Spelförståelse Och Kommunikationsförmåga
Spelförståelse och kommunikationsförmåga En fenomenografisk studie över hur elittränare i fotboll söker bekräftelse på om spelare har förstått andemeningen i en instruktion Per Ohlsson Doktorsavhandling i pedagogik Dissertations series No. 36 Jönköping 2019 © Per Ohlsson, 2019 Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation i Jönköping Box 1026 551 11 Jönköping, Sweden www.hlk.hj.se Titel: Spelförståelse och kommunikationsförmåga En fenomenografisk studie över hur elittränare i fotboll söker bekräf- telse på om spelare har förstått andemeningen i en instruktion. Dissertations series No. 36 Printed by Ineko AB, 2019 ISBN: 978-91-88339-19-5 Tryckt doktorsavhandling ISBN: 978-91-88339-20-1 Elektronisk doktorsavhandling Abstract Per Ohlsson, 2019 Title: ‘Game sense’ and communicative ability: A phenomenological study of how professional football coaches seek confirmation on whether their players have understood the essence of their instructions Language: Swedish with an English summary. Keywords: Game sense, football, communication, essence, confirmation, phenomenography of listening ISBN: 978-91-88339-19-5 (printed), 978-91-88339-20-1 (digital) The aim of the present study is to develop knowledge about and knowledge how professional football coaches come to know that the essence of their in- structions has been understood by their players, with particular focus on the theoretical aspects of the game. The background to this study is based on recent rapid developments in the game, as it changes from a strictly controlled system–oriented game to a game where the individual player is expected to perform multiple roles and change position during a match. This is a development which places increasing de- mands on the players’ ‘game sense’ and general understanding of the game.
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