THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE UADIMG AND MOST WIDELY CIMCULATiD WEEKLY MEWVAM IK VMOM COUNTY ftntarea u* Swiona Cl FIRST YEA*—No. S» Fort CHUot. We.t», WESTFIELD, NEW JERSg?7tH»RSDAY, JUNE 7, 1951 r t auralineaa r Retiring Teacher, Homered At HcKudey PTA Reteytio* Fridmy Graduation Set Id H.S. To House For Tuesday At WHS To Award mer Grades Roosevelt HS Diplomas Tonight PrrntiM Heck, Ho Polio Here, Sarah Thonuu le Grant, HemUh Board Smy$ 1* To Graduate^ To Rend Franklin Peter Atamantyk Jr., nve year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ninth grade graduation exer- At LX€ftl8W IB i AUmantyk of 122 Cacclola cises will be held at Roosevelt low Classes Place, who was reported Fri- Junior High School Tuesday with day to be Union County's first the processional starting at tilt Jr. Hijn School 1961 polio victim, is suffering p, m. Row classes in the Grant. from a virus encephalitis, Jo- The opening exercises and flag One hundred and rrM [and Franklin achooli next seph J. Mottley, executive of- salute, ltd by Robert Marik and •tudent* of the thus at INI at rill attend claitet in the new of the Board of Health, Hugh Williams, will be followed High fchoat wW H'- [ senior high school, when it said today. by the welcome to the parents de- awarded diplomas taakht |a>, .the Board el Educa- The case was originally di- livered by John Wade, Two es- •ryee I. MacDenald, iln aiaaiiair pnounced at its meeting says, Cm* We jMtifr Our KxUt- of tha Board of EdlHttai*. af r night, It ii expected thai agnosed as polio. The child was admitted to Muhlenberg met? by Prentiss Heck and / Lift commencement aitrehaw •- sssroomi will he needed My Lamp by Sarah Thomas, will auditorium of Rooeevelt Juatafj [ overflow. Moit of the pu- Hospital, PlainAeld, last Thursday night. be read by the respective authors. High School. The mamhare af be sirth grade students After a selection by the orches- the graduating claes wha will at* ^ may be some from fifth tra, Andante Canlabile From Fifth sent the commencement •*itmm"l.' Symphony by Ttchsikowsky, four are Alvin John Clark, trat haawf - Enouncing' the decision, thf Card Party Nets of the graduates will read their student, who will speak on "Wtt/ki answered the quettion of original prise-winning poems. The Promise?" and Charlotte MM*, •'• Iras to be done with tht poems are Tht Waterfront by Mar- whose topic will ha Vlftat Uhatr \ , high school building wher tha Louise Ellis, Imagination by To Succeed', ' one, now under construe- M"iy Jane Hogan, The Divint With the troceaslonal aUHfcaf ' opened ne*t year. The Command by Sharon Lac Kauf- Sr. Auxiliary KATHERINE CIMI at 8: U p. m., the program will a*M ,: i on operation and main- man; and Man's DtHiny by Ruth include the saJut* te tktftflS »* was given authority tc Hear» Report* LaDue. Lord's Prayer by tha [Mt at a raeeerttareeeptiaa glvegi*ea by the. PTA tad etteadad the presentation of awards by By- ToMissCibk by the Boya* Chorus, "Hy-MiM Jpn rates for out of town to send a check for $4,500 to the _, aearlg MO rparaals , farmer ..-.----papili^aisaciataa,. - frleadifrieadi,, aaaad PTPTA ^tTUartfficart^ Iratfrets alalll taclUau i af tha ron D. Stuart, principal, Bryce I. by Malotta and "Inrktua"*M attending local schools wat Children's Country Home, repre- •ttta. The twa teachers received erchid eenaget, aiaatgrtaatad bla* leather headbagi MacDonald, vice president of the Huhn; Edwards' "Into TM NtalirVg from |l«0 to |200 for tht senting the profits of the organ- Aataag the gaetta arena! were Mrs. A. J. Plats, first araeiaaat af tha MeKlaby PTA.'b*"siMy'Ni ! Board of Education, will present WHS FUr Student by the Mixed Chomr:«»l*li|j Etna Jr., •aaarvitia_g. rariaciaal ,_.., aad Mrs. Ewt»i _.Dr.. Charles E. Phitbawer..., favatar lapervisiama g prin- diplomas to the graduates, The Spangled Banner" tunf by t*ia •ry grades, from $200 to isation's annual card party last cipal, *ad Mrs. Philhawari aad several af lha irtl paails the retiriag teachers taaiht. r the junior high school ant month. The meeting was held at benediction will be pronounced by Named By Angelo claas and .the audieneai and Ma*# the home of Mrs. P. K. Frolich, Rev. John B. Waller, pastor of the reeeetienal, "Triumphal Mtlitpl ,120 to $300 for the senioi Anthony J. Angelo, president of from "Aida" by Verdi, played hf jiool. All are annual rates 100 Kimball Circle drive, with the Bethel Baptist Church, after which Mrs. K.D. Smith the Civic Club of Weitfleld, has the • • — )ion was granted to eight president, Mrs. Bryce I. MacDon- the orchestra will play the reces. orchestra. The Beard Chief Of Sons slonal, announced the award of a |200 * five from Colonia, twe ald, presiding. will be given by lav. Marl* S. scholarship grant to Kathtrine Irwin, 'MMtlaW minlatw of ountainside and one froir Mrs. H. Emerson Thomas, ways COCO President Grace Gibbs, daughter of Mr. and to attend schools h«r< and means chairman, thanked Mrs. PretbyUrian Church. Mrs, Charles W. Glbbs of 721 Em- Robert L, Fooee, principal! Wai ng next fall. Allen Griswold, chairman of the Of Confederate Veterans Baptist Sexton tree crescent, who will be gradu- j I. MacDonald, vice pres card party, and the members of Annual Session announce honors, which will ba ated tonight from Westfleld High preeentcd to tha atudonta by Or. Iho presided in the absenct the committee for their efforts in Held Tuesday At the 61st and final reunion of the United Confederate Vet- School. Miss Gibbs, who will en- 1 President Bliss Austin making the affair a success. Mrs. erans held at Norfolk, Vs., from last Wednesday to Sunday, Wil- Dies After Fall 8 ,N. Ewan Jr., supervising prta* ter Denison University In the fall, cipal. t the increases were made William Patterson, ticket chair- liam M. Beard, magistrate of the Municipal Court and local attor- ranks in the top five per cent of man, said 337 tables were in play. At the annual meeting of the Alrin John Clark, aa top h by increased costs, bu1 Council of Community Organiza- ney, was unanimously elected commander-in-chief of the Sons of her class. Her extra-curricular ac- did not yet cover tht Mrs. Homes Bannard reported on Confederate Veterans. Plunges 25 Feet tivities Included membership in student, will receive tha ftaf pro* • out of town parties, Mrs, J. I. tions at the YWCA Tuesday, Mrs. tented annually by tha WaaMMel : . pupil cost. K. D. Smith of 781 Dorian road The local magistrate is a native From Church Roof the National Honor Society, vice ..jsignatlon of Miss Har- Broback on special prices, Mrs. of Williamsport, Washington president of Girls' Athletic Com Chapter of tha Daughters of tht;' C. W. Anderson on table prises, was elected president. Also elect- American Revolution. Ha wilt ala* IHoward, art teacher in the ed were: Vice-president, Mrs. S. County, Mil., and his maternal an- Holy Trinity HS Funeral services for John V. mittec, a member of the choir and gh Khool for 8} years ra. H. C. Smith on publicity, and be tkt recipient of tha for 8} years l B. Tobejr; secretary-treasuran centers served in Confederate r«g- Sinram, 87-year-old custodian of accompanist of special vocal fh i tiin g froirfrir, ra Irue* Conlin- pr«lted the imntf He has delidelivrev d » nunv groups, Service Club, Matk and Polytechnic Institute ~ retiring froir, Miai M.r,. CMl.y; ,Wen»>«f*4s the First Baptist Church who died Mat»iasa>ic^M>#l eyrtw wiekwiits atid large, Leroy Scurry, Miss Edith MmtS ToCraduaUiO Tuesday in Muhlenberg Hospital, Mime Club; and senior" pWy east, Mat»iaa^M>#l, ,<.••.• ionf%i yard am business firms. ate gatherings' in such cities as Miss Glbbs has studied piarto for tht Newark alumni of tha ition in which her serv- Umbreck, Dale Chronic, and A. J, Plainfield, after falling 26 feet to Gift certificates were awarded Stadeck Washington, D. C, Richmond, Va., Sixty students will receive di- the ground from the church roof, the past 11 years and has also te tte male mambor of tb« fnft . aystem and her ability to Mrs. E. O. Edwards of Chan- ating chM wh* has attalaod thiv The retiring president Miss Charlotte, N. C, Montgomery, plomas at the graduation exercis- will be held at 2 p. m. tomorrow composed several pieces' for the it were highly praised, nlng avenue and Mrs. F. R. Mari- Ala., Little Rock, Ark., Biloxi, es of Holy Trinity High School piano. She plans a career in mu- highest average in mathamatlta ition of Mrs. Elita- Winifred Debbie, gave a brief re- in' Gray's Funeral Home. Rev. El- an of Dorian road. Miss,, and New York City, Sev- to be held in Holy Trinity Church bert G. Gates Jr., pastor of the sic education. and science during hia hl«h athaal ntinoad oa Page 4) Mil* Jean Anderson, chairman port of the work of COCO for the career,' ..": past year. Three open meetings eral of them have been published next Thursday at 8 p. m. First Baptist Church, will offl- Two additional awards of 126 of the Junior Auxiliary, reported in the UDC magazine. Tho announcement of graduates ciate. lnterment will be at the U. S. Defense Bonds were made Alvin Clark, as tha student wha^ on the activities of the Juniors were held during the year, a work- In the faculty'a estimation, haa •: shop on publicity, a meeting at The commander-in-chief of the and honors will be made by Rev. convenience of the family. to Eleanor Jean Ponturo, daugh littec Backs for the year, and said the group United Confederate Veterans was William Dunn, curate. Rt. Rev. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony shown tha greatest proffNaa la has. contributed $1500 to the home. which the Plainfield Mental Hy- Mr, Sinram, who resided at 125 science during his high school cm. , giene Clinic asked COCO to help James W. Moore, who died in Msgr. H. J. Wattcrson, pastor, East Broad street, apparently lost Ponturo of 334 Livingston street, Mrs. Allen Datesman is adviser to February at Selma, Ala. Prior to who received an honorary degree and Constance Rose Bianco, daugh- reer, will be awarded tha Baueh tenbach the girls. organize the campaign in West- his footing while making repairs and Lomb honorary school award. ' field for funds to support the clinic General Moore's death, he had of doctor of laws last week from on the church roof Tuesday at ter of Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Bianco Mrs. Anderson said more than been presented with a sword by Seton Hall University, will pre- of 56S Cumberland street. These Recipients of the French priaa and a workshop on parliamentary 0:20 a. m., and fell to the ground, of |10 and $6 will ba Diana Oar* iWestneld Town Republican 100 women have volunteered to procedure. Miss Debbie thanked the students of the University of sent the diplomas and honors and where he was discovered by Rev. awards were based not only on Tttce Thursday night unan give a half day a week next sea- Mississippi. At the reunion, this will also deliver the address to scholastic ability as evidenced by don Colin and Allison Btacey, ra- the members of COCO for their Mr. Gates. He was treated at spectlvcly. These prim an . repeated its earlier in son to Kenny packs, and have tak- support during the year and pre- sword was presented by Miss the graduating class. tho scene by Dr, F. B. Nelson and both girls' membership in the Na- ent of ChaTles Franken- en training at the home, and said Kathleen Moore, daughter of Gen- The singing o'' Ave Maria by tional Honor Society, but on all- awarded by Le Petit Coin da sented several suggestions which taken to Muhlenberg Hospital, France to the two students who br reappointment to the Di- that more are needed. had been made to her for next eral Moore, to A. Belmont Dennis, the choir will be followed by tho where he died several hours later, around ability, character and per- of Tax Appeals. The ap- Mrs. Barclay Fox and Mrs, retiring commander-in-chief, SCV, Benediction of the Most Blessed sonality. have attained the highest average year's program. His injurtos were reported as frac- in the study of the French lan- ent ia for five years and George Mateer, two new members, who then presented it to Mr. Sacrament, after which the choir tures of the nkuFI, spine, shoulder, MISB Ponturo served as secre t Mrs. S. B. Tobey, chairman of Beard as the new head of the guage. Miss Colin had the highest a salary of $8,000 per were welcomed. A social hour fol- will render O Sacrum, and sovoral ribs. tary of the Hcnior class, secretary lowed the meeting, at which Mes- the group work and guidance sec- Sons of Confcredato Veterans, un- average in three years of study, The Act of Consecration by the Mr. Sinram was employed for of tho National Honor Society, and Miss Stacey had It in twe committee unanimously dames W. R. Kessler, A. B. Crc- tion of COCO reported on the two til his successor is elected. graduates will follow, and then president of the Library Council, workshop sessions, led by Dr. Ker- 1G years by tho J". S. Irving Coal years of study. to appoint Mrs. Florence hore, A. B. Arnold and Frank Only 12 Confederate veterans the choir will sing Tantmn Ergo. Co. before becoming church cus- member of the Mask and Mime and of 645 Glen avenue to rc< Hazeltine were hostesses. mit W. Oberlin, which were held The entire assemblage will join in The Peter Muhlenberg Unit of are now living and hereafter all todian a year and a half ago. A Latin Club, She plans to work the Stcuben Society of America rs. A. F. Eichhorn as*com' for parents of junior high school Confederate reunions will be held tho singing of Long Live The Pope native of Kidgewood, L. I., he had for Pcarsall & Frankenbach, Inc., oman from the third dis- students, and Good Night Sweet Jesus be- medal, which is awarded to tha Mrs. Schafer Heads by the SCV with the surviving li\ed in Wcatfield since 1026 and of Wcstfleld after graduation, senior who has excelled in tha the first ward. Mrs. Stub- Confederate veterans as their hon- fore the organ recessional. was a veteran of World War I. Miss Bianco has participated in president of the Westfield study of the German language, Republican Women ored guests. Judge Beard, who He is survived by his wife, Mrs. many school activities including will be given to Miss Colin. in's Club. Cerebral Palsy has served as judge advocatc-in- Lottio Woollcy Sinram; five sis- membership in 'tho Mask and Shirley Louise Sanford, as the hur Kammcrman was elected chief of the SCV for three terms, Red Cross Knitting Mime, Service Club, and Iilbrary Mrs. Bette Schafer was elected ters, Mrs. Anna Brahm of Moun- Senior Gold Letter Girl, will re- ,te to the Republican County l°,as , served four terms as com- Section To Close tainside; Mrs. Mary Schaudcl, Council. Upon graduation, she ceive a gold letter key for. ath- live committee to rcplacs president of the Wcstfleld Wom- mander of the New York Camp, will work Tor Merck & Co,, Inc., an's Republican Club at the an- Drive Extended The knitting department of the Mrs. Lottie Hauck and Miss Lou- letic and scholastic ability, per- Eichhorn, who moved to 9M, SCV, which is one of the ise Sinram, all of Ridgowood, L. I.; of Rahway. nual meeting held Tuesday after- outstanding camps in tho confed- Wcstflcld Chapter, American Red sonality, leadership, co-operation, itfrgh, Pa., last week. Extension of the Westfield- and Mi's, Minnie Allgelcr of Hlcks- dependability, loyalty and service lirman John W. Glendening noon at the home of Mrs. Charles eration. Cross, will close for the summer McCulloch, 825 Highland avenue. Mountainside fund campaign in Tuesday, All finished articles villc, L. I.; and three brothers, to the school. Selection of tha i Mrs. Charles Doe.rr, first behalf of the Cerebral Palsy Edward of Ronkonomu, Frank of candidate was made by a vote of John M. Mackenzie, second Other officers elected were: First should be 'returned to the chapter Baptists Schedule vice president, Mrs. James E. Hur. League of Union County was an- Jr. Auxiliary Presents house, 321 Elm street, before that Hicksville, and Fred of Ridge- the girls of the school. Herbert Welch, third ward; nounced today by Mrs. Wilson C. wood, all on Long Island. Miss Stacey will be the winner Mrs. William R. Freeman, isy; second vice president, Mrs. date, it was announced this week. Fred Decker; recording secretary, Rich Jr. of 294 Old Tote road, $1000 To CGH Boat Excursion of tho Journalism Club prise, a ward, as representatives to Mountainside, chairman • of the book, for being in the upper third Sxecutive committee of the Mrs. E. A. Hescock; correspqnding secretary,' Mrs. Albert Still well; drive for the Service League. A church family outing and ox< of the class and for superior work Town Committee. Other Jeanno Anderson, president of Eckenrode To Replace Babcock in wrting, editing, and planning krs of the executive commit- and treasurer, Mrs. Jack Bacon. The quest for money' to main- cursion has been scheduled by the the Junior Auxiliary of the Chil- First Baptist Church for Satur layouts of the school paper. nclude Mr. Glendening j vice •i The following were named to tain services for Union County's dren's Country Home, presented u 9 the advisory board: For two years, children and adults crippled by day. Leaving Westfiold at 0:10 Ruth Arlenc Wood will bo man, Florence Decker; sec- chock for $1,000 to Mrs. Louise As YMCA Boys Work Leader a. in., the special Jersey Centra' awarded the $5 prize offered each V, Betto Schafcr; treasurer, Mesdames John Carter, L. F. cerebral palsy will continue for II. Knimn, manager of the home, Vogt Jr., and Charles 'Krauser; most of this month, Mrs. Rich de- train will take the picnickers cli- year by the music department to Davis, and the delegates to nt the annual tea of the' Junior Arthur L. Eckonrode of York, Pa., has been appointed Associ- rectly to the Jersey City dock tho student having outstanding executive committee of the and for one year, Mrs. McCulloch clared. She said the extension of Auxiliary held Sunday,at the home and Mis. Arthur Voss. Commit- the drive was prompted by the ate Secretary in charge of younger boys work at tho Wcstncld YMCA, where they will board the steam- musical ability, membership in the ty committee. 'of Mrs. Bryce I. MacDonald, 909 nucceedliiR Donald 11. Babcock, who resigned his position recently t<- music department for three years, tee chairmen will be announced late start it received and tho fact sccpt the position of general secretary of the Red Bank Association, er, Liberty Belle, for the trip to Boulevard. The money was rained Rye Beach. After u Htop-ovor of sufficient interest and ambition in the fall. that other drives overlapped into by several different projects of tho Dr. Edward (J. Bourns^ president of the local Y", announced yestor- Reward Offered May, Cerebral Palsy Month. A a few hours for u picnic lunch and to pursue the study of music out- Refreshments were served by group and brings the total amount day. sports, thoy will make the return side of school, and who haa con- 1 Mrs. Lilian Tucker, hospitality number of benefit social und Bports raised this year by the Junior Mr. Eckenrode will be gradu- Lost Terrier events arc planned in various trip, arriving in Wcatllcld ut 7 tributed to tho school through solo chairman. Auxiliary to $1,600. ated Sunday from Springfield Col- p, m. playing, singing, or accompani- county.communities and the wish- . Mrs. MucDonald, president of lege, where ho has majored in internationally famous chanv ing well coin containers will be According to Heidi Slocum, tick ments, membership in band, or- Welsh terrier, lost May 26 tho Senior Auxiliary of the home, group work and community organ- chestra, or choir, and who hat Municipal Building permitted to remain on displuy waa assisted by Mrs, Allen L. ization preparatory to going into ct chairman, approximately 2,000 inden and last seen in the for June, she added, will nicko the trip. Along with been generous in helping other* of Echo Lake Park and Datesman, adviser to tho younger YMCA work. and modest In hia own outstand- Hearing Monday group. While in college he has been ac- tho Weatflold Baptists, several oth: eld avenuo on May 20, or churches will participate in- ing success. "led to be the abject of an Junior Auxiliary officers elected tive in student affaiiH and extra Public hearings on an ordi- Schreiber To Speak cun Icular activities. He wau presi- cluding those in New Market, The first Mask and Mimo prlje live county-wide search this for next year were: President, South Plalnliold, I'rvington, Bor- of $10 will be given this year nance authorizing construction of Anno Williams; secretary, Mary dent of the Inter-club Council, A $100 reward has been 11 new $760,000 Municipal Build- On Teen Delinquency dentown, Pcddiu Memorial, New to Robert Edwards, and Margaret Id for his return, Lou Babcock; and treasurer, Sue vice-president of the Student ing and Library and a proposal Council, vice-president of his class, ark, First Baptist, Elizabeth, Cen Louise Malcolm and Flora Bell h black and reddish tan dcir Bode. A vice president will bo tral Baptist, Elizabeth, South Or Sinyrs will receive second prixea to pay a $200 cost of living bonus Police Chief John R. Schreiber elected in September. track manager for two years, fcpion Florncll Starturn> ro- to members of the police and fire nngo, East Orange, Union, Scotch of $5 each. Those prizes arc of- pes a small airedale and an- will speak on "Teen-age Delin- head dormitory counselor and departments earning not more quency" at a meeting of tho Moth- Fronh Week counselor. He was Plains, and First-Park, Plalnnold fered by tho dramatics club to • to the namo of "Nick." He Tickets may bo obtained Sunday Btudcnts who have been judged Reared May 20 from the than $3400 a year will bo held at ers' Guild of Holy Trinity Gram- Toduy. Tomorrow also president of the Bothcudu a meeting of tho Town Council, at mar School at 8 p. m, tomorrow Lutheran College Students Club, i nt tho church or from any ticket outstanding in their membership " of Mrs. Roy Wales of 80 To Be Fair, Warm agent. All children must be uc in tho club for three years and 'ood terrace, Linden, who 8 p. m. Monday in tho Municipal in the Holy Trinity High School Prior to entering college ho WBBJ gymnasium. The public Is invit- In tho Army for 111 nionllui, being • eompunicd by udultti, their active participation in for-* elng visited by her brother, Building. ohsic uctivittca for three years, V. Bolaacau of Wcstpurt, N. ed to attend. Chief Schreiber will . According to a U. S. Wcittlior discharged with tho rank of pri- emphasize the rale of parents in Bureau report last night, toduy vate first class. including front or backstage work of tho champion tor- Rained Out Art Show supervising their.children's sum- Mrs. Morris Hcurin in dramatic productions, public ap- und tomorrow will be fair und During summer vacation he has pearances representing the school, mertime activities. warm With afternoon temperatures worked with tho YMCA of York, Blood Donor Service rone with any information Planned Saturday and contributions to BMombly, At a recent guild meeting, the near 80 degrees today and in tho I'n., as camp leader, program di- club, iihd homeroom programs. . the dog it asked to notify high 80s tomorrow. Low temper- Mrs. George Morris is nov The outdoor art show of West- following officers wore elected: rector and craft director. Constntico Rose. Bianco -will bo fatfleld Police Department, President, Mrs. John Meeker; vice ii lures at night will be in the Mr. Kckcnrodo will bo married chairman of the Blood Donoi • R. Bennett, 666 Dorian field elementary schools, rained out upper 50B. Service for tho Wentllcld Clmp awarded tho $25 Commercial Saturday in Mlndowaskin Park, president, Mrs, William H. litmn; to Miast Riiehael Perry of York, pi'izo, {(Ivan by Business and Pro- We. 2-5896. treasurer, Mrs. A. 11. CiignasHoluj Pu., June 10. 11B will begin work tor, American Hcd Cross, it vvn will bo held this Saturday from Jlrrvrr'N Vunvy let* €remu I'arly unnouncud today. MI'H, Morris re fessional Women's Club to-the. 10 a, m. to 8 p. m., Mrs. Rttchel recording secretary, Mrs. John t'«k«», nrrvfn frum II lu H pcoplr. lion Camp, which ha. will direct, Capltcllu; and corresponding sec- Hold nt Mnpr'a at Sl.Ott, two aavora, with tho locnl Y on Juno 25 with ARTHUR ECKENRODE places Mra, Ruymond Reid, (Continued on page 8) M. Sullivan, art supervisor, said ll(»r'a, South mut WcitSeld Aye>, tho opening of Y. Summer Vaou- will movi from Weatfleld, today. retary, Mrs, Vsra Johnson. B84rt mm mmtmsu* m. J.) WAtm, T""»«**T-


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• !

i : •5-?', ' ''<'"•.;•, ,;,•>'.<• .?"•''• ',*;',' 'i'''f^i. ' • t • * ' <• .'- •-''•' i~:f. '>-i .r'J-'k... John franks jftHHV'5 V'""'' .;t./;v .•,;.;.'•''..-;faf% ;**** OTHER STORES: Plainfield and Riagtwoofl; «•• u 'r'",.. ' THE WBNTOBLD (N. /.) LIADOL, THUI8DAY, /UNI T, 1H1

tiowr Graduates G«w, AM Col* GrisBiBger, Bo- Thomas O'Rorkc, Annette Grace •*••••••«••••••••••••••• To Award Robert Randolph Allen, John land 6. Hall 1TH William X. Hal- Osterman, Nancy Carolyn Otto, David Anderson, Lynn Frances sey, George K. Harbt, Robert Net Charlotte Patton, Dorothy Ann A very, Caesar J. Bavosa, Louise from T*m I) Harcourt, James Austin Harris, Petvsky, Catena Fidoto, Gi-ac« Anne Becker, Barbara Jean Be- Lillian Bernice Harris, Judith Ann ma* tho ba* we- Pinto, Richard Hamilton Prentiss, dell, Inez Joan Bedell, Walter Harten, Jayne Cynthia Haynee, Menla June Rapp, LeRoy Miles James Bennett, Dorothy Augusta Barbara Adele Heerich, Lee Mar- Redd Jr., Elliott Lyles Rinfin, Beaainger, Constance Rose Bianco, tin Horner, Edgar M. Howard Jr., Douglas Keith Robinson, Marcia Alvin Clark, the tost twn- Edward Belford Bitier Jr., Hugh Marshall H. Howard Jr., Diane Ann Sank, Kathryn Diedre Schar. ,nt, wfll rwoiv* • MOVII- R. Blodget, Barbara Ann Bowles, Lois Hunter, Helen Prakken Hunt- mann, Robert Paul Schissel, Doris t one-yew Mbtariptton to Charles Henry Brandt. ley. Joann Sigmund, Donald Francis ad«r's Digest," wW<* pre- Joanne Charlotte Campbell, Lu- Richard D. Jenkins, Richard Singer, Donald Titus Smith, Rich- one to the valedictorian in anne Shepherd Campbell, James Norman Johnson, Mary Patricia ard Smith, Ignasio Patrick Spina, f the more than 80,000 pub- Irwin Cassidy, Joan Starr Clark, Komich, W. Philip Kraft, Charles Richard Alan Sprague, Lois Ann rivate, and parochial high Henry Kree, June Kuebler, Wil- Stiles, David Edwin Storr. ; in the United States and Earle Russell Cole, Diane Gordon Colin, Richard Calvin Cooledge, liam Kyrioglou, Georgia Lambert, Carl Joseph Tatro Jr., Frank A. Jean Adelaide DePauw, Ellen Richard John La Roia, Alfred Lin- Vecchio, Russell VentimigUa, Har.'••••••••••••••••••••••••••••' name of Robert Ernest den, Joan Barclay Lowell, Annette vey C. VUla, Frank Valentine! [ will be engraved upon a Craig Diefenbach, S. David Din- ST'MT M Tr *• „ , woodie, Margaret Barbara Dixon,| MacMjlla"' Margaret Mai- Vitale, Nancy Jane Voorhees, Ron- I given the achool by Donald Anne Marquardt, Patricia Ruth Dolan, Patricia ald Wayne Walker, Donald R. 4 the class of 1935 in mem- Williasn Turner Martin, Barbara Downey, Patricia Ann Drake. Webber, Francine Renee Weiss, | Richard Van den Bergh ol Jean Martyn, Charles Thomas Shirley Ann Williams, Ruth Ar- tss of 1984, since he has Robert Edwards, John Bucknell Martz, Thomas E. Mason Jr., Bes- lene Wood, Robert George Tenser, filaf ludged, by wote of die, John Bucknell Flint, Edward Quinn Field, Carol Eliza- and eaiptH now to fcoihon yow Tako advantago of a wonderful tab an *yto«-Hylilod t H. Fortiner, Charles Thom- beth Foote, Raymond W. Ford ontki homo. NWM ut today! Informal* - 100 Informali Hylitod with your Namo in fashion Floor rU. William Joseph Mastri Alan Stuart Foster, Florence Ed' Raltod Utter*, ami 100 Involopot. Daublo tho Quantity larles Forrest Patterson Jr., garton Fre*rtj|n. t Charles Rieti, Carl Joseph . Barbara ATM Garrett, William only 1.25 fit., Robert George Yeiuer, Joseph Gebkr, Sarah D. Gium- Illip Lee Young Jr. marra, Helen Irene Goek'emcyer, fist of graduates follows: Stephen Gracey, Patricia Ann

Come to TopperN Fashion Floor for cottons--d»wn-to-eartli priced

At Jwst ft.95 A. Jerry Gilden's side-buttoned, sheath dre» in charcoal, navy, melon or black broadcloth. Alio in blue or rust checked gingham. Sizes 10-20. B. Slim-pared four pocket sheath by Jerry Gilden in broadcloth, plaid cotton or silky-smooth wov- en satin check. Sizes 10-20.

C. Snowflake embroidered sun- back jacket dress in lilac, char- coal, pecan, strawberry or blue- berry chambray. Sixes 12-20, 4'/24ft (Casual Shop)

D. Pam Rogers scoops the neck- line on a broadcloth dress, white embroidered. Navy, green or cherry. Sizes 9-15.

E. An'R junior dress in navy or brown dimity dot with crisp white pique trim. Sizes 9-15.

Tepper's — Fashion Floor

i . ' ••-'••^,'•1'- ,L...:1 (K. I.) LEAMMt, fKUfcSDAT. JUKE 7, 1»81 Jeanne LaFontaine of tlO Grove j Public Library. Although the g*«- and received two outstanding street arrived home Sunday for1 OBITUARIES eval public i« invttct, Mr. Camp- rewards at the graduation exer- her summer vacation from St. Old High Srhool bell's lecture will cover technical ciees. The Eev. R. J. Gottschall and • past theater of friendship Lawrence University, Canton, aspects which will he of particu- Award was given Bob for having N. Y. Pm —, , Lodge, 247, F. * A. M. Mansfield. (Continued frees Fmge 1) lar interest to those actively work- attained the highest average m Uc wrrc4 twe terms as high priest beth Sits, a teacher in the Wood- Jeanne recently placed third in A&'WSm** taw, n, rf t ing with dii social sciences during the year, Doriwi *), M6* Moaataieview drive, died Tuesday w the Zebulum Chapter, 8*6, row Wilson School, was accepted and the (Jharles Q. Hillegass Mem- the cup class in the university RAM, and was a 32nd decree NA- and a year's leave of absence was orial Award for his work on stu- horse show. OB June 30, she will •Iw of science degree In Overlook Hospital, Sunlit, granted Mrs. Florence W. Borge- art «*•<**» Z 'fjteee he had been » patient for BOB of the Willamaport (Pa.) Con.- dent publications. Bob also re- leave to spend the summer at Fire- aon, iastructer in the junior high COLLEGIANS ceived one of the English depart- place Lodge, Easthampton, L. I. •' tm weeks. school. • • • Born in KettSeU, Mr. Brunner Besides his son, Mr. Brooks it Mary Elisabeth Pfaff of West- ment awards for the best fiinal •SET survived by two daughters, Mrs. Werner C. Burger was appoint- examination. Bob plans to enter Betsy Lightbown, daughter of •ad lived m Wwtfield all his lif«. field received a bachelor of sci- Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Lightbown of Vis wife, the late Mrs. Henrietta Gladys E. Murray of Pougkket ed to teach art in the senior high ence de»re» from St. Joseph Col- Lehigh University in the fall. sj«, N. V., and Mia* Hatel Brooks school ill place of Miss Howard • • • 211 South Euclid avenue, was Bet be Srunner, died is 1939. fie lege, Emmitsburg, Ml., at com- graduated from St. Mary's School, Wtired 10 rears ago from F. and Mrs. Alice E. Stratton was mencement exercises Friday. Mary Jean Barnett »f 1821 Prospect sons; and one great-grandson. appointed to teach borne econom- street, Stephen Ayres of 415 Len- Mt. St. Gabriel, Peekskill, N. T., •"Brwnier t Co., Engravers, Kew Elisabeth also gave the valedic- Tuesday morning. York. He was a member of 8t. Funeral services will be held ics, also in the senior school. tory address at the Honors Convo- ox avenue, Fred Gillespie of 755 Shiriay L Baldwin, daughter of Paul's Episcopal Church, the Weat- tomorrow at 10 a. re. at the Shaw- Dr. Stacy N. Ewan Jr., super- cation last. Thursday. Belvidere avenue, and Russell Yo- Her parents, grandparents, Mr. vising principal, reported that an eum cf 355 West Dudley avenue and Mrs. James Lightbown of Wel- tact B*ld Chapter of the Old Guard, lU-bena Funeral Home, MansieM. She majored in English and » »*eived a and Mountainside Lodge, 1S»5, Rev. Albert Broadkurst of Titus- incomplete tabulation shows that were among the 297 students who lesley Hills, Mass., and her broth- ^•^•f science aagree at Skid- N members of this year's graduat- history at the college, with educa- received their diplomas at com- er and sister, Tom and1 Martha, .;»I«E. . • ville, rV.Mr. Brooks' nephew, ana tion as her minor. For four years, aw College Sunday. Survivors include two gens, John R»v. David Griffith, pastor of the ing class have enrolled in four mencement exercises Sunday at rear esUagea, eight will attend she was a member of the radio Gettysburg College, Gettysburg, t. Brunner and Robert S. Brun- Baptist Church of Mansfleld, will club and the drama club, "Melpo- #er; five grandsons, aad a broth- conduct the service*. A Maaonk junior collegee and 16 will *o to Pa. + other schools of higher learning. thalians," which she served aa Jean was awarded class honors M7V*> \ * ^ ' * er, Arthur C. Brunner, all of West- service will follow. Interment will president during her senior year. •Mi. • • / • Cornell will have tbe greatest and the Chi Omega Social Science number of members of the class Mary Elisabeth will slay in Award. '. Funeral services will be held summer stock with th« aleri imack •oworrow at 3:15 p. m. at Gray's with eight, Bueknejl will have sev- • • • en and Rutgers six. Fifty-nine Playhouse, Concord, N. H., and Charles Henry Frankenbach Jr' funeral Home. Bev. Frederick W, Burlington, Vt., this summer. She v BlaU, rector of St. Paul's EpUco- Mra. Grace A. Davit different colleges' are represented son of Mr. and Mrs. Frankenbach Mrs. Grace A. Davis, 64, of in tbe list. has spent a summer at the Ply- of S56 Dorian road; John Jewett >»«» eN?*h, wUl effkiau, and ia» mouth Drama Festival in Massa torment will be in Fairview Centex Elisabeth, sjeter of Mrs. Ella Half He reported that this year's Little, son of Mr. and Mrs. John penny of 440 Summit avenue, died senior class will give the school chusetts. S. Little of 60 Canterbury lanef Sunday at her home of a heart at- a silver service as the class gift, • • • and Joyce Sydney Borgeson, tack. She ted beea in ill health Next season's football schedule Patricia Marie Wallace, daugh- daughter of Sidney Elmer Borge- CMfiafd L. several McnCks. of nine games, identical with the ter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. son and the late Mrs. Borgeson of Clifford L Chandler, 61, of SOI Mr*. Davis, widow af WUUasa Qiie in effect last fall, wa» ap- Wallace, Mountain avenue and SOT Prospect street, were mem- Carleten road died Monday night proved, as .was fie six game Old Bridie read, gcoieh Pliini, bers of the graduating class of Davie, was born in atettan aa* was a member of the senior class •t kis hone after a brief illness. I educated in the publle school* schedule fer the Junior high more than WO seniors who were Re was the husband »f Mrs. Paul- school varsity team. at Russell Sage College, Troy, N. awarded degrees at Brown Uni- there. She ted resided in Elisa- Y., which waa graduated Sunday $1 Cecil Chandler. beth about 86 yean and waa a It was announced that Bureau versity's 183rd annual commence- , Bern in Red Bank, Mr. Chandler af Meter Vehicle inspector! visit*! afternoon. ment held Monday. They received had lived in Westfteld 20 yeara. •her of Daughters ef America, Elisabeth unit. the senior high for the first time Patricia, i graduate of West- the degree of bachelor of arts. - lit was associated with the Qeorft recently to give written examina- field High School, major*! it Eng In his freshman year,. Charles Walter Davis Co., Ntw Yoi-k, and Barf is survived by another sis. tions to second semester safe driv- lish and received a bachelor of was awarded football and baseball Was a Member of the First Metho- ter, Mrs. Charles Davis of New ing pupils and that all passed with arts degree. numerals, and was co-marshal-of dist Church and Atlas Lodge, Uf Center, and several nieces and In her aeaier year she was ad. his class.. He played varsity foot- nephews, very high grades. L#,:*A*. ••. • . . ) vertising manager for Sag* ball and varsity baseball through- • Bealdes his widow, he is surf A private' funeral service waa Lftvf. the college yearbook. She out his last three years. He was vlved by * dauthttr, Mra. Kea held yesterday at Gray's Funeral Rptgtn To Silute waa also a member of the Higher •warded a varaity football letter Camp ef North Canten, Ohio, and Home with Rev. Tred E. Miles, Local High School Honor Court of the Student Cov- in his senior year. As a junior, twe grandtona. ; , pastor of the First Methodist cvnmeat Association, president Charles was elected warden of ; hurch, officiating. * Interment 'Funeral services will be neld Westfield. High School will be and treasurer of her residence Phi Delta Theta fraternity, and,, today at S p. m. at Cray's Funer- was in New Cemetery, Somtrville. house, ring chairman for her class, in his senior year, was the fra- Rev. Harold B, Wright, pastor of saluted on the radio program, Re- al Home. Rev. Fred E. Miles, pa* port from Rutgers^ «n Sunday at student chairman of the campus ternity's president. He is a grad- ter of the First Methodist'Church, the Somtrvill* Methodist Church, snick shop, and her class chair, uate of Westfield High School. conducted the committal service 8:30 p. m. on Station WAAT, WtU officiate.' Interment will be Newark. man for the annual Rally Day en- John, an alumnui of the Loom- ixo vou EMOW that aunjr «f out at the cemetery. tertainment She was a flag bear, is School, Windsor, Conn., waa a In Fairview Cemetery. • "The Thirteen," a group of IS '-'graceful dsnean and atott po| er at last year's commencement ex- member of the Brown Glee Club •vails are over forty? Vat, than haps* Westneld High School male voices, ercises and the baccalauareate and the Chapel Choir while in ' Wilbur Houston will sing two selections on the paSpte didn't ail by aftd watch the US, : George E. Hall, Sr. service, and as a sophomore was college. In his sophomore year he they learned to due* to Arthur Murray's . Funeral services for George Ed- Funeral services fur Wilbur jrogram produced by Rutgers Uni- a member of the laurel chain on •was a staff member of WBRU, the Houston, 66, of Roselle Park, fa- versity. The music was tran- "Ow 40" Club claatM to they could /•<• ward Hall Sr., B4, of 325 Sprint 1 Class Day. Additional interests Brown network.:. lulk* /aw. And, you can l lt ll . street, will be held at 1:30 p.' m.ther bf Norman W. -Houston of scribed recently at the high school have included l'Alliance Francaise B5t Hort street, were held Satur- under the direction of Miss Janet Before entering Pembroke Col- im^OvarArtflubiadto tomorrow in the Pllnton Funeral Of Troy, the glee club, Christian lege, Joyce was graduated from • Home. Rev. W. M. Moore, paator day in Elizabeth. Rev. R. E. Crav- irimler, supervisor of music for Union, Athletic Association, and be dancing like aa esptrt. en officiated.' Interment 'Was in Westfield schools. Student Publicity Board. Westneld High School. While in •f the Metropolitan Baptist Evergreen.Cemetery, Elitabeth. college, she was captain of the 'Church, Scotch Plains, will ,onV • • • freshman hockey team, and, in her -' elate. Interment will be in Fair- Mr. Houston, husband of Mrs. Dianeticft Group Robert F. Ardrey Jr., son of ARTHUR MURRAY view Cemetery. -Sue H. Houston, - Roselle Park sophomore year, was a member of High School librarian, died Thurs- Mr. and Mra. Ardrey of 31 Doris the committee for Stunl Night. . Mr. Hall, husband of Mrs. Car- to Hear Campbell parkway, .gave the salutatory ad- • • • IA$T 4iltf IT.-M0 7-4141 * tie Moore Hall, died Sunday in day In Elisabeth General Hospital after a lonf illness. dress, "Peace Through Educa- Luclejean Palmer received a 10* MM* »., Mmrarh - MA 3-S151 Fordham Hospital, Bronx, N. % John \V, Campbell Jr. of Scotch tion," at the commencement exer- bachelor of science degree Mon- .A native of Foster, Md., he %had In addition to'his son and wife, Plains, author and nuclear phy- cises at Perkiomen Preparatory day from the University of Ne- 44 trick Churck rial*, I. Onuifj* - Oft 3-3M0 I*) flved In Westfield 15 years. *'{fo." 1 Mft Houston- is survived by an- sicist, will address the Central School, Pennaburg, P.»., Saturday. braska, at Lincoln. She was re- was employed in New York. other eon, Charles,-of Cranford, Jersey Dianetics Group at its reg- Bob, who has been a student at cently initiated into Alpha Kappa . Y 8urvivors, in addition to his and a sister, Mrs. Minnie Car- ular meeting tonight at 8 o'clock Perkiomen for the past two yearn, Delta, national honorary frater- ,'wlfe are two daughters, Mrs. berry of East Orange. n the map room Of the Plainfield has been an outstanding scholar, nity. Utary Hall Scott of Plainfield and Miss Betty Hall, at home; and two THE RECTOR REPLIES TO THE 'sons, George E. Jr. and Jack Tim- Mrs. Caroline Schiller iWYATTSi Jan. 12, 1900 othy, both at home. Mrs. Caroline' ft. Sejiuler, 78, o£ Dover, sister of Mrs. Raymond "To the Editor of|fli£Standard:— Stowe of Westfield, died Friday % "Lain a/raid that n>ariy Weitfield 1 * Fred iTi WJieMtome - after a long illnesa. £'•"* people have seen the crUel afid mi«- *':, Fred E. Brooks, 88, died early She waa a member of Pearl Chap- ieading report which was originally yesterday at the home of his ion, ter, OES. printed in the New York Press and Harold L. Brooks of 311 Prospect In addition to her sister here, has since circulated in other papers, ttreet, wllth whom he had made Mrs. Schttleris survived by a son, as follows:— , hit home for eight yean. His wife, Franklin of Dover; another sis- Mrs. Cora L. Brooks, died 18 ter, Mrs. John Shea of Bethkdem, " 'The Rev. Charles Fiske, who yean ago. Pa.; and two grandsons. has has been rector of St. Paul's Church T Mr.' Brooks, bom in Spencer N. Funeral services were held in this town (Westfield) for sev- V., was superintendant of main- Tuesday in the Tittle Funeral eral years, has resigned his f 1200 tenance in the Mansfield (Pa.) Home, Dover. Rev. Edward Cal- a year position to accept a place as State Teachers College until his lender of the First Methodist curate of Mt. Calvary Church in retirement. He was a member of Church1, Dover, officiated; Inter- From our shelves of gift ittnu w« how salacted thate "Royal the Baptist Church of Mansfield ment was in Locust Hill Ceme- Baltimore, Md., at a salary of $500 tery there. Robot" which Dad is sura to" appreciate for his loisuro moments a year position to accept a place as .son for leaving that he cannot stay whether at home or on the beach. Sizes 36 to 46. where his work is not appreciated YMCA Camp Appoints arid where the merhbers' of .the Tent Group Counselors church refuse to. attend church more regularly.' Ten tent group counselors for the YMCA Summer, Home-Vaca- ' "The above statement is an un- tion Camp have been named for Cool, comfortable Seersucker in colorful qualified falsehood. I surely need the 1951 season, which opens June not say that the relations which 25, according to Raymond S. stripes .5.95 have existed between the congrega- Grant, general secretary. Includ- tion of St: Paul's Church and myself ed are Marcus Searkos, William have been the.-kindest and most cor- Nelson, Robert Fortiner, Ed Tracy, dial that could possibly be imag- Pete Tatro, William Scaff, Wil- liam Martin, Richard Menninger, Terry Cloth Robe, white and colors.. 11.95 ined. The peoplje have been very Greg Hovendon, and Jack Wade. dear to me and I have every reason These counselors will each be to believe that I have been very •r aiiturribr in charge of a group of 12-15 dear to them ...... I resigned, as H»v, Dr. Ckurlra >Plakr. f»« Colorful Chambray or Washable Tie Silk York, n« hr look".k«l! a• chois- NOIKE TO •of her dormitory fat Mrt *en the Held of fine arts for her ma- 1 She has served «sj fatttas jor work, and social studies for j committee* and participated her minor. Upon graduation she irts. plan> continuing in the field of PATRONS * • • art history. bms9 Kirfey Paraem, eon of , » • • Du* to military dutta nd Urs. 1. W. FartMte, C2S iViscilla Hesrich, daughter of Jeld avenue, receive* his di-Mr, and Mrs. Karl R. Henrich of am unable to continue | from Keratana Juta* Col- Til Woodland avenue, will be U Plume, Fa., in commence- graduated from Centenary Junior 4M operation of Som- exercises held en esuapus re. College, Hackettstown, Saturday, bach Brother! Taxi Ser- at commencement exercises to be duate of Weatte^d High held at 8 p. m. on the West cam- /ice. All persont may he was enrolled in thepus. She will be one of 170 sen- till obtain the l administration ewricu. ien to receive their diplomas, the |t Kejratana Junior Callage, largest graduating clau in the 77- prompt and efficient college, he was active in year history of Centenary. ervice from Morgan's intramural sports, and Al- Priscilla was a member of the appa Tau, business aatiety Baek Club, Delta Sigma Sigma, Taxi Service, who hai npus. tkt Social Committee, and theagreed to take all call!. "Hack" Board. •ueline Leggett ef IS Doris • e • received a master of Judith Alexander, daughter of Phone number re- • degree In social work from Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Alexander of main! the Mme — WE (rational Catholic School ef Ml East Dudley avenue, and a Service of Catholic Oni. junior at Smith College, has been 2-3400 ' of America in Washiagton, elected co-editor of "Campus ' yesterday. Jacejueltae was Cat," a college humor magaiine, NNMACH MOTHMS ated from Allegheny Collage and was alse chosen as one of the TAXI SMVKI junior ushers, picked from the out- Utter 0. fMbh Handing members of the junior £ •inf the recent elettlta cf class at Smith for the commence- it Georgian Court Collegs, ment activities June », 10, snd 11. , Elizabeth Qtijnn of 518 The junior ushers, dressed in >a»ed. JUM S, 1951 nt avenue WM elected pretl- long gowns, carried the ivy 1 the student body for thtchain in the traditional ceremonies year -1MMI..

