' ;' ,_- Official '· Local ; New1paper 1.eads in W stfield THE New1 and ..i e .WESTFIELD LEADER I: Mountainside THE LEADING AND MOST Advertiainr WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY. - ·;.:·! YEAR--No. WESTFIELD, �EW JERSEY, THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1941 ; FifTY�ECOND 2 ,,-�- •16. Page---5 Centf; RepublicanClub Town Playgrounds Popular "Y" Officer Popular Profs I Catch. es Plainfield Boys In Automobile_ Larceny Backs Benninger Close Tomorrow Teach Again Public School$ Will Opell After at i o Sept. w ch ng threePlainfiel d b y s F Doro Mayor AfterBest Season Will loiter suspiciously yesterday afternoon s�j or At Adult School around cars in the ar ng lot on tho -} p ki . , south side of the rnil oad stntion, Several New Teachers On -·-- r Staff� Det. Lieut. ha les Benninger block­ Former Colgate Football Star New Pupils Will Georre R. on; Howard Only Two Days Rain. Mrs. Alpe�s and Mrs. George C r Enroll Sep..i'! R. Lo�t.b'.J ed the path of the youths thoy Cy as To Join Faculty of High tember and Exams .; ck lndoraed For Attendance Increased Over. b c e a Westfielder's Into Dederi To Repeat· Courses Well a k d machine 4 5. the street. School Are Mountainside· Council Liked Last Year Scheduled :, 1940 Record The t o :' ri oincluded, 940 Jnmes sMontague, f l!l years ld of We t Fourth Several new teachers will g1-cet the The public s chools of West eld wilf' r Albert J. Benninger was Tomorrow afternoon will mark the fi RP.Corde Two popular instructors last year strt'<!t, Reginald Griggs, of s in e local public schools when Mountainside upil th open on Monday, September 8. Open. indo�ed for mayor of end of anotlwr season of organized in the Westfield Adult School, it was 17, 201 and 15-year-old they11 eturn to Ing hours are 11s follows : night by the Republican Club of and supervised play for Westfield chil­ by Rock avenue, 11 boy. r las announced this week the instruc. Griggs is on probation for larceny September 8, their classrooms on ' t rally meeting in the Grades, kindergarten to sixth rad borough at a dren at the three areas, Roosevelt, tion committee, will return in the c g e of a r in another municipality. Bart Ellis of Toms River, wiJI teach 9 . m.; Jun O'r the House, Route 29. West Broad street and a at a i High School, grades . Halfway Columbus. fall to give two courses each. They mathem t s o About-ce g Miss Claire Thornton, 922 Central u ic in th:! Senior High and a :25 a. e memb rs attended and f urt n Acc din Carl E. Cluesmann, arc Mrs. Marga et Alpers, who will l t 8 S nior High OT ti> r aven e, is tho owner Schoo . has h l eigh ars o 7, h8 9 m.; Mty s e admitted into the club. supervisor of recl'eation h town, of the car, which He nc t ye f c ool , grudes 10, 11 and 12 at person were for t e teach classes in eginning and ad­ u s c n S this was parked unlocked and With keys •t cc'"ful experie ce in teachi g Se a. m. High School pupils will r 8:port26 c n i ates promised support has been the most successful vanced Spanish ab 1 n - e nd Mrs. David in t e igrtiti n. Police Chief n o h thema s hy . Other d d summ L. h o John l ·r Hig nrn tio und sic at 8 :25 on tho .o]lonlng day schoo were George R. Lyon and Howard R. er since the areas were first George, whose subject will be flower p s of l o , Schreiber cautions residents against in Hillside. M r. Elli was radunted directl to their home oom . Home­ for councilmanic p s s Hen­ provided three years ago. Attendance ran m ad· g y r s Dederick a ar ge ents for beginners nnd R.leuving fro lga e In the 1 o t t their vehicles unprotected. m Co t Phi Be�a nppa room lists will be pos th<i boys' feifer c un y committee­ has incl'2asec1 over last Year, partic­ vanced students. ted in and holds a Ma2tcr of Kdu ry P s Jr., for Murphy for county ularly at Co umb s Acting Thorn g_roup E a- locker room, tho girls' locker room and man �fr . l u The first registration date for the t ; Mildred . RecO'rder Charlesd N. ion from Rutgers