr Susan Fan Yun-sun

徐明心教授 Professor Tsui Ming-sum

陳玉麟醫生 Dr Ronald Chen Yuk-lun

政府化驗所代表 Representative of Government Laboratory

禁毒專員 Commissioner for Narcotics

非核心成員 黃福來先生(禁毒處) Mr David Wong (Narcotics Division) Non-core Members 袁嘉諾先生(禁毒處) Mr Enoch Yuen (Narcotics Division)

葉敏球先生(保安局) Mr Peter Ip (Security Bureau)

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毒品問題聯絡委員會職權範圍及成員名單 Terms of Reference and Membership of the Drug Liaison Committee

職權範圍 Terms of Reference

提供討論渠導,讓禁毒專員與從事緩減毒品 To provide a regular forum for the exchange of views between 需求工作的機構可定期交換意見。 the Commissioner for Narcotics and agencies involved in drug demand reduction activities.

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毒品問題聯絡委員會職權範圍及成員名單 Terms of Reference and Membership of the Drug Liaison Committee

成員名單 Membership

主席 禁毒專員 Commissioner for Narcotics Chairman

委員會成員包括下列機構代表: Committee members include representatives from:

濫用精神藥物者 明愛容圃中心 Caritas HUGS Centre 輔導中心: (自二○○七年六月) (since June 2007) Counselling Centres 基督教香港信義會天朗中心 Evangelical Lutheran Church Hong Kong, Enlighten Centre for Psychotropic (自二○○八年十一月) (since November 2008) Substance Abusers: 香港基督教服務處PS 33 Hong Kong Christian Service PS 33 (自二○○七年六月) (since June 2007)

香港路德會社會服務處 Hong Kong Lutheran Social Service

香港聖公會福利協會新念坊 Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council Neo-Horizon (自二○○八年十一月) (since November 2008)

東華三院越峰成長中心 Tung Wah Group of Hospitals CROSS Centre (自二○○七年六月) (since June 2007)

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毒品問題聯絡委員會職權範圍及成員名單 Terms of Reference and Membership of the Drug Liaison Committee

成員名單 Membership

戒毒治療及康復中心: 基督教巴拿巴愛心服務團 Barnabas Charitable Service Association Drug treatment 明愛黃耀南中心 Caritas Wong Yiu Nam Centre and rehabilitation centres: 基督教得生團契 Christian New Being Fellowship 基督教新生協會 Christian New Life Association

基督教正生會 Christian Zheng Sheng Association

Drug Addicts Counselling and Rehabilitation Services 得基輔康會 (DACARS)

基督教信義會 The Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Mission Ling Oi Centre 芬蘭差會靈愛中心

榮頌團契 Glorious Praise Fellowship

香港基督教服務處賽馬會 Hong Kong Christian Service Jockey Club 日出山莊 Lodge of the Rising Sun (自二○○七年六月) (since June 2007)

方舟行動 Mission Ark (自二○○七年六月) (since June 2007)

香港晨曦會 Operation Dawn

全備團契 Perfect Fellowship

香港戒毒會 The Society for the Aid and Rehabilitation of Drug Abusers

香港善導會 The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong

聖士提反會 St. Stephen's Society

基督教互愛中心 Wu Oi Christian Centre

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毒品問題聯絡委員會職權範圍及成員名單 Terms of Reference and Membership of the Drug Liaison Committee

成員名單 Membership

其他非政府機構: 禁毒專業聯盟 Alliance of Anti-Drug Abuse Professionals Limited Other non- (自二○○七年六月) (since June 2007) governmental 社區藥物教育輔導會 Community Drug Advisory Council organisations: 明愛樂協會 Caritas Lok Heep Club

香港社會服務聯會 The Hong Kong Council of Social Service

啟勵扶青會 KELY Support Group

生活教育計劃 Life Education Activity Programme (LEAP)

地區青少年外展社會工作 Network on District Youth Outreaching 網絡會議 Social Work Service (自二○○九年五月) (since May 2009)

香港培康聯會 Pui Hong Self-Help Association

東華三院 Tung Wah Group of Hospitals (自二○○七年六月) (since June 2007)

青少年深宵外展服務 Committee on Young Night Drifters Service 聯席會議 (since May 2009) (自二○○九年五月)

有關政府部門和 衞生署 Department of Health 公共機構: Related government 醫院管理局 Hospital Authority departments and public bodies: 社會福利署 Social Welfare Department

香港禁毒及反洗黑錢報告書 153 Hong Kong Narcotics and Anti-money Laundering Report 2007-2010 附錄六 Appendix 6

禁毒基金會管理委員會職權範圍及成員名單 Terms of Reference and Membership of the Governing Committee of the Beat Drugs Fund Association

職權範圍 Terms of Reference

監察禁毒基金的管理和投資事宜。 To oversee the administration and investment of the Beat 1 Drugs Fund. 2 審議向基金會提出的撥款申請。 To consider applications for financial support from the Fund.

考慮禁毒常務委員會的建議,釐定 To decide on the grants having regard to the recommendations 3 撥款金額。 by the ACAN.

