·' sheer w all the trouble fix feet wide and eight hundred feet Priori 'Mother Γ said I, υΐιο day ; 'why did "'Nui anybody el so, hut herself,' "Vet), )on used in scare me huit t<» to play iib. They made ijjf her tJ.e Jtmocraf, we and in pathetic IS my lather select Dartmouth for njo Γ interrupt· .1 ΡιΐιοΙομο. Ί n«v«*r could death, saving I'm'."' interrupted my in tlie first plaeo. However, won'l down, sang style k>»f|T " at beautiful "i'aitsing under the Rod." fublUhr·* Τ·«■xi·jr Muiuiug, hjr jJortri). 'Your father and hit* brother both viii«Ιοrstmt î hmv «lie rouhl I>e Father 'mother. "I hud to te ! 1 falher it was a j talk about tli.it,' lio mid, glancing song F. E. SNA the best as It id said to be like from tho W, went there, aud hu» IoIks lived in thai Winder's «laughter.1 nicknan ο Aunt Abbey gave mo. Oh mother. 'It turned out for descending THE A\i> /. Kl>lTOR AkD WORLD *· as was desolation of the into tho foliage PROfKIKTOK neighborhood,' answered my mother. 'She wasn't much like him. that's dear! I'm afraid we said and did a good lar I concerned.' Alps rfcKlli» —Tw<> I>ollar· ji«r *e»r— ιί >ELLT * UlTCIII ·· of A from Cole- #I.M> |vu4 *1 never knAw lather had a eel tain I »r :i sweeter old thai wouldn't bear examina· "Well, that's about ail there is to tell. and beauty Italy. party st '»»·«■ my ; tempered gen many thing- now foundation lor Whether uiy In-art I·* or me a farm next l>i« broook are the gln«l u·», brother!' said I, surprised. tie id an never lived.' continued my aunt. (ion. 1 have always tell ashamed of the Fallier gave own, laying Tl>» mi turner» cone, I he «uiuinci* 1 " near the western entrance, tlrautattou a to· MI I MOO. (<>. fuother Marled, and Ijoked Peu hid whole and built lis a nice new house, and tho a big Hotel The lane» "My •Anyhow, t,he took everything; performance grow datk with dyuik leaves; com- we and will be and foi lcivte* troubled. Then she hard work to even her own mother's me I next weio married. But ready opened Rites of hau^ beneath the ea»e« said, impressively: get "Marrying included, suppose. spiing Advertising. Th« j would ever next. C. «»Ur« wither to tUc mio» : 'Abner, must never mention Iho However, -lie did them at Well, mailt t- went on so tor tome weeks. neither father nor mother call pany by July I« J (sutra. ,1 inch at ■(>··.-· 1 week, $1 ·· you things gel ft··!» *>«1. ... 4» Thu« da««4ut (he (arm work, nnd soon my Aile For the Oxfori.r*j|n»u.»ol Κ·1<|« i *J here, lie will not allow do your lather unknown to Penelope; graduated, The whiter* eoine. the winter» BY OF BCTliKL. urd*. au H'tilk. Jx»r aquArv, 1 Ht ir<>. A many Hit Mountain». ΚΑΙ», The »iin»hine so. You wire named lor your uncle, such α leller as he se(H me. I never and then came back to take hold of the kunl<«*· ·Ν<4μ«*, kjUN. IM |>Uy* with Imby leave»; » a» * wild- t» n:»4r*:>jr» aii 1 K\r«Mlur·' 1 mi but I made Mr. L:ist week in ••The wort·! was sail,—the xarileu Notie··, huiM auoui lh· «ave·; but then it wiwyour giaudfalbir's n unc dared let your mother see it, Pen, harvesting. had quilo up my Editor: company Ail «Ifecr »o Notw»·. |l W for woman noil«1 |»l»r a^uar·. The level» wmd flouer» Ami M m, (In* hermit lijfhod—tilt ■ *· bend u 1 blow a·» well.' I'll show it to ion both ih»w.' mind by that tiinn to be a tanner. w ith three Intimate lady friends whose Thu» the men th the winter en«l and no, In a Jewish worship, *·'But how did it ?' I askud. "Ko "When the hell of the harvest work and fitted them pattof Ρι«·μ(Ι; a»U Whrihrr nty Ιι^ I»· tail 01 no. bappeu she did. It whs a bitter, liai«1 experience disposition was 51—My Kl*ft«4. any, "I thank Théo, U Lord I that I was the loi 1 and was over. tor I mr* M l'Mteaxill A Co I» Mat· Mmt, H>·· •What cause ol the «quarrel. lottci —and cruel and Μ ν ebee-i:·making Penelope agreeable travelling companions Ί ·: Mother Nature to mv unforgiving. nut made a woman." Tho wotuen, fol- μ ·ι4 itiNMuiit. Ν «m* * Κ glveî j Ywk XUh there was a ?' to tu mother that »he should turned back on tho tarai, for the ν V suppo»e checks with y my pur- .•art M aaU Γ. C. Ε «ne. II» Wuku^t·» M food and tent ·> b>) athy ipiarrel burned anger and shame pmposeil "I thank Thee. Ο " lowing, s.ty meekly, t««.aa. ·Γ* *UthorÎI*li own in a ot line lor which a week'» recreation. ifl'lU. I» m> Ueitrt I ttnd In.' harm Ά ol course!' «aid my mother, when I read it. not a draw piece linen, pose of giil, *Penelo|>o did say Lord ! that Thou hast made me as it To make her ue.tr and wami was «he came to started on to tcn>ier, with a tone ot bitterness unusual s ! : the yam ready. When Our party Thursday Inst, very word at lirsl.but presently brightened seemed best in eu Through tuiumer w tutor ·ιι·>» thy sight." («Mr1Nr« tfU, ky (UmIuIiiu tbe «unthme, u ith her. 'Your lather there examine the loom, she found the harness visit Dixville Notch, way of Newry *<1 thought by ,φ i»> kl Um> twtiuul «lu·, ana She rla»|<» tue, »ad or {.«<1 or no. up. The first is an exceedingly natural M.»· ·lo fcvtif 11)· uiavitc» of lb· »«lx iUovJ was one woman in and in need « I and as harness and We Ml Huthel lliil about s only th< world, ••'Aunt Abbey .-aid she it I could repair, making L'pton. ear- ohm »*·η.1 lu o· ti* mail, «r U ind tu ».? flarjMr Monthly ; speech and no doubt an exceedingly ou Ik *t ot she ν A. in one Cross· .ri Mi t(tai "V|il. I "S." th«- «Ιιμ, uwi th.it wan IV ne Morrill; and t-Ut see i am mij»· IM make i- done I»ν two pair hands, M., largo carriage lope Uucic Nathan, nest one. a of grace, ;*· »·►'·' " P*'J ,ur ·· tbBl M hm iii.>u«t IH t'FK HE.ST l'A The soeond, speech TUS. in me to lier." the rivor at Barker's wo ·*.«· lu there was one man the like ηιυ asked liridgu, pass » >«a. «ttuaM ·-· i_ak.ru raaMiu* lût ·Ιψ thought only him in spite of himself.' help ing an unnatural one. if lh» :ao··» I· ·ο( ci edited · ithin l« ·> I οιι. ·· is to llear and—perhaps ta4 w««k», IaU-Ιϊ U'k>O with wha sirote world, and that was Abner t. I don't In-line ••I don't know what the harness !''| down ihe Androscoggin River, f |M>M M api>rta«d wt 1t. Hoy Ί you would,' said I. The first is to us; the To »how iliiU 3H πιν «,i» «·· 1 impracticable dun, know hew much -lie « a> t«· blame. said I. in its the M> \V« Il, I don't father i- passing valley through village a man Thai hi· ab-ne—the ifl.i l to Ilea ν ru know—your second, attainable. No one blames s it is the of nil ill in a of Corner, we found sovciul tine Ihiu >i>tcr Abbey alrta> took her part, and dicadlul s.ml "Well, ajMcin JTM Newry Anil it I answered h m set,* my mint. 'Anyhow. for not undeistanding a woman, it is not over which the throaiU ot the burns and houses. }Jr*fts*ional Curds, #rc •«aid was by lier o··.·.· to loom, by w.irp looking dwelling "Strike u 4 away the «Ι.ιΙΓ I hold. IVnciope persuaded Abncr, you everything youi in the nature of that they should. so as About noon wo ariivrd atScrew things ou t |ι ik» to she would have Natlrin. are alternately raised and depressed Auger ^ iiin jji\e m· jo«li *, <1 ir f lend : say lather, and you might not to go against No, I do not blame them lor not under« of the ihutlle. Kails. Tired o| wc look a ram- «ιι>»υ> a sw im:v, I i> the »tee|· liai our path* an -et she broke off hci to allow the passage tiding, Anyhow, engagement him.' woman, but because «very mm In different to on< -ure »o standing.