LATEX Class for The Annals of Mathematics∗

Boris Veytsman†

2021/04/10, v1.25

Abstract This package provides a class for articles for The Annals of Mathematics


1 Introduction3

2 User’s Guide3 2.1 Installation...... 3 2.2 Invocation...... 4 2.3 Top Matter...... 5 2.3.1 Commands for Authors...... 5 2.3.2 Commands for Editors...... 6 2.4 Additional Macros...... 8 2.5 Theorems...... 10 2.6 Illustrations...... 10 2.7 Bibliography...... 10 2.8 Papers in languages other than English...... 11

3 Implementation 13 3.1 Identification...... 13 3.2 Options...... 13 3.3 Loading Class and Packages...... 14 3.4 Internationalization...... 15 3.5 Fonts...... 15 3.6 Page Dimensions and Paragraphing...... 16 3.7 Headers...... 17 3.8 Top Matter Macros...... 18 3.9 Typesetting Top Matter...... 23 3.10 Typesetting End Matter...... 26

∗©2010–2021, Princeton University (Mathematics Department) †[email protected], [email protected]

1 3.11 Sectioning...... 28 3.12 Figures and Tables...... 29 3.13 Theorems...... 29 3.14 Bibliography Macros...... 30 3.15 Additional Macros...... 30 3.16 End of Class...... 31

2 1 Introduction

The Annals of Mathematics is published bimonthly with the cooperation of Prince- ton University and the Institute for Advanced Study. Founded in 1884 by Ormond Stone of the University of Virginia, the journal was transferred in 1899 to Harvard University, and in 1911 to Princeton University. Since 1933, the Annals has been edited jointly by Princeton University and the Institute for Advanced Study (see This class presents a complete redesign of the journal style—with new fonts and new interface. An author well acquainted with AMSLATEX should find this package easy to use and configurable. The User Manual below illustrates the basic use of the class and discusses the differences with amsart. For an in-depth tutorial of AMSLATEX I could recommend the excellent [1].

2 User’s Guide 2.1 Installation

The installation of the class follows the usual practice [2] for LATEX packages: 1. Run on aomart.ins. This will produce the file aomart.cls.

2. Put the file aomart.cls to the place where LATEX can find them (see [2] or the documentation for your TEX system). 3. Update the database of file names. Again, see [2] or the documentation for your TEX system for the system-specific details. 4. The file aomart. provides the documentation for the package (this is the file you are probably reading now). As an alternative to items2 and3 you can just put the files in the working directory where your .tex file is. The class uses some other LATEX classes or packages. Most probably, they are already installed on your system. If not (or if their versions are very old), you need to download and install them. Here is the list: 1. amsart class and related packages [3], 2. Package hyperref [4], 3. ifpdf package [5], 4. fancyhdr package [6], 5. cmtiup package [7] for “special italics” with uprgiht digits and punctuation. Note that since many distributions do not include this package, you may need to install it yourself. Just download the file http://mirrors.ctan. org/fonts/cm/, unzip it in your TEXMF directory and rebuild the file names database with the command like mktexlsr,

3 6. yhmath package [8].

2.2 Invocation To use the class, put in the preamble of your document

\documentclass[hoptionsi]{aomart} The class internally loads amsart, so all facilities of amsart [1,9] can be used in the source. The class should work with the Babel [10] package. At present, English, French and German languages are fully supported. See also Section 2.8. options The options draft and final work in the same way as for amsart and standard draft LATEX. If the option draft is chosen, the overfull lines are marked by black final boxes on the margins and the \includegraphics prints blank placeholders for the images. The option final (default) switches off the marking of overfull lines and restores the behavior of \includegraphics. To switch on just the overfull marks, without changing the behavior of \includegraphics, one can either explicitly pass the option final to graphics package:

\documentclass[draft]{aomart} \usepackage[final]{graphics}

or add in the beginning of the document


option The option manuscript is intended to faciliate the communications between manuscript the editor and the author. It enables two things: 1. Numbering of lines in the manuscript is switched off in the normal mode, but is on in the manuscript mode.

2. Command \EditorialComment is no-op in normal mode, but produces ma- riginal commentaries in the manuscript 3. Hyperlinks are black in normal mode, but blue in manuscript mode.

option The option screen is intended for the onscreen version of the acticle. If this screen option is selected, the links are blue colored, and the margins are reduced. option Starting from version 1.9 (2011) the formatting of DOI numbers changed ac- olddoi cording to the new recommendations from CrossRef. The option olddoi switches on the “old” formatting. It is used for compatibility reasons. option Starting from version 1.5 (2016) the formatting of DOI numbers changed doi2016 again according to Crossref recommendations. The option doi2016 switches to the version existed between 2011 and 2016. option Since June 2017 keywords and AMS Mathematical Subjects classification num- oldkeywords bers are printed on the title page. The option oldkeywords suppresses this.

4 options The size-changing options of amsart class (8pt, 9pt,..., 12pt) have no effect 8pt other than producing a warning in the log since the journal is designed for only 9pt one type size (roughly corresponding to 11pt of amsart). option10pt Normally the scheme for MSC numbers is not printed. If the option printscheme11pt printscheme is chosen, however, it is printed explicitly. 12pt 2.3 Top Matter There are two kinds of top matter commands: the ones used primarily for authors and the ones used primarily for editors. We describe them separately. The macros descibed below must be issued in the preamble of the document, i.e. before \begin{document}. They produce fatal error otherwise. This behavior is required by the way non-TEX scripts process the files to produce metadata. The only exception is abstract, which should be placed after \begin{document}.

2.3.1 Commands for Authors

\title The command \title, as in amsart class, has two arguments: one optional, and one mandatory: \title[hShortTitlei]{hFullTitlei} The mandatory argument is the full title of the article. The optional argument, if present, defines the shorter version of the title for running heads. If the optional argument is absent, the full title is used instead. The optional argument should be used in two cases: when the full title is too long to fit in the running head, and when the author wants to add a footnote or linebreaks to the title. \author The interface for specifying the authors and their affiliations is close the the \email one of amsart [11] (and different from the standard LATEX). For each author a \address separate command \author should be used, followed by \address and (optionally) \curraddr \curraddr, \email, \urladdr and \orcid. Note that the house style of the \urladdr Annals of Mathematics requires writing \address in the form Institution, City, \orccid State (or Institution, City, Country for non-US locations). Like the newer versions of amsart, aomart does not require the doubling of the @ symbols in the e-mail addresses. The macro \author has two arguments, similarly to \title: \author[hAbbrevNamei]{hFullNamei} The optional argument defines the shorter form of the author’s name to be included in the running head. \givenname The papers published in the Annals of Mathematics are included in various \surname databases. For the indexing purposes it is important to correctly separate the authors’ names into “First Name/Surname” parts. This operation is not easy for the computers. Therefore we decided that the authors should know best how to deal with their names. The macros \givenname and \surname are used to indicate how to split the name into the parts. \fulladdress Another command which does not affect the typesetting is \fulladdress. It

5 is used to store the full mailing address of the author for the online version of the journal and various databases. \shortauthors In some cases the authors list may be too long for the running head, even if the abbreviated forms are used for each author. In this case it is possible to change the running head by a redefinition of the command \shortauthors. This redefinition must be done after all \author commands, but before \maketitle:

\renewcommand{\shortauthors}{A.~Smith et al}

\thanks Like amsart (and unlike standard LATEX), aomart allows \thanks only outside of commands \title and \author. \copyrightnote Normally each paper is copyrighted by Department of Mathematics, Prince- ton University. This is reflected in the footnote on the first page of the article. However, by arrangement with the editors, certain papers may have different copy- right. The command \copyrightnote{hcopyright statementi}, if issued, changes the footnote to the corresponding text, for example:

\copyrightnote{\textcopyright~2012 by the authors. This paper may be reproduced, in its entirety, for noncommercial purposes.}

Note that if you issue this command, you should explicitly include both the copy- right sign and the year unless the paper does not have a copyright, for example:

\copyrightnote{This paper is in the public domain}

abstract The abstract of the paper must be put between \begin{abstract} and \end{abstract}. Unlike the situation in amsart class, abstract may be put after \maketitle. A paper may have several abstracts in different languages. This sitation is discussed in Section 2.8. \maketitle The macro \maketitle typesets the top matter. All top matter information should be specified before this command.

2.3.2 Commands for Editors The commands described in this section should be used by the editors to insert the information about the published paper. They must be put before the \maketitle command. \keyword The command \keyword adds a keyword to the list of keywords. This command may be repeated, for example

\keyword{Embedding theorem} \keyword{Relatively hyperbolic group}

6 \subject The command \subject has three parameters: whether the subject is primary or secondary, the classification scheme and the subject itself, for example

\subject{primary}{msc2000}{20E45} \subject{secondary}{msc2000}{20F65}

\formatdate The macro \formatdate is used to format the dates in the commands. Its argument is the date in the format YYYY-MM-DD, for example


\received The commands \received, \revised, \accepted, \published, \publishedonline \revised accept as a parameter a date in the form \formatdate{hYYYY-MM-DDi}, for \accepted example \published \received{\formatdate{2004-12-24}} \publishedonline \revised{\formatdate{2006-04-12}} \accepted{\formatdate{2007-10-02}}

\proposed The macros \proposed, \seconded, \corresponding, \editor, \version are \seconded used to set the corresponding metadata for the editorial process, for example \corresponding \proposed{E. D. Itor} \editor \seconded{A. S. Sociate} \version \corresponding{A. U. Thor} \version{2.1}

\volumenumber The macros \volumenumber, \issuenumber, \publicationyear, \papernumber, \issuenumber \startpage, \endpage set up the corresponding data for the paper, for example: \publicationyear \volumenumber{172} \papernumber \issuenumber{1} \startpage \publicationyear{2010} \endpage \papernumber{1} \startpage{1} \endpage{39}

Note that if the argument of \endpage is empty, LATEX tries to calculate the last page number as best as it can. \copyrightyear In the standard copyright statement the copyright year is assumed to be the same as the \publicationyear. However, for special cases one can set the copy- right year explicitly, for example,

\publicationyear{2012} \copyrightyear{2011}

7 Note that if you use your own copyright statement instead of the canned one (with the command \copyrightnote), you need to put there the copyright year explicitly instead of using this command. \doinumber The macros \doinumber, \mrnumber and \zblnumber set the information \mrnumber about paper in four major reference databases: DOI (, \zblnumber MathSciNet (, Zentralblatt MATH (http: \arxivnumber // and arXiv ( The use of these macros should be obvious:

\doinumber{10.1215/S0012-7094-92-06520-3} \mrnumber{1154181} \zblnumber{0774.14039} \arxivnumber{1234.567890}

Note the difference between these commands and the bibliography commands dis- cussed in Section 2.7. Commands in this Section set up the data for the current article. Commands in Section 2.7 set up the data for the articles in the bibliogra- phy list. Normally you should not use \doinumber command, since the class will con- struct the standard DOI for the paper from the volume, issue and paper informa- tion. Use it only if the result is by any reason wrong. \oldsubsections Starting with version 1.2 we decreased the vertical spacing before \subsection. The command \oldsubsections restores the “old” values.