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禁毒基金會管理委員會職權範圍及成員名單 Terms of Reference and Membership of the Governing Committee of the Beat Drugs Fund Association

成員名單(由二○○七年一月一日至二○一○年六月三十日) Membership (January 1, 2007 to June 30, 2010)

主席 保安局常任秘書長 Permanent Secretary for Security Chairman

委員會成員 陳茂波議員,MH, JP The Hon Paul Chan Mo-po, MH, JP Committee 石丹理教授, BBS, JP Professor Daniel Shek Tan-lei, BBS, JP Members 葉國謙議員, GBS, JP The Hon Ip Kwok-him, GBS, JP

庫務署署長 Director of Accounting Services

禁毒專員 Commissioner for Narcotics

香港禁毒及反洗黑錢報告書 155 Hong Kong Narcotics and Anti-money Laundering Report 2007-2010 附錄六 Appendix 6

禁毒基金會管理委員會職權範圍及成員名單 Terms of Reference and Membership of the Governing Committee of the Beat Drugs Fund Association

成員名單(由二○一○年七月一日至二○一二年六月三十日) Membership (July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2012)

主席 保安局常任秘書長 Permanent Secretary for Security Chairman

委員會成員 葉國謙議員, GBS, JP The Hon Ip Kwok-him, GBS, JP Committee 李大拔教授 Professor Albert Lee Members 范瑩孫醫生 Dr Susan Fan Yun-sun

羅君美女士, MH, JP Ms Elizabeth Law, MH, JP

黃錦星先生 Mr Wong Kam-sing

教育局局長或其代表 Representative of the Secretary for Education

社會福利署署長或其代表 Representative of the Director of Social Welfare

庫務署署長 Director of Accounting Services

禁毒專員 Commissioner for Narcotics

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禁毒基金會投資小組委員會職權範圍及成員名單 Terms of Reference and Membership of the Investment Sub-committee of the Beat Drugs Fund Association

職權範圍 Terms of Reference

向基金會管理委員會建議適當的投資 To advise the Governing Committee on an appropriate 1 策略。 investment strategy for the Association.

在基金會管理委員會同意的投資策略 Within the investment strategy approved by the Governing 下,籌劃投資及運用資金的建議書。 Committee, to formulate proposals for the acquisition and 2 disposal of investments.

向基金會管理委員會建議聘請投資 To recommend to the Governing Committee the appointment 經理及建議聘任條件。 of external investment managers and the terms and conditions 3 of their appointment.

監督投資經理的工作進展及確保他們 To monitor the performance of external investment managers 遵守指引中的規定。 when appointed and to ensure that the guidelines laid down 4 for them are observed.

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禁毒基金會投資小組委員會職權範圍及成員名單 Terms of Reference and Membership of the Investment Sub-committee of the Beat Drugs Fund Association

成員名單 Membership

主席 庫務署署長 Director of Accounting Services Chairman

委員會成員 陳曉燕女士 Ms Yvonne Chan Hiu-yin Committee (由二○○七年四月一日起) (from April 1, 2007) Members 陳茂波議員,MH, JP The Hon Paul Chan Mo-po, MH, JP (至二○○九年三月三十一日止) (up to March 31, 2009)

陳國威先生 Mr Patrick Chan Kwok-wai (由二○○八年十一月一日起) (from November 1, 2008)

何家景先生 Mr Anthony Ho Ka-king (至二○○七年三月三十一日止) (up to March 31, 2007)

鄺志強先生 Mr Gordon Kwong Che-keung (由二○○八年一月一日至 (from January 1, 2008 to June 27, 2008) 二○○八年六月二十七日止)

利子厚先生 Mr Michael Lee Tze-hau (由二○○八年一月一日起) (from January 1, 2008)

雷賢達先生 Mr David Lui Yin-tat (至二○○七年三月三十一日止) (up to March 31, 2007)

譚炳勝先生 Mr Tam Ping-shing

楊志偉先生 Mr Edwin Yeung Chi-wai (由二○○九年四月一日起) (from April 1, 2009)

禁毒專員 Commissioner for Narcotics

香港禁毒及反洗黑錢報告書 158 Hong Kong Narcotics and Anti-money Laundering Report 2007-2010 附錄八 Appendix 8

向藥物濫用資料中央檔案室呈報資料的機構名單 List of Central Registry of Drug Abuse (CRDA) Reporting Agencies

機構名稱 Name of agency

1 香港仔街坊福利會社會服務中心 Aberdeen Kai-fong Welfare Association Social Service Centre

2 浸會愛群社會服務處 Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service

3 基督教巴拿巴愛心服務團有限公司 Barnabas Charitable Service Association Limited

4 嘉諾撒醫院 Canossa Hospital (Caritas)

5 香港明愛 Caritas – Hong Kong

6 基督教家庭服務中心 Christian Family Service Centre

7 基督教正生會有限公司 Christian Zheng Sheng Association Limited

8 珠海學院 Chu Hai Post Secondary College

9 香港城市大學 City University of Hong Kong

10 懲教署 Correctional Services Department

11 香港海關 Customs and Excise Department

12 得基輔康會有限公司 DACARS, Limited

13 衞生署 Department of Health

14 教育局 Education Bureau

15 播道醫院 Evangel Hospital

16 香港港安醫院 Hong Kong Adventist Hospital

17 香港浸信會醫院 Hong Kong Baptist Hospital

18 香港浸會大學 Hong Kong Baptist University

19 港中醫院 Hong Kong Central Hospital

20 香港青少年服務處 Hong Kong Children & Youth Services

21 香港基督教服務處 Hong Kong Christian Service

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向藥物濫用資料中央檔案室呈報資料的機構名單 List of Central Registry of Drug Abuse (CRDA) Reporting Agencies

