G a Z E T T E
g a z e t t e THE CHRONICLE OF CENTRAL EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY Winter 2003 Vol. 13, No. 2 CEU Continues to Strengthen European Ties CEU initiates the Consortium for the Advancement of Graduate Education in Europe and attends the European University Association Conference CEU recently took part in two events involving its rela- University Representatives: tionship with other graduate schools at the European level. At CEU's initiative, rectors and other high-level Mark Vuijlsteke, Director of Development, and Robert representatives of 16 universities gathered in Budapest Picht, Professor, College of Europe, Brugge, Belgium; on November 1, to discuss ways to Reynold Bloom, President, Am e r i c a n strengthen graduate education in University, Bulgaria; Jaak Aaviksoo, Europe as a means to achieve the Re c t o r , University of Tartu, Estonia; objectives of the Bologna Process. Jurgen Dieringer, Professor, An d r á s s y The participants were "natural" U n i v e r s i t y, Budapest, Hungary; partners of CEU from Central and László Komlósi, Vice-Rector, Uni- Eastern European, as well as West- versity of Pécs, Hungary; A t t i l a ern European graduate schools. Chikán, Rector, Budapest Univer- After a full day of intensive discus- sity of Economic Sciences and sions, consensus was reached that Public Administration, Hungary; the European Higher Education Ferenc Hudecz, Pro-Rector, Eötvös Area, which is planned to come Loránd University, Budapest, Hun- into being by 2010, cannot be complete and competitive gary; Andreas Frijdal, Head of Academic Service, Euro- without high-level graduate education.
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