The Population of Centaurs in the

January 29, 2018

University of Oulu Department Unit

Author: Teemu Granholm

1 Contents

1 Observational Constraints of Centaurs 5

1.1 Background ...... 5 1.2 The Origin of Centaurs ...... 6 1.3 Rings Around Centaurs ...... 7 1.3.1 Observing the Rings ...... 7 1.3.2 Chariklo ...... 9 1.3.3 Chiron ...... 9 1.3.4 Rings around TNO ...... 16 1.3.5 Formation of the Rings ...... 16 1.4 Colors of the Observed Centaurs ...... 18 1.4.1 Differences Between the Populations ...... 20 1.4.2 Possible Explanations for Color Bimodality ...... 20

2 Calculating Centaur Positions and displaying their distribution in the Solar System 23

2.1 Calculation of Centaur Positions ...... 23 2.2 Programming the Map of the Solar System ...... 24

3 Results 27

Appendices 32

A The NAIF SPICE Toolkit 33

A.1 SPICE Concept ...... 33 A.1.1 Kernels ...... 33

2 A.1.2 Using the SPICE Toolkit ...... 34

4 Bibliography 37

3 Abstract

Context. Centaurs are objects with perihelia beyond the orbit of and semi-major axes inside the orbit of . They show both cometary and characteristics, have been observed to have colour bimodality and some of them are suspected to have a around them. Studying centaurs provides a glimpse to the early stages of the Solar System and to the formation of the rings, which makes them interesting to study.

Aim. This work aims to gather the current knowledge of the observed bimodality of the colours of the centaurs and of the ring systems around (10199) Chariklo and (2060) Chiron. The work provides a map of the outer Solar System, showing the distribution of the observed centaurs. It is also tested, whether it is useful to use NAIF SPICE-toolkit to plot the locations and orbits of a large number of centaurs compared to a calculating in terms of orbital elements.

Results. The evidence for (10199) Chariklo having a ring system is compelling. It is also very likely that (2060) Chiron has a ring system. In addition, the centaurs colour bimodality in B-R colours is highly significant with probability of 95 %. More observations and theoretical work is needed in order to find out the cause of the bimodality. It was found, that even though the

NAIF SPICE-toolkit provides more precision to calculating the orbits of centaurs, handling large amounts of data with it seems inconvenient. If one wants a simple overview of all the observed centaur locations and orbits, it is time-saving to calculate the coordinates of the centaurs oneself.

On the other hand, the NAIF SPICE-toolkit is very useful when considering only few centaurs, maintaining a better precision in the calculations.

4 1 Observational Constraints of Centaurs

1.1 Background

In 1977 an unusual object,(2060) Chiron (classified as an asteroid), was found in the outer Solar System. The orbit of this object stretches from the orbit of to the orbit of . Later it was observed, that (2060) Chiron had dust around it. This dust was interpreted to be a cometary coma, thus getting (2060) Chiron to be classified as both an asteroid and a . 15 years later 5 similar objects were found [1]. This new class of objects was named centaurs. Currently (02.04.2017) 695 centaurs and Scattered-Disc Objects are known [2]. Centaurs are defined by the Minor Center as objects, which have perihelia beyond the orbit of Jupiter and semi-major axes inside the orbit of Neptune [2]. Centaurs can transform into Jupiter-family due to perturbations. These objects can also transform from Jupiter-family comets back to centaurs [3]. Jupiter-family comets (JFCs) are short- period comets with orbital periods shorter than 20 years and low inclinations [4]. Other major comet groups are Halley-type comets and long-period comets. Long-period comets have orbital periods larger than 200 years, random orbital inclinations and very high eccentricities [4]. Halley-type comets have orbital periods of between 20 and 200 years and orbital inclinations and eccentricities between JFCs and long-period comets [4]. In addition to their cometary characteristics, some centaurs ((10199) Chariklo [5], also possibly (2060) Chiron [6]) seem to have a system of rings around them. Centaurs are interesting objects to study on their own, but especially interesting is the fact, that they most likely provide a glimpse of the early stages of the Solar System and of the origin of the rings. Studying the (a disk of small bodies in the outer Solar System similar to the Asteroid

5 Belt) and Scattered Disk (a disk of icy bodies which extends from Kuiper Belt to 100 AU in outer Solar System) can also reveal interesting new information of the Solar System. For example, a research done on clustering of orbital elements of a set of Kuiper Belt objects has led to a hypothesis of a planet (Planet 9) existing well beyond orbit that could perturb these objects enough to cause the clustering [7]. This is an exciting hypothesis, which shows that there are many discoveries yet to be made in the Solar System and in the Kuiper Belt area, where also centaurs are thought to have originated.

1.2 The Origin of Centaurs

There is not a complete certainty of the origin of the centaurs yet, but they are thought to have been a part of the Kuiper belt, that has been then perturbed by Saturn or Uranus. The planetary perturbations caused by the giant during close encounters with the Kuiper Belt objects have changed their orbits to their current forms. These perturbations happen in the following way. A Kuiper Belt object can be in an for example with Neptune. Orbital resonance happens, when the ratio of two or more astronomical object’s orbiting period is stated using integers. This means, that over certain periods of time, they are in gravitational interaction with each other. In this case, the gravitational field of Neptune has an effect on the orbit of the object, making it more unstable. With every interaction the effect of Neptune becomes stronger (hence the term resonance) and finally sends the object for example on an orbit that takes it close to Uranus [8]. Then Uranus can affect the object in a similar way, leading the object closer to Jupiter or back towards Neptune. The current orbits of centaurs are relatively short lived, around 106 to 107 years [9], [3], because they are dynamically unstable. Dynamically centaurs can develop (because of the resonances) to be JFCs and some of them can be thrown out of the Solar System or crash into the giant planets. JFCs on the other hand can transform back to centaurs by the gravitational perturbation of Jupiter, although it is not as likely as a centaur becoming a JFC [3], [10].

