
THURSDAY, SEPT. 10, 1953.

NeVI Ide, Corn AftI' LOOK tl!!�\\. I· TEN YEARS AGO DeLOACH-NEWTON WOMAN'S CLUB TO HAVE From Bulloch Time., Sept. 16, 1943. Mr. and Mrs. Fehx DeLoach un- • FIRST 1953·54 MEETING SNAPPERS! "Th'B 'black-out' conducted by nounce the engagement of their The first meeting of the 1953-64 , Army Thursday niglIt caught States- STATESBORO WHERE NEEDBD daughter, Leola Estelle, to John Aul Woman's Club WIll boro Hat; Citizens were confused NEWS-STATESBORO EAGLE .rs. Sam Strauss, of Augusta, held ut the Ree­ was. ton to significance of wild-eat siren." Newton, son of Mrs. MInnie Lee reation Center Oft Thursday ""' ";";lDr here Saturday afternoon, Census shows that ... Newton a report 6.237 Johnson MISS DeLonch IS Septembej- at 3:30 'clock. Th", a81=====:':��=.:'=:=:==��======�======:::::======1_ Mr. and MI s Jack Welchel and chll- 17th, bales or cotton were ginned in BuI· ItalIDoII TIm., IlItIIIII&laICl CouoUdaW I� 1", ._,_a graduate of Laboratory HIgh School Committee with Mrs. Hen. loch from Bftabllalled 1101 I 111 over Citizenship the of 1943 THURSDAY , _==:�=:=:::==:: dren visited relatives Alma county crop STATESBORO. GA., S'EPT.,17 1953 .' and of Warren Candler school of New Idea Corn llartablillllCl lIlU-CO.....UdaW 0-.... 11M VOL. 6S-NO. SO Hospital ry McCormack as chairman will use Shipment as compared with 7,194 last year. StaB"::::::::': II. .t:tle seek end. I Snappers of Nuraing. She IS at present - as a for the Miss Alice Welch Jones, of Teach- Mrs. T. has returned I topic program, "The f\ Ansley ers Is one ployed at the Bulloch Ho•. Preservation College, the 250 lIb,,· I a With County of Our American Herit- I'IVV'Il 1 � few days' visit relatives JUST' riane attended the eighth annual It· pital. Mr. Newton 19 a graduate of An RECEIVED I t\l., � SL Marys. age." interesting program streas- j�!���!!I���i�i brary institute beiug held in Chicago. LIVES" I \J\;ft LO "T8 GARBAGE EXHIBIT , Ststesboro High School, attended "Americanism" Mr. and . Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Gulledge spent ing has be"" planned. l Mrs. Carroll Hemngton Georgia Teachers College, and served. The week of has the birth . "DunIday In Beuufcrt, S. C., as guests S'eptember 13.19 hnnou�ce of a daughter, "p���� an�orcri�a�hee�;'I�pa�:�IO���� I I DRAWS with the Umted States resin. cannot be made A'TTENTION Arl1l¥ durin� been proclaimed as "Americanism Catherine, .at vinyl probably NOW AVAILABLE ., Mr. and Mr&. Vernon Hall. 4th, the Bulloeh . , the conflict He IS at �t. in larger quantities for a Korean present Week" by Governor and County �ew From l.ynn Bon,d 0 f G uyt and 'I'almadge, HOSPItal. acarci "months To Aid Farmers Large Group Nearby Syl.· I . . 1 For Best Results­ because of ty of resms, Pul'pOlle Fun Information Will on. naststant court for the ..... __ , reporter Ogee- much emphasis IS biderng p ace on th Counties qe was a on . Burial -rua, pleasant vtsltor at the I Work the Dover road improve- • Th Attended, chee , Mr. and 'Mrs. In Continuance Of i Given and AtluntJc Judicial Circuits restoration of James Lee an., ernI I SIatell00ro Pel'!!ons '"terested At "'J1Im. office Wednesday afternoon. I Independence Hall In F\o;d ment Is progresaing satisfactorIly Last Week and nOUDCe the birth oJ a in Stock probation officer (or Bulloch Mrs. Charhe daughter under new highway contract; new Activity RaIsing The Court HoU8e Lt. and Mrs. BIll Holland, of Jack. Philadelphia. Naw Idea a Fort� County da is Good , The ?one, Fay, 2, th Idea on the of persons !ro� towns and ty. wedding- WIll take placecoun.!Oc· chairman ot'-the Sept. I't Bulloch bridge Bulloch county slde lIvestock authorized . .. program Cou�ty loans, _ ille, spent the week end WIth hIS committee, Special counties At'anta, Sept. veteran tober 11, III the Statesboro Prrm- Hospital. Mrs. Lee was Bren.,Mis., the approach has been completed. throughout c;.,orgia's central 14.-EV\ilry 1953, and her members will serve us host- tormerly' p....nts, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Holland. i Announcement that J. H. by recent legislation, are now avail- I bealth relrion attended who has served ",ftar June "itive Lois Sauls. .' the burial at 27, 1960, Baptist Church. esses. Year books will i, 'I Jr,s Brannen has returned be � and that B. L. Smith i. be CeCIl • I _ _ _ _ , \ is out, MorM.on! to and Statesbcro may for a ot baale • able tarmers eligible • • , �. eligible ",ochers Tuesday uftrenoon of last, period for diatributjon. �I" a ofew VISIt with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. perintendent of the entitlement days' FORMER BUI D, Rranklin an. it haa been i week at four truckloads of to duentlon or train"" SCHOOLMATES •• _ • aVail!1bl'",' schools came as se to mos 0 lin this locality, gurbage. surpr ..11[1"5. E. DeLoach III S. C. the birth ot U Sitate.boro :lt� announc'l Public K. Columbia, 9On, Joe William, I Most of the spectator. were under Law 550, 82nd Con MEET IN ENGLAND J. T. J. MEETING the �ple this Mol" \d by CharI! co�munity. measured in see aunt, A l"celV1nd Bulloch Hos- BRUNSON rison was as member it 1'>, for were ob.. a month. ami days (Or the durIng the week ShIrley AkInS ",ntertamed the J.T.•J. County given posltion supe,:",so" I they I MI'8. I of the Home rving OC"", SUdie WIllcox, of RhIne, ar� Mrs. Zelia .h"h I 'pital. Franklin"""". the board of state school �arm.ers I demonstration of a equivalent thereof in train- by (RIgdon) Lune, of the I I� �� " h�r. 111"""'. Mr.' formerly o! "unitary method part-time MISS 58·62 EAST MAIN supel"! AdJIIltllstra'l 8ometlln.8 at Hot h"""�. AltlTum. ST., GA. VISOrs. t'IOn for Bulloch , Bryan, Chatham, William K. s.-pe.JVJing Springs, Statesboro 'relepholle office, fl"om her and Mrs. Mary STATESBORO; I �or dIsposing of garbage and other ing), Barrett, dlreetor of Thulsday, Sept. •••• .' ....Ark.. I D�y �klns, tim State . Candler and Evans countIes. I waste, o"partl,.nt or Vete",_ brother Willi gives an inter� I Pink ZInmas were used MI. . Among th.""" were Rigdon, 13rd. table and MIS. L. D. Aklll8 announce TWENTY YEARS AGO pttendlllg Miss Shu ley Gulledge spent the a� I , varion. Service, haa nnnounced, estIng story of hiS In decorations and a chIcken dmner the From Bulloch 11lme•• 1933. Purpose of the U. S. officials, eqUl)1ment dealer., outing Europe. birth of a daughter 2 at Sept. H. I week nd Ln S',rdls liS the of her �v�s I Bal'rett 'stated 'thllt guest D�partmenll officers and the b..lc - Included as a most pelsonul InCident served. Covors were for �ept. Announcement is made the of new loans IS to pro· other ob;"" verso placed BIllIe the Bulloch County HospItal. Mrs. es·: Agriculbure's ,!health ... • 1V11so Beverly Bar·1 was tablishment of the Barnes I the tltlement .hall be multi olJe� roomn�ute, hIS . to Sponeored Bulloch computed by meeting wth MI,.. MamIe Jan. Foss, Nancy Lynn '''''kins was Funeral, VIde temporary credit by County I Stubbs, Smith, the former Miss Esther ' I E • L . Barnes, aier to sue IITestock, REV. EARL one and one.half lI"ron. I .> Home, • STALLINGS, Hea'th the "Y" plying time. tile da- (Hull) Porlltt III B, adford, YOI'k- Shu'ley AklllS, old produc. to continue the'Ir opera )1artment, cIty of Stutes. CON�'ElRENCr.; Ll;:ADER.-·Bet· l1IembelS; B,),ant, of Ga. ceed the Olliff Funers ome wh' 1-' pa�tor of the First h urch f Mr. and' Mrs. Charhe Robbins had : minH' Baptist C ,0 I.>oro and tye ration of tho veteralt'. Natives nfter economic diffi· the Georglll of Hendricks, outHtandinll GCllrgia , active ser¥lee, shlre, England. of Stal'es.1Iotte BlItch, WIllette Woodcock, Jane Wa:h�n�to;, Mr. Barnes has managed for sevelaIC; tions 8ulfering Fla., who will he the Department "'" her guest Teachers College "1IIio,', who will di. whether \\ILoek-end guests ""rents, Mr. these Mr.' and Mrs. Bo"s. prea lit H,*llth, the demonstration showed the peIformed In one or mont boro, two attended sehool to· Aun Lamb, Sandm Hendrix an- H. V" FRANKLIN years., cawrod by the drop in cattle Ocal:t;er. the fall revival !'Oot the Y.M.G.A. 0hn.,. '. .annulil Lendorl Clln. nctlve .and Mrs. of Au· Rlchurdsop, chal"1Mal", at V the baad" Tracey Mathewson, and hoth I tin and nounce the bIrth of a son Social event.· Ace Club en· !cultles FIrst BaptIst ",nu,col l'l�per method of trucklonds 10 as.ignments du.lng flie geL-her, have b'aveled fur and Ann Pres;on new George HIgh \1nce&. h�,.�. burYIng nt Camp WayCl'oss. Sept.mbe,' 18. . ... �ta. I member�. Announces the tertained WIth steak fry nt thc gInlllng September 28th and contIno lif galbage in the Th" sen'lce period. In co,"putI t,.e dIII"- long smce theIr aSSOCIatIOn m th" ThIS wus the first for Thomas, August 30th at th: Bulloch Re·Opening of the L. J. Holloway' Secretal'y at AgrIculture Ben- Iground. 2? stllte hilS Invited ng I meetIng of Mr. and Mrs. Beaver M on d a Ez.ra. uing through October 4tb. ation Mr. and Mrs. Martm Gates, of �he, Roy home!y Sunday, The demonstt'atlon In IlIgh school cheorY.M.C'.