
From to the

(Oliver Lorscheid, April 2018)

In honor of the 2018 Abel prize winner Robert Langlands What is the Langlands program?

The Langlands program consists of a web of conjectures, partially relying on conjectural objects, that connect L-functions for Galois representations and automorphic representations.

A simple, but yet unproven and tantalizing instance is the following. Conjecture (Langlands 1970) For every positive integer n, there is a bijection  irreducible automorphic   irreducible representations    Φ cuspidal representations GL −→ ρ : LQ → n(C)  π of GLn over Q  such that if where is the L(ρ, s) = L(π, s) π = Φ(ρ) LQ (conjectural) Langlands of Q, which is an extension of absolute Galois group Gal(Q/Q) of Q. Part 1: Reciprocity laws and class eld theory Quadratic reciprocity

Let p be an odd prime number and a an integer that is not divisible by p. The Legendre symbol of a mod p is (  a  1 if a is a square modulo p, = p −1 if not.

Conjecture (Euler 1783, Legendre 1785) Let and be distinct odd primes. Then p q Adrien-Marie Legendre

q p  p−1 q−1 = (−1) 2 2 . p q

I First complete proof by Gauÿ in 1796.

I Up to today, there are more than 240 dierent proofs. Carl Friedrich Gauÿ The p-adic numbers

Let p be a prime number. The p-adic i a −i 0 is dened as whenever is not |·|p : Q → R≥ p b p = p ab divisible by p.

The p-adic numbers are the completion Qp of Q with respect to the norm . |·|p The -adic integers are  1 . p Zp = a ∈ Qp |a|p ≤

Since R is the completion of Q at the archimedean absolute value sign , we often write and to |a|∞ = (a) · a Q∞ = R p ≤ ∞ express that p is a prime number or the symbol ∞. Hilbert reciprocity Let a and b be rational numbers and p ≤ ∞. The Hilbert symbol is

(1 if 2 2 2 has a solution 3 ax + by = z (x, y, z) ∈ Qp, (a, b)p = −1 if not.

Theorem (Hilbert 1897)

For all a, b ∈ Q, we have (a, b)p = 1 for almost all p and Y (a, b)p = 1. p≤∞ David Hilbert Remark: Note that this implies quadratic reciprocity since for distinct odd prime numbers p and q, we have

Y p−1 q−1 q p  (p, q) = (p, q)2(p, q) (p, q) = (−1) 2 2 . ` p q p q `≤∞ Class eld theory and Artin reciprocity

Theorem (Takagi 1920, Artin 1927)

Let L/Qp be a nite Galois extension with abelian Galois group G = Gal(L/Qp) and norm N : L → Qp, dened by Q . Then there is a N(a) = σ∈G σ(a) group isomorphism Teiji Takagi

× × ∼ Gal (−, L/Qp): Qp /N(L ) −→ (L/Qp), which is called the local Artin symbol. Theorem (Artin 1927) Let L/Q be a Galois extension with abelian Galois Emil Artin group Gal ). Then Q 1 G = (L/Q p≤∞(a, L Qp/Qp) = × for all a ∈ Q . Remark: This generalizes Hilbert's reciprocity law since √ (a,L / )( b) √ (a, b) = Qp√Qp where L = [ b]. p b Q Chevalley's idelic formulation

The idele group of Q is the group  Q × × for almost all IQ = (ap) ∈ p≤∞ Qp ap ∈ Zp p < ∞ . Note that × embeds diagonally into . Q IQ The idele class group of is ×. Q CQ = IQ/Q

Theorem (Chevalley 1936) Claude Chevalley ab Let Q be the maximal abelian extension of Q. The product over all local Artin symbols denes a surjective group homomorphism

Gal ab r : CQ −→ (Q /Q) whose kernel is the connected component C 0 of the identity Q component of (w.r.t. the idelic topology on ). CQ CQ Part 2: L-series The Euler product

