

Blaualgenliteratur aus den Jahren 1960-1966 22() Hydrologie

Blaualgenliteratur aus den Jahren 1960-1966

Am 4. Symposium der Internationalen Arbeitsgemeinschaft fiir Cyanophyten- forschung (IAC) iiber «Fragen der Cyanophyten-Systematik» in Kastanienbaum 1966 wurde wiederum beschlossen, die Blaualgenliteratur zu veroffentlichen. Da die erste Zusammenstellung der Literaturzitate aus den J ahren 1960~1963 nicht vollstandig war, wurde sie

]3 Biochemie p Physiologie, Varia c Cytologie, Varia PN Phys1ologie, Stickstoffbindung Cu Cytologie, Feinstruktur PT Physiologie, Toxinc K Kulturmethoden s Systcmatik M Morphologie v Varia 0 Okologie 111arianne Pavoni

l) Pavoni, M., Blaualgenliteratur aus den Jahnm 1960-1963, Schweiz. Z. Hydro!. 26, 177-187 (1964). 29/1, 1967 4. Symposium iiber Cyanophytensystcmatik 227 1. Erganzungen zur Blaualgenliteratur aus den Jahren 1960-1963 AARONSON, S. and BAKER, H., Lipid and Sterol Content of Some Protozoa,]. Protozool. 8, 274-277 (1961). B (inkl. Anacystis, Cyanidium). ABELSON, P.H. and HEERING, T. C., Carbon Isotope Fractionation in Formation of Amino Acids by Photosynthetic Organisms, Proc. natn. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 47, 623-632 (1961). P (ink!. Anacystis). AKIYAMA, M., Aerial and Terrestrial Algae in San-in Region of Honshu, Japan, Bull. Shimane Univ. (Nat. Sci.) 10, 75-89 (1961), 0. AKIYAMA, M., Ecology of Freshwater Algae in San-in Region, Japan, Mem. San-in Bunka Kenkyu 2, 77-90 (1962), 0. ALLEN, M.B., PIETTE, L. H. and MuRCHIO, J. C., Studies of Free Radical Formation in Photosynthetic Systems, Plant Physiol. 35 (suppl.), 22 (1960). Pv (inkl. Anabaena). ALLEN, M. B., PIETTE, L. H. and MuRCHIO, J. C., Studies of the Functions of Photosyn- thetic Pigments, Proc. III. int. Congress Photobiol., p. 170-171 (1961). P (inkl. Anabaena). ALMESTRAND, A., Schwierigkeiten bei der Bestimmung von Microcystisarten, Schweiz. Z. Hydro!. 23, 207-208 (1961). S. ANDERSON, G. C., Recent Changes in the Trophic Nature of Lake Washington, a Review. Aus: Algae and Metropolitan Wastes, p. 27-33 (1961). 0 (inkl. Oscillatoria). AsTACHOVA, T. V., KuN, M. S. und TEPLYI D. L., Ursache der Karpfenkrankheit au/ der unteren Wolga, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 133, 1205-1208 (1960), russisch. PT (Micro- cystis, Anabaena, Aphanizomenon). BAALEN, C. van, Nutritional Characteristics of Some Marine Blue-Green Algae, Physiology 37 (suppl.), 49-50 (1962). P. BACH, M. K. and FELLIG, J., Ubiquity of Stimulation of Endogenous Respiration by Purine and Purine Analogs, Plant Physiol. 36, 85-88 (1961). P (ink!. Anacystis). BARSDATE, R. ]. and GurLLARD, R.R. L., Molybdenum Uptake of Marine Plankton Algae, Biol. Bull. 121, 373 (1961). P (inkl. Synechococcus). BASLEROVA, M. et DvoRAKOVA, ]., Algarum, Hepaticarum Muscorumque in culturis collectio, Nakl. CSAV, 56 pp. (1962). K (ink!. Cyanophyceae). BATES, J. H., Recent Aspects in the Development of a Closed Ecologic System, Aerospace Med. 32, 12-24 (1961). 