Japanese Journal of Ichthyology 魚 類 学 雑 誌 Vol.32,No.41986 32巻4号1986年

Movement and Population Size of the River Sculpin hangiongensis in the Daitobetsu River of Southern Hokkaido

Akira Goto (Received April 22,1985)

Abstract Individual movements and population size of the amphidromous sculpin Cottus

hangiongensis,excluding young-of-the-year smaller than 50 mm in body length,were studied

from October 1983 to December 1984 in 5 separate sections of the Daitobetsu River of southern Hokkaido,by using mark-recapture methods.During the non-breeding season,distinct in- clinations in density,body length distribution and sex ratio of C.hangiongensis populations were

found along the course of the river.The population density was the highest,3.45 per m2,in the lowest section and decreased in the upper sections.Larger males were•\found in larger numbers

toward the lower reaches,whereas the sex ratio,which was biased in favor of females,was generally more striking upstream.These characteristics of the population structure may result from the

amphidromous life history and the polygynous mating system of this species.Many marked were recaptured within the original sections,where they had been marked and released,through-

out the year.During the non-breeding season,especially,the mean movement was 40.6 m,with the greatest movement being 92 m.During the breeding season,on the other hand,some sculpins

appeared to move downstream before spawning and upstream after spawning.Such down-

stream spawning migration may increase the chance of encountering a mate,and for females it may enhance the chance of encountering larger males.Moreover,it may also contribute to a

decrease in the mortality rate of their flowing larvae.

•\ River sculpins of the genus Cottus found in Bailey(1952)noted limited movement with typical Japan have various life history patterns:cata- yearly movements of approximately 50 m in a dromous for C.kazika(Kuroda,1947),am- Montana stream,and Brown and Downhower phidromous for C.hangiongensis(Goto,1977a, (1982)reported that the mean movement of this 1981)and C.amblystomopsis(Goto,1975,1980), species was 1.2 m from June through July in two and fluvial for C.nozawae(Goto,1975,1977b, tributaries of the Gallatin River,Montana.Mc- 1980)and the"large-egg type"of C.pollux Cleave(1964)estimated that the home range of (Mizuno and Niwa,1961).The larvae of C. mottled sculpins was somewhat less than 50 m. hangiongensis Mori,an amphidromous species, On the other hand,Shetter and Hazzard(1939) are carried by currents into the sea soon after found considerable instability in a population of hatching and then after pelagic life in the sea for mottled sculpins and slimy sculpins(C.cognatus) about one month,the juveniles ascend uprivers. in a Michigan stream. They are commonly distributed in the rivers of In the present study,the amphidromous sculpin southern Hokkaido(Sato and Kobayashi,1951; C.hangiongensis,excluding young-of-the-year Goto,1977a,1981,1984a).The adult fish of this which were smaller than 50 mm in body length, species inhabit benthically the lower reaches of was studied in the Daitobetsu River of southern rivers and feed on larvae of aquatic insects and Hokkaido throughout the year,in order to deter- occasionally on small fish throughout the year mine the spatial stability and movement of the

(Goto,1981). population and to estimate the population size by Although river sculpins are generally thought to using mark-recapture methods. be relatively sedentary during the non-breeding season(McCleave,1964;Brown and Downhower, Study area and methods 1982),the spatial stability and movements of adult C.hangiongensis populations are hitherto Study area.The Daitobetsu River studied unknown.In the mottled sculpin C.bairdi, originates on Oshima Mountain of Hokkaido and

