i_iiijst_- ?i !::asa:d.-:-:. The.BU1ehlIírsdayÓcthbéì 31, 1968

: . Nues .pUb2i:Library.

---6960 Okton- - -

-- N:IîeE, :IlÏinoig

Members of the board gf ed-. The Educational Fond al the licotion of Dist. 207 announced Towissbip casi and shouldb9 - Maine .Towèship High schnèie Ssperinteedeuf cSALE STARTSTHU. . . Mónday. sight. Cile .uiii'a, fi- - proud - oftoday's educational f Schnoln re-- - Per- capita- nperathtg -éx . . .31 :, payo teacherssalarigs, asdpra- veald that Maine - Township's- .. sal tryto ge Voter approval os pennes... per studeut...l966-67 - THRUSÄT.N 2 -:-- vides equipment and supplies to standards in the- three high cant - per student tor ali- high a proposed 01st. 207docadóa - school year-for alijtigh eckèni . 1mIenient- the qoalitywoch-schools. A gond proddct at a scheni expenses le in the mid- -Tax Fund levy of 21Wii1 be being carried nut-by-the fair cost in oar- basin philo- districts id Cenkconntywas. mode Doc. 14. -Maine. die of oil high schools is Cook- approxImately$1,035.(Facts STORE HOURS -:sophy..ie the administration nf - High-staff.. - - - - county,- Eight high schoolsis and figurés derived from - the the educational program at East, neighboring cnmmaeitieu,whero . Office of the Cuok county Su- - 'LAWRENCEWIIPMON. THRU FRI,9:3 ,.; ,Maine Townislp. Volèriré- South and West, èccordingto - - - Dr Richard P,, R. Shori.-Super.. - - teaching -and living. co9ts . 'are Audit Dr,StiorL" - - perinteedesc, ; Depart- SAT. 93O.;3Opj cénrlyLjune 8) WI-fled dawn the lnten'deatof tite Maine comparable, have higher dusts O

(Largest CrcuIatfon in Golf-Mill5East Maine, Morton Gravé & t4lles Area) -So-defy: Prayer'-For- - . . ..-Brebeuf-. ; ,- Serving TheVillage Of Ñiläs Delivered To Over 17,000 Homes io Nues,Morton Greve And Et Malee Peace Scheduled For Nov10

St. John Brebeuf Holy Nome Participating will be thNiies - Society uf Nile- is holding Its annual- t'rayerfnr-Peace Sunday, Veterans nf Foreign Wars, Col- - Nov. 10,-starting ilme7:3ga,m., sr Gaards - Past 7712,hoesr guards of the. Foresartyrs- - from Creusas Heights field- tr house, 0255 N, Olsets, Niies. Fourth Degree club 9f North- - 966-3900 9042 N; Cour8lanciAve,,Nues, ÌJI. - American Martyru -Cusedil 4338 . . Holy Communiun will be ro- (S _9100 N.Milwaskee Ave.) cnlvnd - at -tite- u a,m. Manuat and members-of the 3rd degree. St,Jlhe Breheuf.church. 5ft-leKnights sI Columbus,- 10 PER COPS VOL ¡2 NO 20 THE BILLETHURSDAY NOVEMBER 7 1968 St. John Brehèof Choir.--uh All members,- s055,--friends Stouts and Buy Scoute of St. and unighhnrs wiliadsemble at John lirebeuf parish. Break- tust wIlIbeservedin the uchool--- the lieldhooue at 7:15 a,w., rais - From The: -hall 00er Mass.- - - - Incomplete VoteReturns or shine, : - ml Confab By David Besoer For Maine Twsp. - Editor & Publisber - illinoisduoddiatlon- ut lark Oerve on a panel dealing with Select From Dintricto will hold - Ito anosal pu lic relations,Neil Gazai, SiiesS-M-L-XL We . alwàys hove -a good feel- As the vate tallying continued . 17,035 for Humphrey; 32,900fnr conferente jointly with the ill- COmmIssionerst Park Ridge ing after coming duc ,of..... the yesterday (Wednesday) ns all Ninon and 2,300 for E-aGace. - leole Park 9nd itedseatibn So-j voçigg pollnHsichwe did Obout District will be the chairman AVRIL®RAYONáCOffON Moine Township precincts, In- In the clety-8s-St.iCharles -this--year,, nf thm Sonni. one hou ago (Tuesday II a m) complete retores. according un gabernatoci i race. MaineTowushinvoters tant - TlnOnetlP& NEVER.IRON:DUSTERS figuren released by the Maine 31,785 for Oglivie and i7983 Pheasant -; Run LodgO,Nod. Tlnere'sort of -o catharsIs ;- - . Township Democratic organiza- for Gay, Shapiro, 20-23, 1965. - - our which . . takes placo: wblch lion showed a total vote casi Reg. cleanges, odt allthe.oatlfe9I- In the township of 52,988. That : -Robert E. Knokel,.uedretsry 2.96 . log which wos, hüllt up bèfore total - in the 4thdlstrlct ruco, hsw- Little- Theatre Infrum lOO oat nf 118 ever, Incumbents Warmas, Slm - and- director nl Parku and Ret- the election. And even 5 sèr precincts. reatiun uf DeA Plaines Park Dis- candidates dont win there'd .a mens . and juchett were thép. NiIns Little Theatre Crusp-ie - - Misses' snsp-front dunces in a pernianatly pressed trict,will -bd .chdirmau -ofa - -. feeling. e've done oor best permE wieners, ènslng out LInd- having tryouts Sunday, Nov. )7. The - Wend at AVil5yon . Democratic-GOP per- panel deaiieg with 'Competi- - and- soûda, Poake, soli-sp and now lot's get on with the - quint by a earrow murgin. - -- -- This play lo to be for a CMI- - si enyeso od round collar . gantage, at that time, wan ron- tine Sports How Far to Lot - sr lin: . .. Meifp xoo iron'stheatre prudugtiun; a.. tries Limit 2 flYJOfl;zipperfr,jnt 3844. job.Belog. somewhat intro- nieg shout 2 toIIn favor of Boy'stsnap or zipperfront.t0tt0 spoctive we took note the cas- the GOP as a' national level The BUGLE will -carry ruued Christmas. Time and 1lnn. 8 - jack C. Leuke,tommlusisuer un'e dldates we .opposed might not templete tstáls In nest week's piace tahaaneomiced - and about i'2 to I in lavar nf of the Nile iatk iDiutrict. wIll - be too bad..,thot somehow the IbeGOP enmiog down to the hisse. - - - uhortly, . country will sorvin'e if theyre state's attarsey rate, which was eleèted...00d moybe they're not showing O'Rssrhe leading De. quite the bid guys we thought mocrotic candidate Ed Honraban they were evès os late no lost by s vate of 29,800 tn 19,ltO. New -Citizen night,.00e1octlon eve. At preso time there were en A hoy, Joseph Stsniey, was accnrate Maine Township ti-bnré ta Mr, and Mro. Joneph - gsren available cnngernln5 the -Kontal, 8280 W. Demputersl.5 Slmmnnn - jockett - Warman - Nlles se Oct. 15 at- Osh --Park We believe the coming years Llndqulst roce, for theLili-- huspltal. The grandparents ere - will- continuejo see a dynamic unis I-inane snatn from the 4th Mrs. and Mrs, Stanley Sisnina- chongo: ¡ssostsua.'y and the istrlct. of sed Mr. and Mrs. - .wlnslng presidential candidate -INCH Jerniysn Koste; of-Chicago, The - tvi1I have to move sheadwlththe in1he race fur president nf grèst grandfath9r isJnbn Sie- tlmas. The tremendous surge the United States votes tant In nina of Mt. Prospect. - - - - of yoluig peugle coming ta adult- Moine Tnwnshlp were running: .. - hood is a foice which will dffett all: of our Inètitotioso. Wilson PTA

. Contrary to the-opinions of - Wnodrnw Wilsonl'Id . wIll Welcome- hold a Scotch Double Bustling many pundits, we believe the A Oundidaty - of Gegrge Wallace boy,Alnxonder Mach,was dinver on Satorday, Nov. léat JU1IH: -will fade away sad he-will pass born to Mr. and Mrs. George 8p.m.Bowling --will be heic i9to. history, just as other 3rd Snschknff,6157 WElch st,, at the Orchard Twin Bowl, 9444 party candidates have dose in Mutton Grave on Oct. i4The Skokie blvd., und thn dinner past. years. In our ((rot election baby- weighed S 1h. 8-1/2 sz will fntiosv at Hecksey'sou the Henry Wullace-made a splash Lake, Csut tsr--the estiro eve- Artistic Talent A giri, Michelle Lyisse, was niet lu $10 per couple, - among thé yuusgerpeople is 1948 - bat.toitkly moved Into the his- born to Mr, and Mrs. Robert H. -The- annual Riles Park Dlslrictpout painting coetedt unceagala tórbooks, oevbr tO he poli- Spreltoer, 8921 N, Merrill st,, showed thearilstic tslentè at our Nilitn ysségutero, Subjects ranged from witches uCd guhlins toblack - tic6lly. heard drum- again. Si- Niles ; onOtt. 14.- The baby- cats and ope-hp cern.. ineighed 7 lb. 1 on. .etnrys scenes. Judaico thè pesters wan s difficolt Oask - -- milady - the old unii Monoes au don,- . howled hy Teddy Roosevelt were mented by Mrs. Carel Freeman, Mrs. CharlsttePrauèh end - rum True sups: "Believe Verlyn Herley,: s'bn were tuend with the snleetlns nf list winaing - the moot successful of third - - - lt ur:nnt, -O5 t90 get Into s posters. ------party ticicets,yét duringthe Wil- ,Sèek- Typist - í sun. era his party was never 1965, see owner. likeneo, 20x26" ROAM Mercury Park Loen with Pull There were csh - - - prizes awurdeà to winners In euch nf the - heard-lu-sm ugain. 24x7rRAYoI:: Ti-IR BUGLEisoeekingahigh - BIO PILLOWS end Power.aud air-conditiaeieg following grado categorIes; -3rd and 4th grade; 5th and 6th grade; ;HALLRIINN[R5 dghsol- typist, -Monday ;.i: lessihun $1400,00,,, Also 7tku ci8th grad Reg. .19 . tho:coosièg.year ae- ai Toenday lnr -2 hours after scheel - Firnr pri e winr received S 00 28511 prIze OU_ willfledu fabulous 33 00 3rd 1.47; Reg. . eupoct therDernotratlg Forty and.-4 hours-ne -Salorday, The p i e $2 00 and 4th prIze $1 00 The Hilen Pech Distract 1.78 s'itt becume ssmèwhat edn- new BUGLE office is at 9142-- "straight ntick" sale at sua would like inungrstulate- thfull w ng winners ou the tremeudsu .. vuisive au _of_ our leading denlersl", Sen -jab they did:.3rd and 4thgrdde, JouiteSierzagu5Debra Llrrthsne loon itokesund - its isulod to and. Coortlond Ave.at9lOO Miiwan- .thee and many mdS. nut- Buck, Con psis, lse boksg, Mary Ann Galadolul, Jase Janus. 5th stad 6th - C00005iOkng. Coj, fru bu tho many dIvérse ele- - - kee, Ave., Telephone 966-3900. -- grade, Diana Warner, Twndu .utaEdi:,g values in sur - Ants Paul Sierzoga,- 05550duio.: Applicants msntho ahle tutype - Richord Purmouskl,Mary Aun O'DouselS 7thund - Ms tuday - 8th grade, Cunol Msroiier, Cheryl Drummund NAncy - continued un pogsl2 45.W.P.M. - Byrne, Jehn -

Wareec, - - - : "111e $i,le, Thiirnday, November 7 1968

Civil Servie 'TheBugia. Thursdnp. NavEmber 7. iRAS , Tests.. ClviiService. Com1iön wIll COflduc four eath1natjona - .across the cojmúy. forjobs flexr summeçln federal agen Far.lñerirsjØDióever.: ' Cie1 Rep. /Harold R. Còlfler ' (R-lOth-Iu.) has ennounced. Syivaflia scanner Color 8110e Theater Collier said the testswill be gIven Dec. 7, JanS U. Feb.8 with DI!ect Channel tor and March 8 In variouscities. Family 5110es! Deadlines for applications for ¶cltteot aro 'Jov. d..Dec. 6, CnSdidas for federalsum- mor jobo should obtainacopy of Auouncement No. 414,es- titled "Summer Jobs inFed- eralAgescico" fromhigh school counseloro college placement offices, Civil Service Commission officessr major post offices, le addition, copies -ef No. 414 may be obtainedby r-Painting- Contest. Writing Sommer Employment Winners SectionLeaders Examinatloo, U. S,, CivilSer- Lawrencewood Merchants and Lamp-re. Ellen Herr, Michael Section leaders of Maine Eaot»s Cencert Bundpracticese. vice,Çommlssjo, 5900E Street, the Nibs ' Park Districtspec- Jorczek, Gary Dadzlnshi Mark lechen tu be played at the Fell Band 'Concert,Friday Nov. 15 N.W., WoshthgtoaD.C. 20415, sored o gigantic Hsllowee0 win- Domlnick, 'Daniel RenoMs; 2nd at' 8 p.mIn the schoolu auditorium. Theconcert will Inclodo ..- varying numhers with solos and Collier Otreoaod thatearly down painting contest. Cblldrnn p-izn, Grade 6, Ballard school- groups intorsssed withtoan. applicationlo formed 'roups of sixor less Sosas Nienwick, Carol Karp-. pIero band compusitisnu. One uf the.-highlightsof the concert vital.fis said sed represented'thejr6chooj'un well be 'the performance by' the"Cnncert'lland. ageocies may beginmaking se- Rooseli,Plain, Gretchen Bach- under the direction .lectlonsaftor homeroom. After receivíogfree ncr, ' Lee Semmertisg Marc uf O. ID. Premo. ufsome new trmscrlptlons by Mark Hindoleyst applicaots. ap- palets and brushes they began. Hempel; plying by Dec. 6, havebeso 3rd prIceGrade 5, the University of Illinois.Tickets are $1 fur adults and 50coors their Halloween sketches.' for students and. may he purchased tOured and eoteredOn the list . 00k school,. Darn Waldmas, at the dour., of oligiblos forc.prtaln jObs Tweety..íio Jeannette. Bell, Mary Ann E- Which require earlyselection, Lawreotdwsod ternn Karen Keotor. Section leaders are (sitting frumleft) Barbara Ostarnun, Floto, .ohoping center btore ,wlodows Des Plaises; Ronald Valkmuo, Trumbune.Glenbgew; were g0j}y Painted 'by Robert Merker, absor Winnerain 7th and 0thgrade Clarinet, Gienview; Sandra Steinberg,Trumpet, Morton Grove; 102. NIlds 'boys acri gIrlsin tho category' were: lbtprize.Crade Gary Erickson, Clarinet, Park' Ridge; Gerald Cesentino, 3rd through 5th grade. tossion, Nibs; Michael Saul, French Per. .7. :St. Isaac Horn, Des Flameo, Standing Jogues -S.ody , from left: Janknwskl, Sue Doyle,Rnspasne Wayne CarIe, Tuba, Glenvtewland Roy Olsen, Sirios The jsding tookpiace os Bass, Dos,Plaines, ¿ Wedsesday, Oct. 30 . Niemlecc Caro,. Dudek; 2nd Tiro scanner at 4 p.m. prizea Grade 7 Winners io the 3rd and 4th, kathy Hope, syle,nle CFNP2OBT Patricia Klickovich 'ButtOrnOt000Oers gradO category Helthj My. . were: 1st prize,ers, S4ary Kay Vole; 3rdprize, and sulids e By Wully Motyka, Rjh. Grade 4. Oak. scrbol : .TraceyGrade.8 Traffic SafelyCit ãtions Clasnio nlylleu., Srviatek mod l'eggy . Niles North . Nadine Friedman; LnVerdi, LoriAnderson, June Available e calent A ligE FOR YOUR SONNF d priaa Grade 4 NuesNorth- Uersofl,Jeff Entrotter, Rick ,', le 000temporars For Nues, 51511es. Health experts the world gerald, Tom lOabilck.TedWe.. Morton.Grove 255 sq. le. nlnwable Over agree. honey lv one Of bort, Bill Muir,l'ast Ilesner; Citations fur achisvamnee ro pint amura a,' 3rd prLre, Orode 'Trophies for lot,2nd and 3rd had fewer accldno hanln 1966, the most beneficial foods 4, Ballardplace In eachcategory will be traffic safety hovebeert awarded .availabletomeo. They ocknol Arthur Ninewitk,Jeff to 82 citlesvillages und other Semerling. presented to the Winniogteams The awardé, each of which claim It to be an excel- lomeroorn. Individualgifts fur police jurisdictions within Cook ent heart food, é source of county. The awards, In the turm bears the name of 'the must. , Winoero in the .5th osi 6th lutlace epato memberswill cipality, are being distributed qqick energy, a latsfa! s- grade tategory.,wer:ist prize, dsp . be awarded.forticipation of breeze plaques,are issued dative, a fine Infant fod . by the Cook CountyTraffic',:tu,the ,chlefu.,,uf p-lice of 1ko Grade 6, Oak ochd'nl'.. Lysne Oertificatas were aw'ardèd inall' .. : by thecam- and a great all-aroond re- .'ihoparticipated In the Safety' Commissiun,a division juVeOator. event. 'Pf the county highway depart. mission's traffic accident in- ment. They are In two cate. 'vestigatoru. Disthihotion inen- Loohing at honey from o perles and are based petted tu be CQmpleted within New EXcitigPrOuUcs lar Home Eotertaìnrnei" spun the the next few days. purely objective standpoint, fatalautoaccidentrecords . We find honey to he the dOly within the tnoicipalitles. animal torbohydrate that is Thoue having Improved 'records for two straight ' . o natural Sweet. Il is ana- Forty..slo munIcipalities hoyo years NEW (1966 and 1967) Include Mor. ,titraisogar, 90% pce- had declining somber ufsuch ton Grove. ' ' digested whes it reaches the accidents for two straightyearn Silvaffla 1969 table. ,.-1966 and 1967. Inthere- 'Th meriting 36, the number ofsuch .Those having an Improved COIOPTY - , - J .' L . Honey io very mild,cosy accldestu dropped fora une- recsrd fur'the.paptyear of 1967 .to digest» a good source of year period. During 1067 they Include Nilus und Sheriff's Syl,nle CDI3WCoe enroot Roll. nyteonlo M7IWFM Radio 12:5 .- èñergy and the levolose and Police in unincorporatedurcas. Sharvest 01 ali Sylaa. C5Kea,ly aboat.Vleyl clad natal aninet. 180 Watts CIA. Broalaolmo Sentad Air Maple 00000rs sed Solids. Gibral. on. In. vIowablo pintura. Cleok Suspoonlen opnaker 50010m. Fly. . dextrose it coOtaios io the Come le and see ouredge. Chnssls, Automatin pine tanins lirnOr,rollcart and OrPhOSOOP. ,nhøBl laaleg, Walnut 000aoraarrd ' oWeetent of all sugars. Control. 295'sq. in. niowabla pie. vearwarraeIy' es pintare toile 7m0t0 Cootrul Id like toput a hoe in plus tall year en ailelhnr parts. '$59995 your bonnet as to the right TheBUGLE 'sewupoper Is place to haveyoornextpre_ proud to anshénce that Ocription filled as of Nov, Deaf ChilAres Uslimited, 14 catIr losco will hovea Home BIRCFIWAY DRUGS...7S03 an ,and Interiors tulumo byJeromo lviiI w a ukee Ave... affiliote of the AlexanderGra. 1ro Willis, l5tnrlrDenlgser,, . Phooe 647-8237. hans Boll Association forthe Sully House Suburbon. Deaf, sill hold s meetingNov, YOUR PRESCIfIVFION 26 at 7:45 p.m. lotheGleeview NEW " PHARMAÖY: tiajlmark Community church. Ideas and suggestions about Interior Decorating mIkehome. Oreotiog Cards....Nob 1h11 Feel free tu, write SYlvania 1969 Syt000ia C5OWSsSd State FM Cendles. by Hollroark The program orlI hesoThe u and nnh stares FM/AM Taro,. 55 anIta CIA British Sterliog.,.Mero Dovoiopmeot qUnotiuns at any time. Address Power. Garrard Protoasional Tare. oflodepeodent Stereo Ift-FI nyleenhi SC2IIWOeliO stats PM gylcenla Eap. 4/2lelC-20 watts . Revlon... Thishioginthe correspondence to Mr. Willis Oteros FM/AM moor. 15 astE EtA tabla. MaRnons Cartridge. d'Ar. t'ioaniof 1m. c/uSully sonnai Toning MAint. Oust seso, EtA Fowar, Garrard Custom Frs. paired Child', and will he leak HouseSuburban, Power, Garrard Castom Automatic tensIonal Turntable, 8000IssImo THIS WEEKS Demputer Plazu Gempoter makes listening...Turntable. n,anInOIrno 5001011 aIr and Chnico of BranlSSlmo ORabA HELPFUL by Sandra HOyrvard of,theNorth and AIr SuspOnslan npoakor systems Soolod Air nusporsl6n npaaknr HINT: Squeaky floor board A Lovely Suburban Special Gree'sn'ood, Deu 'Plaises, Ill, nuSpOe,lnn npoakor Systeme. Cao. System. Cholun e! Wolnat or nlank sight Edocatiusflis.. tomporaly otyliflI. can Usually be otoppeosy tritt,Alun participating will like heine there :,t:tfb5 tinlyh. posroog hot melted soap io What a beautiful be Barbara Dapisa, ElkGrove; 229 149 the crack. sight in a The Morton Grove Legionnao hack yard recentlyan Carol Fras Sugden, Evanston;Laufs ut. io Morton Grove. OidGiorys purchased additional flags,new Fryhllog, Evanston and :;nnr:r, . poles and are refursishiogthe Boonjo Go Friday. Nov.15 018:30 were hung natte dry in the bright F.vorbort, Arllogtootlrlgkts. ro., , the , ' FASHION. sun 'and presented flagsnoasto have o most ChristianFamily ':':,:: ::r,rJ:r s vivid reo, magnificent display to sainte tenement of Our Ladyuf Roo- hlte arti blue patciotietheme tire Offierx of Deaf Children QUICK te Veteran's Day Wekeodwhich Un, 50m parink, Nues, willcon- Morton Grove Pout#134, has been proclaimed lomited tinyearn are;pren. u American Legion's Veteran's 10er the' q500clon "Whywill . PERMANENT American,. Memorial Weekend by ideut, Williom Neumann,Nibs; yOur child be u protestor?" Come in today.. .make your home the most exciting place' 10m Officer Ralph Hiotz's the Vil- voce.presideot in t6wn! yard, back loge Administration TheLegion Pr.Patricia By Hudnut and village booed Scbernr,Northbrook; tre050ror, The opoaber have asked Joueph Stark, Ariingtoo will. be Sister Reg. $2.00, residents tu displaytheir Heights; tory PeCeek B.V.M,,'correetly American Flagos Sa Nov. 9; corresponding becretary, Mrs. Otudyieg 'lx. the "ErhicuIn So- Ralph pointu out to residento Sen.. the 10th and Mnn. Joseph Roma,Park Ridge; re.. Clety" prugram, Special $1.47 the 11th. preparing for OPIN MON., TNURL that the'flag code llows soiled cording secretory. Mrs.Fred..'ODoctorate in 'Sociology Geetle Reg. Or Super' flags to eIther he washed eric Lestina, WilmeBe at the IL AM. .P.M. or dry Hop-folly the Nov.If annual Univerity of Chicago. LV, & TUES.. WED,. SAT. cleaned. Hio lovely wife Janet parody will slop off under sunny . g * . e P.M. &irchway Drugs was the launderer of the 34 skips whIch will flags which the find.the beas Bern Welco APPLIANCES 7503 Milwaukee now disbanded tifai AmericanFlugs. gently atLutheran General Cooguro Drum E Bugle Corys blowing in the breezeus Mur. noupital tourer , . Nibs, Ill. donoted to the village fordis. tun Groy&o main Agirl» Michelle A giñ Michele play on Demyster st. polen thurofare as Tamar.:on . Eluine,, no on the parademoved from Lincoln Jèpt. 3gto Mr. sod Mro, Ott.' 1 to Mr .arr .d"blrs. Dietr . 47-8337 specific holidays. dome Anntin back'to .kott Elleobogen, Alan the Legion 7441 Lake st. H, Aulig, '0293 N, hVisner.Nil' 631-6512 grounds on Dempoter, rlortou Grove.Sh6weighed 7 'l he baby weighed6 lb. 2-1/ PHONE 631-6030 lb, 12 uz. , 631-7436.823-3171 '. c '9W ' ,';.' 3.:.. S. tuUe nts T.o..Be: . . o fl...