* way·, end to '· I'liesi· sti aie knotted in a ble on the rocks, thu river low Jt Counsellor* ut your lather and married Abner. I'hen 'Aunt AI is ings pe«*uliai bciag Aitvrnry* Law, 'bey tight,'said Penelope, on this muudano so tirmly and U We now that a can across sphere hat. tiioiuh. with eugle ni .nice updifd your fathci manied me, and we moved and somewhat inliicate manner. pen>oii easily steps fcOlTIt FA Κ1·. «ΑΠΐ. a I lei a litti» |>i n-o ; 'it won't do, Ablier. to the belief that they un our persistently clings beulitt beyond uorUl ken. were m ibis when my it. kli'k»! 1 WlUK'H. IloluriO Κ out here. That i* all I know.1 We iuu.it it for cngngid process \ oii tin.vt thi' hroail »ure «tftnea »f Kilth give up the piesent. when don't and can't. on that will do, they Sue.h l'iri*. Juu· 14. 1(74 U "•IMd I'nele Abnei have ?' Iallier through the room. If there is a spot earth More u tu \ than Ίο ut rial tuen my family 1 w:.s veiy unhappy at the idea, and I passed Instead of about their own busi- ·· *'J fiai's he. •liar- cause a to feel that thcie is an going I wlnf, alter a >hoi ι lit* ni-c. tooli>h light, Mary!'said person J. H. WMUHT, To e«.-h «ee.'riJing tu ht* »tm>;îth; said many tiling·. ness, us help when wo need if. ·* ne>< linn !' invisible who bust 'ins ail, il is giving w e Ί believe he had. Ί up tight licing llut Λ» leave U»e plain» below. hey movtd i ί it l dul!" my us when we do not, th- y you iuleiiupted " aloao 'She hat iloii thai in· a !' < ii l 1, when the ν behold so iuo of the wonder- letting ATTORNEY AT LA I.et η· «art c out a wider stair, Irom the wi d both he !> our tf, away place, mother. will in poking themselves int.· Aim) tliro'tin »η··«. without ihou it. nature. The a short persist PAHIk β M Al.ft Κ. bnm.lrrp.itli».l« In· and bin wile died A'd>o\ a"d wln n speaking ful woiksol Jail, ILL, young "Well, Ρι·ιι· !«»j>e was lit t·· « think there is no corner in » ■ is nn sphere. They Ht l'ruujptl* luti»' Ai»', »»<«·! al And when ou tli· ·ι< « t« »l .·»; λ Mal look» d mm d. distance above tho Falls, opening κοΙ ays up her li.« wit.'i lYtic we not rven y but th:it :· t>u>iDrI» lu frulat*· ( <>Uit K«*j»t ne on all sides with a they ait thing about them in h» r letli·». When ail in\ vacation that lather I was hope perpendicularly Γ.ΧΜ Il FOATEK. JK.. Λ clotid* Ul*l but otMcur*

  • lurl» yr»r» l lunl. effect digestive apparatus. lurl> I ·i lout IV. ·! k t·· ni·» lin· lui » > efficient :tud minister of the lliat tend» tu facilitate lalxtr i> u po>iiive Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, |h |ι··|ιτΓ ol«l \ui>i>. popular lire., lit |. .-îii.in. Mnl mal··' lin ιιλ ί PREPARED BY benelit in mankind. The 1».·>1 & l'AX< Γ CO Λ TS Ml». I\ lualuH'a kuaihlHK »jrap U Ihr Gospel. pecuniary HltoHS UXEX VuIîI» I»'.Mot ΙίΛΊ οι ι ΙΓΚ «lie -·Ι Dr. J. C. A YER n Co., Practical Chemists, MAINE STEAMSHIP COMPANY. lasu u f ui Ol ItK i»-»t ÎViuai» maubinc or churn is nota Il iniiutioti!· »ί nui |>rrarrtpl Pliy-i i sewing "good -tnli'ij· Ci-unty. 7. Ο V. S. A. • uitnl ·>ΙΜ>. aad Iiaa a s/> in s rt:us. Wfll.L, MASH., 'xk»» λκκΛχαν.ΜΓ.χrs. iaR SALE KY ALL DUtOOIsni EVEKYWOKR*. iur «hirt» years with taiui* salety and ν ri'liH iliaf their in one woman lu I all iiml i-x;i m im* III -Ι·> lieloiu |>ιι »-aa million- of uiothets ami children. ir .«i is now at work. filling So enabling S pany fairly ΐ«.ΐ|ΐοΙίο. i, I.. I». I VI » Srmi-MiThl) Lint*. «Hr mtaut uf une mnt ohl tu the aJi.il. It uiuob ol kind in THE PORTLAND lor sleds to be doits cleaning every l'an», Mt·.. Jiiu* IT. 1*7:·. UVKRTISK IN THE l» a. i.ltl. ol Ihc atuuia· h.telunrea m nid roi·:. contract* supplied dining one as two women chu do in two ailii after 111»· IMli lll-l till 111.·■ η UUri tbe iwl bealtb atul day boMvl». uni jro< .n ib« VVurW. tu all raae» business < r« iueU« tine appeal an ce of systematic i.i u Lo ihe liuniau race. lin· U»! lui»· rii-in? medium iu t lie Company I.envc < .altN Wharf, PortUu>l > »·ι aiaU VUItUlEA IN HILI» positive blessing ii «·. W M inform the that continue to ^πΕΝΓΕΚν Ul 111Κ Meant Mill. il il 1 In Miltmi l'Ianlatiou t I'· rin« l.iut public they >1 Ρ '·*· s in once used il will l'nunty. r:il..p» ('on· and THI KSDAV, il I P. ami leave it arises from or fi»iu an» Davis & Co, No woiuan wlio has οιι h I rn ul ilvc Manufacture vih«Ut«i Teettiiug activity. Hathaway, Oxfnnl t ninny, Maim·, to. oui) trai'U the ir t·» tl»· Hihantairr nf Κ. Κ New York, ι·κ·ι MO.Mi.U an.I I III li"· for by yi >u-t iuU 4a IlKM· I'oillnmi Kerosene Oil. ut • u»iu^ j are also their any thing mlit-rtinT DAY, 1 I*. >1 ••a· unie» the next driviug > mut II u U'ltle. N.>> i» on tb« uut-hle Sold by cheapest < iia lu· at a i( for toon. It prevalence large uuaiitity | boujrtit barjrain ii|i|ilioi| the at a irooinmixlatioo·· for (la-'i'bK1!-, making tl.i· in·· business. » ainl oit» m market, cheap *'a, >cr. >ol«l b* all M> rt.s in regard t· ι'Ι betueen New \ OI k au 1 Malue Principal It I· nil KilulilUlittl I ai I, Saw Mill i» ill re· oUMTNUflMWMaerjf. good the Point ami Κκκιιμλε oil, rmdvi it a maltei I'aHnairein Mute roorii$. Caldn p;.» ;l. will hold a ami I» an excellent chance for η fa-.'tory, a κ κ thi: l'atis Hill Academy, writing pair μοιιΐ to ourselves as to our ctu· Meal* extra. PRATT'S ASTRAL OIL. : is ol justice well aafetv ihiil can be cured but it with of white lurch ami |M>|>lar lumber.— i.. Λ Consumption plenty oxfouη democrat: lountrs, that si me notice should be taken of the-i ).oo.f Ma n· m superiur 14 ^aa far prevent again present part-. si,.p· ijiialitK· R. T. ALLKN. Ιιι Ailvaticci h ■- IliuBinalinji Wed ne» $1,.'0 stnl would ill attention to the «tatnl Mn to tin to iiw an* la.η ι· without of or Monday and lay evening. Kvtry Iroui itsell on ihe by 1»TJ. U' nient, high mreqeented mid Ani|lit -Uu^er exploding lasti-ninjj system, Milton I'lantatioc. July l.'itli, >tcuiier>> *4 *« 4 I' M on tl «■ ilav* ; .·\ 'H'. leave Portland. ut' *»Ulile and dan^erotia uifa. It* safety : persou desiring prolicieul tiiuely remedy I'uiili-htil (frr /'«ni/ii;/ at ihf I |»2; • ·· 'l'liis »l II. the ti-st of wliich i» li5 Fahren For freight or impaire to te^t aud its a member of lar'i Itiilsmn ll'il·! Cherry, ΟΧΚΟΚΙ» l»K\HH ItAT OKFIC'K. m:, degree* applj e»«rj p.>a»ib|e perfect burning irt ot <>J ! « » < the writing—whether JUST RECEIVED lin., .uni olten reaches higher; also ΙΙΙΑΙΐι I »\, ti.ili W harf. Portland >» vu· proTe·! by lia eontiuue.l u^e tu o*er will cure ΓλκΙΒ, (Ι'.μ! Γ·Ι Count). ΜΛΙΝΙ-. ooMskletaUj M to standard speedily ■ u would that we are determined to maintaii •I F Λ MRS, Pier :ts Κ. I»., Si n Vork. ftuilhes the Academy or uo—is invited attend. preparation >L\ Κ It Λ I. CAUS -ay M a or anil even their •Inly 'J.'iki. ou* ·Γ jjaii.iu- bare l*en ».-Id an·! uo acci colt! Consumption Ion*; e-tnhli"lii■·! reputation. an He ixiugh Oil. ;··''ί- 'lirvctlT <>r Mr. C. is excellent penmau. ΙΌΙίΤΙ.ΑΜ» hhltO>KNK COMI'AVV. iixlirectlr—h»» eve« ocettrml ulten yieds to its great power. CHOICE WESTERS » » 1 ι ι » ι (.urniuij, ur banillinc i» ! ! ! ! ! ! ! »turiuif it. which '·!· ο 1 atm*n>e teachea the system, M le*, «ml 1'urr a* Snow. We ijcote from chap. K. S. lr»Tl. the title yearn W>a» to lir»- ao>l probity. Spencerian I'haalr f SIXGE1» >i (roui the u»e of their sale of Manu rheap an* I I » ! «*«!··« «·ν I I -aid capter being "Inspection and -u lite I iiittil >Late» s Sozodont is a scientific ap^allinf The fragrant factured Articles.'* ι e lusuianoc Lwtupaeiea au.i iire and The teacher has (.unwiaaion· own books pens. of and choicest * the purest 9 9 9 I ion "j· inrt.U||h*iit tbe cuuuUy, rfcvninwi»| composition White Oats! 