North, South and Central America Reclaimation of land & Antiquitous Status Droit Droit * (Jus Sanguinis & Jus Soli) * Antiquitous Landlord* Freeholder * Full Equity * Moor Imperial Order INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COMPLAINT VIOLATIONS OF INTERNATIONAL LAW and RIGHTS OF INDIGENOUS INHABITANTSS COVER PAGE Imperium Mandate 1439 m.c. Corr. To 10/23/2020 g.c. From: Court of Corrections and Freeholders Empress’ 6 Royal Courts/ Imperial Courts of her Majesty, In Absolute Empress Ninti of Tsalagi Dynasty Re: (Cherokee Nation of Moors) c/o 401 Hawthorne Lane 110-289 Imperial City, North Carolina Territory [28204] CC: 1. Royal Decree Imperium Celestial Empire * Mandate of Heaven Ab Initio Mundi usque ad hodiernum diem Aborigine of Amexem Droit * (Jus Sanguinis & Jus Soli) * Antiquitous * Landlord* Freeholder * Full Equity * Moor | Empress of America | Empress of North Carolina | Mecklenburg Countess Empress' Six Royal Courts
[email protected] Imperium Mandates of 2020 ref.(IMO2020-25) October 24, 2020 Empress Ninti of America Imperium Mandate Introduction This Royal Decree/ Imperium Mandate is the order of the Royal High Court. The High Court of the Land – America. The Executive, Judicial and Legislative Branches are at and the High Court’s command. Empress’ Imperial High Courts represent the land. Empress' Six Royal Courts Jurisdiction is the highest seat upon the land next to the Aborigine Throne. The proper hierarchy has been restored in America. America has a resurrected hierarchy and Empire. America is no longer under the British “Queens” occupation. Clearly by these words not abandoned by the Aborigine Inhabitants of the land. Decolonization is in full effect; all States were ordered to decolonize in year 1960 and respect Aboriginals rights to rule again, self-identify and self-govern, again this universal law was solidified in year 2006 by the International Court of Justice ordering the former “Queen” Elizabeth Windsor to restore all inherent birthrights back to the Aborigine’s of North America.