"Vozith; i4uthority" ' . At Sneia MTiC-'Jj'..- Eifler«on PTATopic ---f-__c_ SrvjCs A. panel uf letal authorities . Ninety-three StudentswIll be -'-j-' s The pregram will span with attend. Refresbments will be We1cmed by RabbI jay Kerzen .LFCijte wiil disculu "Youth and Author. C555ecrated at a special Sah. Speciol a general dincunninn and will lie pirvedfallowlsg..the grugeons, inn Inspiring rltualceremony. certIficates nodmielo. . it?"Ot the general meeting nf bath servIceat Maine Tnwns!tip Also turc Torah Scrollswill be JohnA,)laheryotemengi. flluwedby a .question-and. Participating ln,the an- .. pr the Resarcen Junior High ncheol Jewish congragoojon,8805 13cl. sented to thetussecrunts near at MnturolS.nc., 7046 N. answer perledWritten qeics. nual consecreatlon servlce.will . The PIA ThorsdayNov. 7 at 8 lard rd., Dec PlaInes,FrIday. Symphonic Choirielll cht Franks aye.. aba Eward Stegk, tIens will be accepted at the ODERflh7E . Nov. 8 he Eliezr Slivermun,director lIturgy.. the dour. The public le invited ta at 8t30 p.m. nfeducation; napanlnmsdent, Rand McNally. . Youngsters.bs ive Herbert Hofft, 8623 OceanIa. NIleu havge. soirPWMBING retently VICe-preuldentof . educatlun; Members of the panelwbo will begun their Hebrew Scott rollad In the Lake Fàrent C91 .. dducation synagogue president, Dr. Nur.. will observaWalbert,uflnolaflaIi discuss juvenile delinquencyare SAVE! Inthedaily religisusSchool man Meltzer . und Sisterhood . his Sur . lege lilduntrial Management in.. Freshman will be officially at the Saturday MitzVah stilista. The new clans Includes Detective Sergeant Ray E,.Bshr . blessed and prensdent Mro, M Odranson. msrniog Shol,. of the Ynath Burean In the Park bat worship, Nov.9 at 9:30 53 members divided Ints twa Richard Weste,3l2 Olean- ajo grqujse tu attendweekly sessione Ridge Police departmentS Park JOE BOLIN Ridge Police Chief HenryJ.der, Nibs is among nearLy 450 . . .. Pf the evening study program. Edlger, Judge Martin Loties nffreshman atudents enrolling at Plumbing Service Area heldin the 1Ml buIldingun Eimburst cellege, Elmburnt,for . Scofjg . Highlights. theThird Municipal district, Troòp 613 South Campes, The program Is Oircult court nf Cook county andthe Fall term. 7104 Monroe St. C ookie Caper at Camp Napowan, sponsored jnlntly by Lake Fer. Rosalie Farweli, school nattai \ On Oct. 12, lfltludisg this ent college and by business und Wente, a German major, Is 967.7459Or whtthe worldin Miles cod miles of Cookies, year when. he servedas ajos. corker at Emnruos Junior High gunerol remertahered lun lOader, Dick Indúetrlalfirms of the sur. Joke Fisher achuol, the sue of Mrs. Merilys Weste. and bIs dscovey Colunthus as farasthe eye can sec. attended the ruonding ares, Participants urn .967.7442 the girls of SuonA libe parodlseV Not Philmont Stout . St. JohnErebeop Junior quite. In 1968. H ottendsReoeryat55 Oelected by the companies from . . Din Just a description of the SuPervisor, Pupil . Scout Troop613 did recent where he Is a Maine East their mid-management officers - - Keniieth Lthdquist,World and European explorIng en a bIt of trip Den 6 and Den 10teak to jOldor aocIis and personnel. West. Who io history reacherot MoIne their own. the Salerno Cookie Ca. We a menmer of St, Anselm'sEpIc.. a supervicor tootudent eacher Janice al- Copul church. Those from NortheIllinois university. C. Stove;. These laEer..da çliocsverers must had te tie tip Larry Asch- . . enrelled attend clans. bcker, Wayne Blattand Darren included leadersMun. Dom His Eagleservice no ana sieht each week fer three Ruhm to keep themfrumfoljew... project was Or fosrynaro.There arçcouroeo MLINGS MeCaffney td NORBERT1SFIRST TIME GreenhouoFsh. Set Maine Mrs.Cyril ing the animal cookiesinto the at Camp Napwan fantAngijst lo behavioral sciences, ommu- EVER! Macar at the helm;ably assist. and Consisted of ed by those stalwart even. trimming cod nicatlnne,lndustnial psychology, East PTC souls Mro. thinning out pinetrees. financialcontrols, Jekot, Zawislahand DoRnIllo, carketlng anda hardy Greatrestraint wasnet-. and labor - management re. Oji House treo .. Ass Beck. essory when Jean Pierre Don.. latlono, The facolty Includes er, Kathy and MargieBerro. tank and Murk Meee watchedCompleteCourse )/M sheim, LaurIe Chrebak, 18 banlneusmun, consultantsand Dr. Njchl0s Eartinos,prcs Debora those peanot butterChocolate callege and ufilvnrsitytnathers, NOW CLOSERTO THE NORTH ident of the Deßellts, Amy andLaura Cookies whiz by. Sessionsof the Cub AND NORTHWEST ParentTeacher. Scout Q AREAS Coucjl of Maine TownshipHigh "ickey, Deborah Jekot,Tammy leaders basictrthng tou School East, has l(lpss, Kim Koch,Pat MeCa!- The temptaDon In the Maine Ridge announced the .frey, Runty wan just as diotrictoere '-- OUR P.T.C. open housewill he held M0005ough, Pat great with Den 6 when Dnuglas Completed recentlyat the First at the schoolon the eveningsMaker, Fam Miller,Pat NItO, Olson, Dave Schnirer Baptist church In ., ;: KL-' '8 SHOPS Debbie and Kathy and Dean Park Ridge, .of Wednesda5. Nov. 13osA M.-,,_ rie Flekarz, Las- Jones were turnedloure In the Leaders takingthis basic trait. itIOfilktlllratist' day, Nov. 58 Kathy PhIinohi, shipeing room Mec, .Çt,,..,, ,.,..... ing will be ableta dc I 7 DAYS ONLY ASSURE Stuan Satinoverand Laurie Sa. flefiiiejahand Mike;;:; job with dens and packs.' 1969 DARKROOM! . -,. PROMPT 'Since the dates ofopen house were snunised to t..,'.. a,. ._. - be ecc li Ires 4 follow the end of the ...... i''c mao nave received ) - -- first grad- puny ases a whole rdlIroa"car . a ll.051555,,e,, SERVICE Ing portod, eachparent will re- Smce the "SantaMaria" was fuIt of flour Certificateuf tompletloo ceive a restinOç appraisal in dry dock, bicycles every day As a are dlqIq neu! :' ANYWHERE st were the reward for theirremurkable Bettti Dahlgren, 8639Normai, his ysongster'aProgress," cold Dr. IC sr5e, selfcnstra1,thebuys eachre.. haZ_ tOCk the girls eligiblefortht_ coelsaes.. ::::-.:---T .. rareots wfl5s lastnamesbe.. COst badge. Den. Mthern fy,8913 . Mrs. Wayne gin with A threaghL are asked Mente, Den loand Mro. Broce Grove, from pack 73,sponsored to attend en Wedoèsday,Nov. 13 - T'Ty Senes Olonn, Den 6,were very proud by St.Isaac Jaques Catholic from 7 te 9:305,s Leslie B. NeIsse. S 0 their boys. eburclsanci Beverlypaid, 8024 lastnames ecative of the -:- ,. . - ..-,,,",. 055e 5. ,rom pech Open Eveningsand Sundays ¿ are asked toattend Monday Edhiard Stank Nay. 18 between urban Coocj I!agle Award '75' sponsored b St,Johs 'hnd 900 p.m'st., Des Plaines; flrehnnfCahalic church. RILES, 7O25bempsterst. A total attendanunis enceso Of confIrmed a '5 8.000 isenpeeled. report thaf the ReScouuof Strnuno, a .,,,, JulyATES'CIIKISTM,%STØEE OR CU*tlSTh*SITE5J AT' AmerIcaaro in the planniog " "'""° P ', sponsored - "° n me first stcp towards DUR SPINL%L SALE PUlCE- A1D SETALIkE ., ' Stages foa possible TVsenies bytheNilesComm unitycisurah; eadero patch, The A1qOIIITFOROM.T_I1ALEPUICE: next FaO.asneo c '"rr'..'ymenagieco- ..-.- arg"""n st also narHei,t;,. FREE-PKG. ÒRN .--.,.-.,. Cob f1Tó!MrTRiÒ°VA1SE cf Stoatesecutiveofthe 01 review fer the Eagleaward paw-wow a an ruhr.. fll, I'Ru:i: 6-millson member of theNorthwcstsahnrbas lnnta,ucmr at NORBERT BONUS .. i!I America RoyScoutnof Coon. a Cub training e., announces h cil. ni, the Boy Ses,, ;e Bern,. . ej..dudrey De 4-F1'. SCOTCII l'iNil 599 o,n ne in,m. '.GeOO'ge l5.93 , NOW OPE Brothers.sevÂtu .aci" Octebrmeetitg, ndbcì"oermayer .r.r,IIn5.99 len WCrO 0,11. .5LUE SPRUCE oc Get one Ir.o. !ypcoitS will join furcènlut . . V1.95 UtíJi .', "c'i__,.,. sa mr. . and Mrs. 4 tl.SCOTCH PINE nsl,Iiso 1i.99 es, scvniopmeot and production LyIc . - 3.'ahy n.m. of a new kalf..hoorprime time Strànns, 8646 N,MerrID, 7-E'!'. CAN.tIeIt'ii'lMi 02995 I '99 TRIO'S TV dramotic Dick has bees I nsc,Ii3O14.Sefsn ii: serlevforthel969., scribe und as. . .lII.VliSI'IeC'r:e alytant senior 2 L95 51)9 i.:: At CLASSIC 70 networkseasoo, patrolleader, 5-Fl.,,s ,,,,,. hi'Oui &oo BOWL He has camped four511'nmers cli esi'ntce 6-l'- I , .,.s,.,,,.I,I'Ie 0299 853OWaukegan RoadMorton Grove,Illinois 19" r.OI::.99k, lLOO GraphoAna1ystAt p29.95 999 ' ,x,,,CLkJìOi'lCLCc. ioi !E! 6-F'l'.ss,onC,Pi,, vi 1.95 2991) ne?:;;en15.1)0 . OLRMceuing O495 SMALL 1JGE How l.0l) Cheese Can the study of toI,.. 29 1. .. a per- a meeting of Durloi,, .9 0... ICLkJcSl'ftlrj; 10. . 180 sen'p handwritingenablethe Sausage graphs_analyst Sam Catholic WOmee'ClUb In 73..,,.I,l'i,n 39e" 20.0)) 1.6a.... 2.69. tounderstand Palechhail,8300 N, Green. Appointed o,,... RI.UCS1'IiLCli o, why the writerthinks, feels, Wood ave,, 012995 1/2 and actsand reacts as Nilcsat8 p.m. Joseph A. Hays has been ap- 9-lI'. s d'ion. 89" n:n:'::z";sn15.00 1/2...... 1.50.... 2.80 lie does? The meetingwill kg precadad Anchovie by Beneolcilen pelstdd an aotornative and re- 6O'IPER 50 OThER 1.75.. . Sister Mary Alichac, In the church . fnigeratlon sales represer.tntivn s'rvLEsolr TIWE FR0911.19 TO. B,VJ,., .:i . '. . . 2.75 . at 7:45 p.m. » 6O9OO.! 1 Mushroom 160. . Master Certified Draphe . fer linpnrlul.Eastman,Chlcogn, ...... 2.60 analyst still Sister Mary Alician,a tea- -It has been annnantee by H, T. .,: 6OVES .30,000 tHIHSTMS%S Mushroom &Sausage... answer chat qoes. ITEMS 1110M ALL OVER. 2.10.... tien in herlecmre..demonstra_ Cher und writer furmanyyearo, Douglan, vite-president mar- TØEUL1fl : . . .. :... tien Toesday night, holds an M.A, isjournalIsm Chairman Greenpepper .. Nov. 12 at keting.Inbis sew ,capaCity, . 2.60 from Marqaette ÏNDTviuvS, FAMILIES, . .1.60. university. She Hayswill be responsible fer CUERCUES, GROIII'S, . Green Pepper& Sausage. . . durrestly teaches atlmmaculato LeRuyJ. Plazlahkan bean sales in the Miusnuri, Kansas SCØOOLS, OVY NOW IO1t 01GSAV1Gs AND : BEST. 2iO. . . . . 3.25 High school,Chicagu, and bon numeri chalrman uf Skehieset. and Nebraska terrItory. He will et c'inoni, ...... Ozilon THE BUGLE Castnibuted articles tian for the 1.25.... 2.25 to anamber commercini division be based InBrentwond. Me. oupon e Coupon a o 966-3900 ufmagazines of ¶159 Skakie ValleyUnited Cro- iCoupon Cóàpon -:: ÇoiiPán - and educatIonal sanes 17th annual PRESENT THISAD FOR 2 FREE CÖKES . A gradoate nf the In. cemmaalti Prior Vs joing the flrm.Huys 5tSs14 . tarnatienal Graphounalynluse- fund campaign.Plaziak is eS- wan a rcglenal sales manages i'.'. 't... WITH EACHPIZZA ORDER ciety, she is 'amember et the ecutive vice-president and fer Permatex Cu., Inc., and Illinois chapter.She us caubler uf the SkokieTrnut end . district manager, Mustang Re. .: Graphoanalysis, Sav85 bank SANDWICHES . . teethes abasic Skukie and is a builders, Inc. Huys was born Aa Coarse in the science and does Veteran Campaignerwiththe In St. Charleen 111. and attend- GOLD iOLiaI,iUx,kiol'I,,, ai"DIAMIiïIiII 24LIGHT INDOOR Val, 12 No, 20 private analysis. United Ciusade DELCNRSLGARI'LLM Italian Bees November 7. 19 68 ed East Maltea (husum) High ., I lorl,.Slnsn Unbesnkokl, schenl, He Is a vntnranefWurld ¡ROE TRIM BOWS JIGHISET .1 REESKIRT .LffIlT5 GARLÄNI) Italian Sausage An IndependentCommunity DECORAIIONS .60 newspaper chrving the War U. Ualiaii Meat Vil.. reg. '0g. ,0g. '0g. Ba1, . ..Iageet Niles and Morton Schedule lmpenIal.Eantmae, a 62- 99 :5. reg Open House LOO PKG.4.99 - 1.39 OOC Drove. Rites year.old manafacturerof bose, EA. IA 2.49 EA.195 50) Pick It Up .- Mall 'sabscriptioc Elementarysthonls in the hameroums 99 - OrWe Will Delived price FT&wall boldopes bouse Tush., Purpose ot tubing, fittings and csmpsnents $3.75. per year, day, . 12ut North Visiting the schuolat this time te connect, cOnvey and central . flesTs . e G*HMNDS . e cAráLs e :E5Peses4, Deliveries From STe Midnight PUblished on Thursday 6921 Oaht5 schoal is ta become w pgil o.UwSflpe'çAlEo TUUUGSA2rJCS .QBRStSilESl 'a asia!h6$..... w - otO, and on acqoainted wIth fluid flew systems. . morning by THEBUGLE, nesday, Nov Wed. the subjectd ER !SnR.$wSS.aiiOSb... t5iil9 .eml, eR4TIWmRRTS C SundayThrough 9042 13 atSnotb being taaght and Thursdày N, Çeurtlund Ave., 6933 Touhy,at school, te see thequalify nf worh fhè From 5 Rilen; IllinoIs. p.m. . Ends Basic To I A.M.Friday 60645, . cbild does. Exhibitsof omdeet & Saturday David BesserPlibllnher, work will bean SeamaiApprentice 10m H. dioplay. Mr. I PHONE Second classpostage paid After a brIef Herbun, USI4. 22, san uf I P j . 96$-9755 at Chicago. Illinois, Ing. businessmeet. and Mrs. HowardH. Hebron, Parents are invitedto nieet Refréshments will be served Grave, u p wObteacher5 of. their by thehinderganten and sixth 7007 Church At., Menue chll90 grade renie mothers ban been graduated fromeine f Navy basic tralning at . weekn . the Naval TrainingCenter. :AfliÌriCn1.-LójjoN Nov. 111968 marks Ehe5th.Uempster st. poles toherald colo, at thewest side porhiag aooivorsary of the eod of World- the aoetversaj.y.------lot, the line of marchovilI be War ISh6rtly after the end of ------east ratIto srsn,,,, e..ik the wore the Americao Legion. -W usun pns navebeen re- - rary en Lincoln. After brief was founded. : - - plced with metalnons,the ceremonies titers, it',lll pro.. flogs laundered androhuvated; Mrs. Wm. Larsefl Earns Morton Grove Post 134nlll. and with the roforblshing,jus.. I ttethLO . ose the Weekend of Nov. 9, 10 . tif1ably-t Ill bea display every.. c-Ito . ginn tr000ds. - Nues- - Calendar Of Navy Performance Award and U to commemoratethese one shOuld he pCnud ofwhich Events Waliwecomestrangers to nur Mrs. William Larsen, 7731 N. ' "Mro, Larsen's worb as a to 0e acquIred for support aI -flohsroporteamong the - Nibs Senior Citizens St. Jobs Omehnaf Nordica, Niten, han been supply clerk in the ProvisIoning elettronico and cemmonicatiens Village Presideot m 8VOtsn'5 honored for ostotanding porter- division reqnlmeo dotauied tech- systems io Sootheaat Asia. Be.. Robert l5nis Ntinool' Air"Goardbend, iog,RecreatIonCenter, 7 club meetIng _ 'blurb canne - of theessentialityof Schrgiber and the VillageBoard lo addItino, thePtst has is- theSt. Milnaukee ave,, basineso thee MaOicaln", 8 p.m. mance ut faticoat the Navy nlcal research, screening md Pates ColloOns brsm - maintaining Navy and Marine have declared thethree days sued a letter to each homein - and Bugle Corps, Great ing. 11 a.m. Electronics Supply Office, Great postingofprovisioning doc- - Lobes Corps equipment in an operable as Veterans Memorial Week- the village also requestingthe - Navaltraining Libmar' linard Labos. She wan awarded a ope- amento," tho Commanding Of.. end. In the proclamation dtuplay - nf the American i Center Drill meeting, Lib.. cisl pay ineraane and a certi- titer naid. "These documento casditisa,atiiGalm-i) in Oie is- a flog Team, the MortonGrove Pire mamy, 6960 Oakton st,,7tSOp.w Vietnam ara tkesbor3trequirea 00 all threodayn.- ficate nf cummendatbon by the are used in detemming the qoan.. request that everyone In the vil- Department, - NorthShors A- Merrymahero Square Danèe, a high degree nf aocamacy loge display their flagson these Commanding Officer. tity of electronic repair parte - meritan Legion Post21, the 8255 Gketo ave., 8 p.m. VILLAGE -BOARDmeeting, three days. MayorSchreiber The Morsn Grove C000cil Chambers, 7200 sayd, Post sello Senno -High- school R.O.T.C., W05 flying the flag will hun- flag kits tu those who 11-li-68 - hagan md., 8 p.m. or those who now wish nun St. Isaac Jogsnomarching hand, serve, tItase at the low cost uf P3.00,theIr. Coast Goard tnlnrgoard . and Hiles Dayo meeting, Council who have served, and - - those who ows cost. Americanismchair.. Marine Corpo colorgoard. Chs,,,h,,,.,, a,,,,, .. made the Supreme sacrificeIn man Ralph Hintz, Legion o;.;0Manna' care.. - - the preservatIon offreedom and taker Steve Simon orCommhad.. association meeting,Homeowner'. 8236 Classroom lime Inaddition, .-Ladies Auoiliary,Niles Mcm.. Ei- democracy in the Ameritan Le- more ot,, 8 p.m. Opes October - was a mnnth 5f eut000ive classroom instractien far United er Francio SeIzer willgladly ganse 7th Gist. Cos,ms,,d,' n,, ot4al VFW 7712, Banker Hill, tyeetlng, -members of the Niles Fire Department, including ito esecutive States." supply more dotailsor delivex Runt will be 8p.m. present and mob officers. . . - - a beaulifol Old Gloryto anyone a short speech. Mayor Schrei Chanaker of Commorte, l-le farther Indicates - - - that, "it requesting Ose. . ber will 000 address Nues Rotary club, Luncheoxi noon -_ te be announced. --- is deemed fltthag the tr6wc;. - Fire ChiefAlbert L, Heelbl mA Capt. Charleo M. Bebula. -- ,)Z- and proper YMCA, 6300 Toohy that the residentsof Morton All veterans, whether Jr..the ilepamtmeot'e admiaintrative officer, attended separate they Nlleo.Safety Council, - - The Mayor and Village board ave., Mediterranean mom. Conotil conferenceslo Louisville. Ky., opo000red by the Intemsatinual - Grove honor thosewho gave belong to any Legionhave been Chambers, -7200 ik I Iii EMENEE their lIves and will ride in theparadel and Le- Waabegan md,, Aonoàintloo nl Fire Chiefs,Capt. Rubata attended a three-day served in thatInvited to marchin this tra- 8 p.m. - war and in all wars in . dittoosi gios groupsalso: ethedoled to Nilen TOPS meeting, Recrea- fire service management seminar, given by tImeletemoatl000t : defense parade ppohsored each rngolar clonCenter, 7877 Milwauhoe CRAYON- of sor consta-y." - members, the Rifle Fire AdmioistmatómoInstitute,as arm of the IAFC. Courses 1G!T year by Ike Morton GroveA- ave,, 7 p.m. 11-14-68 I' meneas Legion. Squad, Auniliory Unit, Janior included coverage no admInistration, operations. and techeicol Assiliary, S.A.L. and aleothe Nhles Senior Citizens,Ret,, anpecto -ni department operation. Over 200 men attended this FACTORY- : 11-21-68 meatlon Ceatep, 7877 - the Skokie Valloy C.A.P. Milo-aukee course. - . -'t- Foblic WorksDepI.nod Prode chairMan DickhoW - Nuco Baseball Leogae, Ret- ave.,Social meetlng,,ii Sopt. Tony Fragossithe Arseri am, indicates lineup tthun is 1:30 - Bob Stapp wilt be rsation Center, 7877 MiIvan- Chief 1-loelbl wan a participant in the 95th Conferente of the Can flags originolly danatodby p.m. with ntepoffat vocalist for Park Lane Community the Legion's former 2 p.m. thedoy. The main speaker hoe ave., 8 p.m. meet.. InternatIonalAssociation nf Pire Chiefn. This week-long coo- dram and Sunday, Nov. 10. Theevent will at the ceramosius at thu Le- log, Pamk Lane Communityloll, forcone wan highlighted by the largest display over ansembled CRAZY CLOCK GAME $3.49 bugle tarps, theCoogara, will hove -a new .stsi-tifgpdnt and 8 P.m. proudly glob -Home at the cesclietonsi of the latest in fimefightiog eqolprneot and tools. Featùmed speakers MILTON BRADLEY - tell Ihe story of the- rostethhnyeo weekend by flUttering eiítjtiog et- the- lisTado is MortonGrove 125ticketswill be sold onz covered oath sabjecto as "What City Officials Expect Prom Fire frots.thc . Baxter's LWbratsplen Il-16-68 on -Lln resident Cart Klein. Kleinis snne will he available atthe Chiefs," and discussion ut a notion-wide emergency telephone Ost only a Village trastee anddoom if advaace sales equal "Little. Squares"EnfuSar number, analysis ofa lime in- a senior-citIzens home, end area dance, Rdcmnatips Conter, - member at Post 134,as well this, reparus chairman RayHon. 7877 - - wide fire meporting.ceotem and motual aid. SONS-° HERCULES GAME$1.49 as thuir judge odvbcate, but ris, Junisr Vice-commandem, Milwaukee ave., 8p.m. an Meanwhile, seven Nuco fire officers and meo attended e recent attorney, auf atoo a major io li-18-68 the Marine Corpsreserve. The package donationsf59,00 - one-day school-devnted to the "fire department support of ants- MATTEL $16.00VALUE inclodesdancing to American LegionPont 29, mode npminhlar systems." Thin school wan sponsored io Des POWERSHOP the Fam- Libmary, lt is appropriate asd coinci..Poiha Sharp,liquidmefmeeh. 6960 Oaktonot,,i Plaines hy the Illinois Profeo'siunal Fire lsspeetsrs Aosoefatios. Featured lecmmer and iostmnctom 'was Kenneth Stanton, assistant - - - - - destai that Nov. iO happensto wentand a midnight buffet p.m. CRAGSTON be the 193rdanniversary nf the which he adds includessalads dimectnr, tire prevention departmeflt, of - the Western Actuarial Marine Corpo. aod cakes made by the iodles ll-59-68 - Burean. By one of slides and msvien, he explained the purpose oF the Am-liiary Unit. Air Pollution AdvissryAp- a6d impomt9nce nf opminbleme in controlling industrial and cnm- merciaI figes. Thooe attendIng this coarse were;Loo. Harry XYLOPHONE TUNE TRAIN$2.50 Klein enlisted lo 1945,west on peal board meeting,Nues Fire actiVe -duly th Ahighlight on the holidayso- Station, 8360 Dumpsterst., i Kionwoki, Górdon Michelson, Robert Larson, Frank Lomasoki, followisg yearnial calendar, the Carl Feo, Jamen Foerstem and Firefighter Donald Kobyleoki. and was diecharged isMarch, MsrtonGrove p.m. - SETES Unit 134, American Legion-Aun- l94?.Heretnrsedto active dutysliary each 5 years later andwan cam.. yoag holds tbeir Niles Rotary clb,Lonchenn LIGHtUPPHONE $395 iOliboioned two months' Christmas Cheer luncheonat meeting, YMCA, 5580 Touhy - From- 1. tom.t Lr, Harry Kionwski, Riles Fire Deportmeot, -Ii later.- the Legion Memomini Home, and Res Stanton, W.A.B. and Lo. Richard Arthur, Den Pleines Pire In 1954 hewoo placed as io- ave., Mediterraneanmosm. the date io always0500uncod actiod daty and he has remainedearly os residnnto activeinthe reserveslnce can be as- PamluBoard meeting, RecreaS theo. sumad of making theirplans and Bon center, 7877 Mllwnu Berrafato Unit Chairman not hava a conflict. kee ave., 8p.m. s Gabriel S. BerrabaIs lo chair- The Legion and Seniorvito- Auxiliary 2nd vemoity, His family Includes Ss BIGLITTLE GIFTS commander Al Nehart, whowill vicepresideot Nlles TOPS meeting.Recreo.. man nf the attorneys section nfwife Irene and 7 children, Bat.. lntro'doce Mrs. William Eaton,9021 Ma- tinocenter, the professional diviiien tom the Cemmander SeIzerJom, le ihe party chairman. 7877 Milwaukee miel, 10; Michael, 12; Ann, 12; and the other honoreduest, She Shohie Valley Uoited Crusade's Matthew,loiMark, 8; Christo.. invites has ticketsavailable and may community fend campaign. phem, 6;and Andrew, 3 years esideats of the 01110goha reached at YO PEG BOARDSor toparticipateor. teat leant 6-4855, 11-28.68 - old, He Isa member of the mod REMINDER BOARDS - '10e the curbsto watch, - -Women's dab of Nilep,Bank.. An attorney and resIdent ofIllinois and Chicago Bar Asso- After the luncheon,guests 0m Hill C.C., 8 p.m. Morton Grove at9349 Nmhville, ciations, the Trial Lawyers dab 1011 spendthe 321 1, UTILITY BOARDS Units stillwiebing to march- afternoonpkaying he was appolatedby Frank W.Mc of Chicago and the JantinianSe- x Si-50 cards of their choice,visiting Tier, nf Merino Grove, divisIonciety of Lawyers, . phone Hohe fura hineop - Nibs Gardeito -Homeowner's the fumoso RoseBosvi and par- chair,qan. taking in the East, Recrealion Center, 7877 24'x 18"-1.98 - The W3,Soücampaigo bOuif, othem gamos and MllwaaJuee ave,, 8p.m. featumos of theafternoon. Mrs. Berrafato, partner io the law Llucolowoed,Morton Grove, Satorday night the'not's an-Eaton has CANASTAN -BEVERAGE-SET Osai Vet's dancewill be held announced the date- firmof Orphan k Bemmaf ato,Riles and Sknkle' is being con- at the as Wednesday, Dec.4 at noon. MortOn Grove, holds a bachelor Saetad by -Brano D, Harper, PLASTIC COATED PLAYINO CARDS -. l'noi at 9t30p.m. Only Nues Senior Citizens,Ret- reaMen center, 7877 Milwaakee of science degmae and a doc'.generai chaimnian nod lo Prizes ofall oomto aboand, ave., 11 a.m. tomate of law 1mm DePasI soi..portoerohipwiththe Metro.. 20 COCKTAIL NAPKINS .C ut Flowers , Corsages SantaClans puts inan appear- pniitm Crusade nf Mercy. 24 COASTERS ante, and the ultimate 1 -GOLD MECHANICAL PENCIL .lIard Designs. liasse Plants *inoems ZONING BOARD meeting, ame the hospitalizedfommer oer Council Chamhems 72go vscemen who receive Waa- MIKE'S FLORALSHOP Christmas hogan rd., 8p.m. "Pot Pourri," Spaghetti -BAMBOO, - memembrances imam theAux. dIgs N.MILWAJJKEE SNACK- AVE, iliary with the li-25-ho - proceeds of this - affaim.Rehabilitation workof "Merrymahtems" Nite Nov. 16 - FE 1-0040 We Deliver Sqoore l.58 for adalts and WIND CHIMES The sot with the"works ina drawer" these ex..oemvlcemeais the An,t- dance, 8255 Oketoave., 8 p.m. Jefferoon Theatrical Society tickets are - HOUNDS iliamy's pmlmeservice fonction. will give a 12-att floor show, 58for children ander 12 years Nereo aColot TV "Hot Polrmi" Satorday, NW. 16 of age. s1.19 is CHIMES wkh the worksyou can see. The IJJIiilli'llIllanoalm-iei,eii= ,,,, ....___ -25-68 . woritu conaia of10 Nibs TOPS meeting, Retrea- for tIse second annual Spaghetti - tubelens plug-in mini-circujln Night at Jefferson schsol,S200 Lyon and Healy mooic stnre Hunfredo Of - 1.69 that provide u Ion. center,7877- Milwaukee nOIid-stotedependabjljty. and fast,0Go- .- ONEHOUR - Gmeeodale, Nilea. at Old Orchard Isgivinga nomicl at-home nerhice. vo., 7 p.m. door prize at each of the three APOTHECARY JARS Quanar. the setthat stays lus -- - SIZZUNG.. $, at homn.workjng -. ha aI,. There will be three dinner shows. Tickets are available at WITH GIOOUNI3 MOT5TURE SEAL 00SET f4 - -26-68 IDEAL FOR Candles;-Coohies, 5, 1 and 9 p.m. The the schonl elf ice. - PLATTERS- - W. 7--U- riti Friendo of -Nibs Pablic Lib- skews; Spicen, DmlCd Fruits, Cosmetics IIINKI- IIIIi'I mary, Llbrao-, 6968 Oalçton st,, CERTIFIES Ills ALUMINUM,WITH B" RATTAN TRAYS : 8 p.m. N.D. Faculty Members Presented m59- en !I THE MOST asar Color IN DRY At a recent evening meeting Wydra, C,S.C., Rv. Thörnas --3-3- ÑDEUtAA jIf CLEANING -VILLAGE BOARD meetiog, Wlnilhemg, C,S.C., Kevin Bock- HURRICAN by MOTOROLA - 'of theMothers club Nov. William Counqil Chambers, 720b Waa- Simmens, C,$,C.. principalof ley, C.S.C. and Eugene Mon.. MEDITERREAN - CANDLE began md,, A p.m - - Bring In6 Or More Notre Dame High school, Nues, toys, C.S.C. Aloe new in the a SPANISH BLACK s-3,-49 , 14 new- of department chairman w TV L APPIJANE5 11-50-68 formallypresented post GarmentsAnd camero on the facolty. thisyear- in Rev. John Mol- CANDLE HOLDERS LAM!SETinclodes2 con4Ies L_ YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD !i I' Receive Hiles Jaycees, YMCA, 6300 cahy, C,S.C.- Toohy ove., 8 ATTOWNHOUSE T.V, A 10% p.m. In their first yearin the Corn- ANTIQUE COPPER 7 2 4-3 W. lou hy NO MONEY DOWN Jv Discot manie-tiensArts department WIlliam Fowler Is working $ - On Regular = Nues Grandmother'sclub, Adarnson,C$,C. in Biology while Joseph Bal- 14" TALL - WITH PLANTER Ç5jjThN Dry Cleaning Recreation mente;, 7877 MIl- are Rnv.Milton aHURR!CAIJ LAMPS NE l-6030 and TA3-3171 tI On'y !ij!I and Swamt Snosi, C.S.C. ioEog- ardo is teaching advanced puys- FREE pAJij o wanken ave.,noo,i. - - Flips IN OUR t1,,qe. W f lush and David Coynlk in Its In the Science department. - -- LOT NEXT TO STORE = - Study. Marolyn Ano Taylor und Fasi Schwalì, with a doctor of ' 36O-LAWRENCEWOOD NILES, ILL. Noies Rotary dab, Lunthhno RevioI-ao arc new additions law dégree, IS teaching business .r meeting, YMCA,- 6500 Toahy ave,, Mediterranean to the Modern Langoagedepart- law in - the Business Admiols,, STRETCHABUCK---STORES- IDIII,IJUIf,an room. - ment. tratien department. The Social Sicence department addad Rob- open 7 days a week.-. The Religion department han eri Lelltp5e and Jameo O'Dazi.. hte,.lsrgeot1iqmlèrof new tea.. ngf,.Ç,C. 8030 MILWAUKEE AVL.MLES clwrIths.yeak'aildiRevuDaWld .:),,,. _J ,:iou Mdik54bo1iiif-a -ovVM$i fe