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 jskct.31. Kvery person and corpora engage K.VL a* tbe best which he will those of the Oriental In coal oil or sulejuurU when lamps are use·! books with supply ingredients vegetable mauufai-turing petroleum, burnin; |V|achinics x'» Sewing t shall «ause cask or other for Circular is one is well fluid, every vessel then *«r -aie M them. The tuition only kingdom. Every ingredient ol to b·' -o and ·« < retail by the trade an.1 at desiring marked, by »worn lu u liuixl ami » «orally, on the in-pocteil l.(iimtunlly "I· -ale the known to bave a bénéficiai effect pa hi s Funuisn coupa χ v. And it any person manufactures or tell by proprietor». CHA> I'ttATT a dollar for the term. pector. Fulton Street. New ^oik. teeth and gums. It removes all disa- siu-h oil or burulng rtuid not so inspected am Ι·'οι· Sale by Houtli Pavi.H ΐ\Γι·. ni irked in Ihii Stuff, or that has not been so in Γ S auj(*»-sn-*iiii at even of tobacco. MONTHLY Ι'ΛΥ Μ Κ Ν of Good odors, that a- —The Lodges Templais greeable >>c|iloint>cr a, IST:$. I ··«·!< d and maiked unsat'c for illuminating pur * **«■ removes those which lu' «hall ii tint uni liou^fhoid Pauurra Rockland are to make the session It speedily ravages |.o-«·-, juiy rrcettling Jfrtkiinîlif uniting to dollar» or be -Ix mouth* in the Count I.. 1». STACY. -, chiidreu suslaiu in their teelh, owing Vault Co. imprisoned 1 ol the at that on the The Portland Safe Deposit iiidlctnieut thnrefor. »»*ily l.inimriit Grand Lodge place, jail, upon use of sweet and acid articles, Portland, Ble., -1,1*?^. Il ιΐκ' Bates Store, Pari·· Hill. ^ !he best ,u improper D7 St., I*ortlan«l. April my>n'>in reuirtlv ;h., .. ... -'1st and 22ud of October, an Kxt'lianje agreeable which destroy them. June 18Π. wuiplamta.vii Cramps ,n u>e impcrceplibl} Κ, I -tin III tta» MoUUK'b and mean ΟΡΟ FOB ltr.\T OP VJ iîkî entertaiuiug occasion. They Glue, Ihe stickiest thing out. 't3 forma. KiliouH Spalding's !' to fiee for dole On 1*1:111. I"-iitery. Co Ida, l-Valj provide entertaiumeut "Increase_Pensions lli«> Dmο|»4·.in *t Wou^uH^iu. i"' The l.c*»ec exdukivfly hoM« llie k«y. If'trch !. 1*7:!. a hi--iier l'en-ion lc hblnai Complaint- '«branii «,..i members. The com \it, grants » Ur..î^ gates and visiting their Vault at rat··* vurvinjr ^ ιto Mii.lil I .It·» drawini' /'-.?< o ,Λ l,, cr. U lu tenia 1^m4 MA ICHIKli. inniile .-eriain now thauiI* u;...U·>.>|Hrratiu« i* H^4 to rclwv.· a re uulon of mem 900 per annum aecoriliugto·"-; uillal-o mouth. Ml vi ho iloeiu the rale now drav only uatient mittee propose social " per they cause receive on ilc.»··· nritii><* too -mall lite Incurred in the armv entirely Γνμιοτο the of c«mi,uTut î. I »|iet'i.il t) (1|',,.^ti„ for disability 4η'' ol the order and their entertainers IT. Kev. A -I Smith, of out "l tli.· Strayed. il vvill ->L-itc w liai the is for Mill· tbe wlK le s· -»eui. rCïi bots In VVaterionl, Sepii'iuUer by j iM-rsoitb it—A|,roail or city: they disability τ* ι!!/ i. K:itr s. of III** t'AME into tlie fiii'biHiirt? ol tin· "*** ·" ,U Ki.-hHrtlsnn ami Mis» ||uh M,ul' lrow home; oUoîer* they .-ire nuu and when and uhtrt i »MrU· Itiiekee on a Mr. T. I'utusm i*Tii|iuiiirily ub.-riiliir at Snutli I'uris, alunit pensioned, lut SK" Tuesday evening,ami public metling IhiIIi of \c--d-. ainl other·: wn- incurred, rau receive au application for In J»11" r*e »>u, Norway. Arniv ami Savv ; iua»t|n'rtv IIUOWX, Ill Sl9t Κ H I'ik.·. Μι eil on UOIIEItT Λ ι.. HI ni.l;\ l MM.li >| vii:s t'l.viu Ai.im, GEO. K. !!'.!/?/>. Λ4 our Oxford will be ln*t..bj Rev ap|iHcal'i>n. I :i\ Ili^T CO*l* l„ Kl>Uo· strw« N« w y.,rk County Jxxljjes repro· MaU.igrl. mariVtl t », I-Îj. *«<,7°; *'*T!iDil«'r Clark ami >ji*- ,)o.«t>pliine i-o. Ι". '5· '·· AUGUSTA. MK. Portland, .\ur'ii I iKIC Uuurdinn of Clinton and Il'fr to Governor υΐ' bt'rt Newman minor children nui" then, is it ?" said General Har- 'ale ol in «aid County, bavin* *1,,ιη'· :,nJ lo ,ho decision, '.'nd account ol oi lilt- "!'· tho cabinet pre.ented hi* gtunliaoahlp ««„! move carriage The of waH > ior allon ant-p; be counted out. rison. gentlemen next must Without mak Ordered, T'i:it the «aid (ju.udi.iu girt uotlc· j spindle, in the affirmative. IO ill interest· ·■ iauili g H γι>|μ ol 111.· ^grirultural. reg'm0 '· require· replied p»r»o'i- b)* ~T- «no ^ thl* (P*t,e^c old latMiMitl) iutt« ruder a further remark, the gentle- unVr'ohfpuolialietllhirir days to latten ing any Okfoni lh*m»era( printed at l'ari». that ih· ν may Hamp- :ui ot tiV^cn a ol at lot»- In id at i'arl» Agricultural EUuemtionat average lor man wrote a few words upon piece appear a I'rubut* Court twenty .aid on ol U>'(. ton. lor a re- in Couuty the third Tueaday βιίι, duck eighteen handed it to Mr. Webster, at » «'elook lu the forenoon and «hew cause il *''r " paper and any live have th·· «eui·· «hould not be ailowed. ot the uio.»t » and twenty l·» il aloud. The See- th<-) why Of thο industries Hampton ^iusr, him read A II WALK Kit. Judge. questing lui* Ικ-en «η for yearn for is k«.,T Λ liât·!· going true < r. is, of the farm. This Tlie led chickens a little embarrass. III»; one A copy —attest II Da VU, Reflate course, ol State looked of tho Sirk, on important :i relmy between lli<· C onstitution the direc- eoru meal mixed wi:h milk into doti^*'' he called υΧΓΟΚΟ·*>ΑΙ · Coure ol hatau held at is cultivated entirely under was no alternative, and the Active l'oison*, fal«ely but {here «i.le, and «II I'aru wi χΠι: Id in raid I M But at last common· I it Clin lair ouu'.y or from seven ry Harrison, lie foiiuil in every ci-metery. ON for an allowance out ul laborers busy ami in older. tu twenty centiliter*, l° ,lis ftvl· conflict. dccentod, prayitiK qf tha crops a to Uns pernicious «oiial eaUito ut lier late husband ; <>t a Slates." The ■ί»ιι*ι· it putting flop μ·1 is a of ••hinds* hete whit h tenths to one and four tenths gill genei.7' I hat the naid l'etitlouer uotlc· There supply UanlV·.". At liixt Ordered, g|«r said, "And William to all person· Interested, by coming * uupy oi thia the he:u t ot a Northern but this is reached Hen.7 would delight each time; quantity I he Prisoners order to be publiihed tli.rrn W«clt..u la the of the I'nited Slates, tells found that in Τ\ΚΚΛΝΤ'ι> in When the maximum that President yJ!'·1 - i.irnier. For convenience providing η prlnlfii gradually. that, .John Chambers — *K1,XZEN r An Kits r ihev have appear at a ('fufetlu Court to h· held at Pari* as is found, the gentlemen, by on uf Oct. work, and to interlere as little posai- any chicken can assimilate Kl'KCIt V E8CE.\ .... djlllvli,., „ ,.or. lu «ι|4 t-uuuty the third Tueada) next, shall be Governor ol Iowa." Ol course '.I n vloçk IU the forenoon and «he cause It auy the students are di- this is tonic, a febrifuge, a |»xa... „ j^icine, i\ !o with recitations, number indicating quantity placed tin y have ηΙι* Hit latuv should uot be granite the subject, and Chamber.» reclive, a ami anti bill. .A II ro- and the that concluded regulating Α. WAI.KKU. Judge, vided into tire which are in before it* garnir and I squads, compartment, I ol to all ordinary etlgenelM, go.. tru· »lle»l : II.C. llAVU, tU'gt»l«t, w*s "Itoco lections c,a* :-ΛΙ ou of wonders. Stager Harper's the miiit anil the »eereti\e orguu*. the ol larni labor. All the boys also work this is an ago nerve·, i««, Paru within aud lor County Oxford Truly M.ISTN. of Α. 1>· l»rj, student invention this tpi- October. ««1.1» Itv Λ I.I. llltl on tli* third I aeaday September, «•very Saturday forenoon. Fsch What a labor saving the |«?titf'>« of ANN M I'OUTKM widow of ! be it William V. I'oiter late ol K«»xbiiry In »a>d has, therefore, a and a halt every nrtt' must be to the chickens May ON to be day Xtyro XoUotis. County itoeciisfd. praying for h«»r dower What late h u· baud week of labor on the farm, lor whieh he is not wise to these details. gut oi the· rtxil estate of tier give of the colored notice 'be average capacity Kail Ordered, riial th» laid petitioner g'»· should be "" •,,,n''r'· ■*·"' the Iroiu seven to tea cent· an some Atncrican WANTED* " during to all Interested ab abstract ol is allowed it to their pertoa» by ca*»iBf enteiprising is. to >av tin· least, 1 ΩΠ nwl Wintei m >nl f»- tu ·|ο I mi sin in hi·» whole for- student lully cijual I UU t· is I.inJrnont. Tl>e money Γβ- «aid petition with Uu« order thereon to be nubiiabed or one dollar to a dollar and to invest own ltu*ine>· re»|iee.