
AA/\ Brsscuinnts for Frank bought Abe. Ilar- MARRIED. rZf\ ' *T7. Tons of certificates of character . A. t)v/' /' M Kvcryliody is .iliig SUN. THE ' JoUENAL . property, Millheira. I'll 11 It's VM ICItK'AN AiONTUI.Y,.! ihli- f OHlieS can Louisiana Return tsihi in ult., by Hpv. F. Iv i:lust rate I, ably Faml.y Aluga/ltie give the ? \u25a0 ' On the 28h 1877 not - \u2666 \u2666 \u2666 1377. NEW YORK. Ditley. of at omjr i vc.tr. Specimens ftct*. tint.AT ® Hoard even respectability, Aurand, Mr. Jnmeft 11. 'l. IIS fct. common Applet on A Muslin, nly9sct*. TRitMH TO JOHN I'OrftlUiU, during lournal er Leah iVulisa of Millnull, sain** Co. venr thai has lust passed. Tito dallyedlMon are steeper in crime : -\u2666? \u2666 psjrcs. niembeiß W. | will on week uavs a sheet of four neighbor 1). Zerby pur- On tlioSrtl lilt.,by Itev. M. K8 T AHLIHIIED 1809. and on Sundays a sheet of eieht luges, or n6 & Madison Wells shot and mur- Our L. weekly . Proprietors. J. latum*. Mr. >Nniu't columns v while Hie edition falter Dcmicr. ; V 4 Nlnuder. & broad dp deivd a Spaniard in Rapides parMi chased Sam'l M. Swariz's property, MIKI Miss Kmtna Strohecker, all of P. 0. A .P. LAOBY,Atto noys- will be a slum! of eight pages of the same b*a for tftlo oio >lUa ted State of Louis- iiiriKHlnuH and character iliat arc already fa* j is a defaulter to the now occupied by Rev. J. M. IN ice. Sugar Valley. Rt-Law, $12,000 : mini ir to our friends. sum exceeding is * iana in a \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0l. \u2666? \u2666 \u25a0 same, will continue to be the strenuous v 8.0. DKINIXGRU. Associate Editor. impudently pressing a fraudulent On tin* 81st. nil.. Iy the TUB SI N Poplin Alpaca Dress goods, 25 Iluny f 520 Seventh Street, Wnthhujton, I>. C. advocate of reform mid retrenchment, and claim of $700,000 against the gener- Mr. A. lltwk. Biusli of the substitution of statesmanship, wis- 1.1). Mi*s Mary A. Voauda, pi clence. im- al gove ninent. and is known to both cents a yard, at Buyer's store, Valley and Inventor*. dviin. and Inlegnty for hollow becility, at id fraud In the administration of in Lou.tiiaiia as, what Hen* of Georges Valley. It for the gov- Thursday Jan. 11 parlies Aaronshurg, Pa. XVe procure patent* In public affair*. w ill contend Millhcini. lie. nil countries. No eminent fHie people bv the people and for alSheridan proclaimed him to ATroH'.RT rKI.A IN AIM A No charge .Ill- M DIED. NCR |TC4)|>IF% IT* to tfoycrniiicnt ??y PHOTOGRAPH "a d'shunest iKilitical trickster. some signs less (lie patent is granted. v., fee* for in ik flic OIIINHMM! MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES The rail road shows frauds | lite ballot-box and in the counting (ieneral Anderson, as president of lute piehulmiry examinations. No addi- votes, enforced miliary violence. It of life. Ueorgw Itoop, hauled about tional conducting of by ?$1.50 Par Navigation It is with f- \u2666?lines of sadness fees for oldnlMinir and it will endeavor to supply lis reader*? i IHNIV Torms Annum. lire Boeuf and Crocodile rehearing. Speei IL .iMeatl JII glviMito .liter, did, ton and a half of biidge India tlmt. Hie ralU'd II|hII lmemd tlit* now not far from a mild m of souls?with Oomnany, with Ids eon federal , a fcrenev Case* liefore HP* Patent Ofltce, Kx- careful, complete,and trustworthy of vningetd daugh- tens| in'f nitres*, lufringoiucut the iio*t f. .indolently appropriate SSO.OOO in through town on Monday. d*.dh Klsoiiora. ns reC Suits of current events, and will Deithl*r, io different stiiies, unit Illicit lon appertain- aeeouiils