AA/\ Brsscuinnts for Frank bought Abe. Ilar- MARRIED. rZf\ ' I*T7. Tons of certificates of character A. A. t)v/' /' M Kvcryliody is ge.iliig THE SUN. THE ' JoUENAL . property, Millheira. I'll 11 It's VM ICItK'AN AiONTUI.Y,.! ihli- f OHlieS can Louisiana Return tsihi in ult., by Hpv. F. Iv i:lust rate I, ably Faml.y Aluga/ltie give the ? \u25a0 ' On the 28h 1877 not - \u2666 \u2666 \u2666 1377. NEW YORK. Ditley. of at omjr i vc.tr. Specimens ftct*. tint.AT ®lje Hoard even respectability, Aurand, Mr. Jnmeft 11. 'l. IIS fct. common Applet on A Muslin, nly9sct*. TRitMH TO JOHN I'OrftlUiU, during lournal P<rter twp? Clinton Co., mil* Miss I'ubv, I'm adehihiu The different editors of Tl SUN when it is known that its several Aaronsbury. (lie next year wl l !*? tliesauie as during the % Rover's in V *S NW\V\V\V\VK yard, at VV, I>er Leah iVulisa of Millnull, sain** Co. venr thai has lust passed. Tito dallyedlMon are steeper in crime : -\u2666? \u2666 psjrcs. niembeiß W. | will on week uavs be a sheet of four neighbor 1). Zerby pur- On tlioSrtl lilt.,by Itev. M. K8 T AHLIHIIED 1809. and on Sundays a sheet of eieht luges, or n6 & Madison Wells shot and mur- Our L. weekly . Proprietors. J. latum*. Mr. >Nniu't columns v while Hie edition falter Dcmicr. ; V 4 Nlnuder. & broad dp deivd a Spaniard in Rapides parMi chased Sam'l M. Swariz's property, MIKI Miss Kmtna Strohecker, all of P. 0. A .P. LAOBY,Atto noys- will be a slum! of eight pages of the same b*a for tftlo oio >lUa ted State of Louis- iiiriKHlnuH and character iliat arc already fa* j is a defaulter to the now occupied by Rev. J. M. IN ice. Sugar Valley. Rt-Law, $12,000 : mini ir to our friends. sum exceeding is * iana in a \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0l. \u2666? \u2666 \u25a0 same, will continue to be the strenuous v 8.0. DKINIXGRU. Associate Editor. impudently pressing a fraudulent On tin* 81st. nil.. Iy the TUB SI N Poplin Alpaca Dress goods, 25 Iluny f 520 Seventh Street, Wnthhujton, I>. C. advocate of reform mid retrenchment, and claim of $700,000 against the gener- Mr. A. lltwk. Biusli of the substitution of statesmanship, wis- 1.1). Mi*s Mary A. Voauda, pi clence. im- al gove ninent. and is known to both cents a yard, at Buyer's store, Valley and Inventor*. dviin. and Inlegnty for hollow becility, at id fraud In the administration of in Lou.tiiaiia as, what Hen* of Georges Valley. It for the gov- Thursday Jan. 11 parlies Aaronshurg, Pa. XVe procure patent* In public affair*. w ill contend Millhcini. r lie. nil countries. No eminent fHie people bv the people and for alSheridan proclaimed him to ATroH'.RT rKI.A IN AIM A No charge .Ill- M DIED. NCR |TC4)|>IF% IT* to tfoycrniiicnt ??y PHOTOGRAPH "a d'shunest iKilitical trickster. some signs less (lie patent is granted. v., fee* for in ik flic OIIINHMM! MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES The rail road shows frauds |u lite ballot-box and in the counting (ieneral Anderson, as president of lute piehulmiry examinations. No addi- votes, enforced miliary violence. It of life. Ueorgw Itoop, hauled about tional conducting of by ?$1.50 Par Navigation It is with f- \u2666?lines of sadness fees for oldnlMinir and it will endeavor to supply lis reader*? i IHNIV Torms Annum. lire Boeuf and Crocodile rehearing. Speei IL .iMeatl JII glviMito .liter, did, ton and a half of biidge India tlmt. We Hie ralU'd II|hII lmemd tlit* now not far from a mild m of souls?with Oomnany, with Ids eon federal es, a fcrenev Case* liefore HP* Patent Ofltce, Kx- careful, complete,and trustworthy of vningetd daugh- tens| in'f nitres*, lufringoiucut the iio*t f. .indolently appropriate SSO.OOO in through town on Monday. d*.dh Klsoiiora. ns reC Suits of current events, and will Deithl*r, io different stiiies, unit Illicit lon appertain- aeeouiils entjdov ' ? of >?. and carefully ? ; ler 1 K. .1. and M nia Now and Then. puld'c money was expelled from ing lo litvmil i.tiis or Patent*. SKNI STAMP for lids pmpo-e a numerous PHOTOGRAPH FAMILYRECORD, % Iv selected staff of reporters ami correspon- soc.ety in Rapides par sh for cheat- Under the heading Vniteilux I .Itlie Nora as she was familial KOr I'VUl'ill.KftilVINO PULL INSTHUOTtONS. esjieo- notoriously dents. |is report* from Washington, ing at cards, and is a you very instruc- called, was an interesting eliild. She I'it iteft Motes CimrlN .V l>t'|mrlmrnt lallv, will be