WestcombeNEWS Free to 3800 homes, & in libraries & some shops June 2017 No. 5 A community newspaper commended by the Forum of Amenity & Civic Societies New Thames tunnel approved

fter months of waiting for it to be Crossing Association (LTCA), who cam - Aannounced, the transport secretary paigned against Option C said: Chris Grayling has given the green light to “I think they've made a mistake and a new crossing beneath the River Thames. missed an opportunity to fix a problem in The hope is that it will unlock billions of Dartford for a generation. pounds worth of economic benefit and “They've condemned the people of create thousands of jobs. Dartford, and drivers on the M25, to Will it have an impact on the Blackwall continuous problems. Wherever you put Tunnel? Only time will tell... the crossing you're going to upset people. The planned route will run from the M25 They needed to put that to one side and near North Ockendon, cross the A13 at come up with the solution that is right for Orsett before crossing under traffic. The Highways There was a moment in April when it seemed like summer before a most the Thames east of Tilbury WN reporter England forecast clearly unseasonably chilly May set in. This was the scene in the Westcombe Woodlands and Gravesend. A new link shows Option C won't solve in that false dawn of summer in April when the children went pond-dipping. road will then take traffic to the A2 near the problems, and Dartford Crossing will Next open days at the Woodlands: 24th & 25th June. PHOTO: Frank Smith Shorne, close to where the route becomes still be over capacity.” the M2. It is expected to carry 4.5 million heavy goods vehicles in its first year. Option C Phone scam: don’t say”Yes”! The Dartford Crossing, which with peak flows often exceeding 162,000 movements ews is sweeping across the UK of the you unknowingly or inadvertentlyagreed to per day, has long exceeded its design of N‘Can you hear me?’ telephone scam allow your details to be shared. Always capacity of 135,000 vehicles a day. which has been reported in the US – and is make sure you don’t tick any box to allow The new route – “Option C” – was now occurring in London. People are your details to be shared with others. selected by the majority of nearly 47,000 being advised how to protect themselves respondents to a consultation. against scam and nuisance calls. Call Blocking Technology A further £10 million will be used to CPR Call Blocker, makers of the best Phone companies now offer a number of improve traffic flow at and around the selling call-blocking device in the US and services that help block nuisance calls – existing crossing as well as studying ways UK, recently warned the UK public of the for example, BT’s Call Protect service. to further tackle congestion. This will US scam which works by the scammer You can also buy stand-alone call-blocking include an investigation into cutting ‘rat- recording you saying “yes” when you are devices – there are many on the market: running’ through Dartford and Thurrock. asked ‘Can you hear me?’ or “Is that search for ‘call blocker’ on Amazon at Christian Brodie, chairman of South Anne Robbins, of the Westcombe Society Mr/Mrs/Ms ....?” The recording is then www.amazon.co.uk East Local Enterprise Partnership, said: Environment Committee comments: edited to make it sound like you have If calls still get through to you after the “This is excellent news for Kent and Essex “It isn’t fully green-lighted yet. I believe authorised a major purchase and is used as above steps, you can report nuisance and will have a significant economic it has to go through the full Public a form of verbal contract. A local man – callers to the Information Commissioners impact. It strengthens the resilience of our Examination before it can be approved, a printer – was threatened with court action Office (ICO) at www. ico.org.uk. Likewise UK and European connections – very and given the strength of public feeling for not “honouring” a bill for £400 for an if you get silent calls you can report them necessary as we move towards Brexit.” against it, there might be quite a lot for the ad they say that he agreed to place in a to Ofcom at www.ofcom.org.uk The 13-mile route will cost up to £6.2bn Examining Officers to consider. During magazine. Needless to say the ad did not and increase capacity for vehicles crossing the Statutory Consultation, the DfT exist. (Unbelievably the magazine was the Westcombe Society the Thames east of London by 70%. received more objections than for any Police Gazette !!!) So, what to do? Steve Gooding, director of the RAC previous major infrastructure project. Sat 10th June 7.30 Members’ Foundation, said: “Whilst it is motorists “This proposed route runs through some Telephone Preference Service Evening Mycenae House who account for the majority of the undeveloped areas of natural beauty and The first thing you can do is to sign up to RSVP to Caroline please, on 8853 0948 journeys at the Dartford Crossing, the need protected Green Belt land – with the free Telephone Preference Service for another link across the Thames is being implications for wildlife. (TPS) at www.tpsonline.org.uk Sat 24th June 1.30 - 3.30 pm driven in large part by the rapid rise in “It doesn’t necessarily affect the Dartford If you still receive calls after registering Family Summer Picnic freight traffic and the expansion of the Crossing a great deal, given that the M25 you can make a complaint, but TPS do not Mycenae Gardens Channel ports. is such a main route for Channel Tunnel have the power to enforce any penalties – “ However, planners will also have traffic. Nor the . The and some people claim that they still Music, Games for children, Tombola, noted official figures which predict that principal beneficiary is likely to be the receive calls after they have registered. Face Painter, & cake stall. traffic on our motorways and major roads giant shipping terminal in Essex, which is A lot of companies contact you because Mycenae House café/Bar open. could increase by 60% by 2040.” due for expansion. It won’t help in the These doubts are shared by some local case of traffic heading for the proposed ELECTION You don’t need a garden to garden! Toni campaigners who fought against Option C. Universal Studios theme park planned for Don’t forget to vote Hale of the Mental Health Activity Trust in Bob Lane, chairman of Lower Thames Ebbsfleet – which could affect our area.” on JUNE 8th! Delacourt Road sent us these photos: < < Newsbriefs > >

People Festival of Britain Sculpture Found Teachers’ unions and * We are sorry to report the deaths of The Sunbathers , by Hungarian artist Council have strongly condemned the John Card , and of community cam - Peter Laszlo Peri, was presumed lost cuts which adversely affect children’s paigner John Murphy , aged 96, whose forever after the Festival of Britain on education. They have called on the funeral took place on May 31st. London's South Bank closed in 1951, government to reverse the cuts . * Commiserations to Anna Townend , and many of the temporary exhibition's who was involved in a traffic accident sculptures were destroyed. Warning: New crime. in . Anna is now recovering But last year a couple visiting Mobile Phones and small electronic in Community Hospital. Historic England's exhibition Out devices are being snatched by thieves * Congratulations to Ann Hill There: Our Post-War Public Art at on mopeds and cycles, often outside on winning the George MacDonald Somerset House announced that they stations and at bus stops. Please be Medal for outstanding research on had seen it in the garden of The aware of your surroundings when using health in tropical countries. Clarendon Hotel in Blackheath. such devices. * Five local people have been granted the Freedom of the Borough in recog - Education cuts GDIF nition of their long-standing service: Government cuts in education mean Performing arts companies from Korea Bradley Hemmings MBE, Bob that Greenwich will lose 672 teachers feature in the Greenwich+Docklands Harris , The Rt. Hon Nick Raynsford , over the next three years. In April, International Festival this summer as MBE FSA and Dr J agir teachers at Corelli College and part of the Korea/UK 2017-18 Kaur Sekhon OBE; they received Manor walked out for a day initiative. Time for Kim Jong-un to their awards on May 17th. in protest. turn up as a gesture of good will? COMMUNITY Westcombe News Westcombe Society Annual General meeting News about