6 1.3 Rings Around Centaurs

Previously it has been thought, that only giant planets (gas and ice giants) could have a ring system. Recently (observed 2013, published 2014) it was discovered, that there are two rings around the centaur (10199) Chariklo [5]. This discovery suggested the probability that other centaurs could have ring systems as well. In 2015 was found evidence, which showed that also (2060) Chiron could have rings around it [6]. This is a remarkable discovery, because it will give us an opportunity to find out more about the early stages of the Solar System and about the mechanisms that are affecting the formation of the ring systems. Next step would be to find out, whether other centaurs have rings and how common they really are. More observations are also needed to determine what mechanisms cause the rings to form and how they remain stable.

1.3.1 Observing the Rings

Due to the centaurs being so distant, so dim and the rings being so close to the main body, direct observation of the ring system is impossible or at least extremely difficult with modern technology. Hence, the best way to detect the rings is by stellar . In a stellar one observes the light coming from a star. When the object one is interested in occults the star, i.e it passes in front of the star, it dims or blocks the light. Usually there is only one dimming caused by the object, but sometimes there are secondary dimmings, before and after the dimming caused by the main body. If the dimmings are symmetrical, they can be interpreted to be caused by a ring system. So far the only centaurs for which stellar occultations have been recorded are (2060) Chiron and (10199) Chariklo [6]. Both of these objects show secondary dimmings in their occultation profiles [6], [5], which can be explained by a ring system. In Fig. 1.1 from [5] the light curve for (10199) Chariklo’s stellar occultation in 2013 is shown. The secondary dimmings are clearly visible before and after the occultation of the main body (marked ingress and egress, respectively). The first dip is the occultation of the smaller of Chariklo’s two rings and the second dip is the occultation of the bigger one (named C2 and C1, respectively). A similar lightcurve was observed for (2060) Chiron and also interpreted to be a sign of the ring system [6]. Other evidence for the existence of the rings is found from the spectra of these objects. Water-ice

7 Figure 1.1: Image from [5]. Stellar occultation lightcurve for (10199) Chariklo. The secondary dimmings around the main body are visible. features have been observed in the spectra of both (2060) Chiron and (10199) Chariklo [6], [5]. These features later disappeared completely and ultimately came visible again. The previous explanation for this disappearance in (2060) Chirons case was cometary activity [6]. It was also argued, that a dust cloud around (2060) Chiron could have dimmed the water-ice spectral line, causing it to disappear. However, simulations show that even though the water-ice spectral line would be dimmed by the dust cloud, it should still be detectable [6]. The disappearance of the water-ice band can be more easily explained by the changing opening angle (aspect angle) of possible rings. This will be discussed in more detail in subsection 1.3.3. Let us assume that water-ice is present in the rings of (2060) Chiron and (10199) Chariklo and not on the surfaces of their main bodies. As the pole orientation of these objects changes, the projected surface of the rings also changes. This makes the rings sometimes completely visible and other times invisible (when rings are edge-on) to the observer. When the rings are wide open, also the water-ice band will be most prominent. As the rings change their orientation towards an edge-on view, this spectral band disappears completely [6]. The observed lightcurve and the disappearance of the water-ice band are

8 the most pressing evidence towards the existence of the rings around both (2060) Chiron and (10199) Chariklo. This will be discussed in more detail in following subsections and also other evidence to support the hypothesis of the existence of the rings will be shown. It seems to be widely accepted that (10199) Chariklo has a ring system, but (2060) Chiron’s case is still open, although the suggested evidence feels quite compelling.

1.3.2 Chariklo

The first centaur around of which rings were found, was (10199) Chariklo. It is the largest known centaur and it has a very dark surface [5]. The evidence for the rings comes from stellar occultation and from photometric and spectroscopic measurements [5], [11]. Chariklo occulted a 12.4 mag star in 2013, which was observed from different sites, four of them in South America. A total of seven sites observed secondary events during the occultation [5]. All of these events (Fig. 1.1) can be explained with an azimuthally homogenous (and narrow) ring system. One could argue that cometary jets play a role in these dimmings, but geometrically that is highly unlikely. In [5], the researchers managed to fit an ellipse to the measurement, as result from the projection of the observed symmetry. This fit allows for two possible solutions for the ring axis. The preferred one is −61.54  0.14, which explains the gradual dimming of Chariklo between 1997 and 2008. The preferred solution suggests that the rings were edge-on in 2008. This solution also explains the gradual disappearance of the water-ice features in the spectra during that time period, if we assume that water-ice is present dominantly in the rings. It has also been observed, that the Chariklo system is brightening since 2008 when the water-ice should have become again visible in the spectra, which further suggests that the hypothesis of rings formed by dominantly water-ice is correct [5].

1.3.3 Chiron

(2060) Chiron is also suspected of having a ring system around it. As mentioned in section 1.3.1, the main evidence comes again from stellar occultations [6]. Originally the secondary dimmings were explained as comet-like dust jets or symmetric jet-like features [6], [12], [13]. In the light of the discovery of Chariklo’s rings, these events were reconsidered. Also in 1993, 1994 and 2011 observations, some spectral extinction lines are more compatible with the ring system than with a

9 jet [6]. However, Chiron was not reported to be active around the times of those observations (no outbursts or coma reported [6]), which makes the jets an unlikely explanation. Further argument against the jets is, that a narrow ejection angle, needed to fit the narrow dips in occultations has not been observed for cometary jets [6]. The most compelling occultation was observed in 2011. The data was obtained with the NASA 3 m InfraRed Telescope Facility (IRTF) and the 2 m Faulkes telescope [14]. The NASA-IRTF telescope showed two symmetrical secondary dimmings along with the primary dimming from the main body. The data from the Faulkes telescope shows two very sharp drops of the stellar light, but not the primary event of the main body. This lightcurve is similar to the one of Chariklo, in that the width and separation of the two features in both lightcurves are similar [6]. It is natural to think that also Chiron’s lightcurve could be explained by rings, just like in Chariklo’s case. Another evidence mentioned before are the water-ice features in the spectra of (2060) Chiron (and (10199) Chariklo). The water-ice signature was detected in 1997 and 1999, but it completely disappeared in data from 2001 [6]. This can be explained with a ring system. The have water-ice features [6], so it is reasonable to assume that water-ice also forms in the proposed ring system instead of the main body of (2060) Chiron [6]. If this is the case, the disappearance of the water-ice band can be explained by the changing aspect angle of the rings. The aspect angle is defined as the angle that the rotation axis of a body (normal to the rings) makes with the direction to the observer [6] (Fig. 1.2).