FARM-FRESH FLAVOR] tamed at the taaalar mihmi, f at At tsviagil) Ml eaiain fWMtiNitMSIflAaiSM* alat bt* «er* eioislas, cat* chM.miaenaaadVtamia •i ibta the llatM battled •i&t Swsbla* Vhattia D $il OOldtea love !H»

Beef SteW DlmyMini*,. 24oi.ean51e Armour's Deviled Ham JHouin 18c BrisketBeeflonelen-f.reihoreornedlb.89e Liverwucst SailCe WllhmestWIi-Chelloy-ArDee J5Hoi.32c Leg or Rump of Veal ib 79« Frankfurters Roast Beef Hash cud.hy itb,csn43c Pbrk LOUIS Whole or .itKer half lb.53« Fr~h •ttfitld 2-5750 Apple JlllCe hd Cheak or Motf'i ql. bot. 23« Pork ChopS Hip and shoulder cut. Ib 43« Lobster Soiled Ib. 69« Mackerel i. lit Halibut Steak* 5S« Whiting , ILlfs OK WMtl OIHCI TO MR. Grape Juice A&P PI,U22^ Loin Pork Chops c«nt«/fhkis graduation - and many Bring Your Soap Coupons other suggestions are To A&P For Redemption available here. TIMM prieis •fftctivs la Kit tissr Mirkiti vk lilf-tmlis Ittm ejly.

' Colgate's Vel Colgate's Fab Ajax Cleanser Super Suds Pabnolive Soap n For silks, nylonj, dithai, etc For the family wash and dishes .With the foaming action for dlihei and dudi P«r M(el anil bxH . c C Jail large pkg. 31 2 cans 23c large pkg. 31" ewe l*rg«pkg,32« P t •'• BETWEEN ORCHARD AND BROAD STREET' 155 ELM STREET LAKOE nil PAHKINO AREA ADJOINING ITOM WESTFIELD, N. J. TUB WBBTFIEU)

