THURSDAY, SEPT. 10, 1953. NeVI Ide,a Corn AftI' LOOK I tl!!�\\. I· TEN YEARS AGO DeLOACH-NEWTON WOMAN'S CLUB TO HAVE From Bulloch Time., Sept. 16, 1943. Mr. and Mrs. Fehx DeLoach un- • FIRST 1953·54 MEETING SNAPPERS! "Th'B 'black-out' conducted by the nounce the engagement of their The first meeting of the 1953-64 , Army Thursday niglIt caught States- STATESBORO WHERE NEEDBD daughter, Leola Estelle, to John Aul Woman's Club WIll boro Hat; Citizens were confused NEWS-STATESBORO EAGLE .rs. Sam Strauss, of Augusta, be held ut the Ree­ was. ton to significance of wild-eat siren." Newton, son of Mrs. MInnie Lee reation Center Oft Thursday ""' ";";lDr here Saturday afternoon, Census shows that ... Newton a report 6.237 Johnson MISS DeLonch IS Septembej- at 3:30 o'clock. Th", a81=====:':��=.:'=:=:==��====================�=============:::::===============1_ Mr. and MI s Jack Welchel and chll- 17th, bales or cotton were ginned in BuI· ItalIDoII TIm., IlItIIIII&laICl CouoUdaW I� 1", ._,_a graduate of Laboratory HIgh School Committee with Mrs. Hen. loch from Bftabllalled 1101 I 111 over Citizenship the of 1943 THURSDAY , _==:�=:=:::==:: dren visited relatives Alma county crop STATESBORO. GA., S'EPT.,17 1953 .' and of Warren Candler school of New Idea Corn llartablillllCl lIlU-CO.....UdaW 0-.... 11M VOL. 6S-NO. SO Hospital ry McCormack as chairman will use Shipment as compared with 7,194 last year. StaB"::::::::': II. .t:tle seek end. I Snappers of Nuraing. She IS at present em- as a for the Miss Alice Welch Jones, of Teach- Mrs. T. has returned I topic program, "The f\ Ansley ers Is one ot ployed at the Bulloch Ho•. Preservation College, the 250 lIb,,· I a With County of Our American Herit- I'IVV'Il 1 � few days' visit relatives JUST' riane attended the eighth annual It· pital. Mr. Newton 19 a graduate of An RECEIVED I t\l., � SL Marys. age." interesting program streas- j�!���!!I���i�i brary institute beiug held in Chicago. LIVES" I \J\;ft LO "T8 GARBAGE EXHIBIT , Ststesboro High School, attended "Americanism" Mr. and . Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Gulledge spent ing has be"" planned. l Mrs. Carroll Hemngton Georgia Teachers College, and served. The week of has the birth . "DunIday In Beuufcrt, S. C., as guests S'eptember 13.19 hnnou�ce of a daughter, "p���� an�orcri�a�hee�;'I�pa�:�IO���� I I DRAWS with the Umted States resin. cannot be made A'TTENTION Arl1l¥ durin� been proclaimed as "Americanism Catherine, .at vinyl probably NOW AVAILABLE ., Mr. and Mr&. Vernon Hall. 4th, the Bulloeh . , the conflict He IS at �t. in larger quantities for a Korean present Week" by Governor and County �ew From l.ynn Bon,d 0 f G uyt and 'I'almadge, HOSPItal. acarci "months To Aid Farmers Large Group Nearby Syl.· I . 1 For Best Results­ because of ty of resms, Pul'pOlle Fun Information Will on. naststant court for the ..... __ , reporter Ogee- much emphasis IS biderng p ace on th Counties qe was a on . Burial -rua, pleasant vtsltor at the I Work the Dover road improve- • Th Attended, chee e, Mr. and 'Mrs. In Continuance Of i Given and AtluntJc Judicial Circuits restoration of James Lee an., ernI I SIatell00ro Pel'!!ons '"terested At "' office Wednesday afternoon. I Independence Hall In F\o;d ment Is progresaing satisfactorIly Last Week and nOUDCe the birth oJ a in Stock probation officer (or Bulloch Mrs. Charhe daughter under new highway contract; new Activity RaIsing The Court HoU8e Lt. and Mrs. BIll Holland, of Jack. Philadelphia. Naw Idea a Fort� County da is Good , The ?one, Fay, 2, th Idea on the of persons !ro� towns and ty. wedding- WIll take placecoun.!Oc· chairman ot'-the Sept. I't Bulloch bridge Bulloch county slde lIvestock authorized . .. program Cou�ty loans, _ ille, spent the week end WIth hIS committee, Special counties At'anta, Sept. veteran tober 11, III the Statesboro Prrm- Hospital. Mrs. Lee was Bren.,Mis., the approach has been completed. throughout c;.,orgia's central 14.