Figure 1.2: Geometry of an observation and definition of the aspect angle.

10 When the aspect angle is 90◦, the rings are edge-on and the observer cannot see them. Similarly, when the aspect angle is 0◦ or 180◦, they are seen fully open from the top or from below. This change in the aspect angle has been shown to correlate with the disappearance of the water-ice spectra in (10199) Chariklo’s case, so it could have a similar effect on (2060) Chiron, too. The composition best matching the reflectance spectra and albedo of (2060) Chiron is an aereal mixture of 30 % of water-ice and 70 % of refractory material. Assuming that the water-ice is com- pletely in the rings, would mean that the rings make a minimum of 30 % of the total projected area of (2060) Chiron’s system [6]. The area of the rings can be up to 50 % of the total system [6]. Based on spectroscopy constraints, the of the rings is somewhere between 0.14 to 0.17. It can be also 0.27, if the rings cover 30 % of the total area [6]. Geometric albedo is the ratio of a body’s brightness seen from the light source (the observer is at the lightsource) to the brightness of a perfectly diffusing disk, which is the same size and at the same position as the observed body [15]. Fig. 1.3 and Fig. 1.4 show the change of the aspect angle for (2060) Chiron from 1950 to 2050, using the two possible pole solutions derived by [6]. The geometry (Chiron and location) was obtained with NAIF SPICE Toolkit (toolkit discussed in appendix A) One can see that for both configurations the aspect angle was close to 90◦ in 2001, when the water-ice features disappeared from the spectra of (2060) Chiron. This would also explain why the water-ice was visible in 1997 and 1999 and predicts an aspect angle of 90◦ (making the water-ice band to disappear again) to occur next time around year 2035. The aspect angle can be calculated with the formula

B · A α = π − arccos . (1.1) |A|

Here A is the vector from Earth (observer) to the centaur. B is a unit vector representing the centaur pole orientation. We can also plot the evolution of the absolute magnitude of (2060) Chiron and compare that to the expected aspect angle of the rings. In Fig. 1.5 (same as Fig. 6 in [6]) are shown the changes of absolute magnitude of (2060) Chiron. One can see, that in the figure there are two pronounced maxima in absolute magnitude, which correspond to brightness minima. When these results are plotted together with the change of the aspect angle (Fig. 1.6), it is apparent, that these minima happened at the moments when the rings are presumed to be edge-on to the observer (aspect angle 90◦). The first pole

11 Aspect angle vs Time 200


100 90 deg Aspect angle [degrees]


0 1940 1960 1980 2000 2020 2040 2060 Time [Years]

Figure 1.3: The aspect angle derived from the first possible pole orientation (λ = (144  10)◦, β = (24  10)◦) of (2060) Chiron. Figure recreated from [6] using ephemeris data obtained from JPL. solution shown, in Fig. 1.3, is better matching the changes in the absolute magnitude. Because the area of the rings is 30 % to 50 % of the whole system, one can understand how the orientation of the rings affects the overall brightness of the system. When the aspect angle is close to 90◦, the rings do not contribute to the brightness at all. The only light observed comes from the main body. Then, as the aspect angle changes (for (2060) Chiron it ranges from 30◦ to 150◦, as seen in Fig. 1.3 and Fig. 1.4) and the rings open more, they start to reflect more light and make the system brighter, hence the large changes in the observed absolute magnitude. A similar explanation has also been used to explain (10199) Chariklo’s absolute magnitude changes over time [6].Besides the ring system, the brightest phase corresponds to aphelion, which is inconsistent with activity. Some observations remain unexplained, though. The observed absolute magnitude for the brightness minima cannot be completely reproduced by the model for the ring system presented in [6], because the two minima are observed to have different values. The model also does not reproduce the

12 Aspect angle vs Time 150

100 90 deg

Aspect angle [degrees] 50

0 1940 1960 1980 2000 2020 2040 2060 Time [Years]

Figure 1.4: The aspect angle of the second pole orientation (λ = (352  10)◦, β = (37  10)◦) of (2060) Chiron. Figure recreated from [6] using ephemeris data obtained from JPL. brightness of local maxima possibly related to activity outbursts [6]. Such outbursts are unpredictable, so the simple model cannot reproduce them. In [6] a possible solution is presented to explain the two different brightness minima. It is sug- gested, that a decaying cloud of debris or dust (with fading brightness) could explain the differences in the minima. In principle such cloud could be possible. There are hints of debris or dust around (2060) Chiron [6] and it has been suggested that it could have an exponentially decaying coma. So far the rings are the best candidate to explain the observation of (2060) Chiron. Especially the symmetry of the sharp occultation features is difficult to explain with cometary jets. (2060) Chiron was also not generally active during the time [6], which makes it difficult to see how such jets could have formed at such large distance from the . Jets can’t explain the sharp minima in (2060) Chiron’s long term brightness either [6]. (2060) Chiron’s rings would be similar in to (10199) Chariklo’s rings, which lends further support to the notion of (2060) Chiron having a ring system [6].