wiu>» small home around (be corner from Wilson school. Living Minimum Charge 50c KAMAtt f. A. room, dining room, kitchen an* paneled den on the first «opr; two A tedraUs and bath upstairs. Oil T0« BAKI M»Wiig are __ Bred, force* circulating hot water fairly priced as this one in Fan- J neat Comfortable, economical liv- C'LeMaSGl •E»»«»BAT • *.•. FtANKffOACH wood at $U>,v.G0. Note the tJeil. ing assured for a small family. at tills price: livini? room with 113.000. fireplace, diaitur room, modern pine pfrfielecl kitciten "wit*h formica IV THE SAslE location we have an counter tops, lavatory, and sun older type, buf modernised six room; three n ice bedrooms and room home In immaculate con«- RtALISTATf-SAU tiled bath. Oil beat, veneii&a k IKIIBPA»»EU value in tion. Brand new kitchen and bath, t+rm blinds, and storm window**. Here CMMCE •••TH ime location. At- today's m&rtefef; locatetf in tractive home in epic and span living room with fireplace, full VMOT •>***• Is good value for your money, the Gran^ School section in condition. Unusually large )lvln» dining room. Two of the three bed- MIMN an urea of attractive mod- room. DlnM room, modern kitch- roomi will take twin beds. Deep • I Vi AH aaaMMl Ms* la Wtmt- 114UM WILL lir this older home ern homes; center hall, liv- en with more than adeauate cabi- lot with a wealth of shrubbery. •Ht tkat •*«* nalnl *rUk a that is in excellent condition, and ing room (12x20) with open net and counter space. A most 114,750. capital -SEE." Chcx* wlls aa aa which has a modern oil furnace. fireplace, separate dinlnj desirable ISrst floor bedroom and KYMOIW * HHTZ all ike a»r eXasU af tkfci Usrtaw. The lot i» well planted and cured room, modern kitchen, open bath. The second floor has twoGOOD FAKWOO0 location within for, and Is a natural for children screened porch, first floor large bedrooms, end tt beautiful easy walk to school, stores, trains bedroom (with built*-In book and supervised playground. l*r«e XdRCRI with its barn garatfe. Three large pink tiled bath, also a walk-in WE MAt'B a <•»«*» eslerthal af . 1. A«j»l»la« Wrcaareasl — M**M» modern homes with powder rooms, frarage; patio in rear over- Three bedrooms and tiled bath up tH» V«t' KIISW that Weetfield has between the prices of 118,900 tfo ook hxg a f airy-land of (i public grade schools — Grant, 2. (Mf Caafec fraatan — Wr«*- 121,001. The locations are all rood, stairs. New oil fired sfeam beating shrubs and ftowertt; no nue&~ system; unusual modern decora- tlful shade trees. Living"room tn Woodrow Wilson, Ben Franklin, i-mmt— IWllll I MM. the homes all well Kept. All have tion about if, this fine home tions. 115,600. Mi'Klnley, Lincoln end Columbus, S. MaikaMe kewlaesa eaaai W«»aa three large bedrooms and, of will not be on the market place, all electric kitchen full 'tlth a total ot 90 teachers for course, modern equipment. Bach long! $tMM tath, breakfast room, I bedrooms ::3I» nuptln? In addition, there is 4. KMct rieJaa—U acM—W.TM. has individual features that point IK K«t BI.LBUT condition through- WII-»ON BCHO*!,. Here Is a line acretned porch, sun deck, garage' up ita *value. example of an old house that has the Parochial School, also St. out, this lovely six room house been taken apart and put back apace heater. Bulkhead Lot Sf i Christopher'* IN THEOAROSMS will meet with your approval: At- together In a sensible, practical 1*0. rence. Row boat, Sutboard I'CKBO AWAY on a quiet, wooded tractive living room with nre- and functional manner. Extra motor.. Price |1I,_5M. bfher cot* Mil («|j KK«W that we can show HEBE'S AM eMer Ira* Celaalal arltfe st'reet Is a modern Colonial with ulace. Dining room, sun room, large living room will comfortably Ic VQU a very wide selection of 4 siiiaasas Ikal la aa kaswet aar- many attractive feature*. Not biff, beautiful pine-panelled modern house your big grand Piano; the iiomes, new and older, large and gala far aaatraae irke srM 4a tfee but so right for a family with a kitchen with formica counters and kitchen has been beautifully- mod- •lays week, free fear assail Jaka couple of youngsters. Delightful, TNI* lEVKW attOM home is Ideally powder room. Second floor there iinall, Victorian and Cape Cod? located between grammar and are three good else bedrooms and ernised. Three bedrooms and tiled Here are a lew: acetaserr- Tale cool privacy Is assured on the junior hig-h HCUOOU and is in "near bath. No decorating or modernis- •B J»"R WHfllHl^Hi •*-„—_ v — —_ _ _ porch which runs across the entire tiled bath. Oil heat. Oarage. ing ol any kind Tieceesary. tlMM. patal. Eslertar, n»C •seetlesrti rear of fhe houBt. Half is open, perfect condition"; living room •aku fs*. reenti areMteenr*. and half Is screened; perfect for with fireplace, dining room, kitch- N. J. PI ICE: 185,000 bairn CMaalali »!•». Imi aael en (facing ea«t) and sun room mi TKXA* ranch-bound owner Hhacltamaxon • summer dining room. There are (large enough for television) on leaves behind his pleasant home 1/CATION: atealr af atwec far garaea. lale- other very definite advantages Sr, »»laa raaea. •«*•)• krlsktaa. which you wtlt see when we show Che flr«t floor; three bedrooms and for someone's assured lifetime of • SUMMBMNTAU Fl«OR PL Hooni with fireplace, lagi alalaa raaai. aasaei kHrkm. tiled bath on the second; full stor- enjoyment and comfortable, happy Dining- Room, Kitch- you this home. Well proportioned age on third; two car garage with living. Year-round contentment alrcear aslesjaatrlr awaeralaral kal first floor, three bedrooms and IM THE >KM rftANKMN school UV en, Bedroom suitable KM faarri saaraass, ae*«e' Mtk- tiled bath on the second floor. hard top drive; beautifully shrub- district, comfortable ••room house. achieved by airy, spacious, "clur- .. .-- — Ml Princeton Ave. for one, or Ideal as a lac kal palal. I'pMalta Ike « swsl- bed and shaded rear yard ideal Living room with fireplace. At- ter-proof" room», complete storm _J»ht and airy, I room cottage den, bath with stall raieM are krigkl •>• ekwrfal, rea for summer "piikt" tractive dining room. Oood site windows, new oil burner, a root porch, lit week. 4-roorn cottaae shower, screened waaMa'l kave la twtrk Ikesa ret. KWtN O kitchen with breakfast space. Bun that will last as long asihe house! porch. M5 week. Utilities supplT'' porch, all on the first Rala Haaa sea swat wllk akeerer room. There are three large bed- Three bedrooms, tiled bath ana Bee Borelll, st bavallette, or wr floor, I Bedrooms, I kat ••» tiles, rail stars** aMja II* •]•>•£ rooms on the second floor and tiled kitchen, open porch1, separate Bex >«S, care Leader Office. baths, ample closets aaa eaakle garage. Taiee are mm, MOUM bath. Economical heating unit. room for the kids to shoof with 6-7-tt on the 2nd floor IIMM saartgage anllaale. Tka Two car garage. "Hoppy" to their heart's content! 2 car attached artr* af •1TJM •• talak la real- •tor t. a*: AOE: Economical (as, air MwiMi » Near Lincoln and new high school. HEAT: lath- aael sukra lkl> kaeae a M •KtBKT OWNER, soon to move to $19,600. conditioned werlavrhlle lavealawat. Pennsylvania, bas nupplled this MRANCMAIOWS modern, three bedroom ranch ••AMD HEW home ready for deco- MU '*. IMNf M. DANWU home wlrh many custom details: rating features larger-than-aver- AK PRICK: 119,000 tattoo knotty pine Kitchen, s;ood slsed age rooms. All three bedrooms will llvlns room with fireplace; "W %*t.900 take twin beds; ttie living room to ™ LOCATION: Etxeiient , K TUB CHART SCHOOL ecrttea UNOALOINUAI.OW (Lincoln ScSchool)h , i% shaped dlnlnc area; tiled bath; ra- CHAMMINO CRNTCCH MAI-L. a bed- has Benalble wall space, as has the roams, dinlnv area, cheerrful kftch- N'SCIAL FEATURES: Big enough kaad la raaaai aaa ike kaaar H- diant heat by oil; oversiied at- room and tiled bath on the Arst dining room. There Is a big lotNEEWW. beautiful, real log ranchalows ftfe* for I, a cat and a ca- eelf is taat »«-war. r«IT rLOO* en, (rood sited living room, 1 laf™ tached carsie; plenty of storage floor, are some of the Incerestlne; tor the children to roam, too. Just sltuafed right on II mile lake, nary •KmOOM AND BATH II ITS bedroom and one medium slie. Oil, space; fully equipped with flnesf features of this cosy home. Large around the corner from Lincoln amilt d towering shade trees, babbl- fetl expansion attic 111,990. screens, storm windows, Insula- llvlns; room with fireplace, full school. 111,000. *. OUTITAMDITAMDIKI a rBATlWBI I P- dlnlnc room,' modern kitchen. ing brook and landacaped acren, i stalnn arare II asaraease aa« fca»k. tion ana weatherBtripplna;; located designed for Ideal vacationing. PHICE: 181,600 eaaellHaaeel all Brat. Tesra In an attractive setting In the There are three bedrooms and MIT FI.OOB bedroom and tiled Klng-slse Western living room LOCATION: The Gardens Air e llH •KUBOOa house, sunroom, Ore- country, near WeitMeld. tiled bath with ample closet and »M1 Ti. SPLCIAL FEATUKrUI: 4 Bedrooms, «tf»».N. , Owarr traaaferrrelerrrel. 1 place. Oil, detached carace. III,- storage space on the second floor. bath, plus full sised living and with huge picture windows, » ft. IT l««-TOMtMUtOW WIWILLL 600. dining rooms and a wonderful new x « It balcony bedroom. Unique, Avcnut. 1 baths and a den. 2 TOOLATCIT l . OH heat, open porch screened. At- kitchen make Hits an unusual of- charming, work-laving all electric Parking gentle steps down to tached Karafe. Must be seen to be fering. In addition there are two Croiley kitchen, apukllng bath the ltxI4 Living Room IKMI-sll'NCiALOW. i bedrooms up- R. R. IARMTT, JR. appreciated. more bedrooms and another bath (hot and cold water): completely •nd (he breeae-swepl OOP IN IHf MIAUT Of stairs, 2 first floor bedrooms and upstairs. Walking to Town and furnished, Venetian blinds, out- porch, Spacious Din- bath, screened porch. Junior dln- IKfUIIANCK schools, and the owner has a pain- door patio*; fireplaces. Country *oiii> __ ins Room. Recreation WVCMWOOU. A asael atlraettva liif room, science kitchen, fine llv- M«eM sVUM less way to pay the taxes! If l,*0«. afore "a sfone's-throw." Excellent lloom big enough for Inn room, oil, attached (arose, bathing, boating, fishing, all 9 tables of bridge. At- tis.too. sports. May Mtfe to Oct. lite. tached I car garage mck-up, etiiNcr«j _.. . . OU keat, ealy M ... W*. B-UM I. A. SAUNDEtS Ct. SMITH JR. rears «M, UT fraatage. HM oia MOON bungalow, lot 900 ft. BBALTOIl ROUTS 110 deep. Brick veneer. Tile kifchen, vevitac ejfcesjeaj LOCATION: Brlfhtwood i lurse betirooma, splendid llvtn|l We. Mill WHAT WK HAVfi THERE: I Inter- ON IV* ACRES room. OU heat, expansion attic. I. A. •••Mei« -Vn kr «w a. WaehtagleWaehtagl * RHice la Rt tlip-coven, eating and very differ- W niMKUII ftCMOOL •RCTUM. 115,300. .We. 4, MralsThMrlhl l an RtRt. 4 la Rt. IT. rlgM ent homes Tka sssmr eaaifarta atallakle kere It A.VK. MM a* at. tr «e Rl. IM Ml •• Rl. »• It WHT ARK THEY FOB HALE? Both KW a BEDaooH* Colonial (Grant HRANCHAtOWS ' IMC owners are moving MMIr. nrat laar eaatalaa a HTTS* 9ll,n* JU1T LISTED. A well built, School), very latest appointments. six-room semi-bungalow in per- (•ear Wa*eiaa« Mend) out of the state laaai trr •%. av, alalag nea Uf x Convenient Kitchen, cheerful din- m,TM — iBM|.BV)IOAt.OW with laap«t Sal. •* laa. 1* !• • PRICE*: One is |IS,0*0; one Is 14'. kltekea, e>a, S kidraassa ana ing room, splendid wall space in four bedrooms, two up, two down, fect condltoin. Bright kitchen with lesM katk. If r«« aee«l atake reosa living room. OH, attached garage. spacious kitchen with breakfast breakfast nook. Steam heart open 5-8<-4t ually oe>l|ut tkcre are S raaesa aa4 ka«k as- porch: garage. OUTSTANDING FEATURES: Beau- 116,800. nook, one car detached saraie, MOUNTAINSIDE year. w riful (rounds all keat. steam heat and very low (axes, •PHINO LAKE — Cool turnlshed •lalia. apartment", 3 rooms and bath with OUH BUOQEBTION: Call u», please, aaareel raserele faaaSatlaa. If T"> O YOU WAST privacy? Unique 4- Located in Westfleld. M7,1— A 1W YEA* OLD PARM- (or more details like •araealsa tkere la aae af tha Oped Fe* iMpeetlM Every Bar HOl'IK on 1% acres in Wemfleld. shower, SK blocks to beach, sum room bungalow, glassed and A perfect home for your antiques. mer season. 410 Central Ave., ••eel ken. (t2,M*. screened rear porch, fireplace, ex- IIS.HM—IN AN BXCEIiLENT Fan- •I PeMkreafc mead a*4 BMle M f. pansion attic, oil, uttached garage. wood location we have a. lovely Center hall, living room 23x15; Spring Lake 3-2156. six room house with an additional large dining room;; modermodern kitchkitch- •EWt IPI rl'II i •18,500. ATTBACTIVB and modern In every fit floor lat vatoryM. tMaster economic*)! W« I ' *ANDING FEATURES: Conve- sunroom for television. A knotty dealgn, RANCH TYPE HOMB8 on en; first CABIN ut Lake Paullnaklll, Newton, nience to town, estab- pine kitchen with formica count- bedroom SfixlS: 2 additionadditinall bedbed- N. J. All modern conveniences. you nMO for yu KW BUNGALOW, plot 100x200, 6 hair acre plots; ( large rooms, i rooms; tiled bath and shower. Oil, robe. 8e* and i" lished garden, 4 Bed- PRANKSNRACH rooms on one floor, rear porch, ers and rubber tile floor, also a baths, stall shower, colored fix- Swimming, boating, tennis, riding, rooms on the 2nd floor, knotty pine lavatory have Just alr-condlfloned unit. Your own club development. Rent f40 per doing If—you c dining area, science kitchen, fire- tures, 2 car garage, and some 5M —today. OI n I n ( Room big 1 ELM STftEBT . WbtMl S-4TW place in living room, expansion been Installed. Three twin sure and 4H rooms. Reasonably priced. well water Bupply; 1-car garage-, week. Phone West. 2-2606-R. enough for a Chrtat- attic, attached double garage. 124,- bedrooms and tile .bath complete Financing for Veterans and Civil- also, good-Blsed barn. Fruit trees GIILL'i IIU Mtl mas reunion . We arc IfMbcn «f tka the picture plus oil steam heat, ians satisfactorily arranged, and berry bushes, Low taxes. •sriilple LUtlBfj Ufmtwm one car garage and luxes under LAVAlUm IIX ROOM HOUSE, Wychwood, stone 1200. WI AMS MEMBER! at TIM West. front, rear screened porch, powder AUO •ela Basnl af mealtevs* MalMsJ* EXCELLENT three room apartment, PRICE: 122,500 Mettasj lrat«sa LOCATION: Grant School B. F. rmaall . . room. Tile bath with (shower. Oil, UHttm YItAsV OLDbunia- modern bal'li and kitchen, avail- OUTSTANDING FEATURES: Hoom Mn. l^alw Bo Jaltsi attached double garage. $27,000. low in an excellent North Side lo-; LAROB MCIBCTIOW of V, acre lofs able July and August 175 weekly. enough for a big fam- cafrdh'has Juitt come on the mar- on rolling' hllln o(- Hhttook AUN JOHNSTON ily. 2 Baths, 2 Lava- 'HI* S'YEAB-OLD <-bedroom house ket. It has five rooms plus an ex- Estates with picturesque' view KOI* AND ONE-HALF room opaVt- tories, Modern Kitch- boautfe first floor den and powder pansion attic, secluded screened where we will be able to assist ment, tile bath, modern kitchen, «TAMN*AMKIM»|| en, New OH Furnace. room, screened rear porch, huge porch, attached garage, automatic you to build a home you dream 1M CBNTRAL AVK, available July. (110 weekly. tors. U.8. Wn ul «ai i I car Garage living room with fireplace, bath oil heat, full Insulation, Venetian about. WeatarM, M. I, foreign. Hotty «JI, I with stall shower. Ultra modern blinds and weatherstrippins. WK. MM Apartments are comparatively Lenox, W«MMI,IM.; kitchen, rumpus room. Oil, at- WB. MM (Dl newly furnished and contain every — CUTE little house block tached garage, outside fireplace. WAITER KOSffR, RMMM convenience. Call Westfleld 2-0!>«5. WELL Mtm Ml OUTSTANDING FEATURES: Built from Woodrow Wilson School. It Asking m,000. m.W THAT ELUSIVE first floor R*. U4 H*ale m, MlueM. like a Dachshund! has two bedrooms and bath, and bedroom and bath la now avail- wtaM MM* MOUNTAINSIDE 33T BLIEAHETH AVR., Gilford Park, LOCATION: On a knoll In Moun- a panelled den on 1st floor that able in thin twelve year old home tainside • you will really so lor, modern QI.ONIAI. farm house.. 150 years SEE PEMMOOK ESTATES N. J., next to Bayshore—2 miles [5269-M kitchen, hot water heat with oil, located in a most desirable North A DIsvriNCTIVB address for those from Seaside Heights; 4-room gJ£E: 7 laree rooms, 1 tiled old, approximately 2 Mi acres (more Side section; three additional bed- bungalow and bath; large screen- AilM'l TAXI I Bathe, 2 stall showers, J-car garage with hard driveway. acreage avuilable), center hall, 6 rooms and bath on the second who desire RANCH HOMES of Patio, a Kitchen that largo rooms, modern kitchen, matchless design with the beauty In porch, gas range, and refrig- floor. The first floor Is the popular of half-acre estates, constructed erator; outside shower. Starting to «r — is the last word. com-. IIIJW HEBE IS AN older house powder room. Oil, burn, garage. center hull arrangement with a WM. S. WUOI « SON, INC. .nU plete with dishwasher on a tine street convenient to Jun- 127,500. large living room, dining room on lovely rolling hills, to the most July 1st, $50 per week. Phone —all on one floor. S- ior High School. It haa 3 bedrooms and modern kitchen. Attached ga- exact detaili Our six-room homes West. 3-5J27-M. 6-7-2t 3029, •• car Garage built In and bath, sun room, steam heat, rage, oil heat, screened porch and with two baths and two-car ga- PRICE: »J6,D0» 2-car garage. FOR RENT patio, »« E. Biwa* ltn«t rage, offers fhe utmost to those WYCHWOOD — 6 room furnished, who demand the best through the • APARTMENTS-RENT house, 2 baths, porch, oil, garage, >31.IM BLOCK from town! Perfect year*). We also feature smaller and We Are Maeekciw ef the V tlH.Mli THIS Id one that you really larger homes built to order. Mort- should see—4 years old-—living July and August 1150 monthly. EUA J. McCOtMACK condition. Professional person can DELVXE — Furnished or unfur- MULTIPLE LUTING ItlTM room with fireplace, dining room, move right in and start huslness gages conveniently arranged. M PHOKPECT ST., WEHTKIEbD without alterations. First floor has nished first floor apartment with kitchen, lavatory all on 1st floor. IRENE M. DANIEU We. J-4S48 Re*. We. aVMM private entrance. A lovely small REYNOLDS 1 FRITZ 3 bedrooms and tiled bath 2nd entrance hall, mm room, kitchen MOORL HOME open for Inspection apartment 2 RftB'wlfh garage, CEANNVI floor, insulated, oil heat, screened IS HOH.T IT. WEST. S.MS1 and two other roams. Second floor dally on Pembrook Rd., oft Route for a refined and particular per- REALTORS porch, attached giraffe. . —COMPOHTAHl.E six room haa 4 rooms and bath. Zoned for houHe with fwo car garage in two family. 29, Mountainside. son or couple who has A-l refer- .Rrm He«. '»krae 2-M8S Wychwood wchool Kectlon. ences. Can bo made available In a IM Ckarmj. Frits B», '•>•<•»« s-ian.% IS DAJSDV 12-year- SOUTH PLAINFIELD •IS.HN) — ATTHAOTIVK four room few days or June first. KUIe lleU ... He.. •»»•«* 2-4W4* old center hall. Just the place If cottage near rark. -PI.KNTV OF BOOM In this WAITER KOSTER, Realtor Hclea Itekaddl . Rea. >k»r i-ltwt you need a bedroom and bath 1st EW 4V4 ROOM bungalow, expan- «!!.««»— HBW SIX; HOOK house with lovely home on tho south side. Fessaraek H*. * Rt. 2». Ne.atalaaMe MILLS REALTY,MANAGEMENT "r«««J sion attic, brick front, tile bath, Kntrtinco hall llvlna; room, large Weat.S-MM BIS Hlghlaad Are. WMItM, .V J. floor, 3 bedrooms and tiled bath attached Karngc. dining room and kitchen $n nrst on 2nd floor, open porch, oil heat, steam oil heat, excellent location. •XT.IMW—HKAl TIKI L a|x room home Tel. We. 3-SHMT attached garage, fully Insulated, Asking |13,500. By appointment In Wychwood with two car ga- floor. Three bedrooms and tiled VALUES GALORE I •r We. 3-IT«8-R a landscaped yard full of flowers only: rage. badi on second floor, plenty large 5-24-31 and shrubs; it's nice. cloHets. The third floor has 2 fin-PLAINPIEI.Di Well located older MODERN 3-ROO* apurtmenf with ished rooms. Hot water oil heat. private bath. Suitable for buslnc«a SCOTCH PLAINS WALTER KOSTER, Ranhor HAKOLD E. YOUNG CO. liome. Three bedrooms, 2 baths on couple. Available July 1st. Call — FHAJVKMN and Junior Pmimlt H«. * Rt. 2», MaaiiUlnMc second floor. Four rooms and bath KM ALL ESTATE u[ IS acrca of High section—lt"« 20 years old but 387 K. Broad St. Opp. theatre REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE on 3rd floor; oil-vapor heat. In- West. 2-3661. land, beautiful location. New 4'a after you have looked at It you WralHeld XS«« we. 2-nos or wt. s-imr come from upper two floors $180 •WK. S-4»ai> — 2-01*7 K*s.t 2-2»»S a-HOO.H apartment, second floor, l-uum bungalow, cellur, attic, oil will agree thut It 1has real value, Grace Hartlnn . . . We. 2-34fl3-J Naaer 8. Bessoa WE. Z-3TM-M per month. Real value at $13,600. heat, garage, only few left. Prlco living room, dining room, kitchen, KATHRYN T. SHEILD heat and electric supplied. No chil- 0729-R. 312,800. breakfast nook, nun room, ncreen Hcmltttr FOR lillICK ACTION a*« results, FASfWOODi Pour year old three dren, no petH. BUHlneMH people pre- porch, powder room—all on lnt We. consult me about selling your PETER A. DUOHI bedroom home, gas heat, attached ferred. Available .luly 15th. 233 flo-or. 3 bedrooms and 2 tiled baths REALTOR KnraKC, screened porch, $16,900. ProBpect St., Westfleld. WALTit KOSTH, Raallor on 2nd floor. Bedroom and storage property in 'Westfleld, Mountain- MaUlate Ustlas System Masaan PcMkrook Rd. A HI. I», .Mnaalalaslde on 3rd floor. Oil heat', 2 cur garage. DKS1HAB1.K CK.NTKH HALL side and vicinity. My thirty years We havo fwo similar homes In 2-HOOM furnished apartment—small COLONIAL — Cranford. Wnlleld 3-SHm practice In Real Entafe profession M. A. MERCNER IIVIIIK room, kitchen and lialli, will produce dividends to youl WKNTPIEMll A HllllK Homl-bungft- suitable htiHlnesH person. Apply TUB THOMAS O. YOUNG OHM;!! TIIANdKKHHKIJ—must sell WALTER KOSTER REALTOR — f NBVRANCB 645 Central Ave. ^ . thl.s conveniently lucated IIOUHC, 512 DIJDLEV COURT low at $12,700 Having loads of DEPARTMENT STORES Realtor Realtor Meaiber Malll>le Llatlas! Irate* room Is outstanding. Ask to HOC it. W« NORTH AVB. . WF,. 1-1113 Franklin »chuol. Living room, tlre- Penkreak Hd. « Rt. 3*. MtBs4e If J. have what they call an Iihice, study, dining roum, kitchen, n WeelSeU Bear* al Reallere • ROOMS FOR RENT J. Curl llamh. Amor. Wf, !MISMI open purch; 2nd huor 4 bedrooms, WMt.M»M A I,AIMit) brand new expansion type "ADVANCE SHOWING" Mrmfcrr Multiple Listing Sjnltm 2 batliH, room on 3rd. Dandy clos- 6-7-tf Wbl, MM 6-7-tt bungnlow In Wychwood area la ot upectat merchandise Tor their ctu, Ktcitm-oil, garage, well shrub- waiting Cor a particular home- ATTRACTIVE AND SPACIOUS fur- nivorifc customerB. Perhaps you HOl'SK KOK »AI.K, Franklin school seeker. $18,400 Is the price. nished rooms; short walk to sta- H. CLAY FJMED«rCHS, inc bed lot, rear yard uffordtj privacy. tion; references required. 561 '.v'ould like a "Preview" of the Kxtrus Include kllcl\cn VeiHUafinR ANDREW HAYE * SON 8 rooms pluM full cellar with bar, tf Intent model KoitiK up tn REALTOR fan, ven«tlan blind**, TV antenna, and attic, about 25 yours old, ex- WK ARB MBMHKHN of Multiple Westflcld Ave. 6-7- 'MINDING BROOK ESTATES yunl flood light. Just right for tlio Recosaiaeaa These C-oaalrr Matlagsi cellent repair, lavatory first floor LlHtlng;, Auk ux about thin unbeat- u charming center hall Colonial FANWOOD erowlug family. small family could occupy and dc:-- able way ot marketing; your Heal ATTRACTIVE furnished room In lungalow In keeping with the A VA1I1ETV of »lx • room homes ELEVATION-VIEW rivo incomo of $75 to $125 per Estate. private home, noxt to bath. Broak- high tJtandardH vt the neighbor- pHued from ILViOO t'o \22,~>00 ON fiOOli IIOAU In One nolghbor- "month. A»kln(T $16,000. rail Wo. fnst If desired. .Roforences. Tel. hood on a lot 112' front. If It awaits* your innptetion. Kaeh IIHM KATHRYN T. SHULD horni. BUM tftrvlcc paHHlne prop- 2-.19;tll-J wcokduys after 6 P.M. HARRY H. MAUETT, Realtor We. 2-0183; affor 4 P.M., Wo. 8- a;i)ea)H, you can pi<;k your color*, Mcveral distinctive fcitturcK to rec- erty. White col'tnKe, 5 rooma, bath, TIIK IIAllN IIKII COTTAGE 4437. 8-7-tt tUlne, litiolcum, etc., and make ommend It, and nil ui-e In excellent MuMlnle tlntliiK Mrmbrr HtcHtn uil heat. Screened porch. SPRINGFIELD North Arr. at Uhm-r St. in nor chungctj. For uppolnfmcnt nelghburhorirJs. Karly ponse.s»lon Sharto treeM, lawn. 2 car gurttge. CLEAN, Comforlalile Hi Duns. 1-3 SPLENDID POULTRY FARM foot deep plot, our three bedroom n modern homo jtiHt live yearn old; priced frnni $12,500. One with par- we can aliow you fhia week: home Is convenient tn evorytlilnir, limiliir nvtpcnl In on n Itirfft- 100 ft. CI.OHK TO MAIIKKTS on for it 11 the family. Oil boat, plenty H!X roomn; low tnxoH, largo plot; HBDROOM FOR HUNT In private PICTURESQUE lot with umiHUiil Kitrdcn, a rfo _ hedrooni bungalow, large nific'fidam road. Nearly 7 acres of shady troon, Karngo. with mau- convenient location. homo for rcllablo biislnoss mil", of Hprliif? foJori*. l-'our and » hal lot, early occupancy. loam Hull, fruit trcCH, bcrrlcn. llcferences. Convenient to an inrRc rt'nnis and porch; rxpanHloi Xlcely dceornted bunjrulow, u ndain drive and mi aftructlvc wi; iiAVK HKVKiiArj iiomcH for BII,\M> NKW nix room Colonial 9i:.,90ft — All brlfk huiiKalow, gu nrlKhborliood mnkca tllla well trnnBportatlon ; Pliono WestB . 2l-f featuriiif; Mix H|>JKMOUK ronuiK attic. $111,000. Three-level homcH heat, Just three yearn old. rooniK, luith, hot water hcttf. l*oul- worth your intcrost. lo In MountniiiHlrto runglni; in 2(ion-lt. "'- (t'hrco iclfiil licilroainH), nclcncc priced under $20,000 are uUo•ir>,,VMr—Six room Colonial in Idea try IIWUHRH for 2,000 liiyerH, 2-car ico from $10,800 up, Uitchon, ceramic tiled batli. metal avnUuble and highly dculrablc. Kanwood location. t^arugc. Low taxes. $17,500. Sinn lions Inci: wtMitliei'Mtrippinp, P.ouUwool IIIHU- Sir.,itt,o — Four bedroom Wchtlle-M WAITER KOSTER, RtoHer ALBERT J. BENNINGER I'urnlnhr'il Dunble anil Nlnglr ll«»» lutlon, iilr-rnndltiinicd (oil), at- WESTFIELD hciuie, large lot, reasonable taxes. I'tmbrook lid.« ni.OT. Mnuatalaalde avnllablo now. Call WKnt. 'J-''i;'>r;: tached BHriiKc, niacadain drive, IH.iWO—Brick ami frame bungalow FOUR BEDROOM COLONIAL WKallelrf -iwm AGENCY INC. plut 60 x 170, Ideal nortli tjiUc lucu- MTATIOI.V HOMHS of varioiiH peri -with studio living room, A good IX Till') HII.I.S In IIno cointiiunlty; HOLTi: iO . MOIINTAINdlDIil, IV. J. ft- I -II tlon. Kull prlco Ilii,. ods offer comfortable living t< buy. only 10 mlnutu ride from town. . W SMOa LAIIliK KURNINIIHII fnml vool". tll(K*(» WHO UWinU'ltlt.0 Mllill'ioUW.UH! AUrai-tlva CnlnnlHl wltll lame llv- T. H. JUDSON, JR. fWe. fl—Ki'oiio front Colonial in Hn der ro'iui, 4 bedroom*, fully tiled IIOOMN I'OH HUNT 111 nice rolo nil '."«Sf. , »1™ it:.s - hcitt. AHkiiifr pricu $17, it (JO. Fur in Fan wood location. Hottlemont. Tol. WoHt. 2-6R1U. MrmbrrH of Multllilr LINIIIIH; Npectlon, phone luith1. Hut water oil heat. 3-cnr t?a- ASK US TO SHOW YOU HHTTBH BIiIl.T IIOUHK—10 rooma, $17,."HHt — Kxuullunt Scotch Plain rnffi , tiirvin drive, worU-nhop, box baclis, llrn|)linc, torrnue, 2-cnr ga- r €ill home, three bedrooms, hitHcnicn ntiill, poultry IIOUHU. All MlililliiKH AN EXCELLENT SIX ROOM rago. Sovonil bulldlnic lots. Excel- ICVTIIA I.AlKilO ftmilNhml >" '~ MARTHA H.l H. CLAY FMEDRICHS. Inc. jxMM'eation room, many extras, in eood rimitlr: B KCTCH. Ilruok, lent for nursing home or 2-famlly. room In liomo of adults. Very lalaww nuAi/roR flN,.-MNi—Six rotrm Colonliil hi th pond. 'Inxcn umlor ?20U. »2S,000.' HOME IN FRANKLIN SCHOOL Plfd. C-0227. 6-7-tf CIIIHOI. Went'. 2-.1242. Rvalter 2IMI Sonth Avr., Kanwooa VA. 2-J7OO hlllH, IKI lluur lavalury, totlOOxir>(! K ; IO1 ' 1A% Tiorth ATC. H.tHHt—Hcnich I'litlttH ntnch hmnc " Vi! ', " ' T K' breakfast npnco In 1'I'IIIMI,. n-2V \'z acre of property, t'oit locatloi ANDREW HAYE * SON mv Biiriigi-, very iirotfy yard, nlco SCOTCH PLAINS on third floor, next lo bnlh, I" 0-7- t'f WtstDcId Hulilple LIstliiKs »JI,r»—HPVCII room ranch him,,.. Uv«. Tel. Mllllngloia T-MM w M«r IIKIIK IK on'o of tlio finer colonlnln vonotlnn blinds, rui" •IIIIMIIIOBM K" lnw In f'xcoilciit I-'anwood locHtion. ANOTHER CHOICE In tiro foothlllH nr tho Watnhunn 2 2ll li lll Now under construction-completion in 60 days. Executive's Mountains! Biiiirklliiif olo»n mid or .Woman. WUHI. - " " ().1. V>I>,.VHr—{jin'Kti mouutatu IIUUKIIIOVV I SHACKAMAXON ().1.ji home, four bedrooms, tile both, powder room, full cellar, nn tlvu acrcH of laud wllh brook. LOCATION very .youtiB, thin home IH truly AIIKA OI' MCOTL'II PLAINSl Ilil- WITH HI.OOM-KIUMttl) yuru. J|RH liniiiitirul, Tho lirluk frnnC and garage, oil automatic heat and a luxurious kitchen with f:i.1,(HMi — Wyrhwof/d Oolonlul. Han provad lot Ijcdruoin and 11 led hath on tho Hcreenod (incoli RVO blnndod wllli bent of "cverylliluB. ISO i sao llr«t floor, ;i hcnronniH and tiled Kfeon iiwiiiiiKH and the Hlot In breakfast oteo and full dining room. This home has a nice on imvcl street In vury uttractlvo . litfh on tho Houond. 121,800. romplital*'' sliriibbed, Insldv, It porch, an abundance of closets and many additional details AVe'l! IKJ happy lu HIIOW you tltcau Huri'uunillnitH. Your liaenoBiics nlj lai'ito rodnm •with n and cure lender (.>ffice, rlfnce required, rlii>iieaMlt','hcll 2- Hulvage. Inc., Market St.. Ktmli- uemdn atio may u> , „,!.» small amuuB-tuuBtE of Balm, home. Tall W«at. 2-5929-W. u will ke •'.«•« an "! * »W. West 2-OTJ-S2OTJS. outdoor gymnasium cyllnderf; I1.19(i. .Call WJSat J- (H.s» nr Write liiioin 2U1, I'l (iin- worth. N. J. Plione Roselle 4-2S04 4310-a filer S p. ra. 6-1T--It l'OI KG •*••*« for st-crrtary-Rte- tun SI, NVwurk 2, N J. It-Sl-IM G-7-lf be hmrd t 2 f ' re"sonaule- Tel. >«F.J.I, power l»wn mower, fW| *III.Ka and mll«s of economy, HI* tlt'Hlrea line Hark, tldewallt K TO inolicg with «lde trail- '4« BngliKh Ford. West. 2- IJKK 5 days a week. idillun, $25. fhm* mornings, Well Street district. »r.u. Write two 08U kitten*. W* ««* »Ivln« Box 604, care Leader Office. «t S 4)2lt itte. on the Tax Map *( „ »st. I-H244-J. them temporary shelter—can you »»*• •Vt-MW«lM0e> opera coupe, OK VBBB I'fKB BOOKt. We'll l)ni red. S»H, motor and body In good MJSfNIfS ' top prices for yours. The P. M M'r.ifllttd ftr^thf Hum *lv* any of them a home? tel. AlVwnjAtW screw machine man- , full time or days lundred dotUra <|7»»M>. condition, Tel, West. 2-f4m-W. Book Shop, S:tO Park Ave,, Plnln. out full rn>\ tti, nuMect 4« flii»l vet up nnd operate New Grltaln Held, Pl^iTiiSeW 4-3800. 6-7-tf I, po»T, Rosewood bed. «r(tk •I •«-»>, l«»--perfect condition, like Hcdcls No. 60-No. ei. r, P.M. night a a Tut'ther meeting of !»•» I, , ood b H* MilOfW Ml, ehlna cup- ehlft. TURRET l^ATHU OPER- ^uuiicll lu be hcM on inn* II mici e 'PP'PP'PP- ••••"••>> • ««** •»• Mittqw new. Radio anS heater and every 1 PRIKWrKD service station op- board ions extension table, lad- extra needed. Mileage under 14,000, ATOli (or Warner * Swneey Nu*. Wl WV CAM «()•<« IHMIMKN full time wnrtt n fH'curdnno *itfc Title 4» l candle-sticksd . derbac* chairs. o»« old square 1 8. 4. ii. Some set up ability. Day 1 erator wanted for new modern ^ *u'iit» hoiifirUecPfr niih small iubJi\ltdun 4' of 4ha f" . knee-hole desk. #7, Hoover vac- Standard shift . West. 2-.'itHC, shift. OoQd pay, with night pre-1 Ma I Ion with lube and wash bays wea«. t-mm iiimly of :u!ultx. Vt'illtng lo fjo IIIVK of New Jera»r uum cleaner, 1! years old. Went. 2- ftow being built by Inrge oil com- imendntents thereof uiium. Progressive lirm in O.ur-1 I'raaford «-•?•• wiij \\ith r,tm!ly uny«*nere or *•••». '«f—4-door, super deluxe, t wood. Tel. Wesf. S-B4OO. 6-7-tf pany. Nominal Initial Inventory 0-7-tf ti!' time. Will furnish best of ref- UCMtH tllUl't>to£ MB N«l 1TAU AMI, cylinder, radio and heater, beau- and small equipment invoHt'menl tiful condition, private owner. ii'iiii'v. Hvslilcnl uf WestMeld. 1JR IT FIRTHER —_ Box No. 601, care Leader Office. ViMi Pttk'ii laMe. West, \ •-!-1, 2-C.KI, that the deed of cotivetsawa *••»« •"» CMMf rwn or high Bargain nt 1890. Tel. West. 2- MABIKB BF.PT. of large Insurance ^6-7-It daddy; excellent l^Bianc wood company In downtown New Vork onttln the fullowlng " oltfera permanent employment for JIIT^I -t- Inslrtiffion In self- roi.OREn V»MkV wlslieii part lime "Ko ipulldlng or Klri clarinet. Phone Morrlntown 4-.'i285 defunse for boy. liming or pref- evenings. SMtl awKCI. 1931 Desots, 4-door the fallowing positions: »i.rk. Tel. West, j.2874. •reeled won or do 2 experienced typists, 1150-1190 mo. erably Jiu-^ltnu. Write Immediate- ]»r| of (Did (iremlaea fteati*}, good runnlner condition, msiNtsssftvicfs ly, Box $10, care Leader OtTicc. heater, f new tires. Tel. WeBt. I- 1 collection clerk, jl70-fli>0 mo. VMI, Wllll.ll I.MIK btiby sittin jry I, iaa|, uiileaa r~- w.—^ *•» BITI or BERLOO sprayed on 1 steno-typlst, |180-|li'(l mo. PMVTttlTATIi tin vs. i'II 11 luMuveii u and 6, M'eHp, »lan* .of »uch building ut i«8| your »xlt rug protects It from Bnlury depending upon experience. Wai document! »nd 1 . 2-3',104-K to be erected liitreun. Ckr gg moth damage for 5 yenrs or BEK- •pers. 14-hour service. We* —2 cots, Army blankets or sleep' H tunoMV ink, Boa. IMTrMRVROIET convertible. Black f. day week. Call We«t. S-1814 eve- x(rup(ure to *e n»v«d ***"«*. i rocker, l-pe. inapla bedroom IXllI pny» the damage. Average nings. fieleld Studios, 121 Central Ave. ins hunt*, lantern, tarpaulin, pup * HK.H RrHiMk). Mill* wish to cut cost only 50c per year. rop. beige body In excellent con- tent, etc. Call West. 2-S8U-M. te, sectional eofa, Duncan Phyft dition, 87 001) original miles. I«ss 6-T-tf In^iis, Hi>ulH>ulh side t/f town l>rl>r** - ireitilarH shall luxe " ling room, client1 of diwwera, IMe to Aaaertea Itaee fdiod . call WonWn. 2-O4T4-2O4T4W VaVtet r than 2000 miles on 4 new tires. •r'f'14'10 «'«IKI», knowledge etc- TRNl'-^About' 5' x V of large enough table typewriter, baby clothea Brakes relined. Radio and better. PHcrTMTAT- 6 1' M. pher, maple crib, chltTorobe, no^raphy, high school or business WO. MuTtfgfaph'ln|T aVdreaVfng, to sleep two boys. Cull WnBt. 2- "•• iRVi Box trailer, hy day or Asking 11,69;. Call West. 2-0156-J. school eductiTlon. Westlleld office. folding, mailing, letrers, ' :ir,!Mi-.l lifter I, Ii chair, play pen, boy'i bicycle, Write Box 6P6, care Leader Office. , postcards, OIIKfil? UIBI. iU.f.lre« suinmer table reeord player, earner week-end. FOR SAIM: Ga> water circular*, Imlletlna, etc. v-urk as doctor or dentist anxttil- Tux nnllerlor be sM .. _ na cupboard, I-|K. wicker net, heater nnd tank, 15. Went. 2- INMMiK, IMS, blue club coupe, radio _JiKj Cmir I AITRDKOMlrAL l«le>cobe In good nut. Xo rxpiiiiiMicc. Trl. Vt'ewt. !- • horlted and dtrecled Io •153-R. ' , and heater, one owner, low mile- CiKNHRAI, ll«IIK«HllM, full MS IS. Utwmt II. c. lawn net, lawn mover, boak- age. Still like new. West. 2- Weal. I-MII i!«ni(lit ion by young amateur nr.r.- vv. ieH8 on said lota. c, end tables, occanlonal chilr, B56«.J. time. Csll west. 2-1322. nstronomer. west. 8-1874. UK IT rilKTHRH 12 rue, maple twin beta. Tel. .*•«( *»rr wlck gaa_ range; enamel kitchen MKTUC, IMR—S-door, sedan, hy- Wwf 2-6)1",-,. date. , Table with cutlrry drawer, two dramatic, new tlrea, fully equipped, €-7-lt SB «»• MUKfie, white; Whit- chairs. Bent sffer. Went. S-SIIJ. excellent ' condition. One owner. foldlnv babf carriage, grey; West. I-«I7S-J. • INSTRUCTION h In food condition; reasonable. «-•!•*•• ••• range, oven, broiler, PiMW I 11 West. 8-M53-H. drawer, II*. O.K. electric rerrig- IM» rNRVROLRT. i-door. Oood K. B. Bn!«Mi:iT7TeMke« 1 PkHWi r aaarvaw ^V ^ q^r^^av.^^pap* erBtor, lie, Tel. West. 8.IM7. ualnf, good niechanicnlly. Cull [•SERVICES YOU NEED » Lonsons madt Ihtarestint. Begin- Nollce'la Hereby OUm I re mnmmm SAcmmr. ninejg, anwood 2-7ir,S, ner and advanced coumti. UMI lUBll? IM • will k* twM I m 9B^V( tvTiT ivm IIOIUAHIK, • cu. ft., all porcelain, methoda, Bpcclal count for Mull »l. X-am etealage. perfect condition, 135. Went. J- IMT C«H0VH«teT. Oreen, two-door bi'Kluners. At your koina or ituMo. 'oiinfll Ckamker, •«lMh sedan, flood motor and tires. Radio RIPAWS • MISCIUANEOUS liiiS Dorian ltd,, Wesineld, N. J. ruaxday evening, June |l, It • WANO TUNINO Ah o'clock, on Ike m«ite» »f< IIUAIIIII, nil porcelain Inalde * «K»I INK MIIRKTAI, rug>, excel- and heater, 11 (to. Tel. West. 2- Tel. 'Wealllelil S-RSIUI. - H-l-tt d out, very good condition. Fa. nt 1 •««l ng a (rut of land—ft*, 1 l| 332. l* « «i*W?"i.One «i», two Ext. MMVIWAVS PIANO TUNINO * IITORIKK—l|l«k . Held Avenue, to erect • keen. n ear. Sr5lvu-W. •<• MMHS 4-door custom sedan In J»f Min'KWAVi with leae nnkleela. rarolua All contrary to the Coning ' f H.P. electric motor, Century, ood condition, flood tires. Illr.O. power roller! crushed stone; top MTAMINO 11. A. (Vale), 1.1.. 11., K COAI, •TOKKa (Electric Furnace My be Men at 711 8t. Marka Ave. •oil, Heltable. K»llniafen given. Mnuntaln Ave., Weslflt """"'nOAlin OK ADJUITMRNT, cycle, dingle l>lia»e, 11(1 or 82ll. Man). Al.o S«-mllon galvsnlied S tUSKMTI WARRtN W. OROrV 1 Woodland Ave., Westfleld. bollfr. Very reasonable. Call West. or call West. 2-1KB-A »»., pi.Aii«rnii.D C. SchafTeradth, Mlllburn 6-188184-M- . WK. 2-8741-W. llalph Dlett, Clmlr-* wt. 2-0761. 6-7-St 2-1O4R after c. l iilgki I» 6-7-lt Fw M leara Wealteld'a r««iH MountnlnmaW, N, }., n f»«n I Tudor — exceptional Plane Tuner." Ako I.H*»U*« In your home. Ad- iiine IS, ' value. One owner, 7300 inllm. «-7-tf FLOOR* ri,UA»Kli and waxed by Minced in' liofliilieis. Call Hshway • 7-lt I COLLECTION of old policed IT Wll.l, C1T VOf only 11.15 to niBchlne — reanonable rates. C»U 7-Ui)7O. 1-7-K ss inul copper. Al«o colored protect your blankets against Ii*4«l BRMLOU stops moth damare for ti beginning Thursday, after 7 P.M. WHOUTHY, Mraiker W. I, Aaia. el PIMe TatMra ,yenrs or DRRLOU pays ror the No dealers. West. 2-0SI2-H. HMNITURI IVAMS 11-7-rt To nil Io whom [hew gmenin damnge. come, ilreetlngi MM. MMJOM MKUN Made la Aajerlea »t.r» MM Nil V-l :-door, $100. Call We. • limOIRATION MANO TUNINO LOTOTA II.. arilMKit* wiiilAM ml r DONMAXWtU WherniK, inapptiwa to |r SM CHI IPNI limi Ml Rait Mresd Rt. WeatleM 1-DHS'H between ,> nnd » P.M. RtfAHMNO t'ee' n Bga son urgentltl y reed I bedbd- faction, by duly authenllca We. g-lltl room mifurnlahed apartment, Ref- ord nt the |ii'oop»dlngs ., LAWN MOWF.N, 118; white ennmel in* !>A1H 4-DOON IIEIIAW—Make 6-7-tf RmiOHATORS Tnnlag nad Hrknlldlng erences. PlMise write Bos 101, cue voluntary dlmioluiloit thereof _ Lender Office, O-7-tr • GOOD AND C-O-O-l. WITH sink, lert drain bonrd, 112; Victo- offer. Very good condition, good ' PREIZERS II Nertk Ave., m, < Haxfard «->ri* uHliiiliiiouii I'onaent or all the • HI MMKH URALS rian innhognny dresser and chiffo- tires, excellent motor: radio and ! B-7-tf hnlilerx, deponlted In my olflop. I WINI AND SOOA nier with large mirror, |S!i each. heater; low mileage; original OKOtATWO MMCI AMCONOITIONINO IN HHAMCH fit bigger aprniment! K. ft II. C0N8TIHI0TION IWHfA Four poster full slip bed, com- owner, 111 Boulevard. West. 2-3317. UPHOLSTERY •ervlelug, Rraalrtag. Inatillalle* Kitchen, living room, bedroom, INC. n coriiorHllun In this-a' A refreshing change with plete, almost new, |90. AH good, ('•Maieri'lal aad liawMtle • LAMP MOUNTING plus private bath. Unfurnished. wliine iiiliiclual office la allutf ,ch, dinner, or in-between meals condition. Plfd. 8-2046. SLIPCOVERS • DRAPERIES AM aaakea — All Work CiMfanteaal Westneld oorr Criinford, Fleaae call Nn, ill quimhy Mreet. In the VH WINK AND SODA! EaBy-to- '49 HTDiOlV club eoune, Commodore C 61164 elllt «, 11*11. Mitouiatic shirt, whlfe A. H. CHARTERS LAMP! HANK MOUNTED, articles Cr. 6-1164. e-ll-lt of Westlleld, County of Unl economical, moderate. You Just WINK PRFMRa. for sn](,i mnltP n •Mil MUlUIt of Ke,\v Jemey (Addlatin C , ir % gUizx of your favorite walls, perfect condition, 2-tone converted Into beatiflftil lamps our reasonable offer. Wlwlse Food blue. Price #1515. Cull Weft. 2-28S0. WB. I-INI . MM WEiTIIBLD AT*. Wl. 2-oUO ••HOPEIIIIIONAL couple seek hie Ing the agent therein and In le and add Ice and ^spnrklinK Center, 1, Springfield ltd., Mtsd. sn.eclnlty. Shades, lumps, china re- apartment 8H to * rooms, with lh«reo[, upon whom procesa •> tet*. (Yen, we have your hivo- 0-7-tf 6-7-ff paired, llnnd inade sluuleH cleaned. Went. 3-6646. SKi* Rl'ICK* green, Headmaster se- Antlaues. CAT A LIN A LAMP Kfiraire. Highest of references can 8«rved), has compiled with I-. wMie—all kinds of soda—and lie oftired. Call Kllwibsth H-KIOO, itiirements of Title M, forpomti cubes, foo'U dan. White stdewalls, rndln, 2400 MOUNTIKQ 8HOI>, 100 Central TAVI.OR-TOT. teeter-babe chnlr, mllei. $2800. Cnll West. 2-4772. WATCH RIPAIRINO MAOER Ave. West. 2-4223. • 6-7-tf l'^xt*. fi3S, between the hours nt .iuiioral, uf Revised gtaluha of 0 and f>,, Monday to Fiidoy, Jertiey, tnellnilnary to the lea. WISTNilO UOUORS baflilnette. Electric broiler, table Al.iO HliPAIRINn electric clocks, Itfrigtratlon Sarvlc* model. West. 2-1626-W. FOHI1, |S4T 4-donr seilnn, super de- clocks and jewelry. New matches i-7-H of thlx certificate of DlKBelilllMr HI K. HrMd II.. WeatleM luxe, radio nnd heater, fine con- for sale. Charles Kothrock, 277 llHnteallr — t iimmeri'lal Now Therefore, I, the Btcrel , s-anxa Prmapl Delivery MHa. DMITH. ptease nil West. 5- dition, 1895, Private owner. Wesf. Benecn. West. S-35SS. Member ••rrlallslHK In •''rlcldalrea • MOVING-TRUCKING •I-IIOOM npurtmniit, 1st or 2nd, nil of Stnta nf the Bfate of New Jar" 454S for more Informntlon on how 2-C468. ITnlted llorologlcal Assn. 0-7-tf BAM, PI.AIKPIKM1 O-31M improvement*. Adtllls, Oood ref- Ho Hereby Certify, that til* IDiAL FMNITUM to stop moth damage In your home erences. Write Uox fiOU, care norponitlim did, on the Tw, with BEPJXXJ Guaranteed Moth- PLYMOUTH buatneKH coupe, 1941, RELjAHE TRUCKINO CO. Leader Office, 0-7-tf fourth day of May, 18S1, lilt I KM SUMMM HOMiS spray. R&H, slipcovers. $800 or best of- • CONSTRUCTION Huvera nl line I'Mrnllnre office n duly executed and at.,- PAINTIO IS YOUR UAST Made In AMerlrn M«re fer. May he seen at L,ogle's Motin- GLAZING i;nlMala> OH Heuurai connent in writing to the dlKnotUt 2.11 K. Rroad •«. Weatleld talnnlde Oarage or phone Vest. H»TI;« • LEGAL NOTICES nf mild corporation, executed by IXKNSIVt, 2-2914. il rooi the Htockholders thereof, whlch-.i II. VIU.AXE — lifneral Canlrnrllng 4 rtiwma ciiii»ent nnd t'he lecorrt of the » Mont rnu'dcul Buy) BRIUKSMAIIIf dress, senfnnm e;reen . OUSS AND MIRRORS Wark. Esflmates given free on 1MM PONTIAf 6—4-door sedan, rood POM EVKHV PVRPOIE. Old mirrors ti raunu .III.WI renting* iifotesald nre now Ollinj mnrqulHetfe, worn once, 113. Phone new houses. Special prices given llefrlarmlnrB mevrd, 9Ji nnd ay Tfiko Not lev tluit Mountnliiclile In my Kitld ulTlce »» provided h>' Ittl I imr line CnllUrnln Redwrad West. 2-4074. running condition, good tires. $125. resllvered. Auto safety glass. en all nlternt,lon work. WEnt, 2- dKf No. ]u8» 1I.P.O. KHCB him H|>- Tel. West. 2-U180-W. All Liiada Insured In Tentlmony Whereof, I ha* I'd. I.Htvn iiHd Putin Plecea. Oorkln Glass Co., 25 Harmonejr Bt., (1779. 0-7-tt TEI,. <'HAM<-Illll) II-IM4 leii in tho Mimlciiml ltoui-d »f Al- ir^^I'Mw IN prler, •THAWBRRP.V FEBTIVAI., Friday, Plnlnflcld, N. J. Tel. Plfd. 0-OD44. hulii1 lU'Vt'i tine I'lmtVol nf the hereto net my hntid nnd nfflwd «• OI.IMMORII.E ••W," convertible '49, C-7-t'f official veal, nt Trenton, thlsTw#K INPAINTED FURNITURI CO. June 8, 7 P.M., St. Pnul's Parish C-7-tf MA(» AMI PI.A'TEHER Jtornuuli nf Mountnlnnlde. N. .1,, foi House, tickets 50 cents. Benefit St. completely equipped, excellent CEI.I.AHH, HHICK nna CHMKVT iht> I'L'ttewiil of M (Muli iiuiM.Ht* f(rr Fourth ilny nf Jlny, A.D. olte th _s . W. PrsHt HI., Plalateld condition, otiglnn! owner, best" < oi iir,M;v'it i;xi'HK«« — 1'rnckina: Hiuiil, nliio hundred nnrt nfty.iin», ,j : Paul's Church Building Fund. llepahing and alterations. anil innvlng, Small IOIIR Hollclted. litomift'M wttvintcil lit lloulo 20, Moun- , Teleiikmie PI. 44IM offer accepted, Crnnford 6-0128. Benjamin Heed WE. 2-6198 tainside, Now JefHwy. • DRESSMAKING Trlim Io Hhorc. Tol. W13. 2-8O04 Secretary of Mtfc •AROAIKKr Maple kitchen set, ll-M't il-7-IT oilk'tTH of lliw ljudge nra: Clmrlen TeleplMiw Mo. 4-1 MR double drain, cnat Iron sink with 1MM F4>MII coupe, good condition, T. Hrrnimn. r-4!» KdKHi%lUmd, \V*M o-7-at Feci« IIB k Ckmuvllm Aveu Itvlactea faucets, beds, mirrors,,ofher nrtt- ISIi. West. 2-6468. • ftftld, H. .1., Kxnlted Ituliu;; WlUitim J Hex "" " cles. Offers Invited. Cnll West. 2- •AINTtNO . MCORATtNO _ LOCAL nnd NntloHwfic MOVIHK itnd f >*M*MAVION*' curt Sewing of 'all Htaraiie. Packing und crating. iJyUison. war. .IOIOU&IBKU tw.^«p* •All services performed expertly weninplil, N. •!., Herpi»tnpyj UriynuMu • HELF WANTED kinds. Mrs. Ituth Weston, 629 JJitzef, 1)4[l Cltupirtml Avo., Wenl'lleld Htoro Inc. him npplied to the Hi SIASHIS MNCIS ^ POHCF.I.AItnxv S M\K. 24" long, 18" 'lloos'evelt St., WE. J-5986-M. iilimatH Within RMMII I ''.... nnd reasonably. Agents for Allied 'Council of the llorough til _.„• C-7-lf Vans, Inc. Hohblns & AIIIHIDI, Inc., N. J., TrpiiHiinn*. (iiliiHlde for PMONAHV UHTAI ••a Mliianatera, Hex. 4«.M * AVurren HI., Bi'iilnh I»CH ultuaiVil.nt I Hprlngtlelil Ito Km nnd C1.E. Tnaatera, Reg. July ,1st, 751 Central Ave., Town. WE. 2-5195 rialiiK, S. Jtf Oliulrnmn; Itiiluli Ht'ar- FOH NAI.E—Sunbenm Mlxmnflter, Will furnish carfare until move DRISSMAKINO .MountnlnKiile, N, J. -t • > now IfMKf HarclalUlKi In Killing 6-7-ff IMMUKII, 1 JUiniKliif Avfl,, Crnnford, also Dormeyer electric juicer, IS to Westneld. Call COurtlnnd 7- E Moi'iNn * n. N. J.. Alcmlipr; JnmoH P. Wlmleii Tlie names and nddresae* or,I ('•HTee-Mnkera, Ret.* each. Went. 2-l!>0S-n. r.531; Croll-Keynolda Co. Custom Dressmaking. Bewlng Help niricem nf thin luiHlrienH and the i • M.M CARPENTRY REPAIRS AND Now loading household gnmiu fo a f'ht'Hlnut St., Wpninold, N. J,, 0-7-tf and Instruction. Children's clothes all 4S Httites and Canada, siieclul- Meniben OlmrloH If. n.iUurtH, 2O9'i IJceti they nil reiipeutlvely are: V HUer. He«. Xt.tS now Jt.t.1 ri 1.1, RICB maple bed, with spring made. Mary Itnndolph, call WK. 2- dent, Uiinlol uIlwlHe, lit Oh riui'ka. neg. I0.H.1 n«w T.aS lnr, ALTERATIONS Ixlng in New England, Florida lOlistiihetU Ave., Scotch riulnn, N, .T,Mticet, Kllzalictli. N, ,!.; Vice • and Simmons mattress. Cran. 6- iAI.Ki AND RBRVICR* WimU. g a r. r,. n-3-e-o-w anil California shipments. Hume AU-inber; A. II, CfttfiiiiHHoUt, 299 Jly- 1111!. FINEST WORKMANSHIP dent nnd Trenstirer, Arthur Hti- Tratel Irona, Hrm.S.7.1 nnw 3.KI Hinger Sewing Center, fil-A Main van io destination. Let us ehtl- Hllp Avn., WeHtllnld, N. J., Member. 1.147 Stuny llrook I,»ue, llotmu St., Mlllburn. Ask for Mr. Il.i- ' mate your next move. United Vnn Olijt'pt'ltniH, if tiny, Hhould bt\ made Idere MUlnv Hwnla, Hrar. S.WFOR «AI,K—Mnnle high chnlr, good CARl PETERSON Hide, N. ,!,; Vice-Presldent, Ha menlk, Mgr. ,- 6-7-tf ROOFING Lines, Ted Hnrsent, Agent, WBst, Immt'cilatoly In vviillntf tn Ihu Alu Ullwlne, 17 Biirlnutlelit Hoad. Mo« rter-cklragn Rewtrd Players, condition, 110. Phone WeM. 2- WEST. 3-1 ISO 2-30S3. C-7-tf nioiiuil Moiird nf Alcoholic llevenig tahiHlde: Hecretnry, Katie Hllwl" 2893. ill TTKH' OI.ISANED. Heinlred and (.'(intrul cif tbfi llurntigh of Mntih g. «».»5 n«m 4H.M with (1 free AITTOHATIC Bcrew machine man— , 5-31-3t laliiHltlf, IlnrouBli Hull, MouriUiln- 17 Spi'lnvneld Head, Mountain''" «nia *"»t mi nnd operate New Britain replaced, ltuofs repaired. General IIKNRV I*, TOW'NiFND N. .1, IRON FIREMAN nutomatlc sfoker Moid* No. 10-No. «1. 5 P.M. night carpentry. Alterations. J. Leigh, IIKAIITV IIV THE HllliKHFII, t*lde, New .Terney, •mills' Advertlaeal Irenera, Reg?, with twin ash removal, in excel- Btovlna; —* Trucklna: •— Hlwrnve Htockholdem holding one or i>. %m new r».».1 mult. Uood pay, plus night shift West. 2-0460, 0-7-tf •»IVII\<; and Decunitlng In artis- llnlly Trlpa In Ike fthnre Ohiuinepy U. Henri, Chalnmin lent condition. »7o. Tel. West. 2- premium. Progressive firm in percent nf stock, In addition to ».„ Idnlre Refrigerator*, *«f MutlU- nliiH'n mentioned Include: HuroU *, Hi, ltM.7.1 iKin 1W.T.1 Garwood. Tel. 2-6400. JAMES A. KAMI Unrivaled craftsmanship. Defi- (1-7-t'f tainHlde Ivortge Nn. U85 of Ullwlne, 47 Parkway, Mountnlnsldi (l-7-tf nitely renHonable. Free Htirvcys. nails- Adverllard Rernrd Play- CARRIAOE—folding, with mattress. tlit- H«']u*vn| Order of J3IUn. is', J, , ^ 112. West. 2-0811, LABORERS WAXTED, steady work, Weal, S-exOI .onJecllotiM, If nny, should b<"msd»l illliea limited, none auld to deaj- We. 1-SOM )I-7-2t Koet< JR.IJfi Itumeillately li\ writing to Kobtrt" TWO Rl'CiM with runners and pads, overtime. Apply C-7-tf o-7-tr TAILORING evrnlMjra during tkla ante, HMUfln RalKlng PraOHa IM III.H Noun; Liilntt', Uorough * Clerk nf the Hor*^ 9xl4!4 ft. and 9x1014 ft'.; 2 slnrle Public notice 1H hereby fflvcn that outtli of MountitlnHlde, N, J, ' ^: HlrcilH »r other fcaritaliia. beds with mattresses: wardrobe 7W Karlk Avtaar E., WeatgeM PAIKTINR AM) PAPEIIIIANnlN |Hr.\TRR* Anpllnnw Maw S244f tlE-HOOflNr.—Slate and Tile, roof — Interior work my specially. BERLOU MOTHPROOFING n i-yHoIutlon of which tho follnw.nir trunk. Moving out of town—must repairing. Leadem and KUttern, In a copy, wan Introdviceili rend uiu! f>1fiHnu nuw »iilinli) «t. Weatgeld We. 3-.10M sell—mnke offer. Tel. West. 2- (Jootl reference. Prices as lmv as PIlOTECT your line wool BiirinentN RTBNOGRAPIIEH olTice worker — new and repaired. W. Schubert, n'oori work can be done for. Free iipprovi'ri by the Cinmcll or the Tow: 147 Chllfon.St., WK. 2-CiHl: Springfield Ave., agiiliiKt cosily moth rtnmnso. Send Klllnheth, N. X oG»o-n. high school or huslness scliool estimates. Call Ilolwlck, West. 2- them to UH to ho "IlKHLOUKn." of Went Hold nl a meeting bold Mn 0-7-2t 1 NAI.H CIIF.AP! Dismantled graduate fur n steady position, lo- Mountainside. C-7-tf 3313-11. (i-7-lf •MUh, lltr.1. and i'hnt the mild Cuimrl F I igoln, heavy wood contraction, VOIH HONE, Its beauty and charm cntlon Unrwood. Start 185. W'rlfo • r>-yitfir bonded OUAUANTWM. CO«1H will furthci' conHIdtT the nutno fur ill between 7-!> P.M., Went. 8- captured in superb photographs. Box 505, care l.cador office. BO Hltlo you can't ufford not t'ofinal appruvnl on Itie 11th dny ofIIADH WANT ADS Cull Plnlnlleld 4-3226. S-24-4t HOOl'INr. _ ALL T»PK» CARPENTER have It done. lar Prinnpl Hunt Hepalra call MAVFAIR TAILORS EdTISCilloniE elecfrlc rnnite, H. IIEIIMA.N • l.lndm i-MUT-1 Pnlnllng. »r general onldoor vrark. r MOTH WORRlEi by using good condition, |3r>. West, 2-4.rt84, TEACHIRS-HOUSEWIVIS o-7-tr Cull Wr.t. U-IIIIHt 111 Qulmby »t. We. 2-1 MIR EltLOU 5-year gunranfeed moth YOI lA.v I:UIV $25 to $30 per week 0-7-ff n-7-rr irny. CARVED W,11,NIT dining room set, for Just 3 afternoons or evenings Mnde In AMerlfn (Mere 1135. Cran. 0-45CS. work In your spare time. Not can- PAIKTINti. PnporlianBlnK, r!ur|icn- TAILORING ..«( Hronil K vassing. No investment1. Use of car • BLDG. CONTRACTING fry, Cabinets, Ulock Ceilings, He- REPAIRING UTTLS mtf POMTIAC SAYS- NORGE HKFRIIiBRATOH. G CU. ft., essential for local driving. For lm Irs. MK.VN AMI «(I>I M;Nl .E AT THE MOIC STAFF—Al- good condition, $35. Call after 5:30 Interview c:iil Mrs. O'Urlen, Friday -MODERNIZING .1, II. Home DrcArnllnir Kxpert workmanship. Quick Service. 6*t entire stock of clasMlcfll P.M., West. 2-M97-R. > between 11 A.M. nnd 1 P.M. Cr. G- HI. •i-tuvir. El. 2-I".* HenKonablc rates. Estimates cheer- 'cortl nlbumn, V> price. Many pop- OOflG. O-Jl-St f3141 fully jflvcn. THREE I-«F,AMs1, 20 ft. x 10" web lnr alhum.s below H price. Clas- HOME IMPROVEMENTS MAYFAIR TAILORS cal single records, 2 for 8."ic and x G" x ,y, |60; pressure cooker, KAI.F.HMAN WAKTEII. Full time, from Ike Cellar to the Atlle T. M. REDD tm- $1. Mttny "4r, r.p.m." Hlnirle 112; kitchen coul range, good con- Excellent opportunity for ambi- CARPBKTHV, mason work, paint- 111 Qnlmhy HI. We. 3-1H3R Words, 3 for |1. Many children's iil>i»" •'«• 1 m>lr P<-ep"k ilnoro, tious yount; man. Same selling Ing, nnil paper hanging. Terms If MASON CONTRACTOR 0-7-ff ecnrilx liolo»- W Price. Hillbilly needJ Hlght repair, f 10. Tel. West. and mechanical experience an detilred. For a complete Job call ecorils. 3 for II, at nsset but not esnential. Apply II. HBI1MAN, Linden 2-5007-J. THE MUSIC STAFF Singer Sewing: Center, 62 Elm St. 0-7-tf • LAWN MOWERS U.K. RRFHIGRRATOH, excellent Ask for Mr. Blnr. C-7-tf [ nnrbnm Ryrni condiflon nnd appearance, good [Elm SI, WratReld buy at I'IO. Two men's tropical HELP WANTED—Cook and genernl NOTICE MclNTYRE'S worsted suits, sl«e 37-38, both for housekeeper June 15th to July 1 G-7-tf O Rtfinllfctd, old floors mads UWX MIIWKR' BIIOP $2*1. Pot stove, best offer. W*«st. 2 . 15th for summer place. Bay Heady • SEWING MACHINES Kxprrl Hhnriirnllig RUMMA6E SALE 484 7-W. N. J. L.lve In or out'. Box 000, care* like new by electric machine; mod- II'S CI.OTHINft. boy's suit and Leader Office. 6-31-21 erato prices. H. K. Ooddard, 7U8 \F,W HAM) * !•()«>:II MOWICIta UXMIO. will sell cheap. 149 So,HOV'd two-piece navy blue wool .ProHpcct Bt',, 'phono WE, 2-2940. WE REPAIR CHAIN SAWS llcl Avo, suit—plus white gabardine slacks DICTAPHONE OPERATOR —Expe- c-7-tf All Makea et nlao PAHKrm I.AWV NWHKPBIIS —suitable for Junior High jrrudu- rienced Cor permanent position IV N'I'Ot'K TI«»VE SOFA, bureau, rocker, 2 at'lon. Excellent condition. Phone with tlrm located near Westdeld. SEWING LAWN M(tl,l,i:il» 1OII IICNT "West. 2-4530. ICnovvledge of fundamental office ALTERATIONS A REPAIRS MACHINES 'nines** end tables, S French oc- practices would be helpful. Uood \vi:i.niN(i islonal chairs, 1 small desk, 2 KITCHEN OABINKTS Lot a SINOEIt oxport tuno-up NO PAItKINtl I'UOHI.RM MAKE THIS EASY SAFETY TEST... TMAVI Inetle benches. Oilte pads, C TWO NKW 7.00x15 U.S. Hoynl cords. starting milnry. Address replies to IIEUHHATION CEI.LARII your Hewing machine. Itcnsonnblo Tel. West. 2-0OO7-R after 1 P.M. Box 602, care Leader OlTice, (l-7-3t ATTIC I1OOM§ DKIilVKIlY HKUVICIO nlr green sunparlor drnnes, large churguH, lOHtlmntoa rurul»hed in Be your own safety expert. Make theie simple teiti on liver tray. West. 2-4208. HOOKINC advance. 8-FT. PRAM. 2 yenrs old, excellent gCHKKNR your car today. If anything ihould need attention, SINGER SEWING CENTER IJHI. 11120 ll\KNi: oii: rugs, grandfnther condition. West. 2-2067-J. 8TOIIM SABII, ETC. o-7-rr better drive in soon... for your tafety's take. If you flock, freezer, washer, refriger- «3 HI.M ST. . WE. 2-OT4T WM. GRASINO prefer, we'll be glad to make theie cheeki for you. ator, vacuum cleaner, console ra- General Building Conlrartor 0-7 - t'r lo, Ur:i|ieH, dressers, vnnlty, lnmps, • REAL ESTATE WANTED tablps, desk, crib, carriages, utrol- 2110 OIIOVK «T., EANT I,.-lOlt.\M>H LAWN MOWER WOMAN—Experienced business ca- WE, ^-10*1 HI:PAIII KIIOI' K Unokn or Kno'Vledtce. Call THREE OR KOl'R bedroom house RADIOS IIAKII IMHTt west. 2-6286-M, Frl(iy or Satur- In good condition. Minimum half- reer woman 3r>-4li years of age, C-7-tf I1AMI1 ANI) l'DWHIt MOWKtlS fiiiy. ncre plot In Scotch Plains or vicin- thoroughly familiar all office rou- shfiiiicneil nml repaired. If you ran puih brake pedal, Tftt headllahn, Palkitl ity. To 118.000. Write J. J. Walsh, tine, especially bokkoeplng, pay TELEVISION - RADIO ALL KINDS ttV HAWH PILKD within one inch of floor of if llllhti, call li»hti, Mop lighu. ERNEST SOPER C'tll'MOIl III' MOW «MI Ii Butternut' Lane, Hloksvlllc, Long rolls, etc. Permanent, desirable, Nolld PnhillBK Appliance cur iwcrvei when Hopping, Check httdlUhi »tm and QIR CORNER CIIMIOARD. Inland, or call weekdays PLaia 'J- well paid position. Hnlary entirely nil NO. i'i,Mi:n KT. hralcei need nttention. dimmer twitch. 4400, Extension 143. Wllkoul Kancy Pflcea Service ' dependent on experience and abil- All Work (iuarnnl -ed Wrxtllrld ^finished, 100. Call Weat, l- ity and value to u». Full detail* Plume «i:. z-nan.i I20S-W. llnhwny 7-4M3V ELM RADIO * ELECTRIC CO. 1 ITIIIINO In your reply, please. Uox No. 003, 0-7-tf O|im imil r i . M, PARKING SPACE care Leader Office. 6-7-3t nn ELM rr. WE. 2-1527(1 lall nml Delivery Service is needed if you CM IAHTT IMHn DK BUT, pool table, mlscol- 0-7-t'f Onen Sinitlliy Mornlaic turn nccring wheel »everal Ten operation of direction: laneouH household nrtlcles, renson- PARKING SPACB available by TREE SERVICE (i-7-l'f inches without moving front ilgntl and back-up lights. »blc. Lounge chair. Phono West, month nt Central Ave. oppoalte EXPERT SERVICE wheels, 8-4341-J niV B P.M. Qulmhy Sf. Call West. 2-104O. on 6-7-tT ELECTRICIAN K OAf MA\<1R, table top, j-c TELEVISION ran r (All Mnkra) HOIN M;>. excellent condition. West. 2- TREE SERVICE InspKt for «K«islve tread • DOGS FOR SALE YOI'MJ MAN for nil around work, IIADIOB C. T. BRENNAN Check operation. wear, cuts, improper infla- Westflcld Sweet Hlioppe., Weat. 2- Lnndarane Construction E lion. IAI,i, Koerottiry <]esk, good condl. IIO\KIIclalty. ior»>l .1 mos. old. West. 2-24iif.ri. rienced only. Air conditioned of- SERVICE No job too ll »0>l|.:n (AHINKT, rull slio, nfled» fice. Write giving? detail* nnd sal- JIM LOVELAND Paint, but good buy. (10. Tel. West. ary desired. Write Uox (105, enro c-7-tr R. J. LAURENT 8-1877. 1-iMidor Office. Drive in Soon.. .let Us Care for Your Car's Null AUTO SCHOOL YfMir Hrt I>rHprvPN the IIPNI (l-7-tf ' MOTlii dnnuiKD your ruff within o ydnrn, nBBLOu will repnlr or WASTKll—Working liouspkeepi-r In • VACUUM CLEANERS LISJJ"" It without cost fa you. Buy A-l AUTO SCHOOL family of two adults—Bleep In. No BEHLoy totlny. BaWhllakrd ltl« laundry. Wrlto (o Cox 607, enru TYPEWRITERS Rawson Motors Inc. In America Store 1-5 \HN TO DRIVB NOW I Leader Office VACUUM CI,liAM:il< — All inaltCH We«tn>lil PI. 4-'JTl • HI. B-83T5 • El, R-15M repaired; bags, belfs, etc. Elec- STATION RADIO & TELEVISION SALES - SERVICE . PARTS 6-7-tf MAN WANTED lnr olflco work, nnd trical repairing nnd Installing. No job too small. All work guar- TYPEWRITER*; iSi7IIOArhyd men for factory worwork" . Appl' 'y **61"6 333 South Ave, 330 Pork Ava, 433-4J7 Nertfc Av«. I. illllvTlvrl IsIHTHIJCTIOM — Lenrn Boutli Ave, (lurwiioiill , N, J. anteed. ADDIWI Machlnen ami (talnllliilorH. o non-nlnknlilr, olghl HKU'H, rnntnlH iind I'ciiiih'H. PlalnlloM, N, J, Phon« WMIiW 2-iTM Hklid or foot nrnpellcd. to drlvo. I'w anpolntmont phorin 1. tl. CAIIUOZO. Hlerlrlvlnii 11:30 to 12:411 P.M. and o to a P.M. MIDDLE A11.I31J man.. for Jnnlfiir WUst, il.S4iaT-M TiiomiHim rniowiniiiii, i. Pliant PI, «-«U0 W.iKlfW, N. J, f ton. Kn'nlly rairrled Weitfleld 2-4660 Available nSghrt, Baturdays, unfl work. Apply Mr. Orunt~ , VMCA, o-7-tr 1(17 North Ave,, l'lnlllllrld (i-(MIII MtlUy «?? '" Sunday, yfeit. 8-3U9-W. w.,t. 8-S700, 0-7-H 0-7-tf THE WEBWHU) (M. $.) LIADEB, THUttDAY, $W® 1, tHt M«cy's Won't TcN Gimbdi- Irty Super Market Tells The World OUR PRICES ARE LOWER! — Thousands of Homomakors havo TEST* SHOPPED and have PROVEN that Our Quality is Tht Finett and Our Price* aro Tho Lowost—Dtmonstrating Thoir Findings by Thoir Consistent Patronage — Making This Tho Busiest Store in this Entire Area...