0, P (inkl. Anacystis, Synechocystis). BECK, S., Licht- und elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen an einer sporenbildenden Cyanophyceae aus dem Formenkreis von Pleurocapsa fuliginosa Hauck, Flora 153, 194- 216 (1963). Cu. BEHRE, K., Die Algenbesiedlung einiger Hafen in Bremerhaven und ihre Beziehungen zur Verschmutzung dieser Gewasser, Veroff. Inst. Meeresforsch. Bremerhaven 8, 192-249 (1963). 0. BERNARD, F., Rapports caracteristiques entre les principaux du plancton, denombres en sept regions des mers chaudes, Compt. rend. Acad. Sci. (Paris) 251, 1585-1587 (1960). 0 (inkl. Nostoc). BERNARD, F., Density of Flagellates and Myxophyceae in the Heterotrophic Layers, Related to Environment, Bact. Proc. 38 pp. (1961). 0. BERTHOLDT, W., Fighting Blue-Green Algae, Aquar. J. 31, 17, 28, 33, 35 (1960). O,V. BEUSCHOLD, E., Biologische und chemische Beobachtungen beim Anstau der Talsperren des Bodewerlles, Wiss. Z. Univ. Leipzig, math. - nat., 10, 93-97 (1961). 0 (ink!. Cyanophy- ceae). BILLING, A., En vegetationsundersogelse a/ to baeklle ved Rorbaek So, Flora og fauna 66, 93-100 (1960). 0 (inkl. Anabaena, Aphanizomenon). BISWAS, B. B., Comparative Studies on DNA of Chlorella ellipsoidea and Anacystis nidulans, Plant Physiol. 35 (suppl.), 30 (1960). B. BISWAS, B. B. and MYERS, J., A Methyl Cytidine from the Ribonucleic Acid of Anacystis nidulans, Nature 186 (4720), 238-239 (1962). B. BISWAS, B. B. and MYERS, J., Characterization of Deoxyribonucleic Acid from Anacystis nidulans, Nature 188 (4755), 1029-1030 (1962). B.

BISWAS, B. B. and SEN, S. P., The Effects of Nucleases on Photosynthetic C02-Fixation, Experientia 16, 135-136 (1960). P (inkl. Nostoc). BLACK, C. C., FEWSON, C. A. and GIBBS, M., Photochemical Reduction of Triphosphopyridine Nucleotide by Cell-Free Extracts of Blue-Green Algae, Nature 198 (4875), 88 (1963). P. 228 M. Pavoni Hydrologie R., New Locality of A phanizomenon Elenkinii Kisel, Acta Hydrobiol. 2, 63-65 (1960). 0, BOHR, R., Phytosociological Studies on the Periphyton in Lake Mamry, Stud. Soc. Sci. Torunensis 6, 1-44 (1962). 0 (inkl. Cyanophyceae). BoLYSEV, N. N., Die Rolle der Algen in der Bodenformation, Vest. Moskov. Univ., ser. Soil Biol. 6, 67-75 (1961), russisch. 0 (inkl. Anabaena, Oscillatoria, Stratonostoc). BoLYSEV, N. N. und STINA, E. A., Vegetation und Boden der Umgebung der Westseen des Wolgadeltas, Vest. Moskov. Univ., biol. - pocvoved.-geol.-geogr. 4, 63-70 (1960), rus- sisch. 0 (inkl. Cyanophyceae). BosE, B. B., An Experimental Study of the Optimum Salinity for the Growth of the Benthic Blue-Green Alga Oscillatoria splendida Greville of Brackishwater Ponds, Proc. nat. Inst. Sci. , biol. Sci., 26, 19-21 (1960). 