13 Figure 1.5: The absolute magnitude vs time. Fig. 6 from [6].

14 Figure 1.6: The change of the sinus of the aspect angle. Fig. 5 from [6].

15 1.3.4 Rings around TNO Haumea

Rings were observed around Haumea in 2017. Haumea is one of the largest known TNOs, although still smaller than or [27]. The occultation of Haumea was observed and the results suggest that there is a 70–km-wide ring of material surrounding the main body, approximately 1000 km away from the surface [27]. More research is needed in order to determine the brightness of the ring [27]. Changes in the magnitude of Haumea have been observed. These are similar changes as in the cases with Chiron and Chariklo, where the rings are changing from edge-on orientation to a face-on orientation. However, these results require formation mechanisms that can be applied to object that is much larger than centaurs and is farther in the Solar System. It also has only one ring compared to the two rings that Chiron and Chariklo have. [27] One can speculate that in the light of this recent discovery, rings might not be uncommon in the outer Solar System and there might be more discoveries to be made.

1.3.5 Formation of the Rings

In [5] four hypotheses have been presented for the formation of (10199) Chariklos rings (they can be generalized for other centaurs as well). All of these rely on a , where the biggest particles are acting as shepherd satellites for the smaller ones, thus confining the ring system into its current shape. It is suggested that these shepherds are kilometre-sized satellites that are confining the rings [5]. The presence of shepherd satellites has been suggested, because the rings are so narrow. They are either extremely young or confined by shepherds, although so far there have not been any observations of such satellites around (10199) Chariklo [5]. Shepherd satellites have also been suggested to confine the rings of (2060) Chiron. This would explain the sharp edges of the rings and the presence of the gap in the rings of both (2060) Chiron and (10199) Chariklo [6]. The first hypothesis is that an object collided with the centaur and ejected material from its surface [5], [6] that has then become a ring. Alternatively, the colliding object might have destroyed a satellite around the centaur or got itself destroyed in the collision with the centaur [5]. From these options most likely seems to be the scenario where a satellite around centaur is destroyed in a collision with

16 another object, because it is more likely for the debris from the collision to accumulate as a ring compared to the formation of the ring from the ejected debris. The problem with the ejection from the centaur’s surface is, that the debris needs to escape from the surface, but must stay inside its Roche sphere to form a ring. This could be possible under certain conditions, but it is not as likely as the scenario of a destroyed satellite. The second hypothesis is, that a debris disk has formed by a rotational disruption of the main body or by cometary activity [5]. Cometary activity forming the rings does not seem very plausible, because again there would appear the problem mentioned in the first hypothesis with dust needing to escape from the surface and staying inside the Roche sphere. Also it seems unlikely, that cometary activity would happen at so great orbital distances. One more reason for it not being very plausible comes from the fact, that even though (2060) Chiron has shown some cometary activity, activity has not been observed for (10199) Chariklo [5]. The third scenario is, that two satellites around the centaur have collided and the ring has been formed from their remains [5]. This scenario is the most problematic, because there has not been sug- gested any mechanism that would cause such collision between two satellites. The satellites shouldn’t collide, because in order to orbit the primary, they need to be in relatively stable orbits. Therefore, they should only collide if some external force perturbs them, which is unlikely to happen due to large distances between the objects. The fourth hypothesis is, that a retrograde satellite could have migrated inwards and been dis- rupted by tidal forces, leaving enough debris for the rings to be formed [5]. The satellite needs to be retrograde or inside a synchronous orbit to be able to do the migrating. The synchronous orbit is the distance where the Kepler period is equal to the spin period of central body. Inside synchronous orbit the spin period is smaller than the Kepler period. Outside the synchronous orbit, the satellite needs to be retrograde in order to move inwards, while a prograde satellite would eventually migrate outwards. This is because of tidal interactions with the main body, where the satellite raises a tidal bulge on the main body. Since the main body is rotating, the bulge is not directly under the satellite. Instead, it is shifted towards the direction of rotation. If the bulge is leading the satellite, it accelerates the satellite. If the bulge is trailing, it will decelerate the satellite. For a retrograde satellite, the interaction always tends to reduce its semi-major axis. This hypothesis could be a likely option, if the material of the

17 satellite is loose enough and the mass of the primary is high enough to cause strong enough tidal forces to disrupt the satellite. Altogether, the second and the fourth hypothesis seem to be the most plausible ones. One could argue for example, that a centaur has encountered a rotational disruption and some of its material has formed a cloud of debris around the main body. The debris would then naturally form a ring. This same principle could be also applied to the earlier scenario with a satellite of a centaur getting destroyed in a collision. Also tidal disruption of a retrograde satellite seems like a plausible option, because it does not depend on the debris getting ejected into the orbit around a centaur, thus having a higher chance to happen. A modeling of the spectrum of the rings of (10199) Chariklo shows, that they consist of a mix- ture of bright and dark material, similar to (10199) Chariklo’s surface material [11]. This could be explained by a disruption of an object, which has formed in the same region as (10199) Chariklo, but with a mixture of ices, silicates and carbonaceus materials, that have been darkened by high-energy irradiation [11]. The similarity between the material of the rings and the main body could be inter- preted either by satellites forming around the main body in the same region, or by the formation as a binary system. According to [5], (10199) Chariklos orbit was perturbed by Uranus less than 10 Myr ago. This perturbation caused (10199) Chariklo to migrate inwards from the Kuiper Belt. Such an event could only disturb the ring system if Uranus is closer than about five Uranus radii distance from (10199) Chariklo [5]. Such close encounter is not very likely, so it appears to be a likely possibility, that the rings were formed in the trans-Neptunian region and managed to survive the change of (10199) Chariklo’s orbit [5]. This could be true for other centaurs as well, if it turns out that they also have rings, and one may suspect that rings systems exist around Kuiper Belt objects.

