An IndependentPublication of ChurchOpinion

May- June,2001 Vol.13,#3(94)

Supportedby the voluntary contributions of its readers. Republicationpermitted upon acknowledgment of source.



Thelnternet "Listok," originally set up withthe blessing of MetropolitanVitaly, published the following Ukase, translated fromthe Russian by "Ch.N," suspending clergymen in theWestern Europe Diocese: UKASE Fromthe Synod of Bishopsof theRussian Orthodox Church Outside Russia. To: the clergymenof the WesternEurope Diocese, Archpriest Michel de Castebaljac,Archpriest Benjamin Joukoff, ArchpriestPaul Puarie, Archpriest Radu Apostolesku, Nicholas Semenoff, Priest Quentin de Kastelbajac,Priest NicholasApostolesku, Protodeacons Sergius Vsevoljsky and Herman lvanoff-Trinadzaty. TheSynod of Bishopsof the RussianOrthodox Church Outside of Russia onApril 11124,2001 h e a rd: A writtenreport by two clergymen- ArchpriestGeorge Larin and Archpriest Steven Pavlenko of February10123,2001 in whichthey outlined the details of theirinvestigation related to theunrest that developed in theWestern Europe Diocese. Theyhave spent 11 days there. TheSynod of Bishopsafter a thoroughexamination of thepresented report decreed: The above mentionedclergymen, for distortionof ecclesiasticaldiscipline and disobedienceto the Supreme Administrationand for refusalto commemorateduring the servicesthe diocesanruling , His GraceBishop Ambrose,appointed by the Councilof Bishopsin 2000,based on the ecclesiasticalcanons 14 and 15 of the Second ConstantinopleCouncil and 25 and 31 of the ApostolicCanons, are suspendedby the Synodof Bishopsuntil their full repentance. lf theywill repent and agree not only to commemorate,but also obey Bishop Ambrose, in thisway will discontinue their rebellionagainst the churchauthorities and thenthey may havetheir right to serverestored. On all of themthe duty 'Ch. imposedto cometo Munich[Germany, N."]on May2 (newcal.) of thecurrent year in orderto meetwith Archbishop Luausto settletheir further status. About what Ukase to givethem. Signed:Metropolitan , President of theSynod of ArchbishopLaurus, Secretary to theSynod of Bishops

Thisukase shines with a rarelyseen administrative and even grammatical illiteracy. To beginwith, it seemsthat the presentChancery of the Synodof Bishopsaccepted the view that any sort of Internet announcementmay be nowaccepted as an officialdocument, even if it lacksthe genuine signatures of thePresident and theSecretary, plus the obligatory Synod seal. This "document" is alsolacking an outgoing number! In quotingby thisSynod's decree of canons- thereis againa failure.The newSynod's "canonist", it seems, tried to pileup as manycanons as he couldand didn't notice that the 25thApostolic canon has absolutely no relationshipto the of the WesternEurope clergy. lt says:"lf a bishop,presbyter, or deaconbe foundguilty of fornication,perjury, or case 'thou theft,let him be deposed,but let himnot be excommunicated;for the Scripturesays, shallnot punisha mantwice forthe same offense.' In likemanner other clergy shall be subject to thesame proceeding." Notone of theWestern Europe clergymen was accused of anyof thecrimes listed in thiscanon, while The Synodof Bishopsdemonstrates its own illiteracy by twice suspending Priest Nicholas Semenoff! However, this is notthe first such blunderin the misuseof the canonsby the Synodof Bishops.In theeffort to puttogether as manycanons as the page canhold, the Synodof Bishopsin thecase "defrocking" Bishop Valentine even used a canonreferring to the situationof thebaptism of thechildren of theheretical Donatists! The storyof an ukasesent via Internetdemonstrates Synod's Office even more.Bad enoughthat the ukasewas fonrvardedonly by the Internet(one mightquestion: will it ever be sentout directly?)- the DeputySecretary Bishop Gabrieladded (as one can say- insultto injury)- he calledone of the clergyin Franceand commissioned him to relay thecontents of theukase to theclergy involved by telephone! TheWestern Europe clergy refused to submitto thisukase and it is knownthat they gathered for a meeting,presided by BishopBarnabas and have sent to theSynod a motivatedexplanation. At the 55metime, the situationin Brusselsbecame more strained. A weekbefore the parishfeast (St. Job the Much Suffering),a parishioner warned Bishop Ambrose that his appearance on thisday would not be welcomed by them.At the sametime informationreached Brussels that Archbishops Laurus, Mark and the newlyordained for Ge'rmandiocese Vicar-BishopAgapit were expected for the parish feast. This information frightened the Rector, Fr. Nicholas Semenoff and his parishionerito suchan extent,that they have decided to closethe churchgates and to cancelservices on MaylBth and 19tn. Nevertheless,on FridayMay 18 around5 PM BishopAmbrose arrived. The gates were locked and near them stood a groupof parishioners.Bishop Ambrose asked for the keysand Matushka answered, "One of the parishionershas them." No onegave him the keysand parishioners started to shout"anaxios". The red-faced bishop went to hiscar in angerand servedin anotherparish in Brussels,where the rectoris Fr.Stephen Weerts. 2


We havereceived a copy(in Russian,translated by "Ch.N.") of the "Epistleto the God-lovingflock by the Diocesan Convention0f the RussianOrthodox Church in Europe,"dated "Cannes, Day of the HolySpirit,2001". The epistle has a sub-title:"Today the grace of HolySpirit has gathered us." lt startswith the sentence: "Gathered around Bishop Barnabas of Cannesfrom variousparts of the WesternEurope Diocese, we havetoday collectively celebrated the descentof the HolySpirit upon the Apostles and Disciplesof our Savioron theday of Pentecostand we prayedthat He would show us theway in thesedifficult circumstances which our diocese and the whole Russian Church Abroad are facing now." Thenthere are discussed2 points(Ecumenism and Sergianism)and the confusingdecisions about them at the unfortunateCouncil of the ROCORin 2000and which introduced "a newextremely perverted spirit of a dual language whichcorrupts and breaks up from within any church group which uses it." Thenafter describing the reasons for the tragic schism in theWestern-Europe clergy because of theoutrageous acts of Ambrose,the Bishop of WesternEurope, the Convention closes its Epistle with following paragraph: "Whilepausinq in orderto securethe clericalduties placed upon our clerqymen. we areforced to createa diocesan structureunder the omophorionof our bishop.the Right Rev. Barnabas.while remainingunder the spiritual authoritvof our blessed MetropolitansAnthonv. Anastassv. Philaret and the present First Hierarchof the RussianOrthodox Church Abroad, His EminenceMetropolitan Vitalv. May the Lordlet us hearthe voiceof our conscienceand follow its direction, following the narrow path which leads to salvation."(Emphasis by "Ch. N."). Underthis work there are the signaturesof BishopBarnabas, Archpriests Michel de Castebaljac,Radu Apostolesku, ConstantineFedoroff and PriestsNicholas Semenoff, Quentin de Castebaljacand ProtodeaconsS. Vsevolojskyand H, lvanov-Trinadzaty.Then follow 23 signaturesof readers,ordinary lay people and even a fewwomen! It is seldomthat one seesa moreabsurd and adventurous epistle signed by a bishopand few respectedarchpriests andpriests! In a privateconversation between the "ChurchNews" editor and MetropolitanVitaly, he statedthat he has no knowledgeof a newlyopened parallel "diocese" without borders. Unfortunately, this adventure was evoked by no means bythe grace of the HolySpirit!


