Catalogue of the Mammal Specimens Collected by Dr

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Catalogue of the Mammal Specimens Collected by Dr Catalogue of the mammal specimens collected by Dr. Hisashi Abe はじめに 本目録は、阿部永博士(元北海道大学教授・元北海道大学農学部博物館 ( 現 : 北方生物圏フィールド科学セン ター植物園・博物館)館長)から寄贈された哺乳類標本約 9,000 点の目録である。 阿部博士は 1952 年の北海道大学入学以降、食虫目の分類及び生態学研究を現在に至るまで継続しており、そ の成果は様々な著書・論文として発表されている。当館は阿部博士の退官に際して、北海道大学入学前後から 採集あるいは他の研究者との交換によって収集し、研究活動に利用してきた阿部コレクション(HA)の寄贈を 受け、阿部博士の協力を得ながら整理を行ってきた。本目録はその成果である。なお、阿部博士が採集した標 本のうち 、博物館在職中に採集した食虫目以外の哺乳類標本や鳥類標本、魚類標本等は博物館所蔵標本として 管理されており、それらは本目録には含まれていない。 凡例 本目録は阿部博士の協力の下、加藤克・高谷文仁・市川秀雄・谷亀高広が中心となり、以下の構成によって 情報整理・編集を行った。 (1)阿部コレクション(HA) は、管理番号 HA00001 から始まる連番によってすべての分類群の標本が管理さ れてきた。この番号は阿部博士の論文等だけではなく、他の研究者によっても用いられてきている。このため、 当館の管理標本として登録するにあたって、その管理番号の意味を損なうことのないよう、阿部コレクション の管理番号に 50000 を加えたものを博物館の管理番号とすることとした(HA00001=HUNHM50001)。 (2)標本情報は、阿部博士の標本台帳を基礎として登録し、2013 年 3 月までに標本と照合して確認作業を行った。 (3)目録における学名記載および配列は、「Mammal Species of the World」3rd ed.(Wilson & Reeder 2005) に準拠し 、各分類群内においては、管理番号順に標本情報を配列した。和名は「世界哺乳類和名辞典」(今泉 1988)に準拠している。 (4)採集地については、紙幅の関係から市町村名までを記載することとしたが、各標本には詳細な情報が記載 されているものも多い。詳細については博物館 ([email protected]) まで照会していただきたい。 (5)一部の標本は他機関の研究者との標本交換により、剥製や骨格などの標本が博物館に寄贈されていないが、 これらのうち、阿部博士の標本台帳に計測値情報が残されているものは、外部測定標本として取り扱い、目録 に含めた。 (6)標本の形態は目録において「Status」欄に数字で示すこととした。形態と数字の対応関係は以下のように なる。 1 剥製・皮:skin 2 頭骨:skull 2a 頭骨液浸:skull in fluid 3 全身骨格:skelton 3a 部分骨格:partial skeleton 4 液浸 ( 剥皮した胴部 ):remainder in fluid 4a 液浸 ( 全身 ):fluid 5 組織:tissue 6 外部計測値:external measurement 7 乾燥死体:dry body - i - Catalogue of Collections Botanic Garden, Hokkaido University No.7 (2013) Preface This collection consisted of about 9,000 insectivora specimens was donated by Dr. Hisashi Abe, retired professor in Hokkaido University Natural History Museum (Present; Director of Hokkaido University Botanic Garden & Museum, Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere). Dr. Abe has been studying about taxonomy and biology in insectivora since entrance of Hokkaido University in 1952, and the accomplishments of the studies have been published as books and scientific papers. We have organized and described the donated specimens, so-called ‘Abe collection (collection number; HA)’, in this catalogue with help from Dr. Abe. Meanwhile, specimens except for insectivora, such as fish and Aves, are maintained as other collection of our museum. Legends Dr. Masaru Kato, Mr. Humihito Takaya, Mr. Hideo Ichikawa and Dr. Takahiro Yagame organized the information of the ‘Abe collection’ as follows. 1) ‘Abe collection’ had been organized the numbers in sequence date from HA00001 and researchers containing Dr. Abe had used these numbers. In order to preserve the original sequence numbers, we added 50000 to HA sequence numbers to organize this collection. (HA00001=HUNHM50001) 2) Information of the specimens was deposited to this catalogue based on ledgers written by Dr. Abe, and the information accuracy had been confirmed until March 2013 by comparing between description and specimens. 3) We referred an order of scientific name and Japanese name to ‘Mammal species of the World 3rd ed (Wilson & Reeder 2005) and ‘A World List of Mammals with Japanese Names‘(Imaizumi 1988). Information of the specimens in each taxonomic group was listed in order of HA number. 