1.4 Colors of the Observed Centaurs

Compared to other objects in the Solar System, centaurs have a peculiar characteristic: they are divided into two colour populations (B-R colour measurement of centaurs reflectance spectra. B-R is acquired by using filters sensitive to blue (B) and red (R) light) [3]. The populations are either grey (icy, cometary-like objects) or red (organic, asteroid-like objects). This is interesting, because

18 this kind of physical properties are not seen among any other objects in the Solar System [3]. Color variation may arise from solar and cosmic radiation that ionizes, and thus transforms, the surfaces of these objects to show more red colours [3]. On the other hand, the collision times in Kuiper Belt are smaller than the age of the Kuiper Belt (according to a widely accepted Nice model, KB was formed when a 2 : 1 resonance of Jupiter and Saturn scattered from the Solar System and started Late Heavy Bombardment [16]). Thus, collisions may play a role, especially with smaller objects, because the distances in the KB are so large. These collisions could break the initially red surface and reveal the underlaying grey, icy material from inside the objects. Therefore the objects in both groups should show red and grey colours and also different combinations of the two. It is important to note, however, that V-R and R-I colour surveys have not shown a two colour population. So far the survey has been done for 24 centaurs [3]. Fig. 1.7 shows a picture of Pluto, a Kuiper Belt object, that illustrates the red and grey colours. In [3], statistical tests have been applied with the result that the bimodality is highly significant at probability of 95 %.

Figure 1.7: Image from [17]. Four images were combined with colour data to create this coloured view of Pluto. Here red and gray types of surface are clearly visible.

19 1.4.1 Differences Between the Populations

By plotting the semi-major axis (a), aphelion distance (Q), perihelion distance (q), inclination angle (i), eccentricity (e) and absolute visual magnitude (H) it is found that the red centaurs have slightly larger semi-major axes than the gray ones (median ared = 19.8 AU and median agray = 17.8 AU). Similarly, the aphelion distances and the eccentricities seem to be larger for red centaurs than for the gray ones (median Qred = 29.1 AU and median Qgray = 21.8 AU). It appears, that almost all red centaurs have smaller inclination angles than the gray ones (the probability for the inclination angle distribution to be the same for both populations is only 10 %). The distribution of absolute magnitudes and perihelion distances are virtually identical for both populations. [3] A comparison between the observations of the Spitzer Space Telescope and ground based optical photometry with the B-R colours of 15 centaurs, indicates that the gray centaurs have lower albedos than the red ones. According to the Wilcoxon rank sum test, the probability for the albedo distribution of the two populations being the same is only 1 %, which makes the difference of the albedos of red and gray centaurs statistically significant. [3]

1.4.2 Possible Explanations for Color Bimodality

There are two possible explanations for the observed colour bimodality: evolutionary and primordial [3]. More data and theoretical work is needed in order to say which one is more plausible.

Evolutionary Explanation

This explanation assumes that the subsurface material of KBOs remains intact while the surface ma- terial becomes redder and darker as a result of solar radiation [3]. Another assumption is that random collisions happen occasionally. These collisions then break part of the red surfaces, revealing the in- tact and more volatile subsurface material [3]. At Kuiper belt distances, the temperatures are too low for sublimation of most of the molecular ices (25 K to 50 K, only very volatile ices can sublimate at these temperatures [18]). When KBOs orbits transfer to centaur orbits, they are taken closer towards the Sun, so that the sublimation processes may begin [3]. Because the region occupied by centaurs is not so densely populated, the process of radiation red-

20 dening and sublimation dominate the evolution of the centaurs while collisions become unimportant [3]. In this picture, the red surface protects the volatile material from sublimation and therefore appears as the observed reddish colour. The ones that underwent recent collisions in the Kuiper Belt have some of the volatile material exposed to the solar heating and the material begins to sublimate. This in turn breaks more of the red surface and reveals more gray subsurface. Another possibility is, that the sublimating material coats the surfaces of the centaurs with gray debris. This process could be fast and therefore explain why there are no intermediate coloured centaurs observed. [3] This could be tested by observing KBOs and seeing if the intermediate coloured KBOs show any B-R colour variations while rotating [3]. Due to the collisions being random, there should be some visible variation of red and gray colours (similar to Pluto in Fig. 1.7) at the surface of the KBOs.

Primordial Explanation

This hypothesis assumes that the centaurs preserve their original primordial colours [3]. Maybe from distances slightly smaller than 40 AU to over 40 AU from the Sun, methane (CH4) condensed as pure

CH4 instead of a H2O-rich clathrate (at distances much smaller than 40 AU methane usually does condense as H2O-rich clathrate) [3]. A pure CH4-ice crust could serve as a base for a transformation into red organic compounds [3]. This could mean that objects forming at heliocentric distances less than 40 AU have more grayish colours and those formed at distances larger than 40 AU are more red- dish in colour. CH4-ice bands have been observed in the spectra of (134340) Pluto, , (136199)

Eris and (136472) 2005 FY9 [3]. Also CH3OH could supply enough carbon and hydrogen for the reddening to happen by radiation [3]. This radiation reddening would happen only at larger distances, because methanol (CH3OH) ice is highly volatile and would evaporate at smaller orbital distances. A dynamical simulation predicts that Neptune was migrating outward in the early Solar System and has scattered objects from 25 AU heliocentric distances to orbits of present-day SDOs ( objects with large and perihelia greater than 30 AU), high-inclination classical KBOs and high-inclination (a trans-Neptunian object in a present day 2 : 3 mean-motion resonance with Neptune) [19]. Low-inclination classical KBOs were not perturbed much, because they stayed far enough from Neptune to be affected. The scattering changed the original orbits of these low-