»1. -lit.,, . ifwwnnwj • SALTS! I MEATS and Luscious Fresh Fruits and Vegetables $• POULTRY Fruit Cocktail 2 tST 39* IN ORIAT VARJETY . . . t Ik* Yw AM *wri U s *t UBMN Vmr Table. • U.I. Mr I ORADB - MNflf OUAUTY • ASTBi "STAR" WESTERN EOF !£" 35* New Potatoes 5*29* MSTACMOI Ribs of Beef r CUT RUN ». 65* HUNT'S • SWEET JUICY , ARMOUR'S "STAR- SMOKED AND Tomato Sauce Peaches HNSHAVOR ». 19* Ready-to-eat Hams SHANK HAU »59* • CALIFORNIA • ASTB ARMOUR'S "STAR" Planters Cocktail Peanuts •«,...„ 29* CAShtWI :\ CarrOtS YOUNG TENDER 2 bnch's. I 7* MI HAU • HARD RIK Pork Loins ...45* WHOU KERNEL CORN MUK-HO 2 !ir 29* BM MUM MIIRI 4^*4 • ASTH u,69* Fanning's Bread and Butter Pickles Tomatoes GARDEN FLAVOR !»»' 19* Legs of Veal "- 27c MMIOMil Town House Cracken """• Fresh Green Broccoli ^.^h 28* KDMOS » 69* Lipton's Chicken Noodle Soup Rumps of Veal Tenderleaf Tea Balls Cauliflower Ground Beef AU .b.65* Sunsweet Prune Juice Mott's Apple Juice Bacon MORRELL'S AUMTE H.49* Dole Pineapple Juice Country-Fresh SUOARCUREO Welch's Tomoto Juice DAIRY PRODUaS • NESTLE I Brisket Corned Beef .b 89* Del Monte Pears Dole Pineapple Chunks IN GREAT VARIETY Del Monte Fruit Cocktail AT M AC w MONEY- Simoniz « " *x qt.can SAVING BrittiUil PRICES I Cut-Rite Wax Paper 125 (I. roll 25c COLOATK Z.,.box Kix or Cheerios • RIVERSIDE "AA" Grape-Nuts *°iri OUR FROZEN FOOD DEPT. - Tht and |«tt wUtfion of Froi.n Butter ,*Ni 75f Foods in this entire area. Fruits, Vegetables, Delicacies, Sea Feed, N.B.C. Fig Newtons : Poultry, and Juices to save you,time and money. • KRAFT ,. "•' • ••'• ^ •';;;• •'-•. . ' Chicken O'The Sea Tuna KITE SIZE • BIRDS EYE Swanson Boned Turkey Kay-Natural Cheese H*. +* 271 H>ICV Fordhook Limas 12-01. pkg. 29* Red Breast Salmon Breakstone's Creamed Cottage Cheese * » 17c # FLAMINGO Clapp's Strained Baby Food 5'"' Foodcraft Cottage Cheese ' • "««

Horse Meat "HUL'S" FOR YOUR PET 1-lb.pkg. 23C 1? - BRAND Cut Green Beans , YOUR CHOICE Your favorite Whole Kernel Corn Fresh Baked Goods Chopped Broccoli jH Chopped Spinach > | fn PACKAGE Allen's Pin WIMV, Mm, COCOANUT CUITAW M. 05C Raisin Bread ' ^ 30c FREE For Our Customers Turnovers ' k««« 42e The Easiest Place To Park In Westfield 3* ^"••220 ?^,, -J K •' lr ' T, mi Week's Social Calendar In The WesifiM huptUh Held f» W lurk Chunk Inwitmimm fmr If 1 of 1420 Deer path, US Efflngham place, Miss Kuth the Pint Congregational Church Baldwin of 26 Gallowae, and MT. take place Saturday, June 16, at Mrs. McMeekan is the daughter mm, mi jide, will be married two o'clock at the home of the with the minister, Rev. Dr. I. L of Mrs. Nellie R. Ross of St. Pe- u-operttioa la the aroJacU tt A* t the home of the bride's «nd Mrs. Richard W. Baldwin of McCeriton Jr., officialise;, Cranford spent the weekend in bfide'a mother, with only the fam- tersburg, Fla.,~ and the widow of Federation tt Cardee) Cluat, >_& ily and immediate relatives at- Miu Kate West Cutler will he Saratoga Springs, N. Y. They the late Walter MacDougall Liv- Asaiatinf ta« hottoea will BkaV. tending. Rev. Frederick W. Blab, her sister's maid of honor. •ri«M- ank S. G. Williams of attended the commencement exer- ingston. Meadamet Oafaad I. Refer*,

nd Mrs'lUissell Wilson of For Real ith avenue, west, arc the of i a'daughter born Sun- t Muhlenbcrg Hospital, Foot-Luxury! up of girls of the graduat- We will be happy to help you h school class will (to to to Saturday for a week, in making a selection from our froup are Margie Malcolm, Here are shoes that make you fairly float i Hcrr, Charlotte Patton, large and varied collection. TRIOS on air . . . give your feet comfort . . . Hand-woven shoe . . . Lamps - Trays - Pictures - Stemware Here's real he-man underwear for real he-boyi. Carter's Trigs especially important on hot summer days! light and airy. 12.95 Glassware — Dinnerware — China for boys are knit to fit. Won't ELDS SUNDAY bind, bunch or ride up. long Crystal - Milk Glass - Bric-a-brac wearing. You'll like 'em too, STORESCHEDULE Mother, because Trigs wash For Father's Day - Gifts, Cards, easily, need no Ironing, EN THIS SUNDAY Wrappings arid Ribbons TRIOS shirt .89 JAR VIS SCOTT'S TRIOS shorts A. M. la • P. M. .85 AIR CONDITIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT *aUaiiai» Service Jeannette's Gift Shop ilM A QUIMBY STS. OPEN MONDAY EVENINGS TIL 9 D THIS SUNDAY "Gifti for Remembrance" Arthur Stevens YOUNO FOIKS Branch Storei 136 Elmora Ave., Elizabeth, New Jersey Pharmacy Between the Theatre and the Library TOGGERY lTMAIMWU'l Open Monday and Friday Evenings 233 E. BROAD STREET •aron's WESTFIELD 2-3180 r. Bride | U Wed f » ft* WE ARE ONLY

BUT Wl WI1LD A BIG KNIFij IRAUV SUSIIHG num Main Store Sptdals

—The Parker BtuSlo REBECCA ALLEN CARMELA DESANCT1S L~timt UAmu, miJ T-Try»n». Studio rai • BUM jroVcM trait Stanley McCord Jartit CmrmetmDeSoMcttt, Fully ami' tm Merry Teacher R, A. Mega To Marry $17.98 Mrs. Alice Alien of Chatham ' Mr. and Mrs. Austin De Sane- announces the «nf agerotnt of her tiaho Th«atr«SM«. tis of 11$ Cacciola place announce daughter, Rebecca Francis Alien, the engagement of their daughter, Wtrtfiold, New Jersey to Stanley McCord Jarvis, son of Caimela Flotence, to Prank' Al- ttr. and Mrs. E. Stanley JarvU Navy - Whit* - tarkl - Mock - Green - Open Monday fvet 'Til • P.M. bert Mega, sop of Mrs. Attielio E. •I 102 gast Dudley avenue. Mega of Hillside and the late Mr. Belted and Swlng-iock styl* with the Miu Allein it a graduate of Mega. •'.-•'••.- Chatham High School and Tren- Miss De Ranctis is a graduate fashionoble new pushup and «dju»t»ble cuff fleevM. ton State Teachers College, where of Westfleld High School and a she Was a member of Gamma 8ig- member of the National Honor So- 1 ma sorority. She is on the staff ciety. She is now employed by of the physical education depart- the Provident Mutual Life Insur- ment of the Orange school system. Father's Day . ance Co. of Philadelphia as secre- Mr. Jarvis is a graduate of tary to Charles T. Farrow Jr. of Dinner Wettftem High School and New- Westfield. ark College of Engineering, where Mr. Mega is a graduate of New* Rtg. IN Itii be was a member of Tau Beta Pi. ark Technical High School and Eyelets He received a master's degree in served four years as a technical j $16.98 AUDOftONtOOM industrial management from Stev- sergeant in the U. S. Marine DRESSES Sneer ens Institute of Technology. Mr. Corps during World War II. He MI ORCHID SUNDAY Jirvll is employed in the engi- is now employed by Public Serv- neering department of American These have just been unpacked — are all brand ntw Type Founders, Inc., Elizabeth. ice Co-ordinated Transport in Elis- June 17th abeth. A fall wedding is planned. / fresh stock and are advertised and Joyce S. Borgeson Carol JV. Ratmutten •eld everywhere at $10.98. Rerealt Plant for Plant June 16 Bridal Marriage June 16 Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Ras- Miss Joyce Sydney Borgeson, mussen of 420 Topping Hill road,, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney have issued invitations for the: E. Borgeson of 307 Prospect marriage of their daughter, Carol. Cotton Shop Specialt street, has announced plans for Neil Kasmussen, to Forest D.I her marriage to Richard 'F. No- Brown Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. vak, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Brown of Lewisburg, Pa. Novak of Dryden Gardens, East The weddln* • will take place Orange, formerly of Maplewood. Saturday, June 16, in the First PURE SILK ORGANZA — PURE SILK Offl: The ceremony will take place Sat- Methodist Church, with the pas- urday, June 16, at 1:30 p. m. in to, Rev. Fred E. Miles, officiating. the Wyoming Church, Millhurn, A reception will follow in the, BEMBERGS — VOILES with the pastor, Rev. Ralph H. Elizabeth Town and "Country Read, officiating. A reception will Club. follow at the Maplewood Woman's Mrs. Harold S. Rasmussen of Club. Champaign, IU., will be matron BROADCLOTHS — SHEER GINGHAMS — of honor for her sister-in-law. The Mrs. Frederick E. Pamp of Glen bridesmaids will be Miss Caroline Ridge will be matron of honor, Brown, sister of the bridegroem, STtlKS - DOTS - MOTIFS - SOLIDS - FANCIES and the bridesmaids will be Miss and Miss Joyce Wright of Mor- Kathryn Russo of WilMston Park, gan town, W. Va. Williato ]8ettt L. I., college roommate of j the : of Lewisburg will be best man. bride, and Miss Phyllis AntW of The ushers will ' e announced. ley & Lord -^- Stevans ,R,,Lonsdab Westfield. Diane Pamp of Glen I Miss Rasmussen was graduated Ridge will be flower girl. from Cornell University and Mr. Mr. Pamp will be best man for Brown was graduated from Buck- Mr. Novak. Serving as ushers nell University.' Both are doing will be Lieut. Robert Hyde of Ma- graduate work at the University plewood; John Blum of Chicago, of Illinois. III., Thomas Fleming of Mont- COTTOIM DRESSES clair; and. Donald Miller of Bal- timore, Md. Wettfield Tri-Delt» Miss Borgeson was graduated , Hundreds and Hundreds of New Dresses from Westfield High School and To Meet Wednesday this month from Pembroke Col- • • ' . all priced lege of Brown University. Delta Delta Deltas of Westfleld at or below a low, low Mr. Novak, a. graduate of Co- will hold their annual meeting Not a minute to loie, Wednesday at 8:15 p. m. at the lumbia High School, South Or- home of the retiring president, Mother, when your youngest ange, served in the U. S. Amiy Mrs. W. S. Magalhaes, 634 Knoll- is ready to get up and walk! Those supple (and rather for three and a half years in wood terrace. SJrs. Lawrence W. $-t.98 Europe during World War II. He unsteady) little feet need expert protection and ', Wouters, wSo was elected presi- is an alumnus of Brown Univer- dent for the coming year, will take encouragement, if they're to grow straight and healthy; sity and a' member of Lambda Chi office at this time. STRIDE RITE FIRSTIES, made particularly for this' .'" Alpha fraternity, the Downtown Athletic Club, and the Brown Club Collegiate members who will important walking stage . .. provide the firm of New York. He is with Inter- bo guests of the alumna* include (Nothing over $7.98 in the store) counters, snug-fitting heels, flexible leather soles and the Misses Ann Wolfred, Roberta national Business Machines in Doerr, Nancy Carter, Nancy H«k- "growing space" your doctor recommends!. New York. rader, Florence Jessee, Joan Turnbaugh, Barbara Roemer, Nan- cy Sturmer, and Nancy Jenkins. We guarantee to refund twice the differenceft flit AIR CONDITIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT The following pledges have also Nctiw Pints, Pa been invited: Misses Betsy Flint, I '#-"3fcr*Pof VQn ana Best. ComDlet* 9000- Patricia Wahlgren, Barbara Mer- ••&*> ten«.. . Vvacatioa n Resort 3 Modern one, any where, undersells us on these HoteiB. Coz— - y Cottaiea •- meals rill, and Barbara Yoder. KADEN'S SHOES at hotel. HONEYMOON P Delicious Meals. Club formerly Nee Dell Shoes Specials, Activities. Churches nearby. Ratea: Tuesday Friendship HO to »07. , 171 E. Broad St. , Tel. WE. 2-3680 K T. Oltlco, 11 W. 42i1 St. (Room 1274) U» 5-1550 Club Plant Meeting The Tuesday Friendship Club, a newly organized group for wom- en who have "retired" from man- Open Friday aging households, will meet at the YWCA Tuesday at 1 p. m. and Monday Wt. At this meeting members of the evenings til 9 P.M. group will work on a service proj- Whise Hobby Is Photography ect under the direction of Mrs. WEStFIELD Sheldon Fox. This wOTk will be done for the Friends' Service Com- mittee. Any women interested in this group arc invited to attend. Fur- All those Dads who like to take pictures, and ther details may be obtained from Miss Winifred Debbie at the YW most of them do, will appreciate a gift of CA, We. 2-2833. MATERNITY APPAREL something adding to the pleasure of their hobby. HOLLYWOOD KADH1ON HIIOPPB, COMPLETE• . ; !««I.1M• 0* FOR TIIK We carry one of the largest assortments in the state HIIIDAI, I'AHTV Open Man., Wni,, Frl. and »n»., • t» • Turadnr nml Tkurmliir. I to 0 -—all $ensibly low priced. So give him something from this big photo 4ST SOUTH AVBNVB WMfllrlil U-IMI.12 supply store. A camera, a projector, a DRISSES — PLAY CLOTHES—LINGERIE screen, developing equipment, film or flash bulbs. You'll find them all here at most DRYSON'S Bread and Central HERBERTS reasonable prices. Suit* 5 Fur Storage Hollanderizing STORK CLOSET Since 1912 Westfield Studios Why net a»k us whaft b*tt Rialto Theatre Bldg. - 2nd Floor Portrait and CommercUI Photographer* , (e do with your ola^Fun? WESTHELD 121 CENTRAL AVENUE WESTFIELD 24)238 We. 2-1078 •t A- Vi mum THE WEBTTOEU) (N. J) UEADBt. THU1SDAY. JUNE 7. ltil &(if«*iu FT A Bmmrd UUCardmmrWtd O* Weddimg trip Wtkker fmpiU Win cational HUMt, "WeefeU face. f Mr: WiUimm I« Gannmd Kite Tm neee," a* the •*•*. «r*. Fa* : «•. MM* Griffith Award* Smith i* chAkMU *f the rrlhiHt, Mrs. Harold WiUi»ms, retiring president of the Columbus School Several piano students of Ma-Mr*. Harry E. Ufc*. rTA, was honored Friday by mem- Miss Loi« Gardner, daufnter of bel Webber received award* at the sera of the executive board at a Mr. and Mrs. William £. Gardner Mosque Theatre, Newark, Sunday luncheon at the Mansard Inn, of 914 Irvipf avenue, became the fur successful participation in the KaMeld. bride of Wesley. W. Howarth, son annual Griath Music Foundation j Board members who attended of Mr. aad Mrs. George E. How- auditions held last month. I were Joseph Horan, H. M. Part- arth of 416 Third avenue, Gar- fUlph Grinei- won an award j ington, and Mesdames R. C. Rog-wood, Saturday afternoon at four with honors, while second awards «rs, Fred E. Goodwin, 0. C. Furch, o'clock in Garwood Presbyterian were received by Margaret Mary Church. The pastor, Rev/ Eric S. Leslie Hujrhes, Kenneth Cornell, % Keating, Susan Dowell, and Ann C. P. Walker, R. Lewis, J. V. Tougher, performed the ceremony, Wiley. Winners of Srst wards Marsh, and A. S. Stacker. and a reception followed at the were John Bitaer, Carol Eibel- Far Hills Inn, Bomerville. heuter, Valerie Lauver, irenda The bride, who was given in Paone, and Sally Wallace. marriage by her father, wore a gown of white embroidered or- Hrtploct Lodge ' Sanaa styled with double Peter Local Ho$tet$e* At Pan collar, long fitted sleeves, and State Flower Show IILS I full skirt with train. Her match- ing embroidered lace bonnet ,MP trimmed with seed pearls held her Members of the Creatwood Gar- illusion veil, and she carried a den Club serving as hostesses at bridal bouquit of Eucharis lilies the seventh 'annual New Jersey and stephanoth, State Flower Show at the Upper I Swimming - loafing - Sailing - Fishing MooUlair Woman's Club today Mrs. William C. Gardner of I Tennis - Land Sports - Riding - Trips from 1 to 10 p, m. are the fol- Nixon was matron of honor. Her lowing: Mesdamei P. C. Bhimer, [Music - Fin*/Arts - Dramatics gown was of embroidered pastel Bernard Murphy, M. B. Tarplee, green organxa, and she carried an Clifford Elberaon, George Gabel- nnniHiaun >ld-fashioned bouquet with strea- man Jr., and Marie Dwyer. The I Junior Camp 'Senior Camp mers. show wa* also held yesterday. WLMUI {5 to 11 years 12 to 18 years The bridesmaids, Mrs. Donald The Blue Star .Garden Club of ("Senior Camp Registration Cloted) Tingley and Mis* June Hall, both Mountainside is showing an edu- of Westfield, wore gowns similar to the matron of honor'* in pastel STAFF-WISTHUD RfFIRENCCS yellow organia. They wore head- pieces of nylon net and lilies of A. M. rwwi, II

Identification Bracelets, boys 3.99 4.95 Milady's Shop Sterling Cigarette Urns .. 1.79 5.00 167 E. Broad St. Weitfield Open Monday and Friday Evenings Summer Costume Jewelry 99c - 1.20

Expansion Watch Bands, ladies' or men's.... 3.99 . 7.00 and our sinceresf best wishes to the classes of 1951 of Westfield High School 48-Pc. Service for 8, Wallace Silver Set ...... 12.95 19.95 and Holy Trinity upon ypur graduation. To those of you on your way to schools of higher learning, we wish great aca- DURING THIS EVENT: demic successes; to those of you about FREE GIFTS TO FIRST to enter the realms of business; may PaulScarff idb PEOPLE COMING IN your aspirations be high and your goal TO OUR STORES. Photographer of Children ever elusive and in front of you. To Can't you all we wish happiness and the in the Studio— attainment of "your letter" in life. or at home Beat t Tel. Westfield 2-6330 DECORATORS Elm and Quimby Streets ELMAND OUIMIVSTS. 4 SLIPCOVER! a DRAPERIES Westfleld, New Jersey WESTFIELD, NEW JEkSW f!f^ REUPHOLSTERINO ' CURTAINS • BEDSPREADS STORE ALSO IN CRANFORD STORE ALSO IN CRANFORD Elm >nd Qulmby, Weitfield 432 Springfield Av«., Newark TUB WEHtFIELP (S J » L8ADEK, TiKJtgDAV, JtJNE T, m*f wjU take place in the first AI Kalla and his orchestra fur- Mcttodist Church, PlainfieJd. Om Sum VmUey Honeymoon Joyce Berry Norn* nished the music. CmAfmyfmMd SALLY Sergeant Anderer is stationed at Andrew's Air Bate, Washing- Wedding Jam* I* John DeRosa, general chairman, ion, D. C. was assisted by the following com- Mr*, f. L. Hunt of Ross place Mr. «r.d Mrs. Richard C. Berry mittee heads: Co-chairman, Mrs. has returned home after a two- Mr, and Mis. Bruce K. Angell of Faii-hill road have isaued invi- Josephine DeRosa; publicity, Mrs. month stay in West Palm Beach, of Bismarck, N. D., announce the tations for the marriage of their Rose Marie Angelo; tickets, Peter rta. birtfc or twins, a son, Kenneth daughter, Miss Joyce Berry, to Sisto, Austin DeStefanis, Ameri- Wayne, and a daughter, Kathleen Lieut. Robert Macdonald Jr., U. DeStefanis, Doris Angels. Mary Miss June Trover, daughter of Air Force, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil C. Traver of Mary, Monday. Mr. Angell is the Bauer, Celia Filiciello, Sal Tosto, eral ..,._.. »»•! v •eino* as 1M Hunter avenue was guest o! •on of Mr. and Mrs. Winfield P. Macdonald of Summit. Philip Minnicino and Nicholas by the followiug WfttMd ar . Angell of 4*6 First street. The ceremony will take place Yarussi. e homer at a surprise personal show- women: Mesdames William Bunn, er and kitchen shower given ie- Saturday, June 16, in the Presby Miss Patricia Cowie, daughter terian Church, with the ministei Mui Matiy »jr her sister-in-law. Mrs.of Mr. and Mrs. William A. C. •phn Traver of New Market, at Rev. Dr. Robert M. Skinner, of Cowie of 631 Washington street, ficiating. A reception will folio the Traver home on Hunter ave- was given a Keen shower Friday «uc. in the garden of the Berry norm by members of the faculty of Miaa Mary Jo Steiner of West . Miss Traver will be married North Plainfield High School at •aturdey to Set. Arthur J. Ander- Held will be maid of honor. Th< bridesmaids will be Mrs. Robe: er, so* of Mr. and ¥rs. Morris fContiawcd «> rage II) Movegroa of Plainfield. The cere- K. Berry and Mrs. Richard C. Ber- ry Jr., sister-in-law of the bride The. best man and ushers for Lieu Clearance! tenatn Macdonald, who is sta- tioned at Scott Field, 111., will be JON COLLIER announced later. Miw Berry is a graduate o: Westfteld High School and attend! the Tofie-Coburn School of Mer- Suggests! chandising in New York. She also attended Western . College for SUMMER SUITS Women in Offord, Ohio. Lieuten- ant Macdonald is a graduate of Summit High School and Lafayette College. AND TOPPERS Bonnie Birdaall, Judy Varnum Katharine Rath, Barbara Class, Judy Schorr, and Carol Boclrius. The program was followed by WERE 14.95 ..... NOW a party. 1J Civic Club SpontorB WERE 17.95 ..... NOW —DousTliui Meaney 1! MRS. EDWARD GEORG& PBTZ Second Spring Dance WERE 25.00 NOW Holy Trinity Church Setting For Wedding The Civic Club of Westfleld held Of Helen S. PaUuko To Edward C. Petn its second annual spring Jamboree Dance last week at the, Italian • Miss Helen 8. Palaito, niece of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent James American Hall, Scofch Plains, for WERE 29.95 NOW Www of 616 Cumberland street, and Edward Of irge PeU, son of the benefit of iU scholarship fund. 22.00-! Mra. WUliaai G. Pleti »f Springfield and the late Mr. Pete, were mar- ried Saturiay afternoon at flve o'clock in Holy Trinity Church. The pastor, Rt ftev. Msgr. H. J. Watterapn, performed the ceremony, which was followed by a dinner at the Park Hotel, Plainfield. Linod and urtllimd suit; and coati in rayon, thtn*Mgaj| Given in marriage by her uncle, the bride wore a straplesa Chan- shower was given by two of the butcher linon are reduced for clearance. Dark and light fJMfal tilly lace gown with a princess bridesmaids, Miss Reilly and Miss Personalized style aatin redingote apd Chan- Rahlff, at the latter's home on Wy- are available in junior and miifMf' sizes. tilly lace and illusion mantilla. She oming street. ' carried a cascade bouquet of Phalaenopsis orchids, white del- phinium, and variegated ivy. Lou Willie Smith Miss Eileen Benninger of West- Pupils In Recital field, .the maid of honor, wore a nylon marquisette strapless gown A program of summer music in pastel blue with short cape, full was presented at the piano recital hoop skirt, and midriff of satin. by the pupils of Lou Willie Smith Her bouquet was, of talisman at her studio at 200 North Chest- UirdniuJDDRV JlloUm roses, blue delphinium, and ivy. nut street Saturday morning. Par- The bridesmaids, Miss Patricia ticipating in the program were PAKK AVINUI md %KOND Rahlff of Westfleld, Miss Jean Ruth Rorden, Linda Maanion, Reilly of Westfleld, Miss Carol Mary Linn Crowe, Ruth Anne Ba- PLAINNilO Protko of Garwood, a cousin of con, Virginia Rorden, Stephen the bride, and Miss Amy Pete of Britten,- Richard ones, Cornelia OPEN THURSDAY Till 9 P.M. Springfield, a sister of the bride- Wilder, Robert Durgan, Nancy E AS 1 KROAI) ST groom, and the junior bridesmaid, SnCii*, Jay Bentley, Alice Heiplc, Melinda Martin of Linden, a cous- Sally Rash, Ellen Colby Bryden, in of the bride, wore gowns simi- ar to the honor attendant's in orchid, green, yellow, aqua,''and pink respectively. They ejrrrieU it 'L •Hl:'-4% bouquets ot talisman roses," blue, -\ -i "i delphinium, and ivy. William A. Petz of Springfield IN IVIRY ROOM, IN IVIRY was : best man for his brother. IN SUMMER BLACK AND NAVY Ushers included George O'Such of Westfield, a cousin of the bride; Richard W. Briggs of Garwood, l^ssa s*akv Ut tha tnmm«r Mfa'wa ikaaa — -* * • •^^^w *^^i^^ ••• ifiw wmn^pv. wv n IHSSV TlSnlOvllSSJ and Daniel Smith and George W. ' i • - i' there's a pioct i in sfcMrtM einei folMdrted model* ... to give you Pultz Jr., both of Springfield. • yww PMtt fitrtterinej feMhion. The couple left for ,a wedding ;rip to Sun Valley, Idaho. Upon From 29.98 to 59.98 heir returiMhey will live at 202 Victor street, Scotch Plains. The bride wore a blue suit with blue and white accessories for travel- ing. Ion Mrs. Petz, a graduate of Holy Trinity Hight School, is a member WESTFIELD ' of the Junior Women's Club of Vestfleld. She is employed by the J. H. Schroeder Banking Corp., New York. Mr. Petz was graduated from Jonathan Dayton Regional High School, Springfield. He is a mem- ber of the U. S. Naval Reserve. Pre-nuptial parties .included a rehearsal party Friday evening given by Mr. and Mrs. Palazzo at CROSS STRAP their home. Miss Benninger, the in nsvy moid of honor, gave a miscellan- eous shower for the bride recent- ST.M ly at her home, 536 Cumberland street. Another miscellaneous Wonderful, waflcabie, foot-loving cnuals. besigned with your com- fort and the important decrees «f fuhion in mind. The fine crafts, maiuhip arid materials emploved ia IN THE PARK their creation, make our "Liisak" Weather , worries stay outside Casuals a happy answer to your the door when you visit the "easy-living" demands! PARK. With our entire lobby floor (including the Main -Din- LACE SABOT ing Room and Palm Terrace fared''. Lounge) delightfully cool, luncheon or dinner here will ILINWTt-IEDSPREIDS-SLlPCOVERS-DM^ prove to be a refreshing high- light of hot, humid days. CLEANED ir US STORED FREE TILL OCTOIM II" Wt wlH ckrnn, finish, pack, and Insure your htVM lurnlihlngi of m- Sinmer Social Affairs Treat Yourself To A returnlna lh«m lo you In October. No charges are mode for Hill delivered to you In the folll need not be handicapped by warm Custom Made Tropical weather. Plan them for our com- pletely air-conditioned Ballroom, snd assure your guests' comfort re- You know then that you have fardlen of soaring temperature/ outside. perfect fit - finest tailoring CHRIS CRAFT and best material. Beige—-Red PL 6-3400 Green Multicolor All for no more than a good ready made. $7.85 VAN ARSDALE'S 137 WEST FRONT ST. PLAINFIELD, N. I. air — Quality Footwear Since 188? ,' TAILORS —^»—»—^—~~. *. \. % HI QUfMlY ST. WOP THURSDAYS 'TIL 9 I, M, J. fc COR. SOUTH ft UlANO e J tt fA»K AVI. • VHU18DAY, JUKI1 t»M

*WrM At Church Kite meeting tonjfht »t «•$• at «ig At Tr—pm'f Top in Echo Like Park. Aftet a covered dial) supper there wiaj be annual reports and the eUctioi Misa Jacquclyn C. Aliheimer, of oilcers for the coming year. daughter of Christian J. Alzheim- er of 116 P«*rl street, and Wa ter F. Kandl. son of Mr. an< •Us. Louis Kan«H of Callicoon, N Y., will he -married Saturday aft ernooa at 2:30 o'clock in Hoi Schaefer** Trinity Church. The pastor, Rt Rev. Migr. M. J. Watterson, wi Ne 9m tee* et Any Mat GAMBURG FURS perform the ceremony, and a re- W«el*M#»0M.MtfWrWiil«l> ception win follow at the Chate- MADCTO.O«0H KADVTOwtAI laine, 322 Elm street. Hr«. H. J. tave£i ef Fanwood will he matron of honer. Best men for Mr. Kenx and Wool Trvnki 1.00 ea. Flesher, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wat' At Final Luncheon ter Fleiher of 309 Haiel avenue. iunDroMoi ! 1.00 ea. Miss Walsh is a graduate of The Newcomers' Club of West. WestAeld High School and is em- >' Shirts and Short* 1.00 ea. Held marked its seventh birthday ployed by the New Jersey Bell yesterday at the YWCA with thi Telephone Co. in Weitfield. dressmaker- —Somerset Rtudlos final luncheon meeting of the sea MRS. JAMES E. BOYTOk Mr, Flesher, a graduate of Jon- iirls'Midriff Sumvrh)... 1.50 ta. ton. athan Dayton . Regional High Guests of honor were past pres School, Springfield, aervtd three ireucker Rompers .. ..'./.. .1.00 ea. Boyton-StorneUi Bonnell Piano PupO* identi of the club and Miss Win! and a half years In the Navy, two style fred Debbie, executive director o Wedding Held In of which were spent In the Pacific Pedal Pushon, etc .. 1.00 ea. Hold Spring Recital the YWCA. theatre. He is now • trooper with Holy Trinity Church Tables for the luncheon wen the New Jersey State Police at A group of the younger piano decorated with (rift boxes in birth Wrightatown. suitmaker Miss ftliaboth Janice 8tornelll, pupils of Mary Elizabeth Bonnell day wrapping!, and cup cake No date has been set for the daughter of Mrs. Carmela S^or- presented their annual spring re with birthday candles. wedding. x nelli of 204 Cacciola place, and cital at the studio, 673 North Featured on the program, whic ^ fit!. avenue, west, last night. James Edward Boyton, son of Wil- followed the luncheon, were three Weimarco To Hold liam Boyton of Kenilworth, were The following children took "vacation" skits. The first, "Two married at a three-thirty o'clock part; Judy Hawkins, Betty Day. Southern Girls' First Trip to New Supper In Park ceremony Sunday in Holy Trinity Patsy Miller, Marcia Yocom, Phyl- York City," was written and play, Church. The pastor, Rt. Rev, lis Pearson, Sandra Feller, Sunn ed by Mrs. Lainar Jones and Mrs Wesmaico will hold Its June Msgrr. H. J. Watterson, officiated. Thompson, Robert Thompson, Don- E. E. Weaver. The second, con- A dinner followed at Far Hills ald Miller, Patricia Harrison, cerning two girls on a dude ranch was Mrs, E. H. Koontt. !nn, Somerville. Kathleen Clement, Richard Philp, was written and played by Mil Newcomers have scheduled for all of Weatfteld; Nancy Ward and Gordon Walker nnd Mrs. J. P. their summer activities the "neigh- The bride, who was given in McKeehan. The third, "Mother') marriage by her brother, Joseph John Havens of Cranford; and borhood" teas, which will be held Jean Butchmann of Colonia. Rest," was a family of six making July 11 at the homes of several Stornelli, was attired in a gown of an automobile trip to Grandma's, white slipper satin with a fitted members, In August they will hold The program included composi- Written by Mrs. A. J. Miller, wh their annual luncheon and card ny suits of RiJm Beach* bodice, iweetheart neckline trim- tions by Bach, Haydn, Schubert, played "Daddy," the cast Include med with appliqued lace and seed party at tho Baltusrol Country Beethoven, Mojart, Godowsky, Of- Mrs. J. B. Haortlcin as "Mother, Club, Rcgulnr luncheon meetings pearls, and a bouffant skirt with fenbach, and folk tunes and popu- Mesdames J. P. McKeehan, R. M matching appliqued lace. Her will be resumed in September. A tint llf htwtlght wit Ullortd wftk I lar songs. Hunt, \V. E. HIMT, and Roy H . chirm—gently rounded l»p«li, CfNTRAl AVI. . WKTFIIID J.J55S ReguJar 1 at *\ a pr. . Box of 3 pr. $4,74 Electric Consoles from 59.50 Regufar M" at *1M a pr. •ox of 3 pr. $4.44 Regular M" at *149 a pr. Box of 3 pr, $4.32 Yours for Stock Consists of Terrific values I All in good working Various Makes order! Carefully inspected and ad- Sale Starts June 8 Washday Taken in Trade. justed by expert Singer mechanics. Ends June 15 Pleasure! COMPLETE SEWING COURSE Washdays are our business . . . and we with Purchase of Each Machine can make them PLEASURE days for you I We'll do your weekly bundle at lower cost Valuable course in the fine points of beautiful . . . get clothes cleaner . . . return them professional looking sewing. to you in double quick time! Result? YOU chalk up an extra day on your calendar Taught by experts at your Singer Sewing Center. ... drop savings in your household bank • . . avoid backbreaking washday toil r Yours as a gift when you buy one of these Does that add up to washday pleasure? famous rnake machines. To Introduce fabulous fitting Try it and see! . Belle-Sharmeer Leg-Size Stock- ings to more leg-wise women, and as a "thank you" to all •< • Our Gentle Core Save* Waihday WMr our constant Belle-Sharmeer Com* Early — Get Yours While They Last I customers, we offer these spe- cial prices for this week only, All of the smartest new shades, in all sizes, and In all weights. And every pair Irt IVORY DRY CLEANING SINGER SEWING CENTER gorgeous Belle-Sharme9r qual- •rfV * -; for slender fofa* ity and perfect Belle-Sharmeer or small leg! 4 LAUNDRY• i 62 Elm Streftt We. 2-0747 - 0748 fit. Do come in and be Belle- Sharmeer fitted. auJ elaeelefutlMgeili f / 4 Open Monday Evenings '<> PROSPECT ST.* WEJTFItLO 2-5020 Store Hour* Doily t J, 9i30 to 5i30 Deliveries THE WKSTFTELD (N. J.) LEADEE, THUBSDAY, JUNE T, Wl PupiU itetronome marking, and play bom memory a program cf 12 pieces. Philip Hurley has been study- rx% T -• pupils of Raymond Youn? ing the past year with Carl Mathes S;ir; 411 North Euclid avenue, con of Notre Dante. Jy""f .cert pianist and teacher, and Eutl The following pupils won awards >-',i:. Bogert Young gave their annua at the recent Griflith Music Foun- :fi recital Sunday at the home o( dation auditions: Carol Weisleder, r'5;-Mr. and Mrs. James E. Hurley Sheila Anne Oldford, Margaret '-' 82« Shadowlawn drive. Hurley, James Palmer, and Miriam J," Those who participated in th< Hayden Bogert. An award with * - vacital were Stefan Young, Robert honors was won by Lucinda Beil. "j . firamley, Pabicia Anne Nolan '- loin Grant, Elizabeth Bourns (. • Card Weisleder, Sheila Anne Old- 's - ford, Mona Fidel, Margaret Hur- ••\ ley, Bernadette Cocchia, Jamef •*"'• Palmer, Penelope Harter, Mirian ' -Harden Bogert. Joanna Bunn, Lu- •\ ,'cinda Bail, Alice Farley, Barbara f\ Nkholaon, Joan Bedell, Richard '->-, La:henauer, and Philip Hurley. ..". " Kr. Young closed the program -'- with the Polonaise in A flat bj fi- IVerit certificates were awarded 'i-k at the recital to Joan Grant, Carol >C'\ Wtislader, Sheila Anne Oldford. iii lia'rgaret Hurley, Bernadette Coc- J'h chic, Joanna Bunn, Lucinda Beil, |v Alice Farley, and Joan Bedell. To ;*(j. qualify for a merit certificate, a s_i;-;' pii)il must show technical prog- ,•§•' rtff, have finished 16 etudes at

Pi Beta Phis Tit MtH Wrdnetday

Pi Beta Phi alumnae will meet W<: incsday at s p. m. at the home •f Mrs. George Van Hart, 424 Cnve street Co-hostesses wUI be IMI. tVwrilt. Mif. R. H. RitUrbush and Mrs. ' W. A. MeCune Jr. © "follow the Sun Comet GIOMMI Nothing you buy givoi you to much yot costs so link)! Go Caribbean with WISIMftD Srunncr:

aiZAKTN nmBo "Cenwr Broad ami Sim" IN tUZAMTM OBM Thtmaty «nnln«i -Next to Puttie Strvkt"

All your life you'v* looked for it ... this perfect-fitting summer clauic in white sued with ton calf trim 14.95

iust One from Our Complete Selection of Summer Shoes for Every Occasion


254 E. Broad WeiHield, N. J.


Wrist Watches and Bands Watch and Key Chains' Wallets Tie Bart and Cuff Links Pocket Knives, Lighters Desk Sets

PUT your PRODUCT in the horn* 1 / th. AMBASSADOR WAY (A. N. J.) LEADE1,THtUgPAY. JUN-E 7.

SALLY Mr. and Mrs. F. William Scfau- tal, Summit. He is their tecond Mr. an4 MM. Tbomt G. Beck Guest* include* KMdanwt , mackcr of 13H East Dudley ave- ion. of 645 l^wrence avenue announce Jones, tonic Jemingi, Wffiiqpji «a Friday in hon- merly of Colonial avenue, was hos- McBride is the former Catherine nounce tat fcirth of a son, Robert or of Mrs. Jaine* Mitchell of tess at a luncheon Thursday at Tingley of Westfitld; ' John, May ti at Oveiloolc Hoaai- Union. her new home in llrexel Hill, Pa.

•i ' *,

t... • I i . V: V \m SAFEWAY •—Robert Osboine MRS. EARLE CARTER Wateh a ywiBftUr (igt 6 to 60) bit* into a pto* of Joan Cooley, Murjorir A. Uinbach ftyd Stftway c^lcktn. Th« happy npraMion that Lieutenant become* Bride Of •amm to Ms f«M U junplt proof of tho wondtrftil \rried Saturday H. Cordon Pattenon Jaroc of thatt aalcet hytn. It'a flavor that ia frown lias Jonn Carolyn Cooley, |hter, of Mr, and Mrs. Charles ^AtiWOQD -i-Jliss Msrjbrie In tb« Wrd thwih abwial ftodim which product* [Cooley Sr. of 647 Downer Anne Leinbich, daughter of Mrs, tandtr, awaot m^tt. Thia foodnaw ia eanftiUy let, and Lieut. (j,g() J. Earle Benjamin Harris of 455 T«rrill Carter, son of Mr. and Mrs. road and the late Paul H, Lein- aafaguatdad by tattnt of rigid quality control Cirter Sr. of New York, lach of Philadelphia, was married to bring tha chicken to you at its vary bast married Saturday afternoon Saturday to H. Gordon Patterson Bt. Mal'k's Episcopal Church son of Hi G. Patterson of 15 Mad- Each bird is ooiapletely claanad and draaaad- 'nfleld, with R»». Earle Braith- ison avenue and Mrs. Henry Schiff raady for the pan. officiiting. of Yonkers, The ceremony wai he bride wore a strapless ankle performed it three o'clock by, Rev. jjth gown of Chantilly lace over William F. Bassill in All Saints er satin In a redingote ef- Episcopal Church, Scotch Plains fy Vofuts Iwith a short bolero of match- A home reception followed. jjace. Her shoulder-length il- Given in marriage by her step- Colonial Donuts ***** veil was held by a small father, Col. Benjamin Harris, the , cap. She carried a white bride wore an ankle-length prin- Ernst's Buns erbook with a white orchid. cess gown of white embroidered . MOU MEAT VALUtS! Lois Yvonne Whaley, the organdy with a Peter Pan collar, "and'fM - Cum Skylark Bread !o« i's sister, was her only at- cap sleeves, full skirt, and match- •nt. She wore a light blue ing gauntlets. Her fingertip illu- M4M Chocolate Skylark Bread SMOKED HAM sion veil fell from a Juliet cap of fina- length embroidered or- |C 1 1 rt u r 7 k rediiiKote over blue taffeta. seed "earls and she carried Eu- Ward's Cake '• » ** ~ »« 20« chads lilies and lilies of the val' Caramels ^ •«.w2 ie | bouquet was of pink carna- lf h and baby's breath. Jeffer- ley. Orange Slices « • «>. •* 22« fruH Juift SIRLOIN STEAK Carter of New York was best Miss Joan Martin Leinbach, sis- f-for his brother, ter of the bride, was maid of hon- Grapefruit TownHouie ji i bride is a graduate of West- or. She wore a strapless gown of Alrnond Joy VtilRutt • 79. BiileiHia High School and was for. white organdy over aqua taffeta Blend 'OGold *»*. 13« employed by the American with a wide taffeta sash and or- Assorted! Mints ****»•*•*£ 9c Veal Chipt u »99« m ».93i SiMrtit Migia|t hone'and Telegraph Co, of gandy stole-jacket. She carried Apricot Nectar *& BeefKiiuy ^24< MeitLimt 98 utenant Carter attended Pur- Mils Florence DurVll"•( Radon HBuulilliiiji,''«iiky 'rait er. Autumn Grape Juice De Pauw, and Columbia uni- Heights and Miss Rhoda Seley of Sioked MM wmm i fctes. He is now a jet pIFot Plainfield were bridesmaids. They ! '• ! U. S. Naval Air Force, sta- wore gowns of the same stylo as Sliced Bicm It. IMMM I I at Quonset Point, R. t. the honor attendant's in maize and Cola *<»*« ler' a wedding trip to Canada, pink, respectively, and carried old [couple will reside in East fashioned bouquets. Port Bitti nwich, R. I. Royal Crown Cola 6'l£30> Fiorc Ciarfello of Plainfiold was CHiCKfheseVALUBS SMolett Fnnkfirtert »65« best man. Ushers were Hugh Gal- SnoCola " 2 CT^5« infield Girl lagher and William Minarck, both Dairy Food$ tried Saturday of plalnfleld. Cragmont 2 MI. 29* After a wedding trip through \John O. Stover New York State, the couple will Cheddar Cheese 'ch.^," * 79< Club Soda reside on Stirling road, South TASTE TELLS. liss Mary Elizabeth Gray, Stirling : Tomato Juice Inter of Mrs. Edward F. Gray Swiss Cheese *££* '"• 77< brated by Kev. Thomas J. Army Reserve and is1 employe!) by Pork & Beans Relish Spread Ipbell in St. Joseph's Church, Wigtbr-Abbott Engineering and hfield. Construction Co. . • • - - Cottage Cheese^%^ 16c Chicken Spread 31« coco TE *£ he bride was given in marriage Hershey Syrup (ier brother, Edward Gray. She Lucerne Milk **«»*, 2X'45c Lunch Box 20« a gown with a white satin q rce with an off-the-shoulder WHOLE KERNEL CORN Lucerne Milk H»™9.m^ 2 ,t^47« Potted Meat pa and a skirt, train and neck- 3 .< <«. of antique Spanish lace. Her Hutift 30o t ein Deviled Ham 19. ertip illusion veil fell from a Plums 28« Ripe Olives Frozen Foods Juliet cap trimmed with t2 Mjsccf/ontouf iris and she carried a prayer Cling Peaches Cherub Milk Bel-air Peas N^sprwoop p?^ 19<= with a white orchid and M< amers. Apple Juice "" Fruit Cocktail ^by Orange Juice «•'•'' • «.'«n 19c Tomato Paste >"»'••» 1 *Z 35« in. Annamsy Kloss, sister, of s bride, was matron of honor, Orange Juice 14c Tuna Fish aSrwl* Leaf Spinach ?»» c,oP u <» Pk». j 9e Paper Napkins fed.™ 2 .*flo 25c wore a pink frosted organdy PMt>> |ir*• « 17« Salad Dressing »ueh.» Green Beans jE&J?'»'«• »i»"22« I wore a matching floral halo in Kitchen Craft Flojut s^'Si' 1 p n T Po hair. Tea "" ! «">.pk.. 26c M " Strawberries snow&op »«. k 4] Hiss Rita Gray, sister of the T P 9 t Cigarettes t;W'20c«»-1.92 !de; Mrs. Maryanna Gray, sis- Tea u**- «it. pk» 33 4I » Hn-law of the bride; and Mrs. Toilet Soap All 4 rbara Pascal?, sister of the SWfETHfART-1c SALE rag, baft Canterbury Tea^t 58 •idegroora, were bridesmaids. OH EXTU CAKE FCM It WITH EVERT 1 CAKE PUICHAM fey wore pasta) gowns of blue, fen and yellow in the same FrtsherCoiUtt as the matron of honors. FRESH PRODUCE AirWay Harold Carroll was best man. Toilet Soap All4 hers were Thomas Gray, broth- SWEETHEART-k SALE balh bars N6b MHI ' i>> f«« 79c of the bride; John Pascale, RwW-wlp Instantly At ouch 0 yoor 6ogtt ReniiZit DryClssnsr gsllon 1,21 Nparatory School. She is em- Reddl.wip ,wiri, ou, ,0 m«ke ltr,w. G m KH fc le e¥< r X U Lux Flakes n!2LJS!k, J!Mr. Stovel J*rl i?'s a JLgrad£- ! Budget Brooms *"«>><*> -«h 1,02 without work or waste. Downs of GREEN CABBAGE ™ " 4« of North Plainfield High 2Vi OZ, SIZE 32 liool. H j Navy veteran delicious serving! in each thrifty caul Ammonia w '"^ <*»>> bot. \ 4c e B a Order today. is employed by E. B. Latham Bleach Wh||« MHIC • qu.n boi. 15c New Potatoes 5 <* 29c Tomatoes 23e Co., Nowark. Oxydol Ad«rllnd prim sn OroMflsi •Ihctlvt Ihroujh Wtdr,-«day Fresh Beets 2^.i?c Fresh Spinach eha Delta Delta 24 OZ. SIZE pkg. 32 Jun> Ijj tntna. MMI «nd Dairy through Sot. J'ini fih. • 10« Clip-Top Carrots mic Wednesday WE RESERVE THE IIOHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES Pascal Celery Northern New Jersey Al- c«i of Delta Delta Delta sor- Colgate's Vel y will have a picnic Wednes- 15 OZ.SIZE ' pkg. 1 at the homo of Mrs. C. A. 32 Dial Soap o. 07. 4 ianson, Hillside nvenue, Bed- I HUWY TO SAFEWAY WITH YOUR bai % lister. DEODORANT * L U I 1 i MONEY-SAVING COLGATE COUPONS SAFEWAY ;U Members are asked to bring : luncheons, THIVttfrttLO ». Ed- was maid of honor. She wore a ward Coffey, in an original de- strapless gown of apple j>*r ""' Chantilly lace reUingotc made with lege, where he wai affiliated with Mrs. George Morgan of, Scotch I FIB liyi Tt Sm Atted bodice, long dolman sleeves Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity. Plains was elected president. aHPts^B^A S^BV ' SBM ^skfl^sM^kaii^ l^AsMslsl fsS Uh of KM dithei my brMi Ma4. msw wt:, wn jtWOTY ifwirn in DM MOMTI •W* «*i — IncIwjing Mtra-Mving wlvM. My wife rfJlJV •pMtalt - gMorantttd against Thursday | ' vnNl M«t Wadrmday ^b

We also hove BeHy CncWtS] Cook Book, and if you buyihitWfl at a gifl from us, a 5-pound koj ii Modal Flour. Then, wt havt Eetalak Mogazino ... an incrodibie vduii CMlrM

Clip thi« coupon ABOUT • OTJMCES «r 2 SERVDICHI Df EACH TIN And wondrous fruits ( CLIANID * and prewnl ii *| , canned or in our product I •ny convrhwnl RESHATID •lu'rlibkonSiot* with tho farm'* goodntw iMM lor Itm irntai tonal * WMteiKose * Yep, there's 10 little a W».» - value theso days she hai plenty efleM* lM that man of hers . . . i JUM.Khl"*" I AAAKES HAPPY MAWIAGtt lie Wish I was a bridegroom < •MNCN tmi - G1EEN BEAMS lie CUT


ixtra Fancy Rome Btauty - - I-. 2U • Good for Bikini or Cookin$

Store Hours — 7:30 A. M. to 6 P. M, Sips k ay Bill

ION — A freeway run- „ Route 81, north of Som- phrough the Boonton vi- j a connection with Route ergen County .near the jt State line, is authoriied lation signed recently by r Driscoll. -mtion a* a f reeway of aU lion of Route 8, to be con- ffrom the vicinity »f Stilt S'arren County, to West gunterden County, it per- j another highway depart- |tute signed into law. 1 bills that are now law

jjimum payment pf |30 a increase of 15, for per- disabled workmen; a from the Raritan Eiver irly between Fort Earie ! 35 to a connection with south of Routh 33; a {from Route 8 in the Co- ll vicinity paralleling the River to the southerly t of the, bridge to be con- i by the Delaware River il Bridge Com mission Delaware Rivet in Pa- Township.

iuldi 25 Yean lie Service

rick G. Guldi of 531 Shack, drive, an engineer in the jaion and substation engi- i of Public Service Elec- Gaa Co,, recently corn- years service with the He was presented a rice emblem by Watson F. i vice president in charge : operations. nell University graduate, {electrical engineering de- Guldi, prior to joining ervice, was employed by I York Telephone Co. lldi *a» been active in the vice Chess Club and the (lee Club and is a mem- Orpheus Club of New- atso has participated in the American Institute COME SEE KOOS NEW HOUSE COMPLETELY FURMSHED cal Engineers and served nan of the Power Group, : Section, in 1942. uldi's principal .hobby is training and showing aniels.

ek of I counties in the United ' about 40 per cent of thi completely without tte> fketpltals. Furnishing a ranch house? Then sashay down to Koos,Bros, tomorrow. Ride herd in the widest range of handsome furnishings this side of the Rio Grande. You'll see over 100 piece*... attd. they're exclusively Koos in all flew Jersey.! TexaMesigned, Texas-made . ., here is futniture at Anericia as the first covered wagon to cross the great prairie! Solid native oak .. . hand-rubbed in a warm nat- ii ural finish. Exciting fabrics . . . nubby textures, tweeds, prints, plaids. Wonderful colon .«. Sn . Valley-gold, Cherokee-red, cactus-green, adobe-grey, desert-sand, Sierra-brown, Santa-Fe-peach, Coro* nado-green. Replicas of old wagon wheels, horseshoes, cactus plants, long-horns .... add a real western OWERI air. Chairs laced with natural-color cowhide or upholstered in saddle-color leather. Lamps decorated 'RICES' with hammered copper, unborn calfgkin, cowhide branded with western scenes. All meant to give New Jergey homes that casual, comfortable, homey feeling so much a part of our ranch house living today, Come tomorrow, day or evening . . . Koos decorators will show you how it's done ... all for a mere S. IRVING CO. "thank yuh, podner"! rth at Ctntral Avt. WatifitM, N. J.