- - __p ,, '!,!,.It.aI .e- Tb Bugle Thurlay ember I i6 50th LensAnniversary Edison -Co. 'I'-'eus- or-New Generatiiígm - Maine East hgnschool's Commonwealth EdISO,5rn- site nf thstation, lacdted on effective dispersion. RIce- yearbook, Leos, io celebrating el color. the Lens will be io- Aliinterested alumot may - pony has a000nnted it will in. theIllinois river jonc seath- -tronic control equipmentwill Creased by 32 p?gen,00e baUcontact Helene Silberman cdi-, onail an 800,000 kilowatt gets. west of Fekin, according to Mr. leclade an astsmatle dispatch- its 50th a5Yers.ythis year. of whlcb will be devàtto a For the first tlme.jnthe bis- - tor-io-chief,f the yeabook,at crating soit at the company's Ward.' He said the tnrbine.gen. ing system to regniate electri. picture coverg of what werethe scbsol or by phoning 965. Powertos station near Peloin, orator for the new soit will be Cal nntpst and a computer to tory of the yearbook, 16pages .00CC minor high scbooi sports 4433. - - Ill. OonnlIed kv General Eleetrie monitor plant performance. will be io Color iliistratiog wreotling, gynmastics', soc- the role of eachdepartment in theschool. cer. golf and tennis. J. HarrisWord. Common- wealth Edison chairman, said The new facility will Incur. Th $Oth000iversaryoojewili Triñis Club In addition to theadded the previ500ly anthorized coal. parate the latest tecbnslsgy io extra be held during lunch periods Nibs. Trims cmb marts e- fired unit will ke csnstrsctgd is the school cafeteria and be. coal-fired g000ratlon and mod. very Monday morning, 10 to .11 for oervice by the snmmer ofero air pollutins costrol equip- - fore and after school is, the a.m.at the f4iles )iecroatlso 1972 at a cost sxceeding 9180-'sent. The bsilfrs will havee- fioldbsuse lobby from Nov. 4 Ceoter7877 Milwaskee ave. million. .lectrostatic precipitatoro mod ail throogh Nov. 8. Since only the Membership is nowopen to now extra tall chimney engineered exact number of books paid for members. If f50 havea weight 'The new soit will provide Come To Tite ßeautIIuI will be prioobd it is imperative -problem sod desire more jofor- additional capacity to meet nor IIAS!,cIewL s-53ii that all orders beplacedhyNov motiso, call Marie Matayka, cOstOmers' elecfrlc power re-Coin Bourse 8530 WaukeganMorton Grove 967-9592. qoiremests which as-egrnwing at judnu of elisa il,. a faster rate than previsasly Coin cnllectorò are Invited in. sala. of Ourcar - anticipated," Mr, Ward said. toatteodtheChicago Coin Boorseat LeaningTower ,nsúraeeot Costavi Successful Show 'Prnjeèting the batid_ap of f s- me todayl ' alhe tore pooh loads at as average YMCA, 6300 W. Tnuhy, Susdoy. pleasant smiles bucate the satisfactionof the people con- rats nf wore than 0 per cent Nov. 10. cerned with the recent,snccessful fashion show and moke-op a year, we estimate the de- r - FRANK deistonstrat,on gsveo by the Cardendab of Niles. Csmmosity mond fsr Edison power will ex- Fifteen experts will have en.- and P1W, sponsors isciode:Jerry Bnrbine organist of Thomas need 12 hibits os display md willbe 'i-w PARKINSON Organ Slodiss, Golf-Mill; Rondin mIllion kilowattsis available tq dppraise and-ides- l°riedman, niob tre050rer; Bes 1972, The Powertoo addItion will 8 ,' Mitwoukee Berobaum, manager of L. FishFuroitore Co.. Morton Grove; reinforce vor capobility to serve city any coIns, medals, tokens Betty Cusimaso, chairmanof the mesI; Elsie Gein.clob presidest thin load with odeqoase resorte nrpapermoney presented. ,- YO 75545- mid BIliPepping, manager - of Jewel Tea Co.,Morton Grove. margins," There is so charge for this Over 250 goesos attended this affair. service. These bourses take place os -STATC FARM St. John Brebeof choreb Construction will be started i.lm.Ns ' - was the scene Oct. 5 at 12:15p.m. of thesecondlonday ofevery L immedIately atthe dIO-acre OIle Raythe marriage of Barbara AnnArndt, - dooghtor of Mr. month. Ibø,l. rn As-odt and Mrs. 8044 N. Harlem Nues, md DssglasMSrohaij of Mt. . Workshop Propect.After a wedding reception isLincolownod; the cssple hoseywsoned io lOt. Lsdsrdaje Fia. andis now othsmeot 8435 - -N. Mtlwaskee, Nues.The bride, a graduate [ugh schsol, is emplsyed 5f Regina Dsmiofcos Host as is her husband. at Barter Labogatsries in MortonGrove, Today's Mr. Marshall is alsoateodisg1fsrth Pork Grace Chapmanchapter nf electric college. Members of the weddingparty ioclsded Mrs. Rasy Entore Teachers of Ameri6a - Schaffoit, Mrs. DavidWolfram, Corel Burke, Naiicy lys Aondt, Neil Marshall, Caraos, Mori- will hoot the annaal Region Ill Peter Von Elles, JerryPrakl, Jobs . IAFTA Fall worbobop Monday, Qoick, Ray Arndt,Jr.;Sarah Marshall asd DonnieBethe. Nov. 11. ABarca F.T.A. mom- nifisforpennies a-week. - bers and any other high school stsdeots interested in edscatlon careers are Invited to attend the

