' ;' ,_- Official '· Local ; New1paper 1.eads in W stfield THE New1 and ..i e .WESTFIELD LEADER I: Mountainside THE LEADING AND MOST Advertiainr WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY. - ·;.:·! YEAR--No. WESTFIELD, �EW JERSEY, THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1941 ; FifTY�ECOND 2 ,,-�- •16. Page---5 Centf; RepublicanClub Town Playgrounds Popular "Y" Officer Popular Profs I Catch. es Plainfield Boys In Automobile_ Larceny Backs Benninger Close Tomorrow Teach Again Public School$ Will Opell After at i o Sept. w ch ng threePlainfiel d b y s F Doro Mayor AfterBest Season Will loiter suspiciously yesterday afternoon s�j or At Adult School around cars in the ar ng lot on tho -} p ki . , south side of the rnil oad stntion, Several New Teachers On -·-- r Staff� Det. Lieut. ha les Benninger ­ Former Colgate Football Star New Pupils Will Georre R. on; Howard Only Two Days Rain. Mrs. Alpe�s and Mrs. George C r Enroll Sep..i'! R. Lo�t.b'.J ed the path of the youths thoy Cy as To Join Faculty of High tember and Exams .; ck lndoraed For Attendance Increased Over. b c e a Westfielder's Into Dederi To Repeat· Courses Well a k d machine 4 5. the street. School Are Mountainside· Council Liked Last Year Scheduled :, 1940 Record The t o :' ri oincluded, 940 Jnmes sMontague, f l!l years ld of We t Fourth Several new teachers will g1-cet the The public s chools of West eld wilf' r Albert J. Benninger was Tomorrow afternoon will mark the fi RP.Corde Two popular instructors last year strt' r aven e, is tho owner Schoo . has h l eigh ars o 7, h8 9 m.; Mty s e admitted into the club. supervisor of recl'eation h town, of the car, which He nc t ye f c ool , grudes 10, 11 and 12 at person were for t e teach classes in eginning and ad­ u s c n S this was parked unlocked and With keys •t cc'"ful experie ce in teachi g Se a. m. High School pupils will r 8:port26 c n i ates promised support has been the most successful vanced Spanish ab 1 n - e nd Mrs. David in t e igrtiti n. Police Chief n o h thema s hy . Other d d summ L. h o John l ·r Hig nrn tio und sic at 8 :25 on tho .o]lonlng day schoo were George R. Lyon and Howard R. er since the areas were first George, whose subject will be flower p s of l o , Schreiber cautions residents against in Hillside. M r. Elli was radunted directl to their home oom . Home­ for councilmanic p s s Hen­ provided three years ago. Attendance ran m ad· g y r s Dederick a ar ge ents for beginners nnd R.leuving fro lga e In the 1 o t t their vehicles unprotected. m Co t Phi Be�a nppa room lists will be pos th cnrcerhad 1 three years in Col The cock s ories of contests, games, ball, Grand action. Theodore oosevelt JuniO'r High Benninger is serving hi fourth tournaments, onday evening, October 13. A cat­ usfor both for Jury The ;_,ate a�d '� first strinl\'. man on- School pupils Rl c Mr. b n picnics nnd handcraft. M r d will be turned over to 1' wil repo1·t dire tly to as record.er. He �as ee a alogue listing cou·rses to be offe e youngest boy Andy s a . juvenile in Kerr dcfc ted, untied, team. room numbe1· e o p o year was poltce commis­ There were only two days during middle u d signated n mo­ councilman and will be distributed about the authorities Pluinfield. was menti�oned by a nu r s A which a l mhor of tion cards. 1. oc

New Owners For This Home

FO UNTAIN PEN I c.\IU'1':\ 'l'Ell Job•tna;, Altemtlo••I HOSPITAL. Brin by- practical. e ive r enced your old pens-we make them re· ! buiircabvuaLl�,tlcn�. ltchena and bathroomsl new at a �omlnal Q.harge. IlkIf 1 7 .MeiseI, 35 Elm 'l' et. Westfield K . Paul .J s Elrf: tleld St., l !1·merl:�1 t:1l8t.i· ct:-;N�t��ti�voe �tt �:u��tif 2-0583, · !i-7�U: 8-7-U INTRJllOll � IJ, rcc�s ! .Llt!\il'l'LH.li: llEPA. rerln· a lso paperhangingand �tcrlor a.nd d�coraun1•u1nun.a ;;:o-•�hel\; formerlyJill� w tb at reasonable prloeY. Kulmaye� . John • 11 llcl.lnnuat"ud JJro!'I., polhihedi Eli�beth. l done235 Thi d Ave., Garwood. '!'hon� us Uarwood, N. J. oc t Ar· WE. 2-1630r -W. 8·7·t! uonciai L w·E. 3.320-, rices rea· ! Te1..,l oH.1 Ave.L t l a l . ..J. P 8 ·7· t lNl'rUll I on P t' Ul lll REP S. 1 e b e upholstering; alBoAIR al !!!Ell\"J(;lil-R•llable oraguFlnlalll anncll andan. AT l�n RADIO ttques. WE. 2·0231 .vell established servic at a Mountain .A.vo. e y Don .Maxwel� Hospttai radioe Shop,bed !or 886 rent. �,��1aa"s���::�:· or�:�Ta T:c� 1:i� 2-2633. �30 East Broad St. 8·7-t!:f�\� 8-7-tr NICHOLAS FERRANTE o merly WE. with ltman DTRA DE(;OHA.TOR, Co., New r York. KLING ER'S CPHOLSTEHER .t.:::r:pert fuA e F sPECIAJ.5 B. nitur &repairing, rennts ! c e s and drap.,rtes,ANIJ Fred Kant· b ... SUPER nllp Ing. Antirques restored. Uphols I Yer, formerlyov r with W. Baumgarten 109 ter­ ing New St .. Plainfiel ... oan. 45 Sou h d. Tele­ 2 41c Co., nd t phone. PLntntleld 6-6742. 8-7-t! &Union Avea W.Cra J.nf ordSl Tel SOAP phone CRanford 6-0893., N. J. 8·7-tCe• MEATS suos-e�::::ci ::.::� .• FO UARPENTEll-ll•ke up­ bar t -date. Cabinet Ye•rwork, Klt eloenllnol&um _ R or 6c �A.N'GIJiU ••• P••••••s-Fir•t- counter to e Porch screens. cla.u work-beat of materlal-loweat o Open SAT. 1 p r he p , years PALMOLIVE P�ierS.tr aw· j r prlce , eatlmate frM. ational Wall­ Alteration•. . a ed - 1-lb. pape B Co., 109 W tchunNs Ave., Plaln· o c a n r 300 OK• THURS.2bt·, FRI.22nd, 23rd berry; C 13�;hb��· 7�� ,� �� ar ve�, w : s rry a 2 field;r 'phone PL.a 6·4763. 8-7-tt Aus. LIBBY'SERV EVES AP.-Ra pbe 4369, ; : 'A :8-7-tf\D: PRES MILK l't.:lllll1TE8 Or yin& •0111e at llnple Hfll a e p evalent- allso-calle overd fttown. anThe ta, MATTREH RENOVATING c nnd pur­D. r Box l new can ftt' :o:il nJ'f'n•Tnd Avf"nnr.Brandon ••arm• Srot�h Plltln11. rar val'ell of these pea ta have b en spr naa and rebullt. One• �r. Jin. .J. "'ft" ltt-rr1· hT ·Mr. Jin. \\�. I day servl�e If d sir d. Custom-b LEGS LUX SOAP r 7 e•n•PdAaale t•rougll froRI T. F. Rf',-no1d•. keenly felt by many home owners.e , e uilt ff, A X. o your home bedding buil tor dividu b The fondatlon f In t en al cases. of SPRING a danger. Woud you know howta to !.fiYi::Jd I a CHILI SAUCE, Old Faahioned 23c of pay for men having less than four look tor them Accept then, m:r free 1�:�01:!��·�g;: �, -w� ��:f7t?D 12..oz. alter nomas, otfer of Inspection.T W aUle d 8-7-tf Snider'a bot.6c c. years "'2rvice. With lon ity pay, e w Jr. g v 1320. l8-7-ttZ- AMMONIA . Air Corps these amounts are increased appre­ for In Army ciably. e CHAIRS REIEATED W tlo Ca•e SOFT SPUN PAPER NAPKINS...... 3 2 pkga.2Sc 25c llber rush. Porch chairsl w tr redor ll men who enlist the eea H Good work. Reaso able ratea. LAMB �!:ti. ��:: Sergeant John P. Lang, in charge t n t A young in Grove, 712 Recruiting Station, os Air Corps do not necessarily become . KLINGER'S O of the Army P t C.0051-R J. . Soi.th Ave., WE.8-7-tt Z- C FF O ce Building, lizabeth, announced pilots of Army planes, Sergeant Lang lb o n d out. However, physically I.AWN ROLLER FOil PREMIER COFFEE . . . . 28c28c theffi enlistment ofE Walter Clyde Thom- p t if mowers sharpened andllENT. repaired. La.wn . al S9f ...... 1-tb.vacuum can and education ly qualified, they may n Sc , KINGAN'S CORNED���-. BEEF. HASH EE...... of a d Mrs. reens locksmith, general jobbing FRESH I1 as, · MT. W lter becomei e flying cadets with a view to and repairing. Delivery service . 2 29c Thomas of 569 Pierson street,a 237 . C. o inin commission in the er8_ �h. for Jr.,the son2nd Tow Target Squadron, bta g a "l?� a&%�lntyre, Etrn 7 FRYING ARMOUR'S cans Savannah, Ga. Corps Reserve with pilot's rating and i•Fl : assignment acti e duty with the IRO!'lrER8, (lleaa• CROSSE BLACKWELL'S ASSORTEDJ��:)��=�•n SOUPS2 5c High school graduates or men with Air .VA.HIERS.e a. email appliances, Vae.••all makes re· Regular Army.to v &: equivalentAir Corps, training or experience or pairedr to your complete satls!actton. CHICK.ENS TREET 2 25c I , Prompt ervic . Called tor and de· -(19 some mechanical experience, are de­ llverAd. s Snowdene Appliance Shop, PRUNE NUT VaBREAD,rieties) Crosse .2 cans 25c 104 Prospect St., WE. 2-2777. 8-7-tt VACUUJll CLEANERI, A.II .. re· sired fOT enlistment in the air corps, pa ed. Bags, brushe11 and be....lt 'sold. &: w cans Change in Motor i Black ell Sergeant Lang declared .. He said that AND MIRRORS Electricr wiring Installed or alstered. BAKED BEAN .All work guaranteed. ardo HEINZ S this branch of the Army offers men Vehicle ;l'or ICYefT PllrJI-· Old re· electrician, WE. Z-2637-M.J. G. C 8-7-tiio with suitabl-e education and physi al Law 111lvGLASSered. Auto safety slase.mirrors Gorkln HEINZ CATS 1::: 29c R6 me the opportunity for Co., So rset St., S9f 3 ·19c Gia••field, 1 -0 4 Plllln·8-7-tt T PREMIER SLICEDUP..... BEETS...... larse :2 bottle cana 25c N. J. Tel. PLtd. 6 5 4 �:ii1:it �ro";: training as flying cadets, and alsoc Motor Vehicle Commissioner Arthur . "i:';�'':i�l'';o'clock���:�t:� 663 Downer N st. Tel. conducts technical schools for the time or 9WE. 2-24 f:·m. GRAPE JUICE qualifications W. Magee today called at ntion w�u'i! d!;?v1.: �Y r:.,�J;::, 3-J. 8.7-tf lie training of enl sted tech­ te to anything from a bottle of wine to';.".fJ a RADIO PREMIER CUT GREEN BEANS...... pint 2 bottle cana 25c two i mportant the New n;ri•i"";..;i.;j, Ca• l'ls keJC of beer omplete wlth radio aet-re•ar•-vJCmdle1e I nicians and specialists of all kinds. 226 En•• Eotlm&te - make o 10ur PREMIER 2 can• Jersey Financial Respon�ibility Law, Try W••tfteldc pump. tree. of r ase Graduates ofqualified these te chnicali schools Brondus. St .. Tel. WELtquorP,. 2-3686. 8-7•tf Ca l Wl!l. 2-2738.H Payne. 29c effective since Julychanges 28 last. in :reare ezpertenca8-7-tf RUN OF GARDEN IJMAB, EANS, Premier. are In line for advancement in the l J, L. BOW WOW DOG FOOD &cana 29c Air Corps at incl'eased rates of pay, The purpose of the law change i� I and e mploy­ remove from the highways finan­ to ment in civilian life. They are paid cially inesponsible owners and drivers PREMIERCRAB MEAT 2 while they learn. who have failed satisfy judgments L ar fitted for profitable e to 11�·· 5c Among the specialized pur uits fol­ resulting from their own negligence. or The law formerly provided for the 0 L lowed by the Air Corps enlisteds tech­ . ROYAL DESSERTS PUDDINGS...... pks. Sc revocation of licenses of those failing ...... nicians are the :following : Aerial pho­ FRENCH'S BIRD GRAVELSEED ...... pks. 12c satisfy judgments in excess of N JEDDO-HIGHLAND IOc tography', airplane and airplane en­ 0 ...... to$10 0. The amendment calls for the , FRENCH'SMcCORMICK'S BIRD TEA ...... 25. . pks.a gine maintenance, armament, machine AND ...... e Zic Nivocation of licenses where a de­ CHICKENBAGS KING...... ai shop meteorology, parachute G w work, fendant has failed to satisfy a judg­ LA . . . 35c rigging, radio operating and main­ DIPLOMA A ... jar T tenance, sheetmetalcraft and welding. ment in excess of $25, within thirty B lllSPY CRACKERS-,s.::_ . The Air Corps also needs good days after the judgment becomes cooks and stewards. clerks, final. The law, provides, however, I for installment payments of jud'g­ ·u L. Vi COAL PRICF.S FROM AUG. 21st to AUG.�ir�: lSc27th. Because of its need for specially PRDH EFFECTIVE trained men, the Corps has a ments. N • Fruh Fnalb and generous allotment of grades and Defendants In this class are also LEHIGH COAL&:SUPPLYCO. S.-W la v.. etaltlea Dail,. ratinga. In the gradeAir of Private, a required to prove evidence to the : soldier who attains the rating of air �otor Vehicle Department of financial A mechanic, first class, receives the responsibility for future accidents for , COUNTY, N. ..:C LIALVF.SVE R· U l\RB J. SPECIALS-THURS., FRI., SAT. same pay-f84. per month-as first period of three years after the I OF UNION RH B • • , • • B. E.E. pks. 17e technleal sergeant. With a arating judgmenta becomes final. The law ap­ s • ltt. lie ....rt c. n...... ,.... - B. Fll.J.Et FLOUNDER or air mechanic, second class, he re· plies to judgments secured against , N . 8. E. De u r CRANFORD H ASPARAGUS CUTS . pk1. '72 per month, the pay of a New Jeroey residents in any part of . TEL WXleOO p,._ celves are ·· . Stat&o., sergeant. These .. the rates the United States or Canada. G stf Plltkla1 at AMOCO C-tnl A Qulmk ataff , tftY;OJY!"iDIUCIOul·· hUH · fUH ON THURSDAYS AND FRIDAYS l\ E "Ml&T - •'. ' LI NCAT ICURGllt'I � R'S :tto ELM.STREET WE.>- -4080-81-82-83

EasyWa y !s the Best _ Way Washing nd a day for iron• l DAT for � ft ing. Nonsense ! That sounds like Grandma'• time. Nowadays the easy way is t1Je belt way. Use electricity for SAVE TIME laundry work. A tuhful of clothes can and MONEY lllllft &Mlther-when washed lilinutes with an elec· One' comea he in a.few ha-.. tella it to fiHins ·Grace Help: for washer. your ironing an l.lrin1 a w-w ; Irie Do with BuaiwCr...liedOppw tanity; Poaitioaa •ea•� il.t to laTeat?--.... him. electric ironer. If you use the kind that Colamna -...1 -" 'rt..·­. IMMEareDIATE ,...U -. ia ...ii : naulta AH ! can on a table or s nd yoo waally ,-;__, heoperated ta , can sit down while you work.

washer and the Gladiron READ THE The Thor CLASSIFIED (Thorelectric ironer) do first class work mand .and de the'minimum of 811perrision are moderate. from you. Prices

A.JIU4 - THE WESTFIELD LEADER·� Program Tonight Soldiers at Fort Dix ;itiVetouserans' Annual Party In Excellent Health f FORT health ' o DIX-Summer· at For T �Vetmittcs Cln1·k-- Fort Dix m eranc of For excellent, Lieut. Col. The Old i �!� ' is B i jJysliP Post, ompleted arrange- odore O r e , Medical Corps,The­ h ' W. n ��ve� -fi'rst annual eel- acting post s urgeon, announced Mon­ ei ty mentsgn w:; •thc ht t the club rooms day. Only 2.38' per cent of the com ­ f ni1. ere will be a mand is sick in the hospital, the nor ebration to t Th � 21 rog m and a pro- mal cxpectancy for this time of year,- amb�r?spcctitm s p ra . . � :si���show. The committee he said or rise in com strength. of command o f Fort bfeasstonas also proJ1c: m s lscd urp s - DixThe is now 29,869, and of this nµm- s 1 ber 713 (including 2 7 enrollees petitlon . f cams, re ears , CCC 0 u d dse ofwill be and one civilian emergency case Busc helsan d allons h f co e 0 ff ) eT in the hospitals. Exactly 200 of th) areese ofvail oarnble : Afi are 1 no e Vheth a . mrd b- cases are listed as contagious, and c vi' ) ns. T ;ts ay be o �� 7c� o t e are classed as rcs ­ vets or att d r Clark-Hyslip 188 f h ee pira ' - vita- tory. Summer· colds are the cause talned a cn d special in o xt � of the in the respir st a ti all3° berg Amer- o of sickness - � � Post, ato.m str oup. tton � :i :d.; the es fl ld Defense ry g 1 n W e JeCouncan Leilg. on a Dix Soldiers----- Relieved · t Marksmen's Rating Win · From Labor Day Duty Class R. Ahrens FORT DIX-Suspension of all t � C. • lace Richard training on Labor J?�y, the and Private D1v1s10n givinga two nsp of 126, Park street, both. men of 44th . and E/r�rr. Colliis the . ° s marksm n on th e range one-half day holiday, was announced alified a e Jackson S. C. recently. today by Major Gene l Clifford R. a 1rille ra ah Fortns i s mem of squ d Powell, division commander. q: a ber a ecollins is the company "The division has worked hard, and A clerk dn andJ y assisting the first ser- must work harder, getting ready l room still or er ' for fall maneuvers," General Powell declared. "This Pullover •••4. 95 gean t· will give the men ' thei l g Cardigan , , (j.�� READ THE LEADER ADS-IT r only opportunity for a on • end me week- PAYS. before that ti ."