�.leadCl8 'from ot his acti"-\ service, the fol. classroom. MI. RIgdon, recently new Newly e:ected County Hospi'tal. Mrs. Hendrix was son haa given top responslbIltyIf·01' which bull. thIrty· J�ff. Allen MIkell . . two the end wtt."h n.'"mbers. CORN SHELLING PLANT at ",vening.-Mrs. dozer. and counties to nttend the combIned lOWIng period-• of tl'me wl'll be a. ,:er.mn.rille., spt!nt week, from service re-I �fflcer8 i formerly Miss Reris,ter, 'new to R. B. other tired aftel thu-ty year'S Jane preludent, Mary NeWton. Cowart, wero hostessesan;hMrs.lIrs· th� program MeLonish, land.moVlng equlp- Leroy . clinic and confer. .' Iier Mrs. are. Btlh� �OSSI •••• Hold Annual good 'portDUlnshlp cluded: and I " Revival ment I mother, SIdney SmIth, or were u.ed, was an more, IS to and SmIth, to five table. of nationnl aqlni tra t 0 f the Farm. staged in ence. plannIng return. V1ce'plesldent; Mr. and Ga., Higllway 146• day evening gue�ts �IS. , Thomas DeLoach an. o� 'The e ..tent ....ily. Held (1) I ot or enga8'c in educatIOnal work. Mrs. Por- _Nancy. Stu�bs,Lynn, M�. honorIng Mrs. H. F. Arundel. (}f QUIt· ers Home IAdmlnIstratlOn. FHA state First Church adjOining the Statesboro any p.,liod BlItch, tlea,uler, nounc. the bIrth of I Baptist lVr. and MrH. Brannan had secl"Cta�y; Char�otte a man, guest of Mrs. C. B. Mathew5.- Recreation Centler. method periods during which he was ...1..- Harvey rltt spent more than a in her I and son,. 'and county officre. ",ill di.burse the The is y,ear ShIrley Akms, peporter. I Ha,:"! hostess to Th'. annual fall revival at Flr.t lopen Local Student - rt!Cent for several Wayne, Sept. 6th, at the Mrs. Harry W. Smith' was �he known as College cd by the Armed Forces to a ciVilian guests day. hom.. recent UnIversIty funds coll�ct the and service sanItory landfill. ,It's sClen· II!r. community during the members of the loans, Buptist Church of Statesboro will be. _d MIs. Paul NaffZIger, of Peona, HEARTS Hospital, D

- ., .... !�, ... 'l'WO BULLOCH'mft."S AND 8TAftS�RO NBWR THURSDAY, SEPT. 17,1953 were Mrs. 1. H. Mrs. John Grltreth, of Mr. and Mre. Wm. Cromley at dln- ...... R. Mrs. W. B. Parrish and ';�;;;';'�� or Which? Creation Evolution, Hold THURSD�Y'SE:PT�.�17n'�1��'����������;r����������"�AHD��Sf���T.I��:;:�:N�&:W8::�::ilr;;BROOKLET NEWS', I Robertson. 'DENMAR'K NEWS" ner Sunday. ����iii • Mrs. Grooms. Alter the -- _.' . �,,:amina�ion George. pro- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barrs anti WAIT - FOR NEWS . " S�N BROOKLET . " THE .... . GAMMA;-;GO�B;UL;;;IN�t!�iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii" BiG _ The recent article on EVOlution in ITo Job ...... •.. SHOW For Civil Service gram the hoate••es served -refresh- Mrs. Carrie J. Griffin "pen� Sunday of Miss Frances I daughter. Claxton, spent the week Shuman Magazille tend to The United States Civil Service Southwell visited with menta.' night with Mr. and IIIr.: S/Sgt. and �errr.an Life. would. Ho�'Griffin. end with .Mr. und M.,.. E. L. McDon- The One You Know . friends in Odum • • N. people to thmk tilat evolu- has announced exnmina- SUPPLY LIMITED BROS. during th" week end. I •• M.r. and Mrs. C. E. Ne.mJth and front Commission ALDRED have returned .ald, ClJerry .Point, Mr, and 18 the answer to forms of Mrs. Ulus Williams YOUTH IS .tlon causelI tions for accountant tamily'vb.ted relatives in S'tatesboro lind C. all. (comprehensive ,Distribution .Center Still Mr. Mrs. Charlie Tlenmnrk and and that I'. MEATS AND GROCERIES family spent tile week end in Shell- AWARDHD SCHOLARSHIP After visiting Miss Pauline Proctor. present hfe. audits) for positions paying $3.140 Basic Sunday. Mrs. CIaNI ther� n� pla�J 1 Within AlIo�ml!'nt For QUA�iTY ' and,BDOOKLET Putter-son, of Hapeville belief m God s man Bluff. a to Mel- m thought a of- Billy Tyson, of Brook- Mr. and Mrs. lllre. Inez Smith has returned \�Ulhble.'01odern year in the general accounting I graduate J. 1.. Lam!b visited were week-end of Schedlde. State KING guests Ml-s. and for. FRESH VEGETABLES R. Throughout T: . BROS. creation. Informed Mr. and Mrs. Judson of iet School last is drlm. work of fice in Washington D. C. and McElveen. High' June. among Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Hood in Stat.s- Simmons.

.. know that evolution is still coun- Georgia's distri'bution Savannah, visited Mrs. M. J. McEI- the twelve studenta who have Iboro Harley S. Warnock is in the Bul people rtous large cities throughout the thirty-seven. bllen Sunday. Mr. and Mrs: M. J. veen Pennington and \I'hrect s . Just a that Godless man and instructor mis-va-I hove stay· Sunday. I awarded for freshman Mrs. J. A. loeh undergoing theory try. for (guided. YOUR FAVORITE OIL QUART . acholarshlp Denmark spent Sunday f'lam! 0f County Hospital h�s cente�s �or ga�ma �obllhn y, S B\'annah, \\�er.e supper devised. If one should in their allotment thus Mrs. W. H. Upchurch is a work Sears. Roebuck & 8S t....atment. slles, radio, wire. radar. photography) spending by Company. gue"t of Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Ginn C.ristiani underline. ':",thtn b�slc guests Monday night of Mrs. R. T. Ci�CU5 as well as in the article far m 1953. to from few at will leave in a few the .. his according reports days for in Mrs. C. D. Martin. of :rampa. Fla thinking for positions in til" Signal Corps Cen- led Emory Univeraity Hos- Billy days Ststeriboro. Simmons. of Public for treatment. of This and Mrs. some of 'lnd ew Georgia Department / pitai, Atlanta, Georgia. scholar- lIIiss Robbie • Will Exhibit At I. visiting parents. Mr. following state�ents ter and Fort Manmouth. I Univereity Holland. of A:tlants. ••• hc{ ,t�e • tlls bf evolution would Health. 59c Mrs. J. E. o't ship was awarded 0" hi. of Wesson Oil Augusta. tile !msis the week end With BIRTHDAY JJ. phrases. opinion written spent Mr, ilnlt·Mrs. PARl'Y A, Burnsed. i � test. plus experienceN. the. .' Stel'henson. of iller and Pvt. Fred change. "As to IIow life itself was is Je:seY'1 there IS no oversuppl,. spent the week end with her parents, .high school record, participation in Jamos Denmark. M Pfc. M. L. M .the public accounting type. requir- H�wever...... James De';fu.ark· entertained , I first srienee can to Dr. W. J. of til.. S'EALTEST PINT. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. extra curricular activitilis und inter- .. only specu- Murphy, Ryals, Mrs. Harold Brown. o! Fort Jackson. S. C spent sre.tI)d. cd fOI' the accounting positions. Floyd and little daugh- )VI* a birthday party Saturda·y after- The office Dr. and here. late"; is theoretically possible-"; AP_\aeeordngor of Deferu;e Mrs. John Theus McC<>r-l.e.t and' leadership in agriculture and ter Mr. and Mrs. noon the week end with their parent. "I� propriate education 01" tea�hing. department, visited Jack Ansley at her home honoring h"r little StatesiAQJro and "the creature cer- MOQilization alloted 1�.860 miek, of visWted home-makine. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Bridges generally regarded-·".; the possession of a certifica"'" as Ge<>rgia Jacksonville. Fla.. during the ,..,.,k. son AI on his second birthdaY'. De- cubic and Hattie of Sa- "Just how more complex creatures be sub- centimeters this year. anll" the relatives here this week. R.. M, D. waa ehlldren Linda Lou. ,ti!;"d publi� accountant. may 25c ! v;. �hort. ot Claxton. lI&,htful reftes.hmellts were served on state has Ice"Cream HIGH SCHOOL PAPER cubic cen­ 17th evolved from these veiled 9.544 Mr. and Mrs, I. O and • vannah spent Sunday with her moth- beginnings stituted for the experience. Men only _distributed Sunday dinner gue.( of Mr. and Mrs. the lawn of cook- September · .. consisting punch, Thursday, . �lIard in timeters of that amount in to fa�-I STAFF IS ANNOUNCED Lee Ballard. remains another obscure chapter For the instructor doses POUND Jly spent Sunday place. of In- B. F. Woodw.rd. ice cream and er Mr�. Roaie are desired. posi- FANCY 'SLAB viSiting I iea, birthday cake. AU8pices Juitior Chamber of I paper, son tile of can 1.128 who had been terest In the "We. Mrs. Commeree ·Mr•. Rosie Lee Ballard and history life"; "Biologists tions at Fort Monmouth, appropriate persons exposed Okeefenokee Swamp. The'Stu.-1 Alton Erllck 11M child....n, of. were played and The"mo�thIYedited end Gam,,!, enjoyed by "there must have ap- or other close contacts, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. by pu- Carl accompanied her son Waldo Bal- only deduce-e-"; education Or experience is required; � family polio Leslie and Mra. �nts,. prl�ted th� Pembroke, Yislted Mrs. T. C. Simmons an prell8nt, at .wlll be TWICE DAILy .... 