· from and township- llio American p'iMîc ·· In tha Oxford Oeoiocrat hour, thereby tempted of the white in Xoilhcrn com- adjoining ad- lia l>t*en lit fore t 1 itiunrnt ii 03 rej>re- three week* aueee»»l*ely that pupils *uil well l'or particular*. r t u„. at a Probate as some automaton table, eat) pa** vrai it Ι:;ν* ncv< y« fiMnle/l d at I'aria, thai they May appear a week. If he tune in a s » limit >rd. Conn ΤΙΙΙΓ.'Ι V » 'I"· print· half per wishes, grand improved to dre*. Si'UAN'I'ON Λ CO., OVER Γ.· ·.' pcnt:ine at lu aaid Coanl* mon schools, and often seems exceed <ίι. αί·! (ui-i nnfr~l get Court to be held l'aria vtt w at to teed to tKati-f.·' *,M can all of anil steam- ranted « «ntaoni ti.r our now failed giv«? p»-rft· ΜΝΙΜΟΓΓ Ot lj« next el * o'«iue« lit do, he work Saturday, power tyinette, tiidcn-ncc in their t.'"" active X fur all et- VEXtCAN MI""l'ANO Hit; third it when lh»· immense Ϊ ft* * of Hi met 1χ·«η stvlfi the jhhi.U at show uum II auy thry have !—Marik. ··/u I ifr ami V 1 ν -u'U'ii e»:»4 Country Btoree, tUe lorcnouc and wl(y ten thousand chickens a minute ffrrtoli't justly Sv.cliii»·' ult Dru t»e add to his WANTtO ISovmI im-Ihui; ίο olcpint eiiicrn villus ; Wouuil*. C'i lluri:â. Notice the »aiae ahould uot granted. gains. is considered. Their {JrrcUy teriml I' V 6" fri ! fi W> prr JV>ttlc Or· «tailing points thr a lull lu-t«ii\ of A. : r M ι·» : ζ 1 All W AI.KKIt, Judge, Tuition and the use of 1 low LANo, in r\< Magizine for nlmi, "i/rfliiK for Qrtiwi/.r," 1>πι public buildings Harp, ol outllt free Addle·* S;;ninF, ·: s «f iK.t'e, à'X f U t Davis, Itogieter almost cut il e want υΙ any capital groat fain-cr-* movement. i Ι··ι a i.'n··1" \ trip? copy— a(U'»l· lor Ma»» .Vast. Xo ate made tree to all. i'nliwi I'ulluhinrj Co., I to. ton. !ia. « being provided i> a >.ιλΗ'ΐ;ΐ·, »».- At a 'vi.rt Λ ΓπΛ;.·.· general inloim.ition
  • a»lv.cilage of Oxford the institution donation* and i>ii'itovi:i> l'un» witliiu aud for tlie Coauty by through to lia\e, indeed, i.tTKST of A I). IS7|. A in Tljii*. difficult estimate. I'liey on the third I ue«d»y Hepteaber of seveuty dollar» a year, Wttltiing Μ>Κΐ.ι·ν> Ad^Uifiiapi» •cholarships broken nil» «>· of liUUol hotel a picked up knowledge \ statu ol JloWill iaUl (u or two hundred aud ten for the whole In u church near the wedding ΙΓΜ<ΜΚ|ΡΜΜ'· £.Clj.iae hit Ur.t and one if laid decea««d, preeeoted behind their master*' chairs, , \\ ILLjIjUUXV) oonljr having estate a of our arriv- • ol of the of eni-l •ourse. Each contributor of scholar· wa» celebrated the evening ORSE f* W J, account administration bolli what they OWERS^ defeated lot allowance; to attend asked constantly surprised ly is into direct communication al. l'ermission being Ordered, 1 >·*! the >ai· I hut w irti successively iu the alter liearug a l-nghl boy in Life, published often alter the ceremony had com- example, PARIS, ME,, Oxforû liémocrat at l'arit, lhai Ihey uiav thus established arrived >n SOUTH priât·d correspondence class expi es- the opini a', a IT'it/af Cuurt to t* t,vi wi of I»ltll *de I A Judfï The for was about rather pretty, I'jii tie- who wish to will ·t ll to end ΙΊΛ'\Ι» \ l.\ Λ\Ι I, plila, charge personal expenses— eighteen, (.» 11n*I him inti- puri'ln-n of VfvT VOrW. : II. L. I)Avia, Kf|lstsr the it is somewhat .-t .rtlii.^ I' ( irrnlar» and lieserlplrw Pure Ι.ι-t, wf'ich (0\TI>i:\TU., A uO. A t rac copy—attest ten dol- was in a white silk, with 11rJCO,lXO board, lights, etc.—is dressed ι·ιλ\<ιί|.·ι| ui>«>n five J. Λ 4'C- !" washing, tlie oiacle ot iml able wi'l be application, In«W|i«»nif»M| Is" Ι.','.ΝΙ,Ι'ιΙϋϋ. fa;—Λ» * Court rn>hate al etc., to be male with Delphi, 1X1. Ôa»OKI), Vf of jt'id lars a mouth, and as this would not be usual veil, orange blossoms, IJI'K 4 ACTII>F.!*T l'ail», άitliiu aud «aid CwuQly CutorJ a Fiiiiiuu At ηΐΙΟΐ Ι ΊΛΙ.Κ TIUVKLKHH A ti. 1»"^. to tell kviiat i> meant by policy. of rhIUilrlpbU. of Hartford, (mm. on the third Tuesday of >eptember. seen at home. She wn* nl tended by \ Μ» ItΚ'Γ 111.. MUMtl.lV, CO., ou U.n ω et the labor, every mi-u·.» iiri.tKK Aduiuiiatrator by regular weekly οι remove a » η ri \ Ι·;.: ι., | |«. ttlll I it difficult to |liiut>l<' .nn«. ί <1 ΙκΛ ί»<·Κ f Λ •■.cl», I'.'JIJjMS.OO. late of I'«i is in who were dressed ac- (ouud t'\|ilain Inpurj»nret«'«l e.tata of Albert ti B.irt»viur student is liable to be called at any seven bride-maids, Itreeeh· *■ upou upward* AJ.VAll deceased, bav 1114 preacnted lue lli.it the Hiiiish >" im'EIXCR *4Ι·11 ouut) but fought -— I.nailer*, f to > PIMCWKII «a» as the to as color, general impicssiou » 4.1.4 It ι:, οΓΗΜΙΛΤΑΙ û, I he ÇataTC v| time the term, exigencies cording fancy regarded < xla 1.1 V I : It r«M I. I.0M>0\, of tlartfortl Conn. copnt of 4iJii|iiilslf4îiMti during the Heiolufiou l<> abolish sla\tiy. GUIS?i:.i!. Kev.dver-,l»»Tt QraaamlCapRJfli CO., us in ο KngUnil. dtKctsoi for alioeU, #444,uOb I hat the iald Administrator ^I uwtlc· lequire, for We send a liiS·'·. Α -«et», i Ji'.ftjWl.UOO.OU. Ordeied. i, with Mispicion I» to !>«■ e\ ιm:n 1 In t ire pud Iiircr) nmtvil a oi tills ladies talked Washington regarded I.oadcr. te urrsOU* IHtafriled bJ Causing copy ot not twelve. And These young W. Λ t > <>tt Λ sien»' Miitzle (II IB I lie da_\s exceeding Κurope. in genuine be bll tiled thrn Wrrkl succetfivrlj !)0 Was a shite holder; ami < Κ·"Ι, ni· IiommI y de* to pu because w it h Kla-k, I'oneh and leaning !y al that ttiey uiay the lurther to the ceremony, ·· Mid nil !<>«·«· Democrat l'aria, have oppottuuily pay imong themselves duriug * :> for Ι'ι l.i-t. SMITH Λ «ην of the < at lulr r.ttca, Oxford printed they ot 1 fill >end -taiup i lrnl lit«iir.in«v IT. I in <·ιη|>·ΐι<·-« Court to ba uald ai I'aria conliituaUon their distrust, 9t V V I. f>·. l·-!r·· in I Λ my former uitnm«ri aixl ibc at a 1'iobata the to be a strong j.'l ami.Vit liatham I'll ηι> Ι«··«| »vr»ii-<·. t.» appear Ή1. naal oil all arrears by labor and seemed having very pleasant "ΐ.·Ι IKK"», ((roadway a- »<·>>ιι »» i|«'(»'imln<'>l r nord* |»ai·! their All trtiftlar·· by Oiail lu said County was η assuiC'd thai all I Γι···!» »'i|lcU p«trrtli»|fi·. t!>rw rau»· il was anil as pealed.y mh:if>ifnn··» of ΙΙ\|.·ιί| I'ltiinly. ril'iilly •t J o'clock iu the forenoon and au; summer vacation. About forty are ex- time. The church small, t·· In» hand utit'iiilt'il »<·. they hava Arli) the sainrsliuuld nul aijuWvd, ulcs him MroU'dug ΛΟΜ ^ 3 /"/('" to remain tLis not there were no seats, every one stood. tcpicsenled |,eri' j. wheeler. Α. II. Λ Al.Kki:, Jadg·, pected year. ('anally wm. ; southward and «oing in the in"4·'!ipiiou A true copj— attest II. C. Llavla, Ke^'Utar. luoic half ol the The was conducted according S'ltteniln·! *. I"TJ. than personal expeuses ceremony South Pun*, Maine, Court of FrtfeaM held at Sciul a 1 the "t'Ulli.''