November 10, 1978 James Madison University, Harrisonburg, Virginia No
lames MadUM UfllUUIW! filing Hard 22801 e cBt&eze I m10 m .«**** s \<>l :.7 Friday, November 10, 1978 James Madison University, Harrisonburg, Virginia No. 20 Carrier:«r state plan may hurt program By THERESA BEALE Academic program development here may suffer under a State Council of Higher Education in Virginia proposal to limit growth in rural institutions, but enrollment should progress as planned, President Ronald Carrier said Wednesday. The proposal by SCHEV director Gordon Davies would limit growth at such "demand" institutions as James Madison University and Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, and shift enrollment to such urban institutions as Old Dominion University, Virginia Commonwealth University, and George Mason University. High school enrollment is expected to decline in the next decade, resulting in less students available to attend college in Virginia, Carrier said at the JMU chapter meeting of the American Association of University Professors. A 10 percent decline in enrollment is anticipated in Virginia, while Pennslyvania, North Carolina, and West Virginia, may experience a 20 percent decline, Carrier said. New York is anticipating a 30 percent decline. JMU attracts students from each of these states, Carrier said. The SCHEV proposal would "try to redirect these students into the more urban institutions where there is a great demand for program development," Carrier said. "I'm glad we have much of the enrollment behind us now so we don't have to face that very serious problem," he said. The state council has approved JMU's plans to enroll 8,600 to 8,700, Carrier said. The university hasn't opposed SCHEV's enrollment lids because it expects council approval on all present enrollment plans, Carrier said.
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