2 8 has no one kncws"; Gamma gobulin is the of' hu­ Dean of school, ------and P. M. lard: to Cave Springs, where he peared-e--"; "why, no written test will be given. part Woodman, Folkston, Yiaited PI�. th� published during the week, think �n blood that contains 'Bacon .durlnr til ... Tbe new Smoked Mrs. J. P. Bobo school for the deaf. "Paleontologisst that-"; "prob-. be ob- disease-fight- .57-c the week end, 'The Denmal1< Circle will re-cntored I Further information mal' during D1on�h. s�ffl Sewlne Statesboro Soldier Is small crea· has been 'meffibery Editor, Barbara Grif- GORGEOUS STREET TUCflday, September 22nd, ha'S been ably descended-";.I(.....!.a ttnined from examiner in-charge, ing' substances, recently Mr. and Mrs. John Proctor Jr. and �: meet Wednesday. Sept. 30th, at the FRE� PARADE an� FRESH POUND associate .... ofeth; ut Lanes, ture tllre may have been the first used aa ·an effective but temporary PAN-R�ADY son, of thhe week Mary An.ley; home of Mr•. Tom Waters. Storekeeper at Norfolk ""t aside us clean-up day Frank Hook. at Statesboro p""toffice. little. Vidalia. spent edl�r" AT of exchange· editor. Rlch.rd·C<>wart; 11:00 A. M. caused end with Mr. Mr. - Plimitive Baptist Chllrch. All per- reptile." or from the U. S. Civil Service c<>m- pl'eventitve crippling .by and Mrs. John Proctor SO-I and Mrs. J. H. Ginn spent the' Norfolk. Va. Chief eial Rose fea- Storek""per and Ou.r uscs no term� as p<>lio haR "everal years bee'l, Sr. week end as of Mr. I1nd Mr.. 80n. int�·csoor�lck;,1 , sports, Mr. and' Mrs. H. G. Lee had a8 Word. None of the statements have til October for the instructor , CLOVERBLOOM HALF-POUND Atlanta. for examination. i. at home Barnw,ell. and Clifton spent the week end with the U. S. Naval 29. · Station ' . manager, Gay Newman; gradbusmess,e news, . Receiving ever been Since tile has been I rei a t' Jac oon lIJIi""ts Sunduy Mrs. Zada Branncn. drsproven. ·I.ition., until further notice. supply very again. k viIIe.'FI Norfolk, Va.. awaiting ·further po_IJaUndICe). .' Dot Marie IV."S '� .R. _"S- The Bible "God created short this hu- and Mrs. S. C. Bnnson and MISS Rushing; artS, Boyd; und Mr. Mrs. says, ye..u. Mr. . Gllm MI.s Ruby Brannen. and I great, depenqing upon spon.' Marie. JImmy Jerry spent signment to a Naval unit in the At- sore. Smith and Mrs. H'awl whales and creature that man b:ood of Hamp a Woocb'ow Hagan. Hagan. Bill every living donations. the Office Sydney Brinson have .returned from �rs. few days during the week with theil' lantic area. The Gary .Hold Examinations Hendnx. Norfolk Naval Re­ moveth."-Genesis 1:21.. . Defense Mobilization as 39c I has acted the Butter Irvin Mrs. J. ., lIagan and Mrs. Effie Smith. of Sa- visit their son. Brinson. : grandmother, A. ceiving Station. commanded or ervlce 0 S ? wi.th Denmark.. 1 by Capt. I BOB SHOTTS. F C··I S J b national m St Mrs. Wm. H. and LIn- • Mr8. Inez of authority _ vannnh; Smith. Meldrim. Lours. Mo.. , 1 Zetterow�r John U.S.N f.or di.tributio�. IIAKE'N EAT CAN FOR SALE In Scr"vBn county, 400 Harlee, .• processes up- I�I ... • a and MISS Puuhne Proctor. The executive, secretary. Board .of Th.. agency alloted rmomune Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Ben Woodcock. of du and Mrs. H. H. a few Wanted housekeepeJ; for a and' children to Ii.. gobullJ� acres on ""Vm � FRESH TENDER POUND hs a� a result of tins ,",xammation Will number of. cases of Countv for treatment. of Miss Jean An- reported polio Hospital �llhums;. p�bhclty, DanStanle� Holland. Atlanta; DaVIS; hospltahty. Mrs. Lee, be indefinite during the period 194(7-51. with pro­ who u.s attending derson Mrs. L. J. Holloway Mrs. given appointment only. Jel';'y 'Vaters, Mrs. publl- and not visions for extra allotments if needed. Harris College, spent a· fe·w progr,", ,John Procto�; Brown' Blitch and Mrs. Lester Collins, ,will, thereby acquire perma- Young MISS Nma McElveen. health. . for those this week. J'Crry catIOns. . nent civil service status. Georgia's average years 5c with his pal'entf; 0f Re tel. Out .'de", t M'IS. E �ays . glS pi en. . . . • GreenCabbage membership .. M.I.. W.,L MI'tchell'• No test IS d A I'1- was 331 cases; thataccoun ts for t�·-" was a of the Bl"ooklet high . tus Akins and tbe written reqwre. ·l'P graduate \ After short ·l'l'esided meeting 'NoW! A. ras-I allotment mast p. cants will required to have at least �bove-mentionel of 19.860 sc.hool last June. Mr�, !urner. . was by Ml's. W. R. .pe a socml hour a,\\ as en- open� sin�ing. of bUSiness meetmg 1 . nn or four yea.rs cubic centimeters for 'this state. There Mr. lind Mrs. Langley [I"vin. And erson th e devat'lana.I The engineering degree . .. \������������������������������� gave ...... Trythe'world's Mrs M L 'Miller ' Mr". .. been cas"" a I'10 thOIS Mr. and Mrs joyed wl'th ...• of f'esslonaI en,lneenng expen- ave 234 f po Atlanta, were guests of thought she pre8ented was that the .pro Mrs. Hoke Ray... and If more cases MI". and J.' 1.. Harden, ence. To qualify for the h'igher grades Georgia has that 331 FOR SALE BRICK HOME AND FARM D. L. Alderman last week. I Lord is The S<>urceo of aolll' Strengeh Mrs. Brooks as hoetesses. additional will De required. this year, the state will receive addi- Mrs, Alclennan and their visitors Lord is the "OUl'Ce of our strength. experience and i for tMs gamma gobulin ut the rateyearCIof Brick home and farm with two tenant and the week end with Mr. tiol'al hous,es large "I",nt The discussion of the group centered , BIRTHDAi DINNER I .Applications exa�ination , WIll be accepted by the 60 cubic centimeters for euch addi- warehouse; 80llz acres in tract, 66 acres in cultivation; 5- Joe Claire at Savanrulh Beach. was honored around the fair and tile bazaar. MI'S. ... Mrs. Ella Driggers exee�tive ",:,c- . .. . Mrs.,' tional case. acre fish· new Bonrd S. SeTVlce , . ponet; tobacco.bam;· under new 1.8/10 witb: Whitehead and' Miss Alderman made fell"�e;' comfortable her immediat,e truck family retar�, o� U�. ClYll. c:a,b! by Sunday' Examrners A,r Matenal The basic allotment was intended Jeres tohacco aUotment; 7.3/10 acres PRIMITIVE CIRCLE �ome Mrs. White- Mobl�e peanut allotment; • dinner I'n ob""rvance of he., �ighty- lovely corsages and •. Area.. , II for the of con- located half mile from of the Prim­ Brookl Air F Base. AI .• unt protection ho�sehold Siatesboro limits on Route 8(J The Ladies' Aid Society Those were bead lIUlde a few ey city "ourth• birthday. present anni,uncemtents. orce. ,a aefore truck ••• make the . tacts of Mrs. 15-lecond �h u= 0f th sel'Vl h avebernet e n pereons nnd Brooklet Church met witil �d . clinically diagnosed highway. jtive you buy any . I Our hostesses were assisted Baptist . C. _ M... W. A. Ford. C. Driggers. by". . �, �e nnd as This house­ Woodcock afternoo". in I rntormatl0n appllca- having polio. For J. S. Mond�y . Miss Mls8 Holland contact r. anrl Mrs. 0 . CD I' • serving Further. i�c1Uded' information E. W. or MRS. M iggel's' Ruby Fay . bold of RACKLEY t'Ion f be 0bta'Incd from th e contacts under tillrty years a devot.ional led by the hostess and Coca-Cola� which .v- may ,kfbel" Bett and Bernie Drig&,e"l'. qI. Da¥- doughnuta ?fJ�S '. FRED BLAND, Statesboro, Ga. .. sIr DOWN You can feel of a Ie. \Commission's local secretary. Frank ilge. --:om"n age; :the group enjoyed continued stlldy �nd Beach Fla.; O. F. Driggers. of eryone enjoyed. REPORTER. a�d pregn�nt ��y r��rl inltantly� h�_ ._, �nny 1 the of Lanier ..s­ .tl • • • • at'the 'Statesboro postofSce. Dosage of the Psalms. Mrs. Eddie '1t' 'I" Mr. and Mrs. Ferman Hook. Hastings, Fla.; • I depe.nds �pon weight. from first or second-class the person be.ng i�l refreshments .. ,'1 IMrs. R. E. any past- "'8isted Sel"Vlng Ford hal truck Richmond Hill; W. M. U. Meets. rn.oculat�d. val'�g combine,d 'a'nd Brannen, Register � Rerformance I," .. from. ·centlmeters !:!!ggednell , ex- about two cubIC for �;;;;;;;;;;;;�;;�;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;�;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;� t office in tne area for which this Blocker. Mr. and Mrs. M' H·01'- The Register met at the r .W.M.U: 'Bmi'lUltion is anni>unCed' from the"""Y Infa�t to twenty for an adult. GARDEN CLUB TO MEET "",yand children and C. J.ar;�nggcrs. home Mrs T. for o� .. Geo�ge Mc�lain Directol'. Fifth U. S. C'vil' Service Re: Tht average dosage' has been 7.0 cubic The Brooklet Gard�n Club will meet with the comfort a driver,delervell Savannah; Mre. E. R. Grooms. Stat""-. the SOCial and busmes� meetmg. Th". e reet N W At- centimeters at 3 o·clock. at 5 F yth t? .• H·"I D Tuesday. Sept. 22. :3.0 Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Richardson, nes boro; officers were elected f, " 'I' , He h...... -been •. to bed for a few; daY�J the fiVe oU- Ieadin, makea. Man, wbat • 'be woods: • .. DUV.III1IIID D.wxa Cab.bowa U. Register Student Be i' Ifeeble for 'several years. and thia treat thia cab ill for • wortinc lUyl out when photo. olll'an lS'additional CUAtoa Crush your as serious: smok�; backset is recognized ,••t.... at wortbwbila elltr. Relea'''ed'Y From Army• c_. of doors, stop to smoke In safe place.; . ... only; brenk your match in two. andOU\\ Fort Campbell, Sept. 4.