-- OXKORD, M :—At a In the middle of beneath, nogroe- tha of tlxford ia labor, the bt ing to the tireck Church. I'arl s within and tor Count) paid by opportunity Λ Ι*Γ4, I did I could lor the Fathci o| his ou the tliird luesdav of Neptember, l'. lroui the main altat, what lelt for the moat destitute. the church, away Kl. Ο. ijUAr ΚΑ Vi idiumlatrntor wltl, [!■« the With· were two but novel ungra TTTsHÎaK'i,'WAN I'KD. Will amiexetl uii the e»:ate of William ae tai rn i> in ?tood a smaller one. Before it Country, attempted yV( ; KV'1'8 steadily improving pro- DAM iu said < .«t:\ti ΙΌΚ r*l jkU»o;'." mil late o! Hebron County dtccaaed.har.utf cious Mini futile t tsk I g the faith, -> I r ductiveness. It has thuty-six acres ol priests, dres»ed in handsomo robes em- Ν. Y. V V ·\ ;\1■ preaentad hi- drat aeeount af adiuiaUtratlon Domestic Sewing Machine Co., \\& C of -Hid d·..;.ν tC to all |>er»oa· luh rvat^l by causiez <-opy Asa the are toud ι·Ι WORLD. ;- sucrr.su *lv Iu tUa to negroes I* thlee weeka t.. usand truit cherrv, le.t. iht ir hair «as long, hanging i»eople, POULTRYlllimtralnl \|.>ntlily ./< >tt tfitir'ly ^ J orΑ»Ι·, Ita^'tslar. have been ?«>t out iu the past \ear. priests -tood facing this \iueri''ati Jewoiri. |i ni», (>r su «jnr-f'onlcd, co\>y— ι<» ι«.-11 too Nn nre-lel leaders. Not many •wn localiti·-». eapital CMtÙOCjM· Jul· ·', liilUÛIIÏODt ourl ol l'ro!^ie lirM «ι barns and a blacksmith's while behiud them were the bride and cip.ed » Viik'ilita.Mt* .tin! lit·. Val as At a Temporary renn-. Ac ». ni t'r<* |* Vu Kl:itV ΟΧ1ΓΟΚΟ, of uxlord ol I can find no more " MTJ'LiX.I VM"' I'aria witliiu and lor tlic County tales out school, > 4. rami D'à» Τΐ·ΐ: a of red » » 11 λ κ · μ ι of i I), ITJ, shop have beeu built The inarket-wa- groom, who stood upon piece π r ν. /. ·, h ou tile thild Γucaday >·Τ.Κ, ΙΙΓ Mail.lier >1 estate ol KliOUCxer HtrlO* Ml at the s une time, <>l their curious igno· l'h) »ir. 1,"VLUitiOOΚ ma rtrit \ allai were <. Till: GliKAT JCEMEDV FOH ■aid t. Ueceaaad, liavtu^ preaent···! and the meat wagon three times week, the burning »· > 'l i t II \UM1M,-· V. 1,. 1 aunt/ taper. Vpon I IIOM \Μ ^ .«Ht Th rvivi «>f ΐΒ'χΙ' Γη «lirai, ol adliiiui-traUuii ol tha eilate of said in ni Itjr accouat raaceol and lu I itlief ». ni l·, t.( II.lie l gam the .N'o u··· «f tny |ι>· r to and Did l'oint Comfort, From a richly bound EnglUh. «(«light largest 1 liiiv* Phaniu. ii!' .1 Science· docc-α» d lor allow auco Hampton large wax-tapers. >>f ·<ιι hoof·', in· MM tut ; 11 I m look» of the Fiecd Ii·»· ami affivtimwi an> ι«·ι they tbo large. repoktve tad Tliat tin Said Km uior gl««aotlc· tit iii the i. all ran firing t. τ Oriltleil, are read extracts.dur Word», meni»l m.-nl a:·! i: i» a ■ "I ll.is i caches, and lîibleOMet 'tantli. Thi* »imp|e ipnr. οt Clld·, lagrodi- J so 1rs luter>»trd causing op) potatoes, cabbages tliepnests »<ιΙι a mar- ΟΟΟψΟβΜ cbcep. .: ··;> f to all pel by !'«*«» hundred ti.i· t>\ mail,fori'·· ι··.ί·ι!ι·· .πιu η w | eu a Γ I ■] III w·· '.· ia the at inter- mails Hank t»f ΧοιΙοΙκ. |κι»·>-·. |.ι I.η b CONSUMPTION onh-rto tje three aaiveaaivelj the bride and Ι.· I ·ι "in -, I lint» caihurtl· ail ! publlaheii to Baltim leand the North with ing which groom Un* >li'iuiral cx.'.n: :l il»·· at I'aria. that tliey may shipped riage livide, KffV|>tjali \ T. -lien.··, l>v ,·!! lllIMIll .t VallM- can he mm·. societies of Ircednieu have ■ 1 \ k. Oth'T l.l~ll. ill il which cured held al l'an» vnv and-the board- va!s themselvi-s twice eacn deposited |ιΓ· at a I'robate Court to be satisfactory returns, crossed Pafcliaher·. PhiUdrlpbla hl·· unci coaocntni# th.nluto appear Oct. n> a t WILLIAM A CO., rootraad heriM, lu «aid 1 on tiir third Tu«»day ol near the I In re, some of them having excel- ·>· « »(|i l.i κ· -r lliait (t I resort to tliis Mand- ouoty ; υ Γ men in t lit? corner money \ll o lortooooand shew caas« if .ui) ^ is 1 ho choir ,l''· \-' want. ·« timely at tf 'clock lu the department principally supplied I"1 u t r lowed CR Tfl 00/1 II III ni «tard «oej, 1* saint should not be allowf·!. lent ol mutual Item-fii Itnt j»er· ..|Η···Χ |·. I-I ·■· as hern t lie y li.iv ttlii the lor the altar chanted the objects I (J rbom »t« Ηι*ιηΙΓ> nrtl has a S» Wiima treat the farm. Its main sweetly responses. 03 QbU mom·' j·t Woi k loi ! re|K>rt past ri »··* \«·ι "ι old.m ini.re hyUm»«of I'm rsati ν r »v ι |> ι preparation, r. a.lei" nil! at — ·ιι···ι «» ι- the vet) eii 'i ni all the time, than ■ :ι· m:i< A ifu* over out- the turned toward haps "intelligent t ir-i' iie ni t», | ·» nui· ι:· «trat .1 fon.i h I>ν the lmndred.> of copy .^vai shows a *ai:i of receipts Occasionally priest? tl« ill ri'pri'M'ii; ·. in | ei»e l'arlieular* free. \ildt··-·. I· nul) xjli'il In mit t>f t!ie proved Ιι·Μ «» who lint! the names sufficient ι descriptive,and m\\ thing aluni'* puwtf Λ· OXKOÛli, ι· —At » Court «· 1'robat· lavs more than *utllcient to covet the lùe bride and had, ι. ίίΓΙ>"·Ν Λ < l'.irllati I. Mniae r« m received the ui grotiiu, previous l fo ad for m)· In the drag shop·. testimonials * Hi it ftutJ f»>r the Couutj 0*lor*J two hun- pilla to by l'art· 1 will a lew Among the no;i! rful rathariir powrr, ill A t> I».*·»· of the Student labor to the arrival ot Genei.il Sherman and give ti ir proportion un tue Hunt laa-day ol Septemba-r. salary manager. It is acknowl- named t\ecutor I" a 1 11 » are the Noble their tiat, poopiewkohn·sot BMlMMipt | proprietors. CliAM and win» now died Wandering Pilgrims, lî.al are hir»îi or ν manv 1\tvil>> ·" Sons of Κ Siais of Jerusalem, f r. it edged ^lament of Jame* C ram l»u* ui Brutretold ot wine from Israel, sing « »i which ur.· prominent hired men. because work is sometimes took three nR..rtiNT*5 ιιι< .. i"i! !;.!■ they the ·>-ιΐιι>» alternately sips arllve prlni »nnl t nuiii) ilecctwl, having prea*»itc«l :·* ol GaliU .·, Sons il art hifinftnlwit md WfflffUnl. ft» to be the most to themselves in hiring physicians for ven to them at a en- a flat doiug Enterprising Daugbh .« u iiiohi «i-arrli· proliaU g disadvaatagc cup, crossing by t : «In ΓΗ·Ι lin» aai'1 Kaeeutor χι»·* ol il and ever Οidered. of Simeon, Hcnevo.Vnt Daughter» > kciitl) reliahl iu- a ulJ··!·· tu·· able them to earn their so. Alter this followed some moro read 111V thorough, preparation I»ι all neraona interested by .auaiufc iupy expenses. 1 ii;.' rnthnrtlr. m II.» I.in 11> o|><-r.M ur.l.-t tu be three w. 'It» aucceaaltely h Cofitt » r· tl the « published when two crowns Ni ah, veiling Star l'abentaofos, -I r··: «■;. by pro- tr<»(ltn *1 lor the relief and thai More attention thau ever has been from the llible. s."·!K) lli'uaril OaUrd l>rnio. i»t printed al l'art», the» aiay i:ig ·/ aUÀKEBBIJT^5 I ΙΙ··ι». t·. cluiiil.-l who, any S.in* .·/ "Γ tin·** * to b«· held al class thitin Tran ]ι.in //iters prietor or appear *1 Probate Court 1iyebut< ; · at :uid the i>l the Uiig .ι linil iu th«-m any alonirl cure ol all 1 d >tock thia and the A^'ti were sign ιιροη «ill on the tbird Oet. ini year, brought, uiyfin. vlluf "..l Lung complaints, in .aid ountjr iwanty dayol C'Uni-ι! Sons of Stars, I'nion ι·!ΐ.·τ ί>'Γ..ιι of morcury or «ny lu'iu iûcw cau·· if au y cultural Fair ot and North C'a:» made willi them before the cuiiple, m lio Laboring -fr and i-> «»11«·γ»·« 1 to the at V u'clvK'k m ttie (urt'uoou *·<1 Virginia «am·· »liould not be »μ men ol M jK)l«cn. i... public, ha»e why the pro*»d Doves "doves" old voci'tahlr, no; th·') 'tua. held in Norfolk last October, the ii»ewisc made the and kissed the (these Iteing Itrliu^UllrrlT iirovc.1 .ad .lluweal ita th.