GARGRAVE & CONISTON COLD Parish Magazine AUGUST-SEPTEMBER 2019 £1 CONTACTS St Andrew’s Church, Gargrave Inside this momonthnthnthnth Vicar Vacant - not for much longer we hope! A bumper double issue, with 51 events in our villages to keep you busy, a look Churchwardens Peter Poulter 748944 |
[email protected] back at Roman Gargrave and an exclusive interview with Julian Smith MP. Mike Maiden 07876 886313|
[email protected] Organist Susan Watkiss 798660 |
[email protected] PCC secretary Hugh Turner 748117 | Kirk Syke, High Street Treasurer Richard Pocock 07796 954048|
[email protected] Gift Aid Sarah Curtis 748510 | 11 Marton Road St Peter’s Church, Coniston Cold Vicar Vacant - not for much longer we hope! Churchwardens Nick Bannister Airebridge Farmhouse, Bell Busk Michelle Pickles 749526 | Church Close Farm Treasurer Brenda Northrop 749212 |
[email protected] PCC & Electoral Jacqui Coates 749300 Roll Secretary Gargrave Parish Council Clerk Kathryn Ashby 668209 |
[email protected] Coniston ColdCold Parish Council Clerk Rachel Jones 748125 Gargrave C of E Primary School Head teacher Sarah Peel 749433 |
[email protected] Gargrave PrePre----SchoolSchool Leaders Lizzie Nelson & Judith Metcalfe 748377 |
[email protected] Duck race, by Freya Jackson Gargrave Village Hall Bookings Christine Town 749730 With a new vicar in mind….
[email protected] The Church of England is looking into ways of giving more support to vicars. Coniston Cold Village Hall (The Richard Tottie Memorial Hall) The really defining part of the job is largely unseen and takes place all Bookings Brenda Northrop 749212 |
[email protected] through the week.