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MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1957 2 FIIJPINO FORUM Birthday Party For guests were unanimous in declar. ing that his culinary skill was Sec- Gov. Rosellini Accepfs lnvifa'l'ion Martin Natividad ond to none. American and Fin. MARTIN NATIVIDAD,person- pino dishes were served. able and hapy-go-lucky mam in the Among his guests were Mr. and community, held a. quiet party on Mrs. Jack Sherwod, Mr. and Mrs. his “39th" (?) birthdaylast Mon- Art Berube, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ger- day, Nov. 11, at his residence, 3001 vais, Mr. and Mrs. Dominick Macri, 22nd Ave. So. Mr. and Mrs. Guido Almanzor, Martin served both as bartender Miss Marie Proctor, Vicent Sabado, and cook on this occasion, and his Gabriel Fuerte, and V. A. Velasco, Blood On The Rising Sun By Adalia Marquez A faithful, intimate story of the occupation of the Philipplnes by Japan and the tragic life in Fort Santiago by one who went through the experiences of imprisonment and survived them to be able to relate her story to the world. The author was the flrst Filipina woman news reporter, at one time working for Gen. Carlos P. Romulo, then editor and publisher of the D-M-H-M publications in Manila. Gen. Romulo writes the Preface to the book. Upon the arrival of Gen. MacArthur, she became a staff member of the Counter-Intelligence Corps of the U.S. Army. $3.50 a copy. Place your order with the . FILIPINO FORUM 62i King St., Seattle 4, Wash. BANQI‘ET SPEAKER —— Governor Albert D. Rosellini (right) shakes hands with Mariano B. Della, chairman of the Convention Arrangement Committee of the Caballeros de Dimas-Alang. Inc., as he FOR A JOB? Looking LOOKING accepts invitation to be guest speaker at Convention banquet at the Olympic Hotel, Jan. 25. on are. from left: Mrs. Juanita Pena (Josephine Bracken Lodge), Mrs. Clara Sarusal (Josephine Register now with the Bracken Lodge). Maria Luisa Dominguez (Tandang' Sora Lodge), Mrs. Josephine Cadiente (Josephine Bracken Lodge). Mrs. Mariano B. Della—(Photo by Merle Junk. (Olympia) INTERNATIONAL Philippine Students Ai U. of W. J. Bracken Lodge EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Officers Fefed Ai' lnferanional Banquei' Has New 6|4 St., Seattle -- SE. 8540 Ten Philippine students at the New officers of the Josephine King Lodge, University of Washington this fall Bracken No. 69, C.D.A., 0 For part time or full time iob; were of foreign Gov. Rosellini Inc., were elected Sunday, Nov. 17. among hundreds 0 domestic, catering services, students honored at the 23rd an- Those elected were Mrs. Jose- For nual Thanksgiving banquet spon- To Address C.D.A. phine Cadiente, worshipful ma.- ianitorial, secretarial or profes- sored by the University YMCAand tron; Mrs. Cion Narte, senior war- sional positions. YWCA last Tuesday, Nov. 19. Confab Banquet den; Mrs. M. Llarenas, junior warden; Mrs. Clementine. Dumlao, They Emerenciana are Misses Governor Albert D. Rosellinl prosecutor; Ganalon, Bangloy, Mrs. Lila. Alday. Flaviana Ruth speaker . will be the main at the secretary; Mrs. Juanita Pena, . Maynigo. Pepita. Porras, Leticia SPECIAL ?anquet of the Cabal- auditor; Carusal, Siazon, Martha Sibal. Shirley Hart Convention Mrs. Clara lnlaid Linoleum Remnants . $1.25 per sq. yard leros de Dimas-Alang at the Olym- treasurer; and Ellis Pacis; and the Messrs. Mrs. Vivian Morales. pic Hotel, January 25. chaplain; Mrs. in- Anacleto Agpawa and Joe Sarmi- Hazel Dulay, GRINSPAN'S PAINT 8: LINOLEUM by estigator. ento. This was announced Mariano 2216 Jackson 