DAYID COHEN - Vefgus - 71Civ.2203 (CSH) SPBCIAL SERVICES DIVISION, Alvabureau of Speoial Services; WILLIAM H.T
I.INITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK ----------------x BARBARA HANDSCHU, RALPH DiGIA, ALEX MCKEIVER, SHABA OM, CURTIS M. POWELL, ABBIE HOFFMAN, MARK A. SAGAL, MICHAEL ZUMOFF, KENNETH THOMAS, ROBERT RUSCH, A}INETTE T. RUBINSTEIN, MICKEY SHEzuD,{}], JOE SUCHER, STEVEN FISCHLER, HOWARD BLATT' ELLIE BBNZONI, on bshalf of themselves and all others similarly situated, Plaintiffs, DECLARATION OF DAYID COHEN - vefgus - 71Civ.2203 (CSH) SPBCIAL SERVICES DIVISION, alVaBureau of Speoial Services; WILLIAM H.T. SMITH; ARTHUR GRUBERT; MICHAEL'WILLIS; WLLIAM KNAPP; PATRICK MURPHY; POLICE DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK; JOHN V, LINDSAY; and various unknown employees of the Police Deparhnent acting as undercover operators and informers, Defsndants. x DAVID COHEN, declares under penalty of perjury and pursuantlo 28 U.S.C. $174ó that the following staternents are true and correct: L I am Deputy Commissioner for Intelligence for the New York Cíty Police Department (,,NyPD',), This declaration is based upon personal knowledgo, books and records of the NypD, and upon infbrmation received from employees of the NYPD which I believe to bo true, Z. In my capacity as Deputy Commissioner for Intelligence, I have general oversight of the Intolligence Division, the unit within the N\?D that gathers and analyzes information to assist in the dotection and prevention of unlawful aotivity, including aots of tenor. As such, I have fusthand knowledge of the faots set forth below, I submit this declaration in support of Defendants' Opposition to
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