2.4 Additional Macros

eqnarray Thee class aomart loads the class amsart. Therefore all familiar amsmath com- eqnarray* mands [9] are available. In particular, there are many commands for writing multiline equations (split, align, gather, multline, . . . ). The environments eqnarray and eqnarray*, while still avilable, are not recommended and should be avoided if possible. \widetilde A number of “wide” mathematical accents is available due to the (internally \widehat loaded) package yhmath [8]: \widetilde, \widehat, \widetriangle, \wideparen, \widetriangle \widering, \widebar. See Table1 for the example of the usage. \wideparen The macro \EditorialComment[hcommentsi] typesets the comments on the \widering margins in the manuscript mode, for example, \widebar Erd\"os proved the following theorem.\EditorialComment{A citation is \EditorialComment needed}

\fullref A set of macros is used to make more convenient clickable references in the on- \pfullref line versions of papers. The package hyperref [4] makes clickable reference numbers \bfullref in the phrases like \eqfullref theorem~\ref{thm:Noeter}... \fullpageref ...see equation~\eqref{eq:alpha}...

8 Code Example

\widetilde{AB} ABg \widehat{AB} ABd \widetriangle{AB} ABÍ \wideparen{AB} AB˜ ˚ \widering{AB} AB˜ \widebar{AB} AB

Table 1: Wide Mathematical Accents

However, it is more convenient for the readers if both the number and the word “theorem” or “equation” were clickable. The macros \*fullref solve this prob- lem. Each macro has two arguments: the word and the reference, for example \fullref{theorem}{thm:Noeter}...

The command \pfullref typesets the reference in parentheses. The command \bfullref typesets it in brackets, and the command \eqfullref uses the \eqref command, for example,

...see \eqfullref{equation}{eq:alpha}...

The similar command \fullpageref is used to make the word “page” clickable, for example,

...see \eqfullref{equation}{eq:alpha} on \fullpageref{eq:alpha}...

By default the command adds the word “page” to the text. You can override this choice using the optiomal parameter, e.g.

\fullpageref[The page]{eq:alpha} starts the discussion of...

The Perl script can be used to convert change all references to the \fullref commands. It works in the following way:

perl >

The script converts all instances of combinations “word \ref{reference}”, “word~\ref{reference}” and “word~\pageref{reference}” to “\fullref{word}{reference}, and similarly for parenthesized references, \eqref commands, and page references. To prevent the converting, just put \ref{reference} or \eqref{reference} inside braces. The “word” here must not start with a backslash (i.e. must

9 not be a macro itself). This prevents disastrous results for phrases like “see~\ref{a}, \ref{b}”. The distribution includes two sample files, aomsample.tex and aomsample1. tex, the latter being obtained from the former by the script Note that \autoref command of hyperref provides for another mechanism that achieves the same goal. Unlike \fullref command, the command \autoref tries to figure out the name of the reference from the context. See the manual [4] for more information.

2.5 Theorems \newtheorem You can use the commands of amsthm package [12] like \newtheorem{lem}{Lemma} for numbered theorems, or \newtheorem*{KL}{Klein’s Lemma} for unnumbered theorems, or tune the numbering using the optional arguments of these commands. To provide backward compatibility with some other classes used internally by the Annals of Mathematics, the class provides yet another optional argument for the command \newtheorem, allowing constructions like \newtheorem[\it]{lem}{Lemma}. This optional parameter is not used in our typesetting. The class provides two theorem styles: plain: This is the default theorem style. It is used for Theorem, Lemma, Propo- sition, Conjecture, Corollary and Claim.

definition: This style is used for Definition, Remark, Notation, Condition, Ex- ample etc. Note that AMS classes define the third theorem style, remark. In our class re- marks are typeset in the definition style. To make the authors’ lives easier we define the theorem style remark, which is identical to the theorem style defini- tion.

2.6 Illustrations The authors can use the graphics, graphicx, PSTricks, pgf/tikz, Metapost or other tools to include illustrations (see [13] for a comprehensive discussion of LATEX graphics possibilities).

2.7 Bibliography

The authors are encouraged to use BibTEX for uniform style of bibliography. The distribution includes the BST files aomplain.bst and aomalpha.bst. These files have several additional non-standard fields: mrnumber: MathSciNet number for the article. zblnumber: Zentralblatt number for the article.

doi: DOI number for the article.

10 jfmnumber: JFM number for the article. arxiv: ArXiv reference for the ArXiv manuscript. url: If the reference is available online, the corresponding url.

venue: (for conference entries) The place where the conference took place.

sortyear: Some entries do not have a year set up (e.g. some unpublished entries. If you have several entries from the same author, some with a year, and some without, you may want to put them in a certain order. The field sortyear overrides year for the sorting purposes.

titlenote: this field is like note, but is typeset immediately after a title. It should be used for additional information, for example,

@Book{Knuth94:TheTeXbook, author = {Knuth, Donald Ervin}, title = {The \TeX book}, publisher = {Addison-Wesley Publishing Company}, year = 1994, series = {Computers \& Typesetting A}, address = {Reading, MA}, titlenote = {with illustrations by Duane Bibby} }

totalpages: some articles (especially published in an electronic format) do not have start and end page numbers; instead you may put the total number of . If both pages and totalpages are present, pages take precedence.

\doi There are several databases routinely used in the science and mathematics com- \mr munities. Among them are DOI, MathSciNet, Zentralblatt, Jahrbuch Database, \zbl ArXiv. Many bibliographies include references to these databases. The commands \jfm \doi, \mr, \zbl, \jfm, \arxiv are used to typeset these references. If you use \arxiv BibTEX, these commands are automatically used for the corresponding fields in your database entries.

2.8 Papers in languages other than English The recommmended way to typeset papers in languages other than English is babel package [10]. For example, to typeset a paper in French (with an English abstract, see below), one puts in the preamble

\usepackage[utf8]{inputenx} \usepackage[english,frenchb]{babel}

11 Such papers often contain several abstracts: for example, in the language the paper is written and in English. Accordingly, aomart allows several abstracts. Each abstract must be put inside a group with the corresponding language selected using \selectanguage command, for example

{\selectlanguage{french}% \begin{abstract} French abstract \end{abstract}}

{\selectlanguage{english}% \begin{abstract} English abstract \end{abstract}}

12 3 Implementation 3.1 Identification We start with the declaration who we are. Most .dtx files put driver code in a separate driver file .drv. We roll this code into the main file, and use the pseudo-guard for it. 1 hclassi\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} 2 h∗gobblei 3 \ProvidesFile{aomart.dtx} 4 h/gobblei 5 hclassi\ProvidesClass{aomart} 6 [2021/04/10 v1.25 Typesetting articles for the Annals of Mathematics] And the driver code: 7 h∗gobblei 8 \documentclass{ltxdoc} 9 \usepackage{array,booktabs,amsmath,graphics} 10 \let\widebar\overline 11 \usepackage{url} 12 \usepackage{amsfonts,yhmath} 13 \usepackage[breaklinks,colorlinks,linkcolor=black,citecolor=black, 14 pagecolor=black,urlcolor=black,hyperindex=false]{hyperref} 15 \PageIndex 16 \CodelineIndex 17 \RecordChanges 18 \EnableCrossrefs 19 \begin{document} 20 \DocInput{aomart.dtx} 21 \end{document} 22 h/gobblei 23 h∗classi

3.2 Options The size-changing options produce a warning: 24 \long\def\aom@size@warning#1{% 25 \ClassWarning{aomart}{Size-changing option #1 will not be 26 honored}}% 27 \DeclareOption{8pt}{\aom@size@warning{\CurrentOption}}% 28 \DeclareOption{9pt}{\aom@size@warning{\CurrentOption}}% 29 \DeclareOption{10pt}{\aom@size@warning{\CurrentOption}}% 30 \DeclareOption{11pt}{\aom@size@warning{\CurrentOption}}% 31 \DeclareOption{12pt}{\aom@size@warning{\CurrentOption}}%

\if@aom@manuscript@mode Check whether we are in the manuscript mode 32 \newif\if@aom@manuscript@mode 33 \@aom@manuscript@modefalse 34 \DeclareOption{manuscript}{\@aom@manuscript@modetrue}

13 \if@aom@screen@mode Check whether we are in the screen mode 35 \newif\if@aom@screen@mode 36 \@aom@screen@modefalse 37 \DeclareOption{screen}{\@aom@screen@modetrue}

\if@aom@olddoi DOI processing is different in the “old” and new mode. 38 \newif\if@aom@olddoi 39 \@aom@olddoifalse 40 \DeclareOption{olddoi}{\@aom@olddoitrue}

\if@aom@doiMMXVI DOI processing is different in the 2016 and new mode 41 \newif\if@aom@doiMMXVI 42 \@aom@doiMMXVIfalse 43 \DeclareOption{doi2016}{\@aom@doiMMXVItrue}

\if@aom@oldkeywords Keywords processing is different in the “old” and new mode. 44 \newif\if@aom@oldkeywords 45 \@aom@oldkeywordsfalse 46 \DeclareOption{oldkeywords}{\@aom@oldkeywordstrue}

\if@aom@printscheme 47 \newif\if@aom@printscheme 48 \@aom@printschemefalse 49 \DeclareOption{printscheme}{\@aom@printschemetrue}

All other options are passed to amsart: 50 \DeclareOption*{\PassOptionsToClass{\CurrentOption}{amsart}} Now we read the configuration file 51 \InputIfFileExists{aomart.cfg}{% 52 \ClassInfo{aomart}{% 53 Loading configuration file aomart.cfg}}{% 54 \ClassInfo{aomart}{% 55 Configuration file aomart.cfg is not found}} And process the options: 56 \ProcessOptions\relax

3.3 Loading Class and Packages We start with the base class 57 \LoadClass[11pt]{amsart} A bunch of packages: 58 \RequirePackage{fancyhdr, lastpage, ifpdf} 59 \RequirePackage[breaklinks,colorlinks]{hyperref} 60 \if@aom@screen@mode 61 \hypersetup{linkcolor=blue,citecolor=blue, 62 urlcolor=blue}%

