The .Westfield Leader
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' ;' ,_- Official '· Local ; New1paper 1.eads in W stfield THE New1 and ..i e .WESTFIELD LEADER I: Mountainside THE LEADING AND MOST Advertiainr WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY. - ·;.:·! YEAR--No. WESTFIELD, �EW JERSEY, THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1941 ; FifTY�ECOND 2 ,,-�- •16. Page---5 Centf; RepublicanClub Town Playgrounds Popular "Y" Officer Popular Profs I Catch. es Plainfield Boys In Automobile_ Larceny Backs Benninger Close Tomorrow Teach Again Public School$ Will Opell After at i o Sept. w ch ng threePlainfiel d b y s F Doro Mayor AfterBest Season Will loiter suspiciously yesterday afternoon s�j or At Adult School around cars in the ar ng lot on tho -} p ki . , south side of the rnil oad stntion, Several New Teachers On -·-- r Staff� Det. Lieut. ha les Benninger block Former Colgate Football Star New Pupils Will Georre R. on; Howard Only Two Days Rain. Mrs. Alpe�s and Mrs. George C r Enroll Sep..i'! R. Lo�t.b'.J ed the path of the youths thoy Cy as To Join Faculty of High tember and Exams .; ck lndoraed For Attendance Increased Over. b c e a Westfielder's Into Dederi To Repeat· Courses Well a k d machine 4 5. the street. School Are Mountainside· Council Liked Last Year Scheduled :, 1940 Record The t o :' ri oincluded, 940 Jnmes sMontague, f l!l years ld of We t Fourth Several new teachers will g1-cet the The public s chools of West eld wilf' r Albert J. Benninger was Tomorrow afternoon will mark the fi RP.Corde Two popular instructors last year strt'<!t, Reginald Griggs, of s in e local public schools when Mountainside upil th open on Monday, September 8. Open. indo�ed for mayor of end of anotlwr season of organized in the Westfield Adult School, it was 17, 201 and 15-year-old they11 eturn to Ing hours are 11s follows : night by the Republican Club of and supervised play for Westfield chil by Rock avenue, 11 boy. r las announced this week the instruc. Griggs is on probation for larceny September 8, their classrooms on ' t rally meeting in the Grades, kindergarten to sixth rad borough at a dren at the three areas, Roosevelt, tion committee, will return in the c g e of a r in another municipality. Bart Ellis of Toms River, wiJI teach 9 . m.; Jun O'r the House, Route 29. West Broad street and a at a i High School, grades . Halfway Columbus. fall to give two courses each. They mathem t s o About-ce g Miss Claire Thornton, 922 Central u ic in th:! Senior High and a :25 a. e memb rs attended and f urt n Acc din Carl E. Cluesmann, arc Mrs. Marga et Alpers, who will l t 8 S nior High OT ti> r aven e, is tho owner Schoo . has h l eigh ars o 7, h8 9 m.; Mty s e admitted into the club. supervisor of recl'eation h town, of the car, which He nc t ye f c ool , grudes 10, 11 and 12 at person were for t e teach classes in eginning and ad u s c n S this was parked unlocked and With keys •t cc'"ful experie ce in teachi g Se a. m. High School pupils will r 8:port26 c n i ates promised support has been the most successful vanced Spanish ab 1 n - e nd Mrs. David in t e igrtiti n. Police Chief n o h thema s hy . Other d d summ L. h o John l ·r Hig nrn tio und sic at 8 :25 on tho .o]lonlng day schoo were George R. Lyon and Howard R. er since the areas were first George, whose subject will be flower p s of l o , Schreiber cautions residents against in Hillside. M r. Elli was radunted directl to their home oom . Home for councilmanic p s s Hen provided three years ago. Attendance ran m ad· g y r s Dederick a ar ge ents for beginners nnd R.leuving fro lga e In the 1 o t t their vehicles unprotected. m Co t Phi Be�a nppa room lists will be pos th<i boys' feifer c un y committee has incl'2asec1 over last Year, partic vanced students. ted in and holds a Ma2tcr of Kdu ry P s Jr., for Murphy for county ularly at Co umb s Acting Thorn g_roup E a- locker room, tho girls' locker room and man �fr . l u The first registration