-EV\ilry 1953, and her members will serve us host- tormerly' p....nts, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Holland. i Announcement that J. H. by recent legislation, are now avail- I bealth relrion attended who has served ",ftar June "itive Lois Sauls. .' the burial at 27, 1960, Baptist Church. esses. Year books will i, 'I Jr,s Brannen has returned be � and that B. L. Smith i. be CeCIl • I _ _ _ _ , \ is out, MorM.on! to and Statesbcro may for a ot baale • able tarmers eligible • • , �u. eligible ",ochers Tuesday uftrenoon of last, period for diatributjon. �I" a ofew VISIt with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. perintendent of the entitlement days' FORMER BUI D, Rranklin an. it haa been i week at four truckloads of to duentlon or train"" SCHOOLMATES •• _ • aVail!1bl'",' schools came as se to mos 0 lin this locality, gurbage. surpr ..11[1"5. E. DeLoach III S. C. the birth ot U Sitate.boro :lt� announc'l Public K. Columbia, 9On, Joe William, I Most of the spectator. were under Law 550, 82nd Con MEET IN ENGLAND J. T. J. MEETING the pe�ple this Mol" \d by CharI<!s J. Vickery, glad to ......... Mrs. Allen Mli<'<lll and her !nounceSept. 7th, at the HOKE S. '>! co�munity. measured in see aunt, A letter l"celV1nd Bulloch Hos- BRUNSON rison was as member it 1'>, for were ob.. a month. ami days (Or the durIng the week ShIrley AkInS ",ntertamed the J.T.•J. County given posltion supe,:",so" I they I MI'8. I of the Home rving OC"", SUdie WIllcox, of RhIne, ar� Mrs. Zelia r.h"h I 'pital. Franklin"""". the board of state school �arm.ers I demonstration of a equivalent thereof in train- by (RIgdon) Lune, of the I I� �� " h�r. 111"""'. Mr.' formerly o! "unitary method part-time MISS 58·62 EAST MAIN supel"! AdJIIltllstra'l 8ometlln.8 at Hot h"""�. AltlTum. ST., GA. VISOrs. t'IOn for Bulloch , Bryan, Chatham, William K. s.-pe.JVJing Springs, Statesboro 'relepholle office, fl"om her and Mrs. Mary STATESBORO; I �or dIsposing of garbage and other ing), Barrett, dlreetor of Thulsday, Sept. •••• .' ....Ark.. I D�y �klns, tim State . Candler and Evans countIes. I waste, o"partl,.nt or Vete",_ brother Willi gives an inter� I Pink ZInmas were used MI. Among th.""" were Rigdon, 13rd. table and MIS. L. D. Aklll8 announce TWENTY YEARS AGO pttendlllg Miss Shu ley Gulledge spent the a� I , varion. Service, haa nnnounced, estIng story of hiS In decorations and a chIcken dmner the From Bulloch 11lme•• 1933. Purpose of the U. S. officials, eqUl)1ment dealer., outing Europe. birth of a daughter 2 at Sept. H. I week nd Ln S',rdls liS the of her �v�s I Bal'rett 'stated 'thllt guest D�partmenll officers and the en- Included as a most pelsonul InCident served. Covors were for �ept. Announcement is made ef the of new loans IS to pro· other ob;"" verso placed BIllIe the Bulloch County HospItal. Mrs. es·: Agriculbure's ,!health ... • 1V11so Beverly Bar·1 was tablishment of the Barnes I the tltlement .hall be multi olJe� roomn�ute, hIS . to Sponeored Bulloch computed by meeting wth MI,.. MamIe Jan. Foss, Nancy Lynn '''''kins was Funeral, VIde temporary credit by County I Stubbs, Smith, the former Miss Esther ' I E • L . Barnes, aier to sue IITestock, REV. EARL one and one.half lI"ron. I .> Home, • STALLINGS, Hea'th the "Y" plying time. tile da- (Hull) Porlltt III B, adford, YOI'k- Shu'ley AklllS, old produc. to continue the'Ir opera De)1artment, cIty of Stutes. CON�'ElRENCr.; Ll;:ADER.-·Bet· l1IembelS; B,),ant, of Ga. ceed the Olliff Funers ome wh' 1-' pa�tor of the First h urch f Mr. and' Mrs. Charhe Robbins had : minH' Baptist C ,0 I.>oro and tye ration of tho veteralt'. Natives nfter economic diffi· the Georglll of Hendricks, outHtandinll GCllrgia , active ser¥lee, shlre, England. of Stal'es.1Iotte BlItch, WIllette Woodcock, Jane Wa:h�n�to;, Mr. Barnes has managed for sevelaIC; tions 8ulfering Fla., who will he the Department "'" her guest Teachers College "1IIio,', who will di. whether \\ILoek-end guests ""rents, Mr. these Mr.' and Mrs. Bo"s. prea lit H,*llth, the demonstration showed the peIformed In one or mont boro, two attended sehool to· Aun Lamb, Sandm Hendrix an- H. V" FRANKLIN years., cawrod by the drop in cattle Ocal:t;er. the fall revival !'Oot the Y.M.G.A. 0hn.,. '. .annulil Lendorl Clln. nctlve .and Mrs. of Au· Rlchurdsop, chal"1Mal", at V the baad" Tracey Mathewson, and hoth I tin and nounce the bIrth of a son Social event.· Ace Club en· !cultles FIrst BaptIst ",nu,col l'l�per method of trucklonds 10 as.ignments du.lng flie geL-her, have b'aveled fur and Ann Pres;on new George HIgh \1nce&. h�,.�. burYIng nt Camp WayCl'oss. Sept.mbe,' 18. ... �ta. I member�. Announces the tertained WIth steak fry nt thc gInlllng September 28th and contIno lif galbage in the Th" sen'lce period. In co,"putI t,.e dIII"- long smce theIr aSSOCIatIOn m th" ThIS wus the first for Thomas, August 30th at th: Bulloch Re·Opening of the L. J. Holloway' Secretal'y at AgrIculture Ben- Iground. 2? stllte hilS Invited ng I meetIng of Mr. and Mrs. Beaver M on d a Ez.ra. uing through October 4tb. ation Mr.
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