In 1740, Euler describes explicit formulas for

X 1 ζ(s) = ns n≥1

where s is an even positive integer. The case s = 2 solved the long standing Basel problem. Leonard Euler Moreover, Euler showed that

Y 1 ζ(s) = 1 − p−s p<∞

for real numbers s > 1, which is known as the Euler product nowadays. Dirichlet series

× Let χ : Z → C be a group homomorphism of nite order, i.e. χ(n) = 1 for some n ≥ 1. The Dirichlet series of χ is

X χ(n) Y 1 L(χ, s) = = . ns 1 − χ(p)p−s n≥1 p<∞

Application to primes in arithmetic progression:

Peter Gustav Lejeune Theorem (Dirichlet 1840) Dirichlet Let a and n be positive integers. Then there are innitely many prime numbers p congruent to a modulo n. Riemann's analysis of ζ(s)

Theorem (Riemann 1856) As a complex function, ζ(s) converges absolutely in the halfplane {s ∈ C|Re(s) > 1}, has a meromorphic continuation to C with a simple pole at 1, and it satises a functional equation of the form

Bernard Riemann ζ(1 − s) = (well-behaved factor) · ζ(s).

In the following, we shall refer to such properties as arithmetic.

In honor of Riemann's 1856 paper, ζ(s) is called the nowadays. Not to forget the : Conjecture (Riemann 1856) If ζ(s) = 0, then s is an even negative integer or Re(s) = 1/2. Hecke L-functions Generalization of Dirichlet series (here only for Q): A Hecke is a continuous group homo- morphism ×. It is unramied at χ : CQ → C p if the composition × × is trivial. Zp → CK → C The Hecke L-function of χ is

Y 1 L(χ, s) = . 1 − χ(p)p−s χ unramied at p

Theorem (Hecke 1916) L(χ, s) is arithmetic. If χ is nontrivial, then L(χ, s) is entire, i.e. without pole at 1.

Problem: How to factorize large L-functions into smaller L-functions? Artin L-functions

Let K/Q be a Galois extension with Galois group G = Gal(K/Q). An n-dimensional Galois representation of G is a continuous group homomorphism

ρ : G −→ GLn(C).

If n = 1, then ρ is called a character.

The Artin L-function of ρ is dened as the product Y L(ρ, s) = Lp(ρ, s) p<∞

of local factors Lp(ρ, s), which are, roughly speaking, the reciprocals of the characteristic polynomials of ρ(Frobp) where Frobp is a lift of the Frobenius automorphism of the residue eld. Artin reciprocity, part 2

As a consequence of Artin's and Chevalley's theorems, the reciprocity map Gal ab induces an isomorphism r : CQ → (Q /Q) ∗ Hom Gal ab × ∼ Hom 0 × r : ( (Q /Q), C ) −→ (CQ/CQ, C ) between the respective character groups via r ∗(ρ) = ρ ◦ r. Theorem (Artin 1927) If χ = ρ ◦ r, then L(χ, s) = L(ρ, s).

Applications: (1) Artin L-functions are arithmetic. (2) Factorization of large L-functions into smaller L-functions. The abelian Langlands correspondence

Let Gal be the absolute Galois group of . GQ = (Q, Q) Q Since Gal( ab/ ) = G ab and since every group homomorphism Q Q Q G → × factors through G ab, we gain an isomorphism Q C Q Hom × Hom Gal ab × ∼ Hom 0 × (GQ, C ) = ( (Q /Q), C ) −→ (CQ/CQ, C ). To extend this to an isomorphism with the whole character group of , we have to exchange by the Weil group of . CQ GQ WQ Q

Theorem (Langlands correspondence for GL1) Artin reciprocity induces an isomorphism

Hom × ∼ Hom × Φ: (WQ, C ) −→ (CQ, C ) such that if . L(ρ, s) = L(χ, s) χ = Φ(ρ) André Weil Part 3: Going nonabelianthe Taniyama-Shimura-Weil conjecture Dirichlet series of a modular form