entjdov ' ? of >?. and carefully ? ; ler 1 K. .1. and M nia Now and Then. puld'c money was expelled from ing lo litvmil i.tiis or Patent*. SKNI STAMP for lids pmpo- a numerous PHOTOGRAPH FAMILYRECORD, % Iv selected staff of reporters ami correspon- soc.ety in Rapides par sh for cheat- Under the heading Vniteilux I .Itlie Nora as she was familial KOr I'VUl'ill.KftilVINO PULL INSTHUOTtONS. esjieo- notoriously dents. |is report* from Washington, ing at cards, and is a you very instruc- called, was an interesting eliild. She I'it iteft Motes CimrlN .V l>t'|mrlmrnt lallv, will be luli, accurate, and fearless; and Tim Return Board of iAiuisana is sta>ul % will find a corrupt and scheming politician ? Was t lie of Ilie household, kind Claims prosecuted in the Supreme Court il w lit dmi'dless continue to deserve ami A self-perpetuating IMXIV, peroral tive article on Building Associa- fI lie I Stales, Court n! Claims, Court the hatted of tlmee wlm thrive by plun- , the s.v niteil Jov Louis M. Kenner is an illetmate and affectiona*e, cheerful andoliedi 'ilug or by usn plug what a Read care- of Commissi 'iicus of Alabama< i.tints. South- the Treasury BAPTISMAL members being appointed for life. liNakee|M*r, who Itegan life waiter tions, on our outside. it ent. Love whii the uiahiSiirliig if ern Claims Commission, ami all classes of the law does not gl.e them, while il will en- CERTIFICATES. *cd mpltl ol ? i:i a gambling hell and was kicked fully. her actions; she was I v d by all wat nanus before Hie Executive l>e{tari doavor to the eoiirhlcuce the public The laws of the state require that lueiiL bv defending Hie lightsof the mmple*galled out of it by the proprietor for rob- who knew fter. Her sickness was uupc-itiled power. Board shall be m ide ur of meiu- Arrmr. of I'sj and Homily. the encroachment* of the bing the till. Neutral Oil cents per gallon. short, lnt lerritdv severe, it pleased The price ol the daily SI N will M cents of several political parties, Omenta*, soi.niitus, ami BWUVU of the a montli or > year, po*t paid, or with i hers the Uas the Republican party? the world. No her Heavenly Father to choose her 9Uai ?" "(> Best Machine oil in the late war, or their heirs, are in many cases the Sundav edition a year. CONFIRMATION CERTIFICATES. £ (Hit the present board, in violation party of great m nl ideas?sunk in the ''Furnace of atlliction," Iut entitled lo in ney from the Government, tf The SUNDAY eilttion alone eight pages, grit?no clogging where tliinoil is whi*-h they have tin Knowledge. Wrliefull his yearipost paid. ? decency, not true to ills promise, lie was present |l a of even common pavs low it is willing that such torv of tieivife, ami state amount of pav am! The W KICK i v SUN, eitht pages of So eol lh* used. It is the best?buy no other. Kiiatainiug grace. as pass- bounty v the slightest regard t the law. as Willi 11 is she received. KueUt.se stamp, ami a lull umus, will be fu'tilshed during 1877 at the scoundrels should appoint the Preei S-'lil ut foyer's, Aaronaburg, I\E ed through the "Duk V dley." He remv, alter examination, will be given you rate of *! a vear. post paid. charge. l>e enjoyed by , was forced to admit without Til*WKKKI.t can Individ- Wells himself dent of the United Slates V venHed His promise. "When tliou necessity ly CKIDEK A BfiOTSER,'V Vcj.K, Burtgea Pension! ual subscribers without the of before the Congressional Inveslig.it- Tlie other day Adam through the WHleiS will.p.