About this FoodList

Thislist has been compiled by categorizingfoods by degreeusing:

. ScientificTest Results - from a paidscientific database, . ClinicalExperience - specifically the SIGHIand RPAH Allergy Unit published data has beenused to verifythese results, and . Differences- wherethere were differences between the scientificdata, and the clinical experience,an underlyingcause was identified and resolved,with referenceto the scientificliterature.

An optionalauto-immune protocol list has been provided. This recognizes that the auto- immunepaleo diet excludes many common food intolerances.

Otherfood intoleranceshave not beenconsidered. These typically relate to the underlying healthstatus of the individualand can vary considerablyfrom person to person.

Bio-individuality Thelist is an editable pdf to assistyou in customizingyour diet. Thereason that any list will still need to becustomized isbecause of thetwo biggestimpacts on histaminetolerance; food quality and your health status.


An eliminationdiet isa diagnostictool. lt shouldonly be usedfor 2 - 4 weeks.Blood tests and/orfood challengesare also required.

An eliminationdiet, done in a structuredsystematic way, only needsto be doneonce. Please considerworking with a healthprofessional.

WhenAn EliminationDiet Fails lf anelimination diet fails to significantlyrelieve symptoms then it isimportant to consider thatit maynot be histamineintolerance. Mostpeople with histamineintolerance can eat most low histamine foods, L serve(1,/2 cup) of moderatehistamine foods or 1,/IOserve of highfoods daily. Very high histamine foods are rarelytolerated. Mostwhole foods are low in histamine.

Foodsincrease in histamineduring harvesting, processing, transport, and storageas a result of microorganisms.

Sobefore you eliminatea food it is importantto considerthe qualityand source of yourfood supply.Here are a few guidelines:

AvoidArtificial Ingredients:

. Processedfoods . Sprayed(Non-organic) foods . GMOfoods

EatFresh Wholefoods:

. Localand in-season . Justripe (as amines increase with age)fruit andvegetables . Fishless than 1-2hours from the catch . Meat hungfor lessthan 1- 2 weeksfrom processing lf Cooking:

. Steaming,boiling, poaching, marinaded, or oven-baked . Cookunder 200 degrees Celsius . Do not eat browned,barbequed, or charredfoods lf StoringFood:

. Freezeon the dayof purchase(as freezing halts histamine formation) other than raw fruit andvegetables. . Usewithin 1 monthof freezing.

Byadopting a basicapproach of "buyingfresh, cooking fresh, and eating fresh" you cankeep a lot of foodsin your diet. lf you reactto a food meticulouslycheck the ingredientswith the supplier.lt iscommon practicefor additiveto productsas diverse as coconut milk, olive oil, and meat products. Low Medium High YeryH_ig! i nyoig Alfalfa Avocado(Firm) Avocado(Soft) Pickled& jAll Processed Artichoke BambooShoots Broccoflower Preserved r Foods: Asparagus Vegetables; ': protocol BeetGreens Cabbage Broccoli Noton Alp BokChoy Cauliflower Broccolini Gherkin I Olives BrusselSprouts Chinese () i Celery Onions 1 Broccoli Chard Chicory Pickles , Chives CollardGreens Choko Sauerkraut : Cucumber Endive KangKong Truffles Dandelion i Leaves Kale BeetKvass : Fennel RadishLeaves Leek Kimchi . GreenBeans Mizuna Lettuce Pickles ; Lettuce SpringOnion (Prepack) : (Unpackaged) SeaVegetables & , SnowPeas (Shallot) Mushrooms SugarSnap Mustard Algae: I Chlorella : Peas Root Vegetables: Greens Tatsoi Spirulina t TurnipGreens Carrots Radicchio Seaweed i Watercress Celeriac Rocket Dulce : Zucchini Daikon (Arugula) (Courgettes) lrishMoss t AllFresh Herbs Eshallot SilverBeet Nori l AllSprouts Onion Spinach Bladderwack , Radish Kelp : RootVegetables: Starchy Kombu l Beetroot Wakame : Chestnuts Vegetables: SeaLettuce . Garlic Pumpkin Jiacama Parsn ip Nightshades:* l SweetPotato Noton AIP Protocol ; Swede Capsicum(Bell () : Pepper) . : Water Cayenne Chestnuts ChiliPepper : Yam Eggplant i Goji(Wolf) Starchy ', Vegetables: Berry Haba nero : Butternut ', Squash Jalapeno ' Jerusalem Paprika Artichoke Poblano Okra Potatoes : Spaghetti Squash SweetPeppers l SweetCorn Tobacco I Taro Tomatillo i Tomato I ELIMINATIONDIET AVOID Lo,wl]lsrAM!NF DlEr AVOID MODERATEH ISTAM INE DIET AVOID Low Medium High VeryHigh Avoid Apple Avocado(Firm) Avocado(Ripe) Coconut, ,All Processed Apricot Banana(Firm) Banana(Ripe) Desiccated, , Foods: Blackberries CoconutFlesh Figs(Fresh) Shredded Noton AIP Protocol Blueberries (Fresh) Raspberry Dates : Boysenberries Cranberry Strawberry Grape : Cantaloupe Currants Plum Cherry Citrus: Prune Elderberries Grapefruit Raisin Honeydew Kumquats Sultana i Melon Orange ALLDried Fruit Loquat Lemon Lychee Lime Mulberries Mandarin NashiPear (Asian) TropicalFruits: Nectarlne CustardApple Peach Dragon-fruit Pear Fejoa Persimmon Guava Plantain Jackfruit Pomegranate Kiwifruit Rhubarb Mango StarFruit Papaya (Pawpaw) i: , FruitFlours: : PassionFruit BananaFlour l Pineapple PlantainFlour Watermelon ; rLtvtttrtRttoNDIET: AVOID LOWHISTAMINE DIET AVOID : MODERATEHISTAMINE DIET AVOID I

