Forest Management and Curculionid Weevil

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Forest Management and Curculionid Weevil RESEARCH ARTICLE ABSTRACT: Weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) may playa role in the reduced regenerative ability of oak (Quercus L.) species in the hardwood forests of eastern North America. Presently, because of biome-wide regeneration failure, silvicultural treatments of prescribed fire and mechanical thinning are being implemented as a means to enhance natural oak regeneration. The effect that these treat­ ments may have on the diversity and population structure of non-target organisms like weevils (oak seed predators) remains unclear. This study provides an evaluation of the weevil populations of two • experimentally managed, mixed-oak forests in southeastern Ohio. Each of the two sites used in this study was divided into four 20 ha treatment plots consisting of: (1) untreated control, (2) thin only, (3) Forest Management thinning followed by prescribed burning, and (4) prescribed burning only plots. Pyramid style traps (N = 48) were placed in each treatment unit to sample weevils. Overall, we identified 26 species of Curculionid weevils representing nine genera from five different tribes and two subfamilies. Weevil and Curculionid communities were generally dominated by a few highly abundant species and a moderate number of uncommon to rare species. Generally, treatments increased overall weevil diversity and influenced the abundance of certain rare species. However, there was no significant effect on number of weevils or Weevil Diversity in on occurrence of the two major acorn infesting genera (Curculio L. and Conotrachelus Dejean). Based upon our findings, prescribed spring burning had little effect on overall weevil populations and is not Mixed Oak Forests likely to substantively aid in silvicultural endeavors to promote oak regeneration; however, effects on rare species need to be carefully considered. of Southeastern Index terms: Coleoptera, Curculionidae, fire, forest management, Quercus Ohio INTRODUCTION 1955; Gibson 1972, 1982; Riccardi et al. 2004; Miller and Schlarbaum 2005). Jeffrey A. Lombardo Forest management techniques, including Gibson (1969) lists 27 species of Curculio Brian C. McCarthy1 applications of prescribed burning and as occurring in America north of Mexico. Department of Environmental and mechanical thinning, are presently being Adult Curculio spp. can be found from Plant Biology explored as a means to enhance the natural April to November in southern states with Ohio University regeneration of oak species (Quercus spp. a slightly lower active period farther to Athens, OH 45701 L.) in the eastern and central hardwood the north. Toward the end of the summer, forests of North America (Brose et al. 1999; females excavate a hole into developing Franklin et al. 2003; Hutchinson et al. 2005; acorns using their extended rostrum and • Albrecht and McCarthy 2006). One mode deposit an egg. Eggs hatch in 5-14 days of action by which silvicultural treatments and larvae feed from within the pericarp are thought to improve regeneration is for approximately two weeks. After seed through a reduction in the occurrence of drop, larvae exit the acorn and burrow into invertebrate seed predators, particularly the ground to overwinter. Diapause may acorn weevils (Coleoptera: Curculioni­ last from one to five years, depending upon dae). It is hypothesized that a spring burn the species; however, one or two years is might destroy weevils emerging from the common (Gibson 1969). Conotrachelus soil as well as those residing near the soil (Dejean), another major genus of seed­ surface. Additionally, by removing the leaf feeding weevils, generally emerges later in litter, prescribed burning may also increase the summer and oviposits in acorns at the susceptibility of weevils to predation by end of August and early September. Many vertebrate preda~ors such as the white­ species in this genus require pre-existing footed mouse (Peromyscus leucopus) and damage to the nut as they are unable to the short-tailed shrew (Blarina sp.), both of chew through the pericarp on their own. which are common in the eastern deciduous Not all weevil species breed in seeds; many forests (Anderson and Folk 1993; Semel simply oviposit in or on the soil surface, or and Anderson 1988). on the surface of leaves or other parts of a tree, and may feed either on the roots or I Corresponding author: Weevils, particularly those in the genus the inner bark (Blatchley and Leng 1916; [email protected]; 740-593-1615 Curculio (L.), are the major seed preda­ Evans 1959). tor of oak species in the eastern United States, and damage to seed crops can The purpose of this study is to determine Natural Areas loumal 28:363-369 vary anywhere from 0-100 % based on if stand level treatments affect the diversity tree species and seed crop size (Christisen and abundance of adult weevils in two man- Volume 28 (4), 2008 Natural Areas Journal 363 aged, oak dominated hardwood forests in later in the spring of 2005. Fires were low Effects of stand level silvicultural treat­ southeastern Ohio. Specifically, we wish to intensity, consuming mainly leaf litter and ments on weevil abundance were analyzed address the following questions: (1) What I-hr woody fuels (Iverson et al. 2004). with a mixed model Analysis of Variance effect do treatments have on overall diver­ In early June of 2005, six pyramid style (ANOVA) using the NCSS statistical soft­ sity of weevils in the area, and how do they (Tedders and Wood 1995) insect traps ware package (Number Cruncher Statistical influence community composition? and (2) were established within each treatment System 2004). All Curculionids captured Do the treatments specifically reduce the unit. Traps, neutral brown in color, were over the IS-week period were combined abundance of the acorn infesting weevils, constructed from 6.4 mm fiberboard and into four treatments and two replicates