For Active Ward.robe Advice ehoes that are 1tyled like Dad'ii-fltted conscienBoystiously · -and built of rugged yet flexible leather to give botla eomfort and endurinir aervice, (. knowO OFFICIAL, .. and we "BOY SCOUT" ; what you NEED wliatyou skip • • • . • can :· liow you . • MOCCASIN can pep the whole up and be :infinitely thing varied with a Brown elk, rawcord aole1, couple of crazy little Madcaps (2.00 and3.00) and a Sizes Tatter­ S to 6. sall shirt (2.95),

/ e $4.50 I( Do you have a Oamel's Hair Jackett You need onel 'Huxley Jers y 14.9$ And it will pay you to get a good one our Stroock's ••• is 19.95 and it s ay with you all four years. You need will t a WING TIP O�FORD grey flannel skirt, box pleated at 3.95 to '7.95. And a Re,. · Brown. ersible so you freeze or g t wet. Get a solid ' v don't either e LU.'l'BD IOLS dark green or red (12.95 or 17.95) or a Glen Plaid (14.95)'. $4.75 See the Blazer Trench Ooat shown in Mademoiselle (10.95)'. ftBP• IOLJI Are you considering J er Plaid Tweed If a ump t A ('1.95) that detaches at the waist will give you an extra skirt. $o '$4.aS . will the grey Flannel Jumper (10.95). You can wear al­ most any shirt or sweater with them, but we suggest a rah· smELD 11P OXFORD bit's hair and w o Jersey o l shirt in gold, red .or blue (5.95)', Elbldn. Brown KOl'dotuft Tip,. Weiglat llo1- Sweaters you know! Our Downee Shetlands •tr• Oak fl I . . · well, pullover, 3.95 cardigan) (2.95 are e a kable and the colori5 I r m r are lovely. There a eck pullover, too But y u want $417 '1 V n I if o a still r nice set see our Margot Shetlands at 4.95 (pull�ver) and (cardigan), your budget tak it, there'• .1 6.96 And if can e nothing VAN..,,,. ARSDALE'S c_ ., ,...... � quite like our B a ma s. set FROfiT ST. PLAINFIELD, r e r The pullover will you 127 EAST II. I. back 9.95 and the cardigan 11.95.

fl And we haven't come to your Tweed 8uit yet (it can be 10.95 or 45.00,or between) or Zip-in-lined Ooat in , •• your llnlE

But you'll be coming down soon and rr • • anyway we can continue then. hol College Shop Our w e Third Floor is a right an know you'll enjoy OO)V d _we seeing it.'

(No Toll) W..uieLf Pa.,_ Call WX 2100

� �. s KELLER'c ; - Ave.. , ""l:.r. South: G.;� and LelandO.PLAINFIELD, N. 12'1 Park AAvenue J, r Season Skip�. �: .a.a-. nr- CoM s-.. .. ••• ci--.. 1.a...._ .... - 1 . 39. 95, .d 28, 1941 THE WESTFIELD LEADER, THURSDAY, AUGUST Town Aiding Mosquito ssion History Made on High Sea& I Control of Insects' BCoinmireeding Placin­es the yards of Westfield and Les mosquito breeding in Garwood was � y by t crew of the Union Count Mosq�ito Extennina­ reported he inspection e _ Commission as they finished_ the s arch for con iners · . . tion ta m the yards of pools, unstocked with fish to th these two communities. Garden eat• e wrig. and glers, were a common mosquito breeding nuisance. Tubs, buckets cans were also found in some gardens hold- wat-er nnd pr du g ing o cin mosquitoes. Control of Culex pipien:1 is exceJ- it Of 4,825 o ti s inspected in Jent w . h the annual inspection of pr per e estfi ld contained breeding places properties plus the. co-operation of W .- , 6 for a ratio9 of 1 in 60. In Garwood, the property owners. For the last rs of 734 propertie checked were few yea the yard inspection 21 s , re­ u guilty for ra o of 1 35. ports have shown a declining rate in fo nd a ti in 1 0 Westfield show d 1 in 29 the breeding of Culex pipiens and In e 94 1 com lain about mosquito annoyanc properties breeding and Garwood, p ts e in 21. , indoors are rare at 'the commission headquarters. The pub ic y Only four mo re municipali , l is reall fu;'; the commission and . Cranford, Clark, Rahway and inden helping them L by c peration in preventing remain to be inspected to complete selves s o-oe ing around the . the un - id check-up of approx- mo quito bre d home c ty w e iniateoly 70,000 An i sp - properties. n ec 1 tion crew of eight e , Mountains n ide Briefs June 23 pte r 6 ca y on this ·!BAMBERGER'SHALF- YEARLY' e to Se mbe rr c work s arching for e n la s m brworkinge i g em Mrs. William Von Borstel � pfro and around the homes of Umon County, . daugh ter, v1olet,· h ave returned from t ruet" mg the h u oId m mos- I m· . o s \.._. f!r a visit in Massachusetts. � reven o and di:s 1. b ng parn- p ti n tr u • I . . 1 b qmtophlets mo q breeding and con- Mr. and Mrs. Wilham Doyl-e left on s uito a , 54, 76 rop- yes erday for El Paso Tex., to make trol. So far this se son 0 p � , erties have been insp and 1200 their home. ected t properties found at fault. The same Miss Katherine Rodgers of New President Roosevelt and Prime Mlnlater Winston CbarchlU of Grea area in l st year's inspection gave Providence road has returned from pictured durinl' their historic meetlnl' on hlrh a Britain, the 1ea1 generalaboard 53,560 insp tions with 1,588" prop- �pending the week-end in Boston. M. Pr ce of le at which t e joined declar t on of -rt r e eci . h y In a a i · f ed of Tangle wood B, s. whichin voicedWa s, delermlnaUon ie e the "Jlnal destruction ies b e d ng Wil r Weppler ach v - lane, who is stationed at war alms ra thejoint declaraUon, loeonslllullng the most concrete This phase of the Mosquito Com Camp Davis, Nau ty nny." Tb eight points whleh mission's work is ir te N. is You've only more days to take advantage of the exceptional sav­ of yet disclosede the Brlllsh side, embodied d ec d against the C., expected home for Labor on ona better Cul ipie m e Da w k nd. 3 out.stand­ tlaewar Presidentaims Mr. Churchill apeed to eir hopes for e p ns os uito w hich g n - y ee -e ings in this event. Don't miss your chance to save on such and "base th ally x r s q er M r o Weppler future o world." b eed near homes. It is the Robert and a i n of Tan. ing values Whitney, the i o at of Maple, Kindel's Colonial f r the small mosquito, which is persistent in glewood lane are spending a vacation as "Ar st cr " Bedrooms, Bamberger's Special Open Stock dining-group that's scaled penetrating screens and bothers the at Chadwick. victim indoors. c mmissi wages Mrs. William Darlington of to fit dining-rooms of various proportions, and Bamberger's beauti­ The o on E'.· \za. Chinese Bureau Lakehurst Trains its campaign against about thirty dif- beth will mo e to oun inside soon In addition, ou'll find hundreds of , v M ta fully tailored Muslin Groups. ferent species most of which 'breed in de with her i e, Mrs. F. · y to resi n ec J. other unusual values in fine furniture for living-room, dining-room, MarineJumpers woodland pools and swamps. These Weppler of Tanglewood lane. AsksResident to r a bedroom priced in groups or as individual pieces. mosquitoes are outdoo varieties and Miss Helen Edwards of Oak ve· - most annoying in the lawn or garden. nue, who has enrolled in the Phila­ LAKEHURST.-The U. S. "Marine Funds Here They are generally strong iers cap- delphia Bible School, was given' a Corps has at t he esen ti two fl AND REMEMBER - you can have expert home-fu ishings ·11r .� me able of traveling several miles. The farewell shower l·ecently in the home rn parachute a n . · One is sta­ u Home-furnishings Advis­ b ttalb s snit mar h species, occasionally troub- of Mrs. B. Danenhour of New advice without penny's charge-from o r Raise tioned on the east coast with the s G. a Fred R. Doener Advised of lesome in Union County, flies forty Providence road. Hostesses were Mrs. 'era, 5th floor. AND -you can pay-on am first division of the Fleet l\Iarine B miles from the salt to search Danenhour and Mrs. D. take your time to ­ Wltoleaale S11ferin1 of Force and the other with the second marsh G. Knoll. berger's convenient Deferred Payment Plan. out a blood meal. These outdoor Mr. and Mrs. Ba ey Lantz of division on the west coast. All mem­ rn CiTilians types a ely Beech avenue have as house guests bers of these battalions were trained r r trouble local residents be- cause of the vigorous campaign Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schumacher, Mr. at the M rine Corps parachute school oe er of Wcstfkld ha re a against them by the commission. Aft- and M s. Charles Kraft and Mrs. Fred R. D rr s he at the nav11l air station. r letter fr m American er periods of abnormal rains, out- Charles Lantz, all of Dayton, O. the J\Inrmes, w a p ar ua d b received a o · h0 p e q l"fi e- Bureau for Medical Aid to China, . breaks do occur when the commission Edward Menerth Jr., son of Mr. . parachut1Sts by vo unt 1 r �m g• Inc., e f m om come l for is unable to expand its forces to of New ask •ng tha t h o a c mi• t - l'C' cov- and Mrs. Edward Menerth . � that duty. They must be between 21 tee to ra.se th· er with larvlcide or drain the an Providenoo road is r vering from ! funds m i town. llfr. anf China in your community ated small comme rcial airport at •• •• r c $115. a to give us additional el . If your Mt. Holly, a few years ago. A crack­ GROCERIES baa h p Aristocrat i committee a y funds on hand forced him to ve up the business. (Pricee Uectm to ...... JN, iacl..a.e. ) of maple in Colonial design with edfamous please o falln send up gi The Whitney d not to them in to Private L n Nole of the 113th In­ Dreuer and n eo milror, chest and low poster in Or, if think a urg1mt drive fantry, 44th Division, directed and QUAIER PUFFED WHEAT •'lleirloom., llnieh. bed shouldus. be you ... made In yo community, acted in many Shake perean pla ur s ys. IOlid maple. by all means do m lains that his banacka bud­ so. He 1?0 p POND'S TISSUE 9c "Tbe United China Relief, of which dies like musical comedies better. -soo . bureau is part, is a p l When Private Gim Leong, a the a also p ea · H. 6. L . Ing Its local h pte far a drive; Chinese, joined the 11 th Reg. PRUNE JUICE-�· . . ... 23c to c a rs 9 Medical I ting iment, «th D s on he expected to am wri ivi i , ... c your communityyou doesbecause not I havebelieve a nicknamed "Sing Song'' or ICE 5 "Char­ CREAM T ,... 21c1 · be .. China Rellef committee. lie Chan." e was p m y dubbed ...... United H ro ptl M1X- "You have helped before ; won't "Murphy" and no one thinka of call­ us CRABAPPLE 8:a..w: help now?" ing him by any other �PULAR MUSLIN you ua name. ;.r sale priced GROUP Private Joe 166th Field · $82. Bettina, Ft. Artillery, «th Division, is In-other JEilY_,'�i -a. I 7c a SOFAS Newt Fnm DD of Melio B"ttina, fol'lller world's light CHAIRS $36. heavyweight champion. He mem­ DIX-This week's training a JERSEYc!!.. ASP ARAGUS l'ORT beT of the ivi on booting is "::Z9c prognm finds the 7 h Field Artil­ D si team. l!i t Private ard Axelrod, In­ ' r'• popnlar muslin group features 8 chair le sofa MTJ' in TobyhU1na, Pa., 114th In­ Bern Ttst � sty s the fantry, '4th Di sion is a hypnotist. CAUF.HEART SARDIN D_..t.=... .!.. 97c·14c English 18th century and 6 fantry at Indiantown and the vi I m designs, w th 75% feather Gap The 114th nfan four at.J • fine i goose Briga• scheduled the I try lists sets down cushions. Price includes labor cover. Ch 87th to go to of brothers on They U� loOae Gap toward end of the week. itso fficers', roster. PINEAPRED PLE DOG FOOD to the are Lieutenant Colon"! h p specially priced for event. � s in at Toby­ P illi ,_ fnm over 100 fabrics this After establi h g eamp Major William E. M Wes­and hanna, the is concentrating on j r ley V. LieutenantBoone; William a o Post; JUICE�!:. 157thi g of t i 1S5mm. and .2 2Sc fir n he r Lieutenants Harvey and ltaymond amm"imobuned"unition. The a u FR UI TS and VE GETABLES lM>mm. mm ni­ a d Milton and has an elF.eetive btrnting range of Price, n Lieutenants f'HIS W8'6I-DD ONLY tio11 nyder 100 and a crater Rob&rt S . eight'15 to F'fds,feet deep.will In unobst.rvt!d dig OPEN SA T to tei\ -:cBNTlk.B STORE RDA YA UG US T jq firing, the gunners sh t by lnstru­ lllftts aad JERSEY :;.TO MATOF.S . ... ·� ClUMJB i'1.lRCIIAU data. Sc 8 MA.DB THURSDAY, FRIDAY, AND SATURDAY, Until whenoo they E. Sawyer 136 . ... Sll\tllrday, an John Jr., of Pros­ .U: the Infan­ of th Avia­ AUO. D> n 10 WILL APJ>EA R ON OC't'OBER JST BIL! sclteduled to return. lt4ill ped street. a .. FRF.SH UMA •• try practiee combat fi.rlJlg tion is :member B£ANS-FP!w- Sc of SE 41-H, at ••,..,, ,.· Gap--bas&will camp Diviaion.at the GunterCadets Class the 28th Field, of )(ontgom&ry,from bame Ala., to BEE1'S--Bir . . . . 3 l'Oc battle field which was concentratesaloug a will 11'ildergoeonditions graduatedAugust He ,_ mu, en 17. single of t ng a sue­its advancedwill transferred school the Air Corps week esti . first fd in th., divisionIf Advancedlx! Flying to at Craig FRF.SH GREEN UMF.S 5 IOc I �man is ex­ School ,.,. cess, a cha sho Field. Selma, training in f peetl!d to have nee to • his Ala., ab>uty ruivigating over pmsuit flying. for CAUFORNIA.LEMONS 5 13c I m the l?OUI'Sf> spotted with dtiches., barbed win ,_ I seV&U-foot high fentta and, pilefields, Teuht LiUntare JUICYORANGF.S I obt!tacles. EYE 10 2Sc 1 other llke Th& l!Olll'Se was BIRDS SPEci.AU Thursday. Considerablegoing Canadian year t&urist lit­ openedlast ASPARAGUS TIPS ._ Sic: erature Isinterested this in to British • parents the suri'ound­ STRAWBERRIES 1iios 23c: __ .______• •0 (llli!�lllli.._lllil ______Local _.iI Jlore N- m ti. 1.-foir m,s of their refugee childttn. THE .WESTFIELD LEADER, THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1941 Pa1e Fi•e � avenue, Garwood, died Th1m1c!ay Au- d F ( I Mabbntt, J Memmott, Jerry gust at her hon1e' following im M�c Korzclius, ·'Gordon McGinnis, or. 21, 1941)l To Parks, Dre'�P hnl'o,; c..v:ces Rel an extended i lness Wed Town Playgrounds Army Morale Head Conn