All editoriAl correspoNdeNce to : the WN . he AGM of the Westcombe Society Macmillan Coffee morning, and the fund- Neville Grant , The Editor Ttook place on Friday May 12th. in the raising Macmillan walk. The Christmas he Westcombe News is, we are told, [email protected] Centenary Room of Blackheath High Bazaar was somewhat scaled down this Thighly valued in the community, and is Tel. 020 8858 8489 School for Girls by kind permission of the year, as it had to be held in Invicta School, highly sought-after in adjacent areas. Head. but it had still been a very worth-while Interviewed by Marilyn Little, chair of All MAteriAl to Be seNt to : The Chair, Marilyn Little, recorded yet event. the Westcombe Society, the Editor said: [email protected] another successful year: the Society now In her report, Emily Norton highlighted “We pride ourselves on providing a deadline for the July/August had some 450 members. She thanked her the work of the Environment Committee in reliable source of news for the local community – as well as providing, to some issue: 16th June committee for their support, and everyone helping to maintain the environmental extent, a window on the world beyond. environment editor: Maggie who helped out in so many ways – from attractions of the area, whether arborial or serving on the Events Committee, serving architectural; and co-operating with fellow “And we get very good community Gravelle involvement, by those who write to it, or What’s on: on the Environment Committee, or simply amenity societies in working towards by volunteering for numerous jobs – events ensuring that planning developments took for it, and send in photographs. and reporters: The community – that advertise – and, not least, help to distribute means you! organising, producing and distributing the into account the views of local people. She Westcombe News , making sandwiches ... thanked the members of the committee for the paper, street by street. All volunteers! eNviroNMeNt coMMittee the Society simply could not function all their hard work. However, more help is needed on the emily Norton All queries and without the good will and active support of Neville Grant also thanked all those who production side. Otherwise, no news comments to: 020 8853 2756 members, and she was extremely grateful helped to make the WN a success: it was would be bad news! [email protected] to everyone. In presenting the accounts, not just the product – the newspaper – but “We use a very simple page-making system called Quark which takes the pain emily Norton and she said the finances of the Westcombe the process: so many people working distriButioN out of production – and this makes the volunteers. Society remained healthy, even thou gh the together on its production and distribution paper a pleasure to produce. Seriously, it’s Volunteer distributors please phone Christmas Bazaar had been scaled down had the effect of helping to bind the com - 020 8853 2756 , we need your help! this year because of constraints on space. munity together. But he added that the extremely satisfying!” Joanne added her voice in thanking the society should think about appointing a The message we are getting is that the AdvertisiNG MANAGer many people who ensured that the events new editor to bring in fresh ideas. Editor needs more assistance in the short Marilyn little, 163 Westcombe went off successfully - the Senior Citizens’ After a refreshment break, those present term; and in the longer term, he needs to Hill, se3 7dp 020 8853 1312 Teas, the Quiz nights, the Members’ greatly appreciated a talk by Graham Dear, find a new editor. Interested in finding [email protected] evenings and parties, the summer picnic, the manager of , on plans out more? Give him a ring on 8858 8489. All adverts payable in advance by and various charity events such as the for the future. See page 7. cheque to the Westcombe society . displAY: Single column 6cm x 6cm: Park History Group One - four issues £35, five-plus issues £30 each. Other sizes: please inquire. Charity in Motions classified Ads (Market Place) 30p per word he Greenwich Park History Group is (A telephone number = one word. An email/ hoping to gather information about the he people of Christ Church East Nostalgic Steel band who regularly support T web address = 3 words.) Deadline for all Park from long-established locals. It is all Greenwich were out on Trafalgar Road Christ Church events while the crowd adverts is 10th day of the preceding month. T part of piecing together the more recent again on 23rd April to support the London danced to the beat. Oover £300 was raised. printed by: trojan press history and development of the park. Marathon runners while raising money for Rev’d Margaret Cave, Vicar of Christ If you have contact the Westcombe society: the Greenwich Winter Night Shelter, a Church and a trustee of the Greenwich * lived in the area for many years [email protected] local church-led charity which provides an Winter Night Shelter said, “This was a * a relative who was a regular visitor publisher: The Westcombe Society evening meal, bed and breakfast for home - wonderful opportunity for us to be out with before or during the war and who talked to chairman: Marilyn Little less guests during the winter months in our local community enjoying the joyful you about the Park Tel. 020 8853 1312 seven local church venues. atmosphere of the London marathon crowd * photographs from those days The local landmark church building is on at the same as serving yummy food to raise The v iews expressed in the Westcombe please come along on Monday 5th June at the London Marathon route so after an money for a very important local charity. News are not necessarily those of the 2.30 pm to the Wildlife Centre in the Westcombe Society or of the Editor. early service the congregation went outside “We were especially grateful to local Flower Garden near the lake, for a cup of We take all reasonable precautions to pro - wearing Christ Church T-shirts to sell tradespeople, Drings butchers and Heap’s tea, a piece of cake and a chat. tect the interests of our readers by ensuring bacon rolls, sausage rolls and hot drinks in delicious sausages from his cafe in Nevada as far as possible the bona fides of our To plan this event it would be very aid of the Greenwich Winter Night Shelter. Street for donating the bacon and sausages advertisers but cannot accept any responsi - helpful if you could let us know that you The runners loved the rhythm of the for our breakfast rolls.” bility for them. Any complaints should be will be coming. Please ring 07867 801069 addressed to the advertiser. or email [email protected] Any views expressed are personal, and are To access back-numbers (in colour) go to: There is also a meeting of the History www.westcombesociety.org/westcombe-news/ not necessarily those of the Westcombe Group on Friday 2nd June at 11.00 am, in Letters Society or the Westcombe News. the Wildlife Centre. All welcome! Westcombe Society’s Blog: http://westcombe.blogspot.com From: Ian Blore, East Greenwich Residents lorries idling all day and night for six months; extremely expensive corner of Greenwich. Association (EGRA) that figure comes from the AMEC independent I continue to be disturbed by the march of Jim Wintour (WN, May 2017, No.4) suggests report to the GLA when the last Mayor buildings, most of which are ugly high rise WeStCombe SoCiety memberShip that London should emulate Barcelona's success approved the scheme. blocks, all over the borough. and consider this a by building an outdated polluting cruise port in Sadly there are no "strict environmental small victory for those of us without £ signs in please send this membership form to: Greenwich. Barcelona is indeed a wonderful regulations" which prevent this worsening of our eyes. Christine Legg, 69 mycenae road, city but one that is threatened by EU fines for an already horrendous air quality crisis. London, Se3 7Se its badly polluted air. Our great city, which is Yes a boost to the Greenwich tourist econo - From: G Bailey Road. Name...... similarly threatened, can avoid extra unwanted my would be welcome but a Thames Clipper I refer to your article on page 7 of May’s WN pollution by creating a 21st century cruise liner service on site and a new road link to the “Bluebell Alert”. It’s not just bluebells that are Address...... terminal. Blackwell Tunnel suggests most passengers will in danger of being trampled on or loooted: it is ...... This is EGRA's objective and one we have head off to central London. And of course they against the law to pick any plant growing in the recently discussed with the London Mayor's will eat and sleep on board, not in Greenwich. wild, whether they be daffodils, bluebells, snow tel...... Office. Please come join us at EGRA, Jim, and So the alleged benefits won't outweigh the drops (or the bulbs for these beautiful plants), others who live nearby, to prevent a cheapjack damage. foxgloves cowslips, orchids – you name it. email: ...... facility being foisted on our citizens. The numbers of these lovely wild flowers are From: Victoria Line Westcombe Park Road. visibly diminishing all over the country. Please enclose payment as appropriate: From: Richard Baglin The Greenwich I was very pleased to learn that Society the planning committee refused Family membership £12 [ ] www.mycenaehouse.co.uk individual membership £8 [ ] Jim Wintour's article cheerfully ignores the the council permission to sell this Senior Citizens/unwaged £4 [ ] impact on our air quality of cruise ships' diesel tiny plot – the community garden 02088581749 engines running 24/7 to keep the ships' power at the foot of Royal Hill which Supported by supplies running. Without onshore power the would only have benefited those emissions are the equivalent of 688 heavy with the money to buy into this St George’s, Glenluce Rd. Westcombe Park Great Night Out! Sundays: 11.00 am Children’s Church GoJune 2 ASee/drian Legg - GGouitar Le gDoend 11.00 am Holy Communion (All Age service 1st Sunday of each month) Wednesdays: 8:30 am Morning Prayer AOvernd c e120leb thingsrating tosu Domm ander See. . . each week 12.30 pm Soup Lunch Fellowship