• OPEN EVENINGS ejcepl Sunday)

but gudeo tractor bar, tbM'i » POWER-HO DELUXE, Model Beiutifully itKimlined...Wth n high power J'/j HJ». eogine. Leather Side Cluiirs, ma. 54.50 «d with variable speed ihuve, lick ntnd, (bain guards, remoti 2-Seater Sectional 119.00 I stop iwltcfa, and new 5-12 tins Center Sectional ———84.50 limi. 2-Cuihion Sectional 156.00 Id 12BB ctn be fined with all Corner Table 64.50 mdird Bokot atuchmtoii ., . Hound Colleo Tabl 42.50 • and Me for yourself. Student's Desk 97.50 ' leather Chair 39.95 ft* StM Svy ft Mm Twin Bed; ea, 64.50 Nifht' Tabl STORR Lealhtr Louni* Cfair-139.50 ACTOR COMPANY 69 SOUTH AVE., EAST WESTFIELD, N. J. « M-fheiu Will, M14J.WM THE WESTPIELD . warning signs, signals, gates and .graduates soon became, that indefatig- It's All Yourt mother to take care of the chil- Dimeter flagmen. able bundle of boundless knowledge and Do you happen to have $1598 to dren. Is this why we pay taxes— N. J. DivUw ef Meter VeMeke For his own* safety, a motor ve- to do things ourselves? hicle operator must obey the law. energy—the college freshman—or the spare? That will be the average Ameri- . It would seem unnecessary, yet TRENTON—A recent amend- In a collision with a train he us- equally eager seeker of a first job. What can family's share of the 171,000,000,- circumstances pose the question ment to the traffic laws of New ually will come out second best. seemed like towering problems at,the 000 1952 Federal budget which the Ad- of priority of attention by the po- Jersey will make railway grade lice department—children's safety crossings more Important to mo- HENRYPTOl time the 4ipU>mV took ita place on the ministration has proposed, if Congress or routine work in other more re- torists than in the recent past. . wall usually solved themselves after a accepts it. And this doesn't take into munerative fields. Greater care must obviously be ex- ,'. Rf|M AGENT ALLIED VAN UN* few yean it college life or those hard- account state, county and municipal tax- it is incomprehensible that aft- ercised at such locations in con- At atarly-U-nel, now a tuk LOCAL AND LONG MSTA*! I est first hundred pay checks.' es. er six months of protesting we are sidering that during 1050 there suburb by th» corkscrewing IHwr still no further than we were in. were 107 colliiions between trains Seine. French kings, surfeited wife STORAGE WAMHOWO Commencement'in those days was a .According to the Census Bureau, last fhe beginning. It Is incomprehen- and motor vehicles In this state in palace pomp, found escape at the sible that this should become an which 11 persons were killed and huge hunting chateau built by LouU 241 NORTH AVI beginning of life. Today it is apt to October 6,402,000 people—one out of issue. It sWim elementary that 59 others were injured. XIV hi the IMI'f. To toed the ton* appear like more of a jumping-off place every 24 persons in the nation—worked protection of our children is one of The law calls for every driver talned garfens of Versailles, an WESTFIELD, N. j. the first duties of our policemen. to stop within 50 feet but not less elar.rats "water machine" was —tX least to the half of the class which for some branch of government. And built at Marty, lifting water from WE. 2-4444 the total is substantially larger today. Why does one have to keep pro- than 15 feet from the nearest' ' has followed the rainbow to find the testing for a matter that is of track at grade crossings under the the Seine to an aguedrct which stul PACKING -v CRATING - Army, not the pot of gold, waiting at prime importance to the parents following circumstances: leapfrogs the forest. The'pumping The "big spenders" in government , of Weitfield? What is wrong? station, modernised a century ago, the end of it. argue that the budget is air-tight, a Who is to blame? And what can 1. When a clearly visible elec- is still in operation. be done about it? tric or mechanical signal device Now, suddenly, the serious faces seem model of economy and careful planning, gives warning of the immediate . in order at commencement. The note of and that it can't be cut anywhere with- A WBSTFIELD MOTHER approach of a train. incongruity is gone as we realize that out causing great damage. But the 2. A crossing gate is lowered or Federal, State '. our teenagers have been forced into an Hoover Commission has pointed the way "A Helping Hand" a flagman gives a signal. 3. A train approaching within Elected Off .dak ill-fitting maturity many years before to a 17,000,000,000 saving. Senator Editor, Leader: 1,500 feet emits a signal and such their time like those in the graduating Byrd has presented a documented plan Miss Keisenberg and Miss Curtis, a train by its speed or nearness to Elected representatives to Con- To you we owe our thanks. the crossing is an immediate haz- grcu and to the New Jersey Statt classes in the latter years of World which would reduce the budget by about Legislature from this district are: 1 War II. 99,000,000,000. Other authorities have You always gave a helping hand ard. When we probably needed spanks. 4. An approaching train is U. S. SENATORS We wish the members of the class of come up with similar reports and recom- , plainly visible and is in hazardous mendations. The good old days when we were Robert C. Hendrickson, Republican 1951 the usual "success" and "good young, proximity to such crossing. H. Alexander Smith, Republican No person shall drive,an,any vehi-- . i luck!' more, strongly than_in manyjs«xs...... She-peopleT * have a clear chpice to You tietid our bows and shoesshoes; Senate Office Building, • Wash,;,, our family increased by one, icle tttrough,'Around 6f't%Unde%r iariir; j l^uidjtry..tQ .forget that.jQjn££. .make.. They can have a do every thing t crossing gate'or Barrier whilwJiiles MWJ Ington, D. C. "I were sure to hear the news. 1 past five years, we have failed to make government, with its emphasis on alleged is closed or being opened or . (MB/ied" !j U. S. REPRESENTATIVES their diploma a guarantee of the- life, social security from the cradle to the And there were times that we re- There are many reasons for a Clifford P. Case, Republican from liberty, and happiness we have so long grave—and by the time they get through .... ca!'/ . , , crossing mishap. A motorist may . the Sixth District misjudge.' the speed of the ap- House Office Building, Washing- been ^ ,...-•.,. . r . , „ WheAnd nyo thue woulcircuds takwase inu stown one, and proaching locomotive and because ton, D. O. F they'lpayinlg findfor ittha m t ever-cheapenintheir living standardg dollars all, of impatience think he can "beat & are comparable to those in England. Or To watch the parade of clowns. the train," Sometimes drivers, N. J. STATE 8EKAT0S8 Thar*! Gold In Tax Liens having waited for one train, may Kenneth C. Hand, Repablican from they can have a government which be struck by the second because Many New Jersey municipalities are Remember when we used to. hold Union County pinches the pennies in every possible Our annual Maypole dance, one train can obstruct the view of beginning to realize the possibilities of another. Conversation with oth- State Mouse, Trenton, N. J. direction, and concentrates on the un- And all the schools that did com- "I SAVE FROM MY HOUSEHOtDi bonanza-like • benefits in a 1948 law pete i ers in a car can distract the per- N. J. STATE ASSEMBLYMEN avoidable essentials, such as an ade- son at the wheel from maintain- which reduces the costs pi collecting Never would have a chance. From Union County I put at Ida a definite amount every «#'• A quate national defense. Then we will ing proper vigilance near rail- their ."bad deBts." ways. (Terms expire Jan. 8, 1M2) llrrie odd amounts, too. For 1MI«I<*I*MW begin to do something tangible about How many teachers get the thrill Florence P. Dwyer, Republican of any Metro: spending money that I •"• "M The. bad accounts, in this case, involve Of saying to a child Familiarity can breed contempt, ponald D. ftackey, Republican I save tho equivalent of what I pay fee en f inflation — and we'll enormously "I had your Mom or Dad in school as. far as railway crossings are properties on which back taxes are due. strengthen the hard economic base on Fred E. Shaoard, Republican item, like broad, each week." When the Charleston was in style. concerned. When a driver is fa- G. Clifford Thomas, Republican • Municipalities always have had the right which this nation's security depends. miliar with crossings and knows You, too, J 8 7 4 3 By taking cuttings now from top buds are properly thinned out, will SOUTH growth, unless the stalks are very produce much Oner flowers than if command »Utpi woH and toconttnto d with lift - gttHng : 'it • ••• The bidding may seem wierd to you, and rightfully so. Tarlo was1 again at fault—for not showing his best suit, hearts, until the third Tound. Gray could not be sure then that Tarlo really had a good heart suit, and so, when Tar- lo Invited the grand islam with the Culbertson five no trump bid, Gray bid seven diamonds. Seven hearts is a better contract and offers no problem in the play. In this bidding sequence, the five no trump bid asks partner to bid sev- i en if he holds two of the three Joseph V. Horan was born in Pittstoh, Pennsylvania. top honors in the agreed suit. But He attended the local schools in that place. After school he which was the "agreed suit"— worked in a gas station in order to help out at home. He also heart3 or diamonds? Gray bid the worked after school hours when he attended High School, be- lower-ranking because that's where cause his Dad was a coal miner, and in those daysr—1918,, he held the required honors. Tar- miners didn't make too much money. lo should .have taken it to seven After High School, he went to work for Cadillac Motorn hearts, as he knew Gray held at in Wilkes Barre, Pa. Five yeai-s later he went to the East least four hearts and certainly Strotidaburg State Teachers College from which he graduated. No* nu »nn k« itn si si kv Gray would not have gone to five comt 11 sn tccMntcc t dlsiklM rau He then received his Masters Degree in Administrative Supor- . . . mm / w Ufa. N«w NON- AIR hearts without the king. Jiist a vision at New York University. CANCELLABLE puller tat bad day for Joel! "low ol Urn" IncMM ktnrfli His first experience as a teacher was at Pennington up to 110 s WMI, elili up to School in Pennington, New Jersey where he taught and coached 11,000 blinktt mdlcil t>pMM CONDITIONED And that wasn't all. On the lor trutmtnt ol my OM injury. very next hand Gray pnd Tarlo the junior varsity teams in baseball, football, and .basketball. Amirlu'i lint protection . . . •MflrMlMti NHMUI. FnNM reached a contract of seven dia- Joe came to Westfleld in 1940 and taught in elementary lor atttUsI monds again. This time Tarlo had grades at Columbus School. He ulso had charge of the play no problem in the play. One of grounds. He got the kids interested in marblou and fostered SALE SPECIALS the opponents Just cashed the ace the idea of the Westftcld Marble Championship—backed by of hearts and Tarlo was down ono the Town Council. before he even saw the dummy! PRICES DRASTICALLY REDUCED Two boys under Joe's tutelage pictured above with him, have just returned from Wildwood, where they took part in1 8.00 OCULENS SUN GLASSES, ladits, cut to $2.49 the Wildwood Bowl Championship. Jessie Green (left) 12 Veterans Urged To years old, reached the quarter finals, and Dominic Appczznto Enroll Soon At College (right) 11 yean old southpaw, was the runner up in the finals WE5UYK. AHOCMIIS 2 HHG PINES GAYLORD LIGHTER, of the State Invitational Meet. Joe plans to take Dominic to Asbury Park in August, where he is to play in the United it to CRANFORD — Early registry 88C JSHAVING MUSH •2.50 |tlJOMOU« t 88c for Union Junior College's sum- States National Championship Tournament. Domini* was onu 66ELMST WESTFIELD 20200' mer school indicates many veter- of the youngest in the tournament and nearly beat a kid ans who delayed taking GI Bill "twice his size". It is kids like these that make for great oi. CALAMINE LOTION 14c 15c CASTILE SOAP 9c Americans, because they learn when so young to "be on-their schooling are belatedly' launching own," so to speak, and act in such a manly and commendable college careers to beat the mid- way when they are under pressure. 0c PEROXIDE 7c 1-oz. ZINC OINTMENT. 9c July deadline on expiration of ben- efits, the college announced today. Congratulations to the Town Council on their foresight 5c BORIC ACID OINTM 12c 4-oz. POLISH REMOVER 9c Dr. Kenneth C. MacKay, col- nnd cooperation in the needs of such a worthwhile endeavor. lege president, said registry will And congratulations to Joe for his great and genuine in- 9c NYLON TOOTH BRUSH... 17c 8-oz. CASTILE SHAMPOO. 29c be completed today, tomorrow and terest in the youth of our community, and to Jesse Green and 1M PROSPECT ST. . WKTFMD 34M7 Monday. The first session of the Dominic Appczzato our future champions. We are looking suinmer school opens Jlonday nU;ht forward to Dominic bringing the National Championship to WESTFIELD ELECTRICAL SERVICE 0c FLASHLIGHT BAnERIES cut to. 2 for lie Westfleld. It is men like Joe. Horan who take an interest in and will "continue through Friday, ISTAIUSHtD 1934 July 20. Virtually all college de- our kids, and help to mould them into good men and sturdy men who stand up under competition—nnd competition is one Electrical Contracting and Repairs gree courses will be offered in thing that helped to make America great. 0c DR. WEST PASTE.. .2 for 51c 25c PHILLIPS PASTE... .2 for 31c classes which are scheduled for WE SPECIALIZE IN SERVICE evenings to allow students to take Have a good summer kids—and good luck to you. 9c AMMON. POWDER.. 2 for 49c 45c LISTERINE PASTE.. .2 for 59c advantage of summer employment opportunities. Dr. MacKay said it is expected 1 VENIDA CREAM SHAMPOO. •• 2 for $1 that many enrollees again will be students from other colleges who Go Oaldoon and PAINT wish to make up credit deficiencies The Spotlight Also Shines On quantities limited in vacation time. Others will be students who want to accelerate 412 WELLS STREET A brook, some tieci, u quiet spot. •. and lliou, FATHERS DAY - SUNDAY, JUNE 17 college careers by gaining extra credits. Price $22,800 0 l'uint Set! LARGEST SELECTION OF SMOKES AND TOILET ARTICLES IN WESTFIELD Living Room, Dining Room, Kitchen, Bedroom and bitli, The matchless pleasure of creating in color •. • Memorial Concert Three Bedroomi and One Bslh 2nd Floor.—Taxel $279.76. or just dabbling down what you sec ... is one that Honors Harpsichordist Worth looking at. See it and call for inspection everyone can enjoy. ' A memorial recital for Mine. You can get everything you need for a really Edith Weiss Mann, outstanding fascinnting hobby: brush, water colors, instruction harpsichordist, who died here May COOPER and SPERRY book and paper, for less than the cut of 2 foot, 18, was presented Friday at the ball tickets. Come in and dock up for tpriuf Columbia University Chapel at JESSIE PLANT BROWN out-of-doors! D. LASS, Ph. G. S. WEINTRAUB, Ph. G. 6:30 p, m. R«. PIIOBS WE. 2-O3S8-R Filling Prescription* I« the Mt ;t Important Part Carl Weinrich, music director of REAL ESTATE INSURANCE of Our Business. the Princeton University Chapel Commarelal In All Its SWAIN'S AHT STORE ttnd a member of the Columbia Residential Branches 317 West Front Street, Plalnficld PRESCRIPTIONS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED U'nivei-Bity faculty, played a pro- , —PHONE WE. 2-2142 gram of 17th nnrt IKth century 108 CENTRAL AVE. TEL. WE. 2-3100 Picture Framing Since lS6lt organ music. THE WESTFflELD (N. I.) LEADM, WTOMMsT; JUNE 7, New Semmt CmmmcU K*ry Faaily life Today Griffith Award ears To OrgmOte /•» 18 Fanwood-Scotch Plains News By PHYLLIS PACE BKADSHAW Winners Listed FANWOOD — The Girl Scout $p*ei*li,t in HmM* BeltttoM tor Council of Scotch Plains and F Bulfert, fftf SMe Vvtveritty Second class awards went to wood will organize Monday, June So-era, ta^To^fe ft? Christine Albuno, Barbara Adams, Thirty-one music student* from Girl Semite Hold 18, at 8:30 p. m. in the Fanwood VACATION DAYS W^y WeiSledM' «"* A»» Virginia Boyd, Phoebe Clark, IM Attend Senior Presbyterian Church. Officers and Westfield were among 1835 from Caroi Daoey, Patricia Grosch, Bar- committee chairmen who will serve At this time of the year, young- 148 communities in New Jersey Mrs. Parker 0. GrilJth, . bara Hauser, Gretchen Geitmsn, sters are looking forward to vaca- who received merit awards Bun- pwri Court Of Awink PnwAtSPHS for a term of six months will be dent of the foundation amided at Patricia James, Winifred Jer.ckes, elected. tion days as a long period of free- day at the annual audition award Lynn Johnson, Patricia Long, don from restraint, and eagerly presentation prog-ram of the Grif- SCOTCH PLAINS — Appioxi According to Mis. L. A. Ken' L TumwmdCaitwtn Linda' Lee Martin, Jacqueline worthy, chairman of the steering anticipated summer fun. fith Music Foundation at *th~e Quigley, Judith Salisbury, Gail inately 50 couples attended the an- Vacation days provide oppor- Mosque Theatre, Newark. The Te Merge Sooa nual prom given to the senioi committee, these officials will con- Weigle, Alice Wright, Betty Gol- stitute the board of directors of tunities for fun and happiness successful students qualified from den, Peggy Smith. class at Scotch Plains through a change of pace. Young s total of 1970 who participated FANWOOD — An exhibit and by the Parent-Teacher Associatioi the new organization.*' Board of Also Judith Bell, Gail Brynild directors also will be responsible peeple, as well as adults, need in the 1961 auditions of the foun- the presentation of badges and sen, Milinda Campbell, Bette Dav- Saturday evening. The school u change. This does net necessarily •wards featured the annual Court iiasium took on the form of a Mar- tn the council for carrying out the dation. is, Dorothy Greenhouse, Patricia policies detided upon by the coun- mean a change of scenery, al- The Westfield students who re- ef Awards sponsored Friday night. Hasard, Linda Kausclv Susan digrag and the cafeteria resenv though vaeetion trips are great ill fcftooi 4 *y the Fanwoed Girl bled an old-fashioned souther, cil. ceived awards were: John Bitner, Koues, Judih Macks?, Melinda garden,-where refreshments weri The council will be composed fun. A change of pace for vaca- Cindy Beil, June Margaret Brew- Scout Council. The event was. ar- Meares. Betty Meisiek, Nelia Mis- tion means a change in occupa- ranged by a committee headed by tretta, Kinetje, Pfister, Lori Ann served. of all adults registered In Girl er, Margaret Brooks,-Linda Cun- Mrs Harry X. Walters Jr. Scouting. This body is responsi- tion, in routineness and in inter- ningham, Susan Dowell, Carol Ei- Bale,.. Betty Schranuii, Gloria The receiving line included: Su ests. Tbaaks badges were presented Staveiiick, Gail Teeple, Mary pervising Principal and Mrs. How ble for major policy changes, elec- belhauser, Allan R. and Jean R. Mrs~Jaatts Hale Jr., commission- and B. Brunner, Principal an< tion'of the board of directors and The long summer days without Fisher, Perry Fisher, Ralph Gn- MAN'l. Tyson,, LyJjJi .Vanc^, Marjorie Wii- the routine of school provide a er, attd Mrs. William E. Davit. lard,' Doris Wisf frld jevn Lersch. also votes on the budget. ner, George Guerin, Susan M, PaytyU lsfdei, a member of the gins and Miss Edith Pitcher, class definite change for youngsters. Gurry, David Haworth, Margaret atniip: traaa, was awarded a 10 advisers; Mt, and Mrs. Raymon They can be out of doors moat of year pin. _ Hutieal Socirty Perry and Mr. and Mrs. Richard ident of the Woman's Club; Mrs. the time. Play in the sunshine arid fresh air benefits their health Ctrl Scout awards and badges (ZrmktM Keller of the faculty, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kurre, president of the Jun can have the gang assemble at bit vrmm and gives them opportunities for Mr* presented by Mrs. Hale while " Raymond Archbold, Mr, and Mrs. ior Woman's Club, and Samuel house. Mrs. Fred W. Schramm presented Walter H. Van Hoesen, Thomas Hyman, president of the Liom many different kinds of fun. Fanwood Mu- Montagne and Bernice DeWolfe. Club; business and industry, There should be time for family •rewnie attendance pins. iefy hag granted its first At the beginning* of summer, fun—made interesting and stimu- sical g Montague is president of the Frank Kellett, chairman, James youngsters can't wait to get out- Phyllis Snyder was mistress ol scholarship award to touis-Cyrille nior class and Mrs. Archbold and Crawford, Edward Kenny an lating and not juat something for esreeaeaiet and welcomed thi side to play. It's enly natural for Which, the children' have to be Martin, 16 yyear *U Plainfield High Mrs. "Van Hoesen were co-chair- Joseph Blank; special gifts, John parents to look forward to this The color guard via com' School student. men of the affair. Max, president of the Scotch dragged away from their gang. •ass* of Ninette Pflster, Melinda Plains Republican Cl»b; publicity, out-door* activity. Household Some parental interest and guid- The scholarship, established as The committee included Me»- chores can be done much faster EISEMAN'I Means, Betty Davis, Susan Koues, a memorial to the late Ettie Bo- Riehard Grossman; speaial events, ance for the summer vacation days • Daroqiy Greenhouse, Katherinc dames William Egan, Benjamin with 'the youngsters Scut dmhofh Fisher, founder and first Keller, John Dawe, Roland B. Mri. Jack M. Clawson'and Police may take a little more time, than kef rtaTftWM, Tullasn and Barbara Rose. Mrs. Sgt. P. G. Ehmatuti women's ac under foot, and this feeling of juat turning the children loose eut John Knubel was at the piano. president of the local music group Ackerman, John Merlo, John Kim relief caann ee ;easily jjustified provides a gift of 1100 to the re- beily and Malcolm Haxel, all oftivities, Mrs. Neil Oeltseiler, pres- of doors, but it will pay off in iilt Senior pins were presented the ident of the Newcomers' Club. by the benefits te healthlthh frof m outt- giving the youngsters • hsp*r, cipient for further study. Fanwood; and Mesdaineg John door play. following: Dorothy Bartleson, The winner is the son of Mrs, Snyder, Floyd Welts, J. M. Far A veteran of Community Chesl pleasant and constructive summer, IN MM AVI. Carol Elacner, Fail Fruehauf, Bertha D. Martin of 1316 West kas, Thomas "Montague, Esra campaigns in Plainfield, Mr. Matt It is unfortunate, however, that Elisabeth Ann George, Betty Ann Third street, Plainneld, and is a Gauerke, Paul Schwemm • gione is senior personal techni after those first few days of free- Pearce, Joan Snyder, Alice Walk- member of the Fanwood music Harold Hill. dan with the New Jersey Civil dom, often the youngsters become er. «ad Caroline Knubel. group. A high school senior, he Service Commission at Newark, restless. They gat irirtable, be- Five-year pins went to Jeanne expects to continue his studies He is a graduate of Tusculum Col come pests'or tet Irtto" trouble" in Bartleson, Barbara Adams, */ancy next year at the French School Zimida Qualifies lege, Greenville, Tenn., and reth: e neighborhood. This, is became ChtistMteen, Marcta Friedrichs, of Music, Plainfield, where he is eeived a master's degree from their new found freedom doe? net Bonnie Gordon, Nancy Grison, a pupil of Mile. Yvonne Combe. As Paratrooper, Rutgers University. He served give them enough to do, They be- Barbara Keith, Joyce Kennedy Later he plans to study at the four years in the, Army. Air Force come bored, and in their search Barbara Mensoff, Nancy Newell, Conservatoire of Music in Paris. SCOTCH PLAINS—Pvt. Ben. during World War If. for thing* to do, they often turn amin Zmuda, son of Mr, and Mrs. FUEL OIL Nancy Parish, Audrey Prior, He has played in concert and to pranks or outright delinquency. Judith Whitcnack, Barbara Wind- John Zmuda. of 545, Willow ave- Plans for the campaign will be has written composition for thenue, has qualified as a paratroop farthered at I p. m. tonight in the Parents can help their young- eler, Carol Elaener, Gail Fruehauf, violin as well aa the piano. Elisabeth Ann George, Alice Walk- er. He deceived his parachute municipal buildingtdUi . sters make the most of summer er, Nancy Bessler, Carol Gilbert, Officers of the club recently juniper's wings after a four-week leisure. Almost all vacations can Lois Schutt snd Beth Russell. elected are: President, Mrs. Roger course 'at t!ie Airborne School, Ft. stand a little more planning. While Cockburn; vice president, Mrs. J. Benning, Ga., and has rejoined the Mail Carrier-Vote vacation activities, of course, First class awards were won by J. Agnoli; treasurer, Mrs. Russell 503rd Airborne Infantry Regi- Against One Delivery should not be regimented on a Beta Davis, Bsrbars Dunn, Diane Bullock and secretary, Mrs. Rmen. t of the 11th Airborne Divi- time-clock basis, some guidance Hatchings, Muriel Irving, Rose- Dudley Green. ion at Fort Campbell, Ky. He in'OUIMlY ttlKT • WCIWCID, N. J. • TCUMHI niary Lane, Rose Ann Lastowski, ATLANTIC CITY—The New can. be very useful. Youngsters was previously « member of that 'ersey Association of Letter Car- >eed some time to play alone; then I Patricia McCracken, Ruth Ott, division. \ Lois Schutt, Patricia vomLehn, Car Recovered iers (AFL) has put its stamp of they need a lot of time to play I Nancy Bessler, Jean Freeman, Before actually making the re- isapproval on once-a-day mail with others. Parents can suggest activities or give a helping hand in [ Carol-Gilbert, Ruth Henry, Sylvia FANWOOD—A car owned by quired five qualifying jumps from deliveries., [ Klepper, Doris Loots, Marie Mar- n plane Zmuda made several drops A resolution passed over the teaching new. games. Very im- James Newcomb Jr. of 1927 Bar. portant is whether the youngsters !. |in, Ninf Salo, Carolyn Smalley, tie avenue, Scotch Plains, stolen rom the 250-foot towers to learn eekend at the group's (7th an } ' llarilyn Brown, Peggy Honold, Saturday night from Maple Tree .the proper landing position. Now mal convention called on the gov- > Lucy Purvis, Mary Jane Butler, Inn, was recovered several hours that he is airborne, he will enter irnment to restore service to two I • Virginia Gross, Anne Kimberley, nto advanced unit training to pre- lellverles a day. , later by Watchung police. New- 7 ! ' Jean Lersch, Eileen Peterson and comb told police he had left the pare him for combat. The association also called for Judith Wood. car keys in the ignition. 17H per cent '"cost of living" rage increase; abolishment of the Cerebral Palsy our lowest pay grades for mail' men; and a starting aalary of $3,- i 100 instead of the present $2,770. Aides Named The letter carriers Welected I- nthony G. Santora of Jersey City FHOTQSTATS SCOTCH PLAIN?—A. R. Man. aa president. Rione Jr. of 2096 Coles avenue, chairman of the Scotch Plains Local Woman Accept* fund campaign in behalf of the SAME DAY SERVICE Cerebral Palsy League of Union Position At Camp County, has announced /his aides for the drive. Plans .for the ap- MOUNTAINSIDE —Mrs. Lola Westfield Studios peal here were made Sunday. M. McGlffin of 2 New Providence Mr. Mangione listed the follow- road has accepted an office posi- 111 CWtlAl AVMUi WiSTRILO 2-0339 ing: assignments; Civic organita- tion at Camp Ranger' for boys, tions, Mrs/Florence Wilson; pres- urdtown, this summer. She is ilso serving as local representa- tive in the Westneld area for the camp, now in its 24th year. Mrs. McGiffin formerly waa associated with Camp Nyoda, When Youth Raises a Voice Oakridge, and Fire Place Lodge, Saathampton, L. I. "So* what a good job IV* don*, J*an. I've cleaned th* rugs and now 111 turn my attention to the chain. Oh, what a h*lp am II" Jf AN: "What a help *l»ctricity is, you braggart. I couldn't k**p hous* ATTENTION without it, what with the children to look after, and you at work Having Printing TrevblM? all day and going to school nights." WI DO MINtmO OUrCKlY iCONONUCAUY JIM: "Electricity is a wonder worker all right. It's cheap, too. I h'gur* EXPHtlY that all th* work l'v* don* today cost us only a lew pennies. All Typ* lutineu forms Everything else goes up but not electricity." '*.' Reproduce*]* F*rm l*tt*fs IttODY: "There's dam thinking youth for you. Our Specialty. She know* the long hours I work as CASSEU PUBLISHERS her electric servant, and he knows WC.1-4M4 th* low cost of my service. Prices on other items soar, but my charges are low and have been so over a long p*nod of y*ars.

Yes NAME THE DEAL YOUD UKE ON THIS GLCVESKIN Does SHARE BIG NEW Si DODGE- Miraclt* Overnight I IN OUR OR MONTHS Dodge Mies have you can start right now enjoying Fbeen zoomingl That's why all the many extra advantages If you .SUCCESS. we're celebrating . .. why we're Dodge gives you. flaw wash a dish making it mighty easy for you to Yew fM HM relaxing comfort trade now and get the deal of of extra head room, leg room, or your life I shoulder room ... the safety of Pull a w«ed WMKW... So com* in early ... for best "Watchtower" visibility ... the or choice of models and colors! Get riding smoothness of the sensa- Abuse your hands M1VE OUT WITH our generous allowance figure on tional new Oriflow shock ab- your present car. It'll probably sorber system... famous Dodge O in any way THE BEST DEM. make your monthly payments dependability. Have a jar of, OF THE YEAR much smaller than you expect. With the deal of ypur life w*j ILECTRICITY-DOES SO MUCH-COSTS SO LITTLE Glovftikin Hdndy And for just a few dollars a week ing, it'll pay you to come in todayl Immediate delivery m most models ffyo° ^ tJital tqulpnmil , Chonj. WlAcwt I HtfGH CLA*K MOTORS •' North Avenue it

' *' 1 THE WialPttLD iS. I) LEAPT* THKKSPAY *tJNfr?,1*8l in* ticket* for a Scout benefit Of card party to to held at Veteran HS hndanrcite of Foreign Wars Hall, Tuesday, Library Boriiag Ghib Jwaa M, to raise money for tfceir Hillary Hayward, l»-mont* old Marina fawMwtr summer camping program. The • annual dinner of the Scout. •NfVMf iKJu "Get in the Swim! Join thp son of Mr. and Mrs. R*lpi M., Cars Jr. f twos will gi« a free waek at Summer Vacation Reading Club!" and Cubbers of Gstrwoed, Hayward of 1276 Central avenue, ly ef M» Camp Watchung this dimmer to will be the theuw of the Vacation »ntiUDside, and WestfcU wiM the Scout telling the most ticket*. 'Ne ma* Is born with the right was bitted on the hand Saturday >id at the WeatfaM VUCA Reading Club posters soon to be poraL to peace, security or ease—all seen in each Westneld school. The afternoon by a dog owned, pobce •day at 7 p. m. Alfred K. Vacation Reading Club, centering of the FBI wiU aatafc on must be won by the individual," said, by Howard Nevrott of 129 Rev. Dr. J. L. McCorison Jr., min- around summer camping, will be- Marlboro street. blem of- youth. Leslie Jo gin as soon as school closes and MS and her father will.fur- Si. PmTm Church ister of the First Congregational continue until after Labor Day. music and Sea leMt Ship Jack Btier, die acribe of this Church, declared at Sunday night's The club will be open to all mem- tab. will furnish tha waiters. troop, reports as follows: "We baccalaureate aervice of the high bers of the children's department can he osUisiai at Wy- went to Camp Watchung with school graduating class in First of the Free Public Library. Rec- Shop on Elm, street. . the rain. We wondered if it ords will be kept of each child's would stop. It did. We set up Methodist Church.- reading during the summer «nd Arm our tents, got all our equipment Rev. Dr. McCorison warned that certificates listing the titles will te our canpsite, made our rurtic each generation determines to be given at tha aonclusion of the gadgets, and went swimming. what degree these ideals are club. er 660 Scouts from tha Watr Borne ef at went swimming Sun- achieved. The present unrest in Area Council attended tha day with our airmattresses. the world, brought on by compro- "Attention should be called to i camporee at Camp Watching mising human rights, truth and the fact that thia is purely a leis- "We won the award of four weekend. The fsttewing justice, can only be eliminated by ure time activity. The only ob- gold start for cookcraft, camp- from WestBeld parjJMpatas) arousing men to action, the min- ject of th« club is to give children eaaft, woodcraft and organisation. I qualified in the four Items af ister said. Until all world peoples a feeling for the pleasure to ha The troop was scored in each class snization, woodcraft, camp have equal dignity and opportun- had from reading and to develop Troop 72, and we came up with almost a this "intereat as recreation," Miss ift and cook craft: 71, 72, 7C Trmop 75, perfect tcort. Wa made a table Virginia Gale, librarian, aald. jpost 77, and two units of 172, Prnbyierittn Church Lion, Club to eat on, shoe dryers aad plate plorer Bjost 77 attained a par* The following members of the The troop nad M Beauts in the racks. Last, but not least, we joyed by the pack in its 1951 Ma- score. The Order of the Ar- troop attended the area camporee Garwood Memorial Der parade. really cleaned up the campsite. son. demonstrated, an Indian cere- ity, world peace is impossible, he at Camp Watchung last weekend Eleven Seu ts formed a drum and That is how Troop 77 came in The pack theme for the month concluded. ky at Saturday night's camp- with top honors." and earned the highest proficiency bugle corps for the parade and was "circus." Mrs. Conn's den Rev. Elbert E. Gates'Jr., min- played taps at the Soldier Mema- award: John Rearik, John Den- presented a skit entitled" '"Lion ister of First Baptist Church, read risi at Franklin School and at the halm, Bob and Ed Torgersen, Bob Tamer Wanted," which was por- the scriptura lesson, Invocation op 70, memorial. i» Unami Park. They CubP#kl72, trayed by Noel Lecher, Dick Hill, and Lord's Prayer ware by Rev, Mason, Marston Janes, assistant \ were instructed by jeveral mem- Bern. FronkUm PTA Gerald Infantino, Claude Long- Frederick W. Blatt, rector or St. \tntmntUe PTA patrol leader, and Douglas DuBois, bers of the Polish Falcons. street and Paul Somers. The Den Paul's Episcopal Church. Rev, there will be a troop board of patrol leader. Assistant Scout- An, investiture ceremony was The pack's annual picnic for i skit was of a side show variety Fred E. Milt*, minister- of First "few tomorrow. The troop now master T. Tom McGIll Jr. was the held in a joint meeting of the its members and their families impersonated by Carson Bates; Methodist; Church, presided. i a baseball team and is thlnk- sdult adviser. The competition troop and the new Cub Pack 75 was held Saturday at the Hilltop Danny Fearce, Jeffrey Torbefg, The Sanctuary choir and Teen- i of challenging other troops, was against 39 other units from in the Lincoln School Friday e»•- in Echo Lake Park, with approx- Bobby DeChellis, Anthony Negri ettos sang under the direction of •mming is being continued at imately 160 persons representing and Carson Bates gave a wild anl. the Watchung area. hing, with the induction of the Richard R. Alford, minister of fKainfield YMCA for another following recruits into the troopt about IS Cub families attending. mal show. Danny Pearce proved music at the host church. Gladys (weeks. At the last meeting, In the Memorial Day parade Peter Morrison, Roger Munn, The traditional father-spn base- himself a "strong man" by lifting Crosby Gould was at the organ. jkard Diets .was awarded his the Shamrock and Apache patrols Richard Kappy, Edward Tiller, ball games were played with the two "2000 lb," weights and bend- ping merit badge. He has also each had a 100 per cent attend- James Thaiss and Richard Mosco. Cubs offering stiff competition for ing a "steel" pipe into a pretiel. his firemanship merit At this meeting den chiefs' cords their parents. . Other baseball Bobby Detihellis impersonated UADft CLASSmtO AM . . while Joel Jennings hat were presented by Cub master An-' games between the Cubs wore "Daisy, the High-wire Artist." ALWAYS IMNOMSUITI led reading merit badge. thony Nittoley to the following played, as were also Meld games Troop 74, Firtt Scouts: Richard Saparino, Rich- such as three-legged races, wheel- ard Daltey, Matthew Rsvendro, barrow races, and egg races in Congregational Church Don Maniscalco, James Mercer the respective age groups. and Robert Dushanik. Leo Raj-o- The picnic closed with the pre- lite lira. Rita Oiaanatdal •trvic* am i LOST The hike on the Appalachian nese was awarded his second class ••• • m . M. _— .a, — *• «•••!!•• ^^_ ' Trail will be held June 16-17. The sentation of the games' awards badge and James Mercer received and the graduation of a large calling ttom . •»dmaaa pUntt maWng arm •. • *,n»! meeting of the season will be merit badges in scholarship, first WHSHTHMHW a picnic at the troop's cabih at number of Cubs to Scouting. Bruce •varyooe, aa ahrayt, turning to tha 'phem far Ml aid and music. Dunning, Chris Hermann, Robert Camp Lion. Herbert Eckart is Thirty members of the troop at- action. And It is fact action, tool t out af \§Utm general chairman for this affair, Muller and Arthur Strode were I-MACK ail TAN tended the stock car races at Ru- presented with their Webelos Une.AivJfr^ewiartloMarteot^ikt^taaiaittsiii W which parents are invited. Sub- pert Stadium in Newark Saturday • •IBira f* MMIaaV chairmen are Bob Crickenberger, badges and were officially wel- 3 minutet. night as guests of Carman BUIottl, comed into Boy Scout Troop 172 $100REWAtD transportation; Charles Donohoe, under the leadership of Scout- To *cap Lang Dittanea atrvlee fart-far yamaV food; Tom Bohrer, program, arid by Frank P. Alles of that troop's master Charles Mercer, Assistant committee, Other graduates from and far tha Nation-It wtD bal» BENNETT Blackie Hackett, clean-up. The Scoutmaster Michael. Lesko and troop earned top rating at the the pack were: Allan Fisher, Will «M0aflmR««a1 four members of the troop com- Grubb, ' David Hardingham Ed- WffffWM ••Mr©1' area camporee at Camp Watchung mittee. tanea Operator tha oat-of-tOMi last weekend. ward Labenskl, Donald McCulloch, OniOnl AUTOMATIC • «A1 Members of the troop are sell- Douglas May, Henry Merciless, number yeu'ra eaUing. A handy David Morphia, Jay Pierson, Hen- _JVIRflJVIRfltt All If isflAbara Booklit MSOT you CMS ry Schumacher, Charles Sparks, list Long Bktanea numbara far .AUSTER'S. James Wallace and Patrick Winch. quick reference k youra far tha asking, at any Telephone Bwi^ Cub Pock 176, ~ Sif YOUR HUTING-FtUMItt DEALER NOW MM Office. McKinley PTA The final meeting of the pack was held in McKinley School aud- nium recently. David Conn and FUUYAmOVEDIYYOURCASCOMPAHY iHl TILPHONI COMPANY. tel k"*" RMagnoli put on "Cssiey, I • IM I ll li Bat" in pantomine as a re- fer af the softball games en- "—