nle oval to South C estnut str et h � , Defeme Council I tShtancey an imaginary line extcn.lmg Submarine Launche '·No . There Will Be Schoolsto e New U. S. d e . Bottleneck Here-hut Public I east immediately south of ·Ready For Anything the prop· I erties facing on East Broad strcd to S t · Gallows Hill road. Pupils livin on pen ep g . , g. 28-Expla ing • . east to he R Gallows Hill road and � ENTON Au inDe­ 8 _ · activities New Jersey , j·C ranford, Springfield and l\tountam c of the e · on 0 l) Co ll Major udl . nu ""'" age y · s d lines shall go to the Woodrow un , A H. · Ji'. � ,<' t ti ed �- p · . . ,,;�innan, today, ve )" ears of on r I i e "We ust a� Wi son School. . g saidecid m be fi 1 o be- ' l n t n what may . . For February · W I ' o tcyi to d e fore December ad Woodrow Wilson School : The ood- ppen the . child must be to New Jersey in nexti _ row n Sch hall indudil yo m1ss1on, too .five 1.years . of age 1 w·1so� 001 r �ne 5 · · months." "It is folly for an ne on or before March A '.I all ro ·lll!llumo that ad tted to k n ergarten p1;1p1ls f tlttu t e m thewho k1�d ergart1ln e l: t be this state may or may childh mayr be miuri the iyear,d up to sixth grade h o e times ng h hve north ofs t of actiollSbombed,.of invaded or subject to at t �h and e� April 1, if the fa mily has o ed into; Grant oot boundary t · the saboteur," he add- e m Franklm Schoo! n · the upon doctor'sm v ificate ; he B �Jam e town or d e _ h . · a c rt : t e School : Jersey may be s bjec that the child was pre,·ented cKml y from !'New u t to to­ M Allh p�p1ls grade I war stating k nd rg rten thru t !rom en i g at t e time by ·the i e a e s 1xth conditions," he emphasized. a ro nd wes two years of tetr n hys hi regular. Jiving south of th r il ad a t ·1 onr work organiz.. e p a i e . . w order of h ic n ad- . of. a line starti i:: at the l o have kept il eligible for ra1 r 1 defense activities a e Any b e a d n l;s field ad ch de whoa ris the parents rid . follo'�,ng 'Y minds clear on th t point. Not· in F ru y so . g n t ay un; mission b , if nue to First street, F s street to ___ iv k> o i municipality,1ire Our but all, defensem be may have the pr i ge en- a r t avenu to pr.o desittring' n r a ten Se ft m· : Rah� y eave· 1 . municipal !e t o d s for Zwemer on i h w net, coach,es in r cs and and tax W a .- •• a s d be o years. am June and . 11 Mn. s of Broad discretion. for t d ati and per. or25, lt31, recordedfor in ;l exception that both i e L ncoln It 10H Union Nav al Academy Milk AdYilory Board forms very well in singing mortirages from Elm street to Mountain ' SchoolA fourth will be . taughtgrade byin · Missthe Virginii a and d'anc· street si es of .Mountain ing. ff r,.t ric: : f�io�0 h t:::-vmg10::':r.t1 :al:. I avenue and both d go to Phillips of Summit. ss Ph l ps 0t0;.'!;J',l'., 1� e10afh:"'l!.r���; g. 28.- Pa&'8 1) s. � IN ON, D. (Continued from avenue to Orchard streetfurther shall that · attended Smith C ll ge Miand hasi lie laid. for sum , JV,A�Hsena GT C., Au Tan School, and Several New o e Lottery SlipHeNer t the of uoo�.oo. pro-i tor Barbour today t the G t avenue from n education from Trhen r- e Will _ announced Stone, supervisor of nutrition in he Mounta n B. degree .:!�n�"�r"''b':tt� :;i;:r both of i S. i r�er::.Sb that he hold, under the auspices Newark Orchardsides street Mountainside ton ta Teachers C lk!ge Pays that • rnmlaai DepartmentR. of Education, T h s aff te . m Court to tau. of1 the lCfmTIJ Service Co on, an to the so eac ers t had S hree years . experienceo inShe has $100 · �o Open co petitive examinatio and ?tlrs. Oswald Carlander of th Woodrow W 00 C , n line shall go to e il n rl tl ins J\lor- alternattoes MerchaForanrtt vialle. ool. P a T o l·ll·Jt s no men were named to s . Acting h nomina�-; principals and id Sch (Continued from Page 1) c. pe f P t Jr., Recorder CharlesWells, N. rn _ , p pils o ,A in tsfo fined George M. 509 Rab ...;...o---:::Pllll=:-:1.1=c :--::x:-:OT1==-C111 ....;.....;. . for o vacanci which w l e ist Miss H da s o i rd, war avenue, 1 t tWNa e,l caes my il x the consumers' committee because Grant School : All u from the I Vt., has $100 Tues a night in. ��i: 0';- \� n� �d •:;:�;,'J: �� ,the � grade She has had eleven years successful 1 y A de at Annapolis "the woman of the house kindergarten through the sixthand east teaching experienc·e has special- the Colu beenbus appointed to steach r ain po e court d thereto, notice knows moreb ­ tracks and ! School. She e ...,...,,.. 1111pplements lfl42. m i a g d h e for possession an4slven the CoW>- itl. d lllcnati n examination will about consumer needs and home ud living north of the lin School li ized drama ties. u te of Castleton Normal Sc ool, Ve ­ arrestedof by lottery that Town the of the Benjamin Frank a e 'be' 'thia t o gets ne in J h r slips. Wells was 0� ft�"M;.lfit�  4 and wil wher thanw ha l " man who provides the from th e:w Je rsey Central Rail- ocia �tud es in the Junior High mont, .and has had GeorgeDet. . e on O tober i Charles Benninirer e No...� h la boycs r l be e t . e N but SchoolS lwill bei taught by eR y en m t e seven years �xperi­m e Wragg. and Sergt. '�tmrJ;, Kunlclpaf all. a within the A rs a vis ry co w l L o h elementary ·field h In th n Building. Opell \ii who e a e o mm t street 0. ce r ..,.8�t�1>,t 1t_�,:1i�a� age ntn'i t and w ade dl soo' n,d Foran added.i tee il roadincluding Station both to sie4 didates e h Harvey birthd Apr F . School. The n h j llf. of Perth Amboy. Wes fo y fore il "Withoran said � Gra t School line begins at For th<> p st three years he has taught She is a radua e of the State Nor al Plainfield was lltWiNG enteenth a on or th d a g t Third o In the aoutJerlJ'. aide t must .�ot hbeave reached · n a v nced cost of every- t.he n n thed - C l e in t y City m fin,ed $50 streetl \t 1:."��..��· b;tth::r... thi g g oing into the produc i of Orchard stN!et entra ce to M o in Ocean City, from which position I ol erse a d has had lowi g an un �nsed P 1, ei1942, bu b da be o in 1 eg J n driver for a n i!J':J! th r irth y on o - milk, naturally the farmer t n waskin Park, thence east through the he comesa h hly_ recoi;n ende as a ree dg wate to op rate car. Jacksonli and & W•een tw4'ntJ'·four (H) an en y r Iota .Section on ad f re tw t -firstThoae wh must re­ pa Euclid avenue and teacher. Forig is m hasd had I Tth yeiarsp, experienceSomerset County.in Bri e l\lissr Harvey w er givena alternate (25) tn o, price period he ow . e sen­ l>"•••• yeto sevellarehte 31. o are not rk to North th nsh tences e tn · "':'wn.:'C eeive a fai"r notll wonly to cover numbered charge of at let cs in the Senior High Murphy has a edu- of thirty day ! y �. �ra:l� n en may compet for the o I o e nc � . 110theseble costs but � a him a rea­ Harrison avenue. ·Houses 201 School and hhas producedi very success· ca ion Jlf. A. degree in S. Michael Licitra ofs In627 jail. ' 4 .J."a'i:« i -:t:' !�i!'8!�11 t na profit for h s t o h ave­ e � IJ!!1'1e e but are not ehgible for 176 on North Euclid avenue and from Columbia and a B. u . appli s to thosei effort. This in r- ful tea ms He is an all around at - egree fro R � nue, Ga wood, was finedS $10t 1• Union County, . February a he enator s nom na e e e and r of mark No. lit-A; t}ppOtno �tlit. mTades, ' e i · also who proceas on Harrisonth avenue mark the t lete . h d m utg Vrsnc r .· 8114 .... th a le t rod uct an ""eli r section of e School line on and has conched football, base· lltiss . Ruth V. n of 113 st�t , )lap aoutber)J' n1 will be as . in past,he e p Thomas Duff from •kl line one hun4r., e t 11r s and h nd h d u• ve nGrantd ball, basketball and track. has i e t of Roselle y, Pine bea'lnln:s th b of. h h t cons me s, for they also these streets e e $5 fo ...'-:11lne ae.1 y44tYlalofi aeYe tJ'·••nn r�ll :;HCeJVl>'.IJ.,:e d asJS·thla e eml n·a t1 to u r a all pupils on th s been appointed to supervise music South. Plainfield, was penalized :f 4 r n bun- l xa it thec e ased Mrs Dor.ls Reed of Pl s nt. speedmg. 418 eet 1•1 to a •take tbe addr•�ftron S tor b on . a Samuel of . . ( .�tl e a "t. have In r · costs of labor' maebln- two streetsnumbers 'south of and theIncluding Grant ville, F. e a in the grades to take dthe place of roo si Santoro 11814»17) lo · t\num ber twentY•ftvaIn d atu lly there these t Mrs re igne Miss Vin­ was fined In � n ' Ba ery I . ,Of Wi l be. helpf pp tsr ourl 1 will a tend will assist as part-time instruct· Ebner who s . B k de place, Ul ::: n �\�J'< l l a a wil , nany ootherne litems.a N ra , School. he Grant t Jun- nt is graduate h for CranfordA charg� f -::1 e S�T >d �.,':tn � !l lic n in p come T h f� o their lifett e - Is l ce that this School line eon· or in cooking and sewing in e ce a of t e Institute spee?ing. . a COlltlnuatlon or er. . . o can or H gh Schoo he gradunte of usi al Art of Julliard School of hcense co ti drivingd •t. tllence In tlWe4iil)-;\ m oatiln ·. antl dat of . ro . without e · . i � Alao b.\�, f m and -that is the consumer." tinues south along both sides of Har- i i l S is a M c a waa n _ avenue t hence alon both of Beaver Co leg11 an .studied Music an � in nu . ��u�._ . •. .which g . s -�·---- l d has d has �PP!l�sed �c.a 1 m t rlson east l l d ng .• music •:.. ill• f::the'ft!l•frC:,..C:f weat """"'°�� dfeonven!. � fo)!fWiiw·¥._t_�r. pljCeii :,fjU.be o ...... "--•- :..- Ha 1 \e · aides of East BTOad street ne ? i abroad. Mrs. Reed has taught and Little Falls, N. J., for the past four REAP THE .LEADER ADf ..i •- l• : t" uaminatii on: Newark,Atla ntic ...... ,._. YI :gt i;: � El sabeth, e le aw,'1:. :,-0� � t:'""' n to be CJIe ane 1n Jerseyetr l e will · laeeall' 1 · •ill rnill .· h 1r"' lot be fu he d all app c bl · Defense Council. M ta ""<�1°1• ample t me d tbl' 1 nl:•,,. ��·1"1 t� consider the recommendat1'on·s and con -• . :0..of aft : ._.._ ;.::,n ! The deslirni . atlon eumi natlon di-- uld Jot. trontlnft.011 North fer w ith Colonel Arthur Foran,Con trol • followinc s bjects willAl· rector of the State Mil .• conailt,� �e u : k �:i" trr;:rO::."Ir,,: lot twe •lr!'nt�f"" r ra,·1na11.}e -geometry, Engl com· Board. ll tb• mld41e-&'�.:! ot �"' : 1!;: poaeb l lo and literature, Unitelsh pruldent of :d i . b illia viee -=::t �t n d States W el m Duryee, r e State Two T�uun4 tto . .!who are at Sheffi d Farms and fo m r s ed Sec- t.,: 1111m of Doi Bbl school may be retarys agof Agriculture, was a k two - � examined at th points than those week o by Metz T.4UYtl-��,.0thei' u1•t::...") o er to form thee co m- . nlilf listed abo e mittee wlllell Ci� cll v and ·aid his office in th pro- . � rlliii · gram of _ · Ul.ell;: 11=t .W:.for ;,"'...tre J' ; voluntary gasoline curtail- b , · · n l>t eatll or atrlrm4tt ..-i...._,. ystem.at different_ Und epricesthe , thruew . f Essex pr ide t tlte '�,p r n rban County, , • a Ud that s port the .._fA «'J::!lfat• �t:r.,t t will be allo•ed s i they 'WOb ld up ktile or ultl 0 1�.. JlliDt dealenr .. prog a . Mets '°" ver barr<>d ...... , i _,. all extra r m outlined by and were � W · R or "' satisfied Its r-r • the .. eam y,"" ... . ej[b.a··· �';;d 50 , it with contents. 1'N .:° on OOMP.AlfY• ,aid� S •ea , N. 1. c/.J" Some heri LI • ! <� , spedes of?�a fishr. nenr live 'w�'!'J.., N. I. ; ..._ftL."s..,·ai r--i le •--L._. longer than mi� 1-f-lt � .,..ri FerSeut e �- �- �.t_� ....."""' -�.,. ---c...:•....:,,11•�... , . -- _ ·'�• IJ:etate of .'( ; ,.)-_; ( Wams T0 k yo ers .tc. -a . formed promote Lead ef ub to ' . . · A hiliof been nf rlh, Dwig t A. Da o SAVE demdB!-i1lelDdeOftile Danforth William for Senator �( Cluti andJ. JtellerCarolyn of 'Wed6eltl, Jll'O'ident,Westiield. L'lf "'"'1X of THE WESTFIELD LEADER, THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1941