Learning, Concerts, Workshops, Exhibitions, Training, Fourth Sunday each month: Taize Service: Christ Church, Trafalgar Rd. JuWorkouts,ly 23 S Partiesumm , Lectures,er Sun Socialday FEvents,estiv Childrensal Sceptics Group meets at 89 Westcombe Park Road 1st & 3rd Sunday of and FamilyLo Activities,ts to s eSeniors,e, eat Clubs & d ando!! Societies.! each month ay 7.30pm Special Events in June Wed. June 22nd. 7.30pm at St George’s: Spiritual Film Night: Whale Rider A Maori girl struggles for equality ‘This place is buzzing’ in a male-dominated society Time Out www.headstart.it Contact: Revd Tim Yeager [email protected] Tel. 07804 614245 www.mycenaehouse.co.uk 02088581749 90 Mycenae Rd, Blackheath Standard, SE3 7SE 400yds to Westcombe Park Train Station Free Parking 2 Westcombe News June 2017 LOCAL NEWS Florence Brenda Wyke-Holloway 15 th May 1918 - 14 th April 2017 Summer in the park e are very sorry to report the death she joined the Wof Florence, who always preferred to Women’s be called Brenda, and who lived in Voluntary Kleffens Court, Westcombe Park Road. Service in Brenda was born in Ceylon (now Sri India. Back Lanka) to a family of tea planters. As so home again, often happened in those days, she was sent she had a back to the UK to boarding school – at the number of unusually young age of four … different jobs, During her extended years at boarding including school, she developed a strong moral until 1981 compass, and her Christian upbringing duties as a remained with her throughout her life. Special For a while she worked as a nursery Constable. nurse (working for Lord Egrement in Brenda had Petworth House) but when the war started a very wide range of interests – from ani - she joined the WAAF. During the war she mals and ballet to bridge and tennis – and served in the WAAF police both at home an even wider circle of loyal friends. She and abroad, including a spell with 617 will be greatly missed by all those whose Squadron (the Dam Busters). life she touched, both friends and her o celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the June, July and August. These concerts are After the war she served in Egypt and extended family, not least for her generosi - TFriends of Greenwich Park, the free and start at 3.00pm. Palestine, and, on leaving the Air Force, ty of spirit and the charities she supported. Phoenix Dixieland Jazz Band, supported www.friendsofgreenwichpark.org.uk by the Greenwich Steel Band, is back in the Observatory Garden, Greenwich Park Bandstand Concerts Election: LGA’s Wish List for their summer concert. Sat. 24 June Royal Greenwich Big Band & The concert is at 12.30pm on Sunday Greenwich Steel Band (from 2.30) 18th June: another marvellous event for all Sun. 25 June London Gay Symphonic Winds ocal government leaders are calling on to keep children and young people safe in the family! Gates open at noon. There will Sun. 2 July Silver Ghosts Lall political parties to commit to a 10- the future. Children’s services in England be a bar, as well as food and ice cream. Sun. 9 July National Jazz Youth Orchestra point plan to boost vital local services, will face a £2 billion funding gap by 2020. The concert ends at 3.30pm. Sun. 16 July Belvedere Concert Band build homes, create school places, close 8. Ensuring councils have a role in Tickets from: Friends of Greenwich Sun. 23 July Crystal Palace Band skills gaps and drive economic growth. determining where new schools are created Park, 52 Greenwich Park Street, SE10 9LT. Sun. 30 July Lewisham Concert Band The Local Government Association has and a say on the type of school introduced (cheques to “Friends of Greenwich Park”) Sun.y 6 Aug. Lambeth Wind Orchestra written to all political party leaders with a to their area. With 91 per cent of main - Tel 020 8853 2150 email: cnbevan@hot - Sun. 13 Aug. South London Jazz Orchestra list of key pledges they want to see in their tained schools rated as either outstanding mail.com Cost: £5.00 for adults, £7.00 on & Live Band Lindy manifestos ahead of the General or good by Ofsted, councils must be seen the gate) Under 16s: Free. Sun. 20 Aug. Galaxy Big Band Election.These are essential to help coun - as education improvement partners. The Friends of the Park are also staging Sun. 27 Aug. Greenwich Concert Band Mon 28 Aug Mardi Gras Jazz Band cils better support their communities and 9. Working with government to develop a full programme of afternoon concerts at meet challenges facing the nation. a fully-funded and locally-driven successor the Greenwich Park bandstand during Clive Corlett The LGA, which represents more than scheme for EU funding. Local areas in 370 councils in England and Wales, wants England have been allocated £5.3 billion in the manifestos to commit to: EU regeneration funding by 2020. 1. Ensuring councils have the funding 10. Devolving funding and responsibility End of an era they need to provide the vital services that for the £10.5 billion a year national communities rely on, such as collecting employment and skills system to local t is with deep regret that we have to bins, filling potholes, maintaining our areas to allow councils to build on their Iannounce that Pegga-Stores Card and parks and green spaces, caring for the eld - track record of helping people into work. Gift shop at Blackheath Royal Standard erly and protecting children. Local govern - LGA Chairman Lord Porter said: will be closing down on Sat. 3rd June. ment currently faces an estimated overall “Councils have a key role to play in Angie told the WN : “Mrs Hawkes had funding gap of £5.8 billion by 2019/20. helping to generate economic growth, her shop for nearly forty years until sadly 2. Continuing with reforms to allow local build homes, strengthen communities, and passing away in December 2015. We government to keep more of its business protect vulnerable people. It is vital the would like to take this opportunity to rates income, which balances rewarding next government recognises the need to thank all our loyal friends and customers councils for growing their local economies empower councils to perform this role. for all your continued support: we shall but avoids areas less able to generate busi - “The need for financial sustainability for miss you all. Love from Angie, Andrew ness rates income suffering as a result. local government is urgent. Councils need and all the staff at Pegga-Stores” 3. Agreeing new devolution deals across fairer funding to continue to provide the The Closing Down Sale begins on all parts of England and the UK. Taking full range of services that support their Monday May 22nd. decisions over how to run local services local communities, alongside a fairer closer to where people live is key to funding system for all schools. improving them and saving money. 4. Handing local government a central role Railway news Property news in deciding whether to keep, amend or scrap EU laws once they are converted into ast month the WN highlighted the state agents used to advertise property domestic law. Brexit should not simply Lconsultation exercise on SE train Ethat was “challenging” with the words mean a transfer of powers to Westminster, services to London Bridge, Victoria and “Suit enterprising young couple.” (SEYC) Holyrood, Stormont and Cardiff Bay. Charing Cross: not too late to write to This dilapitated property [ right ] in Ruthin 5. Closing the £2.3 billion funding gap [email protected] Road, completely engulfed by ivy and facing social care services by 2020 plus a Meanwhile, train-watchers are anxiously heavily camouflaged by overgrown formal review to protect support services waiting with baited breath for the outcome garden greenery, has finally been sold. that care for elderly and disabled people. of a consultation exercise that ended in The three-bedroom, end-of-terrace 6. Allowing councils to build affordable December 2016: this concerned the property on Ruthin Road was recently homes. They need to be able to borrow to possibility of a Thameslink service through auctioned with a £450,000 guide price invest in housing and to keep 100 per cent Greenwich to St Pancras. This exercise is The bidding opened at £470,000 but in Maritime Radio of the receipts to reinvest in more housing. quite different from the present SE one. the end the house went for £554,000 with 7. Giving councils the resources they need The next stage will be a proposed three bidders in heavy competition. It is aritime Radio ( www.maritime timetable following a review of the not recorded if they were young, but they Mradio.london.com) has gained a per - Spirit of Thomas Tallis consultation responses by Govia were probably pretty enterprising! manent licence. All credit to Duncan n July 1st, our strong local musical Thameslink railway (GTR). Martin and his team and sponsors who Otradition is celebrated by a concert Mike Sparham of GLUG (the SPECTRUM have worked tirelessly to bring local radio called Greenwich Connections in St Greenwich Line Users’ Group) told the to our community; and to Charlton WN that he anticipates this next stage to be Painters & Decorators Athletic Football Club who have offered a Alfege’s Church. The Thomas Tallis Interior/Exterior Society Choir will be performing works by in "late spring/early summer.” home and crucial support to the station. Industry sources report that GTR are No job too Small Maritime Radio’s logo is 'everything composers with strong links to Greenwich: Clean and Reliable Thomas Tallis, Nicholas Lanier, William having difficulty making a new timetable local' and is a real asset to the local com - work north of St Pancras because of the munity. It is hoped to go on air full-time, Byrd, Samuel Pepys and contemporary Free Estimates composer Jonathan Dove. interface with the Midland Main Line. but the launch date is as yet unknown. To Whether this will have any impact on the 30 Years Experience get involved, to advertise, or to find out Not to be missed! Starts at 7.00 pm. 020 8853 2759 or 0795 0815412 Tickets £15.00 & £10.00 or on the door. proposed Luton - Rainham service through more, visit www.maritimeradio.london. www.ticketsource.co.uk/tts Greenwich remains to be seen. Barbara Ward

