Wisdom Sinister 67 sinister wisdom 67 Summer 2006 Lesbians and Work $6 US Publisher: Sinister Wisdom, Inc. Sinister Wisdom 67 Summer 2006 Submission Guidelines Editor: Fran Day Submissions and correspondence for SW #69/70 and #72 should be sent to Layout and Design: Kim P. Fusch
[email protected] or mailed to SW c/o Fran Day, POB 1180, Sebastopol, CA Board of Directors: Judith K. Witherow, Rose Provenzano, Joan Nestle, 95473-1180. See page 4 for details. Also see page 4 for information about SW Susan Levinkind, Fran Day, Shaba Barnes. #71. Please read the submission guidelines below before sending material. Everything else should be sent to Sinister Wisdom, POB 3252, Berke- Coordinator: Susan Levinkind ley, CA 94703. Check our website at www.sinisterwisdom.org. Proofreaders: Fran Day and Sandy Tate Web Design: Sue Lenaerts Submission Guidelines: Please read carefully. Mailing Crew for #66: Linda Bacci, Fran Day, Roxanna Fiamma,Casey Submissions may be in any style or form, or combination of forms. Fisher, Sheridan Gold, Dianna Grayer, jody jewdyke, Susan Levinkind, Maximum submission: five poems, two short stories or essays, or one Barbara Link, Moire Martin, Kim Rivers, Stacee Shade, and Sandy Tate. longer piece of up to 2,500 words. We prefer that you send your work by Special Thanks to: Roxanna Fiamma, Alix Greenwood and Rose email in Word. If sent by mail, submissions must be mailed flat (not folded) Provenzano. with your name and address on each page. We prefer you type your work Front Cover Art: “Woman Welder” San Francisco, 1976 by Cathy Cade.