Christis Risen! Gatheredin Munichin accordwith the resolutionof the Councilof Bishops,2000, for the glorificationof newsaints of Godand also the of a vicarbishop for theGerman diocese, with the Lord'shelp we haveyesterday completed thedouble celebration inwhich participated a multitude of clergymenof theDioceses of Germanyand Western Europe. Disordersin theWestern Europe Diocese disturb and trouble us. ln connectionwith this the Synodof Bishopshad to takespecial measures toward those who refusedto commemoratetheir ruling bishop His GraceAmbrose, Bishop of Genevaand Western Europe, be subjectto him,obey him and fulfill the conciliar regulations. Suchdisobedient behavior and unauthorized acts are a violationof canonicalrules and ecclesiastical discipline. As the FirstHierarch, His EminenceMetropolitan Vitaly did previouslywarn, as wellas the Synodof Bishops,conducting the servicesunder similar violations is a terriblecrime and deprives their sacred acts of legalityand grace. Bythe Ukase of April13126, the Synod of Bishopssuspended the following clergymen: BishopBarnabas, Archpriest Michel de Castebaljac,Paul Puarie, Radu Apostolesky, Benjamin Joukoff, Nicholas Sememoff,Quentin de Castebaljac,Nicholas Apostolesku, Protodeacons Sergius Vsevolojsky and Hermanlvanov- Trinadzaty. The Synodof Bishopsordered those clergymen to meetwith the Secretaryof the Synodof Bishops,His Eminence ArchbishopLaurus in orderto discussthe presentsituation on April19/May 2 in the cityof Munich,Germany. To our regret,we muststate that none of theabove mentioned clergymen did apply to himselfthis order. We considerit to be our archpastoralduty to informthe flockof the necessityto abstainfrom the incorrectand unlawful "sacramentalacts" of the above-mentionedclergy. Any sortof sacredacts performed by thosepersons in violationof the suspensionare void of graceand serve as condemnationto those who participate in it. Onceagain we callall to repentanceand a sensiblesolution of thissad situation MunichApril 19/May 2,2001 ArchbishopLaurus, Archbishop Mark, Archbishop Hilarion, Bishop Ambrose, Bishop Evtikhy, Bishop Agapit.

ln thisappeal.here again we are confrontedwith the strikingilliteracy, not only of the canons,but also of grammarof thepresent Synod of Bishops.lt seemsthat no one troubled himself to lookat the"Statutes of the ROCOR'. To beginwith, the feast of "glorificationof God's new saints" was a resultof the"glorification" performed last year by the MoscowPatriarchate. Further, it is absolutelycertain that the massesof RussianOrthodox People have no ideaas who allthesepersons are. 3 Theappeal does not indicateif thisis an extraordinarySynod meeting or it is an unexpectedSynod conference. lt is to be notedthat it is for the firsttime in the historyof ROCORin an officialdecree is a bishopequated with "clergymen" and hissuspension is a matterfor separateconsideration. Accordingto the"Statutes of the ROCOR"(Part 3, Synodof Bishops)in paragraph17 it is stated:"ln casesof Synod deliberationsof extremelyimportant cases, as well as the trialof a bishopin a courtof the first instancethe Synod complementisto be increasedwith other bishops, soecificallv invited by the First Hierarch (underlined by "Ch. N."). In paragraph20 it is stated:"The meeting Synod of Bishopsis consideredvalid when in additionto the Presidentthere participateno lessthan half of its members.But at deliberationsof matters of extremeimportance, and also at a trialof a bishopin the firstinstance, when the enlargedbody of the Synodis required,the meetingis consideredas validif there arepresent no lessthan 6 bishops,including the President of theSvnod (underlined by "Ch. N."). To any pointof viewthis illiterate "Appeal" has 6 bishop'ssignatures (1, just ordained, is not a memberof the Synod bodyand 2 are substitutes)- but the mainthing - and mostscandalous - the Presidentof the Councilof Bishopsand Synodof Bishops- wasnot presentl What is the value of thesesuspensions?


Accordingto informationfrom the Orthodoxmagazine Vertograd (via the InternetMay 3, 2001# 61) in the Tsar ConstantineCathedral in thecity of Suzdal,on TuesdayApril 18/May1, 2001 there was a festiveglorification in the host of saintsof MetropolitanPhilaret, the lateFirst Hierarch of the ROCOR. On Monday,April 17130 His EminenceSeraphim, Archbishop of Suhumand Abhazia served a Liturgyin memoryof MetropolitanPhilaret and after that, the First Hierarchof the RussianOrthodox (Autonomous) Church Metropolitan Valentine,served the customarylast panikhida. Inthe evening, in presenceof pilgrimsfrom Moscow, St. Petersburg, Ural, Central Russia and Caucasus the 5 Bishops, 21 priestsand 4 deaconsconducted the vigilservice at whichfor the firsttime therewas sung the glorificationto MetropolitanPhilaret and hymns from the service to him. HisGrace Bishop Ambrose of Khabarovsk,who hassufficiently recovered after the terribleassault upon him, took part in the glorificationservices and serveda litya in the narthexof the cathedral.Archbishop Theodore of Borisovoand Saninoannounced the Synod'sAct of theglorification of St.Philaret. During the polyeleon there was brought forth a large icon of the glorifiedsaint, embroidered by HelenKudriavtsev (an amazingartist in this field) made by a special iconographictechnique. During the anointingwith the blessedoil performedby MetropolitanValentin, Archbishop Theodoregave to everyonea papericon - a reproductionof theoriginal icon. ln the morningof May 1", Metropolitanof Suzdaland Vladimir,Valentin, concelebrated the Liturgyin the Tsar ConstantineCathedral with Theodore, Archbishop of Borisovoand Sanino, Seraphim of Sukhumand Abhazia, Anthony Bishopof Yaranksand Ambrose, Bishop of Khabarovskwith 22 priestsand 5 . After the communionof clergy,the mitredArchpriest George Novakovsky (the rectorof St. Olga Churchin Zheleznovodsk)announced the Epistleof the ROFCto the god lovingflock. After the end of the Liturgythere was a molebento St. Philaretand a processionaround the cathedraland the nearbychurch of the lconof "TheJoy of All Who Sorrow"Mother of God. After the traditional"many years" Metropolitan Valentin thanked the participantsof this feast and brieflytouched on someof thecurrent problems in church.The five hour long service was concluded with a generaldinner. Laterin the daythere was a meetingin the diocesanbuilding for all present.Metropolitan Valentin informed his flock aboutthe major decisions reached at theSynod meeting held from April 28 to 30.He also said that in Octobera councilof bishopsis planned. Thepresent clergy touched on the subjectsof ecclesiasticaleducation, church publications and the presentsystem of electronicregistration of Russiancitizens. As opposedto the Synodof Bishopsof the ROCOR,the Synodof Bishopsof the RussianOrthodox Church does not believethat they have to keepthe flockin ignoranceabout decisions and regulations. Therefore, it is alreadyknown that oneof thefirst questions raised at theSynod meeting was the matter of "thegracelessness of the Moscow Patriarchate, a problemtfrat greatly concerns the Catacombfaithful who are in thejurisdiction of the ROAC.After detailed deliberations on thismatter, the Synod of Bishopsdecreed to createa committeechaired by Anthony, Bishop of Yaranskto investigate the theologicaland spiritual-canonicalstatus of the MoscowPatriarchate, after deciding upon the membershipand the areaof problemsto be consideredby this Committee". The Synodof Bishopsalso "took note of thewish of somehierarchs, clergymen and lay people of the ROACto study the matterof the canonizationof some respectedhierarchs and zealotsof the ROCOR.His EminenceArchbishop Seraphimwas appointed as chairmanof the Committeewhich is commissionedwith to investigatetheir biographies and teachingsand to presentthe results to theSynod of Bishopsin orderto seeif thereare grounds for their glorification". Thsmembersof theSynod of Bishopsstudied the matter of missionaryactivity by clergymen and laity of theROAC in the globalcomputer Internet, deciding it was properto annulthe blessingof the FirstHierarch of the ROACin the unofficialInternet-resources. At the sametime, it was consideredexpedient to createan otficialwebsite for the Russian Church". 4 Alsodiscussed was the matter of theGnostic false teaching of "thelmyabozhniki" (asect which worships the name of God),which lately became a subjectof discussionin sometheological circles of the RussianChurch. The Synodof Bishopsconfirmed its absolute devotion to the Patristicteaching and the HolyTradition of theOrthodox Church regarding thismatter. lt wasnoted that the LocalCouncil of the RussianChurch in the 1917-1918did not issue a definiteresolution regardingthe "lmyaslavtsy"(or lmyabozhniki),therefore the Synodof Bishopsbelieves that the finaldecision regarding this matteris beyondits competence.The Synodappealed to the clergyand laity of the ROACto stay away from accusingone another of "heresy".The Epistleof the Synodof Bishopsdevotes a considerablepart to an appealnot to turna theologicalargument about "lmyabozhie" into a reasonfor ecclesiastical schism." NOTEby ChurchNews: the abovequotations are takennot fromthe originaltext of Synoddecisions, but fromthe publicationof thebulletin Vertograd.