..# .because

COCKTAIL " TRAY ' FOR jCHOICl OI COlORSl EVERY USE aPOMHT ORIIN • CNINISI MO, • CHARTRIUSi: Chryilefi new firePower engine hai FirePower takes any regular grade gaso- i * MATCHING SHADE rocked the automobile business right line you care to buy . . . and adds its ALL THIS down to its roots. own new "mechanical oetanea" to the power-giving octanes of the gasoline itself. Quietly, behind alf the laboratory talk FOR ONLY of "engines of tomorrow" . . . Chrysler The reault is something hew and star- has built a revolutionary engine for you tling in responsiveness ... and in safety, to drive today! too. You get quicker and smoother con- 180 HORSEPOWE1 •'f It tan give .you 180 horsepower, to sur- trol of when and how you move than Here's the new Hemispheri- *9.95 pass any other engine in any other car. you have ever felt before. cal Combustion Chamber It develops its power in its own new that's the heart of Chrysler It's the engine of tomorrow . 7. on the kind of way! FirePower. Its new, de- road for you today,,. and your Chrysler signed-ifi "mechanical octanes" make regular But you don't have to "baby" it . . dealer invites you now to try it, in the grade gas do what best premium grades can't or give it fancy quality gasoline to get all-around most astonishing new car you do in any other engine you can drive today! . FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED that 180 horsepower performance!' ' ever drove! L Finest engine Chrysler ^ ever put AUSTER'S in on automobife Ttl. WE. 2-6994 HARRY MILLER MOTORS,! Inc. 576 North Avenue, E. • •{£ 143 E, BROAD ST. i ? .See tha fascinating Chrysler Engineering Exhibit-INTERNATIONAl SALON, CHRYSLER lUILPIHG-Mon. Ihra Fr!.-9 A-M. »e 6 P. M •Tm THE «f. J,) MUMS*. THURSDAY. TOSt 7, Hmpm Mtlmrimg Wkk Ncw»Of Otto Tow* Granted Pay Boost Right (Ldkes Around.The Staff Bn CABOH'N YVKNVS TRENTON—City and town go». A$$istant Horn* Agent TONTCLA1R—A 14-msn ad- and requires them to be photo eniing bodies which in the past iCTy committee on school main- graphed and fingerprinted. It al-have increased salaries' of their Clothes that travel well will! tti.ince, appointed recently, has so sets up other qualifications for employe* only after a referendum make summer trips to town and' split into seven major sub-commit- them. now are authorised to grant by vacations a greater pleasure. Since I tetf with each given the resonpsi ordinance « pay boost not1 to ex- j summertime is synonymous with •Hit;/ (or a detailed investigation KIDGEWOOD—The need for aceed bonuses given them in l»i0. travel, you need to select dresses] of vie field assigned it. Sub-com- Planning Botfrd in the village was The authorisation is contained in I that will still look relatively fresh I Bji-ioes named included structures revealed in a League of Women I and unwTinkled when you reach i and interior finish, mechanical! Voters report ni»de to the board bill announced Saturday your destination. Dresses that pa.ts including heating, yentilat- j of trustees of the Pease Memo- signed bjr Governor Driscoll. How- will shed their wrinkles after a ing', plumbing and sprinkling; j rial Library. A result of six ever, the new aet does not few hours of hanging instead of electrical equipment including months' intensive study by a spe-elude mayors, chief administra- requiring a trip to the (leaner to , lighting and power; roofs and cial league committee, the report tive officers, and Members of local be pressed are the ones to select ' grujnds, furniture and equipment, analyzes the needs of the library governing bodies. ', a fallowing complaint* from about $7,600 for the purpose and sewerage authorities to build fa- agement specialist at Rutgers a cover up Jacket will provide that h - aifiereat sections of the town on it it expected that the funds will cilities for collection and treat- University. Trunk Sewer well dressed look. | j the abundance of rats which it be utilised on tome project con.ment of sewerage outside a dis- f ' was (tared, according to the com-nected with the new Memorial trict covered by such an authority The bed should be equipped with A separate skirt, blouse, jacket School building or grounds on when such action will prevent pol- coverings adjustable to changing Bids Received and shorts in matching or har- philntt, might become a health weather conditions. A reading ani physical haiard. Rugby road. Originally the group lution in the district. The measure monising colors will provide a Celeri*.**) voted to use the money SOT thealto allows contract* between two light is appreciated by the vaca MOUNTAINSIDE— New bids wealth of changes. Different ac- MIDLAND PARK—All bids on equipping of the all-purpose room or more municipalities for disposal tioner who want* to read and re-on the construction of the trunk cessories used with such an out- thf proposed six room elementary at the school .but the closeness of systems. The companion bill Tali, lax at the tame time. An inex- line sewer from Henley and fit can carry you all through the MODERN - AIR •eliOJl and gymnasium have been th« volt, » to I, plus rather vehe- dates appointments to sewerage pensive pin-up lamp can be placed Springfield avenue in Cranford to day. rejected by the Midland Park ment protests from the dissenters, authority commissions. .y the bed so the light will shine the Mountainside line were re- Board of Education when they led to reconsideration. Widest on the book or paper—not in theceived by the mayor and council In general, a printed fabric-tilk, Al Hag*m«l«r were found to be approximately area of agreement seems to be yet of the reader. at a special .meeting Monday rayon or cotton—will show lets on the construction of an athletic Oppcnhcimer Heads night. Six former bids received toil and wrinkles than. a plain HoniAunboll $75,000 higher than the 1250,000 Arrange a place to unpack and 1 fabric. If these fabrics have a approved by borough voters. The field on the school grounds and Professional Engineer* store clothing. For a suitcase had been turned down by the coun- proponents of this scheme declare cil ail being too high. crease resistant finish, you will be botrd will meet again to act a stand, a folding canvas stool able to enjoy your vacation more tfce for another referendum, at there is enough money to make a could be painted to harmonise Bids were received Monday from good beginning on this. Philip H. Oppenhelmer was because you wont haw to worry which time voters will be asked to elected president of the Union with the room's color scheme. If Joseph Miele Construction Co., Inc.about how wrinkled your clothes divide on a new school only. County Society of Professional cloatt space it limited, a clothes and C. 8alvatore at Sons of Or-will be when you get there. rack hooked over adoor provides ange, at well as Anthony DiCicco MOHTCLAIR-Mondty night's GLEN ROCK—Personnel of the Engineers last week. He succeeds Glen Bock police force will receive Edward B. Boate of Westneld who for hangers. Guests will and Cettone Brothers. No choice TowaCommission meeting turned will become a state trustee for one ppreciate enough hangers so was made by the council, which Joint Young Co. i»to a policy-making session on substantial pay raises as the re turned the bids over the Borough administration of local liquor reg- suit of action taken by the Mayor year. each ' garment can have its own. Other officers elected in Howard Clear out at least one drawer for Engineer Arthur Lennox for com- Mrs, Grace G. Hartigtn of 321 ulntioni with the adoption of anand Council. By resolution the parison with the plans and spec- amendment to the licensing ordi- starting rate was raited from |2,- Johnson's Restaurant, Mountain- your guests' cosmetics and small Harrison avenue hat iained the side, include: First vice president, article*. Articles such as hose and ifications of .the construction of D&H ANTHR: nance and passage of two resolu- 460 to $3,000 annually and the the trunk line sewer. •ale* department of the Harold tiins. The ordinance amendment newer men on the fffree were giv- Reubeu N. Olson of Scotch Plains; jnderwear can be kept in the suit- E. Young Co., 267 East Broad second vice president, Irving Men- :ate on the rack. require* working permits fo• r li. en increases to bring them in line Announcement is to be made of street. with the new policy. cher of Hillside; secretary, Clif- Folk* on vacation usually have the choice, of bids at the next reg- PRICES are 0 and tavern employes ford W. Zimmer of Springfield, ular council meeting Tuesday. Mrs. Hartigan, a member of the and treasurer, Joseph A. Baxter some letters to write. A card Watchung Chapter, DAB, was far of Cranford. J. Paul Donohue of table placed where light is good several years a director of the makes an excellent substitute for IIAOII WANT ADI PAYShort Hills-Millburn Independent Truer word* wen ^ Westfleld and SUnley F. Spence desk. Provide stamps, postcards of Mountainside were elected trus- indsome stationery, along with —USE THEM EVERY WEEK. Women's Republican Club. You'll be pleated vat *i HEARING AIDS - BATTERIES tees for one year. nk, pen arid pencil. Here is a now, and when c*M \ ! AtffcerintJ Dealer food location for a waste paper you'll be turprM «*• I Aimvox «MI wuram BKHK Borough Scouts Seek basket. World's tiniest receiver permit* hidden hearing titctively comfort that elt*s,| Make it easy for the woman WATERPROOFING CEUARS D&HAntlirtdUatirlav fvr *»*t hard of hearing.- Fret booklet on requett. Bat- Baseball Game* tuest to keep her clothing looking Uriu fvr all standard aid* in stock. Order* filled promptly. crisp and fresh. Clothes pine on TnofO'Scol MOUHTAtNSlDE^-A. baseball wire hangers make an improvised team, formed-by members .ofJBojj clothes line for dryings hose, gloves,* MATTHEWS HIARING SERVICE Scout Troop 70, is looking'for laftffirtrchiefa and underwear i? a a^d Hough Grading garnet with: comparative teams* irt soft towel is handy for removing IIMLJaWSIYST. " BUZAMTH ' other towns. excess moisture before hanging, Home grounds will be the dia-f there is room in the closet or Ptrmanent Driveways mond located on the Mountainside learby hall for a small ironing Public School playground. Sev- ward and iron, minor pressing eral games have already been needs will be less upsetting to the . UAMR MUINS - CONCRITI WOW N6HTH AT OKNTNAkAVK. scheduled with out of town teams. tuest and to the family. If this Any team having members be- m't practical, show the guest ITONI WAILS - CURMNO - PATIOS - 9KBWNKS - tween the ages of 11 to 16 are wcl corned into the schedule, and lead here pressing equipment is lo ers may contact Joel Jennings of cated. A. S. MANN1NO A SONS A first-aid sewing kit contain- Partridge run, We. 2-5267-J, to Serving W«*tf|«ld 35 Ycara arrange for Saturday morning ng essentials for clothing repair games. ' a thoughtful addition to the WI.WM3 . w W guest room. Also welcome is a THl rAVORITt PtNNS>LVANl Jones Receives Calco Suggestion Award Uwi Mowers -forta Tractors ' Edward Jones of 409 Grove street recently received a cash award for a suggestion at the Cal- co Chemical Division of the Amer- • CHIEF ican Cyanamid Co. in Bound AMERICAS NEWEST Brook. sum FM1-ETTE URDU RESERVATIONS TRACTORS * CruiaaW * Tour* Appearance! Body! Chassisl Drive! • Hotels • Raaortt m v HIM «n •SttwauMp •Biu , Tim • AirliaM • lUUroasW •unit THE CAROL! TRAVEL BUREAU 123 North Av*. PUIUeld AND WONDIMAWN GRASS IttD PL. Ml) PL. 4-0M9 Consult Us For Crab Omi Killer '

WE imY THESE FANOISIUKU ram • Stiirni JUm Sumr "If 4-Jnr Mm. Itfin-Mant •Ntnka trim tplltnml •( nlrm an. Biulpmtnl, XT»I. mrim, mud trim utlttt M dunm uUktui main, [• Rw • CMpir Trliubvn Ollffir • Eelipii Compare! Match the all-new features of OUmohih't Super "aa • Pinair with any other car in its claisl Compare it for style—those swift, clean lines that spell a new kind of beauty t Compare it for size and room— • Mata-Mawir that spacious, luxurious new Body by Fishcrl Compare it for riding comfort—that new level-going chassis that smoothes the roughest roads! Then, test the Super "88" for performance! Match the brll. liant power and solid gas savings of Oldsmobilc's "flockct" against II any other engine on tho roadl Sec us for a demonstration ridel For tho very best In photo finishing bring Drive tho great Suptr "88" Oldsmobilc—nmvcit now car of them Ml' ROCKET your next roll of film to **Ymn Cmn't Ho Wr»H« With . , .» •SRR YOUR NIARIST OLDSMO1ILI DIALIR- RMHT LAWN MOWER CO., IRC; TEL. PL 6-7B21 NORRIS CHEVROLET,

09 WATCHUNO AVI. NORTH KAINFIELD AutkoriMtd Ikakr for Your Own Tom ,, M i CORNIII CHATHAM ML 84 ELM STREET TeL We. 2-0220 North tmd c<|ntra, Avei. Werfiel* * \ THE WESTfULD (K. J.) LEADtt THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1*51 Freik Cknu Fruit, or salads—either as main course The fruit is packed according dishes for lunch or as accompani- to uniform site and the number "Central Park" (Khar feature* puts it« play- ments to the main dish at dinner that appears on the. end of the ed by iauet |r«4c Alles Knmvies, supper, or as first coufse ap- crate indicates the size. Oranges John Canwren, DaiiM OfUrian, petiser. By MARY W. ARMSTRONG range from 92 m< fruits make excellent desserts— he structure of »U J»dy cells. alone—or can be used to complete Good quality oranges are firm UADft OASMWD ADS "SIVEN DA YS TO NOOrT the flavoring of many other des- and heavy, for their sise. They ALWAYS UMM RESULTS aart*. Grapefruit and oranges need *>t be large, but should nev- SHOWN AT htt-fm-wm • r are regularly served as the break- er be spongy or have soft spots. fast starter, either as juice or Surface blemishes such as sears, vinoi kunai - nwr HJMP , Health Highlights pulp. They are frequently used scratches and slight discoloration!, this columcolumn I* contributecontrikutt* asi a piKllDifllcc aerviea by As. at greenish areas or russeting of the •octet* at n IHMV »aS tk* Union County "OAMBUNC HOUST iurstlon7.•'-;$?*.Al *t.}3*be MUMHtM4 t. oWilto «Mn MedicaOouttrl Metlcaj ft skin do not affect the quality. \ WOWM At IIS-MS * *WMIH *»«fctt I, Mew ported from the doctors cooper- Quality in grapefruit may be CRANFORD ating in this service; chief among udged the same as for oranges— them is the charge that on occa- Arm, heavy for its "rise, thin-skin- KNOW ytXIi CtOCTOP sions the patent's relatives will ned and juicy, Pointed grape- IOMT mtU UtUSMT j If you or someone in your family were to become suddenly ill, all several dorters and ambu- fruit are apt to be thick skinned. "UT MONT" "Ughtning SrrUte* Twice" hu have a doctor whom you could call to your house? Quite often lances, after they have been noti WON IMNI" fit, lll-TiSS-tSM IAt lied cal Society hears complaint* that in certain instances of Bed that a doctor is on his way, w In illness a doctor was not available. Investigation of these cases -Ntff sie. •- - <' psclmei that the family concerned had no particular family This is not only unfair to the doc whom they could call, but resorted to the telephone book, tor, it is wasted manpower. Five RAWS PHARMACY : one daclor ofter swther,,-———-—'——'-Z* doctors arriving at a home at once FHONOOiArKS rg valuable time withput sat-1 b«tter when you are 111. Your can certainly accomplish no more M Creaffrf Ctmt» fsf Ckas«.'. Meotst oiy results. White this phone' county medical' society wi(l glady than one, Another abuse reported PL. "SCUM* M»V| fCUSCA NO" Pi, l.l»-»St - was going on there were"j furnish the names "of physicians is that doctors have been called l|ja|^aui < ^LBaf^RtiTa^RjAj ,___ f A^R^feMsttidf I physicians in thecpmrnuh- whb ,are' doing general practice, in the early morning hours to tav Opt* M Hwn A Oey SUN. MOM. TUi. JUNI IS-IMl illing and able to make' the or specialty practice, whom you erns to attend those that have Mil MAiNMNt "WlUJI AMP tOtr over-indulged. H OAVM WAVNI - TOM HMU IN notified, Doctor listings in may consult rftw AtfRWaj MM rAtkVvn RCA-VklM "41 r.s).M. books seldom carry the True, there are times when your Your doctor, your county medi- "MVAl WIMMO" hular, specialty,. tbps. if, .o«e, opt.available.''. The Med- cal society, your State Medical "UP FRONT p a physician from a listing ical Society of New Jersey and Society, the American' Medical •tt Janh Cellar •uld easily pick cm »-ray man it* fumpvueiit -31 county societies Association—all are working for rides -Mir obably hasn't made a house have set up a Doctors' Emergency you to provide you with the bast games I — MCKCAMON' medical care in the world, 24 hours I years, or an eye doctor who Service in order to supply a phy- SWIM music WIS, THtU IAT. 1UNI 11.1* Prises rswMj^ weni >i«jiW THf OtOOM WOtl SfUtS- nrnke house calls, or •nlsician when needed, at any time day. picnics •••aaaV I aMatan ft If til M lt«ie4 You help, yourself when you die doctor (bone specialist) | through the full 24 hours of the 4,000,000 gallons of fresh $7».ti ill make calls only in hisday. Your county medical socl- know your doctor, and he in turn, StDftt WMi| JlNW U "" 4 VRrVt :y. Katurally none of the** knows you. sparkling water, .white sand "I WAI A COMMUNIIT KM TW H>" Over II me«Ms te eiy, 'or "local physicians' answer- beach...... refreshments fMO AITAMI — JAMI POWNT ' S-would he very willing to ing service" can quickly furnish Michael 8. • Newjohn ,M.D. patient suffering from some you with the name of a physician "UtOIT UNKNOWN" 1 complaint. Who will answer an emergency at call, or will send the doctor direct- ourse, to avoid this con- ly. In many instances your local J before illness gtrikesTne i m hospital will render this service. roller skating NEW •elect a reputable physi- Your local Hed Cross Chapter and I the community. If there the Police Department will also CONTINUOUS WOM '« AJ». physical'problems to pre- help. A recent state-wide survey 1*11 TtMII TODAY •ARIAIA IVAN *riodic health examinations by The Medical Society of New 37 Km Street "Teen Age" We. M44R local doctor are good jergey has shown that this Doc- nsurance investments. Your tors' Emergency Service Is func- DERMOGEN "Youth Aflame" Optn Men. and Frl. IVei. IM t ' then knows you while you tioning well in most communities. The Banditand •OX OflXCl OPRN 10AJL m. S IAT. JUNI M till and can thus attend you Em. (••«. %m,\ SISSI MaM. WW..»a». t .,.>4U|AN.MAYWAW „,.,.„,., m -l? iw •tfVtf q iaHSa, »•-••"•" fflL """ ""^" * DAN DAIUY • OSOSOC MN»i.l||,' illeWee semis) •» *etaea Ivy. MUSICAL "I Can GOT It For You I NOW \ - -• -»» --»•" INSTRUMENTS Wholesale" "AlOWO TM OHM MV/N- nmumrat., aj a-__. ... ,„,;* f. WINMU COt'V - MMDONAID CAHV RJtf WMn kf Hjcswad PHONOGRAPHS Kl* Denstfi • WJMm Maya l»rtai by 'The Great Missouri Starring ANDZIA KUZAK • KKIMNANM D NftT I HARMONICAI ITAITI WIO, JUNI IJH, AN ISoldotJARVIS Raid" iVieolTiiBMi #Ksre' SHEET MUSIC In Tnlmkalcr "fATHU'l HTTtl DIVIHNB" WID. 1 TNIMI. JUNI 13-14 TEACHERS MA1A rOWIM - TOD ANDMWI MUSIC BOOKS "Outrage" BATONS ASSOTT t COSTiUO AMI Sttilll PLUMBING "Here Come the Co-Eds" HEATING LESSONS NOW THRU IAT. PERENNIAL RYE GRASS .... .Ib. 35* en all Musical Instruments AkbeH t Csilsll* MM! TINNING "THE INVIIIIIE MAN" PUNT IT ANYTIMI - ANYWHHI ""'• UADRS AND OUT11RS Plui "HOT HOD" Jimmy t»d»n TEA FOR TWO HAITI {UN. N.J. No. 1 and 4 LAWN SEED Ib. ffk DAILY TO Indian Pt. "FIOHTINO IUUIVAN.I" OAS HiATtNO UWTI OR MANY MORE "IAMINO SiACHHEAD" INSTAUtO, PEAT MOSS Iar9« bale 4.00 Bear Mt. i Iwry Frl. Nlli m Staat SpedeHxiilfl In Want t» nlax in an|ay«s>l* dinlns "TIllVIIION TAUNT QUIIT" \West Pt. tomlort whlh f»u thai with • CRAI GRASS KIUIR POTASIIUM eYANAfl REPAIRS (eland svtr a in»ck . . . or din* Newburgh POWER LAWN MOWERS , $97.00 f You're Planning Now For HENRY r n.r? flan lo d* II . . . (ton In _P'keepsie euf l«u(ig« *' dining rosm . . . PARAMOUNT NOW OUPONT, WILSON AND PRAn'S INSKTICIDIS Juilding and Repair GOODFRIEND COMPLETELY AIR-CONDITIONED "APPOINTMENT WITH 237 Proipad Stroel rVre> fully stocked with lumber and building sup- OANOES" COME AND GET IT - AND SAVE plies ... ready for immediate delivery. Our lumber Alan iadd :ka are properly aged to eliminate warping. We Phyllif Calvwl only highest quality supplies, reasonably L. BARTELL i. If you're planning building or repairing . FAR HILLS CINTRAl AVI. CLARK, N. J. call in our estimator to help detetatne your TEL. RAHWAY 7-1311 NOW CLOSING 12:30 SAT. Is. No obligation. —• INN "WtlE't EVHYONf MKTS" RT. 31 SOMERVIUE uilders' General i MILES NOHTrl pf »T. » OIL BURNERS l.ijili In Far •i«r»atlom Phtn* 10 S-Ilt* PLPD i-5477 OPIN 7 DAYS A WHK Immediate Loweet LIBERTY Installation Price* Lumber Trim *4asonry Screens Storm Sash NOW THOU IUNDAY , Hardware Paint Insulation G«n* Tttrnty «nd John lund In DEAN OIL COMPANY Crosier Appliances Y, oungetown Stee( Kitchens "THE MAIINO SEAION" ' 136 CENTENNIAL AVE., CRANFORD, N. J. 24 Hour Service Gary Coopvr anil Jant Grttr Tel. CR. t-0505 f In FAnwood 2-8484 "YOU'RE IN THE NAVY NOW" ssaaa chele of Klddlf Show Sal. Mollmt •AIM *»" * ' Walt Dlimy'i $5.14 Hill!* ThsM Fins New "SO PEAR TO MY MART" WESTFIELD LIQUORS INSTRUMENTS NOW OPEN O TRUMPET 231 E. Broad St. SALEI Tel. We. 2-3686 O CLARINET • TROMBONE ANY PILLOW O ACCORDION Food and Cocktails OR RLANKCT * . SEAUTIPUtlY IAUNDIMD )Edtv. Mackie & Som' Complete Bear Wheel and Frame Straightening now being served MrrrlliR Nnrlhrrn N. J. A OIFT OF LASTINO PUASUM WHEEL ALIGNMENT e WHEEL BALANCING for Over 51) Vrnrn, P0> THE O'ADUATII A. A. GOOD UNTIL JUNE 15th GENERAL AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING on our newly deco- Pl.nlnlirlil (1-liaTI ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS H|irn Hifiilnio by Apnaliilnirnt. BRAKE! SEItVlCB — OAIUIUIIETOR * 10NITIOW continues to offer aid Yo« Cmi Par the Cont on Builitft T*rm> Arrmiwil, UPHOLSTERING rated screened - in to any who have an SLIP COVERS honest desire to itop CORBY'S LAUNDRY AUTO LITE MATTRESSES AND BOX drinking. iWHALEN'S GARAGE porch. SPRINGS RENOVATED SUMMIT 6-1000 Authorized "Bear" Station 320 SOMERSET STREET, P. O. BOX 121 600 NORTH AVE., E. . TEL. WE. 2-0393 nvsic WESTFIEID, N. J. l'l/AIM'li;l,D, N. .'. 33(1 WEST nOHT STREET or Call MA. 3-7521 Call For and Delivery PLAINFIEID THE WESTFTELD <»• J.) LEADEtt, THURSDAY. JUKE 1, 1951 i' speed trannports US6 MiikhA Wetifirld CarpisllvtU. JfeMHC Ag0M JtefMWff OB European Cruise These cruises, providing veriea on-the-job Navy experience, in- By MAftY W. ABMSTRONG Two of the members of the U.clude two summers aboard seag^j- Union County Hone Agent S. NIaval Academy at Annapolis, ing vessels and one period of avia- Md., who are participating in an The milky way is an easy and tion anu amphibious indoctrina- thrifty way to supply the family annual summer training cruise for tion. with everyday good eating. Milk oJBcer candidates this year *re production usually reaches its Midshipmen, USNA, Thomas h. CHIEF peak during June and prices may Aloee Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs.eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee drop alightly. Therefore, there is Albee of 621 Glen avenue, and W. added thrift in using milk in theN. Robinson, son of Mr. and Mrs. everyday diet. P. H. Robinson of 844 Dorian •THE ROAD TO FIRE SAFETY Although children need the most read, who are training aboard From the looks of recent fire milk, grownups need at least three ship in an eight-week tour • 0! lots figures all our good inten- cup* a day, too. Without the European and Cuban ports. tions to make this a fire-safe '51 equivalent of this amount of milk They are serving abo»fd one of must have fallen along the way- a day, it i* hard to get the day's 13 ships, which comprise a'squad- side. allowance of calcium, protein and, ron including the battleships USS Losses for the first three months riboflavin, ' Mutouri and Wisconsin, the heavy ef this yeat reached the alarming There are countless ways of us-cruiser USS Albany, destroyers total of 1208,329,000, an increase m** autirr. want •• air »al!•* M K. •. Ba and Johfiton, destroyer minelayers period in 1950 when losses were Jr., C«IH r. Ciala, mM, milk and consider it tops in a (169,631,000. drink, others like milk better in USS Shannon, T. E. Frazer, H- F. Bauer ana Shea, and the high For the month of March alone, cooked dishes or flavored bever- .^ f fire destroyed an estimated 171,- Auxiliary Firemen Needed For age.. S07,000 in American property. If On hot summer days a frosted RENT THIS lofaeg continue at this rate un- milk shake or other refreshing K1* i checked, we'll be well over last Mountainside Civil Defense milk drinks will revive the moat year's staggering total by the "wttcd" person. Fruit- shakes time1 December rolls around. MOUNTAINSIDE— An inter- fireman, there are two up-to-date can be made, with either fresh, With the "spring cleaning sea esting course of training is offered fire trucks complete with pump crushed or froten fruit, milk and 1Mi-la««iV CIMLVItT ton" atill in the sir, you have a to prospective auxiliary firemen ing engines and hand pumps and vanilla fee cream. When using (•ad chance to set your household n Mountainside. This is a phase halt « mile of hose. The training frosen fruit aliee it in inch blocks itw-MM brlNET fcaek on the road to fire safety, of civil defense that is rightly 're- includes a course'in the operation and allow one block to a tall glass. The leu you have to bum, thegarded as the most important of of the pumps and hose under va- Other suggestions for milk drinks L, ton likely you are to have i fire. all in the protection of property rious water supply conditions and ares Even in the cleanest of homes under attack. It was seen at Hi-the handling of Udders, demoli- CkoceUtt MM Drink • lot of Are hawrds accumulate roshima that fires had done the tion equipment and chemical fire cup chocolate syrup Surnr from season to season. The attic greatest damage — fires ignited foam and gas. There are 10 les-4 cups milk some distance away by the intense t teaspoon vanilla If<«sideei4«tobu tbis and basement are the chief of- sons and five drills programmed T 1 fenders, with "catch-all" closets heat of the explosion. for new recruits to be given one 14 teaspoon peppermint extract or Com* in and sjnjoy our r* any other puno you rent.aU moswaaliT running cotse behind. Now's the To cope with such a general Are night a week for 15 weeks. The 3 drops oil of peppermint mi Mntf «U1 be Mncted frZZJSS, Mm* to clean out newspapers, mag- danger in Mountainside, there are meeting place is the Are house on % pint chocolate iee cream nowiMd t*l«ctton of popular Minct,, old clothe* and odd bits 20 regular volunteer firemen and Route 29, and arrangements will Thoroughly mix chocolate syrup •f broken furniture you've been a growing group of auxiliary fire- be made to train the men andwith small amount of the milk. salod* — largott in town. Far a - MAIL THISGOUMH saving to mend "some day." . men. The regulars only are sub-women individually and At them Add the remaining ingredients, Get rid of any highly flammableject to call throughout the county into classes as they arrive. Upon shake well and serve, mar* rofrothing lummor day liquids which have served their if needed in an emergency, with completion of the course, auxiliary Fruit Shake cool off with our critp groans. t purpose, and get all oily rags and the'auxiliaries to remain in the firemen receive membership 'cards Slice inch Mocks of frosen fruit, paint cloths into covered metal borough. The auxiliaries will also in the Mountainside Civil Defense and put each block in a tall glass. containers before they cause any number about 20 when the roster Council, one of the mont active Add milk until the glass is about •trioua damage from spontaneous it filled and the training of the groups in the state, and they will half full. Fill the glass with va- Aif C#fMHtt#nM

«, ' The leaves of US persimmon tree have a very high vitamin C con- test, and the heartwood ot the com- mon persimmon it popular lor golf ckjbt and Inr shuttle!.

TERMITES mm* Hi ill • «-^ WMateb AW vnv nyvn^ •pwni nnwTOT _ fP^L^u^Bi^^BA^Jf ^feX eVILel^atfa ' IWMMT ffw riTiiPJ J • ll-L •yuHsW shodttioir' BY SEA NYMPH straying insects MUM much t flwno0# to property* MIIIO* •tips not pfottCwMfl fJuriitf : construction usually require It later. THIS TRIO Wo Spacialixo Exclu- sively in protection of property against, OF LASTEX TERMITES and othor Wood Detiroying In- sects, mini dependable onQinoofincj methods. Wo FAILLES .at* net simple extermina- tors. Every job it supervised by an *xp«ri«nc*d, technW colly tfQiiiMlf licvMod #n*

We are a New Jersey or- ganiiation, employing New 8.98 Jersey residents, and we have served New Jersey property owner* success- fully for II years. Our reputation in this field is unsurpassed. Down to the sea in suits that cop Thousands of references , all male attention ... in s»it8b * are available in New Jersey -not in some distant State. SEA NYMPH that were made fof Our work is GUARANTEED FOR 5 YEARS without ad- active swimming yet sacrifice none ditional charge-a one-year guarantee is worthless. of fashion's newest features. All For Information or Free In- with detachable straps. All found spection and Advice-CAU ' in Goerke's Sportswear Shop. Third TERMITE Floor. Sizes 32 to 38. CONTROL BUREAU liocuft Street ROSELLE PARK, N. J. Kelly, navu, black, Navy, lemon, 'berry, lemon, berry, aqita, black, aqua, CHottnut 5-1493

lUukwrh 3-3711 .POl TWmSDAT, JUKI T. tMl

IfcrJf various positions with the United I Merry Retire* A« States Express Co. and the Amer- CakrMk aatocM the wWts aa4 ican Express Co. With the con- SV thtak) solidation of the express compan- UtMnasr aaiusnUae as thai sUte's osVcial flower la IN*. According t» -"atojamus" in La«tB*»wM • Railway Exprcw ies in 18U into the American Rail- "hise" nwUi—too comlhon to H way Express Co., he was ap- local authorities, the flower was ef Mt < chosen because the hlue aignities ranked with gold or silver «r plat- pointed assistant secretary of that inum. Sat in todiy's troubled world, Agency Secretary company and in February 1924 he the Western skie^ the white repre- where selli hays sents the snowy ranges of Colorado when s sudden ct»e»Uon of tip was elected its secretary. He re-! mining would cause Industrial crisis pleted in fcrtiUW. inained in that capacity until mountains, and the yellow, the gold E. R. H«rry Jr. of «18 Arling- that first attracted people there ui ttnd household discomfort, tin is a March 1, 1929, when he was ap- M to IKJ pounds par ton avenue, secretary of the Rail- ltH.' precious metal—plus. way Express Agency, Inc., retired pointed secretary of Railway Ex- iwtrivn tuttato nar! Thursday after 48 years of con- press Agency, Inc., in which posi- tinuous service in the express busi- tion he has since served. ness, A. L. Hammell, pfesident ut A resident of Westneld since the express agency, has announc- 1911, Mr. Merry was one of the ly popular ed. organisers of the Westneld Ten- Mr.. Merry started hit express nis Club and has been its presi career as a stenographer in thedent for over 30 years. you thtM GtAND 10-OAY SKOALS! dice of Thomas Collier Platt, Mr. Merry was born near Falli president ef the United States Ex- Church, Fairfax Co., Va., on i j farm which is now part of a res- press Co. and also United States 1 Senator from the State of Mew idential section near Washington York, later becoming his secre- D. C. tary and clerk of printing records af the United States Senate. Now 59J O R. MMUT JE. Subsequently Mr. Merry held Two Chagnpanej vines and thrM •r. ••« Mm. utnl r. BlrMum hmn MH tktlr snftHr a« aai r*rM< to six muscadloes an tnoufk Isf AtfMt •• Mr. ••« Slrm. G«ts< A. nnimU, Tkr t1ua*r«ia« hpra an averaft IsmUy. One muscadkM M m»t/t4 <• W«M«*M fiw* ••>•• CaHtwati. should be a Scuppernong an* one • Now29J0 fruit beating pollinator, either Bun "to* Bit riorlda "tourist" =0KN (tw or Tarheel. The others nay to was V svlaMVaWatt taJ at atttMaWaa M^l nu selscted from Hunt, Thomas, Out Juan Ponce de Uon. Ib sUseo l$ eet, and Creek. They uiueb> begbi the area which it now the fsmout producing within two or three yean resort itato, in 1511, white Marching : NO W 1 • THI TIMI TO ana last Iran » to «• rears, tor tha roiuiUln of Perpctut < V«Wa. A WONDWUl VAIUi AT SfJO'V ' The tutll* qutst made de Uoa, wha was governor at the Spaaiih jsWle m.nt at Petto Mica, a historic fig- Now only 69 JO REPAIR and REMODEL To paint a stairway which must ure, an abject «l ridicule, aid] • fee use* before the paint has op-source of lnspirsUon for peato Mi portunity to dry, paint every other writers aj tha time. DERM06EN YOUR FURS step. Then when the first set of Nr steps Is dry, the alternate steps mar Now 24.50 TAKI ADVANTAGE Of OUt be painted in the Sims way. Uftorer fruit Juices ahouM ht combtawa ana stated in a tar to POISON IVY M. Hektaa'a reake LOW SUMMER PRICES tha rttrigentar, the• the? CM ba •'"•**• U\ and Lot's Wife are neigh- tubtUWtad in pUta af watar wkM AU WOtK OONI ON *ffEMISIS boring 1,900-foot volcanic peaks on making gsUttn salads or dassattt; St. Helena, the lonely British it- and wiU add thtlr awa eMtrikuttM WMlHfMe VI* «• % • land of Napoleon's exile which ristt el flaw to the disk la which tk*r 119 Central A ve. |bwitt Fun 7-Point Storage Plan from two and a half mile depths in IMEi arauaed. ' '' the South Atlantic ocean. 1. tmtmm 1% ef 1. Whan t Uaetor is hard to start I. ONIY 4. NH-Mr tMaf look for dirt which nujr •aiiact around the spark phiga, witgnHa. SoldotJARVIS I MMMAAIMIM «f l jurnltuw For Much U»" v ar distributor cap. Dirt la «MM w* nlOT IVwM Ww HHvHv ww w $100 no. *. placet gets damp aad tharii tt* J. •lectrical ijrstom. fl^p^p^guj ^^^^^^^^—

M tt0M COATft IN OMI Of NIW JlftSIV't -II SfOMM VANltl ( FURS $5.14 Go Carr ihmmti H. I!, Imp* Farriers* UMMM CUAHHiO-MrJUWH ELM LIQUOR SHOP I. WONT ST. nAINMlO 4-7582 film SI. TelWt. 24111

"-W- Inspired sea ilrens TOM YOUNG SAYS

"You profit from.697 years of real any beach scene... estate selling experience when you list your house for sale with the h MlMlrMelMMl coton WESTFIELD MULTIPLE LISTING NylomU ttrttk with »y\*» SYSTEM!" for m and Mil

SWIM SHOT mirci nwf

The WESTFIELD MULTIPLE LISTING SYSTEM is composed of 23 members of the Westfield Board of Realtors and their 42 asso- ciates and salesmen. Here is a SPECIALLY-TRAINED SELLING- TEAM of 65 real estate workers who will work together to sell your house. •

Your house can be sold with the special experience of these 65 workers. They offer you experience that adds upto 697 years of selling real estate in Westfield and the vicinity. Years of experience have made these workers sales-wise. They can advise with you about the right selling price for your house ... for they understand property. They can find the right buyer for your house ... for they understand people.

"Drmm tic "A SPECIALLY-TRAINED SELLING-TEAM with ACTIVE BUYER telon fiylan. "SM Elf CONTACTS can sell your house." ' > • UMIM with nylon.

RumU Convince yourself with the exact figures of our sales record to nyhit with date ... The WESTFIELD MULTIPLE LISTING SYSTEM has sold a law* total of 410 houses in the last 1 Vi years. We can sell your house, too. So ... REFRESHINGLY AIR-COOLED FOR YOUR Act now . . . Call one of the following members of the West- field Board of Realtors today for details about the WESTFIELD MULTIPLE LISTING SYSTEM . . . which covers Westfield, Fan- SHOPPING COMFORT ON EVERY FLOOR wood, Scotch Plains, and Mountainside. It guarantees you the ABC OF SELLING REAL ESTATE-ACTIVE BUYER CONTACTS...

