Magnetic and Electrocatalytic Properties of Nanoscale Cobalt Boride, Co3b Anne-Marie Zieschang,1 Joshua D

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Magnetic and Electrocatalytic Properties of Nanoscale Cobalt Boride, Co3b Anne-Marie Zieschang,1 Joshua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