Just a few days after the glorificationof MetropolitanPhilaret by the RussianOrthodox Autonomous Church, independentlyfrom it, the HolyOrthodox Church of NorthAmerica glorified him alsowith its centerin Boston.The riteof glorificationwas performedin a churchin Worcester,MA, whichwas previouslyin the jurisdictionof the ROCOR.The rectorof thischurch is V. Rev.Victor Melekhov. After a festiveLiturgy at which participatedmany clergy and some 300 faithful- therewas offereda dinnerfor all present.


We printbelow an interviewpublished by the Orthodox magazine Vertograd # 59of April24,2001

Howdo you evaluatethe futureof the RussianOrthodox (autonomous) Church rn Russn and abroad?

We believeand hopethat the Russianpeople who seek the trueOrthodoxy of the HolyFathers will gather under the omophorionof the RussianOrthodox Church and we, withGod's help will restoreher canonicalstructure and normal ecclesiasticallife within her - let it be notpowerful with numbers, but strong in spirit.We prayto the LordGod and hope for Hishelp, that lawless arbitrariness regarding religious matters in our Fatherlandwill be stopped,when one confession getsall the advantages, and the RussianOrthodox Church, which disagrees with the MPon a numberof mattersof faith, moralsand canons - persecutionsbegin. We putour hopes that in the presentextremely difficult situation, which is foundnot only in Russia,but also far beyond her borders,where practically all the LocalChurches participate in the heresyof ecumenismand in thisway they destroy the healthyframework of Orthodoxy,we wouldbe ableto offercanonical refuge to all thosewho want to liveand confess Orthodoxy,who aspire not only to preserveit, but also to confessOrthodox teachings not only in words, but in theirlives.

Willtherebe a schismin theROCOR?

I believethat there will be no bigschism, because over there is almostnothing left for a "split".Some of thosewho didn't agreewith the decisions of the hierarchsof ROCORwill be lookingfor newjurisdictions, and some, who are indifferent to Orthodoxyand Orthodoxteachings, will let the SynodAbroad do whatthey want. lt shouldnot be forgottenthat the majority,whose conscience was sincerelytroubled by what has happened in the ROCOR,left already in the 1995,when severalRussian Hierarchs. After all, the conflictat thattime was not over the SynodAbroad uncanonically suspended 'barter' power,but over the most important issue - thefuture of theRussian Church in Russia- willit become in thegame of the verysame powers who evenat thattime were seeking union with the MP,so theycan get the mostprofitable conditionsfor themselvesor it will grow and becomestronger becoming a refugeto all thosewho seek the pure Orthodoxyof the HolyFathers. The SynodAbroad made its choice.Therefore now that the hierarchsAbroad have betrayeda Churchwhich anathematised ecumenism and canonizedthe NewMartyrs, some left them and the restwill 'World rushafter their bishops to embrace Orthodoxy".

What in your betief has to happenin the RusslanChurch of the MoscowPatriarchate so that your iurisdictionwould commund''withher?

Thisis a veryhypothetical question. The MoscowPatriarchate, from the momentof hercreation by MetropolitanSergius on theone handand the tyrantStalin on the otherside - sankvery deeply into various deviations, canonical and moral. To expecther to be "self-curing"is in vainsince the MP emergedas an organizeduntruth and her improvementwould actualiymean her self-destruction. Here one can hope only for a miraclefrom God. lt hashappened in Churchhistory that Orthodbxy,totally chased out of existence,reestablished itself, heretics were thrown out andthe formerpersecutors of Orthodoxybent their heads and hearts before the Truth. What one can suggest and would need to be doneis hardeven to presume.lf thereexisted some way for this to happen,then surely some one would realize it, yet, so far,all those who no longerwant to cheattheir consciences and seek to liveaccording to conscience,according to the commandmentsof the Gospel,according to the suggestionsof the HolyFathers, do notmake any changes in her,but leavethe Moscow Patriarchate.

Whatare your relationswith the Old Calendarists?

We loveall OrthodoxChristians, as the LordJesus Christ commands, but we renounceany violation of theApostolic Canons,the Ecumenicaland LocalChurch Councils. We sympathizewith the Old Calendaristsin theirstruggle against ecumenism,the new calendar, etc. To our greatsadness, it has to be notedthat the Old CalendaristGreeks have many various groups: Mathewites, Chrysostomites,Kallinikites, Bostonian, all of whichso far havebeen through a periodof disorganization,therefore, for timebeing we considerit to be the bestto followthe decision of theCouncil of Bishopsof the RussianChurch Abroad of 1975under presidency of St. Philaret(Voznesensky) to abstainfrom communionwith them untilthey uniteamong themselvesor at leastestablish relationships with one another. The offers are there, but we arenot in a hurryto answerin the hopethat there will come about a morefavorable moment when we willbe ableto associatewith the one Greek True OrthodoxChurch and not with various separate groups. But this temporary abstinence has a purelychurch-administrative character.

Are you sorryabout leaving the ROC/MPin 1990?

Werethe Hebrewssorry that they have left "the house of slavery"- of Egypt?Those who got usedto Egyptianfleshpots- weresorry. Those who were zealous of God- certainlynot!

Do you believethat you havehad no wayout and if yes,then why?

Whilein the MP I was strivingfor serviceto God'sChurch according to my strength,although I grewup in the midstof Catacombnuns "Tikhonites", who thought me howto scrutinizethe whole machinery of the MP insideand out, down to everyscrew, and whileI scrutinizedthe MP I saw almostalways that it was basedupon a lie and the disdainof "the pastors"for the flock. At presentthe Moscow Patriarchate is a statereligion. To myshame and great sadness, I happened to makesome agonizing compromises of conscience,some times - refuseto noticewhat was so strikingand was not to be considerednormal Orthodox life. I triedto justifythe hierarchs of the MP by reasonthat during the Communist regime, underthe muzzleof a gun,there is noother way for peopleto prayin the churches and be taught the word of God. Thenperestroika began, the gundisappeared, but the monstrosityof thisuntruth, to whichone had to givein and"not to notice,"grew even stronger. Sooner or laterthe cupof patienceoverflowed. Almost no onemanages to leavethe MP withoutdifficulty and temptations; there is alwayssome sort of hookwhich holds one back even when to the conscience everythingis clear.Some have human attachments, some a highposition, some crafty calculations, but the Lordhelps, Hereleases one from these hooks, Some times leading one through stern tests. I haverepented of all my sinscommitted while in the MP severaltimes in churchbefore all the honorablepeople, who pardonedme. And now,I dailypray to the Lordand ask Him not to remembermy transgressionsbut to prolongmy serviceto the Churchof God,Orthodoxy, Russia and Russian people not only in Russiabut also far beyondher borders, notout of fear,but in conscience.

Whenyou haveserued in the MoscowPatriarchate, what did you knowabout the ChurchAbroad?

In mychildhood I was brought up in thebosom of theCatacomb Church when during services the name of Metropolitan Anastassy- the FirstHierarch of the ChurchAbroad -- was commemorated.Then MetropolitanNestor became my spiritualfather, a famousKamchatka missionary, who for longyears served in theChurch Abroad in Chinaand after the war came to the USSRbelieving the promisesof the representativesof the MP who constantlyinsisted that the persecutionof theChurch in the Fatherlandhad ended. He paidfor histrust with ten years in thecamps. From him I also foundout about the Church Abroad. I wastonsured a monkby ArchimandriteSeraphim (Smykov, former pastor in the ChurchAbroad) - whowas at some titrreordained by MetropolitanAnthony (Khrapovitzky) who duringthe war cameto Russiafrom Yugoslavia in orderto regeneratethe faithin the Russianpeople, when under the Germanoccupation the churchesstarted to re-open.In particular,he openedthe St. Catherine Cathedral in Krasnodar.So, from my childhood and young years I havehad many impressions,although certainly, my impressionswere to somedegree idealized and I was to meetwith the Church Abroadnot at herbest period and experiencing quite a numberof disappointments. I was fortunateto associatewith such great hierarch as BishopGregory (Grabbe) the Chancellorof the ROCORfor over50 yearsand who in the lastyears, almost alone fought with the apostasy of itshierarchs. Shortly before his death he 6 insistedhe be broughtto Suzdal- beingalready in a wheelchair he prayedand served with us and,so to say,handed overto usthe best witness of theChurch Abroad. The RussianOrthodox Church is not simplya continuationof the ChurchAbroad - in herthere are gatheredthose numerousCatacomb members and those of theROCOR and those who have left the MP, realizing her untruth, in orderto restorethe true Orthodox Russian Church, confess the Faith and strictly preserve the canons and ways of Orthodoxy.