tk'orhshop. - Based so iAi°TA's 198f-69 theme, "Get Involved," the pro. The dollarssavedbúyingone gram will stress est only goals for fotore teachers hot also the 'lmportance of present in- Volvement and preparation for could -it for . - - . run years. - At theopenlng session a parer j' of fnofpromisesteducatsrs will presenta Viewoftoday's 'Ochoslo. Such noted educators as. Dr. Richard R. Short, oar perintesdent of Gist. 207; Dr. Thomas Tolder,director - of MaineTownshipDiagnostic center; Dr, Dosald Thomas, inperinteodest of Disf. 59, Elk - : 3rove Village and Dr,tlsrothy

- - I. Seaberg, NID professor of i American ArtWeek Mayor 5f Nibs Nicholas elementary educatloo, will nom- Psrzak, offer sigsing Blase, shown with Nileíartist Rares lutine tbè dincussisspasel. Rod- o proclamation any Sens, new stato coordinator os Aroertcas Art Weekin Niles.4n makiagdesignatihgfhnsvesN5y 1 7 Mayor asked all the prs6bamation, the 'of F.T.A. services, asd Michael Citizens to exhibittheir skills inart et titis time. Reite, president of Illinois As. sociailonof Fetore Teachers of America, will discuss pro- Jactoat the state level. Also ou the ageoda for -the opening seosino areat- leant a dsVen seminars on topics reqosated

Women's associatissof Nifes by mqny smdents. - grasps and agncies . Even before you plug in your electric dryer, you've. Csmmasity Cborch,7401 Oaktoo contented The luncheon speaker, Mrs. st.,will present Mrs. witk family llvjog,health 6sf saved money. That's called beginning economics. An Jessie welfare Her diverse Joan Smstey, chairman of the Petter as speakerat the cost aCtivities communicatIOns dopartusent and electric dryer can cost you as much as $40 leso than meeting at the chsrcb soCloderadin and teleylsiosap- - Toesday, p-orantes director sf the111gb School a gai dryer. Nov. 12 at 8p.m. which 'provide her Workshop In Critical Thisking Once you plug t in, your glectric dryer will cost you with iniorrnatloncovering many - Corre6s and and Teaching at NatienSi CoU less thon 30 a week.° Subir-oct (liai from the $40 it's' Çredi card coverage and 25%more conten - Mro. Potterbas long been -Important fields. lege of Educstión, will conchode Her topià will possibleto save in the first place, and you'll.be paid-up - Ct1Ve IsCsmmuoity srganfta.. be "Don't Tell the worbshop with an address protection for homeowners at no ektra cost. Up fosos ouch as the Ysor Çklld AbootSex." for yearn ahead. (That's called practical economics.) PTA and io so "The Chollange of Indivi- . to $1000 coverage ön lostor stolen credit cards. a fsrmor stoffmember og tho deal Involvement." Meanwhile, your electric dryer -keeps giving your - Association for FamilyLiviag. All wtmen ofthe chorch and laundry the fame gentle, radiant heat it would get from She their goests - Plus more home contentscoverage because it -is lnvslvedandcoo Ore welcome to Sponsor of Maine East's chap. the sen-Willi at-leastone added advantage: every day OtruCtivelyiñterested attend thismeeting. Refresh.. ten' io so.. of F.T.A. Is Mrs. Ellen fo sun-day. - - - . . - . Costs more to replace thingstoday. Onlyt mer555 public andprivatements will be onreed. VanLanhngham.Seiiior KIM Dare Gallagher (Pork Ridge), Any machine that can lave laundry for a rainy day.

. . . - 8taW Farm number one In - correspondence cbalrmásfr (and let you bank on sunshine) ought to be- wòrth a fortgne. And it in. homeowners insurance, ( STATE FARM the ebb, is responsible for con. with Bernard J. Phillips, pecialist hoctingall members isthis lt just doesn't Cosi S fortune. . 7855 N. The Phillips' rates lower than Ñost. Ican give. Octavia, Riles,has beco ap- are parents' of Commonwealth Edison Company psictedstaff two children, Tracy Monica, you - king size homeowners specialiot, Data5-1/2 andCliftsnGny,l6months. - coy- Systems, for the TVEngineer.. 'n.s.a ,n,ctU.h .5 ny,,rs,,-..oan,fe,Isi,,Imaiiioitj.s. '-ng division of WarwichRien. erage and probably save you- I lNsukANc Woolen, lnc BandMembers Three anfeerofty money. Call me. ' bando with Phillips, a gracbaniof 267 ménsjora willpefsrni at Roosevelt University, NorthentUtinsisaniveroity has bees dsn-lng 11111111M lMLFUuCOM?MY/i associated with thin tite- - 1968.69 season, The bri, - . major pro- idea 119u; I% donar of new électrode homeen.Under Dr,Gordon W, Bird, tertaftment prodonjo Director nf Báùd. sod John - He io since 1953, 1°. Boyd, anoistantdb9ectnr, the cpotjojobis educationbandprogram Is divided among : -al. :i6 Univegylty - Chicago the marching, arc. . Elec concert, ondear: throogh its GradsaBonbons I AGENTI: slw ntOOjZatI5Os program. He iso matcher of MILWAUKEE AVE. the Society nd piombern ingliidojames PHONE:9666100 and EditorsOfTecl65cni Writers - Kicke, 5$44 Capoji,ià5tMoptoo Groveand Susanl°drr, 582 Wesimere rd. DesPIalns. TIre Eeále. Thursday,Naiwber 7, 1968

