The Street Railway Journal
OCT 2 1890 U WENT I NEW rOKR: I CHICAGO: ) VOL. Ill, JANUARY, 1887. J t 113 liberty .Street./ No. 3. (Lakeside Building, f William J. Richardson. lyn & Jamaica Bail way Company. After this institution, he becamethe superintend- having 1 een so engaged for a period of two ent of the Brooklyn, Carnarsie &Rockawny The subject of our present sketch, Wil- years, and desiring to devote himself Beach Railroad and Steamboat Line, his liam James Richardson, was horn in the city to further study, and being, for- father having become associated with of Albany, N.Y., October another gentleman in 22, 1849, and is, therefore, leasing it. This position in his thirty-eighth year. he filled for one year, un- His early education was til his father disposed of obtained in the experi- his interest in that line, mental department of the when the son left the State Normal school, at road and assisted him in Albany, passing from the connection with the busi- lowest to the highest ness of running the lines class in that department. of the Atlantic Avenue Leaving this school, he Railroad, then known as attended the Albany the Atlantic Avenue, East branch of the Bryant & New York & Greenwood Stratton series of busi- Railroad. ness schools, until, incon- In May, 1872, the At- sequence of the election lantic Avenue Railroad of his father, Mr. William Company of Brooklyn Richardson, to the presi- was organized, and be- dency of the Dry Dock, came the successoi of East B load way and Bat- William Richardson, les- tery Railroad Compai y, J % see, in the operation of * of New York, in the year | the several street car 1864, he removed (with - sf^ lines under his control; his parents) to New York and upon the organiza- City.
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