AQU 1 Report

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AQU 1 Report PacifiCorp and Cowlitz PUD Lewis River Hydroelectric Project FERC Project Nos. 935, 2071, 2111, 2213 CONTENTS 4.0 AQUATIC RESOURCES ...............................................................................AQU 1-1 4.1 REPORT ON LIFE HISTORY, HABITAT REQUIREMENTS, AND DISTRIBUTION OF AQUATIC ANALYSIS SPECIES (AQU 1)........AQU 1-1 4.1.1 Study Objectives............................................................................AQU 1-2 4.1.2 Study Area .....................................................................................AQU 1-3 4.1.3 Methods .........................................................................................AQU 1-3 4.1.4 Key Questions................................................................................AQU 1-4 4.1.5 Results............................................................................................AQU 1-5 4.1.6 Discussion....................................................................................AQU 1-81 4.1.7 Schedule.......................................................................................AQU 1-83 4.1.8 References....................................................................................AQU 1-83 4.1.9 Comments and Responses on Draft Report .................................AQU 1-97 AQU 1 Appendix 1 Fish Distribution Maps AQU 1 Appendix 2 WRIA 27 Fish Distribution and Barriers LIST OF TABLES Table 4.1-1. Aquatic analysis species to be assessed.............................................AQU 1-1 Table 4.1-2. The number of adult spring and fall Chinook collected at the Merwin Dam fish collection facility (1933 to 1953). ......................AQU 1-13 Table 4.1-3. Escapement estimates for adult spring Chinook and fall Chinook in the North Fork Lewis River (1980 to 2000). ...............................AQU 1-14 Table 4.1-4. The current distribution and habitat use type for Chinook salmon in the Lewis River basin. .................................................................AQU 1-15 Table 4.1-5. The number of adult coho collected at the Merwin Dam fish collection facility (1932 to 1969).....................................................AQU 1-21 Table 4.1-6. Escapement estimates for adult coho in the North Fork Lewis River (1980 to 1998) (counts do not include jacks or fish harvested by recreational anglers). ..................................................AQU 1-22 Table 4.1-8. Angler catch of summer run and winter run steelhead in the mainstem Lewis River and North Fork Lewis River (1979-80 through 1994-95). ............................................................................AQU 1-36 Table 4.1-9. The current distribution and habitat use type for winter steelhead in the Lewis River basin. .................................................................AQU 1-37 Table 4.1-10. The current distribution and habitat use type for summer steelhead in the Lewis River basin...................................................AQU 1-38 Table 4.1-11. Number of bull trout collected from the Yale tailrace (Lake Merwin) and transferred to the mouth of Cougar Creek (Yale Lake) or released back into Lake Merwin (1995 through 2000). ....AQU 1-64 Table 4.1-12. The spawning year, peak count, estimated escapement, number of females and the mean fecundity of spawning kokanee in Cougar Creek (1978 to 2000). .........................................................AQU 1-68 April 2004 Final Technical Reports - Page AQU 1-i \\Neoserver\disk1\Projects\Lewis River\Final Tech Reports 04-04\04.0 AQU\AQU 01 Final 032404.doc PacifiCorp and Cowlitz PUD Lewis River Hydroelectric Project FERC Project Nos. 935, 2071, 2111, 2213 Table 4.1-13. Peak kokanee spawner counts in tributaries to Lake Merwin, 1978 to 1982. ...................................................................................AQU 1-69 Table 4.1-14. Summary of sculpin species within the lower Columbia River and tributaries...................................................................................AQU 1-71 Table 4.1-15. Resource utilization by insects in several aquatic habitats 1 (adapted from Merritt et al. 1984)....................................................AQU 1-80 Table 4.1-16. Current WDFW fish production goals for the Lewis River Hatchery Complex. ..........................................................................AQU 1-82 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 4.1-1. Periodicity chart for various life stages of fish species (with known life history information) in the Lewis River basin. ..............AQU 1-7 Figure 4.1-2. Annual peak counts of bull trout spawners observed in Cougar Creek 1979-2000. ...........................................................................AQU 1-62 Figure 4.1-3. Spawning population estimate of bull