· laal Will and lealaïa-el sign car i- while i.»ln·; them. Tin y p- sanction I brief Sons of I.ir required i»y tin·evprrience gt aai'l daweaaed. Λ II ^ Λ I.Κ fc. It, Ju-tjfe tooiv which were held over sixty summers), Loving wIIImmh dlatarbanca to the mrtlwlnii Hampton Ii.stitute the first prizes crowns, alter they nale A truc copy— AtUat M. C. DAVta, Krtflaier. ili· t. .ir.· I r Jan lid Iff, (lend· ol over When two Levi, ol Italian, Hum· .;·ιΙΙίι forty year». fer the best an J buIN. the head* ot the bride and groom by Kiting Daughters III ( ion, Impure illund, » Court of Pretat» W4 at Aldeiuey lit', onalipnt » w·—At Ayrshire Ί h t n· ·.· In t r-ea^on if sel- OXruttU, b.e Sons of Love of Good medical! I'aiu In tλ»· Minn!il, γ», i(; resorted in altluu and lor the County H»ford who were relieved (iod, Lodge Pads oj the beat heifer call', aud the best stallion of the groomsmen, C!t< «Ι. lli«liioM, Soar l.rnrlailoii» of Α. I». 16·'. ;i un the third Tawday SeptemUrr, Sons and Had taaic in month, dom fails to effect in » »T«r four ears \V. in turn as their arms became Samaritsns.Iiidependent Daugh- ο! ιΐι<· stoniiK'ii, ULNA I»· Will I HAS uaiued haeeutru y old.—IIklkn Llklow, by others Pain· In uf speedy I* Ihr '·»* ul Uilloa· ntlwkti region .•rum Inaiitiuirnl jiur|Hirli»i,' I" '' more ters ol St. Paul, Sons and Daughttrs lut rnal Fott-r, liloutfd cure most severe I is er\, f toUr. tired. I hi» whs followed by read- ltlilni')ii in the X\ iii tti'j ffiUmMit "t Jacob wMtaMWi, »·* llarf Maja::ne about Itu-li of 1 the Silver Seven Wise Men ol loo I !ii;: Mumafli, Hebron in *.l«l County daceale.l. bating picacm. and then the bride and groom. each Keys, Mlond lo Head, 3llgh folored I rill·', cases ol ( ing, urt'bud· 'oughs, Bronchitis, the amr lor probate of IVnts discovery! iivii lal>ilii> mill ί.Ι,κιιιΐ) Mtchnnicdl Mtthoil Fatten- Female Israelites I l Ual MM and *'»« for hold of thu robe of one ot the Portsmouth. rrn'* I'lfuaaut I'nr- Ordered. UNMHI in::·, !>:·, i'li a of*·*{*' » Liking η m· to all pcr»ou· mt' reaped by l'nn.li»# oup) \\ Sons and of In exj la nation i.f the Group, Whooping Cough, tliu ing Poultry. tho al- mouth, resiling Daughters pmhi< Italie!*» α bl ·« ed tu rat- week. »ucc*Mi>ely m three times round ι· "ver »o on 1er to be ρ priests pasted < li il of my l'ur alit l'r'lft· irrrat » ι<·ιν.< Iniluenza, Asthma, Colds, Οlford l»eniO«rai printed at Pari., lliai they *7 In the Gardens of Acclimation at or Jacob. a 11 diwwwis I wish to say that tlii'ir tar. Alter this a third vari a Court to lw held at Pari· # priest. patri- η t.,war at Probate a« iI.ki ti:»o«i Un· an I mn I rcononty or Sore- uuxl most of the Sore Throat, Pains * uu the tuird Tueaday ol Oct. l'aiis it is un- robes cm· One of the striking sign* a orlluiir lu «id ouuty very scientifically clad in ilREMEDYj Ν univt*r»al. not eland mu··· ii practiced arch, Sflfe alio* any and magnificently ιΐιι ίι at y o'l iuck in thr forenoon student'* is the moderation ,··· : aenatlîre Inpwn ness in the Chest and out be d«r the direction ot M Odile Martin. with silk progrès rapid aplti ·ιι aiij Side, lia»·· the *anie «UouM proved, aj) broidered in and worked rt.x·· ι.. :ι,·..r ι!ΐ'·ηι ; tliflr Ir-04tisf tli«-y why gold ! I'd a· the la»t W Ul and lr.laei.t«l a» which aliimst tu — viiU ir vir- iirot aud ulowel ••It* the his a of such these, Kxtri'tof l(.Mi|«,iinl Μι·Π>« which •lui! .1- -ii In |ιι*>···γμ·thi Liver ^ Ju advantages," says authorities, (lowers, head gold extravagancies uf In m.y Complaint, Bleeding ul uiM dn'it^tl. Α. II AI.KKK. l^e. wearing upon ;· ■· ini]tfiiml tor »uy Irustu tinir, vniiul.lv following ι·<·ιιΐ|·Ι·ιιηΙ· .· II. I. lu\ as the ol urr ai4*ii· ίη··1ι mi Γι" A true copy Alte.i u, It*gi.iar "do not consist in the ot the came from he- they clinging rays lirait Llrer iwl u.it tin·»· ] at the &c. Wistar's rapidity crown inlaid with regard I»v -,·■}·- i, Bot, ttwphlrti w Lungs, pearls, m ii i« not tin· rn«c ith thi· fonnd held al mh>ii as cuivtl Iχk n|f I··* 1··>ΙΙ1ι·ι- uhli |itl! aa .—At a Court ol Pfot/ate ami oft as lo--of .plietlte by ■ or <»\>OKD, alone, but above all in the the suivciy, put possible. >lnk »··η« «Il ·η i!r -t.irin, |i;lt ιι]> I ii cboii Hiioil {κικίυ* a ol Oil'ire pWCW speci- hind the main altar, and pronounced l.n--i;iilc, I..»w ami njf Balsam does not up l'an· wlthlu and lor the Coouty ! i.'i ioiii t t!:at f r a)! ι!: .·.·< dry 1* < f northern scminaiiis I it one* oa lie ol A U. al of the meat thus bride and I he might cure. or third tueaday September, quality produced. benediction. The grooui. pupils ..ml :. JyM itI\o, lllorallvc 1'tir^a- and leave the cause ο *■> >■·> I.πι [ ·»!"·. I'iiiij*!»·-, .tllini|'Uritki Cough, th·* peliltou »l ^ 11,1.1 Α Η A M MON a the with I skin «>r oilier· I.. tiioe little PHitii will >n ·*Ι4 It :* solid, tender, fitio- o! often take lesson from pains of tii'blo'l, -urst ίι>κ tlnoiiiili lu iivnt i |ι itxl. ilinu of Oniric* II111 ol etoiwiium very exceedingly received the congratulations on .' c. aaU'fu lion to all u iio ur-c tturi as case ON having ι. follow ιι>·„' III·· directions t!ii iinirt i« is the with to aeil and conte) these student· correct their win', rutill .nlil} Ι»)' behind, County, praying for licnuae uot overfat woald uot be to the main altar, which colored r.wte to In. »; i giaitied, (which their frieud.s, passed (hi- ϋ··:ιί<·. ar«· sf>U by all cnt<»rprt*iu£ re, uni par< el of rvat bclougiu* r mil mary deraogouients Tliey most but it «aid Moueham to VV iliiaui own and into iaiine· Kor knln.y, 111α·1·Ι· .t. .it 20 cent* a liottio, ward and citoaled in an white in color, and some kissed the im- rough speech, put the BMIt Dru^^i preparations, ou. advantage (very knelt, said prayers, il li.tr ι.·· ι unr bottle will eouritM to Ilium.ue at an oflei ol filly room. qua], I », nu il ο .· anv ilrtiuv'·1 to inilncu you the ndvauU^eoii-·» ο: η diafe use the lem>us ol the class ■ki'lilii'.'ll. m loosens and cleanses flavor quite excellent." and then for their home, llu· anvi'iii: ·1-·· tfiat hi· in.iy nay In j:i.t ι*ο< i! «loltar«: exceptionally ■igcs, departed tturiu- Γιοιη tin· »> U'n without iL 1 »ι·Ι uotic· tu e\|>elle·! sum.· ii m iki-i lur;·· r ( :i <>fdemi, TUat the p«litlou«r glre \\ in r's M i·/· lor the a· Γ. ! prodt a* ut u.-i this is ol course there is no cere- —Helen* Lcplow, JIt < 11Π 1111 ; a feu bottle* an· suflh'lciit my and irritation, lai· rai'.fl λιι a 4lf t If so, help w here a was served. The leant y ■ If y-'ur Urn:· ·ΐι<| lungs, allays all I»J .'auiiit|i supper t'r. »v!il. rvcoiunii'iul!·. to t>« iiaijltah··.! mo-t nb-Iiuate c.i»e l'ia M-titiou wilh thl» order thert-ou October. ult ■ ■· -1 'v i< m. li*u '2Z 'ut< αιιιί ricilv· cause fur tne chickens. Thev mu-t toi ce an and it the azine lus 111·.'.I tin· mo-t .liffi. thus the of lu Oalurd iMIWÎll per mony lasted hoar, during for I'll·'*: All·· In>ltU' infliJ from removing thf«f vnrki »ud*e»al*«iy (W rriiuilÎM I île ! ι·ι at a Probata their and ca»e when ill <>tln Uf lutr.l al l'ai ι», that tl/f-y may a|'l«*r euttr ij-inctu l>e mathemati- to the and tmiled Hfidifhe, A»·.. J fit Μ I> I'rnp'r, the un lli« bride spoke groom, ûwomdMcvHlHi Ν(αηΙ(Ιλ, net·:, complaint. « Uiift lu U· hi'ld al paria lu »aid Couut) tt.< crammed. liehold here the 11 a m·· I iiumrdUtt'ly. v. :τ\Μι. ν. ϊ. ι 1-HEJ*AK>.U lir third of IK't. neat at V ot lo*k In cs..y ingen- on some ot her friends.