luli, accurate, and fearless; and Tim Return Board of iAiuisana is sta>ul % will find a corrupt and scheming politician ? Was t lie of Ilie household, kind Claims prosecuted in the Supreme Court il w lit dmi'dless continue to deserve ami en A self-perpetuating IMXIV, peroral tive article on Building Associa- fI lie I Stales, Court n! Claims, Court the hatted of tlmee wlm thrive by plun- , the s.v niteil Jov Louis M. Kenner is an illetmate and affectiona*e, cheerful andoliedi de'ilug or by usn plug what a Read care- of Commissi 'iicus of Alabama< i.tints. South- the Treasury BAPTISMAL members being appointed for life. liNakee|M*r, who Itegan life waiter tions, on our outside. it ent. Love whii the uiahiSiirliig if ern Claims Commission, ami all classes of the law does not gl.e them, while il will en- CERTIFICATES. *cd mpltl ol ? i:i a gambling hell and was kicked fully. her actions; she was I v d by all wat nanus before Hie Executive l>e{tari doavor to the eoiirhlcuce the public The laws of the state require that lueiiL bv defending Hie lightsof the mmple*galled out of it by the proprietor for rob- who knew fter. Her sickness was uupc-itiled power. Board shall be m ide ur of meiu- Arrmr. of I'sj and Homily. the encroachment* of the bing the till. Neutral Oil cents per gallon. short, lnt lerritdv severe, it pleased The price ol the daily SI N will te M cents of several political parties, Omenta*, soi.niitus, ami BWUVU of the a montli or > year, po*t paid, or with i hers the Uas the Republican party? the world. No her Heavenly Father to choose her 9Uai ?" "(> Best Machine oil in the late war, or their heirs, are in many cases the Sundav edition a year. CONFIRMATION CERTIFICATES. £ (Hit the present board, in violation party of great m nl ideas?sunk in the ''Furnace of atlliction," Iut entitled lo in ney from the Government, tf The SUNDAY eilttion alone eight pages, grit?no clogging where tliinoil is whi*-h they have tin Knowledge. Wrliefull his yearipost paid. ? decency, not true to ills promise, lie was present |l a of even common pavs low it is willing that such torv of tieivife, ami state amount of pav am! The W KICK i v SUN, eitht pages of So eol lh* used. It is the best?buy no other. Kiiatainiug grace. as pass- bounty v the slightest regard t the law. as Willi 11 is she received. KueUt.se stamp, ami a lull umus, will be fu'tilshed during 1877 at the scoundrels should appoint the Preei S-'lil ut foyer's, Aaronaburg, I\E ed through the "Duk V dley." He remv, alter examination, will be given you rate of *! a vear. post paid. charge. l>e enjoyed by , was forced to admit without Til*WKKKI.t can Individ- Wells himself dent of the United Slates V venHed His promise. "When tliou necessity ly CKIDEK A BfiOTSER,'V Vcj.K, Burtgea Pension! ual subscribers without the of before the Congressional Inveslig.it- Tlie other day Adam through the WHleiS will.p.* making up At same time. H ativ pH">s*>t All FIRRTCBRS, SOI.I>IKIIS AND SAMORX clubs. the - I ? Tte political situation is grow- through the of our friend* choose to md 111 extending our iug Committee, The same men that lmuglit 32 acres of land from Win. with tiiee. and livers, wounded, ruptured, or iniur<.d iti the late grateful fotliem. ami w ir circulation, we shall be ing brighter for tle Dem<K?r:itß and they shall at nveillow tle*e, when however slightly, arc entitled to, and rwrni send* now constitute tlic B ard. did so in Wirt, at $l2O per acre. This is |>art e , every such j wlm nk tea or more i:t obtain n IUJI.S 1 m. place will be entitled Conservatives. Tin* conviction is thou shalt not 1m hurtled ; neitJici I oiled State* brnrrnl I.mid Oltt.e subscriber* from one Their process of counting then old Diuges farm recently to one copy of Hie pajwr for himself without 1874. of the the ones kindle upon thee." paid, fast becoming general among all shall II Contested Land Cases, Private Land charge. At one dollar a year, postage was so infamous that a Republican puichased by Mr. Wirt. On Christmas, as the clock struck Claims. Mwiirg. preempt inn, and Homestead til*expenses of paper ami-print jugate bare- ??? Cases, a parties nnd classes that Tiltlen and her were eii- prosect:t"d iH'fore tlie General Latul lyrepaid-; and coitsldoring llie size of bheet Congress raised Committee to in- one, while play in ite.t Offlcc ami Department of the inlet lor.
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