機構名稱 Name of agency

22 香港家庭福利會 Hong Kong Family Welfare Society

23 香港路德會社會服務處 Hong Kong Lutheran Social Service

24 香港遊樂場協會 Hong Kong Playground Association

25 香港警務處 Hong Kong Police Force

26 香港養和醫院有限公司 Hong Kong Sanatorium and Hospital Limited

27 香港基督教女青年會 Hong Kong Young Women’s Christian Association

28 醫院管理局 Hospital Authority

29 香港國際社會服務社 International Social Service Hong Kong Branch

30 啟勵扶青會 KELY Support Group

31 基督教信義會芬蘭差會靈愛中心 Ling Oi Centre, Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Mission

32 嶺南大學 Lingnan University

33 明德醫院 Matilda and War Memorial Hospital

34 循道愛華村服務中心 Methodist Epworth Village Community Centre

35 香港晨曦會 Operation Dawn Limited

36 寶血醫院(明愛) Precious Blood Hospital (Caritas)

37 社會褔利署 Social Welfare Department

38 聖雅各福群會 St. James’ Settlement

39 聖保祿醫院 St. Paul’s Hospital

40 聖士提反會 St. Stephen’s Society

41 聖德肋撒醫院 St. Teresa’s Hospital

42 香港神託會 Stewards Limited

43 香港小童群益會 The Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong

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向藥物濫用資料中央檔案室呈報資料的機構名單 List of Central Registry of Drug Abuse (CRDA) Reporting Agencies

機構名稱 Name of agency

44 香港基督少年軍 The Boys’ Brigade, Hong Kong

45 香港中文大學 The Chinese University of Hong Kong

46 香港中華基督教青年會 The Chinese Young Men’s Christian Association of Hong Kong

47 基督教得生團契有限公司 The Christian New Being Fellowship Limited

48 香港基督教協基會有限公司 The Church of United Brethren in Christ Hong Kong Limited

49 基督教香港信義會 The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hong Kong

50 香港社會服務聯會 The Hong Kong Council of Social Service

51 香港青年協會 The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups

52 香港教育學院 The Hong Kong Institute of Education

53 香港醫學會 The Hong Kong Medical Association

54 香港理工大學 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

55 香港科技大學 The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

56 鄰舍輔導會 The Neighbourhood Advice-Action Council

57 救世軍 The Salvation Army

58 香港戒毒會 The Society for the Aid and Rehabilitation of Drug Abusers

59 香港善導會 The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong

60 香港大學 The University of Hong Kong

61 荃灣港安醫院 Tsuen Wan Adventist Hospital

62 沙田國際醫務中心仁安醫院 Sha Tin International Medical Centre Union Hospital

63 職業訓練局 Vocational Training Council

64 基督教互愛中心 Wu Oi Christian Centre

65 仁愛堂有限公司 Yan Oi Tong Limited

香港禁毒及反洗黑錢報告書 161 Hong Kong Narcotics and Anti-money Laundering Report 2007-2010 附錄九 Appendix 9

二○○七至二○一○年間委託機構進行與毒品有關的研究 Drug-related Researches Commissioned in 2007-2010

截至二○一○年 開始年份 年底的進展情況 課題 目標 Year of Status as Title Objectives Initiation at end 2010

吸食毒品的整體趨勢 General Drug Abuse Trend

香港濫用可卡因情況  研究香港吸食可卡因人士在人口及心理上的 二○○七 完成 1 研究 特徵,並綜合分析其吸食可卡因的後果與 2007 Completed Study of cocaine 個人及社會的關係。 abuse in Hong Kong To examine the demographic and psychological characteristics of cocaine abusers in Hong Kong and consolidate the consequences of cocaine abuse in their personal and social contexts.

 分析香港吸食可卡因的最新趨勢,包括其 社會背景、與其他國家吸食可卡因趨勢的 關係及對本地戒毒治療與康復服務所牽連的 影響。 To analyse the latest trend of cocaine abuse in Hong Kong, including its social background, connections with overseas trends, implications on local drug treatment and rehabilitation service etc.

利用現有及最新的  研究新界東及新界西區吸食毒品之模式。 二○○七 進行中 化驗技術研究新界東 To investigate the patterns of drug abuse in 2007 On-going 2 及新界西區濫用藥物 the New Territories East and West regions of 之模式 Hong Kong. Study of patterns of  比較現有及最新偵測毒品的技術。 drugs of abuse in New Compare the difference between existing Territories East and and new technologies for detection of illicit West Cluster Drug of drugs. Abuse Clinic using conventional and new technologies

香港吸毒人口普遍率  參考世界各國廣泛採用估算吸毒人口定義, 二○一○ 進行中 3 估算方法檢討 建議一套符合國際標準,並適用於香港估算 2010 On-going A review of estimation 吸毒人口的方法。 methods on To review the definitions of drug abusers prevalence of drug adopted worldwide and recommend the abuse population in most suitable definition(s) in the context of Hong Kong Hong Kong with reference to international criteria.

