SUPPLEMENT to the LONDON GAZETTE, 4 APRIL, 1944 1557 Able Seaman James Healy, P/JX
SUPPLEMENT TO THE LONDON GAZETTE, 4 APRIL, 1944 1557 Able Seaman James Healy, P/JX. 153278 The Distinguished Service. Medal. (Portsmouth). Able Seaman Norman Ca'rr, D/JX.202974. Able Seaman Samuel Hiles, D/SSX.I262I (Wellington, Somerset). Mention in Despatches. Able Seaman William John Ronald Howard, Lieutenant Gordan Stanley Walker, R.N.R. P/JX.276754- Able Seaman George Alexander Illingworth, For outstanding bravery and devotion to C/JX.3i6284. duty in H.M.S. Pytchley in a successful Able Seaman William Louis Jeffries, D/SSX.c action with enemy E-boats: 32900 (Tipton, Staffs). The Distinguished Service Medal. Able . Seaman Joseph Arthur Johnson, Petty Officer Walter Cyril Stuckey, D/JX. P/SD/X.I369 (Brighton). I Able Seaman Kenneth Vivian La Croix, 33°47 (Ystrad,' Rhondda). P/SD/X.I47I (Newhaven, Sussex). Petty Officer Telegraphist Henry Arthur Able Seaman Robert Malcolm, C/SSX. 18762 Taylor, D/J. 106359, R-F.R. (Devonport). (Wingate, Durham). Mention in Despatches. Able Seaman Gilbert - Browning Parker, Temporary Lieutenant Henry Ronald Vernon D/JX.I30352. Jones, R.N.V.R. (Ferndale, Rhondda). Able Seaman Kenneth Rees, P'/JX.322162 (Purfleet, Essex). For distinguished services in Sicily: Able 'Seaman Robert Reid, D/JX.346595. Mention in Despatches. Able Seaman George Edward James Shrigley, Major (Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel) (Acting P/JX.2476g8 (Manchester). Colonel) Sidney George Barten Paine, Able Seaman Alan Claudian Joseph Thacker, • O.B.E., Royal Marines. D/J.107086. ' Captain (Acting Colonel) Adolphus John Able Seaman William Ivor Williams, P/JX. Harvey, O.B.E., Royal Marines. 240598. Temporary Captain (Acting Temporary Major) Able Seaman John Allan David Willmer, Oliver Eyre Crosthwaite Eyre, Royal P/JX.325295 (Leatherhead, Surrey).
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