INVESTMENT UPDATE Report as on 31st August 2020 INDEX Content Category No.

From the Managing Director’s Desk 04 ...... Market Overview 05 ...... From the Chief Business Officer's Desk 06 ...... Snapshot of Equity Funds & Other Categories 07 ...... SBI Blue Chip Fund Equity - Large Cap 11 ...... SBI Magnum Equity ESG Fund 12 ...... (Previously known as SBI Magnum Equity Fund) Equity - Thematic Fund SBI Magnum Multicap Fund Equity - Multi Cap Fund 13 ...... SBI Contra Fund Equity - Contra Fund 14 ...... SBI Large & Midcap Fund 15 ...... (Previously known as SBI Magnum Multiplier Fund) Equity - Large & Mid Cap Fund SBI Focused Equity Fund 16 ...... (Previously known as SBI Emerging Businesses Fund) Equity - Focused Fund SBI Magnum MidCap Fund Equity - Mid Cap Fund 17 ...... SBI Magnum Global Fund Equity - Thematic Fund 18 ...... SBI Small Cap Fund 19 ...... (Previously known as SBI Small & Midcap Fund) Equity - Small Cap Fund

SBI Long Term Equity Fund 20 (Previously known as SBI Magnum Taxgain Scheme) Equity - ELSS ...... SBI Healthcare Opportunities Fund 21 ...... (Previously known as SBI Pharma Fund) Equity - Sectoral Fund 22 ...... SBI Banking And Financial Services Fund Equity - Sectoral Fund SBI PSU Fund Equity - Sectoral Fund 23 ...... SBI Magnum Comma Fund Equity - Sectoral Fund 24 ...... SBI Infrastructure Fund Equity - Sectoral Fund 25 ...... SBI Consumption Opportunities Fund 26 (Previously known as SBI FMCG Fund) Equity - Thematic ...... SBI Technology Opportunities Fund (Previously known as SBI IT Fund) Equity - Sectoral Fund 27 ...... SBI Equity Minimum Variance Fund Equity - Thematic 28 ...... SBI Gold Fund Fund of Fund 29 ...... SBI Nifty Index Fund Index Fund 30 ...... Snapshot of Hybrid Funds & Solution Oriented Scheme 31 ...... SBI Equity Hybrid Fund (Previously known as SBI Magnum Balanced Fund) Hybrid - Aggressive Hybrid Fund 32 ...... SBI Dynamic Asset Allocation Fund Hybrid - Dynamic Asset Allocation Fund 33 ...... SBI Debt Hybrid Fund 34 (Previously known as SBI Magnum Monthly Income Plan) Hybrid - Conservative Hybrid Fund ...... SBI Multi Asset Allocation Fund (Previously known as SBI Magnum Monthly Income Plan - Floater) Hybrid - Multi Asset Allocation Fund 35 INDEX Content Category No.

SBI Magnum Children's Benefit Fund - Savings Plan (Previously known as SBI Magnum Children's Benefit Fund) Solutions Oriented Scheme - Children’s Fund 36 ...... SBI Equity Savings Fund Hybrid - Equity Savings Fund 37 ...... SBI Arbitrage Opportunities Fund Hybrid - Arbitrage Fund 38 ...... Snapshot of Debt Funds & Other Categories 40 ...... SBI Magnum Gilt Fund (Previously known as SBI Magnum Gilt Fund - Long Term Plan) Debt - Gilt Fund 41 ...... SBI Magnum Income Fund Debt - Medium To Long Duration Fund 42 ...... SBI Dynamic Bond Fund Debt - Dynamic Bond Fund 43 ...... SBI Corporate Bond Fund Debt - Corporate Bond Fund 44 ...... SBI Credit Risk Fund 45 ...... (Previously known as SBI Corporate Bond Fund) Debt - Credit Risk Fund SBI Magnum Medium Duration Fund 46 ...... (Previously known as SBI Regular Savings Fund) Debt - Medium Duration Fund 47 ...... SBI Short Term Debt Fund Debt - Short Duration Fund SBI Magnum Constant Maturity Fund (Previously known as SBI Magnum Gilt Fund - Short Term Plan) Debt - Gilt Fund With 10 Year Constant Duration 48 ...... SBI Magnum Low Duration Fund 49 ...... (Previously known as SBI Ultra Short Term Debt Fund) Debt - Low Duration Fund 50 ...... SBI Savings Fund Debt - Money Market Fund SBI Banking and PSU Fund (Previously known as SBI Treasury Advantage Fund) Debt - Banking And PSU Fund 51 ...... SBI Liquid Fund (Previously known as SBI Premier Liquid Fund) Debt - Liquid Fund 52 ...... SBI Magnum Ultra Short Duration Fund 53 ...... (Previously known as SBI Magnum InstaCash Fund) Debt - Ultra Short Duration Fund SBI Overnight Fund (Previously known as SBI Magnum InstaCash Fund - 54 ...... Liquid Floater) Debt - Overnight Fund 55 ...... Comparative Performance for all Schemes 61 ...... Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) 65 ...... Total Expense Ratios Dividend History Of Debt & Hybrid Funds 66 ...... Disclaimer 69 ...... SBI Funds Management Pvt Ltd Branches 70 ...... How to read the Factsheet 71 From the Managing Director’s Desk

Vinay M. Tonse MD & CEO

Dear Investors, Nations across the globe have been slowly opening up, after nearly six months of lockdown which left global trade and commerce in shambles. While the impact of the lockdown will be seen in growth numbers, equity markets seem to be considering this opening up as an optimistic sign of things to come. This sentiment was reflected in the markets in August with the BSE Sensex* rising by 2.7%, making it the third straight month of gains. While most manufacturing and service companies have pulled their shutters up, nowhere is the impact being felt more acutely than in the education sector where schools and colleges are looking to reopen their gates. Countries such as UK, France, Germany, Norway, Israel, Cambodia, Pakistan and India have decided to restart schools and colleges. By doing so, they have chosen to battle the virus rather than deal with the long-term negative effects of the COVID-induced disruption in the education system. As per an August 2020 UN report “Policy Brief: Education during COVID-19 and beyond”, nearly 1.6 billion students in over 190 countries have been severely impacted by the closing of educational institutions during the pandemic. While online education served as a temporary plug-in-the-hole, it was still not accessible to all. Further, prolonged deprivation of in-person interactions with other students and teachers - an integral part of the learning experience - can have an indelible impact on children’s overall and long-term development. While the education landscape changes to accommodate a post-COVID world, parents also need to be prepared and rethink how they plan their child’s future. With this aim in mind, we have decided to add to our kitty another investment solution aimed at securing children’s future, SBI Magnum Children’s Benefit Fund – Investment Plan. Unlike the existing debt-oriented SBI Magnum Children’s Benefit Fund – Savings Plan, this is an equity-oriented scheme which aims to meet long-term wealth creation needs. It comes with a five-year lock-in period or until the child attains the age of 18, whichever is earlier. Investment in this scheme can either be through a minor's bank account or a joint account shared by the minor and a parent/legal guardian. Subscriptions during the NFO period (Sept 8-22) can be done via both the SIP and lumpsum routes. With the education costs increasing year-on-year, we believe parents will have to start planning early and for the long-term to meet their children’s ambitions and aspirations. Moreover, we believe that such long- term wealth needs can be achieved only through adequate exposure to equity markets. These markets are closely linked with economic growth and could act as an early indication of green shoots in the economy. Therefore, investments in equity markets in a disciplined and consistent manner is key to generating risk- adjusted returns over the long-term. To attain this, look no further than the humble SIP. Start small, stay committed, and be patient is all you need to do. It is the convenience, flexibility, and discipline of this investment route that makes it popular among investors. SIPs are now synonymous with mutual funds, and we are confident that when it comes to exploring its potential in wealth creation, we have only just touched the tip of this SIP-iceberg! While on the subject, we are very excited and privileged to announce that our SIP book has now grown to include over 5 million SIP folios. This is not just a testament to the faith that our investors and distributors have put in us, but also the faith that they have put in the power of an SIP. As a popular saying goes, “Building wealth is a marathon, not a sprint.” Similarly, with SIPs - pace your investments, be disciplined in your planning and most importantly, commit to staying invested. Warm Regards, Vinay M. Tonse Managing Director & CEO

*Source: 04 Market Overview

Navneet Munot Chief Investment Officer

Even with a sharp sell-off on the last day, equity markets had another month of strong gains in August. The gains were broad based as small caps led with over 10% rise. Right noises on global policy have reinforced our view that a combination of fiscal and monetary accommodation will help reflate the global economy, beating the deflation of the past decade. Corporate India’s performance has been better than expected with significant cost control. While part of this may come back with revenue, some of it could be permanent. Innovation and technology may lead to lasting cost advantages and productivity gains. Buoyant capital markets have been well-utilized by banks to shore up their balance sheets. Strong balance sheets, robust cost control and lower taxes augur well for reversion in corporate profitability over the medium term. However, just as things didn’t turn out as bad as markets had feared during March lows, we do not think we are quite in the clear yet as the market move back to near pre-Covid highs might suggest.

Globally, policy support has been the single most important driver for all asset markets in our view and positive news on that front continued. At the annual Jackson Hole symposium, Fed Chair Powell indeed reset Fed’s monetary policy goal to average inflation targeting as widely anticipated. This means that after a period of undershoot of the Fed’s 2% target, it will allow inflation to run ahead of the target as a make-up strategy. He also talked about making maximum employment a broad-based and inclusive goal, focussed on low and moderate- income communities. Overall, this implies that policy rates will stay low for longer, allowing inflation and labour markets to run hot to compensate for the inflation undershoot of the past few years. This only strengthens our reflation thesis, even as we continue to believe that fiscal policy will have a much more important role to play in bringing about a broad-based growth revival in the wake of rising inequality globally.

Incrementally, however, it looks unlikely that there can be continued good news on policy front to support the near vertical market rise. We may have seen a peak on policy optimism for the time being. If anything, US presidential elections are a looming uncertainty. Recent reports suggest Trump is closing on to Biden even as the latter is still a favourite albeit by a thinner margin. Democratic sweep would have allowed for more expansionary and redistributive fiscal policy and hence greater reflationary pulse. Yet another related risk is that if election results are too close, they may be challenged, leading to a period of uncertainty and policy paralysis. At a juncture when lot hinges on fiscal policy, and when geopolitics is quite fragile, this is a risk markets seem to be ignoring thus far.

Back home, RBI faces a tough choice between preventing rupee appreciation, keeping lid on long-end yields and fighting inflation amidst surging inflows. However, the RBI’s intent to support the economy even in the wake of rising inflation is comforting. It continues to be aggressive with Operation Twist which allows it to signal to the market that it will indeed do ‘whatever it takes’ to keep bond yields from rising, while staying liquidity neutral. On the other hand, it has increased the SLR holding limit for banks to 22% of NDTL from the current 19.5%. This will allow more absorption capacity of government bonds as continued operation twist allays fears on mark-to- market losses.

For yields to stay down sustainably, inflation trajectory going forward will be important. Globally too the way inflation pans out in the near term will have important ramifications. As economies gradually reopen, supply may take time to return in the wake of supply chain disruptions. Also, while policy response has been aggressive to support small businesses, there is bound to be some creative destruction which will take out capacity from the economy. These supply side challenges may lead to an inflation uptick. Even as this should be short lived as supply side ramps up, high inflation prints amidst recovering but low growth may not be the best data mix for markets in the interim.

While the recent RBI actions have led to considerable easing of long end rates, on an overall basis India’s yield 05 curve has steepened somewhat over the past few weeks. Some steepening is being witnessed in the US as well. If this continues amidst surging inflation expectations, it may work against equities at the margin. Equities are long duration assets and even some surge in longer end yields impact valuations. Eventually we believe policymakers will step in to put a lid on yields, especially in the western world where debt-to-GDP ratios are already at multi-decade highs. To support the economy and address the widespread economic inequality, fiscal policy will have to remain expansive adding to debt burden. The way out would therefore be to inflate the debt away: keep nominal yield low, real rates negative and let the currency depreciate. Even as surge in long end yields may prove temporary, this may provide a reason for the heightened equity optimism to subside in the interim. Alternatively, and somewhat perversely, weak economic data and equity market correction may act as triggers for yields to fall again.

For India, the economic reopening has been slower and there are signs of plateauing of activity. The recent GDP print was weaker than expectations. The weakness in state capex is worrisome given that states contribute to two-thirds of government capex and the multiplier impact of capex spends can hardly be paralleled. The weak print also emphasises the need for a demand boost even as fiscal capacity is constrained and the government continues prioritising structural reforms. Even as things normalise, this may well end up being a K-shaped recovery, where parts of the economy recover, some face cyclical challenges, and some others face permanent challenges. Internals of macro numbers on growth and inflation will matter more as aggregates may not reveal the true picture. Policy will have to ensure convergence to address the challenges on inequality at corporate and individual levels. And yet at some level, policy may only help to an extent in what is largely a medical problem and when on the disease front, we still appear to be struggling. While policy so far has underwritten the near-term downturn and helped address tail risks, there are limits to what it can achieve at least till we have a medical solution.

The impact on consumer and corporate behaviour for example is difficult to predict clearly at this point. Savings appear to have gone up recently as evidenced in our current account surplus, which suggests that private sector is saving more than the government sector’s deficit or dissaving. Yet MF equity inflows have plunged. Some of these savings may have directly gone into stocks as evident from the rise of Robinhood investors, not just in India but world over. Indeed, some measures of retail sentiment are now indicating euphoria. These retail traders will likely exacerbate market volatility in the event of a correction. With real rates staying negative, savings may also find their way away from financial assets into physical assets. This may not be all bad news as it may provide the much-needed fillip to real estate sector, the sector that has the potential to bring the economy out of its current glut. Builders do not have the capacity to continue holding on to inventory. Some price correction, low rates and genuine pent-up demand can turn things around for the sector. Within equities too, we believe a return of inflation should turn the tide in favour of asset owners.

Overall, there is no denying that the current crisis has necessitated the right policy change that helps reflate the global economy. Corporate sector in India looks in good health to capitalize. After ten years of underperformance by equities versus bonds, a revival in corporate profits should turn the tide over the next few years. Yet in the near term, the rally overlooks meaningful challenges we face in the interim. After the recent surge both in equities as well as bond yields, valuation attractiveness has shrunk, with yield spread back to historical medians. While polarization is just reversing in favour of small and midcaps and that space stays attractive, it is unlikely that these stocks will continue rising in the wake of a near term market pullback. For fixed income investors, inflation remains the key monitorable in the near term. A steep yield curve and the RBI’s strong intent to keep a lid on yields may provide tactical opportunities. Credit spreads for quality paper have contracted to pre-Covid levels and one needs to be very selective in that space too.

We are living in an environment with radical uncertainty. The uncertainty should keep financial market volatility high. And this volatility in turn will provide opportunities for patient long term investors.

Navneet Munot,

Chief Investment Officer – SBI Funds Management Private Limited

06 From the Chief Business Officer's Desk

D.P. Singh Chief Business Officer

Dear Friends,

People and Companies continue to step out and open up while the country’s daily cases continue to reach new highs with increased testing. Investors continue to have mixed emotions between equity, debt and gold as the country faces a mix of global and domestic issues. Mutual Funds saw outflows across equity funds even as market indices continued their ascent amidst severe contraction in our GDP and corporate revenue due to the pandemic. There was a slight dip in SIP flows as well with worries of more negative impact still to be felt. Our goal as a fund house has been to continue to reach out to the investors and those in the distribution community with what we feel is apt at this point of time while taking care of immediate needs and safety. Asset Allocation plays an important role at all times while we advise on what role the different asset classes can play in the coming months and year ahead in our interactions and media engagements.

I have written and spoken many times earlier about the versatility of mutual funds as an investment option to address financial goals of any investor. I shall reiterate two thoughts we as a fund house are planning to communicate this month. Firstly, to address the issue in my last month’s letter, the importance of investing separately to create a sufficient corpus for a child’s education or career is often underestimated. This shortfall can often eat into investments for other goals thus causing problems as you near retirement or other goals. Our New Fund Offer this month, SBI Magnum Children’s Benefit Fund – Investment Plan seeks to address this for parents looking to add the power of equity to fulfil their child’s aspirations. This offering is ideal for those wishing to start investing early to enable the true benefit of equity over the long-term. For those whose children are in their late teens, our ongoing scheme - Savings Plan under SBI Magnum Children’s Benefit Fund is an apt choice as it has a greater debt component than equity as the need for the corpus will be closer. Both the plans have a lock-in of 5 years or till the child attains age of majority (whichever is earlier) and since it is labelled as an offering to save for your child, a mental accounting effect enables you to identify and caution yourself from not withdrawing this corpus for any other need.

Secondly, retirement as a goal and one with comfort is a different ballgame for self-employed and professionals whose income is not planned and regular like Traders, Owners of Small & Medium Businesses, Health Professionals etc. Mutual Funds can help them plan for those years as well by enabling them to invest regularly or when they can through different facilities like SIP or lumpsum into funds as per their risk appetite and need. They may need more hand-holding from our friends in the advisory community to plan their investments as per their income/cash flow.

As always, do continue to take precautions and exercise caution when you step out. We continue to work on our digital offerings to help you manage investments and service your queries. I value your patronage always!

Warm Regards,


Chief Business Officer 07 Snapshot of Equity Funds & Other Categories

SBI Magnum Equity SBI Large & SBI Magnum SBI Magnum SBI Magnum Scheme Name SBI Blue Chip Fund ESG Fund SBI Contra Fund Midcap Fund (Previously known as SBI Multicap Fund (Previously known as SBI Midcap Fund Global Fund Magnum Equity Fund) Magnum Multiplier Fund)

Ideal Investment Horizon 4 years + 3 years + 4 years + 5 years + 4 years + 5 years + 5 years +

Inception Date 14/02/2006 01/01/1991 29/09/2005 05/07/1999 28/02/1993 29/03/2005 30/09/1994

Mr. Ruchit Mehta Mr. Dinesh Balachandran Mr. Anup Upadhyay Ms. Sohini Andani Mr. Anup Upadhyay Mr. Saurabh Pant Ms. Sohini Andani Fund Manager (w.e.f May 5,2018) (w.e.f May 5,2018) (w.e.f May 5,2018)

Managing Since Sep-2010 May-2018 Feb-2017 May-2018 Sep-2016 July-2010 May-2018 Nifty 100 ESG Index S&P BSE 500 Nifty Large MidCap 250 Nifty Midcap 150 Nifty MNC Benchmark S&P BSE 100 Index (w.e.f May 16,2018) S&P BSE 500 Index (w.e.f May 16,2018) (w.e.f February 25,2019) (w.e.f May 16,2018) (w.e.f May 16,2018) Fund Details as on 31 August 2020

Month End AUM (` in Crores) `22,584.78 Crores `2,762.23 Crores `9,057.61 Crores `1,328.95 Crores `2,879.82 Crores `3,593.27 Crores `3,854.32 Crores

Portfolio Turnover 0.42 0.55 0.66 2.36 0.88 0.28 0.31 Standard Deviation# 20.80% 20.91% 20.96% 22.90% 22.90% 25.47% 16.97%

Beta# 0.97 0.99 0.94 1.01 0.98 0.96 0.81

Sharpe Ratio# 0.03 0.14 0.02 -0.11 0.07 -0.08 0.18 Regular- 1.69% Regular- 2.04% Regular- 1.89%, Regular- 2.29%, Regular- 2.06% Regular- 1.98%, Regular- 1.98%, Expense Ratio Direct- 1.07% Direct- 1.36% Direct- 0.96% Direct- 1.67% Direct- 1.46% Direct- 1.23% Direct- 1.30% Portfolio Classification By Asset Allocation (%) as on 31 August 2020

Large Cap (%) 86.94 87.27 73.04 56.02 45.09 2.65 53.31

Mid Cap (%) 10.56 7.93 17.66 10.77 35.17 72.11 23.05

Small Cap (%) 0.81 - 6.54 25.72 16.69 22.89 17.15

Unclassified (%) - - 0.93 - - 0.05 2.25 1.83 7.49 2.30 4.24 Other Assets (%) 1.69 4.80 3.05 Portfolio Classification By Industry Allocation (%) as on 31 August 2020 Portfolio Classification By Industry Financial Services 35.21 Financial Services 30.97 Financial Services 27.36 Financial Services 19.52 Financial Services 21.23 Pharma 14.94 Consumer Goods 34.39 Allocation (%) (Top 10) Automobile 9.35 IT 16.69 Consumer Goods 12.07 Pharma 15.13 Automobile 11.11 Industrial Pharma 19.00 Pharma 9.23 Consumer Goods 10.25 IT 11.95 Oil & Gas 9.22 Industrial Manufacturing 13.69 Industrial Consumer Goods 8.74 Oil & Gas 8.54 Oil & Gas 9.85 IT 8.10 Manufacturing 10.38 Fertilisers & Manufacturing 17.83 IT 4.97 IT 8.61 Automobile 7.57 Pharma 5.99 Consumer Goods 6.92 Pharma 8.83 Pesticides 12.21 Oil & Gas 8.30 Financial Services 12.08 Automobile 4.77 Cement & Cement Automobile 5.07 Automobile 6.30 Consumer Goods 8.64 Construction 5.49 Consumer Goods 11.41 Cash, Cash Equivalents Products 3.86 Cement & Cement Derivatives 5.75 IT 6.30 Cement & Cement Cement & Cement And Others 4.24 Telecom 3.52 Products 4.33 Services 5.17 Cement & Cement Products 3.80 Products 7.44 Fertilisers & Pesticides 3.48 Industrial Products 5.92 Industrial Pharma 3.01 Construction 5.06 Construction 7.34 Services 3.19 Manufacturing 4.09 Services 5.25 Manufacturing 3.31 Derivatives 2.88 Cement & Cement IT 5.39 Chemicals 2.13 Chemicals 3.31 Construction 3.97 Telecom 2.28 Textiles 2.74 Products 4.72 Oil & Gas 3.49 Cement & Cement Telecom 3.18 Telecom 3.71 Textiles 2.90 Products 1.94 Other Details Exit Load Within 1 Year - 1% Within 1 Year - 1% On or Before 30 Within 1 Year - 1% On or Before 30 Within 1 Year - 1% Within 1 Year - 1% days - 0.10% days - 0.10% (w.e.f 15/01/2019) (w.e.f 15/01/2019) Please consult your financial advisor before investing. For details, please refer to respective page of the scheme. #Risk Free rate: FBIL Overnight Mibor rate (3.78% as on 31st August 2020) Basis for Ratio Calculation: 3 Years Monthly Data Points. Expense ratio includes GST, Base TER and additional expenses as per regulation 52(6A)(b) and 52(6A)(c) of SEBI (MF) regulations for both Direct and Regular plan 0508 Snapshot of Equity Funds & Other Categories

SBI Focused Equity SBI Long Term SBI Healthcare SBI Banking & SBI Small Cap Fund SBI Magnum Scheme Name Fund (Previously known as (Previously known as SBI Equity Fund Opportunities Fund Financial Services SBI PSU Fund SBI Emerging Businesses Small & Midcap Fund) (Previously known as SBI (Previously known as SBI COMMA Fund Fund) Magnum Taxgain Scheme) Pharma Fund) Fund

Ideal Investment Horizon 5 years + 5 years + 3 years + Tactical Tactical Tactical Tactical

Inception Date 17/09/2004 09/09/2009 31/03/1993 05/07/1999 26/02/2015 07/07/2010 08/08/2005

Mr. Dinesh Mr. R. Srinivasan Mr. R. Srinivasan Mr. Tanmaya Desai Mr. Milind Agrawal Mr. Richard D'souza Mr. Richard D'souza Fund Manager Balachandran

Managing Since May-2009 Nov - 2013 Sep-2016 Jun-2011 Aug - 2019 Aug-2014 Aug-2014

S&P BSE 500 S&P BSE HEALTH CARE Nifty Financial Services S&P BSE PSU INDEX Nifty Commodities S&P BSE 500 Index S&P BSE Small Cap Index Benchmark (w.e.f May 16,2018) Index (w.e.f May 16,2018) Index Fund Details as on 31 August 2020

Month End AUM (Rs. in Crores) `10,260.53 Crores `5,053.18 Crores `7,434.32 Crores `1,361.46 Crores `1,527.32 Crores `159.69 Crores `257.50 Crores

Portfolio Turnover 0.91 0.88 0.75 0.71 0.26 0.44 0.52

Standard Deviation# 20.33% 26.43% 21.76% 21.40% 27.63% 22.34% 23.42%

Beta# 0.86 0.87 0.98 0.88 1.00 0.86 0.92

Sharpe Ratio# 0.30 0.25 -0.02 0.42 0.14 -0.60 0.09

Regular- 1.75% Regular- 1.88% Regular- 1.87%, Regular- 2.23%, Regular- 2.13% Regular- 2.56%, Regular- 2.57%, Expense Ratio Direct- 0.81% Direct- 0.96% Direct- 1.30% Direct- 1.15% Direct- 1.08% Direct- 1.96% Direct- 2.03% Portfolio Classification By Asset Allocation (%) as on 31 August 2020 Large Cap (%) 61.35 1.61 70.90 65.67 81.74 64.13 49.45

Mid Cap (%) 23.47 23.16 16.65 14.33 10.38 9.02 4.27

Small Cap (%) 4.36 67.00 11.19 18.62 5.52 19.34 37.21

Unclassified (%) 6.95 2.62 - 0.41 - - 4.32

Other Assets (%) 3.87 5.61 1.26 0.97 2.36 7.51 4.75 Portfolio Classification By Industry Allocation (%) as on 31 August 2020 Portfolio Classification By Industry Financial Services 30.05 Consumer Goods 22.66 Financial Services 24.67 Pharma 87.60 Financial Services 97.64 Oil & Gas 28.78 Oil & Gas 25.89 Cash, Cash Equivalents Allocation (%) (Top 10) Consumer Goods 18.63 Industrial Pharma 12.22 Healthcare Services 11.02 Financial Services 26.99 Chemicals 22.69 Manufacturing 17.27 And Others 2.36 IT 6.95 IT 11.55 Cash, Cash Equivalents Power 11.99 Metals 15.45 Pharma 6.09 Chemicals 9.15 Oil & Gas 8.46 And Others 0.97 Services 8.36 Cement & Cement Services 5.80 Consumer Goods 8.09 Construction 0.41 Services 11.55 Construction 6.17 Products 14.74 Oil & Gas 5.25 Construction 5.85 Cement & Cement Cash, Cash Equivalents Fertilisers & Pesticides 7.03 And Others 7.51 Automobile 5.24 Products 5.88 Cement & Cement Products 5.03 Consumer Goods 7.02 Power 4.51 Financial Services 5.81 Metals 6.20 Automobile 4.75 Cash, Cash Equivalents Telecom 4.51 Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 4.75 Industrial Industrial Chemicals 4.41 And Others 5.61 Manufacturing 3.73 Power 2.43 Fertilisers & Pesticides 4.19 Manufacturing 4.00 Construction 3.25 Automobile 3.41 Telecom 3.82 Other Details

Exit Load Within 1 Year - 1% Within 1 Year - 1% NIL Within 15 Days - 0.50% Within 1 Year - 1% Within 1 Year - 1% Within 1 Year - 1%

Please consult your financial advisor before investing. For details, please refer to respective page of the scheme. #Risk Free rate: FBIL Overnight Mibor rate (3.78% as on 31st August 2020 Basis for Ratio Calculation: 3 Years Monthly Data Points. Expense ratio includes GST, Base TER and additional expenses as per regulation 52(6A)(b) and 52(6A)(c) of SEBI (MF) regulations for both Direct and Regular plan 09 Snapshot of Equity Funds & Other Categories

SBI Consumption SBI Technology SBI Infrastructure Opportunities Fund Opportunities Fund Scheme Name SBI Equity Minimum SBI Gold Fund SBI Nifty Index Fund Fund (Previously known as SBI (Previously known as SBI Variance Fund FMCG Fund) IT Fund)

Ideal Investment Horizon Tactical Tactical Tactical 5 years + Tactical 3 years +

Inception Date 06/07/2007 05/07/1999 05/07/1999 02/03/2019 12/09/2011 17/01/2002

Fund Manager Mrs. Nidhi Chawla Mr. Saurabh Pant Mr. Anup Upadhyay Mr. Raviprakash Sharma Mr. Raviprakash Sharma Mr. Raviprakash Sharma

Managing Since Nov-2018 Jun-2011 Jun-2011 Mar-2019 Sep-2011 Feb-2011

Nifty Infrastructure Nifty India Consumption S&P BSE Teck Nifty 50 Index Price of Physical Gold Nifty 50 Index Benchmark Index (w.e.f. 16 May,2018) (w.e.f May 16,2018) Fund Details as on 31 August 2020

Month End AUM (Rs. in Crores) `446.04 Crores `588.59 Crores `227.66 Crores `53.61 Crores `806.51 Crores `910.80 Crores

Portfolio Turnover 0.89 0.65 0.36 1.04 - 0.76

Standard Deviation# 24.92% 22.92% 17.76% - - -

Beta# 1.01 1.09 0.89 - - -

Sharpe Ratio# -0.02 0.01 0.88 - - -

Regular- 2.57% Regular- 2.45% Regular- 2.62% Regular- 0.72% Regular- 0.52%, Regular- 0.48%, Expense Ratio Direct- 2.01% Direct- 1.48% Direct- 1.75% Direct- 0.32% Direct- 0.12% Direct- 0.09% Portfolio Classification By Asset Allocation (%) as on 31 August 2020

Large Cap (In %) 57.90 30.86 71.71 96.29 - 97.25

Mid Cap (In %) 13.07 29.56 5.88 1.40 - 0.37

Small Cap (In %) 26.52 38.26 8.35 - ETF: 99.99 -

Unclassified (%) - - 9.71 - - -

Other Assets (In %) 2.51 1.32 4.35 2.31 0.01 2.38 Portfolio Classification By Industry Allocation (%) as on 31 August 2020 Portfolio Classification By Industry Oil & Gas 22.18 Consumer Goods 51.95 IT 86.39 Consumer Goods 25.39 Exchange Traded Financial Services 34.13 Allocation (%) (Top 10) Industrial Textiles 14.62 Telecom 9.26 IT 15.41 Funds 99.99 Oil & Gas 15.37 Manufacturing 18.31 Cash, Cash Equivalents Services 12.67 Cash, Cash Equivalents Pharma 12.90 IT 14.89 Construction 14.36 And Others 0.01 Telecom 7.23 And Others 4.35 Financial Services 10.31 Cement & Cement Consumer Goods 11.87 Automobile 5.46 Power 8.42 Products 12.44 Automobile 5.68 Construction 3.48 Automobile 6.32 Telecom 9.80 Pharma 2.90 Media And Oil & Gas 5.24 Services 9.72 Telecom 2.82 Financial Services 5.27 Entertainment 3.27 Metals 4.39 Derivatives 2.34 Cash, Cash Equivalents Cash, Cash Equivalents Cement & Cement And Others 2.51 And Others 1.32 Products 2.89 Construction 2.33 Metals 2.26 Derivatives 2.23 Metals 2.29 Power 2.08 Other Details

Exit Load Within 1 Year - 1% On or Before 30 Within 15 Days - 0.50% Within 1 Year - 1% On or before 15 days - For exit within 15 days from days - 0.10% 1% the date of allotment - 0.20% For exit on or after 15 days (w.e.f 15/01/2019) from the date of allotment - Nil

Please consult your financial advisor before investing. For details, please refer to respective page of the scheme.#Risk Free rate: FBIL Overnight Mibor rate (3.78% as on 31st August 2020) Basis for Ratio Calculation: 3 Years Monthly Data Points. Expense ratio includes GST, Base TER and additional expenses as per regulation 52(6A)(b) and 52(6A)(c) of SEBI (MF) regulations for both Direct and Regular plan 10 EQUITY-LARGE CAP


Option NAV (` ) Record Date Dividend (in` /Unit) NAV (` )

Reg-Plan-Dividend 22.1871 23-Sep-16 (Reg Plan) 1.00 18.5964 23-Sep-16 (Dir Plan) 1.20 21.8569 Reg-Plan-Growth 39.0001 17-Jul-15 (Reg Plan) 2.50 17.6880 Dir-Plan-Dividend 27.0748 17-Jul-15 (Dir Plan) 2.90 20.5395 Dir-Plan-Growth 41.7188 21- Mar-14 (Reg Plan) 1.80 12.7618 Investment Objective Pursuant to payment of dividend, the NAV of Dividend Option of To provide investors with opportunities scheme/plans would fall to the extent of payout and statutory levy, if for long-term growth in capital through applicable. an active management of investments in a diversified basket of large cap equity stocks (as specified by SEBI/AMFI from time to time). PORTFOLIO Stock Name (%) Of Total AUM Stock Name (%) Of Total AUM Fund Details Equity Shares Bharat Electronics Ltd. 1.08 HDFC Bank Ltd. 9.61 Ltd. 1.08 • Type of Scheme DLF Ltd. 0.95 An open-ended Equity Scheme Reliance Industries Ltd. 5.69 predominantly investing in large cap stocks. ICICI Bank Ltd. 5.52 Cummins India Ltd. 0.90 Divi's Laboratories Ltd. 4.99 Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd. 0.81 • Date of Allotment: 14/02/2006 HCL Technologies Ltd. 4.04 Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. 0.76 • Report As On: 31/08/2020 ITC Ltd. 3.86 Ltd. 0.74 • AAUM for the Month of August 2020 ` 22,650.08 Crores Infosys Ltd. 3.83 Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Services Ltd. 0.70 Housing Development Finance Corporation Ltd. 3.72 Britannia Industries Ltd. 0.69 • AUM as on August 31, 2020 ` 22,584.78 Crores Larsen & Toubro Ltd. 3.16 Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. 0.67 Shree Cement Ltd. 2.69 Glaxosmithkline Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 0.63 • Fund Manager: Ms. Sohini Andani Ltd. 2.66 Strides Pharma Science Ltd. 0.55 Managing Since: Sep-2010 Nestle India Ltd. 2.36 Aurobindo Pharma Ltd. 0.54 Total Experience: Over 23 years Bharti Airtel Ltd. 2.28 Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. 0.53 • Benchmark: S&P BSE 100 Index HDFC Life Insurance Company Ltd. 2.27 Coal India Ltd. 0.52 • Exit Load: Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. 2.16 Lupin Ltd. 0.51 For exit within 1 year from the date of allotment SKF India Ltd. 0.50 - 1 %; For exit after 1 year from the date of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Ltd. 2.07 Power Grid Corporation Of India Ltd. 0.49 allotment - Nil Ltd. 2.00 Eicher Motors Ltd. 1.95 Thermax Ltd. 0.48 • Entry Load: N.A. State 1.86 Voltas Ltd. 0.42 • Plans Available: Regular, Direct ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Ltd. 1.68 NTPC Ltd. 0.41 • Options: Growth, Dividend Motherson Sumi Systems Ltd. 1.66 Schaeffler India Ltd. 0.35 • SIP Any Day SIP’ Facility- is available for Monthly, Hero Motocorp Ltd. 1.64 Avenue Supermarts Ltd. 0.32 Quarterly, Semi-Annual and Annual frequencies Cholamandalam Investment & Finance Co. Ltd. 1.62 Shriram City Union Finance Ltd. 0.19 through electronic mode like OTM / Debit PI Industries Ltd. 1.48 Sadbhav Engineering Ltd. 0.07 Mandate. Default SIP date will be 10th. In case Cipla Ltd. 1.48 Total 98.08 the SIP due date is a Non Business Day, then the Godrej Properties Ltd. 1.31 Warrants immediate following Business Day will be considered for SIP processing. Bajaj Auto Ltd. 1.18 HDFC Ltd.(Warrants) 0.23 Daily - Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. 1.13 Total 0.23 thereafter for a minimum of 12 instalments. Ultratech Cement Ltd. 1.11 Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 1.69 (Kindly refer notice cum addendum dated June Hindalco Industries Ltd. 1.09 Grand Total 100.00 02, 2020 for further details) Crompton Greaves Consumer Electricals Ltd. 1.09 Weekly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 6 instalments. (or) Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 thereafter for a minimum of 12 instalments. Monthly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY thereafter for minimum six months (or) INDUSTRY ALLOCATION (%) ASSET ALLOCATION (%) minimum` 500 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter for minimum one year. Financial Services 35.21 Quarterly - Minimum` 1500 & in multiples of ` Automobile 9.35 0.81 1.69 1 thereafter for minimum one year. 10.56 Semi Annual - Minimum` 3000 & in multiples of Pharma 9.23 ` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 4 installments. Consumer Goods 8.74 Annual - Minimum` 5000 & in multiples of` 1 IT 8.61 thereafter for a minimum of 4 installments. Oil & Gas 8.30 • Minimum Investment ` 5000 & in multiples of` 1 Construction 5.49 • Additional Investment Cement & Cement Products 3.80 ` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 Industrial Manufacturing 3.31 Quantitative Data Telecom 2.28 Metals 1.61 86.94 Standard Deviation# : 20.80% Fertilisers & Pesticides 1.48 Beta# : 0.97 Power 0.90 Large Cap Midcap Smallcap Sharpe Ratio# : 0.03 Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 1.69 Portfolio Turnover* Cash, Cash Equivalents, And Others Equity Turnover : 0.17 Total Turnover : 0.42 Total Turnover = Equity + Debt + Derivatives SBI Blue Chip Fund # S ource: CRISIL Fund Analyser This product is suitable for investors who are seeking^: *Portfolio Turnover = lower of total sale or total Ÿ Long term capital appreciation. purchase for the last 12 months (including equity derivatives) upon Avg. AUM of trailing twelve months. Ÿ Investment in equity and equity-related instruments of large cap companies. Risk Free rate: FBIL Overnight Mibor rate (3.78% as on ^Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable 31st August 2020) Basis for Ratio Calculation: 3 Years Investors understand that their principal Monthly Data Points will be at Moderately High risk for them. Ratios are computed using Total Return Index (TRI) as per SEBI Circular dated Jan 4, 2018 11 EQUITY- THEMATIC FUND


Option NAV (` ) Record Date Dividend (in` /Unit) NAV (` )

Reg-Plan-Dividend 32.9174 16-Mar-18 (Reg Plan) 3.40 29.0857 16-Mar-18 (Dir Plan) 4.00 34.6356 Reg-Plan-Growth 105.2574 30-May-17 (Reg Plan) 2.00 30.8936 (Previously known as SBI Magnum Equity Fund) Dir-Plan-Dividend 40.0617 30-May-17 (Dir Plan) 2.50 36.5027 Dir-Plan-Growth 111.5932 29-Apr-16 (Reg Plan) 4.50 27.4893 29-Apr-16 (Dir Plan) 5.00 32.3240 Investment Objective 24-Apr-15 (Reg Plan) 6.00 31.7479 Pursuant to payment of dividend, the NAV of Dividend Option of 24-Apr-15 (Dir Plan) 7.00 36.7592 To provide investors with opportunities scheme/plans would fall to the extent of payout and statutory levy, if applicable. for long-term growth in capital through an active management of investments in a PORTFOLIO diversified basket of companies following Environmental, Social and Governance Stock Name (%) Of Total AUM % of AUM Derivatives Stock Name (%) Of Total AUM % of AUM Derivatives (ESG) criteria. Equity Shares Hindustan Unilever Ltd. 1.53 - Fund Details Infosys Ltd. 9.38 - Ultratech Cement Ltd. 1.52 -

• Type of Scheme HDFC Bank Ltd. 8.75 - Jubilant Foodworks Ltd. 1.45 - An open-ended Equity Scheme investing in Reliance Industries Ltd. 7.66 - Tata Steel Ltd. 1.34 - companies following the ESG theme. Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd. 5.43 - Interglobe Aviation Ltd. 1.25 - • Date of Allotment: 01/01/1991 • Report As On: 31/08/2020 Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. 4.89 - Info Edge (India) Ltd. 1.24 - • AAUM for theMonth of August 2020 ICICI Bank Ltd. 3.84 1.00 Avenue Supermarts Ltd. 1.24 - ` 2,771.80 Crores • AUM as on August 31, 2020 Bharti Airtel Ltd. 3.52 - HCL Technologies Ltd. 1.18 - ` 2,762.23 Crores Axis Bank Ltd. 3.14 - Cummins India Ltd. 1.17 - • Fund Manager: Mr. Ruchit Mehta (w.e.f May 2018) Page Industries Ltd. 2.74 - 1.07 - Managing Since: May-2018 Larsen & Toubro Ltd. 2.73 - ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Total Experience: Over 14 years Company Ltd. 1.07 - • Benchmark: Nifty 100 ESG Index Shree Cement Ltd. 2.34 - Hindalco Industries Ltd. 0.94 - (w.e.f May 16,2018) Titan Company Ltd. 2.18 - • Exit Load: Bharat Petroleum Bajaj Finance Ltd. 2.14 - For exit within 1 year from the date of allotment Corporation Ltd. 0.88 - - 1 %; HDFC Life Insurance Lupin Ltd. 0.84 - For exit after 1 year from the date of allotment - Company Ltd. 2.07 - Nil Bharat Forge Ltd. 0.62 - Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. 1.97 - • Entry Load: N.A. Torrent Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 0.48 - • Plans Available: Regular, Direct Colgate Palmolive (India) Ltd. 1.97 - • Options: Growth, Dividend Zee Entertainment TVS Motor Company Ltd. 1.95 - • SIP Enterprises Ltd. - 1.88 Any Day SIP’ Facility- is available for Monthly, Eicher Motors Ltd. 1.89 - Stock Futures 2.88 Quarterly, Semi-Annual and Annual frequencies Britannia Industries Ltd. 1.88 - through electronic mode like OTM / Debit Total 95.20 2.88 Mandate. Default SIP date will be 10th. In case ICICI Lombard General Insurance Cash, Cash Equivalents the SIP due date is a Non Business Day, then the Company Ltd. 1.81 - And Others 1.92 - immediate following Business Day will be Tata Motors Ltd. 1.76 - considered for SIP processing. Grand Total 100.00 Daily - Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 Divi's Laboratories Ltd. 1.69 - thereafter for a minimum of 12 instalments. HDFC Ltd. 1.65 - (Kindly refer notice cum addendum dated June 02, 2020 for further details) Weekly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 6 instalments. (or) PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 thereafter for INDUSTRY ALLOCATION (%) ASSET ALLOCATION (%) a minimum of 12 instalments. Monthly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 Financial Services 30.97 thereafter for minimum six months (or) IT 16.69 minimum` 500 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter Consumer Goods 10.25 2.88 1.92 for minimum one year. 7.93 Quarterly - Minimum` 1500 & in multiples of ` Oil & Gas 8.54 1 thereafter for minimum one year. Automobile 7.57 Semi Annual - Minimum` 3000 & in multiples of ` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 4 installments. Cement & Cement Products 3.86 • Annual - Minimum` 5000 & in multiples of` 1 Telecom 3.52 thereafter for a minimum of 4 installments. Pharma 3.01 • Minimum Investment Derivatives 2.88 ` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 • Additional Investment Textiles 2.74 ` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 Construction 2.73 87.27 Quantitative Data Metals 2.28 Industrial Manufacturing 1.79 Standard Deviation# : 20.91% Services 1.25 Large Cap Midcap Derivatives # Beta : 0.99 Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 1.92 Cash, Cash Equivalents, And Others Sharpe Ratio# : 0.14 Portfolio Turnover* Equity Turnover : 0.36 SBI Magnum Equity ESG Fund Total Turnover : 0.55 This product is suitable for investors who are seeking^: Total Turnover = Equity + Debt + Derivatives Ÿ Long term capital appreciation. # S ource: CRISIL Fund Analyser Ÿ Investments in companies following the ESG theme. *Portfolio Turnover = lower of total sale or total purchase for the last 12 months (including equity Investors understand that their principal ^Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable derivatives) upon Avg. AUM of trailing twelve months. will be at High risk for them. Risk Free rate: FBIL Overnight Mibor rate (3.78% as on 31st August 2020) Basis for Ratio Calculation: 3 Years Monthly Data Points Ratios are computed using Total Return Index (TRI) as per SEBI Circular dated Jan 4, 2018 12 EQUITY-MULTI CAP FUND


Option NAV (` ) Record Date Dividend (in` /Unit) NAV (` )

Reg-Plan-Dividend 21.2010 09-Mar-18 (Reg Plan) 1.90 20.5230

Reg-Plan-Growth 47.3477 09-Mar-18 (Dir Plan) 2.20 23.9106 29-Dec-17 (Reg Plan) 2.50 23.8257 Dir-Plan-Dividend 25.3115 29-Dec-17 (Dir Plan) 2.90 27.6830 Dir-Plan-Growth 50.6419 30-Dec-16 (Reg Plan) 1.90 19.2173 Investment Objective 30-Dec-16 (Dir Plan) 2.20 22.0670 To provide investors with opportunities Pursuant to payment of dividend, the NAV of Dividend Option of 20-Nov-15 (Reg Plan) 2.90 19.2712 for long-term growth in capital along with scheme/plans would fall to the extent of payout and statutory levy, if 20-Nov-15 (Dir Plan) 3.20 21.8941 the liquidity of an open-ended scheme applicable. through an active management of investments in a diversified basket of PORTFOLIO equity stocks spanning the entire market capitalization spectrum and in debt and Stock Name (%) Of Total AUM % of AUM Derivatives Stock Name (%) Of Total AUM % of AUM Derivatives money market instruments. Equity Shares Star Cement Ltd. 1.23 - Fund Details HDFC Bank Ltd. 7.96 - PVR Ltd. 1.19 0.12 ICICI Bank Ltd. 6.15 - TVS Motor Company Ltd. 1.18 - • Type of Scheme Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. 1.18 - An open-ended Equity Scheme investing across HCL Technologies Ltd. 4.81 - large cap, mid cap, small cap stocks. Tech Mahindra Ltd. 3.74 - Colgate Palmolive (India) Ltd. 1.18 - • Date of Allotment: 29/09/2005 ITC Ltd. 3.72 - Page Industries Ltd. 1.17 - • Report As On: 31/08/2020 Axis Bank Ltd. 3.66 - Avenue Supermarts Ltd. 1.13 - • AAUM for theMonth of August 2020 Reliance Industries Ltd. 3.51 - Sheela Foam Ltd. 1.03 - ` 9,039.86 Crores Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd. 3.44 - Torrent Power Ltd. 0.99 - • AUM as on August 31, 2020 Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. 3.40 - The Indian Hotels Company Ltd. 0.97 - ` 9,057.61 Crores Bharti Airtel Ltd. 3.18 - Narayana Hrudayalaya Ltd. 0.97 - • Fund Manager: Mr. Anup Upadhyay Managing Since: Feb-2017 JK Cement Ltd. 3.10 - Bharat Forge Ltd. 0.96 - Total Experience: Over 13 years Bharat Petroleum ABB India Ltd. 0.96 - • Benchmark: S&P BSE 500 Index Corporation Ltd. 3.09 - Rossari Biotech Ltd. 0.93 - • Exit Load: (w.e.f January 15, 2019) Larsen & Toubro Ltd. 3.00 - Carborundum Universal Ltd. 0.93 - For exit on or before 30 days from the date of Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. 2.94 - Ttk Prestige Ltd. 0.89 - allotment - 0.10% Hindalco Industries Ltd. 2.68 - For exit after 30 days from the date of allotment- Eicher Motors Ltd. 0.89 - Nil Cipla Ltd. 2.50 - Camlin Fine Sciences Ltd. 0.86 - • Entry Load: N.A. ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Cholamandalam Investment & • Plans Available: Regular, Direct Company Ltd. 2.26 - Finance Co. Ltd. 0.83 - • Options; Growth, Dividend State Bank Of India 2.24 - ICICI Lombard General Insurance • SIP Divi's Laboratories Ltd. 2.15 - Company Ltd. 0.82 - Any Day SIP’ Facility- is available for Monthly, Emami Ltd. 2.11 - Endurance Technologies Ltd. 0.06 - Quarterly, Semi-Annual and Annual frequencies through electronic mode like OTM / Debit Gail (India) Ltd. 2.07 - Total 98.17 0.12 Mandate. Default SIP date will be 10th. In case Crompton Greaves Consumer Cash, Cash Equivalents the SIP due date is a Non Business Day, then the Electricals Ltd. 2.01 - And Others 1.71 - immediate following Business Day will be considered for SIP processing. Deepak Nitrite Ltd. 1.52 - Grand Total 100.00 Daily - Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 Aurobindo Pharma Ltd. 1.34 - thereafter for a minimum of 12 instalments. (Kindly refer notice cum addendum dated June Cummins India Ltd. 1.24 - 02, 2020 for further details) Weekly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 6 instalments. (or) Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 thereafter for a PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY minimum of 12 instalments. Monthly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 INDUSTRY ALLOCATION (%) ASSET ALLOCATION (%) thereafter for minimum six months (or) Financial Services 27.36 minimum` 500 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter Consumer Goods 12.07 for minimum one year. 0.12 Quarterly - Minimum` 1500 & in multiples of` 1 IT 11.95 0.93 1.71 thereafter for minimum one year. Oil & Gas 9.85 6.54 Semi Annual - Minimum` 3000 & in multiples of Pharma 5.99 ` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 4 installments. Automobile 5.07 17.66 Annual - Minimum` 5000 & in multiples of` 1 Cement & Cement Products 4.33 thereafter for a minimum of 4 installments. Industrial Manufacturing 4.09 • Minimum Investment Chemicals 3.31 ` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 Telecom 3.18 • Additional Investment Construction 3.00 Metals 2.68 ` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 73.04 Media And Entertainment 1.19 Quantitative Data Textiles 1.17 Power 0.99 Standard Deviation# : 20.96% Services 0.97 Large Cap Smallcap Midcap Unclassified Beta# : 0.94 Healthcare Services 0.97 # Derivatives 0.12 Sharpe Ratio : 0.02 Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 1.71 Cash, Cash Equivalents, And Others Derivatives Portfolio Turnover* Equity Turnover : 0.50 Total Turnover : 0.66 SBI Magnum Multicap Fund Total Turnover = Equity + Debt + Derivatives This product is suitable for investors who are seeking^: # S ource: CRISIL Fund Analyser Ÿ *Portfolio Turnover = lower of total sale or total Long term capital appreciation. purchase for the last 12 months (including equity Ÿ Investments in a diversified basket of equity stocks spanning the entire market capitalization derivatives) upon Avg. AUM of trailing twelve months. spectrum to provide both long-term growth opportunities and liquidity Risk Free rate: FBIL Overnight Mibor rate (3.78% as on Investors understand that their principal ^Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable will be at Moderately High risk 31st August 2020) Basis for Ratio Calculation: 3 Years for them. Monthly Data Points Ratios are computed using Total Return Index (TRI) as per SEBI Circular dated Jan 4, 2018 13 EQUITY-CONTRA FUND