* making up At same time. H ativ pH">s*>t All FIRRTCBRS, SOI.I>IKIIS AND SAMORX clubs. the - I ? Tte political situation is grow- through the of our friend* choose to md 111 extending our iug Committee, The same men that lmuglit 32 acres of land from Win. with tiiee. and livers, wounded, ruptured, or iniur<.d iti the late grateful fotliem. ami w ir circulation, we shall be ing brighter for tle Demart e , every such j wlm nk tea or more i:t obtain n IUJI.S 1 m. place will be entitled Conservatives. Tin* conviction is thou shalt not 1m hurtled ; neitJici I oiled State* brnrrnl I.mid Oltt.e subscriber* from one Their process of counting then old Diuges farm recently to one copy of Hie pajwr for himself without 1874. of the the ones kindle upon thee." paid, fast becoming general among all shall II Contested Land Cases, Private Land charge. At one dollar a year, postage was so infamous that a Republican puichased by Mr. Wirt. On Christmas, as the clock struck Claims. Mwiirg. preempt inn, and Homestead til*expenses of paper ami-print jugate bare- ??? Cases, a parties nnd classes that Tiltlen and her were eii- prosect:t"d iH'fore tlie General Latul lyrepaid-; and coitsldoring llie size of bheet Congress raised Committee to in- one, while play in ite.t Offlcc ami Department of the inlet lor. contents are confi- r Mr. John Emerick, of Mad is in- and the finality of Its we llenilricks are fai ljr elected and joying the innocent festivities of l.nnU Warrant*. dent the will consider Tu* \X KKKI.T quire into the matter. The mem- people llshed in te burg, informs us that tlie musical that happy day, the messenger of We pay It v Warrants, Nt'N the olieapent newspaper inil bers of said committee were Wm. A. must inaugurated peaceably. cash for tual Land also of the very tlieailvercord, ami wv invite cnrrt'S|Mindence all par- the world, and we trut one s?* Congressional committee have convention and conceit were a suc- death came and loosed with best. JCvrtiflcatf ?Wheeler, the Kepublicau candidate The broken, ties ha viux any for sale, ami (the full and New are uucqnaleri Tit when the g >ldell IMWI was explicit where are Address. THKSL'X, Vork City, X. Y. Florida, cess. We congratulate our Madison- instructions assigninents \ for Vice Presided, George F. Hoar, closed their tabors in and was at the in feet. anything of tlu*'kktd ont. . and the pitcher broken ttT " 1V buig for their good luck. We condnet seperate Bu- ttut ijliiT HFIFFItS Hundietts of them sine sold ar.im- Forater, it is thought they will without dis- friends fountain, the wheel was broken our business in premises Win. P. Fryo, Chas W. W. a.id reaus. having therein the eleiiea] assistance Came to Ihe nfthe ally bv Ministers of the (,Vspeland state having vot- at lite cistern, w.i* sense of ible ami experienced I* 'k vi ' sutisci iber or ilmut the others. . report as ll in one lawyers, and give i||"f on Phelps, all Republicans, and K. sent that The recent session of the Clin- ll stray He were so highly pleased with the sun C. day, vet in an other our closest personal sti,ervlsion to every A,* if eT of net. last two pies sent alone would 1 a sorrowful and of a d irk red that a large at nitre: Potter and Samuel M irshaH, D.nuo- ed for Tilden, which imiMrtaiit paper prepared in e eh case. \u25a0i i i heifers?one ns. we ordered lot and made arrange- ton County Teachers Institute must ivfill C iris'mas makes J-*rw while at dispute. u j one. A.s Promptest attention thus secured to all busi- color with a meets with the publishers for the right of exclusive sale in crats. Foieler, 1 Potter and settle the been intellectual feast. its re- tievs entrusted