What is your attitude toward facts that St. John of Shanghaicommemorated Patriarch Alexis I (Simansky)at the proscomedia?

I believethis is a disinformation.Such affirmation is basedupon the wordsof the recentlyreposed OCA bishop Vassif (Rodzianko).All his lifehe madeetforts to provethat the Church Abroad and the MoscowPatriarchate had good relationsand that only the "extremists"in the ROCORwere standing up againstthe MP:I believethat in hisold age he simplyexaggerated, trying to presentthe St.John as a friendof the MoscowPatriarchate. lf St.John considered it possible to commemoratePatriarch Alexis on proscomedia,then why did he so abruptlybreak awayfrom this patriarch when for a shorttime he happenedto be in hisjurisdiction? Why did he, by riskinghis life try to takehis flock outside the boundariesof thispatriarch in communistChina? Why is hissignature found under numerous documentsof the ChurchAbroad that unmaskthe Patriarchate?Today the situationis muchworse. When the Saint reposedin God,Ecumenism was onlyan idea;there was the hopethat the hierarchsof the MP wereholding to the Sergianistcourse just out of fear for theirlives. In our time Ecumenismhas practicallydestroyed all OrthodoxLocal 'lubilee Churchesand the MP at her council"openly accepted the Ecumenical"doctrine regarding relationship to heterodox",which directly opposes the HolyFathers' teachings, but also at the previoustheir council accepted the heresies,forexample in 1994the MPdecreed by theCouncil that it is possibleto praywithheterodox, which is forbidden bythe canons of theCouncils and Holy Fathers. Ten yearshave passed since all the threatsof the MP hierarchson the partof the Communistgovernment have vanishedyet theystubbornly insist upon the Sergianitecourse even increase it. And whenwe thinkof St. Johnand questionourselves: could he be amongthe hierarchsof the ROCORwho duringthe autumnof his lifeexpressed the aspirationto unitewith the MP? The answer is clearfor us - no hecould not. Thebishop of theAmerican Metropolia, Vassily Rodzianko, for thisor thatreason this time did say a truth,only making somethingfavorable for hispoliticking. From1941 to 1945the Synodof Bishopsof the ROCOR(first in Yugoslaviaand then in Germany)happened to be in totalisolation and had no possibilityof havingconnections with the outsideworld. The postalservice in thesecountries duringthe war and even some time after it endedwas non-existent. Using this situation the Soviets widely spread rumors that MetropolitanAnastassy disappeared and the Synodno longerexisted. At the sametime, the Moscowhierarchs, especiallyMetropolitan Nicholas (Yarushevuch) testified that the Churchnow is completelyfree and the "Fatherlandhas forgiven"everybody, even the oldtime 6migr6s and they may safely return home. Like every hierarch in the FarEast, St. Johnof Shanghaialso believed this lie and indeed started to commemorateboth Metropolitan Anastassy and the Moscow Patriarchate,and he stayedin jurisdictionof the latterfor nearlya yeat. Yetin 1945by a sheermiracle, Metropolitan Anastassy managed to comefrom Germany to Swi2erlandand from there contactthe outsideworld. At the insistenceof the governmentof the USSR,the Swissparliament nearly deported MetropolitanAnastassy back to Germany.At thattime the intercessionof the Americangovernment helped. Due to the requestof theAmerican Metropolitan region headed by MetropolitanTheofil (who at thattime was still in thejurisdiction of ROCOR)and political pressure from America, the Metropolitan was permitted to remainin Switzerlandfor several months. Uponfinding out that MetropolitanAnastassy was aliveand the Synodof Bishopswas functioning,Vladyka John immediatelysevered his relationship with the MP, took measures for salvationof hisflock and wrote a letterof apologyto MetropolitanAnastassy. Earlier it usedto be in theSynod's files. Evenafter Metropolitan Anastassy returned to Germany,the Synodhad connection with the outsideworld through a piousRussian woman, Catherine Silin (who later became the nunEupraxia). She traveled in variousways to the borders of Germanyand Switzerlandand at an arrangedplace the exchangewas madeof correspondencebetween the Synod Administrationand the Jreeworld". St. Johncommemorated the MP beingdeceived, but also,at thattime the MP quiteseriously and veryconvincing condemnedthe heresyof Ecumenismand without doubt by nowhe would not recognize her as validRussian Church and wouldnot agree with the treacherous decisions of thelast Council of theChurch Abroad.


The lastCouncil of Bishopsconvened in Octoberof 2000,had a tremendouslyimportant consequences of notonly for thebelievers in the ROCOR, but also for herdioceses in Russia. In connectionwith the radicalchange in thealmost B0 year long course of theChurch Abroad, in variousplaces of the globethere emerged a wideinterest in the personalityof MetropolitanValentin and the RussianOrthodox Church he is heading.Several communities already joined his jurisdiction, for examplea St.Basil of Riasanparish in Riasan,also the I Brotherhoodsof TsarevitchAlexis and Apostle James, both in Moscow.Some began to gatheradditional information abouthim. This inevitablyalarmed his enemies,who quicklystarted a newwave of slandersand provocationsagainst him. It startedwith accusationof MetropolitanValentine by the formerSecretary of the Synod,Archpriest Andrew Osetrov that he is a supporterof the heresyof "the lmyabozhniki"(worshippers of the nameof God).Three priests and one protodeaconjoined him. Not being satisfied with the Synod'sdecision regarding this matter, Osetrov found a newway to annoyhis First Hierarch.Using children's innocence and by bribingthem, he composeda dirtyfilm of children's "testimonies"and his own commentaries and delivered it to the localgovernment departments and certainly, the Moscow Patriarchate.A considerable part of deceivedchildren very soon began to writeto theMetropolitan their apology letters. At thesame time it becameknow that in thispersecution takes part a formerhierodeacon John of theSuzdal diocese, which ranaway with a nunand returned to theMP. He bribednun Sophia, who was a Treasurerof the Diocese.She was able to buya houseand received several hundred dollars to resettle;former Protodeacon Dimitry Krassovsky, unemployed, also unexpectedlybought an apartmentand a car.In spiteof numerousadmonitions on partof the ChurchAdministration to repentand stop the schism, calls to attendan ecclesiasticaltrial and also personal admonitions - they were not taken into considerationand the slandernot only never stopped, but also was accompanied with loud and rude threats to separate fromthe First Hierarch of theRussian Church. Shortlythereafter the provocationsbegan to takeanother form: lnto the Tsar Constantine Cathedral a gunwas tossed, a MajorNaumov came into a Dormitionchurch, scattered some 30 bulletsand yelled that "Valentin should be killed"with them.Just a fewdays after that (May 27) the deposedProtodeacon Krassovsky came to the cathedraland brutally beat up an altarboy Andrew Smirnov. The youthwas broughtto the hospitalwhere it was establishedthat he had a brain concussion.According to Vertograd# 72 this youthwas beatenup becausehe categoricallyrefused to make a "compromising"statement to Krassovskyabout Metropolitan Valentin. Despite the factthat militia came to the sceneof the crime- theydidn't arrest the criminaland the representativesof Ministry of InternalAffairs (similar to the KGB) refusedto initiatea criminalcase and investigate this crime. According to the latestinformation, the parentsof theyouth fileda courtcase and Krassovsky had to signa requirementnot to leavethe Suzdal area. On Sundaya groupof suspendedclerics defiled a churchbuilt by MetropolitanValentine with insultingpersonal inscriptionson theoutside walls. On May28, MetropolitanValentin sent to thevillage of Kideksha(near Suzdal) Archimandrite lrinarkh and Protodeacon Sergiusto deliverto the suspendedA. Osetrovthe summonsto attendthe ecclesiasticaltrial. Both envoys of the Metropolitanwere sprayed with urine. Finally,Osetrov, 3 priestswho becamehis alliesand a protodeaconwere defrocked. By the decreeof May31 # 80 previouslysuspended Archpriest Andrew Osetrov, Serge Joumbayev, Abbot Paissy and Protodeacon Dimitry Krassovsky. Accordingto Vertograd# 73 "at the meetingat whichthese decisions were made, was convenedin the Diocesan Buildingon May31. Besidesthe presidingMetropolitan, there participated Theodore, Archbishop of Borisovoand Sanino and numberof clergyof the Suzdaldiocese, while near to the Synod'sbuilding there assembled several dozen of lay peoplewho were afraidof some provocationon part of schismatics,who the nightbefore threatened the Church Administration.The clergy summoned for the trial did show up, but refused to enterthe Synod building and demanded the hearingbe performedin "a neutralplace" - thecathedral. This was refused them. Afterthe end of the trial,Metropolitan Valentine by footwent to the Diocesanbuilding on VassilievskayaSt., as the defrockedclergy surrounded the walkingFirst Hierarch, screamed out indecentinsults and tried to provokea response. DimitryKrassovsky (who a weekearlier beat up AndrewSmirnov) attacked Protodeacon Sergius, who was videotaping theprocession and broke his camera. "Duringthe trialsession the Synod'sbuilding was surroundedby the specialcars with militia and security forces, who didn'tinterfere with what was happening, yet the reason for their appearance was unclear." Despitethe obvious participation of the Moscow Patriarchate in the provocations, the popularity of MetropolitanValentin in Suzdalis so highthat the headof the Vladimirregion (in viewof this fall'selections for city administration)didn't hesitateto come to Suzdalin an effortto createa plan to preventhis reelectionto the city council.In spite of the persecutionof the Metropolitan,the mayorof Suzdalsent him official notice of the city'sgratitude for hischaritable work andhelp of childrenand pensioners.