Westcombe News June 2017 3 FEATURES S w B e o o e r o in k k s sh a June 17 to 8 July 2017 id o F John e p R E fo N E r O Forty Years On: Saturdays 11.00am - 5.00pm d W e ! ta Bartram Mondays 10.00am - 4.00pm i Talk about Art ls Wednesdays 10.00am - 4.00pm Greenwich & Social Change Open Studios Anthony Roe

alk About...Art (TAA) is a Stained s some long-time Greenwich not-for-profit organisation glass Aresidents may remember, there was a Twhose aim is to promote time when Greenwich Festival was a greater access to and engage - lively local one with a few outside events ment with the visual arts for tacked on. children and teenagers in areas And it was as a contribution to this where exposure to the visual arts festival that in 1977 the many Greenwich may be restricted or discouraged. artists first opened their studios to neighbours, friends and visitors – one of We do this by mounting profes - the first groups of artists in London to do sional exhibitions and providing support - Traditional crafts and working so. The Greenwich Open Studio group methods that had been the lifeblood of ing activities which encourage creative has continued its annual shows, not industry for centuries were becoming participation, research, debate and a always the same artists of course because, sharing of knowledge through work - trampled underfoot. The vision of the although some members have been shops, augmented reality technology, Arts & Crafts Movement was to restore participating for years, GOS is also the value of traditional crafts and to pro - public talks, publications and other t%&- %)*+,...ART & SOCIAL constantly renewing itself. forms of art ambassadorship and in this mote a quality of design that turned CHANGE explores the movement This year again, the group will be way to generate life-enhancing benefits everyday items into things of beauty. that restored traditional crafts opening their studios from 2.00 to 6.00pm for an audience of people of all ages and made everyday items on the weekends of 10/11th and 17th/18th and cultures nationally. The exhibition things of beauty of June. There are 20 participants, and 3 By involving young people directly The exhibition will look at how the Arts hubs: West Greenwich, East Greenwich in the stewardship, creation and & Crafts Movement was started, how its and the part of Blackheath Park that falls presentation of the exhibitions, these influence redressed the balance of social within the Borough of Greenwich. Lee Terrace, London SE13 5DN increasingly become their projects. change (particularly for women artists) A very wide range of artistic skills are and how it promoted an ideal that spread L!s k"#$ t%&'(ng %)*+,...ART & SOCIAL CHANGE represented: painters who work in oils, Arts & Crafts Movement across the world. #socialchange pastels and/or watercolours; potters It is free: on each Saturday an artist in whose work is both functional and deco - Talk About Art is launching its fourth Fun workshops for schools, led by TAA show this summer to explore the Arts & residence will discuss their work and rative; and printmakers working with artist and film maker Simon Purins,will etching, lino-cutting and mono-printing. Crafts Movement that restored traditional provide drop-in workshops for the also be offered free of charge under the Parishioners of St Alfege may be crafts in the 19th century and made general public. Crafts covered will title 'Hands Make Crafty Work' and these interested to learn that one of Open include print, pottery and jewellery- everyday items things of beauty. will explore the concept of handmade Studio’s printmakers and newest recruit is making. Talk about…Art & Social Change, products inspired by the Arts & Crafts their vicar, the Rev’d Chris Moody who which runs from June 17 to July 8 at St Movement. will be showing his work at the Vicarage Margaret’s Church, Lee, will examine The exhibition is open on Saturdays in Park Vista. the movement’s reaction to the f10.30am – 4.30pm and on Mondays and Another first timer Anthony Roe is mechanisation and factory production Wednesdays from 10.00am - 4.00pm. showing pastels and drawings at 23 techniques that were spawned by the Talk about…Art and Social Change Beaconsfield Road; other regular local industrial revolution. follows on TAA’s successful exhibition exhibitors are Felicity Moss and Colin In the wake of the industrial revolu - on the ancient culture of China and the Boothman at Mycenae House, 90 Mycenae Road and Janey Jones who will tion, Britain was no longer a collection Mogul Empire earlier in the year be showing at her home at 5c Charlton of isolated market towns and rural com - If you would like to book one of the Road at the Blackheath Standard. m!!unities but a world leader in mechani - free school workshops or obtain further sation and mass production. For more details about the artists, their ! Moorcroft ceramic information on how the workshops addresses and for a map, see complement the national curriculum, www.greenwichopenstudios.co.uk please contact Melanie Jones on or look for their leaflets at the Libraries [email protected]. and elsewhere. Pain Clinic Leap

anbrugh Pain Management Clinic has been Vnominated finalist for innovation in the UK’s BE INSPIRED AND BUILD most prestigious British Medical Journal 2017 Awards. The NHS clinic run by Drs Ellen Wright and Extensions and refurbishments David McGavin takes patients with persistent and intractable pain and often suffering from a num - ber of illnesses. It offers a ‘whole person’ approach based on gaining patients’ trust and encouraging their rehabilitation through two gentle therapies – rhythmical massage and eurythmy movement. “We have an hour-long interview to try to find out about the patient”, says Dr McGavin, “so they move from being a set of symptoms to being a person in trouble. It is important to try to restore sleep patterns and lift anxiety and depression.” Social activities such as crafts, cookery, music & singing and gardening are backed by practical Building self-confidence: help such as representing patients at DWP disabil - The Kairos Choir taking a break ity benefits appeals. Results, soon to be published in the Journal of Forum at Greenwich. The charity, which especial - Pain Management, show statistically significant ly benefits from non-medical input, is now look -

improvement in health status, a fall in depression ing for additional trustees and volunteers with buildandcreate.co.uk and substantial reduction in use of strong pain skills in administration, strategy and finance to [email protected] killers and psychotropic medication. help develop and expand the model, particularly 0796 1089012 0208 305 2184 This innovative model has been developed within its social enterprise activities. Vanbrugh Clinic by a small charity, Kairos Enquiries to Ingrid Hermansen on 07712 Rehabilitation Trust, which operates from the 810108 or [email protected].