us. Address. the tip of the tall; the other Is also dark red Pr.r. have a rare annual return we willever Im* back. Gregg. Potter. Haines and Miles townships. We l% a white at the l>elly and ireiertfullr ir vit. Mill : The committee is still engiged In on this dav with little Marshall Presented report, Feb Eight regular Prolesora" on duty, minded of the fact that n. H. A A P. MCE V, Attorney*. Kaeh alsMit a vear and a half old. 1 lie own- iaters kind y Ming couples to come and see. For sale singly cjl r the doe n 157., whic!l WJ quote Louisiana and their ipport willshow professors our In lie Nora realized the desires W ASHING r ON. l>. C. er is requested to prove property, pay £A*t* 23rd from the not even counting the of thej will be sold a* not only that that much atlbcted of her heart as expressed to her Any person desiring inform ition as to the nml take tliem away or following ; nil. standing anil toe law directs. religion nor Prof. Sin mother at the commencement of her respotislbl.Pv of the mettibers R. kRKAMSK. commonwealth was counted for of the llrin will, on re juesl. lie furnished J "We understand the committee to "? township. 11. 1876. paper we sickness. bad rather die ami be with a satisfactory reference in his vicinity Miles Dee. be unanimous in finding the fiict Hayes by the most outrageous From a Lock llaven with my Savior." or Congressional district. tlmtHhe action of the Returning frauds, misgov- learn that our friend B. M. Herring Ia Ist, BIATTPS;? but that the state is was MM NOV. 1854. Board has defeated the will of the Nora erneed and tyraniz*d by the worst was recently presented with a gold died Dec. 25th 1875. ajjtd I*2 years, j people as expressed by them at tin* B-M-vinp Ittut* BY FAR llw best Ftrlir * I month and 24 d iys. < polls on the .'trd of November. IS7I. political scoundrels that ever dis- headed cane by his Sunday School & and Organ manufactured. we' Parlor Organs. The people then electeil to tin* lower richly "Peace to her ashes." S. BOOTS SHOES challenge any manufacturer to equal them graced a free country. Grant is get- class. We presume BEN de- The cdebrated Golden Tongue Leeds in tin* Messrs. Deo. P. Rowed AC'.,(N. Y.) of Legislature a nnjori- organ in conjunction w reporter says; House their ling tired upholding fraudu- served that caning. j iih the Perfected Newspaper . ; of the CHURCH DIRECTORY. Heed Hoards ; oilnee sweet, pure and pow- Conservative memliers a ? i*or- i \u25a0 "Dnibi K. B'll'.v, t'w ty tf -? b tiMer. of erful fines. Suoerb case* nf new -ir?ii tlie state government in Louisiana, The Centennial Flection over and it ii fixed beyond doubt that andeiegaut Was'itv 4;n. N. J., presses tion of Conservative members lent George Is designs. Ministers, , forward with DOCTORS PLENTY. Lord's Supper will be ad- Samuel J. t'ildan Selected President of tte P"'led States, but the teachers, chore lies. great eu rigor." thus electeil were refused their cer- Packard Co.. Th" seliai's, lodge*, etc., j and gives notice to Great at store of 1M in MILL- iiouil send for price ' is act great Arney. W. Woods, Charl Church Kxclteiitent the J. list and discounts. Prom W. peoi, Niagaia Falls, w. Y. tificates. This an of in- W. minislerel in the Reformed UKIMstill continues, lie has Just returned irniiilue WW- j "Several months of that they must tako care of them- seiei-fed stoek. of find it I use the elecent Parlor justice to the individuals, of gravest Thompson, Wlliam Aaronshitrg. next Sundsv. Ser eitl-s with a large and well Dealers wl'l to their advantage to Organ you sent