0, K. BouRRELLY, P., Un nouveau genre africain d'endocyanose: Glaucocystopsis africana, nov. gen. et nov. sp., Compt. rend. Seances Acad. Sci. 251, 416-418 (1960). S. BouRRELLY, P., Les grands problemes ecologiques en algologie d'eau douce. Aus: Ecology of Freshwater Algae, Recent Adv. Bot., p. 198-201, (1961). 0 (inkl. Cyanophyceae). BowEN, C. C., and PANKRATZ, H. S., Formation of Photosynthetic Lamellae in the Blue- Green Algae, Cell. Biol. [A] 19, 8 (1963). Cu. BRUNNER, G., Die Blaualgensymbiose des W asserfarns Azolla, Mikrokosmos 49, 360-363 (1960). 0 (inkl. Anabaena). BURKHOLDER, P. R., Some Nutritional Relationships Among Microbes of Sea Sediments, Bact. Proc., 36 (1961). 0, P (inkl. Cyanophyceae). CALVIN, M., Some Photochemical and Photophysical Reactions of Chlorophyll and its Relatives. Aus: ELROY et GLASS edit., A Symposium on Light and Life, p. 317-355, (1961). P (inkl. Nostoc). CASTENHOLZ, R. W., Seasonal Changes in the Attached Algae of Freshwater and Saline Lakes in the Lower Grand Coulee, Washington, Limnol. Oceanogr. 5, 1-28 (1960). 0 (inkl. Cyano- phyceae). V., Marine Phytoplankton in New Zealand Waters, Bot. Mar., Vol. 2, suppl. (1961). 0, CERNJAVSKAJA, M. A., Ad morphologiam Lyngbyae aestuarii (Mert.) Liebm. Not. syst. Sect. cryptog. Inst. bot. V. L. Komarovii Acad. Sci. UH.SS 15, 15-19 (1962), russisch. S,M. CHAP:.vIAN, V. J., A Contribution to the Ecology of the Kermadec Islands, Pac. Sci. 15, No. 3, 347 (1961). 0. CHAPMAN, J. A. and SALTON, U.R.Y.,A Study of Several Blue-GreenAlgae in the Electron Microscope, Arkiv Mikrobiol. 44, 311-321 (1962). Cu. CLAUS, G., Comparative Studies of the Algae of Danube River near Vienna, Year Book Amer. philos. Soc. 2753, 277-282 (1961). 0 (inkl. Cyanophyceae). G., Observations on Cyanotheca longipes Pascher, Ost. bot. Z. 108, 286-299 (1961). S, CLAUS, G., Comments on the Species of the Genits Tetrapedia Reinsch (Chroococcaceae, Cyanophyta), Hydrobiologia 21, 266-274 (1963). S. CLAUS, G., Wolskyella, a New Genus of Blue-Green Algae and its Phylogenetic Significance, Nova Hedwigia 6, 29-38 (1963). S. COBB, H. D. and MYERS, J., Interrelationships Between Nitrogen Fixation and Photo- synthesis in a Blue-Green Alga, Plant Physiol. 36 (suppl.), 25 (1961), PN (inkl. Anabaena). CONTI, S. F., Fine Structure of Blue-Green Algae, Bact. Proc. [G] 87 (1963). Cu. CORRELL, D. L., A Study of the Ribonucleic-Acid-Polyphosphate Complexes Isolated from Anabaena variabilis and Synchronized Chlorella pyrenoidosa, Diss. Abstr. Michigan State Univ. 22, 1811-1812 (1961). B. CORRELL, D. L., ToLBERT, N. E. and BALL, R. C., RNA-Polyphosphate Complexes from Anabaena variabilis, Plant Physiol. 35 (suppl.), 30 (1960). B. CRESPI, H. I., MANDEVILLE, S. E., and KATZ, J. J., The Action of Lysozyme on Several Blue-Green Algae, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 9, 569-573 (1962). P. CRIBB, A. B., Some Marine Algae from Thursday Island and Surrounding Areas, Univ. Queensland. Papers 4, 5, (1961). DAILY, A., Some Algae of the Cabin Creek Raised Bog, Randolph County, Indiana, Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. 