-0pl. Wil- WEEK-END VISITORS liam always feel the bumt end before you J. Harri •• IlOn o! Mr. and Mr8. Mrs. D'-E. Thompson. of Pinehurst; throw match use Frank of route your away; your Hurris, three, Soper­ Aeri4li V". '" Oro""". """ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lee. of Jackson­ ford CIB B.,tWilt(l. '" "1Ii, A GIUUa, Only 'fucks ._ve you dl'own DR�VERIZED auq,mobile your Ga., is to be djscharg� .u;e and Mr. and' Mrs. Ernest C,,,FORT ashtrari Ilton, processing B'III,OII P,nldelll 1'''-11161 v'i1le. Fla.. ed soon. : of Mil­ campfires. of leadin&' automobile Proctor and Harlnon Proctor, manufacturers wIoII exhibit their latest He is a member of Servlce Com- dels and of Mrs. C. S·. Crom­ �mbe. built equipment wlll were guests . , specially llive Fair-goers an len. WEST SIDE H. D. CLUB on Insight I. cui I 1 pany 188th Regiment of the fam"," latest developments In the Automotive tho week end. Saturday it �e world ' air. during . • including ley ,taligu.�.ak. tlrivJng easier, The West Side Club' met at the 11th COIld,tloned car&. AiJ1borne Division. who' is wc.ri:­ Mrs. Cromley and her visitors, rODAf The 1953 FAIR A night " GANZA wlll COME. school house Wednesday, Septem(ber ing as the company's information and openlne be Thursday Oct�ber with Mr. and M... D. C. Lee lat, with a GIANT BALLOON together 2nd. The was called to 01'- and information PARADE thru the' business meeting education, public 'non-, district of other relatives, of Savannah, en- • IS-sec'" downtown Atlanta at 7:15 p,m. and ---II WillI were Following the GIANT der the president. Minutes commissioned officer. ' by BALLOON PARADE Misa FAIR A I a fish Dasher·s. for you,", GANZA QUEEN of, IY53 w'll joyed' read and 1'011 called by the secretary, He enlisted in 19W. and be selected at the SU!P:I' .ut. I September, .a.. IITounds, and the new· Queen will be c�owned the Misa l,y MEETS and the treasurer's report by 'look fourteen weeks -of basic train­ '" Benlon Admll!btraUon Balld", Shirley PruItt, last year's Queen. She will be W.S.C.S. 1IS1,. . crowned with FORDE(lgl�RUCKS a replica of the fabulous 511 GOWI tl'easurer. Mrs. eluise ,Smith, t.-nair- at Fort S. C. corn­ CROWN OF INDIA b h of Christian ing Jackson, Upon for thl. occasion R. Atlanta The Women's Society • MONEY • LONGI. I by Walter Thomas. The orlglnnI CROWN OF INDIA Is valued at I 000 000 SAVI TIME SAVE �AST a r€- • pounds ster w with. man fov the fair this falJ, gave pJetion of basic he was sent 2.000.01)0 In IlroUg:u:11& Is over ..ice met Monday afternoon training 'especially American money. The winner will receive a ""holaroblp to the of Geo Se, WIll University 'I A (6) on what �he thought w should -to Fort to attond n be awarded the FAIR A College Scholarships Brisendine. with Mrs, Rob port Benning. Ga,. during GANZA. Another feature will beGOODINGS MILLION Mrs. R. R...... ance in DO� Mr::l�f making Its first appear­ do. Miss McDonald gave .a uemon- three-weeks' course of Atlanta. Grandstand attraetlons Include STOREY'S CAVALCADE Mre. C. E. Wit- jump scho,ol OF STARS,0G speJ SI1lII0rs, A'utomoblle Mikell as co-hosted. .hows. n1s0 Fashion Show. and race. thrill stration on cOl"sages. to become a I dally Cooking Schools., "'ld the p ogram and gave making �ualified parachutist. r. 1I11ms arranged Benton announced that some J'e- today $50.000.00 In prerniunlB will be .awarded this In the after- After the meeting delicious Harris has never been year lJvestock S,jn" The of the Cpl. inJw'ed Rab::-II and Woman's 4-H department• ., P0u1try, the devotional, topic : Department, the Dahlia Show. Clubs FFA and FHA Other I Iud were served Miss Susie [rom departments ... "Ch reh Work in freshments by any of hi& thirty-nine jum.p�. Machinery. and IndWltrlal Ex�lblts. This exhibits, lWon's F'!.;1ll year Exhibits .';.:111 occupy 208.000 Square Feet. al� program Pearl Akins and M.rs. Gordon Bensle..v. Before the at- The Southe...tern breakl: �.:e�o!.,,:!:rce.. Harns, . Fair A Ganza I. one taking entering Arm),. pf the lew major fairs In the United Stal.. that Is .elf Rural Are",s." TliQ!l8' p�r1r pQrt sU8ttlinlng receI In ti REPORTER. tend·ed school at •..Cou!'ty State ElIch for 20 high R"gister. (J�. fro� •. I"'.Federal GoV_e.rnq>l"'ts. :vear yean the Fair AuoclatJon baa a Ci\y . .bO� tbe present adminlstratioQ, '1U';,.�':a1 nant"ltpro leudP-un er BULLOCB TIMBS AND STATESBORO NBW8 THURSDAY, SEPT. 17, 1953 ------���------I'IVI Addition ws.cs, CIRCLES MEET THOMAS OSWALD LEE Planning (;)awaJd we. age Jl(). died I Circles at the Thom"'l TIMES C'':'' W.S.C.,s. will meet at BULLOCH To �unt H ·taI"'" • Tuesday afternoon. Sept. 14th. h.is y ospt in the homes after- Will AND. ".". following A\onday home in Fulls Church. VII. He .Welcome 1'0 Bids for the $600.000 additions and a_. noon. Sept. 21st. at 4 o'cock: Sadie be buried Friday in Florence. S. C. OO NOW PLAYING. Plans for additions to the present KNOCKS HERB ) well and Mrs. R. J. Holland hostesses. Sales Tax 6c additional "The hospital cull for three wings which I residence of Mrs. Braswell. 214 Grady Advertiseme'nt For Construction Band Wagon" BE SURE TO TRY OUR the Dreta ' .(lI'echnicolor Msical) will add beds to hospital. street: g"arpe circle with Mr.. And Bids...... d .. aecond-cl&•• mailer Marcb 23. thirty Equipment _ with Fred Aataire, Cyd Chartaire 1106. al tbe POalotftce at 8I&,... the alterations .program, new op- ANTIQUES-Ye Olde Wagon Wheel �iIly Cons leader. Mrs. Carl Huggins. Semed bids in quadruplicate wiII be Delicious Meal. and Fine Bar I' Cu. Act ut of CongreBS be welcomes to their Donaldson received the Bulloch County Hoe- erating room suits will provided, Antiques )'Un hostess, stree'b; Annie 00+ by 19. :��buD8d.er87��e well stocked show . . of Satul'day. Sept. oro·lln a here wtII hie new decorated. mil Diamon Ie pitol Authority. Statesboro, will dded t ly Mrs. Jam". BIIon G.eo�- laundry be • d Big Double Feature. room on South Main street; open �r .Clr� •. g;a. at the county court house III new rooms. additional elEf- and Mrs. Chahe. 12 West emergency or from 11 a. In- m. "The ? shopping browsing �tmmon8 •. Statesboro. Go .• yntil 3:00 p. EST. Big Frame," OW M Mast room and avense H any ers., dining m. if have Jones ; Sad,e Lee circle, Mrs. construe- Mark vator, rew. k'.tchcn to 9 p. �!,k �d"ys; you October 8th. 1953. for the Stevens. and entirely new colored anythmg in our line to sell. call or 1. M. Durden leader. Mrs. Aubrey tion of adclitions to the Bulloch Coun- Hit No.2. ONCE START in any direction. and.III 'II" ",:etion. of and we will call on the . J. Chase and Associutea, write you prompt- Brown Mrs. Durden' has resi- ty Hospital. including ,__ tter of William und tess, fU1'lli�h­ "Walk East on seep gOll1g. I't'IS a rna U. Beacon," new Iy. YE OLDE WAGON WHEEL. Ing and I EqUIp- are architI ects f'or th,.\\ denee of Mrs. Durden on Crescent. installing o.f Group with George Murphy. Virginill Gil­ into trouble. . . tainty you ,,�II get Any At.la�"". S. 301. South Main str"et extension. . ment casework. kitchen, s�enllzer. The & D 2 Men's cer-I martoons. Store Drive; Walker err- more, plus and exceeding I Statesboro. Ga. Kenn�tIy X and equipment). at right. responsibilities (&>ug1�) or�thy ray refrigerator at 9 m. Boy's 0 SHOW Pri.., .. e u ch QUIZ . 0 er membe rs 0f th B II I\Irs. J'irn p, ,70. bUII<¥thNJS. near cle, Donaldson leader. Mrs. time and bids will be I ""d'IIIta Call" 'FOR-SALE-Big lot hospital. which place pub- wishes to announee that rell�onable County Hospital Authority in addition JO�AH 'M'EROWER. Albert Davis and Mrs. Jim White licly opened and read aloud. fUSIOn and turmorl., (ltp� Sunday Through hnuta:;ons. J. R. Par- of the Wednesday. Brunson . to Chairman are FOR RENT-Apartment for couple. hostesses; residence of Mrs. Davis. Copies plans. Sept. 20-23. of the specifietlations (hungry t ) peo- rish, Portal; Ulmer Knight. ',300, South Main; phone 154-L� (Itc �14 South Ze't�I'ower ovenue, Thic picture everyone ' Feeding starving, . ���js��o�� i� talking of. LAWRENCE MALLARD of Stilson Lee of PUBLICiTY u:: ��7: ��c�h�eC�U:��1 if it carries the right bossism, community; have a number of CHAIRMAN. ''The Moon Is pie. B�anncn. FOR -SALE-We ers in the Bulloch county court house. Blue," is now assoc:iat.!d with them and invites' his' friends the of the Register, and Delmas Rushing, of the colored terms, HJLL William Ia cause' present good lots; easy Statesboro, Ga .• where t!rey are open Holden. David Niven, GOING TO ALASKA to come in and visit with him. at 766. . world-widelarge.ly struggle for mastery.' southern .ection the county. & OLLIFF. phone (17sep2tc) for public inspection. Reference is Maggie ,McNamara. " Private.D L. Jr who can I Hendey .• has made to said and ·Recommended fol' adult. a and as- lF YOU CAN P .. Y rent you hereby drawings only. Feed and clothe paY1 _ . been 'Stationed .at Fort Va .. as B detailed ma.n. �ou a home. See R. M. Benson we. spent specifications descrip- Regular Admisslon. to eircumsci-ibe hiS for aume the TIght S'Igns INC. several tion of the herein Note: The Moon is Vaughn Dyer CHAS. E. CONE REALTY CO .• da)", during the past week building proposed. Rlue tin Its that i. but the etTort to enforce On or about draw- tenth week at Rialto In conduct) _ furnished with his lOth. 1953. Atlanta. FOR RENT Two-room parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. 