Option NAV (` ) Record Date Dividend (in` /Unit) NAV (` )

Reg-Plan-Dividend 18.1230 09-Mar-18 (Dir Plan) 2.90 24.7907

Reg-Plan-Growth 104.5168 09-Mar-18 (Reg Plan) 2.30 19.7427 23-Jun-17 (Dir Plan) 2.90 25.7138 Dir-Plan-Dividend 23.1328 23-Jun-17 (Reg Plan) 2.30 20.5531 Dir-Plan-Growth 109.6158 26-Feb-16 (Dir Plan) 2.30 20.0765 Investment Objective 26-Feb-16 (Reg Plan) 2.00 16.1649 26-Dec-14 (Reg Plan) 2.00 20.3376 To provide the investor with the opportunity of long-term capital Pursuant to payment of dividend, the NAV of Dividend Option of appreciation by investing in a diversified scheme/plans would fall to the extent of payout and statutory levy, if portfolio of equity and equity related applicable. securities following a contrarian investment strategy. PORTFOLIO

Fund Details Stock Name (%) Of Total AUM % of AUM Derivatives Stock Name (%) Of Total AUM % of AUM Derivatives

• Type of Scheme Equity Shares Carborundum Universal Ltd. 1.62 - An open-ended Equity Scheme following Infosys Ltd. 4.54 - ABB India Ltd. 1.61 - contrarian investment strategy. ICICI Bank Ltd. 3.81 - Andhra Paper Ltd. 1.60 - • Date of Allotment: 05/07/1999 ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. 1.50 - • Report As On: 31/08/2020 Company Ltd. 3.68 - The Indian Hotels Company Ltd. 1.49 - • AAUM for theMonth of August 2020 ` 1,320.56 Crores HDFC Bank Ltd. 3.63 - Greenply Industries Ltd. 1.48 - • AUM as on August 31, 2020 Sequent Scientific Ltd. 3.41 - State Bank Of India 1.45 0.96 ` 1,328.95 Crores Reliance Industries Ltd. 3.07 - Larsen & Toubro Ltd. 1.42 - • Fund Manager: Mr. Dinesh Balachandran Neogen Chemicals Ltd. 2.76 - Minda Corporation Ltd. 1.41 - Managing Since: May-2018 Tata Motors Ltd. 2.69 - V-Guard Industries Ltd. 1.39 - Total Experience: Over 17 Years Sun Pharmaceutical Cipla Ltd. 1.34 - • Benchmark: S&P BSE 500 Industries Ltd. 2.69 1.37 Prataap Snacks Ltd. 1.32 - (w.e.f May 16,2018) Ultratech Cement Ltd. 2.64 - Cyient Ltd. 1.21 - • Exit Load: Lupin Ltd. 2.58 - Gail (India) Ltd. 1.15 - For exit within 1 year from the date of allotment HCL Technologies Ltd. 2.35 - - 1 %; NCC Ltd. 0.97 - For exit after 1 year from the date of allotment - Hero Motocorp Ltd. 2.20 - Axis Bank Ltd. 0.97 - Nil. SBI Life Insurance Company Ltd. 2.18 - JSW Energy Ltd. 0.96 - • Entry Load: N.A. Westlife Development Ltd. 2.13 - Greenpanel Industries Ltd. 0.93 - • Plans Available: Regular, Direct Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd. 2.11 - Gateway Distriparks Ltd. 0.93 - • Options: Growth, Dividend Bharti Airtel Ltd. 2.10 - Oil & Natural Gas • SIP Prism Johnson Ltd. 2.08 - Corporation Ltd. 0.80 - ’ Any Day SIP Facility- is available for Monthly, Hindustan Petroleum Chennai Petroleum Quarterly, Semi-Annual and Annual frequencies through electronic mode like OTM / Debit Corporation Ltd. 1.91 - Corporation Ltd. 0.79 - Mandate. Default SIP date will be 10th. In case The Phoenix Mills Ltd. 1.89 - Sadbhav Engineering Ltd. 0.78 - the SIP due date is a Non Business Day, then the ITC Ltd. 1.80 - Blue Dart Express Ltd. 0.62 - immediate following Business Day will be Pfizer Ltd. 1.73 - NMDC Ltd. - 1.33 considered for SIP processing. Daily - Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 Hindalco Industries Ltd. 1.72 - MRF Ltd. - 2.09 thereafter for a minimum of 12 instalments. Natco Pharma Ltd. 1.70 - Total 92.51 5.75 (Kindly refer notice cum addendum dated June 1.69 - Cash, Cash Equivalents 02, 2020 for further details) Solara Active Pharma And Others 1.74 - Weekly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 Sciences Ltd. 1.68 - thereafter for a minimum of 6 instalments. (or) Grand Total 100.00 Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 thereafter for a minimum of 12 instalments. Monthly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter for minimum six months (or) PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY minimum` 500 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter for minimum one year. INDUSTRY ALLOCATION (%) ASSET ALLOCATION (%) Quarterly - Minimum` 1500 & in multiples of ` 1 thereafter for minimum one year. Financial Services 19.52 Semi Annual - Minimum` 3000 & in multiples Pharma 15.13 1.74 of` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 4 Oil & Gas 9.22 5.75 installments. IT 8.10 Annual - Minimum` 5000 & in multiples of` 1 Consumer Goods 6.92 thereafter for a minimum of 4 installments. 25.72 • Minimum Investment Automobile 6.30 ` 5000 & in multiples of` 1 Derivatives 5.75 • Additional Investment Services 5.17 56.02 ` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 Construction 5.06 Cement & Cement Products 4.72 Quantitative Data Industrial Manufacturing 3.23 10.77 Chemicals 2.76 Standard Deviation# : 22.90% Telecom 2.10 Beta# : 1.01 Metals 1.72 # Sharpe Ratio : -0.11 Paper 1.60 Large Cap Smallcap Midcap Portfolio Turnover* Power 0.96 Equity Turnover : 0.84 Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 1.74 Cash, Cash Equivalents, And Others Derivatives Total Turnover : 2.36 Total Turnover = Equity + Debt + Derivatives # S ource: CRISIL Fund Analyser SBI Contra Fund *Portfolio Turnover = lower of total sale or total This product is suitable for investors who are seeking^: purchase for the last 12 months (including equity Ÿ Long term capital appreciation. derivatives) upon Avg. AUM of trailing twelve months. Ÿ Risk Free rate: FBIL Overnight Mibor rate (3.78% as on Investments in a diversified portfolio of equity and equity related securities following a contrarian 31st August 2020) Basis for Ratio Calculation: 3 Years investment strategy. Monthly Data Points Investors understand that their principal ^Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable will be at Moderately High risk Note: Fund Manager for Foreign Securities Mr.Mohit for them. Jain w.e.f. Nov 28, 2017. Exp. Over 5years Ratios are computed using Total Return Index (TRI) as per SEBI Circular dated Jan 4, 2018 14 EQUITY-LARGE & MID CAP FUND


Option NAV (` ) Record Date Dividend (in` /Unit) NAV (` )

Reg-Plan-Dividend 97.6261 09-Mar-18 (Reg-plan) 11.00 94.1106 09-Mar-18 (Dir-plan) 13.00 111.1062 Reg-Plan-Growth 216.0939 (Previously known as SBI Magnum Multiplier Fund) 27-Feb-17 (Reg-plan) 7.80 89.6546 Dir-Plan-Dividend 117.3701 27-Feb-17 (Dir-plan) 9.20 105.2064 12-Sep-14 (Reg-plan) 11.50 74.9641 Dir-Plan-Growth 225.1724 12-Oct-09 (Reg-plan) 7.00 57.91 Investment Objective Pursuant to payment of dividend, the NAV of Dividend Option of To provide the investor with the scheme/plans would fall to the extent of payout and statutory levy, if opportunity of long-term capital applicable. appreciation by investing in diversified portfolio comprising predominantly large cap and mid cap companies. PORTFOLIO Fund Details Stock Name (%) Of Total AUM % of AUM Derivatives Stock Name (%) Of Total AUM % of AUM Derivatives • Type of Scheme An open-ended Equity Scheme investing in both Equity Shares Sun Pharmaceutical large cap and mid cap stocks. HDFC Bank Ltd. 5.02 - Industries Ltd. 1.49 - • Date of Allotment: 28/02/1993 ICICI Bank Ltd. 4.82 - Cipla Ltd. 1.38 - • Report As On: 31/08/2020 Balkrishna Industries Ltd. 3.80 - Triveni Turbine Ltd. 1.36 - • AAUM for theMonth of August 2020 Bharti Airtel Ltd. 3.71 - Ultratech Cement Ltd. 1.35 - `2,874.20 Crores Infosys Ltd. 3.54 - Bandhan Bank Ltd. 1.35 - • AUM as on August 31, 2020 State Bank Of India 3.45 - Prataap Snacks Ltd. 1.30 - ` 2,879.82 Crores JK Cement Ltd. 2.89 - Andhra Paper Ltd. 1.29 - • Fund Manager: Mr. Saurabh Pant The Indian Hotels Company Ltd. 2.66 - JSW Energy Ltd. 1.23 - Managing Since: Sep-2016 Relaxo Footwears Ltd. 2.65 - SKF India Ltd. 1.13 - Total Experience Over 11 years Exide Industries Ltd. 2.52 - Ahluwalia Contracts (India) Ltd. 1.09 - • Benchmark: NIFTY LargeMidCap 250 Page Industries Ltd. 2.50 - Lemon Tree Hotels Ltd. 0.99 - (w.e.f February 25,2019) PI Industries Ltd. 2.43 - ABB India Ltd. 0.99 - • Exit Load: Sheela Foam Ltd. 2.39 - Kirloskar Oil Engines Ltd. 0.96 - For exit on or before 30 days from the date of Natco Pharma Ltd. 2.39 - Amara Raja Batteries Ltd. 0.96 - allotment - 0.10% Supreme Industries Ltd. 2.31 - ICICI Prudential Life Insurance For exit after 30 days from the date of Muthoot Finance Ltd. 2.22 - Company Ltd. 0.95 - allotment- Nil Emami Ltd. 2.22 - SJVN Ltd. 0.81 - • Entry Load: N.A. Larsen & Toubro Ltd. 2.13 - Control Print Ltd. 0.76 - • Plans Available: Regular, Direct Reliance Industries Ltd. 2.09 - DLF Ltd. 0.75 - • Options: Growth, Dividend HCL Technologies Ltd. 2.00 - Tata Metaliks Ltd. 0.64 - Fairchem Speciality Ltd. 0.61 - • SIP Goodyear India Ltd. 1.98 - Any Day SIP’ Facility- is available for Monthly, Bharat Forge Ltd. 1.87 - Hatsun Agro Product Ltd. 0.05 - Quarterly, Semi-Annual and Annual frequencies MRF Ltd. 1.85 - Manpasand Beverages Ltd. 0.03 - through electronic mode like OTM / Debit Torrent Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 1.84 - Gayatri Bioorganics Ltd. 0.01 - Mandate. Default SIP date will be 10th. In case Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd. 1.84 - Aurobindo Pharma Ltd. - 0.73 the SIP due date is a Non Business Day, then the Cummins India Ltd. 1.76 - RBL Bank Ltd. - 1.36 immediate following Business Day will be Lupin Ltd. 1.73 - Stock Futures 2.09 considered for SIP processing. Daily - Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 Prism Johnson Ltd. 1.68 - Total 96.95 2.09 thereafter for a minimum of 12 instalments. The Great Eastern Shipping Cash, Cash Equivalents (Kindly refer notice cum addendum dated June Company Ltd. 1.60 - And Others 0.96 - 02, 2020 for further details) Axis Bank Ltd. 1.58 - Grand Total 100.00 Weekly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 6 instalments. (or) Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 thereafter for a minimum of 12 instalments. Monthly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY thereafter for minimum six months (or) INDUSTRY ALLOCATION (%) ASSET ALLOCATION (%) minimum` 500 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter for minimum one year. Financial Services 21.23 Quarterly - Minimum` 1500 & in multiples of ` Automobile 11.11 2.09 0.96 1 thereafter for minimum one year. Industrial Manufacturing 10.38 Semi Annual - Minimum ` 3000 & in multiples Pharma 8.83 16.69 of ` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 4 Consumer Goods 8.64 installments. IT 6.30 Annual - Minimum ` 5000 & in multiples of ` 1 Cement & Cement Products 5.92 thereafter for a minimum of 4 installments. Services 5.25 45.09 • Minimum Investment Construction 3.97 ` 5000 & in multiples of` 1 Telecom 3.71 • Additional Investment Textiles 2.50 ` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 Fertilisers & Pesticides 2.43 Oil & Gas 2.09 35.17 Quantitative Data Derivatives 2.09 Power 2.04 Standard Deviation# : 22.90% Paper 1.29 Metals 0.64 Large Cap Midcap Smallcap Derivatives Beta# : 0.98 # Chemicals 0.62 Sharpe Ratio : 0.07 Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 0.96 Cash, Cash Equivalents, And Others Portfolio Turnover* Equity Turnover : 0.79 SBI Large & Midcap Fund Total Turnover : 0.88 This product is suitable for investors who are seeking^: Total Turnover = Equity + Debt + Derivatives # Ÿ S ource: CRISIL Fund Analyser Long term capital appreciation. *Portfolio Turnover = lower of total sale or total Ÿ Investments in a diversified portfolio of large and midcap companies. purchase for the last 12 months (including equity derivatives) upon Avg. AUM of trailing twelve months. Investors understand that their principal ^Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable Risk Free rate: FBIL Overnight Mibor rate (3.78% as on will be at Moderately High risk for them. 31st August 2020) Basis for Ratio Calculation: 3 Years Monthly Data Points Ratios are computed using Total Return Index (TRI) as per SEBI Circular dated Jan 4, 2018 15 EQUITY-FOCUSED FUND


Option NAV (` ) Record Date Dividend (in` /Unit) NAV (` )

Reg-Plan-Dividend 27.2534 09-Mar-18 (Reg Plan) 2.70 23.7583 09-Mar-18 (Dir Plan) 3.70 33.0672 Reg-Plan-Growth 149.0033 28-Apr-17 (Reg Plan) 2.20 22.1892 (Previously known as SBI Emerging Businesses Fund) Dir-Plan-Dividend 38.9287 28-Apr-17 (Dir Plan) 3.00 30.5905 Dir-Plan-Growth 159.7525 07-Apr-16 (Reg Plan) 2.00 20.1119 07-Apr-16 (Dir Plan) 2.50 27.4503 Investment Objective 28-Nov-14 (Reg Plan) 2.70 21.2616

To provide the investor with the Pursuant to payment of dividend, the NAV of Dividend Option of opportunity of long-term capital scheme/plans would fall to the extent of payout and statutory levy, if appreciation by investing in a applicable. concentrated portfolio of equity and equity related securities. PORTFOLIO

Fund Details Stock Name (%) Of Total AUM Stock Name (%) Of Total AUM Equity Shares NHPC Ltd. 1.39 • Type of Scheme HDFC Bank Ltd. 7.62 Sheela Foam Ltd. 0.94 An open-ended Equity Scheme investing in maximum 30 stocks across multicap space. Divi's Laboratories Ltd. 6.09 Total 89.18 • Date of Allotment: 17/09/2004 Bajaj Finance Ltd. 5.79 Foreign Equity • Report As On: 31/08/2020 Procter & Gamble Hygiene And Health Care Ltd. 5.34 Alphabet Inc. 6.95 • AAUM for theMonth of August 2020 Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd. 5.33 ` 9,987.09 Crores Total 6.95 • AUM as on August 31, 2020 Bharti Airtel Ltd. 4.51 Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 3.87 ` 10,260.53 Crores State Bank Of India 4.34 Grand Total 100.00 • Fund Manager: Mr. R. Srinivasan Muthoot Finance Ltd. 3.69 Managing Since: May-2009 • Total Experience: Over 26 years Adani Ports And Special Economic Zone Ltd. 3.47 • Benchmark: S&P BSE 500 Index Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. 3.34 • Exit Load: Avenue Supermarts Ltd. 3.30 For exit within 1 year from the date of allotment Bandhan Bank Ltd. 3.28 - 1 %; For exit after 1 year from the date of allotment - Hatsun Agro Product Ltd. 3.24 Nil. Reliance Industries Ltd. 3.14 • Entry Load: N.A. Torrent Power Ltd. 3.12 • Plans Available: Regular, Direct • Options: Growth, Dividend Page Industries Ltd. 2.59 • SIP Relaxo Footwears Ltd. 2.56 ’ Any Day SIP Facility- is available for Monthly, Solar Industries India Ltd. 2.55 Quarterly, Semi-Annual and Annual frequencies through electronic mode like OTM / Debit The Indian Hotels Company Ltd. 2.33 Mandate. Default SIP date will be 10th. In case Petronet LNG Ltd. 2.11 the SIP due date is a Non Business Day, then the ABB India Ltd. 2.10 immediate following Business Day will be considered for SIP processing. Tube Investments Of India Ltd. 1.90 Daily - Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 Fine Organic Industries Ltd. 1.86 thereafter for a minimum of 12 instalments. Crompton Greaves Consumer Electricals Ltd. 1.69 (Kindly refer notice cum addendum dated June 02, 2020 for further details) Blue Star Ltd. 1.56 Weekly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 6 instalments. (or) Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 thereafter for a minimum of 12 instalments. PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY Monthly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 INDUSTRY ALLOCATION (%) ASSET ALLOCATION (%) thereafter for minimum six months (or) minimum` 500 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter for minimum one year. Financial Services 30.05 Quarterly - Minimum` 1500 & in multiples of` 1 Consumer Goods 18.63 3.87 thereafter for minimum one year. IT 6.95 6.95 Semi Annual - Minimum` 3000 & in multiples of Pharma 6.09 4.36 ` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 4 installments. Annual - Minimum` 5000 & in multiples of` 1 Services 5.80 thereafter for a minimum of 4 installments. Oil & Gas 5.25 • Minimum Investment Automobile 5.24 ` 5000 & in multiples of` 1 Power 4.51 23.47 • Additional Investment 61.35 ` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 Telecom 4.51 Chemicals 4.41 Quantitative Data Textiles 2.59

# Industrial Manufacturing 2.10 Standard Deviation : 20.33% # Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 3.87 Beta : 0.86 Large Cap Smallcap Midcap Unclassified Sharpe Ratio# : 0.30 Portfolio Turnover* Cash, Cash Equivalents, And Others Equity Turnover : 0.35 Total Turnover : 0.91 SBI Focused Equity Fund Total Turnover = Equity + Debt + Derivatives This product is suitable for investors who are seeking^: # S ource: CRISIL Fund Analyser Ÿ *Portfolio Turnover = lower of total sale or total Long term capital appreciation. purchase for the last 12 months (including equity Ÿ Investment in equity and equity related instruments with maximum 30 stocks across multicap space derivatives) upon Avg. AUM of trailing twelve months. Risk Free rate: FBIL Overnight Mibor rate (3.78% as on Investors understand that their principal ^Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable 31st August 2020) Basis for Ratio Calculation: 3 Years will be at Moderately High risk for them. Monthly Data Points Ratios are computed using Total Return Index (TRI) as per SEBI Circular dated Jan 4, 2018 16 EQUITY-MID CAP FUND


Option NAV (` ) Record Date Dividend (in` /Unit) NAV (` )

Reg-Plan-Dividend 29.7383 16-Mar-18 (Reg-Plan) 1.80 32.6595 16-Mar-18 (Dir-Plan) 2.60 47.5513 Reg-Plan-Growth 72.7796 30-Jun-16 (Reg-Plan) 2.50 28.2445 Dir-Plan-Dividend 44.3093 30-Jun-16 (Dir-Plan) 3.50 40.3050 Dir-Plan-Growth 78.1545 20-Mar-15 (Reg-Plan) 4.80 26.6619 Investment Objective 20-Mar-15 (Dir-Plan) 6.80 37.4040 08-Aug-13 (Reg-Plan) 5.00 18.1066 To provide investors with opportunities for long-term growth in capital along with Pursuant to payment of dividend, the NAV of Dividend Option of the liquidity of an open-ended scheme by scheme/plans would fall to the extent of payout and statutory levy, if investing predominantly in a well applicable. diversified basket of equity stocks of Midcap companies. PORTFOLIO Fund Details Stock Name (%) Of Total AUM Stock Name (%) Of Total AUM

• Type of Scheme Equity Shares Cummins India Ltd. 1.22 An open-ended Equity Scheme predominantly PI Industries Ltd. 7.15 Bharat Electronics Ltd. 1.18 investing in mid cap stocks. Sheela Foam Ltd. 5.98 Bandhan Bank Ltd. 1.15 • Date of Allotment: 29/03/2005 Godrej Properties Ltd. 5.07 Housing And Urban Development Corporation Ltd. 1.09 • Report As On: 31/08/2020 • AAUM for theMonth of August 2020 Coromandel International Ltd. 5.06 Sequent Scientific Ltd. 1.05 ` 3,599.44 Crores Cholamandalam Investment & Finance Co. Ltd. 4.30 Pfizer Ltd. 1.02 • AUM as on August 31, 2020 Hexaware Technologies Ltd. 3.89 Torrent Power Ltd. 0.99 ` 3,593.27 Crores Gujarat State Petronet Ltd. 3.49 ABB India Ltd. 0.95 • Fund Manager: Ms. Sohini Andani The Ramco Cements Ltd. 3.33 Metropolis Healthcare Ltd. 0.94 Managing Since: July-2010 Sanofi India Ltd. 3.05 Shriram City Union Finance Ltd. 0.85 Total Experience: Over 23 years • Benchmark: Nifty Midcap 150 Carborundum Universal Ltd. 3.03 Prism Johnson Ltd. 0.70 (w.e.f May 16,2018) JK Cement Ltd. 2.99 Swaraj Engines Ltd. 0.69 • Exit Load: For exit within 1 year from the date Alembic Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 2.95 National Aluminium Company Ltd. 0.68 of allotment - 1 %; Page Industries Ltd. 2.90 Ltd. 0.56 For exit after 1 year from the date of allotment - Endurance Technologies Ltd. 2.75 Glaxosmithkline Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 0.47 Nil • Entry Load: N.A. Dixon Technologies (India) Ltd. 2.68 NCC Ltd. 0.46 • Plans Available: Regular, Direct Thermax Ltd. 2.47 Voltas Ltd. 0.44 • Options: Growth, Dividend Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Services Ltd. 2.39 Equitas Holdings Ltd. 0.44 • SIP Any Day SIP’ Facility- is available for Monthly, Natco Pharma Ltd. 2.29 Mangalam Cement Ltd. 0.42 Quarterly, Semi-Annual and Annual frequencies Crompton Greaves Consumer Electricals Ltd. 2.27 Sadbhav Engineering Ltd. 0.35 through electronic mode like OTM / Debit Strides Pharma Science Ltd. 2.25 NRB Bearings Ltd. 0.32 Mandate. Default SIP date will be 10th. In case Schaeffler India Ltd. 2.24 Rossari Biotech Ltd. 0.05 the SIP due date is a Non Business Day, then the immediate following Business Day will be Solara Active Pharma Sciences Ltd. 1.86 Manpasand Beverages Ltd. 0.04 considered for SIP processing. SKF India Ltd. 1.59 Total 97.70 Daily - Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 Info Edge (India) Ltd. 1.50 Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 2.30 thereafter for a minimum of 12 instalments. (Kindly refer notice cum addendum dated June The Phoenix Mills Ltd. 1.46 Grand Total 100.00 02, 2020 for further details) The Indian Hotels Company Ltd. 1.40 Weekly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 The Ltd. 1.30 thereafter for a minimum of 6 instalments. (or) Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 thereafter for a minimum of 12 instalments. Monthly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY thereafter for minimum six months (or) INDUSTRY ALLOCATION (%) ASSET ALLOCATION (%) minimum` 500 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter for minimum one year. Pharma 14.94 Quarterly - Minimum` 1500 & in multiples of ` Industrial Manufacturing 13.69 1 thereafter for minimum one year. 2.30 Fertilisers & Pesticides 12.21 2.65 Semi Annual - Minimum` 3000 & in multiples 0.05 Financial Services 12.08 of` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 4 22.89 installments. Consumer Goods 11.41 Annual - Minimum` 5000 & in multiples of` 1 Cement & Cement Products 7.44 thereafter for a minimum of 4 installments. Construction 7.34 • Minimum Investment IT 5.39 ` 5000 & in multiples of` 1 Oil & Gas 3.49 • Additional Investment Textiles 2.90 ` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 Automobile 2.75 Services 1.40 72.11 Quantitative Data Power 0.99 Healthcare Services 0.94 # Standard Deviation : 25.47% Metals 0.68 Large Cap Smallcap Midcap Unclassified Beta# : 0.96 Chemicals 0.05 Sharpe Ratio# : -0.08 Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 2.30 Cash, Cash Equivalents, And Others Portfolio Turnover* Equity Turnover : 0.26 SBI Magnum Midcap Fund Total Turnover : 0.28 This product is suitable for investors who are seeking^: Total Turnover = Equity + Debt + Derivatives # S ource: CRISIL Fund Analyser Ÿ Long term capital appreciation. *Portfolio Turnover = lower of total sale or total Ÿ Investments predominantly in a well diversified equity stocks of midcap companies. purchase for the last 12 months (including equity derivatives) upon Avg. AUM of trailing twelve months. Investors understand that their principal ^Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable Risk Free rate: FBIL Overnight Mibor rate (3.78% as on will be at Moderately High risk for them. 31st August 2020) Basis for Ratio Calculation: 3 Years Monthly Data Points Ratios are computed using Total Return Index (TRI) as per SEBI Circular dated Jan 4, 2018 17 EQUITY-THEMATIC FUND


Option NAV (` ) Record Date Dividend (in` /Unit) NAV (` )

Reg-Plan-Dividend 55.7228 29-Nov-17 (Reg Plan) 5.10 54.5060 29-Nov-17 (Dir Plan) 6.20 66.3252 Reg-Plan-Growth 182.4024 25-Nov-16 (Reg Plan) 5.00 45.0759 Dir-Plan-Dividend 69.2891 25-Nov-16 (Dir Plan) 6.00 54.3465 Dir-Plan-Growth 194.1071 30-Oct-15 (Reg Plan) 5.10 49.9803 30-Oct-15 (Dir Plan) 5.10 59.5549 Investment Objective Pursuant to payment of dividend, the NAV of Dividend Option of To provide the investor with the scheme/plans would fall to the extent of payout and statutory levy, if opportunity of long-term capital applicable. appreciation by investing in diversified portfolio comprising primarily of MNC companies. PORTFOLIO

Fund Details Stock Name (%) Of Total AUM Stock Name (%) Of Total AUM • Type of Scheme Equity Shares Hindalco Industries Ltd. 1.67 An open-ended Equity Scheme investing in companies following the MNC theme. Britannia Industries Ltd. 8.33 Page Industries Ltd. 1.60 • Date of Allotment: 30/09/1994 Colgate Palmolive (India) Ltd. 7.76 Abbott India Ltd. 1.60 • Report As On: 31/08/2020 Nestle India Ltd. 6.03 ELGI Equipments Ltd. 1.55 • AAUM for theMonth of August 2020 ` 3,906.97 Crores Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. 4.77 Cummins India Ltd. 1.44 • AUM as on August 31, 2020 Divi's Laboratories Ltd. 4.17 GE Power India Ltd. 1.03 ` 3,854.32 Crores Dr. Reddy's Laboratories Ltd. 3.52 CSB Bank Ltd. 0.75 • Fund Manager: Mr. Anup Upadhyay (w.e.f May 5,2018) PI Industries Ltd. 3.48 United Breweries Ltd. 0.67 Managing Since: May-2018 Procter & Gamble Hygiene And Health Care Ltd. 3.45 Oracle Financial Services Software Ltd. 0.67 Total Experience: Over 13 years Sanofi India Ltd. 3.40 ABB Power Products & Systems India Ltd. 0.66 • Benchmark: Nifty MNC (w.e.f May 16,2018) Hindustan Unilever Ltd. 3.38 Redington (India) Ltd. 0.48 • Exit Load: For exit within 12 months from the Grindwell Norton Ltd. 3.09 GE T&D India Ltd. 0.20 date of allotment - 1.00%; SKF India Ltd. 2.89 Kennametal India Ltd. 0.12 For exit after 12 months from the date of allotment - Nil Westlife Development Ltd. 2.71 Sundaram Finance Holdings Ltd. 0.04 • Entry Load: N.A. Dixon Technologies (India) Ltd. 2.60 Total 93.51 • Plans Available: Regular, Direct ABB India Ltd. 2.55 Foreign Equity • Options: Growth, Dividend Schaeffler India Ltd. 2.51 Alphabet Inc. 2.25 • SIP Any Day SIP’ Facility is available for Monthly, Pfizer Ltd. 2.45 Total 2.25 Quarterly, Semi-Annual and Annual frequencies through electronic mode like OTM / Debit United Spirits Ltd. 2.17 Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 4.24 Mandate. Default SIP date will be 10th. In case Galaxy Surfactants Ltd. 2.13 Grand Total 100.00 the SIP due date is a Non Business Day, then the immediate following Business Day will be Ajanta Pharma Ltd. 2.06 considered for SIP processing. HCL Technologies Ltd. 2.05 Daily - Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 thereafter for a minimum of 12 instalments. Ambuja Cements Ltd. 1.94 (Kindly refer notice cum addendum dated June 02, 2020 for further details) Biocon Ltd. 1.80 Weekly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 Timken India Ltd. 1.79 thereafter for a minimum of 6 instalments. (or) Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 thereafter for a minimum of 12 instalments. Monthly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY thereafter for minimum six months (or) minimum` 500 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter INDUSTRY ALLOCATION (%) ASSET ALLOCATION (%) for minimum one year. Quarterly - Minimum` 1500 & in multiples of ` Consumer Goods 34.39 1 thereafter for minimum one year. Pharma 19.00 2.25 4.24 Semi Annual - Minimum` 3000 & in multiples Industrial Manufacturing 17.83 of` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 4 17.15 installments. IT 4.97 Annual - Minimum` 5000 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 4 installments. Automobile 4.77 • Minimum Investment Fertilisers & Pesticides 3.48 53.31 ` 5000 & in multiples of` 1 Services 3.19 • Additional Investment Chemicals 2.13 ` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 Cement & Cement Products 1.94 23.05 Quantitative Data Metals 1.67 Textiles 1.60 # Standard Deviation : 16.97% Financial Services 0.79 # Beta : 0.81 Smallcap Midcap Unclassified Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 4.24 Large Cap Sharpe Ratio# : 0.18 Portfolio Turnover* Cash, Cash Equivalents, And Others Equity Turnover : 0.30 Total Turnover : 0.31 SBI Magnum Global Fund Total Turnover = Equity + Debt + Derivatives This product is suitable for investors who are seeking^: # S o u r c e : C RISIL Fund Analyser Ÿ *Portfolio Turnover = lower of total sale or total Long term capital appreciation. purchase for the last 12 months (including equity Ÿ Investments in equity stocks of MNC companies. derivatives) upon Avg. AUM of trailing twelve months. Risk Free rate: FBIL Overnight Mibor rate (3.78% as on Investors understand that their principal ^Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable 31st August 2020) Basis for Ratio Calculation: 3 Years will be at High risk for them. Monthly Data Points Ratios are computed using Total Return Index (TRI) as per SEBI Circular dated Jan 4, 2018 18 EQUITY-SMALL CAP FUND


Option NAV (` ) Record Date Dividend (in` /Unit) NAV (` )

Reg-Plan-Dividend 33.7953 09-Mar-18 (Reg Plan) 9.10 33.3383 09-Mar-18 (Dir Plan) 11.10 40.7137 Reg-Plan-Growth 57.2062 28-Aug-15 (Reg Plan) 3.60 23.5236 (Previously known as SBI Small & Midcap Fund) Dir-Plan-Dividend 42.5647 28-Aug-15 (Dir Plan) 4.30 27.8630 Dir-Plan-Growth 62.3588 30-Jan-15 (Reg Plan) 4.00 26.0785

Investment Objective Pursuant to payment of dividend, the NAV of Dividend Option of To provide investors with opportunities scheme/plans would fall to the extent of payout and statutory levy, if for long-term growth in capital along with applicable. the liquidity of an open-ended scheme by investing predominantly in a well diversified basket of equity stocks of small cap companies. PORTFOLIO

Fund Details Stock Name (%) Of Total AUM Stock Name (%) Of Total AUM Equity Shares Alembic Ltd. 1.69 • Type of Scheme ELGI Equipments Ltd. 4.82 Eclerx Services Ltd. 1.68 An open-ended Equity Scheme predominantly PI Industries Ltd. 4.19 Info Edge (India) Ltd. 1.61 investing in small cap stocks. JK Cement Ltd. 3.86 GE T&D India Ltd. 1.58 • Date of Allotment: 09/09/2009 Blue Star Ltd. 3.66 Grindwell Norton Ltd. 1.42 • Report As On: 31/08/2020 City Union Bank Ltd. 3.48 Kirloskar Oil Engines Ltd. 1.16

• AAUM for theMonth of August 2020 Techno Electric & Engineering Company Ltd. 3.44 Agro Tech Foods Ltd. 0.95 ` 4,802.54 Crores Hawkins Cookers Ltd. 3.35 V-Mart Retail Ltd. 0.92

• AUM as on August 31, 2020 Hatsun Agro Product Ltd. 3.16 Ratnamani Metals & Tubes Ltd. 0.90 ` 5,053.18 Crores Navin Fluorine International Ltd. 3.06 Kewal Kiran Clothing Ltd. 0.82

• Fund Manager: Mr. R. Srinivasan Tube Investments Of India Ltd. 2.96 Garware Technical Fibres Ltd. 0.77 Managing Since: Nov - 2013 Lemon Tree Hotels Ltd. 2.83 JSW Energy Ltd. 0.61 Total Experience: Over 26 years Carborundum Universal Ltd. 2.83 VST Industries Ltd. 0.59

• Benchmark: S&P BSE Small Cap Index Chalet Hotels Ltd. 2.79 Tamil Nadu Newsprint & Papers Ltd. 0.52 The Great Eastern Shipping Company Ltd. 2.74 Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd. 0.51 • Exit Load: For exit within one year from the date of allotment -1% Dixon Technologies (India) Ltd. 2.73 Disa India Ltd. 0.50 For exit after one year from the date of allotment Timken India Ltd. 2.61 Rajratan Global Wire Ltd. 0.45 – Nil V-Guard Industries Ltd. 2.56 Thangamayil Jewellery Ltd. 0.42

• Entry Load: N.A. Narayana Hrudayalaya Ltd. 2.38 Ashiana Housing Ltd. 0.37 Relaxo Footwears Ltd. 2.34 Finolex Industries Ltd. 0.25 • Plans Available: Regular, Direct CSB Bank Ltd. 2.33 Fairchem Organics Ltd. 0.12 • Options: Growth, Dividend Rossari Biotech Ltd. 2.22 Total 94.11 • SIP Triveni Turbine Ltd. 2.10 Preference Shares All on-going / existing SIPs, STP-in registered Engineers India Ltd. 2.08 Shreno Ltd. 0.28 before September 08, 2020 will continue to be processed in the Scheme. Star Cement Ltd. 2.02 Total 0.28 Fresh registration through SIP/STP-in on or after Fine Organic Industries Ltd. 2.02 Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 5.61 September 08, 2020 in the Scheme will be capped Sheela Foam Ltd. 1.98 Grand Total 100.00 at` 5,000 per month per PAN (first Galaxy Surfactants Ltd. 1.73 holder/guardian PAN) for daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly frequencies. The caps for various frequencies will be as under: Daily SIP/STP-in:` 250, PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY Weekly SIP/STP-in:` 1,250, INDUSTRY ALLOCATION (%) ASSET ALLOCATION (%) Monthly SIP/STP-in:` 5,000, Quarterly SIP/STP-in:` 15,000 Consumer Goods 22.66 All other terms and conditions pertaining to Industrial Manufacturing 17.27 5.61 1.61 SIPs/STPs remain unchanged under the Scheme. Chemicals 9.15 2.62 Kindly refer notice cum addendum dated Services 8.36 23.16 September 04, 2020 for further details. Construction 6.17

• Minimum Investment and Additional Cement & Cement Products 5.88 Investment: Financial Services 5.81 Fertilisers & Pesticides 4.19 Fresh subscriptions through lumpsum investment Automobile 3.41 (including additional investments / Switch in) in IT 3.29 the Scheme is discontinued till further notice in terms of notice cum addendum dated September Healthcare Services 2.38 04, 2020. Pharma 1.69 67.00 Textiles 1.59 Quantitative Data Power 1.12

# Metals 0.90 Standard Deviation : 26.43% Large Cap Mid Cap Smallcap Unclassified Beta# : 0.87 Paper 0.52 Sharpe Ratio# : 0.25 Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 5.61 Cash, Cash Equivalents, And Others Portfolio Turnover* Equity Turnover : 0.42 SBI Small Cap Fund Total Turnover : 0.88 This product is suitable for investors who are seeking^: Total Turnover = Equity + Debt + Derivatives # Ÿ S ource: CRISIL Fund Analyser Long term capital appreciation *Portfolio Turnover = lower of total sale or total Ÿ Investment in equity and equity-related securities predominantly of small cap companies. purchase for the last 12 months (including equity derivatives) upon Avg. AUM of trailing twelve months. Investors understand that their principal ^Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable Risk Free rate: FBIL Overnight Mibor rate (3.78% as on will be at Moderately High risk for them. 31st August 2020) Basis for Ratio Calculation: 3 Years Monthly Data Points Ratios are computed using Total Return Index (TRI) as per SEBI Circular dated Jan 4, 2018 19 EQUITY- ELSS


Option NAV (` ) Record Date Dividend (in` /Unit) NAV (` )

Reg-Plan-Dividend 35.2121 06-Mar-20 (Reg Plan) 3.40 33.1968 06-Mar-20 (Dir Plan) 4.30 42.3469 Reg-Plan-Growth 141.5622 08-Mar-19 (Reg Plan) 3.40 38.0109 Dir-Plan-Dividend 45.0528 08-Mar-19 (Dir Plan) 4.30 48.1586 (Previously known as SBI Magnum 09-Mar-18 (Reg Plan) 4.00 41.3443 Taxgain Scheme) Dir-Plan-Growth 148.2082 09-Mar-18 (Dir Plan) 5.00 52.0013 17-Mar-17 (Reg Plan) 4.00 41.1004 17-Mar-17 (Dir Plan) 5.00 51.3144 Investment Objective Pursuant to payment of dividend, the NAV of Dividend Option of To deliver the benefit of investment in a scheme/plans would fall to the extent of payout and statutory levy, if portfolio of equity shares, while offering applicable. deduction on such investment made in PORTFOLIO the scheme under section 80C of the Income-tax Act, 1961. It also seeks to Stock Name (%) Of Total AUM Stock Name (%) Of Total AUM distribute income periodically depending on distributable surplus. Investments in Equity Shares Info Edge (India) Ltd. 1.17 this scheme would be subject to a Reliance Industries Ltd. 6.71 Colgate Palmolive (India) Ltd. 1.15 statutory lock-in of 3 years from the date Infosys Ltd. 4.29 Sanofi India Ltd. 1.10 of allotment to avail Section 80C benefits. ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Ltd. 3.93 ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Ltd. 1.08 Bharti Airtel Ltd. 3.82 Wipro Ltd. 0.99 Fund Details Cipla Ltd. 3.74 The Federal Bank Ltd. 0.99 ICICI Bank Ltd. 3.30 Narayana Hrudayalaya Ltd. 0.96 • Type of Scheme Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. 3.24 JK Cement Ltd. 0.96 An open-ended Equity Linked Saving Scheme Larsen & Toubro Ltd. 3.24 DLF Ltd. 0.96 with a statutory lock-in period of 3 years and State Bank Of India 3.19 Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd. 0.96 tax benefit Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd. 3.13 ACC Ltd. 0.94 • Date of Allotment: 31/03/1993 Ambuja Cements Ltd. 3.13 JSW Energy Ltd. 0.79 Housing Development Finance Corporation Ltd. 3.00 Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. 0.79 • Report As On: 31/08/2020 HDFC Bank Ltd. 2.97 The New India Assurance Company Ltd. 0.74 • AAUM for theMonth of August 2020 Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. 2.68 ABB India Ltd. 0.72 ` 7,484.36 Crores Crompton Greaves Consumer Electricals Ltd. 2.49 Britannia Industries Ltd. 0.71 • AUM as on August 31, 2020 Tech Mahindra Ltd. 2.42 Sundaram Clayton Ltd. 0.68 ` 7,434.32 Crores Rallis India Ltd. 2.24 Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd. 0.64 • Fund Manager: Mr. Dinesh Balachandran Lupin Ltd. 2.11 Aster Dm Healthcare Ltd. 0.61 Managing Since: Sep-2016 Torrent Power Ltd. 2.06 Exide Industries Ltd. 0.44 Total Experience: Over 17 years Of India Ltd. 1.94 VA Tech Wabag Ltd. 0.41 • Benchmark: S&P BSE 500 Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. 1.90 Tata Motors Dvr Ltd. 0.39 (w.e.f May 16,2018) Alkem Laboratories Ltd. 1.87 Marico Ltd. 0.39 • Exit Load: NIL ITC Ltd. 1.72 0.29 • Entry Load: N.A. Page Industries Ltd. 1.71 Axis Bank Ltd. 0.11 IRB Infrastructure Developers Ltd. 1.65 Manpasand Beverages Ltd. 0.01 • Plans Available: Regular, Direct Emami Ltd. 1.62 Total 98.74 • Options: Growth, Dividend Vedanta Ltd. 1.52 Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 1.26 • SIP Any Day SIP’ Facility is available for Monthly, Strides Pharma Science Ltd. 1.50 Grand Total 100.00 Quarterly, Semi-Annual and Annual Cummins India Ltd. 1.45 frequencies through electronic mode like GE T&D India Ltd. 1.19 OTM / Debit Mandate. Default SIP date will be 10th. In case the SIP due date is a Non Business Day, then the immediate following PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY Business Day will be considered for SIP INDUSTRY ALLOCATION (%) ASSET ALLOCATION (%) processing. Minimum amount for SIP` 500 & in Financial Services 24.67 multiples of` 500 Pharma 12.22 Minimum Installments: The Scheme offers IT 11.55 1.26 Daily - 12 SIP; Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Oil & Gas 8.46 11.19 Semi-Annual and Annual - 6 SIP Consumer Goods 8.09 • Minimum Investment Construction 5.85 ` 500 & in multiples of` 500 Cement & Cement Products 5.03 16.65 • Additional Investment Automobile 4.75 ` 500 & in multiples of` 500 Industrial Manufacturing 4.00 (subject to lock in period of 3 years from the Telecom 3.82 date of allotment). Power 2.85 70.90 Fertilisers & Pesticides 2.24 Quantitative Data Textiles 1.71 Healthcare Services 1.57 # Standard Deviation : 21.76% Metals 1.52 Large Cap Smallcap Midcap Beta# : 0.98 Services 0.41 Sharpe Ratio# : -0.02 Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 1.26 Cash, Cash Equivalents, And Others Portfolio Turnover* Equity Turnover : 0.75 SBI Long Term Equity Fund Total Turnover : 0.75 This product is suitable for investors who are seeking^: Total Turnover = Equity + Debt + Derivatives Ÿ # S ource: CRISIL Fund Analyser Long term capital appreciation. *Portfolio Turnover = lower of total sale or total Ÿ Investment in a portfolio of equity shares, while offering deduction under Section 80 C of IT Act, 1961. purchase for the last 12 months (including equity derivatives) upon Avg. AUM of trailing twelve months. Investors understand that their principal ^Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable Risk Free rate: FBIL Overnight Mibor rate (3.78% as on will be at Moderately High risk for them. 31st August 20200) Basis for Ratio Calculation: 3 Years Monthly Data Points (Previously known as SBI Magnum Taxgain Scheme. The name of the scheme was changed to SBI Long Term Equity Fund Ratios are computed using Total Return Index (TRI) as w.e.f. February 17, 2020) per SEBI Circular dated Jan 4, 2018 20 EQUITY- SECTORAL FUND


Option NAV (` ) Record Date Dividend (in` /Unit) NAV (` )

Reg-Plan-Dividend 104.0472 16-Mar-18 (Reg Plan) 14.10 75.9127 16-Mar-18 (Dir Plan) 16.40 88.5986 Reg-Plan-Growth 165.1683 (Previously known as SBI Pharma Fund) 30-Jan-15 (Reg Plan) 10.00 93.5001 Dir-Plan-Dividend 124.6777 Pursuant to payment of dividend, the NAV of Dividend Option of scheme/plans would fall to the extent of payout and statutory levy, if Dir-Plan-Growth 179.4561 applicable. Investment Objective