trout in Swift Reservoir for the years 1994 through 2000. .........................................................AQU 1-63 Page AQU 1-ii - Final Technical Reports April 2004 \\Neoserver\disk1\Projects\Lewis River\Final Tech Reports 04-04\04.0 AQU\AQU 01 Final 032404.doc PacifiCorp and Cowlitz PUD Lewis River Hydroelectric Project FERC Project Nos. 935, 2071, 2111, 2213 4.0 AQUATIC RESOURCES 4.1 REPORT ON LIFE HISTORY, HABITAT REQUIREMENTS, AND DISTRIBUTION OF AQUATIC ANALYSIS SPECIES (AQU 1) During the Lewis River watershed study scoping and planning process, the Aquatics Resource Group (ARG) identified 14 fish species plus macroinvertebrates that would be the focus species for the Lewis River aquatic resources studies (Table 4.1-1). Analysis species were selected to identify and describe the commonly occurring as well as rare and declining species that are representative of the species guilds whose habitat and habitat features may be affected by continued operation of the Lewis River Projects. The ARG also asked for a description of the life history, habitat requirements, and distribution of aquatic analysis species. This report responds to that request. Table 4.1-1. Aquatic analysis species to be assessed. Analysis Species Selection Criteria Chinook Salmon Potential sensitivity to changes in aquatic and riparian habitat quality and connectivity. Strong ecological interactor. Coho Salmon Potential sensitivity to changes in aquatic and riparian habitat quality and connectivity. Strong ecological interactor. Chum Salmon Potential sensitivity to changes in aquatic and riparian habitat quality and connectivity. Strong ecological interactor. Steelhead Trout Potential sensitivity to changes in aquatic and riparian habitat quality and connectivity. Strong ecological interactor. Sea-run Cutthroat Trout Potential sensitivity to changes in aquatic and riparian habitat quality and connectivity. Strong ecological interactor. Pacific Lamprey Special habitat requirements during spawning and rearing stages. Important ecological species. White Sturgeon Long-lived species which may have been affected by construction of dams. May be vulnerable to overharvest. Northern Pikeminnow Top level predator. May have increased in numbers due to construction of dams. Mountain Whitefish Native species with some habitat requirements that differ from other salmonids. Bull Trout Federally listed threatened species. Unique habitat requirements. Top level predator. Kokanee Important introduced sport fish. Planktivore. Interspecific interactions with native fishes may be important. Sculpins Require cool water temperatures. Many species associated with high stream gradients. Benthic species. Threespine Stickleback Present in Yale and Merwin. Interspecific interactions with kokanee fry may be important. Largescale Sucker Juveniles may constitute important prey item for bull trout. Aquatic Macroinvertebrates Changes in these communities may indicate changes in and Zooplankton Guilds ecological conditions. April 2004 Final Technical Reports - Page AQU 1-1 \\Neoserver\disk1\Projects\Lewis River\Final Tech Reports 04-04\04.0 AQU\AQU 01 Final 032404.doc PacifiCorp and Cowlitz PUD Lewis River Hydroelectric Project FERC Project Nos. 935, 2071, 2111, 2213 4.1.1 Study Objectives As described in the Study Plan Document (PacifiCorp and Cowlitz PUD 1999, as amended), the objective of this study is to research, compile, and summarize existing information on life history, habitat requirements, and distribution of aquatic analysis species currently or historically occurring in the study area. Specific topics to be addressed in this review (as described in the study plan) are as follows. Life History • A biological description including physical descriptions, geographic distributions, average and record sizes, age and growth characteristics, food habits, and predator and prey dynamics. • A general description of life history phases, including a periodicity chart and description of migratory behavior for each phase. • A description of potential life history interactions between hatchery and wild or native fishes. Interactions will include potential competition for habitat and predation. • A statement on Endangered Species Act (ESA) status or other key management goals for the species. Habitat Requirements • A general description of macro and mesohabitat requirements for each life phase including reproductive, early life, and adult. Key macro habitat components will include differentiation between lentic and lotic habitats; pelagic or littoral habitats; and water quality and temperature requirements. Mesohabitat requirements will include differentiation between preference for pools, riffles, turbulent/fast water, etc. • A general description of micro habitat requirements will include
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