Chutists on Job Improper Real Estate May Lead the Serve Turkey Thia Week-end Ii �.Marine To Suits, Deeds Union County Bar Unit Warns YOUNG HEN "A little !mowlcclge is dangerous letin, latest in an n informntionul series. thing," the Union County Bar Asso­ The bulletin follows, in part: ciation t'll minded today in c i n ng " aut o i A deed is ordinuTily d-eftncd to be against pitfalls arising from improp­ TURKEYS scaled writing by which land is er deeds to 'real estnt . The e comment n It was used to characterize conveyances conveyed. sets forth the nature amount of the drawn by laymen, often the sellers of nnd estate which a prop�rty. purchnser is to obtain by his pur- ' is most o nt Litigation and difficulty face the chnse. It im rtn t 11 be , ethel'e­y purchaser who fuils o obtain n prop­ deed should l gall d fore, that the forth, which •27c. er dee , declares the lawyers' bu!- ancf orderly set by words clearly pecif the and s y agreement the r e, tender alioH of mellow - menning of t e parties. Deeds Oh, boyl La 11: h drawn white meat, or probably you'd pref r by laymen often fnil of their purpose a blf• r meaty, orl1p, golden brown leg? What Boa d Probing and lend li gution, by reason of to , t.i • uncertainty, epugnancy 01· ambiguity. you forward r more, h can look 1oe turkey "In the first grantor iandwto ee for your Labor Day outln1I Draft Weddings pince, the a co et nt und proper Pa11 the gravy, please. should be mp e party, and should have some title or Would Determine How Many interest whi h enables him to convey c . Couple. He can convey no greater estate than Marn··ed Avoa"d he has. follows that a deed from to It ervice person without title or interest S in;Army a �3 , which he may convey is inoperative Carloads of SWIFT'S Hams! as.. a conveyan e . Newspaper om;;-in this section ; . s Swift's it 1s. e Premi n a u , r HA econdl e s m MS f hat 29c being besieged by couples who S t a SMALL TENDERED M . m .Y S D are I t ce c a e hole or · Skinned and fat we1·e married after the husband had deed co n am rt�m oper t1v words OKE Short Shank. W Shank Half, re. . moved. Nationally famous top quality unheard of price, registel'ed for selec ive service. Local of grant. Certam technical words at an t are generally used, n Board as well as all other draft a d they have 4,h a e q t onn been est?blished b?' custom, usage Serve Tast, Red Cahltage With You• Ham boards, as m il d ues i aiTcs to husbands and wives, asking for proof and the interpretation of the courts. ma an at- that their rriage was not "Thinlly, the deed should contain a tempt evade Armr duty. description which accurately desig to - the suggE)sted i s nates the land intended to b� con­ Smok O e of proofs a ed CALAS n . g es on of Famou1 Swift "CIRCLES" to tbs averllie. Exceedlnlly tender and ta1ty, newspaper clipping of the en agement vcyed. The want of a d cr pti Swift's , 4 6 Short 1hank. announcemcntr--and this is where the the subject matter is a default which Just the 1lze you want ! newspaper becomes popular. Other will mak-e a deed wholly inopi erative. evidence probably worthy of consid- So, too, a convcyanc r. is void if the cration Is receipts of furniture bills description is too va\'lue or indefinite, Swift's Premium Sliced Bacon is 1b 19c and' inscribed engagement ngs. or if the starting point canno be es- Don, UnlW State. Marine C...,. paraehaU.ta pick an -1117 ri t tMflll tub i Delicious Slcinle11 Franlcs man Thomp• The board is trying discover l shed. • ,.iatlltfore to the air,are Below, lllarfne chatl5t1 to 27c whether the marriage took lac "in "Fourthly, covenants , conditions; re- 1 .. IPllllMlhlne pna. 'l'hq trained fnaU tJPN of weapou. p e Tender Sliced Boiled Ham Sc ------:------the ordinary course of human affairs" strictions and exceptions may be set .� JI) I or if it was engineered because of forth in the deed which may impair Ta1l:y Tender Smoked Tongue Church of Branch Mills Chapel the shoulder e enjoy of nature •·•o.� JI> rnt I husband's reluctance to th ru11est ment the 25c a gun. In order to ma e that de- and amount of the estate, for their · k Philadelphia Scrapple Christ, Scientist ou g P o le's Group the c sio , to such full al ys n r­ a The Y n e p of i n it will study answers import arc not wa u de tb'::'��n 15c Cranfo·rd Tabernacle, with their lead- questions as "How long have you stood by laymen. ''Christ Jesus" is t e lesson-sermon i l conduct the known your "When were Help ,Your Local Farmers! F•ncr Fne1t h er Albert Whittaker, w l wife?", "Fifthly, there stric ene for S a r st an revival s youa t Bur und y in all Ch i i S�nday afternoon hour at 3 engaged ?", "Wa the engagement n- c m must be a aubject and Societies thru­ o pliance with th-e mandatory statu­ Churches o clock the Branch Mills Gospd nounced publicly and when ?", "When Science ' at tory requirements as execution, de­ out the world. near Echo you discus ed marriage, did you give to Chapel' Springfield avenue s livery, a nd acknowledgment the The golden text is : am not 8 consid�ra�ion to the fact th t you of "I Lake. Tuesday at p. m. 'p rayer and n conveyance. While a notary public of gospel of be ho e subject to the draft and If. so, uhamed the Christ: for praise service will held at the m were is aut orized to take an acknowledg­ the power of of Mr. M s. W. Johnston, what was y ur nt n standin " h II iB God unto salvation and r B. o Joi u der g? ment, is not authorized by law to one that believeth." (Ro­ 1103 Ea street. public Question 6 and ea no room 1v.J the ·. to every st B.i:oad The s l ve prepare a deed. That ls in .1n·ov- is in i -e . for hedging : "Did you7 nk mar- mans 1:16). v t d t i b ince of an attorney, who, by his trnln­ Among the lesson sermon citations be dcfh e y and' PEACHES 5D>l14 c rying you would r d ?". and Ing, x r e e BUSHEL CT e pe ienc l c nse granted by Mllliona of bu1hel1-a .bumper crop of theBASKET finett peachH we've•1.39 ever been prlvlle1ed to btbe following - " es ny intention of i from the Bible : J us "Was there a avoiding t , i qualifi'-ld d·raw offer, h Soldiers' Votes he state s best to Take advantage of this amazing opportunity to enjoy New Jer1ey'1 most lu1olou1 at him, I am the way, t e the draft?" fruit • ; saith unto the instrument of conveyance. record low price Slice them, make peach pie, peach cobbler, de11ert. Now at their peakl and the. life : no man The b r know lnltb, cometh May Delay oa d also wants "Sixthly, the purchaser is urged ! the Father, but by me." (John / Count to whether wives could get along if the immedately to eco to onto u e r rd his deed, h s ands were draft d and If not, Lari• , ll:B).The Cl en�y G N u It� n b b prevent imposition upon subsequ'.lnt head lesson-sermon also includes the . k H 1 e- why. Couples must bare the cost of I C 1t hl . · purchasers and mortgagees who act Snow White lollowing passage f'rom the Christian heyesou�ty , . ger y possible that esu r11.i1 a ts their furniture and the amount of i oo fnith without CA m UL n g d notice of the IFL y O of .the p r Septem­ WER "Science election of and Health . rent paid. 15c t i &lence textbook, r er 16 may no be known unt l prior h object of the Key the by Ma y h almost ot conveyance. T e . c to Scri tures" m of The entire statement must be n ar laws l"equiring con eyanc re- Freesl:one Prunes .211>1 I5c Seedle11 8re )Jth pi v a a onth after that elate because v es to l'ancr pe1 Fane, 2 •· 5 the ndi idual ide l " ten - and bre g 1 Baker Eddy : "As me liberal interp;c�ation" demanded ized and returned within days. corned is to prevent frauds w on . truth, Christ Jesus ca to re- · . fl '.Ln the law permitting absentee vot­ ful priorities. ,Further, there should Golden Bantam Corn Orang•• . iuke r b inic l error and sin, � . dOll dOI 23c all e g g rn fed­ 23c t..':!�r · es a b dcath,-a to poi ou by N w .Jersey men en a ed at Tamaques a stl'ict compliance with the llekn s and nt t he m� t n be t m1htary. service, The closer e c o - Old Gaud eral laws regarding the affixing of Sweet: Pot:a�oe1 v�t���, 3.,. 15c Pol:al:oe1 of truth and life " p. h 15 "" 25c ray ------( aO ). test, the long�t. the_ dclay ,_�r. Nul- proper revenue stamps. ssi::,e: Forty membe- rs, including Roswell ton believes. "In co l elo C.qr H. Starrett, who had not attended nc u n, the purchaser Is e1atioaal Notes An esti ated men h t pe'l' i a n several recent sessions, were present wamed t a m t l y a (In m 4,500 younge l g e t toe the persona negotiat­m from Union County will be i ibl t week many ins anc s and as at the Old Guard meeting d teachers officers o f the to vote. Most of these will send thelT l ing the transaction draw his eed The in Tamaques Park. Dr. George to school will meet at t e b llots back in time for ta ulation T. e d the purchaser) l t ­ VanHart headed the sports program, might l a ga · church h home 1· a b Ame&'f the Mrs. F. W. An- , on election day, is hoped, but tion and It ls fraughtto i wi t Yeheeta. of auperintendent, it which included quoits and horseshoes. difficulty. i h 0.11.lu llLRAl'T, eaa, Pimento, IHtck, 64' R y o 8'"stragglers" wo d age "A le knowl­ a m nd street at ul leave Herman Fisher topped the pinochle dangers and the! ad litt derso , W g the result kra e u lt o for a n Cheese n edn sda evening, Septem- ' in d bt lo time should any g a n r u thing" is o'eloek y , devotees. ed e ls d ge o s particu- his is the firstl meeting of contest be determined by the margin larl applicabl-ea a situation." ,,••• ber 10. T · y to such s .. 18-oa · new son and all members of of relatively few votes. l11ric•acl the - toav .. the should ere. In thinks, the 1 any event, Nulton 2lar1• . 'Nallet' 'l'rutb 5c atal! be th often alled "naked" and a ua o! ! soldier will h rt ex e ­ c n l picnic w the p di Is a &o on, , The n the church vote t a becaTheuse trutl: according to fable, ' Made from 11'11'1!1& lntrl'edlenta haked petfecd Wllrmar•e .,. t'•Uc for a.- •• 111aa1Jtr t ;11eh0ol wlll be held in Nomahegan Park ious counting which use of voting Truth Trr I011f todaJ' lllld lie 001n111eec11UM&bel'e '• tlle lnet& breldl went bathln1 and Falsehood stole BREAD t Saturday, Septe ber 13. Plans machines has given the county for d ... on m clothes. Later, alsehoo of­ KEROSENE Nabisco Varieties Piper T1bl1 Napkins p11c9 g her bein made provide an inter- the past few ;tears. e d F s IOf 'll'f fered to l Truth some clothe , 9t 2 flf time t.o m t All are n , llting for all embers of he county clerks collaborating refused, preferring to go Nebisco Ginger Snips Piper Drinking Cups �llool pTocedure 47c ... and for the parents. on general for canvassing but TruthJn .. �:_. p':. 20• -.9f · session of the church the unprecedented vote but around the altogether. In The ftnt absentee R1p-in:.W1x:�Ji:�::r Paper Picnic Pletes ; ... at llCllool will be held on September 14 ulton has done the pioneer work. 5Your �:� Coatalner, N AIH1ater• '!:: 8•:14::.'19' a j ta t gen It O::ic 1• m. the d u n Alll1ator11 notNet Slow .. . la!ly D y "Ill iiader the Jaw, - are the slow, creep- era! of New JerHy or o! the Unl,ted a bi ubMnld Ull inl reptiles hey appear to be. They lestfielJ . o n ... · t.Jie s o Sundaf of.,. .... Au. lember ll ea nd must send the county c erks al t ar • mca n a J : T- ..... "*'·Pkl 9·•·,1·Pkl 20 re e : aeries1, of a th• States 1 i •printers when they c to r1sco UZ • ·k mootings. At t t time lil!lt of those In the military serv cae are � h h their short-looking legs expected that of t e who are "legal in the home run and Senice Statiel C 2oe3·"'5 ae D r .. ts g .au members voters" , t ches GIWMnllFlllr1�20f Swtethtert Toilet Sotp 5t 11ehool will bri in their mite boxes. county. of these i has ar- ��! � th ·• A n First l sts d n fl2 CENTRAL AVENUE �39f�ntf.09 rived-Rahway's, ea i g names :�:��n °:!P i Ieng 1 b l' n 1 � � EYapor1ttd Milk ...... Pr ..,.eriui Met s must segyegated 46according ::���;;;;�!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! � 21• e e which be !! = =:;;:;;;;;;;;;;; ;:;;;:;;;;: = a• O.ku••rr Sotp 6 ..... '! wards and d1str1cts.. To date, ac- ; to thi;re . 5 the r gu� r i c rd g on, 1t tlstlc11 Sunsweet Prune Juice Lamps 13•, 1 • e o n ng worship o n Nult are � •::: A�e i i to men iplhtary service are 11• WestlaghMt 10•, l:f lll'vi e n the C urch that 4,078 Presbyter n in total I' a. m. the Rev, iaA. h but he expects the final U 10:30 Gordon a1feeted assistant minister will be for Uni n County. Linell, to 4,500 mentiono "legal" and � on "The Cali of law s � lft&ch Moses The . i g e Sabbath School f, "qu lified" voters but says noth n Th will hteet t• a llSaJCAM PBELL �. a. m a whether th y be reg- Coffee 2 'S BMr1111PC!a::. 31 ;�. 2oe 'fc 1:40 about e intemustpretation " •• pe ial for all college the "liberal ':" 41• 3 .:::.2s• = s c service !stered, eo . .A p t.o be employed, aceord1!1g to the 5t �· reparatory student• will be held ts .. Pini Dog Food 3 2 ' lld n y an will sent :i;: �\ Iii Sunday afternoon, September cou t d ba!Jots 7, clerk, na es are v beNul­ p. m., in all whose ?" gi en the t to 2 t F111ch's M1st1rd . h hoUM, A too gen ral. :U3a � �at• paria the adJutant .u2·" ,., address on a.it tbe Most n � •· Cr11• s.1•· at "Howto by 21• �.?f College and Success" will he a "'liven by the Rev. A. Gordon Kar- l'IU 81•"' .. Many suggestions of des! motif of ftsh! ··�•&c.•Ut . . illf. . valu The '" and pable earl �rt, thesymb. olizedin ...... _.. .. . s iritual impo-rtance .f 0irtstian e 2 '*1 19 Jrlttieal full c Wh • c of His ., .....,.. .. � .. ... Underwotd Deviled 6 °•k •22 : eatie1 given to c ege Christ, Initials ...... 2s• Mason Jin : 11\ll aid oll students since thelie the ...... , .. ., H•• 2 ·� :::: fl successful of 59f: = 69' pursuit education. I titled "1o Greek spelled the Greek 'FllllOfMll T•A I# or f r hh Lea� Wetdeld Cre1•white =.r:· �l8•:3�50f· Seal Jan w _. A. M...... ,...... I _ -- E·Z = 69'1 = 75f Pr... _.'' ...... Pa• IJ9der - l:U ·....._1 ...,_. Gran. Slgar 53t R1Watr Jer Rings A aq B£TlJIH!llNG1 ...... loo_ Pt. AlaURY PARK .!�... 27•: .!::'.,.. 3 .-l()t Chur h�� are 11 can be �at ''°' P•• ., ._,, IM in IO lainute1! .;Grace c s thin, inexpensive"feel" of ru;lu:xu�iously P. � ....P. .. and at a. given the a lf�-- _ in the YMCA, Clark 6:1' r. .. P. 111 _ � 8 p. m. thick one when heavy pad used � . ·:r.-·cr-: Toilet ... and erri a UI �p�--·· ·1 F d also protects qie Lo11lll1.._.:z war e,Jf._ ...,. ,__• 9 a. m.s place. Stindaysel1ool under .... Tiuue •llt :30 it. The pa keep it ...,, _c-.i___ .,. ... nn rol __ '-r. SCOTTISSUE =6e Knox , from .. inSunday Calvin rug from weareasily.will =��....c , � tlltt Re1r...... ! SUNDAY 101119. 'Oit m111 gsi the Covenant tracltins so h pastor of _,_,...... ,.. _ •12s.. hesbyter i.n CbU'l'ch · OIAHGf � CLOSED ALL DAY LABOR DAY-B�-mouala for Satsclar, ·fitsodox will occupy the of ...... ,.,� --- NO OI CMS I . . . .'&.fiibur gh, pulpit at The N-cooki�Cdie press h-es B-016Q..... ,,_, ....., the mol'll • . ' Sunday and Monday " ing and newr bak er competeenable the - evening serv- amateu c ta turningwith outhet oir.- _ h d professional ook In \11.1:0:\ 0 el tonight .J FHSI·.\· C 1.: :\. 1 1! .\ L I: o cloclcniee ting _,.,"'"sOuth .,_'"' Euclid •-.·Jl Prayer1 , fancy pastries. � paatoTat 219' e � I �he a av - !!!!!!!!!!�!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!�!!! ======will continUoQ de- = _ =::= ::: :: :: .. __ J, 1h!t �e!'k�ilip- -PO--ISO_N_IVY_ � ���a:f� . ,,< St. Paris- .._ tJa. Attention, Home• ": Owner• / 7' cti.:._ . DERMOGEN, -... An pays a dividend cream Wion, m1l9t ..,. INSULATED house 2&% · to 4415-: every l'eBT ,�'i" wife a mes, never the house I tself, ,-,..-blltavi ct ms, a five doing th shillings for the w oman (injuryour rate al- th!s camp since A gus com- planted CCC e i the l months, •nd has done for st . er powe but the blast and shrapnel e Jownnce), which according to p!etcd many thousands of dollars' ss 's nursery to area r damage, and it m d of i n In fAr,"!lf/ rlrht In the middle of the blit& ,area. ii�,c'� c 8. Shall Bros. ,- ·-, -'""' " "So h' mu thatfor day December for a lo n while. C. A. Re1dtl• Ce.-UH Wenot forgapentet most gChrlat­ maa In osa ital andmarve thenllous on Decem­ F• Bud, Dril C•telt ber h p again started. Charlea A. Rey4el of We•tlleld Is 29, Sunday, they T ia 1\'aa the mem!Kir f ar blltl of a hd our hotpltalflrst waa rightthe In cityth the Twelfthot the Annual troph:v Band committee n Drill o middlen of the square mile of the citye Co th Llona' Club aofd Union -and from onward• they unntteat ot e held '1 dropped p. m. naneeCo :v whichiel Elisabeth,will be on at War!· thou1and1 of incendiaries. F d, Sunday,l · rHonestly,in all around they seemu1 aed to fall liket $eptloo.. wlQ ber111 t•ta,k aten 2:80 p. m. ·A coltheec· upa th like rid athey i htllre1 li chlldftn'abe tlv tforl the beneflt Unionof warda e hospitalour lltrhdtlll hag .failed To· C91tnt:v Parkae System.i " in the mldnill'ht and the gaa gd e and will first an water and had on T�plti• be ..ote4 thlnra were irettlnc hot. Every � pre . •ch of d and th windoaw bit came In placeclivl1lo 1finneran11 Veterans in the JJ01f en a . th• blaat, and you wouldfrom foUowi qlvnior nd DrumBurle I'm sure tort•; M•e ll the In r Juniorl'ife, Dramand a Burle m to - the 1 ed who hadboy a Oo pa O'r.Olvili111n DrumDrllm and Burle aat bed t.o -· 1erloustou­ (lorpaCorps ;a n J'lte, Team.. W91my operation that morning, M.n'1 lM fl.Q n wllo d be the Orpnisatlon1d deDrillsirlnr further I ­ o1"·a to i riTeto tlM. lie a1ho 'piggy.back'ul n _ •r formation about the content should Enpl chair .AU-Mahogany Clocktail Table, hand tooled •rl4t"' .Jolla J. , Prosr•m • a. • ma•. loa att,lll�th.' · leather top, Hepplewhitt design,

tH.11• ...... ten-able .l ....., tUol with ...... 'lial .,_.. invente4 All-Mahogany Curio Cabinet. MJrror and · for cut­ •· "'11 cioru cal11JSe•. back, glass shelves, blends with 18th cen. 2 tury piece1. '44.IMI,