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二○○七至二○一○年間委託機構進行與毒品有關的研究 Drug-related Researches Commissioned in 2007-2010

截至二○一○年 開始年份 年底的進展情況 課題 目標 Year of Status as Title Objectives Initiation at end 2010

吸毒人士的特性 Characteristics of Drug Abusers

濫用危害精神毒品對  以一組選定的吸毒者,研究長期吸食危害 二○○八 進行中 香港社會經濟狀況及 精神毒品對他們的有害影響。 2008 On-going 4 健康的影響 – To study the long-term harmful effects of 一個縱貫性研究 abusing psychotropic substances in a group Socioeconomic and of identified drug abusers. health impacts of  檢討及分析現有的戒毒治療和康復服務。 psychoactive drug To review and analyse the existing treatment abuse in Hong Kong — and rehabilitation. A longitudinal study  評估吸毒對社會的經濟打擊。 To assess the economic impact of drug abuse to the society.

跨國主義與吸毒:  找出香港尼泊爾吸毒者在香港和尼泊爾的 二○○九 進行中 香港尼泊爾吸毒人士 吸毒歷史。 2009 On-going 5 的研究 To find out the drug abuse history of Hong Transnationalism and Kong Nepalese drug abusers in both Hong drug abuse: Kong and Nepal. A study on the  了解他們的社會文化經歷和自覺的吸毒 Nepalese drug abusers 功能。 in Hong Kong To understand their socio-cultural experience and their perceived functional reasons for drug abuse.

 了解他們在香港和尼泊爾尋求有關吸毒服務 的形態。 To identify their pattern of use of drug-related services in both Hong Kong and Nepal.

香港「待業待學  識別「待業待學青少年」(特別是吸毒者)的 二○一○ 進行中 青少年」吸毒情況和 社會特徵及行為。 2010 On-going 6 服務需求研究 To identify socio-demographic profiles, Study of the drug behaviors and characteristics of non-engaged abuse situation and youth in general, with special focus on drug service needs of abusers. non-engaged youth  研究「待業待學青少年」吸毒行為,誘因及 in Hong Kong 相關因素。 To investigate the risk and protective factors on drug taking behaviors of non-engaged youth.

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二○○七至二○一○年間委託機構進行與毒品有關的研究 Drug-related Researches Commissioned in 2007-2010

截至二○一○年 開始年份 年底的進展情況 課題 目標 Year of Status as Title Objectives Initiation at end 2010

戒毒治療和康復 Treatment and Rehabilitation

針刺療法治療海洛英  審 閱 有 關 文 獻, 藉 以 評 估 針 刺 療 法 治 療 二○○五 完成 7 依賴整合性分析 海洛英依賴的成效及安全性,同時亦找出 2005 Completed Meta-analysis of 這類療法最常用的穴位及推拿方法等。 acupuncture therapy To evaluate the efficacy and safety of in treatment of heroin acupuncture therapy by reviewing the dependence — clinical trials adopted acupuncture therapy a systematic review of in the treatment of heroin dependence in randomised evidence the literature. The most commonly used acu-points and manipulation methods were also identified.

中藥近期及遠期脫毒  評定中藥在治療退毒症狀的成效及安全性。 二○○七 完成 8 療效的整合性分析 To assess the efficacy and safety of Chinese 2007 Completed Short-term and herbal medicine in the treatment of drug long-term effects withdrawal symptoms. of Chinese herbal  比較中西藥的成效及安全性。 medicine in drug To compare the efficacy and safety of detoxification - A Chinese herbal medicine with Western series of meta-analysis medications.

 有系統地評定中藥在脫毒及康復治療上的 質素。 To systematically assess the quality of trials on treatment of drug detoxification and rehabilitation with Chinese herbal medicine.

氯胺酮對泌尿系統  評估服用氯胺酮後的泌尿徵狀及嚴重性。 二○○九 進行中 9 損害的研究 To assess the severity of urological symptoms 2009 On-going Research on urological associated with ketamine. sequelae of ketamine  評估服用氯胺酮的併發症。 abuse To evaluate the complications associated with ketamine abuse.

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二○○七至二○一○年間委託機構進行與毒品有關的研究 Drug-related Researches Commissioned in 2007-2010

截至二○一○年 開始年份 年底的進展情況 課題 目標 Year of Status as Title Objectives Initiation at end 2010

香港青少年吸毒者的  研究香港青少年吸毒者的攝食及體重狀況。 二○○九 進行中 攝食及體重狀況– To investigate the dietary intake and body 2009 On-going 10 改善戒毒服務的 weight status of adolescent drug abusers in 探索性研究 Hong Kong. The dietary intake  研究不同種類危害精神毒品對攝食及體重 and body weight 狀況的影響。 status of adolescent To examine the effect of different types of psychotropic psychotropic substance abusing on dietary substance abusers in intake and body weight status. Hong Kong — an explorative study for improving drugs rehabilitation programme

氯胺酮使用者之  找出100名主要吸食氯胺酮的吸毒人士的 二○一○ 進行中 精神病及認知障礙 精 神 病(精 神 障 礙、 情 緒 障 礙 和 焦 慮 症) 2010 On-going 11 研究 患病率及其他相關要素,再與100名健康 Psychiatric 人士及100名吸食多類毒品人士作比較 。 comorbidity and To ascertain the prevalence and correlates of cognitive dysfunction psychiatric comorbidity (psychotic disorders, in primarily ketamine mood disorders and anxiety disorders) in users — 100 primarily ketamine users, in comparison a closer look to 100 ketamine poly-drug users and 100 healthy youth.

 將主要吸食氯胺酮的吸毒人士的認知能力與 健康人士及吸食多類毒品人士作比較 。 To evaluate cognitive function in primarily ketamine users, in comparison to the ketamine poly-drug group and healthy youth.