14 63 \else\if@aom@manuscript@mode 64 \hypersetup{linkcolor=blue,citecolor=blue, 65 urlcolor=blue}% 66 \else 67 \hypersetup{linkcolor=black,citecolor=black, 68 urlcolor=black}% 69 \fi\fi 70 \urlstyle{rm} Amsart has \collect@body macro. However, we want the \long version, so we use environ 71 \RequirePackage{environ}

3.4 Internationalization There are some papers published in languages other than English. The Babel is expected to be used for them. Here we add some macros extending captions for these languages. First, let us define English defaults:

\@aom@by This is just “By” in English: 72 \def\@aom@by{By}

\@aom@and This is “and” in English: 73 \def\@aom@and{and}

Now we can define internationalization: 74 \AtBeginDocument{\@ifpackageloaded{babel}{% 75 \addto\captionsfrench{\def\@aom@by{Par}\def\@aom@and{et}}% 76 \addto\captionsgerman{\def\@aom@by{Von}\def\@aom@and{und}}% 77 \addto\captionsenglish{\def\@aom@by{By}\def\@aom@and{and}}}{}}

3.5 Fonts We use yhmath for large symbols: 78 \RequirePackage{yhmath} Since version 1.2 ymath no longer makes its large symbols default. We override this 79 \DeclareSymbolFont{largesymbols}{OMX}{yhex}{m}{n}

\widehat The way \widehat and \widetilde are implemented in ymath is buggy, see \widetilde usepackageyhmath_and_the/. We use AMS definitions instead 80 \xdef\widehat#1{\noexpand\@mathmeasure\z@\textstyle{#1}% 81 \noexpand\ifdim\noexpand\wd\z@>\tw@ em% 82 \mathaccent"0\hexnumber@\symAMSb 5B{#1}% 83 \noexpand\else\mathaccent"0362{#1}\noexpand\fi} 84 \xdef\widetilde#1{\noexpand\@mathmeasure\z@\textstyle{#1}%

15 85 \noexpand\ifdim\noexpand\wd\z@>\tw@ em% 86 \mathaccent"0\hexnumber@\symAMSb 5D{#1}% 87 \noexpand\else\mathaccent"0365{#1}\noexpand\fi}

We need cmtiup package, but we may find out it is not installed. 88 \IfFileExists{cmtiup.sty}{% 89 \RequirePackage{cmtiup}}{% 90 \ClassWarning{aomart}{The package mdputu is not found.\MessageBreak 91 You need this package to get italics with upright digits!}}

\specialdigits A legacy macro. We do not need it anymore. 92 \def\specialdigits{}% 93 \let\sishape=\itshape 94 \let\textsi=\textit

The amsart class defines several options for different font sizes (10pt, 11pt, etc). We have just one design size for the articles.

\@typesizes The font information in amsart is stored in \@typesizes macro. It has 11 type- sizes: 5 below and 5 above \normalsize . 95 \def\@typesizes{% 96 \or{\@vipt}{9}\or{\@viipt}{9}\or{\@viiipt}{9}\or{\@ixpt}{12}% 97 \or{\@xpt}{13}% 98 \or{\@xipt}{14}% normalsize 99 \or{\@xiipt}{15}\or{13}{17}\or{\@xviipt}{20}% 100 \or{19}{23.2}\or{22}{27.8}}% 101 \normalsize \linespacing=\baselineskip

\widebar The functionality of \widebar coincides with that of amsmath \overline: 102 \let\widebar\overline

3.6 Page Dimensions and Paragraphing

\textwidth These are from the old aomamlt2e: \textheight 103 \setlength{\textwidth}{31pc} 104 \setlength{\textheight}{48pc}

\evensidemargin The margins: \oddsidemargin 105 \oddsidemargin=.65in 106 \evensidemargin=.65in

\footins Some skips from aomamlt2e: \topskip 107 \setlength{\topskip}{12pt} \abovedisplayskip 108 \setlength{\abovedisplayskip}{6.95pt plus3.5pt minus 3pt} \belowdisplayskip 109 \setlength{\belowdisplayskip}{6.95pt plus4.5pt minus 3pt} 110 \setlength{\skip\footins}{20pt} 111 \setlength{\dimen\footins}{3in}

16 \footskip Some space for footnotes: 112 \setlength\footskip{30pt}

\parskip Paragraph shape: \parindent 113 \setlength{\parindent}{22pt} 114 \setlength{\parskip}{\z@}

\widowpenalty We suppress widows and clubs: \clubpenalty 115 \widowpenalty=10000 116 \clubpenalty=10000

3.7 Headers

\headsep Separation between the header and the body 117 \setlength{\headsep}{14pt}

\headrulewidth We do not want decorative rules in the journal: \footrulewidth 118 \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} 119 \renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{0pt}

\@aom@linecount This is the box displayed in the manuscript mode 120 \if@aom@manuscript@mode 121 \newsavebox{\@aom@linecount} 122 \savebox{\@aom@linecount}[4em][t]{\parbox[t]{4em}{% 123 \@tempcnta\@ne\relax 124 \loop{\underline{\scriptsize\the\@tempcnta}}\\ 125 \advance\@tempcnta by \@ne\ifnum\@tempcnta<43\repeat}} 126 \fi

It is easy to set up headers with fancyhdr: 127 \pagestyle{fancy} 128 \fancyhead{} 129 \fancyfoot{} 130 \fancyhead[CO]{\scriptsize\shorttitle} 131 \fancyhead[RO,LE]{\footnotesize\thepage} 132 \if@aom@manuscript@mode 133 \fancyhead[LE]{\footnotesize\thepage\begin{picture}(0,0)% 134 \put(-26,-25){\usebox{\@aom@linecount}}% 135 \end{picture}} 136 \fancyhead[LO]{\begin{picture}(0,0)% 137 \put(-21,-25){\usebox{\@aom@linecount}}% 138 \end{picture}} 139 \fancyfoot[C]{\scriptsize Proof: page numbers may be temporary} 140 \fi 141 \fancyhead[CE]{\scriptsize\MakeUppercase\shortauthors} The first page has the special headers. The style firstpage is invoked by amsart; here we just redefine it. 142 \fancypagestyle{firstpage}{%

17 143 \fancyhf{}% 144 \if@aom@manuscript@mode 145 \lhead{\begin{picture}(0,0)% 146 \put(-21,-25){\usebox{\@aom@linecount}}% 147 \end{picture}} 148 \fi 149 \chead{\scriptsize% 150 \href{\@annalsurl}{Annals of Mathematics} \textbf{\currentvolume} 151 (\currentyear), We always print the starting page. However, we print the last page only if it does not coincide with the first page. There are two cases here: first, the last page may still be \pageref{LastPage}. In this case we need to extract the numerical value of the counter—note that hyperref is in action! Second, we could redefine the last page, and it is no longer \pageref{LastPage}. In this case we need to compare the value with the first page. 152 \start@page% 153 \def\tempa{\pageref{LastPage}}% 154 \edef\tempb{\start@page}% 155 \ifx\tempa\end@page 156 \edef\tempa{\HyPsd@@@pageref{LastPage}}% 157 \else 158 \edef\tempa{\end@page}% 159 \fi 160 \ifx\tempa\tempb\else--\end@page\fi\\ 161 \ifx\@doinumber\@empty\else 162 \edef\@doinumber{\@doinumber}% 163 \expandafter\doi\expandafter{\@doinumber}\fi}% 164 \cfoot{\footnotesize\thepage}}%

\annalsurl The command to set up the URL of the journal 165 \def\annalsurl#1{\gdef\@annalsurl{#1}} 166 \annalsurl{}

3.8 Top Matter Macros We make these macros allowed only in the preamble: 167 \@onlypreamble{\title} 168 \@onlypreamble{\author} 169 \@onlypreamble{\email} 170 \@onlypreamble{\address} 171 \@onlypreamble{\curraddr} 172 \@onlypreamble{\urladdr} 173 \@onlypreamble{\orcid} 174 \@onlypreamble{\givenname} 175 \@onlypreamble{\fulladdress} 176 \@onlypreamble{\surname} 177 \@onlypreamble{\thanks} 178 \@onlypreamble{\keyword}

18 179 \@onlypreamble{\subject} 180 \@onlypreamble{\received} 181 \@onlypreamble{\revised} 182 \@onlypreamble{\accepted} 183 \@onlypreamble{\published} 184 \@onlypreamble{\publishedonline} 185 \@onlypreamble{\proposed} 186 \@onlypreamble{\seconded} 187 \@onlypreamble{\corresponding} 188 \@onlypreamble{\editor} 189 \@onlypreamble{\version} 190 \@onlypreamble{\volumenumber} 191 \@onlypreamble{\issuenumber} 192 \@onlypreamble{\publicationyear} 193 \@onlypreamble{\copyrightnote} 194 \@onlypreamble{\copyrighyear} 195 \@onlypreamble{\papernumber} 196 \@onlypreamble{\startpage} 197 \@onlypreamble{\endpage} 198 \@onlypreamble{\doinumber} 199 \@onlypreamble{\mrnumber} 200 \@onlypreamble{\zblnumber} 201 \@onlypreamble{\arxivnumber} Most top matter macros are defined in amsart. Here we just add some new macros and redefine some.

\fulladdress We store the information to output it later in the rpi file \givenname 202 \def\@names{} \surname 203 \def\givenname#1{\g@addto@macro\@names{givenname=#1;}} 204 \def\surname#1{\g@addto@macro\@names{surname=#1;}} 205 \def\fulladdress#1{\g@addto@macro\@names{fulladdress=#1;}}

\author We add mangling of \@names to the amsart macro 206 \renewcommand{\author}[2][]{% 207 \ifx\@empty\authors 208 \gdef\authors{#2}% 209 \g@addto@macro\@names{author=#2;}% 210 \else 211 \g@addto@macro\authors{\and#2}% 212 \g@addto@macro\@names{\and author=#2;}% 213 \g@addto@macro\addresses{\author{}}% 214 \fi 215 \@ifnotempty{#1}{% 216 \ifx\@empty\shortauthors 217 \gdef\shortauthors{#1}% 218 \else 219 \g@addto@macro\shortauthors{\and#1}% 220 \fi 221 }%

19 222 } 223 \edef\author{\@nx\@dblarg 224 \@xp\@nx\csname\string\author\endcsname}

\email We change amsart macro to output metadata 225 \renewcommand{\email}[2][]{% 226 \g@addto@macro\addresses{\email{#1}{#2}}% 227 \g@addto@macro\@names{email=#2;}% 228 }

\urladdr We change amsart macro to output metadata 229 \renewcommand{\urladdr}[2][]{% 230 \g@addto@macro\addresses{\urladdr{#1}{#2}}% 231 \g@addto@macro\@names{urladdr=#2;}% 232 }