!4 Westcombe News June 2017 WHAT’S ON Arts tHe WestcoMBe societY

The ARTS SOCIETY BLACKHEATH (formerly BLACKHEATH DECORATIVE & FINE ARTS Sat 10 June 7.30 Members’ Evening SOCIETY), St Mary’s Church Hall, Cresswell Sat 24th June Summer Picnic Park, Blackheath www.artsinblackheath.or g Sun 23 July Mycenae House event: Stall We meet on the 4th Thursday of each month- except Sept 17 Macmillan Walk August and December- 2pm for 2.30pm Non-members Fri. 29 Sept . 10.00am - 2.00pm can pay on the door. Macmillan Coffee Morning 22nd June Marie-Anne Mancio talks on RUBENS Sat 21st Oct. 2- 4.00pm Chrysanth.Tea AND THE MARIE DE MEDICI CYCLE. Fri 10 Nov. 7.30 (8.00pm) Autumn Quiz. GREENWICH DECORATIVE & FINE ARTS SOCIETY King William Court, University of Sat. 25 November Christmas Bazaar at Greenwich 12 Jun 2017: THE IMITATION Blackheath High School for Girls Printing in Blackheath GAME - UNDERSTANDING CHRISTIAN ART The Westcombe Society really needs since 1978 talk by Dr Helen Rufus-Ward, art historian more volunteers to help out at these From your ideas or Artwork Visitors may pay on the door events. If you are interested, please we can print at a SCENES FROM POST-WAR LONDON 1946 – ring Joanne on 07709 571777. 1960 THE EARLY PAINTINGS OF TERRY reasonable cost: SCALES 9th May – 10th June 2017 At West • Business cards Greenwich Library, 146 Greenwich High Road, coMMuNitY • Invoices • Letterheads SE10 8NN Tel: 020 8858 428 Artist’s talk on Friday • Books • Brochures 9th June 3 .00– 4.00 pm at West Greenwich ST URSULA SUMMER FAIR 64 Crooms Hill • Forms • Invites of St Ursula Library. http://terryscales.blogspot.co.uk June 10th – 12pm to 3pm The Friends • Wedding StationAry ART EXHIBITION: LONDON NIGHTSCAPES welcome you to the school for our first summer fair. by local artist LUBNER SPEITAN 8th May - 8th Featuring the school choir & musicians, Also a bake 1a Lizban St June. Mon-Sat 9am to 9pm at Greenwich West off competition, bouncy disco dome, craft market, blackheath, London Se3 8SS Gallery. Entrance via: G-West Café, Lovibond international food stalls, and many more. Entry £1 Lane, Greenwich, SE10 8JA (rear entrance of adults 50p school children. 64 Crooms Hill SE10 tel: 020 8853 2268 Greenwich West Community and Art Centre, GREENWICH UNION READING GROUP email: [email protected] 141 Greenwich High Road) First Wed. of each month. (Read –Discuss–Share www.trojanpress.com Enquiries contact: 07788 237 893 food) Meet at The Greenwich Union Pub. Free. Website: www.lubnaspeitan.com All welcome! Next book: The Girl on the Train - The Blackheath Art Paula Hawkins Contact Barbara: 07960 107578 Music WOODLANDS FARM BARN DANCES Society will be holding their annual Summer BLACKHEATH HALLS 23, Lee Road SE3 9RQ in a real farm barn! With music and calling provided Exhibition (their 70th) at the Blackheath Halls, 23 Lee 0208 463 0100 www.trinitylaban.ac.uk by Skinners Rats. BYO food, drink & glasses and dine r. G. Austin Road, SE3 9RG. Admission is free 3rd - 29th June. Fri 2nd June 6.00 pm FREE CONCERT on hay bales to complete the rustic evening. Saturday (Established 1963 WOOLWICH DISTRICT ANTIQUARIAN CONCERT SERIES: FREE, No ticket needed: 3rd June from 7.30pm – 11pm. Tickets are £14. To Heating Engineers, SOCIETY Exploring the crossover between music and art: armtrust.org 10 June 2.00 pm Charlton House LONDON PUBS book go to www.thewoodlandsf Wed 28th June 7.30 pm Explore ABSTRACT Property Maintenance, ST SUMMER GAS A DATE WITH BUILDINGS Charlo tte Matthews THE WOODLANDS FARM TRU EXPRESSIONISM in music and art: in the Electrics, Painting, -4:30 pm. SAFE SHOW is on Sunday 11th June 11:00am Peacock Room and surrounds, King Charles Court June10am Decorating, Plumbing, cHildreN & FAMilY MidSummer Hay Meadow Walk Sun. 25th Thurs 29th June VISUAL ECHOES OF THE LANDS MUSEUM OF LONDON DOCK OUTER & INNER + Hugo Dalton’s projections Central Heating, 0 pm MYCENAE HOUSE Until 26th July: 100.00 am & 4.0 Peacock Room King Charles Court Shower and Bathroom Specialists over Every Mon + Fri (term-time) 10am-1pm ARCHEOLOGICAL DETECIVES: unc Fri 30th June A SECRET THEATRE Explore Bo-Peeps Preschool Stay & Play. Fun and friendly London’s past All ages. Free. Book! synaesthesia through music at the Nat.Por. Gallery. 2A Hassendean Rd, Blackheath SE3 8TS UR MUD- drop-in sessions for children 0 - 4yrs old and their Unitl May 1st 2018 EXPLORE O Sun 25th June 6.30 pm BLACK HEATHER Telephone: 0208 858 7359 years old carers. LARKS GALLERY Free: Suitable 2. - 8. CLUB: DOWN BY THE RIVERSIDE King [email protected] ONDON STONE BLACKHEATH HALLS 23, Lee Rd. Blackheath Until 31st Dec. The mysterious L Charles Court, ORNC. £12.00 | £8. HE PAST. SE3 9RQ 0208 463 0100 www.trinitylaban.ac.uk Until 25th June: REVEALING T Wed 28th June 7.30 pm Trinity Laban Symphony y techniques! MusicAl tHeAtre SAT 17th June 1.00pm A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S Objects from the past - and X-ra Orchestra perform Stravinsky, Rachmaninov & 3th August CROSSRAIL & DOCKLANDS STRATFORD CIRCUS Theatre Square, London DREAM Recital Room Join award-winning Box Until 1 Copeland Cadogan Hall £12 | £8.00 | £5 studs. Tale Soup for their new family adaptation of REGENERATION E15 1BX Tel. 8279 1001 Tickets: £10.00 | £5.00 Shakespeare's enchanting story, made accessible to WESTCOMBE WOODLANDS Next volunteer TRINITY LABAN Musical Theatre perform: a younger audience.£8.50 days: Sat 1st July; Sunday 6th August. GREENWICH MOZART FESTIVAL URINETOWN Thurs 15th/ Fri 16th June 7.30 Sat 17th June 13.00pm A MIDSUMMER Sat. 17th June 2.30 & 7.30 pm A drought’s impact Until July 22nd.Philharmonic Chamber NIGHT'S DREAM Recital Room tHeAtre on the human race Orchestra of London play at St Alfege Church CROOMS HILL MADE IN DAGENHAM Fri 23rd 7.30 pm Sat THE GREENWICH THEATRE, Crooms Hill, London SE10 8ES 8858 7755 SE10 9BJ Every event at 7.30pm: 24th 2.30 & 7.30 pm -Sun 25th June 3.00 pm The London SE10 8ES Box Office: 8858 7755 June 1 12.00 & 4.00pm A HEART AT SEA Musical Sat 10th June PCOL Wind ensemble play women get Uppity at Ford’s Dagenham plant! Tues 6th - Sat 10th. June Tue, Wed 7.30pm, Sat Folktale Age 6+ Mozart’s Gran Partita and Enescu Dixtuor 5pm THE GREAT TRAIN ROBBERY June 1st 2.00pm HAPPILY EVER AFTER The Sat 24th June Prodigies: Mozart and + Thurs 8th, Sat 10th NEL Both these productions BlAcKHeAtH cHoir & orcHestrA queen and her lazy son. Will he ever get married? Mendelssohn: £15, £23, & £30 Day tickets £10.) from the very inventive Scratchwork Theatre June 11 2.00pm THE TAP DANCING MERMAID To book: www.london-orchestra.com Sun. 2nd July 7.30pm Dvorak: The Spectre’s Mon 12th Thurs 15th June OUR MAN IN Bride + Songs of Nature St Margaret’s Church, HAVANA Achingly funny farce GreeNWicH GuitAr FestivAl Brandram Rd. £12 in advance – tel 07921 295430; spoKeN Word Sat 17th - Sunday 18th. June STIMELA THE email: [email protected] (£16 on door) MUSICAL A South African Lord of the Dance. Sun 25 Jun 7:30pm at Our Ladye Star Of The BLACKHEATH HALLS 23, Lee Rd. Blackheath 7.30 pm + Sunday matinee at 2.30pm Sea Roman Catholic Church, Greenwich. SE3 9RQ Box Office: 0208 463 0100 Mon 26th June 7.30 pm SUSAN CALMAN: Baroque To Guitar Heores: Graham Devine pm LEE STUART EVANS - Wed 21 June 8.00o THE CALMAN BEFORE THE STORM Meet the brings His Virtuoso Talent To A Recital RDS BEST SUNG Recital Room, Literary woman from BBX’s News Quiz £21.00 WO Celebrating Solo Classical Guitar Music including event from Friends of Blackheath Halls £10.00 Tues 13th - Sun 23rd July 7.30 pm Sunday 5.00pm Gaspar Sanz, Andres Segovia, & Ponce. Free INDUSTRIAL HISTORY SOCIETY Sat matinee 3..00pm CHINESE WHISPER: 25th - 27 June King Charles Court ORNC. 13th June 7.30 James Hulme on Charlton Sir Edmund Backhouse, the famous confidence Riverside Meeting at The Old Bakehouse, Age trickster. £18.50 | £16.00 Recitals, Masterclass demos etc. Exchange, Bennet Park. See full programme by visiting BLACKHEATH SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY trinitylaban.ac.uk/ guitarfestival Friday lectures at 7.45pm Mycenae House. Visitors welcome - donations £3 to the society. AGe eXcHANGe Tues 27th June 10.30am - 12.30pm TRINITY COLLEGE LONDON Guitar Syllabus Presentation 11, Blackheath Village, London SE3 9L Stuart Room, Kings Charles Court, Old Royal Naval Tel: 0208 318 9105 www.age-exchange.org Court An overview of the new guitar syllabus. Every Monday: Inspired Caring IN-WORDS Tues. June 6th. 7.30 pm West Every Thursday: Creative Caring Greenwich Library ‘Not the General Election’ Sat 10th June Book sale 10 - 4pm event. Bring along poems - however short (faux) Fri June 16th 1.00-3.00pm Friends Friday meeting: Learning is fun haikus, limericks etc and short fiction (max 500 WHO OWNS LONDON? Martin Lake words) on politics, democracy elections etc. Your own £5.00 Free to Friends St Olave’s is a Prep School in work, or relevant quotations If you can't take part, do Fri 30th 12.00 - 1.00 pm FREE Concert for boys and girls ort fiction, and it will Bakehouse Theatre with Trinity Laban send in your choice of poem/sh aged 3-11 years be read on the night. Bring your own publications PLEASE NOTE NEW DATE (caused by the fact to sell too! Free, refreshments, donations. RSVP! that the General Election is on 8th June): Wed 14th June 7.00 pm ANNUAL GENERAL ! Broad, child-centred curriculum Visit Irena Hill's website in-words.co.uk for details MEETING Regency Suite, Clarendon Hotel SE3 ! Excellent results in the 11+ of these and other upcoming events. 0RW Doors oepn 6.30: complimentary drinks. selection Please note: a new treasurer is urgently needed! ! Clubs, outings and residential Grant Saw Wealth Management Limited trips MYceNAe House live eveNts: JuNe 2017 ! Excellent pastoral care INDEPENDENT PERSONAL and Fri 2nd June 7.30pm - Adrian Legg. Guitar legend ‘s solo concert. £14.50. ! Small classes Fri 9th June 8pm - JazzNights. Candlit Live Jazz music event hosted by Dave ! Specialist staff for PE, IT,Music, CORPORATE FINANCIAL ADVISERS Silk featuring Duncan Lamont plus JazzNights Allstars. £10. French and Drama Investments - Pensions - Estate Planning Fri 16th June 7.30pm in Mycenae House. Global Fusion on Music and Arts: Amazing ! Sibling fee reduction singer songwriter Alice Renouf will be launching her new album. £7. ! Before and after school care 2 Charlton Road. Blackheath Standard Fri 23rd Jun e 8pm - Icarus Club. An evening of high quality acoustic live music. £7.50. Te l : 020 8294 8930 London SE3 7EX (T) 020 3417 9760 Thurs 29th June 4pm - Bach To Baby. Classical Concert for families. £10. email: [email protected] Fri 30th June 7.30pm - Global Fusion Music & Arts. Monthly ceilidh & acoustic www.stolaves.org.uk website: www.gswealth.co.uk. night with guest Blackbriar. £6. HELPING YOU PLAN YOUR FUTURE Sun 23rd July 12-5pm - Summer Sunday Extravaganza. Fun day for the commu - Grant Saw Wealth Management Ltd. is authorised and nity as part of ParksFest in association with The Friends of Mycenae Gardens with regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority music, dance, children's activities, workshops, food & bar and more. FREE. For more information about events visit www.mycenaehouse.co.uk