71, 298-301 (1961). S (inkl. Cyanophyceae). 29/1, 1967 4. Symposium iiber Cyanophytensystematik 229 DESIKACHARY, V. D., Biology of Phytoplankton, Proc. Summer School Bot. Darjeeling, p. 70-76 (1962). 0 (inkl. Cyanophyceae). DoDD, J. D., Filament 1Vfovementin Oscillatoria sancta (Kuetz.) Gomont, Trans, am. microsc. Soc. 79, 480-485 (1960). P. DROUET, F., A New Schizothrix from New Zealand, Rev. Algol. 4, 238 (1959). S. DROUET, F., A Brief Review of the Fresh-Water Algae of Antarctica. Aus: Science in A ntarc- tica, I., The Life Science in Antartica, D. C. Nat. Acad. Sci, 839, 10-12 (1961). 0, S (inkl. Cyanophyceae). DROUET, F., A New Name in the Algal Genus Phormidium, Madrono 6, 108 (1961). S. DROUET, F., Gomont's Ecophenes of the Blue-Green Alga 1Vlicrocoleus vaginatus (Oscillatoria- ceae). Proc. Acad. nat. Sci. Philadelphia 174, 191-205 (1962). S. DROUET, F., Ecophenes of Schizothrix calcicola (Oscillatoriaceae), Proc. nat. Sci. Philadel- phia 115, 261-281 (1963). S. DUGDALE, R. C. and DUGDALE, V. A., Sources of Phosphorus and Nitrogen for Lakes on Afognak Island, Limnol. Oceanogr. 6, 13-23 (1961). 0 (incl. Cyanophyceae). DUGDALE, R. C., MENZEL, D. W., and RYTHER, J. H., Nitrogen Fixation in the Sargasso Sea, Deep-Sea Res. 7, 298-300 (1961). 0, PN, (inkl. Trichodesmium). DUGDALE, R. C. and NEESS, J.C., Recent Observations on Nitrogen Fixation in Blue- Green Algae, Techn. Rep. Taft sanit. eng. Center [W] 61, No. 3, 103--106 (1961). 0, PN. DUGDALE, V. A. and DUGDALE, R. C., Nitrogen Metabolism in Lakes. I I. Role of Nitrogen .Fixation in Sanctuary Lake, Pennsylvania, Limnol. Oceanogr. 7, 170-177 (1962). 0, PN, (inkL Cyanophyceae). DYER, D. L. and GAFFORD, R. D., Some Characteristics of a Thermophilic Blue-Green Alga (Synechococcus lividus), Science 134 (3479), 616-617 (1961). P. ECHLIN, P., The .Fine Structure of the Cell Boundary of the Blue-Green Alga Anacystis mon- tana, J. Cell Biol., 17, 212 (1963). Cu. EMERSON, R. and RABD!OWITCH, E., Red Drop and Role of Auxiliary Pigments in Photo- synthesis. Plant Physiol. 35, 477-485 (1960). P (inkl. Anacystis). EMOTO, Y.,A Bibliography of the Thermal Flora of japan. (1), J. Jap. Bot.37, 89-94 (1962). V. EMOTO, Y., A Bibliography of the Thermal Flora of japan. (2), J. Jap. Bot. 37, 119-124 (1962). v. EMOTO, Y., A Bibliography of the Thermal Flora of japan. (3), J. Jap. Bot. 37, 129-138 (1962). v. ERGASEV, A. E., Vber die Flora des Einzugsgebietes der Buchara-Gegend, Uzbek. biol. J. 3, 24-26 (1960), russisch. 