\orcid Orcid also outputs metadata 233 \newcommand{\orcid}[2][]{% 234 \g@addto@macro\addresses{\orcid{#1}{#2}}% 235 \g@addto@macro\@names{orcid=#2;}% 236 }

\keyword Actually amsart has \kewords macro. It redefines \@keywords. Our macro adds to the stack instead. 237 \def\keyword#1{\ifx\@keywords\@empty\gdef\@keywords{#1}\else 238 \g@addto@macro\@keywords{, #1}\fi}

\subject Subjects. 239 \let\@primarysubjects\@empty 240 \let\@secondarysubjects\@empty 241 \let\@primaryscheme\@empty 242 \let\@secondaryschme\@empty 243 \def\subject#1#2#3{% 244 \expandafter\ifx\csname @#1subjects\endcsname\@empty\relax 245 \expandafter\gdef\csname @#1subjects\endcsname{#3}% 246 \else 247 \expandafter\g@addto@macro\csname @#1subjects\endcsname{, #3}% 248 \fi 249 \if@aom@printscheme 250 \expandafter\g@addto@macro\csname @#1subjects\endcsname{% 251 ~(#2)}% 252 \fi}

\formatdate This just sends the date to the special macro \@formatdate 253 \def\formatdate#1{\@formatdate#1\@endformatdate}

\@formatdate This macro takes date in the form YYYY-MM-DD and properly formats it. Note how we delete the leading zero in dates like April 02. 254 \def\@formatdate#1-#2-#3\@endformatdate{%

20 255 \@tempcnta=#3\relax 256 \ifcase#2\or 257 January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or 258 July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi 259 \space\the\@tempcnta,\space#1}

\received The following macros add stuff to the footnotes material: \revised 260 \def\received#1{\def\@received{#1}} \accepted 261 \let\@received\@empty \published 262 \def\revised#1{\def\@revised{#1}} \publishedonline 263 \let\@revised\@empty 264 \def\accepted#1{\def\@accepted{#1}} 265 \let\@accepted\@empty 266 \def\published#1{\def\@published{#1}} 267 \let\@published\@empty 268 \def\publishedonline#1{\def\@publishedonline{#1}} 269 \let\@publishedonline\@empty

The next macros mimic the functionality of amsart \issueinfo command. Note that \issueinfo still works.

\volumenumber This sets the volume of the paper 270 \def\volumenumber#1{\def\currentvolume{#1}}

\issuenumber This sets the issue of the paper: 271 \def\issuenumber#1{\def\currentissue{#1}}

\publicationyear This sets the year of the paper 272 \def\publicationyear#1{\def\currentyear{#1}}

\papernumber This is absent from the \issueinfo. 273 \def\papernumber#1{\def\currentpaper{#1}} 274 \papernumber{0000}

\startpage This defines the starting page of the paper. We have some nice features to set up roman page numbers for editorial stuff—probably not needed for this journal at this time. . . 275 \def\startpage#1{\pagenumbering{arabic}\setcounter{page}{#1}% 276 \def\start@page{#1}% 277 \ifnum\c@page<\z@ \pagenumbering{roman}\setcounter{page}{-#1}% 278 \def\start@page{\romannumeral#1}% 279 \fi}

\endpage This macro again has a twist in it: if the argument is not set, it calculates the last page number itself. 280 \def\endpage#1{\def\@tempa{#1}% 281 \ifx\@tempa\@empty\def\end@page{\pageref{LastPage}}% 282 \else\def\end@page{#1}\fi}

21 \pagespan This macro is different from the one provided by amsart because we want to have the option of automatic calculation of the last page number. 283 \def\pagespan#1#2{\startpage{#1}\endpage{#2}} 284 \pagespan{1}{}

\g@addto@abstract Syntactic sugar around \g@addto@macro 285 \def\g@addto@abstract#1{\g@addto@macro{\@aom@abstract}{#1}}

\@getabstract Amsart typesets the abstract in a box. We preserve this peculuarity, but we need to put abstract in a macro to output in the rpi file. 286 \long\def\@aom@abstract{} 287 \long\def\@getabstract#1{% 288 \bgroup 289 \ifx\languagename\undefined 290 \def\languagename{english}% 291 \fi 292 \g@addto@abstract{}% 294 \g@addto@macro\@aom@abstract{#1}% 295 \g@addto@abstract{}% 297 \egroup 298 \ifx\maketitle\relax 299 \ClassWarning{aomart}{Abstract should precede 300 \protect\maketitle\space in AMS derived classes}% 301 \fi 302 \global\setbox\abstractbox=\vtop\bgroup% 303 \box\abstractbox 304 \vglue1pc% 305 {\centering\normalfont\normalsize\bfseries\abstractname\par\vglue1pc}% 306 \list{}{\labelwidth\z@% 307 \leftmargin3pc \rightmargin\leftmargin% 308 \listparindent\normalparindent \itemindent\normalparindent% 309 \parsep\z@ \@plus\p@% 310 \let\fullwidthdisplay\relax% 311 }% 312 \item[]\normalfont\Small#1 313 \endlist\egroup}

abstract This puts abstract in a box and in a macro. Wasteful, but backword compatible 314 \renewenvironment{abstract}{\Collect@Body\@getabstract}{% 315 \ifx\@setabstract\relax\@setabstracta\fi}

\proposed We do not typeset the name of the proposer 316 \let\proposed\@gobble

\seconded Or the seconder 317 \let\seconded\@gobble

22 \corresponding This is the corresponding author—again not typeset 318 \let\corresponding\@gobble

\version We do not typeset the current version of the manuscript either. . . 319 \let\version\@gobble

\doinumber Now databases’ numbers of the article: \mrnumber 320 \def\doinumber#1{\gdef\@doinumber{#1}} \zblnumber 321 \doinumber{10.4007/annals.\currentyear.\currentvolume.\currentissue.\currentpaper} \arxivnumber 322 \def\mrnumber#1{\gdef\@mrnumber{#1}} 323 \mrnumber{} 324 \def\zblnumber#1{\gdef\@zblnumber{#1}} 325 \zblnumber{} 326 \def\arxivnumber#1{\gdef\@arxivnumber{#1}} 327 \arxivnumber{}

\copyrightyear This is the copyright year in case it does not coincide with the publication year: 328 \def\copyrightyear#1{\def\@copyrightyear{#1}} 329 \copyrightyear{}

\copyrightnote This is the copyrightnote. The default has some trickery with the year: 330 \def\copyrightnote#1{\def\@copyrightnote{#1}} 331 \copyrightnote{\textcopyright~% 332 \ifx\@empty\@copyrightyear\currentyear\else\@copyrightyear\fi~% 333 Department of Mathematics, Princeton University}

3.9 Typesetting Top Matter

\@mainrpi We write the information about the paper into file.rpi (the The stream for the rpi file: 334 \newwrite\@mainrpi

\aom@write@paper@info This writes the information about the paper into the file jobname.rpi. Note that hyperref makes our life a little bit more complex 335 \def\aom@write@paper@info{% 336 \bgroup 337 \if@filesw 338 \openout\@mainrpi\jobname.rpi% 339 \def\and{\string\and\space}% 340 \ifx\r@LastPage\@undefined 341 \edef\@tempa{\start@page}% 342 \else 343 \def\@tempc##1##2##3##4##5{##2}% 344 \edef\@tempa{\expandafter\@tempc\r@LastPage}% 345 \fi 346 \ifx\languagename\undefined 347 \def\languagename{english}% 348 \fi

23 349 \protected@write\@mainrpi{}% 350 {\@percentchar authors=\authors}% 351 \protected@write\@mainrpi{}% 352 {\@percentchar authors.information={\@names}}% 353 \protected@write\@mainrpi{}% 354 {\@percentchar title=\@title}% 355 \protected@write\@mainrpi{}% 356 {\@percentchar year=\currentyear}% 357 \protected@write\@mainrpi{}% 358 {\@percentchar volume=\currentvolume}% 359 \protected@write\@mainrpi{}% 360 {\@percentchar issue=\currentissue}% 361 \protected@write\@mainrpi{}% 362 {\@percentchar paper=\currentpaper}% 363 \protected@write\@mainrpi{}% 364 {\@percentchar startpage=\start@page}% 365 \protected@write\@mainrpi{}% 366 {\@percentchar endpage=\@tempa}% 367 \protected@write\@mainrpi{}% 368 {\@percentchar doi=\@doinumber}% 369 \ifx\@zblnumber\@empty\else 370 \protected@write\@mainrpi{}% 371 {\@percentchar zbl=\@zblnumber}% 372 \fi 373 \ifx\@mrnumber\@empty\else 374 \protected@write\@mainrpi{}% 375 {\@percentchar mr=\@mrnumber}% 376 \fi 377 \ifx\@arxivnumber\@empty\else 378 \protected@write\@mainrpi{}% 379 {\@percentchar arxiv=\@arxivnumber}% 380 \fi 381 \protected@write\@mainrpi{}% 382 {\@percentchar subjects=Primary \@primarysubjects; Secondary: 383 \@secondarysubjects}% 384 \protected@write\@mainrpi{}% 385 {\@percentchar keywords=\@keywords}% 386 \protected@write\@mainrpi{}% 387 {\@percentchar abstract=\@aom@abstract}% 388 \protected@write\@mainrpi{}% 389 {\@percentchar articlelanguage=\languagename}% 390 \closeout\@mainrpi 391 \fi 392 \egroup}

\@maketitle@hook We add writing the information to the hook: 393 \def\@maketitle@hook{\aom@write@paper@info\global\let\@maketitle@hook\@empty}

\@settitle We do not uppercase title. Also, we use this occasion to set PDF information:

24 394 \def\@settitle{\begin{center}% 395 \baselineskip20\p@\relax 396 \bfseries\LARGE 397 \@title 398 \ifpdf 399 \hypersetup{pdftitle=\@title}% 400 \fi 401 \end{center}% 402 }

\@setauthors Now we typeset authors according to our specs. Again, we use this occasion to set some PDF information: 403 \def\@setauthors{% 404 \ifx\authors\@empty\relax\else 405 \begingroup 406 \def\thanks{\protect\thanks@warning}% 407 \trivlist 408 \centering\footnotesize \@topsep30\p@\relax 409 \advance\@topsep by -\baselineskip 410 \item\relax 411 \def\@@and{{\upshape \@aom@and}} 412 \author@andify\authors 413 \ifpdf 414 \hypersetup{pdfauthor=\authors}% 415 \fi 416 \def\\{\protect\linebreak}% 417 \small \@aom@by{} \scshape\authors% 418 \ifx\@empty\contribs 419 \else 420 ,\penalty-3 \space \@setcontribs 421 \@closetoccontribs 422 \fi 423 \endtrivlist 424 \endgroup 425 \fi}