Westcombe News June 2017 5 FEATURES Praise . . . 79 years of Art eventy years on, Blackheath Art Society is still flourishing with a Sregular influx of artist members. Over the years many have had links to Goldsmiths and Camberwell Colleges of Art. We are lucky to have Terry Scales, former Camberwell tutor and popular local artist as our current President. It was founded in 1947 by Art School . . . & Play! tutors returning from WWII, some of them ex-PoWs. With their new freedom and hat is Praise & Play? It’s a free weekly session for toddlers with their parents or optimism, they looked forward to the carers in this area. We have great fun with an hour of activity for accompanied W regeneration of the arts locally. Catalogue design by Anna Christophorson children aged from 0-4 years. The hour includes a Bible story, songs, healthy snacks Early exhibitors included Graham and crafts. (Please note, it is not a playgroup.) Each week four or five adults help to run Sutherland, Victor Pasmore, Rowland the sessions, and we are of course trained in safety and safeguarding. Hilder, John Bratby and Jean Cooke Praise & Play is open to all, and is held in Christ Church East Greenwich every Bratby. Our Society consists of a vibrant Thursday from 10 am to 11 am. It runs all year round, including holidays - apart from the group of painters, printmakers and crafts period after Christmas. During half term and the holidays, older children sometimes come people. along and join in the activities. Our exhibitions and Open Studios have We have been meeting for the past two years - and it’s free! We find that the Praise & been held in a variety of Blackheath and Play group encourages the children to interact with others, and learn some songs and sto - Greenwich venues, including Charlton ries; also, it helps to build contacts between the parents and carers. House, Blackheath Halls, the Paul If you have any queries, or would like more information, please email me on McPherson Gallery and the Old Royal [email protected], or phone 077899 85415. Rev’d John Philpott-Howard Naval College gallery Discover Greenwich. We are happy to be back in The Greenwich in Bloom competition: Blackheath Halls this June. The artwork is keeping the green in Greenwich on a variety of themes, many of them local, so there will be enough to intrigue he ever-popular Greenwich in Bloom • Pots and interest everyone. Althea Battams Tcompetition returns this year in • Commercial Garden / Containers (for partnership with Cooling Garden Centre. any pub, restaurant, shop etc.) Green-fingered residents can showcase The competition is open only to amateurs. John Pattison VC their skills in five different categories. The winners receive trophies and Coolings To enter, it’s free! The five categories Garden Centre vouchers; all entrants will n April 10th, a plaque was unveiled Canadian are as follows: also receive a free £5 voucher (Only one Oin General Gordon Square to honour soldiers • Front Garden voucher per household!) and remember John George Pattison VC, returning • Back Garden The closing date for entries is Friday a Woolwich-born soldier who won the from the • Communal Garden Hanging Baskets/ 23rd June and you can apply here: Victoria Cross at the Battle of Vimy Ridge Battle of Window Boxes / www.royalgreenwich.gov.uk/inbloom on 10th Aprtil 1917, almost exactly a Vimy hundred years ago. Ridge. The Last Post played by a buglar (From The Canadian Encyclopedia) Bursaries at the Conservatoire from the Guards was sounded, followed by a two minutes’ silence. up by an enemy machine gun, which was ood news for the tuition programme from within the Lewisham Borough. They Born in Woolwich, John Pattison went inflicting severe casualties, Pte Pattison, Gat Blackheath Conservatoire. The hope to increase the number of bursaries to Clifton Hill County School, . with utter disregard for his own safety, Conservatoire is currently raising money to over 100. They also hope to extend He worked as a boilermaker’s mate until sprang forward, and, jumping from shell for bursaries for children who otherwise bursaries to the Royal Borough of emigrating to Canada in 1906, where he hole to shell hole, reached cover 30 yards cannot afford art, music or drama lessons, Greenwich as well. got married and had four children. In from the enemy gun. and to keep creativity and learning in the A spokeswoman told the WN : 1916, he enlisted in the 50th (Calgary) Bn. “From this point, in face of heavy fire, arts truly open to all. “We are still looking to match-fund Canadian Expeditionary Force. Sadly, he he hurled bombs, killing and wounding The Peter and Teresa Harris Charitable their 3-year commitment and have so far was killed in action at Lens, seven weeks some of the crew, then rushed forward, Trust have decided to continue support for raised over £9600 from an eclectic variety after the Battle of Vimy Ridge overcoming and bayonetting the surviving another three years with a significant grant of sources. We are extremely grateful to Col. Rory Radford, the Canadian Defence five gunners. His valour and initiative for bursaries for individual music tuition – our Chairman, Mike O ’Byrne in particu - Attaché, read out the citation: undoubtedly saved the situation and made this is a massive vote of confidence in the lar, who completed the PRU 100 Cycle “For most conspicuous bravery in attack. possible the further advance to the work the Conservatoire race bringing in a fantastic When the advance of our troops was held objective.” Jim Marrett does in broadening access Danielle Cunningham £6620; to Philip and Jean to the arts. Smith who organised the The Conservatoire team 24th annual BCMA believes that art, music and drama tuition Fundraising Quiz (in which the is vital in a young person’s education. Conservatoire team came a respectable However, for some families, financial 4th!), contributing £2515; and to Morgan constraints mean that children miss out on Stanley who donated £500. Donations are the opportunity to learn an instrument, still very much appreciated.” “We also hone their drawing skills, or express hope to have another Stone House event themselves through drama. this year so look out for the invitations!” As a creative community hub, the For further information, please visit: Conservatoire currently offers 45 bursaries https://www.justgiving.com/campaigns/ch for individual music tuition to children arity/theconservatoire/bursaryfund