香港禁毒及反洗黑錢報告書 165 Hong Kong Narcotics and Anti-money Laundering Report 2007-2010 附錄九 Appendix 9

二○○七至二○一○年間委託機構進行與毒品有關的研究 Drug-related Researches Commissioned in 2007-2010

截至二○一○年 開始年份 年底的進展情況 課題 目標 Year of Status as Title Objectives Initiation at end 2010

濫藥對青少年膀胱  研究曾吸食氯胺酮的青少年之泌尿症狀及 二○一○ 進行中 功能及精神情緒之 相關對生活質量的影響。 2010 On-going 12 影響 To study the urinary symptoms and the Prospective associated impact on quality of life in observational study adolescents with history of ketamine misuse. of urinary symptoms,  研究曾吸食氯胺酮的青少年之尿中炎症 sexual behaviours and 標誌物的含量。 psychiatric symptoms To study the urinary level of inflammation in ketamine misusers biomarkers among ketamine users.

 評估曾吸食氯胺酮的青少年的性態度。 To evaluate the sexual attitude in adolescents with history of ketamine misuse.

 研究曾吸食氯胺酮的青少年的精神與心理 狀況。 To study the psychological status of adolescent with history of ketamine misuse.

青年人使用氯胺酮後  評估使用氯胺酮的吸食劑量、頻率及吸食 二○一○ 進行中 對下尿路症狀及 年期對下尿路功能的影響。 2010 On-going 13 尿液中生化標記的 To determine the relative risk of dosage, 變化和影響 frequency of ingestion and duration of Clinical profile of ketamine use for changes in lower urinary lower urinary tract tract function. changes and urinary  評估尿液中生化標記與膀胱功能改變的 marker measurements 相互關係。 in young adults using To evaluate the utility of urinary markers ketamine to correlate with the degree of bladder changes.

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二○○七至二○一○年間委託機構進行與毒品有關的研究 Drug-related Researches Commissioned in 2007-2010

截至二○一○年 開始年份 年底的進展情況 課題 目標 Year of Status as Title Objectives Initiation at end 2010

預防教育和宣傳 Preventive Education and Publicity

動員家長參與禁毒  評估家長參與現有禁毒活動的程度,並研究 二○○六 完成 14 工作的研究 能夠鼓勵家長參與的因素。 2006 Completed Engagement of To assess the extent of parents involvement parents in anti-drug in existing drug prevention activities and work to study factors that motivate/discourage parents from being involved.

 設計及推行能有效鼓勵家長參與的禁毒 活動,並整合有關經驗和文件以評估成效。 To develop and implement preventive and education programmes that may effectively encourage participation of parents and consolidate relevant experience and documents and evaluate their effectiveness.

二○○八/○九年學生  收集本港小學四年級至學位課程的全日制 二○○八 完成 15 服用藥物情況調查 青少年學生吸毒的模式、對毒品的認識和 2008 Completed The 2008/09 survey 態度及在面對毒品的風險等的最新資料。 of drug use among To obtain latest information about the drug students abuse pattern, knowledge and attitudes towards drug abuse, exposure to the risk of drugs among full-time adolescent students from primary four to undergraduate level in Hong Kong.

消除高危青少年對  識別高危青少年對危害精神毒品的誤解。 二○○八 進行中 危害精神毒品誤解 Identify at-risk youth’s misunderstandings 2008 On-going 16 的有效方法 about psychotropic substances that are Effective ways relevant to the youth’s psychotropic to dispel substances abuse. misunderstandings  研究消除高危青少年對危害精神毒品誤解的 about psychotropic 方法之成效,從而減少青少年吸食危害精神 substances in youth 毒品。 at risk for drug abuse Investigate the effectiveness of ways to problems dispel at-risk youth’s misunderstandings and thereby reduce the youth’s psychotropic substance abuse.

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二○○七至二○一○年間委託機構進行與毒品有關的研究 Drug-related Researches Commissioned in 2007-2010

截至二○一○年 開始年份 年底的進展情況 課題 目標 Year of Status as Title Objectives Initiation at end 2010

其他 Others

長期吸食氯胺酮與  應用功能性磁力共振及磁力共振光譜分析 二○○八 進行中 神經細胞凋亡在 檢測吸食氯胺酮模型中食蟹猴的大腦皮層及 2008 On-going 17 食蟹猴與小鼠中的 皮層下腦區的神經元的活動及代謝。 研究 To test neuronal activities and metabolism Long-term ketamine in cortical and subcortical brain areas in abuse and apoptosis ketamine abuse monkeys by using functional in Cynomologus magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and monkeys and mice magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS).

 分析吸食氯胺酮濫用模型中食蟹猴及小鼠的 前額葉皮質中促凋亡因數及抗凋亡因數的 蛋白水平。 To investigate protein levels of pro-apoptotic and anti-apoptotic in the prefrontal lobe of ketamine abuse models (monkeys and mice).

氯胺酮及酒精對小鼠  紀錄長期服用氯胺酮及酒精對年輕成年老鼠 二○一○ 進行中 18 的影響(研究與教育) 內臟的損害。 2010 On-going The detrimental To document the detrimental effects of effects of long-term long-term uses of ketamine with alcohol on ketamine with alcohol internal organs in young adult mice. abuses in mice and its use in an educational  用上述的科學依據教育青少年有關長期服用 program 氯胺酮(或與酒精結合服用)的禍害。 To bring this scientifically based information of detrimental effects of ketamine alone or combined with alcohol to youngsters in an educational program.