\@setcontribs Contributors are set up in the same way as authors: 426 \def\@setcontribs{% 427 \@xcontribs 428 {\scshape \xcontribs}% 429 }

\@adminfootnotes We do not typeset keywords, so we change the definition: 430 \def\@adminfootnotes{% 431 \let\@makefnmark\relax \let\@thefnmark\relax 432 \ifx\@empty\@date\else \@footnotetext{\@setdate}\fi 433 \ifx\@empty\@subjclass\else \@footnotetext{\@setsubjclass}\fi 434 \ifx\@empty\@keywords\else\@setkeywords\fi 435 \ifx\@empty\@primarysubjects

25 436 \ifx\@empty\@secondarysubjects 437 \else\@setsubjects\fi 438 \else\@setsubjects\fi 439 \ifx\@empty\thankses\else \@footnotetext{% 440 \def\par{\let\par\@par}\@setthanks}% 441 \fi 442 \ifx\@empty\@copyrightnote\else \@footnotetext{% 443 \def\par{\let\par\@par}\@copyrightnote\@addpunct.}% 444 \fi 445 }

\@setkeywords Typesetting keywords 446 \def\@setkeywords{% 447 \ifpdf 448 \hypersetup{pdfkeywords=\@keywords}% 449 \fi 450 \if@aom@oldkeywords\else 451 \@footnotetext{Keywords: \@keywords}% 452 \fi 453 }

\@setsubjects Setting subjects 454 \def\@setsubjects{% 455 \let\@subjects\@empty 456 \ifx\@primarysubjects\@empty\else 457 \edef\@subjects{Primary:~\@primarysubjects}% 458 \fi 459 \ifx\@secondarysubjects\@empty\else 460 \ifx\@primarysubjects\@empty 461 \edef\@subjects{Secondary:~\@secondarysubjects}% 462 \else 463 \edef\@subjects{\@subjects; Secondary:~\@secondarysubjects}% 464 \fi 465 \fi 466 \ifpdf 467 \hypersetup{pdfsubject=\@subjects}% 468 \fi 469 \if@aom@oldkeywords\else 470 \@footnotetext{AMS Classification:~\@subjects.}% 471 \fi 472 }

\@@and We want “and” in the footers to be lowercase. Since there is some uppercase involved, we protect it: 473 \def\@@and{\MakeLowercase{\@aom@and}}

3.10 Typesetting End Matter End matter is typeset at the end of the paper.

26 \enddoc@text This is the main macro for typesetting endmatter. 474 \def\enddoc@text{% 475 \ifx\@empty\@translators \else\@settranslators\fi 476 \ifx\@empty\@received \else\@setreceived\fi 477 \ifx\@empty\@revised \else\@setrevised\fi 478 \ifx\@empty\addresses \else\@setaddresses\fi}

\@setreceived A bunch of macros for setting centered dates \@setrevised 479 \def\@setreceived{{\centering(Received: \@received)\par}} \@setaccepted 480 \def\@setrevised{{\centering(Revised: \@revised)\par}} \@setpublished 481 \def\@setaccepted{{\centering(Accepted: \@accepted)\par}} \@setpublishedonline 482 \def\@setpublished{{\centering(Published: \@published)\par}} 483 \def\@setpublishedonline{{\centering(Published online: \@publishedonline)\par}}

\emailaddrname We do not want the word “address” here: 484 \def\emailaddrname{{\itshape E-mail}}

\@setaddresses The difference between our definition and the one in amsart is that we want the e-mail and URL to be clickable 485 \def\@setaddresses{\par 486 \nobreak \begingroup 487 \footnotesize 488 \def\author##1{\nobreak\addvspace\bigskipamount}% 489 \def\\{\unskip, \ignorespaces}% 490 \interlinepenalty\@M 491 \def\address##1##2{\begingroup 492 \par\addvspace\bigskipamount\indent 493 \@ifnotempty{##1}{(\ignorespaces##1\unskip) }% 494 {\scshape\ignorespaces##2}\par\endgroup}% 495 \def\curraddr##1##2{\begingroup 496 \@ifnotempty{##2}{\nobreak\indent\curraddrname 497 \@ifnotempty{##1}{, \ignorespaces\scshape##1\unskip}\hskip0.2em:\space 498 \scshape##2\par}\endgroup}% 499 \def\email##1##2{\begingroup 500 \@ifnotempty{##2}{\nobreak\indent\emailaddrname 501 \@ifnotempty{##1}{, \ignorespaces##1\unskip}\hskip0.2em:\space 502 \href{mailto:##2}{\nolinkurl{##2}}\par}\endgroup}% 503 \def\urladdr##1##2{\begingroup 504 \@ifnotempty{##2}{\nobreak\indent 505 \@ifnotempty{##1}{, \ignorespaces##1\unskip}% 506 \url{##2}\par}\endgroup}% 507 \def\orcid##1##2{\begingroup 508 \@ifnotempty{##2}{\nobreak\indent 509 \@ifnotempty{##1}{, \ignorespaces##1\unskip}% 510 ORCID: ##2\par}\endgroup}% 511 \addresses 512 \endgroup 513 }

27 3.11 Sectioning

\contentsnamefont This is the font for the word “Contents”: 514 \renewcommand\contentsnamefont{\bfseries}

\section We want our sections to be centered and bold: 515 \def\section{\@startsection{section}{1}% 516 \z@{.7\linespacing\@plus\linespacing}{.5\linespacing}% 517 {\normalfont\bfseries\centering}}

\subsection We want our subsections to be indented and italic: 518 \def\subsection{\@startsection{subsection}{2}% 519 {\parindent}{.5\linespacing}{-.5em}% 520 {\normalfont\itshape}}

\oldsubsections This macro restores the values for \subsection spacing prior to v1.1. 521 \def\oldsubsections{% 522 \gdef\subsection{\@startsection{subsection}{2}% 523 {\parindent}{.5\linespacing\@plus.7\linespacing}{-.5em}% 524 {\normalfont\itshape}}}

\subsubsection Subsubsections are formatted exactly like subsections: 525 \def\subsubsection{\@startsection{subsubsection}{3}% 526 {\parindent}{.5\linespacing}{-.5em}% 527 {\normalfont\itshape}}

\Hy@AlphNoErr The newer (circa 2012) hyperref defines this command. However, older versions do not. Here we provide it: 528 \providecommand\Hy@AlphNoErr[1]{% 529 \ifnum\value{#1}>26 % 530 Alph\number\value{#1}% 531 \else 532 \ifnum\value{#1}<1 % 533 Alph\number\value{#1}% 534 \else 535 \Alph{#1}% 536 \fi 537 \fi 538 }%

\appendix We redefine appendix to ensure the letter in section number is always upright: 539 \def\appendix{\par\c@section\z@ \c@subsection\z@ 540 \gdef\theHsection{\Hy@AlphNoErr{section}}% 541 \let\sectionname\appendixname 542 \def\thesection{{\upshape\@Alph\c@section}}}

28 3.12 Figures and Tables

\@captionheadfont This is the font for the words “Figure” or “Table” in captions. Unlike amsmath with is small caps, we want just plain Roman font: 543 \def\@captionheadfont{\normalfont}

3.13 Theorems Here we redefine three main style of amsart. Here are the arguments of \newtheoremstyle from [3]:


In the plain style the name (“theorem”) is in small caps, the number is in normal font, the optional note is also in normal font, and the text is italics. 544 \newtheoremstyle{plain}{0.5\linespacing}{0.5\linespacing}{\sishape}% 545 {\parindent}{\scshape}{.}{0.5em}% 546 {\thmname{#1}\thmnumber{ #2}\thmnote{\normalfont{} (#3)}} In the definition style the name is italics, and the body font is upright: 547 \newtheoremstyle{definition}{0.5\linespacing}{0.5\linespacing}% 548 {\upshape}{\parindent}% 549 {\sishape}{.}{0.5em}% 550 {\thmname{#1}\thmnumber{ #2}\thmnote{\normalfont{} (#3)}} In our class there is no difference between remark and definition theorem styles: 551 \newtheoremstyle{remark}{0.5\linespacing}{0.5\linespacing}% 552 {\upshape}{\parindent}% 553 {\sishape}{.}{0.5em}% 554 {\thmname{#1}\thmnumber{ #2}\thmnote{\normalfont{} (#3)}}

\newtheorem For compatibility reasons we need to accept \newtheorem with optional first argument—and silently drop it. The problem is, there is \newtheorem*, so we need to check which one we deal with. . . The command \@xnthm here is from amsthm; it does the real work with the real parameters. 555 \renewcommand{\newtheorem}{\@ifstar{\@aom@newthm@star}{\@aom@newthm}} 556 \def\@aom@newthm@star{\@ifnextchar[{\@aom@newthm@star@}{\@aom@newthm@star@[]}} 557 \def\@aom@newthm{\@ifnextchar[{\@aom@newthm@}{\@aom@newthm@[]}} 558 \def\@aom@newthm@star@[#1]{\@xnthm *} 559 \def\@aom@newthm@[#1]{\@xnthm \relax}

29 proof We want our proofs to be indented: 560 \renewenvironment{proof}[1][\proofname]{\par 561 \pushQED{\qed}% 562 \normalfont \topsep6\p@\@plus6\p@\relax 563 \trivlist 564 \item[\hskip\labelsep\hskip\parindent 565 \itshape 566 #1\@addpunct{.}]\ignorespaces 567 }{% 568 \popQED\endtrivlist\@endpefalse 569 }

3.14 Bibliography Macros \repeatedauthors When the authors are repeated, we used change them to \bysame; we no more do this: 570 \def\repeatedauthors#1{\ClassWarning{aomart}{The command is obsolte}#1}

\bysame We no longer use \bysame 571 \let\bysame@@orig=\bysame 572 \def\bysame{\ClassWarning{aomart}{We no longer omit 573 repeated authors}\bysame@@orig}

\doi Typesetting doi. . . 574 \def\doi#1{% 575 \if@aom@doiMMXVI 576 \url{}% 577 \else 578 \if@aom@olddoi 579 \href{}{doi: \path{#1}}% 580 \else 581 \url{}% 582 \fi 583 \fi}

\mr Typesetting urls \zbl 584 \def\mr#1{\href{}{MR~\path{#1}}} \arxiv 585 \def\zbl#1{\href{}{Zbl~\path{#1}}} \jfm 586 \def\arxiv#1{\href{}{arXiv~\path{#1}}} 587 \def\jfm#1{\href{}{JFM~\path{#1}}}

\bibliofont We make this \small rather than \Small in amsart 588 \renewcommand{\bibliofont}{\small}