To provide the investors with the opportunity of long-term capital PORTFOLIO appreciation by investing in a diversified portfolio of equity and equity related Stock Name (%) Of Total AUM Stock Name (%) Of Total AUM securities in Healthcare space. Equity Shares Solara Active Pharma Sciences Ltd. 2.20

Fund Details Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. 9.56 Pfizer Ltd. 1.77

• Type of Scheme Lupin Ltd. 9.54 Metropolis Healthcare Ltd. 1.55 An open-ended Equity Scheme investing in healthcare sector. Cipla Ltd. 9.44 Total 98.62 • Date of Allotment: 05/07/1999 Aurobindo Pharma Ltd. 8.92 Preference Shares • Report As On: 31/08/2020 • AAUM for theMonth of August 2020 Dr. Reddy's Laboratories Ltd. 8.78 Shreno Ltd. 0.41 ` 1,380.68 Crores • AUM as on August 31, 2020 Divi's Laboratories Ltd. 8.08 Total 0.41 ` 1,361.46 Crores • Fund Manager: Mr. Tanmaya Desai Strides Pharma Science Ltd. 4.44 Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 0.97 Managing Since: Jun-2011 Narayana Hrudayalaya Ltd. 3.80 Grand Total 100.00 Total Experience: Over 12 years • Benchmark: S&P BSE HEALTHCARE Index Alkem Laboratories Ltd. 3.20 • Exit Load: For exit within 15 Days from the date of allotment - 0.50%; Thyrocare Technologies Ltd. 3.03 For exit after 15 Days from the date of Abbott India Ltd. 3.01 allotment - Nil. • Entry Load: N.A. Ajanta Pharma Ltd. 2.95 • Plans Available: Regular, Direct • Options: Growth, Dividend Torrent Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 2.93 • SIP Any Day SIP’ Facility is available for Monthly, Sequent Scientific Ltd. 2.86 Quarterly, Semi-Annual and Annual frequencies Alembic Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 2.77 through electronic mode like OTM / Debit Mandate. Default SIP date will be 10th. In case Natco Pharma Ltd. 2.65 the SIP due date is a Non Business Day, then the immediate following Business Day will be Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Ltd. 2.64 considered for SIP processing. Gufic Biosciences Ltd. 2.29 Daily - Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 thereafter for a minimum of 12 instalments. Biocon Ltd. 2.21 (Kindly refer notice cum addendum dated June 02, 2020 for further details) Weekly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 6 instalments. (or) Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 thereafter for PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY a minimum of 12 instalments. Monthly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 INDUSTRY ALLOCATION (%) ASSET ALLOCATION (%) thereafter for minimum six months (or) minimum` 500 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter Pharma 87.60 for minimum one year. Healthcare Services 11.02 Quarterly - Minimum` 1500 & in multiples of ` Construction 0.41 0.410.97 1 thereafter for minimum one year. 18.62 Semi Annual - Minimum` 3000 & in multiples Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 0.97 of` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 4 installments. Annual - Minimum` 5000 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 4 installments. 14.33 • Minimum Investment 65.67 ` 5000 & in multiples of` 1 • Additional Investment ` 1000 & in multiples of ` 1

Quantitative Data Large Cap Smallcap Midcap Unclassified Standard Deviation# : 21.40% Beta# : 0.88 Cash, Cash Equivalents, And Others Sharpe Ratio# : 0.42 Portfolio Turnover* Equity Turnover : 0.71 Total Turnover : 0.71 SBI Healthcare Opportunities Fund Total Turnover = Equity + Debt + Derivatives This product is suitable for investors who are seeking^: # Source: CRISIL Fund Analyser *Portfolio Turnover = lower of total sale or total Ÿ Long term capital appreciation. purchase for the last 12 months (including equity Ÿ Equity investments in stocks of companies in the healthcare sector. derivatives) upon Avg. AUM of trailing twelve months. Investors understand that their principal ^Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable Risk Free rate: FBIL Overnight Mibor rate (3.78% as will be at High risk for them. on 31st August 2020) Basis for Ratio Calculation: 3 Years Monthly Data Points Ratios are computed using Total Return Index (TRI) as per SEBI Circular dated Jan 4, 2018 21 EQUITY- SECTORAL FUND


Option NAV (` ) Record Date Dividend (in` /Unit) NAV (` )

Reg-Plan-Dividend 14.6702 16-Mar-18 (Reg Plan) 1.50 13.1746

Reg-Plan-Growth 16.3350 16-Mar-18 (Dir Plan) 1.60 13.4469

Dir-Plan-Dividend 15.4171 Pursuant to payment of dividend, the NAV of Dividend Option of scheme/plans would fall to the extent of payout and statutory levy, if Dir-Plan-Growth 17.2463 applicable. Investment Objective The investment objective of the scheme is t o generate long-term capital appreciation to unit holders from a portfolio that is invested predominantly in equity and equity related securities of PORTFOLIO companies engaged in banking and financial services. (However, there can be Stock Name (%) Of Total AUM no assurance that the investment Equity Shares objective of the Scheme will be realized.) HDFC Bank Ltd. 25.75 Fund Details ICICI Bank Ltd. 13.40 Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd. 10.71 • Type of Scheme An open-ended Equity Scheme investing in Axis Bank Ltd. 9.47 Banking and Financial Services sector. State Bank Of India 6.79 • Date of Allotment: 26/02/2015 ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Ltd. 4.99 • Report As On: 31/08/2020 • AAUM for theMonth of August 2020 Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Services Ltd. 2.79 ` 1,459.06 Crores Muthoot Finance Ltd. 2.77 • AUM as on August 31, 2020 ` 1,527.32 Crores Central Depository Services (I) Ltd. 2.71 • Fund Manager: Mr. Milind Agrawal (w.e.f. 1 ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Ltd. 2.70 August 2019) Cholamandalam Investment & Finance Co. Ltd. 2.59 Managing Since: Aug-2019 Total Experience: Over 8 years Housing Development Finance Corporation Ltd. 1.73 • Benchmark: Nifty Financial Services Index The Federal Bank Ltd. 1.70 • Exit Load: For exit within 12 months from the date of City Union Bank Ltd. 1.66 allotment - 1.00%; ICICI Securities Ltd. 1.64 For exit after 12 months from the date of allotment - Nil Can Fin Homes Ltd. 1.50 • Entry Load: N.A. HDFC Asset Management Company Ltd. 1.47 • Plans Available: Regular, Direct HDFC Life Insurance Company Ltd. 1.32 • Options: Growth, Dividend CSB Bank Ltd. 1.31 • SIP Any Day SIP’ Facility is available for Monthly, Total 97.00 Quarterly, Semi-Annual and Annual frequencies through electronic mode like OTM / Debit Warrants Mandate. Default SIP date will be 10th. In case Housing Development Finance Corporation Ltd.(Warrants) 0.64 the SIP due date is a Non Business Day, then the immediate following Business Day will be Total 0.64 considered for SIP processing. Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 2.36 Daily - Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 thereafter for a minimum of 12 instalments. Grand Total 100.00 (Kindly refer notice cum addendum dated June 02, 2020 for further details) Weekly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 6 instalments. (or) Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 thereafter for PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY a minimum of 12 instalments. INDUSTRY ALLOCATION (%) ASSET ALLOCATION (%) Monthly – Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter for minimum 6months or Minimum `500 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter for Financial Services 97.64 minimum 12months Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 2.36 5.52 2.36 Quarterly - Minimum` 1500 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter for minimum one year. 10.38 Semi Annual - Minimum` 3000 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 4 installments. Annual - Minimum` 5000 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 4 installments. • Minimum Investment ` 5000 & in multiples of` 1 • Additional Investment ` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 81.74 Quantitative Data

Standard Deviation# : 27.63% Large Cap Smallcap Midcap Beta# : 1.00 Sharpe Ratio# : 0.14 Cash, Cash Equivalents, And Others Portfolio Turnover* Equity Turnover : 0.26 SBI Banking & Financial Services Fund Total Turnover : 0.26 This product is suitable for investors who are seeking^: Total Turnover = Equity + Debt + Derivatives Ÿ # S ource: CRISIL Fund Analyser Long term capital appreciation. *Portfolio Turnover = lower of total sale or total Ÿ Investment predominantly in a portfolio of equity & equity related instruments of companies engaged purchase for the last 12 months (including equity in banking & financial services sector. derivatives) upon Avg. AUM of trailing twelve months. Investors understand that their principal Risk Free rate: FBIL Overnight Mibor rate (3.78% as on will be at High risk ^Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable 31st August 2020) Basis for Ratio Calculation: 3 Years for them. Monthly Data Points Ratios are computed using Total Return Index (TRI) as per SEBI Circular dated Jan 4, 2018 22 EQUITY- SECTORAL FUND


Option NAV (` )

Reg-Plan-Dividend 8.5037

Reg-Plan-Growth 8.5047

Dir-Plan-Dividend 8.8836

Dir-Plan-Growth 8.8967 Investment Objective To provide investors with opportunities for long-term growth in capital along with the liquidity of an open-ended scheme through an active management of investments in a diversified basket of equity stocks of domestic Public Sector Undertakings (and their subsidiaries) and PORTFOLIO in debt and money market instruments issued by PSUs and others. Stock Name (%) Of Total AUM Stock Name (%) Of Total AUM Fund Details Equity Shares Coal India Ltd. 3.37

• Type of Scheme State Bank Of India 10.40 Container Corporation Of India Ltd. 3.33 An open-ended Equity Scheme investing in PSU/PSU subsidiaries sector. • Date of Allotment: 07/07/2010 Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd. 8.82 Engineers India Ltd. 3.25 • Report As On: 31/08/2020 • AAUM for theMonth of August 2020 NTPC Ltd. 6.04 Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. 3.00 ` 158.60 Crores • AUM as on August 31, 2020 ` 159.69 Crores Power Grid Corporation Of India Ltd. 5.95 Gail (India) Ltd. 3.00 • Fund Manager: Mr. Richard D'souza Managing Since: Aug 2014 National Aluminium Company Ltd. 2.83 Total Experience: Over 26 years Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. 5.14 • Benchmark: S&P BSE PSU INDEX • Exit Load: SBI Life Insurance Company Ltd. 4.90 Petronet LNG Ltd. 2.71 For exit within 1 year from the date of allotment - 1%; For exit after 1 year from the date of allotment - Can Fin Homes Ltd. 4.89 Bank Of Baroda 1.80 Nil • Entry Load: N.A. Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. 4.74 Oil India Ltd. 1.37 • Plans Available: Regular, Direct • Options: Growth, Dividend • SIP Rites Ltd. 4.64 Punjab National Bank 0.93 Any Day SIP’ Facility is available for Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annual and Annual frequencies through electronic mode like OTM / Debit The New India Assurance Company Ltd. 4.07 Total 92.49 Mandate. Default SIP date will be 10th. In case the SIP due date is a Non Business Day, then the immediate following Business Day will be Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers Ltd. 3.73 Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 7.51 considered for SIP processing. Daily - Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 thereafter for a minimum of 12 instalments. Indian Railway Catering & Tourism Corporation Ltd. 3.58 Grand Total 100.00 (Kindly refer notice cum addendum dated June 02, 2020 for further details) Weekly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 6 instalments. (or) Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 thereafter for a minimum of 12 instalments. PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY Monthly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 INDUSTRY ALLOCATION (%) ASSET ALLOCATION (%) thereafter for minimum six months (or) minimum` 500 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter for minimum one year. Oil & Gas 28.78 Quarterly - Minimum` 1500 & in multiples of ` 1 thereafter for minimum one year. Financial Services 26.99 7.51 Semi Annual - Minimum` 3000 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 4 Power 11.99 installments. 19.34 Annual - Minimum` 5000 & in multiples of` 1 Services 11.55 thereafter for a minimum of 4 installments. • Minimum Investment Metals 6.20 ` 5000 & in multiples of` 1 64.13 • Additional Investment Industrial Manufacturing 3.73 9.02 ` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 Construction 3.25 Quantitative Data Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 7.51 Standard Deviation# : 22.34% # Large Cap Smallcap Midcap Beta : 0.86 Sharpe Ratio# : -0.60 Cash, Cash Equivalents, And Others Portfolio Turnover* Equity Turnover : 0.44 SBI PSU Fund Total Turnover : 0.44 This product is suitable for investors who are seeking^: Total Turnover = Equity + Debt + Derivatives # S ource: CRISIL Fund Analyser Ÿ Long term capital appreciation. *Portfolio Turnover = lower of total sale or total Ÿ Investments in diversified basket of equity stocks of domestic Public Sector Undertakings and purchase for the last 12 months (including equity their subsidiaries. derivatives) upon Avg. AUM of trailing twelve months. Investors understand that their principal Risk Free rate: FBIL Overnight Mibor rate (3.78% as on will be at High risk ^Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable 31st August 2020) Basis for Ratio Calculation: 3 Years for them. Monthly Data Points Ratios are computed using Total Return Index (TRI) as per SEBI Circular dated Jan 4, 2018 23 EQUITY- SECTORAL FUND


Option NAV (` ) Record Date Dividend (in` /Unit) NAV (` )

Reg-Plan-Dividend 23.1392 16-Mar-18 (Reg Plan) 4.20 22.0929 An open-ended Equity Scheme investing in commodity 16-Mar-18 (Dir Plan) 4.30 22.8433 and commodity related sectors. Reg-Plan-Growth 40.7683 15-Mar-10 3.00 16.01 Dir-Plan-Dividend 24.3947 25-Jul-08 2.00 17.14 Dir-Plan-Growth 42.8677 27-Nov-06 1.50 16.18

Investment Objective Pursuant to payment of dividend, the NAV of Dividend Option of scheme/plans would fall to the extent of payout and statutory levy, if To generate opportunities for growth applicable. along with possibility of consistent returns by investing predominantly in a portfolio of stocks of companies engaged in the commodity and commodity related businesses. PORTFOLIO

Fund Details Stock Name (%) Of Total AUM Stock Name (%) Of Total AUM

• Type of Scheme Equity Shares NTPC Ltd. 2.43 An open-ended Equity Scheme investing in Reliance Industries Ltd. 8.39 National Aluminium Company Ltd. 2.23 commodity and commodity related sectors. • Date of Allotment: 08/08/2005 Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd. 7.01 Hindalco Industries Ltd. 2.23 • Report As On: 31/08/2020 • AAUM for theMonth of August 2020 Ultratech Cement Ltd. 5.76 Tata Metaliks Ltd. 2.14 ` 258.14 Crores Tata Steel Ltd. 5.65 The India Cements Ltd. 1.56 • AUM as on August 31, 2020 ` 257.50 Crores Camlin Fine Sciences Ltd. 5.63 Oil India Ltd. 0.42 • Fund Manager: Mr. Richard D'souza Shree Cement Ltd. 4.73 Managing Since: Aug-2014 Total 95.25 Total Experience: Over 26 years Deepak Nitrite Ltd. 4.59 Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 4.75 • Benchmark: Nifty Commodities Index • Exit Load: Rossari Biotech Ltd. 4.32 Grand Total 100.00 For exit within 1 year from the date of allotment Neogen Chemicals Ltd. 4.30 - 1 %; For exit after 1 year from the date of allotment - CCL Products (India) Ltd. 4.07 Nil. • Entry Load: N.A. Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. 3.98 • Plans Available: Regular, Direct PI Industries Ltd. 3.85 • Options: Growth, Dividend • SIP Fine Organic Industries Ltd. 3.85 Any Day SIP’ Facility is available for Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annual and Annual frequencies Kirloskar Ferrous Industries Ltd. 3.20 through electronic mode like OTM / Debit Mandate. Default SIP date will be 10th. In case UPL Ltd. 3.18 the SIP due date is a Non Business Day, then the immediate following Business Day will be Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. 3.17 considered for SIP processing. Daily - Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 Balrampur Chini Mills Ltd. 2.95 thereafter for a minimum of 12 instalments. (Kindly refer notice cum addendum dated June Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. 2.92 02, 2020 for further details) Weekly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 Sagar Cements Ltd. 2.69 thereafter for a minimum of 6 instalments. (or) Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 thereafter for a minimum of 12 instalments. Monthly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY thereafter for minimum six months (or) minimum` 500 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter INDUSTRY ALLOCATION (%) ASSET ALLOCATION (%) for minimum one year. Quarterly - Minimum` 1500 & in multiples of` 1 Oil & Gas 25.89 4.75 thereafter for minimum one year. 4.32 Semi Annual - Minimum` 3000 & in multiples of Chemicals 22.69 ` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 4 installments. Annual - Minimum` 5000 & in multiples of` 1 Metals 15.45 thereafter for a minimum of 4 installments. • Minimum Investment Cement & Cement Products 14.74 49.45 ` 5000 & in multiples of` 1 37.21 • Additional Investment Fertilisers & Pesticides 7.03 ` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 Consumer Goods 7.02

Quantitative Data Power 2.43 4.27

# Standard Deviation : 23.42% Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 4.75 Beta# : 0.92 Large Cap Smallcap Midcap Unclassified Sharpe Ratio# : 0.09 Cash, Cash Equivalents, And Others Portfolio Turnover* Equity Turnover : 0.52 Total Turnover : 0.52 SBI Magnum Comma Fund Total Turnover = Equity + Debt + Derivatives This product is suitable for investors who are seeking^: # S ource: CRISIL Fund Analyser Ÿ Long term capital appreciation. *Portfolio Turnover = lower of total sale or total Ÿ purchase for the last 12 months (including equity Equity investments in a portfolio of stocks of companies in the commodity and commodity related derivatives) upon Avg. AUM of trailing twelve months. sectors. Risk Free rate: FBIL Overnight Mibor rate (3.78% as on Investors understand that their principal ^Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable 31st August 2020) Basis for Ratio Calculation: 3 Years will be at High risk for them. Monthly Data Points Ratios are computed using Total Return Index (TRI) as per SEBI Circular dated Jan 4, 2018 24 EQUITY- SECTORAL FUND


Option NAV (` ) Record Date Dividend (in` /Unit) NAV (` )

Reg-Plan-Dividend 13.1596 16-Mar-18 (Reg Plan) 1.70 13.6863

Reg-Plan-Growth 14.7933 16-Mar-18 (Dir Plan) 1.80 14.0096

Dir-Plan-Dividend 13.7178 Pursuant to payment of dividend, the NAV of Dividend Option of scheme/plans would fall to the extent of payout and statutory levy, if Dir-Plan-Growth 15.5004 applicable. Investment Objective To provide investors with opportunities for long-term growth in capital through an active management of investments in a PORTFOLIO diversified basket of equity stocks of companies directly or indirectly involved Stock Name (%) Of Total AUM Stock Name (%) Of Total AUM in the infrastructure growth in the Indian economy and in debt & money market Equity Shares ABB India Ltd. 2.05 instruments. Reliance Industries Ltd. 18.61 Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd. 1.88 Fund Details Larsen & Toubro Ltd. 9.80 JMC Projects (India) Ltd. 1.86 Bharti Airtel Ltd. 9.80 The Indian Hotels Company Ltd. 1.80 • Type of Scheme An open-ended Equity Scheme investing in Timken India Ltd. 5.86 Ambuja Cements Ltd. 1.29 infrastructure and allied sectors. • Date of Allotment: 06/07/2007 Ultratech Cement Ltd. 4.33 State Bank Of India 1.19 • Report As On: 31/08/2020 • AAUM for theMonth of August 2020 JK Cement Ltd. 3.98 Voltas Ltd. 1.07 ` 446.46 Crores Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd. 3.57 Total 97.49 • AUM as on August 31, 2020 ` 446.04 Crores Kennametal India Ltd. 3.49 Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 2.51 • Fund Manager: Mrs. Nidhi Chawla Managing Since: Nov-2018 The Great Eastern Shipping Company Ltd. 3.15 Grand Total 100.00 Total Experience: Over 10 years Shree Cement Ltd. 2.84 • Benchmark: Nifty Infrastructure Index • Exit Load: PNC Infratech Ltd. 2.70 For exit within 1 year from the date of allotment - 1 %; GE T&D India Ltd. 2.58 For exit after 1 year from the date of allotment - Nil Adani Ports And Special Economic Zone Ltd. 2.39 • Entry Load: N.A. Blue Dart Express Ltd. 2.38 • Plans Available: Regular, Direct • Options: Growth, Dividend Tata Metaliks Ltd. 2.26 • SIP Any Day SIP’ Facility is available for Monthly, Carborundum Universal Ltd. 2.24 Quarterly, Semi-Annual and Annual frequencies through electronic mode like OTM / Debit ICICI Bank Ltd. 2.20 Mandate. Default SIP date will be 10th. In case the SIP due date is a Non Business Day, then the Bharat Electronics Ltd. 2.09 immediate following Business Day will be considered for SIP processing. Torrent Power Ltd. 2.08 Daily - Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 thereafter for a minimum of 12 instalments. (Kindly refer notice cum addendum dated June 02, 2020 for further details) Weekly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 6 instalments. (or) Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 thereafter for PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY a minimum of 12 instalments. INDUSTRY ALLOCATION (%) ASSET ALLOCATION (%) Monthly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter for minimum six months (or) minimum` 500 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter Oil & Gas 22.18 for minimum one year. Industrial Manufacturing 18.31 Quarterly - Minimum` 1500 & in multiples of ` 1 thereafter for minimum one year. Construction 14.36 2.51 Semi Annual - Minimum` 3000 & in multiples Cement & Cement Products 12.44 of` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 4 installments. Telecom 9.80 26.52 Annual - Minimum` 5000 & in multiples of` 1 Services 9.72 thereafter for a minimum of 4 installments. Financial Services 5.27 • Minimum Investment ` 5000 & in multiples of` 1 Metals 2.26 57.90 • Additional Investment Power 2.08 ` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 Consumer Goods 1.07 13.07 Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 2.51 Quantitative Data

Standard Deviation# : 24.92% Large Cap Smallcap Midcap Beta# : 1.01 Sharpe Ratio# : -0.02 Cash, Cash Equivalents, And Others Portfolio Turnover* Equity Turnover : 0.81 SBI Infrastructure Fund Total Turnover : 0.89 This product is suitable for investors who are seeking^: Total Turnover = Equity + Debt + Derivatives Ÿ Long term capital appreciation. # S ource: CRISIL Fund Analyser Ÿ *Portfolio Turnover = lower of total sale or total Equity investments in stocks of companies directly or indirectly involved in the infrastructure purchase for the last 12 months (including equity growth of the Indian economy. derivatives) upon Avg. AUM of trailing twelve months. Investors understand that their principal will be at High risk ^Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable Risk Free rate: FBIL Overnight Mibor rate (3.78% as on for them. 31st August 2020) Basis for Ratio Calculation: 3 Years Monthly Data Points Ratios are computed using Total Return Index (TRI) as per SEBI Circular dated Jan 4, 2018 25 EQUITY-THEMATIC


Option NAV (` ) Record Date Dividend (in` /Unit) NAV (` )

Reg-Plan-Dividend 62.9218 16-Mar-18 (Reg Plan) 12.70 69.8210 16-Mar-18 (Dir Plan) 15.60 85.9324 Reg-Plan-Growth 104.4815 (Previously known as SBI FMCG Fund) 29-May-15 (Reg Plan) 10.00 51.3257 Dir-Plan-Dividend 79.6616 29-May-15 (Dir Plan) 12.00 61.4862 Dir-Plan-Growth 113.1509 17-May-13 (Reg Plan) 8.00 46.0416 03-Mar-06 6.00 22.05 Investment Objective

To provide the investor with the Pursuant to payment of dividend, the NAV of Dividend Option of scheme/plans would fall to the extent of payout and statutory levy, if opportunity of long-term capital applicable. appreciation by investing in a diversified portfolio of equity and equity related securities in Consumption space. PORTFOLIO

Fund Details Stock Name (%) Of Total AUM

• Type of Scheme Equity Shares An open-ended Equity Scheme following ITC Ltd. 8.18 consumption theme. Bharti Airtel Ltd. 7.23 • Date of Allotment: 05/07/1999 Sheela Foam Ltd. 6.78 • Report As On: 31/08/2020 Hawkins Cookers Ltd. 6.77 • AAUM for theMonth of August 2020 Emami Ltd. 6.39 ` 575.55 Crores Ganesha Ecosphere Ltd. 5.76 • AUM as on August 31, 2020 Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. 5.46 ` 588.59 Crores The Indian Hotels Company Ltd. 5.11 • Fund Manager: Mr. Saurabh Pant Page Industries Ltd. 5.00 Managing Since: Jun-2011 Total Experience: Over 11 years Asian Paints Ltd. 4.71 Relaxo Footwears Ltd. 3.78 • Benchmark: Nifty India Consumption (w.e.f. 16 May, 2018) Colgate Palmolive (India) Ltd. 3.59 • Exit Load: Kajaria Ceramics Ltd. 3.48 (w.e.f. 15 January, 2019) Chalet Hotels Ltd. 3.45 For exit on or before 30 days from the date of Prataap Snacks Ltd. 2.85 allotment - 0.10% Greenply Industries Ltd. 2.63 For exit after 30 days from the date of Hatsun Agro Product Ltd. 2.53 allotment- Nil Lemon Tree Hotels Ltd. 2.42 • Entry Load: Nil Kewal Kiran Clothing Ltd. 2.14 • Plans Available: Regular, Direct Indian Terrain Fashions Ltd. 1.72 • Options: Growth, Dividend Interglobe Aviation Ltd. 1.69 • SIP PVR Ltd. 1.65 ’ Any Day SIP Facility is available for Monthly, Zee Entertainment Enterprises Ltd. 1.62 Quarterly, Semi-Annual and Annual frequencies through electronic mode like OTM / Debit Greenpanel Industries Ltd. 1.60 Mandate. Default SIP date will be 10th. In case Thangamayil Jewellery Ltd. 1.56 the SIP due date is a Non Business Day, then V2 Retail Ltd. 0.50 the immediate following Business Day will be Manpasand Beverages Ltd. 0.08 considered for SIP processing. Daily - Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 Total 98.68 thereafter for a minimum of 12 instalments. Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 1.32 (Kindly refer notice cum addendum dated June Grand Total 100.00 02, 2020 for further details) Weekly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 6 instalments. (or) Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 thereafter for a minimum of 12 instalments. PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY Monthly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 INDUSTRY ALLOCATION (%) ASSET ALLOCATION (%) thereafter for minimum six months (or) minimum` 500 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter for minimum one year Consumer Goods 51.95 Quarterly - Minimum` 1500 & in multiples of ` Textiles 14.62 1.32 1 thereafter for minimum one year. Semi Annual - Minimum` 3000 & in multiples Services 12.67 of` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 4 Telecom 7.23 30.86 installments. 38.26 Annual - Minimum` 5000 & in multiples of` 1 Automobile 5.46 thereafter for a minimum of 4 installments. Construction 3.48 • Minimum Investment ` 5000 & in multiples of` 1 Media And Entertainment 3.27 • Additional Investment Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 1.32 ` 1000 & in multiples of` 1

29.56 Quantitative Data

# Standard Deviation : 22.92% Large Cap Smallcap Midcap Beta# : 1.09 Sharpe Ratio# : 0.01 Cash, Cash Equivalents, And Others Portfolio Turnover* Equity Turnover : 0.65 SBI Consumption Opportunities Fund Total Turnover : 0.65 This product is suitable for investors who are seeking^: Total Turnover = Equity + Debt + Derivatives # Ÿ Long term capital appreciation. S ource: CRISIL Fund Analyser *Portfolio Turnover = lower of total sale or total Ÿ Equity investments in stock of companies following consumption theme. purchase for the last 12 months (including equity derivatives) upon Avg. AUM of trailing twelve months. Investors understand that their principal ^Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable Risk Free rate: FBIL Overnight Mibor rate (3.78% as on will be at High risk for them. 31st August 2020) Basis for Ratio Calculation: 3 Years Monthly Data Points Ratios are computed using Total Return Index (TRI) as per SEBI Circular dated Jan 4, 2018 26 EQUITY- SECTORAL FUND


Option NAV (` ) Record Date Dividend (in` /Unit) NAV (` )

Reg-Plan-Dividend 45.2510 16-Mar-18 (Reg Plan) 5.90 33.8510 16-Mar-18 (Dir Plan) 7.30 41.9142 Reg-Plan-Growth 75.1400 (Previously known as SBI IT Fund) 26-Jun-15 (Reg Plan) 6.00 31.8390 Dir-Plan-Dividend 57.5273 26-Jun-15(Dir Plan) 7.00 38.6976 08-Aug-13 (Reg Plan) 4.50 28.6220 Dir-Plan-Growth 80.9932 04-Jul-07 (Reg Plan) 4.00 25.25 Investment Objective To provide the investor with the Pursuant to payment of dividend, the NAV of Dividend Option of scheme/plans would fall to the extent of payout and statutory levy, if opportunity of long-term capital applicable. appreciation by investing in a diversified portfolio of equity and equity related PORTFOLIO securities in technology and technology related companies. Stock Name (%) Of Total AUM

Fund Details Equity Shares • Type of Scheme Infosys Ltd. 22.32 An open-ended Equity Scheme investing in technology and technology related sectors. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. 19.23 • Date of Allotment: 05/07/1999 Tech Mahindra Ltd. 9.59 • Report As On: 31/08/2020 • AAUM for theMonth of August 2020 HCL Technologies Ltd. 9.31 ` 222.67 Crores • AUM as on August 31, 2020 Bharti Airtel Ltd. 9.26 ` 227.66 Crores Hexaware Technologies Ltd. 4.01 • Fund Manager: Mr. Anup Upadhyay Managing Since: Jun-2011 NIIT Ltd. 2.87 Total Experience: Over 13 years • Benchmark: S&P BSE Teck Persistent Systems Ltd. 2.84 (w.e.f May 16,2018) Larsen & Toubro Infotech Ltd. 2.00 • Exit Load: For exit within 15 days from the date of allotment - 0.50%; Oracle Financial Services Software Ltd. 1.87 For exit after 15 days from the date of allotment - Nil. Cyient Ltd. 1.46 • Entry Load: N.A. Newgen Software Technologies Ltd. 1.18 • Plans Available: Regular, Direct • Options: Growth, Dividend Total 85.94 • SIP Any Day SIP’ Facility is available for Monthly, Foreign Equity Quarterly, Semi-Annual and Annual frequencies through electronic mode like OTM / Debit Alphabet Inc. 7.56 Mandate. Default SIP date will be 10th. In case the SIP due date is a Non Business Day, then the Microsoft Corporation 2.15 immediate following Business Day will be considered for SIP processing. Total 9.71 Daily - Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 thereafter for a minimum of 12 instalments. Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 4.35 (Kindly refer notice cum addendum dated June 02, 2020 for further details) Grand Total 100.00 Weekly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 6 instalments. (or) Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 thereafter for a minimum of 12 instalments. Monthly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter for minimum six months (or) PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY minimum` 500 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter INDUSTRY ALLOCATION (%) ASSET ALLOCATION (%) for minimum one year. Quarterly - Minimum` 1500 & in multiples of ` 1 thereafter for minimum one year. IT 86.39 Semi Annual - Minimum` 3000 & in multiples of Telecom 9.26 4.35 ` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 4 installments. 9.71 Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 4.35 Annual - Minimum` 5000 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 4 installments. 8.35 • Minimum Investment ` 5000 & in multiples of` 1 • Additional Investment 5.88 ` 1000 & in multiples of` 1

71.71 Quantitative Data

Standard Deviation# : 17.76% Beta# : 0.89 Sharpe Ratio# : 0.88 Large Cap Mid Cap Small Cap Unclassified Portfolio Turnover* Equity Turnover : 0.36 Cash, Cash Equivalents, And Others Total Turnover : 0.36 Total Turnover = Equity + Debt + Derivatives # S ource: CRISIL Fund Analyser SBI Technology Opportunities Fund *Portfolio Turnover = lower of total sale or total This product is suitable for investors who are seeking^: purchase for the last 12 months (including equity derivatives) upon Avg. AUM of trailing twelve months. Ÿ Long term capital appreciation. Risk Free rate: FBIL Overnight Mibor rate (3.78% as on Ÿ Equity investments in stock of companies in the technology and technology related sectors. 31st August 2020) Basis for Ratio Calculation: 3 Years Monthly Data Points Investors understand that their principal ^Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable Note: Fund Manager for Foreign Securities Mr.Mohit will be at High risk for them. Jain w.e.f. Nov 28, 2017. Exp. Over 5years Ratios are computed using Total Return Index (TRI) as per SEBI Circular dated Jan 4, 2018 27 EQUITY-THEMATIC


Option NAV (` )

Reg-Plan-Dividend 10.5694

Reg-Plan-Growth 10.5684

Dir-Plan-Dividend 10.6310

Dir-Plan-Growth 10.6318 Investment Objective The investment objective of the scheme is to provide long term capital appreciation by investing in a diversified basket of companies in Nifty 50 Index while aiming for minimizing the portfolio volatility. However, there is no PORTFOLIO guarantee or assurance that the investment objective of the scheme will be achieved. Stock Name (%) Of Total AUM % of AUM Derivatives Stock Name (%) Of Total AUM % of AUM Derivatives

Fund Details Equity Shares Asian Paints Ltd. 1.05 - • Type of Scheme Britannia Industries Ltd. 7.53 - Bajaj Finance Ltd. 1.04 - An Open Ended Equity Scheme following Nestle India Ltd. 7.42 - Titan Company Ltd. 1.02 - minimum variance theme Hindustan Unilever Ltd. 7.42 - HDFC Bank Ltd. 1.02 - • Date of Allotment: 02/03/2019 Power Grid Corporation Of Oil & Natural Gas • Report As On: 31/08/2020 India Ltd. 7.35 - Corporation Ltd. 1.01 - Dr. Reddy's Laboratories Ltd. 7.26 - Larsen & Toubro Ltd. 1.00 - • AAUM for theMonth of August 2020 ` 53.73 Crores Wipro Ltd. 4.97 - Coal India Ltd. 1.00 - Cipla Ltd. 4.54 - Bharti Infratel Ltd. 0.99 - • AUM as on August 31, 2020 Infosys Ltd. 4.39 - Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. 0.98 - ` 53.61 Crores Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. 2.88 - Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd. 0.97 - • Fund Manager: Mr. Raviprakash Sharma Tech Mahindra Ltd. 1.68 - HDFC Ltd. 0.97 - Managing Since: March-2019 HCL Technologies Ltd. 1.49 - Bajaj Finserv Ltd. 0.96 - Total Experience: Over 19 years Reliance Industries Ltd. 1.41 - ITC Ltd. 0.95 - • Benchmark: Nifty 50 Index Zee Entertainment Gail (India) Ltd. 0.95 - • Exit Load: For exit within 1 year from the date Enterprises Ltd. 1.40 - Eicher Motors Ltd. 0.95 - of allotment – 1 %, Tata Motors Ltd. 1.33 - Bharat Petroleum For exit after 1 year from the date of allotment – JSW Steel Ltd. 1.21 - Corporation Ltd. 0.94 - Nil Indusind Bank Ltd. 1.17 - Bajaj Auto Ltd. 0.94 - • Entry Load: N.A. Axis Bank Ltd. 1.12 - Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. 0.93 - • Plans Available: Regular, Direct Sun Pharmaceutical Shree Cement Ltd. 0.91 - • Options: Growth, Dividend Industries Ltd. 1.10 - Ultratech Cement Ltd. 0.90 - • SIP ICICI Bank Ltd. 1.10 - Bharti Airtel Ltd. 0.89 - Any Day SIP’ Facility is available for Monthly, Hindalco Industries Ltd. 1.10 - HDFC Life Insurance Quarterly, Semi-Annual and Annual frequencies State Bank Of India 1.09 - Company Ltd. 0.87 - through electronic mode like OTM / Debit Adani Ports And Special National Stock Exchange Of Mandate. Default SIP date will be 10th. In case Economic Zone Ltd. 1.09 - India Ltd.-24-Sep-20 - 2.23 the SIP due date is a Non Business Day, then the Tata Steel Ltd. 1.08 - Index Futures 2.23 immediate following Business Day will be Grasim Industries Ltd. 1.08 - Total 97.69 2.23 considered for SIP processing. NTPC Ltd. 1.07 - Cash, Cash Equivalents Daily - Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 Hero Motocorp Ltd. 1.07 - And Others 0.08 - thereafter for a minimum of 12 instalments. UPL Ltd. 1.05 - Grand Total 100.00 (Kindly refer notice cum addendum dated June Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. 1.05 - 02, 2020 for further details) Weekly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of Re. 1 thereafter for minimum of six installments. (or) Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 thereafter for a minimum of 12 instalments. PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY Monthly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of Re. INDUSTRY ALLOCATION (%) ASSET ALLOCATION (%) 1 thereafter for minimum six months (or) Consumer Goods 25.39 minimum` 500 & in multiples of Re. 1 thereafter 2.23 for minimum one year IT 15.41 1.40 0.08 Quarterly - Minimum` 1500 & in multiples of Re. Pharma 12.90 1 thereafter for minimum one year Financial Services 10.31 Semi-Annual - Minimum amount of investment Power 8.42 will be` 3,000 and in multiples of Re.1 Automobile 6.32 thereafter for minimum 4 number of installments Oil & Gas 5.24 Annual - Minimum amount of investment will be Metals 4.39 `5,000 and in multiples of Re.1 thereafter for Cement & Cement Products 2.89 minimum 4 number of installments Derivatives 2.23 • Minimum Investment Telecom 1.88 ` 5000 & in multiples of` 1 Media And Entertainment 1.40 96.29 • Additional Investment Services 1.09 ` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 Fertilisers & Pesticides 1.05 Construction 1.00 Large Cap Mid Cap Derivatives Quantitative Data Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 0.08 Cash, Cash Equivalents, And Others

Portfolio Turnover* Equity Turnover : 0.73 SBI Equity Minimum Variance Fund Total Turnover : 1.04 This product is suitable for investors who are seeking^: Total Turnover = Equity + Debt + Derivatives Ÿ Long term Capital appreciation. *Portfolio Turnover = lower of total sale or total Ÿ To generate income by investing in a diversified basket of companies in Nifty 50 Index while purchase for the last 12 months (including equity aiming for minimizing the portfolio volatility. derivatives) upon Avg. AUM of trailing twelve months. Investors understand that their principal ^Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable will be at High risk Risk Free rate: FBIL Overnight Mibor rate (3.78% as for them. on 31st August 2020) Basis for Ratio Calculation: 3 Years Monthly Data Points Ratios are computed using Total Return Index (TRI) as per SEBI Circular dated Jan 4, 2018 28 FUND OF FUND


Option NAV (` )

Reg-Plan-Dividend 16.0912

Reg-Plan-Growth 16.0873

Dir-Plan-Dividend 16.5829

Dir-Plan-Growth 16.6048 Investment Objective

The scheme seeks to provide returns that closely correspond to returns provided by SBI - ETF Gold (erstwhile known as SBI Gold Exchange Traded Scheme). Fund Details PORTFOLIO

• Type of Scheme Mutual Fund Units (%) Of Total AUM An open-ended Fund of Fund Scheme investing Exchange Traded Funds in SBI-ETF Gold • Date of Allotment: 12/09/2011 SBI-ETF Gold 99.99 • Report As On: 31/08/2020 Total 99.99 • AAUM for theMonth of August 2020 Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 0.01 ` 806.87 Crores • AUM as on August 31, 2020 Grand Total 100.00 ` 806.51 Crores • Fund Manager: Mr. Raviprakash Sharma Managing Since: Sep-2011 Total Experience: Over 19 years • Benchmark: Price of Physical Gold • Exit Load: For exit on or before 15 days from PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY ASSET ALLOCATION (%) the date of allotment – 1% For exit after 15 days from the date of allotment - Nil (w.e.f. 8 September 2020) 0.01 • Entry Load: N.A. • Plans Available: Regular, Direct • Options: Growth, Dividend • SIP Any Day SIP’ Facility is available for Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annual and Annual frequencies through electronic mode like OTM / Debit Mandate. Default SIP date will be 10th. In case the SIP due date is a Non Business Day, then the immediate following Business Day will be considered for SIP processing. 99.99 Daily - Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 thereafter for a minimum of 12 instalments. Mutual Fund Units Cash, Cash Equivalents, And Others (Kindly refer notice cum addendum dated June 02, 2020 for further details) Weekly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 6 instalments. (or) SBI Gold Fund Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 thereafter for This product is suitable for investors who are seeking^: a minimum of 12 instalments. Ÿ Long term capital appreciation. Monthly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 Ÿ Investment in SBI - ETF Gold. thereafter for minimum six months (or) minimum` 500 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter Investors understand that their principal ^Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable will be at Moderately High risk for them. for minimum one year. Quarterly - Minimum` 1500 & in multiples of ` 1 thereafter for minimum one year. Semi Annual - Minimum` 3000 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 4 installments. • Annual - Minimum` 5000 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 4 installments. • Minimum Investment ` 5000 & in multiples of` 1 • Additional Investment ` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 Please note subscriptions / purchases (including additional investments / Switch in) and registration of new Systematic Investment Plan (SIP), new Systematic Transfer Plan (STP in), new Dividend Transfer Plan (DTP in) under SBI Gold Fund (the Scheme) is accepted w.e.f. April 28, 2020. Further, all on-going / existing SIPs, STP in, DTP in that are scheduled on or after May 5, 2020 are processed under the Scheme. Kindly refer notice cum addendum dated April 25, 2020 for details. 29 INDEX FUND


Option NAV (` ) Record Date Dividend (in` /Unit) NAV (` )

Reg-Plan-Dividend 50.0961 23-Mar-06 3.30 14.5541

Reg-Plan-Growth 97.6410 28-Mar-05 3.80 15.0818

Dir-Plan-Dividend 51.8106 Pursuant to payment of dividend, the NAV of Dividend Option of scheme/plans would fall to the extent of payout and statutory levy, if Dir-Plan-Growth 100.8689 applicable. Investment Objective The scheme will adopt a passive investment strategy. The scheme will invest in stocks comprising the Nifty 50 Index in the same proportion as in the index with the objective of achieving returns equivalent to the Total Returns Index of Nifty 50 Index by minimizing the performance difference PORTFOLIO between the benchmark index and the scheme. The Total Returns Index is an index Stock Name (%) Of Total AUM % of AUM Derivatives Stock Name (%) Of Total AUM % of AUM Derivatives that reflects the returns on the index from Equity Shares Hero Motocorp Ltd. 0.79 - index gain/loss dividend payments by Reliance Industries Ltd. 13.31 - Bajaj Auto Ltd. 0.78 - the constituent stocks. However, there can HDFC Bank Ltd. 9.76 - Indusind Bank Ltd. 0.77 - be no assurance that the investment objective of the scheme will be achieved. Infosys Ltd. 6.86 - Bajaj Finserv Ltd. 0.76 - HDFC Ltd. 6.39 - Cipla Ltd. 0.73 - Fund Details ICICI Bank Ltd. 5.49 - Bharat Petroleum Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. 4.78 - Corporation Ltd. 0.66 - • Type of Scheme Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd. 4.14 - Tata Steel Ltd. 0.62 - An open-ended Scheme tracking Nifty 50 Index. Hindustan Unilever Ltd. 3.81 - Oil & Natural Gas • Date of Allotment: 17/01/2002 ITC Ltd. 3.36 - Corporation Ltd. 0.60 - • Report As On: 31/08/2020 Bharti Airtel Ltd. 2.48 - Eicher Motors Ltd. 0.59 - • AAUM for theMonth of August 2020 Axis Bank Ltd. 2.48 - Coal India Ltd. 0.57 - ` 909.81 Crores Larsen & Toubro Ltd. 2.33 - UPL Ltd. 0.56 - • AUM as on August 31, 2020 Bajaj Finance Ltd. 1.86 - Shree Cement Ltd. 0.55 - ` 910.80 Crores Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. 1.83 - JSW Steel Ltd. 0.55 - • Fund Manager: Mr. Raviprakash Sharma Asian Paints Ltd. 1.73 - Hindalco Industries Ltd. 0.55 - Managing Since: Feb-2011 State Bank Of India 1.64 - Grasim Industries Ltd. 0.54 - Total Experience: Over 19 years HCL Technologies Ltd. 1.52 - Adani Ports And Special • Benchmark: Nifty 50 Index Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. 1.17 - Economic Zone Ltd. 0.54 - • Exit Load: For exit within 15 days from the date of Nestle India Ltd. 1.15 - Tata Motors Ltd. 0.52 - allotment - 0.20% Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. 0.44 - For exit on or after 15 days from the date of Sun Pharmaceutical allotment - Nil Industries Ltd. 1.13 - Zee Entertainment Enterprises Ltd. 0.37 - • Entry Load: N.A. Dr. Reddy's Laboratories Ltd. 1.04 - NTPC Ltd. 0.94 - Gail (India) Ltd. 0.36 - • Plans Available: Regular, Direct Titan Company Ltd. 0.93 - Bharti Infratel Ltd. 0.34 - • Options: Growth, Dividend Power Grid Corporation Of National Stock Exchange Of • SIP India Ltd. 0.93 - India Ltd. 24-Sep-2020 - 2.34 Any Day SIP’ Facility is available for Monthly, Index Futures 2.34 Quarterly, Semi-Annual and Annual frequencies Tech Mahindra Ltd. 0.92 - through electronic mode like OTM / Debit Ultratech Cement Ltd. 0.91 - Total 97.62 2.34 Mandate. Default SIP date will be 10th. In case Britannia Industries Ltd. 0.89 - Cash, Cash Equivalents the SIP due date is a Non Business Day, then the HDFC Life Insurance And Others 0.04 - immediate following Business Day will be Company Ltd. 0.84 - Grand Total 100.00 considered for SIP processing. Daily - Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 Wipro Ltd. 0.81 - thereafter for a minimum of 12 instalments. (Kindly refer notice cum addendum dated June 02, 2020 for further details) Weekly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY thereafter for a minimum of 6 instalments. (or) Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 thereafter for a INDUSTRY ALLOCATION (%) ASSET ALLOCATION (%) minimum of 12 instalments. Monthly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 Financial Services 34.13 thereafter for minimum six months (or) Oil & Gas 15.37 2.34 minimum` 500 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter IT 14.89 0.37 0.04 for minimum one year. Quarterly - Minimum` 1500 & in multiples of ` Consumer Goods 11.87 1 thereafter for minimum one year. Automobile 5.68 Semi Annual - Minimum` 3000 & in multiples Pharma 2.90 of` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 4 Telecom 2.82 installments. Derivatives 2.34 Annual - Minimum` 5000 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 4 installments. Construction 2.33 • Minimum Investment Metals 2.29 ` 5000 & in multiples of` 1 Cement & Cement Products 2.00 • Additional Investment Power 1.87 97.25 ` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 Fertilisers & Pesticides 0.56 Services 0.54 Quantitative Data Media And Entertainment 0.37 Large Cap Mid Cap Derivatives Portfolio Turnover* Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 0.04 Cash, Cash Equivalents, And Others Equity Turnover : 0.48 Total Turnover : 0.76 SBI Nifty Index Fund Total Turnover = Equity + Debt + Derivatives This product is suitable for investors who are seeking^: Tracking Error : 0.23% Ÿ Long term capital appreciation. *Portfolio Turnover = lower of total sale or total purchase for the last 12 months (including equity Ÿ Passive Investment in stocks comprising the Nifty 50 Index in the same proportion as in the index derivatives) upon Avg. AUM of trailing twelve months. to achieve returns equivalent to the Total returns Index of Nifty 50 Index. Tracking Error is computed for the 3 Year Period Investors understand that their principal ^Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable will be at Moderately High risk ending 31st August 2020, based on month-end NAV. for them. Tracking Error is computed using Total Returns Index. Ratios are computed using Total Return Index (TRI) as per SEBI Circular dated Jan 4, 2018 30 Snapshot of Hybrid Funds & Solution Oriented Funds