me artistic* mc Lsitxell, James in which eau Is; surpassed in examine this instrument. It hat Improve- that It Is one ilanger to the State and free govern selves as test they can. Courage, 13oo*a a-'d £h"Ct. not of the best made. It has a tone; llamill, vices will commence n Thnrsdav Point of tjuilitvand Cheapness by any store IU ments in uo oiUer. Coriespulitience rich its to Keller and Hubert ali of found jjvt, ous tone* are m ist pleasant. I must uient ami ought be inimediatelv light is dawning. evening and will Im continued each tne county. iVlc 'tWoi'ifcrnb'i 50 to solicited. heariiiy your aie now attending recoinmeiuf oregus for parlor, corrected hv any power eo;n;H.teat to Penn's Valley, until Suuduv r-r\ $4.00' Wr. KlHKMlirrillias l^-ea Best offer ever given. Money refunded scliool. church or other use." morning and evening i practical for the last correct if.** presented a lectures at Philadelphia. J a shoemaker upon return of organ and freight charges Best offer ev ''"d other who K. both wavs if J. J. Everett, tl e Lodge and Society Directory. tha'l retailers organ warranted for six years. ApwUtlis unsatisfactory, a test trial of five strong enough far Wheeler, Hour sound, practical suggestions have not had the b-ne- p^wJ count given everywhere I h'. afi.-r da vs. with store. i uo agent. Organ wavrunied for ffvs years. Seud for Frye, they merchant of the Bee Hive Lt of ids experience. V j Agents wanted. Address, lit and and submitteu anoth- confines itself exclusively to the Any who ? xten led of testimonials before buying and has gone to Milliieim Cornet Hand will X j person a pallor Organ. : Lock Haven, again East this Address. er report, in which they say affairs of the state. The Governor meet on the lirst ll> ir of the Journal douhls 'tmmrn replenish his stock. Those of our MJ call and DAMEL F. BEATTY, DANIEL "In our judgment this condition gives to office building on Monday and see. F. BEATTY, the conspiracy elevate Wsshinittoa, ffew Jersey, 1.". B*. A. New Jersey, M, of things is fraught with ttie gravest readers who go to LOCK Haven will evening. WasblnFtoa, C. A. Hayes to the Presidency, "elected Thursday j-erilto the whole country. That to purchases at p ~f 0 . do well make their Providence Grange No. 217 # - the people any should be un- not elected," a wide bs'th : in c IMC MfiJIF HUB CRl*7eßs" of State or 11,, meets Alexander's block on OFFICIAL HISTORY OF THE HI willing to determine by peaceful and the Bee Hive. in A,'"°- Adopted by all ths queens of fashion. Send f\ fact he ignores the Presidential mud- \u2666\u2666 -\u2666 i iv of each moath at ? legal means the r*sidt of their elec- the 2nd Siturd Q for circular. K. IVINB,No. 29)8 North Filth dle altogether, and herein deserves Bald Bugle and Spring Creeks 54 I*. M. and KIsKVtITHS fIRIC STORE, -? cr. Upnu the elections in Louisiana, 950.71. The state has an offsftt different points in said streams. Associate n ~ other States, depends the right memer, The Millheim 11. A L. you will be accommodated in these several lines CHEAPEST AND REST PLACE as in against this debt of $9,054,910.92, Could not our Mr. Alexan- meets in Town llali, on the evening where their seat of Senators and Repre- i Cabinet Maker THE TO BUY YOUR to consisting of Penna. and Allegheny der, d > something io that direction month sentatives elect, who are to aid in of the second Monday ofe ch of goods at the lowest cash prices. making laws for the whole country, Valley U. It. bonds, leaving the ac- for Penns Creek ? Miilheiiu Council. No. 3') S. O. | ami the