WAITIR M. CHANI - W«- MOM AlAN JOHNSTON Wi. 2-SM4 EDWIN 0, EDWARDS W». 2-StlO WAMNO DANKIK W«, MSSI T. H. JUOSON JK W..J-1070 THOMAI O. YOUNO „ „ Wt.i.llM MAMHA H. K PuM school session and the morning Far aha State *f New Jarwy Large Alt—aWf H*K Trinity Pi worship service Sunday in the The •veM Tatkott trophy, pre- i:m:--JiJKfc hussan planningplanoing, discussiondiscussu , and research is given to AtSc-j—Hrre PretentMi Purse First Baptist Church, according «ted' each year by Westminster aaislinii of adequate defense and' proprotectioni . We hear of the need to the chairman, Mrs. Heidi Slo- Chair CeMaie, was won last week far protection aaainat duease, againsst •old age, against enemy attack. cum. -a»rarr»Afe ** tempte—d ,Tt«- F"Taccent -th —e neet-~d- aand/ti o telieve in the adequacy Mrs. Charles A." Campbell of -Rt. Rev. Msgr. Henry f. Wat- At the church school hour sched- fry the Ctvaader choir of the First jrf materiel remedies? if so, we must awaken to where danger really Vest Englcweed waa elected presi- terson, pastor of Holy Trinity uled for 19 a. m., an assembly Methodiet Church in competition Mevta sauritaeJ ignorance, and learn to place our confidence where dent of the New Jersey Council •( parish since 1913 a*4 a priest program will be held in tha sanc- With ether junior choir* from a since 1901, was presented with a eieae M: surej»ret«ction—in the infinite power of God. Church woman at a meeting at- taary in which all departments ia wide area. The Crusader choir, -- -Wugf Maker Eddy, the discoverer and founder of Christiantended by several hundred wamaa purse of about I3.9W last Wedsts- the children's division will parti- which ia made Up of fourth, fifth, , ,£•• *?*»• «•» "Setenee and Health with Key to the Scriptures" Friday in the Presbyterian Church. day night at the climax of a three- cipate. Children are asked to ar- If. HTJ4 "The history of Christianity furnishes sublime proof of the She succeeds Mrs. Harry Ream- day observance of his 60 years in •ad sixth grade giris under the I Uiiuente and protecting power bestowed on man by his rive at the church net later than direction of Muriel M. Alford, took "*~~f, omnipotent Mind, who gives man faith and under- grant of Verona. Mrs. W. H. E. the priesthood. 9:46 a. m. The youth and adult to defend himself, not only from temptation, but Smith of Hackensack will replace John A. Matthews, Newark at- divisions of the school also will part in the Talbett Music Festi- Mrs. A. A. GilUs of WeetleU m torney and a prominent Cetholio attend the assembly, and visitors val hcM in Palmer Stadium, < Imm conslstenly refused to accept the false testimony recording secretary. lay leader, was the principal are invited to he present Princeton, uader the auspices of ftfid the false remedy. He acknowledged and demonstrated God's pro? Among the Weatfteld speaker at Wednesday night's test- the college. tettisa and power, healing the sick and sinning. He realited that man The morning worship service who received appointments for eae imonial dinner to the monsigoor at will be highlighted by the (tower mm frerfart and eternal, not mortal but immortal. He raised the dead year terns are: Mrs. Fraaklia the Elizabeth Elks Club. Mora thM 70 chairs of all ages, •*'•'"•'"jr to accept the false belief of death and exercising his Mr. Matthews traced Monsignor processional, and anthem by tha uMentaaalng *f eternal Ufa. Reed, chairman of Christian werld Choralinef, "The Organ Story" directed by graduates of the The Master'* understanding of the inflnitude of God enabled him missions; Mrs. Richard Benjamin, Wattergon's career from the time told by the pastor, and the dadica. scaaol, entered the stadium in a te etcrcaine the destructive elements ef human nature which tha regional vice president of Morris MBS. IAEA C. BATHVON of his ordination June 28, IBOI4 tion of children. Rev. Elbert E. long praa*pai»aal, and were judged swaaaa wind af Haelf it incapable ef overcoming. He understood th* and Union counties; Mrs, Bw through his service as a priest st Gates Jr., pastor, will preach a on their appearance, rhythm, and « aetainMiaak of Mlf wUI, enV?, fear, indifference, and the like Deer, chairman of public relations St. Lucy's, Jersey City; St. Fran- Children's Day sermon on "Tea general decorum. Awards were • While K*m and i>stlens yearn tor peace and freedom, stability and Mrs. J. Quentin Tiedje, chair- cis de Sales, Lodi, and his assign- Little and Too Young." made in only two divisions—jun- aad esewrity, tha world vems beset by treachery, discord, sin, con. man of the radio department. . Christian Science ment here in 1913. ior chair Mid adult choir. The : fliaiafi, unrest, and greed. Yet again and again do w* see delanses Mrs. Charles Philhower af Wett- He noted Monsignor Wattefson's adult divMion trephy went to the ballt ea materiality fail. Only in proportion as we understand that ell sure preteetle* is of God can we overcame such enemies as fear, fteid was chairman af th* nomla- Church Elects accomplishments with the small I Church of the Good Shepherd, hyaeerfaf, and hatred. •. , • • ating committee. parish < he found here, citing the WSCSToVifw 'Brooklyn. we eeu|d ask far ae more perfect promise of protection than Mrs. James Wyker, president ef building of a - new- church, the that fhwi win the Nlnetf-llrst Psalm: "He that dwelleth in tha the National Council of Church Boston Woman founding of grammar and high The Talbott Festival is named •ecret slace of the moat high shall abide under the shadow of th* Women, traced the rise of the ecu- schools and the establishment of a Skit Thursday in honor of the late Mrs. H. E. AualCMy. . . . Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of th* menical movement and stressed New PmMent convent, and termed the monsig- Talbott of Dayton, Ohio, who was ' fewler, and from the noisome pestilence." When we eejae to realise the increasing place of woman in nor's career one of superb accom- At the June meeting of the a patron and friend of the famed that the mail ef God's creation dwells continually in the shelter of the inter-church movement. Mrs. "Complete defense from disaster plishment in the work af God. Woman's Society of Christian Westminster Chair and the choir this anfailing power, because he cannot be separated from Gad, we Wyker was present at the Consti- and destruction' is immediately Rev, Sylvester J. McVeigh, pas- Service «f the First Methodist college. More than 2,800 singers ehall cease to fear material laws of aggression and oppression. We available to every individual and participated in this year's pro- shall gfve Up »ur false belief* of life, and intelligence in matter. tuting Assembly of the Werld Lor of St. Theresa's Church, Kenil- Church next Thursday, a feature Council of Churches in Amster- nation through spiritual, under- north; Rev. W, J, Dunn, assistant of the program will be a skit, gram. Or. John Finley William- . , All husaan suffering is caused bv th* fab* belief that man can standing of God," the Christian son, (founder and president of the •' be separated from Gdd. The truth that the real man, the man of dam. Dsstor here; Miss Mary Kanane Around the World in Thirty Min. Science board of directors declared if Union, state regent of the Cath- collet*, directed the combined Ged'a creating, man in His image and likeness, is spiritual and perfect The program was halted at noen ucei, which is being directed by adult group, while Ralph Burner end therefore cannot entertain thoughts of malice, envr, criticism, for a prayer for peace. The coun- Monday. lic Daughters tof America, and Mrs. Frank L. Beattys. In the **tf-rigaiMUaneas, and self-aggrandfasment—thU truthr understood Taking note of the world crisis Francis B. Collis of Westfleld, directed UM junior choirs; Harold cil's theme hymn, "Prayer for cast are Mesdames P. S. Ketcham, Hedgpeth conducted the high and acted upon would revolutionise dally llviag. . . ' Peace," was sung by a Westaeld they affirmed 1*at "the deepest were > other speakers. Mr. Collis John B. Garber, R Bailey,'Mrs. •,. De we harhor thoughts of jealousy, envy, animosity, revenge? lawa of the universe are spiritual presented the purse to Monsignor school choirs, and Herbert Huff- trio composed of Mrs. Walter Day E. B. Wright. E. Durham, J. Y. man, founder of 'the Columbus irse, w« shall long in vain for peace and for a better world. But we Jr., Mrs. Reginald Hausel, and Jaws of . harinony—and can be Watterson. May and W. T. Savoye. I fan hasten the establishment of peace and know the Indwelling joy of Utilised for individual protection Boy choir, directed the* boys' group. the eeaeeiettsnesa of good by following Jesus' behst (Mat. 6:44, 41),Mrs. Clarence flteiger, accompan- Leslie Warren, representing the An installation of the new so- aa and preservation of human free- ••Lev* yeur enemies, Mess them that curse you, do good to them that ied by William F. Vollmer, organ Knights of Columbus and the Holy ciety officers will be conducted by " ' , end pray for them that deapitefutly use you, and persetuU t fame Society of the parish; Mrs. the minister, Rev. Fred E. Miles, Sye may be the children ef year Father whkh ia in heaven." The retiring president waa pre- ' Therr special message was read J.-C. Mahoney, Rosary Society, Those being installed are Mrs. sented with a gift from the coun- at this annual meeting of The ind Miss Beatrice Grogan, Holy Lorent G. Wade, president; Mrs. Methodist Youth Eml Baptist Pastor First Baptkt Notes cil members by the vice president, Mother Church, the First Church Trinity Sodality, spoke briefly on Henry S. Orth, first vice presi- Mrs. Frederick Gilman of Pomp- of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, to ehalf of their organization. dent; Mra. J. 8. Grim Jr., second To Atlrnd Convention Today: ton Lakes. nearly 7500 Christian Scientists Postmaster John H. Traynor vice president; Mrs. B. Durham, Plan Festival 12:30 p. m., all-circle picnic of Mrs. Robert Haas, president of assembled. .'as toastmaster and general pro- third vice president; Mrs, T. E. ' Rrv. Elbcrt E. Gates Jr. and the local Council of Church Wom- Church members from all over ram chairman. Committee chair- Kuriger, recording secretary; Mrs. Mr*. Gates, and Dr.. Roy B. Deer the Woman's Association in the garden at the home of Mrs. Wai.en, was assisted by the following the world—Japan, New Zealand, .jien included Howard Woodruff, O. M. Hinton, corresponding sec- The young people of the First -will be the official delegates from t,er Day Jr., 720 Lawrence ave- hostesses: Mrs. N. C. Cocks of St. Sweden,' and other distant' coun- Mrs. Jean D. Young, Frederick retary; and Mrs. Fred Rosenstiel, .the First Baptist Church at the tries, as well as Canada and the Methodist Church have extended nue. Paul's Episcopal Church; Mrs. L. R. Marion, Joseph L. Conl«y and treasurer. an invitation to the community to ' amuai meeting of the American E.Bteiner, First Congregational; United States—came to Boston for Mr. Warren. •a, a. naj, Baptist Convention to be held in 7 p. m., Boy Scouts, Troop 71, the meeting, which has been held Special musical numbers will be attend their annual strawberry alCbaaai. in Fellowship Hall. Mrs. D. R. Waetterling, Christian given by Mrs. Lowell M. Douglas, festival, which will be held on the Buffalo, N. V., beginning Monday Science.' -Mrs. Walter Johnson Jr. annually for more .than naif a and continuing throughout nest 8 p. m., Senior choir rehearsal century. Smaller meq^ngs on spe- soprano, with Mrs. Otto Carpen- lawn of the church Wednesday in the chapel. Missionary com- of the Presbyterian Church was in First Methodist Notes ter at the piano. from 6 to 8 p. m. charge of serving the luncheon and iallzed subjects convened on days mittee meeting in the church of- 'ollowing {he main session. fice. Mra. Clifford Moriti and Mrs. El- The annual church school pro- Strawberry shortcake will be first Congregational Saturday: 8 a. m., work team 6, bert E; Gates Jr. of the First Bap- In their message the directors motion service will be held at 9:30 Lutherans To Hold served for a nominal charge. In tist Church were in charge of the called for individual spiritual cour. tn. Sunday in the sanctuary, charge of arrangements for the Jack Brownell, foreman, at the Strawberry Festival UeQUaWft church. 'Church Woman" booth. age in meeting critical global prob- ith parents and friends invited event is Barbara Coqueron, presi- ' The annual luncheon of the lems. They said Christian right- 1 attend. All departments will dent of the church's.'senior youth Women's Fellowship of jth&.F.>rst Sunday: 10 a. m., church school. eousness has never bets defeated, arttclpate in the program.1' '; ,, A strawberry festival, conduet- fellowship. Ticket sales are being Congregational Church at 1 p. m. Children's Say assembly program Presbyterian Wopien; and forecast "great spiritual prog* Rev. Fred E. MHe«r nilatetjet,, ed by the Ladies' Aid Society of handled by Kitty Lee Wade. today ia the parish fcoustj JSt^l in the sanctuary-directed by Mrs.. less" ahead.. ill speak on "The Growing«!hl|u,,' Redeemer Lutheran Church, will , mer street, will feature a aeries of Heidi Slocum. 11 a. m., morning To Hear Mrs. Dwyeri 'New president of the Mothsr I the 11 o'clock worship service be held next > Thursday in the v This year's festival will be cli- dramatic sketches entitled "Church worship. Flower processional. Mu- Church ifor the coming year, it iunday. The Sanctuary choir, di- church garden, Clark street and maxed by the presentation of a .Woman's' Day" and a group pf lic by the Church choir and the Assemblywoman . Florence P. was announced, is Mrs, Lora C. rected by Richard R. Alford, will Cowperthwaite place. Serving of one-act melodrama at 8 R. in. in piano solos by Catherine Cortel- Ih'oralines. Dedication of chil- Dwyer of Elizabeth will speak on Rathvon of Boston. In'a ringing Ting "Let Not Your Heart Be ice cream, home-made cake and the chapel. ^Titled Her Fatal you Place. Officers for the year dren. Sermon by the pastor, Rev. Churoh Women .and Their Re- address Mrs. Rathvon said that Troubled" (Carl F. Mueller) and strawberries will continue from S Beauty,,\he comedy will be direct 1W1-82 will be formally installed Elbert E. Gates Jr., on "Too Lit-sponsibility to State Government" never was the need more urgent Prayer" (David W. Guion). to 8:30 p. m. The ticket chair- ed by Floyd Battis. In the cast at a service concluding thepro- ;le And Too Young." . at 2 p. m. next Thursday at a ;o look beyond the material sense Gladys Crosby Gould is the or- man is Miss Cornelia Filsinger, ' (ram of the afternoon. Mrs. Leon- Monday: 7:45 p. m., Choraline meeting of the Woman's Associa- f life, to "see man as God's splr- ganist. Millbuvn C-O717-J. ' awl E. Bteiner will preside. ehearsaf in the music room. 8 tion of the Presbyterian Church tual idea." Forecasting greater Motion pictures will be shown Troop 74, Boy Scouts, will meet n the chapel, Sunday evening at T o'clock the I. m., board of Christian educa- pititual achievements, she aaid, 'oung people are invited to attend from 2 to 4 p. m. and from 7 to at 7:30 p. m. tomorrow in the par- tion in the church office. Mrs. Dwyer, who has served in 'We are standing on the brink of 8:30 p. m, Louis Herfurth will ish house under the leadership of he Methodist Youth Fellowship Tuesday: 3 p. m., Girl Scouts, the State Assembly for two years, a new era." iroRram in the chapel! be in charge of projection in the Depend On Us Gordon K. Burns. Troop 28, in Fellowship Hall. 8 s a member of the Elmora Pres- Sunday school classroom. •The final rehearsal of the Jun- p. m., board of trustees in the byterian Church in .Elizabeth. This theme was emphasized also Other events scheduled for the ior choir in preparation for the by Walter S. Cross of Fitchpuig, week 'beginning today arc as fol- Preparations are iri charge of ihurch office. Mrs. Mary Riley, contralto, who ows: Mesdames Irvln Gehret, F. W. Sickness Strife • Children's Day services is sched- recently joined the church quar- Mass., retiring president, who said uled atfl:46 &. m. Saturday in the Wednesday: 3 p. m., Girl Scouts, he world is undergoing "the most Tomorrow: the official board will Seybold, Caroline Propsner, and Troop 39, in Fellowship Hall. tet, will be soloist. Mrs. H. B. e hosts at a banquet given for W. Reich. Cake will be in charge parish, house. Every member of Vail will lead devotions. profound and stirring revolution of Mesdames A.~F. Beltz, Augusta Depend on us far reliaMe the Junior choir U expected to be of all time." r.embeis of the Sanctuary choir, Pharmaceuticals, fer a full Tea will be served in the par. at 6:45 p. m. in the social hall. Michaelis, and E. A. Reschke. The ' present Mrs. Norman MacLean Presbyterian Notes sh house lounge following the "Materialism is being overturn- serving cornrtBttee consists of, Mes- atock »f needed sickroom will direct the rehearsal, with ed. A profound ferment Is at Entertainment will be provided by program. Marie Shepherd, comedienne. H. dames Eva Reusch, Johanna Ai- supplies and for immediate SyWanus W. Jenkins as accom- Tomorrow: 11:30 a. in., church work," he said. He spoke of an chele, Charles . Flaig, and Helen service that is always ready panist. •pen-minded, inquiring attitude in Douglas Merrill is the master of staff discussion ana prayer serv- ceremonies. Slater. Beverages will be in to fill your needs. The program for Children's Day ice; 3:30 p. m., Carol choir re- Redeemer Lutheran human thought toward religion charge of Mesdames E. A. D. Feh- includes two services Sunday. The which presages a new era in Saturday: the annual church- hearsal; 6:40 p. m., supper-re- The Sunday morning service at lig, George Emtterger, and A. service at 9:30 a. m. will con- port meeting in the assembly hall Christianity." wide picnic will be held at Camp Kniuiev. Waitresses will be su- clude the activities of the church 10:45 o'clock will be observed as Key officials delivered., progress Wnwayanda. A motorcade will for .all building fund campaign Family Sunday with the brides and pervised by Mrs. Miles Miller, The 1 school for the spring term, and workers. reports on world-wide activities of leave the Roosevelt Junior High sewing committee's gift table will will feature "The Living Church" grooms who were wedded at the the Christian Science church. The School at 9:45 a. m. Letuhai "ST Saturday: 9:30 a. m., Boys, altar of Redeemer Church as the be in charge of Mrs. I. E. Gehret. presented by children of the school. crowds attending the meeting over- Tuesdtfy: Continuous chain of The cashier will be Mrs. Edward Ushers for the service will be Rob- iris and Carol choirs rehearsal. guests of honor. The sermon by flowed the main , edifice of the prayer in the, sanctuary, 9 a. m. tab** Sunday: Pastor Walter A. Reuning will Wente. ert Allen, William Dixon? Rich- Mother Church, which seats near- 0 1 p. 111. ©PUflRIMY ard Griggs, John Habley, Alden 9:30 a. m., Bible school. The treat the subject "A Standard For ly 5000, to -a smaller auditorium Wednesday r the annual straw- Of* I* Hess, Richard Kimball, Richard junior and primary departments The Christian' Family". and also a nearby theatre build- berry festival, sponsored by the St. Paul's Note« Meier, and Herman Wilde. The will observe Children's, Church The Sunday School, at 9:30 a. ing. Methodist Youth Fellowship, will anthem and responses will be sung Day by attending the 9:30 wor- ., will begin with devotions in be," held from 6 to 8 p. m. on the Tomorrow, the. Woman's Auxil by the Junior choir. Dr. H. Boyd ship service in the sanctuary. All five departments. The assembly church lawn. At 8 p. m. a one iary will give a strawberry festi Woodruff, general superintendent other departments will meet in in the-church will hear an address Christian Science act melodrama. will be presented val starting at 7 p. m. Square of the church school, will preside. their regular places. Nursery for by Walter H. Reuning, graduate of n the chapel. All are invited to dancing will be held for the adults At 10:50 a. m., Dr. McCorison children up to the age of three Concordia Junior College, on Church edifice, 422 East Broad ittend. and movies for the children. The will preach the sermon. This serv- years. Worship service. The 9:30 Why I Chose the Lutheran Min- street. , festival is for the benefit of the ice includes anthems by the Jun- service will have t"he junior and istry as My Profession." B. H. Sunday services; 11 a. m. and church building fund. ior ehoir and the Chancel choir. primary departments participat- Mahler is the general superintend- 8 p. m.; Sunday school, 11 a. m.; Mtaide Union Chapel Sylvanus W. Jenkins will be at ing. Rev. Merle S. Irwin will ent. Wednesday evening testimonial Sunday, the third Sunday after the organ. Children may be pre- give thje junior sermon and Rev. Sunday at 1:30 p. m., the Luth meetings 8:15. Sunday: Trinity, there will be a celebration sented for Christian baptism at Richard L. Smith will. speak on eran Hour every week' with Dr. Those attending Christian Sci The Sunday school will have its of the Holy Communion at 8 a; m. "The Church in Yoiir Home.' Lawrence Acker of Omaha, Neb., ence services. Sunday will hear annual Children's Day service in Church school will hold its -final either of these services. service tn (he church from the 11 a; m., worship service. Rev. As the interim speaker. At 3 p. m that God is the cause of air that the Sunday school auditorium. At 3 p. m., Dr. McCorison will the Valparaiso Guild will meet at really exists, and that alf that He Demonstrations of class work and first grade up. The kindergarten Dr. Robert M. Skinner will preach will meet'In the guild room. The preach the annual baccalaureate on "Glory In the Church." The the home of Mr. and. Mrs, R. A. creates is good. This- theme will a typical Sunday school opening to visit sermon Mr the graduating class Grobengieser, 12 Elmorr. avenue, appear throughout the lesson-ser- exercise will be given. Musical boys and girls will receive, their sacrament of baptism will be ad- attendance and memory work' < of the, State Teacher's College at ministered at the 11 o'clock serv- Cranford. Mrs. Elsie Mahler ia mon,'the subject of which Is "God talent 'from the school will be dem- Jersey CJty. the president. the Only Cause and Creator." onstrated with a number of the awards. The 11 a. m. service will ice. Parents desirous of present- pupils taking part. The service be morning prayer and sermon by The House This church will be represented Ing their children are asked to call Monday at 8 p. m. the Adult The golden text states: "Great the rector,' Rev. Frederick W, at an ecclesiastical council at 7 Membership Group will meet with and marvellous are thy works will begin at 9:45 a. m. Parents •04 CINWAt AVS. (•"» the church office. There will be are invited. Blatz. The YPF will hold its oluc p. m. Sunday, called by the New a nursery for young children dur- the pastor in the parish hall. Lord God Almighty; just and true tion of officers at 7 p.m. Jersey Association of Congrega- ing the baptismal service. I Tuesday at 8 p. m. the Evening are thy ways, thou King of saints. Rev. Milton P. Achey will speak tional Christian Churches, to con- Guild will meet in the parish hall. (Revelation 15:3). on "The Child In the Midst" at Monday, St. Barnabas, there ...the little «hop with aW 6 p, m.r Junior Westminster The theme of the month is "Juno will be a celebration of the Holy stitute the newly gathered church Fellowship In Westminster Hall'. Selections from the Bible (King the regular 11 a, m. service. Dur- at Paramos. The council will sit Brides" and an appropriate read- James version) will include the ing this service baptism of in- Communion at 8:30. a, m. The •election of: at the First Congregational Monday: 0:40 p. m., supper-re- ing will be given by Mrs. Eleanor 'following: "I am the Lord,' anil fants will take place. At the 7 ;45 Sea Scouts will meet at 8 p. m. Church, Continental avenue, River port meeting in the assembly hall llosa. Mrs. John Schmidt is tho there Is none else, there in no God p. 111. evening service, Mr. Achey Tuesday, the weekly Cihaln of Edge. for all. building: fund campaign president. beside me: I girded thee, though will speak on "How To Be a Suc- Prayer for Pence will bo hold in workers. 7:15 p. m., Boy Scouts, thou hast not known' me. That cessful Christian." the church from 1 to 5 p. m. Tho Grwting Cards The children of the Cradle Roi Troop 72, in Westminster Hall. Wednesday at 8 p. m., the quar- will meet in the church yard terly Voters' Assembly will be they may know from the rising The Wednesday evening prayer Boy Scouts will meet at 7:30 p. m. V next Thursday ilcrr the annual Tuesday. 10 a. in., Elizabeth held. Reports of all officers and of the sun, and from the west, meeting will meet at 8 p. m. and Wednesday, there will be the y Cradle Roll party. Mrs. L. B Norton Bible class executive board standing committees will bo made that there is none bcsldo mo. the subject will be "Lord Touch regular weekday celebration of the Van Leuvon and Mrs. E, V. Black meeting in the lounge. 8 p. m., and action takon on property reno am the Lord, and there is noni Us To Pray." This is a series of Holy Communion at 0:30 a. m. Print Handkerchief! mun are In charge of the arrange meeting of the board of trustees vation and the church building else. (Isaiah 45:6, 0). studies on prayer. monts for the afternoon, In cose In the Bible school office. program. The Church Council Correlative pflasaROB from th will meet at 7:30 p. m. Christian Science textbook, "Set Madison Ave. Chapel yof rain, tha party will bo Wednesday: 9 a, m. to 1 p. m., Norton Bible Class the parish house. Chain of Prayer for Peace In the Tho Strawberry Festival con- onco and Health with Key to tli ohnpcl. ducted by the Ladles' Aid Society Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy PIIUIH 10 n. m., Sunday school. Wadding Candles At 0:90 p. m. next Thursday Board Meeting 11 a, m., worship Borvlco, Rev. 1 will bo held next Thursday, from Include: "Ood, Spirit, olonis ere- the readers group of the Women ! 2 to 8:30 p. m. Ice cream, horn's* nteil all, and called .it goad. There' Rielin'rd h. Smith will preach tho Deluxe Craft Tho board of tho Elizabeth Nor- morning Bovmori. Fellowship will moot for a ll Willow Grove Chapel made oalto, and • strawberries will fora evil, bolng contrary to good ton Blblo Class of tho Presby- in 'Jth'e Church yard. HoHervntlon bo served, Beverages will bo on l>i imi'wil, and cannot bo" the prod terian Church will meet 111 10 should be mudo at once with Mi's 9:30 a, m,, Sunday nchool, Thcro wits never 11 tlmo In tho Bridal Books 1 order. Miss Cornelia FHsinger is urt of noil." (p. ;i:i»!8-iO) . . a, in. Tuesday In the parish IIOUSA • Charlei M. Pond, 747 St. Murk ticket chairman. Motion pictures "God \x not tho author of morta lounge. history of th« world whon there Many, many more 0M Av«nue. Never absent from your post, will bo shown from 2 to 4 and discord}." (n, 281 jl6). . was more n«ed for man whoso haver off guard, novel' Ill-humortid, business It government to turn to* from 7 to 8:80 p. m. tr»fl lift, eutlnc out |"s:f^op. ;in and see us. ,' • Tliei'0 was never law, or sod, novor unrundy to work for God, Th« ohurch erf Christ !• th« ward the ohurch and the t«»ching« , Of opinion did so much magnify —ia obedience j boin^ "faithful 1 llkd of lt« founder for guidance, ifor 1 Upon this rock t will World's only uvlarhope and th* gospel of« Are eoodneis, u» th« Christian religion ov(Sr D f

a* leal

plant pats a* atw Ittal ea«b H*t. grew* IIee«rM abmWbtathK tend that aaaa't froa* at* •**« M •*iW*,«a»liat,it«.,7S f UAMI WAN? At! »AT iAU

UVII •II Nil Mr UVII Am '" ' ' ' ' I«tfeM Aland Aid Lwp&ak LEADER STORE ^ewky wCw WaWH WMI ft SaMf MHM SAVII led la lm picked v one el eat 1091. NOAO H., WtlTfNlO ELCH'S PAINT SHOP Rutgers University Fund Drive •littering geati aa tho v*U aeor Ktaaberlty. n hat pre*Med aatrt The Rutfert University Alum- lewi: William B. Overbay, 1S1 flhn a bUlleti deUata wetHi el si living in WattneM initiated the Walnut street; Louu i. Quad, ttt-univertitjr development plan Ml Boulevard; William Sidun, ormmi IAIT am with an opening dinner at the MOO Weat Broad, atreet, ioatch lvm Park Hotel, PlalnlWld, recently. Plaiaa; Martin L. Thomas, 1115 ' Tar ean usually be d iMt EEP COOL ALL SUMMER There are M ahjmnl of Men's Col- Maple Hill road, Scotch Plains; waahabla fabrifs by rubbtag «M lege «f the univeraity resident in Harry L. Wahl Jr., «82 Fourth epot with lard and scraping ett as Wettaeld, at well as a amall num- avenue; William H. Coles It,, S26 the i*r« becomes discolored. Reaeat ber of bankers who have attended Edgewood avenue; h. 8. Beekman the process until the Isrd CMIM OH the nationally known Banking In- Jr., D39 Arlington avenue; Rob- clean, then wash the spot In heavy FANS FROM TAYLOR'S stitute of the Univeraity of New ert C. Bangs, 252 Haul avenue; auds. THUMP AY PRIDAY SATURDAY Bruhawick. John L. Swink, 470 Channing ave- The dinner waa attended by a nue; Bryce I, NacDonald, 90S Bou- small group of alumni who will levard; Arthur A. L.Pori, 916 •atehBariy call on all alumni in Westfeld un- Ilahway avenue; Edward A. Ben- T* provide more «|g* '*f Your der the chairmanship of Irvine B. son Jr., 715 Hanford place; Nor- summer anf fall, try wln^r*k Johnstane Jr., clast of IBM. The man B. Bagger, 140 Herbert ave- lag of chicks. The pullets from tba** breeds will come iato preducstea ill-university development pro- nue, Fanwood; Malcolm Gilletto, ioice— early and be Uylng at th* ttae gram has hewn under way for aome 151 Herbert avenue, Fanwood; William B. Derick, 212 Ayliffc when egg shortages normally oc- months and has now reached a cur., Prices are higher then, to*. total of 11,110,000 toward the goal avenue; Fred R. Doerrer Jr., 819 RUIMtUADI of 11,210,000. The alumni in Fairview avenue; and Harry H. Westfleld were told that a condi- Mallett, 684 Rahway avenue. Agtlaaritaral Itedatt* OINUINf COOi UffM HY • OMK tional gift of |M,000 will be add- Of the U counties in New York «a; ed provided the goal it reached by etate, *4 were among the first let WISTMN UUI JIANS the alumni reunion date this Sat- counties In the nation in output urday. The present plan to pro- of one or More ajrlcultursl pro- vide fundt for other atudent life Lea« la on* of the eldest el ducts. LtA projects in addition to Demamt metals. There Is evidence that the Site* to1 « You'll Find Them Here Hall is the first request for sub-Egyptian* used It some 9,000 ysara scriptions from alumni and friends •go, awl there are numerous ref- USQUE SHIRTS CittVf P of the university in'its history of erences to it In the Old Testament. the tart with a quality fan fram our 185 years, with the exception of In Eiodus it is written .that a^^WW taS^Vv^^'aj ej i - the usual alumni olass gifts. The Pharaoh's hosts, destroyed while tluntnl fund is merged this year pursuing Moses and his followers, •Ruff atMt TINT and varied stock from wtll*known with the big development plan. "sank as lead in the mighty 319 waters," TanmOn? nufacturtn. Moat ramonaMo DHCM. A few Westfleld alumni have al- MaaaiMt < ready made contributions for the ZIpMf Hy - Tt) tin 90 new dormitory, Demarest Hall, on ' great* Hewers yWH* Mary IVIT RMh the New Brunswick campus to the For a substitute for flowers, extent of several "shares" toward moisten a sponge and sprinkle It EMiJS CAMP LOCKE! TRUNKS NYLON FONCMOS the project, thus making it possi- generously with mustaid and bird- ble to have their names on the seed, n will sprout shoots and r*> Full fit* wWi Tray TAYLOR HARDWARE bronae plaque to be placed in the semble an attrsctive |r*en ball teat ImaW, Madlaw, Una "fel hall. ' A few alumni are making This out be used aa a table decora* their gifts' in m'emorinm to *j iqt- lie*, wbea flowers Item the florist HM IT. ihk." wi. l-isob lege filend or a member ofi th , ere net available. moAt family. SHIRTS The local committee Is as fol- Way Back tbra •^.'fl.e/ 10.95 Pericles who ruled the Athenian Pnja Tan 98c Empire about 410 B. C, had the Nat Caa HM Piraeus arranged In refulsi blocks CANTMN1 • IIMPMOMM If you are like moat lolka whe and squares by Hippodsmui o! lUNKfTI e KNTVtl e AXM .' do a Utlle painting «roun* the Miletui. For the first time, the main IAUNORY CAItl • DUmi I "DB" Inaafcon ay Haad - hou»e periodically, you have a strsets in a city all ran parallel and |reat array, of partly empty paint were, cut at right angles by cross KHfCAIH • HP IAOI rr la otatk at UAMR fTOM cant. Here'i a way to avoU open- streets. NIT Ing each can to check Iba amount MB. tmoAD traaar of paint left and iti praelae color. WBtTriBLD " At the end of each pilnt Job, paint • Una on the outalda of the can at the level of the leftover paint in- •id*. v-:n

May rreeee Waa* - The X-ray can now ha uitd to r per for mane flnd defecU in lo|i and heavy tim- bers which ace hidden from the naked ,eye by the bark and outer FATHER'S DAY wood. Once the detect! are located, the lawmUl operator can thui uie SUNDAY, JUNE 18 the log to beat advantage.

Kvs What's Hit Sport?

GOLF? - TENNIS? - HSHING? BASEIAU? - IADMINTON? r i^ Wo havo all tho oqiiipmont for thoto WHERE DO I " and othort, and iport clothes too, for FIND A DEALER? ft hit leifture momenta, including Spald- tv T ln Saddle Shooi and Loafort. 8 Mn-

(ConMniwHe* *t SPORTS CENTER ffivvi'flfvv 99 eTHMfl W. I. COlI 0. W. HALL ROMRT TREAT •. to do more work for your money! UQUORSHOf ELM ST., WISTFIEID l1IO«ilma)y«.-W«.M«00 N It no wonder ChevrtM toAtnerlta' t ami »aa«. /tssmsmW lar truck. For no other Inick far rfio tarn* m«my r*< can equal Chevrolet's ptwor, Chovrelef't eager CHEVROLET reiponte and easy handling that add up to«n w performance wjlh oufirond/ng economy, loo IHO, WtUDon 1951 Chevrolet Adv«nce-Det(|n truck toon. Fanwood Stone Crushing Concrete taWd • * and Quarry Company Corporation • Whether you want to TRANSIT MIXED CRUSHED BMJE TRAP ROCK buy or sell, look in the CONCRETE "Yellow Pages" of your for Roadt, VV3«B4 «l CENTRAL AVE., OFFICEi WEitfleld 2-4444 Authorifd Dtattr for Your Hpmt T*wn QUARRY) FAnwood J-7M0 COMPANY WESTFIELD, N. J. QUARRY. FAnwood J.»l:49 North and Central Ave.., Westfield, N. J. T«l. We. 2-0220 %ir. HIM! T, If! Hawks Defeated 4-2 By League Leading f Doublet Roosevelt Nine Jokn Frank And Eveat Pootfxnoed FugwuinTieFor Wet courts Memorial Day and Emb Undefeated 'ain Saturday morning caused icstponement of the Mixed Pro- try list Is expected for the Mixed Bowling Lead pressive Doubles tournament wilich SN teanii tournament seUtd as scheduled to be played at the to got underway Saturday MM at the Tennis dub John Franks went into a tie Westfield Tennis Club. With a nine game schedule fee- ing them, about 76 boys from the courts MS o'clock. Miss Betty wi',H Fugnisnns for the lead in If arrangements can be made Ceusahe a«e Cordon Booth last the Mixed Summer Bowling eighth and ninth grades in Roose- later on in the season there is a velt Junior High School reported year's fhesssjiiaa, will defend taei League Monday night by winning possibility that the tournament crow* this peer, the first two games from Aug- be rescheduled for L**or for baseball practice and tryouts teif, former leaders. Austere came April 3. By'April 23 this group be;i strong in the nightcap to had been cut to 24 players, out of and Mrs. Fred Krotsaeiut-Jr., « .. , avoid a shutout, Perry hitting 209 which the varsity team was de- and Mrs, Cwrett Goulard, Mr JL Mi Worsham 808 which aided in relooed and on May 25 the team and Mrs, Don Ortjea; Charles V. foi ning an 881 total. Public Invited found up an undefeated season. Pattersoa Sr. and Mrs. Bobby *uga»nn dropped the opener A!l boys participated in practice OaUigaa. Mr. Yeager ^ to Beanetti Decorators but then in a wholehearted way and built liat of If to M to Troop Review up this extraordinary outfit. One *trt en to claim the next two to this h»!i pace with Franks as they game with Plsinfield had to be to1 II moved up. Barons, winning Junior Easel Troop ''•" of cenoeiUa due to the fact that a Triangles Meet a ;)»ir from Westfield Auto farts, WestAeld, will hold its annual re- postponed game could nut be ar- •tic ssoved up, going into a tie view of mounted and dismounted ranged. The record for the ether for second place. Seat Covers won drills Saturday morning at the- eight games was as follows: for econd pa Watchung Stables of the Union Senators Tonight twe from Glenview after losing Reeseveit 8 Union » County Park Commission, Glen- Roosevelt 10 Rahway I th* Brit and Marys tide avenue, Summit. The Triaagtas aad Sanatoi « ! tooll: a pair frof m Oil l HeaHt t ServiceSi . Roosevelt S Cranford 4 elpah tonight tat the Community < , Bay Lusardi was out in front in Awards for various achieve- Roosevelt 14 Union S Softball league at Washington '"-' this match, posting a 222 nfcht- ments of the Troopers, including Roosevelt 6 Craaferd 4 School loM a*4 taaserrow night cap for Mays, g p rill* Marksmanship, "Best Troop. Roosevelt 10 Plainfleld > Cieoview, which has been leading witt tit and Adams had a t04 er", "Best Horsemanship" etc., Roosevelt *H> Rahway • Msi loop, wW taoot the Cassys. •ridUe (ami for Oil Heat. will be nude, followed by promo- .New Startlsag Ta Roosevelt 6 Roselle Park .. 4 Headey night the Caseys play the OTAKOINCW: „ tions in rank, and mounted gasaes. WTC Players WHS Nine Nosed Much credit is given to Tony •onatore, Tasaaay it wttl be Olen. W. I*, Boys in the average age of MoamoitU. Evans, star pitcher of the tea*, a oln Frank! H 7 view vs. North Mare and Wednes- After urmunn Oil .}« * Junior High School students, who southpaw, who had sis wins to his day, Caseys vs. f rionglea. have attained their ltth birthday, fin Matches A new elastic starting tape, suc- Out By Park credit Bob Msrik was the win- uoUr'« 13 g Laat week, the North Stars arons .1>1 who may be interested in joining cessful in England and introduced ning pitcher in the flrst Cranford Auto Pat. • • this cavalry organisation, will be The Westfleld Tennis Club this season at meetings held un- game, and Bob List, an eighth opped the Triangles 14-1, scor- ,iW J der the auspices of the National Rosalie Park pushed across a grader, is credited with the flrst ing in all hot the third inning and Coven * welcome as guests. Complete par- scored a dual victory in weekead single tally in the eleventh inning onmttl o. .. ticulars pertaining to application matches in the New Jersey Ten- Steeplechase and Huift Associa- win against Rahway. getting four runs In the first and MftWfttll Meat D^rvic, e tion, will bo used to send the of their thrilling Memorial Pay •ve in the fourth. The North For Troop membership will he nis League, nosing oat the Arling- game wtth Weetield HlgVk Blue la the Bitting department, there tvailable, according to Geo. F. ton Players Club, at Arlington fields on theie r way in Monmouth were some splendid records made. Stare went en to trounce the avaia, ag PkP ' hrdl c ththit is yeary, Devils t« defeat the locals I-S at Caseys 1S-I the next night, again Cogswell, publicity chairman. Saturday 3-2, and winning from Park's hurdle Tameques Park. This waa the last Bonny Bonneau, third baseman, the Moplcwood Country Club rae- cording to sUrteT EddiEddi e BlBlindi . hatted .760 for the season, and opening with four runs and tally- in •tsersjaa DCIS* The fall season will start in The elastic tape, in service at all gaaie for the WHS nine which fin- ing ive In the third. bership qoeteers en the local courts Sun- Guy Leedom, first baseman, has) Marks esfsssisl aaMtti J Septemberp . A s thhe bh p day by the same score. major courses, waa introduced by ished with a flve and eight record, a,. .618 record at the plate. Other Glenview shut out Senators 8-0 TOTAL* . T<0 737 i s limitedliid ; i t is suggested thah t ap- the.late Louis E. Stoddard well With the Devils' Wllliesae en the «ollhrt FVOKAN OIL 8BAVICE Featuring play for the local good records were: Tony Evani in one *t the few nine inning brthAAUtoTltl plications be tied aa aoon aa peap * known and popular - polo and mound, Park's ptteher opened the .400, Curtis Oertel .S7», Chuck games. The winners got three runs M. Pick** 12» lott telub was the sensational court per- 11th with a single. Al Ely. Boeelle outCrasisfsH * W*» Oweni U» 185 siblt with Lt. A. W. OOlsenl , 7M formance of Don Weir and George steeplechase enthusiast. Kite .950 and Jim Carlisle .341. each in the flrst and second urthrap Ha 1*2 Fairacres avenue, or -Col. Lewr- eatcher, _ then forced' Brown and MoUiy",...... ,115 1»» Esposito who captured the No. 1 The exceptional season has been frames. Friday night, the Triangles till* ,' .JV^J6£ •Ml J. Peterson of MS WUlow stole second to set up the winning took Scotch Plains Into camp 10-1, Grove road. doubles encounters both days. due to the line team spirit of the TQTAK "Hi ~Ut 1*1 Their wins on successive days pro- run. Roy Dragon halted o hit to players,. their knowledge of the the biggest inning the second, with Devil Runners center which scored Sly with the three rune. •IKLD SEAT COVERS vided the necessary margin to : game,- and a determination to play 121 give Captain Booth and his team- winning run. ' the game, win or lose. . - ' 185 Davis and Ortleb of Ulenvlew Koeck'erY HI Bass Season mates a double triumph in league fin Final Meet The Parkera scored in the first Anotaer very Important factor are tied for the greatest number competition. when- Dragon walked and singles making for the • success of the of runs batted in; each with eight. Saturday the Weir-Esposito Coming from behind to almost by Jack Hrtat ana Norm' Lane im was their coach, George Den- Salomone of the North Stars is out Opens June 15 combination defeated Bud Sowden sweep the Sold events, Coach Mel brought him across. Weetield then ly.' His eipert hamWng of the in front in home runs with three. and Bill Coburn of Arlington 7-5, Michael's Westfleld High track took Jhe lead by scoring two runs players and his persistent determi- Ortleb, Barca, Koury and DelNcro TRENTON—A highlight of in- 6-1. Sunday's match pitted the squad conquered Union 62 Hi-54 M in the fifth inning. Both run's came nation to drill them at great each have triples to their credit. Preview All land Jane angling in'the Garden local, boys against Maplewood's last week to end their season with when George Van Hart singled, lengths in' allVphases of the game Fueco of the Stars has hit nve State will be the opening of the crack No. 1 team composed of a five win, one loss record. driving in Pel Brown and Dick made them a truly veteran" Jun- doubles and his teammate, Migli- Ashing season June 16, aug- John Albertson and Jack Bedea. o»i has four, as have Ludlow of TOTAL* 7i» Individual winners for WH8 Smith. ior High team capable of playing and club kssiss menting the seasons which are now The visitors gained the upper hand were Dick Sprague, Ed Coffey, Hoteile Park tied up the ball winning ball. the Senators and Clark of Scotch to the itstitl 1 iWKgTFIBU) AUTO PARTS open on a variety of trout and by taking the first set 7-5 but Plains. d«y 'or 1 k^ Malats Deller 171722 118 16It*3 Weir and Espotlto were not to be Charlie Brandt 2, Ryan Akers, Al game in the seventh on a big Mlai B«rll 130 IS* 123 other flsh, states Commissioner Foster, Bob Fortiner, and Lee Hor- double by Bill Noe and, a single R. ir, grounds, prior tt|) WelM .... 122 127 US Charles R. Erdman, Jr., of the denied victory and after exhibit- North Stars' 4 2 0 5 2 1—14 13 Newman 170 m 16: ner. This was a fine win for by Fred Thomas. Westfleld also Fanwood Boys Win Triangles ..100000—1 1 augural. T Clrlnrfone m m W New Jersey Department of Con' ing some of the finest tennis ever the conlsg • seen on the local courts came Westfleld since laat season the threatened in the last half of the Letters At Pingry CiiBeys .....0 0 0 0 2— i 2 TOTALS' 7«6 699 739 serration and Economic Develop- Devils had been deprived of break- 11th but with two men on, Van North Starn 4- 5 0 i x—13 10 fleeted Uttftr.sW 1 . i from behind to down the visitors BARONS ment. ing Union's long win streak. Hart grounded out. it expects* k sin rs, 1. LuitsU. 115 m 134 6-3, 6-3 in the final two sets. David Lemal of 244 North Mar- Henntora 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0—0 4 nook ass aawe«i Fishing and camping sites are Double victor tor Union was QlenVw 3 3 « 0 2<0 « 0,0 x—8 « «In'C FlllcellJllci. o -14 6- 131 10! This match was replete with thrill- The fielding highlight was John na avenue and Roy Cowell of grounds. KM A IdltLti6l 161i 162 M6 available in several parks and for- Frank Schauffe while Bill DeWitt •riraoto 182 ing and sustained rallies and play Zink'e. great catch in left"fleld ~ Martine .avenue, both. Fan- Trlnnclea.. '631122 1—10 9 O Jtartin ..: 14t ilii ests which also feature bathing, waa of' high calibre throughout. also put on a great performance. Jack Hnat'e deep blast: [, received major track let- 8. PlaTni ... .0 0 1 0 0,0 0— 1 3 boating, and picknicking. Hackle- be presNtti n 100 . The net play and volleying of Summaries:— and List led the Devils a't an awards program held barney Park, covering 19S acres, of the sfMilsii hi TOTAUI T«S 77< i Weir and: Esposito bordered on wtth two hits.apiece. last week at Pingry School in Local Men In Trapshooi offers Ashing; on the Black River the sensational. The local boys Elisabeth. m MART'MARTS CONFECTIONERY. and its tributaries. Parvin Lake, . . ' HO8BLLE PARK vcnlrs will h (frn M. Arsrensvano lt< reached their peak in Sunday's AD Harry Miller and Don Pear, i Ml.._, li_.. Corte. 11--> 1SS U5 located in Parvin Park, Salem 4«0yd.0-yd.. dasdash (54..) 1. lnnnlon, U., the aftsnsai' J. Arcenl135 performance against Maplewood. . Doewlaal , UU.. , 3. DDlllDlll.yl . , W. ElyDragon. , 2b . f sail, both of Westfield, shot 4' Arcenslano 135 ]>• 1>« County, is said to afford nearly 880-yd880d . run (2:7.627 ) 1. 8pracu«e, W' Cuuaro .." 153 173 144 .00 acres of some of the finest 6) 1 , W.,' Kanglnl, 3b 0 The mountain laurel is the offi- each in the Climax Gun Clut R. liuaardl u« m JSS Gordon Booth and Bill Elcome, !.. Welch, MC 3. Dou*ia«, V. Hnat, lb ... cial floral emblem of the state fishing waters in southern New also scored a double win in doubles • Mile (5:0) i. DeWltt. V., :>. Borden, !*"•ne,. Iif shoot last week in a field of 40 TOTALS TTTTV ~7«4 ""17 "ersey. U.. 2. Redd, W., 3. Coiiway, V. ' J»OPP,, rrf ObBMCttCUt shooters. OIL. HEAT SERVICE competition, , Saturday the. local ISO-yd. loow hurdles (31.4) 1. Thonian, cf B Adams 166 204 170 boys defeated Harry Goldsmith Shnuffe. V. 2. (tie) RdReddd , WW. , CosCosff- Bende'll, » . W Pcrroby 125 105 12S Similar fishing opportunities and Holgar Thuemmel of Arling- Brown, p -. Mm. B. Ferreby 7 141 132 will be; found in Bass River State BhotpiBhtitt (44 ft. IK In.) 1. Brandt, JIlBS H. Urculofl 151 125 133 ton 4-6, 6-2, 6-1, and Sunday tri- WL 2. KcKociaKociakkk , IIf.f., ST 8chrlE»n«,8chrlE»n«, UU. TOTALS J. Lo»e«t 212 13 182 Forest, Lebanon Forest, Stokes umphed over Bill Harrison and OlicuOl icua (11(1166 fftt. 7>4 IIn.) ) 1. BrandtBnd , State Forest, Cheesequake -State W. 2.. KKociakKociaok k,, U.U., ,, 3.. Sehrlrkh . U. •WESTFIELD TOTALS T7T2 ~761 Larry SisWson of Maplewood in JavliJlvlii n (1((161663 ftft.. 2 1n.ri1ri . Fo»teF Ft , W. sb AB. Park, High Point Park, Lake Ho- straight sets 6-3, 6-2. 2. Penny, W... 3. BrBrnndtn , W.. ' Maaitrlan. JOHN FRANKS patcong Park, Swartswood Park PolPl e VVaulull t (S fftftt . 6 In.I)) 1. (tie) Wr/righti , 2b v Mrs. M. E»k ..163 125 150 In. singles competition, John Akeurxk , W. and MMacKenxleKl , UU- . 33. VVan Hart, its ...... Mm. E. Tostevln 132. 128 162 and others. (tie) Landoff and Cross, U., Dllley Anderson, c '.....'...; J. luurcnt 1S5 184 146 Kraft, playing in the No. 3 spot and Mumfbrd, *W. Williams, rf-p *. I H. Iliirshull- 180 171 Varieties of fish now available for Westfleld, defeated James Broud Jump (18 ft. 8}i in. ) 1. UH, cf•.;.....'..... Former, W., 2. Poland, Jv., 3. Redd Zlnk, If .- 5 ' I J. Francis 185 100 14" to the angler include wall-eyed Hanlon of Arlington Saturday 6-4 Urown, lb-rf '.... B pike,' eastern or chain pickerel-, 4-6, 10-8, and on Sunday eked out High Jump r, ft. c in.) 1. (tic) Havosa, 3b ...., 6 TOTALS Til? ~7S8 Muyor, U and Horner, W. 3. Akcrs, Smith, p-lb AUSTERS brook, brown and rainbow trout, a 6-3, 6-1 won over Sam Vitt of Mm. O. Stoeeker .110 107 100 O. Storukcr .... .109 and land-locked salmon. Maplewood. TOTAIiS .'. 37 MitH V. Pensa . .HO 115 Seoro by Innings Fresh water fishermen will have Roiiolle ii rk 100 000 100 01—3 11. V.rry .157 115 209 a chance, to try for additiona Booth was defeated by Bud Sow- C. Worsham . .150 101 20a don of Arlington on Saturday 3-6, In a large broadcasting studio, Wmtlield 000 020 000 00—: Utl' Jilythe 17S 157 species of fish when the season Errors—Hnttt. Rendlnolll. Wright 6-4, and 6-3;: and dropped a three the sound of a door squeaking Two base lilts—'Noe, Williams • TOTALS 762 706 88 opens, June 15, on black bass and Struck out, by Brown 2, Smith 4 ominously open is made possible Wlllimns 4. B.ise on balls oft Brown unemm* oswego bass. Along the Delaware by the application of paint to the 7, Smith 1, Williams 8. Umpires— I WBBSTnt; and its tributaries between Treri (Continued on Page 29) hinges of'a real door. Hhello and Rurke. Winning; pitcher, Echo Lake Players ton Falls and Birch Creek the same Drownu: loxe, Williams. In Suburban Event date will mark the opening of the season on black, calico, rock and ."ohn A. Britton of Echo Lak white bass, crappie, pike-perch, ainl Ed Kammler Jr. posted 70. pickerel, and pike. C(—138 and Dr. W. Lange oi Thousands of out-of-'state Visi- E;ho Lake and Dr. W. J. Kcll tors to the Garden State are also INDEPENDENT ha.l 70-69—139 in the Suburba expected to carry their rods and Go!' Club's member guest totfrna reels to the Jersey shore. Deep-sea niert over the weekend. Winner bay and inlet fishing are available were Chris Flciasner of Cana to the salt-water angler, and ac- GARAGEMEN Biork and Kuily Ozol, with a car comodations may be secured at a •• s. of .V3. variety of coastal resorts. USE ONLY 11/ DER WANT ADS PAY READ THI lEAOBt —JSE THEM EVERY WEEK. AU IOCAI NEWS GENUINE < CHEVROLET AND OLDSMOBILE PARTS ' 0-

Make us your headquarters for the genuine replacement part for your Chevrolet or OMimobilo cuitomor. Of course thoso parti havo Iho backing of the factory and are a source of good cuitomor relationship.