3.15 Additional Macros

\EditorialComment This macro is noop in normal mode, but is a tiny marginpar in the manusript mode

30 589 \def\EditorialComment#1{\if@aom@manuscript@mode\bgroup 590 \marginparwidth=75pt\marginpar{\scriptsize\raggedright#1}\egroup\fi}

\@fullref This macro creates a wide link for the reference. It has four parameters: the word (theorem, equation,. . . ), the “pre” punctuation, the reference and the “post” punctuation. 591 \def\@fullref#1#2#3#4{\hyperref[#3]{#1~#2\ref*{#3}#4}}

\fullref A reference without parentheses: 592 \newcommand{\fullref}[2]{\@fullref{#1}{}{#2}{}}

\pfullref A reference with parentheses: 593 \newcommand{\pfullref}[2]{\@fullref{#1}{(}{#2}{)}}

\bfullref A reference with brackets: 594 \newcommand{\bfullref}[2]{\@fullref{#1}{[}{#2}{]}}

\eqfullref Here we do not use the standard common \@fullref because we want \eqref to work. . . 595 \newcommand{\eqfullref}[2]{\hyperref[#2]{#1~\textup{\tagform@{\ref*{#2}}}}}

\fullpageref A wide link for page reference. Note that the word “page” can be omitted 596 \newcommand{\fullpageref}[2][page]{\hyperref[#2]{#1~\pageref*{#2}}}

\eqnarray While we do not recommend the use of eqnarray, we still would like to correct the ugly spacing around it. . . 597 \def\eqnarray{% 598 \stepcounter{equation}% 599 \def\@currentlabel{\p@equation\theequation}% 600 \global\@eqnswtrue 601 \m@th 602 \global\@eqcnt\z@ 603 \tabskip\@centering 604 \let\\\@eqncr 605 $$\arraycolsep1\p@ 606 \everycr{}\halign to\displaywidth\bgroup 607 \hskip\@centering$\displaystyle\tabskip\z@skip{##}$\@eqnsel 608 &\global\@eqcnt\@ne\hskip \tw@\arraycolsep \hfil${##}$\hfil 609 &\global\@eqcnt\tw@ \hskip \tw@\arraycolsep 610 $\displaystyle{##}$\hfil\tabskip\@centering 611 &\global\@eqcnt\thr@@ \hb@xt@\z@\bgroup\hss##\egroup 612 \tabskip\z@skip 613 \cr 614 }

3.16 End of Class

615 h/classi

31 References

[1] George Gr¨aetzer. Math into LATEX. Birkh¨auser,Boston, third edition, 2000.

[2]UKT EX Users Group. UK list of TEX frequently asked questions. http: //, 2008. [3] Michael Downes and Barbara Beeton. The amsart, amsproc, and amsbook document classes. American Mathematical Society, August 2004. http://

[4] Sebastian Rahtz and Heiko Oberdiek. Hypertext Marks in LATEX: a Manual for Hyperref, September 2006. contrib/hyperref.

[5] Heiko Oberdiek. The ifpdf Package, February 2006. http://mirrors.ctan. org/macros/latex/contrib/oberdiek.

[6] Piet van Oostrum. Page Layout in LATEX, March 2004. http://mirrors. [7] Sergei V. Znamenskii. Unslanted Punctuation in Computer Modern Italic, January 2003.

[8] Yannis Haralambous. My Humble Additions to (La)TEX Mathematics, Jan- uary 1996. [9] American Mathematical Society. User’s Guide for the amsmath Package (Version 2.0), February 2002. required/amslatex/math/amsldoc.pdf.

[10] Johannes Braams. Babel, a Multilingual Package For Use With LATEX’s Stan- dard Document Classes, April 2005. latex/required/babel. [11] American Mathematical Society. Instructions for Preparation of Papers and Monographs, AMSLATEX, August 2004. latex/required/amslatex/classes/instr-l.pdf. [12] American Mathematical Society. Using the amsthm Package, August 2004. classes/amsthdoc.pdf.

[13] Michel Goossens, Sebastian Rahtz, and Frank Mittelbach. The LATEX Graph- ics Companion: Illustrating Documents With TEX and PostScript. Addison- Wesley Series on Tools and Techniques for Computer Typesetting. Addison- Wesley, Reading, Ma., 1997.

32 Change History v0.10 \@setaddresses: Deleted the word \if@aom@screen@mode: Added URL ...... 27 screen mode ...... 14 E-mail is now in Roman font . 27 \jfm: Added macro ...... 30 \@setpublishedonline: Decreased General: Bibliography styles font ...... 27 update ...... 2 \@typesizes: Corrected typo in Documentation update ...... 2 the definition of Small ...... 16 Screen mode triggers special Increased LARGE from 16 pt to URL settings ...... 14 17 pt ...... 16 v0.2 \bfullref: Added macro ...... 31 General: First fully functional \emailaddrname: Changed macro 27 version ...... 2 \eqfullref: Added macro . . . . . 31 v0.3 \fullref: Added macro ...... 31 \EditorialComment: Added macro 30 \pfullref: Added macro ...... 31 \arxiv: Added macro ...... 30 \subsection: Redefined macro . . 28 \corresponding: Added macro . . 23 General: Added extra footer in \doinumber: Added macro . . . . . 23 manuscript mode ...... 17 \if@aom@manuscript@mode: Added Corrected the byg with math in manuscript mode ...... 13 headers ...... 17 : Added macro ...... 30 \mr Made remark theorem style : Added macro ...... 23 \mrnumber identical to definition theorem : Redefined macro . . 29 \newtheorem style ...... 29 \proposed: Added macro ...... 22 Made Roman font the default \seconded: Added macro ...... 22 URL font ...... 14 \version: Added macro ...... 23 proof: Redefined macro ...... 30 \zbl: Added macro ...... 30 v0.6 \zblnumber: Added macro . . . . . 23 \@setauthors: ’By’ and ’and’ are General: Added DOI number in in Roman font now ...... 25 headers ...... 17 : Changed Added package mdputu . . . . . 16 \belowdisplayskip belowdisplayskip ...... 16 Documentation update ...... 2 v0.4 \bibliofont: Changed default . . 30 \@aom@linecount: Added macro . 17 \zbl: Changed capitalization . . . 30 \enddoc@text: Deleted many General: Changes to bst files . . . . 2 dates...... 27 is much less agressive General: Changed definition now ...... 2 theorem style ...... 29 v0.7 Changed plain theorem style . 29 General: Bibliography styles Deleted lineno package changed ...... 2 dependence ...... 15 v0.8 Deleted remark theorem style . 29 \specialdigits: Redefined to Documentation update ...... 2 noop ...... 16 Switched to upright digits in General: Added yhmath ...... 15 italics everywhere ...... 16 Bibliography styles update . . . . 2 Used line numbers for headings 17 Changed authors in header . . . 17 v0.5 Documentation update ...... 2 \@fullref: Added macro ...... 31 Switched to cmtiup ...... 16

33 v0.9 Deleted \repeatedauthors from \@@and: Redefined macro ...... 26 the documentation ...... 2 \@setaddresses: Deleted spurious v1.12 space in urladdress ...... 27 \appendix: Added hyperref \@setpublishedonline: Increased definition ...... 28 font ...... 27 v1.13 \eqnarray: Redefined standard \Hy@AlphNoErr: Added macro for macro ...... 31 older installations ...... 28 General: Bibliography styles v1.14 update ...... 2 \@mainrpi: Added macro ...... 23 Changed font for the folio on \@maketitle@hook: Added macro 24 the first page ...... 17 \aom@write@paper@info: Added Documentation update ...... 2 macro ...... 23 abstract: Added parindent for the v1.14a first par ...... 22 \annalsurl: New url ...... 18 v1.0 v1.15 \doinumber: Added default . . . . 23 \doi: Doi according to the new \papernumber: Added macro . . . 21 Crossref recommendations . . . 30 General: Top matter macros are \if@aom@doiMMXVI: Added another now only in preamble ...... 2 options ...... 14 v1.1 v1.16 \aom@write@paper@info: Added General: In manuscript mode the names, abstract, subjects, links are always blue ...... 14 keywords, zblnumber, v1.10 arxivnumber ...... 23 \@@and: Added internationalization 26 Corrected the endpage bug . . . 23 \@aom@and: Added macro ...... 15 \arxivnumber: Added macro . . . 23 \@aom@by: Added macro ...... 15 \author: Redefined amsart \@setauthors: definition ...... 19 Internationalization ...... 25 \email: Redefined amsart \doi: Introduced the logic for old definition ...... 20 doi formatting ...... 30 \fulladdress: Redefined ...... 19 \if@aom@olddoi: Added old DOI \givenname: Redefined ...... 19 processing ...... 14 \surname: Redefined ...... 19 v1.11 \urladdr: Redefined amsart \@adminfootnotes: Added definition ...... 20 copyright statement ...... 25 General: We require environ \@setaddresses: Changed email package ...... 15 handling ...... 27 abstract: Redefined using environ 22 \bysame: Made the macro obsolete 30 v1.17 \copyrightnote: Added macro . . 23 General: Added new field \copyrightyear: Added macro . . 23 totalpages to the bibliography . 2 \fulladdress: Added macro . . . 19 v1.17a \repeatedauthors: Now this General: Bug fixed in aomplain.bst 2 command is obsolete ...... 30 v1.18 General: Added \fulladdress . . . . . 2 \@setaddresses: Added orcid . . 27 Added new commands for \@setkeywords: Now we print copyright statement ...... 2 keywords ...... 26 Bibliography change: titlenote, \@setsubjects: Now we print deleted bysame ...... 2 subjects ...... 26

34 \if@aom@oldkeywords: Added \aom@write@paper@info: Added keywords processing ...... 14 main language ...... 23 \orcid: Added macro ...... 20 \g@addto@abstract: Added macro 22 \subject: Drop scheme and v1.22 primary/secondary ...... 20 General: In screen mode we no General: New option oldkeywords longer crop pages ...... 14 and printing keywords and v1.23 subjects by default ...... 2 \widetilde: We are taking wide v1.19 hat and wide tilde from General: Bibliography changes . . . 2 amsfonts ...... 15 v1.2 General: Made ymath large \@setaddresses: Changed font for symbols default ...... 15 current address ...... 27 v1.24 \arxiv: Now we properly treat \if@aom@printscheme: Added numbers with underscores . . . 30 optional printing of scheme . . 14 : Added scheme ...... 20 \doi: Now we properly treat \subject numbers with underscores . . . 30 v1.25 \fullpageref: Added macro . . . 31 \jfm: Now we properly treat v1.3 numbers with underscores . . . 30 General: Corrected bug with \mr: Now we properly treat doinumber ...... 17 numbers with underscores . . . 30 v1.4 \oldsubsections: Introduced \subsection: Deleted stretch in macro ...... 28 vertical spacing ...... 28 : Decreased vertical \subsection \subsubsection: Introduced the spacing ...... 28 macro ...... 28 \zbl: Now we properly treat General: Deleted noamsfonts numbers with underscores . . . 30 option ...... 14 General: Bibliography styles v1.5 update ...... 2 \arxiv: Typo corrected ...... 30 v1.20 General: Added noopsort to the \@adminfootnotes: Make primary styles, corrected typo ...... 2 and secondary subjects Added sortyear to the styles . . . 2 separated ...... 25 v1.6 \@setsubjects: Make primary and \appendix: Redefined the macro . 28 secondary subjects separated . 26 General: Bibliography change: \aom@write@paper@info: Make aomalpha now respects key primary and secondary field in the bib file ...... 2 subjects separated ...... 23 v1.7 \subject: Make primary and General: Suppressed page number secondary subjects separated . 20 in the header for one-page v1.21 articles ...... 18 \@getabstract: Added v1.9 multilanguage abstracts . . . . . 22 \doi: Changed doi look ...... 30

35 Index

Numbers written in italic refer to the page where the corresponding entry is de- scribed; numbers underlined refer to the code line of the definition; numbers in roman refer to the code lines where the entry is used.

