Oppraisespitch,Draws Battelinesoutside
DAILY FROM: AHMEDABAD, CHANDIGARH, DELHI, JAIPUR, KOLKATA, LUCKNOW, MUMBAI, NAGPUR, PUNE, VADODARA ● POSTAL REGN. NO. JAIPUR CITY/014/2021-23 JOURNALISM OF COURAGE FRIDAY, AUGUST 13, 2021, KOLKATA, LATE CITY, 12 PAGES SINCE 1932 `5.00/EX-KOLKATA `6.00 (`12 IN NORTH EAST STATES &ANDAMAN) WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM Op Langda: In UP DAYAFTERMONSOONSESSION encounters of a GovtderailedHouse: different kind, 3,300 ‘criminals’ shot at Oppraisespitch,draws Police saymaiming notstrategy: battelinesoutside ‘shows our aim to arrest,not kill’ Twitter 'locks'handles of Rahul, Cong, Govt fields 8 AVANEESHMISHRA LUCKNOW,AUGUST12 over 20 leaders and party stateunits ministers to ■August12, Ghaziabad: Afsha- run, wanted forrobberyand car- take on Opp, rying arewardofRs50,000,isar- rested afterapolice encounter in alleges threats whichheisshotinthe leg. The GSLVrocketmalfunctionedminutes afterlift-offfromSriharikotaonThursday. PTI ■August8,Bahraich: Maniram, wanted in over 35 cases mainly LIZMATHEW of dacoity and carrying areward &HARIKISHANSHARMA of Rs 50,000,suffers bulletin- NEWDELHI,AUGUST12 juries on his leg in apolice en- GSLV suffers snag in cryogenic counter.Police sayheallegedly THE Modi government Thursday firedfirstatthe team that sur- fieldedeight Union ministers to roundedhim. stage, mission setback for ISRO take on the Opposition over the ■ August4,GautamBuddh Afsharun, wanted in acase washed-out Monsoon Session, Nagar: Sachin Chauhan, amur- of robbery, sufferedabullet failureofthe mission. Opposition leaders meetVice President MVenkaiah Naidu
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