Wednesday Walk at Woodstock Reserve – 2 October 2013

Woodstock Reserve is accessed from Fairlight Road, shortly after Uriarra Crossing. A vehicle track follows the Murrumbidgee River giving good views. The highlight was finding Bossiaea grayi - an endangered species. It is a flat stemmed pea formerly known as B. bracteosa but after a good look at the flat stemmed peas over the last few years, Keith McDougall (NSW NP&WS) has named 4 new species. We are already familiar with one - B. bombayensis - which we see at the Bombay Reserve on the Shoalhaven. B. grayi is only known to occur in the ACT and is typically found in the riparian corridors of the Murrumbidgee River. We saw at least 3 healthy specimens, with many seed pods developing. Other highlights were 5 species of pomaderris, some in vast numbers and mostly flowering - in order of appearance, P. eriocephala, P. subcapitata, P. angustifolia, P. betulina ssp. betulina and P. betulina ssp. actensis - and Gynatrix pulchella in flower (many male but only 1 female). Other flowers were eremicola, Correa reflexa, Hibbertia obtusifolia, Thysanotus patersonii, Glossodia major, Petalochilus fuscatus, Glycine clandestina, Brachyloma daphnoides - and many other things. The views of the river and the cliff under Shepherd's lookout were great.

Early part of the track Image by Dave Image by Jean Geue River view Image by Jean Geue Herald

Bossiaea grayi pods Image by Jean Geue Gynatrix pulchella (male) Image by Gynatrix pulchella (female) Image by Roger Roger Farrow Farrow

Pomaderris eriocephala Image by Roger Pomaderris subcapitata Image by Pomaderris betulina ssp. betulina Image by Farrow Martin Butterfield Roger Farrow

Pomaderris betulina ssp. actensis Image Pomaderris angustifolia Image by Jean Thysanotus patersonii Image by Martin by Roger Farrow Geue Butterfield Prepared by the Wednesday Walkers of the Australian Native Plants Society, Canberra Region

Petalochilus fuscatus Image Bulbine glauca Image by Correa reflexa Image by Amyema cambagei Image by by Martin Butterfield Martin Butterfield Roger Farrow Martin Butterfield

Westringia eremicola Image by Roger Grevillea juniperina Image by Martin Clematis microphylla forming seed Image Farrow Butterfield by Dave Herald

Plant List for Woodstock Reserve – 2 October 2013

? indicates that those present were unsure of the name

Acacia dealbata Chrysocephalum semipapposum decurrens Clematis leptophylla Acacia mearnsii Convolvulus angustissimus Acacia rubida Correa reflexa Acaena ovina Crassula sieberiana Adriana tomentosa Cryptandra amara Amyema cambagei Cymbonotus lawsonianus Asplenium flabellifolium Dichelachne sp. Bossiaea grayi Dichondra repens Bothriochloa macra Dodonaea viscosa angustissima Brachyloma daphnoides Drosera auriculata Bulbine glauca Drosera peltata Bursaria spinosa Echinopogon sp. Callistemon sieberi Eucalyptus bridgesiana Callitris endlicheri Eucalyptus dives Eucalyptus macrorhyncha Carex appressa Galium gaudichaudii Carex inversa Geranium sp. Cassinia longifolia Glossodia Cassinia quinquefaria Glycine clandestina Casuarina cunninghamiana Gonocarpus tetragynus Cheilanthes austrotenuifolia Grevillea juniperina Cheilanthes distans Gynatrix pulchella Cheilanthes sieberi Haloragis heterophylla Chrysocephalum apiculatum Hardenbergia violacea

Prepared by the Wednesday Walkers of the Australian Native Plants Society, Canberra Region

Hibbertia obtusifolia White-throated Treecreeper Hovea heterophylla Silvereye Hydrocotyle laxiflora Yellow-faced Honeyeater Kunzea ericoides New Holland Honeyeater Lepidosperma laterale Pied Currawong Luzula densiflora Australian Raven Melaleuca parvistaminea Microtis sp. Pellaea falcata Petalochilus fuscatus Phragmites australis Poa induta Poa sieberiana Pomaderris angustifolia Pomaderris betulina ssp. actensis Pomaderris betulina ssp. betulina Pomaderris eriocephala Pomaderris subcapitata Ranunculus pumilio var. pumilio Senecio quadridentatus Solanum cinereum Stackhousia monogyna Stellaria pungens Thelymitra sp. Themeda triandra Thysanotus patersonii Triptilodiscus pygmaeus Vittadinia muelleri Wahlenbergia communis Wahlenbergia stricta Westringia eremicola Wurmbea dioica

Bird List Great Cormorant White-faced Heron Pacific Black Duck Brown Goshawk Wedge-tailed Eagle Brown Falcon Nankeen Kestrel Sulphur-crested Cockatoo Galah Shining Bronze-Cuckoo Welcome Swallow Grey Fantail Eastern Yellow Robin Rufous Whistler Grey Shrike-thrush Eastern Whipbird Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike Brown Thornbill White-browed Scrubwren Superb Fairy-wren Prepared by the Wednesday Walkers of the Australian Native Plants Society, Canberra Region