0 (ink!. Cyanophyceae). EvREINOVA, T. N., DAVYDOVA, I. M., SuKOVER, A. P. und GoRJUNOVA, S. V., Nukleinsiiure der thermophilen Blaualge Mastigocladus laminosus, Dokl. An SSSR 137, 213-216 (1961), russisch. B. FELDMANN, J., Sur l'ecologie des Rhodophycees et des Cyanophycees marines dans les rapports avec les problemes de leur photosynthese, Bull. Soc. fr. Physiol. veget. 5, 161-167 (1960). 0. FEOKTISTOVA, 0. I., Die Einwirkung van Kobalt au/ die Menge der Planktonblaualgen und die Synthese von Vitamin B 12, Bull. Inst. Biol. Vodochran. 70, 3-6 (1960), russisch. O,P. FEOKTISTOVA, 0. I., Der Einfluss der abgestorbenen Algen auf die Saprophytenmenge, Trudy Inst. Biol. Vodochran. 3, 87-91 (1960), rnssisch. 0 (ink!. Cyanophyceae). FEWSON, C.A., HAFIDH, M., and GrnBs, M., Role of Aldolase in Photosynthesis. I. Enzyme Studies with Photosynthetic Organisms with Special Reference to Blue-Green Algae, Plant Physiol. 37, 402-406 (1962). P. FEWSON, C. A. and NICHOLAS, D. J. D., Utilization of Nitric Oxide by 1\1'icroorganisms and Higher Plants, Nature 188 (4753), 794-796 (1960). P (ink!. Anabaena, Nostoc). FITZGERALD, G. P., Some Effects of Algae on BOD Tests, Phyc. Soc. Amer., News Bull. 13, 66-67 (1960). P (inkl. Microcystis) FLINT, E. A. and STOUT, J. D., Microbiology of Some Soils from Antarctica, Nature 188 (4752), 767-768 (1960). 0 (inkl. Cyanophyceae). FoGG, G. E., Recent Advances in our Knowledge of Nitrogen Fixation by Blue-Green Algae. Aus: KACHROO edit. Proc. Sympos. Alg. New Delhi, p. 115-118 (1960). PN. FOGG, G. E., The Extracellular Products of Algae. Aus: KACHRoo edit., Proc. Sympos. Alg. New Delzi, p. 138-143 (1960). P (inkl. Gloeotrichia, Anabaena, Aphanizomenon). 230 M. Pavon Hydrologie FoGG, G. E., The Role of Algae in Organic Production in Aquatic Environments, Brit. phycol. Bull. 2, 195-205 (1963). 0 (inkl. Cyanophyceae). FoGG, G. E. and THAN-TUN, Interrelations of Photosynthesis and Assimilation of Elementary Nitrogen in a Blue-Green Alga, Proc. roy. Soc. (London) [BJ 153 (950), 111-127 (1960). PN (inkl. Anabaena). Forr, B. und KOMAREK, J., Das Phy,oplankton der Teiche in Teschner; Schlesien, Preslia 32, 113-141 (1962). 0, S (inkl. Cyanofihyceae). FREDRICK, J. F., Preliminary Studies on an Algal Phosphorylase-Manganese Chelate, Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 88, 385-392 (1960). B (inkl. Oscillatoria). FREDRICK, ]. F., Imunochemical Studies of Phosphorytates of Cyanophyceae, Phyton (Buenos Aires) 16, 21-26 (1961). B. FREDRICK, ]. F., .Multiple Molecular Forms of 4-Glucosyl Trans/erase in Oscitlatoria prin- ceps, Phytochemistry 1, 153-157 (1962). B, P. FREDRICK, J. F. and GENTILE, A. C., The Effect of 3-Amino-1, 2, 4,-Triazole on Phosphorylase of Oscillatoria princeps, Archs Biochem. Biophys. 86, 30-33 (1960). B, P. FREDRICK, J. F. and GENTILE, A. C., The Stability Constant of the Manganese Chelate of 3-Amino-1,2,4-Triazole, Archs Biochem. Biophys. 91, 178-181 (1960). B (inkl. Os- cillatoria). FREDERICKS, W. W. and }AGENDORF, A. T., Restoration of Hill Activity in Washed Chromatophores of Anacystis, Plant Physiol. 