21 inclination classical KBOs, so one cannot use the present-day orbits to deduce their original ones. However, if the ideas and the dynamical simulation are correct, SDOs, high-inclination classical KBOs and high-inclination Plutinos formed at distances less than 40 AU and should have grayer surface colours. On the other hand, low-inclination classical KBOs should have formed at distances larger than 40 AU and should be showing redder surface colours (so far, observations seem to support this). [3] This idea could then explain the bimodality of the centaurs in the following way. The orbits of centaurs are relatively short-lived (as mentioned in 1.2), so the centaur colour distribution depends on recent scattering events due to Neptune. As Neptune migrated outwards, it scattered SDOs, high- inclination classical KBOs, high-inclination Plutinos and grey centaurs originally at 25 AU from the Sun to their current orbits. Neptune could today be far enough from the Sun to be able to scatter also the redder, low-inclination KBOs into centaur orbits. We must remember, ( 1.4.1) that redder centaurs show lower inclination than the grayer ones. This suggests that the different colour populations could have been born in different regions. [3] These ideas are only hypotheses to explain the colour bimodality of centaurs and should not yet be taken as a solid fact. More research needs to be done in order to prove or to disprove these scenarios.

22 2 Calculating Centaur Positions and display- ing their distribution in the Solar System

In order to visualize the positions of currently known centaurs, a text file containing the orbital el- ements of centaurs and Scattered-Disc Objects was downloaded from [20]. A file containing 562 objects (centaurs and SDOs) has been used in the program, but a more recent file is now available from the Center with 612 objects. The calculations needed for the program are de- scribed in 2.1 and the actual program is discussed in 2.2. In one part of the program the NAIF SPICE toolkit was used. The toolkit is discussed in more detail in appendix A. The results achieved with the program are described in detail in section 3.

2.1 Calculation of Centaur Positions

In order to plot a map of centaurs in the Solar System, we transform the orbital elements to the x, y and z coordinates of the positions in an inertial frame. In order to do this, one can solve first the eccentric anomaly numerically from Kepler’s equation (2.1) for given eccentricity and of the object

M = E − e sin(E). (2.1)

Here M is the mean anomaly of the object in radians, E is the eccentric anomaly and e is the eccen- tricity of the object. Eccentric anomaly cannot be derived analytically from Kepler’s equation, but it

23 can be solved numerically by iteration. This is done by setting (derived from Eq. 2.54 from [21]):

E = M + ψ, (2.2)

where ψi+1 = e sin(M + ψi) and ψ0 = 0. In order to calculate the x, y and z coordinates, one needs to calculate the true anomaly and the radius of the object’s orbit. The true anomaly is (derived from Eq. 2.43 from [21])

 cos(E) − e  f = arccos (2.3) 1 − e cos(E) and the radius is obtained from

r = a(1 − e cos(E)). (2.4) for given semi-major axis a. Next, one can calculate the x, y and z coordinates in the following way (Eq. 2.122 from [21])

  x = r(cos(Ω) cos(ω + f) − sin(Ω) sin(ω + f) cos(I))   y = r(sin(Ω) cos(ω + f) + cos(Ω) sin(ω + f) cos(I)) .    z = r(sin(ω + f) sin(I))

Here ω is the argument of pericentre, I is inclination and Ω is longitude of ascending node. These are also obtained from the data file in the angular J2000.0 frame of reference.

2.2 Programming the Map of the Solar System

The programs (called and were written in the IDL program- ming language. utilizes the NAIF SPICE-toolkit (appendix A) in order to calculate the orbits of (2060) Chiron, (10199) Chariklo and Pholus. To start the program, a function to read the data file containing the orbital elements of the centaurs and SDOs was needed. The data obtained from the file was perihelion, aphelion, visual magnitude, of mean anomaly, mean anomaly, argument of perihelion, longitude of ascending node, incli-

24 nation, eccentricity and semi-major axis. Not every piece of data was needed, but getting everything at once allows one to add other applications to the program in later time. A subroutine is needed to solve Kepler’s equation (2.1). The third function is the most important one. It calculates the centaur’s coordinates. As an input, it takes semi-major axis, inclination, eccentricity, longitude of ascending node, argument of pericentre and mean anomaly. In order to calculate the radius and true anomaly of the object, one needs to know the eccentric anomaly. This is achieved by first calling the function to solve for the eccentric anomaly from the data. Then one can use equations 2.3 and 2.4 to solve the radius and true anomaly. When these are known, one can finally calculate the coordinates for the centaur at hand. The main program uses the aforementioned functions to process the data and to plot the results. The main program also calls the program Spice_centaurs, to plot the orbits of aforementioned cen- taurs, over which the other results are overplotted to illustrate how the orbits of these centaurs relate to those of gas planets and to the locations of other centaurs. comprises of 2 helping functions, a program to draw the plots (Plot_draw) and the main program. The first function generates the timeperiod used in handling the data. The second function defines the length of each month and checks for leap years during the defined 100 year time period. Plot_draw handles the data and plots it. We use the Ecliptic J2000 as a reference frame centered in the Sun. When the reference frame has been chosen, one needs to get the data from the spice kernels (more info about kernels in appendix A). Here we have gotten the vector from the Sun to the chosen centaur to get the coordinates for drawing the whole orbit. Here is shown the code for (2060) Chiron as an example:

for it=0L,nt-1 do begin cspice_spkez,2002060L,ettab(it), $ refer, abcorr, 10, state, none

xschi(it)=state[0] ;Position components, km yschi(it)=state[1]