4) Information of the sampling sites was described at municipality levels. For additional information of the collection, please ask us([email protected]). 5) Because of specimen exchanges, portions of the Abe collection were not maintained in our museum. However, information of these specimens described in ledger of Dr. Abe was also contained as ‘Specimen of external measurement’ in this catalogue. 6) Regions and states of the specimens were shown on the ‘Status’ column as follows. 1. skin; 2. skull; 2a. skull in fluid; 3. skelton; 3a. partial skeleton; 4. remainder in fluid; 5. tissue; 6. external measurement; 7. dry body - ii - Catalogue of the mammal specimens collected by Dr. Hisashi Abe Cyngulata 被甲目 Dasypodidae アルマジロ科 Euphractus sp. C yngulata 被甲目 HUNHM No. Sex Locality Date Status 58859 Female Sao Paulo, Blazil 1972. 2 Scandentia 登木目 Tupaiidae ツパイ科 Tupaia glis / コモンツパイ / Common Treeshrew HUNHM No. Sex Locality Date Status 56216 Male River Kwai, Thailand 1978.07.19 2/6 56217 Male River Kwai, Thailand 1978.07.19 2/6 Scandentia 56232 Male Nakhon Nayok, Thailand 1978.07.23 2/6 56244 Male Nakhon Nayok, Thailand 1978.07.23 6 登木目 56333 Male Mae Hong Son, Thailand 1978.08.04 2/6 56344 Female Mae Sariang, Thailand 1978.08.07 2/6 56509 Male Chumphon, Thailand 1980.08.09 1/2 56510 Male Chumphon, Thailand 1980.08.09 1/2 56511 Female Chumphon, Thailand 1980.08.09 1/2 56512 Female Chumphon, Thailand 1980.08.09 1/2 56515 Male Chumphon, Thailand 1980.08.10 1/2 56529 Male Chumphon, Thailand 1980.08.13 1/2 56530 Female Chumphon, Thailand 1980.08.13 1/2 56537 Female Chumphon, Thailand 1980.08.14 1/2 56538 Female Chumphon, Thailand 1980.08.14 1/2 56539 Male Chumphon, Thailand 1980.08.14 1/2 56540 Male Chumphon, Thailand 1980.08.14 1/2 56548 Female Khon Kaen, Thailand 1980.08.19 1/2 56603 Male Phuket, Thailand 1980.08.27 1/2 56604 Male Phuket, Thailand 1980.08.27 1/2 56605 Male Phuket, Thailand 1980.08.27 1/2 56606 Female Phuket, Thailand 1980.08.27 1/2 56607 Male Phuket, Thailand 1980.08.27 1/2 56608 Female Phuket, Thailand 1980.08.27 1/2 56609 Male Phuket, Thailand 1980.08.27 1/2 56610 Female Phuket, Thailand 1980.08.27 1/2 56611 Male Phuket, Thailand 1980.08.27 1/2 56612 Female Phuket, Thailand 1980.08.27 1/2 56613 Male Phuket, Thailand 1980.08.27 1/2 56614 Male Phuket, Thailand 1980.08.27 2/6 56647 Male Phuket, Thailand 1980.08.28 1/2 56648 Female Phuket, Thailand 1980.08.28 1/2 56649 Male Phuket, Thailand 1980.08.28 1/2 56650 Male Phuket, Thailand 1980.08.28 1/2 56651 Female Phuket, Thailand 1980.08.28 1/2 56668 Male Phuket, Thailand 1980.08.29 1/2 56669 Female Phuket, Thailand 1980.08.29 1/2 56670 Male Phuket, Thailand 1980.08.29 1/2 56671 Female Phuket, Thailand 1980.08.29 1/2 56672 Female Phuket, Thailand 1980.08.29 1/2 56673 Female Phuket, Thailand 1980.08.29 1/2 56674 Female Phuket, Thailand 1980.08.29 1/2 56675 Female Phuket, Thailand 1980.08.29 1/2 56729 Female Wa ng Takhrai, Thailand 1982.07.23 1/3 56730 Male Wa ng Takhrai, Thailand 1982.07.23 1/2 56746 Female Wa ng Takhrai, Thailand 1982.07.24 1/2 56811 Male Wa ng Takhrai, Thailand 1982.07.28 1/2 56815 Female Khao Yai National Park, Thailand 1982.08.01 1/2 56816 Female Khao Yai National Park, Thailand 1982.08.01 1/2 56817 Female Khao Yai National Park, Thailand 1982.08.01 1/2 - 1 - Catalogue of Collections Botanic Garden, Hokkaido University