May23lJune 5,2001 Thethird day of theFeast of Pentecost To theGod loving archpastors, pastors and honorable monastics, brothersand sisters in JesusChrist. Withfullness of heartI greetall of youon thegreat feast of HolyPentecost and at thesame time I am forcedto inform theclergy and the flock of possibleefforts to disorganizethe Russian Orthodox Church that may take place in thecoming days. 8 As you know,in May of this yeara schismaticgroup arose among our clergy,which is headedby the formerly suspendedArchpriest Andrew Osetrov, who is releasedfrom all his obediencesand is defrockedfor unfounded accusationof theSynod of Bishopsfor supposedly supporting the heresy of "lmyabozhniki."Andrew Osetrov tried to make a videofilm, which compromises me andother hierarchs of our HolyChurch. Naturally, Andrew Osetrov didn't find the soughtfor "compromises", therefore he hadto supplythem from interviews, which he gotfrom some persons who oppose ourChurch and with "commentaries" which distort people's words in ways usefulto him. This fabricatedfilm by AndrewOsetrov was handedto all "interested"agencies: public prosecutor, militia, Federal SecurityServices, the mayorof Suzdal,the regionalAdministration, the MoscowPatriarchate and Vladimirdiocesan administrationof the MP.Despite the fact that the film contains nothing compromising me in reality,the Vladimir regional prosecutionoffice found it sufficientto starta criminalcase. Consideringthe scale and dangerwhich the schismstarted by AndrewOsetrov presents to our Church,the EcclesiasticalCourt of the SuzdalDiocese of ROACat its sessionof May3'1'', decreed to defrockAndrew Osetrov, as wellas his assistantsAlexis Legostayev, Serge Zhumbayev, Peter Gorbunov and DimitryKrassovsky. All thesepeople broughtdiscord into our church life. Withsadness I haveto pointout the closeconnections of ourformer clergy with the persecutorsof TrueOrthodoxy - theMoscow Patriarchate as wellas thesecurity services. This connection was especially clearly demonstrated on theday of theecclesiastical trial when the Synodand Diocesan buildings in Suzdalwere surrounded by the militiavans, buses of the omonsecurity forces and evenan armoredtransportation car, all of themready to "enterthe case"at the slightest confrontationbetween our parishioners and the former clergy. The latterhad the disgracefulrole of beingprovocateurs: with insults,bad languageand evenattempts to beatup ProtodeaconSergius Slonov and our parishioners.They provoked us for "retroactiveacts", but to thecredit of ourfaithful flock,who courageously and humbly endured all insults, not being provoked, as befits Christians. Butthe schismatics and those powerful forces that stand behind them and direct this perishing fight against the Church do notintend to "laydown their weapons". With help of a criminalcase, which is lawlesslystarted by the Vladimir regional publicprosecutor, they believe they can depriveme of any possibilityof rulingthe Church,kick out the organizational supports,the Synod of Bishopsand Suzdal Diocesan Administration. Regardingtheir plans by the persecutorsof our Church,Osetrov and thosewith him,publicly declare that the law- enforcementorgans of the governmentsupport them They send out telegramsand letterswith informationthat MetropolitanValentin is alreadyarrested and will be sentencedto prolongedjail time,therefore, he is to be immediately replacedwith another hierarch, who would be able to "work"with the schismatics. I considerit my sacredduty to warnyou that from minute to minutethere might follow new strikes upon our Church. In thewords of AndrewOsetrov and DimitryKrassovsky, the Vladimir regional prosecutor's office intends to makesearches in the buildingsof our Churchin Suzdal.The intentionis to extractchurch's documentation. During the search,without any doubt,there will be plantedsome sort of literatureand objects,which will becomegrounds for my arrestand jail sentence... ThereforeI beg you, my dearones, do notbelieve any information about the "compromising" objects found in process of search,"witnesses' testimonies" and "'convincing accusations". My entirelife is conductedin full viewof my co-brethrenand flock. Any announcementsof this sort are just another roundof persecutionsof our Church.lf for a whileour persecutorsmanage to disorganizeour SupremeChurch Administration,do notbe grieved,remembering, that against the True Church "the gates of Hadeswill not prevail"; that it waspreserved in theCatacombs under the muchmore severe conditions of Sovietpersecutions. Therefore, in caseI am arrestedand there is an attemptto liquidatethe organs of ourchurch administration, I beg you to recognizethe fullness of yourresponsibility before God and HolyChurch, and to continueto ministerto the flockentrusted to you on conciliar grounds,preserving unfailing faithfulness to theRussian Orthodox Church. I askfor your holy prayers for me a sinnerand for our Church, which suffers new tests. Maythe God's blessing be with you! Zealouswith you for your salvation, Valentin,Metropolitan of Suzdal and Vladimir

Uponthe insistenceof friendsand admirers of the FirstHierarch of the RussianOrthodox (Autonomous) Church, in thedefense of theChurch and his good name, a fairlywell known lawyer has been hired.


In connectionwith the shortarticle published by the ChurchNews # 10 (92)of January,2001, our editorialoffice receiveda responseby fax,which later was publishedon the firstpage of the newspaper"Orthodox Review" #2 (40), 2001,with the title "There is nothingfor us to returnto Evtikhy".Below we publishin full this response.

"To AnastasiaSchatiloff RespectableAnastasia Georgievna ! Whilealways reading with an interestyour "ChurchNews," at the sametime I cannotavoid expressing some objectionsto yourcommentaries, published in issue# 10(92) of January200'1 I do notagree with your following words, published on pages5-6 of the issueof "ChurchNews:" "Almost every single sentenceof BishopEutikhy in thisstatement to clergywho left ROCOR requires comment..." "The St. Petersburg fathers leftthe Church Abroad on quitecorrect basis of thefall of theentire hierarchy into heresy. Unfortunatelythis is notthe firsttime that I haveto announcethat it is notwe, who are leavingthe ROCOR(where is thereat leastone quotationto be foundfrom our documents?),but thosewho performedthis criminal"October" revolution,who quite clearly and by nowverified through documented secret thoughts not one decade were selecting the pro-Moscowand pro-ecumenical clergy, who brought up a weakflock - thosevarious Marks Arndts - thosewe declareto beapostates and enemies of ourChurch - theTrue Russian Orthodox * Catacomband Abroad. Thosewho were caughtstealing in the Holy Land,who defamedthe nameof the ChurchAbroad and who did everythingto discreditthe very idea of Russianpatriotism in our Homeland,the shameless church politicians and liars - thisis notthe ROCOR. Beforeour very eyes there is beingrealized an attemptto annihilatethe RussianOrthodox Church, to bringa majority of herparishes into the Moscow Patriarchate and the rest - to spreadin the catacomb and Old Calendar jurisdictions. We aretrying to opposethis by calling the remnants of theROCOR to unity(and by all means not to leaveher!) I alsoprotest against your second thesis: "lf, as we havesaid above, the Petersburgfathers have left the Church Abroaddue to thefall of theirhierarchy into heresy, than why they have not immediately returned the antimension, given themby the heretical bishop? After all - antimensiongrants the authority to a priestto performliturgies and some needed services.They should have returned it evenwithout a hierarchicalrequest. Since they have not done so evenafter in this casea verylegitimate demand - theirzeal for church Truth significantly looses value. 1. I do not believethat "for the reasonof fallinginto heresy... of the hierarchy"- one can consider the Churchto be annihilated. 2. Also,one shouldnot trustthe wordsof the formerBishop Eutikhy that we, quotingyou, "did not returnthe antimension,given out... by a hereticalbishop". Fortunately,we do servenot on antimensia"blessed" by Evtikhy.The only one which was in thecommunity of St.John of Kronstadtsigned by him,was handedover to the partof parishionerswhich headed by DeaconNicholas Savchenko decidedto acceptthe decisions of therobber Council of 2000.So, there is nothingfor us to returnto Evtikhy. We serveon antimensiawhich were signed by MetropolitanPhilaret of blessedmemory, under whom Evtikhy hardly wouldbe todaya juniordeacon, and were given to us by MetropolitanVitaly in 1992,which we alsoconsider to belongto --,, the as yet unspoiledChurch, but to the HolyTrue OrthodoxChurch - ROCORand we are not cloudedenough to reproachourselves of this"non-return". ln thesame manner I believethat it wouldhave been impossible for the leaders of theWhite armies to "return"to Lenin andTrotsky the banners of theirregiments, which were blessed before the "October Revolution" in Russia. I writeall thisto you,Anastasia Georgievna, first of all,to raisemy voicefrom the swampof liesand disinformation, whichalmost flooded us, and secondly,so thatyou would consider the thoughts,I believeare similarto yoursin your futurepublications. Yourgreat admirer personally and of youralways remembered father, Bishop Gregory (Grabbe). ArchimandriteAlexis