, ...... !!1!11 ...... �· , 1 ....., MouOAY't A CAI.A. DAY i .All-Mahogany Curio Table, glll8I , Beca1.e w nt how we're helping y u t. Drum Wfi11 Jf.you a to 11ee o celebrate '''",.·: Jut read what follows. Our are closed top, and make it excellent for show. -,.our weekend.JCo ndq, do stores all aides ' w , a, 10 better you shoppinir early ! ;� -all.LED ing ofl rare objects. '31.91. p} ,��� :ftUH IHI SPRING J <1 •· �E'I•' HEN TURKEYSPltUllUM :� ,SWtn'S SKINNED HAMS:!�·· ...Z9c Auk Half i'.U {ION 14 .... Eacll) Wlaele er n,, �tr �;,511om • C H KILLED ROA.SnNG er - 31 r..Stout.•Leant . .. . G. CHICIENS �': �-:>.. 2&c .. ... IOftl WAYS ... 8aElfCE IAYSt , a IUCl:D . .CHUCa..rK ROASTUCON, ,,...... - . 24c no.-...... {}lit 1� ··· ,q..J • ferlt.'11 sr.knc£D 'tONCUE 2 ·�-- .... CllMrl C.t ) ...... ,.., ...... • a. 25c IKJIU:D.HAMS , •OOKUNE FAJllU' (C->r 'w H. It• .,.....,_ r,.._ · ...... ,...... f/ . llTON �) .... /2 .. '11 CU , N. J. Ph-. t._M lllOKtD CAL.U 2ae . (Slaert G-.yIf- Je'l'MF Mldal QN4e A ·-· 4 ...... Eada) ... MU. Frea O.r F--. f'A MCY SKJlfl.ESS 24c 4 . ·, FRANJt. . . f'Ulfl'EllS BOLOGNA , er - .• . . .· . . . a. , 23c -, ;: VAIUY -FRESHCUAIU.RY " ,,,._ " fl-•· ...... - 1A·•· Printa) � ST. TEP .,.'40c GEORGESAVE. RAHWAY,N� J, THE WESTFIELD LEADER, THURSDAY, J\.UGUST 28, 1941 Pap it can destl'Oy the a stitches. Dr. Anson attended him. finish of wall Boy Scout News at the Presbyter an . N. fnll�·..Jf�,'.� completely. It is by His car wns in l isi with o e i parish house, F'rl·''� no means "fool­ co l on n day, at 7:30 p, m. proof." Victory �t A Glance driv·en by Sidney Wllloughby of Cran­ September 12, :f k , e ity. A cloth or sponge wrung out of at town. ' ot y v end s i n h eaJth Per - lho pa . di i light suds made with the m ldest , will 'r 'd only refined i of Loses Four Tee h yo e serving · ce- . t haps oduuct thinking soaps or soap powders and rubbed on :•, s and white rice, with even strokes will cl an Garwood Child Hurt realpr . I ce e re- the e Sleeping at the wheel early Sunday will fill your fam i • s r al wall Y a moderately soiled wall. Bureau of four te th i they If so they probably aren't morning meant the loss of e , e co o expeTts sug est the d r q11irements. h the valuable vit?- Hom E n mics g bruises and cuts Henry Ayres, 19 char Lesn ewski, 12 yea s old, : enou of u Ri �getting g u . u e of a jelly made fro a ne tral old, of Demarestto street, Avenel of 103 Anchor i place, Garwood, re­ fo nd m whole gram s , � years i niin Bl to be have been soap. Rinse the wall w th cloth ; roducts r those which i a section of Woodbridge Township. He ceived slight injury Saturday after­ o e e or spo ge wrunii: out of clear water, Hugo Fugman his a , Perhaps you don't · told Patrolman noon at o'clock when he walked , rv then w p dry with a fiOft ran off bbage becau familys isn't �i e car the road in front of 805 side3:30 of an a t mo e itriven .'�bed.c se your cloth, . - into the u o bil , at a Badly soiled painted walls partic Mou in a large sha e f it. But when you look nta avenue and ht d by Adam Smolenski North ave­ pl ster, usually h t and see that it's a good ularly those of rough a tree, de olishing the front of the of 338 : mi :·n c ar i g nue, at North nvenue and Ced'ar street. 11'ta B2 respond to a treatment of whit n machine.m v'tam'ns A ' Bl and A wheel of the vehicle went over his i i care fu 'd · o s - of excellent sources app wit h a c oth m · t iourceone of the few • ' 11 Y !'10 1 1 Ayres was taken to Dr. E. J. Hack­ foot, causing a skin bruise. He was ened wi,th hot water. A small space and you'll btisy and learn such ett's office for treatment. treated by Dr. Leon Anson. ' get cleaned at a time. Rinse f cy ways rve it that they Martin Rhyme, colored, years old, ol to will should oo e r s ft In a c lision Sunday afternoon at se wall with l a o of 159 street, received3 head ,,,.:..i .• lot . c water, dry with Liberty East street and Locust avenue, Gar­ uae i.. h injuries Saturday Don't feel d couraged and say, c when an auto hit wood, John Krebs of Roselle Park, iil If the wall is slightly soiled but him near his home. He "This vitamin-mineral business is too received scalp in ury requi·ring four needs a complete :freshening up, try M len was taken a j for me, I'll skip the whole uh erg Hospital, Plainfield, by this solution: 2 tablespoons of mild toWillis b 19 ar 444 much yone who c an lay Ford, ye s old, of ." An i1 con­ soap powder, tablespoons of turpen­ Mo thing or drive a can S ose avenue, Scotch Plains, driver lllct bridge car learn tine, and 1 uart warm neceaaary fundamentals. Excel· q of water of the car. The child's condition was tile Dissolve the soap powder in warm. th hospit l. lent articles on nutr tion and meal desC'ribed as "good" at e a i water, ad'd turpentine, nd stir rapid­ The accident was r po d to Lieut. pluming are appearing 1n e rte ly. A th a wo magazines andthe on lead­ the c o , sponge, or brush can be John Somers by Sergt. James Osnato n' used tol a the i t r -·•lq m epagess of the liaily newspa- pply m x u e the of Scotch Plains, after he had Inter­ wall Ri se an dry. to route Many helpful bulletins are pub­ . n d cepted Ford and his victim en August Fur Sale ends soon ! , )ltrl. Enameled walls will Jose their Jus­ he hospital. Patrolman George You have until to Choose Exquisite ' liUed bf the U. Bureau of Home t S. ter if washed with strong soap, A toMorton su s u ntl took Ford to SATURDAY : and the U. Department b e e y S. woo n or cloth wrung police headquarters,q where he was , ofleonomies A lt ure. One of the hiist is Fur Fashions at these Exceptional Savings. out leof cottonwat r flannelwill clean a paroled In cu of his �rrieu No. 1757, "Diets to Fit the hot e mod· stody father, " erately soHed enamel painted wall. Thomas Fo·rd, by Acting Recorder funily Income," obtain ble free from a Wipe dry with a soft cloth. Whiting William Long, pending outcome of the De ment of Agriculture,, Wash· Ille part can used for spots, stains, and dirt l s I u ies. D. C. be chi d r · lalton, that don't yield ordinary water. Ford' toldnj itee the ' fall the Westfield nutrition to Morton he did not ·'<.In the, But rub the whiting on lightly or you c d previous to starting the car it will s ons r series of hil will hi _.,_ c lllmllecturestte by Unionp o oaun 's home scratch the paint. w ch had been parked at the curb. C ty The wall t t e m ly •: tineaonstration agent. They will enamel ha e dirty can be cleaned withIs' any xtre of t e Mllre Local ews In the Leader our nutrition knowl­be h N illped bring solutions alread'y suggested for liae up to Watch oth­ th one of an announcementto date. of theis dates column of erwise painted walls, or with these ( one u c of fol talks. 3 solutions : 1) o n e pl soda, gallons of water ; ( 2) he, And don't fol"get ln on in LEITCH ASPHALT 2 o aundry · totune '"Lis�- half an ounce l FLOOR America," the national nutrition f soda i 2 111 gallons of water ; ( 3) half an ouncen COVERING "'11T•m, d a t on WEAF ea h a s c f trisodium phosphate 2 ga s low •oer• t. bro cat o in llon .For•f•"•l•s eHthaaty. H41Hle•t T•trt.,.·••• ef' •eeo­ .. , friday evening 10 :30. of water. Use no stronger solution E••llT •alat•l•e• •••ntlve leas eot""'' WT•rl••• llM'fweek Wava to SavtJ Electric ity than recommended here. Wash a it f ••••I for recreafloa roe••, aio•••• Lut was the small portion the wall at a time, M•t••i1l•t1, ta•e••• -• ••ltUe column that WeBtfleldsuggestion consumers of o �I rinse and dry. lli•lltlt•S•• l'fo ltetter nr Mon •••· flt, In too habit of using electricity altle re•lll•llt aoor eoTf!rl•• ei!lnornleally- Comme'rcial cleaners for painted •••e at ••J" ••lee. ... •• it only to cut down on . walls there are aplenty. The "read­ il s, Here som dectr� b are e the-label" rule should be followed l ways to Duratite Waterproofinr lo doltt the Jetter here. Most common ingre­ Proclucta Co., , your refrigerator eftlciently, 1, U11e dient of the commercial cleaner ls ,M last week. Middleeea, cieleribed trisodium phosphate. Used right, It the basement light which N, J, 2. Watch does an excellent job-but used wrong, ·-·· ...... ·- burns all night. (Front Pffllll9tltleh lllefllight, too!) out lights whenever they ...I. nTurnot needed. In MADIMOISILLI, c... s• 1e .. hot water it y u Ae ..- ( 4. Conserve o have water heater. •elecKeeptric the thlln!lostat on your I. 'Nater heater l)etwee!1 135 and ,;,, lw c no higher, This is high derrees , f h tor most household purposes, theg � other ha , , if the '""c falls nd low, It •takes exttempei:a­ra elec- be l� ,raise it to the desired lev l to e electric stoves i tly 5:, f, Use effic en L arn m e full useand of :run�.f!OOling downe topeTiod ak of the coils r burner has been turned otr) a .'J�,.,.eook! ng ur s . Tun\ offp po es ' '', f; the radio, whe you re llateidng It. n "'llt to electric fan unless �t e;:•tneeded an11Se . . , . J l bulbs for any .z, f. tJae a ._tJ, neededvery em nighti lights. all o h ;·' , '!- Use t er eleetrie applianees 198.75.

t. .... � "" '"' "' ...... I, Al...allOlf, ..,...... lf*"'W I. � .,..,,. orIr. C-.,. .._... '· "" ...... llllftel ...... ,,,,,,_,. a August than \I/flydo so m n more women buy fur coafs ,tn y they know . only in in any other month? Because that possible. And August are such fur :values it's wise strat• A fltrl.+i- f..tti.r and • to buy t 's egy .now ,because here no tellin3 what prices later. ,;w.. frinp acfp itwite • will be Beaver 1ea!-dyed Coney • Bea•er-dyecl • ... or II.Tl • mouton lamb • •.'JI "••111•...... _,_. iit Yfftli119 softfish-U-Felf • • gu.aaco jacket • , • Sable-dyed •.Tl marmot •·'fl • Sable-blended ••••• CaracUJ-dyed black moire kid , • II.Tl Carac:u!-dyecl kid 18.71 Sfcunk-dyed oppossum creat • ••• •••••• • · c�t • •••• , lkunk great toat •.71 •Natural •• ftt • ••• •••••••• ••••• Ht.11 Nt-U-Felf...... "-'-• Kolinsky. -dyed , cat, South Ameri- . • • •.71 • concy • • • • • Leopard � ,..... si.., JtVJ •• 21. coney tan • • ,, , • • ••••••1•.71 '5 • •.71 • • " Hollander 1eal-dJ.ed .. ••••• ,, • • •

Smmrret Store Honn :

9 :30 A.H. to & :3<> P.M. Daily SATURDAY. and 1941 THE WESTFIELD LEADER, THURSDAY, AUGUST 28,

RATES One-Cent-A-Word mum Charge 25c Mini Accepted by 'Phone "Ada"additional charge of th:ee centaAll made for advertiSe­ willthat be are charged and IDIJltlamount $1.00 ...... Wat&el•� less than . :-f407...U08

LHIAY DINNfJRWARE .Juot ll tn your set before Arrlnd F\ance.l Our stock Is nowPrlct•.s complete ad: 20·vlece starters set for rour on Jy 4 MadeSt ,In A rica Stor1·e• 221 E$3.ast 5Broad Westfieldme 2-5310'. COOK THE NEW lV AYI 'l.1h• Magic Electro-Lid brolls In �ourSeln,-a owne fry pan. Let us show It to Youn I.ow priced only M«de at $2 19. �t_53t 221 East In fv�:[A';td i0. nro"d St, WHrl'E ENAMEi.ED Douhl� lira!• AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE slnk, long, In very good 78" condl- �o.oo. Sell for moo. N ��-� POllD STATIO WAGOS, model W'� 2Si1 Tires1031 and running condition very IO Tu"e Sllvertoae, A Call estfi eld n" U , 1 good condition. Cnlll� onsot e r1c � . .f. i:'i 'J��� c. W ��8:9 ��- WE. f�r�1s . 4 OlllltJR TODAY Any Prl•tlnc you may l'' URNITlJRE, need· h Id Leader, 50 Elm !!lJRPt.1'!1 China andtor T WestDenny, tic Forest Ave . �����ware e 8t. e 627 to 840 r?lor��11 A ��so �nr�tge G.receive H. two Courtesy tickets \ . ,v wlll "One Night In Lisbon" at the LITTLE t:SED DETECTO Bah> seeRialto Theatre, Westfield, Friday, at half price Westtleld N<1l•• Aug, by calling personally or 2-0490-M 29th, at 'l'HA'I'CHER '"TWIN f." IRE presenting proper identlflcatlon nn

PRIVATE Hlgh School an colleireTUTORlllG ub ec •- Clark,d (Yale),s j LL.t Carolu1336 Moun. T. B. A. B,telepho'l ����- Ave., Weotfteld, i�T-�r VIOLlll AllD PIAllO 11'9TRUCTION. Experienced teacher. Miss Elsie Wood, WE. 2·0253-J, 1723 FloridaM. St., Westneld, s-1-tr N. .J. MAllOR PARK lllJR!llNG llCHOOI� New term begins 5 years ot Sept.age. 8th. Children 2'h h Ill! to e 9�6?M� y Orand- T�i� w�� 2�3 ?ti Northrup.

