KOICA RS Annual Report 2019
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Strengthening Civil Society Engagement in Public Accountability in Tunisia Photo 1: Training on the monitoring and evaluation of association projects for the benefit of the executives of the INLUCC 25-27 November 2019 2019 Annual progress report With the support of: Contents Project Presentation 3 List of acronyms 6 I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 7 II- Detailed results 8 ❖ Output 1: The role of CSOs in contributing to strengthening governance at the legal and institutional level is supported 8 ❖ Output 2: The role of civil society in creating islands of integrity is strengthened 11 ❖ Outputs 3 & 4: Provide financial support to civil society initiatives within the framework of the promotion of islands of integrity at the local and sectoral levels 14 III- Implementation challenges and risks monitoring 33 IV- Lessons learned 34 V- Monitoring-evaluation 35 VI – Evidence 35 VII- Financial report 36 IX - Annexes 36 Page | 2 Project Presentation Brief description of the project: The pursuit of integrity, transparency, the fight against corruption and, more generally, of public accountability have been, over the past eight years, the major commitments of the consecutive governments in Tunisia. The achievement of this commitment has faced all the difficulties of change management, especially in a country where behavioural sedimentation has taken place in the State bodies and within society more broadly. The realization of public accountability could, therefore, not have been achieved through national programs or through the creation of legal and institutional frameworks. To drive change, the creation of precedents and examples of integrity in sectors or in local representations is presented as a unique and essential stimulus. This project comes in response to the imperative to bring about this change in the sectors or towns - not for institutional or legal aspects but in terms of mentoring the CSOs in order to allow them to play the important role which is theirs in the field of social accountability. This project intends to add a link for mentoring civil society organizations (CSOs) and democratic transition in Tunisia by taking into account the issue of accountability in priority territories and sectors in Tunisia. The implementation of the project started with the identification of the national, local and sectoral CSOs and with an understanding of their needs in terms of capacity building, in order to develop and implement a training plan, especially for the identification of corruption risks. The project has also planned a technical support to CSOs and capacity-building through the sharing of comparative experiences that will enable them to better understand challenges related to integrity and to the fight against corruption. The aim is to provide them with the necessary skills for their active participation in the field of integrity and the fight against corruption, through the development of proposals and recommendations to finalise the implementation of the legal and institutional framework and to support the approach of the creation of islands of integrity at the local or sectoral levels. Support to CSOs initiatives working on the topic of the fight against corruption and public accountability is provided by the project. Special support for initiatives targeting women and/or young people is provided. The sustainability of the project is guaranteed by the creation of platforms to facilitate intra-civil society dialogue and the documentation of carried out experiments. This network of platforms will either be regional, local or sectoral and will probably take physical and/or virtual forms. These different projects are structured around four outputs, namely: Page | 3 1. The role of CSOs in contributing to strengthening governance at the legal and institutional levels is supported. 2. The role of civil society in creating islands of integrity is strengthened. 3. CSOs initiatives to promote islands of integrity at the local level are strengthened. 4. CSOs initiatives to promote islands of integrity at the sectoral level are strengthened. In this second phase of the democratic transition, the country is preparing to adopt a new legal framework governing local governments, in accordance with the principles of transparency, participation and accountability enshrined in the Constitution. It is, therefore, a priority to consolidate the anchoring of the decentralized democratic regime and to support the government's strategy in its fight against corruption, by backing citizens’ participation local affairs management. Project Tamkeen supports this new phase of consolidation of the democratic achievements by providing its assistance in building gateways between the institutions and citizens. This is a long-term task aimed at strengthening the autonomy and the specialization of civil society organizations, so that they can be a key player in local governance and in the implementation of social accountability. Page | 4 Title Strengthening Civil Society Engagement in Public Accountability in Tunisia – Partnership with Civil Society Atlas ID Award ID : 00097630 – Project ID : 00101282 Duration from 01/07/2016 to 28/02/2020 Executing agency United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) In addition to Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), and at the level of the sectors and territories Implementing targeted by the project, the main partners will be the selected public institutions in the police, partner(s) customs and local government sectors. UNDP will also collaborate with the national and regional authorities and the public or private educational, research or training institutions. Total budget 1.620.000 USD Contributions of Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA): 1.620.000 USD financial partners SDG(s) to which the SDG 16 : Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access project contributes to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels Link with the strategic Outcome 2: Strengthened democratic governance systems responding to citizens' plan (outcome/output) expectations for freedom of expression, development, the rule of law and accountability to the people. Output 2.4: Dialogue frameworks and processes launched to enable the effective and transparent engagement of civil society in national development. Outcome 2 of the UNDAF: By 2020, the State will adopt a new decentralized territorial Link with the UNDAF organization that meets the aspirations of Tunisians and a model of democratic governance (Outcome) based on citizen’s participation. Outcome 1 of the UNDAF/CPD: By 2020, civil, political and administrative institutions are fully operational with respect to observance of the universal principles of human rights, democracy and gender equity. Output CPD 1.2 : Citizen’s participation and the capacities of institutions and opposition forces are strengthened fostering an enhanced accountability to the people. Link with the CPD and Output 1.2.4 : A framework for consultation and self-regulation for civil society is set up and the CPAP fosters its participation in the dialogue on development priorities in the target regions. Output 1.2.5 : The capacities of civil society actors in the target areas are developed with a view to their professionalization. Date of the report 31/12/2019 Contact at UNDP ● Mr. Mohamed El Mounir, Senior Technical Advisor - [email protected] Page | 5 List of acronyms TD Tender documents NAAC (INLUCC in National Authority Against Corruption French) KOICA Korea International Cooperation Agency SDGs Sustainable Development Goals CSOs Civil Society Organisations UNDP United Nations Development Programme AWP Annual Work Plan CS Civil Society UNDAF United Nations Development Assistance Framework Page | 6 I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Since 2016, the project has striven to develop CSOs’ capacities to promote governance, public accountability and to support civil society involvement in the creation of local islands of integrity. The main achievements of 2019 are the following: 1. Training modules on strengthening accountability in the field of local finance have been elaborated as part of the implementation of the plan to develop local actors’ capacities related to the basic concepts of social accountability and the fight against corruption. Educational tools comprised of two practical guides on the basic concepts of social accountability and association governance in Arabic have been published and disseminated. Two mappings to identify CSOs, which will benefit of future calls for proposals, and their interventions’ strengths and weaknesses in the Tunisian South-East and North-West regions are being updated. 2. 28 association projects proposing innovative initiatives supplementing the institutional work on the islands of integrity have been implemented. 3. Several consultations have been conducted with the local and institutional actors in Djerba, aiming at implementing projects to strengthen municipal accountability and citizen participation. In this context, particular attention has been paid to inter-municipal collaboration, in particular through the finalization of the matrix of priority actions for the three municipalities of Djerba and the support to the establishment of a joint management unit. The Mediterranean Associations Resource Centre (CRAM in French) in Djerba Houmt- Souk is being refurbished, which is intended to be a consultation, coordination and planning platform for the island’s local development, and a Charter for its co-management