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香港戒毒治療及康復服務分級多模式架構 A Tiered, Multi-modality Approach of Drug Treatment and Rehabilitation Services in Hong Kong

第一級: 第二級: 初步接觸、辨識及評估的一般基本服務 以社區為本的第一線有系統戒毒治療及康復專門服務 Tier 1: Tier 2: Generic, primary services for open access, First line of structured, specialised drug treatment identification and assessment and rehabilitation services, community based

戒毒治療及康復中心的 續顧服務 Aftercare Services of DTRCs 樂協會的續顧服務 濫藥者輔導中心的 Aftercare Services of 戒毒治療及康復中心 續顧服務 Aftercare Services of Lok Heep Club (包括中途宿舍) DTRCs (including Halfway Houses) CCPSAs

為青少年而設的職業 訓練和特定計劃 樂協會 濫藥者輔導中心 Vocational Training, Lok Heep Club CCPSAs and Specialised 地區青少年外展社會 Programmes for 工作隊/青少年深宵 與濫藥者輔導 綜合青少年 the Youth 外展服務隊 濫藥者 中心合作的醫生 服務中心/ YOTs / YNDs 輔導中心 Doctors Partnered 兒童及青年中心 CCPSAs with CCPSAs 公立醫院 ICYSCs / CYCs Public 家庭醫生 家人及朋友 社區 Hospitals Family 為青少年而設 Family and Friends In the Community Doctors 的就業服務和 物質誤用診所 美沙酮治療計劃 的續顧服務 特定計劃 綜合家庭服務中心 SACs Employment Aftercare IFSCs 醫護機構 普通科門診 Services of MTP Services and In 診療所/ 美沙酮治療計劃 Specialised Healthcare 急症室 MTP Programmes for 警察學校聯絡主任 Police School Liaison GOPC / 私家醫院 the Youth Setting Officers 學校 A&E 公立醫院 Private In School 專科診所 Hospitals 教師 Setting Specialist 為戒毒治 Clinics in Public Teachers 刑事法律制度 學生健康服務 療及康復 Hospitals 中心的學 In Criminal SHS 學校社工/學生輔導人員 齡戒毒者 Justice Setting School Social Workers / 專科私家醫生 開辦的教 感化制度 Student Guidance Specialist Private 育課程 Probation Personnel Doctors Educational 警司警誡計劃/ System 群育學校 Programmes 社區支援服務計劃 SSDs for School-aged PSDS / CSSS DTRC Residents 感化制度 Probation System 感化制度 Probation 更生中心、 主流學校 System 戒毒所 勞教中心和教導所 年輕罪犯監獄 Mainstream DATC Rehabilitation, Prisons for Young Schools Detention and Training Offenders Centres

出院後的法定監管 Post-institutional Statutory Supervision

第三級: 第四級: 更專門的住院戒毒治療及康復服務 重返社會及續顧服務 Tier 3: Tier 4: More specialised treatment and rehabilitation Reintegration and aftercare services services in residential setting

香港禁毒及反洗黑錢報告書 169 Hong Kong Narcotics and Anti-money Laundering Report 2007-2010 附錄十 Appendix 10

香港戒毒治療及康復服務分級多模式架構 A Tiered, Multi-modality Approach of Drug Treatment and Rehabilitation Services in Hong Kong

縮寫 Abbreviations

A&E 急症室 Accident and Emergency Unit

CCPSA 濫藥者輔導中心 Counselling Centre for Psychotropic Substance Abusers

CSSS 社區支援服務計劃 Community Support Service Scheme

CYC 兒童及青年中心 Children and Youth Centre

DATC 戒毒所 Drug Addiction Treatment Centre

DTRC 戒毒治療及康復中心 Drug Treatment & Rehabilitation Centre

GOPC 普通科門診診療所 General Outpatient Clinic

ICYSC 綜合青少年服務中心 Integrated Children and Youth Services Centres

IFSC 綜合家庭服務中心 Integrated Family Service Centres

MTP 美沙酮治療計劃 Methadone Treatment Programme

PSDS 警司警誡計劃 Police Superintendents’ Discretion Scheme

SAC 物質誤用診所 Substance Abuse Clinic

SHS 學生健康服務 Student Health Service

SSD 群育學校 School of Social Development

YND 青少年深宵外展服務隊 Overnight Outreaching Service for Youth Night Drifter

YOT 地區青少年外展社會工作隊 District Youth Outreaching Social Work Service

香港禁毒及反洗黑錢報告書 170 Hong Kong Narcotics and Anti-money Laundering Report 2007-2010 附錄十一 Appendix 11

常被吸食的毒品 List of Commonly Abused Drugs

種類 物質 俗稱 醫藥用途 吸食後果 Category Substance Street Names Medical Use Effects of Abuse

Narcotics Analgesics 麻醉鎮痛劑 白粉、粉、灰、 四仔、美金、港紙 海洛英 “white powder”, 沒有 Heroin “No.4”, None “American money”, 1. 成癮 Dependence “HK money” 2. 昏睡 Drowsiness 3. 壓抑呼吸 Respiratory depression 鎮痛、防止因戒除毒癮 地匹哌酮 紅色菲仕通 所引起的不適 4. 噁心 Nausea Dipipanone None Pain relief, prevent narcotic 5. 斷癮症狀: Withdrawal syndrome: (Wellconal) drug withdrawal discomfort 流眼水 Watery eyes 流鼻涕 Runny nose 美沙酮 蜜瓜汁 打呵欠 Yawning Loss of appetite Methadone None 戒毒治療 食慾不振 Treatment of narcotic 煩躁 Irritability 震顫 Tremors 菲仕通 帆船仔、白色菲仕通 drug addiction 驚惶 Panic Physeptone None 感到寒冷 Chills 出汗 Sweating 嗎啡針劑 嗎啡針 鎮痛 痙攣 Cramps Morphine Ampoules None Pain relief