choice of Presidential elec- for 17. A. M. meets on Ist nnd 3rd Sat- tual state debt unprovided $13,- our SOUTH MILLHEItf, FA. BOQTS.SHQES, upon tuny dejieud We learn from some of urdays mouth, at 7 o'clok. ' CAJTERS i SLIFFERI tor* whose vote of each " ' 924.039,79. the title to oflie of the President of teachers that the recent session of p. M.. in their Lodgn ltooms, Will's is a very gwd showing for the United States himself. No par- This County Institute was Huilding. w the Teachers' ?inai I"'IWI >~mm Allkinds of Furniture on hand 1 ty in tlie United States will like to the Old K"Vstone, and before inanv \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0>\u25a0 4 S'JlCHivol? SiOT tin Clinton er Csßirc~cennties U si suomitto a result decided by the a marked success, and that the peo- promptly made to order. Coffins n years Pennsylvania may bo entirely specialty. Lowest cash prjem, Sat- votes of electors chosen by . such ple of BeUefonte took inore than or- F. * * oat uf debt. Daniel Beatty's isfaction gA.iranteed. 43x3mi. means. There is in our judg- dinary interest in it. We regret greatest danger ment the that these want M'THE CHEAPEST IN THE WORLD.**" elements may enter into the next that it is impossible for u% for ! GOLD ! ( ? doubt. In such case, an appeal to At ft meeting of the Millheim pro- ami ih* inv bi j>n, have indie: for a certain Peter Curreii, late ed *oitit* unprincipled pard's and agents where a large and uice sto*-k for Spi tsg est foice. Jike that which has been made misrepresent my Workforth B. &L. Association on Monday ev- prietor House, for slip- to copp inv c*t 1 cii'ars, an I REDUCTIONS TO CLUBS."S Times! Summer has ju*tarrived. Crand see them in Louisiana, must result in- civil of the Bush Instruments; mist this lue public ar* S'JOItSAT THE- money a* CINCINNATI WEEKLY TIMES ej- LOOTS AND SHOES AT WBOUESALB.JV* war, spreading throughout the entire ening. sold at 391 jer cent, ping off without paying his printers' hereby cant I ued. All lay O.'iiaiis oeai mv Puoilbed for S3 years, hah a National char- trade-in ik. ?; dden Tongue. n I all inv l'i t acter and influence, with nations in every . country." premium for permanent loan. bills. Brethring, we are ashamed ll*(. will beiuvaiutde no committee, includ- A 1 Ires, (nth* is doubt the Piiilidelphia plug. We lose nothing family ought In t ike It. ft nv>r*for thtmoru-y than any world. It will con- to all looking out ror NEW PLACES or Rut- Wheeler, were as candid a3 Mr. Miller is an excellent conversa- DANIEL P. BEATTY, tain. next year, in its twelve u.imbars? DEUCE. ing Mr. by Mivry Patron the Time* Is well as a number one Curren. ! of presented, they were earnest, in what they said. tionalist a3 Wft.liillß'.oll. X. J.. U. S. A. UN E TH< )U>AN I) I'AG E3 free of charre, with an Illustrated Year. Attorney -A t-law. ! Rook of .tillable preacher. , FOUR I'EEN cI'LENDID STEEL PLATES information, lor 18fT, alone Consequent upon this report, the pi paiwr. From the proceeding of the TWELVE COLORED BERLIN PATTERNS! worth the ice of the members of the Louisiana Legisla- On New Year and J. S. MILLEIt. COLORED FASHIONS 1 Enterprising men wan: cd everywheie, to DONATION. Court of Quarter Sessions of Union TWELVE MAMMOT.i solicit sulweliber*, and secure our , will I e sent fire on to ousted and the duly elected resiled the Reformed parsonage at ly of Millhelm, was found guilty of t Prank lae liciieiiici. M.s. l-'ramv* IhetjrMUi Hnrnette MarCeita Hotley and l.ucv 11. 