—From "General all >«*rululn *i°ue>day Uli imt.ill-in, Naelled Join! in d and »hew «-aeae il have *i) t'" this BETH W. FOWLE & 80N3, Boiton, Mm»., lur. uoon auy they ious contrivance of the Gardens vf Ac- and the ill; t <·»-, removed, or ijreatly ivlieved by uol autel. Sherman in Europe East," by Λ Woi'BctWfI TniM, sold mJ Dealer» •aiu> alAiuld be ^ ΛϋJ by Druggists gem-rally. II. tanilaaUe nxxliclM. 'omit» of Oxford and Λ. U'AI.KLU. Juκνκικι>, Harpers Magazine Ilnuicliiti-, I atarrh, ouviilsion*, II> A iiue : U.C. 1»a* ta, Kegiat.r. Stat·· of H-iiiic fur til·· y--ar liTa. copy-Alu-at or m'ioli relieved the llonorublf Hoard Countu Cummi>$hwm-$ I cured on n catate of η·'η To of cel.ent" flavor. r >Jc(vL*r. in Hi·· Ijiugs, »!■'.« and Tin· fntioM in^' lift of taxe* ai ( /< Diflicult Pain in ami for Ihr 'onnig vf (ijfitrU. btld at I Ilr«*llilU)[, a I « owners in the town cf Dru m-irk lor the a Court ol |'r«6ai« rcnldfiit ■ < of town ef I »a:—M It ia a with fourteen Che-: alum-t invariably cured by taking the uiidertifned, itlMo* the Ο.ΧΚΟΚυ, Uxtoid huge cylinder | «-ur tu lii 11» commitUii to ΛΙΙΚΛΝ F., \\7~l· nitiilu and lor Ihe Connly ol In.ttK··· <>f tin y 1-rj fY Stow, Fryubtirff. I.ovell and Sloiieham iu Parla Ht titrai Harrison. (junker > Cnlk'rtiir of taxi a of »»1U tu» ιι on ol A t Kl·.». faces, each in five stories ot three com DllUcnlties. -o aniot 4 Aiueri- It Ι; Λ I It I '111 ■.nul t and < hathaiu, New re Oil lite third lu.-a.la) S^plemlirr I lfinale priaient Ι*·πι » ountjr, Hampshire, ν ΙΜΛ I VliiKII "Disease llii- iiivmIu·!·!·.· uunli the îînd rt-lnrnrd l»jr to F»iiiin« and locate m can l.i Ιη·«, \nt>t i.-ailHy -pe.|full> ι··ιιι.--ι yoti tkei»lillooolii|tLAMKI m irtments It He hail for the members I u unonil on tlie til ilay Ν allet and K l» 1 i each. holds, therefore, 210 great respect him to lur a, ii.Mining j η nl tin· rond lu North Guardian ol \*ill»r.l. elm·, the y.taker Hitter-. il»t·· nml county ay county late »>.;οί CA3ST Κ nr., »■· 1·Γ I 111· ivrtlflCiitr of tlmt beginning ON li.-ir- >·Γ W illiam t. Pinjree lu wis. The is hollow and ol his cabiuct, and 1'ili'iiiK· mitt.mt ami Intenuiitnnt of July Ii) j Krycliurg nnd following the road through Stow aree minor emp- generally acquiesced in ill ami nolir, in lirr«-by givm ibat deceaaed, I'layit* cylinder aient m ol oureomitrv, completely now r»· unpaid Corner on the Klver road to the suite line Utuu.ark iq -ai'l County BE |irei many parti ar« not Cold r. ai « Ule — without remon- Hitters if tlh' rahl tax· », inter· »t ami charjft·* paid on M ite U> »«·11 ami « »u\. y eerUin tor the axis ou which it turns. in their er.nli' a!cd by the u«e of tin· «quaker <' neat Bradley brook, tlicu beginning the license ty, except suggestions m tiele of >ulj town ivilliiu i„li>»n ami »leec'riU«l m Ui» petition Il llnd Itilter* the they In;.ι tin' trta>un near ·ο and to aleal iu aAi'l Ixuniait I The just 1 line the Aine- bridge calle-Γ going one however, he CURED, Aired Quaker k· Uirconiiallui' iit ot >anl lull* I his hollow construction reuders it easi- strance. Un occasion, in ue«··I of in Ihe'r «!<-· linin^'y· ·γ-, It ·|ΐιί< monili* fioia lln-datrol then to out and locate troni * stuud a« Gardiner lirickeU'», lay bouc· to aNi> ηιι·1 the no of the ri al estate taxi'd will he-uffli-lmt J That the *ald P*lltion<-r «l»e his with OU- llu* blood uii»I cheer- the iiiiiul, paves much -aid llri« ketl'i· thrnugh the notch and Itatrheldei '· ventilated and clean, liefore it asserted the of offic»» due tberelor iutfiiit Or!kr«l, an aUnact o: ly kept authority the inliucl to pav the aniuiiiil iiii'Iudln; tu in Giletd near the tiiauj Trunk all 11.un .led by cauainf l>.i--«k'e «town plane be >olU at giant the road perwor DR. GRAVES' afflict»·'! anil will without lurlhrr iiotii·» a order thereon to be i." a box for the This or a of determination and dignity So » Mie rati remain lonjf unwell (unie#* cliar^eK depot, believing said location to 1* demanded by pctiuoo ni. ihi» opetator. box, degree a lew but at In the ilslord 1 u ith an incurable disoa.se. alter taking pul.lie auction the for the ica*on th.it it will be nearer to three weeia »uccea»i*ely council. ia «aid town, on Saturday, the public «t a >o0. moves and dvnu ihat astonished the executive nl the Hitter··. The town Otlio·· railroad fa<*ilitie* ·<>ιη<' mile· tliun at any other al I'aria. that tl.ey may apfxml cairiage. up by pulley». tie- Quaker i^Tt at oue o'rluok by pr.utta J ·■ nevt'tilli !.i\ of February Λ. 1'· a market lor farm tK held al an in point nnd milking |>γ·><1ιι·-(*. Court to Iryebuig u The <;ti:evr— that sound* les» offensive Colonel Chambers, of Kentucky, in t lit· alteruooii. of real entatv aad ol Oct. neattn.aldt.iejinty at » ocloek all and Dealers in Medicine. thereby inricaamg the valuation twenty third day t£ S«:d by Druggists to at ah».·» eauae 11 any they ha»t than thus: Com- timate Iricnd; who ha 1 served Heart making it au object fer it* inhabitant· »tay forenoon and crammer—operates personal hoiutf and till the »Oil rather than leaving Sew •ame ahould not be «««wL one Regulator PREPARED in WAI KKIt ju.lr, nt the bottom ot one of these < n the stuff of General Harrison in WILL DO IT. Kiiglaml for the "Kar Wo«t," all of which »e wiah mencing -II. C\ l»A*ta, Kent·*·' 13 Κ. II. S. FLIXT Λ* Ci)., \our llotioruble Itoard to rou»lder and decide ! A true ropy, aUeat fourteen laces he seizes the lett of Iris against the Indians, with campaigns tir»*at Medlctl Depot. U«S A 197 Hroad ihereon. >TtlMIKN CMANDLB, At their other*. of I. marltMlin sepltl and 51 »»:-At a Court of Probata band the was under an Street, I'rovidence, Κ. V OXPOKD, the neck of chicken, and engagement marriage GIVE IT Λ 1 Ο a fun»,J' press- TRIAL, I'aria wtthln and lor the County'of h':{? son. Riiliar.laon or owner M A i on each side ot the the bird is *ith thu widow of his Chambers Wellington STATIC Of VISfc. on Tut.da> of beak, «11,1. HKCOXVINl'KI). the thlnl ■ g AND YOU — September,, unknown, l.nml bought of Siiue OxfoKl», an. Hoard of CuUimlMdoner· ! SI iDlcrvlit lull IV. I'. ΙΊΙΙΙ.· County th.· #f ANN .\>i_ as him to at his Λ| Wholesale nml It· liy fi"· #13" Α. I». 1*Γ3. petition forced to open its mouth, any Washington, on F. Humlnii September Se*»lon, a ..f the e»Ute o( W llltam lady accompanied hit- been rocom mended »v ii tr.tr, The lleart KriruUtor by IPS Λ. CO. Mild J. \\. PKIIKI.VS Mark I Vum- or ownor uuknow the evideuc* ON 'tJJJ was that nil who know Upon foregoing petition, »ati»faetory of Iii «Id County .lcceA»ctiyaicijui·, I'ort laiid, Maim·. liotueate.nl formerly having rec*lve4 petitioner· to ^11 ami oonrey ao iun. h to what we cilia it—a Cm· for CO., IR) Ι.ΊΧ) Ijiai lici'uae ΜΠ it· vain· btjut ϋ. Κ Smith, and that into the merit· of their a. be ne. canarv. The then introduces the he «hould have the ol Keg •|»on«iblc, inquiry eauie of »aW itncuntd may yaceur appointment Heart l»Uea««-. IS υύ «lion 1« It I* Ordered, That the «loiur. the for Frinale Weaktir^s, Creilit, aiiplli expedient urotiuce the auiu of three ttoooaand alter the mar- Kor ». irflilir» of A<\, addre»» at ■ metallic end of the rubber tube into the isterof the Treasury, and testimonial!