The Bugle, 'Cinderei-1a"Scheduled Tburnday, November7, 1968 . Next Month T.A.C,T. tRED ° BlLi..S? The msnlcol veroinil Of "Cm- unti Felice Berlmmau, REPAiR derefla;; wIll be presented tothe lors all inn.. COSTI-I MG. Community at Nllee North,as the OpenMeet .. Calendar Now is the time for scout public bytbeMsrton Grove Teenstep-mother and leaders and teaclmero es make Theatre Dec.6,7 and B at respectively; Mercis Ysoeg,a F}T: IGIL)I\1 F:E S.AJmeetingS LegionJoe plans for takIng groups of In- Ballard -school,. Niles Mm, l5 -peaold..snphomo Rev, Delmar hennin,ene of Trim clots, Motiv Porkfield. Ethel at Eilen the F.B.I,s key witnessesin the ingested youngsters to the an- Libkin, creator of the- Norotlt, as Felicia; hquse, &p.m. - sed Mark trial of nine Ko Klan Klan JET-CTION WASHERS OFFER - - Gônquerors . analAmerican Indian Canter theatre- group, will pi'oduce and - Sohezak,. mom- Handcapd Jewish War Vetez'anw board liyeer..s1d elg'Tsth bers who were convlctedofcon.. - YOUA Swm:-program, LeaningTower Pese Wow, Tribes from many dirent the show. - - grader from St, Mariin's meeting0 Home, S p.m. parts of tite United States- will Ochoa; spiracy for thel964 lynching of YMCA 7-8 p.m. - Spebqna and Curtiss limon,19, bomb - three ChOU rights workers JUi3lor Legion Gun b partìnipatingin the Pow Wow Teen Theatre Isopen tu any 05 Roland, near chLb Le..- Gardosw P teenager with an 'n Philadelphia,Miso,,will ad- o be held Nov. 22, 23 and 24,. - glonTops homes 8:30 p.m. SitoMe Yallay Ehliw rtospfe Interest In - 5YEAR PROTECTIONPLAN meetiog. Skokie Valley Those atteototing will seekthe muSic nr dramatics, A neml Danny Simon, dress u public audience in Nibs, meeting, Elke 51Mev, StSOp.m. Wati?iW arts and crafts, weaving profesoinnal group which 15, and Glose atBanker Hill Country club. Community hosp1taI 9p.m. ViILf huard. nuewliog, suc- Engbloom 13, wIllpertray the 6635 Milwaukeeave., Friday, - Tops meeopg LarasilePari loge Coueril Cbambecw S hssbootty5 lewesry and -anpe 000sfully produced "West Sido tattle..tuleo, while øflNslrWaITIaIi, Per rp.r clang d.feilthaetoharju1 rink performance of tlìemwmy Story" this summer, TenThe.. ley. Elm Leeo_ Nov. g at t p.m. His subject pma fieIdhouse 8 p.m. Wq Cwidf ab Jeseinl - w. .ló-yeur-oldjnniorat will be "I Was Inside tIme EKE foungNr9tMuctlaA PlOt, (pet.en19) or Vnmlihlng r$tlicmuijg Woaj, le000i norstomecial donnes andsango. tre recrulto Ito talent from the Maine East will be lily diclivs pet Iii the compkt Park5 S2lQ notthern suburbs of Chicago, the fairy for the P,BJ," tmnimlulun, dtM m@M,i Frlday, Nov. 8 godmother, SneEllen, o 15. IdWetirpimp, Vialed byO.n.ml Mater.. . - . Squore Dance cIob Leauth Plavinc the roteof (f,,I..... year-old jqfllor at NuesEast Tower YMCA, 10 a.m.-3:3Op.m Wwdsostfay5 New, bS l'csceede Irons theevent wIl1 will portray the Queen, Senior CitIzens clol, Leoie Sqa.m Dance vjub Lessing help to pay fanmajor operativmtella vlflbe sth.Lizauj's, 16,s juniorat Hijeo North, Tower YMcA, 10 a.m.-3p.m.Tower Gxs.-30m. enpensen of the Asneo'icanIn- All work on titeproduction s N.w Weekly and Sunme Genshanson, 15, - DupAntica AmericaoLgjoopjh Sentar Ghifoono chth LeanIng dion C000ter,TheCantermncatnd a itselfIsdone byteenagers. ManagementGame fry,Legion Homes 8-8 T-swer VMC sophomore at Nues East. Steve. Meeting twice weekly,- AgIt!tor _ cisco.. .t. - at 1630 WIlson usé,, Chicago,- p.m. LO o,roo,4 pns. Boum, a lPyeao..o1dnophomore the group - cunsei. Duplicate BnidgecltIn, Lean.. IS presently facing the , :i!Qs to gine talented toto. Fçur ntudente from- Maine EastHigh school participated fc "dp possthLat Rooneveltuniversitywlll unusual- game ae Loyola in an Satorda,NoV9 ing TOwer YMCA, 7t34fp.m. terminada0 nf its educational) pot'. agero - an. Opportunityte beth univerolty Nov. 1. The students,selected actlen chafing, . Veterans doy dance, Leioo CivialAfr Patcel meotiog socialand recreational tray Primed Charming, . . learn and preform, from opprexlmotelysoappieamtnfrom accountingand data prances. . ,kt'Away Ita rmnsvql poo_ - -- Financed Home, 9 p.m. ieginn Home, S3o grams, : - -- by the Morton Gravo Park ing -clauses, and played the - -neid.otnt trap, p,os. Others in Dis. "management game." Representing Morton Grove Moose Lodge YorktownSertoma Dinner the cast lntlude trict, thu groupwill performs MaIne East In thecomputerized game were GilbertBones, Park 'IJ.t..pin assures quick 376 CMclçen dinner Trouble began April Karyn Pritikin, Gail Floreoco - 0 VaudevIlle show sod Ridge; John Corkill,Park Ridge; Todd Johnson, and dance, meeting, Dohl;s Morten Hnuse, 1 whoa a ser.. Des Plomee drying, - - - and -Craig - Minnick, Morton Moose Lodge, 6419 Chestnutst,,7 p.m. vandaJs ruineda bun used to toux drama utter "Cinderella.' Grove, To play thegame noch team J.teImpI. mschanIsu 6:30-.9p,m. MortonGroveArtGuild,- transport 2,600 assnmed . the role of themanagement- of a hypothetical . persons parti- campano huaf,w.r parts fer Mansfield Park fieldhouse,8t30 Cipating Inthevarious pro- Involved In slllng thesame prpduct, The name operating allotments Sunday, Nov, 10 p.m. - grams. The vehiclewas oued Named ToHarper Post and financial resourceswere given to each team and deelsisan top d.p.ndab lisyl Veterans day parade,2 p.m. Morton Greve Nurses Asso- primarily for the ExplorerPro- Were made m tile following aren: (1) planteopanoion (2) research "Remember to fly your CiaRon meeting, Hadar nf Mrs. grams, intended to previde and development (3) advertising Rev, DennIs' speech lo part Flag,' 200 Robert L. Wright has been and (4) saving, Each company's of a three-week serien ofap.. Jstiimpls dnIts fir tsp duiu*iI1 Neil Cashman, 9)I7 Newcastle, youngsters - with field tripsto H. M Harper- Co. produces dçeislone were fed into acompoterwhichmsprogrammed te simulate 'named manager of marketing - perancen In the srea. The lo- peines of edocatisoal COrroSlOfl..annlatant fasteners- - interest, administration got- H,M, Harper a -10-your period. Based on these resalto, Ilsenext period's roas- cal sponsor Is the North Sub. .2 speeds - euteninlic Over thesummer, a has fand bolts, nuts, ocrewu andrivets ageriol decisions are made, After anumherof oisotipulated periods, seek cycle to leos.n - Company, Mortoi Grove, . . -' Morton Cov Park Thursday, Nov, 14 Was started to help an- . the - game in scopped and urbe,T.A.C.T. cotfmmittee; -dirt, istrjct raine mon- cording to John Mangel,- vice- - awards aro given to Ike two companies which lo part of a nationwide grim. beglmiej-s bridge lessons,I . 3 Riflo Squad meeting,Legion ny for pshsso ufa new bus. that are in the best flnaoeial.pesltmnns, p.m. and 8 - president ,. marketing. In thin- network Organized ta proaent 2 egItatIcn1 2 apte Corporation10 p.m. Home, 8:15 p.m. . - * pooltion-he will be responsIble the Truth About Civil Turmoil. Board of direc- Conqoerors Handicapped In the meantime ..d. - programs - - -- torsmeeting, for the direttion ofl-larper'o - : Prominent enderaeraofthe ill ilSUl Legion Home, Swiss program, LeaningTower were continued with theold of a sales - Taft Homecoming .Patentad¿p'cctIon - - - North Suburban T.A,C.T. 8 p.m. -- - service groups,ware- -- cam. rented bus and carpento. How- boaoe mitten Include egiteter fa, dup sperationu, - the Northwest and -cules . - - Homecoming plankare being Square Dance club,- Leaning Tops meeling, Skokie Valley ever, because of itsgreat ex- manpower Horochke Terry, 8503 Oriole, ctsantng Tower YMCA, development, Mc, . . - formulated at Taft High school, Suburban Committee lo Support Senior lOa.m..3:30p,m. Communifyhosplfai, 9 pm. Pease the bus rentalhas to be Nileo, was chairman of the 1955 Your Local Police. . Dsp.ns.id.*org.nt, WrIght, who has bebowith Hat.. - 5625 N. Natomaave, The oto- Ctjzeos club, Leaning Tops meetiog,-LaramiePark disconth,oedPart of thepro- reunion, while Mrs - .Nancy Tower YMCA,I0 per for 10 years, bao beenin - - - dent coancU and the eheerlead- Maack a.m.-3 p.m. uieldh000, 8 p.m. - needs from theAmerican In- the nabo Peterson SmittmDot Plaises, Tickets dias Center Pow departmontdsring that ..: - ers are working in a combinedis ehalr,nan for the January, forRev,Gnosis' s Weihee Durabt. Pius Toesday. Nov. 12 Wow willgo period. Following assignments effort incomplete arrangements speech can be Obtained by call- These listingsare supplied into the bus fundand hopefully in 1959clots, Au yet the Jane, log 965.3009 er 299-1692, by Fabgic. piif.ctlyt - Carden club board the New York andDallan - for à Homecoming Dancéto he meeting, through thecourtesyofthe.Mor,. should help boostit to its goal. 1959 reunIon Committee bao not Writing T.A,C.T, at 0761 O-zqs- Home, 8 sales offices, hewas in charge - hold anThmbsglvingeve, Wed- p. - ton Grove Junior Wossen'sclub Everyonepurchasing a ticket of salon chosen a chairman. am, Nileo, or at the door the . Morton Lreve Park District, an affiliation rd the flinóis lood., will aid in the manpower development s neoday, Nov. 27 io the school - uy FrIgIdai, Intermediato continuance of the before hisprosencpesitis gym. , . . night uf the speech. to, maximum oration of Women'sNubs, They Center's many worthwhilepro. ------An a clImax of the Home- dp.ridabiltey bridge lessons, grams, - Mr. Wright lo R. L, Wright - i-a p.m; and desire - to- include -Ill local a graduate of - coming a - senior girl willhe : ' . e- TÑ three, graduating classes, O-lOp,n,.. the UulvereiW chosen as queen, with her mart Aboard y-TV & APPUAIICIS - - r- - Vents.. l'lease send listingtwo of Illinois and - Moflon Grove Garden weeks in advance holds a Masters . made from stalojesuoledand June, 195v, Jasoary, 1959, Jane, club - - selected fgsm the Jnnmor, Soph- baard meeting, to the Cal- degree inBuni- noii-ferrand alloys; lt 1959, who -srs celebratingtheir LD YOUR CREDIT IS ÒOtP Home, 8 p.m. cedar chairman, Mrs. ness Administration also pro. 'emnre -and Freshman divIsions, Yorktown Ray- . from St - Prrformances ofthe PowWow Johns uulvernl ducès extrudd ohapesin stain- 10mb anniversary will -he fha- ATTOWNHOUSET.V. - mond E. Lejeonn, 8812 N,Cee- at the Chicago AvenueArmory He reoldes lens tared at the dance, "However Maghmnmnt Mate Fireman Ap- 7243 W. TOUHY American LegionAo.mjlio-y Oralave,, Morton Grove, Ill, are Ochedsled for in DOOrfield steel, carbon and alloy prenilceDennisJ ,Eaoseoe, Nov. 22 at with his wife and steel, nickel-hase alloys, all- Taftgraduates are wel- - NE l-6030 and TA 3-3171 NO MONIdY DOWN meeting, Legion home, 60053. - two children, - - and 8 p.m. 8 p,m; Nov,23 at 2 titanium. comed to'theHomecoming USN, 19, eon of Mr, - and Mro. p.m. and Dance," Anthony J, Sanuone,5501 N. FREE PARKING IN OUR --,- 8 p.m. and Nov.24 at 2p.m. saidDonGiaonetti,utn. ' "'4 LOT NEXT TO ST(mRE CI.. yi. .. Tickets aro 51,50for adults nod dent council sponqar. A girlTeresa Michele, en Merrill, Nuco, In serving o. -,5 for children, koard the anti-oshmarine war.. Any mdlvi..- Nurses Oct.l co Mr, and Mro. Thomas fare aircraft carrier USS York- s5ls or groans iere,sd - The June, 1958 class-recently M, Tallant, '9032 Washington tickets çatse,id town. o chéck to theYour Ad Gets-TheirFirst- Celebrated Its 10 1h anniversary dr,,DesPlaines.The-baby - - a ertcno lodino - Center-1630 Assoc. with a banquet at the Ocring. weighed I lb. 15 on. Services. Wilson ayo,, Chivo And On Time When '.'- hotel, Evanston, Mro, local tocket' In Edle : sel1etMsi. Paul Sunday, Nov. 10 isChristian shop Smuodsy, --Nov. Zwlk df tile liifroto 7 Morton Grove Juo - The Bugle Meet . Esliotmont Sunday at St.Luke's to9 p,, iranypnn- bao old tsr Women's climbat YO 5-0695, - .r- UoltetChsrch of Christ, Morton- Örove-Nurses Asso- Mor.. toysthey wosld likcfo - - ton Grove, At botk the 9:30 . give ciationprosldenf,Mro, Neil and totitoTooth Feilowship . il O.m services, PastorRoss far (ashman, will be hhotesn for - repair, they are in bringthem will -be commissioningthe vis- tothe ubarch tiRs le .Wedneodni-Nov, 13tdhftlog . weekend, - itors tvko will bo callingopon t hor home, -9117 Newcastle, -. - lartoc GrQve, at- 8p.m. Co- the. mombers of thecongrego- Ssimday school . teachers tian in the Ofternoon. Hewill i1l natessefor -the -evening will . meat MondAy, Nov. ll atOp.m. e bito. Leonard Ash nod Mrs. preach so thetopic "How fo Women'sGuild . Give." will hold its ¡11115m Ritte, PANELING Thaoimugiving meetingTuesday, Nov, 12at 8 p.m. They will A trainingsession - Dance - .chajrsiao, Mro. SPEÇIAL -PURCHASE be bringingcanned and staple Á- - harles Stewardship Vinitors n-111be foods for the 4ddicts Vaugbanandticket held Thursday, Nov,7 ' New Life halrman, Mrs Carl Thuerk chorch at B p.m. Crusade and alsorecelviog their - re workIng en ticket sales for Family Thaub offering, -me planned Saturday, Nov, li The church Couoci meets A clase for : inner dance-at the Colonial PANELING 4)(7' .Priday,Nov. 8 st 8p.m. new memhers will -louse, 8644 Perniuve., Mor.. be held Nov, 13at the church at 8 p.m Anyone Interested an Greve; Senior High Feliowuinp in - will JOio,ng . St. meet for lt. toyrepa Work- Lake's churchin , Proceeds frots the party will Alaskan Whtt Pecky asked to atteod - e used for the .Frèe Leodiog - ioset-ofsickroom -articles leintolned by the assnciutioo. KOTZEBUE X ß' Win Stracke er moro informaiss on the WELOW000 - :,.: lenkt, -contactchairmno, Mrs. «Teahouse" Is Choice - RUSTICBLAÇK . --- forman 011cksborg, YO 5.3113. 4x8' - Nelson- PTAGuest - -.,Rehearsing for Maine East HIgh nehosl senior class play, Save UpToS7,5 Pre-Schöolers Teahouse of tb, Augunt Mohn," are (1. to r.) Sanan Sandvik - -WALNUT BeautifyVillage -.«'rilen) 'esLoten Blounnml Gary Smoczyoskl (Morton Greve) Nelson PFA will have ForenceMoorepfthe its ca.asthor ofa book of folk Morion Greve M playing SakInI and Michael Kroeger (Des Plaines) in the mle FREE necond upen meeting, Monday, music, Woman's club,With a contribution -of Captain Fiubi'. The comedy aloe mars Richard Chaffee and MIDWEST BANK -- ALL LO.W - The Songsof Man" Grove Gardenglut,, helped to thè Morton Pre..School, will lie guest speak- DELIVERY -:Nov. 18 a 8:15p.m. . and appears frequently plant a Mrolne RobenChoffee, both of Glenview, plus a large suppertiog cast, -OPORDERS - en TV triangle ef Harms Lernst at theeaster on -the evening Of Nov. 1 - as both actor and and Central Oct.26, This Five sets are being cnnstrscled for the play. There ore two nALLCHARGE CARDS WELCOME P OVER SlS,0ò Guest of honor for the singer.A ConservationDepartment wan Contribution from the for parents of MeinerPro RICES made for tree - eve- OOlal$twtilt Cetcagoand Grant heautfiy MortonGrove, Pictured plantings to help-Schooler'o. Mrs,Mosrewilldis- entirely different Army afficen, a collapsible teahouse and two fling .win he Win Stratke,no- Parlo Symphony OcIan, Besutiy from 1. tor. ore: Mrs. É, exteriOr nets-one of the village of Toblki and one of a nection of Unnally famed- uinger orchestrIda . Mortofl Qrnye-chauma0 for j cuss seme - of the 1151055Rlook - the Army hase. -The elaborate of folk devoted i'mms calihim"Chicogo Mro, Philip g,,ohnsen, president tue Gdidenclub; set design bao bean specially ballt . uanM. l-le Colinded the Oid Town -Mlnstrel,' n1th- Mm, Robert of the Morton Grove fór In a school for the pre- under the supnrvmsien of Technical Director Reger Kileefeld. Ac- Ochool - aL Folk Manic In- F; Sehe'qede Woman's echool child, - the Woman's club Conoersatlon chàlrmnn cording to Director David R. Jeffers, the cast of 70 wIll he working - I k andMrs, fsthe - Maniing will be held in the .nolghhorhood In which he has Grove Gn.mjen club, Rohec-MeyerspresIdent of the -witit -Oriental mike-up and over 200 costemos; this 1g further been -&flfe..long renideot, Hostesues . will bgrado- 3 The Mortho Mèlzer libraryot8 p.m. Any- Helu - - MortoeGrevewomansniob lob member Complicated -by the propn, of an- Army Jeep and a live goat. Four . r0005methers al the .10th llhi&riciand an offiloace one wishing furtkei ioformalloo - perferinanëés . s. Women n el h ei the IllinoinFederatlan of at'e scbeduldd Intime Maine -Saat ondltonlm, Potter ea thin thd6,t.g md, call jeasle, - and -Dempster.' PdrkIlIgti:.. en Nov, 7, 8 and9, and 2 S - SS lki'-- , Gavin i p- JiT -7,- ...... J---.- -: -- - .:'- . . II L Li . j I ' -----.-- -....-. ' M t -

i - VV CoodndedFrompagel At Mill RUhl . - -. __J 1 ' Left Hand e - . .-- . - Do Lour d scoc , VL_ t r . . j Kay star In Oce MorQ With w f',,ti , The Bugle Thirsday November7 1968 iflents In Rs rank. Hiles Mayor cratic Prtys thrusts and theFeeiug" a Mifi Run Playhouse -. I w1'st 13 f V ; and M1ne Township Democra- Republicans 'ho1dIng the llfle'Nov. 5 through Nov. 24. 4 '4f"V ; tic Conirnicteemon Nick Blose makes our oyvtem endurable. . ______V J' - . 4 TT Dempster .-- told us Monday- ie aiso ex.. The comedy by Earry Kur- ' '' k:.- VNWSJC V *,,;Vf. - pected gieT party cbanges bot The two-party systemis trulynitz s about a emeramenta1 V - they should come from withina remarkable system and onesymphony conductor whose oj» k :____ '. Plaza Assoc. V . the party, He said the old line worth working toimprove.Sloeeporoioity to Cake over his own blcity machine politics has a . . VV'. VVV News : - we have sach goad ioentioos ooooeheswa depeods an bis wif&s " - - - - VVV I VV - very bad image nthe sobarbo Meeting - election day iwould he an e-presence. Butthecoedactardis- . U -