SBI Debt Hybrid Fund SBI Multi Asset Allocation SBI Magnum Children's SBI Equity Hybrid Fund SBI Arbitrage (Previously known as SBI SBI Dynamic Asset (Previously known as SBI Fund (Previously known as Benefit Fund -Savings Plan SBI Equity Scheme Magnum Monthly Income SBI Magnum Monthly (Previously known as SBI Magnum Opportunities Magnum Balanced Fund) Allocation Fund Children's Benefit Fund) Savings Fund Plan) Income Plan - Floater) Fund Ideal Investment Horizon 3 years + 3 years + 2 years + 2 years + 3 years + 1 year 3 months Inception Date 09/10/1995 26/03/2015 09/04/2001 21/12/2005 21/02/2002 27/05/2015 03/11/2006

Mr. R. Srinivasan - Equity Mr. Dinesh Balachandran- Equity Mr. Neeraj Kumar - Mr. Gaurav Mehta Mr. Neeraj Kumar - Mr. Dinesh Ahuja - Debt & Equity related instruments & Equity Portion; Debt and Money Market Mr. Ruchit Mehta -Equity Mr. Raj Gandhi Mr. Rajeev Arbitrage Portion Mr. Rajeev Fund Manager Mr. Mohit Jain - Instruments portion- Mr. Mohit Mr. Dinesh Ahuja -Debt (for ETCDs) from Radhakrishnan Mr. Ruchit Mehta - Radhakrishnan - Investments in foreign Jain- investments in foreign 27 Feb, 2020 Equity, Debt Debt Portion from securities portion securities of the Scheme. 27 Jan, 2020 Managing Since Jan-2012 Mar-2015 July-2011 Feb-2019 Jun-2008 May-2015 Oct 2012 1/3 NIFTY+1/3 CRISIL NIFTY 50 Hybrid NIFTY 50 Hybrid Nifty Equity Savings Nifty 50 Arbitrage CRISIL Hybrid 35+65 - 50% CRISIL 1 year CD Index + Composite Bond Fund Composite Debt 15:85 Benchmark Composite Debt 15:85 Index.(w.e.f August Index. Aggressive Index 50% S&P BSE Sensex Index+1/3 Price of Index 10,2018) (w.e.f May 16,2018) Index (w.e.f June 25,2018) Gold.(w.e.f May 16,2018) (w.e.f June 25,2018) Fund Details as on 31 August 2020 Month End AUM (Rs. in Crores) `31,985.37 Crores `593.42 Crores `960.29 Crores `206.67 Crores `66.47 Crores `1,346.94 Crores `3,738.59 Crores Modified Duration (years) 5.03 - 5.18 - 4.44 - - Average Maturity (years) 7.29 - 7.75 - 6.26 - - Macaulay Duration (years) 5.37 - 5.55 - 4.64 - - Yield to Maturity (%) 7.32 - 7.35 - 6.42 - - Standard Deviation# 15.00% 9.91% - - - - 0.82% Beta# 1.04 0.85 - - - - 0.67 # Sharpe Ratio 0.23 0.03 - - - - 1.98 Regular- 1.62% Regular- 2.04% Regular- 1.81% Regular- 1.92% Regular- 2.26% Regular- 1.72% Regular- 0.90% Expense Ratio Direct-1.01% Direct- 0.99% Direct- 1.20% Direct- 1.22% Direct- 1.46% Direct- 1.03% Direct- 0.45% Composition by Assets as on 31 August 2020 Equity Shares 70.51 49.66 23.97 41.35 23.44 67.05 67.50 Corporate Debt 11.31 - 37.10 - 42.34 9.56 1.51 Gilts 15.08 - 35.81 30.40 16.38 6.65 7.42 Money Market Instruments ------4.33 Other Assets 3.10 50.34 3.12 28.25 17.84 16.74 19.24 Composition by Ratings & Assets as on 31 August 2020 65.10 Large Cap 59.25 49.66 12.66 38.04 9.21 59.21 64.84 Mid Cap 9.30 - 7.38 3.31 6.30 3.55 2.66 Small Cap 1.96 - 3.93 - 7.93 4.29 - Unclassified ------AA, AA+, AAA And EQUIVALENT 5.16 - 20.75 - 30.00 4.00 1.51 Below AA 6.15 - 16.35 - 12.34 5.56 - Sovereign 15.08 - 35.81 30.40 21.05 6.65 7.42 Below A1+, A1+ ------4.33 Cash, Cash Equivalents, 3.10 50.34 Other3.12 Details Others 8.68, 19.57ETF 13.17 16.74 19.24 Derivatives and Others

For exit within 12 months from For exit on or before 12 months from With respect to units not subject to lock-in period For exit on or before 15 For exit on or before 1 Exit Load the date of allotment: For 10% For 10% of the For 10% of the investments and the holding period is less than 3 years: 3% for the date of allotment: - For 8% of redemption/switch out before 1 year from the date days from the date of month from the date of of investment - Nil For investments within 1 Year within 1 Year – Nil; For the of allotment; 2% for redemption/switch out after 1 allotment – 0.25% For exit remaining investments - 1.00%; investment-Nil; For remaining year and up to 2 years from the date of allotment; allotment – 0.10% For – Nil; For the remaining remaining investments - 1% for redemption/switch out after 2 years and up after 1 month from the date For exit after 12 months from investments: 1%; For exit after 12 to 3 years from the date of allotment; Nil for exit after 15 days from of allotment – Nil the date of allotment - Nil investments - 1.00% 1.00% redemption or switch-out after 3 years from the months from the date of allotment: Nil date of allotment the date of allotment – Nil (w.e.f. 1st July 2019)

Please consult your financial advisor before investing. For details, please refer to respective page of the scheme. Source: CRISIL Fund Analyser #Risk Free rate: FBIL Overnight Mibor rate (3.78% as on 31st August 2020)) Basis for Ratio Calculation: 3 Years Monthly Data Points Expense ratio includes GST, Base TER and additional expenses as per regulation 52(6A)(b) and 52(6A)(c) of SEBI (MF) regulations for both Direct and Regular plan 31 HYBRID - AGGRESSIVE HYBRID FUND


Option NAV (` ) Record Date Dividend (in` /Unit) Nav (` )

Reg-Plan-Dividend 29.9965 10-Feb-20 (Reg Plan) 0.97 31.8472 10-Feb-20 (Dir Plan) 1.43 46.8129 Reg-Plan-Growth 141.5617 10-Feb-20 (Reg Plan) 0.97 31.9435 (Previously known as SBI Magnum Balanced Fund) Dir-Plan-Dividend 44.2545 10-Feb-20 (Dir Plan) 1.43 48.9531 Dir-Plan-Growth 151.2363 07-Feb-19 (Reg Plan) 0.20 27.7551 07-Feb-19 (Dir Plan) 0.30 40.5383 Investment Objective 28-Sep-18 (Reg Plan) 0.29 27.3468 Pursuant to payment of dividend, the NAV of Dividend Option of To provide investors long-term capital scheme/plans would fall to the extent of payout and statutory levy, if 28-Sep-18 (Dir Plan) 0.42 39.8354 appreciation along with the liquidity of an applicable. open-ended scheme by investing in a mix of debt and equity. The scheme will invest PORTFOLIO in a diversified portfolio of equities of Issuer Name Rating (%) Of Total % of AUM Derivatives Issuer Name Rating (%) Of Total % of AUM Derivatives high growth companies and balance the Equity Shares [Guaranteed By Larsen & risk through investing the rest in fixed HDFC Bank Ltd. 5.23 - Toubro Limited] [ICRA]AAA(CE) 0.60 - income securities. Divi's Laboratories Ltd. 4.07 - Sterlite Power Grid Ventures Ltd. IND A 0.47 - Infosys Ltd. 3.86 - Tata Capital Ltd. CRISIL AAA 0.41 - Fund Details Bharti Airtel Ltd. 3.69 - Indinfravit Trust CRISIL AAA 0.40 - Bajaj Finance Ltd. 3.60 - (At1 Bond Under Basel III) CARE A+ 0.36 - State Bank Of India 3.31 0.44 • Type of Scheme Cholamandalam Investment & Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd. 2.42 - Finance Co. Ltd. [ICRA]AA+ 0.32 - An open-ended Hybrid Scheme investing Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd. 2.39 - Tata Realty And Infrastructure Ltd. [ICRA]AA 0.31 - predominantly in equity and equity related Larsen & Toubro Ltd. 2.33 - Aadhar Housing Finance Ltd. CARE AA 0.31 - instruments. Shree Cement Ltd. 2.22 - Bank Of Baroda ITC Ltd. 2.21 - • Date of Allotment: 09/10/1995 (At1 Bond Under Basel III) CRISIL AA+ 0.25 - Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. 2.12 - Indiabulls Housing Finance Ltd. CARE AA 0.23 - • Report As On: 31/08/2020 Axis Bank Ltd. 2.02 - Motilal Oswal Home Finance Ltd. CRISIL AA- 0.16 - • AAUM for theMonth of August 2020 HCL Technologies Ltd. 1.95 - Punjab National Bank CRISIL A+ 0.13 - ` 32,009.05 Crores Adani Ports And Special Economic Zone Ltd. 1.89 - Muthoot Finance Ltd. CRISIL AA 0.11 - • AUM as on August 31, 2020 Reliance Industries Ltd. 1.87 0.73 Power Finance Corporation Ltd. CRISIL AAA 0.10 - ` 31,985.37 Crores ICICI Bank Ltd. 1.73 - Bank Of Baroda Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. 1.66 - (At1 Bond Under Basel III) CARE AA 0.08 - • Fund Managers: ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Ltd. 1.57 - Zuvan Energy Pvt. Ltd. Mr. R. Srinivasan -Equity Dr. Reddy's Laboratories Ltd. 1.53 - (SPV Of Greenko) CARE AA-(CE) 0.06 - Mr. Dinesh Ahuja -Debt Bandhan Bank Ltd. 1.50 - Shreyas Renewable Energy Pvt.Ltd. (SPV Of Greenko) CARE AA-(CE) 0.06 - MRF Ltd. 1.40 - Mr. Mohit Jain - Investments in foreign SEI Mihir Energy Pvt. Ltd. securities portion Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd. 1.33 - (SPV Of Greenko) CARE AA-(CE) 0.06 - Managing Since: Jan-2012 Info Edge (India) Ltd. 1.12 - SEI Enerstar Renewable Energy Total Experience: Solar Industries India Ltd. 1.08 - Pvt. Ltd. (Spv Of Greenko) CARE AA-(CE) 0.06 - Alkem Laboratories Ltd. 1.07 - SEI Baskara Power Pvt. Ltd. Mr. R. Srinivasan -Over 26 years AIA Engineering Ltd. 1.01 - (SPV Of Greenko) CARE AA-(CE) 0.06 - Mr. Dinesh Ahuja -Over 20 years Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. 0.96 - Pratyash Renewable Pvt.Ltd. (SPV Of Greenko) CARE AA-(CE) 0.06 - Mr. Mohit Jain - Over 6 years Ltd. 0.92 - Elena Renewable Energy Pvt. Ltd. • Benchmark: CRISIL Hybrid 35+65 - Aggressive Bharat Electronics Ltd. 0.86 - (SPV Of Greenko) CARE AA-(CE) 0.06 - Index Westlife Development Ltd. 0.85 - Divyesh Power Pvt. Ltd. Procter & Gamble Hygiene And Health Care Ltd. 0.83 - • Exit Load: (SPV Of Greenko) CARE AA-(CE) 0.06 - 3M India Ltd. 0.82 - Aashman Energy Pvt. Ltd. For exit within 12 months from the date of The Ramco Cements Ltd. 0.80 - (SPV Of Greenko) CARE AA-(CE) 0.06 - allotment: Galaxy Surfactants Ltd. 0.79 - Aarish Solar Power Pvt. Ltd. For 10% of investment - Nil Page Industries Ltd. 0.76 - (SPV Of Greenko) CARE AA-(CE) 0.06 - For remaining investments - 1.00%; Avenue Supermarts Ltd. 0.70 - Indostar Capital Finance Ltd. CARE AA- 0.02 - For exit after 12 months from the date of Cummins India Ltd. 0.69 - Tata Power Company Ltd. IND AA 0.01 - Reliance Industries Ltd. CRISIL AAA 0.01 - allotment - Nil. (w.e.f. 03 December, 2018) SJVN Ltd. 0.54 - Relaxo Footwears Ltd. 0.49 - Total 9.88 - • Entry Load: N.A. Allcargo Logistics Ltd. 0.32 - Zero Coupon Bonds • Plans Available: Regular, Direct Total 70.51 1.17 Tata Motor Finance Holdings Ltd. [ICRA]AA- 0.80 - • Options: Growth, Dividend Non Convertible Debentures Embassy Office Parks Reit CRISIL AAA 0.45 - Tata Realty And Infrastructure Ltd. [ICRA]AA 0.18 - • SIP Total 1.43 - Any Day SIP’ Facility is available for Monthly, (At1 Bond Under Basel III) CARE A+ 1.25 - CRISIL AA- 0.99 - Government Securities Quarterly, Semi-Annual and Annual frequencies Tata International Ltd. Government Of India SOVEREIGN 15.08 - through electronic mode like OTM / Debit (Perpetual Bond) CARE A 0.73 - Total 15.08 - Mandate. Default SIP date will be 10th. In case Manappuram Finance Ltd. CRISIL AA 0.72 - Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 1.93 - the SIP due date is a Non Business Day, then the Tata Power Company Ltd. IND AA 0.67 - Grand Total 100.00 immediate following Business Day will be Punjab National Bank (At1 Bond Under Basel III) IND A 0.64 - considered for SIP processing. L&T Metro Rail (Hyderabad) Ltd. Daily - Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 thereafter for a minimum of 12 instalments. (Kindly refer notice cum addendum dated June 02, 2020 for further details) PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY Weekly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 ASSET CLASS / RATING CLASS (%) thereafter for a minimum of 6 instalments. (or) INDUSTRY ALLOCATION (%) Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 thereafter for Financial Services 29.15 a minimum of 12 instalments. Sovereign 15.08 1.17 1.93 Monthly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 Pharma 8.33 15.08 thereafter for minimum six months (or) IT 6.93 minimum` 500 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter for minimum one year Oil & Gas 6.42 Quarterly - Minimum` 1500 & in multiples of ` Services 5.21 6.15 1 thereafter for minimum one year. Consumer Goods 4.23 Industrial Manufacturing 3.89 2.62 Semi Annual - Minimum` 3000 & in multiples 0.57 of` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 4 Telecom 3.69 1.97 59.25 installments. Construction 3.67 1.96 Annual - Minimum` 5000 & in multiples of` 1 Cement & Cement Products 3.02 thereafter for a minimum of 4 installments. Automobile 2.36 9.30 • Minimum Investment Power 2.29 ` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 Chemicals 1.87 • Additional Investment Derivatives 1.17 Large Cap Midcap Small Cap Derivatives ` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 Textiles 0.76 AAA and Equivalent Sovereign Below AA AA+ AA Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 1.93 Quantitative Data Cash, Cash Equivalents, Derivative Margin And Others Standard Deviation# : 15.00% SBI Equity Hybrid Fund Beta# : 1.04 This product is suitable for investors who are seeking^: Sharpe Ratio# : 0.23 Ÿ Long term capital appreciation. Modified Duration : 5.03 years Ÿ Investments primarily in equity and equity related instruments, with exposure in debt and money Average Maturity : 7.29 years market instruments. Macaulay Duration : 5.37 years Investors understand that their principal ^Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable Yield to Maturity : 7.32% will be at Moderately High risk # for them. Source: CRISIL Fund Analyser Risk Free rate: FBIL Overnight Mibor rate (3.78% as on 31st August 2020) Basis for Ratio Calculation: 3 Years Monthly Data Points 32 HYBRID - DYNAMIC ASSET ALLOCATION FUND


Option NAV (` )

Reg-Plan-Dividend 13.4596

Reg-Plan-Growth 13.4570

Dir-Plan-Dividend 14.0697

Dir-Plan-Growth 14.0867 Investment Objective

To provide investors with an opportunity to invest in a portfolio which is a mix of equity and equity related securities and PORTFOLIO fixed income instruments. The allocation between fixed income and equity Issuer Name (%) Of Total % of AUM Derivatives Issuer Name (%) Of Total % of AUM Derivatives instruments will be managed dynamically Equity Shares Tech Mahindra Ltd. 0.55 - so as to provide investors with long-term capital appreciation. Reliance Industries Ltd. 8.28 - Ultratech Cement Ltd. 0.53 -

HDFC Bank Ltd. 5.74 - Power Grid Corporation

Infosys Ltd. 4.22 - Of India Ltd. 0.51 - Fund Details HDFC Ltd. 3.82 - NTPC Ltd. 0.50 - • Type of Scheme Hero Motocorp Ltd. 0.47 - An open-ended Dynamic Asset Allocation Fund. ICICI Bank Ltd. 3.07 - • Date of Allotment: 26/03/2015 Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. 2.88 - Bajaj Auto Ltd. 0.47 - • Report As On: 31/08/2020 • AAUM for the Month of August 2020 Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd. 2.01 - Indusind Bank Ltd. 0.46 - ` 596.13 Crores Tata Steel Ltd. 0.38 - • AUM as on August 31, 2020 ITC Ltd. 1.98 - ` 593.42 Crores Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. 0.31 - • Fund Manager: Hindustan Unilever Ltd. 1.84 - Mr. Dinesh Balachandran-Equity & Equity National Stock Exchange Of related instruments & Debt and Money Market Larsen & Toubro Ltd. 1.40 - Instruments India Ltd.-24-Sep-20 - 27.62 Axis Bank Ltd. 1.38 - Mr. Mohit Jain- investments in foreign securities of the Scheme. Index Futures 27.62 Bharti Airtel Ltd. 1.18 - Managing Since: Mar - 2015 Total Experience: Total 49.66 27.62 Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. 1.10 - Mr. Dinesh Balachandran Over 17 Years Cash, Cash Equivalents Mr. Mohit Jain Over 6 Years Bajaj Finance Ltd. 1.04 - • Benchmark: 50% CRISIL 1 year CD Index + 50% And Others 22.72 - S&P BSE Sensex Asian Paints Ltd. 1.04 - • Exit Load: For exit on or before 12 months from Grand Total 100.00 the date of allotment: - For 8% of investment-Nil; State Bank Of India 0.96 - For remaining investments: 1%;For exit after 12 months from the date of allotment: Nil HCL Technologies Ltd. 0.91 - • Entry Load: N.A. Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. 0.70 - • Plans Available: Regular, Direct • Options: Growth, Dividend Nestle India Ltd. 0.69 - • SIP Any Day SIP’ Facility is available for Monthly, Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. 0.68 - Quarterly, Semi-Annual and Annual frequencies through electronic mode like OTM / Debit Titan Company Ltd. 0.56 - Mandate. Default SIP date will be 10th. In case the SIP due date is a Non Business Day, then the immediate following Business Day will be considered for SIP processing. PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY Daily - Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 ASSET CLASS / RATING CLASS (%) thereafter for a minimum of 12 instalments. INDUSTRY ALLOCATION (%) (Kindly refer notice cum addendum dated June 02, 2020 for further details) Derivatives 27.62 Weekly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 Financial Services 18.48 22.72 thereafter for a minimum of 6 instalments. (or) Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 thereafter for a Oil & Gas 8.59 minimum of 12 instalments. Monthly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 IT 8.56 thereafter for minimum six months (or) Consumer Goods 6.11 minimum` 500 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter 49.66 for minimum one year Automobile 2.74 Quarterly - Minimum` 1500 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter for minimum one year. Construction 1.40 Semi Annual - Minimum` 3000 & in multiples of Telecom 1.18 ` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 4 installments. Annual - Minimum` 5000 & in multiples of` 1 Power 1.01 27.62 thereafter for a minimum of 4 installments. Pharma 0.68 • Minimum Investment ` 5000 & in multiples of` 1 Cement & Cement Products 0.53 • Additional Investment Metals 0.38 Large Cap Derivatives ` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 22.72 Cash, Cash Equivalents, And Others

Quantitative Data SBI Dynamic Asset Allocation Fund This product is suitable for investors who are seeking^: # Standard Deviation : 9.91% Ÿ Regular income and capital growth # Beta : 0.85 Ÿ Dynamic Asset allocation between equity and equity related Instruments and fixed income # Sharpe Ratio : 0.03 instruments so as to provide with long term capital appreciation. #Source: CRISIL Fund Analyser Investors understand that their principal will be at Moderately High risk ^Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable Risk Free rate: FBIL Overnight Mibor rate for them. (3.78% as on 31st August 2020) Basis for Ratio Calculation: 3 Years Monthly Data Points 33 HYBRID - CONSERVATIVE HYBRID FUND


Option NAV (` ) Option NAV (` )

Reg-Plan-Growth 42.7366 Dir-Plan-Growth 45.5004

Reg-Plan-Monthly Dividend 13.1269 Dir-Plan-Monthly Dividend 16.6558

(Previously known as SBI Magnum Monthly Reg-Plan-Quarterly Dividend 12.3255 Dir-Plan-Quarterly Dividend 13.9023 Income Plan) Reg-Plan-Annual Dividend 15.0742 Dir-Plan-Annual Dividend 18.1446

Investment Objective PORTFOLIO To provide the investors an opportunity to invest primarily in Debt and Money Issuer Name Rating (%) Of Total Issuer Name Rating (%) Of Total market instruments and secondarily in AUM AUM equity and equity related instruments. Equity Shares Finance Co. Ltd. [ICRA]AA+ 2.62 Sheela Foam Ltd. 1.46 Indinfravit Trust CRISIL AAA 2.11 Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd. 1.31 Vadodara Bharuch Tollway Ltd. Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. 1.28 (Subsidiary Of L&T IDPL Limited) IND A 1.04 Fund Details Bajaj Finance Ltd. 1.27 Punjab National Bank Axis Bank Ltd. 1.27 (At1 Bond Under Basel III) IND A 1.03 • Type of Scheme Dixon Technologies (India) Ltd. 1.26 Zuvan Energy Pvt. Ltd. (SPV Of Greenko) CARE AA-(CE) 0.30 An open-ended Hybrid Scheme investing V-Guard Industries Ltd. 1.22 Shreyas Renewable Energy predominantly in debt instruments. Bharti Airtel Ltd. 1.17 PI Industries Ltd. 1.15 Pvt.Ltd. (Spv Of Greenko) CARE AA-(CE) 0.30 • Date of Allotment: 09/04/2001 Procter & Gamble Hygiene And Health Care Ltd. 1.14 SEI Mihir Energy Pvt. Ltd. (SPV Of Greenko) CARE AA-(CE) 0.30 • Report As On: 31/08/2020 InterGlobe Aviation Ltd. 1.12 SEI Enerstar Renewable Energy • AAUM for the Month of August 2020 Titan Company Ltd. 1.03 Pvt. Ltd. (Spv Of Greenko) CARE AA-(CE) 0.30 ` ICICI Bank Ltd. 1.03 966.21 Crores SEI Baskara Power Pvt. Ltd. • AUM as on August 31, 2020 Page Industries Ltd. 0.99 (SPV Of Greenko) CARE AA-(CE) 0.30 Larsen & Toubro Ltd. 0.93 ` 960.29 Crores Pratyash Renewable Pvt.Ltd. TVS Motor Company Ltd. 0.90 (SPV Of Greenko) CARE AA-(CE) 0.30 • Fund Managers: L&T Technology Services Ltd. 0.81 Elena Renewable Energy Pvt. Ltd. Mr. Ruchit Mehta- Equity JK Cement Ltd. 0.78 (SPV Of Greenko) CARE AA-(CE) 0.30 Mr. Dinesh Ahuja- Debt Tata Motors Ltd. 0.75 Divyesh Power Pvt. Ltd. Managing Since: July-2011 The Ramco Cements Ltd. 0.65 (SPV Of Greenko) CARE AA-(CE) 0.30 • Total Experience Lemon Tree Hotels Ltd. 0.64 Aashman Energy Pvt. Ltd. Mr. Ruchit Mehta - Over 14 years Zee Entertainment Enterprises Ltd. 0.59 (SPV Of Greenko) CARE AA-(CE) 0.30 Prataap Snacks Ltd. 0.57 Aarish Solar Power Pvt. Ltd. Mr. Dinesh Ahuja - Over 20 years HDFC Life Insurance Company Ltd. 0.36 (SPV Of Greenko) CARE AA-(CE) 0.30 • Benchmark: Endurance Technologies Ltd. 0.29 State Bank Of India NIFTY 50 Hybrid Composite Debt 15:85 Index Total 23.97 (Tier II Bond Under Basel III) CRISIL AAA 0.06 (w.e.f June 25,2018) Non Convertible Debentures Total 30.54 • Exit Load: For exit within 1 year from the date Indian Bank CRISIL AA- 4.54 Zero Coupon Bonds of allotment For 10% of investment : Nil Coastal Gujarat Power Ltd. Tata Motor Finance Holdings Ltd. [ICRA]AA- 3.55 For remaining investment: 1.00% (Guaranteed By Tata Power Limited) IND AA(CE) 4.21 Embassy Office Parks Reit CRISIL AAA 3.01 Total 6.56 For exit after one year from the date of Manappuram Finance Ltd. CRISIL AA 3.22 Government Securities allotment – Nil Canara Bank (At1 Bond Under Basel III) CARE A+ 3.19 Government Of India SOVEREIGN 35.81 • Entry Load: N.A. L&T Metro Rail (Hyderabad) Ltd. Total 35.81 • Plans Available: Regular, Direct [Guaranteed By Larsen & Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 3.12 Toubro Limited] [ICRA]AAA(CE) 2.85 • Options: Growth, Dividend Grand Total 100.00 Tata Power Company Ltd. IND AA 2.67 • SIP Cholamandalam Investment & Any Day SIP’ Facility is available for Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annual and Annual frequencies through electronic mode like OTM / Debit Mandate. Default SIP date will be 10th. In case PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY the SIP due date is a Non Business Day, then the ASSET CLASS / RATING CLASS (%) immediate following Business Day will be INDUSTRY ALLOCATION (%) considered for SIP processing. Daily - Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 Sovereign 35.81 thereafter for a minimum of 12 instalments. Financial Services 23.45 3.12 12.66 (Kindly refer notice cum addendum dated June Power 9.88 02, 2020 for further details) Consumer Goods 6.68 Weekly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 7.38 35.81 thereafter for a minimum of 6 instalments. (or) Construction 6.05 Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 thereafter for Services 5.65 3.93 a minimum of 12 instalments. Automobile 3.22 ` ` Monthly - Minimum 1000 & in multiples of 1 Cement & Cement Products 1.43 8.03 thereafter for minimum six months (or) 2.62 minimum` 500 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter Telecom 1.17 for minimum one year Fertilisers & Pesticides 1.15 10.10 Quarterly - Minimum` 1500 & in multiples of ` Textiles 0.99 16.35 1 thereafter for minimum one year. IT 0.81 ` Semi Annual - Minimum 3000 & in multiples Media And Entertainment 0.59 of` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 4 Large Cap Midcap Small Cap Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 3.12 installments. AAA and Equivalent Sovereign Below AA AA AA+ Annual - Minimum` 5000 & in multiples of` 1 Cash, Cash Equivalents, And Others thereafter for a minimum of 4 installments. • Minimum Investment ` 5,000 & in multiples of` 1 SBI Debt Hybrid Fund This product is suitable for investors who are seeking^: • Additional Investment Ÿ ` 1,000 & in multiples of` 1 Regular income and capital growth. Ÿ Investment primarily in Debt and Money market instruments and secondarily in equity and equity Quantitative Data related instruments. Investors understand that their principal ^Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable will be at Moderate risk Modified Duration : 5.18 years for them. Average Maturity : 7.75 years Macaulay Duration : 5.55 years Yield to Maturity : 7.35% 34 HYBRID - MULTI ASSET ALLOCATION FUND


Option NAV (` ) Option NAV (` )

Reg-Plan-Growth 30.2717 Dir-Plan-Growth 32.1628

Reg-Plan-Monthly Dividend 13.5352 Dir-Plan-Monthly Dividend 14.4422

Reg-Plan-Quarterly Dividend 13.5223 Dir-Plan-Quarterly Dividend 15.2773

Reg-Plan-Annual Dividend 17.1148 Dir-Plan-Annual Dividend 18.3253 (Previously known as SBI Magnum Monthly Income Plan - Floater) PORTFOLIO

Issuer Name Rating (%) Of Total % of AUM Derivatives Issuer Name Rating (%) Of Total % of AUM Derivatives Investment Objective Equity Shares ACC Ltd. 0.63 - Divi's Laboratories Ltd. 2.24 - Page Industries Ltd. 0.62 - To provide the investors an opportunity Avenue Supermarts Ltd. 1.88 - Bosch Ltd. 0.62 - to invest in an actively managed portfolio SBI Life Insurance Company Ltd. 1.81 - Power Finance Corporation Ltd. 0.61 - of multiple asset classes. Dabur India Ltd. 1.51 - Container Corporation Of India Ltd. 0.61 - Fund Details ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Ltd. 1.41 - Siemens Ltd. 0.58 - Godrej Consumer Products Ltd. 1.38 - DLF Ltd. 0.55 - • Type of Scheme An open-ended Scheme investing in equity, debt Info Edge (India) Ltd. 1.28 - Procter & Gamble Hygiene And Health Care Ltd. 0.53 - and gold and gold related instruments. including Aurobindo Pharma Ltd. 1.28 - Cadila Healthcare Ltd. 0.53 - ETFs and such other asset classes as SEBI may Lupin Ltd. 1.25 - NMDC Ltd. 0.50 - prescribe from time to time. Pidilite Industries Ltd. 1.20 - Abbott India Ltd. 0.49 - • Date of Allotment: 21/12/2005 Marico Ltd. 1.07 - SBI Cards & Payment Services Ltd. 0.47 - • Report As On: 31/08/2020 Colgate Palmolive (India) Ltd. 1.02 - Oracle Financial Services Software Ltd. 0.40 - • AAUM for the Month of August 2020 ` 255.38 Crores Petronet LNG Ltd. 1.01 - Adani Transmission Ltd. 0.39 - • AUM as on August 31, 2020 Biocon Ltd. 0.94 - Bank Of Baroda 0.33 - ` 206.67 Crores United Spirits Ltd. 0.92 - Hindustan Zinc Ltd. 0.32 - • Fund Manager: Mr. Gaurav Mehta & Piramal Enterprises Ltd. 0.87 - NHPC Ltd. 0.31 - Mr. Raj Gandhi (for ETCDs) Havells India Ltd. 0.87 - Punjab National Bank 0.26 - Managing Since: Ambuja Cements Ltd. 0.87 - General Insurance Corporation Of India 0.20 - Mr. Gaurav Mehta - Feb-2019 ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Ltd. 0.85 - Mr. Raj Gandhi - Feb 27, 2020 National Stock Exchange Of India Ltd.-24-Sep-20 - (2.22) Total Experience: Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. 0.85 - Index Futures (2.22) Mr. Gaurav Mehta – over 12 years Indraprastha Gas Ltd. 0.78 - Total 41.35 (2.22) Mr. Raj Gandhi - over 14 years HDFC Asset Management Company Ltd. 0.75 - • Benchmark: Bajaj Holdings & Investment Ltd. 0.75 - Government Securities 1/3 NIFTY+1/3 CRISIL Composite Bond Fund Shriram Transport Finance Company Ltd. 0.74 - Government Of India SOVEREIGN 30.40 - Index+1/3 Price of Gold. Total 30.40 - (w.e.f May 16,2018) Motherson Sumi Systems Ltd. 0.74 - Exchange Traded Funds • Exit Load: For exit within 12 months from the Torrent Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 0.73 - date of allotment Berger Paints India Ltd. 0.73 - SBI-ETF Gold 19.57 - For 10% of investments : Nil Muthoot Finance Ltd. 0.70 - Total 19.57 - For remaining investment: 1.00% Bandhan Bank Ltd. 0.69 - Cash, Cash Equivalents, Derivative For exit after 12 months from the date of Interglobe Aviation Ltd. 0.65 - Margin And Others 8.68 - allotment – Nil United Breweries Ltd. 0.63 - Grand Total 100.00 • Entry Load: N.A. • Plans Available: Regular, Direct • Options: Growth, Dividend • SIP PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY Any Day SIP’ Facility is available for Monthly, INDUSTRY ALLOCATION (%) ASSET CLASS / RATING CLASS (%) Quarterly, Semi-Annual and Annual frequencies through electronic mode like OTM / Debit Sovereign 30.40 Mandate. Default SIP date will be 10th. In case Exchange Traded Funds 19.57 the SIP due date is a Non Business Day, then the Consumer Goods 10.54 8.68 immediate following Business Day will be Financial Services 10.44 considered for SIP processing. Pharma 7.46 Daily - Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 Oil & Gas 2.64 19.57 thereafter for a minimum of 12 instalments. IT 1.68 38.04 (Kindly refer notice cum addendum dated June Cement & Cement Products 1.50 02, 2020 for further details) Automobile 1.36 ` ` Weekly - Minimum 1000 & in multiples of 1 Services 1.26 thereafter for a minimum of 6 instalments. (or) Chemicals 1.20 Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 thereafter for a Metals 0.82 minimum of 12 instalments. Power 0.70 3.31 Monthly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 Textiles 0.62 30.40 thereafter for minimum six months (or) Industrial Manufacturing 0.58 minimum` 500 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter Construction 0.55 for minimum one year. Large Cap Midcap ETF Sovereign Quarterly - Minimum` 1500 & in multiples of` 1 Cash, Cash Equivalents, Derivative Margin And Others 8.68 Cash, Cash Equivalents, Derivative Margin And Others thereafter for minimum one year. Semi Annual - Minimum 3000 & in multiples of 1 thereafter for a minimumof 4 SBI Multi Asset Allocation Fund installments. This product is suitable for investors who are seeking^: Annual - Minimum 5000 & in multiples Ÿ Long term capital growth with potential for regular income of 1 thereafter for a minimum of 4 Ÿ Investment in a diversified portfolio of equity, fixed income and gold and gold related instruments including domestic and overseas ETFs; with a minimum allocation of 10% in each of the asset class and installments. Investors understand that their principal units of REITs and InvITs with an allocation of up to 10%. • Minimum Investment will be at ModeratelyHigh risk ` 5,000 & in multiples of` 1 ^Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable for them. • Additional Investment ` 1,000 & in multiples of` 1 35 SOLUTIONS ORIENTED SCHEME-CHILDREN’S FUND NET ASSET VALUE

Option NAV (` )

Reg-Plan-Growth 58.5921

Dir-Plan-Growth 62.5789 (Previously known as SBI Magnum Children's Benefit Fund)

Investment Objective PORTFOLIO To provide the investors an opportunity to earn regular income predominantly Issuer Name Rating (%) Of Total Issuer Name Rating (%) Of Total through investment in debt and money AUM AUM market instruments and capital Equity Shares Indian Terrain Fashions Ltd. 0.32 appreciation through an actively managed equity portfolio. Cipla Ltd. 1.66 Glaxosmithkline Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 0.26 The Phoenix Mills Ltd. 1.65 Page Industries Ltd. 0.11 Fund Details Tech Mahindra Ltd. 1.19 Manpasand Beverages Ltd. 0.09 Type of Scheme • Narayana Hrudayalaya Ltd. 1.19 Total 23.44 An open-ended fund for investment for children having a lock-in for at least 5 years or HCL Technologies Ltd. 1.18 Non Convertible Debentures till the child attains age of majority (whichever Cummins India Ltd. 1.17 State Bank Of India is earlier). (Tier II Bond Under Basel III) CRISIL AAA 8.10 • Date of Allotment: 21/02/2002 State Bank Of India 1.15 Report As On: 31/08/2020 NABARD [ICRA]AAA 7.97 • NHPC Ltd. 1.03 AAUM for the Month of August 2020 • Power Finance Corporation Ltd. CRISIL AAA 7.76 ` 66.39 Crores Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd. 1.02 AUM as on August 31, 2020 Canara Bank • Hawkins Cookers Ltd. 0.99 ` 66.47 Crores (At1 Bond Under Basel III) CARE A+ 6.09 Fund Manager: • Vedanta Ltd. 0.94 Indian Bank CRISIL AA- 3.28 Mr. Rajeev Radhakrishnan Ahluwalia Contracts (India) Ltd. 0.94 Managing Since: Jun-2008 Tata Power Company Ltd. IND AA 3.09 Total Experience: Over 17 years Bharti Airtel Ltd. 0.89 Muthoot Finance Ltd. CRISIL AA 3.08 Benchmark: • Andhra Paper Ltd. 0.87 NIFTY 50 Hybrid Composite Debt 15:85 Index Punjab National Bank (w.e.f June 25,2018) Tata Metaliks Ltd. 0.83 (At1 Bond Under Basel III) IND A 2.97 • Exit Load: PNC Infratech Ltd. 0.83 Total 42.34 With respect to units not subject to lock-in period and the holding period is less than 3 GE T&D India Ltd. 0.83 Government Securities years: 3% for redemption/switch out before 1 ABB India Ltd. 0.81 Government Of India SOVEREIGN 16.38 year from the date of allotment; 2% for redemption/switch out after 1 year and up to Schaeffler India Ltd. 0.69 Total 16.38 2 years from the date of allotment; 1% for Bosch Ltd. 0.69 State Development Loans redemption/switch out after 2 years and up to The New India Assurance Company Ltd. 0.58 State Government Of Karnataka SOVEREIGN 4.67 3 years from the date of allotment; Nil for redemption or switch-out after 3 years from Greenply Industries Ltd. 0.55 Total 4.67 the date of allotment Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. 0.49 Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 13.17 • Entry Load: N.A • Plans Available: Regular, Direct Blue Dart Express Ltd. 0.49 Grand Total 100.00 • Options: Growth, • SIP Any Day SIP’ Facility is available for Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annual and Annual frequencies through electronic mode like OTM / Debit Mandate. Default SIP date will be 10th. PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY In case the SIP due date is a Non Business Day, ASSET CLASS / RATING CLASS (%) then the immediate following Business Day INDUSTRY ALLOCATION (%) will be considered for SIP processing. Financial Services 42.00 Daily - Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 Sovereign 21.05 thereafter for a minimum of 12 instalments. 13.17 9.21 (Kindly refer notice cum addendum dated June Power 4.12 6.30 02, 2020 for further details) Industrial Manufacturing 3.50 Weekly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 Construction 3.42 thereafter for a minimum of 6 instalments. (or) Pharma 2.41 7.93 21.05 Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 thereafter IT 2.37 for a minimum of 12 instalments. Metals 1.77 Monthly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of ` 1 thereafter for minimum six months (or) Consumer Goods 1.63 minimum` 500 & in multiples of` 1 Healthcare Services 1.19 23.83 thereafter for minimum one year Telecom 0.89 Quarterly - Minimum` 1500 & in multiples of Paper 0.87 12.34 ` 6.17 1 thereafter for minimum one year. Automobile 0.69 Semi Annual - Minimum` 3000 & in multiples Large Cap Midcap Small Cap of` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 4 Services 0.49 Sovereign installments. Textiles 0.43 AAA and Equivalent Below AA AA ` ` Annual - Minimum 5000 & in multiples of Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 13.17 Cash, Cash Equivalents, And Others 1 thereafter for a minimum of 4 installments. • Minimum Investment ` 5,000 & in multiples of` 1 SBI Magnum Children's Benefit Fund - Savings Plan This product is suitable for investors who are seeking^: • Additional Investment ` 1,000 & in multiples of` 1 Ÿ Regular income and capital appreciation. Ÿ Investment primarily in debt and money market instruments and secondarily in actively managed Quantitative Data equity and equity related instruments. Investors understand that their principal will be at Moderately High risk ^Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable Modified Duration : 4.44 years for them. Average Maturity : 6.26 years Macaulay Duration : 4.64 years Note: The fundamental attributes of the Scheme like asset allocation, insurance cover and creation of segregated portfolio has been changed w.e.f July 23, 2020. Kindly refer notice cum addendum dated June 19, 2020 for further details. Yield to Maturity : 6.42% 36 HYBRID - EQUITY SAVINGS FUND

NET ASSET VALUE Option NAV (` ) Option NAV (` )

Reg-Plan-Growth 13.7278 Dir-Plan-Growth 14.7307 Reg-Plan-Monthly Dividend 12.7270 Dir-Plan-Monthly Dividend 13.4784 Reg-Plan-Quarterly Dividend 12.9812 Dir-Plan-Quarterly Dividend 13.9503


Investment Objective Issuer Name Rating (%) Of Total % of AUM Derivatives Issuer Name Rating (%) Of Total % of AUM Derivatives Equity Shares Dr. Reddy's Laboratories Ltd. 0.25 - The scheme aims to generate income by Reliance Industries Ltd. 9.73 (6.00) NTPC Ltd. 0.23 - investing in arbitrage opportunities in the Housing Development Finance Corporation Ltd. 6.23 (4.71) Ultratech Cement Ltd. 0.22 - cash and derivatives segment of the Adani Ports And Special Economic Zone Ltd. 4.36 (4.24) Titan Company Ltd. 0.22 - equity market, and capital appreciation Tech Mahindra Ltd. 2.95 (2.74) Power Grid Corporation Of India Ltd. 0.22 - through a moderate exposure in equity. Hindustan Unilever Ltd. 2.48 (1.58) Bharat Forge Ltd. 0.22 - HDFC Bank Ltd. 2.33 - Britannia Industries Ltd. 0.21 - Fund Details ICICI Bank Ltd. 2.16 - Wipro Ltd. 0.20 - Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd. 2.03 - TV Today Network Ltd. 0.19 - • Type of Scheme Asian Paints Ltd. 1.69 - Bajaj Auto Ltd. 0.19 - An open-ended Scheme investing in equity, Infosys Ltd. 1.65 - Indusind Bank Ltd. 0.18 - arbitrage and debt. Bharti Airtel Ltd. 1.55 - Cipla Ltd. 0.17 - Axis Bank Ltd. 1.55 (0.14) Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd. 0.16 - • Date of Allotment: 27/05/2015 Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. 1.53 - Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. 0.14 - • Report As On: 31/08/2020 Bajaj Finance Ltd. 1.44 - Eicher Motors Ltd. 0.14 - Ganesha Ecosphere Ltd. 1.38 - Coal India Ltd. 0.14 - • AAUM for theMonth of August 2020 HDFC Life Insurance Company Ltd. 1.27 - Shree Cement Ltd. 0.13 - ` 1,353.89 Crores Dixon Technologies (India) Ltd. 1.20 - JSW Steel Ltd. 0.13 - • AUM as on August 31, 2020 Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. 1.15 - Hindalco Industries Ltd. 0.13 - ` 1,346.94 Crores Page Industries Ltd. 1.06 - Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. 0.10 - Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. 0.95 (0.68) Zee Entertainment Enterprises Ltd. 0.09 - • Fund Manager: ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Ltd. 0.94 - Gail (India) Ltd. 0.09 - Mr. Neeraj Kumar - Arbitrage portion Tata Steel Ltd. 0.93 (0.79) Bosch Ltd. 0.08 (0.08) Mr. Ruchit Mehta - Equity, Debt Sheela Foam Ltd. 0.92 - Bharti Infratel Ltd. 0.08 - Managing Since: May-2015 Interglobe Aviation Ltd. 0.89 - Petronet LNG Ltd. 0.02 (0.02) Total Experience: Dabur India Ltd. 0.89 (0.90) Total 67.05 (24.45) Mr. Neeraj Kumar -Over 22 years UPL Ltd. 0.84 (0.71) Non Convertible Debentures Mr. Ruchit Mehta -Over 14 years ITC Ltd. 0.80 - Tata Power Company Ltd. IND AA 1.52 - Relaxo Footwears Ltd. 0.73 - Indian Bank CRISIL AA- 1.22 - • Benchmark: Nifty Equity Savings Index Grasim Industries Ltd. 0.68 (0.55) State Bank Of India (w.e.f August 10,2018) ACC Ltd. 0.65 - (At1 Bond Under Basel III) CRISIL AA+ 1.19 - • Exit Load: (w.e.f. 01 January 2019) Hero Motocorp Ltd. 0.63 - Vadodara Bharuch Tollway Ltd. (Subsidiary Of L&T IDPL Limited) IND A 0.37 - For exit on or before 15 days from the date Larsen & Toubro Ltd. 0.56 - Total 4.30 - Tata Motors Ltd. 0.55 - of allotment – 0.10% For exit after 15 days Zero Coupon Bonds Procter & Gamble Hygiene And Health Care Ltd. 0.52 - from the date of allotment – Nil Tata Motor Finance Holdings Ltd. [ICRA]AA- 3.97 - V-Guard Industries Ltd. 0.50 - Embassy Office Parks Reit CRISIL AAA 1.29 - • Entry Load: N.A. Bajaj Finserv Ltd. 0.43 (0.25) Total 5.26 - • Plans Available: Regular, Direct United Spirits Ltd. 0.41 (0.41) Government Securities State Bank Of India 0.39 - • Options: Growth, Dividend Government Of India SOVEREIGN 6.65 - HCL Technologies Ltd. 0.37 - Total 6.65 - • SIP Newgen Software Technologies Ltd. 0.35 - Cash, Cash Equivalents, Derivative Any Day SIP’ Facility is available for Lupin Ltd. 0.35 (0.35) Margin And Others 16.74 - Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annual and The Federal Bank Ltd. 0.30 (0.30) Grand Total 100.00 Annual frequencies through electronic Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. 0.28 - mode like OTM / Debit Mandate. Default SIP Nestle India Ltd. 0.27 - date will be 10th. In case the SIP due date is Gabriel India Ltd. 0.25 - a Non Business Day, then the immediate PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY following Business Day will be considered for SIP processing. INDUSTRY ALLOCATION (%) ASSET CLASS / RATING CLASS (%) Daily - Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 Financial Services 25.63 thereafter for a minimum of 12 instalments. Consumer Goods 10.84 (Kindly refer notice cum addendum dated Oil & Gas 10.24 16.74 June 02, 2020 for further details) IT 6.67 Sovereign 6.65 Weekly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of Services 5.62 ` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 6 Automobile 3.65 6.65 instalments. (or) Minimum 500 & in Textiles 2.44 multiples of 1 thereafter for a minimum of Power 1.97 Construction 1.85 5.56 12 instalments. 1.52 59.21 Pharma 1.72 Monthly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of 1.19 Cement & Cement Products 1.68 1.29 ` 1 thereafter for minimum 6 months (or) Telecom 1.63 4.29 minimum` 500 & in multiples of` 1 Metals 1.33 3.55 thereafter for minimum one year Fertilisers & Pesticides 0.84 Media And Entertainment 0.28 Quarterly - Minimum` 1500 & in multiples Industrial Manufacturing 0.22 Large Cap Midcap Small Cap Sovereign ` of 1 thereafter for minimum one year. Cash, Cash Equivalents, Derivative AAA and Equivalent Below AA AA+ AA Semi Annual - Minimum` 3000 & in Margin And Others 16.74 Cash, Cash Equivalents, Derivative Margin and Others multiples of` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 4 installments. SBI Equity Savings Fund This product is suitable for investors who are seeking^: Annual - Minimum` 5000 & in multiples Ÿ Regular income & Capital appreciation. of` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 4 Ÿ To generate income by investing in arbitrage opportunities in the cash and derivatives segment of installments. the equity market, and capital appreciation through a moderate exposure in equity. • Minimum Investment Investors understand that their principal will be at Moderately High risk ^Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable ` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 for them. • Additional Investment ` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 37 HYBRID - ARBITRAGE FUND