1.. . Sept: I war. Colurnbus Contract I cause of is the entrance•. semi-.at.1 right of apartment, pricate 'Hendley the district . ,;,nd Bay Young s ruction 0 "a a mon a e u - - II1tlfB' 1"'tr Bconl: COMING or 698-.J l' sfr'clfidcatd'do�� tthhe it firstrs, lvatc ba tit h 0ne 698 J Vaug h n Dyer. f varsl.y prlVa ; p left for Th dailv of last week car- o.rmer Hendley Wednoesduy Alaska. loch county hospital and t!qu\pment " e) papers and .354 SMITH "Desert Song, baseman of Georg,a Tech HAY he will be for distribution and 'cture of a world-' BA�NG-�e JOSH. wher stationed. will be available a front-page pi se t. 2426-. Stetesboro Pilots in 4<>1' cuttlllg. raking and baling I p ,;�d tlitter 'with the may be plocured by Georg;a contraet- your, -- - W1de of leaders wlto Route near group 6. Mlddleground _ hay. from J.•1. & ASBO- ass�m- I State this i FOR RENT . the year. Furnished . .had Georg;a Leagu\! two-room o!" W!". Chas� . Idea for 01 enforcll1g the _ Co�n purpose & comphance bond w,lI be re- .NeVl church_. (17sep1_!;p) 113 Inman St C. Clates. Engmeers. �Ied has heen signed by the St. Louis' apartment. .• J. Aro�'t.ecte 5�2 b,�. A. the harmony, '. SALE-FHA financed thr"" bed- ROBINSON Candler Atlanta qutred In an alllount to ("enforcIng" is word) • phone 598-J. BUilding. 3. Georgia. equal 100'70 Ina season. - Card' I'S 1or th e -_ (ltp) . commg room on north 'side town; of set. The of the contract wh'chI ha... recently tlwelling I upon deposit $50.00 per price. among now makes his home FOR SALE-About 20 of centi- natlO.ns Dyer. who in,IFORowner moving and desires a qui<.k bags full amollnt of the deposit'lfor two sets No bid may after the for At the' I �e wi�hdrawn. been at strugghng was to the CO ·INC. I pede grass 'I per bag. around to 30 master�. Statesboro. signed Colum-: .• (ltP. wilj 'he retumed each bidp�r only �ched�led c!?SInI!' time. 101' days SNAPPERSI of the table !l October 1st. MRS. OTIS HOLLO- eorner gray.) _ "peaee bUB Gu club of the FOR SALE Rescue seed at 1 upon receipt.of a 'bonafide bid and the folloW1ng Bald time. Sally lJeague by, grass Ga his clutched . Reg_ster. .• phone 3404. owner hailed dissenter raised farm seven miles west of States- ,WAY, return of all documents. in good cem reser""" the right to M' '8 C.ardin al scout . my (2_t �he D�e�' FOR SALE-Valuabl� ten and the und�rlines read. .. �cer ar',"s. 'boro. ALTON BRANNEN. IRtI, 5.1 business build- dition. within days date �alve any in and ·to reo IIrst. h,t m the n�lghborhood of .350 for th'Il, followinl!' informah�y Statesboro (3Bep3tp) Ing. located on heavy traveled 301. of rOsits Buildmg. TIlls O!litT St. price Atlanta ra,s�s boro Pilots. who worked with Dyer $6,000. HILL.& in a hom� and upon receipt of their I'e turned docu- 3. Georgia. V�shmsky breaking . O,�-. . In IS the of tJte 76�. landscaping; rege. represent.1hve IFF._phone (�tc) is less the cost of County durIng the past season. stated that I,Carmel Drive the location of t.his ment�. reproduction �ulloeh Ho.spltal Authol'lty. nation which so long has been flat of FOR SALE-Small duplex apartment. ,three.ol>edroom home of said documents. :statesboro. Georg,a. he was a very d t an d th t separate goo acres on less' Hoke S. its back "truggling for help front· prosp:c ." 12 land paved road. room and dining roo� screened porch Each.bid must be accompanied by a By': B,·unson. Chairman. he would go u m organized I For Best Results­ long way than three miles from Iimita. JO- living-I certified oheck or bidder's bond in an Dated 5. 1953. on char- city one-car garage with' room August peacefl'u nal'IOns. and i'viI ng utility i�) • baseball. SIAH ZETTEROWER. (17sepltp) rear. HILL amount not less than 6% of the base, (10sep4te) - & OLLIFF - doled out by leaders grad : •.phone 766 9t 1 _ Ity mar- w.ho have. . Dyer. a native of Tennessee. FORSALE Lovely two-bedroom sort 01 1 :;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;�;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;• \lally �ome to.'a �ppreCiatlOn ried the former Miss Shirley Tillman. located N. C<>llege, New Idea is a Good Idea I. ap�rtment. �O 6f theLT own lmportan", In the con- condition. HILL &, of Statesboro He will attend Geor- St.. m excellent t • trol of the wordl. phone 766. (2tc) I Teachers this fall. qLLIFF. . • gia Colege here i . - six-room I FOR SALE New bnck • The of m�n about that table body home. hardwood floors throughout; I ...... 1 ... of a scene in the ago BDANNEN,. UNION I • remind us long • RE' has front porch and comport. HILL La Ies A , d I good morning where a bunch of cattle for & OLLIFF. 766. (17"'p2tp) ' gathered The annual Brannen reunion will: phone Ch�k' You.. Requirements. HOKE S. BRUNSON on rest in the at the lower Ibe held at Beth- FOR SALE-Lot lOOx400 feet U. I _ the night's pen Sunday. Sept. 27th. the end of "Muddcr" Turner'. home on the Primiti"" Baptist Church Highway 301. three nules of CIty beginS night be/or€' le�em thl'�e . S: 58·62 EAST MAIN GA. I Azalea & Camellia. Fall ST., STATESBORO, west mam the Site for a home. , Il miles of Statesboro. The hnlltsc perfect - Clearwater beach side. There were .... . address will he made Mrs. D. L. JOS,lAH .. by ZE'l'TEROWER. ",. dozen w,th calves. l7seltp)., Co'ntalner c?ws. s?me .young lI>eal. The program will begin at 11:30 SALE-lOO 55 in cultiva-, ...... male and FOR acres. aome middle-Sized yearhngs. and a be an basket dinner will served tion. located near Rieg;ster; price HilI0 d Grown Dutch male of at! 1emale; one masber .upreme 1�:3�. with the afbernoon p�ogra'" b�- '$4.800. Call R. M. Benson at CHAS. at 1 Iris Bulbs PLEIIIAY a dozen or so male glnmng :45. A Will INC. capacity-and hal! history 1 E. CONE REALTY CO .• (ltp) �h�rt . of the ,.earling. who had begU1l to "f'!Ol their be. g.lven folloW1ng chlldre" I1f "WANTED-Good farm suitable for Holland Grown Narcis- Brannan (oom 1750) and , Impor�nce." The mllster of the heret' W�lham I dairy 'farm; we ha..-·e buyer with . Eh41beth who settled on a .. M. Benson at CHAS. SUS BUIbS know W11l Ull- edroolmIOn. OSe �mga� cinth BU'lbs IICOWIe .. . F.oIR Mary Stanford••to b iven W L . 1 he hill morn g by aipo runded by the placio cows wbo chew· I street Call R M Benson at ins Metter; Alexander paved I CU In ten. I Bran!""n. Tho.mas H0IIand G"rown TuI' ed th'elr d'8 rf t ..• pe msrned CRAS E CONE REALTY CO 0, INC IP colee oft"" on how John Ed _ depencla to CO," • ec. u Nancy Hendnx, by the best feel . These youngsters bep:lnmng to Brannen. Register; married COLORED-We ha.... some ch01ce Bulbs very William. well he Good partieS .,.. ni8bta t.!el their oats." assembled dolefully Nancy Hodges. by Josh T. Nesmith; in the colored section and sell'I on tenn.. Call R. M. Benson DX f'0rouseH at the far edge of the flock \lot dar- Mary. married John Alien. by Francis easy at, Spray .....e Sood mominp­ married Elizabeth CHAS. E. CONE REALTY CO .• to come closer lest t� master Alien; John. pon- Inc ..., PlantS in . .' aldson. by Mrs. Maude FOR .SALE-106"" acres 1 and.1Ieep forWd With homa. Edge; Cyrene. FARM' INC'j10-. PIeet.ay pajamas strong married Christoph"r Wesley Powell.! cated five mil"" south of Bellville. 1 Mandeville Flower Seed -- lhe 1lIOII r..ful .. bv Mi.s HattIe Powell; Winiam on road. Phone 308 Glenn- nigh And'the philosophy which they dis· .• paved nen. married Mary G�""s. Whose mo- Ga. BAXTER. 'Easter L'II y BUIbs of aD. Credil was the of divided m..s- Bran-'jGaville. 1..1. (l8Bep2tp), !he e.c1uaiye played fallacy WI18 of I Marv - ther Erwin; d!,ug�ter SEED OATS FOR SALE in a Thtere waa one tery flock of COWII. MaJor James Ervin. He clied III 'I.84() Imported Peat Moss of lhe world', mOIl V""n oats free of pest; ,1 per • • '",urea and retained that su- and was burled at Lower Lotts Greek I Victor-I. eupreme. he' bushel if sacks are furni.hed. IN- Ortho InsectICIdes Church. had twel... children. cOIl.fo....bIe ..: And premacy by vigorous resentment of They i MAN BUIE at Denmark Ga. pajam Other those above • • e a t�an nnmeq Li'dqw F rtil"lZer even wink from the youn�ters.,- of t�ey' (17sep2tp) e�t 118 'or a were ------Ehzabeth; Sarah. who marned . havin8 the flock. 1 FOR RENT - furnished M- 16 S urn US John Newsome and moved to Ala- 'i'hree-room uper H and .aried bath; back and "�I!e aelection. bama; Hugh married a. Mi'88 Wooten I apartment; private AmarryUis Bulbs _ Vertagreen,I Like human nature­ ave· cattle. .e and mov� to front entran.,.. 