; V and Ehese sabarbamtes mast be VV V C i Duringtrodlona1Friday oonoaS benefit if more of uscavera that his estranged wife , Next meeting of the Demp- eveoing services of Northwest - resold on theDemacratic Party. .1V woald jalo a Party and begin plans to marry anothermao. The ; - -. t: , nter Plaza Merchants uOsnclo- Suburban Jewish congregation, the graap which many of them i. V . V woiking ta improve it. Siete play - On Broadwaystarred -' - f' ' . ______tien will be held Monday, Nov. ' W? W. Lyaen, Murtan Grove, voted with when they were city- all V Il of oar lives. as well asJoseph Cotton. Arlene Francis . - .:,, , ut the Sally House nf Fine dwellers. Nick said within the t' V at8.15p.m. Nov. 8, RabbI Law- - V VV Fornitore peoplethe world ever are of- aed Walter Mattbaa. Yal Bryn- '. ->& -. V '-ecco H, Chainey will lead the loner coantis of the Demotra- V ______ncr »d Kay Kendall starred in . ' . . -» -- ______\, '. V fected.by what goes on io oar V V, oervi005 and Cantor Gldon A, tic Party In Cook c000tythey1-e the motion ptctare. At that meetleg officers for V Paes, a littie less kaffee , V * Lavi will chant, The evening has well aware of the needtochaage -j f :' - '. theearning year will be elected V h at Womens dabs -Y - V , V been designated far the dedico- V V V , ' Nominated are: this image and Blase anggest- V V .JeromeWillis' : meedn s añd a more coosci- Miss Lamoar recently fin- Ì' :, Ì , tien of meolorlol plaines, VV ed the need far a profession- e', 511Y House, presides;; Ar ' ' V 1 oar litical lobed a succeosfLd taurin"l-fei-- Y - , , Mortell, Jewel, vlce_preoident;V V V ' al psblfc relations firm being - - woildive as all a bet- -Io.Dally McKay last ap.. 'V V : j Vt Jerry Koutagmçk, Satorday morning ot9;30a,m.\ V ç ' utll!zed to resell the party le peared io Chicago at the Black- - . , Frank'u t Rabbi Charney V . - ' Wilt lead 'the the beavtly-dominated-Republi. stone Theatre with Julia Meade j t::' . i Shues, secretary and Bert can subarbo. s Powell, One..Huur Mnrtlnizieg regl0 oervi000 and cull How- ' in Mry, Mary." Tkesapfort- . 'V V 'V - Lastly. tO wind this UP a - treasurer, ' ord, ta the Torah, for the Sah- caatfeawres V . .V - ' bath vgrVites etd Bar Mitbvah, -- ' srneanesuggestedP0yesterda star A Strange Charm ' .V V V : ¿V Additiosol Cantar Lavi chant,Fol- - We've canclsded the entire Art Kassal. Jose Borine. Rab.. V members nomi OtU We take a politiciao to Juoch. A Stre Ckarm lo given to Rosemary ta wear, "Rosemary's f 'V 1 w g hp, M . d M o. ert Rath and Dick Cjenfla. Kas- JI V V t,d to the board of directors Democratic Party in goingta V - Al thb .closed otaro Mia Parraw, - John Cassavetes, Sids Blackmer HowetdD:vlsofNlleuwi;;host breed a new type of politics . Oijlis making his barth con- nIeEd Armonetti aod Sow d Ralph Bellamy. )penief Friday at the Gol \hll Theatre, 't.- ':. ' o. lit the 70's in which the yeang Setative appearance at Mill Run- this io a f'aramaant l-'ictitheIn Teclûticolor. ,. - .-- and the edacated will mrestle ro Soar s Playhome. He is csrrently te . the leaderahip from theold . "Aegel Street" with Ray Mil- D:nnerMeeting Ç kooky panky power brokers. No "Philadelphia, Here I Come," bed. Ruth last,ao oeca at the , 4, i; - one cao deny the tremendous comedy by Brian Enel Nues theatre inSorb Vetter- Mien Image the Kennedy nonio has in is n.,.2° ! . next on theTbeatre First Calen.. day" with fletty GraMe. Kirby. °°° h-soc S V America aed the youthfal New Sorcio, and Gjnola are making V V dar,Performance dates are Conoseling Ceotr fOttUiOOflt England Senator Is deotined - to Fridays,. Satardoys andSaadays, their first opiiearance at Mill V V - ______' i ase the charisma he now kto ta Run. -- V Nov. 15. 16, i, 22 23, 24, 29, The Bugle lead the young into the seven- Dream Roominners - Is NO,I V 30 and Dec 1Caetain im I V flea. V.. Orchard Cuontry club 700 8:30 p m en Frida'o andSatur, Carl Stabs, Jr., is tiW pro.- ' .. Room isiuoers In ft d Raed _ . rd.,Mt. dcerMitbael Ferrall dr ts celebration held recotiv by Snlf Jeromottdlikirs, Sum Soidaoo, AogeoVilla Prooett, This Area days and 7 30m1 -Dream #VVVVV_VV_VVVVVVV_in,!° VV!!VV, p n Sund yo i aiuta g tee sigo, Mr, Saldano,VOta and Deitipscer Plaza, ore Mr,ood Mrs. H, Snldaoo WIlliam H,Robi000n, director 'V The Reptihilcan Party,wheoe . ore ca-owoers of bath Sully House V . V .Tatclemee, 9013. W Oak, Sob- aigner. . V V Des Plalues, acotar, yarm,ces are held at the arSon and SuO; HouseoaWella, of the Cook county Deportmeot basic conservativism is an es- -Ohawn wSth, I. cor,;Bonnie Villa, atasogar of Atheoaeameh at 2936 N V l'abIle V V .... Aid, will speak un V sentlal lygredlent which mukes ut 3:30 . V Southre (cornee' Lb le rmct0 are V "New Dlmeesiaea Vin V l'obllc -- V systemworkso L Wellitan and Saath),d. eTo :eF: V Fall Welfare lo Times of Crisis" . misaine is $2.00 for adaltu and Rodeo TripOn Nov.1 1 the Lindsays, the . SV room for day,at 6:30 and 10,,m. On . Monday, Nov,lj ., Rnckefeller,-aed eke Percys at l.25 for Students, (Vetaraus lndiao scavenger buttGrove, Nues, East Oea Plaines Sanday the curtain ¡s at 7:30 - . - .. . Day) 9;3Oa,rn,to 3:30p.m. dinner V the heud nf Itn tickets. They . and aguare dancing, osi Went Gleaview. As in past meeting is extepdedto . Bays and Featered in the cast will be p.m. There is a matinee on .. . io FaD liode'a "tripdoy for residentu of Mt, Prospect, Oes V Au 3irls ohoad bringtkelr;ooc;teu Yaars, we copec; that haadrads philnsepblcally belong the V V V V Wednesday at 2 p.m. Ticket .... kthdet-gartiu .throOixth gradoo, Democratic 3 Creen-. Th Fe JCCwill provide a ber- ollocalChildren will take ad- Plajoes, Arliogtao Heiphtound I-arty. And while iirPPer050. 7 prices are3.25 and 3.95 on V special $011405 program of tha surroSodinLoolncorprated V i arogd Special activities for voatuge theoeuctivitiat : the coming thrusts ln-enrennn ' ' VV 4th weekday and Sunday evfningo 1oorobyche JewlshVCam V V througk6th gradars ureos,served hyt5e Caunsells try will Increase soelalheneftto V V .5 $4,25 anti $4.95 no Friday and . V OtUelty Castor nf Nilesdwo- The foe for J members io Center. Ticketo V at $6 each muy V (ouch au intreasieg Medicare, V ship,59.11 d K . V. Destpolqr, ShaSta, h- V Saturday and $2.95 and 53,25 J,OurChll 53 sof ronmebers $3 75 be obtained ut Ike Caa;muoity .V the mure money for education and V V at Wednesday matlnee, . V. V Fr rtore itiformation or toreg- Couokclingooter,1;77 GaSton reoearch, etc.) the role tho VV .V V :ld CommIed th t thbs : . ch Irrt St C S lasø 1 tntaof 1,897 new freuh- V V jay t V n s .? ]VT .V tlltt;J apan V V Republican Party lo tocan- men are attending their first V ...... LhbOrl Qd k r 7191 V V VV VV servewhat has proven work- V V forban,_ ¡V VV__VV_.VVVVVVVV.VV,,,VV,±a,,!±±VVrcL,ö, lu sr vlan tua VIV attifes, 3941 arcotics- V N rteuto V college Classes thiS Fall on the V V

V Sk SI able,and to oppose schemes and - Irfadi lur iI Wh Wllmet; M rl D mp t r Skakie campas- at Wisconsin State uniS . "Narcotico - Detection which It deems not in ear heut vernity, La Crosse. New fresh. Prevention" will he the topic programt tifarm will fe interest. Thureactionand men from this area inclade: nf a meeting sponsored by the V airo. a SPy ride, liornademno.,

V counter..reactlon uf the Demo- V ' Renita Sereat, daughter uf Mr, pareet...edacation committee of V V V V ANORDANCE .. VV and Mrs. Julius Sernat, 9217 theSkokieValley Council of V VV. V' 1i999v I Harlem ave.; Richard Nichols, lFAs attheDevenushlrecenter, DECLARiNG V MARMOWA AVLNUE I D GREENWOOD AVENGE I V ____l_ V V sun of Mr. and Mrs. Richard NOV. 52 at IO a.m, VV. AND MARMORA AVLNULV ANDDAVIS VLNLL V V j , NicholsSr.,8528 . Vr Trim Cl Fru9tage; V . b V AT THEIR I'OINTS OP INTERSECTiON V V V V V V Charles Regio, son of Mr. and Representatives of the Ske- He Io,- Do V AS.FOR-WAy STOI' lNTLRSElONS r hiI y 'Swinging 999" Trimclub . V IN . .,--. . V ' V .1 . ' Mrs. Charlas Regie,9212 Parh hie. Morton Greve, Nues und Vw Ill hold on apeo h005eMasday, MORTON GROVE, COOK VV V COUNTY ILLINOIS . s V aide; Clifford Rade, sun of Mr, . Lieculnwnod Policedepurt- Dorothy Lamour, who recentlywan, o omauhiog ooccess as Dolly NovIl at the Nibs Recreotibo VVJ' Mr9. ' L Starts Fri., Nov. 8 and Elmer Rude, 8522 will discuss tha effectsLevi an toar with "Hello Dolly", playo anotherDully -- Dolly CeOtOr,7877 MIlwaukee ave, V 5E ITJORDAINLO by the ¡VV OV . V leoident and bard of Trootos . Mormora; Jean Suaser, daugh of narcotics und drugs an thePobletin "Oece More,. With Peeling" at Mill RunPlbyhiuse the Village of Morton Grove, of V ! : ZERO MOSTEL IN teruf Mr, asd Mro. Albert Nov. 5 through Nov. 24, Statt McKay ' Cook County, IllinoIs: behaVior. of the user and how- co-seamau be symphòny V L VV Sauser, I 9039Blrch Mortue to recognize symptoms. cuedoctor hnnhand. . V Marcy Goba, originator of SCT!OÑ 1' THE PRODUCERS Grave. - VThut islartytora Avenue -andGreenwood Avnniie. r VV I V Trim Clubs,- tnt, WIll V ha ! 1 the - au'H'Mijmpptivenue and Davis Avenue,at their points of Inter- _V V s,ws ow w At Belòit Fete F V V V Onction &V_ V plun Nov 524 VfV: io Morton Grave, V _V Illiesis,. are hereb, designated V Mr. and Mro. Sum Faersteln, au V four_way atop Interuectisitu. V- V Shop Locally-V V v V SIDNEY POITIER DOROTHY: O6Crntl1e4o.wer: 'IV liar o'eight far 14 peoro. V CT1ON 2; Thot lt V hall be unlawful ta propel V V V or come to be - V =d2ng b'FOR LOVE OF IVY" t Anyone who has aweightproh,. - propelled any Vehicln, either Northor Sooth on Mormora Avenue, [AMOUR,: - fee0B0V V q .. 'm io welcome ta ottead and on4 eIther saut nr. Went V , Once More, with Feeling .5 an Greenwood Avenue ond Davis AvenueS V Kid Show Sat. . Sun. Thêir sonPosilo a nmmber ,.ar how to lune weight, For withent first bringing oathvfhlcle to Iio,10,0 et a fall stop wIthin ten (IO) V V ickw,cb uf the class uf 1972. call Marie tentaI the. internectionofMormora Avenue ondOreenwoud V Ave. ' V NEW FUN HITS V k i.1 VV SCOTT Mc Y VVV and Mormora Avenue aid DavisAvnue, s ' I VV J VVAll t V As V: V eew. V ' !_4_V LE!9IUVRING MICHAELKiRBYI a rewardfarlaslngwolght 'V SECTION 3:That map fIgnu uhall be. V V V installed on Marmora - V ChorlesHooeeoy,7630..lJ2 AvenuS5;tkeSoutheant and lsrthweot V 17 members of the clohreçently GIGYOUNG ROBERTQ.LEWIS V V Milwaukee ave,,-Nuco, bao corners, and on Greènwood VVV V Avenue und Davis Accese V ltnded a diet luncheon atLçno at Ike Norlheaut ond Sooth-nut V Starts Friday Nov. 8 "ye, Odd Coaple' joined theAllstate lnsaronte tortero. Treu 1ns, They then enjoyed V V the V V _1771-J r 1TTfVVVY V V Nominated for VV Companies In the firm o lui aSECTION 4t Tb1 i' V afternoon at the Mill Ron Play- That any personnr pernom violoung the .L& I Li L..!j,i Academy Awards Mmk stereo VV VfV V $010 regIonal uffice, Skokie, In pro. ! -' - house where they 00w Ray Mil- violona dfSllJSnrdinaete shall,upan CnnVlCtlon he fined naf 25 Min. fran, Lane . Theoir, Pa,ii,i 49iVoin V the manpuwef develapmentpro- leas - _UI__I I I SPENCER TRACY V than FIVE and no/lOüths V land in " Angel Stroet.' '3 V V ($5,00) DOLLARS normarethon V Phnom nob. 297.2tet . Chisugn 774-a825 . VV V TWENTy I SIDNEY POITIER gram. FIVE and no/lOtths ($25.ot) DOLLARS for eoch offenie, . . V V SexEducation V V SECFIGN 5; Parents nf Junfor. High ato- V - That.. all ordinauceaor pngts of oZ'dlsanteé in Starts Fri., Nov. 8 ,d:: '(*IThIIiuI.1jii[.1U!J** V V desto ai xc, Joun Isreheuf re- cflt'iti'i5jn ordinanceare hereby repealed, ' . V i1lLSI1'I :V Cently ottendnd'the evenlngcoik. V MAEED V V ZERO MOSTEL IN :e5 I - That this ordinosce uholl he In full force - Coming to i ' . afterIta and VV ' poahage, opprovol and t "THE PRODUCERS" : REDUCED l publicado0, V ::dl° L I '& I1k . à ACAPULCO? i 'om ,o, Pregramßetossl$ \ VVVVVV Dinner" 1 $1000OFF LIST ON V V also tw.:'CARIBB&4N? PASSED thin 29th doy nf Octshr 196f r'- Ite.w,a2&iL avhonks vl:ual ANYREMAINING j MONDO CANE AYES 4 NAYS , ABSENT Z E /2 hour seoOionu, Kid "UflS;CCtor j _.__ta\\ V APPROVED byme thln29tli dovVnf October, 1968. ? PrI23O5q IO OFF LIST $800

V j entfnformat1uity V P ith theirowo children, od- ON ANYVREMAINING OPEN Grove0 lUlnnit V V VV EVENINGS 'TUL 9-PM ATTED ANÓ FILEDInmy ...... V CHRSSAV(1iSAThII V PLYMOUTH afilcethin V V'$SSd°0°l 5 PI:Z$thdayof V V VSARDAYV'TIL V he 1 oned to Interested porentn )ind i , au96nv thlu, î 0v ay o No -j V DlrlfE r 'lUE VV - VV I V V :J;I':II Tb d d lo oñ . V FII VBUGLiapar extel .Iao yr'o $la; - -S eTraÍci.., CUla6#inthe VVV VV progromgulde-'VVVVVV Village of Morton . V ,iinvci rniVMAIITUV V Gmve, V program, TSe- VLVt5V , V VV : V __Puaoon JiEIIru. i rnvuu i...... VV' VV VV V ...... V VV i V t