25 zschi(it)=state[2] endfor

In the "for-loop" the SPICE command "cspice_spkez" is used. This command gets the position data from the kernels. The number "2002060L" is the NAIF ID code for (2060) Chiron (which can be found here along other centaurs: [22]). The "L" at the end of the id is making sure that IDL handles the id properly, as "long" number. Therefore it is not part of the original NAIF ID, but should be added for the program to work properly. Next input is "ettab(it)" which gives the scalar double precision ephemeris time (contains a time period of 1950–2050 with 50 000 time steps) as seconds past J2000 Barycentric Dynamical Time system (TDB). This relates the object’s position to the time at the observers location. Keyword "refer" defines the reference frame (Ecliptic J2000). Keyword "abcorr" defines possible aberration corrections. Here "abcorr" was defined to be "none", because no aberration correction needs to be used in calculation of the position data. The next number is the NAIF ID for Sun that indicates the position of the observer. Second to last input ("state") is the variable in which the needed data will be returned. The data is saved as a double precision Cartesian 6-vector representing the position in km and velocity in km/s of the target body relative to the observer. The first three components are the x, y and z components of the targets position and last three components are the corresponding velocity vectors. The last command has been set to "none". It is the scalar double precision one-way light time between the observer and target in seconds. Next the x, y and z coordinates are extracted from the needed data. After getting the needed coordinates for the wanted objects, the coordinates have been transformed from kilometers to astro- nomical units (AU) to make it possible to overplot and compare the orbits to the ones calculated with Lastly the orbits are plotted into one picture. First the main program loads the Spice kernels. The time period for the kernels is defined and the used variables are made global. Finally the program calls the Plot_draw program to draw the plot.

26 3 Results

In this section, we discuss the results of the program presented in sections 2.1 and 2.2. The goal of the program was to illustrate the distribution of the centaurs in the Solar System. It was also tested, whether it is useful to use the NAIF SPICE-toolkit to directly extract the positions of centaurs, or if it is better to do the calculations by oneself, which introduces some loss of precision. The figures presented below show the locations of the centaurs along with the orbits of the giant planets.

Top view of the Solar System 100


0 Orbit Y-coordinate


-100 -100 -50 0 50 100 Orbit X-coordinate

Figure 3.1: Distribution of Centaurs in the Solar System (black dots). The orbits of the giant planets are also shown (yellow – Jupiter, green – Saturn, red – Uranus, light blue – Neptune).

The instantaneous points of centaurs in the Solar System are shown in Fig. 3.1. The maximal

27 distance from the Sun has been chosen to be 100 AU in order to filter out some of the Scattered Disk Objects (SDOs). This is done, because the Minor Planet Center has combined the information of centaur orbits with the information of SDO orbits. The objects further away than 100 AU should consist only of SDOs. Most of the centaurs are found either close to Neptune’s orbit or inside of it. Most of the SDOs should be far away from Neptunes orbit. The most dense concentration of centaurs seem to be between and Uranus’ orbits. One can see from Fig. 3.4 that (2060) Chiron’s (pink) and (10199) Chariklo’s (dark blue) orbits are confined inside Uranus’ orbit. Also part of Pholus’ (orange) orbit lies well inside Uranus’ orbit, all the way to the orbit of Saturn.

Top view of the Solar System 40


0 Orbit Y-coordinate


-40 -40 -20 0 20 40 Orbit X-coordinate

Figure 3.2: Same as Fig. 3.1 but limited to 40 AU from the Sun.

From the snapshot in Fig. 3.2 can be seen, that there are some centaurs inside Jupiter’s orbit. That means, that the centaurs cross Jupiter’s, orbits. Some of these centaurs transform into Jupiter- family comets (short-period comets with orbital periods shorter than 20 years and low inclinations). As mentioned in section 1.1, the Jupiter family comets can also transfer to centaur orbits again.

28 Chiron, Chariklo and Pholus Orbits with known Centaurs 100


0 Y (AU)


-100 -100 -50 0 50 100 X (AU)

Figure 3.3: Outer Solar System with the orbit of (2060) Chiron (pink), (5145) Pholus (orange) and (10199) Chariklo (dark blue).

In Fig. 3.3 and Fig. 3.4 are shown orbits of (2060) Chiron, (10199) Chariklo and (5145) Pholus orbits on top of the map of the Solar System. Individual orbits have been created with the SPICE- toolkit in order to get more precise results. This seems to be a good way to create specific orbits and investigate them closer. It also gives higher precision and additional data (for example the velocities of the objects, which one could also get from the elements) that one can use if needed. If one wants to create all the centaur orbits, this is not the best way to do so if one does not want to spend a lot of time manually downloading and configuring the kernels one by one. The actual data handling can be automated easily, but managing the kernels in the first place seems to be difficult to make automatic. One would need to create a program that reads the centaur names from a list, accesses the terminal (in our case Linux terminal), inputs the centaur names in the right format, downloads the kernels and transforms them into the correct binary format to be used. If one wants to use larger data sets to get a quick grasp of the centaur (or asteroid etc.) orbits, it is faster to calculate

29 Chiron, Chariklo and Pholus Orbits with known Centaurs 40


0 Y (AU)


-40 -40 -20 0 20 40 X (AU)

Figure 3.4: Zoomed image of the outer Solar System with (2060) Chiron (pink), (5145) Pholus (or- ange) and (10199) Chariklo (dark blue) orbits added (radius 40 AU). the positions from the elements provided by MPC and only use SPICE for the most interesting objects to get a better precision on the orbits and other additional data one might want. When searching for SPICE kernels that provide the newest information of centaurs and SDOs, a kernel for 2015 RR245 was found. This is a newly discovered dwarf planet listed together with the centaurs and SDOs in the file used in creating the program Part of 2015 RR245’s orbit is shown in Fig. 3.5. It is not complete, because the kernel is only covering a period of 100 years. 2015 RR245 is estimated to take 700 years to orbit the Sun once and it has been observed only for one year [23]. Therefore its orbit is not yet well constrained and the hundred year period is only showing part of its orbit.

30 Chiron, Chariklo and Pholus Orbits with known Centaurs 100


0 Y (AU)


-100 -100 -50 0 50 100 X (AU)

Figure 3.5: Zoomed image of the outer Solar System with (2060) Chiron, Pholus, (10199) Chariklo and 2015 RR245 orbits added.