The Poincaré upper half plane is H = {z ∈ C|Im(z) > 0}. A modular cusp form (of weight k and level N) is an holomorphic function f : H → C of the form Henri Poincaré ∞ X 2 az + b  f (z) = a e πinz/N s.t. f = (cz + d)k f (z) n cz + d n=1 for all a b SL congruent to 1 0 modulo . c d ∈ 2(Z) 0 1 N

It is a (Hecke) eigenform if apq = apaq for all primes p 6= q. The Dirichlet series of f is X an Y 1 L(f , s) = s = −s . n 1 − app n≥1 p<∞ Theorem (Hecke 1936) L(f , s) is arithmetic. Elliptic curves

1 1 An over Q is a Lie group E ' S × S (i.e. a complex torus) that is dened by equations over Q. In particular, it contains a subgroup on which acts. E(Q) ⊂ E GQ n n For a prime ` and n ≥ 1, let E(Q)[` ] be the subgroup of ` -torsion points of E(Q). The Tate module of E is

T (E) = lim E( )[`n], ` ←− Q n which is isomorphic to 2 and has an action of . Z` GQ For every good prime ` and embedding Z` → C, we get a Galois representation

GL GL2 ρ : GQ −→ (T`(E) ⊗Z` C) ' (C). The L-function of E is the Artin L-function L(E, s) = L(ρ, s). The Taniyama-Shimura-Weil conjecture

Conjecture (Taniyama 1955, Shimura 1957, Weil 1967) For every elliptic curve E over Q, there is a modular cusp eigenform f of weight 2 such that L(E, s) = L(f , s). The conjecture was proven, step-by-step, by

I Weil (1967),

I Wiles (1995), with some help of Taylor,

I Diamond (1996), Yukata Taniyama

I Conrad, Diamond, Taylor (1999),

I Brevil, Conrad, Diamond, Taylor (2001). Nowadays it is called the modularity theorem.

Remark: Wiles contribution gained popularity since

it implied Fermat's last theorem. Wiles received Goro Shimura the Abel prize in 2016. The modularity theorem as a Langlands correspondence

Since every modular cusp eigenform f (of some level N) is an element of an irreducible automorphic cuspidal representation π and L(π, s) = L(f , s), the modularity theorem can be rephrased as follows.

There exists a bijection

 certain   certain       irreducible automorphic  irreducible representations Φ −→ cuspidal representations  ρ : G → GL2(C)    Q  π of GL2 over Q  such that L(ρ, s) = L(π, s) if π = Φ(ρ). Part 4: The Langlands program Adele groups

The adele of Q is  Y A = (ap) ∈ Qp ap ∈ Zp for almost all p < ∞ . p≤∞

Note that × GL . In general, IQ = A = 1(A)  Y GLn(A) = (gp) ∈ GLn(Qp) gp ∈ GLn(Zp) for a.a. p < ∞ p≤∞ is equipped with a topology, for which Y K = On × GLn(Zp) p<∞

is a maximal compact subgroup. In particular, GLn(A) is a locally compact group and carries a Haar measure, which allows us to form integrals over subgroups. Automorphic cusp forms

An (automorphic) cusp form for GLn over Q is a smooth function f : GLn(A) −→ C such that 0 I there is a nite index subgroup K of K such that 0 f (γgk) = f (g) for all γ ∈ GLn(Q) and all k ∈ K ; I the constant Fourier coecient Z c0(f )(g) = f (ug) du


vanishes for every g ∈ GLn(A) and every unipotent subgroup U of GLn. Joseph Fourier Analogy: A modular form P∞ 2πinz/N is a cusp form if f = n=0 an e and only if a0 = 0. Automorphic cuspidal representation

The space A0 of all cusp forms for GLn over Q is almost a representation of GLn(A) with respect to the action g.f (h) = f (hg) where g, h ∈ GLn(A) and f ∈ A0.

An automorphic cuspidal representation of GLn over Q is a subrepresentation π of A0.