Option NAV (` ) Record Date Dividend (in` /Unit) NAV (` )

Reg-Plan-Dividend 13.5334 27-Mar-20 (Reg Plan) 0.07 13.3989 27-Mar-20 (Dir Plan) 0.07 14.2690 Reg-Plan-Growth 25.7345 28-Feb-20 (Reg Plan) 0.07 13.4634 Dir-Plan-Dividend 14.4388 28-Feb-20 (Dir Plan) 0.07 14.3281 Dir-Plan-Growth 26.7231 31-Jan-20 (Reg Plan) 0.07 13.4238 31-Jan-20 (Dir Plan) 0.07 14.2766 Investment Objective Pursuant to payment of dividend, the NAV of Dividend Option of To provide capital appreciation and scheme/plans would fall to the extent of payout and statutory levy, if regular income for unit holders by applicable. identifying profitable arbitrage opportunities between the spot and PORTFOLIO derivative market segments as also through investment of surplus cash in Issuer Name Rating (%) Of Total % of AUM Derivatives Issuer Name Rating (%) Of Total % of AUM Derivatives debt and money market instruments. Equity Shares ACC Ltd. 0.23 (0.23) Reliance Industries Ltd. 10.19 (10.23) Hindalco Industries Ltd. 0.20 (0.20) Fund Details Bharti Airtel Ltd. 9.07 (9.12) Bajaj Auto Ltd. 0.18 (0.18) State Bank Of India 5.60 (5.62) Britannia Industries Ltd. 0.15 (0.15) • Type of Scheme An open-ended Scheme investing in Dr. Reddy's Laboratories Ltd. 4.64 (4.66) Tech Mahindra Ltd. 0.13 (0.13) arbitrage opportunities. Axis Bank Ltd. 3.47 (3.47) Marico Ltd. 0.13 (0.13) ICICI Bank Ltd. 3.38 (3.39) HCL Technologies Ltd. 0.13 (0.13) • Date of Allotment: 03/11/2006 ITC Ltd. 2.78 (2.79) Exide Industries Ltd. 0.12 (0.12) • Report As On: 31/08/2020 Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. 2.40 (2.40) Asian Paints Ltd. 0.11 (0.11) • AAUM for the Month of August 2020 Grasim Industries Ltd. 2.22 (2.23) Biocon Ltd. 0.10 (0.10) ` 3,914.10 Crores Housing Development Finance Corporation Ltd. 2.02 (2.03) SRF Ltd. 0.09 (0.09) • AUM as on August 31, 2020 JSW Steel Ltd. 1.70 (1.71) Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. 0.07 (0.07) ` 3,738.59 Crores Zee Entertainment Enterprises Ltd. 1.45 (1.45) Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd. 0.06 (0.06) • Fund Manager: Adani Ports And Special Economic Zone Ltd. 1.36 (1.37) Steel Authority Of India Ltd. 0.05 (0.05) Mr. Neeraj Kumar -Equity Portion (Managing Ambuja Cements Ltd. 1.35 (1.36) Titan Company Ltd. 0.04 (0.04) Since Oct 2012) Muthoot Finance Ltd. 1.02 (1.02) Punjab National Bank 0.04 (0.04) Mr. Rajeev Radhakrishnan -Debt Portion Ultratech Cement Ltd. 0.97 (0.97) Eicher Motors Ltd. 0.04 (0.04) (Managing w.e.f. Jan 27, 2020) Aurobindo Pharma Ltd. 0.89 (0.89) Power Finance Corporation Ltd. 0.03 (0.03) Total Experience: Dabur India Ltd. 0.86 (0.86) Godrej Consumer Products Ltd. 0.02 (0.02) Mr. Neeraj Kumar -Over 22 years Indusind Bank Ltd. 0.83 (0.83) Colgate Palmolive (India) Ltd. 0.02 (0.02) Mr. Rajeev Radhakrishnan -Over 17 years Divi's Laboratories Ltd. 0.80 (0.80) Sun TV Network Ltd. 0.01 (0.01) • Benchmark: Nifty 50 Arbitrage Index. Infosys Ltd. 0.77 (0.77) Total 67.50 (68.21) (w.e.f May 16,2018) Pidilite Industries Ltd. 0.76 (0.77) Commercial Papers • Exit Load: (w.e.f. 1st July 2019) For exit on or Petronet LNG Ltd. 0.60 (0.60) Adani Ports And Special before 1 month from the date of allotment – United Spirits Ltd. 0.57 (0.58) Economic Zone Ltd. [ICRA]A1+ 2.60 - 0.25% DLF Ltd. 0.57 (0.57) Bharti Hexacom Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 0.40 - For exit after 1 month from the date Vedanta Ltd. 0.47 (0.47) Total 3.00 - of allotment – Nil Tata Steel Ltd. 0.43 (0.90) Certificate Of Deposits • Entry Load: N.A. Cadila Healthcare Ltd. 0.42 (0.42) Bandhan Bank Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 1.33 - • Plans Available: Regular, Direct Tata Consumer Products Ltd. 0.41 (0.42) Total 1.33 - • Option: Growth, Dividend Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. 0.40 (0.40) Non Convertible Debentures • SIP Tata Motors Ltd. 0.37 (0.37) Reliance Industries Ltd. CRISIL AAA 1.51 - Any Day SIP’ Facility is available for Monthly, The Federal Bank Ltd. 0.35 (0.36) Total 1.51 - Quarterly, Semi-Annual and Annual frequencies NTPC Ltd. 0.34 (0.34) Government Securities through electronic mode like OTM / Debit Bharti Infratel Ltd. 0.34 (0.34) Government Of India SOVEREIGN 7.42 - Mandate. Default SIP date will be 10th. In case Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 0.33 (0.33) Total 7.42 - the SIP due date is a Non Business Day, then HDFC Life Insurance Company Ltd. 0.32 (0.32) Cash, Cash Equivalents, Derivative the immediate following Business Day will be Cipla Ltd. 0.31 (0.31) Margin And Others 19.24 - considered for SIP processing. Lupin Ltd. 0.30 (0.30) Grand Total 100.00 Daily - Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 Bank Of Baroda 0.25 (0.25) thereafter for a minimum of 12 instalments. Larsen & Toubro Ltd. 0.24 (0.24) (Kindly refer notice cum addendum dated June 02, 2020 for further details) Weekly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY thereafter for a minimum of 6 instalments. (or) INDUSTRY ALLOCATION (%) ASSET ALLOCATION (%) Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 thereafter for a minimum of 12 instalments. Financial Services 18.64 Monthly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 Oil & Gas 12.36 thereafter for minimum six months (or) Pharma 10.19 minimum` 500 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter 19.24 Telecom 9.81 for minimum one year. Quarterly - Minimum` 1500 & in multiples of ` Sovereign 7.42 1 thereafter for minimum one year. Consumer Goods 5.09 Semi Annual - Minimum` 3000 & in multiples Cement & Cement Products 4.77 4.33 of` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 4 Services 3.96 7.42 installments. Metals 2.85 Annual - Minimum` 5000 & in multiples of ` Media And Entertainment 1.46 1.51 1thereafter for a minimum of 4 installments. 2.66 64.84 • Minimum Investment Automobile 1.11 ` 5000 & in multiples of` 1 IT 1.10 • Additional Investment Construction 0.81 ` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 Chemicals 0.76 Power 0.34 Large Cap Midcap Quantitative Data Industrial Manufacturing 0.09 AAA and Equivalent A1+ Sovereign Standard Deviation# : 0.82% Cash, Cash Equivalents, Derivative # Margin And Others 19.24 Beta : 0.67 Cash, Cash Equivalents, Derivative Margin and Others Sharpe Ratio# : 1.98 Portfolio Turnover* SBI Arbitrage Opportunities Fund Equity Turnover : 0.66 This product is suitable for investors who are seeking^: Total Turnover : 9.81 Ÿ Short term investment. Total Turnover = Equity + Debt + Derivatives Ÿ Investments to exploit profitable arbitrage opportunities between the spot and derivative market # S ource: CRISIL Fund Analyser segments to provide capital appreciation and regular income. *Portfolio Turnover = lower of total sale or total Investors understand that their principal purchase for the last 12 months (including equity will be at Moderately Low risk ^Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable derivatives) upon Avg. AUM of trailing twelve months. for them. Risk Free rate: FBIL Overnight Mibor rate (3.78% as on 31st August 2020) Basis for Ratio Calculation: 3 Years Monthly Data Points 38 Snapshot ofDebt Funds

SBI Magnum Medium SBI Magnum Constant SBI Magnum Gilt Fund SBI Credit Risk Fund (Previously known as SBI SBI Magnum SBI Dynamic Bond SBI Corporate Bond Duration Fund SBI Short Term Debt Maturity Fund (Previously Scheme Name (Previously known as SBI Magnum Gilt Fund - Long known as SBI Magnum Gilt Income Fund Fund Fund Corporate Bond Fund) (Previously known as SBI Fund Term Plan) Regular Savings Fund) Fund - Short Term Plan)

Ideal Investment Horizon 3 years + 3 years + 3 years + 3 years + 3 years + 2 years + 1 year + 1 year +

Inception Date 30/12/2000 25/11/1998 09/02/2004 16/ 01/2019 17/07/2014 12/11/2003 27/7/2007 30/12/2000

Mr. Rajeev Radhakrishnan Mr. Lokesh Mallya & Mr. Rajeev Mr. Dinesh Ahuja Fund Manager Mr. Dinesh Ahuja Mr. Dinesh Ahuja Mr. Dinesh Ahuja Mr. Dinesh Ahuja & Mr. Mohit Jain Ms. Mansi Sajeja Radhakrishnan (w.e.f. Jan 27, 2020)

Managing Since Jan-2011 Jan-2011 Jan-2011 Jan-2019 Feb-2017 July-2011 Jun-2008 Jan - 2020

CRISIL Dynamic Gilt CRISIL Medium to NIFTY Composite CRISIL Composite NIFTY Medium Crisil 10 Year NIFTY Corporate Bond CRISIL Short Term Index. Long Term Debt Index Debt Index Credit Risk Index Duration Debt Index Gilt Index Benchmark Index Bond Fund Index (w.e.f May 16,2018) (w.e.f June 25,2018) (w.e.f June 25,2018) (w.e.f June 25,2018) (w.e.f May 16,2018) (w.e.f May 16,2018) Fund Details as on 31 August 2020

Month End AUM (Rs. in Crores) `3,836.28 Crores `1,474.46 Crores `2,165.90 Crores `24,404.46 Crores `3,762.02 Crores `4,036.56 Crores `17,120.33 Crores `732.44 Crores

Modified Duration (years) 8.22 5.45 8.34 3.02 2.15 3.50 2.84 6.75

Average Maturity(years ) 13.74 8.17 13.87 3.64 2.72 4.49 3.47 9.80

Average Macaulay (years) 8.76 5.79 8.97 3.14 2.26 3.64 2.96 7.15

Yield to Maturity (%) 6.41 7.05 6.44 5.39 8.09 7.05 5.37 6.31

Regular- 0.94% Regular- 1.45% Regular- 1.64% Regular- 0.89% Regular- 1.56% Regular- 1.25% Regular- 0.84% Regular- 0.63% Expense Ratio Direct- 0.46% Direct- 0.84% Direct- 0.87% Direct- 0.34% Direct- 0.93% Direct- 0.77% Direct- 0.34% Direct- 0.32% Composition by Assets as on 31 August 2020 Equity Shares ------Corporate Debt - 42.95 - 65.88 87.68 48.28 39.11 - Gilts 97.89 53.79 97.87 27.98 9.24 42.98 34.59 98.37 Money Market Instruments - - - 0.01 - - 7.22 - Other Assets 2.11 3.26 2.13 6.13 3.08 8.74 19.08 1.63 Composition by Ratings as on 31 August 2020

AA, AA+, AAA And EQUIVALENT - 32.82 - 64.87 51.70 29.30 39.29 -

Below AA - 10.13 - - 35.98 18.98 0.96 -

Sovereign 97.89 53.79 97.87 30.49 9.24 44.94 49.64 98.37

Below A1+, A1+ ------

Cash, Cash Equivalents, 2.11 3.26 2.13 4.64 3.08 6.78 10.11 1.63 Derivatives and Others Other Details For 10% of the For 10% of the For exit on or before 6 For 8% of the investments For 8% of the investments within 1 investments within months from the date of within 1 Year – Nil; For the remaining investments - 3.00% investments within 12 NIL Year – Nil; For the 1 month – Nil; allotment: - For 4% of the investments - Nil; - For the For 8% of the investments after months – Nil; For the Exit Load remaining For the remaining 1 Year to 2 Years – Nil; For the NIL NIL remaining investments - remaining investments - investments - 1.00% investments - 0.25% remaining investments - 1.50% 1.00% For exit after 6 For 8% of the investments after 1.50% after 12 months months from the date of 2 Year to 3 Years – Nil; For the allotment - Nil remaining investments - 0.75% – Nil

Please consult your financial advisor before investing. For details, please refer to respective page of the scheme. Expense ratio includes GST, Base TER and additional expenses as per regulation 52(6A)(b) and 52(6A)(c) of SEBI (MF) regulations for both Direct and Regular plan. 39 Composition by Assets as on 31 August 2020 Equity Shares ------

Corporate Debt 38.35 - 69.66 - 29.68 -

Gilts 5.37 3.65 21.13 - - -

Money Market Instruments 40.43 93.47 - 98.37 64.26 -

Other Assets 15.85 2.88 9.21 1.63 6.06 100.00 Composition by Ratings as on 31 August 2020 AA, AA+, AAA And EQUIVALENT 43.70 - 65.79 - 32.44 -

Below AA - - 3.87 - - -

Sovereign 11.43 11.28 25.06 58.31 21.74 -

Below A1+, A1+ 36.62 85.84 - 41.54 43.33 -

Cash, Cash Equivalents, Derivatives 8.25 2.88 5.28 0.15 2.49 100.00 and Others Other Details (w.e.f. October 20, 2019) Investor exit upon Exit Load as a % of subscription / redemption Within 3 business days - NIL Exit Load NIL NIL switch -in proceeds NIL 0.10% Day 1 0.0070% (w.e.f May 16,2018) Day 2 0.0065% Day 3 0.0060% Day 4 0.0055% Day 5 0.0050% Day 6 0.0045% Day 7 0.0000% Please consult your financial advisor before investing. For details, please refer to respective page of the scheme. Expense ratio includes GST, Base TER and additional expenses as per regulation 52(6A)(b) and 52(6A)(c) of SEBI (MF) regulations for both Direct and Regular plan. 40 DEBT- GILT FUND


Option NAV (` ) Option NAV (` )

PF-Fixed Period-1 Year-Dividend 15.0087 PF-Regular Growth 31.1901 PF-Fixed Period-2 Year-Dividend 15.1897 Reg-Plan-Dividend 15.4840 PF-Fixed Period-3 Year-Dividend 14.7275 Reg-Plan-Growth 48.5875

(Previously known as SBI Magnum Gilt Fund - PF-Regular Dividend 15.6969 Dir-Plan-Dividend 16.5866 Long Term Plan) PF-Fixed Period-3 Year-Growth 29.1417 Dir-Plan-Growth 50.2770

Investment Objective PORTFOLIO To provide returns to the investors generated through investments in Issuer Name Rating (%) Of Total Government securities issued by the AUM Central Government and/or State Government Securities Government(s). Government Of India SOVEREIGN 97.89 Total 97.89 Fund Details Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 2.11 Grand Total 100.00 • Type of Scheme An open-ended Debt Scheme investing in government securities across maturity.

• Date of Allotment: 30/12/2000

• Report As On: 31/08/2020

• AAUM for the Month of August 2020 ` 4,290.51 Crores

• AUM as on August 31, 2020 ` 3,836.28 Crores

• Fund Manager: Mr. Dinesh Ahuja Managing Since: Jan-2011 Total Experience: Over 20 years


• Plans Available: Regular, Direct Government Securities 97.89 2.11 • Options: Growth, Dividend Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 2.11 • SIP Any Day SIP’ Facility is available for Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annual and Annual frequencies through electronic mode like OTM / Debit Mandate. Default SIP date will be 10th. In case the SIP due date is a Non Business Day, then the immediate following Business Day will be considered for SIP processing. Daily - Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 97.89 thereafter for a minimum of 12 instalments. (Kindly refer notice cum addendum dated June Sovereign 02, 2020 for further details) Weekly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 Cash, Cash Equivalents, And Others thereafter for a minimum of 6 instalments. (or) Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 thereafter for a minimum of 12 instalments. Monthly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter for minimum six months (or) SBI Magnum Gilt Fund minimum` 500 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter This product is suitable for investors who are seeking^: for minimum one year Ÿ Regular income and capital growth for medium to long-term Quarterly - Minimum` 1500 & in multiples of` 1 Ÿ Investment in government securities. thereafter for minimum one year. Investors understand that their principal ^Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable will be at Moderate risk Semi Annual - Minimum` 3000 & in multiples for them. of` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 4 installments. Annual - Minimum` 5000 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 4 installments.

• Minimum Investment ` 5,000 & in multiples of` 1

• Additional Investment ` 1,000 & in multiples of` 1 Quantitative Data

Modified Duration : 8.22 years Average Maturity : 13.74 years Macaulay Duration : 8.76 years Yield to Maturity : 6.41% 41 DEBT-MEDIUM TO LONG DURATION FUND


Option NAV (` ) Option NAV (` )

Reg-Plan-Bonus 31.9689 Dir-Plan-Bonus 33.4734

Reg-Plan-Growth 52.7619 Dir-Plan-Growth 55.1307

Reg-Plan-Half Yearly Dividend 13.7998 Dir-Plan-Half Yearly Dividend 15.6419

Reg-Plan-Quarterly Dividend 14.8588 Dir-Plan-Quarterly Dividend 16.0144 Investment Objective

To provide investors an opportunity to generate regular income through investments in debt and money market PORTFOLIO instruments such that the Macaulay duration of the portfolio is between 4 Issuer Name Rating (%) Of Total years and 7 years. However, there is no AUM guarantee or assurance that the Non Convertible Debentures investment objective of the scheme will be achieved. The scheme doesn’t assure L&T Metro Rail (Hyderabad) Ltd. [Guaranteed By Larsen & Toubro Limited] [ICRA]AAA(CE) 6.91 or guarantee any returns. Indian Bank CRISIL AA- 4.82 Fund Details Coastal Gujarat Power Ltd. (Guaranteed By Tata Power Limited) IND AA(CE) 4.12 • Type of Scheme Ahmedabad-Maliya Tollway Ltd. [ICRA]AA(CE) 4.05 An open-ended medium to long-term Debt Scheme investing in instruments such that the Cholamandalam Investment & Finance Co. Ltd. [ICRA]AA+ 3.42 Macaulay Duration of the portfolio is between 4 Aadhar Housing Finance Ltd. CARE AA 3.34 years to 7 years. (Please refer to the page no. 21 of SID for details on Macaulay’s Duration.) Tata Power Company Ltd. IND AA 2.79 • Date of Allotment: 25/11/1998 Indostar Capital Finance Ltd. CARE AA- 2.69 • Report As On: 31/08/2020 Manappuram Finance Ltd. CRISIL AA 2.45 • AAUM for the Month of August 2020 ` 1,419.57 Crores Indinfravit Trust CRISIL AAA 0.69 • AUM as on August 31, 2020 Tata Power Company Ltd. IND AA 0.34 ` 1,474.46 Crores Total 35.62 • Fund Manager: Mr. Dinesh Ahuja Managing Since: Jan-2011 Zero Coupon Bonds Total Experience: Over 20 years Embassy Office Parks Reit CRISIL AAA 4.71 • Benchmark: CRISIL Medium to Long Term Debt Index (w.e.f June 25,2018) Tata Motor Finance Holdings Ltd. [ICRA]AA- 2.62 • Exit Load: For exit within 1 year from the date Total 7.33 of allotment. Government Securities For 10% of investment : Nil For remaining investment: 1.00% Government Of India SOVEREIGN 53.79 For exit after one year from the date of allotment – Nil Total 53.79 • Entry Load: N.A. Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 3.26 • Plans Available: Regular, Direct Grand Total 100.00 • Options: Growth, Dividend • SIP Any Day SIP’ Facility is available for Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annual and Annual frequencies through electronic mode like OTM / Debit Mandate. Default SIP date will be 10th. In case PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY the SIP due date is a Non Business Day, then the ASSET ALLOCATION (%) RATING CLASS (%) immediate following Business Day will be considered for SIP processing. Government Securities 53.79 Daily - Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 thereafter for a minimum of 12 instalments. Non Convertible Debentures 35.62 3.26 12.31 (Kindly refer notice cum addendum dated June 02, 2020 for further details) Zero Coupon Bonds 7.33 3.42 Weekly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 3.26 thereafter for a minimum of 6 instalments. (or) Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 thereafter for a minimum of 12 instalments. 17.09 Monthly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 53.79 thereafter for minimum six months (or) minimum` 500 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter for minimum one year Quarterly - Minimum` 1500 & in multiples of ` 10.13 1. Semi Annual - Minimum` 3000 & in multiples of ` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 4 installments. AAA and Equivalent AA Below AA AA+ Sovereign Annual - Minimum` 5000 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 4 installments. Cash, Cash Equivalents, And Others • Minimum Investment ` 5,000 & in multiples of` 1 SBI Magnum Income Fund • Additional Investment This product is suitable for investors who are seeking^: ` 1,000 & in multiples of` 1 Ÿ Regular income for medium to long-term Quantitative Data Ÿ Investment in Debt and Money Market Instruments. Investors understand that their principal ^Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable Modified Duration : 5.45 years will be at Moderate risk for them. Average Maturity : 8.17 years Macaulay Duration : 5.79 years Yield to Maturity : 7.05% 42 DEBT- DYNAMIC BOND FUND


Option NAV (` )

Reg-Plan-Dividend 14.0245

Reg-Plan-Growth 26.7514

Dir-Plan-Dividend 15.7365

Dir-Plan-Growth 28.1734 Investment Objective

To provide investors attractive returns through investment in an actively managed portfolio of high quality debt PORTFOLIO securities of varying maturities. Issuer Name Rating (%) Of Total Fund Details AUM Government Securities • Type of Scheme An open-ended Dynamic Debt Scheme Government Of India SOVEREIGN 97.87 investing across duration. Total 97.87 • Date of Allotment: 09/02/2004 Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 2.13 • Report As On: 31/08/2020 Grand Total 100.00 • AAUM for the Month of August 2020 ` 2,191.14 Crores • AUM as on August 31, 2020 ` 2,165.90 Crores • Fund Manager: Mr. Dinesh Ahuja Managing Since: Jan-2011 Total Experience: Over 20 years • Benchmark: NIFTY Composite Debt Index (w.e.f June 25, 2018) • Exit Load: For exit within 1 month from the date of allotment For 10% of investment : Nil For remaining investment: 0.25% For exit after one month from the date of allotment – Nil • Entry Load: N.A. • Plans Available: Regular, Direct • Options: Growth, Dividend • SIP Any Day SIP’ Facility is available for Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annual and Annual frequencies through electronic mode like PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY OTM / Debit Mandate. Default SIP date will ASSET ALLOCATION (%) RATING CLASS (%) be 10th. In case the SIP due date is a Non Business Day, then the immediate following Government Securities 97.87 Business Day will be considered for SIP 2.13 processing. Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 2.13 Daily - Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 thereafter for a minimum of 12 instalments. (Kindly refer notice cum addendum dated June 02, 2020 for further details) Weekly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of ` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 6 instalments. (or) Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 thereafter for a minimum of 12 instalments. Monthly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of ` 1 thereafter for minimum six months (or) 97.87 minimum` 500 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter for minimum one year Sovereign Quarterly - Minimum` 1500 & in multiples of Cash, Cash Equivalents, And Others ` 1 thereafter for minimum one year. Semi Annual - Minimum` 3000 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 4 installments. Annual - Minimum` 5000 & in multiples of ` SBI Dynamic Bond Fund 1 thereafter for a minimum of 4 This product is suitable for investors who are seeking^: installments. Ÿ Regular income for medium to long-term • Minimum Investment Ÿ Investment in high quality debt securities of varying maturities. ` 5,000 & in multiples of` 1 Investors understand that their principal ^Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable • Additional Investment will be at Moderate risk for them. ` 1,000 & in multiples of` 1 Quantitative Data

Modified Duration : 8.34 years Average Maturity : 13.87 years Macaulay Duration : 8.97 years Yield to Maturity : 6.44% 43 DEBT- CORPORATE BOND FUND


Option NAV (` ) Option NAV (` )

Reg-Plan-Monthly Dividend 11.1043 Dir-Plan-Monthly Dividend 11.1955

An open-ended debt scheme predominantly investing in Reg-Plan-Growth 11.7654 Dir-Plan-Growth 11.8608 AA+ and above rated corporate bonds Reg-Plan- Quarterly Dividend 11.4313 Dir-Plan-Quarterly Dividend 11.5231

Investment Objective PORTFOLIO The investment objective will be to provide the Issuer Name Rating (%) Of Total investors an opportunity to predominantly invest in AUM corporate bonds rated AA+ and above to generate Non Convertible Debentures Power Finance Corporation Ltd. CRISIL AAA 6.06 additional spread on part of their debt investments Reliance Industries Ltd. CRISIL AAA 5.66 from high quality corporate debt securities while Housing Development Finance Corporation Ltd. CRISIL AAA 4.95 National Bank For Agriculture And Rural Development [ICRA]AAA 4.38 maintaining moderate liquidity in the portfolio Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. CRISIL AAA 3.78 through investment in money market securities. REC Ltd. CRISIL AAA 3.74 CRISIL AAA 3.50 Larsen & Toubro Ltd. CRISIL AAA 3.01 Fund Details Indian Railway Finance Corporation Ltd. CRISIL AAA 3.00 Air India Assets Holding Ltd. [ICRA]AAA 2.45 • Type of Scheme State Bank Of India (Tier II Bond Under Basel III) CRISIL AAA 2.19 Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. CRISIL AAA 2.11 An open-ended debt scheme predominantly Tata Capital Ltd. CRISIL AAA 1.93 investing in AA+ and above rated corporate Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. CRISIL AAA 1.47 Housing And Urban Development Corporation Ltd. [ICRA]AAA 1.26 bonds Tata Capital Housing Finance Ltd. CRISIL AAA 1.19 National Bank For Agriculture And Rural Development CRISIL AAA 1.08 • Date of Allotment: 16/01/2019 Power Grid Corporation Of India Ltd. CRISIL AAA 1.07 Bank Of Baroda (Tier II Bond Under Basel III) IND AAA 1.07 • Report As On: 31/08/2020 Small Industries Development Bank Of India CARE AAA 1.05 Volkswagen Finance Private Ltd. IND AAA 1.03 • AAUM for the Month of August 2020 Nabha Power Ltd. [ICRA]AAA(CE) 0.97 ` Small Industries Development Bank Of India [ICRA]AAA 0.78 23,976.76 Crores Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. IND AAA 0.74 Export-Import Bank Of India CRISIL AAA 0.72 • AUM as on August 31, 2020 NTPC Ltd. CRISIL AAA 0.65 ` 24,404.46 Crores LIC Housing Finance Ltd. CRISIL AAA 0.65 John Deere Financial India Pvt. Ltd. CRISIL AAA 0.62 • Fund Manager: Mr. Rajeev Radhakrishnan India Grid Trust CRISIL AAA 0.53 National Highways Authority Of India CRISIL AAA 0.50 Mr. Mohit Jain- investments in foreign securities ONGC Petro Additions Ltd. [ICRA]AAA(CE) 0.41 of the Scheme. NHPC Ltd. IND AAA 0.36 NHPC Ltd. [ICRA]AAA 0.13 Managing Since: Jan-2019 HDFC Credila Financial Services Pvt. Ltd. CRISIL AAA 0.13 LIC Housing Finance Ltd. CARE AAA 0.06 Total Experience: Total 63.23 Mr. Rajeev Radhakrishnan Over 17 years Zero Coupon Bonds LIC Housing Finance Ltd. CRISIL AAA 0.15 Mr. Mohit Jain Over 6 Years Total 0.15 Discounted Securitised Debt • Benchmark: NIFTY Corporate Bond Index Rent A Device Trust (Obligor - Reliance Retail Ltd.) [ICRA]AAA(SO) 0.75 Reliable Devices Trust (Obligor - Reliance Retail Ltd.) [ICRA]AAA(SO) 0.55 • Exit Load: Rainbow Devices Trust (Obligor - Reliance Retail Ltd.) [ICRA]AAA(SO) 0.19 Total 1.49 • For exit on or before 6 months from the date Government Securities of allotment: - For 4% of the investments - Nil; - Government Of India SOVEREIGN 27.98 Total 27.98 For the remaining investments - 1.00% State Development Loans For exit after 6 months from the date of State Government Of Odisha SOVEREIGN 1.28 State Government Of Tamil Nadu SOVEREIGN 0.66 allotment - Nil State Government Of Kerala SOVEREIGN 0.22 State Government Of Telangana SOVEREIGN 0.14 • Entry Load: N.A. State Government Of Rajasthan SOVEREIGN 0.11 State Government Of Maharashtra SOVEREIGN 0.09 • Plans Available: Regular, Direct Total 2.50 Treasury Bills • Options: Growth, Dividend GOI 17.12.2022 GOV SOVEREIGN 0.01 Total 0.01 • SIP Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 4.64 Any Day SIP’ Facility is available for Monthly, Grand Total 100.00 Quarterly, Semi-Annual and Annual frequencies through electronic mode like OTM / Debit Mandate. Default SIP date will be 10th. In case PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY the SIP due date is a Non Business Day, then the immediate following Business Day will be ASSET ALLOCATION (%) RATING CLASS (%) considered for SIP processing. Non Convertible Debentures 63.23 Daily - Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 4.64 thereafter for a minimum of 12 instalments. Government Securities 27.98 (Kindly refer notice cum addendum dated June 02, 2020 for further details) State Development Loans 2.50 Weekly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 6 instalments. (or) Discounted Securitised Debt 1.49 30.49 Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 thereafter for a minimum of 12 instalments. Zero Coupon Bonds 0.15 64.87 Monthly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 Treasury Bills 0.01 thereafter for minimum six months (or) ` ` minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 thereafter Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 4.64 for minimum one year Quarterly - Minimum` 1500 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter for minimum one year. Semi Annual - Minimum` 3000 & in multiples of Sovereign AAA and Equivalent ` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 4 installments. Annual - Minimum` 5000 & in multiples of` 1 Cash, Cash Equivalents, And Others thereafter for a minimum of 4 installments. • Minimum Investment SBI Corporate Bond Fund ` ` 5,000 & in multiples of 1 This product is suitable for investors who are seeking^: • Additional Investment Ÿ Regular income for medium term ` 1,000 & in multiples of` 1 Ÿ Investment predominantly in corporate bond securities rated AA+ and above

Quantitative Data Investors understand that their principal ^Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable will be at Moderate risk for them. Modified Duration : 3.02 years Average Maturity : 3.64 years Macaulay Duration : 3.14 years Yield to Maturity : 5.39% 44 DEBT- CREDIT RISK FUND


Option NAV (` ) Option NAV (` )

Reg-Plan-Dividend 14.8541 Dir-Plan-Dividend 16.0109

Reg-Plan-Daily Dividend 10.8750 Dir-Plan-Daily Dividend 10.9157

Reg-Plan-Growth 32.8568 Dir-Plan-Growth 34.4031 (Previously known as SBI Corporate Bond Fund)


Investment Objective Issuer Name Rating (%) Of Total Issuer Name Rating (%) Of Total AUM AUM To provide the investors an opportunity Non Convertible Debentures Ahmedabad-Maliya Tollway Ltd. [ICRA]AA(CE) 0.79 to predominantly invest in corporate bonds rated AA and below(excluding AA+ Sterlite Power Grid Ventures Ltd. IND A 4.03 AU Ltd. [ICRA]AA- 0.54 rated corporate bonds) so as to generate Indinfravit Trust CRISIL AAA 4.03 Zuvan Energy Pvt. Ltd. attractive returns while maintaining Tata International Ltd. (Perpetual Bond) CARE A 3.98 (Spv Of Greenko) CARE AA-(CE) 0.38 moderate liquidity in the portfolio Bharti Airtel Ltd. CRISIL AA 3.93 Shreyas Renewable Energy Pvt.Ltd. through investment in money market Pune Solapur Expressways Pvt. Ltd. (Spv Of Greenko) CARE AA-(CE) 0.38 securities. (A Tata Realty And Infrastructure SEI Mihir Energy Pvt. Ltd. Limited JV) [ICRA]A 3.68 (Spv Of Greenko) CARE AA-(CE) 0.38 Fund Details Vadodara Bharuch Tollway Ltd. SEI Enerstar Renewable Energy Pvt. Ltd. (Subsidiary Of L&T IDPL Limited) IND A 3.45 (Spv Of Greenko) CARE AA-(CE) 0.38 • Type of Scheme Gateway Distriparks Ltd. IND AA- 2.99 SEI Baskara Power Pvt. Ltd. An open-ended Debt Scheme predominantly Tata Projects Ltd. IND AA 2.96 (Spv Of Greenko) CARE AA-(CE) 0.38 investing in AA and below rated corporate Motilal Oswal Home Finance Ltd. CRISIL AA- 2.68 Pratyash Renewable Pvt.Ltd. bonds (excluding AA+ rated corporate bonds). (Spv Of Greenko) CARE AA-(CE) 0.38 • Date of Allotment: 17/07/2014 Coastal Gujarat Power Ltd. Elena Renewable Energy Pvt. Ltd. • Report As On: 31/08/2020 (Guaranteed By Tata Power Limited) IND AA(CE) 2.68 (Spv Of Greenko) CARE AA-(CE) 0.38 • AAUM for the Month of August 2020 Aadhar Housing Finance Ltd. CARE AA 2.67 Divyesh Power Pvt. Ltd. ` 3,797.23 Crores VIP Industries Ltd. CRISIL AA 2.66 (Spv Of Greenko) CARE AA-(CE) 0.38 • AUM as on August 31, 2020 Avanse Financial Services Ltd. CARE A+ 2.65 ` Aashman Energy Pvt. Ltd. 3,762.02 Crores Mahindra Rural Housing Finance Ltd. IND AA+ 2.64 • Fund Manager: (Spv Of Greenko) CARE AA-(CE) 0.38 NABARD [ICRA]AAA 2.51 Mr. Lokesh Mallya & Ms. Mansi Sajeja Aarish Solar Power Pvt. Ltd. Managing Since: Feb-2017 Muthoot Finance Ltd. CRISIL AA 2.45 (Spv Of Greenko) CARE AA-(CE) 0.38 Total Experience: Crompton Greaves Consumer Total 74.45 Electricals Ltd. CRISIL AA+ 2.43 Mr. Lokesh Mallya - Over 10 years Zero Coupon Bonds Ms. Mansi Sajeja - Over 12 years AU Small Finance Bank Ltd. CRISIL AA- 2.04 Tata Motor Finance Holdings Ltd. [ICRA]AA- 3.79 • Benchmark: CRISIL Composite Credit Risk Manappuram Finance Ltd. CRISIL AA 2.03 Embassy Office Parks Reit CRISIL AAA 2.77 Index (w.e.f June 25,2018) HDFC Ltd. CRISIL AAA 2.02 • Exit Load Indostar Capital Finance Ltd. IND AA- 2.35 L&T Metro Rail (Hyderabad) Ltd. For exit within 12 months from the date of Tata Realty And Infrastructure Ltd. [ICRA]AA 1.81 [Guaranteed By Larsen & allotment: For 8% of the investment – Nil For Aditya Birla Fashion And Retail Ltd. CRISIL AA 1.09 the remaining investment - 3% For exit after 12 Toubro Limited] [ICRA]AAA(CE) 1.71 Tata Realty And Infrastructure Ltd. CRISIL AA 0.99 months but within 24 months from the date of Reliance Industries Ltd. CRISIL AAA 1.39 allotment: For 8% of the investment – Nil For Power Finance Corporation Ltd. CRISIL AAA 1.37 Aditya Birla Housing Finance Ltd. [ICRA]AAA 0.43 the remaining investment -1.5% For exit after Tata Power Renewable Energy Ltd. Total 13.23 24 months but within 36 months from the date (Guaranteed By Tata Power Limited) CARE AA(CE) 1.35 Government Securities of allotment: For 8% of the investment – Nil For Government Of India SOVEREIGN 9.24 the remaining investment -0.75%; For exit after Fullerton India Home Finance 36 months from the date of allotment – Nil Company Ltd. CARE AAA 1.34 Total 9.24 • Entry Load: N.A. Shriram Transport Finance Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 3.08 • Plans Available: Regular, Direct Company Ltd. CRISIL AA+ 1.28 Grand Total 100.00 • Options: Growth, Dividend Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. CRISIL AAA 1.26 • SIP National Highways Authority Of India CRISIL AAA 1.11 Any Day SIP’ Facility is available for Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annual and Annual frequencies through electronic mode like OTM / Debit Mandate. Default SIP date will be 10th. In case the SIP due date is a Non Business Day, then PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY the immediate following Business Day will be ASSET ALLOCATION (%) RATING CLASS (%) considered for SIP processing. Daily - Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 thereafter for a minimum of 12 instalments. Non Convertible Debentures 74.45 (Kindly refer notice cum addendum dated June 3.08 02, 2020 for further details) Zero Coupon Bonds 13.23 9.24 Weekly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 19.94 Government Securities 9.24 thereafter for a minimum of 6 instalments. (or) Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 thereafter for Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 3.08 a minimum of 12 instalments. Monthly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 6.35 thereafter for minimum six months (or) minimum` 500 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter for minimum one year Quarterly - Minimum` 1500 & in multiples of ` 1 thereafter for minimum one year. 35.98 Semi Annual - Minimum` 3000 & in multiples 25.41 of` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 4 installments. Annual - Minimum` 5000 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 4 installments. $ • Minimum Investment AAA and Equivalent Below AA AA+ AA ` 5000 & in multiples of` 1 (Restrict investment in the scheme to a maximum limit Cash, Cash Equivalents, And Others Sovereign of 10 Cr. per investor across all folios on cumulative investment) • Additional Investment ` 1,000 & in multiples of` 1 SBI Credit Risk Fund Quantitative Data This product is suitable for investors who are seeking^: Ÿ Regular income for medium term Modified Duration : 2.15 years Ÿ Predominantly investment in corporate debt securities rated AA and below. Average Maturity : 2.72 years ^Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable Macaulay Duration : 2.26 years Investors understand that their principal will be at Moderate risk for them. Yield to Maturity : 8.09% $per investor per day across all subscription transactions (i.e. fresh purchases, additional purchases, switch-in and trigger transactions such as SIP, STP and RSP trigger), as available under the scheme. 45 DEBT- MEDIUM DURATION FUND


Option NAV (` )

Reg-Plan-Dividend 14.6208

Reg-Plan-Growth 37.7196 (Previously known as SBI Regular Savings Fund) Dir-Plan-Dividend 15.4469

Dir-Plan-Growth 39.7382

Investment Objective PORTFOLIO To provide investors an opportunity to generate attractive returns with moderate Issuer Name Rating (%) Of Total Issuer Name Rating (%) Of Total degree of liquidity through investments AUM AUM in debt and money market instruments Non Convertible Debentures Zuvan Energy Pvt. Ltd. such that the Macaulay duration of the Aadhar Housing Finance Ltd. CARE AA 4.28 (Spv Of Greenko) CARE AA-(CE) 0.13 portfolio is between 3 years – 4 years. Coastal Gujarat Power Ltd. Shreyas Renewable Energy Pvt.Ltd. However, there is no guarantee or (Guaranteed By Tata Power Limited) IND AA(CE) 3.77 (Spv Of Greenko) CARE AA-(CE) 0.13 SEI Mihir Energy Pvt. Ltd. assurance that the investment objective Tata Realty And Infrastructure Ltd. [ICRA]AA 3.71 Indinfravit Trust CRISIL AAA 2.39 (Spv Of Greenko) CARE AA-(CE) 0.13 of the scheme will be achieved. The Manappuram Finance Ltd. CRISIL AA 2.17 SEI Enerstar Renewable Energy Pvt. Ltd. (Spv Of Greenko) CARE AA-(CE) 0.13 scheme doesn’t assure or guarantee any Tata Power Company Ltd. IND AA 2.14 SEI Baskara Power Pvt. Ltd. returns. Canara Bank (Spv Of Greenko) CARE AA-(CE) 0.13 (At1 Bond Under Basel III) CARE A+ 2.02 Pratyash Renewable Pvt.Ltd. Fund Details Indian Bank CRISIL AA- 1.90 (Spv Of Greenko) CARE AA-(CE) 0.13 Vadodara Bharuch Tollway Ltd. • Type of Scheme Elena Renewable Energy Pvt. Ltd. (Subsidiary Of L&T IDPL Limited) IND A 1.33 An open-ended medium term Debt Scheme (Spv Of Greenko) CARE AA-(CE) 0.13 Punjab National Bank CRISIL A+ 1.30 investing in instruments such that the Divyesh Power Pvt. Ltd. Macaulay Duration of the portfolio is between India Grid Trust CRISIL AAA 1.28 (Spv Of Greenko) CARE AA-(CE) 0.13 3 years and 4 years. (Please refer to the page Union Bank Of India Aashman Energy Pvt. Ltd. no. 21 of SID for details on Macaulay’s (At1 Bond Under Basel III) CARE A+ 1.27 (Spv Of Greenko) CARE AA-(CE) 0.13 Duration.) Motilal Oswal Home Finance Ltd. CRISIL AA- 1.26 Aarish Solar Power Pvt. Ltd. • Date of Allotment: 12/11/2003 Tata International Ltd. (Spv Of Greenko) CARE AA-(CE) 0.13 (Perpetual Bond) CARE A 1.24 • Report As On: 31/08/2020 Total 39.37 Avanse Financial Services Ltd. CARE A+ 1.24 • AAUM for the Month of August 2020 Zero Coupon Bonds ` 3,894.43 Crores Pune Solapur Expressways Embassy Office Parks Reit CRISIL AAA 4.24 Pvt. Ltd. (A Tata Realty And • AUM as on August 31, 2020 Infrastructure Limited JV) [ICRA]A 1.21 Indostar Capital Finance Ltd. IND AA- 2.20 ` 4,036.56 Crores Tata Capital Housing Finance Ltd. CRISIL AAA 1.03 Tata Motor Finance Holdings Ltd. [ICRA]AA- 1.76 • Fund Managers: Mr. Dinesh Ahuja Bank Of Baroda Tata Realty And Infrastructure Ltd. [ICRA]AA 0.71 Managing Since: July-2011 (At1 Bond Under Basel III) CRISIL AA+ 1.01 Total 8.91 Total Experience: Over 20 years Coastal Gujarat Power Ltd. Government Securities • Benchmark: NIFTY Medium Duration Debt (Guaranteed By Tata Power Limited) CARE AA(CE) 0.91 Government Of India SOVEREIGN 42.98 Index (w.e.f May 16,2018) Tata Power Company Ltd. IND AA 0.89 Total 42.98 • Exit Load: Indostar Capital Finance Ltd. CARE AA- 0.74 State Development Loans For exit within 12 months from the date of Cholamandalam Investment & State Government Of Maharashtra SOVEREIGN 1.96 allotment: - For 8% of investment - Nil For Finance Co. Ltd. [ICRA]AA+ 0.63 Total 1.96 remaining investments - 1.50%; Punjab National Bank Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 6.78 For exit after 12 months from the date of (At1 Bond Under Basel III) IND A 0.21 Grand Total 100.00 allotment: Nil L&T Metro Rail (Hyderabad) Ltd. • Entry Load: N.A. [Guaranteed By Larsen & • Plans Available: Regular, Direct Toubro Limited] [ICRA]AAA(CE) 0.14 • Options: Growth, Dividend • SIP Any Day SIP’ Facility is available for Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annual and Annual frequencies through electronic mode like PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY OTM / Debit Mandate. Default SIP date will be ASSET ALLOCATION (%) RATING CLASS (%) 10th. In case the SIP due date is a Non Business Day, then the immediate following Government Securities 42.98 Business Day will be considered for SIP 6.78 9.08 processing. Non Convertible Debentures 39.37 1.64 Daily - Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 thereafter for a minimum of 12 instalments. Zero Coupon Bonds 8.91 (Kindly refer notice cum addendum dated 18.58 June 02, 2020 for further details) State Development Loans 1.96 Weekly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of ` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 6 instalments. Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 6.78 (or) Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 thereafter for a minimum of 12 instalments. 44.94 Monthly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of ` 1 thereafter for minimum six months (or) 18.98 minimum` 500 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter for minimum one year Quarterly - Minimum` 1500 & in multiples of ` 1 thereafter for minimum one year. Semi Annual - Minimum` 3000 & in AAA and Equivalent AA Below AA AA+ Sovereign multiples of` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 4 installments. Cash, Cash Equivalents, And Others Annual - Minimum` 5000 & in multiples of ` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 4 installments. • Minimum Investment ` 5,000 & in multiples of` 1 SBI Magnum Medium Duration Fund This product is suitable for investors who are seeking^: • Additional Investment ` 1,000 & in multiples of` 1 Ÿ Regular income for medium term Ÿ Investment in Debt and Money Market securities. Quantitative Data Investors understand that their principal ^Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable will be at Moderate risk for them. Modified Duration : 3.50 years Average Maturity : 4.49 years Macaulay Duration : 3.64 years Yield to Maturity : 7.05% 46 DEBT- SHORT DURATION FUND


Option NAV (` ) Option NAV (` )