5!. Phone FR. 3531 B. Della. general chairman of the to Their contribution the after- Convention Committee, after an was a. dinner program group of interview with the Washington BREVITIES Philippine folk songs and a “Pan- Jackson Sheet Governor recently. Manuel S. Rus?a was passing Rexal Drug dango Sa Ilaw" dance by Shirley Mr. Della, with a delegation cigars last Thursday, Nov. 14, after The lost-590d“! Store on Jackun Street Hart and Joe Sammiento. - - - composed of members of Mrs. Rustia gave birth to a bounc- Candy Coty Yardley Pomades - lentheric songs were various Singing the folk Em- C.D.A. lodges in the Northwest. ing baby boy at the Seattle Gen- erenciana Alday, Ruth Maynigo, called on the Governor at his eral Hospital about 9:15 that Jackson at Maynard Seattle, Wash. Leticia Siazon. Shirley Hart. Joe Olympia office to extend the invi- morning. Weighing 6 lbs. 6 025., the baby has been named Roney. Sarmiento and Anacleto Agapawa. tation of his fraternity. Both mother and baby are doing Pepita Pox-rag was the piano-ac- The Governor received the dele- Winferize Your Car Now! gation courteously. “Mr. Della, I fine. companist. ONLY am very happy to accept your in- The Filipino-American Women's m vitation to be with you at your Club held 8. Potluck Dinner last Convention banquet, and I GENUINE OHEV. PARTS USED Sunday, Nov. 17 at the I.L.W.U. cllllA SUPER SERVICE looking to meeting your forward am‘ Local 37 Hall starting at 3:00 p.m. 0 O delegates on occasion," the‘ Mobil Gas Mobllolla that Games of amusement were in- LubricationuAuto Repairing FACTORY ILL Governor told Mr. Della. dulged in after dinner. Telephone SEneca 9890 In Mr. Della’s delegation were: TRAINED WORK 805 Jackson St. Seattle, Wn. Dan Sarusal (Burgos Lodge), Valerie Mendoza, 11, daughter Cris Pena (Gen. Tinio Lodge), E. of Mr. and Mrs. Juan Mendoza, MEcHANics GUARANTEED Victoria Bac h o (Evangelista 4836 Gazelle St., was the recipient TOKUDA DRUG Lodge). Ariston Dait (Burgos of a table-load of gifts on her EASY BUDGET TERMS RELIABLE Lodge), Salvador D. El acclon birthday, Sunday, Nov. 10. At the PRESCRIPTIONS (Burgos Lodge), Ted Ranjc (Bur- dinner-party arranged by her par- BIG Fountain Service gos Lodge), Joe Marasigan (Bur- ents. Filipino and American dishes TODAY'S 1724 Yesler Way gos Lodge), Lula S. Qulanio (Bur- were served, after which a brief CA. 3611 gos Lodge), George Lagare (Gen. program of songs and dances took 'l‘inio Lodge), Mrs. Juanita Pena place. 'l‘ VALLIIiAT (Josephine s J Bracken Lodge), Mrs. ‘ . ' _ ' (Josephine Oriental and English Printing r4l.EJEEVBPLET/ STATE DRUG CO. Clara Sarusal Bracken If 1233 Jackson St. Lodge), Mrs. Mariano B. Della. Office Supplies - Stationeries moron Stamps Try NAGON Black Hah- Dye Mrs. Josephine Cadlente (Jose- Rubber ammuvL Lodge), and Maria . New Discovery phine Bracken CA. 0441 622 Rainier Ave. “ 4 lor Owners 0! all 4 Dominguez (Tandang Sora j 50c & SI.OO ‘Luisa Greafcatz'lngs [LodgeJ West coast Printing Go. “ " * W '4'6fhru's6'Chevrolels"'”" For Extra Good Hair Cut, Try CHINA POULTRY 00. '— 5995 HENRY'S BARBER SHOP Fresh, Fancy Milk-Fad m? (Thu. Durban) Poultry g2?".‘35a?:"£.-“°.'F§*;ZE‘:":E':::”“’-"“- ‘.. 3" Washington St. Below Union Hotel Wholesale—Retail / 9420 [You SAVE Honry dole Cruz, Prop. Phone MU. 715 King St. EL. 4433 518' W m “a Indupo, Shrubs. Fertilizer ‘ ?‘ ‘ V ‘ KING STREET TAVERN and Rich Sou Cured for by the! hour or month “ I\.la NICK A. BAGA liS’I‘IJ“ Fea+uring Ho’r Saki ‘ GARDEN- HIli\ IHD.I.IC'I‘ ’ -8080 Oourtlnnd PI. 80. 80h and Wes?oke EL. “22 622 King 5:. SE. 9262 ‘ “inlet 8150 Seattle 44. Wn..