SERVICES YlllAR!!I AGI> •A•Tlll'I•till hold11 ILOOA1' or .It'• mechanical, . ood-"lt • 't.c•'k:pX.1�ts"11h�; r\�n',:e!�8o ,. All work prornpt attent1!t���� slven 3 7_1( KRIEIElll!lD TOP OI well rotted manure deliveredI anywhere.L, Truccowk '1'•1 ��U'f�o sst; li���··••· "f-7�1r fl"ILMll Dl!lYl!:LV-0 ftlafd-A complete roll tor ... Leave l you r' rtf" tE::i l lfo. Statl��1�if n::adB,ts•�• AKWI OVIJK The VACATIOll!Ibusiness begins. Place -your ordetallr d �"h'.:' Y fA"YEi'r �" St. Mrs J�:u1'.1i!rSchmidt,11f:a l.';.�9H N o th Av•to• will recetveFl two Courtesy tickets see "One J,lsbon" at the Night InWe stfleld. Friday, AugRialto 2 tTheatre.h p so ll e 9 , by callingldentlllcauon •r m1 Y orat  £.��.f.r Pf>'Wi�.


WO'll'Jill WANTED TO RE.NT ll'u. -!'f'I', 539 1-:-.._R_W-=-::-:::=-:=------In Franklin School ve, Can WE. ll-109'1. section BOl'SE bt. must '.' ndltlotor Octn . b& In STORES FOR REHT f� f 3 In family. WE. s . PROFE!l!IO!V.\L WOJIA!r 24EJ.,JW Elm n�st, 19'1:5&.01- Irnme.ll&t<>� $90. a�artment share...... nfceor co..Immedlat Rn"'""'... $80. or otherwill Mme %Hs. P.ulK a. wtrf.FOllD AVJ!l. apartmentman. Ltader O&rageOll'ice. TEL.. J"t.l!'D. e-s8M 118 o. y- o... -·· Bettinson Describes An important funtcion of co erc a banks W c. mm i l like ours a e loans, We prefer to rowth in Talk to Rotary is to m k G make l cal ans be au Club Tuesday o lo c se

(a) we know borrowers, the (b) we know how the money will be used, (c) we will be helping our own community,

ask borrowe s meet our Of course we first that r requirements banking. you can of sound If satisfy these requirements, you can obtain credit here.

We will welcome y r loan application. ou


WF.STFIELD, NEW JERSEY Oppo1it• RaUroad Station

AN EXTRA ROOM IN YOUR HOME cnn inexpensively make an We �xtra room-for guests or den . -out waste space in your of home. Let s show you how, u obligation. without CENTRAL HOME IMPROVEMENT CO. WE. 2·+111 PROSPECT M. Vincent.-i TEL 26 ROOFINGST. - SIDING - MODERNIZATION FINANCING ARRANGED . ,... ,...... ,..• ...... , . ., , .... ,, . ,.. ••v• • ,.... r•• receive • dut w••• ,.. IHd It 111.. t. l1f Ia SUMMERthe Logficel Time to '''••rHr r•• .,. ••r•1 Have ' i;;;:;�; COLDS l•t rHco Mf1d, TABLETS of ,,.. llALVll ftcfl•• ••fl Sec1rlfy,I PAINTINGS ------=LI6 Portraits and Pictures generally cleaned .re11tored1 D w'1c• I• wellwertlt tu' renovated or the pictures and old frame• Tl7 "ll••·MJl'·Tl•IB"NOlll!l ROPS reframed, 66-. Wondert•lCOVGH LlalmeatQlJI DROPS , D • P!•'!f!_ !_l_!!�'_I______.: . SPECIAL LOW PRICES Now in delivery any YOUR INSURANCE IS AS effect, time after Sept. lat you dealre. Expert, careful workmanship aln-ce 1868, ruarantud. now, aa GOOD A\ YOUR AGENT Glad to call and eatlmate on your requlrementa at &nJ' tbne,

Ga1ollae-Ole1elOll-Moto•Oil 317 W. FRONT STREET PLAINFIELD, II. J. SWAIN'ST•I••••• ART STORE Plalde14 •1101 TIOJAN OIL CO. During Jul1 and until 6 P. :M. Dally, Auguat, Dialrlli•tora

flT'S A BUSY, bustling world these aays Fuel Oil-Kero1ene IJ with new interests and increased activities READ LEADERFOR crowding the daily schedule. Signing Telephone up fer We1tfield 2""180 courses, agreeing to contribute to this or that THE REALNEWS enterprise, lending o e s talents to something n ' else. Every day brings its demands. Yet homes must continue to run smoothly: housework cannot be neglected, so electricity is pressed into action. Wherever possible it is set to work, lighte ing the homemaker's t s� n o s, shortening her hours of work. By e ectric washer an ir e HAVE f OE LIFE llSURANCE1 using on l d on r work can be cut to that of one short course E•e man has, , two days' Of I 2 .conservative day. These labor-saving appliances do first class work. Moderate prices. Why ake Cash I surance another partner of your not m n security plan ? Whoever heard man who of a was sorry he had a cash reserve Who has not met with I many who were depressed because of worry over the of such a Much could be wi'ltten on lack reserve. this - subject, the. foregoing summarizes it. but

Fair Open an Savings Share Account with the , leadiq te Han insured Lam Enterta.._. WESTFIELD FEDERAL and have two strings to your READ bow. This is sensible, conservative thi g to do. ING, he most lavish the n Pl"?l!'l'am entert:P';Tainment in Reading fair historyof will fie offered during h eight.day exposition which Pa:r-11ta tile . t e her Sunday, September opens rtff4fromyed h:y lat of 10t• · Operatine g; da1 and night7. hrough eara cll•idea•a •oath. ii fairt will : ·, S und'ay, Septemfier 14, the : present outstanding ------; meltShaw and his attractioband, ns ,!:; """!� -Artieter's Roxy ettea Gae le!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!�!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!��====!!!!======; die :Roecker revue, silngater Ed- ; Dodgers, Jinun)' Lynch and his ;;l>eatn Lucky Teter and Driven, big, auto races andhis e car �!f n CirC1Jll and ',';._I 1necntaeu1a:r charge theinaugura vaudeVillel ttrogra acts.m, SFDv -, · L ot f'· '""nday , will be Ji11l'1117 Lvlch and his FU DI attto­ EL Dodgers, th stunt thewhllrt. The NOP.TH A1 CfHTPAL A VF WE STJ.:JELO N _ · oft'ermg . P]ogram , cash purse awards THE WESTFIELD LEADER, THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1941