36 (suppl.), 3 (1961). B, P. FREI, Y. F., The Derivative Absorption Spectra of Chlorophyll in Algae and Leaves at Low Temperatures, Biochim. Biophys. Acta 57, 82-87 (1962). B (inkl. Phormidium). FuHs, G. 'vV., Cytochemisch-elektronenmikroskopische Lokalisierung der Ribonukleinsaure und des Assimilats in Cyanophyceen, Protoplasma 56, 178-187 (1963). Cu. FUJITA, Y. and HATTORI, A., Effect of Chromatic Lights on Phycobilin Formation in a Blue-Green Alga Tolypothrix tenuis, Plant Cell Physiol. 1, 293-303 (1960). B, P. FUJITA, Y. and HATTORI, A., Formation of Phycoerythrin in Pre-Illuminated Cells of Tolypothrix tenuis with Special Reference to Nitrogen Metabolism, Plant Cell Physiol. 1, 281-292 (1960). B, P. FuJITA, Y. and HATTORI, A., Preliminary Note on a New Phycobilin Pigment Isolated from Blue-Green Algae,]. Biochem. (Tokyo) 51, 89-91(1962). B. FUJITA, Y. and HATTORI ,A., Changes in Composition of Cellular Material During Forma- tion of Phycobilin Chromoproteids in a Blue-Green Alga Tolypothrix tenuis, J. Biochem. (Tokyo) 52, 38-42 (1962). B, P. FUJITA, Y, and HATTORI, A., Effects of Second Chromatic Illumination on Phycobilin Chromatoprotein Formation in Chromatically Preilluminated Cells of Tolypothrix tenuis. In: Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists, Editors. Studies on Microalgae and Photosyn- thetic Bacteria, Japanese Society of Plant Physiology (University of Tokyo Press, Tokyo, Japan 1963), p. 431-440. B, P. FUJITA, Y. and HATTORI, A., Occurrence of a Purple Bile Pigment in Phycoerythrin-Rich Cells of the Blue-Green Alga Tolypothrix tenuis, J. gen. appl. Microbiol. 9, 253-256 (1963). B,P. FUJITA, Y. and HATTORI, A., Action Spectrum of Light-Induced Nitrite Reduction in Anabaena cylindrica, ]. gen. appl. Microbiol. 9, 257-265 (1963). B, P. FUJIWARA, A. and OKUTSU, M., Cultural and Physiological Studies of the Nitrogen-Fixing Blue-Green Alga, Nostoc spongiaeforme Ag. II. The Influence of the Changes of Hydrogen I on Concentration, Illumination and Aeration on the Growth of the Alga, J. Sci. Soil Manu- re (Japan) 31, 4-6 (1960). PN. FUKUDA, I., Studies on Hill-Reaction in a Thermophylic Blue-Green Alga, Cyanidium caldarium Geitler, Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 75, 349-355 (1962). B, P. FUKUSHIMA, H., Algal Flora of Usagishima Sphagnum Moor, Nikko, Bull. Yokohama Municipal Univ. Soc., Nat. Sci. 112, 67-75 (1960). 0, S. FUKUSHIMA, H., Biocommunities in Ongul I stand District, Bull.Yokohama Municipal Univ. Soc., Nat. Sci. 12, 29-37 (1960). 0, S. FUKUSHIMA, H., Freshwater Algae from Kokubunji Vicinity, Tokyo, Bull. Yokohama Municipal Univ. Soc., Nat. Sci. 12, 38-41 (1960). 0, S. FUKUSHIMA, H., Preliminary Reports on Freshwater Algae of Ongul Islands, Antarctic, Bull. Yokohama .:V1unicipal Univ. Soc., Nat. Sci. 10, 1-12 (1960). 