Low Medium- High VeryHigh Poultry D;;[ Beef(Aged) Fish(Not Fresh) All Processed {WithoutSkin): WhiteFish Pork Anchovy Foods: Chicken (Fresh) Herring ColdCuts Goose Eggs:* Mackerel FishFingers Quail Eggs:* Noton AIPProtocol Sardines Hydrolyzed Turkey Noton AIPProtocol ChickenEggs Vegetable GooseEggs DuckEggs PreservedFish & Protein(HVP) Beef(Unhung) ChickenEgg Non-WhiteFish Meat: Textures Lamb (Yolks) (Fresh): Bacon Vegetable Rabbit Tuna Caviar Protein(TVP) Veal Cod Dried(Jerky) Salmon Ham AllSoy: ProteinPowder:* Trout Pastes Tempeh Noton AIPProtocol Marlin Salami Colostrum Sashimi Sauces HempProtein Smoked WheyProtein Shellfish: Supermarket lsolate Clam Meat WheyProtein Scallops Tinned Concentrate Crayfish VacuumPacked Mussel Oyster Squid Prawns Crab Lobster

Offal: Brain Liver Heart Kidneys Sweetbreads Tongue

Other: l Game , Kangaroo MincedMeat I


t. ,l : Rice:* i BakingPowder Yeast-Risen r Not on AIPProtocol r i Noton AIPProtocol I Leaven Products (and/orwith I Baker'sYeast , I BrownRice : (alsocheck for preservatives I Breadcrumbs 1 RiceNoodles , preservativesand and artificial Laroo I RiceFlour , additives): additives)*: , WheatGermx . RiceCakes : Noton AIP Protocol Noton AIPProtocol RiceCrispies Biscuits Bagel , White Rice r Flatbread Baguette Matzo Bread Gluten:* ;.;;; Croissants , Not on AIPProtocol , Crackers Crumpets Barley EnglishMuffins l EggPasta : Focaccia Couscous t, Pumpernickel . Farro PitaBread : Durum PizzaDough r Bulgar Sour-dough Kamut Toast ; Noodles Oats Pastry PuffPastry . RYe Semolina : Wheat : sPelt , WheatBran

: GlutenFree iGrains: l ' Noton AIPProtocol 1 Amaranth : Corn i ; PotatoStarch l I Vittet . I Polenta : qulnoa^ Saeo l I Sorghum t, i Tapioca . ,teffl

AVOID ]LOWHISTAMINEDIET AVOID | "'"'' MODERATEH ISTAMINE DIET AVOID Low I Medium High V*eryHieh CoconutOil r Coconut AnimalFat: AlmondOil OliveOil r Products: ChickenFat RedPalm Oil , CoconutCream DuckFat Nut & SeedOils:* Canola i CoconutButter Lard Noton AIPProtocol Commercial j DairyFats*: CoconutMilk Suet AvocadoOil Mayonnaise& : Noton AIPProtocol Tallow SesameOil SaladDressings ; Butter WalnutOil Grape-seed I Ghee Margarine ; Nutlex : Nut & SeedOils*: Oilswith Anti- Noton AIPProtocol oxidantsor HempOil Flavors FlaxOil PeanutOil MacadamiaOil Safflower Soybean Sunflower