Make us.your.headquarters for genuine Oldsmobile and Chevrolet parts.

Bill Raub, our Parts Manager it more than happy to servo you.

', N.J. MwssRMlnkltMi|baadi CHEVROLET and OLDSMOBILE II RACING STARTS SAT, JUN. 16 THRU AUG. B I RACES DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS FOST 2:30 •t CAIi »wlt M, him M Catentewi M Tndt Doily Dovbk NORMS CHEVROLET, INC. is a straight bourbon whiskey, elegant in IKCIM flilNt MMCT TO MANOSTANO INTIAN(( Clo*«2:15 NORTH AND CENTRAL AVIS. (S/>niSMT TIMI _. l». fmuthtntm (MIlKl, H. Y. ....IJ,35, a iuty i, 11,JJ) t. tv,Hswefk 12,9* (San. a. July J, UiOt) uncommonly good ...a («.MMityM,,N.Y, (lttw»C»l,) Ui30 (*•!!.» July i,1Ji33) Westfield 2-0220 h>.N*wa*« (iwMr Ctntral) 1Si40 IWi. * M» 4,1JJJ) t. •••• a Alt* C#nl« Itfukf Tnliw I* lists. tMitn M MalHst Hiram Wilku « Sorn Inc., Ptttia, IU, 8:30 o'clock, ld with several ribbens. It was ane Ed Down Memorial Day in the the Greentne StaUs'i Bib Btrotck of the best show* the club has tnals of the May Tournament, tied and Hall of Pame. The former of fa kiftd la ttfc Mrt ef stated, both in quality aid num- with three others for the aixtatnth has not yet returned to his ajtad ountry, the event carries with ber of entries. position. The others w«r»: W. O'. two-year-old form, but showed I New Jeney State Single* Among the local winners was Suffern, Frank Btll, and. Hwgh feMKtsf for the kaal atrip tost ^pionship for Girls uad«r 18 Miss Lois Callahtn who won or Johnston. year aad might pick the Choke i of age. The tournament is placed in six events. Riding Lady Aborn will play Chariot Jeroase •tekea as • aajet to further [each year under tha Mapfce* Fee, she won tha bridle path hack in the Ant round of the chaiapieei- ecfMble • confusing • aophomore H clasi, took second ia the AHftAA i Eastern ana the United •hia) event. Ed Downs, four tHSM« jig «aw puasle, r. Tho#peM and Mrs. load. I*wa Tennis Aaaeeiatiea. Medal Clan, aaddie testt and thirds club champion, will play BUI • Jane H. Brawl ef New York in the open htrwsMnship saddit Grander, winner of last fall's No dittuaskoa wai held as yet stat class, the NJIFCA Mtifel [ 1110 winner »f the teurna- : Heatly Trophy tournament. Ray Rieeltw^l will be back to defend her Trophy event, th« Katienal Horse Dean, defending champion will this year, HIM Breed U Show e^ititttion event and the aioet Jerry Tripp. UpMhUHtr ep«n a«rs«manship, saddle sett I No. 1 in Junior Girl* Other Arat round pairings are Antonio Meetardi of ,1*4 W«eh. i play by tlw EaMera Unfed Boh >ig|ow and M. L. McCormaek, Misa Jeanna lehimmai wan a ington street was awarded a 1st. Uwn Tennii Aatocittien. Inrint PtrUlow and Dr. W. A. tor as a member of the Upeale nent Junior girl «*t •scond in the UMH kiMUr »Mt Radclif*, W, A. Btangtr aad W. kantManihip clau, a third with College tabl* Unnii tf*m «t the ay vie for top henan thU B. Selbart, Bob Kaiser ana Drake Kart Orange school last [include FNHICM E. McBrida rhantom Print* in the llmtt thr« DtMnoy. AI WotAey will meet •infleldK 8uam» BraUwtr of raiud clau and ftfth In the Mao the winner of the pwyeeT. dale, N. Y., Patricia Conner* lay horsemanship event over In-the prise fund tournament, plcwood, Margaret Sullivan Jumps. which was match play against par, Rookf To •t Hilli, Dorii H. Knoeppel Douglas Petcreon won Drat place Aborn led with 6 up, and Irving In N1OTC Cnibe hide Park, ITary A. McBride in the horsemanship event limited partstow, W, E. Beibert, F..T. oi t Hills and others. Fifty- to members of the Junior Kaatx Bell and L. Taylor were all tied One ef MM UWf Mtty e«- Irl. participated in tha event Troop and steond in the clan for at 3 up. In Class B, C. C. Hilda- cers from N Milegoa tM,iint«ei« ear and preaent indications members of .Watchung troops, bran and B. Meirlaughlin were 6 litlee whe will Mrtleltat* In • ODOftLISSFAINY at this figure may be tapped Jlmmie L«e won the hbrseman* Up, Lloyd Oneal was 4 up and Paul Navar Reeerre Meer Tra|Mi«< In prior yew* this col- ship elass for boy troopers of the Allemann, Henry ^plndlsr and Corps cruise this Mt li MMeMp- ;. event has attracted junior Watchunif organiiation, In which Jim Campbell were all S UJI: man W. W, KaeVe, UlKROTC, from Una; Isla'nd, metro- Peterson wai second, Sweepstakw winners Sunday son of Mr. aM Mr.. R. L Reahe Kcw York, Connecticut, Dr. Robert Rost, formerly tf in Ota* A were Ed Aborn 76-l-tl, of Mt MrtnUlnview elreH, » et*. RIMIOIRATOR MIMf ehusetta, N«w Jersey, Penn- WMtfteld, won the novice juniper Prank Persons, Sl-U-70, J. C. dent at Dartmouth CoUege, Kan- lia, and from point* aa diit- clasi astride his Country Tourist Tripp ll-U-70, K. R. Taylor 88- over, N. H. OLAIS PROITINO FAINT I California, Florida and Mis- ...... —fhoto fcy uthlln and took stand in tha limit jump- 11-71, N. Bulfern 12-10-72, and R. ers, He also rode G. Junior, own- He la scheduled to heft*, train- J of Wettfield, U r " " " Packman S0-U-72. Lloyd Oneal ing June 22, aboard ship in the HIAT MtllTANT rAINT Naratal Tiaw dariaa a la* ed by Fred C. Janssan of Maple- topped Class B with 94-26-68, fol- Westfleld rennla Club will RMiag aad Driviag CM , ..... wood' in two events, The hone Caribbean erea. He will earn lowed by D. R. Lamont 90-21-69, aboard one of sU shipi. which RUBBER BASE FAINT [have food representation in ••••. la* ailiM shown hero is the Iwo-trask, *M of mml won' the hunter championship of G. H. Walker 95-25-70, J. M. sent, the local con- movoaioats wkUh Mr. Cottls has tr.laod tab former rate aorta the show, reserve going to Revela- comprise a squadron Including the Campbell 97-27-70, W, P. Kraft, •heavy UM Jkfaeon, and the will be headed by Carol to acsaawlUh with ease aaa grace. The 4o*MB»«rali«a, give* tion, owned by M. J. Meyers of 88-16-72, William Jockem 91-19- MLF CLEANING HOUtt FAINT Barbara Sturgee, Martha fceiWo a bago crowd at the show, was astrcmij wall eteao iS* North Plainfleld. destroyers VB8 A, U. 8tm**r, 72 and J. A. Ferguson 62-20-72. Mottr, fttfraAam, K. N. H«t Winch, 172, with one first and one Lopaus Campbell, Noreen : second eacTi. (Continued from Pace 28) Start Your and Anne Wofford. The audience of about S00 was set watch -to John Albertson of 1 i ' | event was inaugurated by not bothered, by the' one ' hour Maplewood, Sunday 4-0, 6-2,- 0-2. • estflcld Tennis Club to per- shower, the public address system Merle Irwin, playing In the No. Sunday, June 17th "ie the memory, youthful contributed and operated by Ray 2 singles position Saturday, lost and sportmanshlp of its Biazzo, keeping every one in touch n three set match to Alan Harvey ng girl player of 1930, and to with the proceedings. John Keu- of Arlington 4-C, 0-3, 0-2; Vacation Trip ilate and develop champion- ler provided communications. Rob- Bill Elcome of the local club ennis among young girl3 by en FDOSC and Russell Stiles made I lost to Jack Bedea of Maplewood •sal pishing a permanent memorial arrangements at the field. j Sunday in the No. 2 singles con- form of an Open Singles in each event were: teat 6-2, 8-2, ament for girls for the 50 yard dash, 9 years an,d under, Only two lhatches remain In the pionship of New Jersey. The C. Carlton, 170; 60 yard1 dash, 9 New Jersey League for this sea- ament is limited to girls who to 10 years, P. Jorgenseii, 170; son. . Westfield journeys to Eliza- Inot'reached their 18th birth- SO yard dash, open, D. Drummond,! bcth this Saturday to play Eliia Wore January 1, 1951. Girls 178; obstacle race, open, J, Dun- j bethTown and Country Club, Sun- Mrs of age and under arc also can, 173; and wheel barrow race, flay Westfleld v.inds up its league He. A consolation tournament the team of Pete Wllday and Alan season at Montcluir. Iso be held, open to all play- Haworth, 173. 'ho lose in their first round In the open running high jump Jody Freeman, 173, won with 8 1 feet 'U inches; in the running VACATION broad jump, ages 9 to 10, J. Smart, IwksLose 171, was first with 10 feet 6Vi inches; in the open running broad For ytw onto trip, •• *• •Continued from Page 28) jump, Freeman was first with 13 VRpi RNsjW BRVW RWPpS Handieme White Dreei 1 HU.VOAY'fl hKSl-'I.TH feet; in the standing broad jump Un| SIMV* from 3.M •tiibctli limvcs 4, Wi-KlllcUl 2. Ihlrts ,.. a |lf> ho alwayi •n any styk list. from !,9t leKtlon MurkH i. 1'lollilli'Ul 1. for those under 9, C. Carlton, 170, Tielle Piirk 11. Rllsnbeth A.A. I. led with 5 feet 4 % Inches and llwri Stave from 1.9S hway 3, Crnnfonl 2. wantt from S.9S In the- open standing blond jump, A4|«tf ftsneler «ad «ho«k eirtlie fuel syrtem AlrCeckd 2.9S Basque Shirt* from I.W WESTPl 1' J. Duncan, 173, jumped 6 feet AH n 2% inches. AsM«el cMeh p«M play t. Us 1 UMtato (hassis irly, I'll >| In th<> baseball throws ior dl-w Rayon Slacks from «,M 10, rf .. 11 n tahce,- the throw for Cubs under Special for Father's Day !Il|p, SI) ,. 3 I) Wool Gabardine Slacks from 14.9S rl» (1 tiiplo ,. .. 1) 0 Cotton Slack* S.SO •Ifkaon lb . 4 n Oeaw, Mpaeb anal ad|ws( from wheel feeatiiMt nth, o .. 4 0 Broadcloth , fr, rf 0 Naiaigt sMel brake *umt Leisure Jackets from 14.9S spi), If 1 I'l.lf ...... 1 i) >n n !..S i Ocmtner Swim Trunk* from 2.M IWimjin Plonear Walleti from 3.S0 Pajamas RAVE s All n II 'Augiilln, ef ... .. 4 i 0n/y$5.98 Tlei 1.00 Sox SOc BaH* 1.50 .. 4\ i i 0 1 Monagrammad Handkerchief* 3 far 1.50 Plain lirer, If 3 Stripe hurfcoy rf t 0 Irish Linen Handkerchiefs 65c - iv, II, I II Pattern 1.95 (I nil s 0 3b I 0 bini» ,io 4 7 Unless we can fit you prop* Alterations it It'll for qil]0B|ik In Oth. I fur MmrlB Hi Ptli erly it is our policy not to let made free of I fur Moirln..l':T;.. nPM '• Mnivi'H .... Hill D'KI (inn -I you wear our garments. charge. It flOltl IHIJ {Hill 11(111—'! ••n't a swv Maa «• Chns: Rolijs, llrnliiiH', I i.nli-, r»nt Wl -ICK-UP AND f» "II IMIIB, nrf—T. Hlimki'V .'I, nit *mlert. MlMia wablaed with I"" 2. Htni It oiit-liy T H'IH-UI-V DILIVIR YOUR CAR NyUav«li,iliemlncleweanthal'e Open Mon. and Pri. Evenings IIV Hi-XtllJi t 1*111 Jil I'I'H— K • Here's real convenience when your lifhl a* a cohwtli, stro«( « s «*U& car needs service! Stives your time IW a SMW «bue upalmc*, ttj • pak. iggcrty Awaitlcd .. .cojti nothing extra, Just phone, Her At Rutgers and our modern Servl-Gir will be tt your door promptly. y HomJerty of Weitflrld. Glasser's 112 ELM ST., lenlor nt Kutgern, t'ecclvcd a if a» a member «f the K»lf Inioh liniNly ltnick C«. QUIMIY STRUT pi at a reception for winning 430 North Ava. 1 Monday afternoon, $500 THE WEJTrTELD (N. J.) LIADM. THU1SDAY. JUNE 7, l»St LEGAL NOftCU ivy plants are moat readily dis- nation by wind-blown ' pollen or LEGAL nonets tinguished by their leave* which contact by a ptraon walking along cost to Cranford of all eniarce Tke Itchy Semen (Potam Ivy) the adfe of a leM ia which the tbe County ol Union, New •>*;"%• ments, replacements, outfall aewere are always divided into three leaf- hels on the tth day j>f Mas_. 1B..1, and improvements, ae sueb eest et lets, the best course to follow U ivy grow*. determined *r Railway Valley Joint In tht tveot that a pereon has meatlna; of tlie Mayor and Council Meeting. kHere, Health Board fan* to avoid any such plant. Children of Sc-untainaide on n.e tach d»y of (d) its proportionate share of the rhould be taught this rule, even been exposed to poison ivy, it ii Stilt y ] 1* 51 cost lo Cramord. of all other charge*, though some innocent plants may considered feed practice to wash border of the C— coDis. levies, expenses or assess-, associated with the fistic neophyte who asked the the akin thoroughly with strong tuenls, a* such charges, costs, levies, of blooming foliage, then chump for « black-eye cure. be slighted. Boruugh Clerk. expenses or »6»es»nwntd are djier- liaap and hot water. In the event iiiiiiud by Katiway Valley Joint Mat- aisje Jtrisgi to flower annoying It is: "Learn to duck." Property owners arc urged to mit: the purpose of this section be- ~, **•<*. that can be a source of of an ivy infection there are many ing to cover any costs or charges. Jarvis opines that although eradicate poison ivy plants wher- remedies available. Theae can al- not now anticipated or foreseen, but ^ Math tfigcvsafort—poison ivy and ever found despite the fact that a which -night arise Ia the fumre. .,. He fsartners in irritation, poison many dozens of poison ivy reme- leviate the itching and confine the dies are available at drug store local ordinance merely prohibits spreading of the irritating inflam- If—The payments provided for Jn % «ak tint foiion sumac' paragraph numbered eleven till counters, the safest procedure, the growing of poison ivy within mation. ibovi shall be made u Grantor*1 f According to Edward R. Jarvis, even for those of us who are ap-two feet of any public sidewalk Mr. Jarvis points out that ivy within thirty (80) day* after notice from Cmnlord ol the nature and chairman of the educational com- parently immune, is: "Learn to or public street. Compliance with poisoning should not tie neglected. rs7Mfh amount of such charges; as between -' Mitlee of U>e WestSeld Hoard of duck." That means that time the ordinance may serve to pro-Cases that do not readily yield to ASU 1HSP«SA». Cranford and Mountainside, the de- lermlnailoii of Hshway Valler Joint NejsMt, the remedy of choice for (pent in learning how to recog-tect the passerby from direct ex ordinary treatment should lie un- Meeting as to the time and amount •Kctiont i akin t« Jack nize weeds of the poison ivy va-posurc with ivy plants, but there der the care of a physician. Per- of all coste, levies, epensesexpenses,, a»- B CounBE - IT„ ORDAtNEl the BorougD bhy ol th eMountal Boruu«nh th hrges shal recommendation to ariety is well spent. Since poison is no assurance against contain!. sons extremely sensitive to ivyCqunclalte, inl othl the eCount Borougy h oolf MountalnUnion, as- BesBmenta oorr other charges shall fee th Cunty of Union as «nul. Mounttdnslie'd s •roportloaate poison should consult their family '"ie'cilectiof n 1. The Mayor of the said sharh e shalhll l bbe nineteeineteen and «flyaftr- doctor. He may he able toutilis e Borough of Mountainside and thet#o ont-hundredfhs (H.5IT Borough Clerk of said Borough cent at all costs, levies, s*. one of the immunising techniques are hereby authorised to execute a assessments, or Dther charges —--- that have worked out wall for contract* on behalf of said Borough, against Cranfor* by Kahway Val- many .chronic ivy sufferers. as set forth In Section 2 of this or- ley Joint Meeting, baaed on Crjs- dinance, covering the purchase and ford's present Mow rights of But Mr. Jarvis sums up thatassignment ol space or flowage million gallons per day, exceat la his .uitable to permit an average the cast of maintenance, ordlaary the best advice «f til is, "It you « of sewage ol one million gal- repairs and operation of the •reseat FonkmaticV sweeping the county would avoid the suffering and lons Per day but at a rate which runk sewer, settling tanks a»d all shall not exceed two mlllloo gallons Spiking of LOW misery aaaociaAM with • case of nar day at flay one rime. In theother units ol tht plant, heretofore ivy poisoning, 'lean toduck.' " Rahway Valley Joint Meeting Trunk and hereafter constructed, In watch Bewer and Disposal Works estab- case- Mountainside'! propordosaU lished and maintained In accordance Bhare shall be determined by the • That** with an agreement dated October proportion which Its average daily 89, 1921, and supplementary agree- low bears to the sum ol the aver- As Usual BARON'S Hmi Whet MM* laaahk Mart ments dated March S, 193S and" Au- age daily now« of Cranlord and gust 31, 1»36T between the City of Mountainside combined. There if M trace et rice as a Runway, the Borough of Garwood, II—In (he event that Rakwajr Val. native plant h taw early hanories the Borouarli of Hostile Park, the ley Joint Meeting is succeeds* »y g> Borough of Kenllwortli, the Town- Sewerage Authority or ear if— af tin*, rersie. Greece er lame. ship of Cranford, the Town of West- entltyrall references herein to • It ia not manttonaa to the Uhla; field, the "Township of Springaeld, way Valley Joint Meeting skill »•• but its culture to alksiea U in the (he Township of Clark and" the pply to such Sewerage AtthorUy Township of woodbrldge, all being r other entity, and all rule*, regu- Taunt*. There to praaf el Ha culture municipal corporations organises lations and actions of suck gewerage m law, law, l*w — tWs wKy to the Euphrates Valley aai tounder the laws of the Stato of, New Authority or other entity watch Syria, *Mf taaarat yews Met* hereafter become binding o» Cran- 'section! 2. The contract hereby ford shall become equaTl? biniiag tMiy iMr rfrvfl HMdt rtwt - CttW authorised shall be in substantially on Mountainside, except as exprsasly the following form: modified by this agreement. AGREEMENENT mmade this 14—Nothing In this sgrtsajent •u». Thsjy luww it payi to day of Ona contained shall prevent Craaford Tlvousand NNini aH Hundred Fifty-one, from Joining or entering a Seweraa* • IMAL Nonas between Township of Cranford, a Authority or other successor to Bah- municipal corporation of New Jer- way Valley Joint Meeting, •abject iey, hereinafter referred to andto the conditions hereinafter stated, ailed "Cranford," party of the first Cranford may convey, transfer and #ctfftBc4< part, AND Borough of Mountainside, Purmiant to the oreer of CHARLES a municipal corporation of New Jer-assign to such Authority or suoces-t A. OTTO, JB.,. gurrogere ol thesey, hereinafter referred to andsor Tfs ownership In all space, flow- SHOP BARON'S County at Union, ma4c on thecalled "Mountainside," party of theage rights and interest in the Rah- elfhtunth oar o< U«r A.D., 1951,second part: way Valley Joint Trunk Sewer aid on the appllcntlqti of the under- WHEREAS, Cranford Is a mem-Disposal Plant which It had prior lied, as Executor or fhe estate ber ot Rahway Valley Joint Meeting, to the execution of this agreement*, — ««I4 deceased, notice l« hereby which Joint Meeting has constructed and Mountainside hereby specifically #lven to the creditors of t*li de- and maintains a joint trunk sewer agrees to such conveyance, trans- for ceased to exhlhit to the aubscrlber running from Springfield, Union fer and assignmentassig , and agrees that under oath or aRlrmatlon their County, through the, Rahway River •puce and nowna« clalmi and *dsman4» anlntt the Valley to Woodbrldgs In Middlesex thighte ssal undee ofr this agreement shall eitate of said decMaed within nix County, where It ha* constructed subject' to qrunford's rlgtli months from the date oC said order, and operate! a sewage disposal to so join or enter and convey, or they will be forever Barred from plant, in which trunk sswer and transfer and assign, and that I* LOWEST PRICES] proaecutlne; or recovering; (he Bame dtapoaal plant Cranford owna certain will, upon request* by Cranford, uatmt the •uhecrUwr. flow rights; ana loin with Cranford In executing the DONAU) K. MOROAN, WHE11KA8, liountalnslda is nodocumentt s to effect such convey- .. Executor a member of said Rahway Valley ance, transfer or assignment.. No Beard et Mc(|a.M. Attorney! Joint Meeting, and U about to con.such conveyance, transfer or assign- struct? a sewer system and. Is desir- ment shall convey, transfer or as- ii mmm at. Ir.stn.i4. N. JJ. . SO ous of purchasing from Cranford sign the space and flowage rights l145l-14-5tt Fees 17 !0 part nt Its flow rights in llahway sold to' Mountainside by Cranford g» ay, ym egrtear eaur ajes *«»#> NOTICM TO Valley Joint Meeting trunk sewer under this agreement. In the event MTOBB and disposal system above described; that a Sewerage Authority or other Eatsttt e otf HEHENRN Y W. PEFl^BIBTERI , It Is mutually agreed as follows-, successor to Rahway Valley Joint Pursuant to the order ot C1IAHL.ES 1—Both parties acknowledge their Meeting purchases the interests of A. OTTO, JR., Surrogate of thefamiliarity with the various con- the municipalities In the existing •OX OP T.V. County- of Union, mads on thetracts creating the Bahway Valley sewerage facilities and plant, and eighteenth day of May.A.D., 1951, Joint Meeting, and the rules and pays the municipalities for their va- upon the. application of the under- regulations thereof, and the obliga- rious interests therein, any costs, MILKSHAKE signed, as BAscutors of the estate tions of the various nine municipal! levies, expenses, assessment and of said deceased, notice Is hereby tits thereto: and both parties ac charge made against* Cranford by given to the creditors of said de- knowledge their familiarity with fhe such Authority or other successor CANDY ceased to exhibit to the subscribers, proceedings and negotiations now to defray or amortise the purchase under oath, or affirmation thel* lending to create The Itahway Val- price so paid shall be borne by claims and demands against the ey Sewerage Authority. Cranford alone part thereof estate of aald deceased within six I—Cranford agrees to sell and shall be borne by Mountainsids. montns from the-date of said order, Mountainside agrees to purchase a In the event that Kahway Valley or they will bs forever barred from portion of Cranford's space or flow- Joint Meeting, or such Sewer Au- v.sseeMlattan prosecuting or recovering the same age rights In fhe Bahway Valley thority or other successor enlarges against the subscribers.4 Joint Meeting Trunk Sewer and Dis- the sewer facilities for the purpose Tut Wit"! Marguerite W. Plelster, posal Works suitable and sufficient of increasing ltd capacity mid as a; to permit an average flow of sew- result/thereof the flow rights of' Carleton H. Bunker. age of one million gallons per day, ExecutoraEx . but at a rate which shall not ex-Cranford are increased, any costs, Beard eVMcOall. Attorneys ceed fwo million gallons per daylevies, .expenses, assessment* made eighteenth day of May A.D,, 1*61,paragraph si• x (6'") hereinafteher r be- be signed by their duly authorised upon the HUpllcatlon of the under- fore Wor. k l„e commenceiced on file prop - officers, under their respective seals signed, as Administrator ot the estate posposeed connectini g sewernewe.. UpoUppon paypap;y- us of the date first above written. vf said dcceaned, notice In hereby ment of such sum, less saiid credit, TOWNSHIP OF CRANFORD glveti to the. creditors ot said de- Cranford shall deliver to Mountaini - . By . ccuiKid to exhibit to the nubscrlbcr Bide a duly executed assignment or Chalinian ot Township Committee under oatii or nltlrmatlon their other Instrument of transfer of such ATTEST: estatli e oanf said ddemand deceases dagains wtthttn th _._e apace or flowage rights, months from the date of said order, i—Mountainside agrees to enter Township Clerk or they will be forever barred from the llahway Valley Joint Trunk BOROUGH OF MOUNTAINSIDE LIBERTY FOOD STORE prosecuting or recovering the same Bewer ut the point and by the route By .'. against the subscriber. shown on the plan for the Moun- Hurry L, .TalTe. tainside Hewer prepttred by Klson T. ATTEST: • MttyOr Exceptional Low Prices Plug Free Delivery %= in HUbstuntlally the following I eighteenth day or May A.D,, 1951,with Mountainside, that part of tho form: ' upon the application' of tho under- Mountainside sewer. a*t lteH within signed, an Executor of fhe estate Cranford, provided! However, that KNOW Alitj' MEN BY THESE of nald deceased, notice Is hereby KUCII diHchnrffc or uso by Cranford TIIKSBNTS, thnt on tills — day Delicious - MEATS - DAIRY PRODUaS given to the creditors of said dc- dooH not restrict tho UHO of such of —:—-, 1»51, tho TOWNSHIP OF cc««ece d too exhlbtex t too the subscriber hewer .h>hy Mountainside to loss than CUANFortD, a municipal corpora- unded r onflfil r ufflrmnttofflt nth theiir 2.2 M.G.D3.D.. maximum flow. tion/of flio stato of 'Now Jersey, lo- I claljiiH Had outeil In the County of Union, party FRISH KIUEO - 4 to 5 Ib. AVERAGE BALLARD BISCUITS demands against the 8—In consideration of tho uso eutalc ooff Mitld deeeaHCd within six by MountulnKldo to Crnn- ot tho flint part, for and in consid- Oven Raady .2 for nioiillilH ffroni'tho ddatt e off HUIIIII order d , eration of tho sum *% prosecuting or recovering the Htime talnxldo, by means of a credit Nlhcty-three Dnllnrs (»19»,193) law- • against the subscriber. aguinift tlio purchiiHe price net forth fill money nf Oio United States, pnld WISH KILLED CHEESE SLICES ..8-oz. OOC The Westfleld Trust Company In paragraph fliree (il) above, -tlio to the piirty of tlio Hl'Kt part nt or Kxecutor sum of thirty-live thousand (105,- ueforo tlio enxeulinK and delivery nf Beard & McOnll, Attorneys 000.00) dollnr«. those presents by THB BOROUGH SWISS KNIGHT *>Q 86 lOlm Ht,, WcHtfleld, N, J. Ol.' MOUNTAINSIDE, a municipal^ Fees 17.80 7.—Mountainside agrees not In sell corporation of tho State of New FRICASSEE CHICKEN «, 49cCHEESE 6-oi. OYC r.-24-r.t or transfer any of the flriw rlghtn Jersey, located In tho County of KADV-TO-IAT NOTICK OP SETTI.EHsKNT purchased under this agreement or I'll Ion, party of tho second part, the permit the UKB thecrpf or of nnyrncnlpt whereof IH hereby ncknowl- Notice Is Hereby given, Hint the part thereof by any other munici- ot l» hereby nckn Intermediate sccount ot the subpality- , without the express consent IIUK burirnincd, Bold and m scriber, Subatlt'utod Trustee to oxe-nf Cranford. But Crnnford will Rlvo slKiiKiidc , andd by tlicno presonts does SMOKED HAMS «, 63c iMite and complete the trust under approval to> connections with thn grantt, convey and assigi n untto ththo the last Will and Testament of,Mary Mountainside Hewer by Wcstfield party of. tlio rnjeond part a portion FRUITS - VEGETABLES 10. Maltblo, deceased, will be audited anil KprlnKtlolil within thn flow of IIH space or flowage rights In una stated by the Burrogate, and rlftlilB to which tlioHo two munlcl- tho Italnvay Vulloy Joint. Meeting rspbrted fur net! lenient to I lie union Trunk Sowcr»nd Disposal Works PLASTIC LOIN VEAL CHOPS ,95c County Court, Probate Division, on nalltlo.H lire now respectively entitled HARD RIPE HH members ot tlio Haliwny Valley aultiiblo nml Hurtlclcnt to norniit an TinirHdiiy, tho 14th day ot June, next, Joint Mooting-, iivornjfe flow nf sewage of one mil- SHOWER TOMATOES ... nf 10 A.M. lion KUMOHH per day, but at,a rate bo, 21c Dated May 14th, 1951 8—Mountainside ngreca, In KB IIHO which Hlmll not exceed two mil lion ASSORTED COLD CUTS, 69c THB WRBTFIRMJ of tho flow rights purchased, to gnllons per day at any one time, to PURE WHITE TltUST. COMPANY/ comply wlt'h nil rule«, regulations, have and to hold the same unto CAPS Beard & McOall, Att'yx. ny-litWH'Hiid other rmiulrcmcntn of wild party of the second part, Its CAULIFLOWER nd 25C 68 Kim St., Westfleld, N. J.i Railway "Vulloy joint Mcotlng jrov- suwoKHorH and assigns forever. ernlng tho uso of the llnlnvay Valley FRESH CHOPPED BEEF ,63c FRESH JERSEY C-17-4t Fees »T Tho Hpuce or flowago rights of Joint Trtink Sewn- nml DIsposul me nnriy ot the tlrst part liereln- NOTIOH Plant, and. the clinrnclcr of SOWIIRO iiofnrc incntlonod and a portion of BEETS 2 for 15c rllUl'lillfimrl iliisctlthir Tnkc notli'C Hull Martin Wiiillicrg therein. vli'ii |H hereiernn nsHlgned, are the Pout No. :i, American L*eglon« hHR aw- grcPH to con iii itmviiBt o rightss to whicwhich TENDER H—.Mottutalnulclc le pllcd to tlio Itlrcolor of tho Division "trtict In tho Moutainside Sewer le jinny off tho fifirst t part IIs cncn- STRING BEANS Ib. of Alcoholic Hcvorugo *.'onlrol, New- liorrlnbcforo referred IIn . ut thho pointi'' tlllfiltl l, In .InlnIlntt Trunk SectioSti n II, 19c ark, N. ,!,, for renewal of it Cl.lIH wherllby fIL oittoni the Township of •Inlnt Trunk Hcctton 2, Joint Trunk GROCERIES 1.ICI-.NHI0 for premises Nltuatcd at Cmnford or mieli otlirr point nn. SCALLIONS hpctlo lnn a IIS|, Owifor nnl1d Spur Trunk, KELLY'S 100.1-lOa.i Nortli Avenuo, Wc»t, West provnl by Cmnrurd, .-i inensitrliiR ,''!'!' !' ' ""'' '" the Spring- Bunch 5c ttotcU Now JcrHcy, inati-liola of « lypo mid rt(.»|Rn re- SWIIT POTATOES ..ll-oz. can I7C Tlio IIUIUCK of officers of UIIH club nulreil by or iipprnved by ltahwuy .Inlnt HeotliiB Trunk Hewer and In RADISHES and tho nrflroH (hey Mil respectively Vnllcy Joint MoctliiK, and to kiVn tho Ituhwuy Vnlloy HcwaBo Disposal Brci Cnmmnndvr: Thomas II. Blck- such mtm-liolt nml mcnmirlnif do. I'lnnt cunthllslion anil maintained DOll'S Bunch i-rn, r.hs tiniilevurd. AVcBllloldj Sr, vlrc In Rood fniidltlmi, wllli fri-c in nriwiliinci) with nn ngreemont 5c Vloo Coniniiiiiilor: .lulhin II. l«ovy uracss thereto by rcpre»pntiit*lvra of I'1! o .1!|2R, .and mipnlo PINEAPPLE JUICE ..IB-ox, can \JLC 715 l'*urp«t' Avmiue, WcHlllclrt; Jr. '•ranford nnil Unhwuy Vulloy Joint SEEDLESS V. U.. . nomiiuiiirtnr! llohci't n. Wond- MrotliiB nt nil tlniCH. MrMiutniDnUlo'H SHIMMEL'S n GRAPEFRUIT 3 for 25c bury, 822 HiinlliiB Htrcet, WcHtlloltl P""' " ."""-"If « 'l It" IIISOIIIIIRO Adjntnnf.-William llamm, US* JIIRII- !!"" Hnliwuv Vnlli-y .inim 'l'runli GKAPS JEUY ...12-oz.|ar laml Ave., Weslllnlil! AHBIHIIIIII Adjtl-I1}"!*'11' ,"Ml1, '*POKII1 I'liint. Hlinll ho EXTRA LARGE JUICY l 1 JELL-O _ tunl: Amlrow 1'tcnlnger, 3tn .letter- "" " mlneil lit Ilino nolnl of milil ineiiH- ORANGES doz. 37c Kim Avis, Wi-slllnldi Klnnm-n Oltlror: """" —••"->—<••mun-ho!p. llold; Ihn Township'of OEUTIN DESSERTS - Aid, Flavors , box /C Niiininii T. Hpnifiue, HI!) Miiyn Ht., 111—Mniintnlnsliic nurpps keen tirlnglUhl. tlio Tnivnsliln nf Clnrlt, Went'llolil; AnslHlmit l-'lnnni'o urrii'er. inrt-ilm,il ' www (l ... • IIn he Tuwiishlp nf Wnnilhrldw, nil bc- Hnm KriiHor, 122 HoiilDvnrtl, AVt'fit- pnrngr•nnln i i nliovo) in Koo,d oonrll. iiB nuiiilcliiiil I'lirporiillnns organ- t Ion a n i CAMPBELL'S TOMATO JUICE 13'/j.o*.ean 10c flclil: Illntiirlini: Tltun IC. Kmltli, Jr., ml rcimli- nt nil tlmif". In thn 10 Hlllto 712 Colonuui l»l,, AVcutlleld; Hergonnt ovpiit nf rtumnif, dono to Mew T'l-so- '"'" "' " "' DfL MONTI PEARS 29.oi.con 45c At Annul 1'ntny Amiono, f>35 Downer HHliI I'minri'tliiK- KnW(M. by ,•,.„.,„» ,,f This lllNlVillm>!it IM o-xociilrtt In nc- LORD MOTT FRENCH BEANS-8-oz. can 2 for 19c FROZEN FOODS HI., Wcslllclil: (*lia*|ilsln: 3, W. lloln- frntifwd'H loniKM'llnii thnrvwllh •oi'iliincc with (.irillniiiii^ No. — nf T o I n. 721 I>'oroHt Avf,, WeHtfleld: urimfurd shnll rcpnlr »n,.|i diimiii"' lie pint.v nr the llrM purl, wltluh REAIEMON JUICE B-ox.boMle 18« .linlife Ailvoi'alo: II. Krnnk I'ct'tlt, OI'IIIMIIIHO v»'ii(< niliipttirl by ilin Tnwn- 7u2 Kalrni'reK Ave., WoHllleld; Mem- NIBIETS CORN 12-oi.ean 18c FRESH COD bor-iit.ijNr(ro: Mertirtnl t^oldiuiiHi 237 BABO Ic Sole 3f > 24 FILLETS lib. 33c M. Hroiid HI., Wpstllnld. ol C The TriiHtcPB of lhli< f!luh Ini'luilc PIUSBLMY PIE CRUST - Save 3c 9-oz, 15c all nf ijir nljm'o mcnlloiiorl nirniberH MRS. PAUL'S nml IIIKH Jnck 3. riinilllo, AH lmw- MUUIR'S MACARONI 8-oz 12cDEVILED CRABS pkg. 49c renro Ave., WifHtlleld, i/nil Karl AUNT JIMIMA PANCAKE HOUR 20-oz, 18c .IJIUKi'liniiinii, 55 Him HI., WiiKtllolil. OnJccllmiNi If any, HIIIIUII! tm made OPPOSITI RIAITO JUNKIT SHERBET MIXES A»it. Flavors 16c MAXSON Mininodltiraly In wrlllng t.v The Pl- RIO SALMON-Frost King Mb, can 79c POTATO PUFFS 9-oz. 23c rector at the hlvfHlon of Aksoliolln IIIIK iigreoiiiri) , MouulaliiBlcU- BIM , IlnvnriiBo Cjontroi, Nowiirk, Now fi'ohi thud It, lime, imikc ll,0 follow- 243i.BROAP5t • OIISHA WHITE MEAT TUNA 7-ot.can 41c SEABROOK ASPARAGUS JorMey, Isiar luiyineiitM to r'niiifonl: SIUIIIMI:, (II) I'.t priipiirllniinui Hhnr« (.f nil NABISCO GRAHAM CRACKERS 1-lb.pkg, 33c CUTS AND TIPS 39c Murlln Waiihnrg l'nst No. 3 mill I'linrgr-M pvlnd liv Iliilnviiv Ainiti'li'iiir t.cidon V-iljoy J .li,t^looii, - a ',i|n»t ('ruii^ II-7-JI Vnm »M).Ill ( 1Hr K PRESCRIPTION CHWB«? (Ii) lt» |M'ii|i»i'liiilinin NIIIII'P nf Mi,, NOTK;M cunt lo l!mnfnnl nf nil liii|,nn'ninfii TIIWIISIIIII Cl S22 CENTRAL AVENUE FREE DELIVERY WESTFIELD 2-1294 Nmlyii IK hnrony glvnn tlnil tint HMAI, fnlliiwiim orilinniU'c wUic>)i WHS In-Bill flipilll'H til lllft It-illlU «.«« '» Mambar af Twin Count/ Grocers Association IT«iliii.'i!il iiiul PIISHOII oil llrxt rcnilliiif illHliusitl nlntil, nn siinh ,•(,«( IK ilelVr. lit it iiiiiotliiK of th« Hiit'OtiKli Ciiiliinil iitlng . 1 iw )r Vllllc Jo1 of tlio lluroiigli uf MouniMliislilii, In Xili' "" " >' "' (o) Its proportionals, slmro of tho