Version 9.0 January 2010 Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph Instrument Handbook for Cycle 18 Space Telescope Science Institute 3700 San Martin Drive Baltimore, Maryland 21218
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[email protected] • Phone: (410) 338-1082 World Wide Web Information and other resources are available on the STIS WWW site: Revision History Version Date Editor 9.0 January 2010 Charles Proffitt 8.0 December 2007 Jessica Kim Quijano, Sherie Holfeltz, and Jesús Maíz-Apellániz 7.0 October 2003 Jessica Kim Quijano and Bahram Mobasher 6.0 October 2002 Charles Proffitt 5.1 July 2001 Claus Leitherer 5.0 June 2001 Claus Leitherer 4.1 July 2000 Claus Leitherer 4.0 June 2000 Claus Leitherer 3.0 June 1999 Kailash Sahu 2.0 June 1998 Nolan Walborn and Stefi Baum 1.0 June 1996 Stefi Baum Authorship This document is written and maintained by the COS/STIS Team in the Instruments Division of STScI with the assistance of associates in the Operations and Engineering Division. Contributions to the current edition were made by A. Aloisi, R. Bohlin, A. Bostroem, R. Diaz, V. Dixon, P. Goudfrooij, P. Hodge, D. Lennon, C. Long, S. Niemi, R. Osten, C. Proffitt, N. Walborn, T. Wheeler, M. Wolfe, B. York, and W. Zheng. Citation In publications, refer to this document as: Proffitt, C., et al. 2010, “STIS Instrument Handbook”, Version 9.0, (Baltimore: STScI).