V : î V renre1L FI;z i VVVOV f dIocese______BUSSEHWY PHONE 8254181 i

VVVVia' 1 V ' .----r ------. - -- - - b Ì

,,wà t j*. I1 14 - -- _J j The eug!e'ThiwsdayNovember 7 I

V : V i "Get CPA VVV. V E V V V V News: V V ______' :' '. I Certificates V ._ TenPin League _1- V M G Suburban F e caedldaw.s from Niles . V 10/29/68 - W-L - an1 Morton Grove were amoeg - V: N ' V - V Oct. 3O 1968 Frs. V t 177 men and womee who have V . V Savior Fair Beauty Salo,,21.7 V poseed the examuatIon forcer- ______VV Smatt F1ooro Inc. 19-9 Armftage Insurance 48 tlfied public accountant aed re- V V V NI-Ridge Phaimacy 17-II Staar RoofioCo. 42 ceived CPA cernhjeatea at the e.' : - - NIT00 Bowl Eoposftoo Pizza ._ V 14-14 40 : V V semi-anoual awards d1nnez o V V Murphy Carpet Supplies13-15 00815 LoIloge 40 .VC VV the illinois Society of Certified V V The Cherry I'lckers Swftejicraft THE 13-15 38 Putiic - Aecoontaots atthe - -h-- V ForestVIew Bakery MthOO)O Carpet 30 V I V 13-15 Palmer Rouses Chicago, Oct. ! Edward Iasoer Furriers12-16 ° News 26 24 V . Vt Miosieg Links Gateway Chevrolet 24 V V ll-17. t j A & F Mfg. Co. V 721J They theluded:Joseph T - . L r Honoroli: GIll. 9415 OlIphant ot. afldJerry F V High Scores: V V lev Hlaa D. Radman 7835 N. Lotos. both B I V ' 233-574 V of Morton Crave; Lawreaçe A. V ; V Leo Phllippoen V Phyllis OlsenV 222-568 183-479' Edeihelt V II 9356 Woodland dr.; I h V Arnie Llndquist - Jeonle Ganderson 182-461 208-548 V Gilhert Hswrci Grene, 9286 V Mickle Beckway Leo Steffens I 169-434 222-535 .Woodlaad dr.and I Edward V J . V Harriot Ely Jon Doherty 161-434 2l4-S3$ V V V MOOtWIU 8501 N. Ottawaave., V 1V Pat Pilarshi BlU Wllliamseo 195-533 . 173-429 ali of NUes. I Marion Stift Ever; Lindatrom V ;' 169-415 l8825 VV V LP J JuneSehm dt T Ramsey 179-523 V I V Named Manager Dorothee Voellcer l44-4O4 V . I Rita Lazaro 154-397 V r & ;, Brebeuf Ladies StanleyL. Rowland hasheen L V Betty DeMichael 154_397 . named manager ofpiaomog1xn Adele Fojtiit V V 10/31/68 . 156-377 W-L _____ V n Oppodunuty of Chicago lt I p-t. Jean Beckway 148,374 L . . V V Marilyn,, Voss has been announced by Fred- qie two yoong ladies pictured above. Linda 136-374 Travel Consaitants 44-19 erich W. Whiter president.V Agafo the YouthCommtssioo ;o busy vorhtog out . VI Florence Wiese fahata, 7135 W. Seward, Nuesand Corole V 142-373 the last mloste details of the H lidoy Mama & Lenhro Cookies 39-24 aoder 7039 Keefley, Niles Job Op- V Edna Voo Placheci 145-372 ore both seniorspOrtonity program for the registration Sotorday, _- Glovannlljs 37-26 In hin new position Rowland ' - - Marge Behm 145-357 Moine West High ochool andtypicoiof theNov.9, from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Vavaan Casper Nues Pazzeriw 36-27 wall nerve as chairman of the t the NUes Parh 131-343 ra ey FrosV Star 'sV who hove obtained employment throu hDistrict Rotreotlon Ceoter 7877 N, Miiwoohee Hi Spot Lanes V 34-29 longrange planning Committee V V_ V 4 INabo Youth Commiooioo JobOpportunity VV V Niles Bowl 33_30 Vplus8000rningthe reoponoi Bob WithereD io only o freshmanat Bradley hut already he has Ove. Also to the photograph is Charles Morris, 'rom. Both Lindo aoCorale worh atthe V HoiNa Tofear 26-37 ballOeoforbothlmperial. Eaot made lt hnown thot hewaato to earn four varoity football letters 921F Washington st., Nifes, choirmon of the . Wahn TV lIonne Shop lo Lawrencewosd wheretheywereprogram. Anyone wishIng ftirtier infor,oton - 24-39 toan and- Aero Line morhet re- with. the Braves. Tisroogh the first half ufhis first collegiate i by Mrs. Dennio (r.).maaager I of the shop.may contact Mr. Morris at 965-g061. V Pto Bank of Nues 22-41 search. He also will represent season Witherell has attracted sorno attentionas a defensive end r V E 5 ,, i Harczaks ( ICoop Funeral Home 4j i a-45 the company in any Corporate for coach Billy Stone. in fact, he han àlreadygone into the individual d V . r V V Bank uf Nil 40 . acqainitlon activities which r Otatiotico for. blÖfkingan opponent's kich. A gradoote of Maine Health 2 DO . V , Fraids's Complete Laod 38 Hugh Game loteto the compao?o product EastBnb iothe non of Mro. Lorraine Witherell, 7215Lake. #-V NUes Savmgo & Loao While in high school he lettered VVV___ 390 2V Engine, Cruise.O.Møhc, Power SterIn9 V 36 lineo or markets, Wintersaid. - twice in football,was named to Colonial Funeral Home M. Dobersch the all-confereace team and VVV A and Brakes,Rodio.WhitewallTires,- e V -33 AeroLloe is a division of Im- V f93 wan elected team captain. At Bradley V ' Gulf-BuIlt0 8. Szymaohi Covers. FACTORY AIR CONDITIONING, Ba y ;VT 28 15 perial-Easussao. the 6-i, l90-p000dor who will he19 Dec. 9, io majoring lo boniness KrierDemocrat V J. Nage administratión. Righc now, with the V Side Molding, Tinted Glass, ieee. Driven. V 28 l8 . V Braves heoded into the second : V i Norwo,d L. V Porh Saviogo 28 Malone 178 Rowiaodjoinedthecornpyjn haifoftheir 10-garneoeasouWitheroll io looking forwardto a ee ing . f-t. S0000woki Riggao o Rest. 22 - 175 1959ao a saies engIneer. In P 0 a. A program ofsignificance Just A Few Left To Choose- From dkaja Terrace FnMm. V .1 21 eill be presented at the poblic Kazer g . , neefingoftheietervillag:Meo.. Honor Roll: A. Saccamep , V V Messiah Tour V- 170 9e wad appointed snformation V V Austa Nurserywan ono mon ger. Tbe other cte ei i ia. Nov. 13 at 8:15 p,m. io ALL NEW V High Ser thbuotorweVt 68'S . V'; . 564t R. Haoralsan,. 562;S. . Szymaook the MUST GO NOW! . 526 - V Klub womei'offIeos Luf d theChildrensHom000C_ 543 M Pi s ch533 JNage 508 --:,, V Members of the IVMBA Ihn V horch field V B. Walsnn, 532;M. Clayton, L. DeLeo A b tIer underntandin 468 1H . of ° dotino oupcort rpor 525; oyees theuiceoprovidedbyUteo. iV A. Franoke, 525; V . .V ants ond concerned members j. three V °! A short boniness V - Zuhu 521;E. Mammoor. 519; . mccli u agencies was tile purp500 - of the community have bene in- held at Augostaoa of the trii. V Cradwsh5l9 B5iOYlf and thf I viWd to attend. A panel of ex ,, 9 Nues Lions j555Olateof offi er OUR SUBURBAN DRIVEN USED h was The November meeting D'Agootino510; Oct. 28,.968 will a- L. Paodsora, for Monday evenIng. Nov.4., V V V :: v:we CARS ARE COMPLETELY WINTERIZED j Pto. labe place Nov.13 U VV 508. It o the president, Mro. A. ert. at 12:45 ______O. Gronshoyf, 507; S. D1its aunual Service m, The book underlying difficoitieo and holdt vicepOenident Mrs Chrlstie' ho ______V V Piaft, 505; M. Margoso,501; Lone 'reeInn 22 Recognitson dtnoer. Ducats of L T answer queofions regarding a ______READY TO GO» .. - jV. Norling;oecrota M ICatlserine Marshall willhe re- K. Pìuseckt, 501 houor G. . Construction Engineers 20 IncludedNl-Gasem- Imse viewed by Barbara Todd irlisitors matter of importance: "Tween- t M Ada - V age lIsait Ho. 9814 bave'u Cenoco 18 ployes who have marhed 1969 Hoidworth; rs.W. Oem loncheonwillbe Problemslo Oar Corn- J ettacion sered with - ''1, Welter & Raoscheoberg 17 OetVice anniveroaraes of 25, rownie Troop2f2 rom Mor- Pictured above in front of mLfltity." . i Mro. N. P. Stumpf dCC0D00s by Myrna Worsiey. 65 MUSTANG COUPE ...... $995 . r t1 . OWiIflg Joe LoVerde Conotructaon16 30 and 35or more yearu of and Grove recently attended o the IllinoloS eoqulceotenoiaI V Red. . I oervice. stewardship decret M A ThankOfforinpboxen willhe nderfuj Illinois HeritageFoir Giovamselli's Pro Shop Emblem which woo doue In red Moerator:Dr. Arthor Ry- V 16 O. Fiske gathered ioat this -meeting osare by theiroisterSconts V 10/29/68 Sore Way Tool 15 . and blue crepepaper roncoore:tien. director, GoidanceDeport- Stunk Na 9805 W-L A bahy.oitce V . . .-.. Berry Bearing CO. NI-GaS emplayes who will he provided V mNorthweotCash County ment.Nues TownshipHigh -14 were Brownies fróm 1. to r.: Front. '66 MUSTANG COUPE....$ i 95 V- A.S.H. Pharmacy 25-11 Nues Bowl 13.5invited to tobe Iheir wiveshas- oOncil. Theyvloitedallthedo.. Allissa Sherman, Carps Brown,ochonlst Discoosion:John . V V V'I . Formartyro Fourth Deg.23-13 Bomber Hill C.C. 8.5bendsor aguest,for the eve.. ecelve layo and recetved many small Shone Mottlowitz; row 2, Ao-fchmlechnn programa di- . . . Eighty Dv orn V 21..15 ne i Itdl . V a ion lye-away gi to and enjoyed the drea Bair,Jackie Corigm.rctor, Leaniny Tower YIACAl wligCe t r en H Poi flunk Nu. 9142 . . . Haczafc theNijea Town higSoo and Susan G Pector loan Koo rr'os .lV Reap Funeral Hume eluded:Carl Ritter of Mortoo ved Letters of otmttoSpal 62 FORD COUPE $395 19-17 ur Lady Of V VV decc Edward D. Rotherg el Hm i&d8 Grove Corn d Renee ccompanied by their leaders HeidlKoo Mary Kay Lasesen BOO. Nuco TownshipHigh Schnhp0c Joel 51mb iu. 9718 . . BobsTap Ransom tiorna Mri I D deMorshfld 1Frar Vinyet Beauty Salon °d 63 FORD WAGON i6-20 " . herS John T. Spieo Ct $795 Oct28 19M WL ,, Christy L. linken BaIr and Mro. Lili War- atem,Kelly McKay.JoanGa-fscer. Nlieo Police Deparimeot, 9.Pauuenger. V . aiir;gC Strom und Merle SWolff , 'V I U5,o s Lettersareeoentedtol os en luntePatty Soit (frrnerly tityouth V V N sul i Park Ridge Sueaco utudentowho performed V Dsatt 14-7 out.. . Commended studentsatNile t'Id CIeanro..S: Verstein, Prograni Directorand '65 FORD 4-DOOR SEDAN.,$795 L'1=e 236 g10 veot eresteIaisenABekm t q:al Trip Automotpc Tronsmiso on V B. Szathawuki 229 Bowlers Shops Fashion did not achieve For Troop 275 Vauge Il-IO oerni-finajftCoindny Debra L Dool Jerrolti T::hJeh VV: 224 Colonial Plaza Offices atomo, - Commonity Center. Stuck No. 9012 . Eulberg iO A. Peldberg V Oer O Funeral HomeY V Llnda Gants . - 223 9-12 Daniel A. CoIffas On Oct. 19. Boy Scouts from and John Volenecretarnedhorne . '64 FORD 2-DOOR...... $595 Ryan Parke T DianeL Gott A brief busineoo session will . . . VV I ?anerI Home 8-13 0 weehaago28NiiesTo0._ Tra 275 of stJoisn Breheuf an tisch s The remalningScoutn Hoaor Roll: and Nanc' I. Cu ¿ V precedetheprogram.Revioiao . F1ohemano DadeRanch 7-14 1h T' Ith were sind byTerr Ronieeohi Stank Nu. 9835 - . V Eulberg 616 0e 0tise Association's hylawn are V - OrO Wip Mary of John Jurica DonLandaaod-Pa V -: iles East t°St V B. Szwattbe HiS hIad.Serieo.. - Maine TowoshipJewish on.. Verne S. Hill, StevenE. Ho. In ardor, '65 FORD 4-DOOR ...... $1095 . V .604 Healey and new' h the Lake Seminary ht Mande- 642 gregatian will presenta "Guys from Nilen West mer, Robert J.(ioohizio Kroenig who were driven out by V Wisiolowobi g V sj,ar I lad Game Chapm and NilN° Mark 1cm. Arriving at the seminary Scoatmanter Sthuoier asoittant . . V ..V ' 2dl AManey .,. 1 : JMI Show Lahoda :a Ret min ROtM ey00 dr0veMo MANY___MANY___MORETO_CHOOSE FROM!!! New n8 f C Network ll:Rradfaed aa 24°se° iara°t Podell and buildingsTh:y stopped ala g Bred Shortlyafter all were i:°b Edi Cam Plainn from :R rCommonwealth) - pony bOo started to install N le W°°tn_ an°Nart Shth . and we served milk and it at the park Jeff Je ne John ; a LoIs A, Ruffel,Robert A, . o -. cream. The toar ended with Junco.Scott RogersandSteve semanar VAl_Vi' - . hk. , - I- compatem.fed cnmmunicaOo,, ii V.,. Jacku Meno Shopand Mr. Rosetherg, V HONOR ROLL: Each or f lis1 RickM.Schae.jiej Beaedlction In the chapel. and V Sixty-six Northwesterno- , : network ta providecostamero Marty's willcombine ta antueveral R1chd I.. Seian, Koppensteiner had to bock-pack pre_ . , V years J ( withinstantInformation and m'aretisa niors have Michael i the hayo were givén a Catholic all their equipmont for o mile- tuaI Life Insurance Co. agents i aent the lates; in men'sand - Shapiro, Gaxy J . been V VV Eulberg, 6l6B. Sawnttkn fWr Pu'ace.suin& of d refiptence of M. ShawPaul Scau Pilgrimage patch. and-a-half to paso a require- fromindianoandIllinsisat.. 604; oervice or- women's cioclola Member the E. Somj, V V dem. tt ti Le rs. Amy JS,itzer V mentfor firstclaus.Theywere tended a sPecial advasced ait- . a ft , Wisiolowski, 592; Mas.. of MTJC will madél V ilse high.. V Dehnra L.Tlomon - V derwriters seminar held by the I br iS7 Ramijan572 styleíaoiolon Weinomj, SteVA' Ed Brqws. SteveKoppéu- acoompanied by Mr. Brown. The V E c mm d und John p Wald tthePheasant Rua T A msa a bl 571; DeLaca 561 AccordIngtoChairman J entaatNabo . steer Jeff Je seo Sc tt R g e osi g m1 was foil w d by mp y V V Et . f OSSaWaid, EbI: HarrisWard, Lia' John Breen, Loo .Chiero gamosand ningiog around the Lodge, St. Charles, Oct. 3 and V Vague, 557 tise high upee A Gourmet Smorgaubor SCeiUe0h Buady, VV M Szatkawshi 557 wUl - Mes They areamonga9,000n- Kevin Rooien(ki; Charles Jen- camp fire. 4 Among thom was soliciting Jboson Cnstomer informationoybtem : - be served w ib Cocktails aoda Dal dents in the tJmted ' V fr NOIW000 tom V geaI Roman L Hanson 548; Coscia, 547;B. Szat. wiG gaadiaa1ly be entendedto all Joyce H FechteSbIIOY Staten who senJ s Wadan Scott N loon o sweet lubie. A donation of $2 B. Feedman scored Inthe upper 2 Saoduy morning after break- who resides In Mortonrove. lam' C Ì è f kowski, 536g Perlon, 534; ira J Ò °° percent DOn FrOñczek, and Jobo Va- dlvinionu of thecompany. He willbenefit the building fund . rin. A, Gert of ti305e whowill - Ioiçi Sierzeg;527; and H wad graduate from V leccewere Accompanied by Mr. foottheTenderfootSconto He isassociated withthe V PontEar; h211 naid a pilot trainiigOperatIon of the congregation. The gen- - . high school VIV - Guldrith iusVl969, The Cam. Breen and Mr. Jensen. Hood diotrictagency. i$uwn Dama. 520; Frivratsky0 bao been passedtheir traOing. tracbong V ¡t 518; set up In Edloon'a .. ; V ' eral cornanunity is invited. V Keninuki, 516; ta . mended studencaranbJustbnw S and stalking requirementswhile aines. at tu . V Careulo Chicagu..yiçeJdivinion tisis ' 511; whose affair. Tickets are avaIl. - 15,0011 Paul F. Haube, SemifinalisM man0, gonerage Ip,. E°Ol5..V. . . V t, JanIk,V. 509; Petluk,59. cuntomeru will be the firStto ableat the office (297-2006) Eli ai, th D.nöuncod io an...- Lou Chiero Charleo Jensen the second claus Scouts made e.m.* loen., MacreId V . Otan Jeaii B SoptemberbytN, VV V r Tlulelnan, 509; Kraemer,507; be served by thenew equip..V or at the dear the itightof Keith tiOO( Morii V Quedenn, 507; Ryan 505. meet. Kreim " SchaI.ship Cor.. V VV th eveit. puracian (Ntac) I ,V laevilie, EricS! VVV V ...... V' V VV ' VV __-JI . : :..-::: ______V VV V

VV V V tt-tr' VVV V V S.." "TOM TRUE" EXCLUSIVEBUGLE GOLDTA l' .'7iF' '66Bukk R$vieró .- - '66 PIymoujth9 Pass '65 Ford SquireWagon F1111 Power.. .ifr Cand. -'. . Like New - One Owner Fury Station Wagon Stack No. 9816 vu - Auto. Trims.- Pw./St. BUICK ¡n PARKRIDGE $2675.00 - Gold Finish $!295.00