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restricted to the lower reaches.Within the lower reaches,five sections,(I-V),300-500m off each other in length,were established(Fig.1).The physical characteristics of each section are shown in Table 1.Section I,being 215 m long and 5.2 m wide on the average,consists of Bb type(Kani,1944; Mizuno and Kawanabe,1981)with an abundance of various sized rocks.Both Sections II and III, 130 m long and 7.8 m wide and 150 m long and 7.9 m wide respectively,consist of Aa-Bb transi- tion type.Section II has a relative abundance of rocks of various sizes and Section III,of which the bottom mainly consists of gravels,has rela- tively few rocks.Section IV,the longest section, with a length of 430 m and 5.8 m in width,consists of Aa type and has a rocky bottom in most parts. Section V,being 210 m long and 6.2 m wide,con- sists of Aa type and is relatively abundant in various sized rocks.Additionally,Section VI, being located upstream beyond the notched weir and consisting of Aa type,was prepared to study the upstream migration of sculpins from below the weir(Fig.1). Fig.1.Map of the Daitobetsu River showing the Methods for mark-recapture study.Studies on sections studied. population estimates and movement of individuals of C.hangiongensis were conducted in the Daito- drains into Hakodate Bay(Fig.1).It is charac- betsu River from October,1983 to December, terized by relatively high gradients and is about 1984.Sculpins larger than 50 mm in body 17 km long.In this river,there is a notched weir length,which were captured with dip nets and approximately 4 km upstream from the river selected from total catches,were anesthetized for mouth,which partially blocks upstream migra- a few minutes with approximately 0.0001 % ethyl- tion of amphidromous sculpins(Goto,1984a)so aminobenzoate solution before marking.Fish that only a small number of adult C.hangiongensis were examined to determine sex by external sexual are distributed in waters further upstream from characters(Goto,1984b),standard length was the weir(Goto,1974). measured to the nearest 0.1 mm,and then the fish The study sites were set up within the lower were marked by removing combinations of 1st reaches from the river mouth to the notched weir dorsal-fin spines and 2nd dorsal-fin rays.De- because the spawning grounds of this species and tailed procedures for individual marking has been the distribution of the main population were described elsewhere(Goto,1985).After mark-

Table 1.Physical characteristics of each section of the Daitobetsu River studied.

* This figure includes 470 m2 of Hayase Rapids with rock bottom. ** This figure includes 170 m2 of Hirase Rapids with rock bottom.

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Fig.2.Length frequency distributions for Cottus hangiongensis captured in 5 sections of the Daitobetsu River in October(left side)and in November(right side),1983.

ing,the fish were placed in a holding crof until section.The body length frequency distributions completely recovered from the anesthetic,at of male and female sculpins larger than 50 mm are which time they were released near the middle of shown for the samples captured in Sections I each section.During this study,an approximate through V in October and November 1983(Fig.2). total of 2,500 sculpins were marked individually in As pointed out by Goto(1984b),sexual dimor- all five sections(I-V). phism in body size where males were larger than As a general rule,recapture of marked fish was females,was found in all sections,particularly in attempted in each section in every month,from Sections I and II which were located in the lower one month after the first marking in October 1983, reaches of the river.Females ranging from 50 except in January and February of 1984 when mm to 110 mm in body length,mainly appeared the river was covered with snow.Dip nets were to be 1+ and 2+ aged fish with the modes of 60-70 used in recapture attempts,with nearly equal mm and about 85-95 mm respectively.In males, catching efforts,every time.Especially during the the body length ranged from 55 mm to 150 mm, period from mid April to early June,1984,fishing though the age composition could not be inferred by using dip nets for recapture was done generally from the size distributions. every five days in the region between Section II The sex ratio of sculpins was biased in favor of and Section III(Section II-III). females at every section in the both months. Moreover,such bias in the sex ratio was generally Results more striking in the upstream direction where the male/female ratio varied from approximately 1:2 Body length distribution and sex ratio for each in Section I to about 1:5 in Section V(Fig.2).

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Spatial stability and movement.Movement of The majority of sculpins recaptured were pres- sculpins was estimated from the data on location ent in their original sections throughout the year when the marked fish were recaptured(Table 2). (Table 2).Especially from October 1983 through Fish recaptured were divided into two groups: mid April 1984,all fish were recaptured in the one group consisting of recaptures found in their original sections,except two fish,one of which original sections and the other group consisting was captured in a downstream section in November of recaptures found in sections other than the and the other which was captured in an upstream original sections at which they were released after section in December.From mid April to May,. marking.The latter group was further divided however,only a few individuals of the total according to whether fish were recaptured in sec- catches were recaptured downstream;in Section tions in lower reaches or in the upper reaches. II-III,5 of 63(7.9 %)recaptured fish in April and

Table 2.Movement of Cottus hangiongensis throughout the year in the Daitobetsu River.

* These fish were captured on Apr.18,25 and 30. ** These fish were captured on Jun.2 and 9.

Table 3.Thirty sculpins which moved downstream during the period from late April to early June in the Daitobetsu River,1984.