I valuehighly the zealfor the OrthodoxTruth of Fr.Archimandrite Alexis as wellas thatof the clergywith him, but nevertheless,while spending the considerable part of mylife first unofficially helping my overworked father and then being employedas theSynod office manager for 8 years- havingsuch experience, I cannot agree with number of pointswhich areexpressed in thisletter. Fr.Alexis insists that he himselfand his fellowclergy have not leftthe ROCOR,but theyare the "remnants"of this ChurchAbroad, which they attempt to unite.But it is a commonknowledge that in the Church,without a bishop,no "remnants"can ever be united. Despitethe fact that three bishops, members of theCouncil of Bishops,revoked their signatures on theletter to heretic Paulof Serbia(one bishop didn't sign the commonEpistle and two of thempost factum revoked their signatures on the Epistle)- thisdoes not change matters. All three hierarchs continue to remainin bosomof ROCORand have not refused to be in communionwith all thosebrethren who signed the Epistleand the letterto SerbianPaul. Also they didn't take undertheir Episcopal stole any of clergyand lay people who protested the decisions of theCouncil in 2000. Thecreation of a "DiocesanCouncil of St.Petersburg and North-Russian Dioceses of theROCOR - alsocan in noway be recognizedas a legalmove. DiocesanCouncils certainly do exist,but they have to be attachedto a rulingbishop. He is theone who appoints them and the one who confirms them. lt is alsounheard of in a churchadministration that a group of clergypublicly could declare the diocese to be "widowed"and her bishop (although very undesirable) to be "former".ls ._- it possible,for one of theseveral diocesan administrations, as it notheaded by a bishop,could defrock him? No matterhow Fr. Alexis would interpret the matterof theantimensia - the fact remains unchanged. Antimensia, from very ancienttimes, are a bishop'sauthority given to a priestto performthe services. An antimensia,blessed by MetropolitanPhilaret, in this particularcase might serve only as a valuablerelic and nothingmore. lt is not a secular "banner"or somesort of ancient"amulet", which has nothingto do withthe rulingbishop. I knowof a casewhen one 10 clergyman,living outside of Russia,who has one signed by PatriarchTikhon, the Confessor.Does this mean that the antimensionis authority for a priestto serveon it,and even more - in anotherjurisdiction? Againstall the logic,Fr. Archimandrite (according to hisletter) uses the antimension signed by MetropolitanVitaly, who (will[rglyor unwillingly)signed absolutely ALL the decisions of thevery same Council that Fr. Administrator quite correctly labelJas treacherouslMetropolitan Vitaly has not renounceda singledecree, but even continuesto sign all the restrictionsagainst those clergy who protested the Council's decisions! And regardingthe orderby the Dean-Administratorof St. Petersburgand North-RussianDiocese of the ROCOR, ArchimandriteAiexis, to commemoratethe Supreme Ecclesiastical Administration during the servicewith formula "for the Orthodoxepiscopacy of the persecutedRussian Church and all the episcopateof the Orthodoxwho rightlydivide the wordof Truth"(Orthodox Review # 3(41),2001). Here is alsosome sort of lackof coordination. The officialpublication of the ROCOR,"Church Life", # 4-5, 1937,published information about the reposeof MetropolitanPeter of Kruti2aand the Synod of Bishopin hismeeting on April24lMay 7 , 1937, decreed the following: 1. Withgreat sadness and devotion to God'swill while accepting the news of reposeof thesufferer and confessor His EminenceMetropolitan of KrutitzaPeter, the Deputyof the PatriarchalThrone, the Synodof Bishopsprays to the Almightythat He wouldgive rest to the soulof the reposedhierarch and raise to thesuffering Church of Russiaa new-heimsman,who wouldserve with the sameunshakable and indisputablebanner for unityof the Russian Churchand faithfulness to Orthodoxy,as usedto bewith Metropolitan Peter. Z. To commissionHis Eminencethe Presidentto ordermemorial services for the reposedin GodFirst Hierarch the Confessorin all the churcheson the closestand convenient day, as wellas to discontinuethe commemoratehis nameduring the services as the headof the RussianChurch and in thefuture to commemoratein thoseplaces of the serviceswhere used to be the nameof MetropolitanPeter, as Deputyof the PatriarchalThrone - the prayers about"the Orthodox Episcopate of theRussian Church". In anotherwords, the decreehad in mindnot the Catacomb Church, which due to persecutionscould not have a publicly knownhead. At thattime the Synodof Bishopsstill hoped that the RussianChurch would get a newlegal First Hierarch andthe temporarily accepted formula would be discontinued when his name became known. Thisformula, at a certaintime was offered to MetropolitanAnastassy by CountGeorge Grabbe, since there was no way to findout who actuallybecame the canonicalhead of the RussianChurch after the reposeof MetropolitanPeter. The word"persecuted" was added at sometime later, probably in thebeginning of thefifties. ln the lastparagraph of the instructionby the Administrator of St.Petersburg Diocese it is said:" At thesame time, the DiocesanCouncil-explains that the commemoration of the "Orthodox Episcopate of thepersecuted Russian Church" in no way has in mindany one of the ROCORbishops who are directlyindirectly in communionwith the so called"Synod of Bishopsof theROCOR". Doesthis DiocesanCouncil know a singleBishop of ROCORwho severedrelations with the Synodof Bishops immediatelyafter October 2000? Thus,wiih all sympathyfor the "DiocesanCouncil" and its difficultsituation, according to canonicaland administrative principles,they would have a legalway out only by formallyexiting the ROCORon the 6asisof the 1Sthcanon of the2nd bonstantinopleCouncil and joining the RussianOrthodox Autonomous Church or, somedubious Greek Old Calendar Church("luckily" the options are many)!