0, S. FUKUSHIMA, H., Algal Vegetation in the Ongul Islands, Antarctica, Antarct. Records (Tokyo) 11, 869-871 (1961). 0 (inkl. Cyanophyceae). 29/1, 1967 4. Symposmm uber Cyanophytensystematik 231 FUKUSHIMA, H., Benthic Algal Communities of the Lake Shimmyo and Lake Taira, Miyake Island, japan, Bull. Yokohama Municipal Univ. Soc., Nat. Sci. 13, 33-41 (1961). 0, S. FUKUSHIMA, H., Notes on Limnological Researches of the Lake Taira and Lake Shimmyo, Miyake Island, japan, Bull. Yokohama Municipal Univ. Soc., Nat. Ser. 13, 7-11 (1961). 0. GANAPATI, S. V., Ecology of Tropical Waters. Aus: KAcHROO edit., Proc. Sympos. Alg. New Delhi, p. 204-218, 1960. 0 (ink!. Microcystis). GARNIER, J., Sur !'influence de la temperature et de la lumiere, sur la vitesse de formation des differents pigments d'Oscillatoria subbrevis Schmidle, Bull. Soc. fr. Physiol. veget. 5, 182-183 (1960). P. GARNIER, J ., L' action de la lumiere sur le renouvellement des phycocyanines et des proteines non pigmentees d'Oscillatoria subbrevis Schmidle (Cyanophycees), Centre nat. Res. Sci., colloq. int., 103, 91-100 (1961). B, P. GASSNER, E., On the Pigment Absorption at 750 mµ Occurring in Some Blue-Green Algae, Plant Physiol. 37, 637-639 (1962). B, P. GAUR, A. C., PIPES, W. 0. and GoTAAS, H. B., Culture of Osciltatoria in Organic Wastes, J. Water Pollution Control Feder. 32, 1060-1065 (1960). K. GEITLER, L., Schizophyzeen. Aus: ZIMMERMANN, OZENDA edit., Handbuch der Pflanzenana- tomie 6, 1, 2. ed., Bd. 7, + 131 S., 1960. V. GEITLER, L., Notizen uber litorale Algen des Lunzer Untersees (Niederosterreich), Ost. bot. Z. 108, 416-420 (1961). P, S (ink!. Cyanophyceae). GEITLER, L., Die angebliche Cyanophycee lsocystis pallida ist ein hefeartiger Pilz (Torulo- psidosira), Arch. Mikrobiol. 46, 238-242 (1963). S. GERLOFF, J., Meeresalgen aus . I. Cyanophyta und Chlorophyta, Willdenowia 2, 604-627 ( 1960). s. GILLNER, V., Vegetations- und Standortsuntersuchungen in den Strandwiesen der schwedi- schen Westkuste, Acta Phytogeogr. Suec. 43, 198 S. (1960). 0 (ink!. Cyanophyceae). GIRAUD, G., Les spectres de fluorescence des algues a bilichromoproteines, Centre nat. Res. Sci., colloq. int., 103, 83-89 (1961). B (ink!. Aphanocapsa, Oscillatoria, Phormidium). GoLumc, S., Uber die Blaualgenvegetation in den nordadriatischen Hafen jugoslawiens, Thalassia J ugoslavica 2, 1-36 (1960). 0, S. GoLUBIC, S., Der Vrana-See au/ der Inset Cres - ein Chara-See, Verh. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol. 14, 846-849 (1961). 0, S (ink!. Cyanophyceae). GoLumc, S., Entwurf zu einem okologischen System der Blaualgen. Schweiz. Z. Hydro!. 23, 211-214 (1961). 0, s. GONSALVES, E. A. and KAMAT, N. D., The Myxophyceae of the Karnatah IL., IJJ., J. Univ. Bombay, nov. ser., 28B, 20-41 (1961). S. GoRBUNOVA, N. 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