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21 of 150(14.0 %)recaptured fish in May.The until October;24 of 120(20.0 %)recaptured fish remaining 58 and 129 marked fish were recaptured in June,20 of 96(20.8 %)in August,14 of 98 in their original section,Section II-III in April (14.3 %)in September and 15 of 103(14.6 %)in and May respectively.Since then,the number October. of fish recaptured in the downstream sections Recaptures in the downstream sections demon- decreased until October,1984.On the other strate that sculpins moved downstream before hand,the number of marked fish recaptured in the time of recapture,whereas those found in the the upstream sections increased abruptly in June upstream sections indicate the inverse situation. and then continued to be relatively high in number Although techniques for recapture used in this

Table 4.Fourty-four sculpins which moved upstream during the period from June to August in the Daitobetsu River,1984.

Table 5.Home range of Cottus hangiongensis during the non-breeding season in the Daitobetsu River.

* Figures in parentheses indicate the number of fish which moved downstream from the point of release.

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Table 6.Summary of a mark-recapture study of Cottus hangiongensis during the non-breeding season in sections I through V of the Daitobetsu River.

Section I

Section II

Section III

Section IV

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Table 6.(continued)

Section V

study did not allow for determination of an ac- Both male and female sculpins appeared to move curate time when the marked fish moved before upstream throughout this period.The longest their recapture,the fact that there was only one upstream movement that was detected was ap- fish recaptured in a downstream section from proximately 4.1 km from Section I to Section VI, October 1983 to mid April 1984(Table 2),strongly for one female which had been marked in Section suggest that sculpins rarely moved downstream I and was recaptured in Section VI.The body during that period.Therefore,almost all of the length of 11 males which were recorded to have 30 marked sculpins which were recaptured in the moved upstream ranged from 84.8 mm to 120.2 downstream sections from late April to early June mm,while that of 33 females varied from 65.6 mm appeared to move downstream during this periods to 102.7 mm. (Table 3).The downstream movement of male Home range.Since it was inferred that the sculpins seemed to be restricted in occurrence to movement of sculpins was restricted to a range the beginning of the periods from mid April to almost within the original sections during the early May,whereas females appeared to move non-breeding season,the distances moved during downstream throughout the period.The longest one month,from October to November 1984,were downstream movement that was detected was estimated by measuring the length between the approximately 2.2 km from Section V to Section point of release and the point of recapture in II-III,for 5 females which had been marked in Sections I to III(Table 5).All sculpins re- Section V and were recaptured in Section II-III. captured were within 80 m from the original point The three males which were recorded to have of release except for one fish which was observed moved downstream were larger than 120 mm in in Section III and was recaptured at a point 92 body length,while the body length of 27 females m away.The mean movement was 40.6 m for 36 varied from 65.5 mm to 105.5 mm. recaptures.The direction of movement was In comparison,the upstream movement of dependent on the direction of stream flow.Of 36 sculpins was observed from June to August. movements in an upstream or a downstream Forty-four marked fish were recaptured in the direction,28 were in the upstream direction(Z2= upstream sections during this period(Table 4). 11.11,1 df,P < .001).These observations sug-

Table 7.Jolly-Seber estimates of population numbers and population densities of adult Cottus hangiongensis in each of 5 sections of the Daitobetsu River in December,1983.