date for the t ; Mildred . RecO'rder Charlesd N. ion from Rutgers U�lvers1ty. ewoman and Wi liam This week p ogram has ee map this morning o·r ered held ilef.!:t'ee on the bulletin board in the lower com�itte Bab b n f ll term of the school will be Fri h o p l a Jr.,wit end a G1·iggsunder $200 p c, men l foot- llw . for justice of the ea e. ped to end' the season'r with fond mem day,a Octooor 3. Classes will open hout bail ont g a n varsity ha ay c M ue ballH<> hadcnrcer 1 three years in Col The cock s ories of contests, games, ball, Grand action. Theodore oosevelt JuniO'r High Benninger is serving hi fourth tournaments, onday evening, October 13. A cat usfor both for Jury The ;_,ate a�d '� first strinl\'. man on- School pupils Rl c Mr. b n picnics nnd handcraft. M r d will be turned over to 1' wil repo1·t dire tly to as He �as ee a alogue listing cou·rses to be offe e youngest boy Andy s a . juvenile in Kerr dcfc ted, untied, team. room numbe1· e o p o year was poltce commis There were only two days during middle u d signated n mo councilman and will be distributed about the authorities Pluinfield. was menti�oned by a nu r s A which a l mhor of tion cards. 1. oc <ir n umbers and o sioner for five year resident of the h to ARTHUR S. FOUST of Septem e i homes in Wc�t Hc r e h . l playgrounds d be w it rs an All-American er nc ssnr I k t t most of his life, his a l day rain. On field. b r to n sports ns ce y nforma ion will be giv the borough closed gua1·d. Mr Eilis wi l be an assis nt out a c un because ot ta en out In homerooms. standing political achievement was c o t of rain Monday, the events Mrs. Alp2rs, who taught Spanish in . l Hea ' Firm coach of the Senior High School foot- close race lie ran last ye r scheduled for that day had to be dis the Adult School for tli'l first time ir ball team. · Junior High Dcficle11c11 ExmnB the m m for tributed between Tuesday and Wed Art Foust Feted m Tho deficiency examinations in the o mittee an against George Inst year, is for er head of the Another mathemati s l titig c vacancy in state c The indorsement last night nesday. The sch d e for the week: Spanish department in the Westfield Oil Junior High School wlll gin Warren. u Would Move Tanks the Senior l!ip;h School will be filled be the eame on his irthday. � ho l . With the growth of inter F. morning of the day school opens, Sep• b Tuesday At Camps' Finale c o by L ewis taugh t a , Essays on "Why I Enjoyed the ests ins Spanish throughout the coun Mnl'llftlc who hns 8. All pupils will report b orn ·in East Or nge this subject with success. Mr, Maraf- tcmOO'r to Mr. Lyon h e Playgrounds.'' Girls' checker and try, the school ha added' the extra Seeks to Shl'(t Contai"ners home rooms ancl will receive lnstruc• moved to the, bo1·ough t_ r e ago. s last taught h\ the unellen Senior m years croquet champions played boys cham Director Receives Praise and class to a wide'r of fi-0 D tions there to the place and', time arried last year and resides provide range of From Garwood. Council High Scho ol, has had four years ex• 118 He was pions in three different age gi·oups. ferings for those who wis to begin . of examinations. No p upil will be chard road. He is a member From h perience college va·rs!ty oo all at S Or Treasure hunt, wa rmel n as priz.e. Gifts Members and th language as well as m f tb , p ermitted to take an examination un. t Mountainside Rescue Squad te o the study of e Grants Lease basketball and baseball an<l is espe- h Essays he has a certificate o at e read to group for selection of Fellow Workers for those who have p1·eviously studied n high sc less f tutorin" and Mountainside Taxpayers' Asl!OCI· clally adept in a hi g hool • three winne s, a a i Forced co from the tutoring teacher or present. element ry Sp n sh. to move two tanks f'rom its basketball. His homec was i r n Allen- n attended an ation. 'The Adult School will offer courses loc ti n Garwood he evide ce of having ap h is own business in Wednesday Arthur S.