The London Gazette, September 10, 1901

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The London Gazette, September 10, 1901 5928 THE LONDON GAZETTE, SEPTEMBER 10, 1901. Lieutenant R. V. 0. Hart (East Surrey Regi- 5th (Princess 'Charlotte of Wales's) Dragoon ment). Guards. Lieutenant G. W. Howard (Essex Regiment). Major A. R. Heneage. Lieutenant E. P. Dorrien-Smith (Shropshire Major H. Hoare. Light Infantry). Major F. A. D. O. Eustace. Lieutenant P. W. N. Fraser (Cameron High- Captain C. H. Stuart. landers). Captain W. Q. Winwood. Lieutenant Clive Wilson (Imperial Yeomanry). Captain B. G. Clay.. Lieutenant G. C. S. Paget (Herts Imperial Lieutenant L. M. D unbar. Yeomanry). Quartermaster and Honorary Lieutenant C. H. Lieutenant B. FitzGerald '(West Somerset Farbrother. Imperial Yeomanry). 3352 Sergeant H. Harris. Lieutenant A, M. Hughes (Colonial Forces). 3703 Corporal E. J. Howard. 4498 Lance-Coiporal L. J. Burgess. CAVALRY. 3720 Private W. Sidthorp. 4127 Private R. Mills. Composite Regiment of Household Cavalry. Lieutenant-Colonel C. N. Miles, M.V.O. (1st Life 6th Dragoon Guards (Carabiniers). Guards). Lieutenant-Colonel A. SproU Major W. Anstruther-Thomson (Royal Horse Major A. C. Hamilton. Guards). Major H. P. Leader. Major and Brevet Lieutenant-Colonol T. C. P. Captain R H. Collis. Calley, M.V.O. (1st Life Guards). Captain W. G. Home. Major H. T. Fenwick, M.V.O. (Royal Horse Lieutenant W. E. Wateon. Guards). Lieutenant A. du P. T. Cole. Captain A. F. H. Ferguson (2nd Life Guards). Lieutenant W. J. S. Bundle. Captain E. "W. Clowes (1st Life Guards). 2715 Sergeant F. Lowe. Captain R. V. L. Lloyd-Philipps (1st Life 2758 Sergeant A. Crawshaw. Guards). 2990 Sergeant H. Salt. Captain C. Champion-de-Crespigny (2nd Life 3999 Corporal W. Wright. Guards). 3880 Corporal J. Barry. Lieutenant the Honourable D. C. Marjori banks 3726 Private J. Buckingham. (Royal Horse Guards). Lieutenant H. H. S. Clay (2nd Life Guards). Lieutenant W. Waring (1st Life Guards). Tth (Princess Royal's) Dragoon Guard*. Quartermaster and Honorary Lieutenant W. Major C. W. Thompson. Stubbs (Royal Horse Guards). Major B. R. Dietz. 996 Corporal-Major W. Scrivens (2nd Life Major H. S. Follett (Reserve of Officers). Guards). Captain G. Lang worthy. 1284 Quartermaster - Corporal - Major C. E. Captain H. A. Lempriere. Harford (Royal Horse Guards). Captain «t. E. F. Dyer. 1208 Squadron-Corporal-Major C. Yea'man (1st Lieutenant N. D. H. Campbell. Life Guards). Lieutenant W. M. C. Du Q. Caillard. 1368 Squadron-Corporal-Major J. Langley (1st Quartermaster and Honorary Lieutenant F. C. Life Guards). Butcher. 1167 Squadroii-Corporal-Major W. Silwnod (2nd Sergeant-Major C. Bert. Life Guards). 3420 Squadron-Sergeant-Major E. Mander. 1319 Squadron-Corpoial-Vajor T. H. Taylor 2858 Farrier Shoeing-Smith G. Mirfield. (Royal Horse Guards). 2351 Sergeant P. Tigue. 13^7 Squadron - Quartermaster - Corporal - Major 4308 Lance-Corporal R. Cooke. E. Bungay (Koyal Horse Guards). 4097 Trumpeter. E. T. Evans. 1717 Corporal of A. Bom ford (1st Life Guards). 1st (Royal) Diagoons. 1503 Ct.rporal of Horse J. Male (2nd Life Major R. H. Carr-Ellison. Guards). Captain E. Makins. 2018 Shoeing-Sniith J. Mason (1st Life Guards). Captain G. F. Steele. , 647 Shoeing-Smith H. Bennett (Royal Horse Quaitermaster and Honorary 'Lieutenant F. Guards). Burch. 2154 Trooper J. Whitehead (2nd Life Guards). 3525 Lance-Sergeant J. -Elliott. 3591. Lance-Corporal A. B. Holdsworth. 1st (King's) Dragoon Guards. ^517 Lanre-Corporal T. Grace. Captain W. J. Lockett (attached 14th Hus ars). 3701 Sergeant H. Tulfree. 2nd Dragoons (Royil Scots Greys). Major W. C. Middltton. 2nd Dragoon Guards {Queens JBa^s). Captain C. W. M. Feilden. .... Captain H. P. Sykes. Captain B. A. Maude. Captain R. L. Mullens. Captain E. Ussher. Captain A. Lawson. c 3rd (Prince of Wales's) Dragoon Guard*- Lieutenant I. A. Fiulay. Major F. J. Ryder. Sergeant-Major T. M. Ros*. 2765 Squadron-Sergeant-Major F. CasswelL 4172 Sergeant A. J. Pott. 4tk (Royal Irish) Dragoon Guards. 3939 Lance-Corporal J. KilleW. Captain C. R. Gaunt (attached 5th Dragoon 4554 bhoeing-Smith C. H. Sim. Guards). 4200 Private A. McLure..
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