―427― 魚 類 学 雑 誌Japan.J.Ichthyol.32(4),1986 gest that the river sculpins have home ranges of clinations in population density,size composition less than 100 m and that they are inclined to move and sex ratio for the C.hangiongensis population upstream within the home range during the non- were found to vary according to the course of the breeding season. river.Population density was highest in lowest Population size.A summary of a mark-re- reaches and was inclined to decrease in the up- capture study,carried out in Sections I through V stream direction.Larger males were more abund- during the non-breeding period from October to ant toward the lower reaches,whereas the sex November 1984,is indicated in Table 6.In ratio,which was biased towards a greater number Section I,for example,a total of 297 individuals of female,was generally more striking upstream. were marked during this period.Of the total 417 Such characteristics of population structure may captures,29(7.0 %)were recaptures of marked result from the life history and mating habits of fish.Twenty-eight fish(6.7 %)were recaptured this species.In C.hangiongensis,being an at least once and one fish(0.2 %)was recaptured amphidromous fish,the juveniles which ascend twice.With regard to the other sections,there upriver from the sea densely populate the benthic, were a total of 245 marked fish and 63 recaptures shallow stream margins of the river mouth for a in Section II,189 marked fish and 42 recaptures few weeks(Goto,1981,1984a).Subsequently, in Section III,199 marked fish and 24 recaptures the juveniles disperse and move upstream.These in Section IV,and 134 marked fish and 20 re- ecological characteristics in the early life cycle are captures in Section V.The highest recapture some of the most important influences resulting rate to the total number of marked fish was 25.7% in inclination of population densities to decrease in Section II and the lowest was 9.8 % in Section I. in the upstream direction along the course of the The proportion of recaptures in the monthly river.Relating mainly to such gradients of catches varied from 35.9 % in Section III on March densities,spawning grounds of C.hangiongensis 16 to 3.9 % in Section I on November 5. are found more abundantly in the lower parts of By using the mark-recapture data shown in the distribution range(Goto,1981).In addition, Table 6 and the Jolly-Seber method(Seber,1973), this species is polygynous.Goto(in press)reported the sculpin population,excluding young-of-the- that one male mated with an average of about 5 year smaller than 50 mm in body length,was es- females in the Daitobetsu River and larger males timated for each section(Table 7).The popula- were inclined to mate with a larger number of tion size in Section I was 3,970,the largest value females.Therefore,these reproductive charac- among the 5 sections.From the area of 1,150 m2, teristics may cause the inclinations of the sex ratio the population density in Section I was estimated and length distribution according to the course to be 3.45 per m2.The estimates of population of the river as stated above. size and density per m2 were 502 and 0.507 in Recapture of many marked sculpins within Section II,176 and 0.159 in Section III,853 and each original section throughout the year would 0.351,and 128 and 0.103 in Section V respectively. demonstrate that the adult fish of C.hangiongensis When densities were compared in both the whole moved within an extremely restricted area.Such area and the rapids area for the 5 sections,they a restricted area may be called the"home range" were remarkably high in Section I and were in- of the sculpins,according to the definition which clined to decrease toward the upstream sections was defined by Gerking(1953)as"the area over from II to V.though an inverse relationship was which the normally travels."Especially found between Section III and Section IV. during the non-breeding season,the mean dis- tance in which the sculpins moved was within 40.6 m,with the greatest movement being 92 m. Discussion These observations suggest that C.hangiongensis has a home range of generally less than 50 m,and In the Daitobetsu River,the amphidromous the size of the home range may be consistent with sculpin C.hangiongensis generally spawns from late that estimated in the mottled sculpin C.bairdi by April to late May,and has a polygynous mating McCleave(1964).For the mottled sculpin, system,i.e.,one male mates with about 5 females on the average(Goto,1977a,1981,in press). McCleave(1964)reported that the home range was During the non-breeding season,the distinct in- somewhat less than 50 m.Recently,Brown and