No.7 (2013) HUNHM No. Sex Locality Date Status 56818 Male Khao Yai National Park, Thailand 1982.08.01 1/2 56835 Male Khao Yai National Park, Thailand 1982.08.03 1/2 56836 Female Khao Yai National Park, Thailand 1982.08.03 1/2 56862 Male Khaen Koi, Thailand 1982.08.07 1/2 56863 Female Khoh Tum Muang, Thailand 1982.08.06 1/2 56864 Female Khoh Tum Muang, Thailand 1982.08.06 1/2 56873 Male Kaki Bukit, Malaysia 1985.07.20 1/2 56874 Female Kaki Bukit, Malaysia 1985.07.20 1/2 56890 Female Mount Jerai, Malaysia 1985.07.24 1/2 56891 Male Mount Jerai, Malaysia 1985.07.24 1/2 56892 Female Mount Jerai, Malaysia 1985.07.24 1/2 56897 Female Mount Jerai, Malaysia 1985.07.25 1/2 56900 Male Mount Jerai, Malaysia 1985.07.26 1/2 56906 Female Pulau Sayak, Malaysia 1985.07.26 1/2 56907 Male Pulau Sayak, Malaysia 1985.07.26 1/2 56908 Male Pulau Sayak, Malaysia 1985.07.26 1/2 56909 Male Pulau Sayak, Malaysia 1985.07.26 1/2 56913 Male Mount Jerai, Malaysia 1985.07.27 1/2 56914 Male Mount Jerai, Malaysia 1985.07.27 1/2 56921 Male Bukit Mariam, Malaysia 1985.07.27 1/2 56938 Male Malaysia 1985.07.30 1/2 56939 Male Malaysia 1985.07.30 1/2 56940 Female Malaysia 1985.07.30 1/2 56941 Male Malaysia 1985.07.30 1/2 56942 Male Malaysia 1985.07.30 1/2 56943 Male Malaysia 1985.07.30 1/2 56989 Male Kuala Tahan, Malaysia 1985.08.08 1/2 57021 Female Kampung Pulat, Malaysia 1985.08.12 1/2 Lagomorpha ウサギ形目 Ochotonidae ナキウサギ科 Ochotona hyperborea / キタナキウサギ / Northern Pika HUNHM No. Sex Locality Date Status 50298 Female Shikaoi, Hokkaido pref. 1962.07.31 1/2 50632 Female Chubetsudake, Daisetsuzan, Hokkaido pref. 1964.07.08 1/2 54845 Male Shintoku, Hokkaido pref. 1974.08.11 1/2 55173 Female Shikaoi, Hokkaido pref. 1981.10.20 1/3 Ochotona macrotis / オオミミナキウサギ / Large-eared Pika HUNHM No. Sex Locality Date Status 57628 Female Gosainkund, Nepal 1968.06.03 1/2 Ochotona princeps / アメリカナキウサギ / American Pika HUNHM No. Sex Locality Date Status 58002 Female Mt. Rae, Alberta, Canada 1973.07.27 1/2 Ochotona roylei / ヒマラヤナキウサギ / Royle’s Pika HUNHM No. Sex Locality Date Status 57605 Male Pokhara, Napal 1968.05.12 1/2 57606 Female Gosainkund, Nepal 1968.06.04 6 57607 Female Gosainkund, Nepal 1968.06.04 1/2 57608 Male There pati, Nepal 1968.06.05 1/2 57609 Female There pati, Nepal 1968.06.06 1/2 57610 Male There pati, Nepal 1968.06.06 1/2 57611 Male There pati, Nepal 1968.06.06 1/2 57612 Male There pati, Nepal 1968.06.06 1/2 57613 Male There pati, Nepal 1968.06.06 1/2 - 2 - Catalogue of the mammal specimens collected by Dr. Hisashi Abe HUNHM No. Sex Locality Date Status 57614 Female There pati, Nepal 1968.06.07 1/2 57615 Male Langtang Valley, Nepal 1975.09.23 1/2 57616 Male Langtang Valley, Nepal 1975.09.23 1 57617 Female Langtang Valley, Nepal 1975.09.24 1/2 57618 Male Langtang Valley, Nepal 1975.09.24 1/2 57619 Male Langtang Valley, Nepal 1975.09.24 1/2 57620 Female Syng Gomba, Nepal 1975.10.02 1/2 57621 Male Gosainkund, Nepal 1975.10.05 1/2 57622 Male Gosainkund, Nepal 1975.10.05 1 57623 Female Gosainkund, Nepal 1975.10.07 1/2 57624 Male Gosainkund, Nepal 1975.10.07 1/2 57625 Male There pati, Nepal 1975.10.08 1/2 57626 Male There pati, Nepal 1975.10.08 1/2 57627 Male There pati, Nepal 1975.10.09 1/2 Leporidae ウサギ科 Scandentia Lepus brachyurus / ノウサギ / Japanese Hare 登木目 HUNHM No.
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