‘excellence‘excellence throughthrough effort’effort’ PARKS fest 2017 JAMES REMOVALS JAMES REMOVALS BAR MEMBER NO. JO28 J .com.com R The Friends of East Greenwich Pleasaunce is holding its 11th Summer Festival on Sun. 11th June 12-5pm. G Fully trained uniformed staff On offer: a jam-packed afternoon with stalls, activities G Full insurance & refreshments; PLUS an Art tent with work by included in ALL quotes local artists; live jazz, folk &rock n roll music; G Prompt free PLUS under 5s activitie at The Bridge community estimates centre including face-painting, forest school activities, G On-site arts & crafts & a bouncy castle; PLUS sports activities for containerised Call storage older children, & a dog show . Why not bring a picnic? G Discounts for 0800 0157775 long-term storage for a free survey or visit G Well-established jamesremovals.comjamesremovals.com FREE! But donations welcome. family business toto requestrequest aa G Pianos – our forte quotation online www.fegp.org www.thebridgegreenwich.co.uk 6 Westcombe News June 2017 Planning applications can be viewed in the library, or at the Woolwich Library on the lower ground floor of the Woolwich Centre, 35 Wellington St. They may also be viewed on www. green - ENVIRONMENT wich.gov.uk/planning Greenwich Park Trees matter Revealed Marilyn Little Maggie Gravelle he Royal Parks are applying for a and attract other forms of wildlife. he Westcombe Park Conservation Area multi-million pound Heritage These are only some of the areas T is characterised by the number, size Lottery Fund Grant specifically for under discussion and further works have T and variety of its trees. Much of the Greenwich Park. HLF Grants focus on been identified. responsibility for maintaining this lies with positive outcomes for People and Open public meetings have been held Debi Rogers, the Royal Borough's tree Communities but most importantly for and ideas have been put forward at these officer. Heritage, and the project they fund has well attended gatherings. Debi has been with the council for 30 to be complete in 5 years. Other presentations on Heritage, years, the last 20 of them as tree officer. The Fund has a list of 10 outcomes Education and Landscaping have been The Westcombe News recently met with that it expects applications to address. held with The Royal Parks and local Debi to find out more about her role and These outcomes are achieved by groups, including the Westcombe about the regulations regarding trees in Unlike the nearby houses, this improving, maintaining and protecting Society, have been represented. An conservation areas. beautiful oak tree in Beaconsfield aspects of our Heritage and educating Advisory Group of local groups and All work to trees which are more than Road survived the Blitz. people about it. societies has been set up to allow com - 7.5 cms in diameter at 1.5 metres above enforcing a TPO Debi is required to take A number of areas in the Park have ment, input and feedback, again the the ground has to be notified to the into account the size and form of the tree, been identified as needing urgent Westcombe Society is part of this body. Planning Department. Debi advises that its rarity or historical value as well as its improvement. The Project is working towards a anyone considering work on trees should contribution to the landscape and character • Many of the trees in the avenues are Stage 1 submission in August that will, engage a reputable tree surgeon who will of the conservation area. In the case of a disease-ridden and some are damaged. A if successful, provide funds to progress provide the council with exact details of protected tree no work can start until per - the work to be undertaken. This would mission has been granted and the council programme of replacement needs to be to the Design and Develop stage. include the location of the tree and photos has powers to require the replacement of a undertaken, with more disease-tolerant A decision will be made by December. where possible. tree that has to be felled. varieties that will also cope with climate We are very fortunate to have such a The council then has 6 weeks to respond The granting of consent to do work on a change. wonderful asset on our doorstep and if before the work can go ahead. Many tree does not imply a legal right to carry • The area around the Wolfe Statue you have any ideas that could be taken applications are straightforward but the out that work. If the tree is not on the becomes very congested in the tourist forward as part of the Project, do look officer may want to make a site visit. applicant's property the applicant may need season and ways of extending access to out for further open meetings or let us The council has the power to place a to get permission from the land owner on the magnificent views needs to be know via [email protected]. Tree Preservation Order (TPO) on a tree or whose ground the tree stands in order to investigated while reducing erosion We will be happy to share your ideas group of trees. This would prevent felling, carry out the work. below that area. with the Project team. lopping or damage to the tree. Debi was Debi was keen to stress that applications • The boating lake needs a sustainable More information is available on the clear that her powers are limited, even in are treated sensitively and that neighbours water supply to remove its current Greenwich Park website the case of TPOs. The main criterion is are encouraged to co-operate. There is no reliance on a mains supply and the fabric https://www.royalparks.org.uk/ that the removal or lopping of the tree charge for making an application and she of the lake needs to be repaired to stop park-management/conservation-and - would have a significant impact on the is willing to give advice. the current leakage. improvement-projects/greenwich-park - local environment and that protection Debi Rogers can be contacted at Planning • The flower garden would benefit from revealed-project would be of public benefit. Department, The Woolwich Centre, 35 a discreet visitor centre that could be Members of the Westcombe Society This requires the tree should be ‘visible Wellington Street, Woolwich, London SE18 6HQ or by phone on 020 8921 5661. used for educational visits or just for were able to hear an illustrated talk by from a public place’. In granting or general information. Improvements to Graham Dear, the Park Manager, at The New the lake would make it more sustainable our AGM on the 12th May. Planter

