Patent N0.2 US 7621968 B1
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US007621968B1 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent N0.2 US 7,621,968 B1 Kirchner et al. (45) Date of Patent: Nov. 24, 2009 (54) PROCESS FOR PRODUCING LOW SODIUM 5,871,803 A 2/ 1999 Bonorden et a1. SEA SALT FROM SEAWATER 6,048,569 A 4/2000 Garcia et a1. 6,541,050 B1 4/2003 Bonorden et al. (75) Inventors: Alan W_ Kirchner, Asheville, NC (Us); 7,014,832 B2 * 3/2006 Vohra et al. ............ .. 423/4991 Alan Fisher’ Dallas’ GA (Us) FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS (73) Assignee: Ocean’s Flavor Foods, LLC, Asheville, W0 W0 03/035550 Al 5/2003 NC (US) * cited by examiner ( * ) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this Primary ExamineriEdward M Johnson patent iS eXIended O1‘ adjusted under 35 (74) Attorney, Agent, or FirmiCarter, Schnedler & U.S.C. 154(b) by 486 days. Wamock, PA. (21) Appl. No.: 11/509,901 (57) ABSTRACT (22) Filed: Aug. 25, 2006 There is provided a loW sodium sea salt and a method for producing the same. A ?rst amount of natural seawater con Related US- Application Data taining sodium, chloride, potassium, magnesium, sulfate and 60 P - - 1 1- t- N ' 60/723 807 ?l d O t‘ other trace minerals is introduced into a containment struc ( ) 4ro2lgsgona app lea Ion O ’ ’ e on C ture Which is periodically exposed to the sun. Preferably, the ’ ' containment structure is located outdoors in an arid climate (51) Int_ CL With direct exposure to sunlight. An amount of Water is evapo C01D 7/24 (200601) rated forming a brine. An amount of sodium chloride is crys (52) U 5 Cl 236 02 T, 23 B 0 4 talliZed and an amount of the crystallized sodium chloride is (58) Fi'el'd 0 2g/302 T removed so that the remaining brine includes substantial amounts of potassium, magnesium and sulfate. A second 23/304; 423/4994, 551, 554, 555 See application ?le for complete search history. amount of natural seawater is combined With the remaining brine forming a diluted brine. An amount of Water is evapo (56) References Cited rated from the diluted brine. Sodium chloride, potassium sulfate and magnesium sulfate is crystallized forming a loW U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS sodium sea salt Whereby the sodium chloride is no more than 4,216,244 A 8/1980 Allen, Jr. et al. 70 Weight Percent~ 4,306,880 A * 12/1981 Garrett ................... .. 23/295S 4,473,595 A 9/1984 Rood et a1. 8 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets US. Patent Nov. 24, 2009 Sheet 1 0f 3 US 7,621,968 B1 10 5 —T 1/8 1st AMOUNT OF SEA BRINE RICH IN WATER INTO PAN K, Mg & SULPHATE 20 v R EVAPORATTON OF 2nd AMOUNT OF SEA SOME WATER WATER ADDED TO BRINE 22 j14 S NoCL, K2504, 8c M9304 BRINE CRYSTALLIZED FORMING LOW N0 SEA SALT PRODUCT 16 / AN AMOUNT OF CRYSTALLIZED NoCL HAVESTED Fig. 1 US. Patent Nov. 24, 2009 Sheet 2 0f 3 US 7,621,968 B1 ORIGINAL/ NATURAL SEA WATER I PHASE I SEA WATER ENTERS EVAPORATION PONDS ACCEPTABLE DENSITY LEVELS ON DEPARTURE ’\26 I PHASE 2 EVAPORATION AND CRYSTALUZATTON PONDS MEETS REQUIRED DENSITY LEVEL NoCL BEGINS TO SEPARATE AND CRYSTALUZATION BEGINS I PHASE 3 CRYSTALLIZATTON PONDS DENSITY INCREASES TO ACCEPTABLE LEVEL SEPARATION OF NuCL BRINE IS PUMPED TO NEXT POND I PHASE 4 1st STAGE OF LOW SODIUM PROCESS SEA WATER FROM SAME SOUCE INTRODUCED 2nd STAGE OF LOW SODIUM PROCESS SEA WATER COMBINES WITH M9804, MgCLQ, KCL, NuCL I PHASE 5 PRODUCT IS IN FINAL STAGE OF BRINE MOVEMENT II MOVES FROM POND TO POND, INCREASING IN DENSITY THOUGH EVAPORATION IN STANDARD SEA SALT PROCESS I END PRODUCT WHICH HAS A COMPOSITION OF LOW NoCL LEVELS AS DETERMINED ALONG WITH Mg, KCL, /36 EPSOMITE AND OTHER TRACE MINERALS Fig. 2 US. Patent Nov. 24, 2009 Sheet 3 of3 US 7,621,968 B1 H20 \42 EVAPORATION 338 T 44 SEA CONCENTRAHON CRYSTAUJZATION WATER PONDS PONDS O 46/ HARVESTED H20 '\ H20 \ EVAPORATION 5O 54 EVAPORAHON 60 N CL & EVAPORATION OTHE‘FQ SALTS CRYSTALLIZATION PONDS pQNDS x58 48/ mssownou POND SOME SEA LOW HARVESTED PRODUCT \ 56 Fig. 3 US 7,621,968 B1 1 2 PROCESS FOR PRODUCING LOW SODIUM chloride is removed from the remaining brine, leaving sub SEA SALT FROM SEAWATER stantial amounts of potassium and magnesium in the remain ing brine. A second amount of natural seaWater is combined RELATIONSHIP TO PRIOR APPLICATION With the remaining brine forming a diluted brine. An amount of Water is evaporated from the diluted brine. Sodium, potas This is a US. non-provisional application relating to and sium and magnesium salts are crystalliZed, forming a, pref claiming the bene?t of US. Provisional Patent Application erably homogenous, loW sodium sea salt Whereby the sodium Ser. No. 60/723,807, ?led Oct. 4, 2005. chloride content is no more than 70 Weight percent. BACKGROUND BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS Because