U�lvers1ty. ewoman and Wi liam This week p ogram has ee map­ this morning o·r ered held ilef.!:t'ee on the bulletin board in the lower com�itte Bab­ b n f ll term of the school will be Fri­ h o p l a Jr.,wit end a G1·iggsunder $200 p c, men l foot- llw . for justice of the ea e. ped to end' the season'r with fond mem­ day,a Octooor 3. Classes will open hout bail ont g a n varsity ha ay c M ue ballH<> hadcnrcer 1 three years in Col The cock s ories of contests, games, ball, Grand action. Theodore oosevelt JuniO'r High Benninger is serving hi fourth tournaments, onday evening, October 13. A cat­ usfor both for Jury The ;_,ate a�d '� first strinl\'. man on- School pupils Rl c Mr. b n picnics nnd handcraft. M r d will be turned over to 1' wil repo1·t dire tly to as record.er. He �as ee a alogue listing cou·rses to be offe e youngest boy Andy s a . juvenile in Kerr dcfc ted, untied, team. room numbe1· e o p o year was poltce commis­ There were only two days during middle u d signated n mo­ councilman and will be distributed about the authorities Pluinfield. was menti�oned by a nu r s A which a l mhor of tion cards. 1. oc <ir n umbers and o ­ sioner for five year resident of the h to ARTHUR S. FOUST of Septem e i homes in Wc�t­ Hc r e h . l playgrounds d be w it rs an All-American er nc ssnr I k t t most of his life, his a l day rain. On field. b r to n sports ns ce y nforma ion will be giv­ the borough closed gua1·d. Mr Eilis wi l be an assis nt out­ a c un because ot ta en out In homerooms. standing political achievement was c o t of rain Monday, the events Mrs. Alp2rs, who taught Spanish in . l Hea ' Firm coach of the Senior High School foot- close race lie ran last ye r scheduled for that day had to be dis­ the Adult School for tli'l first time ir ball team. · Junior High Dcficle11c11 ExmnB the m m for tributed between Tuesday and Wed­ Art Foust Feted m Tho deficiency examinations in the o mittee an against George Inst year, is for er head of the Another mathemati s l titig c vacancy in state c The indorsement last night nesday. The sch d e for the week: Spanish department in the Westfield Oil Junior High School wlll gin Warren. u Would Move Tanks the Senior l!ip;h School will be filled be the eame on his irthday. � ho l . With the growth of inter­ F. morning of the day school opens, Sep• b Tuesday At Camps' Finale c o by L ewis taugh t a , Essays on "Why I Enjoyed the ests ins Spanish throughout the coun­ Mnl'llftlc who hns 8. All pupils will report b orn ·in East Or nge this subject with success. Mr, Maraf- tcmOO'r to Mr. Lyon h e Playgrounds.'' Girls' checker and try, the school ha added' the extra Seeks to Shl'(t Contai"ners home rooms ancl will receive lnstruc• moved to the, bo1·ough t_ r e ago. s last taught h\ the unellen Senior m years croquet champions played boys cham­ Director Receives Praise and class to a wide'r of fi-0 D tions there to the place and', time arried last year and resides provide range of­ From Garwood. Council High Scho ol, has had four years ex• 118 He was pions in three different age gi·oups. ferings for those who wis to begin . of examinations. No p upil will be chard road. He is a member From h perience college va·rs!ty oo all at S Or Treasure hunt, wa rmel n as priz.e. Gifts Members and th language as well as m f tb , p ermitted to take an examination un. t Mountainside Rescue Squad te o the study of e Grants Lease basketball and baseball an<l is espe- h Essays he has a certificate o at e read to group for selection of Fellow Workers for those who have p1·eviously studied n high sc less f tutorin" and Mountainside Taxpayers' Asl!OCI· clally adept in a hi g hool • three winne s, a a i Forced co from the tutoring teacher or present. element ry Sp n sh. to move two tanks f'rom its basketball. His homec was i r n Allen- n attended an ation. 'The Adult School will offer courses loc ti n Garwood he evide ce of having ap­ h is own business in Wednesday Arthur S.
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