Is education happening? This year, the Royal Borough of Yes. Michael Oakeshott famously said that education was a Greenwich supplied conversation between generations. In recent times a considerable gap has this planter at the opened up, because children see a different world with southern tip of the different emphases and fashions. This makes education very Standard. At first difficult. Parents need to do everything they can to the flowers weren’t “talk the same language as their children”. Schools need to do helped by the everything they can to win the trust of pupils. Without these moves much shortage of rain – teacher talk in classrooms is a waste of time. but then the heavens opened . . . The P E R Group’s new website: www.perprospero.co.uk

Susan Clark Interiors Childcare for ages 3 months – 5 years I can see a great nursery from here iors Inter Clark Susan If you’re looking for a nursery that will help your child to grow and develop – choose Zoom Nurseries. At Zoom every child enjoys an individual Learning Journey. A record that tracks their daily progress through our fantastic fun-filled learning environment. A & A LANDSCAPES It’s just one of the tools we use to keep our parents up-to-date with their child’s Landscape Specialists achievements, as well as their personal, social and emotional development. It’s an important tool, one that helps us ensure that when they leave Zoom to 113 Humber Rd start school, they leave as independent learners and thinkers, ready for the London SE3 7LW challenges ahead. Free advice & Qualified Construction to complete renovation estimates horticulturalist With five nurseries in Eltham, Hither Green, Blackheath and Brockley that Project Management • Interior Design between them have four Ofsted ‘Outstanding’ judgements, and places available, All aspects of soft & hard landscaping Upholstery • Joinery • Lighting work carried out including you don’t have to go far to give your child a great start. Curtains • Blinds • Paint * Maintenance *Site clearance To find out more and arrange an informal visit please Antique Furniture • Gifts • Cards * Turfing * Tree surgery call Ann Briley, Assistant Childcare Director on [email protected] * Fencing * Patios 07816 413718 or email [email protected] www.susanclarkinteriors.com * Brickwork 0208 305 2299 Tel. 020 8318 2530 Or visit our website for more details www.zoomnurseries.com

Westcombe News June 2017 7

please send ads for the Market place with pay - ment by the 10th day of the preceding month to: Marilyn little, 163, Westcombe Hill, se3 7dp 8853 1312 [email protected] ALL classified adverts 30p per word. Please make cheques MARKET PLACE payable to The Westcombe Society BUY LOCAL! ACCOMMODATION HoMeWorKs JeWellerY ANd WAtcH repAirs ANd All-round handyman for those DIY’s you have no time for! vAluAtioNs from Michele Franklin. British Discounts available on production Good reliABle Host FAMilies wanted for for - General repairs. Painting & Decorating. General Carpentry Jewellers Association accreditation 07809 502 714 eign students. For more info. please contact Lynne and flooring. Flat-pack assembly. Patio and deck cleaning. [email protected] of your Westcombe Society on 01732 822649 or email [email protected] No job too small. Contact Matthew Barron 07903 388658. s.s.d Builders ltd. membership card . ROOMS FOR HIRE MArK cHeeseMAN, locAl cArpeNter ANd Long established Building & Roofing Company avail - JoiNer with 30 years experience. All aspects of able for free estimates & advice. ALL works under - BlAcKHeAtH villAGe: carpentry and construction carried out considerately taken, from guttering to Refurbishments. All works FuNctioN rooM For Hire pAres FootWeAr and to a high standard. Reinstatement of viewed within 24 hours, fully insured & new work is Blackheath area, up to 150 people, Bar, disabled 10% OFF all shoes over £20, excluding sale stock access. Tel 07940 296290 original Victorian/Edwardian/Georgian details, guaranteed. Call us today on 07931 536533 or 0208 ie shutters, skirtings, plinth blocks, picture rails, 305 1039 [email protected] rAFFles desiGNer WeAr. GARDENING cornices etc. Bespoke joinery, wardrobes, cup - pHoNe/BroAdBANd socKets. 10% OFF all non-sale goods GArdeN MAiNteNANce: mowing, weeding, pruning, boards, stairs, kitchens. Sash windows Improved Broadband speed plates, Fault Finding tHe verB sHop 10 percent discount on all communal garden contracts, fruit and vegetables, overhauls. Resin timber repairs. Please call Repairs, New Extensions, Tidying of cables. 25 yrs copywriting and content creation. Free 1 hour gardening tuition, RHS qualified, also domestic cleaning. M: 07767 456131 or H: 020 8854 4028 BT, Insured. 07845 705900 assessment of your marketing material. Call John and Rachel on 07746 121510 s.s.d pluMBiNG ANd HeAtiNG Friendly local suNsHiNe WiNdoW cleANiNG For a no- plumber available for free estimates and advice. All obligation quote call Martin on 07821 403577 HOLIDAYS works undertaken, no job too small, from boilers to WestcoMBe cleANers I'm a friendly, hard- GreeNWicH: bathroom suites, all works viewed within 24 hours, fully working & organised domestic cleaner. Regular or NortH pole restAurANt WHitstABle WeeKeNds / WeeKs Sea wall house 12.5% OFF Meals only for two between Oyster Warehouse and Harbour. Sleeps 5. insured and new work guaranteed. Call today on 07931 single services. Competitive rates. Additional tasks. I 3d diviNG 10% discount on all scuba diving Fantastic views. 8858 6578 or 013 04 367443 536533 or 8305 1039 [email protected] love my clients to be happy. Phone 07746 291617 courses. Offer excludes scuba diving equipment. PERSONAL CARE & THERAPY upHolsterer speciAlisiNG iN trAditioNAl locAl dressMAKer: Hand made in London upHolsterY Www.suemayesupholstery. Providing clients with a Bespoke garment, Wedding, GreeNWicH coMMuNicAtioN ceNtre BlAcKHeAtH Holistic HeAltH service. net or phone 07932 040298 Prom & Party dresses especially for Babies, Children at 164 Trafalgar Road: 10% Discount on all Counselling, Psychotherapy, Yoga s.s.d dAMp prooFiNG speciAlists in the treat - & Adults. 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