·, County ('oiumiuioneri meet ol debts »ud Inci.lental chui». be.t 00 In iiayinrut ·« nutic«■»' agrut, (VITIIOI'T ΝΓΙ'ΡΟηΤΚΙΙΚ. The uvr· Ilalaiire 'lue, fi The hou»c ol tdunlin *r ilrickett, the .aid Petitioner was reside at the White dwelling ordered, That ( throat ol the chicken, and a riage l.e to niadielnc el known, an Indian recipe, will ΜιΊνίη Γ. I rani. οι· owner nnk'n Slow, on the loth of November nest an by pressure FRANK E. INGALLS, Concord, Ν. H. table y Tuesday, day lo all peraon. intereated by ean.lBf 4 eradicate all humors, which i- one cause of great o| the lioaton Hill traet .it te h o'clock v. order them» tob. puWi of the foot on a Mrs. Chambers to be the 1 part M.| «aid with tin* pedal the food riies, and House, prcsid I'ricc #1 Kor «ale υιιι· make- new blood uu.l «treugthcn* the with all the wliite oak ainl and thence to view the route mentiHned In petition j>er It.ittle, by agent. mnVrinjf, |of procréai thre«- week. .nc«e..lvel) in .he Uxfofd 1 will convince the J.Vi :M <<) r same ot the executive mansion. She Mc. whole Three bottle- re«l nn.l yellow oak timber, 2Î00 •aid (M-titlon; alter which view a hear- that at ■I nt the time the amouut ing lady Λ. M. 1I4MMO.MI. UrnusUt. I'urla, system (X· Immediately at Pa. 1*. they may appear; ^ passing m»»rt hundreds will te.-tifv. Write lor tax rutumril, 1:1 of the nnd witne-uci will Ik- had at aotnr printed iu .aid C janf!*73ly skeptical, llnliw.iy ing partie· Court 10 be held at Parla iB the tube is indicated on a d.al in was an elegant woman, circulars and testimonials. Inquire fur Mrs. convenient tilace in the vicinity,and *ucli other meas- n«-at at ο c through accomplished, third Tueaday of Oct- ^ K·male Cure. Sold by all Druggists. ficoo' ure· in the a» the CoinmUiloner* »*» in I'.elchcr's taken prcml»c» theforrnoon tûd tliow c*u»v il nu> lb#> front of the operator. It is therefore caressed Washington society. or ·! bottles for #Λ. WILLIAM F DAVIS, • And It 1· further thai greatjy I'ri··»; $1, hall judge proper. ordered, th.· ...ne .hould not she nitUIM N Il Κ M III R. Randolph,Ma··. TroaMirer of Denmark. uotlce the and of the Com- M- a skillful ; for the what The finished by whom of time, place purpose »>«W^LKEK operation gavtur. gentlemen M UJ AOBNTB. li; be to all ffHOI Sept. 11, ImT.I mi»-loner·' meeting atoresaiil given per*on· A true C Da*i»i K'i111'. the seat of Λ Co.. .'Is Hanover » tie» led copy—II. ever other motions are necessary, must was surrounded at govern· t.eo.C. Coo»lwin $t. and «xroorntiou· interested, by ciu»ing h··'11 \Ve» k- A l'otter, lit» Washington St. of laid and of thla order thereon to be an -At » Coert of Probate so with her copie» petition UXÏOKD, ol ^ pay strict attentiou to the ueedle on the ment contrasted strikingly ItOSTON. nerved the Clerki ol the Town* Pari· within and for th· Oouety Jail·!* y upon respective A.1· Stow am> Gilkah, and ai*o • n (Ii· third 1 of ot who was a man, of Fkykhiiko, ue*day September, tli· ·♦ dial, he will hb chicken too Kentucky lover, plain EMENT ! in each of «aid Ρ LOUD Administratrix on give GREAT HIPROl to be po»ted up In three public plae* tn 1-a ïfr* In late of much or too little. The three chickens of brusque manners, that slio finally de town,· and published *ix week« »uccei»lvely OLIVEol Albion P. l.onl Success liiliiljiSIIWi the Kennebec Journal a new*t>aper pi luted at Au· Countv d.-eeasetl, hatinu Jou- Wonderful Accomplished! »f the e.uu^ ,,nl led. he turns the on its ax- clined to fulfill her engagement. ^u»ta lu tin Count ν of Kennebec by the piloter* to cou ut of Alitniniatratio· duly cylinder ueeki »urce*«i in the at tile state, alel alao three vely deeeaaed for is a the next face is be· erai Harrison was much concerned PERFECTION ΛΙ'ΊΤΙΙ It· gloomy atteiTîlant·, Ιο\τ in allowance.i.aaotl··Admlnui«Υ aplrita, depr» aaioa, iiivoluntary aawapaper of»afd tunate IX THE NKW •aid ol Oxford, the nr»t publication· to ail pei*un* inter rated by 1 >re him. When he has the this unloi contretemps.and perceiv- riai«alona, lti»a ot aeinen. apernin· County eau·-,,»« completed aud each oi the other nolle·-·, to be made, (tried lorilitra» lo*· of |>owtr, dinjr beail, he turns and the car- that Chambers would be uncomtor- and at lea»t day· before «aid time o( round the crank, ing lots of memory, and threatened im- po*tcd, thirty •o'^VJ UEÎiSîîSS AMERICAN SEWING MACHINE! to the end that all pci«ou« and corporation* J. v.ZlΆγ»; in offered him pnltuic, nail tmtteeilltv, tin! a aoTet- meeting, rises to the next ; and so he Washington, in I nil familiar then and theru |ud »hcw came, it any riage story tably placed Acknowledged by honett rirnU, £t|(ii dira in lUMPlllti:!^ HuMK· luay appear, CM·· the of the ol «aid petitioner* »honld at v o'clock I· the foreeoo··»»!«hew oq the elsewhere that he with other machines to be Great Final Triumph ΟΙΆΤΙΙ10 SPF.CIFIC. Λ'ο. TWESTÏ· they hare, why prajrer goes to top. Having completed any appointment and ί·κκ· be ··■' American genius. The most Dt'KAULk K:uHT. THliJHUVEUtXGN BEMtDYtonoa not grautcd. S.t ».« ·>> suitor asked D. H. stirrru. machine ever mad»·. Atte»t: JAMES S. WRIGHT,Clerk. KftAX· the chicken iu select. The unlucky YOUNG, κncT LtH-K-sTiTCH tl.e arreata .·»«/'h"* circuit, every that might up i>5»Um. the and im- C. Ι.αΜ*. _ upper ItEALEK IN aLI. learned, mik dlaehar^ta, A 'rue of laid l'itition and Order ol Court A trtie lt^- of the LUt-ruBtlRI, simple, easily (en.- m r 1.11.1 energy, life and vitality to the copy copv-aUct^JI is led. Then he turns the the officer of Governor Terri- Η Τ AN 1» A. U I) eve of the needle; new and thereon. tj/imtU duly for THKK4|i|NG, wxeept .ite LaiecurwlUiouaandaof eases. never Ji.«y IMPROVED SKI Κ·ΤΙΙΚΚΑ!·1Ν<ί KHt TTt.E. IΊ lût·, u a Atteit: JAMKSft.UUIG HT, Clerk. crank in the other and the car- of Iowa. The was assured %i per ρ *«p« of five boxes and larK« |2 direcliou, tory place »titche$, Untton perfect, and eauily κχιι- M. L ι· or misriug u..1, very unporoat taobittnata old IK VOL WISH TO Bi t TH* riage descends to the floor, where it rests him as a matter ot course. Meantime Sewing Machines, lit!»·»! without breitklux thread orreuiovinit work; ist-o, or tl per aingle box. Bold by ALL Druf» rr· ru variety of wmk in the l>e*t uontible ami aent mail on of Addraai tho oflice to NEEDLÈB & TRIMMINGS, tloing fwta, by receipt pnoe. on a railroad. It is then moved along Mr. Webster had promised manner. Two Size*. IVo. Il M·. 9. for l·miiiII)- fU'Ml'UKEYS· HOMEOPATHIC MEDICIN1 LOST! MACHINE. 1«β MIDDLE ST., PORTLAND. an.l Naanfaeturrri' fee. Try tl.ru>, for circular. ELIAS HOWE SEWIMB (.«eneral of New X>, 009 ltiiOAUWAT, Ν. Y. Seud On the street between (iwirge K. Wilnen'* I for Circular to before the next and the whole his friend Wilson, mihway on monthlv installments, •«nd epineUc, juBO-if Bran S»>ld by and N. Maaon'a «table u 1>I A KY A\u ν tVK »!».·«. Mr. EDWARD DEWEY, 41 Avon St., Itostou, npotiie< ary ehop, on iilO more chickens is At a cabinet meeting with valuable tiaper» and a itn»ll 'um of money. operation repeat- Hampshire. tieneral Asent for the New Kuglnnd >tatei. All Kinds Whoever will leave the «unie at the Fo»t ifttce at I President that it of and reliable Apenn wanted to D H. YOUNG, ed. .4 skillful o]*rator uill or Webster informed tho ♦«"Active buy executed a· the South Pari*, or return lo the aubecribe, tuav have gave, the above in all the principal TOR PRINTTMflAtlIN J Neatly ami Kit Machine·, UtUgifort Démuni 0'f.ce. all the in said book. N. MAsOM. lti.t MIOUl.P: 8·»·.PORTLAND· crim, 400 chicken* in an hourThat had been decidcd the of I he JOB PKINTING and town-in New England. No tnachiues money by gentlemen cities South Tari*, Sept. 2. luWtf Wilson should be DONE AT THIS OFFICE. consigned. jiill-3m is less than nine seconds to each one ; [cabinet that Jatacs