31 Appendices

32 A The NAIF SPICE Toolkit

The NAIF SPICE toolkit is an important part of an astronomers arsenal in creating simulations, han- dling datasets and calculating positions of celestial bodies (and spacecraft) in the Solar System.

A.1 SPICE Concept

SPICE is a system that assists NASA to plan space missions and to interpret data from scientific observations. It can be used to develop mission concepts and to analyse post-mission data. It can also correlate data sets from different instruments with data from other instruments either on the same or another spacecraft.

A.1.1 Kernels

The SPICE datasets are called kernels. They are composed of navigation information that has been made available for easy use by scientists and engineers. Kernels are produced from accurate sources (usually from mission operations center). They are normally accompanied by metadata that provides descriptive information needed by users. The kernel files consist of: S- Spacecraft ephemeris as a function of time. (SPK-file) P- Location of any target body (Planets, comets, etc.) as a function of time (SPK). P kernels also include certain physical, dynamical and cartographic constants for the target bodies (for example size and shape, orientation of the spin axis and prime meridian, in a PCK-file). I- Instrument description kernel. It contains the descriptive data of a particular scientific instru- ment (field-of-view size, shape and orientation parameters, in an IK-file).

33 C- Pointing kernel that contains a transformation (C-matrix) which provides orientation for a spacecraft bus or a spacecraft structure on which the scientific instruments are attached. E- Events kernel. It summarizes planned and unanticipated mission activities. The file set consists of science plans, sequences and notes, but the kernel is not used very often (EK-file). Aforementioned letters are contained in the SPICE acronym, since they are the most important ones. However, there are some other important kernels that did not make it to the acronym. For instance, a frame kernel (FK) contains specifications of the assortment of reference frames used by flight projects. It also includes mounting alignment information for instruments, antennas and possible other structures. SCLK and LSK stand for spacecraft clock and leap seconds kernels. They are used in converting time tags between various time measurement systems.

A.1.2 Using the SPICE Toolkit

The SPICE toolkit can be easily integrated into a users own program for an easy access of a wide variety of data. However, one needs to do some initial setting up to get the toolkit to work properly on ones operating system. The toolkit is available for C, FORTRAN, IDL and MATLAB. Here is detailed information for setting it up on IDL and Linux, but the main principles should apply also on other languages and operating systems, although specific details might differ a bit. For IDL, the toolkit is available for a variety of operating systems. It includes the most common ones (OSX, Linux and Windows) and Solaris. One can download the toolkit here [24]. In order to get the toolkit to work on Linux one must download a package called ICY. This can be downloaded from the aforementioned website after choosing the operating system and whether one needs a 32bit or 64bit version of the toolkit. ICY contains all the toolkit components in one compressed file. There is also available an installation script for the package and specific information on how to install ICY on a computer. After succesfully installing ICY, one wants to get the specific kernels to work with. The easiest way to do this is to use the terminal in Linux. In order to download the kernels straight through the terminal, one needs to download a script called "smb_spk". The newest version of it is available here [25].

34 smb_spk [-t|-b|-1|-2] [small-body] [start] [stop] [e-mail] {file_name}

As an example, here is the command used to get the kernels for (2060) Chiron used in smb_spk -b "Chiron;" 1950-Jan-1 2050-JAN-1 email chiron19502050.bsp

This command gets a binary file named chiron19502050 from a time period from 1950 to 2050. It also saves the email address for NAIF servers, which they can use to contact the user if need be. When one has the kernels, one needs to create a text file where all the kernel file paths are defined. Here is an example of that:

\begindata PATH_VALUES = ( ’/home/granholm/Bachelors/Kernels2’ ) PATH_SYMBOLS = ( ’path’ ) KERNELS_TO_LOAD = ( ’$path/LSK/naif0011.tls’ , ’$path/PCK/gm_de431.tpc’ , ’$path/PCK/PCK00010.TPC’ , ’$path/SPK/chiron19502050.bsp’ , ’$path/SPK/chariklo19502050.bsp’ , ’$path/SPK/pholus19502050.bsp’ , ’$path/SPK/2015RR245.bsp’ , ’$path/SPK/2015HX10.bsp’ , ’$path/SPK/2016LS.bsp’ , ’$path/SPK/UN524.bsp’ , ’$path/SPK/DE405.BSP’ )

This is the content of kernels2.txt that was used to configure the kernels in (not all of the kernels were used in the end). One can just copy the format of this example and change the path names to fit the file path of the files. When that has been done, the kernels can be called in IDL simply with the command:

35 spicedir=/path/to/the/directory kernelfile=spicedir+’/Kernels2/kernels2.txt’ cspice_furnsh,kernelfile

One can find useful SPICE commands to be used in the programs from here [26].

36 4 Bibliography

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38 issue 2, pp. 404–418, 2003. [20] Minor Planet Center, “List of Centaurs and Scattered-Disk Objects.” [Online]. Available: [Accessed: Sept. 9, 2017]. [21] C. D. Murray and S. F.Dermott, Solar System Dynamics. USA: Cambridge University Press, 1999. [22] NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, “JPL Small-Body Database Browser.” [Online]. Available: [Accessed: Sept. 9, 2017]. [23] Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope, “New Distant Dwarf Planet Beyond Neptune.” [Online]. Available: [Accessed: Sept. 9, 2017]. [24] NAIF, “The SPICE Toolkit.” [Online]. Available: [Accessed: Sept. 9, 2017]. [25] NASA, “SMB SPK Script.” [Online]. Available: [Accessed: Sept. 9, 2017]. [26] NAIF, “NAIF ICY Commands and Documentation.” [Online]. Available: [Accessed: Sept. 9, 2017]. [27] A. A. Sickafoose, "Ring Detected Around a Dwarf Planet," Nature, vol. 550, pp. 197–198, 2017.