Report Reprogramming of Chromatin Accessibility in Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer Is DNA Replication Independent Graphical Abstract Authors Mohamed Nadhir Djekidel, Azusa Inoue, SCNT reprogrammed 1cell donor cumulus cell Shogo Matoba, ..., Falong Lu, Lan Jiang, 12 hours Yi Zhang with or without Aphidicolin Correspondence
[email protected] Replication-independent reprogramming of DHSs No. of DHS In Brief open closed 14924 Djekidel et al. used low-input DNase-seq to map the chromatin accessibility dynamics of donor cells and SCNT one- closed open cell embryos. They revealed a drastic and 179 fast global DHS reprogramming of donor cells in a DNA replication-independent manner. resemble paternal pronucelus successful reprogramiming open open 524 closed closed resistant 262 somatic memory Highlights Data and Software Availability d Genome-wide DHS maps for donor cumulus cells, one-cell GSE110851 SCNT, and IVF embryos d Rapid and DNA replication-independent DHS reprogramming in SCNT embryos d Transcription factor network switch accompanies DHS reprogramming in SCNT embryos d Loss of donor cell DHSs correlates with suppression of somatic transcription program Djekidel et al., 2018, Cell Reports 23, 1939–1947 May 15, 2018 ª 2018 The Authors. Cell Reports Report Reprogramming of Chromatin Accessibility in Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer Is DNA Replication Independent Mohamed Nadhir Djekidel,1,2,3,9 Azusa Inoue,1,2,3,6,9 Shogo Matoba,1,2,3,7 Tsukasa Suzuki,1,2,3 Chunxia Zhang,1,2,3 Falong