熟膏、 鴉片 沒有 福壽膏 Opium None None

Hallucinogens 迷幻劑 草、牛、花 Disoriented behaviour 大麻 “Marijuana”, 沒有 1. 舉止失常 Cannabis “pot”,“grass”, None 2. 判斷力失準 Impaired judgement “hash”,“joint” 3. 支氣管炎 Bronchitis 4. 結膜炎 Conjunctivitis 大麻樹脂 大麻精 沒有 Cannabis resin None None 5. 內分泌紊亂 Endocrine disorders

1. 舉止失常 Disoriented behaviour 黑芝麻、FING霸 2. 判斷力失準 Impaired judgement 麥角酰二乙胺 沒有 “Black Sesame”, LSD None 3. 噁心和嘔吐 Nausea and vomiting “Fing Ba” 4. 心跳加速和 Increased pulse rate and 血壓上升 elevated blood pressure

Depressants 鎮抑劑 巴比士酸鹽: Barbiturates: 1. 成癮 Dependence 2. 說話含糊 Slurred speech 異戊巴比妥 沒有 3. 迷惑 Disorientation Amylobarbitone None 鎮靜神經、催眠、抗痙攣 Sedative, hypnotic, 4. 記憶和思想 Impaired memory and 正丁巴比妥 沒有 anti-convulsant 受損 thinking Butobarbitone(Soneryl) None 5. 抑鬱或情緒 Depression or mood swings 速可巴比妥(速可眠) 波動 莉莉四十 Quinalbarbitone 6. 中毒性精神病 Toxic psychosis None (Secobarbital) 7. 睡眠失調 Sleep disorder 甲喹酮 8. 肝臟和腎臟 Liver and kidney 忽得、糖仔、MX 沒有 Methaqualone 受損 damage None None (Mandrax)

香港禁毒及反洗黑錢報告書 171 Hong Kong Narcotics and Anti-money Laundering Report 2007-2010 附錄十一 Appendix 11

常被吸食的毒品 List of Commonly Abused Drugs

種類 物質 俗稱 醫藥用途 吸食後果 Category Substance Street Names Medical Use Effects of Abuse

Depressants 鎮抑劑 1. 昏昏欲睡 Drowsiness G、G水、液體狂喜、 2. 噁心 Nausea 液體X、液體E、 g 羥丁酸 3. 擾亂視覺 Visual disturbance ﹣ 迷姦水、 Gamma 沒有 4. 失去知覺 Unconsciousness “GHB”, Hydroxybutyric Acid None “Liquid Ecstasy”, 5. 抽搐 Seizures (GHB) “Liquid X” 6. 嚴重呼吸困難 Severe respiratory “Liquid E”,“G” depression 7. 昏迷 Coma

Stimulants 興奮劑 安非他明: Amphetamines:

麻古 “Yaba” 1. 失眠 Insomnia 減低食慾、提神、 Depression 甲基安非他明 冰、凍嘢、滑雪 治療發作性渴睡症 2. 抑鬱 Methamphetamine “Ice” Appetite suppressant, 3. 中毒性精神病 Toxic psychosis stimulant, treatment of 4. 食慾不振 Loss of appetite a﹣a二甲基苯乙基胺 narcolepsy 大力丸 5. 心臟和腎臟衰竭 Heart and kidney failure Phentermine (Duromine, None Redusa, Mirapront)

1. 激動不安 Agitation 2. 被迫害感覺 Feelings of persecution 3. 敏感度加強, Extra sensibility, 特別對聲音敏感 especially to noise 可樂、汽水、滴滴 局部麻醉劑 4. 情緒波動 Mood swings 可卡因 “Coke”, “crack”, Local or topical 5. 影響記憶力 Affected memory Cocaine “flake”, “snow”, anaesthetic “stardust” 6. 破壞鼻腔組織 Damage to sensory tissues of nose 7. 性無能 Impotence 8. 精神錯亂 Delirium 9. 死亡 Death

1. 脫水 Dehydration 搖頭丸、忘我、 2. 筋疲力盡 Exhaustion 亞甲二氧基甲基 狂喜、E仔、糖、 沒有 3. 肌肉衰弱 Muscle breakdown 安非他明 爆糖、Fing頭丸 None MDMA (Ecstasy) “Ecstasy”, “E”, 4. 身體過熱 Overheating “XTC”, “Adam” 5. 抽搐 Convulsion 6. 崩潰 Collapse

香港禁毒及反洗黑錢報告書 172 Hong Kong Narcotics and Anti-money Laundering Report 2007-2010 附錄十一 Appendix 11

常被吸食的毒品 List of Commonly Abused Drugs

種類 物質 俗稱 醫藥用途 吸食後果 Category Substance Street Names Medical Use Effects of Abuse

Tranquillizers 鎮靜劑 苯并二氮䓬類: Benzodiazepines: 氯氮䓬(利眠寧) 綠豆仔 Chlordiazepoxide None (Librium, Librax)