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Downhower(1982)estimated that the mean move- in prees).In the Daitobetsu River,the population ment of the mottled sculpin was 1.2 m,with 14.3 m density was highest in the lower reaches and was being the greatest recorded movement in June and inclined to decrease upstream.The large-sized July.However,these are rough estimates in all males were more abundant in the lower parts of cases and thus are not suitable for accurate com- the distribution range.Therefore,if the adult parison because the home-range size is influenced fish inhabiting the upper stream move down- by many factors,including stream width,riffle- stream before spawning,they may have a better pool development and food abundance,as pointed chance of encountering a mate and chances that out by McCleave(1964). females encounter larger males also increase.In During the breeding season,on the other hand, addition,if the females deposit their eggs in the only a few marked sculpins were recaptured in the lower reaches,the larvae hatched from the eggs downstream sections from late April to early June, can flow downstream a shorter distance to the sea and in the upstream sections from June to August and thus will be able to reach it in a shorter time. (Table 2).These observations do not necessarily If the time in which the larvae spend reaching the show that a downstream or upstream movement sea is shorter,the mortality rate of them may be had occurred throughout those periods because lower because the flowing larvae,taking nutrition the sculpins recaptured in each late period might only from the yolk,can scarcely survive in fresh have moved downstream or upstream before the water for more than 5 days due to starvation and/or time of recapture.Therefore,it is reasonable to unsuitable osmoregulation(Goto,unpublished presume that some sculpins move downstream data).These may be important factors contri- before spawning and upstream after spawning. buting to the development of downstream spawn- Since the longest downstream movement recorded ing migration in C.hangiongensis,though it is not was about 2.2 km and the longest upstream one clear whether all adult sculpins inhabiting the was about 4.1 km,and such long movements upper stream or only a part of them do migrate occurred only during the breeding season,the downstream for spawning. movements may be called a kind of spawning migration in the downstream direction.For fresh- Acknowledgments water sculpins,a downstream spawning migration has been reported only in catadromous fish such I wish to thank Drs.Keikichi Hamada and as Trachidermus fasciatus(Tsukahara,1952),C. Fumio Yamazaki,Faculty of Fisheries,Hokkaido kazika(Kuroda,1947)and the coastal popula- University,for their valuable advice.Thanks are tions of C.asper(Krejsa,1967).On the other hand, also offered to my co-workers of Hokkaido Uni- upstream spawning migration has been observed versity,Messrs.Tatsuyoshi Hirata,Kazuya Usui in C.semiscaber(Simon and Brown,1943)and C. and Hirotoshi Fuda for their kind cooperation. rhotheus(Thomas,1973)which may have a fluvial This work was partly supported by Grant-in-Aid life history.It appears that the downstream for Scientific Research(No.57340035)and Special spawning migration observed in C.hangiongensis Project Research on Biological Aspects of Optimal is the first reported for amphidromous sculpins. Strategy and Social Structure(No.58121004) In spite of many C.hangiongensis adults being from the Japanese Ministry of Education,Science sedentary in Section II-III,why do adults in and Culture. further upstream sections move downstream be- fore spawning? As already stated,C.hangiong- Literature cited ensis is a polygynous species of which one male mates with several females,and of which spawning Bailey, J. E. 1952. Life history and ecology of the sculpin Cottus bairdi punctulatus in southwestern grounds are distributed more abundantly in the Montana. Copeia, 1952(4): 243-255. lower course of the river(Goto,1981,in press). Brown, L. and J. F. Downhower. 1982. Summer With regard to reproductive behavior,a male of movements of mottled sculpins, Cottus bairdi (Pisces: this species occupies space under a rock as a ). Copeia, 1982(2):450-453. spawning nest and then mates there successively Gerking, S. D. 1953. Evidence for the concepts of with various females.The females may choose home range and territory in stream . Ecol., a larger male for a mate prior to mating(Goto, 34(2): 347-365.

