(23) (pron Ab-ra-HAY-me-en)

Hometown: Tarzana, Calif.

Current City: Tarzana, Calif.

Occupation: Clothing Designer

Three adjectives that describe you: Honest, spontaneous and energetic.

Favorite Activities: I love to play music so a jam session is always good. I love going to shows and concerts for the crowd surfing, mosh pits, stage diving, all the fun stuff. Traveling, hiking and sightseeing are definitely solid activities. I enjoy the outdoors – like the woods and mountains. I'm a thrill seeker, so essentially anything that can fuel that. I do enjoy a good night out with the friends at a fun speakeasy bar in L.A., like Davey Wayne’s and No Vacancy.

What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the house: I'd say adapting to everyone's personalities, dynamics, likes, dislikes, all at once. Also, feeling people out and seeing just how much of my blunt and dry humor they can take. I'm not worried about it - I thrive on situations and circumstances like this.

Do you have a strategy for winning the game: If there's one trait that I'm confident about, it's that I'm sneaky. I'm very observant, remember things and handle high stress situations well. I’ll probably use people's weaknesses against them. It's very hard to get underneath my skin, but very easy for me to get underneath yours so I think I can mentally crack any member. I'm really good at getting people to do what I want. Also, getting them to think that they're on top of a situation, when really, they're not.

My life’s motto is… to live my life in such a fulfilling way, that when I'm on my death bed, there's nothing left for me to experience.

What would you take into the house and why: First, my guitar because I love to play and write music. I think it could be fun to have it in the house and start live jams with other housemates. Also, beer and my dogs…that’d be great.

Victor Arroyo (25) (pron Ah-ROY-yo)

Hometown: Slidell, La.

Current City: Slidell, La.

Occupation: Gym Manager

Three adjectives that describe you: Smart, sexy and fit.

Favorite Activities: Working out, playing soccer and trips with my friends. Those are the things that I love to do, but more than that I love women. I'm always looking for the next girl to talk to and I'm never satisfied with what I have, always wanting more.

What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house: Being disconnected from the outside world. Not knowing what my family and friends are up to, what’s going on in the world, the race for president, social media, etc. Not being in the know will definitely aggravate me. Also, being one google search away from proving someone wrong will be the hardest thing ever.

Do you have a strategy for winning the game: I’m not entirely sure what I will do. Woo the girls and have them like me is on the list. I want to underplay how smart I am and hopefully have them think I'm just a dumb guy that likes to lift and works at a gym. That might be in my favor since they will think that I'm only good in physical challenges. I want to be part of two alliances, but be loyal to one. That way I don’t put all my eggs in one basket. I won’t change my personality though. I'll still be the funny guy that I am and do my best to stay on everyone’s good side while slowly stabbing people in the back.

My life’s motto is… get my money, develop my body and get women.

What would you take into the house and why: My flatbill hat because I always wear it, every day, and it’s a must with all this hair on my head. I’d also bring my stuffed toy Ernie from Sesame Street because I’ve had him since I was a child and he goes everywhere I go…kind of like my good luck charm. Finally, all of my workout gear including my supplements, wrist wraps, weight belt and headphones. Always need to be ready to lift.

Corey Brooks (25)

Hometown: Dallas

Current City: Dallas

Occupation: Baseball Coach

Three adjectives that describe you: Extraordinary, passionate and loveable.

Favorite Activities: I love to travel. Recently I went to San Francisco to watch my best friend, Ross Stripling, in his MLB debut for the Dodgers. I like sightseeing, hiking, getting sick bro pics, playing sports, going out and meeting people, trying out new restaurants, playing PS4 and just being active in general.

What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house: Not seeing my family and friends for a while but I know it will all be worth it. Also, I think it will be tough to get into a daily routine because I like to keep busy and work out and do things that make me happy so I will have to figure that out.

Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most: I really like Cody from season 16. Cody is very likable like me. He makes rational decisions when the time comes and does well at analyzing situations and doesn't stir the pot at the wrong times. The chicks also like him so in my eyes he's a very dynamic player with a lot of potential to win. I really see my game to be like his and maybe a little mixture of Zach at times. Zach likes to make moves here and there which I do too because I don't like to pass up an opportunity just because of a risk.

Do you have a strategy for winning the game: I plan to use my great people skills and stay off the block by making as many alliances as possible, even individually. I don't want to have too much power to where I'm forced to get blood on my hands. I'm also not going to be a floater. I'm going to be a key player in competitions and have one of the strongest social games. I don't want to give anyone a reason to vote me off. And if I'm ever in position to have to put someone on the block, I'll really have to dig for a logical reason and explain why for damage control. I definitely want to have one of the strongest relationships with one or two other players that would be the strongest in the game.

My life’s motto is… life is like a box of chocolates...ya never know what you're gonna get!

What would you take into the house and why: My dog Rory and a samurai sword so everyone will know who the boss is.

Paulie Calafiore (27) (pron Cal-ah-FEE-or-EE)

Hometown: Howell, N.J.

Current City: Howell, N.J.

Occupation: DJ

Three adjectives that describe you: Driven, passionate and quick witted.

Favorite Activities: I love various martial arts, exercise and instruments. I like Krav Maga the most on the martial arts side and playing the guitar on the instrument side!

What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house: Being away from my family and my business. I’ll definitely have to put a lot of faith in the fact that I have good people working for me to make sure the business continues to grow, especially during the crucial months of the summer. There is a lot of business that goes on there and it sets up the rest of the year and into the spring of the following year.

Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most: Cody Calafiore...for obvious reasons (brother)!!

Do you have a strategy for winning the game: There are multiple strategies I’ll use. None of which have any meaning prior to entering the house and seeing what pieces I’ll be playing chess with.

My life’s motto is… a comfort zone is a wonderful place, but nothing ever grows there.

What would you take into the house and why: A toothbrush, toothpaste and mouthwash. It would be impossible to be social at all with rancid breath ;-)

Bronte D’Acquisto (26) (pron BRAWN-tay dah-QUIZ-toe)

Hometown: San Diego, Calif.

Current City: Denver, Colo.

Occupation: Student

Three adjectives that describe you: Capable, willing and determined.

Favorite Activities: I love to solve math problems consisting of Calculus, Statistics and Probability. I also run, look at adoptable dogs, stretch and walk to the mall to purchase more hair accessories.

What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house: I think I might become stir crazy after a good month and a half. I really enjoy getting outdoors and going on hikes so staying put inside for that long will be a challenge.

Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most: I loved Derrick! He played such a well-rounded game. I truly want people to say "Oh, Bronte is the girl version of Derrick!"

Do you have a strategy for winning the game: Before I make a move, I am going to think through the worst case scenario of what might happen with my decisions, and then come up with solutions for them! Houseguests tend to focus on how everything will play out perfectly and then they do not know how to get out of a sticky situation.

My life’s motto is… be willing to do what it takes.

What would you take into the house and why: My running shoes so I can sleep at night and my motion sickness medicine...I have to have that in order to run, and if I don't run, I can't sleep. Also, pictures of my sisters!

Bridgette Dunning (24)

Hometown: Fresno, Calif.

Current City: Ventura, Calif.

Occupation: Traveling Nurse

Three adjectives that describe you: Optimistic, energetic and awesome.

Favorite Activities: I love to practice yoga, run, bake, read sci-fi books, go out with friends and go to comedy shows.

What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house: I’ll miss hearing from my friends and family. I love to call and text those closest to me on a weekly if not daily basis. Being cut off from them will be the most difficult part for me.

Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most: I loved watching Johnny Mac from Big Brother 17. He was hilarious and seemed like a really fun guy to hang out with. He was smart but hid that pretty well. Very eccentric, but in a good way.