Retail-Plan-Fortnightly Dividend 11.4607 Reg-Plan-Monthly Dividend 13.4803 Retail-Plan-Growth 27.5868 Reg-Plan-Weekly Dividend 11.0552 Retail-Plan-Monthly Dividend 12.6354 Dir-Plan-Fortnightly Dividend 17.0342 Retail-Plan-Weekly Dividend 11.4435 Dir-Plan-Growth 25.2898 Reg-Plan-Fortnightly Dividend 11.0443 Dir-Plan-Monthly Dividend 14.1236 Investment Objective Reg-Plan-Growth 24.3828 Dir-Plan-Weekly Dividend 11.0775 To provide investors an opportunity to generate regular income through PORTFOLIO investments in a portfolio comprising predominantly of debt instruments which Issuer Name Rating (%) Of Total Issuer Name Rating (%) Of Total are rated not below investment grade and AUM AUM money market instruments such that the Non Convertible Debentures NTPC Ltd. CRISIL AAA 0.24 Macaulay duration of the portfolio is Reliance Industries Ltd. CRISIL AAA 4.22 SP Jammu Udhampur Highway Ltd. [ICRA]AAA 0.23 between 1 year and 3 years. REC Ltd. CRISIL AAA 3.18 Small Industries Development Fund Details HDFC Ltd. CRISIL AAA 2.57 Bank Of India CARE AAA 0.22 Power Finance Corporation Ltd. CRISIL AAA 2.55 Sundaram Finance Ltd. [ICRA]AAA 0.15 • Type of Scheme India Grid Trust CRISIL AAA 2.25 NABARD [ICRA]AAA 0.15 An open-ended short term Debt Scheme State Bank Of India Axis Bank Ltd. CRISIL AAA 0.15 investing in instruments such that the (At1 Bond Under Basel III) CRISIL AA+ 2.00 Total 39.02 Macaulay Duration of the portfolio is Air India Assets Holding Ltd. [ICRA]AAA 1.98 Zero Coupon Bonds between 1 year and 3 years. (Please refer to Housing And Urban Development Mahindra & Mahindra Financial the page no. 19 of SID for details on Corporation Ltd. [ICRA]AAA 1.79 Services Ltd. IND AAA 0.06 Macaulay’s Duration.) Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd. CRISIL AAA 1.78 Axis Finance Ltd. CRISIL AAA 0.03 • Date of Allotment: 27/7/2007 NABARD CRISIL AAA 1.72 Total 0.09 • Report As On: 31/08/2020 Muthoot Finance Ltd. CRISIL AA 1.48 Discounted Securitised Debt Nabha Power Ltd. [ICRA]AAA(CE) 1.23 • AAUM for the Month of August 2020 Rainbow Devices Trust ` 16,776.37 Crores Mahindra Rural Housing Finance Ltd. IND AA+ 1.16 (Obligor - Reliance Retail Ltd.) [ICRA]AAA(SO) 0.65 Larsen & Toubro Ltd. CRISIL AAA 1.16 Rent A Device Trust • AUM as on August 31, 2020 (Obligor - Reliance Retail Ltd.) [ICRA]AAA(SO) 0.49 ` 17,120.33 Crores Indian Bank CRISIL AA- 0.96 Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. CRISIL AAA 0.90 Total 1.14 • Fund Manager: ONGC Petro Additions Ltd. [ICRA]AAA(CE) 0.88 Government Securities Mr. Rajeev Radhakrishnan L&T Metro Rail (Hyderabad) Ltd. Government Of India SOVEREIGN 34.59 Managing Since: Jun-2008 [Guaranteed By Larsen & Total 34.59 Total Experience: Over 17 years Toubro Limited] [ICRA]AAA(CE) 0.80 State Development Loans • Benchmark: State Bank Of India State Government Of Gujarat SOVEREIGN 5.13 CRISIL Short Term Bond Fund Index (Tier II Bond Under Basel III) CRISIL AAA 0.79 State Government Of Andhra PradeshSOVEREIGN 0.91 • Exit Load: Nil Tata Capital Ltd. CRISIL AAA 0.76 State Government Of Chhattisgarh SOVEREIGN 0.87 • Entry Load: N.A. Power Grid Corporation Of India Ltd. CRISIL AAA 0.64 State Government Of Tamil Nadu SOVEREIGN 0.61 • Plans Available: Regular, Direct Export-Import Bank Of India CRISIL AAA 0.64 State Government Of Karnataka SOVEREIGN 0.31 • Options: Growth, Dividend Bank Of Baroda Total 7.83 (At1 Bond Under Basel III) CRISIL AA+ 0.64 • SIP Treasury Bills Tata Capital Financial Services Ltd. [ICRA]AAA 0.60 Any Day SIP’ Facility is available for 182 Day T-Bill 14.01.21 SOVEREIGN 7.22 Can Fin Homes Ltd. [ICRA]AA+ 0.59 Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annual and Total 7.22 Bank Of Baroda Annual frequencies through electronic Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 10.11 mode like OTM / Debit Mandate. Default SIP (At1 Bond Under Basel III) CARE AA 0.32 Grand Total 100.00 date will be 10th. In case the SIP due date is Tata Projects Ltd. IND AA 0.29 a Non Business Day, then the immediate following Business Day will be considered for SIP processing. Daily - Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY thereafter for a minimum of 12 instalments. ASSET ALLOCATION (%) RATING CLASS (%) (Kindly refer notice cum addendum dated June 02, 2020 for further details) Non Convertible Debentures 39.02 Weekly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of 10.11 ` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 6 Government Securities 34.59 instalments. (or) Minimum 500 & in State Development Loans 7.83 multiples of 1 thereafter for a minimum of 32.81 12 instalments. Treasury Bills 7.22 Monthly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of ` 1 thereafter for minimum six months (or) Discounted Securitised Debt 1.14 ` ` minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 Zero Coupon Bonds 0.09 thereafter for minimum one year 49.64 4.39 Quarterly - Minimum` 1500 & in multiples Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 10.11 2.09 of` 1 thereafter for minimum one year. 0.96 Semi Annual - Minimum` 3000 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 4 installments. AAA and Equivalent Annual - Minimum` 5000 & in multiples of Below AA AA+ AA Sovereign ` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 4 installments. Cash, Cash Equivalents, And Others • Minimum Investment ` ` 5,000 & in multiples of 1 SBI Short Term Debt Fund • Additional Investment This product is suitable for investors who are seeking^: ` ` 1,000 & in multiples of 1 Ÿ Regular income for short term Quantitative Data Ÿ Investment in Debt and Money Market securities. Investors understand that their principal ^Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable Modified Duration : 2.84 years will be at Moderately Low risk for them. Average Maturity : 3.47 years Macaulay Duration : 2.96 years Yield to Maturity : 5.37% 47 DEBT-GILT FUND WITH 10 YEAR CONSTANT DURATION


Option NAV (` )

Reg-Plan-Dividend 15.6239

Reg-Plan-Growth 48.0388

(Previously known as SBI Magnum Gilt Fund - Dir-Plan-Dividend 16.0006 Short Term Plan) Dir-Plan-Growth 49.1905

Investment Objective

To provide returns to the investors PORTFOLIO generated through investments predominantly in Government securities Issuer Name Rating (%) Of Total issued by the Central Government and/or AUM State Government such that the Average Government Securities Maturity of the portfolio is around 10 Government Of India SOVEREIGN 98.37 years. Total 98.37 Fund Details Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 1.63 Grand Total 100.00 • Type of Scheme An open-ended Debt Scheme investing in government securities having a constant maturity of around 10 years. • Date of Allotment: 30/12/2000 • Report As On: 31/08/2020 • AAUM for the Month of August 2020 ` 744.97 Crores • AUM as on August 31, 2020 ` 732.44 Crores PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY • Fund Manager: Mr. Dinesh Ahuja (w.e.f. Jan 27, 2020) ASSET ALLOCATION (%) RATING CLASS (%) Managing Since: Jan - 2020 Total Experience: Over 20 years Government Securities 98.37 1.63 • Benchmark: Crisil 10 Year Gilt Index Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 1.63 (w.e.f May 16,2018) • Exit Load: NIL • Entry Load: N.A. • Plans Available: Regular, Direct • Options: Growth, Dividend • SIP Any Day SIP’ Facility is available for Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annual and Annual frequencies through electronic mode like 98.37 OTM / Debit Mandate. Default SIP date will be 10th. In case the SIP due date is a Non Business Day, then the immediate following Sovereign Business Day will be considered for SIP Cash, Cash Equivalents, And Others processing. Daily - Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 thereafter for a minimum of 12 instalments. (Kindly refer notice cum addendum dated June 02, 2020 for further details) Weekly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of ` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 6 instalments. (or) Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 thereafter for a minimum of 12 instalments. Monthly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of `1 thereafter for minimum six months (or) minimum` 500 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter for minimum one year Quarterly - Minimum` 1500 & in multiples of `1 thereafter for minimum one year. Semi Annual - Minimum` 3000 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 4 installments. Annual - Minimum` 5000 & in multiples of ` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 4 installments. • Minimum Investment SBI Magnum Constant Maturity Fund ` 5,000 & in multiples of` 1 This product is suitable for investors who are seeking^:

• Additional Investment Ÿ Regular income and capital growth for medium to long-term ` ` 1,000 & in multiples of 1 Ÿ Investment in government securities having a constant maturity of around 10 years. Investors understand that their principal will be at Moderate risk Quantitative Data ^Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable for them. Modified Duration : 6.75 years Average Maturity : 9.80 years Macaulay Duration : 7.15 years Yield to Maturity : 6.31% 48 DEBT- LOW DURATION FUND


Option NAV (` ) Option NAV (` )

Institutional-Daily Dividend 1,047.7862 Reg-Plan-Weekly Dividend 1,048.1513 Institutional-Growth 2,738.3394 Dir-Plan-Daily Dividend 1,051.0771 (Previously known as SBI Ultra Short Term Debt Fund) Institutional-Weekly Dividend 1,045.7816 Dir-Plan-Fortnightly Dividend 1,069.3637 Reg-Plan-Daily Dividend 1,048.1425 Dir-Plan-Growth 2,726.4398 Reg-Plan-Fortnightly Dividend 1,066.4833 Dir-Plan-Monthly Dividend 1,211.5045 Investment Objective Reg-Plan-Growth 2,690.9535 Dir-Plan-Weekly Dividend 1,052.5369 Reg-Plan-Monthly Dividend 1,180.2681 To provide investors an opportunity to generate regular income with reasonable degree of liquidity through investments PORTFOLIO in debt and money market instruments in such a manner that the Macaulay duration Issuer Name Rating (%) Of Total Issuer Name Rating (%) Of Total of the portfolio is between 6 months and AUM AUM 12 months. Commercial Papers Mahindra Rural Housing Finance Ltd. IND AA+ 0.73 JSW Steel Ltd. [ICRA]A1+ 4.82 NABARD CRISIL AAA 0.71 Fund Details Bharti Hexacom Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 4.34 LIC Housing Finance Ltd. CRISIL AAA 0.64 L&T Finance Holdings Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 3.83 Air India Assets Holding Ltd. [ICRA]AAA 0.50 • Type of Scheme HDFC Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 3.79 The Ramco Cements Ltd. [ICRA]AA+ 0.49 An open-ended low duration Debt Scheme Tata Realty And Infrastructure Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 3.31 Small Industries Development Bank Of India CARE AAA 0.49 investing in instruments such that the Housing And Urban Development Corporation Ltd. [ICRA]A1+ 3.28 Tata Sons Pvt.Ltd. CRISIL AAA 0.29 Macaulay duration of the portfolio is Larsen & Toubro Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 1.89 Tata Power Company Ltd. IND AA 0.24 between 6 months and 12 months. (Please Tata Motors Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 1.86 Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd. CRISIL AAA 0.24 refer to the page no. 21 of SID for details Invt & Total 37.16 on Macaulay’s Duration.) Loans (I) Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 1.42 Zero Coupon Bonds • Date of Allotment: 27/7/2007 TVS Motor Company Ltd. CARE A1+ 0.94 Mahindra & Mahindra Financial • Report As On: 31/08/2020 Total 29.48 Services Ltd. IND AAA 1.19 • AAUM for the Month of August 2020 Certificate Of Deposits Total 1.19 ` 9,791.41 Crores Indusind Bank Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 4.79 Discounted Securitised Debt • AUM as on August 31, 2020 Bank Of Baroda [ICRA]A1+ 1.88 Reliable Devices Trust ` 10,387.22 Crores AU Small Finance Bank Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 0.47 (Obligor - Reliance Retail Ltd.) [ICRA]AAA(SO) 3.02 Rent A Device Trust • Fund Manager: Total 7.14 (Obligor - Reliance Retail Ltd.) [ICRA]AAA(SO) 1.89 Mr. Rajeev Radhakrishnan Non Convertible Debentures HDFC Ltd. CRISIL AAA 4.46 Rainbow Devices Trust Managing Since: Jun-2008 REC Ltd. CRISIL AAA 4.39 (Obligor - Reliance Retail Ltd.) [ICRA]AAA(SO) 0.44 Total Experience: Over 17 years Power Finance Corporation Ltd. CRISIL AAA 3.98 Total 5.35 • Benchmark: Power Grid Corporation Of India Ltd. CRISIL AAA 3.27 Government Securities NIFTY Low Duration Debt Index Muthoot Finance Ltd. [ICRA]AA 2.54 Government Of India SOVEREIGN 5.37 (w.e.f June 25,2018) Reliance Industries Ltd. CRISIL AAA 2.01 Total 5.37 • Exit Load: Nil Export-Import Bank Of India CRISIL AAA 1.47 State Development Loans • Entry Load: N.A. LIC Housing Finance Ltd. CARE AAA 1.42 State Government Of Andhra Pradesh SOVEREIGN 0.99 • Plans Available: Regular, Direct Indian Railway Finance State Government Of Kerala SOVEREIGN 0.95 • Options: Growth, Dividend Corporation Ltd. CRISIL AAA 1.29 State Government Of Gujarat SOVEREIGN 0.26 • SIP Larsen & Toubro Ltd. CRISIL AAA 1.24 State Government Of Maharashtra SOVEREIGN 0.05 Any Day SIP’ Facility is available for Muthoot Finance Ltd. CRISIL AA 1.20 Total 2.25 Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annual and NABARD [ICRA]AAA 1.00 Treasury Bills Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. CRISIL AAA 1.00 182 Day T-Bill 14.01.21 SOVEREIGN 2.38 Annual frequencies through electronic Fullerton India Home Finance 182 Day T-Bill 04.02.21 SOVEREIGN 1.43 mode like OTM / Debit Mandate. Default SIP Company Ltd. CARE AAA 0.98 Total 3.81 date will be 10th. In case the SIP due date is ONGC Petro Additions Ltd. [ICRA]AAA(CE) 0.97 Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 8.25 a Non Business Day, then the immediate NTPC Ltd. CRISIL AAA 0.85 Grand Total 100.00 following Business Day will be considered Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd.CRISIL AAA 0.76 for SIP processing. Daily - Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 thereafter for a minimum of 12 instalments. (Kindly refer notice cum addendum dated PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY June 02, 2020 for further details) ASSET ALLOCATION (%) RATING CLASS (%) Weekly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of ` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 6 Non Convertible Debentures 37.16 instalments. (or) Minimum 500 & in 8.25 multiples of 1 thereafter for a minimum of Commercial Papers 29.48 12 instalments. (or) Minimum 500 & in Certificate Of Deposits 7.14 multiples of 1 thereafter for a minimum of 38.50 12 instalments. Government Securities 5.37 Monthly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of 36.62 `1 thereafter for minimum six months (or) Discounted Securitised Debt 5.35 minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 thereafter for minimum one year Treasury Bills 3.81 ` Quarterly - Minimum 1500 & in multiples State Development Loans 2.25 1.22 of` 1 thereafter for minimum one year. 3.98 Semi Annual - Minimum` 3000 & in Zero Coupon Bonds 1.19 11.43 multiples of` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 4 installments. Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 8.25 Annual - Minimum` 5000 & in multiples of AAA and Equivalent `1 thereafter for a minimum of 4 A1+ AA+ AA Sovereign installments. Cash, Cash Equivalents, And Others • Minimum Investment ` 5,000 & in multiples of` 1 SBI Magnum Low Duration Fund • Additional Investment This product is suitable for investors who are seeking^: ` 1,000 & in multiples of` 1 Ÿ Regular income for short term Quantitative Data Ÿ Investment in Debt and Money Market instruments Investors understand that their principal ^Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable Modified Duration : 0.89 years will be at Moderately Low risk for them. Average Maturity : 1.00 years Macaulay Duration : 0.93 years Yield to Maturity : 4.52% 49 DEBT- MONEY MARKET FUND


Option NAV (` ) Option NAV (` )

Reg-Plan-Daily Dividend 10.3984 Dir-Plan-Daily Dividend 10.4274

Reg-Plan-Growth 31.9013 Dir-Plan-Growth 33.3946

Reg-Plan-Monthly Dividend 12.5790 Dir-Plan-Monthly Dividend 13.2362

Reg-Plan-Weekly Dividend 11.8708 Dir-Plan-Weekly Dividend 11.9936

Investment Objective

To provide the investors an opportunity to invest in money market instruments. PORTFOLIO

Fund Details Issuer Name Rating (%) Of Total Issuer Name Rating (%) Of Total AUM AUM • Type of Scheme Commercial Papers Tata Realty And Infrastructure Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 0.80 • An open-ended Debt Scheme investing in Reliance Retail Ventures Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 6.98 Tata Motor Finance Holdings Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 0.71 money market instruments. HDFC Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 5.13 Tata Projects Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 0.70 • Date of Allotment: 19/07/2004 Tata Motors Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 3.95 Power Finance Corporation Ltd. CARE A1+ 0.57 • Report As On: 31/08/2020 Steel Authority Of India Ltd. IND A1+ 3.53 Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 0.35 Adani Ports And Special Economic Nabha Power Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 0.24 • AAUM for the Month of August 2020 ` 19,738.94 Crores Zone Ltd. [ICRA]A1+ 3.03 Total 56.27 LIC Housing Finance Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 3.00 Certificate Of Deposits • AUM as on August 31, 2020 Tata Motors Finance Solutions Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 1.88 Bank Of Baroda [ICRA]A1+ 6.90 ` 21,384.46 Crores Larsen & Toubro Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 1.86 Indusind Bank Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 5.60 • Fund Manager: Mr. R. Arun Housing And Urban Development NABARD CRISIL A1+ 3.72 Managing Since: Apr-2012 Corporation Ltd. [ICRA]A1+ 1.84 ICICI Bank Ltd. [ICRA]A1+ 3.05 Total Experience: Over 12 years JM Financial Products Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 1.83 Export-Import Bank Of India CRISIL A1+ 2.42 • Benchmark: NIFTY Money Market Index Coastal Gujarat Power Ltd. CRISIL A1+(CE) 1.66 Axis Bank Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 2.33 (w.e.f June 25,2018) Godrej Properties Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 1.51 RBL Bank Ltd. [ICRA]A1+ 1.89 • Exit Load: Gujarat State Fertilizers & Bandhan Bank Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 1.66 For exit within 3 business days from the Chemicals Ltd. IND A1+ 1.42 Union Bank Of India [ICRA]A1+ 1.53 date of allotment - 0.10% Tata Capital Financial Services Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 1.40 Punjab National Bank CRISIL A1+ 0.47 For exit after 3 business days from the date Power Grid Corporation Of India Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 1.40 Total 29.57 of allotment - Nil Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 1.40 Government Securities • Entry Load: N.A. L&T Finance Holdings Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 1.40 Government Of India SOVEREIGN 3.65 • Plans Available: Regular, Direct Can Fin Homes Ltd. [ICRA]A1+ 1.39 Total 3.65 • Options: Growth, Dividend JSW Steel Ltd. [ICRA]A1+ 1.18 Treasury Bills • SIP Motilal Oswal Financial Services Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 1.17 91 Day T-Bill 03.09.20 SOVEREIGN 4.39 Any Day SIP’ Facility is available for Monthly, Cholamandalam Investment & 364 Day T-Bill 30.03.21 SOVEREIGN 1.39 Quarterly, Semi-Annual and Annual Finance Co. Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 1.15 364 Day T-Bill 25.03.21 SOVEREIGN 0.93 frequencies through electronic mode like Bharti Hexacom Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 1.07 364 Day T-Bill 24.06.21 SOVEREIGN 0.92 OTM / Debit Mandate. Default SIP date will Motilal Oswal Finvest Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 0.94 Total 7.63 be 10th. In case the SIP due date is a Non Reliance Industries Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 0.93 Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 2.88 Business Day, then the immediate following L&T Infrastructure Finance Grand Total 100.00 Business Day will be considered for SIP Company Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 0.93 processing. Network18 Media & Investments Ltd. [ICRA]A1+ 0.92 Daily - Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 thereafter for a minimum of 12 instalments. (Kindly refer notice cum addendum dated PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY June 02, 2020 for further details) ASSET ALLOCATION (%) RATING CLASS (%) Weekly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of ` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 6 Commercial Papers 56.27 instalments. (or) Minimum 500 & in 2.88 multiples of 1 thereafter for a minimum of Certificate Of Deposits 29.57 11.28 12 instalments. Monthly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of Treasury Bills 7.63 ` 1 thereafter for minimum six months (or) Government Securities 3.65 minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 thereafter for minimum one year Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 2.88 Quarterly - Minimum` 1500 & in multiples of `1 thereafter for minimum one year. Semi Annual - Minimum` 3000 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 85.84 4 installments. Annual - Minimum` 5000 & in multiples of `1 thereafter for a minimum of 4 A1+ Sovereign installments. Cash, Cash Equivalents, And Others • Minimum Investment ` 500 & in multiples of` 1 SBI Savings Fund • Additional Investment This product is suitable for investors who are seeking^: ` 500 & in multiples of` 1 Ÿ Regular income for short-term Quantitative Data Ÿ Investment in money market instruments. Investors understand that their principal ^Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable Modified Duration : 0.37 years will be at Moderately Low risk for them. Average Maturity : 0.38 years Macaulay Duration : 0.38 years Yield to Maturity : 4.04% 50 DEBT- BANKING AND PSU FUND


Option NAV (` ) Option NAV (` )

Reg-Plan-Daily Dividend 1,088.5519 Dir-Plan-Daily Dividend 1,092.1968

Reg-Plan-Growth 2,386.0469 Dir-Plan-Growth 2,479.6094

Reg-Plan-Monthly Dividend 1,141.0437 Dir-Plan-Monthly Dividend 1,178.9626 (Previously known as SBI Treasury Advantage Fund) Reg-Plan-Weekly Dividend 1,087.4674 Dir-Plan-Weekly Dividend 1,089.6741

PORTFOLIO Investment Objective Issuer Name Rating (%) Of Total AUM Non Convertible Debentures REC Ltd. CRISIL AAA 7.19 The scheme seeks to generate regular Indian Railway Finance Corporation Ltd. CRISIL AAA 5.18 income through a judicious mix of Power Finance Corporation Ltd. CRISIL AAA 5.16 portfolio comprising predominantly debt Axis Bank Ltd. CRISIL AAA 4.87 and money market securities of Banks, National Bank For Agriculture And Rural Development [ICRA]AAA 4.79 Public Sector Undertakings, Public State Bank Of India (Tier Ii Bond Under Basel III) CRISIL AAA 4.75 Indian Bank CRISIL AA- 3.87 Financial Institutions and Municipal Air India Assets Holding Ltd. [ICRA]AAA 3.86 bodies. Power Grid Corporation Of India Ltd. CRISIL AAA 3.83 Bank Of Baroda (Tier II Bond Under Basel III) IND AAA 3.46 Fund Details Export-Import Bank Of India CRISIL AAA 3.06 National Housing Bank CRISIL AAA 2.31 • Type of Scheme Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. CRISIL AAA 2.21 An open-ended Debt Scheme predominantly National Bank For Agriculture And Rural Development CRISIL AAA 1.95 investing in debt instruments of banks, Public Nuclear Power Corporation Of India Ltd. CRISIL AAA 1.90 ONGC Petro Additions Ltd. [ICRA]AAA(CE) 1.71 Sector Undertakings, Public Financial NTPC Ltd. CRISIL AAA 1.54 Institutions and Municipal bodies. Housing And Urban Development Corporation Ltd. [ICRA]AAA 1.46 • Date of Allotment: 09/10/2009 Bank Of Baroda (At1 Bond Under Basel III) CARE AA 1.21 Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. CRISIL AAA 1.17 • Report As On: 31/08/2020 ONGC Petro Additions Ltd. IND AAA(CE) 1.14 • AAUM for the Month of August 2020 NHPC Ltd. [ICRA]AAA 0.56 ` 9,268.01 Crores ICICI Bank Ltd. [ICRA]AAA 0.48 • AUM as on August 31, 2020 Bank Of Baroda (At1 Bond Under Basel III) CRISIL AA+ 0.46 National Highways Authority Of India CRISIL AAA 0.44 ` 8,508.03 Crores Small Industries Development Bank Of India [ICRA]AAA 0.32 • Fund Manager: Gail (India) Ltd. IND AAA 0.30 Mr. Rajeev Radhakrishnan (Managing Since: ICICI Bank Ltd. (Tier Ii Bond Under Basel III) [ICRA]AAA 0.29 Nov 2013) Union Bank Of India (At1 Bond Under Basel III) BWR AA 0.19 Mr. Mohit Jain -Investments in foreign Total 69.66 Government Securities securities of the Scheme (w.e.f. Jan 22, 2020) Government Of India SOVEREIGN 21.13 Total Experience: Total 21.13 Mr. Rajeev Radhakrishnan – Over 17 years State Development Loans Mr. Mohit Jain – Over 6 years State Government Of Odisha SOVEREIGN 3.55 State Government Of Kerala SOVEREIGN 0.38 • Benchmark: NIFTY Banking and PSU Debt Total 3.93 Index (w.e.f June 25,2018) Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 5.28 • Exit Load: Nil Grand Total 100.00 • Entry Load: N.A. • Plans Available: Regular, Direct • Options: Growth, Dividend PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY • SIP Any Day SIP’ Facility is available for Monthly, ASSET ALLOCATION (%) RATING CLASS (%) Quarterly, Semi-Annual and Annual frequencies through electronic mode like OTM Non Convertible Debentures 69.66 / Debit Mandate. Default SIP date will be 10th. Government Securities 21.13 5.28 In case the SIP due date is a Non Business Day, then the immediate following Business State Development Loans 3.93 Day will be considered for SIP processing. 25.06 Daily - Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 5.28 thereafter for a minimum of 12 instalments. (Kindly refer notice cum addendum dated June 02, 2020 for further details) 63.93 Weekly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 3.87 thereafter for a minimum of 6 instalments. 1.40 (or) Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 0.46 thereafter for a minimum of 12 instalments. Monthly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter for minimum six months (or) minimum` 500 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter AAA and Equivalent for minimum one year. Below AA AA+ AA Sovereign ` Quarterly - Minimum 1500 & in multiples of Cash, Cash Equivalents, And Others `1 thereafter for minimum one year. Semi Annual - Minimum` 3000 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 4 installments. Annual - Minimum` 5000 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 4 installments. • Minimum Investment SBI Banking & PSU Fund ` 5,000 & in multiples of` 1 This product is suitable for investors who are seeking^: • Additional Investment Ÿ Regular income over medium term ` 1,000 & in multiples of` 1 Ÿ Investment in Debt instruments predominantly issued by Banks PSUs, PFIs and Municipal bodies.

Quantitative Data Investors understand that their principal ^Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable will be at Moderate risk for them. Modified Duration : 3.27 years Average Maturity : 4.02 years Macaulay Duration : 3.42 years Yield to Maturity : 5.70% 51 DEBT- LIQUID FUND


Option NAV (` ) Option NAV (` )

Institutional-Daily Dividend 1,020.1998 Reg-Plan-Weekly Dividend 1,079.7862 Institutional-Fortnightly Dividend 1,043.9238 Reg-Plan-Daily Dividend 1,020.5407 Institutional-Growth 3,175.5840 Dir-Plan-Fortnightly Dividend 1,032.7577 (Previously known as SBI Premier Liquid Fund) Institutional-Daily Dividend 1,020.1939 Dir-Plan-Growth 3,162.6028 Reg-Plan-Fortnightly Dividend 1,032.4176 Dir-Plan-Weekly Dividend 1,080.1523 Reg-Plan-Growth 3,145.8761

Investment Objective PORTFOLIO To provide the investors an opportunity to invest in the entire range of debt and Issuer Name Rating (%) Of Total Issuer Name Rating (%) Of Total AUM AUM money market securities with residual Commercial Papers State Development Loans maturity upto 91 days only. Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. [ICRA]A1+ 4.55 State Government Of Punjab SOVEREIGN 0.79 Reliance Industries Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 4.44 State Government Of Andhra Pradesh SOVEREIGN 0.49 Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. [ICRA]A1+ 3.91 State Government Of Karnataka SOVEREIGN 0.20 Fund Details Reliance Jio Infocomm Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 3.13 Total 1.48 • Type of Scheme L&T Infrastructure Finance Treasury Bills An open-ended Liquid Scheme Company Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 2.94 91 Day T-Bill 24.09.20 SOVEREIGN 12.19 Nabha Power Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 2.45 91 Day T-Bill 12.11.20 SOVEREIGN 11.23 • Date of Allotment: 24/11/2003 Adani Ports And Special Economic 91 Day T-Bill 15.10.20 SOVEREIGN 6.05 • Report As On: 31/08/2020 Zone Ltd. [ICRA]A1+ 2.34 91 Day T-Bill 26.11.20 SOVEREIGN 4.86 Larsen & Toubro Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 2.33 • AAUM for the Month of August 2020 182 Day T-Bill 26.11.20 SOVEREIGN 3.89 Muthoot Finance Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 2.15 ` 54,788.04 Crores 91 Day T-Bill 03.09.20 SOVEREIGN 3.28 Sikka Ports & Terminals Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 2.14 91 Day T-Bill 29.10.20 SOVEREIGN 2.73 • AUM as on August 31, 2020 NLC India Ltd. IND A1+ 1.95 ` 49,938.11 Crores 364 Day T-Bill 10.09.20 SOVEREIGN 2.23 Tata Motors Finance Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 1.75 182 Day T-Bill 24.09.20 SOVEREIGN 1.76 • Fund Manager: Mr. R. Arun Jamnagar Utilities & Power Private Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 0.98 Managing Since: May-2018 91 Day T-Bill 05.11.20 SOVEREIGN 1.68 Export-Import Bank Of India CRISIL A1+ 0.98 Total Experience: Over 12 years 182 Day T-Bill 06.11.20 SOVEREIGN 1.46 Tata Power Company Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 0.97 91 Day T-Bill 17.09.20 SOVEREIGN 0.98 • Benchmark: CRISIL Liquid Fund Index Cholamandalam Investment & 91 Day T-Bill 08.10.20 SOVEREIGN 0.98 Finance Co. Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 0.97 • Exit Load: (w.e.f. October 20, 2019) 364 Day T-Bill 15.10.20 SOVEREIGN 0.98 Power Grid Corporation Of India Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 0.68 lnvestor exit upon Exit Load as a % of 364 Day T-Bill 29.10.20 SOVEREIGN 0.97 subscription / switch-In redemption Proceeds L&T Housing Finance Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 0.59 182 Day T-Bill 12.11.20 SOVEREIGN 0.58 Day 1 0.0070% Hero Fincorp Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 0.49 182 Day T-Bill 17.09.20 SOVEREIGN 0.54 Day 2 0.0065% Kotak Securities Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 0.39 182 Day T-Bill 19.11.20 SOVEREIGN 0.34 Day 3 0.0060% Tata Motor Finance Holdings Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 0.29 Day 4 0.0055% 182 Day T-Bill 22.10.20 SOVEREIGN 0.10 Julius Baer Capital (India) Private Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 0.29 Day 5 0.0050% Total 56.83 ICICI Securities Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 0.29 Day 6 0.0045% Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 0.15 Day 7 onwards 0.0000% Total 41.00 Grand Total 100.00 Certificate Of Deposits • Entry Load: N.A. Axis Bank Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 0.54 • Plans Available: Regular, Direct Total 0.54

• Options: Growth, Dividend PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY • SIP: (w.e.f. June 04, 2020) ASSET ALLOCATION (%) RATING CLASS (%) For Growth option only: ` Treasury Bills 56.83 Weekly/Monthly frequency – 2,000 and 0.15 6 installments; Commercial Papers 41.00 Quarterly –` 6,000 and 2 installments; State Development Loans 1.48 Semi-Annual and Annual –` 12,000 and 2 installments Certificate Of Deposits 0.54 41.54 Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 0.15 • Minimum Investment 58.31 ` 5,000 & in multiples of` 1

• Additional Investment ` 5,000 & in multiples of` 1

Quantitative Data Sovereign A1+ Cash, Cash Equivalents, And Others Modified Duration : 0.12 years

Average Maturity : 0.12 years SBI Liquid Fund Macaulay Duration : 0.12 years This product is suitable for investors who are seeking^: Ÿ Regular income for short term Yield to Maturity : 3.34% Ÿ Investment in Debt and Money Market securities with residual maturity upto 91 days only.

Investors understand that their principal ^Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable will be at Low risk for them. 52 DEBT- ULTRA SHORT DURATION FUND


Option NAV (` ) Option NAV (` )

Reg-Plan-Cash Option 4,578.1523 Dir-Plan-Cash 4,613.6646

Reg-Plan-Daily Dividend 1,723.9822 Dir-Plan-Daily Dividend 1,725.1455 (Previously known as SBI Magnum InstaCash Fund) Reg-Plan-Weekly Dividend 1,109.5936 Dir-Plan-Weekly Dividend 1,110.4445

Investment Objective

To provide investors with an opportunity to generate regular income with high PORTFOLIO degree of liquidity through investments in a portfolio comprising predominantly Issuer Name Rating (%) Of Total Issuer Name Rating (%) Of Total of debt and money market instruments. AUM AUM Commercial Papers LIC Housing Finance Ltd. CRISIL AAA 0.60 Power Finance Corporation Ltd. CARE A1+ 3.05 ICICI Home Finance Company Ltd. CRISIL AAA 0.40 Fund Details Nabha Power Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 2.37 Sundaram Finance Ltd. [ICRA]AAA 0.18 LIC Housing Finance Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 2.36 Larsen & Toubro Ltd. CRISIL AAA 0.10 • Type of Scheme JSW Steel Ltd. [ICRA]A1+ 1.96 Cholamandalam Investment & An open-ended ultra-short-term Debt Scheme Tata Motors Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 1.58 Finance Co. Ltd. [ICRA]AA+ 0.10 investing in instruments such that the Macaulay Dalmia Cement (Bharat) Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 1.58 Total 25.80 Duration of the portfolio is between 3 months to Tata Capital Financial Services Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 1.56 Zero Coupon Bonds 6 months. (Please refer to the page no. 19 of SID Adani Ports And Special Economic Mahindra & Mahindra Financial for details on Macaulay’s Duration.) Zone Ltd. [ICRA]A1+ 1.16 Services Ltd. IND AAA 2.94 • Date of Allotment: 21/05/1999 ONGC Tripura Power Company Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 0.79 Tata Realty And Infrastructure Ltd. CRISIL AA 0.49 HDFC Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 0.78 Tata Realty And Infrastructure Ltd. [ICRA]AA 0.45 • Report As On: 31/08/2020 TVS Motor Company Ltd. CARE A1+ 0.77 Total 3.88 Bharti Hexacom Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 0.77 • AAUM for the Month of August 2020 Discounted Securitised Debt ` 12,780.72 Crores Total 18.73 Rent A Device Trust Certificate Of Deposits (Obligor - Reliance Retail Ltd.) [ICRA]AAA(SO) 1.55 • AUM as on August 31, 2020 Axis Bank Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 6.67 Reliable Devices Trust ` 12,596.25 Crores RBL Bank Ltd. [ICRA]A1+ 4.73 (Obligor - Reliance Retail Ltd.) [ICRA]AAA(SO) 0.70 Union Bank Of India [ICRA]A1+ 3.90 • Fund Manager: Rainbow Devices Trust Mr. Rajeev Radhakrishnan Export-Import Bank Of India CRISIL A1+ 3.65 (Obligor - Reliance Retail Ltd.) [ICRA]AAA(SO) 0.51 AU Small Finance Bank Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 2.32 Managing Since: May-2010 Total 2.76 Bandhan Bank Ltd. CRISIL A1+ 2.17 Total Experience: Over 17 years State Development Loans Bank Of Baroda [ICRA]A1+ 0.77 State Government Of Maharashtra SOVEREIGN 0.81 • Benchmark: NIFTY Ultra Short Duration Debt ICICI Bank Ltd. [ICRA]A1+ 0.39 Total 0.81 Index (w.e.f June 25,2018) Total 24.60 Treasury Bills Non Convertible Debentures • Exit Load: Nil 91 Day T-Bill 24.09.20 SOVEREIGN 7.90 HDFC Ltd. CRISIL AAA 7.73 182 Day T-Bill 29.09.20 SOVEREIGN 6.32 • Entry Load: N.A. REC Ltd. CRISIL AAA 6.76 364 Day T-Bill 29.07.21 SOVEREIGN 3.83 LIC Housing Finance Ltd. CARE AAA 2.22 • Plans Available: Regular, Direct 182 Day T-Bill 04.02.21 SOVEREIGN 2.73 Power Finance Corporation Ltd. CRISIL AAA 1.79 GOI 15.09.2021 GOV SOVEREIGN 0.11 Muthoot Finance Ltd. CRISIL AA 1.71 • Options: Growth, Dividend GOI 15.12.2021 GOV SOVEREIGN 0.04 Manappuram Finance Ltd. CRISIL AA 1.31 Total 20.93 • SIP: Reliance Industries Ltd. CRISIL AAA 1.24 (w.e.f. June 04, 2020) Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 2.49 NABARD CRISIL AAA 0.84 Any Day SIP' Facility is available for Grand Total 100.00 Tata Capital Ltd. CRISIL AAA 0.82 Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annual and Annual frequencies through electronic mode like OTM / Debit Mandate. Default SIP date will be 10th. In case the SIP due date is a Non Business Day, then the immediate following Business Day PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY will be considered for SIP processing. ASSET ALLOCATION (%) RATING CLASS (%) Daily - Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 thereafter for a minimum of 12 installments. Non Convertible Debentures 25.80 (Kindly refer notice cum addendum dated June 02, 2020 for further details) Certificate Of Deposits 24.60 2.49 Weekly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 6 installments. (or) Treasury Bills 20.93 28.38 Minimum 500 & in multiples of 1 thereafter for a Commercial Papers 18.73 minimum of 12 installments. Monthly - Minimum` 1000 & in multiples of` 1 Zero Coupon Bonds 3.88 43.33 thereafter for minimum six months (or) Discounted Securitised Debt 2.76 minimum` 500 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter 0.10 for minimum one year State Development Loans 0.81 3.96 Quarterly - Minimum` 1500 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter for minimum one year. Cash, Cash Equivalents And Others 2.49 Semi Annual - Minimum` 3000 & in multiples of 21.74 1 thereafter for a minimum of 4 installments. Annual - Minimum` 5000 & in multiples of` 1 thereafter for a minimum of 4 installments.

• Minimum Investment AAA and Equivalent A1+ AA AA+ ` 5,000 & in multiples of` 1 Cash, Cash Equivalents, And Others Sovereign

• Additional Investment ` 1,000 & in multiples of` 1 SBI Magnum Ultra Short Duration Fund This product is suitable for investors who are seeking^: Quantitative Data Ÿ Regular income for short term Ÿ Investment in Debt and Money Market instruments. Modified Duration : 0.42 years Investors understand that their principal ^Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable Average Maturity : 0.45 years will be at Low risk for them. Macaulay Duration : 0.44 years Yield to Maturity : 4.08% 53 DEBT- OVERNIGHT FUND


Option NAV (` ) Option NAV (` )

Reg-Plan-Daily Dividend 1,022.1483 Dir-Plan-Daily Dividend 1,022.4486

Reg-Plan-Growth 3,263.5918 Dir-Plan-Growth 3,294.1126 (Previously known as SBI Magnum Insta Cash Fund - Liquid Floater) Reg-Plan-Weekly Dividend 1,043.7607 Dir-Plan-Weekly Dividend 1,044.0726

Investment Objective PORTFOLIO

To provide the investors an opportunity to invest in overnight securities maturing Issuer Name Rating (%) Of Total on the next business day. AUM Cash, Cash Equivalents, And Others 100.00 Grand Total 100.00

Fund Details

• Type of Scheme An open-ended Debt Scheme investing in overnight securities

• Date of Allotment: 01/10/2002

• Report As On: 31/08/2020

• AAUM for the Month of August 2020 ` 12,302.61 Crores

• AUM as on August 31, 2020 ` 9,972.71 Crores

• Fund Manager: Mr. R. Arun Managing Since: Apr-2012 Total Experience: Over 12 years

• Benchmark: CRISIL Overnight Index

• Exit Load: NIL (w.e.f May 16,2018) Entry Load: N.A.

• Plans Available: Regular, Direct

• Options: Growth, Dividend

• SIP: PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY PORTFOLIO CLASSIFICATION BY (w.e.f. June 04, 2020) For Growth option only: ASSET ALLOCATION (%) RATING CLASS (%) Weekly/Monthly frequency –` 2,000 and 6 Cash, Cash Equivalents, And Others 100.00 installments; Quarterly –` 6,000 and 2 installments; Semi-Annual and Annual –` 12,000 and 2 installments

• Minimum Investment ` 5,000 & in multiples of` 1

• Additional Investment ` 1,000 & in multiples of` 1

Quantitative Data 100.00 Modified Duration : 1 day

Average Maturity : 1 day Cash, Cash Equivalents, And Others Macaulay Duration : 1 day Yield to Maturity : 3.04%

SBI Overnight Fund This product is suitable for investors who are seeking^: Ÿ Regular income for short term Ÿ Investment in overnight securities.

Investors understand that their principal ^Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable will be at Low risk for them.

54 Comparative Performance for all Schemes

1 Year 3 Years 5 Years Since Inception Point-to-Point Point-to-Point Point-to-Point Point-to-Point Inception Date & CAGR % returns on Standard CAGR % returns on Standard CAGR % returns on Standard CAGR % returns on Standard Managing Since Investment of Investment of Investment of Investment of Rs. 10,000/- Rs. 10,000/- Rs. 10,000/- Rs. 10,000/- Funds Managed by R. Srinivasan SBI Focused Equity Fund 10.24 11,024 7.94 12,579 10.53 16,507 18.44 1,49,003 Inception Date 17-09-2004 Scheme Benchmark: - S&P BSE 500 (TRI) 5.86 10,586 3.93 11,228 8.52 15,055 13.92 80,115 Managing Since Additional Benchmark: - S&P BSE Sensex (TRI) 4.58 10,458 8.03 12,612 9.38 15,663 14.49 86,734 May-09

SBI Small Cap Fund 17.47 11,747 6.96 12,239 12.89 18,350 17.21 57,206 Inception Date 09-09-2009 Scheme Benchmark: - S&P BSE Small Cap (TRI) 15.62 11,562 -2.66 9,222 6.45 13,673 7.76 22,732 Managing Since Additional Benchmark: - S&P BSE Sensex (TRI) 4.58 10,458 8.03 12,612 9.38 15,663 9.78 27,861 Nov-13 Funds Managed by Dinesh Ahuja SBI Dynamic Bond Fund 8.56 10,856 7.60 12,462 9.01 15,400 6.12 26,755 Inception Date 09-02-2004 Scheme Benchmark: - NIFTY Composite Debt Index 10.67 11,067 8.21 12,673 8.85 15,287 7.27 31,973 Managing Since Additional Benchmark: - CRISIL 10 Year Gilt Index 6.59 10,659 6.16 11,968 7.84 14,589 5.89 25,815 Jan-11

SBI Magnum Income Fund 11.61 11,161 7.92 12,571 8.98 15,383 7.91 52,453 Inception Date 25-11-1998 Scheme Benchmark: - CRISIL Medium to Long Term Debt Index 11.41 11,141 8.28 12,697 9.26 15,581 10.23 83,378 Managing Since Additional Benchmark: - CRISIL 10 Year Gilt Index 6.59 10,659 6.16 11,968 7.84 14,589 N.A. N.A. Jan-11 SBI Magnum Gilt Fund 9.30 10,930 7.95 12,582 9.52 15,765 8.36 48,584 Inception Date 30-12-2000 Scheme Benchmark: - CRISIL Dynamic Gilt index 9.37 10,937 7.73 12,506 8.78 15,242 8.87 53,311 Managing Since Additional Benchmark: - CRISIL 10 Year Gilt Index 6.59 10,659 6.16 11,968 7.84 14,589 N.A. N.A. Jan-11 SBI Magnum Medium Duration Fund 11.03 11,103 8.55 12,794 9.54 15,778 8.20 37,639 Inception Date 12-11-2003 Scheme Benchmark: - NIFTY Medium Duration Debt Index 11.77 11,177 8.43 12,750 8.90 15,323 7.71 34,855 Managing Since Additional Benchmark: - CRISIL 10 Year Gilt Index 6.59 10,659 6.16 11,968 7.84 14,589 5.83 25,913 Jul-11 Fund Jointly Managed by R. Srinivasan (Equity portion), Dinesh Ahuja (Debt portion) & Mr. Mohit Jain (investments in foreign securities portion)

SBI Equity Hybrid Fund 6.13 10,613 6.26 11,999 8.41 14,978 14.99 3,24,334 Inception Date 09-10-1995 Scheme Benchmark: - CRISIL Hybrid 35+65 - Aggressive Index 9.09 10,909 6.70 12,152 9.42 15,690 N.A. N.A. Managing Since Additional Benchmark: - S&P BSE Sensex (TRI) 4.58 10,458 8.03 12,612 9.38 15,663 11.74 1,58,900 Jan-12 Fund Jointly Managed by Dinesh Ahuja (Debt portion) & Ruchit Mehta (Equity portion)

SBI Debt Hybrid Fund 7.39 10,739 3.93 11,227 6.85 13,933 7.76 42,639 Inception Date 09-04-2001 Scheme Benchmark: - NIFTY 50 Hybrid Composite Debt 15:85 Index 10.66 11,066 8.28 12,697 9.12 15,480 N.A. N.A. Managing Since Additional Benchmark: - CRISIL 10 Year Gilt Index 6.59 10,659 6.16 11,968 7.84 14,589 N.A. N.A. Jul-11

Fund Managed by Ruchit Mehta

SBI Magnum Equity ESG Fund 3.06 10,306 4.58 11,441 7.54 14,386 13.72 4,53,978 Inception Date 01-01-1991 Scheme Benchmark: - Nifty 100 ESG Index (TRI) 8.61 10,861 7.86 12,550 10.14 16,218 N.A. N.A. Managing Since Additional Benchmark: - S&P BSE Sensex (TRI) 4.58 10,458 8.03 12,612 9.38 15,663 14.59 5,69,745 May-18

Notes: a. The details of the period since the Fund Manager is managing the scheme(s) & inception date provided alongside of the table. The total no of schemes managed by Mr. R.Srinivasan is 3 ( 1 scheme is jointly managed by Mr. DineshAhuja). The total no of schemes managed by Dinesh Ahuja is 7 (1 schemes is jointly managed by Mr. Ruchit Mehta & 1 scheme is jointly managed by Mr. R. Srinivasan). The total no of schemes managed by Mr. Ruchit Mehta is 3 (1 scheme is jointly managed by Mr. DineshAhuja and 1 scheme is jointly managed with Mr. Neeraj Kumar). b. Different plans shall have a different expense structure. Performance for all scheme(s) are of Regular growth option. In case of SBI Magnum Equity ESG Fund growth option was introduced later on 27-Nov-2006 and SBI Equity Hybrid Fund growth option was introduced later on 19-Jan-2005, hence for the purpose of calculation of since inception returns, all dividends declared prior to the splitting of the scheme into Dividend & Growth Options are assumed to be reinvested in the units of the scheme at the then prevailing NAV (ex-dividend NAV) and net of Dividend Distribution tax, if any. c. Past performance may or may not be sustained in future and the same may not necessarily provide the basis for comparison with other investment. d. Load is not considered for computation of returns. e. Period for which scheme’s performance has been provided is computed basis last day of the month-end preceding the date of advertisement. In case, the start/end date of the concerned period is a non-business day, the NAV of the previous date is considered for computation of returns. f. Scheme count for the total schemes managed by the Fund Managers does not include close ended Scheme and ETF. g. SBI Focused Equity Fund: As scheme benchmark TRI data is not available since inception of the scheme, benchmark performance is calculated using composite CAGR of S&P BSE 500 PRI values from 17-Sep-04 to 31-Jul-06 and TRI values since 01-Aug-06. h. SBI Equity Hybrid Fund, SBI Debt Hybrid Fund, SBI Magnum Equity ESG Fund: As the scheme was launched before the launch of the benchmark index, benchmark index figures since inception or the required period are not available. i. SBI Equity Hybrid Fund: As scheme additional benchmark TRI data is not available since inception of the scheme, additional benchmark performance is calculated using composite CAGR of S&P BSE Sensex PRI values from 9-Oct- 95 to 18-Aug-96 and TRI values since 19-Aug-96. j. SBI Magnum Gilt Fund, SBI Magnum Income Fund, SBI Debt Hybrid Fund: As the scheme was launched before the launch of the additional benchmark index, additional benchmark index figures since inception or the required period are not available. k. The performance of the schemes is benchmarked to the Total Return variant of the Index.