The.Herald of the GermanDiocese" of ROCORin # 2,2001,published a richlyillustrated report about Archbishop Mark'sofficial visit the Serbian Church. On SaturdayFebruary 4l17tn Archbishop Mark arrived in Belgrade,was met at the airportby a representativeof patriarchand in the patiiarchate'scar precededto the Monasteryof Krushedolon FrushkaMountain. Archbishop Mark alsovisited the patriarchalsummer residence in SremskiKarlovci, where Metropolitan Anthony lived during his life in yugoslavia.Then he wentto a monasteryin Kovilje,where he was met by the VicarBishop Porphyry and at thattime lrinly,Bishop of NoviSad and Bachka.On Sunday,in the morning,from the monasteryin Kovilje,together with Bishop eorpnyrythey went to NoviSad to Bishoplriney. There he wasgranted a very.specialhonor. He was offered to presideat the'litir6yand serve with the miter,while the Serbian hierarchs (on this occasion using a Greekcustom, while all of them normalliserve in miters)concelebrated wearing their monastic kamilavkas with the veil and even stood to thesides of the ,as is usual,but as do Priests! Aiterthe Liturgy,Bishop lriney (by the way,famous for his ecumenicalzeal) presented Archbishop Mark to the flock andasked him to'give a sermon.Then he expressedthe hopethat such visits by Archbishop Mark will be morefrequent in thefuture. Here we quotethe magazine's report:

Aftertaking a rest,"Archbishop Mark and Vladyka lriney had a talk.Vladyka lriney spoke of difficultiesemerging from conversationiwith the Roman-Catholics.When asked by ArchbishopMark about the confusionsthat are introducedby suchconversations, Vladyka lriney said that the believersand clerqymust trust in theirHierarchv [exactly as is now demandedby the administrationoi nOCOn,"Ch. N.'l The hierarchyis actinqin accgrdancewith their consciences. His Gracestressed tha bian srn l1 approachthem with questions. And the SOCconslders it to be wrongto refusethem the answers.The SOCdoes it realizinqher responsibilitv to return into the bosom of theChurch those, who fell awav from her unitv. But the SOC cannot imaqinethe unityoutside of the bordersof Orthodoxv.And indeed,the SOCdoes not participate in anyconcelebrations, doesnot compromise the purity of Orthodoxvand does not renounce any truth". ----/ In thiscase the SerbianBishop lriney bluntly lies (and Archbishop Mark as well,who is notsenile at present)when he quotesBishop lriney's words that "no concelebrationswith Catholicstook place".The SerbianPatriarchate's official publication,the newspaper"Pravoslavlje" of September1, 2000 reported(see Ch. N. #7 (89)2000) reported that "a deleqationof Catholicbishops came at the invitationof the SerbianChurch in Belqrade".As if not enoughin thejoint communiqu€it was reportedthat "for threedays we pravedtogether and listenedto each other.On our common pilgrimaqepath we newlydiscovered a lot of common.Verilv, those were three davs of hope". "On Monday,Archbishop Mark with Vladyka lriney went to Belgradeto the Synod of the SOC [emphasisby the magazinel,Vladyka lriney went into the meetingfirst in orderto makea reportregarding his matters.Then Archbishop Markwas calledin. PatriarchPaul himself was presidingand participatingwere Metropolitan John ol Zagreb,Savva of Shumadia,Basil of Tuslaand Justin of Timok. Patriarchgreeted Archbishop Mark very warmly and askedhim to explainthe reasonfor coming.Archbishop Mark spokeabout the Councilof 2000,about the creationof 2 (?l) committees the Council'sminutes only one was 'Ch. [in mentioned, N"l and aboutthe letteraddressed to Patriarch.Patriarch Paul and repliedthat the SOCrelated to the Russianhierarchs with much love and respect, clergy and lay people, who found the refugein Serbiaafter the revolution andioyfullv will do evervthinqpossible to assistthe unity of theRussian Orthodox Church" (underlined by "Ch. N"). Thisstory seems very strange. The scandalous letter by the Council of Bishopsof ROCORwas sent to the Patriarchin Octoberof lastyear and nowthere is a needfor Archbishop Mark to startthe historyof writingthis letter "beginning with Adam"- a storyabout the Council!lt is worthwhileto recallthe demandof the MPto the SerbianPatriarchate to severe anykind of relationswith the "schismatics"(regarding service of a Serbianpriest in Bari),to whatthe SerbianChurch, degradingher autocephalous status agreed to obeyRidiger. (See "Ch. N." # 6 - 88,2000) Thecontacts of ArchbishopMark with the representatives of the MP havein noway ceased. The very same "Herald of the GermanDiocese" # 1,2001, reportsan Orthodoxconvention, which was heldat the end of Decemberin Munich. Participantswere the SerbianWestern Europe Bishop Constantine and ArchpriestAlexis Babourin, a "pharmacist- physicianwith manyyears of experience".On this conventionhe made 2 reportsas a specialiston drug abuse treatments. As per the Herald,"according to existingtradition, during the sessionsof the conventionthere were every day the of Vespers,Matins and Liturgy." has - , services One to believethat the Serbian and Moscow Ecumenists have not ignored thoseservices!


FromMay 11 to May14, 2001 in villageof Khmelitain theSmolensk region, where is locateda governmentprotected reserve-museum there was an internationalscientific conference called "Historiosophical and literaryheritage of A. S. Khomiakoffand contemporaryRussia". Originally the Khmelitaestate, with a now restoredhouse-palace frdm the lBth century,belonged to thefamous writer A. Griboyedoffand was transferred to the Khomiakoffsas a dowry,received by a Griboyedoffwho married one of theKhomiakoffs. The conferencehad an extremelyscientific character. Suffice it to saythat the onlyspeakers were the professorsof variousspecialties. Over three days there were heard some 59 reports.Each was restrictedto only20 minutes.The themesof the reportsvaried according to thespecialty of thespeaker and each one of themspoke from the point of view of Khomiakoff'sideas and influenceupon his profession.The meetingswere held in the restoredformer theater with placesfor severalhundred people. The wallsof the hall were decoratedwith portraitsand paintingsconnected to Khomiakoffand few of hisown drawings and a portraitof hiswife. On thestage there was a goodportrait of Khomiakoff himself.Khomiakoff's estates had three ponds. In Khmelitapark there are 4 oaksbelieved to be morethan 400 years old. In otherKhomiakoff estates, Lipitzy and Obidino(Smolensk region) the owner'smansions were destroyed, but the admirersof Khomiakoffin Lipitzyare beginningto restoreof one of the outbuildings,which will be turnedinto a Khomiakoffmuseum. On May 19, there was anotherconference dedicated to Khomiakoff(Tula region)in the main familyestate Bogutcharovo.After the liturgyin the estate'schurch with icons by Khomiakoffhimself (unfortunately in a veryWestern style)a memorialservice for himand his wife was served. After that in the localschool hall, in presenceof at leastsome 300people three reports were given and after that a banquetfor about 200 people, including the highest local authorities. Fromthe reportsit was obvious,that the memoryof Khomiakoffis verymuch alive, that the localschools include in theirprogram special courses about him: childrenalso raisespecial plants which were cultivatedin this estateby Khomiakoff,write essays about him and memorize his poems. -'/ Afterthe Banquetmusical performances by variouslocal schools were held in a placewhere there used to be a summertheater. Khomiakoff himself introduced such kind of entertainmentsfor his employees.The wonderfultwo hour longprogram of childrendressed in nativelocal dress lasted for 2 hours. 12 In a privateconversation, one of theprofessor-speakers related that when the coffins of Khomiakoff,his wife and his brotherin-law poet Yazykoff were transferred from the cemeteryof DanilovMonastery to Novo-Devichy,it was foundthat hisand his wife's bodies remained incorrupt, while in theYazykoff coffin next to themonly bones were found. WhenKhomiakoff died, besides his 'r familymembers at thefuneral, there were only 6 closefriends of hisand now, the residentsof Smolenskand Tula regions hope to liveto seea daywhen in 2004(200 years of hisbirthday) this date will be proclaimeda national holiday.