Symbols \@captionheadfont . 543 \@keywords 237, 238, \@@and ...... 411, 473 \@centering 603, 607, 610 385, 434, 448, 451 \@Alph ...... 542 \@closetoccontribs . 421 \@mainrpi . . . . 334, \@M ...... 490 \@copyrightnote ... 338, 349, 351, \@accepted 264, 265, 481 . . . . 330, 442, 443 353, 355, 357, \@addpunct . . . 443, 566 \@copyrightyear 328, 332 359, 361, 363, \@adminfootnotes . . 430 \@currentlabel . . . . 599 365, 367, 370, \@annalsurl . . . 150, 165 \@date ...... 432 374, 378, 381, 384, 386, 388, 390 \@aom@abstract .... \@dblarg ...... 223 \@makefnmark ...... 431 . 285, 286, 294, 387 \@doinumber ...... \@maketitle@hook . . 393 \@aom@and ...... 161–163, 320, 368 73, 75–77, 411, 473 \@mathmeasure . . . 80, 84 \@empty . . . 161, 207, \@mrnumber 322, 373, 375 \@aom@by . 72, 75–77, 417 216, 237, 239– ...... 202– \@aom@doiMMXVIfalse 42 242, 244, 261, \@names 205, 209, 212, \@aom@doiMMXVItrue . 43 263, 265, 267, 227, 231, 235, 352 \@aom@linecount ... 269, 281, 332, . 120, 134, 137, 146 369, 373, 377, \@ne ...... 123, 125, 608 \@aom@manuscript@modefalse 393, 404, 418, \@nx ...... 223, 224 ...... 33 432–436, 439, \@onlypreamble 167–201 \@aom@manuscript@modetrue 442, 455, 456, \@par ...... 440, 443 ...... 34 459, 460, 475–478 \@percentchar . 350, \@aom@newthm . . 555, 557 \@endformatdate 253, 254 352, 354, 356, \@aom@newthm@ . 557, 559 \@endpefalse ...... 568 358, 360, 362, 364, 366, 368, \@aom@newthm@star . \@eqcnt 602, 608, 609, 611 ...... 555, 556 371, 375, 379, \@eqncr ...... 604 \@aom@newthm@star@ . 382, 385, 387, 389 \@eqnsel ...... 607 ...... 556, 558 \@plus 309, 516, 523, 562 \@eqnswtrue ...... 600 \@aom@olddoifalse . 39 \@primaryscheme . . . 241 \@footnotetext .... \@aom@olddoitrue . . 40 \@primarysubjects . . . . . 432, 433, \@aom@oldkeywordsfalse . . . . 239, 382, 439, 442, 451, 470 ...... 45 435, 456, 457, 460 \@formatdate . . 253, 254 \@aom@oldkeywordstrue \@published 266, 267, 482 ...... 46 \@fullref . 591, 592–594 \@publishedonline . \@aom@printschemefalse \@getabstract . 286, 314 . . . . 268, 269, 483 ...... 48 \@gobble . . . . . 316–319 \@received ...... \@aom@printschemetrue \@ifnextchar . . 556, 557 . 260, 261, 476, 479 ...... 49 \@ifnotempty ...... \@revised ...... \@aom@screen@modefalse . 215, 493, 496, . 262, 263, 477, 480 ...... 36 497, 500, 501, \@secondaryschme . . 242 \@aom@screen@modetrue 504, 505, 508, 509 \@secondarysubjects ...... 37 \@ifpackageloaded . 74 . . . . 240, 383, \@arxivnumber ..... \@ifstar ...... 555 436, 459, 461, 463 . . . . 326, 377, 379 \@ixpt ...... 96 \@setabstract . . . . . 315

36 \@setabstracta . . . . 315 9pt (option) ...... 5 \bibliofont ...... 588 \@setaccepted . . . . . 479 \bigskipamount 488, 492 \@setaddresses 478, 485 A \box ...... 303 \@setauthors ...... 403 \abovedisplayskip . 107 \bysame ...... 571 \@setcontribs . 420, 426 \abstract ...... 314 \bysame@@orig . 571, 573 \@setdate ...... 432 abstract (environ- \@setkeywords . 434, 446 ment) ...... 6 C \@setpublished . . . . 479 \abstractbox . . 302, 303 \c@page ...... 277 \@setpublishedonline \abstractname . . . . . 305 \c@section . . . 539, 542 ...... 479 \accepted .. 7, 182, 260 \c@subsection . . . . . 539 \@setreceived . 476, 479 \address ... 5, 170, 491 \captionsenglish . . 77 \@setrevised . . 477, 479 \addresses 213, 226, \captionsfrench . . . 75 \@setsubjclass . . . . 433 230, 234, 478, 511 \captionsgerman . . . 76 \@setsubjects ..... \addto ...... 75–77 \centering . . . 305, . . . . 437, 438, 454 \addvspace . . . 488, 492 408, 479–483, 517 \@setthanks ...... 440 \advance . . . . . 125, 409 \cfoot ...... 164 \@settitle ...... 394 \Alph ...... 535 \chead ...... 149 \@settranslators . . 475 \and . . 211, 212, 219, 339 \ClassInfo . . . . . 52, 54 \@startsection .... \annalsurl ...... 165 \ClassWarning ...... 515, 518, 522, 525 \aom@size@warning . 25, 90, 299, 570, 572 \@subjclass ...... 433 ...... 24, 27–31 \closeout ...... 390 \@subjects 455, 457, \aom@write@paper@info \clubpenalty ...... 115 461, 463, 467, 470 ...... 335, 393 \CodelineIndex . . . . 16 \@tempa ...... 280, \appendix ...... 539 \Collect@Body . . . . . 314 281, 341, 344, 366 \appendixname . . . . . 541 \contentsnamefont . 514 \@tempc ...... 343, 344 \arraycolsep ...... \contribs ...... 418 \@tempcnta ...... 605, 608, 609 \copyrightnote .... . 123–125, 255, 259 \arxiv ...... 11, 584 ...... 6, 193, 330 \@thefnmark ...... 431 \arxivnumber 8, 201, 320 \copyrightyear .. 7, 328 \@title . . . 354, 397, 399 \AtBeginDocument . . 74 \copyrighyear . . . . . 194 \@topsep . . . . . 408, 409 \author . 5, 168, 206, 488 \corresponding .... \@translators . . . . . 475 \author@andify . . . . 412 ...... 7, 187, 318 \@typesizes ...... 95 \authors . . . . . 207, \cr ...... 613 \@undefined ...... 340 208, 211, 350, \csname ...... 224, \@viiipt ...... 96 404, 412, 414, 417 244, 245, 247, 250 \@viipt ...... 96 \curraddr .. 5, 171, 495 \@vipt ...... 96 B \curraddrname . . . . . 496 \@xcontribs ...... 427 \baselineskip ..... \currentissue ..... \@xiipt ...... 99 . . . . 101, 395, 409 . . . . 271, 321, 360 \@xipt ...... 98 \begin ...... 19, \CurrentOption 27–31, 50 \@xnthm ...... 558, 559 133, 136, 145, 394 \currentpaper ..... \@xp ...... 224 \begingroup ...... 273, 321, 362 \@xpt ...... 97 . 405, 486, 491, \currentvolume .... \@xviipt ...... 99 495, 499, 503, 507 . 150, 270, 321, 358 \@zblnumber 324, 369, 371 \belowdisplayskip . 107 \currentyear . . 151, \\ 124, 160, 416, 489, 604 \bfseries ...... 272, 321, 332, 356 10pt (option) ...... 5 . 305, 396, 514, 517 11pt (option) ...... 5 \bfullref ...... 8, 594 D 12pt (option) ...... 5 \bgroup . . . 288, 302, \DeclareOption .... 8pt (option) ...... 5 336, 589, 606, 611 . 27–31, 34, 37,