Note: Wherever NAV/Benchmark Index value is not available for start/end date for concerned period, the previous business day value of NAV/Benchmark Index is considered for return computation. 55 Comparative Performance for all Schemes

1 Year 3 Years 5 Years Since Inception

Point-to-Point Point-to-Point Point-to-Point Point-to-Point Inception Date & CAGR % CAGR % CAGR % CAGR % returns on Standard returns on Standard returns on Standard returns on Standard Managing Since Investment of Investment of Investment of Investment of Rs. 10,000/- Rs. 10,000/- Rs. 10,000/- Rs. 10,000/- Fund Jointly Managed by Neeraj Kumar (Equity portion) & Rajeev Radhakrishnan (Debt portion) SBI Arbitrage Opportunities Fund 3.90 10,390 5.53 11,754 5.64 13,161 7.07 25,735 Inception Date 03-11-2006 Scheme Benchmark: - Nifty 50 Arbitrage Index. 2.98 10,298 4.65 11,463 5.06 12,805 N.A. N.A. Managing Since Additional Benchmark: - S&P BSE Sensex (TRI) 4.58 10,458 8.03 12,612 9.38 15,663 9.61 35,592 Oct-12 Fund Jointly Managed by Neeraj Kumar (Arbitrage portion) & Ruchit Mehta (Equity & Debt portion)

SBI Equity Savings Fund 6.31 10,631 4.21 11,318 6.49 13,700 6.20 13,728 Inception Date 27-05-2015 Scheme Benchmark: - Nifty Equity Savings Index 7.24 10,724 6.91 12,223 7.89 14,624 7.47 14,618 Managing Since Additional Benchmark: - S&P BSE Sensex (TRI) 4.58 10,458 8.03 12,612 9.38 15,663 8.09 15,067 May-15

Funds Managed by Anup Upadhyay

SBI Technology Opportunities Fund 12.14 11,214 19.44 17,046 10.34 16,367 13.37 1,42,473 Inception Date 05-07-1999 Scheme Benchmark: - S&P BSE Teck (TRI) 12.78 11,278 17.18 16,098 9.34 15,634 N.A. N.A. Managing Since Additional Benchmark: - S&P BSE Sensex (TRI) 4.58 10,458 8.03 12,612 9.38 15,663 12.69 1,25,472 Jun-11 SBI Magnum MultiCap Fund 0.30 10,030 1.87 10,573 8.04 14,727 10.98 47,348 Inception Date 29-09-2005 Scheme Benchmark: - S&P BSE 500 (TRI) 5.86 10,586 3.93 11,228 8.52 15,055 11.53 51,012 Managing Since Additional Benchmark: - S&P BSE Sensex (TRI) 4.58 10,458 8.03 12,612 9.38 15,663 12.07 54,821 Feb-17

SBI Magnum Global Fund 12.63 11,263 5.60 11,778 6.47 13,685 13.79 2,85,049 Inception Date 30-09-1994 Scheme Benchmark: - Nifty MNC (TRI) 13.47 11,347 3.32 11,031 9.07 15,444 N.A. N.A. Managing Since Additional Benchmark: - S&P BSE Sensex (TRI) 4.58 10,458 8.03 12,612 9.38 15,663 10.49 1,32,988 May-18 Funds Managed by Lokesh Mallya and Mansi Sajeja SBI Credit Risk Fund 8.14 10,814 6.52 12,088 7.70 14,497 8.33 16,327 Inception Date Scheme Benchmark: - CRISIL Composite CRISIL Credit Risk 17-07-2014 Index 11.06 11,106 7.59 12,457 8.86 15,295 9.50 17,443 Managing Since Additional Benchmark: - CRISIL 10 Year Gilt Index 6.59 10,659 6.16 11,968 7.84 14,589 8.54 16,526 Feb-17


a. The details of the period since the Fund Manager is managing the scheme(s) & inception date provided alongside of the table. The total no of schemes managed by Mr. Neeraj Kumar is 2 (1 scheme is jointly managed by Mr. Ruchit Mehta and 1 scheme is jointly managed by Mr. Rajeev Radhakrishnan). The total no of schemes managed by Mr. Anup Upadhyay is 3. The total no of of schemes jointly managed by Mr. Lokesh Mallya and Ms. Mansi Sajeja is 1. b. Different plans shall have a different expense structure. Performance for all scheme(s) are of Regular growth option. In case of SBI Magnum Global Fund regular growth option was introduced later on 27-Jun-2005 and SBI Technology Opportunities Fund regular growth option was introduced later on 01-Jan-2013, hence for the purpose of calculation of since inception returns, all dividends declared prior to the splitting of the scheme into Dividend & Growth Options are assumed to be reinvested in the units of the scheme at the then prevailing NAV (ex-dividend NAV) and net of Dividend Distribution tax, if any. c. Past performance may or may not be sustained in future and the same may not necessarily provide the basis for comparison with other investment. d. Load is not considered for computation of returns. e. Period for which scheme’s performance has been provided is computed basis last day of the month-end preceding the date of advertisement. In case, the start/end date of the concerned period is a non-business day, the NAV of the previous date is considered for computation of returns. f. Scheme count for the total schemes managed by the Fund Managers does not includeclose ended Scheme. g. SBI Magnum Multicap Fund: As scheme benchmark TRI data is not available since inception of the scheme, benchmark performance is calculated using composite CAGR of S&P BSE 500 PRI values from 29-Sep-05 to 31-Jul-06 and TRI values since 01-Aug-06. h. SBI Magnum Global Fund: As scheme additional benchmark TRI data is not available since inception of the scheme, additional benchmark performance is calculated using composite CAGR of S&P BSE Sensex PRI values 30-Sep-94 to 18-Aug-96 and TRI values since 19-Aug-96. i. SBI Arbitrage Opportunities Fund, SBI Technology Opportunities Fund & SBI Magnum Global Fund : As the scheme was launched before the launch of the benchmark index, benchmark index figures since inception or the required period are not available. j. The performance of the schemes is benchmarked to the Total Return variant of the Index. k. SBI Arbitrage Opportunities Fund: Debt portion of the scheme is managed by Mr. Rajeev Radhakrishnan w.e.f. Jan 27 2020.

1 Year 3 Years 5 Years Since Inception Point-to-Point Point-to-Point Point-to-Point Point-to-Point Inception Date & CAGR % returns on Standard CAGR % returns on Standard CAGR % returns on Standard CAGR % returns on Standard Managing Since Investment of Investment of Investment of Investment of Rs. 10,000/- Rs. 10,000/- Rs. 10,000/- Rs. 10,000/- Funds Managed by Nidhi Chawla SBI Infrastructure Fund 2.74 10,274 -0.01 9,996 5.90 13,326 3.02 14,793 Inception Date 06-07-2007 Scheme Benchmark: - Nifty Infrastructure (TRI) 6.97 10,697 0.20 10,061 3.11 11,659 -0.31 9,603 Managing Since Additional Benchmark: - S&P BSE Sensex (TRI) 4.58 10,458 8.03 12,612 9.38 15,663 8.96 30,958 Nov-18 Notes: a.The details of the period since the Fund Manager is managing the scheme(s) & inception date provided alongside of the table.The total number of schemes managed by Mrs. Nidhi Chawla is 1. b. Past performance may or may not be sustained in future and the same may not necessarily provide the basis for comparison with other investment. c. Load is not considered for computation of returns. d. Period for which scheme's performance has been provided is computed basis last day of the month-end preceding the date of advertisement. In case, the start/end date of the concerned period is a non-business day, the NAV of the previous date is considered for computation of returns. e. Different plans shall have a different expense structure.The performance details provided herein are of Growth Option - Regular Plan. f. Scheme count for the total schemes managed by the Fund Managers does not include close ended Scheme. g.The data of the last working day has been considered for the calculation of performance. h.The performance of the schemes is benchmarked to theTotalReturn variant of the Index. 56 Comparative Performance for all Schemes

1 Year 3 Years 5 Years Since Inception Point-to-Point Point-to-Point Point-to-Point Point-to-Point Inception Date & CAGR % returns on Standard CAGR % returns on Standard CAGR % returns on Standard CAGR % returns on Standard Managing Since Investment of Investment of Investment of Investment of Rs. 10,000/- Rs. 10,000/- Rs. 10,000/- Rs. 10,000/- Funds Managed by Sohini Andani SBI Magnum MidCap Fund 10.30 11,030 -1.59 9,531 4.28 12,333 13.72 72,780 Inception Date 29-03-2005 Scheme Benchmark: - Nifty Midcap 150 (TRI) 12.29 11,229 1.70 10,518 9.33 15,628 N.A. N.A. Managing Since Additional Benchmark: - S&P BSE Sensex (TRI) 4.58 10,458 8.03 12,612 9.38 15,663 14.00 75,572 July-10 SBI Blue Chip Fund 3.05 10,305 2.18 10,668 7.00 14,029 9.80 39,000 Inception Date 14-02-2006 Scheme Benchmark: - S&P BSE 100 (TRI) 4.29 10,429 4.97 11,568 8.60 15,112 10.89 45,025 Managing Since Additional Benchmark: - S&P BSE Sensex (TRI) 4.58 10,458 8.03 12,612 9.38 15,663 11.21 46,941 Sep-10 Fund Managed by Milind Agrawal SBI Banking & Financial Services Fund -5.12 9,488 3.37 11,045 12.63 18,139 9.31 16,335 Inception Date 26-02-2015 Scheme Benchmark: - Nifty Financial Services (TRI) -7.99 9,201 4.62 11,452 11.01 16,867 8.20 15,444 Managing Since Additional Benchmark: - S&P BSE Sensex (TRI) 4.58 10,458 8.03 12,612 9.38 15,663 6.94 14,480 Aug-19 Notes:

a. The details of the period since the Fund Manager is managing the scheme(s) & inception date provided alongside of the table. Ms. SohiniAndani has been managing SBI Blue Chip Fund since September 2010 and SBI Magnum Midcap Fund since July 2010The total number of schemes managed by Ms. SohiniAndani is 2. Mr. MilindAgrawal has been managing SBI Banking & Financial Services Fund since August 2019.The total number of schemes managed by Mr. MilindAgrawal is 1. SBI Banking & Financial Services Fund was managed by Ms. Sohini Andani till 31st July 2019. b. Past performance may or may not be sustained in future and the same may not necessarily provide the basis for comparison with other investment. c. Load is not considered for computation of returns. d. Period for which scheme’s performance has been provided is computed basis last day of the month-end preceding the date of advertisement. In case, the start/end date of the concerned period is a non-business day, the NAV of the previous date is considered for computation of returns. e. Different plans shall have a different expense structure. The performance details provided herein are of Growth Option - Regular Plan. Performance for Schemes not having Growth Option has been calculated considering the Dividend Option and is Net of Dividend distribution tax, if any. f. Scheme count for the total schemes managed by the Fund Managers does not includeclose ended Scheme. g. SBI Blue Chip Fund: As scheme benchmark TRI data is not available since inception of the scheme, benchmark performance is calculated using composite CAGR of S&P BSE 100 PRI values from 14-Feb-06 to 31-Jul-06 and TRI values since 01-Aug-06. h. SBI Magnum Midcap Fund: As the scheme was launched before the launch of the benchmark index, benchmark index figures since inception or the required period are not available. I. The performance of the schemes is benchmarked to the Total Return variant of the Index.

1 Year 3 Years 5 Years Since Inception Point-to-Point Point-to-Point Point-to-Point Point-to-Point Inception Date & CAGR % returns on Standard CAGR % returns on Standard CAGR % returns on Standard CAGR % returns on Standard Managing Since Investment of Investment of Investment of Investment of Rs. 10,000/- Rs. 10,000/- Rs. 10,000/- Rs. 10,000/- Funds Managed by Saurabh Pant SBI Consumption Opportunities Fund -2.04 9,796 1.09 10,332 7.21 14,170 13.38 1,42,705 Inception Date 05-07-1999 Scheme Benchmark: - Nifty India Consumption (TRI) 9.10 10,910 5.00 11,578 9.30 15,605 N.A. N.A. Managing Since Additional Benchmark: - S&P BSE Sensex (TRI) 4.58 10,458 8.03 12,612 9.38 15,663 12.69 1,25,472 Jun-11 SBI Large & Midcap Fund 4.49 10,449 2.49 10,766 7.03 14,052 13.46 3,23,008 Inception Date 28-02-1993 Scheme Benchmark: - NIFTY LargeMidcap 250 (TRI) 8.23 10,823 3.46 11,075 9.10 15,462 N.A. N.A. Managing Since Additional Benchmark: - S&P BSE Sensex (TRI) 4.58 10,458 8.03 12,612 9.38 15,663 11.79 2,14,645 Sep-16 Funds Managed by Tanmaya Desai SBI Healthcare Opportunities Fund 49.28 14,928 11.24 13,769 1.89 10,984 15.57 2,13,945 Inception Date 05-07-1999 Scheme Benchmark: - S&P BSE Health Care (TRI) 43.57 14,357 12.64 14,296 1.12 10,572 13.93 1,58,227 Managing Since Additional Benchmark: - S&P BSE Sensex (TRI) 4.58 10,458 8.03 12,612 9.38 15,663 12.69 1,25,472 Jun-11 Notes:

a. The details of the period since the Fund Manager is managing the scheme(s) & inception date provided alongside of the table. The total no of schemes managed by Mr. Saurabh Pant is 2. The total no of schemes managed by Mr.Tanmaya Desai is 1. b. Different plans shall have a different expense structure. Performance for all scheme(s) are of Regular growth option. In case of SBI Consumption Opportunities Fund growth option was introduced later on 01-Jan-2013, SBI Large & Midcap Fund growth option was introduced later on 25-May-2005 and SBI Healthcare Opportunities Fund growth option was introduced later on 31-Dec-2004. Hence for the purpose of calculation of since inception returns, all dividends declared prior to the splitting of the scheme into Dividend & Growth Options are assumed to be reinvested in the units of the scheme at the then prevailing NAV (ex-dividend NAV) and net of Dividend Distribution tax, if any. c. Past performance may or may not be sustained in future and the same may not necessarily provide the basis for comparison with other investment. d. Load is not considered for computation of returns. e. Period for which scheme’s performance has been provided is computed basis last day of the month-end preceding the date of advertisement. In case, the start/end date of the concerned period is a non-business day, the NAV of the previous date is considered for computation of returns. f. Scheme count for the total schemes managed by the Fund Managers does not includeclose ended Scheme. g. SBI Consumption Opportunities Fund & SBI Large & Midcap Fund : As the scheme was launched before the launch of the benchmark index, benchmark index figures since inception or the required period are not available. h. SBI Large & Midcap Fund: As scheme benchmark TRI data is not available since inception of the scheme, additional benchmark performance is calculated using composite CAGR of S&P BSE Sensex PRI values from 28-Feb-93 to 18 -Aug-96 and TRI values since 19-Aug-96. i. SBI Healthcare Opportunities Fund: As TRI data is not available since inception of SBI Healthcare Opportunities Fund, benchmark performance is calculated using composite CAGR of S&P BSE Health Care PRI values from 05-Jul-99 to 30-Dec-07 and TRI values since 31-Dec-07. j. The performance of the schemes is benchmarked to the Total Return variant of the Index. k. The Benchmark of SBI Large & Midcap Fund has been changed to NIFTY LargeMidcap 250 w.e.f. 25th February 2019. 57 Comparative Performance for all Schemes

1 Year 3 Years 5 Years Since Inception Point-to-Point Point-to-Point Point-to-Point Point-to-Point Inception Date & CAGR % returns on Standard CAGR % returns on Standard CAGR % returns on Standard CAGR % returns on Standard Managing Since Investment of Investment of Investment of Investment of Rs. 10,000/- Rs. 10,000/- Rs. 10,000/- Rs. 10,000/- Funds Managed by Raviprakash Sharma

SBI Gold Fund 33.16 13,316 19.04 16,877 12.78 18,254 5.44 16,087 Inception Date 12-09-2011 Scheme Benchmark: - The Morning Fixing of Gold by London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) 31.54 13,154 20.76 17,618 14.36 19,573 7.07 18,465 Managing Since Additional Benchmark: - S&P BSE Sensex (TRI) 4.58 10,458 8.03 12,612 9.38 15,663 11.48 26,528 Sep-11

SBI Nifty Index Fund 2.84 10,284 4.96 11,563 7.68 14,484 13.01 97,641 Inception Date 17-01-2002 Scheme Benchmark: - Nifty 50 (TRI) 4.31 10,431 6.01 11,915 8.75 15,214 14.93 1,33,714 Managing Since Additional Benchmark: - S&P BSE Sensex (TRI) 4.58 10,458 8.03 12,612 9.38 15,663 15.70 1,51,385 Feb-11 SBI Equity Minimum Variance Fund 9.42 10,942 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 3.87 10,568 Inception Date 31-03-2019 Scheme Benchmark: - Nifty 50 TRI 4.31 10,431 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 0.41 10,060 Managing Since Additional Benchmark: - S&P BSE Sensex TRI 4.58 10,458 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 1.82 10,265 Mar-19

Notes: a. The details of the period since the Fund Manager is managing the scheme(s) & inception date provided alongside of the table. Mr. Raviprakash Sharma has been managing SBI GOLD Fund since September 2011, SBI Nifty Index Fund since February 2011 and SBI Equity Minimum Variance Fund since March 2019.The total number of schemes managed by Mr. Raviprakash Sharma is 3. b. Past performance may or may not be sustained in future and the same may not necessarily provide the basis for comparison with other investment. c. Load is not considered for computation of returns. d. Period for which scheme’s performance has been provided is computed basis last day of the month-end preceding the date of advertisement. In case, the start/end date of the concerned period is a non-business day, the NAV of the previous date is considered for computation of returns. e. Different plans shall have a different expense structure.The performance provided for SBI Gold Fund, are of Regular Plan - Dividend Option and is Net of Dividend distribution tax, if any.The performance details provided for SBI Nifty Index Fund are of Growth Option- Regular Plan. f. Scheme count for the total schemes managed by the Fund Managers does not include ETF’s managed by Mr. Raviprakash Sharma. g. The data of the last working day has been considered for the calculation of performance. h. The performance of the schemes is benchmarked to theTotalReturn variant of the Index. I. SBI Equity Minimum Variance Fund has not completed 3 years & 5years period, hence the performance of such period not provided.

1 Year 3 Years 5 Years Since Inception Point-to-Point Point-to-Point Point-to-Point Point-to-Point Inception Date & CAGR % returns on Standard CAGR % returns on Standard CAGR % returns on Standard CAGR % returns on Standard Managing Since Investment of Investment of Investment of Investment of Rs. 10,000/- Rs. 10,000/- Rs. 10,000/- Rs. 10,000/- Funds Managed by Dinesh Balachandran SBI Long Term Equity Fund 7.32 10,732 1.00 10,303 4.99 12,762 14.78 4,39,577 Inception Date 31-03-1993 Scheme Benchmark: - S&P BSE 500 (TRI) 5.86 10,586 3.93 11,228 8.52 15,055 N.A. N.A. Managing Since Additional Benchmark: - S&P BSE Sensex (TRI) 4.58 10,458 8.03 12,612 9.38 15,663 12.44 2,49,646 Sep-16

SBI Contra Fund 8.05 10,805 -1.41 9,584 4.06 12,202 16.73 2,64,472 Inception Date 05-07-1999 Scheme Benchmark: - S&P BSE 500 (TRI) 5.86 10,586 3.93 11,228 8.52 15,055 14.23 1,67,241 Managing Since Additional Benchmark: - S&P BSE Sensex (TRI) 4.58 10,458 8.03 12,612 9.38 15,663 12.69 1,25,472 May-18 Fund Jointly Managed by Dinesh Balachandran (Equity & Debt portion) and Mohit Jain (investments in foreign securities portion)*

SBI Dynamic Asset Allocation Fund 2.06 10,206 3.66 11,139 6.69 13,831 5.61 13,457 Inception Date 26-03-2015 Scheme Benchmark: - 50% CRISIL 1 year CD Index + 50% S&P BSE Sensex 7.43 10,743 8.48 12,769 8.97 15,374 8.32 15,444 Managing Since Additional Benchmark: - S&P BSE Sensex (TRI) 4.58 10,458 8.03 12,612 9.38 15,663 7.92 15,137 Mar-15

Funds Managed by Gaurav Mehta & Mr. Raj Gandhi (for ETCDs)

SBI Multi Asset Allocation Fund 8.88 10,888 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 6.75 11,617 Inception Date 16-05-2018 Scheme Benchmark: - 1/3 NIFTY + 1/3 CRISIL Composite Bond Fund Index + 1/3 Price of Gold 16.56 11,656 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 14.17 13,557 Managing Since Additional Benchmark: - Crisil 1 Yr T-Bill Index 6.78 10,678 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 7.33 11,764 Feb-19

Notes: a. The details of the period since the Fund Manager is managing the scheme(s) & inception date provided alongside of the table. Mr. Dinesh Balachandran has been managing SBI Long Term Equity Fund (previously known as SBI Magnum Taxgain Scheme) since September 2016 and co managing SBI Dynamic Asset Allocation Fund (Equity & Equity related instruments and Debt & Money Market instruments portion) since March 2015 with Mr. Mohit Jain (investments in foreign securities portion). The total number of schemes managed by Mr. Dinesh Balachandran is 3 (1 scheme is jointly managed by Mr. Mohit Jain). SBI Contra Fund was managed by Mr. R. Srinivasan till May 04, 2018. b. Different plans shall have a different expense structure. Performance for all scheme(s) are of Regular growth option. In case of SBI LongTermEquity Fund growth Option was introduced later on 07-May-2007 and SBI Contra Fund growth option was introduced later on 06-May-2005, hence for the purpose of calculation of since inception returns, all dividends declared prior to the splitting of the scheme into Dividend & Growth Options are assumed to be reinvested in the units of the scheme at the then prevailing NAV (ex-dividend NAV) and net of Dividend Distribution tax, if any. c. Mr. Mohit Jain is the fund manager for investment in foreign securities in SBI DynamicAssetAllocation fund w.e.f. Nov 28, 2017*. d. Past performance may or may not be sustained in future and the same may not necessarily provide the basis for comparison with other investment. e. Load is not considered for computation of returns. f. Period for which scheme’s performance has been provided is computed basis last day of the month-end preceding the date of advertisement. In case, the start/end date of the concerned period is a non-business day, the NAV of the previous date is considered for computation of returns. g. The performance details provided for SBI DynamicAssetAllocation Fund are of Growth Option-Regular Plan. h. Scheme count for the total schemes managed by the Fund Managers does not includeclose ended Schemes. I. SBI Long Term Equity Fund: As the scheme was launched before the launch of the benchmark index, benchmark index figures since inception or the required period are not available. j. SBI LongTermEquity Fund:As scheme benchmarkTRI data is not available since inception of the scheme, additional benchmark performance is calculated using composite CAGR of S&PBSE Sensex PRI values 31-Mar-93 to 18-Aug-96 and TRI values since 19-Aug-96. k. SBI Contra Fund: As scheme benchmark TRI data is not available since inception of the scheme, benchmark performance is calculated using composite CAGR of S&P BSE 500 PRI values from 05-Jul-99 to 31-Jul-06 and TRI values since 01-Aug-06. l. SBI Multi Asset Allocation Fund has not completed 3 years & 5years period, hence the performance of such period not provided. m. SBI Muti Asset Allocation Fund - Mr. Raj Gandhi is appointed as fund manager for managing investments in ETCDs w.e.f. February 27, 2020. 58 Comparative Performance for all Schemes

7 Days 15 Days 1 Month 1 Year 3 Year 5 Year Since Inception Point-to-Point Point-to-Point Point-to-Point Point-to-Point Point-to-Point Point-to-Point Point-to-Point returns on returns on returns on returns on returns on returns on returns on Inception Annualized Annualized Annualized CAGR CAGR CAGR CAGR Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Date & % % % % % % % Investment Investment Investment Investment Investment Investment Investment Managing of Rs. 10,000/- of Rs. 10,000/- of Rs. 10,000/- of Rs. 10,000/- of Rs. 10,000/- of Rs. 10,000/- of Rs. 10,000/- Since

Funds Managed by R. Arun Inception Date SBI Overnight Fund 2.87 10,005 2.88 10,012 2.96 10,025 3.96 10,396 5.34 11,690 5.79 13,256 6.81 32,593 01-10-2002 Scheme Benchmark: - CRISIL 3.06 10,006 3.07 10,013 3.12 10,026 4.07 10,407 5.41 11,714 5.82 13,274 N.A. N.A. Overnight Index Managing Since Additional Benchmark: - CRISIL 1 Year 0.44 10,001 1.79 10,007 2.69 10,023 6.78 10,678 6.97 12,242 6.95 14,001 6.12 29,003 Apr-12 T-Bill Index SBI Savings Fund 3.52 10,007 4.36 10,020 4.17 10,035 6.56 10,656 6.93 12,229 7.27 14,209 7.45 31,881 Inception Date Scheme Benchmark: - NIFTY Money 19-07-2004 Market Index 3.39 10,007 4.13 10,017 3.97 10,034 5.91 10,591 6.84 12,196 7.10 14,098 7.71 33,130 Additional Benchmark: - CRISIL 1 Year Managing 0.44 10,001 1.79 10,007 2.69 10,023 6.78 10,678 6.97 12,242 6.95 14,001 6.22 26,458 Since T-Bill Index Apr-12 SBI Liquid Fund 2.91 10,006 3.13 10,013 3.24 10,027 4.94 10,494 6.36 12,033 6.73 13,852 7.41 26,169 Inception Scheme Benchmark: - CRISIL Liquid Date 3.68 10,007 3.97 10,016 4.08 10,035 5.34 10,534 6.65 12,133 6.90 13,963 7.39 26,102 Fund Index 24-11-2003 Additional Benchmark: - CRISIL 1 Year 0.44 10,001 1.79 10,007 2.69 10,023 6.78 10,678 6.97 12,242 6.95 14,001 6.57 23,527 Managing T-Bill Index Since May-18 Notes: a. The details of the period since the Fund Manager is managing the scheme(s) & inception date provided alongside of the table. Mr. R.Arun has been managing SBI Savings Fund and SBI Overnight Fund sinceApril 2012. The total number of schemes managed by Mr. R.Arun is 3. b. Past performance may or may not be sustained in future and the same may not necessarily provide the basis for comparison with other investment. c. Load is not considered for computation of returns. d. Period for which scheme’s performance has been provided is computed basis last day of the month-end preceding the date of advertisement. In case, the start/end date of the concerned period is a non-business day, the NAV of the previous date is considered for computation of returns. e. Different plans shall have a different expense structure. The performance details provided herein are of Growth Option - Regular Plan. Performance for Schemes not having Growth Option has been calculated considering the Dividend Option and is Net of Dividend distribution tax, if any. f. Scheme count for the total schemes managed by the Fund Managers does not includeclose ended Scheme. g. SBI Overnight Fund : As the scheme was launched before the launch of the benchmark index, benchmark index figures since inception or the required period are not available.

1 Year 3 Years 5 Years Since Inception Point-to-Point Point-to-Point Point-to-Point Point-to-Point Inception Date & CAGR % returns on Standard CAGR % returns on Standard CAGR % returns on Standard CAGR % returns on Standard Managing Since Investment of Investment of Investment of Investment of Rs. 10,000/- Rs. 10,000/- Rs. 10,000/- Rs. 10,000/- Funds Managed by Richard D'souza SBI Magnum Comma Fund 22.75 12,275 3.13 10,971 12.15 17,752 9.77 40,768 Inception Date 08-08-2005 Scheme Benchmark: - Nifty Commodities (TRI) 3.88 10,388 -3.99 8,850 8.69 15,177 8.38 33,626 Managing Since Additional Benchmark: - S&P BSE Sensex (TRI) 4.58 10,458 8.03 12,612 9.38 15,663 12.92 62,441 Aug-14 SBI PSU Fund -8.84 9,116 -11.49 6,931 -0.88 9,565 -1.58 8,505 Inception Date 07-07-2010 Scheme Benchmark: - S&P BSE PSU (TRI) -15.80 8,420 -13.01 6,580 -2.55 8,787 -3.31 7,101 Managing Since Additional Benchmark: - S&P BSE Sensex (TRI) 4.58 10,458 8.03 12,612 9.38 15,663 9.66 25,509 Aug-14


a. The details of the period since the Fund Manager is managing the scheme(s) & inception date provided alongside of the table. The total number of schemes managed by Mr. Richard D’souza is 2. b. Past performance may or may not be sustained in future and the same may not necessarily provide the basis for comparison with other investment. c. Load is not considered for computation of returns. d. Period for which scheme’s performance has been provided is computed basis last day of the month-end preceding the date of advertisement. In case, the start/end date of the concerned period is a non-business day, the NAV of the previous date is considered for computation of returns. e. Different plans shall have a different expense structure. The performance details provided herein are of Growth Option - Regular Plan. Performance for Schemes not having Growth Option has been calculated considering the Dividend Option and is Net of Dividend distribution tax, if any. f. Scheme count for the total schemes managed by the Fund Managers does not includeclose ended Scheme. g. The data of the last working day has been considered for the calculation of performance. h. SBI Magnum Comma Fund: As TRI data is not available since inception of SBI Magnum Comma Fund, benchmark performance is calculated using composite CAGR of Nifty Commodities PRI values from 08-Aug-05 to 13-Feb-12 and TRI values since 14-Feb-12. . The performance of the schemes is benchmarked to theTotalReturn variant of the Index.

1 Year 3 Years 5 Years Since Inception Point-to-Point Point-to-Point Point-to-Point Point-to-Point Inception Date & CAGR % returns on Standard CAGR % returns on Standard CAGR % returns on Standard CAGR % returns on Standard Managing Since Investment of Investment of Investment of Investment of Rs. 10,000/- Rs. 10,000/- Rs. 10,000/- Rs. 10,000/- Funds Managed by Dinesh Ahuja SBI Magnum Constant Maturity Fund 8.96 10,896 10.08 13,344 10.27 16,310 8.29 47,847 Inception Date 30-12-2000 Scheme Benchmark: -Crisil 10 Year Gilt Index 6.59 10,659 6.16 11,968 7.84 14,589 N.A. N.A. Managing Since Additional Benchmark: - CRISIL 1 Year T-Bill Index 6.78 10,678 6.97 12,242 6.95 14,001 6.39 33,794 Jan 27, 2020 Notes:

a. The details of the period since the Fund Manager is managing the scheme(s) & inception date provided alongside of the table. The total number of schemes managed by Mr. DineshAhuja is 7 (1 schemes is jointly managed by Mr. Ruchit Mehta & 1 scheme is jointly managed by Mr. R. Srinivasan). He is also managing SBI ETF 10YearGilt Fund. b. Past performance may or may not be sustained in future and the same may not necessarily provide the basis for comparison with other investment. c. Load is not considered for computation of returns. d. Period for which scheme’s performance has been provided is computed basis last day of the month-end preceding the date of advertisement. In case, the start/end date of the concerned period is a non-business day, the NAV of the previous date is considered for computation of returns. e. Different plans shall have a different expense structure. The performance details provided herein are of Growth Option - Regular Plan. Performance for Schemes not having Growth Option has been calculated considering the Dividend Option and is Net of Dividend distribution tax, if any. f. Scheme count for the total schemes managed by the Fund Managers does not include close ended Scheme & ETF. g. The data of the last working day has been considered for the calculation of performance. h. The performance of the schemes is benchmarked to the Total Return variant of the Index. I. As the scheme was launched before the launch of the benchmark index, benchmark index figures since inception or the required period are not available. j. The Scheme was managed by Mr. Mahak Khabia till 24 Jan 2020. 59 Comparative Performance for all Schemes

1 Year 3 Years 5 Years Since Inception Point-to-Point Point-to-Point Point-to-Point Point-to-Point Inception Date & CAGR % returns on Standard CAGR % returns on Standard CAGR % returns on Standard CAGR % returns on Standard Managing Since Investment of Investment of Investment of Investment of Rs. 10,000/- Rs. 10,000/- Rs. 10,000/- Rs. 10,000/- Funds Managed by Rajeev Radhakrishnan SBI Short Term Debt Fund 9.20 10,920 7.65 12,478 8.08 14,755 7.04 24,383 Inception Date 27-07-2007 Scheme Benchmark: - CRISIL Short Term Bond Fund Index 10.21 11,021 8.26 12,692 8.48 15,030 8.21 28,124 Managing Since Additional Benchmark: - CRISIL 1 Year T-Bill Index 6.78 10,678 6.97 12,242 6.95 14,001 6.47 22,750 Jun-08 SBI Magnum Children's Benefit Fund - Savings Plan 6.62 10,662 5.15 11,627 9.99 16,106 9.98 58,359 Inception Date 21-02-2002 Scheme Benchmark:- NIFTY 50 Hybrid Composite Debt 15:85 10.66 11,066 8.28 12,697 9.12 15,480 9.19 51,012 Index Managing Since Jun-08 Additional Benchmark: - CRISIL 10 Year Gilt Index 6.59 10,659 6.16 11,968 7.84 14,589 6.74 33,483 Fund Jointly Managed Rajeev Radhakrishnan & Mohit Jain (investments in foreign securities portion) SBI Banking and PSU Fund 9.55 10,955 8.63 12,822 8.33 14,926 8.30 23,860 Inception Date 09-10-2009 Scheme Benchmark: - NIFTY Banking and PSU Debt Index 10.12 11,012 7.70 12,494 8.12 14,783 8.29 23,836 Managing Since Additional Benchmark: - CRISIL 1 Year T-Bill Index 6.78 10,678 6.97 12,242 6.95 14,001 6.66 20,195 Nov-13 SBI Corporate Bond Fund 9.88 10,988 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 10.83 11,765 Inception Date 01-02-2019 Scheme Benchmark: - NIFTY Corporate Bond Index 11.19 11,119 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 11.37 11,856 Managing Since Additional Benchmark: - Crisil 10 Yr Gilt Index 6.59 10,659 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 10.80 11,761 Jan-19

7 Days 15 Days 1 Month 1 Year 3 Year 5 Year Since Inception

Point-to-Point Point-to-Point Point-to-Point Point-to-Point Point-to-Point Point-to-Point Point-to-Point Inception returns on returns on returns on returns on returns on returns on returns on Date & Annualized Annualized Annualized CAGR CAGR CAGR CAGR Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Managing % % % % % % % Investment Investment Investment Investment Investment Investment Investment Since of Rs. 10,000/- of Rs. 10,000/- of Rs. 10,000/- of Rs. 10,000/- of Rs. 10,000/- of Rs. 10,000/- of Rs. 10,000/-

SBI Magnum Ultra Short Duration Fund 3.00 10,006 3.26 10,015 3.54 10,030 6.76 10,676 7.51 12,427 7.44 14,324 7.39 45,676 Inception Date Scheme Benchmark: - NIFTY Ultra Short Duration Debt Index 3.67 10,007 4.32 10,018 4.25 10,036 6.46 10,646 7.41 12,395 7.52 14,376 N.A. N.A. 21-05-1999 Additional Benchmark: - CRISIL Managing 1 Year T-Bill Index 0.44 10,001 1.79 10,007 2.69 10,023 6.78 10,678 6.97 12,242 6.95 14,001 6.62 39,157 Since May-10

SBI Magnum Low Duration Fund 6.06 10,012 2.49 10,012 2.52 10,021 7.39 10,739 7.56 12,446 7.68 14,481 7.85 26,910 Inception Scheme Benchmark: - NIFTY Low Date Duration Debt Index 6.40 10,012 5.20 10,021 4.83 10,041 7.30 10,730 7.49 12,420 7.64 14,454 8.38 28,702 27-07-2007 Additional Benchmark: - CRISIL 1 Year Managing T-Bill Index 0.44 10,001 1.79 10,007 2.69 10,023 6.78 10,678 6.97 12,242 6.95 14,001 6.47 22,750 Since Jun-08


a. The details of the period since the Fund Manager is managing the scheme(s) & inception date provided alongside of the table. Mr. Rajeev Radhakrishnan is also the Fund Manager of other close-ended schemes like SBI Debt Fund Series and manages the debt portion of the SBI DualAdvantage Fund Series & SBI Capital Protection Oriented Fund Series. Mr. Radhakrishnan also jointly manages SBIArbitrage Opportunities Fund with Mr. Neeraj Kumar.The total number of open ended schemes managed by Mr. Rajeev Radhakrishnan is 7 b. Past performance may or may not be sustained in future and the same may not necessarily provide the basis for comparison with other investment. c. Load is not considered for computation of returns. d. Period for which scheme’s performance has been provided is computed basis last day of the month-end preceding the date of advertisement. In case, the start/end date of the concerned period is a non-business day, the NAV of the previous date is considered for computation of returns. e. Different plans shall have a different expense structure. The performance details of all the schemes provided herein are of Growth Option - Regular Plan. Performance for Schemes not having Growth Option has been calculated considering the Dividend Option and is Net of Dividend distribution tax, if any. f. Scheme count for the total schemes managed by the Fund Managers does not include close ended Scheme. g. SBI Magnum Ultra Short Duration Fund : As the scheme was launched before the launch of the benchmark index, benchmark index figures since inception or the required period are not available. h. The performance of the schemes is benchmarked to the Total Return variant of the Index. I. Mohit Jain is the Fund Manager for the investment in foreign securities in SBI Banking & PSU Fund w.e.f. Jan 22 2020. j. SBI Corporate Bond Fund has not completed 3 years & 5years period, hence the performance of such period not provided.

Performance of Category II – FPI Portfolio (advised by Mr. R. Srinivasan)

1 Year 3 Years 5 Years Since Inception Point-to-Point Point-to-Point Point-to-Point Point-to-Point Inception Date & CAGR % returns on Standard CAGR % returns on Standard CAGR % returns on Standard CAGR % returns on Standard Advising Since Investment of Investment of Investment of Investment of Rs. 10,000/- Rs. 10,000/- Rs. 10,000/- Rs. 10,000/-

Category II - FPI Portfolio (managed under a bilateral agreement 6.68 10,668 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 5.85 10,585 Inception Date under Regulation 24(b) and subject to applicable laws) 03-12-2018 Scheme Benchmark: - MSCI India (TRI) 5.32 10,532 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 3.66 10,366 Advising Since Additional Benchmark: - S&P BSE Sensex (TRI) 4.58 10,458 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 4.99 10,499 Dec-18

Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future. Inception date is December 3, 2018. The performance is not comparable with the performance of the scheme(s) of SBI Mutual Fund due to differing investment objective/s and fundamental differences in asset allocation, investment strategy and the regulatory environment. The said disclosure is pursuant to SEBI Circular No. Cir/IMD/DF/F/2012 dated February, 2012 pertaining to Regulation 24(b) of SEBI (Mutual Funds) Regulations, 1996. FPI – Foreign Portfolio Investor.

Notes: a. The above Performance returns are calculated and compared from the date of inception of category II- FPI Portfolio i.e. December 03, 2018. b. Returns are compounded annualised (CAGR). c. For calculation of scheme performance, NAV is converted into INR using currency conversion rate i.e. USDINR rate. (Source: Bloomberg, closing prices) d. The performance of the scheme is benchmarked to theTotalReturn variant of the index. e. Benchmark return is based on INR value (Source: Bloomberg) 60 Benefits of Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) SIP Performance of Select Schemes - Fund Manager-wise

The Fund offers flexible and convenient Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) facility. To illustrate the advantages of SIP investments, this is how your investments would have grown if you had invested say` 10,000 systematically on the first Business Day of every month over a period of time in the Respective Scheme by using XIRR approach. XIRR helps in calculating return on investments given an initial and final value and a series of cash inflows and outflows with the correct allowance for the time impact of the transactions. Data as on August 31, 2020. SBI Blue Chip Fund FUND MANAGER -SOHINI ANDANI Since Inception 15 Years 10 Years 5 Years 3 Years 1 Year SIP Investments SIP SIP SIP SIP SIP SIP Total Amount Invested (` ) 17,50,000 NA 12,00,000 6,00,000 3,60,000 1,20,000 Mkt Value as on August 31, 2020 (` ) 39,72,453 NA 20,64,144 6,79,562 3,73,173 1,26,964 Returns (Annualised) (%) 10.50 NA 10.46 4.92 2.35 10.94 Benchmark Returns (Annualised) (TRI) (%) # 9.95 NA 9.55 7.29 4.10 13.87 AdditionalBenchmarkReturns(Annualised)(TRI)(%)## 10.19 NA 10.04 8.96 6.23 13.75 Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future. # S&P BSE 100, ## S&P BSE SENSEX, Inception Date: February 14, 2006 Returns are calculated for Regular Plan Growth Option

SBI Magnum Equity ESG Fund FUND MANAGER -RUCHIT MEHTA Since Inception 15 Years 10 Years 5 Years 3 Years 1 Year SIP Investments SIP SIP SIP SIP SIP SIP Total Amount Invested (` ) 35,60,000 18,00,000 12,00,000 6,00,000 3,60,000 1,20,000 Mkt Value as on August 31, 2020 (` ) 3,95,38,565 43,13,303 19,82,657 7,03,483 3,83,006 1,26,258 Returns (Annualised) (%) 13.47 10.84 9.70 6.30 4.06 9.82 Benchmark Returns (Annualised) (%) (TRI) # N.A. N.A. N.A. 9.61 7.12 18.49 AdditionalBenchmarkReturns(Annualised)(TRI)(%)## N.A. 10.38 10.04 8.96 6.23 13.75 Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future. # Nifty 100 ESG Index, ## S&P BSE SENSEX, Inception Date: January 01, 1991

Returns are calculated for Regular Plan Dividend Option. It is assumed that dividends declared under the scheme have been reinvested at the prevailing NAV.

SBI Contra Fund FUND MANAGER -DINESH BALACHANDRAN Since Inception 15 Years 10 Years 5 Years 3 Years 1 Year SIP Investments SIP SIP SIP SIP SIP SIP Total Amount Invested (` ) 25,40,000 18,00,000 12,00,000 6,00,000 3,60,000 1,20,000 Mkt Value as on August 31, 2020 (` ) 1,96,76,580 33,56,039 16,89,631 6,36,984 3,61,508 1,33,979 Returns (Annualised) (%) 16.65 7.85 6.66 2.36 0.27 22.30 Benchmark Returns (Annualised) (TRI) (%) # 13.67 10.20 9.72 6.81 3.55 15.75 Additional Benchmark Returns (Annualised) (TRI) (%) ## 13.64 10.38 10.04 8.96 6.23 13.75 Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future. # S&P BSE 500, ## S&P BSE SENSEX, Inception Date: July 05, 1999

Returns are calculated for Regular Plan Dividend Option. It is assumed that dividends declared under the scheme have been reinvested at the prevailing NAV.

SBI Large & Midcap Fund FUND MANAGER -SAURABH PANT Since Inception 15 Years 10 Years 5 Years 3 Years 1 Year SIP Investments SIP SIP SIP SIP SIP SIP Total Amount Invested (` ) 33,10,000 18,00,000 12,00,000 6,00,000 3,60,000 1,20,000 Mkt Value as on August 31, 2020 (` ) 3,74,28,566 45,69,943 20,87,014 6,80,421 3,69,433 1,26,664 Returns (Annualised) (%) 14.66 11.52 10.66 4.97 1.69 10.46 Benchmark Returns (Annualised) (TRI) (%) # N.A. N.A. 11.07 6.88 3.40 18.36 Additional Benchmark Returns (Annualised) (TRI) (%) ## 12.63 10.38 10.04 8.96 6.23 13.75 Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future. # NIFTY Large Midcap 250, ## S&P BSE SENSEX, Inception Date: February 28, 1993

Returns are calculated for Regular Plan Dividend Option. It is assumed that dividends declared under the scheme have been reinvested at the prevailing NAV.

SBI Magnum MidCap Fund FUND MANAGER -SOHINI ANDANI Since Inception 15 Years 10 Years 5 Years 3 Years 1 Year SIP Investments SIP SIP SIP SIP SIP SIP Total Amount Invested (` ) 18,50,000 18,00,000 12,00,000 6,00,000 3,60,000 1,20,000 Mkt Value as on August 31, 2020 (` ) 49,34,981 45,92,911 22,03,399 6,30,541 3,65,377 1,32,418 Returns (Annualised) (%) 11.75 11.58 11.68 1.96 0.96 19.74 Benchmark Returns (Annualised) (TRI) (%) # 12.53 12.37 12.24 6.28 2.70 23.74 Additional Benchmark Returns (Annualised) (TRI) (%) ## 10.71 10.38 10.04 8.96 6.23 13.75 Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future. # Nifty Midcap 150, ## S&P BSE SENSEX, Inception Date: March 29, 2005 Returns are calculated for Regular Plan Growth Option

Source: ICRA Online Investors are advised to refer to the performance summary table on page 55 -60. Returns are calculated for the Regular plan. Disclaimer: The above investment simulation is for illustrative purposes only and should not be construed as a promise on minimum returns and safeguard of capital. The AMC / Mutual Fund is not guaranteeing or promising or forecasting any returns. Investors are advised to consult their financial advisor/consultant before taking any investment decision. SIP does not assure a profit or guarantee protection against a loss in a declining market. Please refer SID of the respective Schemes before investing. The performance of the schemes is benchmarked to the Total Return variant of the Index. 61 Benefits of Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) SIP Performance of Select Schemes - Fund Manager-wise

The Fund offers flexible and convenient Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) facility. To illustrate the advantages of SIP investments, this is how your investments would have grown if you had invested say` 10,000 systematically on the first Business Day of every month over a period of time in the Respective Scheme by using XIRR approach. XIRR helps in calculating return on investments given an initial and final value and a series of cash inflows and outflows with the correct allowance for the time impact of the transactions. Data as on August 31, 2020. SBI Magnum Global Fund FUND MANAGER -ANUP UPADHYAY Since Inception 15 Years 10 Years 5 Years 3 Years 1 Year SIP Investments SIP SIP SIP SIP SIP SIP Total Amount Invested (` ) 31,20,000 18,00,000 12,00,000 6,00,000 3,60,000 1,20,000 Mkt Value as on August 31, 2020 ()` 4,73,12,521 52,79,079 22,85,362 7,05,761 3,88,683 1,28,463 Returns (Annualised) (%) 17.34 13.20 12.37 6.43 5.04 13.34 Benchmark Returns (Annualised) (TRI) (%) # N.A. 13.26 12.51 7.97 3.50 14.55 Additional Benchmark Returns (Annualised) (TRI) (%) ## 13.03 10.38 10.04 8.96 6.23 13.75 Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future. # Nifty MNC, ## S&P BSE SENSEX, Inception Date: September 30, 1994 Returns are calculated for Regular Plan Dividend Option. It is assumed that dividends declared under the scheme have been reinvested at the prevailing NAV.