able traffic tragedies. Haste is a primary WESTFIELD LEADER cause of these accidents, with most of the NEW 35 nation's vehicles on the highways I KNOW ======-dl ��tHE 32,000,000 :....------======By G. A. BradshaWJERSE-=Y-No. -..- == . and every driven apparently intent on Editor, ]� reach­ ro ��v:��oR .. .,,...... Leader : � �{�,: ing a resort or returning from one without The rnbitl cd'itorial you 11lbJ published, . . time." "Hitlerian Tactics gives no ....Ir. All• 'loss' Herc," of facts to pa d strikes Entered at the at Weatfteld, The club does not suggest that motorists occur asnor nboutwages methods i where emplo y­ '.� '" ; Post Oft'lce N. :r., aa of Cius Matter. dawdle along the highways at extr m ly low ers. For example, has �,�eond one company J>ublished Thursdays at Westfield New Jersey, e e been receiving :ir , speed, in $6,000 for a training W st el d Printing because that itself creates conges­ plane sold private p2rsons W•1 The e fi Lender Newapnper.and Publishing Com­ An Independent t on and causes drivers to take chances in 000. They tog a.v the employeesfor (who $3,- 'i ''.flUIJ•Olriclal Pa)lflr for W est eld and Mounta.lnaide. i c f};' : ft passing slow-moving ve icles. Orderly driv­ have not struck yet) a cents an '.1,· · Subscrlptio"l ,2.00 Y'ltr in advance. h hom· increase. few ratea li1 ing within the limits suggested in the gas Established 111!10. The American is l er , worker no ong ti OPl'IOE: 60 Elm Street. Tel. 2-·U07-2-4408. saving program will keep the highways clear "dumb, driven cattle." Your editorial f atives, New Jerae7 is rotten. It probably pleases most ,c: ,. National Advertising Represent of congestion and facilitate the movement of {{Nenpapen, nc , York. Westfield readers. I New what annually is the greatest holiday traffic A. H. . volume. SMITH. Main arteries of travel will not be ade­ Tomatoes Any Time quate the number of vehicles trying to for A Versatile Food use them Monday night, so it will be the motorists to a quaint them- Tomato juice and sliced tomatoes part of wisdom for c -is that the e h avail­ e s -noted for its hlgh color, meati- ·jamln Harrison, McKinley, Rouevelt present chapel built in uc ee n and hand raft All ese pursuits are politicians are still working on th a sump Theodore WlilB 1881, s c di g c t - ness and fine flavor." and Wilson all have worshipped this old a m ssi founded by the summer residents ab e; ·as t e should be But there are scores tion that government might as ell, n nce bi l on l h y w fi a Miss Armstrong points out that church, St. Jame Episcopal Chapel, of Elberon prior to this date. Services are 11 known of boys and girls. between the ages of twelve practically everything-and go into the bank- you can start a meal with tomatoes Chur of the Pr esidents,•• famous still held her jn summer, The church aa "The ch Its e is In cream soup or Jellied bouillon, visitor• are commemorated b,. memorial architecturally quaint, the only one Jn this en who have no school duties and ing and loan business on an almost unlimited - and eighte , depending upon the weather. And, tablets and windows. It on Ocean Avenue, aection built in the pattern of a cross. nt other amuseme tomato juice makes a good Branch, the is scale. of course, . Lonfl ln Elberon HCtlon of th who · crave w o is directi g the That attitude was responsible for the gi- start for a meal summer or winter Cluesmann, h n "Several types of rarebits and Carl E. . t . :work at the t hr e areas, has formed junior gantic de bt we b u iit up b e re here was any lets 'are e · fo ome made with tomatoes," she need for a mu ti-bill o pro- continues, "and a great variety of Plans aenior softball and senior hardball l i n dollar defense Filed For ud . lads. Tr serving . gram. And that attitude, it is reflected H y whole tomatoes Your Garden This Week 1le e1. day night'B contest at.Roosevelt if · Se•era) Bw.Jdm' Fri stuffed with cooked diced meat, nuts, • II B11 FRED D. OSMAN, U11iota Covnt11 A11riotlltlll'lll A11nt a.U v rn e t policy could pt -- the bottom and work up so that if nual delphinium do much better from ' 1J'ield. wu a pirited affair between in go e m n now, bankru cheese, fish, diced mix ed vegetables a two boys' you accide tly break many buds �all sown �eeds as they thrive best te the country. or hard cooked eggs, or a combina- Joseph Santello, Cranford, will make � in the senior circuit. The ath e s were too bloom tealll8 l tlon of two more of those i red- to and reeondition the off still have some remaining m cool weather, and so will 1 years of 'Th e l a n fac t IS th at government Id <>r ng alterations whenyou you get the p. you start ealier in the season and with finer ))etween fourteen and eighteen age. P h ients. Other salad combinations ln- premises at 312 Park street, trans- l I · II OU to rom the top andto work �ownIf you may fl ow<>rs. T�e sooner they are sown some of them be seen next month stroll­ not finance a single endeavor which can be elude sliced 'tomatoes and cucumbe rs, forming them from a one-family a f will to break o the buds �h1ch you would now the bigger an� stronger the financed with private c pit l tomato with cottage cheese balls, and two-family dwelling, according to ff . . the corridors of Westfield lligh a Government This also ms about a . molded tomato aspic with vegetables. plans and specifications filed Satur- have allowed to remain. All that would plants will be over winter. a member of the West­ h as plent its han s as it is-n " s G be left would be buds too far down applies to the annual poppy. Behool and one boy y on d o one else When the oven i in use, try baked day with County Clerk Henry is b n and not at the apex of the stem three of these will winter well frAllm Hawk , in the Union County can pay for battleships and airplane a stuffed tomatoes, broil!ld tomato slices, Nulton. The wo'l'k will e do e fo� where o s . entered s nd they should fall sowing but if on soil that tends ,Aeld armies. But the scalloped tomatoes with rice ,a.nd eggs Irving end Cath ri e Bauer of West.. regular banking channels e n be. to heave, a light mulch is a benefit be- baU League. 1 or cooked meat." field. William M. Beard, Westfield, Keep the spraying program going, ;Bale o ake of this country are· eager and ready to nance Fried tomatoes, or "tomato beef ls counsel Jn the transaction and H. particularly if you have fall aphis. cause fall sown plants tend t m The type aseball was extremely good fi of b steak", with cream gravy Is dish Also give the lilies another dose of top roots and so are more apt to the s me was conducted strictly almost any kind of industrial activity, They ll V. Trevenen is the a in ac­ ' en oy d at breakfast, lunch ora din- i architect.wi Bordeaux mixture for they may de- heave out. ud it with private money-not tax m n or j <> John Racit Garwood ll com with rules. It e fun do o ey n r she says, and o - velop tryties in Septemb r Considerati?n shoul� be given soon eordance the was de nit l e , ffers the follow- mence constru�tion Septe:nber of a b� . � : fi y deficit money. Ing recipe : 2 Now s a good time to d1v1de some transplanting peonies. Sta1"t now �or the participants. second story on the repair shop own- 1 to t h Remove the cores, then cut the to- of the early flowering perennials. if you want to for they are practical- At best, the national deb reac Laura Sampieri How- the many boys who as b l, will atair• ma,toes in one-half inch 't!lices. Heat ed by Westfield in lants th t re practically dO'l'mant ly through their season's growth. . . For b e al gering proportio , South avenue, Garwood, according to P � !i love the n�nd if the pork barrel some bMon fat in a frying pan until are the Virginia blue bell (meretcn- ever, next month is time enough to o er a chance f�r indulirenc Until other blueprints lellsu11 ft it Is quite hot and toon dip the sia), poppies, perennial lupins, doroni. move them. ple op- e spenders have thefr ' way th y will ruin us. · They will have am •� ta boys in that e to- frame ;,ear are irroup no I matoea on both sides in a mixture Construction of a two-story cums, hardy primulas and practically portunity to make enough fall growth ' had out­ "l\toney for anything and everything" one and brick veneer dwelling with at- for their vo ite sport duri g June,. July ill · flour and salt and place In the all of the other early bluoming plants. to bloom well next year, if not sep­ let f / of on the northwest side a r .b govemment policy· we can no longer afford. pan, browning quickly on one siae. tached garage Some of these plants, especially aratep into too small divisions. �d 'Ausuat. . of Bayberry lane, Mountainsid-a, will Turn and brown the second side doronicums, and prlmulas, may not Don't forget disbud chrysanthe- , nton ocs och, nion, be to ye r Mr. Clu•mann will try • • .. Avoid overcooking to prevent the be A P k U entirely dormant at this time of the mums and dahlias. Buds of Next a per­ Ol'Hlll· P.Anlll done by agree- to slices from breaking. Make gravy according to articles of building year but it Is one of the best times are forming now and if you dahlias America Legion sponso a - MT 1 R r41move •utde the Jl to r team , of the pan drippings, uaing milk in ment filed with County C lerk to divide them so they can stlll make all but one bud the shoot and pinch Henry he Union County Legion League plaoo water, and' thicken with G. Nulton. Work will be done for fall growth. When perennials are in out the side shootsto down th'ree four Jn, t . Geb Relllb of or ftour sti'rred to a smooth paste. Everett P. and LenoTe H. Jones of need of division have much bl s am nir plaY1round enterprises are ThanksCm,.;,. :to the conljinuous hammering , an opportunity is nodes, you will finer oom Unique o Ellzabetli. · · afforded to enrich the soil where they and longer stems cut. In disbud- and tennis instructions f om recornized away by a to plf r lo officials and civic ,.roups, thel1 have been planted. If Madonna lilies ding chrysanthemums, there are two a c l ., s-..:... larg· profdlion ls. Bruce Heatly of F..c'ho Lake and hazardous Walnut Avenue grade ron ng of _,.,.. Sunset have multiplied, this is the season to general methods. To obtain the W d to h ck x c J separate them so they, too, can make est flowers, remove all but one a el n of a ama on are the golf the high Valley Railroad will s a 'Tis a beautiful day in bud, JHU S Le oon be summer, the necessary fall growth. preferably the tip bud, to the and Wally Hall, Westfield And my soul with rapture thrills, The day has paslll?cf and the sunlight stem. Tenni1 thi ng f th e past While it is. a little late, y u can The other method 1' • to thin out the mentors, O I As I s e the sunlight creeping Is seeking Its haven of rest; o pJ llb teacher, handle• the court aspirants o n y e still plant seed of pansies and fo rget- buds in each spray, reducing� the e c u t gave its approval last week Over the distant hills : From out the depths of the valley, num- Th me ots. ncles and forget- nots ber six or ten. Thls will give Weatfleld' lu u n e n It climbs o'er the hills to the west. -p Pa me- s youth ky share in to en i e ri g an for th e d epress ng f up to d velopthe 11 <> ' ' are both hardy and can be sown individual blooms a chance to e c to P I S i 0 Seeking the rocks and the ledges, to J1;?Unded1 program, espe ially one that Walnut Avenue the i g f· Lexi -"An the middle of September. Althou"'.. h more fully and "ou w111 have finer .eh a c clos n o n Chasing the shadows away, The shadows sleep on the moun- Avenue , ' •"" that they will not make as big plants as flowers with long 'etems. much tholll'ht to the too-often neg. and the divenion of xington e That sleep on the fac e of the moun- tain atvea 10 Av . the early sown ones, they will winter Disbudding Is not muc of Le tain Shielding its face from the light, 1•ded te n-age aroup. nu e ra over th e new Wa I nu t v A enue a well profusely next m vtooe h a e IC 11- and bloom spring. chore. Simply re t ff. ._... And wake• with (.he dawning day Are closing the eyelids of summer, o the surplus 1 of The same applies to nearly all buds by pinching otr with the fingers . .. ,. men , 1 With the cool, fragrant silence of mem- This t• hers of the violet family although or with a fine pair of scissors. nd he new un rpass can be construct- There's a gentle breeir,e in the tree-• night. A de some them wlll not germinate un• clln done qui«i rapidly after you GM L.k, Art F...a t tops, within six months without of spring If sown now, partic- be t eld YMCA take ed n next become used to it. good way . Jn leavlnar the Wee ft to cost to the Where the bir Is gree t th I' ht f the The w d asleep 1' n the tree-tops, ti! A atto . township and ne ...... i ...... high school boys belonged to the • .. djta � who So here again is proof that an aroused of .... 8H•IMl7 te boys sho ered the Jil'.'l'. eltal:le. These w babies the aueeeuhl actifttt ef · turns in watching them and united campaign can get action once it aH · lifts and took ••liaeu ...... Such a display of emotion set.a its mind to task.--Cran!ord Citizen � parents. the infant.a by boys in t eir eens could nd Chronicle. h t · enirendel'ed only by true affection · r -.taMiah ra•r aNit fellow members of the •t ··•nfabt , •• thie ...... ,...... the departing oup e. ::.. . ltati Pftl'lente d c l a ...... •ccetlllt ...... """' .. 'tw., • valuab le glftB. utilfa'8r the fieaeclal _... James W. Hall, icea ••••Ped tft8iaa .cUi �.Of. inherits at • ·a .· by Art, est ld will · · � fotmded lV fie coat · ·· sf boys'. GOOD P�NTING � an ueeptionAl work ...... it .... ,. "· ·-. ftaN - llLL_ .. . AT A PAia ,...ca AJllJ) D&LIVEUD ! ""<:� ':>-·�--,-- .·:7-� - i': . ·· gU<)Jme_ Cltefwl- � •ll4'ortage, the traffic ex· YOU WANT IT dangers over � · � :-mua.J serlous MatioW "'1H RamNat-..a of .... i.WW...... atfielcl ·-�P•T jreel: end . n. ct.Cl �,. flolida;y,'' said Edward P. .... Wi• ... = .�· o! the Ke;vBtone Auto.- a oid- ,. "A!Qlually res ults in many v , ,, ., THE WESTFIELD 1941 Page LEADER, THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, Thlrteea' ·:·:;: Olympic Park to Present Baby· Parade Saturday SALLY (Continued from P ge 12) Sackcloth and Wheat for Destitute - Chinese a N. Pi rson Jr., o:fElm The bnby pnrnc!e, process on of Mrs. Arthur e a i street is member of the committee juvenile charm ingenuity n and llUegemoun belong1�gs. Th s are , • , maid nnd the Ro of Fairacrcs K.' busy Bru!Y.! Hargan has been in Philadel- cke avenue attended da shoppmg for the freshmen some mnle, but the determination of the yr ys of phia since his grnduation from WHS i ls National Tennis Tourna• ' ei. r the best in decoration of the convey­ G ' th last stud ng a gov­ ment at the Philadelphia Cricket Club ., and ha db<>ok� a e s n e h June. He is yi at ances in which the children r de in which their daughters, n r ca n d ope- ernment shipbuilding school there and i . Betty ' college g e tio s, and departmen C fullY for su parents.g s n Catalogues and have completed' the cour e in This · one day each 1¥.!nson Henry oumbe and Jean Rockey participat- i t will store advisers are thoroughly ques- September. s A. Guenther sets apart for the small ed Inst week-end. . by the mothers. We were I chil r among he mers -+- tioned busy , • • d en t park's custo mused by newspaper article which Elise Van Leuven be a frcsh- and their parade supersedes all other Mr. and Mrs. Luther Martin and a a will suggested that new students refrain I man at Middlebury College next activities. The crowd takes the same daughter, Fay, o:f Cedar terrace are as d mito purch ng too much r ry month attitude and young America reigns. vacationing at Nantucket. from i o e . -+- until they could s e :for all clnRses are provided by ent was needed. John Leach, WHS '411 has a posi­ Prizes for Ml'. and Mrs, Hans HeC'r of Cherry themseguipmelves what actuall the pnrk managemen . e yib le, the tion in the installation department t lan-e are at Mirror Lnke, N. H. This ad ice &eerns s ns but' of the Elect ic and is do ng e wve on to say that the moth­ Western r i articl nt Mr. and Mrs. am Graham· and c time· bit traveling around New Make Service with so m u h a de leisure on J<:!rseyquite . . of Civil family of H llsiwtiiavenue have re• Etsl hands after their otl'sp ing had i the r r ' Holidays Mandatory turned from a motor trip to Califor­ ted, would be d lighted to till in • • • depar e Leonard Reichhard will enter Sy- nia, New Mex co and Arizona. with r un of shopping for i -+- the ap a o d racuse niversity month. He g fur hings. P.erhaps we are U next Chan rule adopted by the ni has been a counsellor this summer at ges of and Mrs. Henry Rost and son, room b t swe feel that the thers, New Jersey Civil Service Commisslon �fr. �T ong, mo Camp Wawayanda in Dover. Bob, of Hillside avenue have return­ breathlessu fter their children are . . . erlcan Cross wlleat does double dut1 amonr e make vacations and sick leaves with Je!t a . � d stitute the Soatlle111 Pre1b7terla• ed from a vacation at Ke:i;ar Lake, u like m1ss1on at Kashinl",Red pay for state em oy s mandatory. last campus-bound, wo ld noth­ Betty Fowler WHS '41, has a po­ Cheklanl', as thn picture (left> h1 United CbJnaChinese Relief children shows. at p ee and their daughter, Marjorie, is home , previously provided only ingat b tter rela instead of sition with the Prudential Insurance the bag's make serviceable summer &"arments. At ri&"ht, Wlll le, committThe wheat provides food The rule from a girls' camp. e than to x and k ee member of the and -enj y the letdown after the Co. in Newar and perhaps Is with ChlBese children who thanked himWendell for bJs co·operatJ tJnlted that employees were "entitled" -+- o k will take China Relief, on ' ' CbiDtH l to va­ ahop s e secretarial courses this winter. Re ief dri e. shown In the '5 GOO 080 cations and sick leaves with pay. Paul Strubln of Kimball' circle of preparations. om v Dr. cycl�ne l The commission also based the extent Is at Lake Winn epesaukee, N. H. • • • • • • -+- WHS '41, has a posi­ Byron Stuart will enter Rose le of sick leaves on the number of years Junior l F llowes has Doris Givan,the Prud ntial Insurance College next month. Harvell Home Suppert Fr served by employees, lifting a re­ Mrs. Frederick e with e om turned to her home in Tucson, Ariz.,'re• tlonin Newark. • • • Back Music Camp Jack Vander Veer Talks quirement . that service must have Peggy Husson will be a freshman a authorized ac­ after a visit with her lather, Harry Co. • • been continuous, nd at Co nell University this fall. She Miss Beatrice Preussel, daughter sick leaves. Evans of Elm street. Harry Wahl e ter Rutgers 2 Clark-HyAu<:USTslip At Frat Convention cumulation of has justr returned :from a trip thru 8- Post, 645, VFW, of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Prcussel, University e t willmonth n where he SALLY. n holds "Old-Timers Night," post rooms, lvidere avenue, is returning this764 Jack Vandcr Veer, x the west and to Lake Louise, Canada. Be Wes fi o plan to major in journali m P o pect stre , e fi d v ng. Rose Poly '41, The t eld Leader leads in l cal s . . . s • 21 r s et W st el , e eni week eight at the presented paper Saturd ay before . • • weeks Na­ news, circulation, advertising. pla to nte after a Ed Glenn ns e r North SE-MB� tional Music Camp, Interlochen, Mich , the bi-ennial convention of the Theta Robe Matthern will travel to t rt he C aro a State C ll ege nex t month . Xi fraternity at st n, Tex., on �=="'!!'!!!======� i · m 0 . . 3-Threc Bridges"� Harvest- Home, where she was a m<:!mber of the fa­ ou o University of Oklahoma n Septem r · H • mous National igh School Band. the running o cliapter house on the college stud , supper served beginning at 6 m. H a ber begin his i s Both Harry Hunt and Walter Nich- budget system.f paper was pre­ e Ninth annual Re p. i ton As a member of the band, Miss The to ols have positions in New York with 4-6 - ad ng �!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!�!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! j played over a nationwide sented at the re uest '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"'!!'!! e Flower Show in Readington Preussel = th American Tel. Tel Co. . secretary,q of w theh had frater­ & . 5-Soap Box De b , Bridge hook-up of about 160 stations on the nity's general o ob. • • • r y High , served the operation of the Rose Poly Betty Bryan reshman 6:30 p. m. NBC. blue n twork. a e next mont wlllr bes University.:f 6--Millstone e C rc chapter during the past year. It h at S ac R fo med hu h Har• Miss Preussel was among the 400 ls • y u e r believed' that Jack contracted bud­ . • • ve t Home, 5:30 p. m. outstanding high l!Chool and college Do 1s Townley lans take a se . s getitus exposu·res � p c- Harvest orn Supper, Mt. musicians from fo y-one states, Ha· t.i retar1al course at the Berkeleyto School 6-- H e rt the budg-etsfrom of frequent Westfield Board Bethel Volunteer Fire Company, Mt. waii, and Canada who East of Education. Histhe fa her, J'o hn H. Orang�. Bethel Firehouse, 6 p. the camp. were students t MEN! in rn. Vander Veer, was m mbe of that • • 10-Scotch Plain Methodist Chur h at a e r Gloria Karr, WHS '40� will enter s c Horn . board. Loolc a-laeacl the Elizabeth General Ho11pltal School e Harvest10-Bound Brook :r.fethodlst Church Po1tm11ter Traynor Asked of Nursing next WedMsday. Harvest Home supper. Plan Ride , e i la k•, WHS • • '41, a a os - Station Reform. To Aid Defense Bond Drive •.• B rn ce r s p i I 11-12-Whitehouse Bua. h tlon with the Royal Insura ce Co. ed Church Harvest Horne supper, 6-1! n in Postmaster John Eliz. Members of the Irish-American As­ have New York.C p. m. P. Leonard of abeth, Union County chairman of the sociation of Garwood pla ing a BICYCLESN&W • H8UILT • • • B'rQ nn Kay Leonard Penn Hall Junior campaign to promote the sale of De· bus oney Island, September , ride to GEORGE L SIMON College, has had as guests his Postponed Games Tomorrow fense Savings Stamps, has requ'flsted Members, their wives and frie ds MEISEL-Stationer '41, t 7. n week two classmates, Betty and Ma'r­ Postmaster John H. Traynor est­ are n ited , with the buses TYPIDWKITlla Bm.&INUIAa, Tlla• IJJ Nert� A"·• PLAINPllLD ' HATS of W i v C leaving • JllLB 8TIUIJllT , Wm. - jorie Dodge of Jamestown, N. Y. Swimming and games planned for co-oper te in the drive by es­ Borough Hall at 9 a. m. The com· =!!!!!!!="'!!'!!!!!!!===�!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I field to a Next week Kay will jo rney Chi­ Monday by members of Echo Lake tablishing booths or stamp bank out­ mittec on arrangements consists of u to cago, where she will be maid of hon­ playground, but postponed because of lets here. Merry, chairman ; Archie Dar­ CLEANED H. G. SHOP REGULARLY AT or at the marriage of her roommate, the heavy storm, wlll be held tomor­ Mr. Traynor will ask roch, Frank Knight, and Jos ph Hu­ store man­ e now Mias Winifred Hoopes at Oak Park, at Watchung Lake. have booths set up in prom­ menik, l'OW agers to by Ill. Next month Kay will enter the inent places where savings stamps University of Maine as a junior. UN Advertlalns could be sold directly to customers. SAVE MONEY-READ THE Leadn AD8 Morey LaRue • • • Grant Leonard Jr., Universit of y Maine '43, has �eturned from a trip Vermont and New Hampshire, to he visited a fraternity brother, whereLawrence Kelley.

• • • has had Betty ST, .. Mae Hutchinson, t6el• �' Schreiner of Albany,'42, N. her 117 EAST, BROAD Tel. w �7 Y., u guest for the pas week. The girls t will be roommates at Green Mountain DEfEnD -- Junior College, . YOUR GARDE"�$ MEATTHURS., FRI., SAT. ONLY John Pollock left last Saturday on SPECIALS a trip to the West Coast . He will be a senior at Miumi Unive rsity, Ox· FUTURE, n.. 33c ford , 0. • • • Guy Overman leavi g Monday r is n SMOKED HAMs-:r::i! on a motor trip Buft'a o. There BROILERS FRYERS-=:.? to l . h" will take a boat fur Detroit, spend· or ... lnw a few days in that city before will hrins and •-.her laWJU, r t ng the Purdue campus for Seedlnr better .. andf•­ 29c . e urni to tiliaer will enrich the -rth, Japa .... beetl SLICED BACON ...... "* his junior He has been work· NEED A NEW LAWN! ._ ... ,. .... bis- year. other petal.. juat hatched, can the Ing this summer in the treasury de­ a.. 4eatroyed In ·�::.;•t'a ...... _ ...... partment of American Car and 1arden'• future hy the Jrult at•I•• Def-d your a. 32c ...... _,...... , ... Foundry Co. It practical c:are Septem._ and �ourri•• n.. 31c Y• . te - . , ins ,...... , .... _ . . Meda at ruTrLE'SI in 1et _ _,__ Jean Staulfer of South avenue la ...... ,.. visiting friends in· Georgia for . JAPANESE PRIME RIB ROAST n.. 31c three ... -· ::=...--...... weeb . BEEn.ES ...... Caa Be CeatrolW. Pricea Effeetin Aus. 21th Sept. 3rd, inelualwe ...... Now me to Laurence Currier Returns t • *---"'··.... .·- ,... do t. Is Cornetlie talki ...... , .., ....., itto oveir After SUmmer in Mexico . EVAPORATEDMILK- ::�3::!'.23c ...... , ...... ,...... Lliurence Currier, eon of and ...... Hr. PREPARE SOIL! .Mrs. Currier, 1' Stanley THE oval, Raymon4 of the American Uae an• FertiUaer CORN FJ.AKF.S-K·���=�· was • pk Fr en s membercomm ittee spon­ Lime •• eaelt i d Sel'Ylce which ...... _.. sored a Mexican project in the La­ ha to be . _ Your lawn s Sc' ...... _, gunA thi1 return­ P :::,. 50c region summer. He roll• . n1U.. ed today after helping w. build cot­ fed to oducepr the best 40-ft. ·-w ....., ., A ; ton gin for in the "1mall new �: ...... _, ulle results . Roy r� lars• Laguna WAXMATCHf.S- APERBi:•-  lue 2 I 3c townsarea. in the rehabilitation FERTILIZER B Tip . l'llD() .. J'llOD H&VICI ...... , ... A graduate of Bucknell University 3c in 1939, Laurence return next LIME, HUMUS SOAP m nth to Cornell Unive-rsltywill Medical IVORY � 3 o · • College. PEAT MOSS ROLL, T£R WA and SOW A GOOD •-441100% Pure. WATCH lJONE MEAL ::� l&c 1::: 9c I MIXTURE-NOW. lirt .. This is ETC. ETC. BARTLEIT PEARS-t:.!.t We'll rent you a large rollet the best time Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Hopfel, but you really s ou d have of the year .. 19 h l your avenue, of to fix �-:eZ5c are one of· ;your own at theM new JanetEverts parentsMuhlenberg a Hgirl,os a May, ­ prices. As for lawn or make Fridborna , August in one. have : y equipm nt, TUTTLE'Swatering the seed WHE.EL pital on llS. e We ' Schelhorn, 129 res recommended ' - :�_ ud Mn. the laee is mixtu CAMAY SOAP 6c SELOX 12c·. Cacciola)(r� plaee, Oliva p buy it. PRATT'S are a to by BARROW nosTID FOODS aoYAL SCAu.&T .... Richard Willi111n, parents of IOU, the N. 1. Agricul� - - : ,,,� born on Sunday, FOODS REIN VEGftA81.U DAILY ftU in Xnhlenberg HOllJ)itaL ROLLER f9.to up •• Aupsf: 17 •• tural College. :11 ...: p, Mrs. Jfr. •ncl Harry Palf, IS21 Sum· �� 'i·��

· · · i mit a�nue,bOrn on have a dalJ&'hter, Diana � •· ..., • ...... •· '°! inGale, Jfulllen bergWed Hoepitalnesday, Angust 20, � _..... lfil .._. daughte'r, Lorelei, _...... _ was ENJOY THE . Hr.A and bornSmith, t,o ...... 'TOU•U. DINING If( Hrs.in Muhlenbe Edmund Arthurg Hospital NEW OPEN �H . ..-.. .. . c:-'·. • r • : !,..,wt'1r1.JiE' . . � Garwood, on �. · � August · lii;;;_.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;·;;i, liiiilii llf a. i;;;;;£1 )fonday, 18.