20!! Savannah Sues· M"riweather _ A. ..HI D. county. I 466. Florld'l Volc:k Sheep Manure "8; c. _stery is jealouse of any tres..."" Ga.; Lucretia married Henry Smith lnue. See L. J. SHUMAN. phone _ mo • Chlordane Hyponex upon supremacy. IJet a nation get in and ...d to Alabama; Edmund (3sepltp) ried Jane Jones and moved to Florida' .GRITS MILL AND WOOD YARD " the lead-or even on Its feet-it has .... Rhody. married William Moore. moved OPEN just otT 221 East Main BRADLEY- & ,� acc<\Jlted responsibility of which it i8 "t:oet CONE " l i! to mar-I West Anderson look for ... .,.,) Georgia. All descendants of and street; slg.n; . this I ; 'rigorously proud. But mastery the are at time. McELVEEN. & fam;ly invited to attend tHe) open all J. O. Seed F"'ed"t Company.1 Is aot perpetual - "what goes up reunion. The hospitality committee,. (17sepltp) 34 WEST MAIN S11REET \ ,s . must come down, on your head or on composed of John H. Brannen. S,am FOR SALE-Eight-room house. two the ground." B�annen. Ernest Brannan. Charlie baths. on big lot on U. S. 301; Mrs. I Simmons. Algie Trapnell and. for 6100 month;' '11 000 cash.' .::=0- Outland' price Vishinscky's nation has had ita'day. Boh!er. balance $100 month: JOSIAH ZET-'rent.I��������������!! Osborne C. and Let's beware that an­ Chairman, (17sepltp) slumped. N. !3anks, ITEROWER. .. AkinS. <&ther nations closer under our �I"'-Pre.ident. SALE-200 acres in sawmill obset'va­ �ssers. Fred T. Lamer. Secretary. IFOR mHes sout of Pine lnn tlon. does not go so far that it can­ , ·tim""'r. two station on 301; a180, seed oats not carry its 1001(1"0r stand its ground. filling I and lupine for anle. HENRY AKINS. in direction and keep·going. '. � Ilny Reg;ster. Ga. 17Bept2t) will off the i""vitablte preci- you go FOR R�NT - Unfurnished two-bed­ pice. room duplex apartment close jn on paved street; it has an eleetric hot .. ' CARD OF THANKS water heater and oil floo. !llrnace. 10 .. We wish to take this method of Eas_t Grody St. (Sel!..l7lt! thanking our many triends. neigh­ ATTENTION. Hl:iNTERS-We have and relativ'cs for their Rind deeds bors a good stoCK of guns, new and used; and' words of the re­ sympathy during' plenty pi ammunition; t,., us for a; cent iIInes" and death of OUr beloved bargain McCALL & SON; see stock. mother.' .Nevel' will "'" 10rget the.., 449 South Main St. (17'sep8tp) i AIBO we would like to thank people. - FOR SALE.. Six-room home with tJte nurses and doctors of the Bulloch I screenOd porch and garage. lot 200x .' County Hospital for their kind work 'I' I home in exceHent. condition; I and for the services 200; many they per­ I beautiful shnibbery and shade trees. formed. May God bless you all. I HILL & OLLIFF. phone 766: (2tc) • ,,�J. FAMILY OF WILLIAM HODGES. � ':':' ����n�:'" ·· FOR J'lALE-85 acres. 40 in cultiva­ ...... -��/'· Roomy ballaon '. • FOR SALE OR FOR RENT fi...-room dwelling. '1.8 .IKI' _limInal.,. , tion. "SO after $75 for • spending crott.h.cutllna That lhr... - story b";ck 'co al1otment; located northwesttoooc-Ifrom building 'I this dress. he spend the ne­ located on South Main street in the Statesboro. Call R.. M. BelYson at ��s�·P:t'N�, ... REALTY CO INC. tire evening talkink about the 17<10554. .' city of Statesboro. now occupied by CHAS. E. CONE .• .' I Sea Food Platter servo •••••• 0' Waters Furniture Company will be FOR SALE. - yalll.able commercial Special for sale or rent Janual'Y 1, next. 1954. PI'ope,ty at Junction 01 No. 301 I ed at FRANKLIN'S!" For contact P. G. particulars WALK­ and old U. S. No. 80; ilead for any '$3.9S blend of many flaVOl'8- ER, Company Two, Thomasville, Ga., type of comm"reial businesR. HILL & Coca-Cola-perfeCt FRED T. Or LANIER. Statesboro. Ga. OLLIFF. phone 766. (2tc) has a llator all its own. FOR SALE - John Deere model H. FOR SALE-·Two-bedroom home com­ PROTECT Your as the folks' outlook­ tractor and equipment in good con· Children, RefresHing young pletly insulated and weather-otrip­ dltion; sta""r and lights;. mnk. rea­ Yard and Pets wit:li Page ped. c"rpart and f"ont porch; lot IOOx pure, Coca-Cola eonable price. DALE Chain Unk Fence. and wholesop McKENNA, located 15 Henry ·street. iii LL �Id Ga C81'e H. B. 140. in at Rt. 1. Portal. .• Deal. and belongs your refrigerator home. CIDNITO is extra fancy long � Ol.!:-IFF. phone 766. (2to erec:te.d by Savannah Iron (27aug2tp) rice. Cooks Shop Henry's F.irst grain up - Wire Works. FOR SALE-75 acres. �O in cultiva- light. fluffy FOR RENT Four-room unfurnjsn­ COMPANY If and You can� tion, large home, tenant hous£I and tender-everytimel cd apartment house with private Free EMU.atea - Ter..e . En,. not other farm well im­ b\lY a finer rice-at in front of on STORE WILL BE outbuildings; any pricel bath. hospital Grady CLOSED SATURDAY, SEPT. 19TH, PhoDe BILI:' JONES,,'107.M proved and near is'tatesbol'o. Call R. Buy CHINITO RICE-todav. street. available October 1st. See or FOR I. Air C<>nditioned. RElJGIOUS HOLIDAYS. �a. M. Ben""n 8t CHAS. E. qONE REAl..­ Edmund.on-DlI�e Rice MI\I call L. J. SHUMAN. phone 466. , 8tat�"'" TY CO INC. ._....------, _ .• (Itp) Rayoe. Lout.la.na "';( (17sepltp) SIX

• D. CLUB WARNOCK H. . I T.JI.URSDAY, SElPT. 17, 19&3. TIMBS .AND STA'l'BSBOItO NbS , iroLLocR. - .-. Job' .. - -., � . .' Rodgers Takes 1\ID1lTl � Bureau The regular meeting of the LEEFIELD hfi Farm AS Red C·ross DIrector nS noek Home Demcnstration war-I'Club _ Turner Farce G3. was held at the home of Mrs. Billy I Air Base, Albany, Jack .Lanier spent the week end I� The NEVILS NEWS -Chares E. arrived at Tur· Churches !!I PORTMNEWS Activities Simmons. A very timely devotional Rodges with relatives in Atl�"ta. WANTED • ner I was g-iven by Mrs. Simmons all the Air Force Base Tuesday, July Mrs, Oliver White and chi�dren, of John B. spent with Mrs. Edna Brannen is visiting rel- BYRON 8S Ne8m,ith Su�day (By DYER) "FivEL Talents." Pledges to tbe flag 29, to assume duties field director Statesboro, vrsited relatives here Sun- �ulloch CountsJ Mr. u.nd MI;II. Wllton Hodges on States· atives in Savu.nnah. and oue verse of "Ameri- of the American Red Cross. replacing R, G. Arnold. tieldmn.n 1101" the was given day, cu" wns the John E. Duffy. Mr, Rodgers recent- The G.A.'s met at StatesbOro South�rn Reg-ion of the Americun sung by group. the church Man­ Baptist. bO:;s. C.,P. Davis is spending a few wi!rsM�: �n:a;:s� i'oe;t ��=�ie�� Mrs. Lester chairman of Iy returned from a tour with the day with A. Farm Bureau Federation, will be the Martin, night Mrs. J. Knight 6S aIlV. GEO. LOVELL JR., P�. days this week wllh Mrs. Mittie Savannah. the committee, reported in Germany as Red di- Ieader, vlsited Mr. and spakur at Portal Furm Bureau meet- nonuuuting Ar�y 9r088 SUNDAY SERVICES. Warnes. Mrs. Lillie Hulsey the following new officers for 1953·54: rector. Immediately upon his return The R.A.'s met at the' Mrs. Inman and at ing next Thursday night, September church Mon· 10:00 a. m., Sunday school. Mr, an.! M:rst. Lawson Andenlon Hulsey family he was stationed at Fort Ga., their Mrs. Henry Quattlebuuln, president; Benning, day night with Mrs. Harry Lee U'S NeVl.Crop 11:16 a. m., Columbus last week. 24th, C. M. Cowart. president, Morning worship. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. until here. The Tennes- ro_ .• J'Irs, Paul Groover, vice-preaident: nssignment counsellor. Union. "" UIIoc "",unt SUb-DiIStMC, announces. Mr. Arnold spent right �lo:OO p. m., Training Anderson. T"- B h y M�. im secretary; see-born director has been with the Mr. and Mrs. 9.00 p. m., Worship hour. , the Portal Meth- much time in Bulloch county during McCormick, Robe�t' Quattlebaum of the M.Y.F. met at Mr and Mrs. C. J. Martin were din- treasurer. Red Cross since 1943. He has been 8:80 Soelal hour. '. daughter of •. I!', odist church Mondav• n;"ht.... the early days of the Farm Bureau ·lvey Wynn, lJyyn, Pembroke, vi I!l.,; I �nd Pine 8:00 ner Mr. .,. C:one5 Wedneilday, p. m., Prayer meet- .gueBb! Sunday of and,))!rs. assistant Reid director 1948. were Mrs.,also sillce ited her . , J. chairmen Mr WIIS here when Club project .•i!d Mrs. Leon ,Slash Charlie of Crawfordville, parents Rocker,' and .. organization, l"� iIDK. Walten Nesmith. '.' at this ttrne. Plans Jar the HIS tours taken over the South- Perkins, last is two weeks with relati..es enrolled its first Sunday. __ loch county l,OIlO ,na,med �ave Mrs. J. T. Martin and Miss Win. spending also. Mrs. 1 eastern United States lind Germany. Mr. and is remembered a. orre fUl,· were discussed Hanry Mrs. Milton and here and at Metter and Pulask]. members. He Findley Methodist fred Mr. and hud done Mr. a veteran of World 8tatesbo� Churcb Riggs spent Sunday with everBUI_/ Quattlebaum reported she Rodgers, children, at Lumbe,- visited 90 CENTS PER BUSHEL FOR SLASH· John of Valley, colorful to Oity, her Franklin, of the most speakers Mrs. Martin. Fo�t 0"'" work with 4·H Club War II, attended Georgia Tech and Mr. J. F. WILSON, PaRtor Dewey before the local �'lr.• spelas. Twon- Southern Church and . � ..... :rs. Seed Calvary Baptist sJ>6llt night Savu.nnah, Thursday Mrs. Hod s Co. , - votional. him Willie �- pre. J Olner Rnd sorl Charles of' httle ot ChArleston, S. C., some months ago and got Savannah , dalighter, ty ty-th ree memba ra were t . W1 • M r. an MDrs. .Mar- presen . Firida'I ·th d ewey ...... sen ted an jIJesm�' C. G. GROOVER.. his pmp'rum0 , .in d M r. and rs. Paltor. the week end with parente, for the,·,. � mbel' 22nd inspiring M'Jesse Grooms and spent The· work for the 1953 Home scheduled Sep lEn BALDWIN, GA. t' period Chlmpion to with Mrs.. RE.Poq son 10:16. Sunda, B.hool. and W. ·Woods. Ministry Village People/' of Brooklet . Mr. Mrs.'W. ' Mr. Fundm'bllrk is known .__ _ 'Morgan, meeting. '.�_�' ave . and M' rs. 0..H Hodgee h to .. 11:80. Morning worship. mMr· 0 it'. Cml Scott, Mrs. John Mrs. LOST - === M rs. 0scnr J 0hnson. 