Advances in Pure Mathematics, 2015, 5, 286-313 Published Online April 2015 in SciRes. Index-p Abelianization Data of p-Class Tower Groups Daniel C. Mayer Naglergasse 53, 8010 Graz, Austria Email:
[email protected] Received 18 February 2015; accepted 11 April 2015; published 20 April 2015 Copyright © 2015 by author and Scientific Research Publishing Inc. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY). Abstract Given a fixed prime number p, the multiplet of abelian type invariants of the p-class groups of all unramified cyclic degree p extensions of a number field K is called its IPAD (index-p abeliani- zation data). These invariants have proved to be a valuable information for determining the Galois 2 group G p of the second Hilbert p-class field and the p-capitulation type of K. For p = 3 and a number field K with elementary p-class group of rank two, all possible IPADs are given in the complete form of several infinite sequences. Iterated IPADs of second order are used to identify ∞ the group G p of the maximal unramified pro-p extension of K. Keywords p-Class Groups, p-Principalization Types, p-Class Field Towers, Quadratic Fields, Second p-Class Groups, p-Class Tower Groups, Coclass Graphs 1. Introduction After a thorough discussion of the terminology used in this article, such as the logarithmic and power form of abelian type invariants in Section 2, and multilayered transfer target types (TTTs), ordered and accumulated index- p abelianization data (IPADs) up to the third order in Section 3, we state the main results on IPADs of exceptional form in Section 3.1, and on IPADs in parametrized infinite sequences in Section 3.2.