1 op C'/SCISSA IT TINES CO.. er AN. nearly a hundred short' r stories, ALL OHKUN u., by tne nest authors of Amci .ea. t>2 H*. Kellogg, however, Petersburg, leaving many and var- Third St.. Cincinnati, 0. ; took their sects. forgery and sentenced to pay a fine Having opened r; mms 011 the Ist fhe n gh'*l Xrdal >! ious things to till UP the pantry, Awurdrd lfdLi. was recognised as Governor of the he is closets and granerv of their Pastor. of SIOO with costs of prosecution, floor of John itupp's b.iildmg MAMMOTH COLORED FASHION PLATES state, although more right prepared to manufacture all kinds steel, CECAL BMB he had no Thank you, mv dear people,for your and to undergo an imprisonment in are ahead of all others. These plates are engraved oil TWICE THB & Lord, of men's and uoy's garments,accord- E. H. T. AKTBC'NT S CO. to tlie executive chair, of Louisiana kindness. May the reward jailfor upon abundantly. the county four months. ing to the latest styles, and BEATTY'SaSS ]VAr. vou Advanre) A YEAR 591 Broadway, than the king of Dahomay. This surtest notice, and all word war- TEKH* (Always I:: 12.50 Est'd.liilH.)® A4w Petersburg, PASTOR. * AI.MS'S SC ranted to render Cat- 2 Conies for 8160 ) With a copy of the premium picture'OS 2t>) "Consw (Opp. Hotel.} was a compromise by Ad- satisfaction. ?? lasting Metrorolttan called the ?? up Jan. 9.1877. PENNSYLVANIA LEOISLAUUHE. 3 4 s.' \ RENDER,' a Hue dollar enprarinp, to the person gettinp th Tlie best an 1 mnst patlororgm " organ \u25a0 ? -*-#- ling and ro|Ktiringdone. now in use. No other parlor has *>-f HssHfaetßrtrs, Import* re St lea O > Club. . _ . ministration and the Republicans in The State Legislature met on Tues- .to the.'v- attained the same j 4Copies for puso / Witu an extra enpy of the Muga/dueftr 18i., as a premium, popularity-. z - lern In Congress. Joints and Musejes, stiff and day Jan. 2. The Renuhlicaiis hav- lN?YCAttimistvlri with ium 10 a '? '? K.tio t persaii getting u| the HiuU. ? It has been tested by thousands, mnnv of 9".£ !'? the pre- u. tpa id, J. o. ilcsrso. Nassau, 'Conies for t.(V > With bah .HI extra EO.IY of the Magazine for I*M, and them competent Judges, and gives universalr o " was throughout ?? felt rheumatism and gout, ?? up the Much interest painfnl with ings majority in both elect- N. Y. > miu u ajfee dollar enfrrartw, to the person get to all. . branches IcMtOn., -7 ii. II picture, ties satisfaction ' _ EifpaTißp.' CtrcißOs end ' - From " " \u25a0 the country bv meu of all parties, are promptly relieved bv Gienn's ed all their officers of course. John 9 13.3 i) S Club. ' T The music is adapted to the human voYcfc, ranging from the s dies: flute-bke note to a OPI 8 & vii \\s, what Mr. Wheeler would have to Sulphur S ap. Local diseases of C. Newmyer, of Allegheny, was HEADACHE. CHARLES J PETERS ON, v luitte of sound aasundshJ by any Instru- M'i.Hl I).-. <\ W. lIiCN'S ?' It on the late actions of the Louis- the -kin and defects of the complex chosen I tern the Se- ss 300 C'hewlnut tot., PUllMlelphlw, r- nieut. , AlbnfßK,trnpnosfopfß, Pholo^rapfct, say resident pro of CELERY VND' H A PILLS if for. Thl- instrument has all th't latest improve- express,y cure Si"k de.id- ?dr.Speciincus sent gratis, written Board? actions infinite- ion are also remedied by this stan- are pre.iered to ? r *')! _ organ is fully Aud kindled goods- Celeht ities, Ac'refsss, iana Return nate, and E. lieed Nfeyer, of Ibad- Nerv Pvspmic lle.id- meiits and ever* warranted ache, ux Headache, for six veal s. Beautiful oil polish, hlaek w.il- ' Crittentonh, ' more rascally than pre- dard article. Depot Except ache, Neuralgia, N*rvui