37 40, 43, 46, 49, 50 342, 369, 373, 291, 301, 315, \DeclareSymbolFont . 79 377, 404, 419, 332, 345, 348, \def . . 24, 72, 73, 75– 432–434, 437– 372, 376, 380, 77, 92, 95, 153, 439, 442, 450, 391, 400, 415, 165, 202–205, 456, 459, 462, 422, 425, 432– 237, 243, 253, 469, 475–478, 434, 437, 438, 254, 260, 262, 531, 534, 577, 580 441, 444, 449, 264, 266, 268, \email .. 5, 169, 225, 499 452, 458, 464, 270–273, 275, \emailaddrname 484, 500 465, 468, 471, 276, 278, 280– \EnableCrossrefs . . 18 475–478, 536, 283, 285–287, \end 21, 135, 138, 147, 401 537, 582, 583, 590 290, 320, 322, \end@page . . . . 155, final (option) ...... 4 324, 326, 328, 158, 160, 281, 282 \footins ...... 107 330, 335, 339, \endcsname . . . 224, \footnotesize . 131, 343, 347, 393, 244, 245, 247, 250 133, 164, 408, 487 394, 403, 406, \enddoc@text ...... 474 \footrulewidth . . . . 118 411, 416, 426, \endgroup ...... \footskip ...... 112 430, 440, 443, . 424, 494, 498, \formatdate ..... 7, 253 446, 454, 473, 502, 506, 510, 512 \fulladdress 5, 175, 202 474, 479–485, \endlist ...... 313 \fullpageref .... 8, 596 488, 489, 491, \endpage 7, 197, 280, 283 \fullref ...... 8, 592 495, 499, 503, \endtrivlist . . 423, 568 \fullwidthdisplay . 310 507, 515, 518, environments: 521, 525, 539, abstract ...... 6 G 542, 543, 556– eqnarray ...... 8 \g@addto@abstract . 559, 570, 572, eqnarray* ...... 8 ...... 285, 574, 584–587, \eqfullref ..... 8, 595 292, 293, 295, 296 589, 591, 597, 599 \eqnarray ...... 597 \g@addto@macro 203– \dimen ...... 111 eqnarray (environ- 205, 209, 211– \displaystyle . 607, 610 ment) ...... 8 213, 219, 226, \displaywidth . . . . . 606 eqnarray* (environ- 227, 230, 231, \DocInput ...... 20 ment) ...... 8 234, 235, 238, \documentclass . . . . . 8 \evensidemargin . . . 105 247, 250, 285, 294 \doi ...... 11, 163, 574 \everycr ...... 606 \gdef ...... 165, doi2016 (option) . . . . . 4 \expandafter . . 163, 208, 217, 237, \doinumber . 8, 198, 320 244, 245, 247, 245, 320, 322, draft (option) ...... 4 250, 293, 296, 344 324, 326, 522, 540 \givenname . 5, 174, 202 E F \global 302, 393, 600, \edef . 154, 156, 158, \fancyfoot . . . 129, 139 602, 608, 609, 611 162, 223, 341, \fancyhead 128, 130, 344, 457, 461, 463 131, 133, 136, 141 H \editor ...... 7, 188 \fancyhf ...... 143 \halign ...... 606 \EditorialComment 8, 589 \fancypagestyle . . . 142 \hb@xt@ ...... 611 \egroup ...... 297, \fi ...... 69, \headrulewidth . . . . 118 313, 392, 590, 611 83, 87, 126, 140, \headsep ...... 117 \else . 63, 66, 83, 87, 148, 159, 160, \hexnumber@ . . . . . 82, 86 157, 160, 161, 163, 214, 220, \hfil ...... 608, 610 210, 218, 237, 238, 248, 252, \href ...... 150, 246, 282, 332, 258, 279, 282, 502, 579, 584–587

38 \hskip ...... 497, J \newif ...... 32, 501, 564, 607–609 \jfm ...... 11, 584 35, 38, 41, 44, 47 \hss ...... 611 \jobname ...... 338 \newsavebox ...... 121 \Hy@AlphNoErr . 528, 540 \newtheorem .... 10, 555 \hyperref . 591, 595, 596 K \newtheoremstyle .. \hypersetup 61, 64, 67, \keyword ... 6, 178, 237 . . . . 544, 547, 551 399, 414, 448, 467 \newwrite ...... 334 \HyPsd@@@pageref . . 156 L \nobreak . . 486, 488, \labelsep ...... 564 496, 500, 504, 508 \noexpand ...... I \labelwidth ...... 306 . 80, 81, 83–85, 87 \if@aom@doiMMXVI 41, 575 \languagename ...... 289, 290, 293, \nolinkurl ...... 502 \if@aom@manuscript@mode 296, 346, 347, 389 \normalfont . . . 305, ...... 32, 63, 312, 517, 520, 120, 132, 144, 589 \LARGE ...... 396 \leftmargin ...... 307 524, 527, 543, \if@aom@olddoi . 38, 578 \let . . . . . 10, 93, 94, 546, 550, 554, 562 \if@aom@oldkeywords 102, 239–242, \normalparindent . . 308 . . . . . 44, 450, 469 261, 263, 265, \normalsize . . . 101, 305 \if@aom@printscheme 267, 269, 310, \number ...... 530, 533 ...... 47, 249 316–319, 393, \if@aom@screen@mode 431, 440, 443, O ...... 35, 60 455, 541, 571, 604 \oddsidemargin . . . . 105 \if@filesw ...... 337 \lhead ...... 145 olddoi (option) . . . . . 4 (option) . 4 \ifcase ...... 256 \linebreak ...... 416 oldkeywords \oldsubsections . 8, 521 \ifdim ...... 81, 85 \linespacing . . 101, ...... 338 \IfFileExists . . . . . 88 516, 519, 523, \openout \ifnum 125, 277, 529, 532 526, 544, 547, 551 options: 10pt ...... 5 \ifpdf 398, 413, 447, 466 \list ...... 306 11pt ...... 5 \ifx . . 155, 160, 161, \listparindent . . . . 308 12pt ...... 5 207, 216, 237, \LoadClass ...... 57 8pt ...... 5 244, 281, 289, \long . . . . . 24, 286, 287 9pt ...... 5 298, 315, 332, \loop ...... 124 ...... 4 340, 346, 369, doi2016 draft ...... 4 373, 377, 404, M final ...... 4 418, 432–436, \m@th ...... 601 manuscript ...... 4 439, 442, 456, \MakeLowercase . . . . 473 459, 460, 475–478 olddoi ...... 4 \maketitle . 6, 298, 300 oldkeywords ..... 4 \ignorespaces . 489, \MakeUppercase . . . . 141 printscheme ..... 5 493, 494, 497, manuscript (option) . . 4 screen ...... 4 501, 505, 509, 566 \marginpar ...... 590 \or . . . 96–100, 256–258 \indent ...... 492, \marginparwidth . . . 590 \orccid ...... 5 496, 500, 504, 508 \mathaccent 82, 83, 86, 87 \orcid . . . . 173, 233, 507 \InputIfFileExists . 51 \MessageBreak . . . . . 90 \overline . . . . . 10, 102 \interlinepenalty . 490 \mr ...... 11, 584 \issuenumber 7, 191, 271 \mrnumber .. 8, 199, 320 P \item . . . . . 312, 410, 564 \p@ 309, 395, 408, 562, 605 \itemindent ...... 308 N \p@equation ...... 599 \itshape . . . 93, 484, \NeedsTeXFormat . . . . 1 \PageIndex ...... 15 520, 524, 527, 565 \newcommand 233, 592–596 \pagenumbering 275, 277

39 \pageref . . 153, 281, 596 \RecordChanges . . . . 17 \subject ... 7, 179, 239 \pagespan ...... 283 \ref ...... 591, 595 \subsection . . . 518, 522 \pagestyle ...... 127 \relax ...... 56, \subsubsection . . . . 525 \papernumber 7, 195, 273 123, 244, 255, \surname ... 5, 176, 202 \par ...... 305, 298, 310, 315, \symAMSb ...... 82, 86 440, 443, 479– 395, 404, 408, 483, 485, 492, 410, 431, 559, 562 T 494, 498, 502, \renewcommand . 118, \tabskip ...... 506, 510, 539, 560 119, 206, 225, . 603, 607, 610, 612 \parbox ...... 122 229, 514, 555, 588 \tagform@ ...... 595 \parindent . . . 113, \renewenvironment . \tempa ...... 153, 519, 523, 526, ...... 314, 560 155, 156, 158, 160 545, 548, 552, 564 \repeat ...... 125 \tempb ...... 154, 160 \parsep ...... 309 \repeatedauthors . . 570 \textbf ...... 150 \parskip ...... 113 \RequirePackage ... \textcopyright . . . . 331 \PassOptionsToClass 50 . 58, 59, 71, 78, 89 \textheight ...... 103 \path . . . . . 579, 584–587 \revised ... 7, 181, 260 \textit ...... 94 \penalty ...... 420 \rightmargin ...... 307 \textsi ...... 94 \pfullref ...... 8, 593 \romannumeral . . . . . 278 \textstyle . . . . . 80, 84 \popQED ...... 568 \textup ...... 595 printscheme (option) . 5 S \textwidth ...... 103 \ProcessOptions . . . 56 \savebox ...... 122 \thanks .... 6, 177, 406 \proof ...... 560 screen (option) . . . . . 4 \thanks@warning . . . 406 \proofname ...... 560 \scriptsize 124, 130, \thankses ...... 439 \proposed .. 7, 185, 316 139, 141, 149, 590 \the ...... 124, 259 \protect . . 300, 406, 416 \scshape . . 417, 428, \theequation ...... 599 \protected@write 349, 494, 497, 498, 545 \theHsection ...... 540 351, 353, 355, \seconded .. 7, 186, 317 \thepage . . 131, 133, 164 357, 359, 361, \section ...... 515 \thesection ...... 542 363, 365, 367, \sectionname ...... 541 \thmname . . 546, 550, 554 370, 374, 378, \setbox ...... 302 \thmnote . . 546, 550, 554 381, 384, 386, 388 \setcounter . . . 275, 277 \thmnumber 546, 550, 554 \providecommand . . . 528 \setlength . . . 103, \thr@@ ...... 611 \ProvidesClass . . . . . 5 104, 107–114, 117 \title ...... 5, 167 \ProvidesFile ...... 3 \shortauthors ... 6, \topsep ...... 562 \publicationyear .. 141, 216, 217, 219 \topskip ...... 107 ...... 7, 192, 272 \shorttitle ...... 130 \trivlist . . . . 407, 563 \published . 7, 183, 260 \sishape 93, 544, 549, 553 \tw@ . . . . 81, 85, 608, 609 \publishedonline .. \skip ...... 110 ...... 7, 184, 260 \Small ...... 312 U \pushQED ...... 561 \small ...... 417, 588 \undefined . . . 289, 346 \put ...... 134, 137, 146 \space . . . . 259, 300, \underline ...... 124 339, 420, 497, 501 \unskip . . . 489, 493, Q \specialdigits . . . . 92 497, 501, 505, 509 \qed ...... 561 \start@page 152, 154, \upshape ...... 276, 278, 341, 364 . 411, 542, 548, 552 R \startpage ...... \url ...... 506, 576, 581 \r@LastPage . . . 340, 344 .. 7, 196, 275, 283 \urladdr 5, 172, 229, 503 \raggedright ...... 590 \stepcounter ...... 598 \urlstyle ...... 70 \received .. 7, 180, 260 \string ...... 224, 339 \usebox . . . 134, 137, 146

40 \usepackage . . . 9, 11–13 \widebar .... 8, 10, 102 \xdef ...... 80, 84 \widehat ...... 8, 80 V \wideparen ...... 8 Z \value 529, 530, 532, 533 \widering ...... 8 \z@ ...... 80, \version ... 7, 189, 319 \widetilde ...... 8, 80 81, 84, 85, 114, \vglue ...... 304, 305 \widetriangle ...... 8 277, 306, 309, \volumenumber 7, 190, 270 \widowpenalty . . . . . 115 516, 539, 602, 611 \vtop ...... 302 \z@skip ...... 607, 612 W X \zbl ...... 11, 584 \wd ...... 81, 85 \xcontribs ...... 428 \zblnumber . 8, 200, 320