SBI Focused Equity Fund FUND MANAGER -R. SRINIVASAN Since Inception 15 Years 10 Years 5 Years 3 Years 1 Year SIP Investments SIP SIP SIP SIP SIP SIP Total Amount Invested (` ) 19,10,000 18,00,000 12,00,000 6,00,000 3,60,000 1,20,000 Mkt Value as on August 31, 2020 ()` 70,46,259 58,41,555 24,30,264 7,59,232 3,96,565 1,27,587 Returns (Annualised) (%) 14.88 14.37 13.52 9.35 6.38 11.93 Benchmark Returns (Annualised) (TRI) (%) # 10.75 10.20 9.72 6.81 3.55 15.75 Additional Benchmark Returns (Annualised) (TRI) (%) ## 11.08 10.38 10.04 8.96 6.23 13.75 Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future. # S&P BSE 500, ## S&P BSE SENSEX, Inception Date: September 17, 2004 Returns are calculated for Regular Growth

SBI Small Cap Fund FUND MANAGER -R. SRINIVASAN Since Inception 15 Years 10 Years 5 Years 3 Years 1 Year SIP Investments SIP SIP SIP SIP SIP SIP Total Amount Invested (` ) 13,20,000 NA 12,00,000 6,00,000 3,60,000 1,20,000 Mkt Value as on August 31, 2020 (` ) 39,52,844 NA 32,91,101 7,83,740 3,98,803 1,38,050 Returns (Annualised) (%) 18.74 NA 19.16 10.62 6.76 29.04 Benchmark Returns (Annualised) (TRI) (%) # 8.25 NA 8.64 3.20 0.31 30.91 Additional Benchmark Returns (Annualised) (TRI) (%) ## 9.96 NA 10.04 8.96 6.23 13.75 Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future. # S&P BSE SMALL CAP, ## S&P BSE SENSEX, Inception Date: September 09, 2009 Returns are calculated for Regular Plan Growth Option

SBI Long Term Equity Fund FUND MANAGER -DINESH BALACHANDRAN Since Inception 15 Years 10 Years 5 Years 3 Years 1 Year SIP Investments SIP SIP SIP SIP SIP SIP Total Amount Invested (` ) 33,00,000 18,00,000 12,00,000 6,00,000 3,60,000 1,20,000 Mkt Value as on August 31, 2020 (` ) 4,96,96,602 39,18,260 18,92,640 6,65,124 3,72,603 1,30,763 Returns (Annualised) (%) 16.27 9.70 8.82 4.07 2.25 17.05 Benchmark Returns (Annualised) (TRI) (%) # N.A. 10.20 9.72 6.81 3.55 15.75 Additional Benchmark Returns (Annualised) (TRI) (%) ## 12.68 10.38 10.04 8.96 6.23 13.75 Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future. # S&P BSE 500, ## S&P BSE SENSEX, Inception Date: March 31, 1993 Returns are calculated for Regular Plan Dividend Option. It is assumed that dividends declared under the scheme have been reinvested at the prevailing NAV.

SBI Equity Hybrid Fund FUND MANAGER -R. SRINIVASAN (Equity) & DINESH AHUJA (Debt) Since Inception 15 Years 10 Years 5 Years 3 Years 1 Year SIP Investments SIP SIP SIP SIP SIP SIP Total Amount Invested (` ) 29,60,000 18,00,000 12,00,000 6,00,000 3,60,000 1,20,000 Mkt Value as on August 31, 2020 (` ) 2,72,14,653 45,75,435 21,87,328 7,25,889 3,91,965 1,25,572 Returns (Annualised) (%) 15.21 11.53 11.55 7.55 5.60 8.73 Benchmark Returns (Annualised) (%) # N.A. 10.23 10.13 8.74 7.40 15.16 Additional Benchmark Returns (Annualised) (TRI) (%) ## 13.28 10.38 10.04 8.96 6.23 13.75 Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future. # Scheme Benchmark: - CRISIL Hybrid 35+65 - Aggressive Index, ## S&P BSE SENSEX, Inception Date: October 09, 1995

Returns are calculated for Regular Plan Dividend Option. It is assumed that dividends declared under the scheme have been reinvested at the prevailing NAV.

Investors are advised to refer to the performance summary table on page 55 -60. Returns are calculated for the Regular plan. Disclaimer: The above investment simulation is for illustrative purposes only and should not be construed as a promise on minimum returns and safeguard of capital. The AMC / Mutual Fund is not guaranteeing or promising or forecasting any returns. Investors are advised to consult their financial advisor/consultant before taking any investment decision. SIP does not assure a profit or guarantee protection against a loss in a declining market. Please refer SID of the respective Schemes before investing. The performance of the schemes is benchmarked to the Total Return variant of the Index. 62 Benefits of Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) SIP Performance of Select Schemes - Fund Manager-wise

The Fund offers flexible and convenient Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) facility. To illustrate the advantages of SIP investments, this is how your investments would have grown if you had invested say` 10,000 systematically on the first Business Day of every month over a period of time in the Respective Scheme by using XIRR approach. XIRR helps in calculating return on investments given an initial and final value and a series of cash inflows and outflows with the correct allowance for the time impact of the transactions. Data as on August 31, 2020. SBI Magnum Multicap Fund FUND MANAGER -ANUP UPADHYAY Since Inception 15 Years 10 Years 5 Years 3 Years 1 Year SIP Investments SIP SIP SIP SIP SIP SIP Total Amount Invested (` ) 17,90,000 NA 12,00,000 6,00,000 3,60,000 1,20,000 Mkt Value as on August 31, 2020 (` ) 41,17,234 NA 21,46,104 6,82,130 3,66,445 1,24,741 Returns (Annualised) (%) 10.42 NA 11.19 5.07 1.16 7.41 Benchmark Returns (Annualised) (TRI) (%) # 10.17 NA 9.72 6.81 3.55 15.75 Additional Benchmark Returns (Annualised) (TRI) (%) ## 10.35 NA 10.04 8.96 6.23 13.75 Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future. # S&P BSE 500, ## S&P BSE SENSEX, Inception Date: September 29, 2005 Returns are calculated for Regular Plan Growth Option

SBI Technology Opportunities Fund FUND MANAGER -ANUP UPADHYAY Since Inception 15 Years 10 Years 5 Years 3 Years 1 Year SIP Investments SIP SIP SIP SIP SIP SIP Total Amount Invested (` ) 25,40,000 18,00,000 12,00,000 6,00,000 3,60,000 1,20,000 Mkt Value as on August 31, 2020 (` ) 1,35,67,755 52,60,661 24,88,036 8,49,782 4,50,635 1,39,006 Returns (Annualised) (%) 13.85 13.16 13.96 13.89 15.13 30.64 Benchmark Returns (Annualised) (TRI) (%) # N.A. N.A. 12.41 13.43 15.45 35.05 Additional Benchmark Returns (Annualised) (TRI) (%) ## 13.64 10.38 10.04 8.96 6.23 13.75 Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future. # S&P BSE Teck, ## S&P BSE SENSEX, Inception Date: July 05, 1999 Returns are calculated for Regular Plan Dividend Option. It is assumed that dividends declared under the scheme have been reinvested at the prevailing NAV.

SBI Consumption Opportunities Fund FUND MANAGER -SAURABH PANT Since Inception 15 Years 10 Years 5 Years 3 Years 1 Year SIP Investments SIP SIP SIP SIP SIP SIP Total Amount Invested (` ) 25,40,000 18,00,000 12,00,000 6,00,000 3,60,000 1,20,000 Mkt Value as on August 31, 2020 (` ) 1,91,74,835 62,00,814 20,68,454 6,48,570 3,41,485 1,21,398 Returns (Annualised) (%) 16.46 15.06 10.49 3.07 -3.40 2.17 Benchmark Returns (Annualised) (TRI) (%) # N.A. N.A. 11.59 7.54 4.45 13.66 Additional Benchmark Returns (Annualised) (TRI) (%) ## 13.64 10.38 10.04 8.96 6.23 13.75 Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future. # Nifty India Consumption, ## S&P BSE SENSEX, Inception Date: July 05, 1999 Returns are calculated for Regular Plan Dividend Option. It is assumed that dividends declared under the scheme have been reinvested at the prevailing NAV.

SBI Banking & Financial Services Fund FUND MANAGER -MILIND AGRAWAL Since Inception 15 Years 10 Years 5 Years 3 Years 1 Year SIP Investments SIP SIP SIP SIP SIP SIP Total Amount Invested (` ) 6,70,000 NA NA 6,00,000 3,60,000 1,20,000 Mkt Value as on August 31, 2020 (` ) 8,42,949 NA NA 7,26,827 3,61,943 1,18,711 Returns (Annualised) (%) 8.14 NA NA 7.60 0.35 -1.99 Benchmark Returns (Annualised) (TRI) (%) # 8.05 NA NA 7.92 0.57 -5.01 Additional Benchmark Returns (Annualised) (TRI) (%) ## 8.63 NA NA 8.96 6.23 13.75 Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future. # Nifty Financial Services Index, ## S&P BSE SENSEX, Inception Date: February 26, 2015 Returns are calculated for Regular Plan Dividend Option. It is assumed that dividends declared under the scheme have been reinvested at the prevailing NAV.

SBI Banking and PSU Fund FUND MANAGER -RAJEEV RADHAKRISHNAN Since Inception 15 Years 10 Years 5 Years 3 Years 1 Year SIP Investments SIP SIP SIP SIP SIP SIP Total Amount Invested (` ) 13,00,000 NA 12,00,000 6,00,000 3,60,000 1,20,000 Mkt Value as on August 31, 2020 (` ) 21,31,732 NA 18,74,260 7,47,770 4,15,601 1,26,164 Returns (Annualised) (%) 8.59 NA 8.63 8.74 9.55 9.67 Benchmark Returns (Annualised) (TRI) (%) # 8.51 NA 8.56 8.44 9.40 10.38 Additional Benchmark Returns (Annualised) (TRI) (%) ## 7.07 NA 7.14 6.93 7.11 6.28 Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future. # NIFTY Banking and PSU Debt Index, ## S&P BSE SENSEX, Inception Date: October 09, 2009 Returns are calculated for Regular Plan Dividend Option. It is assumed that dividends declared under the scheme have been reinvested at the prevailing NAV.

Investors are advised to refer to the performance summary table on page 55-60. Returns are calculated for the Regular plan. Disclaimer: The above investment simulation is for illustrative purposes only and should not be construed as a promise on minimum returns and safeguard of capital. The AMC / Mutual Fund is not guaranteeing or promising or forecasting any returns. Investors are advised to consult their financial advisor/consultant before taking any investment decision. SIP does not assure a profit or guarantee protection against a loss in a declining market. Please refer SID of the respective Schemes before investing. The performance of the schemes is benchmarked to the Total Return variant of the Index. 63 Benefits of Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) SIP Performance of Select Schemes - Fund Manager-wise

The Fund offers flexible and convenient Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) facility. To illustrate the advantages of SIP investments, this is how your investments would have grown if you had invested say` 10,000 systematically on the first Business Day of every month over a period of time in the Respective Scheme by using XIRR approach. XIRR helps in calculating return on investments given an initial and final value and a series of cash inflows and outflows with the correct allowance for the time impact of the transactions. Data as on August 31, 2020. SBI Corporate Bond Fund FUND MANAGER -RAJEEV RADHAKRISHNAN Since Inception 15 Years 10 Years 5 Years 3 Years 1 Year SIP Investments SIP SIP SIP SIP SIP SIP Total Amount Invested (` ) 1,90,000 NA NA NA NA 1,20,000 Mkt Value as on August 31, 2020 (` ) 2,06,571 NA NA NA NA 1,26,463 Returns (Annualised) (%) 10.44 NA NA NA NA 10.15 Benchmark Returns (Annualised) (TRI) (%) # 11.86 NA NA NA NA 12.49 Additional Benchmark Returns (Annualised) (TRI) (%) ## 7.97 NA NA NA NA 5.40 Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future. # NIFTY Corporate Bond Index, ## S&P BSE SENSEX, Inception Date: January 16, 2019 Returns are calculated for Regular Plan Growth Option

SBI Dynamic Bond Fund FUND MANAGER -DINESH AHUJA Since Inception 15 Years 10 Years 5 Years 3 Years 1 Year SIP Investments SIP SIP SIP SIP SIP SIP Total Amount Invested (` ) 19,90,000 18,00,000 12,00,000 6,00,000 3,60,000 1,20,000 Mkt Value as on August 31, 2020 (` ) 39,12,272 34,08,939 19,01,980 7,52,195 4,17,730 1,24,853 Returns (Annualised) (%) 7.65 8.04 8.91 8.97 9.90 7.59 Benchmark Returns (Annualised) (TRI) (%) # 8.36 8.60 9.02 9.29 10.76 11.47 Additional Benchmark Returns (Annualised) (TRI) (%) ## 6.98 7.16 7.65 7.63 8.85 5.40 Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future. # NIFTY Composite Debt Index, ## S&P BSE SENSEX, Inception Date: February 09, 2005 Returns are calculated for Regular Plan Dividend Option. It is assumed that dividends declared under the scheme have been reinvested at the prevailing NAV.

SBI Magnum Medium Duration Fund FUND MANAGER -DINESH AHUJA Since Inception 15 Years 10 Years 5 Years 3 Years 1 Year SIP Investments SIP SIP SIP SIP SIP SIP Total Amount Invested (` ) 20,20,000 18,00,000 12,00,000 6,00,000 3,60,000 1,20,000 Mkt Value as on August 31, 2020 (` ) 44,49,502 36,51,296 19,78,018 7,65,029 4,20,060 1,26,988 Returns (Annualised) (%) 8.73 8.86 9.65 9.65 10.28 10.99 Benchmark Returns (Annualised) (TRI) (%) # 8.51 8.72 9.07 9.36 10.74 12.75 Additional Benchmark Returns (Annualised) (TRI) (%) ## 6.93 7.16 7.65 7.63 8.85 5.40 Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future. # NIFTY Medium Duration Debt Index, ## S&P BSE SENSEX, Inception Date: November 12, 2003

Returns are calculated for Regular Plan Dividend Option. It is assumed that dividends declared under the scheme have been reinvested at the prevailing NAV.

SBI Savings Fund FUND MANAGER -R. ARUN Since Inception 15 Years 10 Years 5 Years 3 Years 1 Year SIP Investments SIP SIP SIP SIP SIP SIP Total Amount Invested (` ) 19,40,000 18,00,000 12,00,000 6,00,000 3,60,000 1,20,000 Mkt Value as on August 31, 2020 (` ) 37,82,843 33,46,960 17,89,391 7,17,638 4,00,870 1,24,174 Returns (Annualised) (%) 7.76 7.81 7.75 7.09 7.11 6.52 Benchmark Returns (Annualised) (TRI) (%) # 7.86 7.87 7.65 6.85 6.66 5.72 Additional Benchmark Returns (Annualised) (TRI) (%) ## 6.68 6.76 7.14 6.93 7.11 6.28 Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future. # NIFTY Money Market Index, ## S&P BSE SENSEX, Inception Date: July 19, 2004 Returns are calculated for Regular Plan Dividend Option. It is assumed that dividends declared under the scheme have been reinvested at the prevailing NAV.

SBI Short Term Debt Fund FUND MANAGER -RAJEEV RADHAKRISHNAN Since Inception 15 Years 10 Years 5 Years 3 Years 1 Year SIP Investments SIP SIP SIP SIP SIP SIP Total Amount Invested (` ) 14,00,000 NA 12,00,000 6,00,000 3,60,000 1,20,000 Mkt Value as on August 31, 2020 (` ) 23,44,641 NA 18,50,635 7,38,388 4,11,942 1,25,906 Returns (Annualised) (%) 8.27 NA 8.39 8.23 8.95 9.26 Benchmark Returns (Annualised) (TRI) (%) # 8.57 NA 8.73 8.78 9.68 10.58 Additional Benchmark Returns (Annualised) (TRI) (%) ## 6.97 NA 7.14 6.93 7.11 6.28 Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future. # CRISIL Short Term Bond Fund Index, ## S&P BSE SENSEX, Inception Date: July 27, 2007 Returns are calculated for Regular Plan Dividend Option. It is assumed that dividends declared under the scheme have been reinvested at the prevailing NAV.

Investors are advised to refer to the performance summary table on page 55-60. Returns are calculated for the Regular plan. Disclaimer: The above investment simulation is for illustrative purposes only and should not be construed as a promise on minimum returns and safeguard of capital. The AMC / Mutual Fund is not guaranteeing or promising or forecasting any returns. Investors are advised to consult their financial advisor/consultant before taking any investment decision. SIP does not assure a profit or guarantee protection against a loss in a declining market. Please refer SID of the respective Schemes before investing. The performance of the schemes is benchmarked to the Total Return variant of the Index. 64 Total Expense Ratios (as on month end)

Equity Schemes Reg -Plan Dir-Plan Debt Schemes Reg -Plan Dir-Plan SBI Blue Chip Fund 1.69 1.07 SBI Magnum Low Duration Fund 1.07 0.40 (Previously known as SBI Ultra Short Term Debt Fund) SBI Equity Hybrid Fund 1.62 1.01 (Previously known as SBI Magnum Balanced Fund) SBI Short Term Debt Fund 0.84 0.34 SBI Magnum Global Fund 1.98 1.30 SBI Debt Hybrid Fund 1.81 1.20 SBI Magnum Mid Cap Fund 1.98 1.23 (Previously known as SBI Magnum Monthly Income Plan) SBI Magnum Equity ESG Fund 2.04 1.36 (Previously known as SBI Magnum Equity Fund) SBI Liquid Fund 0.26 0.18 (Previously known as SBI Premier Liquid Fund) SBI Focused Equity Fund 1.75 0.81 (Previously known as SBI Emerging Businesses Fund) SBI Magnum Children's Benefit Fund - Savings Plan 2.26 1.46 SBI Consumption Opportunities Fund 2.45 1.48 (Previously known as SBI Magnum Children's Benefit Fund) (Previously known as SBI FMCG Fund) SBI Healthcare Opportunities Fund 2.23 1.15 SBI Magnum Income Fund 1.45 0.84 (Previously known as SBI Pharma Fund) SBI Magnum Constant Maturity Fund 0.63 0.32 SBI Technology Opportunities Fund 2.62 1.75 (Previously known as SBI Magnum Gilt Fund - Short Term Plan) (Previously known as SBI IT Fund) SBI Contra Fund 2.29 1.67 SBI Magnum Gilt Fund 0.94 0.46 (Previously known as SBI Magnum Gilt Fund - Long Term Plan) SBI Magnum Multi Cap Fund 1.89 0.96 SBI Multi Asset Allocation Fund 1.92 1.22 SBI Large & Midcap Fund 2.06 1.46 (Previously known as SBI Magnum Monthly Income Plan - Floater) (Previously known as SBI Magnum Multiplier Fund) SBI Nifty Index Fund 0.48 0.09 SBI Savings Fund 0.83 0.23 SBI Magnum Comma Fund 2.57 2.03 SBI Dynamic Bond Fund 1.64 0.87 SBI PSU Fund 2.56 1.96 SBI Corporate Bond Fund 0.89 0.34 SBI Infrastructure Fund 2.57 2.01 SBI Arbitrage Opportunities Fund 0.90 0.45 SBI Credit Risk Fund 1.56 0.93 (Previously known as SBI Corporate Bond Fund) SBI Small Cap Fund 1.88 0.96 (Previously known as SBI Small & Midcap Fund) SBI Magnum Medium Duration Fund 1.25 0.77 (Previously known as SBI Regular Savings Fund) SBI Dynamic Asset Allocation Fund 2.04 0.99 SBI Equity Savings Fund 1.72 1.03 SBI Magnum Ultra Short Duration Fund 0.49 0.32 (Previously known as SBI Magnum InstaCash Fund) SBI Banking And Financial Services Fund 2.13 1.08 SBI Gold Fund 0.52 0.12 SBI Overnight Fund 0.18 0.11 (Previously known as SBI Magnum InstaCash Fund - Liquid Floater) SBI Long Term Equity Fund 1.87 1.30 (Previously known as SBI Magnum Taxgain Scheme) SBI Banking and PSU Fund 0.81 0.34 (Previously known as SBI Treasury Advantage Fund) SBI Equity Minimum Variance Fund 0.72 0.32

Note: Expense ratio includes GST, Base TER and additional expenses as per regulation 52(6A)(b) and 52(6A)(c) of SEBI (MF) Regulations, 1996 for both Direct and Regular plan Statutory Details & Risk Factors Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully. Disclaimer: In the preparation of the material contained in this document, the Asset Management Company (AMC) has used information that is publicly available, including information developed in-house. Some of the material used in the document may have been obtained from members/persons other than the AMC and/or its affiliates and which may have been made available to the AMC and/or to its affiliates. Information gathered and material used in this document is believed to be from reliable sources. The AMC however does not warrant the accuracy, reasonableness and / or completeness of any information. We have included statements / opinions / recommendations in this document, which contain words, or phrases such as “will”, “expect”, “should”, “believe” and similar expressions or variations of such expressions that are “forward looking statements”. Actual results may differ materially from those suggested by the forward looking statements due to risk or uncertainties associated with our expectations with respect to, but not limited to, exposure to market risks, general economic and political conditions in India and other countries globally, which have an impact on our services and / or investments, the monetary and interest policies of India, inflation, deflation, unanticipated turbulence in interest rates, foreign exchange rates, equity prices or other rates or prices etc.

The AMC (including its affiliates), the Mutual Fund, the trust and any of its officers, directors, personnel and employees, shall not be liable for any loss, damage of any nature, including but not limited to direct, indirect, punitive, special, exemplary, consequential, as also any loss of profit in any way arising from the use of this material in any manner. The recipient alone shall be fully responsible/are liable for any decision taken on this material. 65 Dividend History Of Debt & Hybrid Funds

SBI Debt Hybrid Fund - Quarterly Dividend SBI Multi Asset Allocation Fund - Annual Dividend

Scheme Name Record Date Dividend NAV Scheme Name Record Date Dividend NAV (in Rs./Unit) (` ) (in Rs./Unit) ()` Regular Plan - Qtr Div 28-Jun-19 0.2000 11.8695 Regular Plan - Annual Div 24-Mar-17 0.8000 15.0660 Direct Plan - Qtr Div 28-Jun-19 0.2200 13.2913 Direct Plan - Annual Div 24-Mar-17 0.8000 15.5711 Regular Plan - Qtr Div 27-Sep-19 0.2000 11.8903 Regular Plan - Annual Div 23-Mar-18 0.8000 15.2971 Direct Plan - Qtr Div 27-Sep-19 0.2200 13.3387 Direct Plan - Annual Div 23-Mar-18 0.8000 15.9910 Regular Plan - Qtr Div 27-Dec-19 0.1800 11.9186 Regular Plan - Annual Div 29-Mar-19 0.8000 15.0775 Direct Plan - Qtr Div 27-Dec-19 0.2050 13.3878 Direct Plan - Annual Div 29-Mar-19 0.8000 16.0175 Face value: `10 Face value:` 10

SBI Debt Hybrid Fund - Annual Dividend SBI Magnum Gilt Fund PF Regular - Dividend

Scheme Name Record Date Dividend NAV Scheme Name Record Date Dividend NAV (in Rs./Unit) ()` (in Rs./Unit) ()` Regular Plan - Annual Div 24-Mar-17 0.8000 14.2182 Dividend - PF Regular 28-Jun-19 0.2000 14.3123 Direct Plan - Annual Div 24-Mar-17 0.8000 16.3740 Dividend - PF Regular 27-Sep-19 0.2100 14.4904 Regular Plan - Annual Div 23-Mar-18 0.8000 14.0798 Dividend - PF Regular 27-Dec-19 0.2200 14.6101

Direct Plan - Annual Div 23-Mar-18 0.8000 16.4921 Face value: `10 Regular Plan - Annual Div 29-Mar-19 0.8000 13.9783

Direct Plan - Annual Div 29-Mar-19 0.8000 16.6829 SBI Magnum Gilt Fund PF Fixed 1 Year - Dividend Face value:` 10 Scheme Name Record Date Dividend NAV (in Rs./Unit) ()` SBI Debt Hybrid Fund - Monthly Dividend Dividend - PF Fixed 1 Year 28-Jun-19 0.2000 13.6834 Scheme Name Record Date Dividend NAV Dividend - PF Fixed 1 Year 27-Sep-19 0.2000 13.8546 (in Rs./Unit) ()` Direct Plan - Mthly Div 27-Dec-19 0.0500 16.1384 Dividend - PF Fixed 1 Year 27-Dec-19 0.2100 13.9694 Regular Plan - Mthly Div 27-Dec-19 0.0500 12.7925 Face value:` 10 Direct Plan - Mthly Div 31-Jan-20 0.0500 16.2508

Regular Plan - Mthly Div 31-Jan-20 0.0500 12.8634 SBI Magnum Gilt Fund PF Fixed 2 Years - Dividend Direct Plan - Mthly Div 28-Feb-20 0.0500 16.1993 Scheme Name Record Date Dividend NAV Regular Plan - Mthly Div 28-Feb-20 0.0500 12.8064 (in Rs./Unit) ()`

Face value: `10 Div-PF Fixed 2 Years 28-Jun-19 0.2000 13.8489 Div-PF Fixed 2 Years 27-Sep-19 0.2000 14.0244 SBI Multi Asset Allocation Fund - Monthly Dividend Div-PF Fixed 2 Years 27-Dec-19 0.2150 14.1381 Face value:` 10 Scheme Name Record Date Dividend NAV (in Rs./Unit) ()` SBI Magnum Gilt Fund PF Fixed 3 Years - Dividend Reg. Plan - Monthly Div 27-Dec-19 0.0500 12.9939 Direct Plan - Monthly Div 27-Dec-19 0.0500 13.8000 Scheme Name Record Date Dividend NAV (in Rs./Unit) ()` Reg. Plan - Monthly Div 31-Jan-20 0.0500 13.0258 Div-PF Fixed 3 Years 28-Jun-19 0.2000 13.4302 Direct Plan - Monthly Div 31-Jan-20 0.0500 13.8459 Div-PF Fixed 3 Years 27-Sep-19 0.2000 13.5943 Reg. Plan - Monthly Div 28-Feb-20 0.0500 12.7450 Div-PF Fixed 3 Years 27-Dec-19 0.2050 13.7079 Direct Plan - Monthly Div 28-Feb-20 0.0500 13.5572 Face value:` 10 Face value:` 10

SBI Multi Asset Allocation Fund - Quarterly Dividend SBI Magnum Gilt Fund - Dividend Quarterly

Scheme Name Record Date Dividend NAV Scheme Name Record Date Dividend NAV (in Rs./Unit) ()` (in Rs./Unit) (` ) Regular Plan - Qtr Div 28-Jun-19 0.2000 12.5479 Regular Plan - Dividend 28-Jun-19 0.2000 14.1242 Direct Plan - Qtr Div 28-Jun-19 0.2000 14.0457 Direct Plan - Dividend 28-Jun-19 0.2250 15.0464 Regular Plan - Qtr Div 27-Sep-19 0.2000 12.8404 Regular Plan - Dividend 27-Sep-19 0.2100 14.2970 Direct Plan - Qtr Div 27-Sep-19 0.2000 14.4187 Direct Plan - Dividend 27-Sep-19 0.2250 15.2465 Regular Plan - Qtr Div 27-Dec-19 0.1950 12.8814 Regular Plan - Dividend 27-Dec-19 0.2200 14.4121 Direct Plan - Qtr Div 27-Dec-19 0.2150 14.4924 Direct Plan - Dividend 27-Dec-19 0.2300 15.3912 Face value: `10 Face value:` 10

Pursuant to payment of dividend, the NAV of Dividend Option of schemes/plans would fall to the extent of payout and statutory levy, if applicable. Existing plans under the scheme are named Regular w.e.f. 01/01/2013 66 Dividend History Of Debt & Hybrid Funds

SBI Magnum Income Fund - Quarterly Dividend SBI Short Term Debt Fund- Monthly Dividend Scheme Name Record Date Dividend NAV Scheme Name Record Date Dividend NAV (in Rs./Unit) ()` (in Rs./Unit) ()` Regular Plan - Dividend 28-Jun-19 0.2000 13.3640 Direct Plan - Monthly Div 27-Dec-19 0.0500 13.2848 Direct Plan - Dividend 28-Jun-19 0.2000 14.2971 Regular Plan - Monthly Div 27-Dec-19 0.0500 12.7269 Regular Plan - Dividend 27-Sep-19 0.2000 13.5154 Direct Plan - Monthly Div 31-Jan-20 0.0500 13.3563 Direct Plan - Dividend 27-Sep-19 0.2100 14.4849 Regular Plan - Monthly Div 31-Jan-20 0.0500 12.7872 Regular Plan - Dividend 27-Dec-19 0.2100 13.8150 Direct Plan - Monthly Div 28-Feb-20 0.0500 13.4462 Direct Plan - Dividend 27-Dec-19 0.2250 14.8286 Regular Plan - Monthly Div 28-Feb-20 0.0500 12.8662 Face value: `10 Face value: `10 SBI Magnum Income Fund - Half Yearly Dividend SBI Short Term Debt Fund - Retail Plan - Monthly Dividend Scheme Name Record Date Dividend NAV Scheme Name Record Date Dividend NAV (in Rs./Unit) ()` (in Rs./Unit) ()` Regular Plan - Dividend 12-Oct-18 0.4000 11.9114 Monthly Dividend 29-Nov-19 0.0500 11.9851 Direct Plan - Dividend 12-Oct-18 0.4500 13.2953 Monthly Dividend 31-Jan-20 0.0500 11.9887 Regular Plan - Dividend 29-Mar-19 0.4000 12.1369 Monthly Dividend 28-Feb-20 0.0500 12.0596 Direct Plan - Dividend 29-Mar-19 0.4000 13.6399 Face value: `10 Regular Plan - Dividend 27-Sep-19 0.4000 12.3642 SBI Credit Risk Fund - Dividend Quarterly Direct Plan - Dividend 27-Sep-19 0.4500 13.9366 Scheme Name Record Date Dividend NAV Face value: `10 (in Rs./Unit) ()` SBI Dynamic Bond Fund - Dividend Quarterly Regular Plan - Dividend 28-Jun-19 0.2100 14.8612 Scheme Name Record Date Dividend NAV Direct Plan - Dividend 28-Jun-19 0.2000 13.8909 (in Rs./Unit) ()` Regular Plan - Dividend 27-Sep-19 0.2000 13.9993 Regular Plan - Dividend 28-Jun-19 0.2000 12.8770 Direct Plan - Dividend 27-Sep-19 0.2100 15.0036 Direct Plan - Dividend 28-Jun-19 0.2000 14.3421 Regular Plan - Dividend 27-Dec-19 0.2150 14.0246 Regular Plan - Dividend 27-Sep-19 0.2000 13.0602 Direct Plan - Dividend 27-Dec-19 0.2300 15.0539 Direct Plan - Dividend 27-Sep-19 0.2200 14.5709 Face value: `10 Regular Plan - Dividend 27-Dec-19 0.2000 13.1854 Direct Plan - Dividend 27-Dec-19 0.2250 14.7307 SBI Magnum Low Duration Fund - Monthly Dividend Face value: `10 Scheme Name Record Date Dividend NAV ` SBI Corporate Bond Fund - Monthly Dividend (in Rs./Unit) () Regular Plan - Mthly Div 27-Dec-19 5.0000 1133.0361 Scheme Name Record Date Dividend NAV (in Rs./Unit) ()` Direct Plan - Mthly Div 27-Dec-19 5.0000 1158.0993 Regular Plan - Dividend 29-Nov-19 0.0500 10.4941 Regular Plan - Mthly Div 31-Jan-20 5.0000 1134.8321 Direct Plan - Dividend 29-Nov-19 0.0500 10.5400 Direct Plan - Mthly Div 31-Jan-20 5.0000 1160.7696 Regular Plan - Dividend 27-Dec-19 0.0500 10.4402 Regular Plan - Mthly Div 28-Feb-20 5.0000 1135.7857 Direct Plan - Dividend 27-Dec-19 0.0500 10.4902 Direct Plan - Mthly Div 28-Feb-20 5.0000 1162.4360 Regular Plan - Dividend 28-Feb-20 0.0500 10.5457 Face value:` 1000

Direct Plan - Dividend 28-Feb-20 0.0500 10.6052 SBI Savings Fund - Monthly Dividend Face value:` 10 Scheme Name Record Date Dividend NAV SBI Magnum Medium Duration Fund - Dividend Quarterly (in Rs./Unit) ()` Regular Plan - Dividend 27-Dec-19 0.0500 12.1447 Scheme Name Record Date Dividend NAV (in Rs./Unit) (` ) Direct Plan - Dividend 27-Dec-19 0.0500 12.7250 Regular Plan - Dividend 28-Jun-19 0.2000 13.2217 Regular Plan - Dividend 31-Jan-20 0.0500 12.1597 Direct Plan - Dividend 28-Jun-19 0.2000 13.8925 Direct Plan - Dividend 31-Jan-20 0.0500 12.7505 Regular Plan - Dividend 27-Sep-19 0.2000 13.3908 Regular Plan - Dividend 28-Feb-20 0.0500 12.1628 Direct Plan - Dividend 27-Sep-19 0.2000 14.0926 Direct Plan - Dividend 28-Feb-20 0.0500 12.7620 Regular Plan - Dividend 27-Dec-19 0.2050 13.5749 Face value:` 10

Direct Plan - Dividend 27-Dec-19 0.2150 14.3000 SBI Corporate Bond Fund - Quarterly Dividend

Face value:` 10 Scheme Name Record Date Dividend NAV (in Rs./Unit) ()` Regular Plan - Dividend 27-Dec-19 0.1600 10.6459 Direct Plan - Dividend 27-Dec-19 0.1600 10.6948 Face value: `10

Pursuant to payment of dividend, the NAV of Dividend Option of schemes/plans would fall to the extent of payout and statutory levy, if applicable. Existing plans under the scheme are named Regular w.e.f. 01/01/2013 67 Dividend History Of Debt & Hybrid Funds

SBI Magnum Constant Maturity Fund - Dividend SBI Banking and PSU Fund - Monthly Dividend

Scheme Name Record Date Dividend NAV Scheme Name Record Date Dividend NAV (in Rs./Unit) ()` (in Rs./Unit) ()` Regular Plan - Dividend 27-Dec-19 0.0500 14.6579 Regular Plan - Mthly Div 31-Jan-20 5.0000 1099.9706 Direct Plan - Dividend 27-Dec-19 0.0500 14.9787 Direct Plan - Mthly Div 31-Jan-20 5.0000 1132.6403 Regular Plan - Dividend 31-Jan-20 0.0500 14.6400 Regular Plan - Mthly Div 28-Feb-20 5.0000 1108.2146 Direct Plan - Dividend 31-Jan-20 0.0500 14.9658 Direct Plan - Mthly Div 28-Feb-20 5.0000 1141.6921 Regular Plan - Dividend 28-Feb-20 0.0500 14.9477 Regular Plan - Mthly Div 03-Jul-20 2.0000 1138.5129 Direct Plan - Dividend 28-Feb-20 0.0500 15.2849 Direct Plan - Mthly Div 03-Jul-20 2.0000 1175.4458 ` Face value:` 10 Face value: 1000

Pursuant to payment of dividend, the NAV of Dividend Option of schemes/plans would fall to the extent of payout and statutory levy, if applicable. Existing plans under the scheme are named Regular w.e.f. 01/01/2013 68 Disclaimer

Disclaimer for data from CRISIL'S FUND ANALYSER: CRISIL has taken due care and caution in compilation of the Data contained in the CRISIL'S FUND ANALYSER. The Data in the CRISIL'S FUND ANALYSER has been obtained by CRISIL from sources, which it considers reliable. However, CRISIL does not guarantee the accuracy, adequacy or completeness of any Data in the CRISIL'S FUND ANALYSER and is not responsible for any errors or omissions or for the results obtained from the use of such Data. CRISIL especially states that it has no financial liability whatsoever to the users of CRISIL'S FUND ANALYSER. CRISIL or any of its directors/ employees/ representatives does not accept any liability for any direct or consequential loss arising from the use of the Data contained in the CRISIL'S FUND ANALYSER or any data generated from the CRISIL'S FUNDANALYSER.

Disclaimer: This investment update is for information purpose only and is not an offer to sell or a solicitation to buy any mutual fund units/securities. These views alone are not sufficient and should not be used for the development or implementation of an investment strategy. It should not be construed as investment advice to any party.All opinions and estimates included in this schemes guide constitute our view as of this date and are subject to change without notice. Neither SBI Funds Management Private Limited, nor any person connected with it, accepts any liability arising from the use of this information. The recipient of this material should rely on their own investigations and take professional advice on their own.

In the preparation of the material contained in this document, the AMC has used information that is publicly available, including information developed in-house. Information gathered and material used in this document is believed to be from reliable sources published by third parties. While such publications are believed to be reliable, however, neither theAMC, its officers, the trustees, the Fund nor any of their affiliates or representatives assume any responsibility of the accuracy, reasonableness and/or completeness of any information. For data referred to of any third party in this material no such party will assume any liability for the same. Further, all opinion included in this newsletter are as of date and are subject to change without any notice.All recipients of this material should seek appropriate professional advice and carefully read the scheme information document/ statement of additional information and before dealing and or transacting in any of the products referred to in this material make their own investigation.The Fund, the AMC and Trustees and any of its directors, officers, employees and other personnel shall not liable for any loss, damage of any nature, including but not limited to direct, indirect, punitive, special, exemplary, consequential, as also any loss of profit in any way arising from the use of this material in any manner whatsoever. The recipient alone shall be fully responsible/are liable for any decision taken on the basis of this material.

Disclaimer of SBI Nifty Index Fund: “The “SBI Nifty Index Fund” offered by “SBI Funds Management Private Limited” is not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by India Index Services & Products Limited (IISL) and its affiliates. IISL do not make any representation or warranty, express or implied (including warranties of merchantability or fitness for particular purpose or use) and disclaims all liability to the owners of “SBI Nifty Index Fund” or any member of the public regarding the advisability of investing in securities generally or in the “SBI Nifty Index Fund” linked to Nifty 50 Index or particularly in the ability of the Nifty 50 Index to track general stock market performance in India. Please read the full Disclaimers in relation to the Nifty 50 Index in the Scheme Information Document.”

Mutual Fund Investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully.

Asset Management Company: SBI Funds Management Private Limited (A joint venture between SBI & AMUNDI) CIN: U65990MH1992PTC065289. Trustee Company: SBI Mutual Fund Trustee Company Private Limited CIN: U65991MH2003PTC138496. Registered Office: 9th Floor, Crescenzo, C-38 & 39, G Block, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai 400 051. Tel.:022-61793000 E-mail : [email protected] • www.

69 SBI Funds Management Pvt Ltd Branches

NORTH Chandigarh: 0172-2703380 • Gurgaon: 0124-4200828/ 0124-4083769 • Jaipur: 0141-2740061/2740023 • Kanpur: 0512-6900314/15 • Lucknow: 0522-2286742 • Ludhiana: 0161-2449849 • New Delhi: (011) 23466666 Aligarh: 0571-2402017 • Ambala: (0171) 2653400 • Bathinda: (0164) 2218415 • Dehradun: 0135-2651719 • Dhanbad: 0326-2301545 • Dharamshala: 01892-225814 • Faizabad: 919999029351/ 919811607620 • Faridabad: 0129 - 4030661 • Ferozepur: 01632-236167 • Ghaziabad: 0120-2797582• Gorakhpur: 0551-2203378 • Haldwani: 0594-6220526 • Hissar: 01662 238415 Hosiharpur: 0188-2228415 • Jabalpur: 0761-2410042 • Jalandhar: 0181-2238415 • Jammu: 0191-2474975 • Jhansi: 0510-2330298 • Jodhpur: 0291-2611929/ 28 • Meerut: 0121-2667877 • Moradabad: 0591-2411411 • Panchakula: 0172-2580136 • Panipat: 0180-2648415 • Pathankot: 8872008415 • Patiala: 0175-2300058 • Rohtak: (0126) 2258415 • Saharanpur: 0132- 2720789 • Shimla: 0177-2807608 • Sonepat: 011- 23466666 • Udaipur: - • Varanasi: 0542-2222492 • Nehru Place (Delhi): (011) 26224606 • Noida: 0120-4232214 • Pitam Pura (Delhi): (011) 23751974 • Amritsar (Punjab): (0183) 2221755 • Mandi: (01905) 223833 • Srinagar: (0194) 2474864 • Baddi: (01795) 244415 • Hamirpur: 9855008415 • Sangrur: (0167) 2500020 SOUTH Bangalore: 080-25580014/51 • Chennai : 044 2854 3382/83 • Coimbatore: 0422 - 2541666 • Ernakulam: 0484-2323489 2318886 • Hyderabad: 040-69000541/42 • Thrivanthapuram: 0471-4011590 / 4011591 / 4011592 • Vijayawada: 0866-2436113/2438217 Bareilly: 7830111140 • Belgaum: 0831-2422463 • Bellary: 0839-2271775 • Calicut: 0495-2768270/4020079 • Cuttack: 0671-2422792 • Davangere: 08192-231463 • Gulbarga: 9980872463 • Guntur: 0863-2211022 • Hubli: 0836-2368477 • Kannur: 0497-2708180 • Kollam: 0474-2752760 • Kottayam: 0481-2570816 • Kurnool: 08518-227776 • Madurai: 0452 4374242 • Mangalore: 0824-2222463 • Mysore: 0821-2424919 • Nellore: 0861-2338688 • Pondichery: 9445196934 • Rajahmundry: 0883-2434002/2432306 • Salem: 0427 - 4552289 • Shimoga: 08182-222463 • Thiruchirapalli: 0431-4000667 • Thrissur: 8129354324 • Thrissur: 0487-2445700 • Tinsukia: - • Tirunelveli: 0462 4220023 • Tirupati (0877)6450828 • Vellore: 0416- 2225005 • Vishakapatnam: 0891-3293018/2511853 • Warangal: 0870-2430307 EAST Bhubaneshwar: (0674) 2392401/501 • Guwahati: 0361-2463747/2130366 • Kolkata: 22882342 / 22883767 / 22883768 • Muzzaffarpur: 9473199059 • Patna: 0612-3242047 • Raipur: (0771) 2543355 / 4263256 • Ranchi: 0651-2213212/3205026 Agartala: 0381-2384107 • Asansol: 8170037270 • Balasore: 0678-2262646 • Bhagalpur: 0641-2420661 • Bhilai: 0788-6940012/6940011-6940010/6940014/6940013 • Bokaro: 9304823011 • Bokaro: 06542-232561 • Burdwan: 8335844461 • Darbhanga: 06272-245004 • Dimapur: 0386-2224267 • Durgapur: 2544191 / 192 • Gaya: 0631-2222405 • Hazaribagh: 06546-270415 • Imphal: 0386-2224267 • Itanagar: 0360-2292416 • Jamshedpur: 0657-2440446 • Jorhat: 0367-2304396 • Kalyani: 033-25827700 • Kharagpur: (03222) 225592 • Malda: (03512)266128 • Port Blair: (03192)235552 • Rourkela: 0661-2400299 • Sambalpur: 0663-2410001 • Shillong: 9436704232 • Silchar: 0384-2221109 • Siliguri: (0353) 2537065 • Sriganganagar: 9829067384 WEST Ahmedabad: 079-26423060/70; 26463090 • Bhopal: 0755-2557341 • Goa: (0832) 2235283 / 6642475 • Indore: 0731-2541141/6900080/85 • Mumbai: (022) 66532800 • Nagpur: 0712 - 6458368 • Pune: 020 25670961/ 25671524/ 25653398 / 99 • Surat: 0261-3994800/6646555/2462764 • Vadodara: 0265-2323010• Agra: 0562- 2850239 • Ajmer: 0145-2426284 • Allahabad: 0532-2261028 • Alwar: (0144) 2332035 • Amravati: - • Amritsar: 0183-2221755 • Anand: 02692-246210 • Aurangabad: 0240 3244781 • Bavnagar: (0278) 2523788 • Bharuch: 02642-247550 • Bhilwara: 01482-240144 • Bhuj: (02832) 250900 • Bilaspur: 07752-415300 • Gandhidham: 02836-233615 • Gwalior: 0751-2447272 • Jalgaon: 9545025850 • Jamnagar: (0288) 2660104 • Junagadh: 0285- 2670350 • Kolhapur: 0231 2680880 • Korba: 07759-230082 • Kota: 0744 – 2390631 • Margao: (0832) 2725233- 2725234 • Mehsana: 02762-233872 • Nadiad: 0268-2560110 • Nashik: 0253 - 6575888, 2232553 • Navsari: 02637-242266 • Raipur: (0771) 2543355 / 4263256 • Rajkot: 0281-2466740/41 • Ratlam: 07412-409492 • Sagar: 07582-241367 • Solapur: 09226389292 • Srinagar: 0194-2474864 • Valsad: 02632-245440 • Vapi: 0260-2400480 • Borivali (Mumbai): 022-28927551 • Chinchwad: 020 27355721 • Kalyan: (0251) 2311850 / 2311980 • Thane 022-25414594 • Vashi: 022-27810368

70 How to read the Factsheet?

Fund Manager : An employee of the asset management company such as a mutual fund or life insurer, who manages investments of the scheme. He is usually part of a larger team of fund managers and research analysts. Application Amount for Fresh Subscription : This is the minimum investment amount for a new investor in a mutual fund scheme. Minimum Additional Amount : This is the minimum investment amount for an existing investor in a mutual fund scheme. Yield to Maturity : The Yield to Maturity or the YTM is the rate of return anticipated on a bond if held until maturity. YTM is expressed as an annual rate. The YTM factors in the bond's current market price, par value, coupon interest rate and time to maturity. SIP : SIP or systematic investment plan works on the principle of making periodic investments of a fixed sum. It works similar to a recurring bank deposit. For instance, an investor may opt for an SIP that invests Rs 500 every 15th of the month in an equity fund for a period of three years. NAV : The NAV or the net asset value is the total asset value per unit of the mutual fund after deducting all related and permissible expenses. The NAV is calculated at the end of every business day. It is the value at which the investor enters or exits the mutual fund. Benchmark : A group of securities, usually a market index, whose performance is used as a standard or benchmark to measure investment performance of mutual funds, among other investments. Some typical benchmarks include the Nifty 50, S&P BSE Sensex,S&P BSE 200, S&P BSE 500, 10-Year Gsec. Entry Load : A mutual fund may have a sales charge or load at the time of entry and/or exit to compensate the distributor/agent. Entry load is charged at the time an investor purchases the units of a mutual fund. The entry load is added to the prevailing NAV at the time of investment. For instance, if the NAV is Rs. 100 and the entry load is 1%, the investor will enter the fund at Rs 101. Note: SEBI, vide circular dated June 30, 2009 has abolished entry load and mandated that the upfront commission to distributors will be paid by the investor directly to the distributor, based on his assessment of various factors including the service rendered by the distributor Exit Load : Exit load is charged at the time an investor redeems the units of a mutual fund. The exit load is deducted from the prevailing NAV at the time of redemption. For instance, if the NAV is Rs 100 and the exit load is 1%, the redemption price would be Rs 99 Per Unit. Modified Duration : Modified duration is the price sensitivity and the percentage change in price for a unit change in yield Standard Deviation : Standard deviation is a statistical measure of the range of an investment's performance. When a mutual fund has a high standard deviation, its means its range of performance is wide, implying greater volatility. Sharpe Ratio : The Sharpe Ratio, named after its founder, the Nobel Laureate William Sharpe, is a measure of risk-adjusted returns. It is calculated using standard deviation and excess return to determine reward per unit of risk. Beta : Beta is a measure of an investment's volatility vis-à-vis the market. Beta of less than 1 means that the security will be less volatile than the market. A beta of greater than 1 implies that the security's price will be more volatile than the market. AUM : AUM or assets under management refers to the recent / updated cumulative market value of investments managed by a mutual fund or any investment firm. Holdings : The holdings or the portfolio is a mutual fund's latest or updated reported statement of investments/securities. These are usually displayed in terms of percentage to net assets or the rupee value or both. The objective is to give investors an idea of where their money is being invested by the fund manager. Nature of Scheme : The investment objective and underlying investments determine the nature of the mutual fund scheme. For instance, a mutual fund that aims at generating capital appreciation by investing in stock markets is an equity fund or growth fund. Likewise, a mutual fund that aims at capital preservation by investing in debt markets is a debt fund or income fund. Each of these categories may have sub-categories. Rating Profile : Mutual funds invest in securities after evaluating their creditworthiness as disclosed by the ratings. A depiction of the mutual fund in various investments based on their ratings becomes the rating profile of the fund. Typically, this is a feature of debt funds. Tracking Error : Measure that indicates how closely the portfolio return tracks the benchmark return. Tracking error is the standard deviation of the difference of returns between a portfolio and the benchmark over a specified holding period.