0ene J hnSOll, Town Contest ends October 1, and time' tally us one of the keenest thinkers Hugan, Billfold 'containg money, if .:1.6. B. T. U. returned a1te a week"s VIr.'t'In sa· Julia Mrs, Fred s name and FOR SALE-75 an� Mrs. Ed and Mr.. address und acres, 30 in cultivu- . and Mr. Lee, llodg my daugh· � Racklcy Georgoa. Mr. Nesmith has stated . 7.80. Evangelistic .ervice. ,r Kay Your town hi. worked and hlnl located near Mr. u.nd Mrs. Juhan the resulll!. long Wallie Stewart ter's picture; somewhere between the tion, Stat""boro at ;mth Rdcker and attended the Rock- up to haye taking part. rolls ... . 8:00 p. m., Mid·week family that thei,. group would lilre o.f fence SALE-171 ... a"-utuu cui- Wedlll!sday. Fr'unkl·10 d S t and'matlbox Pt·ree 'ona; I home tenant house FOR.S'ALE.-500. a-res, 80 Mrs. rug Ol'e iust arge 47-m. h 6-m �a�nahges. Sun· I contest Ind mem.- I \ViIlie Hodges, president, IH'e- 'gh, mesh, 20-rod roll, two prayer service. er reunion at Crawfordville last to the in this llny othel' Farm Burenu chapter re- 'barn and .. 'tivated, mostly pasture, - accomplish objectivetl year's on"t Pine Inn home; finder please outsbuildings. C<>11 R. M: M TS. Te(n'1 Nesml,'th WyI�ne, SIun ·S!.d ed over the business The per roll, 8-mlle bend from IImita on them at session. turn CHAS. E. lA?ulslIille city paved road' price d bers with 7:30 Tu"sdllY night and receive reward. J. 11. Benson, CONE REALT� on months of work. fi,8,50and, Savannah, Ga. Phone 22751. on JOSIAH. mi.le. The Cbureh Of God dra and Morgan Nesmith spent the rd DOW is the time to cash in thOle to"asurer's was Mrs. application. �R- s. W . S . G ,., I and M'll,0. to hear their report given oy LOT, Rt. 3, Statesboro. 130auglt""'.1 CO., INC.· (Up) . aMY'. ·ff·th· s�eaker. (3se.p2t) OWER. week end WIth Mr. and MD'rs. ame,; I. (Up) Institute Street a n e Brantl reun- I W'·'""IFO� G rt·ff:th1 tte ded th ey Stilson chapter meets Wednesday .:.R_._W_._L_A_N_I_E_R.___ Rowe, tn Savannah. . I of ia bid lor REV. BILLY HAMON, PaRtor ,on at I".t SundllY· Mrs., Your town's Report Progreu your of next week, nnd w,lI USe the I Augusta night Mr. nnd Mrs. C . J . w'lr and I Bunday achool, 10 a. m. ',lnms remained for a two weeks' motion made in the cOW1ty ,Griffith Give it the attention it deeervea. picture 11 a. m. of Savanftah, spent the week end the Championship. Morning worship, s�n, I visit with relatives, as its program. meeting, 7 :80 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. L. and Evangelistic ,W1th of vilited his it tell the whole about I 7:80 � .Haygood Jack Oay, Atlanta, Make it attractive! Make story J. R. Kelly, the Ogecchec president" Wednesday prayer meetine, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. W,lhams. r. and Mrs. Dan G OYer will have m. parents, M ay, t.haL theh' group p. ack- make certllin it'. repol'tg M and Mrs . W R Hurst,0f J And 7:80 m. week end. His Miss Bunnie your town's accomplishmenll!. this than Saturday night Y.P.E., p. �. the niece, more member's ycal' last, I and Mr. and Mr•. Ed ¥onvllle, Fla., him buck to At- Gritleth ' 22! out Lo his Tuesday accomPllnied· . in the mail before October and pointed gl'OUp of the week. . midnight, Hill Church. Ham, Savannah, spent a nurse at tke' Temple Baptist lanta, she Ilight thnt Ogeeehee Ifas only end with Mr. and Mrs. Josh Martin. whe� '� .tude�l I First and Third Bunday,) the Bapt,st Hosp,lal. in the count)T that enrolled (8et",lce. Georg1a chapter Uev. Bob Bescancon, Pastor Mr. and Mrs. Walton Nesmith had ':. more members for this than it year 10 :80 It.!!l. Sunday Bcbool. as supper guesta Friday night Rev. First Presby-teran C!lurch. POWER ·had the yenr before. R. P. M i".II, 11 :SO a. m. Morning worship. IUId Mrs. William Ansley, Mary and GEORGIA. Statesboro, Ga . county Farm Bureau presid�nt, cul1\.­ •:80 p. m. Training Union. Barbara an � Tom Ansley and Griffith, Pastor. 8-• ..., f'tl.t¥ ..... '1.80 m. Evenlne Rev. ,Tohn B. Pridgen Jr., mended the group on its efforts to p. wonhlp. \ of' Brooklet. Sunday School 1$15. I build and maintain n strong organ­ Macedonia Baptist Chureh Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Burnham and Morning wOl'ship 11:30. ization. He declared that during next of Mr. and Youth Fellowship 6:30 p. '1'. MOODY JR., Pastor. dilughter Gale, Savannah; farm will 7:30 p. m. yeal' lhe present program ��" 'fElJ.YII''i M!s.,A,'L. Davis and Bon Lon, and Mr. Eveninl!' worship ·10:16 a. m. service 7:30. come for ',,'lilin'dily ·School, Wed�sdny prayer probably up legislative �nd Mrs. J. D. and Bona, J�rry Komine Worship, l1:Su a. m. Sharpe changes, and that the Fann Bureau Mrs. com· FISHING - Will fulh FOR RENT-Five-room unfurni.hed Evening Worship, 7:30 p. m. and Larry, spent Sunday with WANTED-Sharecroppcr,l;;-g�-fa;;;:' FOR SALE-The perfect lot for POND my will huve a in 400x200 six mil�s on will apartment; hot und cold water; pri- major part wOI'kin� Conrad ,P. Davis. ily; H!. acres tobacco, cotton, hogs. mercial, feet; pond Wednesday, Sept. 28; . C. from on U. S. 301. JOSIAH have fish for sale at this vate entrtlnce; 6 Ea.t Kennedy Ave. out the type of progrum thut would THE ASSEMBLY OF GOD Apply Saturdays or Mondays to J,own plenty good located two mil.. ell8t of Phone 61S-M1. • (ltp) available for the future. L. ZETT,EROWER. () tp) tim,,· pond be invitee you to attend lervic..··ii&th FOR SALE _ Three-bedroom home PURVJS, Pemb''Oke,..Q.a�,,!��p) D. - Brooklet, Brannen W. TO su­ AIR CONDITIONING SALE We pond. FOR RENT-Available September I, There al'e 45 pel' rent of tho form­ Thursday nieht at 8 o'clock at the old located near business sqction in WANTED RENT.-Disttiet Ga. are a II -ton Kelvihator BRANNEN, Brooklet, (10sep2tp) unfurnished four room. In for A.t.lant... newspapers closing out % apartment: CI'S in the United Stutes hel'e in' tha ,eebool house Brodklef. Prea.blnr neigfJtiorhood; this home is in' pervisor good three bedroom hOllse, air conditioninJl' units helow whole· FOR RENT-Front spuce for dftlce; and bath, elettl'ic hot water heater, the Rev. Elmer L. Green, pastor condition and can be desires to' rent Southeast. This Clln control the by good. possession al"" room. for entrance front IUId group of 1st 0" sooner. lal� coat. Firat com€, first served. beauty mirlor; plenly gas heat, private of FITllt Assembly God Temple, now; terms can be nrranged. unfurnished, by Sept j·'Ul'nl Bureau if they have ampie given WILSON, SOU'rHERN AUTO STORE, 38 East of free parking. See DEKLE BANKS back, free garage; adultll only. t31 Savann..... Sund�y 8el;o::l each Sun- R. M. BenBon, CHAS. E. CONE Contact HUDSON phone Call Main �tr.et. S1.8te.boro. at Hotel. (10.epltp) South Main "treet, phone "2.J. members, he stated. The al'ea that at ,0'cI0Clk. Service. 553.R. (6augtfc) (20augtfc) J�el day afternoon REALTY 00., INC. (ltp) ' . IIOW cOlltl'ols the Farm Bureau docs are In Ilharge 01 Aldine J.t. Chapman. not think in terms of the type of Harville Church. pl'ogrum the Southel'n farmcl'_want.�, . Baptist Mr. Mikell warned. If futu,,, agri­ (On �emlN'oke Highway.. Come in and ... value check·..• and test dritle a Ford Pastor. cultural legis�ation is not what the se.e today!- Rev. M. D. SHORT, Southern farmer wants, it will be.' be­ 10 :80--Sunday School every Sunday. every cause they do not have enough mern­ 7:00 p. m., Training UnWin it ... * bers to control that thinking. They No douht ahout Sunday., .' Churd, services on 2nd and , Regular are hcJ1c! in the South, but not organ­ >tth Sundays: momine services 11:80; i"ed well enough, Mr. Mikell deoared. eveninl!' service. 7:30. $2,381.27 Jesse N. Akins, the Warnock presi­ .Prayer meeting ThuJ'llday .nlglbt at church, 7 :30, with pastor's dent, reported to his Wednes­ weekly groull one car leadership: th..t fine, haY'C ,Ford's the day night the'y sixty·three mem(,el's now compared with sixty­ Friendship Baptist Church five' last and that lwew of • ye.]!', he Rev. ROY C. DRAWDY, Pastor. twelVe or fifteen member. good that Services 1st and 3rd Sundays, j,ad not ,been contacted yet. H" pre· In the 10:S0 a. m. Sunday School. ·dicted would have m2m· field.! 11:80 a. m. Morning worship. they eighty m. worship. 8:00 EYening . bel'S this year as compared with six­ low-price p. Friday, 8:00 p. m., prayer meeting. ty.five last year. cars. And a Ford with the effort it leaves with the G. B. ,·'cature ••• ••• powered high. yet you natur:l] . Bowen, the Sinkhole presi· a/ter /eature' part a/ter part Oak Grove Church of God. dent, Mileage Maker Six costs even "feel" of on the reported Thursday night they compression steering straightaway. M. Pastor. Ford U (JI (JI the ••• Rev. JOE CLEGHORN, had enrolled forty·fou,· out of forty­ /ine /inest leSs. � There.are other nne-car tool' On SOl Highway N:orth. many .... seven, and that they will go above • featmes. "', ..... _ a. School; Yl!t it's priCed with �the Ford 111:30 tn., 5unday ·,?!:oost. is ••• foam-rubber the last year'!:!! tigurc when all the Then, too, Ford's body built,like the.best, Full-Circle Visibility 11:30 n. m., Morning worship; cushioned seats members have been contacted. The with steel b,ody panels of the same qqality front and rear on atl modeG' 8 :00 p, m., Evening worship· 8 m., Prayer • .. Thursday p. m·ee�ing; llIotion picture, "nuwn of a New i\�'(,:l-r"6Ver built has won· such entllUsiastic and and thickness as cars. finishes .that are baked .on ov.er a.com-· in-the-most. expensive 7 p. m., Y.P.El. 1 was Saturday, a of all ... Day," part th,esc pro­ as '53 Ford and no . , gy: wing preference the plete rust-proofing treatment ••• to men.