Note that A0 decomposes into a direct sum of irreducible subrepresentations π. Example: Every modular cusp eigenform generates an irreducible automorphic cuspidal representation π for GL2 over Q. L-functions Langlands denes an L-function L(π, s) for every irreducible automorphic cuspidal representation π in terms of the Satake parameters of π. Conjecture (Langlands 1970) L(π, s) is arithmetic.

Example: If ∞ X 2πinz/N f (z) = an e Ichir©oSatake n=1 is a modular cusp eigenform, then its Satake parameters are the

coecients ap for p prime. If π is the corresponding automorphic representation, then

Y 1 L(π, s) = L(f , s) = . 1 − a p−s p<∞ p A rst Langlands conjecture

Conjecture (Langlands 1970) For every positive integer n, there is an injection  irreducible automorphic   irreducible representations    Φ cuspidal representations GL −→ ρ : GQ → n(C)  π of GLn over Q  such that if where Gal is L(ρ, s) = L(π, s) π = Φ(ρ) GQ = (Q/Q) the absolute Galois group of Q.

In order to recover the missing Galois representation, Langlands suggests the existence of a certain extension of , coined as the LQ GQ Langlands group nowadays. A rst Langlands conjecture

Conjecture (Langlands 1970) For every positive integer n, there is a bijection  irreducible automorphic   irreducible representations    Φ cuspidal representations GL −→ ρ : LQ → n(C)  π of GLn over Q  such that if where is the L(ρ, s) = L(π, s) π = Φ(ρ) LQ (conjectural) Langlands group of Q.

In order to recover the missing Galois representation, Langlands suggests the existence of a certain extension of , coined the LQ GQ Langlands group nowadays. Automorphic L-functions In fact, Langlands proposes a common generalization of Artin L-functions and L-functions of automorphic representations for any G over any local or global eld. To give an idea: the Satake parameters of an automorphic representation π of GLn(A) are the entries of certain diagonal matrices Aπ,p in GLn(C) (one for each p < ∞). L The Langlands dual G of G = GLn(A) is an extension of Gal(Q/Q) by GLn(C):

L 1 −→ GLn(C) −→ G −→ Gal(Q/Q) −→ 1.

The automorphic L-function L(π, ρ, s) is dened for every irreducible automorphic cuspidal representation π of G and every L representation ρ : G → GLN (C). Conjecture (Langlands 1970) L(π, ρ, s) is arithmetic. Langlands functoriality

Let k be a local or global eld (e.g. a p-adic eld or a number 0 eld) and G and G reductive groups over k (e.g. GLn, SOn or Sp ) with respective Langlands duals L and L 0. 2n G G An L-morphism is a continuous group homomorphism L L 0 ϕ : G → G that commutes with the respective projections to Gk . Conjecture (Langlands 1970) Let ϕ : LG → LG 0 be an L-morphism and π an irreducible automorphic cuspidal representation of G. Then 1. there is an irreducible automorphic cuspidal representation π0 of G 0 whose Satake parameters are the images of the Satake parameters of π, and 0 L 0 0 2. for every representation ρ : G → GLN (C) and ρ = ρ ◦ ϕ, we have L(π0, ρ0, s) = L(π, ρ, s). Part 5: What has been done? 1970 Jaquet, Langlands: correspondence for GL2 over p-adic elds (p 6= 2) 1973 Langlands: correpondence for GL2 over R and C 1977 Drinfeld: global correspondence for GL2 over global function elds (awarded with a Fields medal)

1980 Kutzko: correspondence for GL2 over all local elds

1993 Laumon, Rapoport, Stuhler: correspondence for GLn over local elds of positive characteristic 1995 Wiles: modularity theorem (awarded with the Abel prize)

2000 L. Laorgue: global correspondence for GLn over global function elds (awarded with a Fields medal)

2001 Harris, Taylor: correspondence for GLn over local elds of characteristic 0

2000 Henniart: alternative proof for GLn over local elds of characteristic 0 2008 Ngô: fundamental lemma (awarded with a Fields medal)

2013 Scholze: alternative proof for GLn over local elds of characteristic 0