UNLIMITED PARKING ...... noRE p.,... _ HOUR.51 7J30 A.M. to lhOO P. M. THE WESTFIELD LEADER, THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1941 rs John T. Haviland of nue, Mrs. Sidn y T. Swallow of South Mr. and Mrs. Wallace have Mr. and M . Out '!l g HnllWynant Tremont avenue a1 c Co- Talcott�Bra4d Wedding Invitations For Chestnut street and Airs. H. Warren been uests of Mr. Mrs. · m::itoring to and where th i son "Bud" Smith of South Euclid nvenue. Cole of Wood road at tl>eir e r W hite ead-Jon n. cottage lumbia. s. C., t s, in an Artil- Takes Place Tomorrow h es Nuptials at Lake. is a private, fa·s clas Beaver u n ith Mr and Mrs. Roy Thoma-+-s Raymond !cry Regiment. He will l"ct r w The wedding of' l\Iiss Marie An- . Chandler George Culp of Mr. Mrs. T. Little n f Tuttle J ones hi fiancee, J craldinc Mo and am a d ten-d ul'lough. Braud, dau hter l\.Ir. and ? parkway, have is street and s hn them on g .233. daughters, ElizabethWfiii and Barbara of a toinette of nv tatrnns for the wedding �d of Cranford, were guests lust week­ � Mrs. E. W. Hays of Cranford, r i of t N a G r n D. Poole of Quebec, Jr., ar Ev ly � T TOW from o do T t, Mr. M jorie e n J OU radford avenue h v •II' AB B Rupe alcot of Coney a end of Mr. nneth Mulheron, E. ele t, and Miss Edythe Myers of Cruikshank to Milton Mn.Boy Mrs. Sarah Farnam of Prospect c Towers, Saturday at 11 a. m. in St, ette of Cranford, son of Mr, and Plainfield, will be bridesmaids. Mr. G. street who recently returned from a Patrick's rectory, New York A Charles Boyette of Goldsboro, Fox has chosen Victor Cemlno ot City. tN. C.f year's stay in California is visiting reception will be held following the Miss Mulheron is gradua e o her Newark as best man. Ushers a Katha· sister in Vermont. will be ceremony In the Hotel Roosevelt. Wflstfield High School -+- Ray Scribner, brother of the bride ' and of D. , Mrs. Greeley of Flushing will be rlne Gibbs Mr. and Mrs. S. Roberts of East and Norman Woolston of Somerville School.a irr aduate ' matron of honor and William Nagle Boyette ls of Broad street are at their summer cousin of Mr. Fox. Mr. Golds­ of Cranford will best man. boro High School anl North home at Tolland, Msss. A reception will follow at the West- be Carolina Mr. Cruikshank, the son of Mrs. State College. field home. After a wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. rry Barbee and Laura Cruikshank of Westfield and The wedding will take p ace this the cour,le will make their home with l son, Harry, of Standish� avenue have Frank Cruikshank of Plainfield, is fall. Mr. Fox's parents. D. returned from North Carolina. a graduate of the Wharton School of -+- A graduate of Plainfield High 1938, the University of Pennsylvania, and Miss MarjorJ.a Clunan of Prospect School, class of Miss Scribner !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!� a member of ATO fraternit y and as from a stay on a has been employed by the Prudential street h returned �cho Lake Count�y Club. Miss Barry ranch at Sante Fe, M. lnsuranc-e Co. In Newark; Mr. Fox 1s a gra uate of New -+-N. was graduated' in 1937 from North d York Univer­ Mr. and Mrs. H. Bogard and Plainfield High sity, School of Education. H. School and is now Atlaletic ltcla· children of Westfield avenue are home Chief Petty Officer In the U. S. Mari- from a Vermont vaca on, time training Service at New London Hill-Mclean . ' -+- Conn. NEW FUNGICINE Mr. and Mrs. Dan el P. Woodson ____- Stopi itchins-' t Tuesday night Miss Myers was hos- Announcemen of Wychwood road have returned t is made of the mar- Driea 001hls teas at a personal shower in her home rai ge o M'1ss erry McLean, daugh- parta-- from a vacation at Moosehead Lake, the 1 T Aicla ,healm' s· cracL-.1 for brlde-tll-be. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Mc· Me. , • .,. of • Lean New Brunswick to Edward ..1_0m Byck�Dodge A. son of Mr. and Mrs. Hill, George · Hm of East Broad street. The w. 16 of ceremony took place August In St J arYit D ra1,· · Store Announcement has been · mad'e · l the marriage in Richmond, Va., on Peter's Church, N-ew Brunswick. , August 8, of Mias Elizabeth Ellen J ••••••••••••••• Dodge of Westfield and Chicago, Ill., to Mr. Lawrence Charles Dyck Jr., of Plainfield and Charleston, W. Va.

LEADER WANT ADS PAY thewise woman wm Ila)' lier

• ·-

llttttrionsl1 b eau t lfu 1 r. eoata - so li1ht and aupple. Their beauty wilt attract yOU­ the prieea will appeal S. 1-.

SMART FU RS VO• GELS ua'f non mm

,. � s....._ ••*··· . ••s ... . �..... ,.... ,,,_. c.Gt.il i...a... � ,FW r 1'1'. T. IHato. Tert...i. aa« 4..._.. � __... � Write f_. Boold.t Clrktiaa C:U-hiit " ,,;aoli'as �JllLD> BY A.i:rTo li'llo• THE WESTFIELD LEADER, THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1941 Mosque, Newark to Cranford posit. author's choic


George Raff ·and Mn'l·lcnc Die­ trich in "Manpower" ·

bctweo�n beinc- dccornted by Mnrlene Wyn n, America's top comedian Dietrich. presentsEd his hi!a·rious musical revue merchant who's always sayi g that Jimmy Cagney in and Girls Together" to local n Came C. "Boys he's on the v rge of ankrup y. I Christie" To Be theatre goers for three pe1·formances 0. D." e b tc "Anna JEAN-- HERSl'l.lf!iJ --HOLT at the fosque Theatre beginning Fri­ Beery and Main Prove ' Presented nightJi and including Saturday at Maplewood CHRIS'HAN) day "Barnacle Bill" and Thentre, starting Satur.day. This ( Ill\, and night performances. Riot us Romantic Team "The. time run­ MELODY FOR THREE matinee they're private detectives Ingrid B"rgman, the Swedish screen tri­ o Coming here direct from his a background of exciting adventure Big Store" at Paramount ning wild in a departme store, and star whose debut the summe the­ nt r umphant New York engagement the Romance and comedy take a jo3 and mysterious spies, the stellar Car­ in the midst of the most lavish musi­ atre is the sensationin of the current SUN.-MON.-TUES. "Perfect Fool" returns after three ride together in "Barnacle Bill," Wal­ roll-Mac.Murray combination opens in Filmed in the of the Glouces­ cal they've made since "A Night at season, will be pres ented by Cheryl I shadow A GREAT years, with this joyous jamboree that lace Beery's newest starring vehicl� "One Niglit in Lisbon" supported by ter schooner "We're Here," all recon­ the Opera." No less than five musi­ Crawford, in association with John he calls "Boys and Girls Together," is providing a veritable fun­ HOLIDAY SHOW ! which a brilliant cast that includes Patri­ ditioned and ready to th e sea cal numbers are highlighted during Wildberg, Eugene O'Neill's great bringing some of his reliable comedy fest at the Ritz Theatre, Elizabeth. cia Morison, Billi Burke, John Loder; again, Metro-Goldwyn-Matakeyer's to new the funfest, with Tony Martin fea­ dramatic success,in "Anna Christie," tricks and lot of new ones. Richard Thorpe, who directed "Wy­ Dame May Whitty,e Edmund Gwenn, film the deep, "B rnacle Bill," star­ tured as the romantic ,singing lead. for one WOlft'Prl1QV8 �- I H•••I•.,.,, H i Tiie t Of 11M11 DAILY Sweeping Channel for Downed R.A.F.Fig hters ftOll l•·• BAY BOl.GEA,U JORN CARllOJ,I. MelOtlfett Caftoo11 Pla..,_Mente�"-"t NNlfG� f;-r SUN., MON., TI.JES. GAi.A HOLIJ�AY SHOW! IDA JOHN LUPINO GARFl£LD CIGARETIES SATCOM ING I Leeb Strilre. G.W, •• J£PT. •- T E FOG Ca••'•· �terli•I•,Old '• Ttt ._...J. .,.ltll THOMAS MITCHELL "B CO-Fl!lA�VllS llalei... kaole. LOSSC>m OUT�- °.:' �- .... Del.r ...,, la dleDUS'r SEFf'llYPRISCILLA JtONALD LAME JIAT Cart• LYNN ltEAGAN ltOISSON '1.15 call'R -- VART001' -- GAIUON TYPES OF JARVIS MUSICALUSALL INSTaUMENTSIC' ltEPAIKD Le*"" .. will J'OWft wit• a&W. It l>e· ... - -ltloa _.._ I.IDT 11• mlTDl.&TJI 01' T01la •e•ool •t•rt•.--- K�•t• .� WllrDOW fllllflll'l'IA.Jr .... ow,. la•t a 11...... -...-..., -·fftl .. SHADES BLINDS tra•e w� one-.- ""fteAWNIN� - - U-" CJ.?EGORY'S ...... ,.,..; •• c.. u-u ...... _. _ .... Pl. ...,.. JoLallid'mLD, Jf. I. 1941 .Pare_, Fourteen 28, ���irtt :;��' THE WESTFIELD LEADER, THURSDAY, AUGUST �Hawks Last Game, Finish Third Seem Doomed to Drop League Loc Sports Schedule "Rec" Pin League Two Sevens Cost als, This Coming Week �f of o l­ 17-5; :Members the Hillside Thrashesd P ,, , Recreation B w Plainfi l Claims Second lac Stars Save Town's Prestige ing League will convene Friday, &!p­ Nancy McClave e By Checking Alb TENNIS ten:iber at 8 p. m. nt Ca men s Bar­ ;vould be nice to gloss over the defea of the 3-WTC Women' Singles .It e Westfield a 5 r ' 17-5a t 1- SOFTBALLs ber S o ,, Elm t o by H lls de Saturday nt Tama ues nd emphasize the 1 1 shelII �ka :r estfield and Plain:field bro e even Outfit, 7-3 re e rgan Shack Record q Pntk l k Bergens, 8 p. m., h p 29 st e , f01• r of l1i a1 eth A. A. Sunday at Warinanco Park but the fact is that th a in In Wsoftball competition Friday night Book Special Play 29-North Stars vs. ization and election of officers. The­ E e � g y was az b tilt and t e win was nothing more an i io 8 osa ;\' at Art Color as the followed b Columbus vs. Sch­ league h than e h bit n uc ess Field, Dunellen, league season will begin arly in Oc· Unlucky sevens on the and x . W·:i(· . For Novice Tennists wacbische Alb, both games at So Westfield is now in third place, the season is over and � two top teams from each municipal­ s e to t twelfth naJ tober. Ten team expected een h 1\IcClave, 9 the \; i ity t E ks Art Color Field, Dundlen. "�" six holes cost Nancy r cord is 19 victories and defeats. 1 me in benefit games for the omp e. All tea captains nm urged l\fnplewoodt om a or �,. l c e c e re e its last three �•. defense fund Novice tennis players in Westfield t m r, c d round for The team dropped ----= to attend. worn-en at Shnckamaxon Country Club \ UNION COUNTY " ·· n ational . and other Union County municipnl­ starts. and Hillside, by  Th l al No. 1 ten, Columbus A. A., Columbus Grounds an LEAGUI,J reached Friday, but she turned in to tak hreElizabethout o f our !i:.· · fe t. oc champions, ities, who have never he 81 ing t e the before· the Plainfield t capture the Women's New Jersey Golf f battles with Stnndlns of · ll quarter finals in any to r a Air Co ps the Hawks, n atly and painfully ac- I w Tr '.'nnu ' the rgen A. 3-0, ut the North o n For . . Pct Be tennis u n . r , 6-0 Association one-day t a e t e fi ish of / . C., b mcnt, may comp ete in the fifth annual Fi h Good u ount for the lowly n the . • . Stars redeemed West eld's l rnn ym .d d �rn• t11.1,i . soos s inr L the first nine ho es Na c ha 36 clocal e iamon e s . � 7 4 t cin Schwaebischefi reputation novice singles and third annual novice the Columbus A. A.­ d d r . M tfl . ; : n . roun g Alb, Everybody �t anti was a good bet'to lo\"er· the cou�se · We Id. 19 9 by 7-3, doubles tournaments which will be Air Corps game Thursday nig at BY IKE WA LTON, X/11 Th e record agamst the · :,76791 ' in the battle of second-pince clubs. ht record of 77 a l h ' �by current first . '. . ·. ".. 1 � agreed that b is ed last May teams, and 1mfmiznbeths1d� AA conducted by the Union County Patk the est and scc nd place Linden ��� o ds .:: ��10 The North Star-Bergen and Colum­ Washington field fliers There has been every indic ti n Maureen Orcutt. 11, rn :m Commission at the Warinanco Park are a fine-lo king bunch of young lain ei° marvelous. Wes eld �n scheduled o o e Needing only 40 fi bus-Schwaebische meetings o during week a a P fi d, was times n tfo . courts, Roselle and Elizabeth, on· Sat­ men but not much in a softball way. past m so that s m to reach her- beat each of them three i ur . . . . . � l; }2._ 2 for M o a to deter ine the the is n Miss M . Roselle " • n y night Sa a 6-0, good surf :fishing goi to be had· goal, she soared to c d m urday, September 13,- nnd urd y They bowed collecting only four g happy, however,45. After grabbing the league best and second best teams of the two t . very soon. Large numbers of small Clave was because attem ts. Linden 14-1 n Sud 111Jn7'11 Seore-11End8 fl I September hits the tosses of and leadershipp by walloping Plnlnlleldi 7 towns, were rained out but will be respectively. r a rs and a few it was her best tourney caTd and' P a fiel 8, 20, S ooff . Meanwhile theAl townVenezia champs c o ke weaks and kings she 31' l North 7 held tomorrow night at Both tournaments arc open to en o ls i · on May and keeping the advantage End; 2: 1�: the Art Color k k have been taken at various points Was winner among fifty-three � m cracked nine bingles off Miller, the for almost mon h 'V estficld drop- presentation coupl­ only, Entries for the singles tour­ a the t S('lore111 Field. The feature along the shore. This is good players by fo ur strokes. a , even- SHtnrdny••Westfte l