· last week. grams w(·!let·T. For no other car with such a wealth of fine­ Ford also proves that a car d.oesn't need to tion a few. Elm� Baptist €hureh.· The mobile soil testing unit w"ill I Pastor. {'.u fenl u'res cOsts so little as Ford. carry gas-thirsty extra w\light to "gentle" R. PAUL S.TRICKLER, look and Me.. CO.....rt. The solid comfort' of visit Bulloch county on nctober 7th, It all these to a just sigh-and pass over features make fine cal' m. School. the roads I For Ford's ta�es 10:30 a. Sunday ' the n1.Cmbers of you bumpiest so much real automobile? Buick's Million Dollar Ride-with coil­ these groups \Vel'(� ad­ fine •.. Service. WHYup with all its flne-car is offered at truly worth more when it 11:00 a. m. Worship Yrs, rllr�, quality, smooth, level ride blots out the bumps, .• you buy *Locol delivered vised.' fl'om lands to be m. Training Union. on all price ,Samples I ... and in tool A 7:80 p. spring cushioning four wheels, a that's easy to pay. cuts front end road shock alone to 800;1 resale, survey of used car' this big and beautiful new planted to tobacco and pa�turc8,1es­ l'ri{,fJ up 8:80 p. m. Evening worship. Why-when lots that are wide-tread proves to m. Mid-week (Wednesday) stability, torque-tube people 8:00 p. Buick SPECIAL delivers for the - pcciuily, should be bl'ought ill for willing pay surprise ... a a V-8 a of the 1953 '.: {'an have Ford with engine-the same Also, you can have your Ford V-8 with larger percentage of the cost for prayer service. steadiness. checking, original extended to all ingly low price shown here? of that America's most the last word in stee'r­ Fords than for A cordial invitation The county fair is scheduled for f)'pe engine .powers expen­ Master·Guide, power .. any·other used cars. with u•. yea�-qld who will worship one ..... p...... The of • Could be of those folks who pleasure high ·BUICK SPECIAL Octobe .. 12th to �in: cars-for hundreds les.s than cuts to 75$ of iloubt about Ford's you're 17th, alld plans were !'Iany Six-cylinder ing. ,Master-Guide up tllming it, yOur. best·l;luyl,. discussed Church don't believe· that o£ a visibility, of luxurious fabrics and fit­ 2·Door 6-Pa...nge, Seda. relative to the fif�en com­ �o Emitt Grov;:B;PUst ,still the'price Pastor. of munity booths to be �nte ..ed .. BOB SHOTTS, �uick really, is just a few dollars more tings, superbly easy handling-and Model 48D (illustrated) Members w�re wUl'ned of the lesser Servioos Every Sunday. than that of the the deep satisfaction of bossing a big Worth more when it ••• worth more when sell it! m. and 8:30 "low-priced" CO I'll borer Coastal Bermuda you buy YOI.'· Preaching, ll':30 a. 5O-Cfllled killing ' and able and auto­ cars. , stunningly styled grass in the county. and adv·ised to p. School, 10:30 a. m. mobile that does wherever these dread' arens. S'::�day So here we show out car and to you proud Spl'a-y­ m. price .. p'� 7:80 . p. fo� r Union, . / �\'atch .. Training IIlg Ot' with DO ' Iik� d 8 it. you go. dusting something Each Friday o'cl.ock, �Ible prave nill'ht, . Foolboll of the Weel m .vanous Se. n. TV Go",., ewe,y so,."do'_ toxa.phene is t;pcommendcd. etudy and prayer meeting that-wha't in a G.".,ol Mo'on Key Ew.,,' homes. But beyond you get this Why not drop in on·us and see things THIS IS . TElE ONLY TIME· wlll . you for so small a in great Bldck, step�up \ for yourself? see this ad; w<>uld $1,000 to $1,500 in Black Primitive Baptist Opper . THE GREATEn tile next 90 days interest you '! Du what you is . Church. .,' pay, plenty. That way you'll also learn about the you have a good pcr�wnality, own o. a Waters,IPastor. Fireball 8 The h�v� access to good auto '! Arc 'you Elder W. Henry ...... power. long list of "extras" you get ,at no extra to wOl'k male 6:30 .p. m. wtlll,ng 9.0 days-holl'2st, B.Y.P.U. each' Sunday,. highest horsepower and cost in this new BUick or Sunday, compression spirited 1953 female, m.al'rIed or single? Then Monthly worship thJr<1 to BuILuch m: ratio ever in a Buick SPECIAL. cars l\Cply Times, givin:,. ad. \1:15 al m. and 7:30 p. . plac� SPECIAL-things that most other of before dress and telephone number. Conference th!rd (3scptf Saturd,:"y' wlth ...... Real room similar for as extras. Can 11::00 B. m. Corne six-passenger price charge \,. BUICK1if Sunday, t:!!0u FOR SALE-Nice, roomy bunp-'ulow. do the good. -even make it this week? I. SO GREAT-YEAR. u. and we will by man-size measUrement. you thl'ee bedrool!ls, �iving room, d.nin� If you're interested in � .!!_!ed cars, be sure to see our se/ect.ions' l'Onll1, large kitchen, bath, screened F.t<.!'>,; Clito Baptist Church. J)oJ'ch, gas heat, landscaped grounds' 301) located on' Mulbel'l'Y street betwce:: (On Highway . B. Rexrode, Pastor Grady street; Rev. Milton Sa.vannuh aven!-lc lIn� S. W. INC. a. m. Jll'lce $8,4-00; ,ImmedIate PO.-l.!:leSSiorl LEWIS, Sunday School, 10:1.5 Worship, a. m. Cull R. at CRAS. K .. Morning lI1.Jknspn COl'll; 1.1:15 m. 38 North Main Street .. Phontt 41 Training UnIon, 7:30 p. REALTY CO., INC. (!.tl') ( t Baptist Evenmg W,orship, 8:16 p. til. Bible Study ""''''7 Prayer Meet and Thursday, 8:00 p. .. . mmrr BULLOCB TIMBS AND STATBSBQRO �

a, · .:.=M:.:r-=a�nd:...::.=M.:..rs.:.:...::.ze;.:_ttIo..:.:"�.,er iJe-xtaXHI�-[ta-X-t:a:J::I(::-ta:l::"'=�:-:=::X::-ta=x=ta:-::::x:::-t:a:J==:::C8:I:-::::X::8:8-:::X=[J:4::-:�::-=:=-::-�:--�':'"e:a-:-:-t-I-lXI--t;8-X-"-X-t-I-lI-r.ac-:tN--X-I8J--R-E-H-E':"A-RS-AL-P..,.A-RT-Y---I-de..:lab.::rMr and Mrs Robert Zetterower a pn!lleftted piece of cryatal to M18a BACKWAft" were LOOK hosts at a beautiful rehearsal Evans and Mr Cannon They were I "'aAsRt., .to1 I J I � MR66S TMHaU,nR .... dinner for the members of the ociaI .' US.·b e'" StTURpNhoEnRe 14Ed10 party asaiated WIth and entertuin Cl � �ona serving I TEN YEARS AGO Evans Cannon wedding party out of mg by M" Charhe Zetterower and I .. Bullee I Fro h Tim... Sept 23 I �43 ...... BERVICB �..... to�n����d�m�Nd��n MnJ A M���_ d�� I Statesboro vt HIgh Blue Devils BULLOCH T ����a����������=�C���x����a������a�����������*�i ly The Ivmgroom all den of ..... open season Wlth ftlSt local game WHERE NEEDED lovely horne were decora�ed with Ot STATESBORO NOVELTY CLUB WIth Swainsboro tomor row mght NEWS-STATESBORO EAGLE chid dahlias The nner War Mr and Mrs Ernest Tootle m the buffet d which Mts H M Teeta entertained the rehef campaign I. beln" p n • Personal. Among Statesboro boys Purely consisted of moulded ned for Bulloch seventeen nour ce the engagement of their guls who have alreudy left [or chicken saladUlli mombers of the Noveltv Club with county stuffed I serV1ce groups Will combine 10 a sin Haskel Burnsed the to take a pepper rmgs halt tomatoes a backwards ofte, wedding lege d others to go soon are Uni, party F'riduy drive M an I Mrs Canno 1 spent cream gle STATESBOBO, GA., THURSDAY SEPT 24 1953 Dewey October 31d Both M ss Tootle vers topped with cheese und olives noon Her home was VOL 6S-NO. place tl' ot Georgia Helen Zette 0 ver decorated Wlth Sheriff Mullanl returned from Jack 81 the veek er d at Clayton und MI Bur sed atte ided the Nevils crackers hors d oeuv es 1 d a des �atc summer I lies and Jack", Zettero ve Sue Simmons her refresh Bonville Sunday mght \\ here he re- Jean Martin vas a VISItor n MIS. a In sert o.f pink an I sher menta w ere H gh School and he IS vete of Sh rely Gulledge Donelle 'I'hornpsbn green yellow I home made ICC cream and Atlanta dt nil' lhe eek bet bulls In Final the Korea W ir Womack Deborah arranged tall home made cake Tn con osts Reports Show The Bett.y Prather Jo prIzes :�I��df���a��O����;h�l:.!"!,�: I Study Problejn LIttle T B schell of Atl ens s I ned with the court house TEACHERS COLLEGE ; LIBERAL SUM FOR ynn lace doilies to a were won cr FrIday evenmg , represent MIS urr jsephine Attaway Thelm t Fordham by HIgh Mrs -Statesbore Sold Of PAPER COMPANY VISIt her Mr and Farmers of Bulloch county at the Proposed I nil' grandparents Jean Murtln dainty nosegay was served Sherbets,from a Jease MIkell R S Industry Jane Strauss and Tom lIfl1< Bondurant lrv Farm Bureau meetmg In the court FInal ftlrUres from G80rll'la'. tabuc MIS 0 Lester Brannen S��A�n�U�r�:-GF�!:��E nil' table covered with a cream lace Most! T J MOl rls or. cloth and MI S C P Claxton Mrs BULLOCH presldent the Bul my; Powell Bobby Donaldson Jimmy Bon house FridaY' evenmg 'VIII diecusa the OPENFJ) MONDAY co market reveal COUNTY I She irouse announce tt e that Stateaboro led GIVES St"ImLINGS£d:dI. engagement ovei and posed pink The exqulsite cen durant and Mrs Arthur f... of a freezer locker for Bu ,loch County Developlnunt Bhtch John LIghtfoot Gene Ander Mrs Loy Mal nrd announce Howard were slblltty with (\Irpora \ of their Joanne to .... Fnehmen