Do you have a strategy for winning the game: Yes. People tend to under estimate me: I look very young, I can be a bit gullible and oblivious at times and I tend to be goofy and playful. I plan to let them think what they will, let them disregard me as a threat. What they will not expect is for me to be extremely smart. I can and will, outwit others with my gameplay and strategy. Once it's down to the top 10 or so, I should definitely be on a team or alliance which will hopefully include someone who is physically strong and someone who is easy to manipulate. I plan to keep secrets and promises but I also plan to spread small bits of doubt and leak rumors. I want to be behind the scenes manipulating someone else in the house to look like a bigger threat than me each week until the finals where I will blow them all away and get into the final two. At this point I'll be able to share with those in the jury just how much manipulation and drama I silently caused. Plus, I'm super cute and awesome, so who wouldn't want to pick me as the winner anyway?

My life’s motto is… follow your heart.

What would you take into the house and why: My epilator, cause this girl can get pretty hairy, a yoga book so I can continue to grow and develop my strength and balance, and a pair of comfy sneakers for comfort and style.

Zakiyah Everette (24) (pron Zah-KEY-ah)

Hometown: Charlotte, N.C.

Current City: Charlotte, N.C.

Occupation: Pre-School Teacher

Three adjectives that describe you: Charming, bouncy and ambitious.

Favorite Activities: Dancing, modeling, cooking, eating, any form of designing or creating :)

What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house: Not catching up on my celebrity drama and not hearing from my mom.

Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most: - she was hilarious! Innocent and sweet like myself.

Do you have a strategy for winning the game: Go in, be real and actually play the game.

My life’s motto is… you only live once!

What would you take into the house and why: My beauty essentials since I have to maintain my look, my charm bracelet to keep my mom close to me, and my work out gear because being fit is life!

Jozea Flores (25) (pron Joe-ZAY)

Hometown: Bridgeton, N.J.

Current City: Los Angeles

Occupation: Make-Up Artist

Three adjectives that describe you: Funny, outgoing, creative strategist and a visual genius

Favorite Activities: Gym, hiking and yoga.

What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house: Nothing will really be difficult about living in the Big Brother house. I've had roommates before and I'm accustomed to living with roommates, the only thing that’ll be difficult is sharing the bathroom because I like to take a shower every morning and not wait.

Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most: I loved because to me he had drive, nerve, talent and was a very strong competitive player.

Do you have a strategy for winning the game: My only strategy to win the game is to use my mind to get into other people’s heads. I’ll use my love and my caring for the other Houseguests to maneuver my way through this competition.

My life’s motto is… if you can trust the ground you live on and take all the risk in the world there is to take, you should have no problem achieving your goals.

What would you take into the house and why: My body to win the physical challenges, my mind to be smart to win the show and my clothes to have something to wear.

Glenn Garcia (50)

Hometown: Bronx, N.Y.

Current City: Bronx, N.Y.

Occupation: Dog Groomer/Former Police Detective

Three adjectives that describe you: Small, big and great.

Favorite Activities: Playing with my daughter, deep sea fishing and traveling.

What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house: Being away from my family, not knowing what’s going on with them or the world and wondering if everything is ok with my loved ones.

Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most: Will, Evel Dick, Mike Boogie and Frankie Grande because of their style of play.

Do you have a strategy for winning the game: Not really because I need to see what the Houseguests are like to then make my strategy.

My life’s motto is… live every day like it’s your last because one day it will be.

What would you take into the house and why: My iPod because music soothes the soul, clippers to shave my head and continue looking good, and pictures of my baby girl to keep my heart filled with joy.

Michelle Meyer (23)

Hometown: Washington Township, Mich.

Current City: Washington Township, Mich.

Occupation: Nutritionist

Three adjectives that describe you: Quirky, bubbly and curious.

Favorite Activities: Cooking, reading, going on Reddit, watching live feeds, researching nutrition related topics, photography, working out and selling stuff on Ebay.

What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house: The constant paranoia about going to bed when others are still up! I like to go to bed early. I also feel like I won't be getting enough exercise in the house. Trying not to talk about other people/spreading rumors and get into drama that doesn't involve me. This has gotten me in trouble in the past and it's definitely not good for my game. It's like a giant game of telephone!

Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most: because he is so freaking attractive to me, played the type of game I would play, acted like how I would act in the Big Brother house (taking everything in, doing weird stuff around the house), and beat Dan. He had great strategy in taking punishments (I am very open to slop!!) and seeming weak in the beginning. I plan on having a four to six person alliance that I will stick to. I also plan on letting other people blow up their own games and egging them on in the shadows.

Do you have a strategy for winning the game: Win as many competitions as I can (other than the first week), and when I win HOH, to take out someone I see as a threat. I plan on being friendly with everyone and pretend this game doesn't mean the world to me. I plan on passively manipulating people and giving them reasons to follow my suggestions. I will also potentially be in a showmance, as I think it helps in the game. I want to take on all the punishments I can and appear weak while still winning competitions. I want a solid alliance to take to the end, but secretly have a better relationship with a few of the people.

My life’s motto is… "be underestimated." I want to be smarter than people think I am, stronger than people think I am, etc. It gives you the upper hand!

What would you take into the house and why: My FitBit to get in those 10,000 steps a day, my favorite stuffed animal, a basset hound beanie baby and a heated blanket because I'm always freezing.

Natalie Negrotti (26) (pron Nah-GRAH-tee)

Hometown: Caracas, Venezuela

Current City: Franklin Park, N.J.

Occupation: Event Coordinator

Three adjectives that describe you: Altruistic, athletic and beautiful.

Favorite Activities: I love painting, cooking, baking, eating, napping, shopping, online shopping, doing makeup, doing hair, tanning, pageants, dancing, going on dates, playing with puppies, looking at puppy videos on Instagram and online, party planning, decorating, having tea time, getting dressed up, doing my nails and bargain shopping!

What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house: Living with men because I have never lived with a man in my house, not even my own father!

Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most: Donny because he was the sweetest and most genuine human!

Do you have a strategy for winning the game: Yes! I'm super girly and athletic and will fake everyone out with my kindness and act very innocent and will stay low for the first week and won't win the first challenge. Then, I will start showing I'm a powerful force not to be messed with. I will have an alliance with only three women because women suck at this game and I was an NFL cheerleader for the New York Jets and know how to deal with large groups of women. I will also add men to our alliance since everyone will want to be in an alliance with me. I'm very kind, but I'm very tough and have street smarts since I was raised by a single mother. I've had to work my whole life and helped my mom pay her bills when I was in high school. People won't expect how much adversity I faced and how tough I am because I'm so pretty.

My life’s motto is… work hard and play harder!

What would you take into the house and why: I would take makeup because I can't live without it, self-tanner because I can't live without a tan, and my glitter hair spray to keep my hair on point.

Tiffany Rousso (32) (pron ROO-so)

Hometown: West Palm Beach, Fla.

Current City: Palm Beach Gardens, Fla.

Occupation: High School Teacher

Three adjectives that describe you: Passionate, smart and sincere.

Favorite Activities: Playing basketball, wake boarding, paddle boarding, painting, singing and playing guitar.

What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house: Staying focused and positive. It seems like a lot of past Houseguests start getting paranoid and that seems to be their downfall. Every moment in the house is a chance to turn it all around. It’s like living in a fairy tale book that you are creating yourself.

Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most: I really liked Janelle. She was a competition beast and was also very smart. She played social when she had to, and pulled out the competition wins when she had to. She was also very likeable in general.

Do you have a strategy for winning the game: I am planning on integrating three key facets into my game. I want to build rapport with everyone, be social, and have one person I can trust until the end. I will make people feel like I am on their side. I also hope to be great at competitions when needed. It’s all about timing, You don't want to come out with guns blazing! I’ll also be sure to align myself loosely with bigger threats, so they get taken out first, but they will be more likely to win HOH's.

My life’s motto is… live with urgency.

What would you take into the house and why: A secret spy kit lol, music and champagne and orange juice (mimosas for everyone!).