ELTMTNATTONDIET AVOID LOWHISTAMINE DIET AVOID MODERATEH ISTAMIN E DIET AVOID Low : Medium High VeryHieh Avoid ', Seeds:* | Nuts:* Nuts:* Nuts: Peanuts Not on AIPProtocol : Noton AIPProtocol Noton AIPProtocol Noton AIPProtocol WheatGerm Chia : CashewNut Almond All NutButters, Flax l CoconutFlesh Brazil RoastedNuts, Hemp ' (Fresh) Hazel Meals,and Linseed Macadamia Flours Poppy ' Pecan MixedNuts Sesame l Pine Pean uts All OtherSpices I Pistachio Walnuts

Seeds:* Seeds:* Not on AIPProtocol Not on AIPProtocol Anise AllSeed Cinnamon Butters, Cloves RoastedSeeds, Cocoa : Meals,and Coffee , Flours. Coriander Buckwheat Mustard Tahini Nutmeg Paprika ' Legumes,Peas, & Pumpkin Beans:* Sunflower , Noton AIP Protocol , AdzukiBeans BlackBeans BorlotfiBeans BroadBeans : FavaBeans Garbanzo ' Beans KidneyBeans Lentils , LimaBeans MungBeans ; NavyBeans ' PintoBeans , Soybeans WhiteNavy , Beans GreenPeas ELIMINATIONDIET AVOID LOWHISTAMINE DIET AVOID MODERATEH ISTAM IN E DIET AVOID : Lg* VeryHigh : Noton AIPProtocol r Not on AIPProtocol 1 Processed Foods: r Butter I All Other I Not on AIPProtocol r Colostrum CottageCheese I Cheddar : Cheese5 r Condensed ' CowsMilk Quark Gruyere Commercial Milk Ghee Ricotta Goats , Yoghurt Milk Powder WheyProtein YoghurtCheese ; Mozzarella : RawMilk r Processed Concentrate I Cheese , Cheese l WheyProtein Milks:* . i UHTMiIK lsolate Noton AIPProtocol I I : SoyMilk ButterMilk , GoatsMilk RawMilk

Bi-products:* Noton AIPProtocol : Cream , SourCream Yoghurt : (H/made) , includingmilk, almond,& . coconut ELIMINATIONDIET AVOID LOWHISTAMINE DIET AVOID MODERATEH ISTAMI N E DI ET AVOID Low Medium High VeryHigh Avoid GingerTea cfrU soit TonicWater Alcohol: Noton AIP Protocol FreshHerb Tea (SodaWater) Noton AIPProtocol ColaDrinks SpringWater FruitJuice i DriedTea & Beer,Larger, EnergyDrinks TapWater SpringWater I Coffee: Ale,Stout FlavoredDrinks (Sparkling) : BlackTea Champagne FruitJuices , Chai Cider Lemonade r GreenTea Wine(White, r LemonMyrtle Red,Fruit, , Peppermint Sparkling) Rosehip , YerbeMatte Spirits (Coloured): Seeds:* Noton AIPProtocol : Noton AIP Protocol Brandy ' coffee Lique rs Cocoa Port Scotch Spirits Sherry (Colourless): i Not on AIPProtocol Gin Rum Sake Vodka ELIMINATIONDIET AVOID LOWHISTAMINE DIET AVOID MODERATEH ISTAMI N E DI ET AVOID Medium VeryHigh SparseUse Onlv: RawHoney Cacao MapleSyrup Carob AgarveNectar I Chocolate Aspartame a CocoaPowder BrownRice : Licorice Syrup a MaltExtract CaneSugar a Marzipan Caramel : White CoconutSugar t Chocolate CornSyrup , Equal ,, GoldenSyrup I lcingSugar : MaltSyrup . Molasses . Processed 1 Honey l 5prenoa Stevia , WhiteSugar i ELIMINATIONDIET AVOID LOWHISTAMINE DIET AVOID MODERATEHISTAMINE DIET AVOID Low Medium Hish VeryHigh BakingSoda BakingPowder Whiteand . Vinegar r Noton AIPProtocol r CitricAcid Galangal BlackPepper I Nutritional , Additives : Creamof Tartar Gelatin r Yeast , Carrageenan HimalayanSalt Ginger Brewer'sYeast , FolicAcid Horseradish GreenPepper bar bum Lemongrass (Fresh) Commercial lodine Pectin Tamarind : Sauces: MeatExtracts Saffron Turmeric ' Coconut NSAIDs (Threads) Vanilla(Extract) Aminos , Preservatives SeaSalt , Fish StockCubes Maggi TableSalt Mustard (lodonized) Oyster TomatoPaste soy VegetableStock Tamari (Carton) Ia nooorl YeastExtracts Teriyaki Wasabi