Theofficial publication of the SerbianOrthodox Church, the newspaper"Pravoslavlje'on April 1't, 2001 published a reportof thejournalist Zhivica Tutzich about difficulties connected with election of newJerusalem Patriarch after patriarch Diodorreposed on December19 of the lastyear. According to regulationsof JerusalemChurch, new Patriarch has to be electedwithin a 2-monthperiod. Meanwhile the DeputyPatriarch governs the Church.Yet, more than four months have passedand the matter of theelection of a newpatriarch remains open. The electionsof Patriarch,including clergy and flockare heldin dioceseof JerusalemPatriarchate located in lsrael, Palestineareas and Jordan Kingdom. There were nominated three candidates for Patriarchalthrone. The results showed thatof 17 votes,S weregiven to patriarchalrepresentative in Athens, Metropolitan of Erapolislreneos (Kopelilis).'fUeiropotitan The Generalsecretary of theSynod, Metropolitan Timotheos (Margaritis) got 7 votesand the DeputyPatriarch ot Petria,Kornelius (Rodusakis) received 1 vote.One remaining extra vote was for the fourth Metropolitan. The DeputyPatriarch presented the listof candidatesto the lsraeligovernment, Palestinians and Jordanians for their remarksabout these candidates and if theyhave any objections to thecandidates. The lsraeligovernment immediately stated Metropolitan lreneos is unacceptablefor them as an anti-Semite.Arafat didn'tlike Metropolitan Timotheos, the Jordaniangovernment made no remarks.Therefore, there remains Metropolitan Kornelios,who had only one vote. ln the beginningit was expectedthat the meetingbetween lsrael's Prime Minister and Arafat might help the political situationas wellas the church's.However this didn't happen. Then Great Lent started, during which elections are not permitted.In this way, the Holy Fire on GreatSaturday was received not by the Patriarch, as is usual,but his Deputy. So far lsraelhas not presented any material proof of thealleged anti-Semitism of Metropolitan lreneos, The'poiition of theArabs is moreclear: they by no meanswant a Greekfor Patriarchand all three candidates are Greeks, as wellas also allthe other hierarch of thePatriarchate (except for one, who is Arab). '---/ Arafatdreams of grabbingthe Patriarchatebecause it is the mainlandowner in the HolyLand especially in Jerusalem andits suburbs. A wholenumber of lsraeligovernment institutions rent the buildings belonging to JerusalemPatriarchate. At the same time,the Greekgovernment is very muchconcerned that a Greekoccupies the see of Jerusalem Patriarchate.lt seems, that while Arafat was visiting Greece there was a conversationwith him about it, butthere were no results. Fromthe beginningof the fourthcentury the Jerusalem Patriarchate has always had a Greekas its head,even during timeswhen the Turks persecuted Christians and the Patriarchs became refugees. The majorityof the JerusalemChurch is Arab-Christiansand in mostcases they do not objectto havinga Greek Patriarch.In manyArabic parishes the services are conduced in Arabic. It seemsthat situation of the JerusalemPatriarchate is very serious one and at presentno resolutionof the problemis in view. Bynow, at theend of June,there is nothingnew in regardsto thePatriarchal elections! .,PILGRIMAGES''OFTHE ROMAN POPE

Fornumber of yearsalready the Popehas not hiddenhis dream to visitKiev and Moscow. Here and there those his dreamswere met with severe hostility. Then Rome got the ideathat under the pretext of the Popevisiting and venerating the historicalholy places of the ChristianEast he will be ableto visitas manycountries as possiblewith an Orthodox majority. Thehead of RomanCatholicism received an invitationfrom the Romaniangovernment and recently (in 199g)was met therewith open arms and "prayed" along with the Patriarch.His trip to OrthodoxGeorgia was less successful. According to pressreports the clergy and population met him very coolly. Theinvitation extended by the Ukrainianpresident Kouchma was jubilantly received by thepapists, but also there were someproblems. The Orthodox under the jurisdiction of theMP (and they are the majority) very strongly opposed this plan. In Ukraineas well as in Russia,the "OrthodoxSacred Authorities" put all the problemson a purelymaterial basis. Supposedly,when they will be properlyresolved, the matterof the Pope'sarrival will be acceptediavoranty. Much more -*-/seldomis spokenabout stopping Catholic (and especially Uniate) propaganda. Yet genuineOrthodox Christians protest so vigorously,that evensome Catholic priests recommended to the Vaticanthat it not hurrywith "pilgrimage"to the OrthodoxCountries. Thusone of the prominentCatholic priests in Greece,Dominic Psaltis, declared that living in Greecehe understands muchbetter the moodof Orthodoxpeople than visitors from the Vaticanwho spendtwo daysthere. According to him, l3 "someOrthodox Christians would like to seethe Pope,but they are an obviousminority and even those who are not interestedin Churchmatters -object to his coming.Although the Orthodoxpriests and bishopsformally agreed to the Pope'svisit, they in practiceobject to it.At presentwe canexpect only negative results". But the Popeis extremelythick-skinned: all the countlessprotests of Orthodoxand even the demonstrationsof multitudesin Ukraine and Greece had no influence upon him. Dueto numerousprotests of the faithfulin Greece,the Synodin its decisionof March5th declared that Popemight come,but only in capacityof a "pilgrim"and not as headof theCatholic Church. ln the beginningthe headof the GreekChurch, Archbishop Christodoulos tried to holdto the Orthodoxline, but under the pressurefrom his government started to giveup oneposition after another and proved to be a veryspurious man. On one side he supportedthe Orthodoxviews about undesirability of Pope'strip and on the otherdid not hidethat he welcomedhis coming.According to the agencyOrthodox Christian News Service, Inc. of March31st, Archbishop Christodoulossaid in hissermon that "he was not invited by the Church but by the government" and he askedhis flock not to makeany sort of demonstrations,because "because the presswill show them to theentire world and they will say that theOrthodox believers are fanaticaland intolerant" ThePope's arrival to Athenswas briefly shown in TV,but "The New York Times" of May5th devoted to thisevent quite a longarticle. Noneof the representativesof the GreekChurch met the popeat the airportand in the citythere was a numberof minordemonstrations. Yet the TV showedthe Popeand Archbishop Christodoulos sitting in the armchairsat a certain distance:both had folders in theirhands. Christodoulos was readinga supposedlyaccusatory speech and the Catholic headmuttered something unclear about regrets of his churchfor crimescommitted toward Orthodox by the crusaders. Christodouloswas so movedthat he started to applaudthe Popel Interesting,that the Popemade no secretthat a reasonfor his "pilgrimage'is the hopefor betterrelations between Orthodoxand Catholics.But in nota singleOrthodox country did the hierarchswho betrayed their faithful raise a single questionabout the faith: everything revolved only around materialistic problems. The Pope,who in Greecerepented for crusaders'sins, not only didn't think to returnto the Greeksany of the robbed property,but nevereven mentionedthat the Vatican'schurches and museumstill keep this propertystolen from Constantinople,notonly of extremespiritual value, but also material. For example, it wascommon knowledge that the altarin HagiaSophia was made out of solid gold. The Greekpress devoted to the world'smost famous heretic a lot of attention.AII TV channelswere broadcast the Papalarrival in Greece,details of his biography,election to the throneand evenhis tripto Cubaand Poland,that happenedquite some time ago. The Chancellorof the ArchbishopPriest Thomas Sinodinos declared that "even those who were negative are now seeinga differentpicture". Onecan state that the papists by all means have won the battle over the "Orthodox."


We receiveda photocopyof a letterby Archbishop Mark of Germanyto the lateArchbishop Anthony of SanFrancisco datedJuly 25lAugust 7, 1999.We wouldnot publish this private letter were it notfor the fact that it alreadyhas circulated throughvarious faxes and on the lnternetand at the sametime it veryclearly explains the ideologyof the treacherous activityof ArchbishopMark.

"YourEminence. Venerable Vladyko!

I turnto YourEminence with the requestto helpme with fatherly advice. I am greatlyconfused by thecircular letter of the Metropolitanregarding the SerbianChurch. You know that at onetime I studiedin Serbia,but it is notthis alone that makesme valuecommunion with the SOC. Much more I am urgedby the awareness that this is theonly Church that lets us feelwe are in the bosomof the EcumenicalChurch. lf, at the biddingof fanatics,we willrefuse communion with the SerbianChurch, then we willsimply slide into sectarianism. lt is notenough that we, in contrastto ourown decision, are deniedcommunion with the RussianChurch and do not fulfillthe directivesof all our formerCouncils at whichit was discussedthat we shouldrestore union with the RussianChurch in itsfullness, now we arein dangerof totallyloosing the connectionwith Ecumenical Orthodoxy. OurChurch Abroad in whichI receivedholy orders was a differentone, not fanatical. Now all of it is collapsingwith the speedof lightening.According to myconscience I cannot participate in this.Should I retire? I do notwant to saddenour First Hierarch. lt is badenough that quite unjustly he considersme to be hisenemy. But I cannotfollow this ukase. Askingfor your holy prayers and your suggestion, Devotedto youas a son,Archbishop Mark"

Inthis letter the German nature of ArchbishopMark is clearlyvisible. The confession of faithis strangeto himand he dreamsonly about the possibility of a united"Orthodoxy" and that, one can say on the threshold of theend of theworldl I A' CL m 3 ct o d o 6 0. .E'E=x EE i'^ =o '-:Ez = =.q tidE fEg 6zo rbq =.6I =o,+x= a'-E 3eI 3 0E =,f= de3 htrox=. I oF j -A o=orrL 3iari a-O fq5 6=E ='ig -r j o

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