Curculio and Conotrachelus? were left unbaited. The traps were placed (sites), where treatment (control, thin, in areas containing a high number of ap­ prescribed bum, and thin + prescribed parently healthy oak trees, mainly black bum) was a fixed effect, and site (Zaleski, METHODS (Quercus velutina Lam.), white (Q. alba REMA) was a random block effect. F-tests L.), and chestnut oak (Q. prinus L.) but were considered significant at a critical Study Site often including some red oak (Q. rubra L.) value of P = 0.05 or below. and hickory (Carya spp.) species as well. This study utilized the silvicultural treat­ Traps were checked for presence of adult RESULTS ments initiated by the U.S. Forest Service weevils every 7-10 days for a period of 15 at the Ohio Hills site of the National Fire weeks beginning in June and continuing Overall, we identified 833 individual Cur­ and Fire Surrogates (FFS) study (<http:// through September 2005. Captured Curcu­ culionid weevils belonging to 26 different». The two study areas lionids were identified to species level in species and representing nine genera from were located at the Zaleski State Forest the fall of 2005 using taxonomic keys. For five different tribes and two subfamilies (39°35'5"N; 82°37'0"W) and the Raccoon Curculio species, we used Gibson (1969). (Table 1). The Asiatic oak weevil (Cyrt­ Ecological Management Area (REMA) For all other genera, we used Blatchley epistomus castaneus Roelofs) was the (39°20'0"N; 82°39'0"W), both of which are and Leng (1916) and Kissinger (1964). most abundant species at both study sites, in Vinton County, southeastern Ohio. The Where possible, species identified using comprising 63% of the weevils caught at area lies within the unglaciated region of the taxonomic keys were confirmed with Zaleski and 64% at REMA. Conotrache­ the Alleghany plateau and the forest type verified specimens from the Ohio Univer­ lus spp. comprised a large proportion of is classified as mixed-mesophytic by Braun sity entomological collection. the remainder. Many of the species (22) (1950). Canopy tree basal area consists of were very uncommon and found at either approximately 80% oak at both the Zaleski Statistical Analysis low abundance or in only a single stand. and REMA sites (2000; data on file, USDA Overall, a greater number of weevils were Forest Service, NE Research Station, Weevil data were assembled into a species caught at Zaleski (446) than at REMA Delaware, OH). The climate in this area by stands data matrix (26 x 8) and subjected (387). is humid continental with a mean yearly to a non-metric multidimensional scal­ temperature of 11.6 °C and mean annual ing analysis (NMDS) using the VEGAN Diversity analysis reveals that by most rainfall of 97.84 cm. The warmest month package (Oksanen 2007) of R (v. 2.4.0, measures, the Zaleski site had slightly is July with a mean temperature of 23.9 R-Project, <>). greater diversity than the REMA site, °C and the coldest is January with a mean Species with only one occurrence in one regardless of treatment (Table 2). Species temperature of 2.1 °C (NOAA 2006). stand were deleted from the matrix prior richness (S) ranged from 7 to 14, with to analysis to prevent undue influence by the lowest richness occurring in control Sampling Design very uncommon species. stands. Stand level disturbance from the prescribed burning and thinning treatments Each of the two study sites was divided Species diversity was assessed by a variety increased diversity by almost all measures into four 20 ha treatment areas consisting of measures so as to ensure comparability (S, H', lID). The ACE estimator of species of: (1) untreated control, (2) thinning only, with other studies. We evaluated species richness shows that there are 2-2.5 times (3) thinning followed by prescribed fire, richness (S), evenness (J), Shannon-Weiner more species likely to be present than we and (4) prescribed fire only. Thinning was (H'), Simpson's (D), Simpson's Inverse recovered in sampling.
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    September 2020 The Maryland Entomologist Volume 7, Number 4 The Maryland Entomologist 7(4):43–62 The Curculionoidea (Weevils) of the George Washington Memorial Parkway, Virginia Brent W. Steury1*, Robert S. Anderson2, and Arthur V. Evans3 1U.S. National Park Service, 700 George Washington Memorial Parkway, Turkey Run Park Headquarters, McLean, Virginia 22101; [email protected] *Corresponding author 2The Beaty Centre for Species Discovery, Research and Collection Division, Canadian Museum of Nature, PO Box 3443, Station D, Ottawa, ON. K1P 6P4, CANADA;[email protected] 3Department of Recent Invertebrates, Virginia Museum of Natural History, 21 Starling Avenue, Martinsville, Virginia 24112; [email protected] ABSTRACT: One-hundred thirty-five taxa (130 identified to species), in at least 97 genera, of weevils (superfamily Curculionoidea) were documented during a 21-year field survey (1998–2018) of the George Washington Memorial Parkway national park site that spans parts of Fairfax and Arlington Counties in Virginia. Twenty-three species documented from the parkway are first records for the state. Of the nine capture methods used during the survey, Malaise traps were the most successful. Periods of adult activity, based on dates of capture, are given for each species. Relative abundance is noted for each species based on the number of captures. Sixteen species adventive to North America are documented from the parkway, including three species documented for the first time in the state. Range extensions are documented for two species. Images of five species new to Virginia are provided. Keywords: beetles, biodiversity, Malaise traps, national parks, new state records, Potomac Gorge. INTRODUCTION This study provides a preliminary list of the weevils of the superfamily Curculionoidea within the George Washington Memorial Parkway (GWMP) national park site in northern Virginia.
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