安定 羅氏五號、羅氏十號 1. 成癮 Dependence Diazepam (Valium) None 2. 昏睡 Drowsiness 艾司唑侖(舒樂安定) 沒有 3. 暈眩 Dizziness Estazolam None 4. 鎮靜神經 Sedation 氟硝西泮(氟硝安定) 十字架 5. 抑鬱 Depression Flunitrazepam “Cross” 6. 敵意 Hostility (Rohypnol) 催眠 7. 動作不協調 In-coordination 咪達唑侖(速眠安) 藍精靈 Hypnotic Midazolam (Dormicum) “Blue Gremlin” 8. 運動失調 Ataxia 五仔、黄飛鴻 9. 胎兒不正常 Foetal abnormalities 硝甲西泮 “Give me five”, 10. 失憶 Loss of memory Nimetazepam (Erimin) “Ng Chai” 11. 認知和神經 Impaired cognitive and 三唑侖 白瓜子 訊息傳遞 neuromotor functioning Triazolam None 功能受損 三唑侖(海樂神) 藍精靈 Triazolam (Halcion) “Blue Gremlin”

佐匹克隆(憶夢返) 白瓜子 Zopiclone None (Imovane, Genclone)

1. 說話含糊 Slurred speech

Others 其他 2. 長期記憶力 Impaired long-term 衰退及認知 memory and cognitive 能力受損 difficulties 3. 行動機能受損 Impaired motor function 4. 動作協調神經 Deficiency in motor 系統受損 co-ordination and K仔、K、香水、 impairment in executive 雞、奇 function 氯胺酮 手術用麻醉劑 “Special K”, “K”, Ketamine Surgical anaesthetic 5. 呼吸/心臟 Respiratory / “Kit Kat”, 機能受損 heart problems “vitamin K” 6. 生理及心理 Physiological and 依賴 psychological dependence 7. 抑鬱 Depression 8. 小便赤痛 、 Marked discomfort in 膀胱容量減少、 passing urine, reduced 尿頻、腎臟嚴 bladder volumn, frequent 重受損、失禁 visit to toilet, incontinence, renal failure

咳藥: 1. 成癮 Dependence Cough Medicine: 2. 壓抑呼吸 Respiratory depression 高甸、止咳水、 3. 中毒性精神病 Toxic psychosis 可待因 囉囉攣、B、飲B Codeine 4. 便秘 Constipation “Robo”,“DXM” 止咳 5. 食慾不振 Loss of appetite Cough suppressant 6. 暈眩 Dizziness DM丸、黄豆仔、 右甲嗎南 7. 失憶 Memory loss O仔 Dextromethorphan None 8. 腦部受損 Brain damage 9. 爛牙 Tooth decay

香港禁毒及反洗黑錢報告書 173 Hong Kong Narcotics and Anti-money Laundering Report 2007-2010 附錄十一 Appendix 11

常被吸食的毒品 List of Commonly Abused Drugs

種類 物質 俗稱 醫藥用途 吸食後果 Category Substance Street Names Medical Use Effects of Abuse

Others 其他 1. 嘔吐 Vomiting 2. 頭痛 Headache 哌嗪的衍生物 Palpitations Derivatives of piperazine 3. 心悸 沒有 沒有 4. 焦慮 Anxiety None None 5. 失眠 Insomnia 如: TFMPP 6. 神智混亂 Confusion e.g. TFMPP 7. 噪動及顫抖 Irritability and tremors 8. 痙攣性癲癇 Grand mal seizures

1. 出現幻覺 Hallucinations 2. 情緒波動 Increased agitation 合成大麻素 “K2” 沒有 Synthetic cannabinoids “SPICE” None 3. 血壓上升及心跳 Elevated blood pressure 加速 and heart rates 4. 痙攣 Seizures

1. 影響知覺 Altered level of 卡西酮的衍生物 consciousness Derivatives of cathinone 2. 損害記憶及 Memory problems, blood 喵喵 沒有 血液循環 circulation problems 如: 2-(甲基氨基)-1- “Meow Meow” None (4-甲基苯基)-1-丙酮 3. 吸毒者會表現 Erratic behaviour, e.g Mephedrone 行為怪異、出現 hallucinations and 妄想及幻覺 delusions

1. 成癮 Dependence 酒精 沒有 沒有 2. 肝臟受損 Liver damage Alcohol None None 3. 中毒性神經 Toxic neurologic 系統損害 damage

煙草 沒有 沒有 1. 上癮 Habituation Tobacco None None 2. 肺部受損 Lung damage

1. 知覺受損 Impaired perception 2. 失去協調和 Loss of co-ordination 有機溶劑 沒有 沒有 判斷能力 and judgement Organic Solvents None None 3. 壓抑呼吸和 Respiratory depression 腦部受損 and brain damage

表列的毒品未能盡錄。列於括號內的商業註冊藥名乃個別例子。同類或其他牌子的藥物在市面亦可能有售。若在醫生指導下服用 藥物,則不算吸毒。 This list of drugs is not exhaustive. Proprietary names (in brackets) are examples only, generic or other brand name versions may be available. Use of substance under medical guidance does not constitute abuse.

部分圖片由政府化驗所提供。 Some photographs are provided by Government Laboratory.

香港禁毒及反洗黑錢報告書 174 Hong Kong Narcotics and Anti-money Laundering Report 2007-2010