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Goto, A. 1974. Adult males of a freshwater sculpin, type, stream zone and stream type. Verh. Intnat. Cottus hangiongensis Mori having immature testis Verein. Limnol., 21: 58. Mizuno, N. and H. Niwa. 1961. Two ecological found during the spawning period. Bull. Fac. types of the freshwater scorpion, Cottus pollux Fish. Hokkaido Univ., 24(4): 139-143. (In Japanese Gunther. Zool. Mag. (Japan), 70(8): 267-275. (In with English summary.) Japanese with English summary.) Goto, A. 1975. Ecological and morphological di- Sato, S. and K. Kobayashi. 1951. A note on the vergence of the freshwater sculpin, Cottus nozawae fresh water cottoid fishes in southern Hokkaido. Bull. Fac. Fish. Hokkaido Univ., 1(3/4): 129-133. Snyder-I. Spawning behavior and process of the (In Japanese with English summary.) development in the post-hatching stage. Bull. Fac. Seber, G. A. F. 1973. The estimation of animal Fish. Hokkaido Univ., 26(1): 31-37. (In Japanese abundance and related parameters. Griffin, Lon- with English summary.) don, 506 pp. Goto, A. 1977a. Ecological and morphological Shetter, D. S. and A. S. Hazzard. 1939. Species composition by age groups and stability of fish studies on the freshwater sculpins in Hokkaido, populations in sections of three Michigan trout Japan. Doctoral Dissertation Hokkaido Univ., streams during the summer of 1937. Trans. Amer. 207 pp., 24 pls. (In Japanese.) Fish. Soc., 68: 281-302. Goto, A. 1977b. Some considerations on speciation Simon, J. R. and R. C. Brown. 1943. Observations on the spawning of the sculpin, Cottus semiscaber. and adaptation of the freshwater sculpins in Hok- Copeia, 1943(1): 41-42. kaido. J. Michurin Biol., 13(1): 39-47. (In Japanese Thomas, A. E. 1973. Spawning migration and intra- with English summary.) gravel movement of the torrent sculpin, Cottus Goto, A. 1980. Geographic distribution and varia- rhotheus. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc., 102(3): 620- tions of two types of Cottus nozawae in Hokkaido, 622. Tsukahara, H. 1952. The life history and habits of and morphological characteristics of C. amblysto- the sculpin, "Yama-no-kami", Trachidermus mopsis from Sakhalin. Japan. J. Ichthyol., 27(2): fasciatus Heckel. Sci. Bull. Fac. Agricul. Kyushu 95-105. Univ., 12(3): 225-238. (In Japanese with English Goto, A. 1981. Life history and distribution of a summary.) river sculpin, Cottus hangiongensis. Bull. Fac. Fish. (Laboratory of Embryology and Genetics, Faculty of Hokkaido Univ., 32(1): 10-21. (In Japanese with Fisheries, Hokkaido University, Hakodate 041, Japan) English summary.) Goto, A. 1984a. Comparative ecology of young- of-the year between two amphidromous species of 大当別川におけるカンキョウカジカの河川内移動と個体 Cottus in Hokkaido 1. Upstream migration and 数 growth. Bull. Fac. Fish. Hokkaido Univ., 35(3): 後藤 晃 133-143. 北 海 道 南 部 の 大 当 別 川 に お い て,河 口 か ら 上 流 約4km Goto, A. 1984b. Sexual dimorphism in a river 地 点 ま で の 流 域 に ほ ぼ 等 間 隔 に5っ の 調 査 区 域(1~V)を sculpin Cottus hangiongensis. Japan J. Ichthyol., 設 け た.各 区 域 で 採 集 さ れ た カ ン キ ョ ウ カ ジ カ の 成 魚 31(2): 161-166. (体 長50mm以 上)に 個 体 識 別 マ ー ク を 施 し,mark- Goto, A. 1985. Individual identification by spine recapture法 に よ っ て,河 川 内 移 動,homerange,流 程 and ray clipping for freshwater sculpins. Japan. J. に 沿 っ た 個 体 群 密 度 の 変 化 に つ い て 調 査 し た.非 繁 殖 期 Ichthvol.. 32(3): 359-362. に お い て,生 息 密 度,体 長 組 成 及 び 性 比 に 流 程 に 沿 っ た Goto, A. In press. Polygyny in the river sculpin, 傾 斜 が 認 め ら れ た.つ ま り,生 息 密 度 は,最 下 流 域 の 区 Cottus hangiongensis (Pisces: Cottidae), with special 域1で 最 も 高 く(3.45尾/m2),上 流 に 向 う に つ れ て 低 く reference to male mating success. Copeia. な る.大 型 の 雄 は 下 流 域 に 多 く,上 流 に 向 う に つ れ て 減 Kani, T. 1944. Ecology of the aquatic insects in- habiting a mountain stream. Pages 171-317 in 少 す る.ま た,性 比(♂:♀)は 区 域1で は 約1:3で H. Furukawa, ed., Insects I. Kenkyu-sha, Tokyo. あ り,上 流 に 向 う に つ れ て 雌 の 比 率 が よ り高 く な る.こ (In Japanese.) の 時 期 に は,各 個 体 の 生 息 場 所 は 安 定 し て お り,そ の Krejsa, R. J. 1967. The systematics of the prickly homerangeは 流 程 で 平 均40.6mで あ っ た.一 方,繁 殖 sculpin, Cottus asper Richardson, a polytypic species. 期 に は,教kmに 及 ぶ 河 川 内 で の 移 動 が 認 め ら れ た.つ Part II. Studies on the life history, with special reference to migration. Pacif. Sci., 21(3): 413-422. ま り,繁 殖 期 前 期 に は,上 流 域 に 生 息 し て い た 個 体 が 下 Kuroda, N. 1947. Studies on Kamakiri (Cottus 流 方 向 に,ま た,繁 殖 終 了 期 に は,下 流 か ら上 流 方 向 に kazika Jordan & Starks). Zool. Mag. (Japan), 移 動 が 起 こ る.こ の 繁 殖 期 に み られ る 移 動 は 産 卵 回 遊 の 57(7): 101-103. (In Japanese.) 一 形 態 と み な さ れ,本 種 の 両 側 回 遊 性 の 生 活 環,個 体 群

McCleave, J. D. 1964. Movement and population 構 造 の 特 徴 及 び 一 夫 多 妻 的 婚 姻 シ ス テ ム か ら み て,適 応 of the mottled sculpin (Cottus bairdi Girard) in a small Montana stream. Copeia, 1964(3): 506-513. 的 な行 動 習 性 で あ る と 考 え ら れ る. Mizuno, N. and H. Kawanabe. 1981. A topograph- (041函 館 市 港 町3-1-1北 海 道大 学 水 産 学 部 発 生 学 ・遺 ical classification of stream, with an introduc- tion of the system widely used in Japan, I. Reach 伝 学 講 座)