sea salts include trace minerals Which are knoWn The subject matter Which is regarded as the invention is set to promote good health, there is a substantial demand for sea forth in the independent claims. The invention, hoWever, may salts to ?avor foods. Sea salts have been produced for centu be better understood in reference to the accompanying draW ries using the traditional method of alloWing natural seaWater ings in Which: to evaporate from shalloW ponds located in arid climates. As FIG. 1 illustrates a How chart in block diagram form shoW the natural seaWater concentrates, crystals of salt begin to ing one embodiment of the subject invention. form as the solubility of them decreases. Although very com FIG. 2 illustrates a How chart in block diagram form shoW plicated, this process occurs naturally and yields a coveted ing another embodiment of the subject invention. FIG. 3 illustrates a How chart in block diagram form shoW salt With unique chemistry and properties. The sodium chlo 20 ride content of these sea salts is typically from 90 to 98%. This ing another embodiment of the invention. is due to the solubility and overWhelming concentration of DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED sodium and chloride found in natural seaWater as compared to EMBODIMENTS other components such as magnesium, potassium, and sul fate. 25 The folloWing describes embodiments of processes that Health concerns have prompted the introduction of loW result in an all natural sea salt With loWer levels of sodium sodium salts for food use. HoWever, it is believed that existing chloride (NaCl) then other sea salts. One process takes natural products are all produced synthetically by blending puri?ed seaWater through natural evaporation and crystalliZation potassium chloride With ordinary table salts to achieve the stages and uses a unique natural method of introducing vari reduced sodium content. It is desirable to produce a natural 30 ous elements that are common to natural seaWater to form a sea salt With signi?cantly reduced sodium chloride content, ?nished product that has loWer NaCl then regular salt formed e.g., 30 to 70 Weight percent, While maintaining the naturally by the natural process. occurring trace elements found in quality sea salts. When one produces regular salt With NaCl levels in excess of ninety percent (90%) from natural seaWater, there is a SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION 35 separation of various minerals, particularly potassium sulfate (K2SO4), potassium chloride (KCl), magnesium sulfate In accordance With one embodiment of this invention, there (MgSO4), magnesium chloride (MgCl2), and other trace min is provided a method for producing loW sodium sea salt. A erals.A preferred process uses at least some of these elements ?rst amount of natural seaWater containing sodium, chloride, in development of a ?nal natural sea salt product produced potassium, magnesium, sulfates and other trace minerals is 40 from natural seaWater from a single location. introduced into a containment structure. Preferably, the con Referring more particularly to FIG. 1, a ?rst amount of tainment structure is located outdoors in an arid climate With natural seaWater is introduced into a containment structure direct exposure to sunlight. The containment structure is peri Which is often referred to as a pond as illustrated in block 10. odically exposed to the sun Which evaporates some of the Some of the Water in the pond evaporates due to exposure to Water and forms a brine and some of the sodium chloride is 45 the sun as illustrated in block 12 forming a brine as illustrated crystalliZed. Some of the sodium chloride is removed. The in block 14. An amount of the sodium chloride in the natural remaining brine includes substantial amounts of potassium, seaWater crystalliZed and an amount of the crystalliZed magnesium and sulfate. A second amount of natural seaWater sodium chloride is harvested as illustrated in block 16, result is combined With the remaining brine forming a diluted brine. ing in a second brine Which is rich in potassium (K), magne An amount of Water from the diluted brine is evaporated and 50 sium (Mg) and sulfate (S04) as illustrated in block 18. A sodium chloride, potassium sulfate and magnesium sulfate is second amount of natural seaWater is added to this mineral crystalliZed forming a loW sodium sea salt. The sodium chlo rich brine as illustrated in block 20. Sodium chloride, potas ride content is no more than 70 Weight percent. sium sulfate and magnesium sulfate are crystalliZed due to the In accordance With another embodiment of this invention, exposure to the sun, thereby forming a loW sodium sea salt there is provided a loW sodium sea salt containing a plurality 55 product as illustrated in block 22.