.. . . HorniOf.jhe. WIGGLESWORTH IMPÖRT $1690.00 Double CheckedUsed Car VolvoSales & Service ':toi wLox,j i' ¡VRY CAR LISTED FOILSAL[ON THIS PAGE CARRIES 1723 Waukegun Rd. Gleimleas! DESPLAINES THE "TOM TRUE" GOLD TAG..OF IS HAVING A . ' APPROVAL AND ISBÄCKEDBY ITS CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH , o., INDIVIDUAL WARRANTY, BUY THE CAR OF YOUR CHOICE, 729.1800: 622 E, Northwest Hy. REe. #14 AND BUY WITH CÖNFIDEÑCE.. .WEACCEPT ADSFROM 296-1021 . 6333 N, Harlem Ave. AUTHORIZED NEW CAR DEALERS ONLYIII. '64 Chevrolet Impala RO 3-1500 "STRAIGHTSTICK" '67 Dodge Charger Stock No. 9823 - 4 Door, 'aPoIa,a4 'r, '68 Chevy Impala . '66 ChryIer. Nßw Poll Po.. Factary Warranty SALE! Vinyl R(.. ,. 966.J$oo 'V - Clean & Sharp As They 2 Dr H.T. iHy Fwr Yorker Mdwóui' I4irßes Fier $795.00 . I!)içtIDlly law MIl@g Dealer auto Come VS - Ants. Trans.- Pw./St. Yr, oi', Wnty - VIr,I-I,T,'Full Power - - Beautiful Red Fioish - Black tTiOfIVßtIÓO. Mu U $21950o VIory Mr - !rn xrIo,' Ry Tom True II Visyl Rauf - A Real Beaaty ',ß!WkI A Super tJI4 !U $2195,00 - Sill 1!empelerMarron Grove ASK FOR MR. ROMANO AT SpeQIul Ar Many peoplellave asked'what'A the diffeÑece O " $2490.00 !N çR Ml, RuiIANC! VI' buy my usedcar from an authorized dealer whether I Ron Sullivan PRESENTS or front a lot?" $2395,00 . DES PLAINES Lât ore expiai,, It tIrioway -. In the flrs place, 6333 N. Harlem Pase, GOLF-VIEW DODGE Ron SuIIIvøn eotjflteu for the dealership the car . CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH DES PLAINES pure a (tuero of actualmoney Value 9009 Wauhogan-Marton Groas GOLFVIEW DODGE on the cur. ThIs fIgure lu whatthe salesman Works RO 3-1 500 622E. Narthwest Fly. Rie, #14 CHRYSLERPLYMOUTH the omount of dollarsallowed for the car from because QuQ \! represento the actual 966-0400 O'v@ S.2 I!. NorIrweu-Iy. RIe,14 dealerehlpujolloro In the tradeIn. 296-1021 fr! For example thecoot of the new cor In 296.1021 1ers, cost). When this $3000 (actual deb car Is sold tbe dealermust pay the $3Op tothe CompanytltatIs floor planning his say the Lrodin new stock. Letas WAGON TRAIN represents $1000, Thismeans the buyer either '65 Plymouth finances 52000ar poyo It to the dealer In $1000 In the dealers cash. In eithercase mosey is In the tradein,yfowthe dealer has DES PLAINES' Belvedere 2 alternallves.If lie has a normal s '68' hn cao wholesale prefit in the dealas it utanc, Qer' Meal Se SeenTu Re the trade-In toa "Lot Gealer" for the cash without spendinga penny on the $1000 'SeJI -Out" io a abort profitdeal, the dealer trade-ln...er lt the deal CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH - I. tio,, aod sell at from can pat the car ingoodosd_ $695.00 bis lot at sobstautiallymore than the $1000, Noia hore'o the . 67 DELTA SPECTACULAR! aditantage the usedcor buyer has wheo he 88 CPE. ASI VOR MR. ROMANOAT his car looman authorized new car bayo has a service dealer - First, thedealer ANÑUAL CLEARÂNCE.SALE ON 'OUR "LINE-UP" OF'THE . UurUndyW/ß,k,Vinyl department setup with the very latest Ron SuIIIv BRAND NEW equipment according scientific Top Full Pwr.Ftory to fattory speclfichtfe,,and is staffed with factory trainedpersaonel robs bas Following. AIr CQfld, GOLF-VIEW DODGE Secsnd the dealer to know what theyare doing. . ON ALL REMAINING ' Double Checked '68 FIAT has thousands nf dollarstied up in a franchise 5005 WeiIepen.Muruì (rvu that ho mostran a clean operaRon in order tu keep,,..asdthird, his servicedepartment's repatatiun Is . 966-0400 CONESTOGA . new car dealer will nearly always bathat atahe,,,.The franchised AND DEMONSTRATORS! $239500 j up any car, new or used, STRAIGHT STICK SPECIALS! that he sells.....Mareard more deahirshi , WAGONS aiseS car operauion,, are developing their a matter of fact...,theyare torced ro do su because it enablesthem to malcebetrerallowueces MORE THAN TO CHOOSE FROM! '68 SKYLARK GRAN SPORT 350 Gene With Roof Racksa to'adc..in on the bayers Patrick they are in aCompetl5jye position. Rodios New hors is thd . 2 Dr. H.T,- 3 Speed- Radio - Heater most important reasonof all for you to huy I.1 your used ear fromas authoriz.jdealerm,d SAVE, AS MUCH AS /',A BRAND NEW . s aVifssu thatwe at the 8UGLE accept thin is mainly the I'Ie,uu 199500 ' iiom an aUtjiuriz,J only asedcm-atherusthg W/W Tires- Red W/White Vinyl Top ,' TODAY k!uuA RouA) at the dealershipontynew cOif dealer, svhenevra ìbdd.in is taken AND - the BETrER CARSare retained by :'68FURYS ., . the dealeruMp fur FROM P;icdToSeII the ones «fere re-sale,,.Tho "RIGS"or "J12'JKERS" '65 RQmblor Amerken LOW MILEAGE for saie to thewholesaleue.,,jn the cor- nor let sen bayeways to make these "Look $239L00 330 ' really can't offer Good...... They to start wìtL,joyou too much because theyhave "NOTHIJOG" ,. FIAT my book nethinplus nothing stlfl equals NO.. OnA'68 '68 PONTIAC TEMPESTCUSTOM '4 r. . RuAl kIeuIu THING,,,Su shop BUCLE - car arts with confldeasce,,Getthe 2 A*I Çar, 'e5L,.ifeiìeve nie, thereìxn't anything Chrysler Demonstrator Dr. H.T.- VS - 3 Speed - Radio - Pw/St -. Demonstrator READERSI too good for BUGLE 2i 45. WAGONS Tach-Red W/Black VinylTop YOUR'. 195OO The hoyfrr,,Frentuess brr,aht lEe 1260 lì,nOiiampieutshjp homo "The Bacon"winnlsg : in afl 3 cja au sports car race MORE This One To Be CHOICE ' s uuaspotiggon _ iSul Somas,Testa Lthtkitss THAN 11O'.BRANDNEW 66 Rumbler fo all cou, theircespo. aed flick Aodessoo 189500 Sdor sainnì classes asìth Tossa Lieieio his Fiat Sold Fast At QF2 4 Dr S,dcrn the G Foedasetiantitle in the Reals $2295.00 We're Also Sethng at Eiauithawkti sot, poa last Sasay hegcue Stttiay. aral Dì5 had oh.esr 67 TORONADOS !Cp TV'3zu, Ot Our sej ui' '67 CAMARO 2 - t!uu . ÇQuA. - DOOR HARD TOP FVflY Fx 0a ueattixsind to dug Eo Pt With . o Q'uvu' Ru Suer,. BRAND NEW TaatSuceinunu Reas Stuaty ix , ixoix Nexr,,,5ifr,, uy the Elite Jx 1969 Bucket Seats'- 3 Speed .. Radio - W/W Tires cubije casssoix A Cd. 2x p0egs chitoReos baal to toèxu whì?o Gre-hell feaddug ix the tulate (the IOW- w MAQE '68 FIAT Rooasgc allba heuRex cAutui."Tetu 'ô5 v4ix "gutu" tRas puis what, AR:&Top N« Cw Want, ' VB hr0 gcaas EoE'Tatr,a,r,LSORsat nexo ear felfceu AND SEDANS r, , be bath i rearase osas mu.... CHRYSLERS PLYMOUTHS OI Wbt Wj'BU. uArr, Rer,r, Roaxeo,,her, sce blat asx Vin. faxe ax heiatwwx al0ex a Neat ix his DXuizwìew sfmp theowuistu pot READY FOR $199L00 TQp Th Oth !ux VaeeJ s184500 deQue of hith,ess .. WufBth V.TQp Only Sur, sor,voue week '67 FORD MUSTANG' 895OO And . IMMEDIATE 6CyI. - 3.SPeed-Radio-W/W Tires $329500 Lo Mfleu9e 65 FordWalk-In Panel DELIVERY! flbler '6, VolvoWagon eda Suu Nb STATION WAGONS .HARDTOPS Must See This Ur, _ Ratr, - . . . Red Beauty At e c cu ruuu $795.09 Teuer,. ,' 00 ROAD RUNNERS .HIGH PERFORMANCE CARS $2575.00 . '65. BUICK i745 , SKYLARK 2.DOÒR . AND WE HAVE I AOlI WGLESWORTuIMPORTS 3 Speed- Radio -W/W Tir ô7 A FEW '. Candy. 'Apple Red CHEVY cPE 1495OO VohoSae5&5eske. YOU NAME ITWE'VE GOT IT!!. An Outstanding ,.. 'ô RQ!»be CQ '6DEMONSTRATORS ST waeee RrS. lRnvie'w !Q4.k i4ir 7294800 Economy Special 'At. !ue,uu AT 7J. "66 Fard Wagon 2195° $I54500 CHRYSLER ' ALL OUR FINE USEDCARS ARE. AUOVCV% Q% 1Z95OO sRru Rb ' _M PLYM0UTH WINTERIZEDANDREADYTO GO! W4 And Sbn $io9s.oó DES PLAINE OGO'"- '-'" 22N'ORTHWESFHW'tTR1'1'4V'"DESPLA1NES e O7fRwrn'D-.v1r° ' . BUICK laPARK rnpGE 1* o uenuru..,IJ ipIujj,e CLOSED SUNDAY IUSSE.IREflEMANN iUICk VISIT LIS- JUST i MILE WEST Of DOWNTOWN DES PLAINES .: RO5OG. .120-136 N. Northwest Hwy. . . 6983334 .. ------.-..--.---S 18 B ' e, Thw'oiiay,-.____9a3 Ñovajal,er7 1968 -

TI e Bugle Thursday Nov mber 71968 19

- S - Wilkins, In a meeting held at ÑOW 00158 ALL OP THIS Maine -East High pchoal Oct. - EFFECI' THE-TAXPAYER? _28,_ stated there io no way in -. Continued Prom Page 1 First of whichtilo. -board. of -education HaP all,the lncreàoe ofculs possibly continue . .5 pro- WANTEIJAj- HELP - 2.21f for the Educational Fundgram of . excellence in aduca- WANTED..FEMALE HELPWANTED-. FEMALE - at Ehe three Maine Highs will ELPWAPÉTED..:FÉMALE. Codto for theeighchighochosl Don with- a reduced budget. Wil- ÏOSf&.FOUND districtsincomparablo and- - 'raioe the tax levy ceiling from ExperiencedMan - - kiss uaid that s schóul district neighboring commonitieo for the : $1.42 to $1.63 per $100 of as- - can b'orroi monies only up to For wrehki,W 1966-67 school year fortherre. sessed.valootion. if-your borne78% nf taxing power, in the Ed.- - Yard. Must he CLERK- TYPIST is valoed at $15,000, it is as- able to drivetow muck. Dès SERVICEASSISTANTS Lady Elgin Watch, Blockcord vealed the followisg facts: - ucatioul Fund. At the present PlaInes arèa. Pleasant working Condiùoas. -band - Lost In GolfMill - ually assessed et $5,250 to -este of indebtedness, Gist. 207 Reward - Cali 945.11916 -$6,000, and - the 2iiecr000e Excellentbenefits,libéral. New Trier.- $1,333 wiil reach this critiCal PoInt Evsoston 1,273 will cost between $11.02 and withiu the next several years. Soon vacation plan. prof1toharl, S- Oak5 Pork $12.00 a year. - Winter WillBe Here gioup insurasce and f S 1,266. L. Wesley Hartzeii, boardpres- many ¿4 , Nues 1,206 others, Foji timowork only. Found- Siamese cat, male, gS Ident, indicotedtheboardis'eon- Mosrbe a - Gleobrosk 1,192 Ifyour home is valued atfronted with o financial problem . HlghSchoolgru0_ Cumberland and Craie BUSBOY - area.- , .ate. Type ' 15 WPM. Leyden 1,120 $20,008, it in usually assessedwhich can possIbly be resolved - Apply Pliaee 825-5041. Lyoes at $7,000to$5,000and the Six nights a week.FuilTime Why noc takeadvantage of Weekdays to Mr.- W.Mutas 1,120 - in one of three mayo: 5:00 p.m. need SERVICE working closerto home. We or call 825-.glO1. -- ElAINE . 1,028 - 2lt increase will coot between I.Present onother referes- to midnig: t. Call ASSISTAR (Operators). Arlington Flgts. $14.70 and $16,80. If year hume nr come in to: and Spacious Enjoy ournew PETS FOR 988 dam to the tanpayero of Maine SurtOUndings. Noexperience necessary. ASSOCIATES SALE is veined at $25,OfO. it is us- Wages and excellent Top CONSUMEN Township. . Brown Compwsy benefits. Tbn average of the 9 tom- sallyassessedut$5,750 to Bottle 9 Mo. - Old BlueFaint Sla parable high school districts $10,000, and increase will cost - 8118 Effect drastic cut.backa 793o N. MÍLWAUICEE AVE. mese Cat w/papero. Pee.- is$1,169and Maine is$141 beAveeo $18.37 and $21.00oin the preseer budget. Coldwell NILES, ILLINOIS prefer homo -below the average! Voi itis year.If your home io valoed . w/ochildren. i Parade Costume"unners 967.8600 824.3049 CallafierO p.m. more difficultaach year for - at $30,000,'it usually in as- Continue the' present ed.. Call the Maiee Hoard of- Education sessedat $10,505 to $12,000, _fat program -and go deeper . 827-99J9 Wanted, - The MortooGroye Park District ann000cèd the winners ofthe and tho 2i energetic"Take - and Administratle5 to maintaio increase will Cost FURNITURE -1968 Halloween Parade costomo conteston Thorsday, Oct. 31 atIts!,ifh edocatienal standards between $22.05 and $25.20-a FIÑISHER Charge" girlto eventually RUMMAGESALE S mai,age store specializing the concission of the parade. The 13th aoaaai Halloween parado assi compete with other high year, Foil time,exper1en0fur- In S W95 co-sponsored by the Amaricen Legion, The Lions. club, the nhtuze finisher salen of film, flashbulbs,and Re-Sale -Shop .B.J,B,E,Sis. ochool diotrictoonteackers sat. A deficit 0f ut leasE $2,400. Good puy and photo fleJsi,g.. .tdPhondlilie : Morton Grove Women's club and the Morton GroveJanlor Womeo'o aries, 000 bythe end of the 1968. working Photography - new oduit etui Conditions. S- Mt. background helpful, children'sclothing, -c1a, together with the Morton Grove Park District. The pseudo 69 school yeoivíaceo the Board lr0npect Area. but not appli- brought oat sourly 500 children and adults to absolutelynecessary. onces, forniture,etc. Nov. S compete for the most L. Wesley ' Ñartzolt, Board of Educatión of Townnhip l-ligb l2th,ilth and 14th9tó Comical and host costumed awards. The foiiowing is the listelpresident, Nileo, recently asid: orhool Diot. 207, occordiag to 5; SS the winners: - 2595770 Calí28J3666 Lotheras Chite-chof the Re-- -,'positive vote io nopport et Jobs Wilkins,heard member OUrrectloo,8450 Sitermer theproposed Education Fond and chairniaa of the finance SS Individuai - most comIcal, 7 aod under:Ecic Fry, Mike Kor-Tas Levy of 21 00 Saturdap, committee. CENTR4L Rd., MIno. ' innki,-Josoph Lembeke;O toii- , Terry Scbuimann, David King, TELEPHONE Tabby - Ocies; June 8, will enhance the pu- - HELP WANTED- S- i2 and over, Duugiao Smock, Jim Slome, Randy vicineat both the Buard and Viennese Dressmaker- Any SITUATIONS WANTED r Brunst. individual - heut costumed, 7 and ondur: Aaron Nusbaum, COMPANY F ILLINOIS. Style suits & dresses, administration In contlnoing tite : MALE a FEMALE . pat- -- Fionk McCue, Chez-vI ClosentO to Il, David Brandt, Jornalo Catin, tern est needed BahysiGar age present program inotl three 2004 iflNE any size. ia,ex- - Chris Dyslin;12 and ovor, Camillo Bradant, Chris Grins, Rachel STREET DES high schools," - PLm, n.z. AlteraGoos welcome.Do al- perleoced with 2yr.oliPsia-. Cohn, - - - terations fer ter, waste Fo-i, : - An Equal - COUNTERWORK OppoztunityEmployer stores, individual or Sat. work - The Jose S referendum In not AND SHIRT SERVC, Male & Female, also men'sslacks, 9370 C Noel(Golf & Potter) Couple's winners wereès follows: must comical, Tanimy Pacg Time, ohortening only, Roberta DoiFrato, s a Bond 1050e, norloit an - - 10 a.m, 827-1366 Tamraz and Roseaou Baidauot Eddio Bsrneg and Tom - ' Barueg; - - - 3 p.m., Mon.thea eldboentary school need! -- Good As New Fri. Aehfor Mr. Groen. 965-5590 jamos Karl and David Karl. -Couples best coutomed . Kathy Juers and Christy Jsern; TIomnu Erickson and CindyErickson; lt is a Maine Township High P!ofessonaO Dry Cleaning - Bigl Bar-B-O . PUTYOURSELF IMPORTANT Valerie Cleary ood StolE Cleary. school reqaestfor enough money . IN TEMPORARy to pay the increased costs of i - - 299-8125 PICTURE Gruspu most comical winners wero:Roth Huitangor, Bonnie- . Pick-Up Aod Delivery WE WILL TRAIN Hamilton Baby Grand.Needs After aa -ad hasbeen ordered teachersalaries, eqoipment, YOU TO: _ Hirsch and Heidi Unvorricht, Michael Shaw, ThomasShaw and Sornework $25000 and type Set - services and supplies needed tu All Office Call t cannot Recan- - Linda $ituw,. Hechora Fonios, Tommy Fonios 8014 North Waukegan Rd. - NUes, Ill. Skiffs celled before Stoti Port. accomodato the 10,600 stodento FASTACTION pablicatlon with- mon, Couplos host custamed - Mlçhael Ayers, Toni Ayers. who will ho attendlog the three - - sot charge.'w ad may becan. Cynthia Ayein and Sherry Ayers, Barbara Frish and Phil -YO 7-8133 NEED EXTRA - Celledafter an insertion Fridh, high schoels, September 1988. INCOME- has TomCeSev, Pat Casey, Bill- Casnyand Dpi Caney. . . CLASSIFIED bionda, ModelCAtiS; Used been made hot omonths, $45o.o will be billéd ai. For QuickAction fer, Phone orbeot of.. cording to the-original order, 827_74yy REPORTERRORS AT ONCE. NOTICE We are respnnothle Join for only that NILES POLICEREPORT - portion of theadvertisemant .AttenDou Job which is Incorrect. Applicants_The Thlo news.. : . Bugle l°ui,lisiü,g Porn, fl0500forrent paper reoees the . Co. doca noi i ßdrrn. right tore- Crinsloal damage to property - knowingry accept large let- $128.Oo Mo. No Vise,place, Mueller, 7335 Waakegao, re- FiiiãI.- Help-.Wanted Utilities edit,inject and was reperted by L. Dibrisch, ported bar daoghter, jonio 9, ads from employerscovered Phone 824_7906for classify u Classifiedad submit.. 8027 Foster evo. Ho told pu- Stuck in a tree. The child. was by the Fnlr LaborStandards appointmee ted forpublicaijon. lico the power ontea hod been freed by her parents before Act if they offerless than The brokenoff his '60 Oldsmobile.,, legal mialmumwage or fall to Motor vehitle -accident was re- freedby her parents before pay at least timè undone-half He your òwn boss! for overtime huors. Have purtod at Dowpster and Grand. the police olfcor arrived,,.Cri- - The min.. your own "office" J2a Drivers of the vehicles invulved minal damage .to pruperty was -S .CIoseöut. imam Wage EXPERT 7/pp for employment wear your'kibky", inl Were Dennis Dons, 7621 Church reported by Mr. Chölzompa, Covered by the FLSAprior to UNIFORM designed - Ehe 1966 Amendments by 0000f and Earl Ctlftord, -Wuucuudo, 8122 Ottawa. He bid police a is $1.60 YOU6- - -5AV'flMlia.v gate und fence at his - bosse qolredan hoar with overtimepay re- Fotomat Corp., Nov, 4.-- moro brnken.,,Crimioa; damege an idea as prof, aidg., Rn,.Oil LAUAJDRYD4y V 168 after40 honroa week. modem 671-5130 TUF POTTNG Criminal damage to pruporty tu ;AIt. astomorrowS is Fl$Nr property was roported by Jabs coveredas a result si 4ouMTOF 90AP was reported by Thomas Truw- the 1966 looking faryouog1acies,ov st-fACPI AtOBl.UlN MIX- Mrs. Masvoog, 8401 Johanna. NEW Amendments require 18, 5'..5'", 105-130 lUgEA bridge, 81W Ozark. He told po_ She told police it was the third $1.15an hoar mimimum lbs., at-. RANDIIIJRST CENTER NroOLAOOJAEO. with tlaCtive prof. I..e. Rn,,3 YOU GAN lice someone snapped off The timo in a week eggs were thrown overtime pay required ostHoing frsón- 392-1920 PEEI'AEE NOUGI4 after 42 ality, euthusiasj TOLAOTA FEW aerial on hIs '64 Furd.,.An as. et her hume..Nileo pulite dept. hours a Week.For specific and in-. WEEK6 - tornotedinmeeting people. EVANSTON !tahIEAPOF TAI

- j W.--.s;osw, - .s .